Thermal Radiation: Abolencia, Edin Hayel T., Sanchez, Krizia, Soriano, Allan
Thermal Radiation: Abolencia, Edin Hayel T., Sanchez, Krizia, Soriano, Allan
Thermal Radiation: Abolencia, Edin Hayel T., Sanchez, Krizia, Soriano, Allan
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Procedure. The plate was installed on the plate stand with a
125-mm space from the heat source (see Figure 3). The
thermocouple attached to the plate was connected into the unit
console. The power knob was first set to low (or 1). After
setting the power, the temperature on the plate was allowed to
stabilize for 15 minutes. The cover of the heat source was then
removed. After 2 minutes, the temperature and radiometer
reading was recorded (see Figure 4).
The cover was put back to the heat sensor and the power
Figure 1. Blackbody representation setting was set to high (or 3). The temperature stabilization
and recording of the data were repeated.
Factors that can affect electromagnetic radioactive transfer for
real surfaces are the angle of incidence, wavelength,
temperature and the surface finish of the receiving body.
𝑅(0.0632 + 𝐿2 )
𝑞𝑟 = [1]
Figure 2. Thermal Radiation Unit Setup 0.0632
𝑅(0.0632 + 𝐿2 )
𝜀= [2]
𝜎0.0632 𝜂 2 (𝑇𝑝2 − 𝑇𝑠4 )
| 3