Name - ID - Course Code: - Date
Name - ID - Course Code: - Date
Name - ID - Course Code: - Date
This unit talks Character and Responsibilities. The main goa is to describe consequences
of lying, express regret and take responsibilities, explore where values come from and how
to help others. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to use adjectives clauses,
express request and talk about responsibilities.
This unit talks fears, hardships and heroism. The main goa is to express frustrations,
empathy and encouragement. Additionally, describing how fears affects students physically,
emotionally and academically. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to express
frustration, empathy and encouragement. Grammatically talking, the students will need to
report things and facts
This unit talks Getting alone with others. The main goa is to describe consequences of
lying, express regret and take responsibilities, explore where values come from and how to
help others. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to use adjectives clauses, express
request and talk about responsibilities.
This unit talks Humor. The main goa is to discuss the health benefits of laughter, respond
to something funny, analyze what makes you laugh, explore the limits of humor, write true
or imaginary story and describing of practical jokes discuss how to respond to jokes. At the
end of the unit, the students will be able to read, write and talk about jokes. Grammatically
talking, the students will need to learn possessive, indirect and direct speech.
This unit talks Trouble while Traveling. The main goa is to describe some causes of travel
hassles, express gratitude for a favor while traveling, discuss staying safe on the Internet and
talk about lost, stolen, or damaged property. At the end of the unit, the students will be able
to use conditional properly.
This unit talks Mind Over Matter. The main goa is to suggest that someone is being
gullible, examine superstitions for believability, talk about the power of suggestion, discuss
phobias and writing a four-paragraph essay on superstitions. At the end of the unit, the
students will be able to use indirect speech with passive voice.
This unit talks Performing at Your Best. The main goa is to explain how you produce
your best, discuss your talents and strengths, suggest ways to boost intelligence, describe
what makes someone a work, describe what makes someone a “genius” and write a three-
paragraph essay about the challenges of staying focused. At the end of the unit, the students
will be able to use infinitive and gerund well.
This unit talks What Lies Ahead? The main goa is to discuss the feasibility of future
technologies, evaluate applications of innovative technologies, discuss how to protect our
future environment, examine future social and demographic trends, describing social,
consequences and demographic trends, and write a four- or five-paragraph essay about the
future. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to use passive voice with real and
unreal conditional.
This unit talks An International World. The main goa is to react to news about global
issues, describe the impact of foreign imports, discuss the pros and cons of imports, discuss
the pros and cons of globalization, suggest ways to avoid culture globalization and suggest
ways to avoid culture shock. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to use phrasal
verbs to discuss issues and problems.
Video This task is for you to post the video, which is a part of the project called the role
of Superstitions in life. In order to do this assignment, you need to review the
Rubric first. You can find it in additional materials that has all the rubric for the
activities you would do. The video should weigh 5 MB.
Writing This task is for you to post the written production, which is a part of the project
called the role of Superstitions in life. In order to do this assignment, you need to
review the Rubric first. You can find it in additional materials that has all the
rubric for the activities you would do. The file should no longer than three pages
and it should weigh 5 MB.
Books This space is to publish the exercises that the teacher asks you to develop. Most
cases, you should do two or three exercises depending on what the professor
This unit talks the role of Superstitions in life. The main goal is to examine superstition for believability, talk
about the power of suggestion and discuss phobias. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to use
conditional, conditionals and passive voice properly.
This unit talks fears, hardships and heroism. The main goal is to express frustrations, empathy and
encouragement. Additionally, describing how fears affects students physically, emotionally and
academically. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to express frustration, empathy and
encouragement. Grammatically talking, the students will need to report things and facts
This task is for you to post the video a part of the project called fears, hardships and heroism. In order
to do this assignment, you need to review the Rubric first. You can find it in additional materials that
has all the rubric for the activities you would do. The file should no longer than three pages and it
should weigh 5 MB.
This unit talks Character and Responsibilities. The main goal is to describe consequences of lying,
express regret and take responsibilities, explore where values come from and how to help others. At
the end of the unit, the students will be able to use adjectives clauses, express request and talk about
This task is for you to post the video a part of the project called Humor. In order to do this assignment,
you need to review the Rubric first. You can find it in additional materials that has all the rubric for
the activities you would do. The file should no longer than three pages and it should weigh 5 MB.
This task is for you to post the books exercises. In order to do this assignment, you need to complete
two exercises each unit. The units are going to be said by the teacher in the virtual sessions.
Listen to the video carefully, and then get prepared to answer each one of the questions. Remember that
this listening activity is related to the unit one. Dreams and Goals in life. The purpose of this activity
is to evaluate your capability to identify key information from the aural materials.
Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen started the website College Humor in 1999. At the time, they were
freshmen in college. Abramson said that he had heard about another humor website that had been
making $20,000 a month from ads. He wondered if he and his friend could make money from a humor
website. It turns out they could. Abramson and Van Veen thought about what kind of website they
wanted to start and decided to create a site with content that college students would find funny.
Abramson stated that it was easy to get college students to look at funny pictures and videos, so he and
Van Veen thought it would be fairly easy to build an audience for their website. At first, they posted
pictures of silly things that they and their roommates were doing. Abramson’s brother worked for an
ad company and explained that they could make a lot of money with ads if they could get thousands of
people to look at the College Humor site. Abramson and Van Veen made flyers with jokes and funny
pictures telling students about the site. Abramson drove to several universities and posted the flyers on
campuses. Then he started mailing flyers to people at other universities, and he included a free T-shirt
in each package. He told people to keep the T-shirt and asked them if they would post the flyers on
their campuses.
In this unit- also called task, the students will be about to talk about “Sorting out the difficulties of
life”. The question is what are the difficulties of your life? How do you plan to overcome them? What
do you need to sort them out? Take some time and tell about that. For this unit, you need to read, write,
listen to a peace of material and communicate your story through filming a video. You will need to
write a page taking about the topic, read and answer a questionnaire of ten questions related to the topic,
listen to a video or audio that tells about the topic and finally post 2-minute video about the topic.
The website started to get visitors, and other people started sending photos and videos for the site. After
a few months, 60,000 people a month were looking at Abramson and Van Veen’s website, and they
were making about $8,000 a month on ads. The website continued to grow in popularity, so the friends
decided to keep working on the website even after college. They also started selling T-shirts on the site.
By 2005, the site had millions of viewers each month, and in 2006, Abramson and Van Veen made
about $6 million from ads and T-shirt sales. Van Veen said that they had intended for many of the jokes
on the site to be stupid jokes for smart people. He also said that it was important to keep the humor of
the site relevant to college students. So, after graduating from college, Van Veen and Abramson
continued to hire college-age students to write for the site. The website expanded to contain comics,
articles, interviews, games, and web series, in addition to photos and videos.
In 2006, Abramson and Van Veen sold 51% of their company, so they no longer control the website.
However, the website is still going strong. For example, over 100 million people view CollegeHumor
videos each month. The website’s humor isn’t for everyone. The site is meant to appeal to young people
in their late teens and early 20s, and it is more popular with men than it is with women. A lot of the
jokes can be offensive. For example, in some of the videos, people are getting hurt in ridiculous ways.
Some may find the humor in poor taste, or they just don’t get the jokes. On the other hand, College
Humor does make millions of people laugh.
This unit talks Traveling around the world. The main goal is to discuss troubles you may have while
traveling. At the end of the unit, the students will be able to read, write and talk about travel hassles,
lost stolen or damaged properties while having a trip or travel from one country, city or town to another.
Grammatically talking, the students will need to learn conditionals, past participle and perfect tenses.
Listening For this task, you need to listen to the audio material carefully and answer some questions
related to the topic.
Reading For this task, you need to read and answer some questions related to the topic.
Writing This task is for you to post the written production, which is a part of the main task called
sorting out the difficulties of life. In order to do this assignment, you need to review the
Rubric first. You can find it in additional materials that has all the rubric for the activities
you would do. The file should be minimum of one page and it should be uploaded it to
this part.
Video This task is for you to post the video, which is a part of the main task called sorting out
the difficulties of life. In order to do this assignment, you need to review the Rubric first.
In order to do the task, you need o video take yourself for a minute telling how you sort
the difficulties of your life? Once you have the video, upload it to YouTube and then
send the link to this link.
“My view of the world is pretty positive.” Resilient people tend to have a positive outlook
and to see life as filled with challenges rather than defeats. They see difficulties as
temporary. Optimism is a skill you can learn. Tell yourself, “I’m going to feel better.”
Tell yourself, “Things are going to get better.”
Focus on the part of your life that feels good today. One day, things may not be going
well at work, but something wonderful may be happening with your relationship. Focus
on your relationship that day. Another day, things may not be going well at home, but
you may feel good about your work. What is going well? Focus on that. Limit negative
and self-defeating thoughts. Thoughts like, “It’s terrible and I can’t do anything about
it,” or “I’m trapped in a bad situation,” wear down your resilience. Instead, ask yourself,
“What would make things better? What can I do today to improve my outlook? What’s
my first step?” Focus on the positive—on an upcoming visit with a close friend or on the
things that your relative with a chronic illness can still do rather than the things that he
can no longer do. “You probably cannot simply will yourself to be an optimist,” writes
Dr. Michael Craig Miller, editor of The Harvard Mental Health Letter. “But you can
achieve a sunnier disposition if you recognize your gloomy mood, seek help when you
need it, and make meaningful physical and mental activity a more prominent part of
your life.
The conscious mind which is responsible for thoughts, works in magical ways. But the
truth is we don’t even use our conscious mind for even 5 minutes in a day. Everything
you do in life is a result of the habits that you have developed since child hood, like
brushing your teeth, taking bath etc. And all these activities you do subconsciously
because you have taken conscious effort to train your mind for these things. The
subconscious mind is responsible for all our actions in life and its very powerful. but it
fails to understand the difference between the right and the wrong. It just needs a habit
and then develops them to your routine without you being conscious about them.