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The Road Map: From Little Victories To Systematic Transformation

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The Road Map

Managing Sustainable Ecosystem in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

From Year 2008 - 2020
16 July 2008

From Little Victories to Systematic

Committee Member

Dr Sohif Mat
Project Leader

Ir Mohd Jammal Mohd Sattap


Ahmad Rasdan Ismail


Dato Shaharuddin Mohamad Ismail


Dr Rahmah Elfithri


Puan Nur Shazwani Muhammad


Dr Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri


Prof Madya Ar Zuhairuse Md Darus


Page 2
Table of Content

1. Defining Sustainable Development! 4

2. Background! 4

3. Introduction and Assumptions! 5

4. Meeting New Demands and Creating the Mission Statement! 7

5. Cross and Inter-dependency within the Niches in UKM! 8

6. The Transformations - “From Little Victories to Systematic Transformation”! 9

7. The Scope of Research, Activities and the Efforts! 11

8. The Need Statement and Dimensions! 11

9. Mapping the Sustainability Process! 12

10. The Challenges! 12

11. Making Wise Choices and Sustainable Cost Transfer! 14

12. The Concept of Future Proofing! 15

13. Measuring Success and Managing Output! 15

14. Specific Approaches! 17

15. Recommendation : The Road Map! 22

Preamble : The Roadmap Is a Guide, Not a Recipe

This Roadmap is intended to guide us in identifying opportunities and developing the strategic framework for
managing the ecosystem of the campus and realising them; it is not intended to be a “cookbook” approach for
implementation. The reasons being are:
‣ There is no single “strategy” for managing the ecosystem. It is developed based on its perception of
risks and opportunities, specific targets, available resources, schedule, etc.
‣ It relates to a unique culture and will develop its own management approach to realise potential
‣ It should also be highlighted that while the roadmap is unique in its focus on energy, water. waste
disposal and landscape management and planning, the overall logic and approach must be consistent
with established approaches in measuring common indicators across the industrial practices and
standards. The indicators will be a means of making relevant comparisons, measuring research and
economic progress and environmental sustainability.
‣ Defining sustainability may vary from one discipline or sector to the other.

The Roadmap excludes detailed implementation although some specific goals and strategies were table. The Group
believe that detail planning shall be jointly developed, analysed and enriched by the various related research groups
in the campus.

Page 3
1. Defining Sustainable Development
Indoor Environment & Air
The term sustainability means different things to different Ecosystem Quality
people. This paper seeks to describe the term and its Transportation
Community, Health Management
definition; sharing its common understanding widely in
& Well-Being Water
the campus. Management
Human Materials
Sustainable development is a term used to describe Energy
System Policy & Management
development that improves the quality of human life Implementation
while living within the carrying capacity of supporting Research & Management
ecosystems, focusing to balance the social, ecological and Curriculum

economic goals and benefits. This definition can be Budget & Land
Investment Management
classified into two systems, namely the Human System
and the Ecosystem respectively as Biodiversity
shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 : Sustainable Systems

Both systems have important functions

and exist to support the total vision of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development is based on
the strong relationships between human well being and the scale and scope of human activities which have an impact
on the integrity of the systems. Specifically, sustainability is achieved when the needs of the present are met without
compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs.

2. Background

UKM Electricity Consumptions

Number of Buildings ?
Peak Demand
Buildings Total Area (mil Sq ft) ? Off Peak Demand
Maximum Demand
Total Land Area (Acre) 2709

Number of Students 30,255

Number of Staff (excluding HUKM) 5,365

Electric Consumption (GWh) 4.6
Peak Demand (MW) 12
Off Peak Demand (MW) 8.9

Peak Consumption (MWh) 3.4

Off Peak Consumption (MWh) 1.3

Maximum Demand (kWh) 11.4

Total Electric Cost (mil RM) 1.2

This Road Map is prepared by the Group Pengurusan Ekosistem Lestari, a subgroup of Penyeldikan UKM Lestari
under the niche of Pembangunan Lestari Wilayah ; and is designed to satisfy four(4) main requirements:

Page 4
1. Provide the directions and strategic planning for the R & D activities from the year 2008 - 2020 with the sole
objectives to reduce the consumption of energy, water, solid waste disposal and landscaping engagement based
on improved and innovated technologies.

2. Provide specific project descriptions to enable the Group been financed through internal and external funding

3. Provide strategic partnerships and alliances to ensure a successful implementation of the programs as well as to
be in the fore-front on sustainable ecosystem management with the industries and other institutions for capacity
building and sustainable livelihoods.

4. Provide concerted efforts and directional planning for funding submission through OUP and GUP and/or other
external funds.

The efforts in managing the ecosystem of UKM stands from the enormous opportunities that can be gained in
adopting systems based integrated approach and design towards sustainable campus. That little steps of victories
will spans into a systematic transformation and working framework towards continuous sustainability efforts in the
campus. We need to place a high emphasis on high performance and efficient buildings and its surrounding
landscape on minimising energy, water and waste consumptions without requiring huge additional capital
expenditures, whilst at the same time improve the comfort of working conditions and the health of the occupants.

These vital components to ensure the success of managing the ecosystem, the Group established the following

‣ Enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity.
‣ Improve air and water quality.
‣ Reduce solid waste.
‣ Conserve natural resources.


‣ Reduce energy and water operating costs.

‣ Enhance asset value.
‣ Improve employee productivity and satisfaction.
‣ Optimise life-cycle economic performance.

Health and community

‣ Improve air, thermal, and acoustic environments.

‣ Enhance occupant comfort and health.
‣ Minimise strain on local infrastructure.
‣ Contribute to overall quality of life.

3. Introduction and Assumptions

Today, buildings need to incorporate energy efficiency, waste reduction, reduced water consumption, healthy work
environments, clean indoor air, and many other design features. With these improvements will come a better quality
of life for all, enhanced economic vitality, and a smaller environmental footprint. The physical environment of the
university—its landscape and buildings—must also support and enhance the excellence of our academic programs.

Page 5
The efforts in managing the ecosystem of UKM stands from the enormous opportunities that can be gained in
adopting systems based integrated approach and design towards sustainable campus. It is generally recognised that
buildings consume a large portion of water, energy, and other resources used in the economy. Moving towards
energy efficient buildings provide a potentially promising way to help address a range of challenges, such as:
‣ The possible high cost of electric power in the near future.
‣ Pending water shortage and waste disposal issues.
‣ Growing concern over the cost of global warming.
‣ The rising incidence of allergies and asthma, normally known as sick building syndrome.
‣ The health and productivity of workers1.
‣ Increasing expenses of maintaining and operating state facilities over time.

The financial benefits of this program may include lower energy, waste disposal, and water costs, lower
environmental and emissions costs, lower operations and maintenance costs, and savings from increased
productivity and health. These benefits range from being fairly predictable (energy, waste, and water savings) to
relatively uncertain (productivity/health benefits). Energy and water savings can be predicted with reasonable
precision, measured, and monitored over time. In contrast, productivity and health gains are much less precisely
understood and far harder to predict with accuracy.

Since any recommendations and tools may change overtime in developing a sustainable campus, the followings laid
the foundations and principles working frame for the Group;
‣ Water
‣ Eliminate use of portable water for flushing.
‣ Strive to improve the quality and reduce the usage quantity of all water - portable, grey, black
and storm water.
‣ Eliminate the use of portable water for irrigation of plants.
‣ Reduce waste water load to treatment plants.
‣ Strive to make exterior surface over soil pervious to allow water to percolate into subsoil.
‣ Energy
‣ Maximise the use of renewable energy to minimise dependence on utility power.
‣ Work towards carbon neutral design.
‣ Optimise use of energy saving lighting and sensors.
‣ Re-examine HVAC systems and usage.
‣ Work closely on passive approach.
‣ Utilise green construction materials.
‣ Improve IEQ, IAQ and Thermal Comfort for the well being of occupants.
‣ Create healthy building with low toxicity or other volatiles materials.
‣ Solid Waste Disposal
‣ Eliminate the concept of waste - minimise, reuse and recycle.
‣ Utilise local materials whenever possible.
‣ Landscape Management
‣ Consider all surfaces as opportunities including roof.

1 Judith Heerwagen, “Do Green Buildings Enhance the Well Being of Worker?”, Environmental Design and Construction Magazine, July/

August 2000. Available at : http://www.edcmag.com/CDA/ArticleInformation/coverstory/BNPCoverStoryItem/0,4118,19794,00.html

Page 6
‣ Maximise the quantity and quality of landscape.
‣ Plant selections that thrive minimal irrigation.
‣ Use landscape for many function to treat storm water and reduce heat islands.
‣ Consider native ecosystems

The Group endeavours that a better buildings equate to better employee productivity while enhancing the health
and well being of its occupants. Last but not the least, the campus should be a ‘learning laboratory’ in which we
invent a sustainable future and take the leadership role to address the challenges in climatic changes and advocate
sustainable development.

Some assumptions need to be established first before the programs can be successfully implemented and also
realising that changes can happen over the years for reason unforeseen in forecasting the programs.

The assumptions are:

1. The Group represents only as “Change Agent” and not the “Champion”. UKM need to appoint a Champion in
ensuring the success of this program. The assets management division of UKM, specifically Jabatan Pengurusan
Pembangunan(JPP) shall take the key role in championing this program.

2. External incentives if any, primarily for energy efficient buildings have not been considered in this proposal.

3. There is no existing standard development practices for sustainability benchmarking in the country, as such is
difficult to qualify the economic benefits for going into sustainable campus although multiple savings can be
realised through the programs. Note that in U.S. they have US Green Building Council and the LEEDTM rating
system to evaluate and label the building according to certain merits.

4. It is difficult to evaluate future proofing technologies such as Renewable energy the like of Solar Cells, Fuel
Cells etc although it can justify for secured supply against potentially unstable energy and water costs in the

5. The infrastructure plan for managing energy, water, solid waste and landscape cannot be seen as a different
entity from the overall master plan of the campus in relation to sustainability. Sharing energy and water
opportunities between buildings cluster may not have been thoroughly assess.

6. The inventory and analysis of the collective benefits available for campus ecology purposes may not be fully

4. Meeting New Demands and Creating the Mission Statement

Can we afford the environmental consequences of carrying the traditional model into the future or can we create
spaces ( buildings and its landscape) that produce less waste, consume less energy, consume less water and conserve
the land use surrounding it? How must this buildings and its surrounding evolve to enhance human health and
productivity? Significantly too, some have begun to question how well the buildings technologies and practices
serve emerging needs? What promise of new technologies and practices can offer in the design, planning, sitting,
construction and operational of buildings and environment.

The conclusions? That buildings can be dramatically reshaped by combining the results of research in such fields as
energy efficient building shells, equipment, lighting, daylighting, windows, passive and active solar, photovoltaic,
fuel cells, advanced sensors and controls and combined heating, cooling and power. Such technologies - and
together with a whole-buildings approach that optimises interactions among building system and components -

Page 7
will enable buildings to respond effectively to the changing needs in our society, achieving highest goal in
environmental protection and sustainable development.

Road mapping these challenging demands may represents an enormous task in achieving our objectives and goals in
sustainable development. The critical issues identified and posted can be as follows;
‣ How can the benefits of such energy efficient buildings can be accurately defined and measured?
‣ How the best existing technologies as well as future technologies through R & D can be integrated
more effectively within a whole-building context?
‣ How cross-discipline collaboration can become the norm in the sitting, design, construction,
commissioning and start-up, operation and maintenance of buildings?

Against this backdrop of challenges and mapping the strategic directions for the sustainable development of the
campus, the Group proposed the following as the:

Mission Statement by the year 2020

Successful internal and external partnerships of
research endeavours that will deliver highly adaptable,
sustainable, cost effective buildings and its landscape
that will be valued by the occupants, owners and
communities as healthy, productive and desirable places
to learn, work and live.

5. Cross and Inter-dependency within the Niches in UKM

UKM have installed seven (7) R & D niches projecting a streamlined efforts towards an APEX university and other
multi-pronged endeavours as a research university.

The Group is of the opinion that within the niches, a cross matrix effort can be seen related and interdependent to as
optimising the “bigger picture” output in sustainability programs. Namely, responding to the needs of Pengurusan

Fig. 2 : The Relationship

Page 8
Ekosistem Lestari within the Penyelidikan UKM Lestari, the Renewable and Climatic Change niches will have a
significant inputs while a binding sharing of information within the niches may provide a greater impact towards the
campus sustainability efforts. Within the cluster itself, Rekabentuk Lestari with the passive design outcomes and
guidelines will minimise and reduce potential active energy design for the buildings. The relation is shown in Fig. 2.

The relationship through urban heat island study can be described when a higher ambient air temperatures result in
increased use of air conditioning in buildings, causing higher energy use as well as higher energy costs in monthly
utility bills. Whenever fuel is burned to produce electricity, the combustion results in release of CO2, NOx (oxides
of nitrogen), and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). NOx and VOCs combine in the presence of sunlight on to
form ground-level ozone, or smog; the rate of ozone formation is accelerated when the temperature is higher. Thus,
the urban heat island effect in relation to climatic change study, can precipitate higher incidences of ozone by adding
additional heat to the overall chemical interactions that form ozone. In addition, stationary sources such as
automobiles and machinery evaporate more fuel and other
VOCs when the temperature rises. Higher temperatures
compound health problems, such as heat stress and asthma.

One of the most interesting and useful recent applications of

remote sensing technology has been the study of urban heat
islands. Remote sensing, when combined with meteorology
information and other data through a geographical information
system (GIS), can show how heat islands are distributed and
help to explain why they develop. Heat islands are of interest to city
planners, policy decision-makers, municipalities and the public because Renewable Sources : Solar and Wind
they affect energy consumption, public expenditure, air pollution, and

The use of renewable energy, typically solar and wind, will incorporate further the
enhancement of sustainability programs in the campus thereby reducing
dependencies of fossil fuel upstream in power generation and its related global
warming phenomena - not to mentioned the energy security and price issues.

6. The Transformations - “From Little Victories to Systematic Transformation”

With global warming suddenly emerging as a mainstream policy concern, everyone are finding that “sustainability”
is rapidly transforming from a fringe “feel-good” issue into a “big” agenda item requiring focused, top-level action.
The past year has seen a wide range of industries, businesses, companies, institutions, politicians and may others
virtually race to adopt and implement environmental policies, as market forces compelling action outpace regulatory
requirements. And with standards of corporate accountability changing almost as rapidly, stakeholders and others
are demanding that firms recognize and act on issues far removed from their core business lines – including the

The real estate market dynamics - the nature of product demanded by tenants, constructed by developers, required
by governments and favoured by capital providers - provide a redefinition of what constitutes a true high quality real
estate value of a property. The greater tangibility of today’s sustainable design features are driving tenant
expectations for greener and energy efficient buildings. The prospect of permanently higher energy costs will only
accelerate the shifts, as will greater regulatory mandates and government incentives that will undoubtedly laid in the
very near future.

Page 9
The costs and net benefits of renovating existing buildings to energy efficient standards is much less clear because
the extreme diversity of the standing stock (e.g., age, condition, quality, style of construction) makes blanket
statements essentially meaningless. The record is unambiguous with respect to energy-efficiency initiatives,
however. Many studies have clearly documented the feasibility of undertaking appropriate energy-efficiency
retrofits. One early study by the Energy Cost Savings Council, U.S. in the late 1990s examined over 1,000 energy
retrofits and concluded that the average payback period was just over three years, with an average Return on
Investment (ROI) of 32.4%. 2

Understanding the steps and actions required for systematic approach and transformations in developing the Road
Map for sustainable ecosystem for UKM, the following categories will be the key R & D initiatives of the Group in an
attempt to prioritise the research needs;

1. Energy: Develop high performance climate-responsive building envelopes and their integration with HVAC
and lighting systems, examining features such as operable faç
ades for natural ventilation, façade-integrated HVAC, lighting
quality, daylighting and shading performance. Further
develop technologies for power demand management, on-
site (“distributed”) energy generation (specifically renewable

2. Indoor Environmental Quality: Develop personal (workstation) climate control systems for improved energy
and human performance with life cycle cost analysis. Develop mixed-mode building systems for new and
existing buildings that support natural conditioning integrated with advanced mechanical and control systems.
Examine health impacts of moisture and microorganisms. Quantify impacts of IEQ on performance,
productivity, and health.

3. Land Use and Landscape: Quantify the impacts of land use and transit-oriented planning on energy, health
and environmental quality. Develop model zoning in support of high-performance green and energy efficient
building approaches.

4. Water: Develop building system approaches to net zero water consumption, combining rain capture with
potable to grey to black water reuse incorporating water efficient technologies and
operations both inside and outside buildings.

5. Evaluation and metrics: Develop and test effective building performance metrics and
field evaluations for sustainability. This area would develop performance assessment
protocols, databases, and benchmarks that would be used to compare predicted and
measured performance (i.e., energy, water, indoor environmental quality) for a range of
building types.

6. Tools: Establish information technology and design process innovation for sustainability. This area would
advance building information models (BIM), interoperable software tools and product data management to
reduce costs and errors while improving all aspects of performance over the design-construct-operate lifecycle
of a building.

2 Cited in “The Greening of U.S. Investment Real Estate - Market Fundamental, Prospects and Opportunities”, RREEF Research, Number

57, November 2007 by Andrew J. Nelson.

Page 10
7. The Scope of Research, Activities and the Efforts
The Group identified that the followings scope shall govern the
research activities in managing the sustainable ecosystem of the
campus. The side pictures shown to visualise the activities and efforts
that will be conducted by the Group. The involvement described as renewable

1. Energy Efficient Systems

2. Building Energy and IAQ Modelling

3. Renewable Energy applications

4. Electrical Efficiency Program

5. Building Management System

6. Indoor Environmental Quality

vegetative roof
7. IAQ and Thermal Comfort

8. Health & Productivity grey water irrigation

9. Water Harvesting

10. Irrigation Management

11. Storm Water Management

12. Waste Water Management

13. Water Efficiency Program

14. Landscape Management

15. Habitat Conservation

16. Vegetative Roofing conserving habitat

17. Solid Waste Management

18. Waste Treatment

8. The Need Statement and Dimensions

In designing the efforts, we have established the key role for which we intend to successfully implement the
programs. These shall include the following needs:

1. We need to establish and evaluate comparative sustainability performance across every sector in the university
and against other successful models. These will translate into cost indicators and performance benchmarks.

2. We need to advocate necessary innovative changes as the backbone for sustainable development in the

3. We need to disseminate our efforts and success stories to promote, recognise and acknowledge within the
campus community as well as externally using various media tools and platforms.

Page 11
4. We need to develop and facilitate a participatory approach through various programs and projects involving
various members of the society, staff and student platforms and associations.

5. We need to utilise R & D efforts and outcomes, to blend the knowledge and strength in various faculties and
institutions as ‘living examples’ promoting sustainable development in the university.

The dimension and the element involve are depicted in the Fig. 3. The Group dimension essentially will only covers
the ecosystem management part of the sustainability process.

Fig 3: The Dimension

SubSystem Dimension Element

◉ buildings ◉ paper ◉ food ◉ equipment

◉hazardous materials ◉ solid waste

Energy ◉ sources ◉ management ◉ intensity of use

Ecosystem Air ◉ indoor ◉ outdoor

◉ manage space ◉ habitat & biodiversity ◉ green area

◉ intensity of use

Water ◉ consumption ◉ management ◉ storm and wastewater

◉ policies ◉ guidelines ◉ standards ◉implementation

◉ coordinate ◉ monitoring

People Knowledge ◉ training ◉ research ◉ curriculum ◉ dissemination

Health &
◉ recreation ◉ food ◉ safety ◉ health services ◉environment

9. Mapping the Sustainability Process

In order to understand the whole strategic programs, the Group structured a mapping process which includes and
covers various aspects of the sustainable agenda as shown in Fig. 4. A mind mapping is an essential part to develop
the overall strategy and planning for sustainability of UKM campus.

10. The Challenges

When most existing buildings were built, energy and water efficiency was not a major concern. Nor have many
commercial and institutional buildings undergone a comprehensive quality assurance program for their building
systems. Even if the building automation system, for example, was correctly installed and commissioned when the

Page 12
Fig. 4 : Mapping Process

building was new 20 - 30 years ago, it may not be programmed properly for today’s operations. Adding to the
complexity, building documentation often is incomplete, with components and equipment missing or incorrectly
Page 13
The result is a building using more energy to accomplish less. Even if it was fully commissioned when built, the
building may not be operating at peak efficiency today. A comprehensive testing of building systems with the goal of
improving quality — retrocommissioning — allows building deficiencies to be identified and corrected for optimum
energy use. Retrocommissioning is a systematic process to improve an existing building’s performance. Using a
whole-building systems approach, retrocommissioning seeks to identify operational improvements that will
increase occupant comfort and save energy and water consumptions and reducing, reused and recycle of waste.
Retrocommissioning may induced of four phases.

1. In the planning phase, the building systems to be analysed are identified.

2. The next phase determines how those systems are supposed to operate, and a prioritised list of operating
deficiencies is prepared.

3. During the implementation phase, the highest priority deficiencies are corrected and proper operation is

4. In the hand-off phase, improvements are reported and facilities executives are shown how to sustain proper

11. Making Wise Choices and Sustainable Cost Transfer

All projects have a fixed budget for which costs must be controlled to meet the budget criteria. Along the path to a
completed building, the Group must make a series of choices to determine the makeup of the final constructed
project. Sustainable Cost Transfer within a fixed budget is a concept that eliminates certain elements and
transfers those costs to other elements that have a higher environmental benefit. A common strategy in cost
transfer is to move mechanical systems budgets to building envelope budgets. For example, air conditioning can
often be eliminated through good design, and the budget line items transferred to operable windows for natural

Every project includes many choices and requires the team to make rapid decisions. We grouped some typical
sustainable choices into three categories of relative economic viability:

1. Economically viable : Strategies that are economically viable because the increased income, decreased
expenses and/or lower risk are sufficient to offset the incremental cost of adopting the strategy.

2. Flexibility provides economic viability : Strategies where providing the flexibility to implement solutions at a
later date is economically viable because the increased income, decreased expenses and/or lower risk are not
sufficient to offset the incremental cost of adopting the strategy for a short term investor. However, inflation,
technology development are expected to make the strategies economically viable in the long term.

3. No direct economic viability : Strategies that are not economically viable because the increased income,
decreased expenses and/or lower risk are not sufficient to offset the incremental cost of adopting the strategy.

During the course of actions, these sustainable cost transfer and its choices will be the backbone and criteria
providing the decision making process of the Group.

Page 14
12. The Concept of Future Proofing
What is the value of providing flexibility to be able to respond to future change?

Consider the value of Future Proofing. Create buildings that are better able to respond to the rapid change in
our society, including potentially unstable energy and water costs.

What energy changes are in the future? What will be the cost of energy? Limiting risk of the unknown through
creating energy efficient structures, and providing the potential for future technology implementation within a
building’s design, can help “future proof” the portfolio.

What will be the cost of water in the future? Is water a finite resource? How can a company limit the future risk of
high water costs? Implementing strategies today that limit the exposure providing infrastructure to incorporate or
adapt to future technologies is a future proofing strategy.

Creating healthy buildings with good indoor air quality limits risk to the occupants and increase their productivity.

In cases where the technology has not arrived or costs are too high to implement today (i.e. photovoltaics, fuel cells,
rainwater re-use, data upgrades, etc.), reasonable assumptions should be made about future technologies and
shortages. Infrastructure should be provided for their future implementation.

13. Measuring Success and Managing Output

That is simple - “We start with a ‘before’ baseline and utility analysis as well as an energy-use benchmark. Then we
look at before and after for each measure. The Group can look at the utility bills and see the effect
retrocommissioning has.” The baseline study may cover various areas as shown in Fig. 5.

The benchmark used to compare

building energy consumption is
expressed in energy use per
square foot of floor area.
Typically, this is reported either
as Btus per square foot or
kilowatt-hours per square meter,
also known as the building
energy index. With these
measurements, different size
buildings with similar uses can be
compared. The same will be Fig. 5: The Baseline Study
applied to water (perhaps gallons
or litre of water used per square
meter of per occupants).

The difficult part will be to relate

the ergonomics (health and

Page 15
productivity) with indoor environmental quality efforts
vis-a-vis thermal comfort and air quality. Fig. 6 : Building Energy Index in Malaysian
Some reference of building energy index in Malaysian Building MS1525:2001

buildings are provided as shown in Fig. 6.

In general, key indicators will be used in measuring 107 138 180 205 225
the performance of a success retrocommissioning of 222
Benchmark 150
the buildings. These may include the followings: Recommended
Private 75

Energy consumption per floor area kWhr per m2

Water consumption per floor area gallons or litre per m2

Monthly and yearly total waste tons per year per capita; tons per month
production per capita (categorise) per capita

Comparative ground water quality percentage improved

Total pesticide usage gallons or litre per month

Thermal comfort Percentage People Dissatisfied against

Predicted Mean Vote

Green House Gases emissions tons

Page 16
14. Specific Approaches
Although the principles have been laid as described in 2.Introduction above; the Group substantiated more specific
approaches that will be used to enhance the sustainability programs of the Group as table below:

Activities Goals Strategies

1 Water

1. Reduce dependence on irrigation using native and

adapted plants that withstand drought conditions.
2. Use native or adapted exotics that are planted in
correct plant associations to ensure that areas have
the same water requirements.
Make landscape and 3. Use soil moisture sensors or weather station based
Water efficient
maintenance choices that high efficiency irrigation systems to trigger water
support water conservation. delivery to plants as needed.
4. Use temporary irrigation systems to establish
plantings in the first two years.
5. Improve soil quality which reduces compaction,
improves absorption capability and improves
performance of the plants.

To reduce potable water usage

Treated Effluent for and decrease wastewater 1. Collect, treated and distribute re-use wastewater for
Flushing Toilets production and resulting flushing

1. Re-use of greywater (all wastewater except for toilets

including sinks, showers, laundry facilities, etc.) for
To reduce potable water usage irrigation. This requires that it first be collected
Reuse of Greywater fro and decrease wastewater separately from the toilet flows (blackwater).
Irrigation production and resulting 2. It needs to be stored and potentially treated (filtered)
pollution. prior to use.
3. It needs to be pressurized and distributed. The
irrigation is via subsurface drip irrigation.

To reduce stormwater run-off

1. Use Permeable Surfaces such as porous concrete,
Permeable Surfaces on quantities, increase
interlocking concrete pavers, porous asphalt,
Sidewalks and Streets groundwater recharge and
reinforced grass and paving block with planted joints.
filter water.

1. Install green space that serves a dual purpose of

Stormwater Treatment To increase stormwater
providing an aesthetic amenity and treatment for
and Detention quality.
stormwater run-off.

1. Reuse Rainwater : The primary system consists of the

To reduce run-off generated
Rainwater Harvesting for collection of rainwater from a clean roof surface,
by the building and to reduce
Flushing Toilets storage in cisterns, filtration, pressurization, and
potable water usage.
plumbing back to toilets.

1. Implement water conserving fixtures or eliminate a

To reduce potable water usage landscape irrigation system. Use of flow reduction
Water Conservation
and the production of sewage aerators, flushing reduction of up to 40%, and water
saving showers up to 40% reduction,

Page 17
Activities Goals Strategies

2 Energy and Atmosphere

1. Strategies for massing, siting, envelope, daylighting,

natural ventilation, thermal storage, adding
vegetation, and others lend themselves well to this
2. After all passive strategies have been pursued, the
design team applies more active systems. Utilized in
this stage of design would be high efficiency HVAC
systems, a central chilled water system, and various
combined heat and power alternatives. Initial costs,
life costs, and environmental costs are highly
dependent on the amount of such active control that
is required.
3. When possible, retrofit existing buildings to their
maximum energy efficiency.
Reducing internal loads, 4. Reduce thermal loads entering the building as much
improved efficiencies and as possible. Consider building envelope design
Internal loads selecting passive energy carefully, including glazing selection, window and
strategies before active energy door shading, wall construction, roof colour, and
strategies. building shape.
5. Make use of thermal mass to absorb heat and shift
peak heating to off-peak hours. Consider designed
or redesign floor and ceiling surfaces to take
advantage of thermal mass.
6. Integrate a well-controlled daylighting system with
other building systems and the overall building
design—footprint, surface reflection, location of
windows and other openings, and light distribution).
7. Maximise plug-in unit efficiencies (i.e., use flat panel
vs. CRT computers, occupancy sensors on power
strips, etc.).
8. Maximise lighting efficiencies and reduce heat gain.
Light the minimum area for the minimum time (i.e.,
use occupancy sensors).

Throughout both active and

passive decision making,
Integrated Design The key is to match those strategies most appropriate to
strategies must be balanced
(Whole Building the building or community needs while balancing the
wherein needs and costs are
Design) positive and negative consequences delivered in each.
considered in the context of
the entire building.

If buildings are closely located to the UKM central plant,

Centralised Chilled The provision of an energy
a reduction in energy costs will meet or exceed any
Water System efficient chilled water source.
additional piping costs.

Page 18
Activities Goals Strategies

The scheduling and operation of the cogen plant can be

used not only to reduce dependency on the electrical grid,
but also to improve the load factor of the entire property.
To enhance district energy
Co-generation This means that the ratio of the maximum to minimum
supply quality while
(Electricity and Chilled loads is relatively close to one, which can be achieved by
simultaneously minimizing the
Water Supply) running the cogen plant at times of peak load and turning
cost of that supply.
it off at times of minimal usage. A better load factor will
give UKM more leverage in negotiating for better utility

Although still a premium product, the strategy in building

integrated PVs (BIPV) coupled with escalating utility rates
and rebate programs have allowed an increasing number
To enhance electrical supply of developments to take advantage of the clean, modular
security through the power that PVs provide.
Photovoltaic Cells
distributed use of photovoltaic
technology. The modularity and easily distributed nature of PVs would
allow the development to install the modules as building
progressed rather than having to build a central facility
with an oversized production capacity.

Fuel Cells
(Fuel cell power plants Centralized Generation : The benefits of a centralized
consist of a fuel scheme are greater maintenance efficiencies, reduced
reformer, a fuel cell, and infrastructure cost, and localization of associated
a DC to AC inverter. architectural elements, i.e. flue vents, intake louvers, etc.
The reformer converts a Security of the electricity supply and minimized
hydrocarbon fuel, such To provide electricity and heat infrastructure cost for heat transmission suggest the
as propane or natural supply security using the locating of the generation facility in close proximity to the
gas, into hydrogen. The emerging technology of fuel loads, namely office buildings, computer server farms,
hydrogen is supplied to cells. laboratories, or biotech facilities.
the fuel cell, which Distributed generation : Fuel cells can function as
allows the hydrogen and stand-alone generating systems and can be placed within a
atmospheric oxygen to distributed power network with each system serving its
combine producing own building or development block and supplying any
water, heat, and direct excess production to the grid.
electrical current.)

1. Reduce the use of energy to the minimum.

2. Derive all electric power and heating from non-fossil
To reduce and compensate for
Carbon Neutrality fuel sources.
carbon dioxide emissions.
3. Compensate for CO2 emissions associated with
energy production.

1. Improve daylighting to enhance visual acuity.

To add aesthetic, productivity, 2. Improve air quality and thermal comfort to remove
Indoor Environmental health, and economic value by sick-building syndrome for the health of the
Quality (IEQ) providing enhanced indoor occupants.
environmental quality. 3. Reduce noise for occupants satisfaction and

3 Solid Waste Managment

Page 19
Activities Goals Strategies

1. Require space and access dedicated to the storage

and collection of recycling.
2. Develop a comprehensive waste management plan.
3. Provide recycling stations in common areas of
buildings and in the kitchen of residential and hostel
units to facilitate occupant recycling.
4. Require garbage and recycling service providers to
submit a monthly garbage and recycling report that
illustrates the recycling rate and associated savings.
5. Establish building-type goals for recycling and
identify potential savings to tenants. Provide tenant
Facilitate recycling in education to increase awareness and encourage
occupied buildings. recycling.
6. Identify commonly used recycled content materials,
and develop guidelines for incorporation into
7. Purchase locally manufactured products to support
and strengthen our local economy, and to reduce
transportation costs and the associated
environmental impacts.
8. Analyze the cost effectiveness of installing equipment
such as compactors and waste and recycling chutes.
9. Analyse possible feasibility of MSW vs landfill within
the compound of UKM.

1. Select one project to demonstrate this strategy. For

the demonstration project, set an aggressive goal for
resource reuse at 50% or above.
2. Target a project that will benefit from
communicating this strategy to potential tenants and
the community.
3. Identify and catalogue the materials from UKM
Extend the use of materials
properties and consumables such as papers, brick
Reused such as paper, construction
and timbers, that can be salvaged and refurbished for
materials etc.
4. Partner with demolition contractor(s) to identify and
source building materials including timber, brick,
roofing insulation, doors and plywood, etc.
5. Challenge the design team to create an innovative
and attractive building using available salvaged and
refurbished building materials.

Renewable Materials
(such as bio-based Increase demand for 1. Identify rapidly renewable materials and develop
panels, plant-based renewable and green materials. guidelines for incorporating into specifications.
coatings etc.)

4 Landscape management

Page 20
Activities Goals Strategies

1. Habitat plan: Develop a habitat plan. Review

existing habitat inventory and identify the potential
corridors, critical mass and specific needs that would
encourage species diversification. Provide a menu of
elements that would support this plan, and the
anticipated growth in species population.
2. Environmental Benefits of Trees: Analyze
environmental benefits of trees and plantings using
Support our habitat,
CITY Green software. Model and evaluate carbon
Habitat and Landscape environment and its
offset impact, stormwater runoff benefits, air quality
and habitat development potential within the
neighbourhood. Produce a report showing
quantitative impacts of alternative planting scenarios.
3. Urban Design Plan/Sustainability Plan
Integration : Mesh specific use plans and urban
design criteria with sustainable methods. Some
coordination needs to occur to reach sustainability

Page 21
15. Recommendation : The Road Map

Fig. 7

! The “show case” buildings T H E R O A D M A P

perform improve 20-25% energy
and 30-45% water efficiency ! Duplicate, extend and improve scopes to
an increase Gross Area of UKM buildings
against year 2008.
to 25-40% of 2011 achievement.
! Improved health and productivity
! 15-25% of electrical consumption
of the occupants verified.
generated internally via renewable energy
! Thermal comfort within range of
10-25% PPD.
! Zero use of portable water for ! Incorporate green construction materials
for buildings accomplished.
toilet flushing completed.
! Non-portable water for Irrigation ! Energy and Emission Modelling through
urban heat island studies developed.
of landscape at buildings
parameter accomplished.
! Solid waste reduced to 45%
against year 2008.
2015 ! Duplicate, extend and improve
scopes to an increase Gross Area of
! Guidelines on “Energy Efficient UKM buildings to 40-60 % of 2011
Buildings & Landscape Ecosystem” achievement.
! 30-45% of electrical consumption
! Baseline and Benchmark of generated internally via renewable
buildings established. energy and possibly cogeneration for
! Sustainable habitat guidelines
established. 2011 combined electrical and chilled water
! 6 journal papers submitted.
! Combine efforts of Sustainable
! Content Proposal and its Strategic Modelling and its physical
Directions submitted and approved. development established and
2008 ! Cost Implication on the Program environmental benefits of trees and
submitted. planting realised.
! MOA between UKM Lestari, SERI,
Climatic Change and JPP established
for joint collaboration of the
! External strategic partners for
technical and/or “funding options”
recommended and approved.

The proposed Road Map as shown in Fig. 7 is divided into two(2) phases, namely, the first phase, The Show Case
(Year 2008 - 2011) and the second phase, Improved and Extended Programs (2012 - 2020).

The first phase period will be the test case of the program which can be duplicated, extended and improved further
during the second phase. It is recommended that two types of buildings, name the Chancellory Buildings and a
student hostel will be used to develop the first phase R & D case. Successful implementation of the first phase will be
used to repeat on the second phase with improved profiles and other modelling study as shown in Fig. 6.

The various target ranges reflects the possible achievable values within the technology risks, R & D opportunities,
financial availability and other resources that may be faced or provided for the planning. It may change against
further reviews over the years; significantly however it provides us the forecasting scenarios that are visualised and to
be achieved by various efforts within the sustainable development program of the UKM.

The spin-off commercialisation of any technology developed during the course may not be extensively covered in
this proposal, however a detailed planning shall have to address such endeavours. The construction guidelines of
energy efficient buildings and its landscape prescribed in the Road Map represent a tangible task and output of the
Group for which can be used to enhance the whole-building approach of sustainable development.

The normal output of a research university such as papers presented in journals and conferences, networking of
results within and beyond the campus boundary, branding an environment friendly university and other exercises
are not highlighted in this paper but will be covered during the planning and programs stage of the Group.

The budget will also be covered later once the concept have been accepted and approved by UKM.

----------------------------------- End of Paper -----------------------------------

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