The Truth! We Will Know It
The Truth! We Will Know It
The Truth! We Will Know It
Brothers and Sisters, greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ
While driving east on McCormick road which eventually turns into Wonderwood Expressway
heading towards Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, Fl. where I work, I sometimes see a
middle aged lady with bible in hand walking the street reading from scripture or she is praying.
My first thoughts are: Perhaps, she is prayer walking and claiming the neighborhood for Christ,
or maybe she is praying to bind the spirit(s) in that particular neighborhood, or maybe she is
praying for all the drivers who are driving in the early morning rush hour traffic. It may be for
one or any combination or none at all. I’m wondering if this is an example of “Spiritual Warfare”
in action.
The above observation leads into the topic of Spiritual Warfare. What is true Spiritual warfare?
Note: Before we go any further let me say, as always, when reading or studying this article
please have your bible along side of you to see whether or not these things are so. You may not
agree with every point mentioned in this article and that is okay with me.
If we will as a people of the Lord Jesus Christ embrace this scriptural truth “ John 8:31-32 Then
Jesus said to those Jews which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, then you will be my
disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. We will know
the truth! We will know it.
Introduction: Proverbs 14:12: There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the ends
thereof are the ways of death.
Some of the doctrines we embrace that are outside of scripture, some of things we do and
proclaim as Christians that are outside of the framework of scripture and some of the people we
follow can lead us to spiritual death and often does. Particularly if we don’t have a love for
God’s truth.
In the last article titled delusion and deception we discussed buzz words and how they have
become an integral part of church speak. One of the buzz words or phrases we studied was
spiritual warfare. Below is the definition and comments from the delusion and deception article.
Spiritual Warfare: Webster’s1828 unabridged edition: Definition, Warfare, n. [war and fare.]
Warfare is mentioned only five times in scripture 1 Samuel 28:1, Isaiah 40:2, 1 Chronicles 9:7, 2
Chronicles 10:4 and 1 Timothy 1:18. In not one of these passages of scripture does the writer
intends or infers that we are to war against demons or devils in the heaven.
Note: When studying Spiritual Warfare remember that are two views. 1) The accepted World
view and, 2) there is the Biblical View. Will be addressing this point is a future paper.
What is the scriptural outline of spiritual warfare? From where did the modern day concept of
spiritual warfare come from, the bible or is it the philosophy of man? That concept of modern
day spiritual warfare is that Christians should engage demonic forces in the heavenly places,
over cites, states, territories and even nations by means of “spiritual warfare and spiritual
mapping. In essence this means, God’s warriors must engage and dispel the enemy from specific
regions before the sovereign God and creator of all things can bring deliverance and/or revival.
This suggests God the Father and his Son Christ Jesus is subject to the will, actions and the
authority of man. In other words He can’t do anything on earth unless man gives Him permission
to intervene in the affairs of men (this is the Dominionists teaching). How absurd is that?
It is interesting to note, those who prescribe to and embrace this theory believe they are doing
what the prophet Daniel did in chapter 10 when he had a glorious vision and the angel appeared
to him after his twenty-one day fast. Daniel was praying and fasting for understanding regarding
the seventy weeks as outlined in chapter 9. He was not engaged in spiritual warfare against the
Prince of Persia or demonic forces in Babylon where Israel was being held captive. Remember,
God had warned is chosen people Israel, they would be in captivity for seventy-years because of
disobedience and rebellion to Him and His word. To say Daniel was engaged in spiritual warfare
as some would suggest (see verse 12) is a misapplication of scripture. According to verse 13,
Daniel did not know a spiritual war was going on until the angel revealed it to him. The warfare
was between spirit beings i.e., two angels and not between man and spirit (a demonic entity). To
suggest otherwise is a prime example of eisegesis, i.e., reading into the scripture something that
is not there. Whereas true exegesis (let the scripture interpret itself) should be exercised when
interpreting scripture by the leading of the Holy Ghost- He will lead and guide you into all truth.
It is he, the Holy Ghost who understanding the deep things of the Spirit of God.
Again, where does this doctrine come from? In today’s world this error in doctrine comes from
people like C. Peter Wagner of the New Apostolic Reformation and the International Coalition
of Apostles1, Chuck Pierce2, a close associate of C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs of Generals
International3, Dutch Sheets of Dutch Sheet Ministries 4, Dr. Bill Hamon of Christian
International Ministries Network5 and Dr. Greg Boyd, PhD6. In Greg Boyd’s book, God at War,
he says something very interesting about what the Shamans in Ecuador do regarding casting out
devils and the parallel is striking to what is being performed in the church today.
“The primary business of shamans (medicine men) within the Shuar culture, as in many other primitive
cultures, is to engage in warfare with these spirits on behalf of the members of his tribe. There is no
"natural" evil here; there are only victims of supernatural evil. The shaman's business, therefore, is to
enter into the "real" nonordinary world and fight against such supernatural attacks”7
If we are not careful in our approach to spiritual warfare we will bring pagan practices into the
church and sanction the same in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The true bride of Christ does
not want to practice witchcraft from the pulpit
Special Note: With regard to the men and women I’ve cite above, I do not know them
personally. However, I have read some of their writings and have personally listened to their
“sermons” per se and measured what I read and heard to scripture and have found them to be
leaven bread i.e., a mixture of truth and error. I do have firsthand experience with a ministry that
is associated with C. Peter Wagner and people of that ilk here in Jacksonville, Fl. My youngest
son was a part of a ministry that focused on spiritual warfare and fighting demons (the minister
was controlling and wanted to control just about every part of his life and the repercussion
spilled over into his marriage). He spent so much time reading books about spiritual warfare and
fighting demons he did not settle down enough to study the basic fundamentals of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Eventually, he was elevated to a place in that ministry with the title of Prophet and
became an Armour Bearer to the Apostle and family (He was not ready to be elevated in
ministry; he was a novice Christian and was not ready for that a position). The majority of his
time was spent at the church, i.e. every Saturday he attending weekly Men’s meetings thus not
allowing him much time to spend with his own family. Again, his basic doctrine was centered on
fighting demons and having a perpetual life of repenting for his sins in order to remain free from
the clutches of the devil. In my opinion, he was caught up in the “Cult of Personality” and not
in sound doctrine; he could not see it despite the repeated warnings. He had been deceived.
It does not take a lot of doctrinal error to be lead astray. That is what the cult of personality will
do to those who do not study the word of God; that is getting caught up into the personality of
the minister and readily accepts anything the minister says, regardless of how contrary it maybe
to the doctrine of Christ Jesus in scripture. They get caught up in emotionalism and a false sense
of the moving of God’s Spirit. Remember scripture tells us a little leaven leavens the whole
lump. Again, it does not take a lot of doctrinal error to be lead astray.
God at War-Greg Boyd, pg 12-13
A half truth is more dangerous than an outright lie and, that is demonstrated in the book of
Genesis when Satan beguiled Eve (You know the story if you are a student of scripture). For the
serious student of scripture will realize, the true spiritual conflict is with Demonism, Idolatry and
Doctrinal Deception the same way it was in the days of the early church. The devil will do what
the devil does, that is to steal, kill and destroy any way he can. So again, what does the bible
really say about spiritual warfare?
When dealing with spiritual warfare we are dealing with devils trying to deceive and hinder us
and attempts to stop the preaching of the gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. When we see this and
know the enemy is on the scene, to what degree do we engage the forces of darkness in this
battle; and how should we confront them?
1 John 4:1-6
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because
many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh is of God:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:
and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even
now already is it in the world.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in
you, than he that is in the world.
They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.
Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
The Holy Spirit of God leads and guides us in to all truth. The spirit of error leads us to apostasy,
delusion and lies. We Christians cannot afford to have fellowship with the forces of darkness;
there is no safety in being unequally yoked with unbelievers, false apostles, false prophets, false
evangelist, false pastors and teachers that pervert the truth of the gospel of Christ Jesus.
If the above can’t be substantiated by scripture then it is a doctrine of devils being promulgated
by men who have been deceived whether they believe it or not. The thing about a deceived
person is they do know they are deceived and will fight to stay in bondage by rejecting the word
of God. Beloved, if we hold fast to the Holy Scripture and the scripture alone we will not find
any mention of the above in it.
We Christians are limited to what we can do for the Kingdom of God–we do have limitations
and boundaries that we should not try to go beyond.
We are restricted to dealing with demon possessed men and women, those who are bound up
with demon imposed sickness (all sickness is not demonic) and tearing down false doctrine and
replacing it with God’s truth as the Holy Spirit of God leads us.
2 Corinthians 10, Paul defines and explains what warfare is all about.
2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in
presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you:
But I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence,
wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked according to
the flesh.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling
down of strong holds ;
Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
I believe true spiritual warfare begins with the attack on the mind of the Christian. Please notice
in scripture how Jesus and his disciples engaged in battle against the powers of darkness. At no
time did Jesus, while on earth, not did his disciples seek out Satan or his minions to engage in
what we now call spiritual warfare. However, what He and they did do was preach the gospel of
the Kingdom of God. It was at the preaching of the gospel that devils would manifest
themselves here on earth through possessed men and women. That is where battle took place,
here on earth and not in the heavenlier as some would suggest.
For example: The following scriptures show exactly where and when the enemy manifested and
what was done by Christ Jesus and his disciples to defeat the enemy here on earth. The scriptures
are: Mark 1:23-27, 32-34; Mark 3:11-12; Mark 5;1-20; Mark 7:25; 9:17-29.38; 16:9,17.
In the book of Mark chapter16:17 the Lord delegated this authority to the disciples/apostles.
There are other scripture references that points this out (you may want to search them out). In the
book of Acts chapter 16:16, when Paul went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of
divination met them. As you read on, it was only after many days of Paul being grieved he
commanded in the name of Jesus Christ the spirit to come out of her. That spirit of divination
was exalting itself against the knowledge of God in the name of God. My point here is that even
when we know a person is demon possessed we cannot just fix the problem in our own strength,
we must wait on the leading of the Holy Ghost. If it is immediately, then so be it.
What are the effects on the person who tries to engage in spiritual warfare without the leading of
the Spirit of God? Remember the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19:13-16) these vagabond Jews
were using witchcraft techniques in the form of exorcism- they did know Jesus Christ, but yet
they invoked his name against the powers of darkness. Therein lies the danger for a foolish
person who thinks they have power with and through Christ Jesus and do not, they are easily
deceived and defeated. Sadly, that is case of so many unseasoned and novice Christians who
embrace the false concept of spiritual warfare.
Satan is a master deceiver and he does not care if you go on prayer marches, degree and declare
his defeat in the heavens, over cities, nations and etc., as long as you are not earnestly praying,
fasting, searching the scripture, living right and are too busy doing church work and neglecting
your personal life and your family and leaving your personal relationship with Christ undone. I
hope you are not just reading the bible to get a sermon and to fulfill your spiritual obligation to
read because you are too busy and too tired to really set time aside to replenish your soul with
God’s spirit-the spirit and the word must agree.
In Ephesians 6:12-18 describes what are fighting against that causes the battle in the mind and
gives us the necessary armour we need to stand.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in
the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery
darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto
with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
First, the scripture is replete with examples of saints engaging in what should be call spiritual
warfare. Here are some examples of casting down every thought and imagination that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God.
a. Moses against Pharaoh: Why did not Moses pray against and bind the spirits of Egypt
before going to there, or before confronting Pharaoh? Did Moses engage in the accepted
modern world view of “spiritual warfare” to bind devils/demons before God the Father
could manifest his promise to Abraham and set his people free? No! Moses acted on what
God the Father told him to do - deal with Pharaoh.
b. Joseph against Pother’s wife: In Gen 39: Pother’s wife wanted Joseph to lie with her i.e.,
he would have committed adultery. That spirit was tempting him to forget about his God.
Rather, in Gen 39:9 Joseph said, there is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he
kept back anything from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how can I do this great
wickedness, and sin against God.
c. The disobedient prophet: 1 Kings 13, Why did the disobedient Prophet give heed to
another Prophet when he knew full well what God had instructed him to do? One Prophet
lied to another and deceived him, thus exalting himself against the knowledge of God.
Truthfully, the man of abandon the word that came to him from the mouth of the
Almighty. Gave heed to a seducing spirit.
e. King Solomon’s heart was turned from the Lord. Why? What is so ironic; The Lord God
appeared to Solomon- he knew the ways of the Lord because David taught him as much.
His heart was turned when he was old and the 700 wives and 300 concubine wives he had
contributed to his apostasy. Add more
Lastly, if we alone have so much power against the enemy why did the Lord warn us in the book
of Job 41, about the power of Leviathan? Leviathan is not a literal animal as some may suggest;
if we carefully read the chapter we will see a description of a malignant spirit that is much
stronger than man and we cannot wage against in our own strength. The only way we can defeat
him is through the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Do you see my point? Spiritual warfare is exactly what Paul defined it to be and nothing more.
Part II
Spiritual Warfare goes on beyond the church; it ventures into the secular world as well. The
tentacles of the enemy also reach into just about all aspect of life if not all. It reaches into the
world politics, the world of art, the news media, the high levels of government and military, the
educations system, and the food industry. Let’s look at each one separately
Politics: Webster’s 1828 Dictionary: POL'ITICS, n. The science of government; that part of ethics
which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety,
peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or
conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their
rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a
subject of vast extent and importance.
1 a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing
governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a
Proverbs 29:2: When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule,
the people mourn.
If we look at the two definitions as cited above you will notice the definitions are similar yet they
are different. Notice the second definition 3(b) – that is what we see mostly of today’s political
affairs. What most people do not know or fail to believe is there are people in the various levels
of the political arena that are sold out to sinister forces that guide them in all manner of
debauchery and deception. These are the people that craft national policy and enact the same
sinister policies and force it on the people. All on has to do is look at what is going on this
nations that reject the Lord God and his son Jesus Christ. We cannot omit our own country- The
United States from begin an active participant in the apostasy that is going on right in front our
eyes. Lord Jesus, help us to see clearly!
Arts : Not all art and science are corrupt, but they have been compromised by some sinister
people that promote a satanic agenda. The arts: music, television, theater and literature; these are
tools that reach into the hearts on men and more often than not sways the individual to embrace
the message e.g. what is the message that is being promulgated in the song, the dance, the movie,
the play, the written word? All of these carry a message to the mind- there again the mind comes
in to play the mind is the battlefield. Have you ever considered that? What is the conversation?
For example, the play writer and novelist, Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) wrote the Blue Bird
in 19098. This is supposed to be a child’s Fairy Play, what the novel and play conveys is
mysticism, magic and the occult. The scripture tells us from the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaketh. Maurice Maeterlinck was an educated man and he was also a Rosicrucian and
mystic and a believer in the occult.
So as stated above, so is below. What is the message, why would one that believes in the
esoteric write children’s books? There is a message- Just read the first few acts about what
TylTyl and Mytyl had to go though to find the Blue of Happiness; look beyond the written word
and see the real meaning. My studies have also led to me to discover the film industry
(Hollywood) hires Witches, Warlock and other occultist as consultant for movies and television
programs. Interesting huh - what’s the message? I do not want to omit the pornography
industry; we all know that is demonically inspired-what’s the message? This is a small example
of what is really going on out there. Other arts we do not need to elaborate on are
Music: Rap, Rock, Soul and some R&B are only a few examples - you know the story-
some of it is filthy, de-meaning and satanically inspired. What is the message being
conveyed to the listener? The spirit behind the lyrics and driving beat has a way of
moving the human soul and affect the psyche. We are moved by sound. What is the spirit
and message in the music?
Visual Arts and Painting-some of it reflect caricatures of demons, evil spirits.
Mythological creatures, nudity and a lot of sexual contents. For some, this type of so
called art peaks the interest of some and leads them down the pathway of
destruction…yes even some Christians.
Porn Magazines: No comments are necessary for this one.
Science: True Science confirms the scripture and declares the works of God and there is no
conflict. However, modern science has taken GOD OUT OF THE CREATION- God the Father
can’t be separated from his creations. The Earth is the Lord’s and fullness thereof.
Note: The Rosicrucians were a sect or cabal of hermetical philosophers, or rather fanatics, who sprung
up in Germany in the fourteenth century, and made great pretensions to science; and among other
things, pretended to be masters of the secret of the philosopher's stone.
Evolution i.e., Darwinism has become, for the most part, acceptable in the world of
academia. This implies that everything came from the sea and evolved to its present state.
Physicists declare the Big-bang theory vice creationism. Trying to remove Jesus Christ
from creation.
Geneticist are experimenting with gene modification and cloning: and joining human
embryos with animal embryos for the sake of providing some sort of medicinal value to
mankind. - This is confusion and sinister.
Science has brought in great discoveries in the manufacturing, industrial field, medical fields
and various disciplines and the atheists’ scientist believe the science is “god” per se. In my study
and research for this paper I’ve discovered a sinister mixture of science and the occult. I will not
go into very much detail as it will take more time and only prolong the conclusion this paper. I
will point the reader to what the Germans Nazi scientist did to people in WWII and beyond in the
name of science and discovery; what the scientist of the United States did to some of the citizens
in WWII and beyond in the name of science and discovery? All one has to do is look underneath
the surface of what seems real one will be appalled at the atrocities committed. If you will do an
Internet search on “Secret History Secret Experiments Conducted by Nazi Germany” and
“History Secret Experiments Conducted on U.S. Citizens” you will see.
The point here is: The spirit behind theses mad scientist hates God and His creation and will do
anything to destroy it and, the demonic forces that drives them does not care on whom they wage
destruction, saved or unsaved. They hate man as a whole and lead them down the pathway of
destruction while they bow to the altar of science, fame and wealth.
News Media: Has the power to reach the mass of people and to offer the public information.
While there is some truth that comes out of news media it is often slanted when it come to
politics. Political views are often presented by those of a particular political persuasions and in so
doing they frame the debate t. To the uninformed and ignorant the news media can and often
does guide the minds of the people…it has a certain “Bewitching power” over the people.
People to whom the news is directed will be, in my opinion, be better served if they check out
what they are being fed by people they do not really know. I’m not taking about current events
that happen every day and are easily confirmed, but, rather political events and points of view.
False information and unbridled acceptance of the same will do much harm to the reader or
listener and has the potential to drive one into a predetermined course of action. If that course of
action is against the plan and word of God, then the enemy has prevailed. This applies to
Christians and Non- Christians alike.
Educational System: The U. S. Supreme Court issued two bans on prayer in public schools. The
first ban came in 1962 and the second was issued in 1963. The bans were the result of a court
case sponsored in part by Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She was but one of the litigants in the
lawsuit, but her name became synonymous with the case and the promotion of atheism. The ban
not only outlawed prayer in public schools but it also banned Bible reading in public schools.
Madalyn Murray O'Hair was the founder of American Atheists, Inc. which not only sought to
ban prayer in public schools but also actively promoted atheism and the continued separation of
church and school.9 Now that God and His principles are not out and atheism is in the enemy
has “raider the camp”. In David Kupelian’s book “The Marketing of Evil”, chapter 7-How
Radicals have Hijacked America’s Education System he quotes: “ The truth is, “the progressive”
education elite forfeited their common sense way back when they were first seduced into the
secular world view that said man is an animal that needs to be controlled and directed by others
– namely them. If there is no awareness of God, truth becomes relative, socialism becomes
attractive, immorality becomes acceptable, and philosophies become bizarre. Human
relationships are no longer based on mutual honor for another child of God, but rather on
exploitation and domination, either obvious or subtle”10. Again he states “Today the theory of
evolution is taught as fact while mere mention in the classroom of the real world scientific
disputes over the theory is often censored. Differing moral codes are presented as having equal
validly according to situational ethics and multicultural studies. Sex education teaches that
premarital sex is ok as long as you don’t get sexually transmitted disease or become pregnant.
“Outcome based education” transforms traditional education to vocational schooling. Widely
established programs teach kids that the “gay” lifestyle is normal and that thinking otherwise is
bigotry and hatred”.11
Education as a whole has been modified to such a degree that is frightening. Years ago I came
across the term OBE i.e., Outcome Based Education. One of the articles that I read was by
The Marketing of Evil, page 162
Ibid 162
Phyllis Schlafly12. There are other Websites that talks about OBE- I chose her site because of the
spiritual insights it gives…again there are others you may want to research as you explore the
subject. Phyllis Schalafly’s Report has over time proven to be true in light of what is being
taught in most public schools.
Here is one last quote by John Taylor Gatto, in his book Author of Underground History of
American Education. “Spiritually contended people are dangerous for a variety of reasons. They
don’t make reliable servants because they don’t jump at every command. They test what is
requested against a code of moral principle. Those who are spiritually secure can’t easily be
driven to sacrifice family relations”. I have not read his book, but, I do find the quote an
interesting one, in that it reflects the mindset of many ungodly people that detest any semblance
of people that love Christ Jesus- do you know of any?
Now if we are true to ourselves and refuse to put our heads in the sand but are aware of what is
going on in the school system we know the above statements are true. It is often reported on the
various news broadcast programs… Where are the watchmen- are you on the wall or are you
oblivious to what is going on? Who is blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm and declaring
the return of our Lord Jesus Christ!
The Food Industry: Have you ever heard of the Monsanto Corporation13 and their domination
of the seed industry- genetically altered seeds? This is an interesting story- if you go to their
Website they tell you what they are doing and then give you the benefits of the products.
Monsanto genetically modify food products and seeds. While they cite the benefits, my question
is what are the unintended consequences of such science? Check out the Food and Drug
Administration’s Website and read the scientific language see if you can make heads or tails out
of this They have
Roundup ready food products. Roundup is a pesticide and a Weed Killer. They have modified
the DNA and put it into some of their products. Here are other hot link to the FDA Websites.
You decide for yourself.
My point here is: Man is tampering with what God the Father has created. Remember let every
seed produce after its own kind? The spirit behind this science is sinister. It is not limited to
Monsanto, If you ever notice when you are in the grocery store buying groceries, notice the
labels on some food items such as “free ranging chickens, these eggs contain no antibiotics,
Got to look at the milk label…be right back. Ok I’m back- the milk label states “ 1% Milk Fat,
Vitamin A & D added, excellent source of calcium. Made from milk from cows NOT treated
with rbst (Artificial Hormone). RBST-hmmm…be right back. Ok I’m back- let’s see what the
FDA has to say about RSBT:
Just hold down the control key and then click-this should take you to the Websites
Interesting! If the FDA approved Monsanto to produce RBST and it is ok for human
consumption, why then has the dairy farmers stop using it and the grocery stores add the rsbt
citation on their labels? Could it be that the genetically manufactured hormone is dangerous to
and have had unintended consequences humans? Just curious…
In my opinion, the secular world ( Men without the knowledge of God or has totally rejected
Him) are developing, mass producing, distributing and marketing evil to the population at large.
It does not matter if one is a Christian or not- could the love of love of money have anything to
do with it? The Devil is come to steal, kill and destroy mankind in any way he can. Thanks be to
Jesus Christ- He has come to give us life and to give Life more abundantly!
I know I stand on the verge of being call a fringe lunatic... but I assure you I am not. You see
Satan has corrupted or has tried to corrupt everything God has created through the person of
Jesus Christ our Lord and King. It behooves us to fight the good fight of faith
In Conclusion: I agree with David Kupelain’s The Marketing of Evil. How Radical. Elitists, and
Pseudo- Experts Sells Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom. In this study we have just skimmed
the surface of the depth of wickedness and the sinister force that we content with everyday. I
wholeheartedly agree with the Holy Bible explanation of spiritual warfare and not with how man
has describes and teaches it outside the parameters of scripture. I hope the reader will
prayerfully seek the Lord about the contents herein and seek the truth of the matter. My question
to you is if you bare witness with this article (some if not all) will you go where the truth leads
you no matter where it goes? Well!
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ “be careful for nothing; but in every by prayer and
supplication and thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God
that passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.
Here is a quote from Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries regarding the subject
“In spiritual warfare our chief concern is for the name and person of Christ, even at the expense
of ourselves. The solution we should be seeking is something that vindicates and holds up God’s
name rather than our own. Don’t worry so much about what they say about you but what they
same about Him”.
To all, please feel free to express your thoughts, comments and remarks to me via email @