Configuration Commands SNMP System Commands: Engineid
Configuration Commands SNMP System Commands: Engineid
Configuration Commands SNMP System Commands: Engineid
Configuration Commands
Syntax [no] engineID engine-id
Context config>system>snmp
Description This command sets the SNMP engineID to uniquely identify the SNMPv3 node. By default, the
engineID is generated using information from the system backplane.
If SNMP engine ID is changed in the config>system>snmp> engineID engine-id context, the current
configuration must be saved and a reboot must be executed. If not, the previously configured SNMP
communities and logger trap-target notify communities will not be valid for the new engine ID.
Note: In conformance with IETF standard RFC 2274, User-based Security Model (USM) for version
3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3), hashing algorithms which generate
SNMPv3 MD5 or SHA security digest keys use the engineID. Changing the SNMP engineID
invalidates all SNMPv3 MD5 and SHA security digest keys and may render the node unmanageable.
When a chassis is replaced, use the engine ID of the first system and configure it in the new system to
preserve SNMPv3 security keys. This allows management stations to use their existing authentication
keys for the new system.
Ensure that the engine IDs are not used on multiple systems. A management domain can only have
one instance of each engineID.
The no form of the command reverts to the default setting.
Syntax general-port port-number
no general-port
Context config>system>snmp
Description This command configures the port number used by this node to receive SNMP request messages and
to send replies. Note that SNMP notifications generated by the agent are sent from the port specified
in the config>log>snmp-trap-group>trap-target CLI command.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
Default 161
Parameters port-number — The port number used to send SNMP traffic other than traps.
Values 1 — 65535 (decimal)
Syntax packet-size bytes
no packet-size
Context config>system>snmp
Description This command configures the maximum SNMP packet size generated by this node. If the packet size
exceeds the MTU size of the egress interface the packet will be fragmented.
The no form of this command to revert to default.
Syntax snmp
Context config>system
Syntax snmp
Context config>system>snmp>streaming
Description This command enables the proprietary SNMP request/response bundling and TCP-based transport
mechanism for optimizing network management of the router nodes. In higher latency networks,
synchronizing router MIBs from network management via streaming takes less time than
synchronizing via classic SNMP UDP requests. Streaming operates on TCP port 1491 and runs over
IPv4 or IPv6.
Syntax [no] shutdown
Context config>system>snmp>streaming
Description This command administratively disables proprietary SNMP request/response bundling and TCP-
based transport mechanism for optimizing network management of the router nodes..
The no form of the command administratively re-enables SNMP request/response bundling and TCP-
based transport mechanism.
Default shutdown
Syntax [no] shutdown
Context config>system>snmp
Description This command administratively disables SNMP agent operations. System management can then only
be performed using the command line interface (CLI). Shutting down SNMP does not remove or
change configuration parameters other than the administrative state. This command does not prevent
the agent from sending SNMP notifications to any configured SNMP trap destinations. SNMP trap
destinations are configured under the config>log>snmp-trap-group context.
This command is automatically invoked in the event of a reboot when the processing of the
configuration file fails to complete or when an SNMP persistent index file fails while the bof persist
on command is enabled.
The no form of the command administratively enables SNMP which is the default state.
Default no shutdown
access group
Syntax [no] access group group-name security-model security-model security-level security-
level [context context-name [prefix-match]] [read view-name-1] [write view-name-2]
[notify view-name-3]
Context config>system>security>snmp
Description This command creates an association between a user group, a security model, and the views that the
user group can access. Access parameters must be configured unless security is limited to the
preconfigured access groups and views for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. An access group is defined by a
unique combination of the group name, security model and security level.
Access groups are used by the usm-community command.
Access must be configured unless security is limited to SNMPv1/SNMPv2c with community strings
(see the community on page 308).
Default access group configurations cannot be modified or deleted.
To remove the user group with associated, security model(s), and security level(s), use:
no access group group-name
To remove a security model and security level combination from a group, use:
no access group group-name security-model {snmpv1 | snmpv2c | usm} security-level {no-auth-
no-privacy | auth-no-privacy | privacy}
Default none
The context-name is treated as either a full context-name string or a context name prefix
depending on the keyword specified (exact or prefix).
prefix-match — Specifies the context name prefix-match keywords, exact or prefix.
The VPRN context names begin with a vprn prefix. The numerical value is associated with the
service ID that the VPRN was created with and identifies the service in the service domain. For
example, when a new VPRN service is created such as config>service>vprn 2345 customer 1, a
VPRN with context name vprn2345 is created.
The exact keywork specifies that an exact match between the context name and the prefix value
is required. For example, when context vprn2345 exact is entered, matches for only vprn2345
are considered.
The prefix keyword specifies that only a match between the prefix and the starting portion of
context name is required. If only the prefix keyword is specified, simple wildcard processing is
used. For example, when context vprn prefix is entered, all vprn contexts are matched.
Default exact
read view-name — Specifies the keyword and variable of the view to read the MIB objects.
This command must be configured for each view to which the group has read access.
Default none
write view-name — Specifies the keyword and variable of the view to configure the contents of the
This command must be configured for each view to which the group has write access.
Values Up to 32 characters
notify view-name — specifies keyword and variable of the view to send a trap about MIB objects.
This command must be configured for each view to which the group has notify access.
Values none
Syntax attempts [count] [time minutes1] [lockout minutes2]
no attempts
Context config>system>security>snmp
Description This command configures a threshold value of unsuccessful SNMP connection attempts allowed in a
specified time frame. The command parameters are used to counter denial of service (DOS) attacks
through SNMP.
If the threshold is exceeded, the host is locked out for the lockout time period.
If multiple attempts commands are entered, each command overwrites the previously entered
The no form of the command resets the parameters to the default values.
Default attempts 20 time 5 lockout 10 — 20 failed SNMP attempts allowed in a 5 minute period with a 10
minute lockout for the host if exceeded.
Parameters count — The number unsuccessful SNMP attempts allowed for the specified time.
Default 20
Values 1 — 64
time minutes1 — The period of time, in minutes, that a specified number of unsuccessful attempts
can be made before the host is locked out.
Default 5
Values 0 — 60
lockout minutes2 — The lockout period in minutes where the host is not allowed to login.
When the host exceeds the attempted count times in the specified time, then that host is locked
out from any further login attempts for the configured time period.
Default 10
Values 0 — 1440
Syntax community community-string [hash | hash2] access-permissions [version SNMP-version]
[src-access-list list-name]
no community community-string [hash | hash2]
Context config>system>security>snmp
Description This command creates SNMP community strings for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c access. This command
is used in combination with the predefined access groups and views. To create custom access groups
and views and associate them with SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c access use the usm-community
When configured, community implies a security model for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c only.
For SNMPv3 security, the access group command on page 306 must be configured.
The no form of the command removes a community string.
Default none
rw — Grants read and write access to all objects in the MIB, using the internal "snmp-rw" access
group and the "no-security" snmp view.
rwa — Grants read and write access to all objects in the MIB, including security, using the
internal "snmp-rwa" access group and the "iso" snmp view.
mgmt — Assigns a unique SMMP community string for SNMP access via the "management"
routing instance. This community uses the internal "snmp-mgmt" access group and the "mgmt"
snmp view.
vpls-mgmt — Assigns a unique SNMP community string for SNMP access via the "vpls-
management" routing instance. This community uses the internal "snmp-vpls-mgmt" access
group and "mgmt-view" snmp view.
version {v1 | v2c | both} — Configures the scope of the community string to be for SNMPv1,
SNMPv2c, or both SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c access.
Default both
list-name — Configures the community to reference a specific src-access-list, which will be used to
validate the source IP address of all received SNMP requests that use this community. Multiple
community, usm-community, or vprn snmp community instances can reference the same src-
Syntax mask mask-value [type {included | excluded} ]
no mask
Description The mask value and the mask type, along with the oid-value configured in the view command,
determines the access of each sub-identifier of an object identifier (MIB subtree) in the view.
Each bit in the mask corresponds to a sub-identifier position. For example, the most significant bit for
the first sub-identifier, the next most significant bit for the second sub-identifier, and so on. If the bit
position on the sub-identifier is available, it can be included or excluded.
For example, the MIB subtree that represents MIB-II is The mask that catches all
MIB-II would be 0xfc or 0b11111100.
Only a single mask may be configured per view and OID value combination. If more than one entry is
configured, each subsequent entry overwrites the previous entry.
Per RFC 2575, View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP), each MIB view is defined by two sets of view subtrees, the included view subtrees,
and the excluded view subtrees. Every such view subtree, both the included and the excluded ones,
are defined in this table. To determine if a particular object instance is in a particular MIB view,
compare the object instance’s object identifier (OID) with each of the MIB view’s active entries in
this table. If none match, then the object instance is not in the MIB view. If one or more match, then
the object instance is included in, or excluded from, the MIB view according to the value of
vacmViewTreeFamilyType in the entry whose value of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree has the most
The no form of this command removes the mask from the configuration.
Default none
Parameters mask-value — The mask value associated with the OID value determines whether the sub-identifiers
are included or excluded from the view. (Default: all 1s)
The mask can be entered either:
• In hex. For example, 0xfc.
• In binary. For example, 0b11111100.
Note: If the number of bits in the bit mask is less than the number of sub-identifiers in the MIB
subtree, then the mask is extended with ones until the mask length matches the number of sub-
identifiers in the MIB subtree.
type {included | excluded} — Specifies whether to include or exclude MIB subtree objects.
included - All MIB subtree objects that are identified with a 1 in the mask are available in the
view. (Default: included).
excluded - All MIB subtree objects that are identified with a 1 in the mask are denied access in
the view. (Default: included).
Default included
Syntax snmp
Context config>system>security
Description This command creates the context to configure SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3 parameters.
Syntax src-access-list list-name
no src-access-list list-name
Context config>system>security>snmp
Description This command is used to identify a list of source IP addresses that can be used to validate SNMPv1
and SNMPv2c requests once the list is associated with one or more SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c
An src-address-list referenced by one or more community instances is used to verify the source IP
addresses of an SNMP request using the community regardless of which VPRN/VRF interface (or
‘Base’ interface) the request arrived on. For example, if an SNMP request arrives on an interface in
vprn 100 but the request is referencing a community, then the source IP address in the packet would
be validated against the src-address-list configured for the community. This occurs regardless of
whether the request is destined to a VPRN interface address and the VPRN has SNMP access
enabled, or the reques is destined to the base system address via GRT leaking. If the request’s source
IP address does not match the ip-address of any of the src-hosts contained in the list, then the request
will be discarded and logged as an SNMP authentication failure.
Using src-access-list validation can have an impact on the time it takes for an SR OS node to reply to
an SNMP request. It is recommended to keep the lists short, including only the addresses that are
needed, and to place SNMP managers that send the highest volume of requests, such as the
5620 SAM, at the top of the list.
You can configure a maximum of 16 src-access-lists. Each src-access-list can contain a maximum of
16 src-hosts.
The no form of this command removes the named src-access-list. You cannot remove an src-access-
list that is referenced by one or more community instances.
Default none
Parameters list-name — Configures the name or key of the src-access-list. The list-name parameter must begin
with a letter (a-z or A-Z).
Syntax src-host host-name address ip-address
no src-host host-name
Context config>system>security>snmp>src-access-list
Description This command is used to configure a source IP address entry that can be used to validate SNMPv1
and SNMPv2c requests.
The no form of this command removes the specified entry.
Default none
Syntax usm-community community-string group group-name [src-access-list list-name]
no usm-community community-string
Context config>system>security>snmp
Description This command is used to associate a community string with an SNMPv3 access group and its view.
The access granted with a community string is restricted to the scope of the configured group.
Alcatel-Lucent’s SR OS implementation of SNMP uses SNMPv3. In order to implement SNMPv1
and SNMPv2c configurations, several access groups are predefined. In order to implement SNMP
with security features (Version 3), security models, security levels, and USM communities must be
explicitly configured. Optionally, additional views which specify more specific OIDs (MIB objects in
the subtree) can be configured.
The no form of this command removes a community string.
Default none
Syntax view view-name subtree oid-value
no view view-name [subtree oid-value]
Context config>system>security>snmp
Description This command configures a view. Views control the accessibility of a MIB object within the
configured MIB view and subtree. Object identifiers (OIDs) uniquely identify MIB objects in the
subtree. OIDs are organized hierarchically with specific values assigned by different organizations.
Once the subtree (OID) is identified, a mask can be created to select the portions of the subtree to be
included or excluded for access using this particular view. See the mask command. The view(s)
configured with this command can subsequently be used in read, write, and notify commands which
are used to assign specific access group permissions to created views and assigned to particular
access groups.
Multiple subtrees can be added or removed from a view name to tailor a view to the requirements of
the user access group.
The no view view-name command removes a view and all subtrees.
The no view view-name subtree oid-value removes a sub-tree from the view name.