Mwedc Lab
Mwedc Lab
Mwedc Lab
Microwave Bench:
The micro wave test bench incorporates a range of instruments
capable of allowing all types of measurements that are usually required
for a microwave engineer .The bench is capable of being assembled or
disassembled in a number of ways to suit individual experiments .A
general block diagram of the test bench comprising its different units and
ancillaries are shown bellow.
Crystal Measuring
Power D I
S e n
u t s
p e t
MW Variable Frequency Slotted
p Isolator c Component r
l A m It uu
sy t e so nm
Department of ECE MLRIT 1 t t LABORATORYo
MWE & DC de
i e e l en
l n r a rt
l u t
1. Klystron Power Supply:
Klystron Power Supply generates voltages required for driving the
reflex Klystron tube like 2k25 .It is stable, regulated and short circuit
protected power supply. It has built on facility of square wave and
saw tooth generators for amplitude and frequency modulation. The beam
voltage ranges from 200V to 450V with maximum beam current.50mA.
The provision is given to vary repeller voltage continuously from
-270V DC to -10V.
2. Gunn Power Supply:
Gunn Power Supply comprises of an electronically regulated power
supply and a square wave generator designed to operate the Gunn
oscillator and PIN Modulator. The Supply Voltage ranges from 0 to 12V
with a maximum current, 1A.
e = electron charge
m = mass of the electron
Fig: 1 Reflex Klystron Tube
The repeller, which is placed at a short distance from the resonator grids, is kept at
negative potential with respect to cathode. And consequently it retards and
finally reflects the electrons which then turn back through the resonator
Basic Theory of Operation:
To understand the operation of this device, assume that the
resonator cavity is oscillating slightly, causing an AC potential, say
V1sinωt in addition to Vo, to appear across the cavity grids. These initial
oscillations could be cause by any small disturbance in the electron beam.
In the presence of the RF field, the electrons which traverse towards the
repeller will acquire the velocity
2e(Vo V 1sin wt )
3.Gunn oscillator:
Gunn oscillator uti1izes Gunn diode which works on the principle that when a
DC voltage is applied across a sample of n - type Gallium Arsenide; the
current oscillates at .microwave frequencies. This does not need high
voltage as it is necessary for Klystrons and therefore solid state oscillators
are now finding wide applications. Normally, they are capable of
delivering 0.5 watt at 10GHz, but as the frequency of operation is
increased the microwave output power gets considerably reduced.
Gunn oscillators can also be' used as modulated microwave sources.
The modulation is generally provided by means of a PIN diode. PIN diode
is a device whose resistance varies with the bias applied to it. When
waveguide line is shunted with PIN diode and the diode is biased
positively, it presents a very high impedance thereby not affecting the line
appreciably. However, it is negatively biased, it offers a very low
impedance, almost short-circuit thereby reflecting the microwave power
4 .Isolator:
This un attenuated device permits un attenuated transmission in one direction
(forward direction) but provides very high attenuation in the reverse
direction {backward direction). This is generally used between the source
and rest of the set up to avoid overloading of the source due to reflected
8. Matched Load:
The microwave components which absorb all power falling on them
are matched loads. These consist of wave guide sections of definite length
having tapered resistive power absorbing materials. The matched loads are
essentially used to test components and circuits for maximum power
9. Short Circuit Termination:
Wave guide short circuit terminations provide standard reflection at
any desired, precisely measurable positions. The basic idea behind it is to
provide short circuit by changing reactance of the terminations.
10. VSWR meter:
Direct-reading VSWR meter is a low-noise tuned amplifier
voltmeter calibrated in db and VSWR for use with square law detectors. A
typical SWR meter has a standard tuned frequency of 100-Hz, which is of
course adjustable over a range of about 5 to 10 per cent, for exact
matching in the source modulation frequency. Clearly the source of power
to be used while using SWR meter must be giving us a 1000-Hz square
wave modulated output. The band width facilitates single frequency
measurements by reducing noise while the widest setting accommodates a
sweep rate fast enough for oscilloscope presentation.
For precise attenuation measurements, a high accuracy 60 db attenuator is included
with an expand offset feature that allows any 2 db range to be expanded to
full scale for maximum resolution. Both crystal and bolometer may be
used in conjunction with the SWR meter. There is provision for high
(2,500-10,000 ohm) and low (50-200 ohm) impedance crystal inputs.
11.Crystal Detector:
The simplest and the most sensitive detecting element is a
microwave crystal. It is a nonlinear, non reciprocal device which rectifies
the received signal and produces a current proportional to the power input.
Since the current flowing through the crystal is proportional to the square
of voltage, the crystal is rejoined to as a square law detector. The square
law detection property of a crystal is valid at a low power levels (<10
mw). However, at high and medium power level (>10 mw), the crystal
gradually becomes a linear detector.
2) If a wave is fed into H - arm, it will be divided equally between port 1 & port 2 of the
collinear arms and will not appear at E - arm.
3) If a wave is fed into E - arm, it will produce an output of equal magnitude and opposite phase
at port
- 1 and port 2. The output at H - arm is zero.
4) If a wave is fed into one of the collinear arms at port 1 or port 2, it will not appear in the other
collinear arm at port 2 or 1, because E - am1 causes a phase delay while the H - arm causes a
0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1
[S] =
2 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
Fig. (a): Magic Tee
(b): Cut way rear view of a wave guide E-H Tee.
The hybrid tee can be used
1) In impedance bridges
2) As antenna duplexer
3) As Mixer
4) As modular, etc.
Directional Coupler (DC):
Directional coupler is a 4 port wave guide junction. It consists of a primary wave
guide and a secondary wave guide connects together through apertures.
These are uni directional devices. Directional couplers are required to
D= 10log10( Pc/Pr) dB
3) Insertion loss: The Ratio, expressed in decibels, of the power incident to the
power transmitted in the main line of the coupler when auxiliary arms are
matched terminated.
I= 10 log 10 ( Pi / Pi1)
Where Pi1 = Received power at the transmitted port
4) Isolation: The ratio, expressed in decibels of the power incident in the main arm to
the backward power coupled in the auxiliary arm, with other ports
matched terminated.
L= 10log10 ( Pi/Pr) dB
A circulator is a passive microwave component which allows complete
transmission from n to (n+ 1) port. Circulator can be constructed with the
help of magic tees & gyrator or directional coupler with phase shifter or
using ferrite material and so on.
A ferrite type circulator employs ferrite material at the center of the junction. This
ferrite post will be magnetized normal to the plane of the junction.
Electromagnetic wave, which propagates through the ferrite material
under goes phase change during its transverse. The phase change is
dependent upon the intensity of the magnetic bias and the length of the
ferrite rod. The bias & dimensions of the ferrite are so chosen, such that
the wave moves unidirectional from n to (n+ 1) port.
The characteristics of the circulator:
1) Insertion loss:
The ratio of power input at port n to the power detected at Port n+1
2) Isolation:
The ratio of power at port n to the power detected at port n-l.
1. Regulated klystron power supply - 1 No
2. Reflex klystron with mount and cooling fan -1 No
3. Isolator -1 No
4. Variable attenuator -1 No
5. Frequency meter/wave meter -1 No
6. Waveguide detector mount with detector -1 No
7. VSWR meter or micro ammeter -1 No
8. Waveguide stands and accessories
Calculate Electronic Tuning Range, i.e., the frequency band from one end of the
mode to Another , from the graph of VR vs frequency
1. Mode charts for Reflex Klystron are drawn.
2. The Electronic tuning range for_______ mode is________
1.Gunn oscillator -1 No
2.Gunn oscillator power supply - 1 No
3.PIN diode modulator - 1 No
4. Ferrite isolator - 1 No
5.Frequency meter - 1 No
6.Attenuator - 1 No
7.Detector with tunable mount - 1 No
8. VSWR meter - 1 No
9. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope - 1 No
10.Coaxial to waveguide adapter - 1 No
11.Cables and accessories
e m
t e
e t
r e
(CRO) r
r Detector
PIN Variable Frequency
Gunn Isolator m
S m A M
O o
us o t e
pc d t t
pi u e e
l l n r
yl a u
t a
o t
r o
1. Set the equipment as shown in Fig. Taking due care for biasing PIN and Gunn
2. Initially set variable attenuator for minimum attenuation.
3. Keep the control knobs for gunn power supply as below
Meter switch - OFF
Gunn bias Knob - Fully anti-clock wise
PIN bias Knob - Fully anti clock wise
PIN mod Frequency - Any position
4. Set the Gunn oscillator micrometer tuning screw at suitable frequency say 9 GHz.
Adjust attenuator for suitable power level.
5. Switch On the Gunn power supply.
(a)Voltage- Current Characteristics:
1. Turn the meter switch of Gunn Power supply to Voltage position.
2. Measure the Gunn diode current corresponding to various Voltages controlled by
Gunn bias knob through the panel meter and meter switch. Do not exceed the bias
voltage above 10 volts. Note the values in table 1.
3. Plot the voltage and current readings on the graph sheet that must be as shown in
fig 5.1.
4. Measure the threshold voltage which corresponds to Maximum current.
NOTE: Do not keep Gunn bias knob position at threshold position for more than 8-
10 Seconds. Reading should be obtained as fast as possible. Otherwise,
due to excessive Heating, Gunn diode may burn.
Tabular Column:
Micrometer reading when bottom of square wave coincides with reference (m1) =
Corresponding reading of VSWR meter for m1 (P1) = Micrometer reading when top of
square wave coincides with same reference (m2) = Corresponding reading
of VSWR meter for m2 (P2) = Modulation depth of PIN modulator = (P2-
4. Compare and contrast Gunn diode oscillator with a reflex klystron Oscillator
To calculate the Isolation, coupling coefficients, and directivity,
Matched Indicating
t m
e e
3 r t
Reflex Frequency m e
Slotted Directional i Mount
K Isolator Attenuator Meter r
l 1 S 2 Cn d
e oa
y e
c ut
s Fig: 1 t
t pi
t e
i lo
o en c
n r t
Oscillator o
To determine the standing-wave ratio and reflection coefficient
Klystron tube - 1No
Klystron power supply - 1No
Isolator - 1No
Frequency meter - 1No
Variable attenuator - 1No
Klystron mount - 1No
Waveguide stands
SWR meter - 1No
Slotted line - 1No
Tunable probe - 1No
Movable short/termination or any unknown load - 1No
BNC cables
S-S Tuner. -1No
The electromagnetic field at any point of transmission line, may be
considered as the sum of two Traveling waves: the ‘incident wave’
propagates from generator and the ‘reflected wave’ propagates towards
the generator. The reflected wave is set up by reflection of incident wave
from a discontinuity on the line or from the load impedance. The
magnitude and phase of reflected wave depends upon amplitude and phase
of the reflecting impedance. The presence of two traveling waves gives
rise to standing wave along the line. The maximum field strength is found
where two waves are in phase and minimum where they are in opposite
Further, the ratio of the reflected to the incident electric field intensities is defined as
reflection coefficient, i.e.,
when E max = E min , i.e., there is no reflection [E R = 0], the resulting VSWR=1.00,
this is the requirement of a ‘matched circuit’. In other words, under given
ideal conditions, the VSWR of a matched load is 1.00. Under extreme
mismatch conditions, E min =0, i.e., total reflection, [E R = E I ], the
Klystron Reflex Frequency Slotted r
Power K Isolator Attenuator Meter L T
s l
i u
u y n
p s n
e e
p t
Fig Matched r
l r
y o T
n e
1. Equipments are set up as shown in Fig.
Oscillator r
2. Variable attenuator is kept at maximum position. i
3. Control knobs of VSWR meter are kept as below: a
Range db - 40 db/50 db t
Input switch - Impedance low o
Meter switch - Normal
Gain (Coarse-Fine) - Mid position approx.
4. The control knobs of Klystron power supply are kept as below:
Meter switch - ‘OFF’
Mode switch - ‘AM’
Beam voltage knob - Fully Anticlockwise
Reflector voltage knob - Fully clockwise
AM frequency & amplitude knob Mid position
5. Klystron power supply, VSWR meter and cooling fan are switched
(a) To calculate the Isolation and coupling coefficients ,
(b) To Verify scattering parameters of a magic tee
Matched Indicating
3 m
m t
Reflex Frequency
ECE MLRITAttenuator 37 Slotted
Magic Tee i Mount e
S n r
l d
e a
y e
c t
t i t
1 2
1) Assemble the set up as shown in fig. 1by connecting mount detector initially instead
of Magic tee.
2) By taking care about Reflex klystron, energize reflex klystron to obtain maximum
power in the VSWR meter.
3) Adjust variable attenuator for reasonable power level say 30db. Record the power
level. This is power level at the output of the slotted section and hence it is
the input power, Pi to the magic tee in the set up
4) Carefully remove the detector set up and insert the magic tee as in the set up with
port 3 and 4 terminated in matched loads.
5) Determine power at port 2 in decibels by noting the change in the output level on the
indicating meter, Let it be P2 .
6) Interchange the positions of the detector set up and matched load and determine
power in db by noting the change in output power level(with reference to
level in step 3) at port 3, Let it be P3
7) Interchange the positions of the detector set up and matched load and determine
power in db by noting the change in output power level (with reference to
level in step 3) at port 4, let it be P4
8) Repeat steps 4 to 7 for port 2, port 3 and port 4.
9) Calculate the Coupling factor, Isolation using the formulas:
a) To calculate the Isolation and coupling coefficients ,
b) To verify the scattering parameters of a Circulator.
1.Regulated klystron power supply -1 No
2.Reflex klystron with mount and cooling fan -1 No
3.Isolator -1 No
4.Variable attenuator -2 No
5.Frequency meter. -1 No
6. Slotted Line section -1 No
7. Tunable probe -1 No
8.Waveguide detector mount with detector -1 No
9.V SWR meter or micro ammeter - 1 No
10. C.R.O - 1 No
11. Waveguide stands and accessories
Setup 1 Setup 2
2. What is an attenuator?
To determine the frequency and wavelength in a rectangular waveguide working
in TE10 mode
Klystron tube -1 No
Klystron power supply -1 No
Klystron mounts -1 No
Isolator -1 No
Frequency meter -1 No
Variable attenuator -1 No
Slotted section waveguide -1 No
Tunable probe -1 No
VSWR meter -1 No
Waveguide stand
Movable short/matched termination. -1 No
λo is free space wavelength, λg is guide wavelength and
λc is cutoff wavelength
For TE10 mode, λc = 2a , where a is broad dimension of waveguide.
To study the pulse code modulation and demodulation and to study the effect on the variation of the
amplitude of modulating signal.
PCM also uses the sampling technique but it differs form the others in that it is a digital
process. That is instead of sending a pulse train capable of continuously varying
one of the parameters the PCM generator produced a series of numbers of digits
each one of the these digits almost always in binary code represents the
approximate amplitude of the signal sample at that instant.
In PCM the total amplitude range which the signal may occupy is divided into number of
standard levels, the actual number of levels is power 2 by a process called
quartering the level actually sent at any sampling time is the nearest standard
level. the digit 7 is sent at the instant of time as a series of pulses corresponding
to number 7 since there are 16 levels 4 binary places are required the number
becomes 0111 and could be sent as OPPP where P= pulse and O no. of pulses.
Actually it is often sent as a binary back to front i.e. as 1110 or PPP0 to make
demodulation easier.
The signal is continuously sampled quantized coded and sent as each sample amplitude is
connected to the nearest standard amplitude and into the corresponding back to
front binary number provide soggiest quartering levels are used, the result
cannot be distinguished form that of analog transmission.
A signaling bit is generally added to each code group representing a quantized sample. Hence
each group of pulsed denoting a sample here called a word is expressed by
means of n+1 bits whiter 2n is the chosen number of standard levels.
PCM requires very complex encoding quartering circuitry. PCM requires a large bandwidth
compared to analog systems the main application of PCM is telegraphy the use
of PCM is broadband network of advanced countries is increasing by leaps and
bounders PCM also finds use in space communications.
v= 5 – (Decimal * 5/128)
5. Observe the demodulated output voltage in Multimeter.
To study differential Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation by sending variable frequency sine
wave and variable D.C. signal inputs.
PCM also uses the sampling technique but it differs form the others in that it is a digital
process. That is instead of sending a pulse train capable of continuously varying
one of the parameters the pcm generator produced a series of numbers of digits
each one of the these digits almost always in binary code represents the
approximate amplitude of the signal sample at that instant.
In PCM the total amplitude range which the signal may occupy is divided into number of
standard levels, the actual number of levels is power 2 by a process called
quartering the level actually sent at any sampling time is the nearest standard
level. The digit 7 is sent at the instant of time as a series of pulses corresponding
to number 7 since there are 16 levels 4 binary places are required the number
becomes 0111 and could be sent as OPPP where P= pulse and O no. Of pulses.
Actually it is often sent as a binary back to front i.e. as 1110 or PPP0 to make
demodulation easier.
The signal is continuously sampled quantized coded and sent as each sample amplitude is
connected to the nearest standard amplitude and into the corresponding back to
1. Define DPCM
2. How DPCM is generated
3. What is the draw back of DPCM
4. Compare DPCM with delta modulation 5. What is the application of DPCM
5. DPCM is which type of modulation.
To study the delta Modulation and Demodulation process
Delta Modulation and Demodulation Trainer kit.
BNC probes
Patch cards.
1. Define D.M.
To study the time division multiplexing by applying different band limited
signals to time division multiplexer. Apply the multiplexed output to
Demultiplexer and observe the individual signals.
Each input signal is first restricted in bandwidth by a low pass anti aliening
filter to remove the frequencies that are non-essential to an adequate signal
representation. The low pass filter outputs are then applied to commentator,
which is usually implanted using electronic switching circuitry the function of
the commutator is two fold.
The operation of TDM is observed and the output waveforms are verified.
1. Define TDM.
2. Which principle is used in TDM
3. Compare TDM with FDM
4. In which area TDM is applicable
5. Explain the generation of TDM
6. Compare PAM & TDM
7. What is the function of commentator
8. What is the function of De commentator
9. Give the application of TDM.
To study the operation of phase Shift Key Modulation and Demodulation.
1. Define PSK?
2. Explain the generation proven of PSK?
3. Differentiate PSK & PM?
4. Give the application of PSK?
5. PSK is which type of modulation?
6. Compare PSK & FSK?
7. Give the advantages PSK?
To observe the variation in amplitude of carrier signal corresponding to applied
binary sequence.
The binary ASK system was one of the earliest forms of digital modulation used
in wireless telegraphy. In a system transmitting a sinusoidal carrier wave of
fixed amplitude Ac and fixed frequency Fc represents binary symbol. For the bit
1. Define ASK?
2. Explain the generation proven of ASK?
3. Differentiate ASK & AM?
4. Give the application of ASK?
5. ASK is which type of modulation?
6. Compare ASK & FSK?
7. Give the advantages ASK?
To study the various steps involved in generating the differential binary signal and
differential phases shift keyed signal at the modulator end and recovering the
binary signal from the received DPSK signal.
DPSK modulations and demodulation trainer kit
BNC probes
Patch cards
The differential signal to the modulating signal is generated using an Exclusive OR gate and
1-bit delay circuit (It is shown in figure). CD4051 is an analog multiplexer to
which carrier is applied with and without 1800 phase shift (created by using an
operational amplifier connected in inverting amplifier mode) to the two inputs of
the ICTL084. Differential signal generated by Ex-OR gate (IC7486) is given to
the multiplier’s control signal input. Depending upon the level of control signal,
carrier signal applied with or without phase shift is steered to the output.1- bit
delay generation of differential signal to the input is created by using a D- flip-
flop (IC7474).
During the demodulation, the DPSK signal is converted into a +5V Square Wave signal using
a transistor and is applied to one input of an EX-OR gate. To the second input of
the gate, carrier signal is applied after conversion into a +5 V signal. So the EX-
1. What is the difference between PSK&DPSK?
2. What is the band width requirement of a DPSK?
3. Explain the operation of DPSK detection?
4. What are the advantages of DPSK?
5. What is meant by differential encoding?
6. In Differential encoding technique which type of logic gates are used?