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An Investigation Concerning Optimal Design of Solid Elastic Plates

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of Solii Mechanics,TheTechnicalUniversityof Denmark.Lyngby,Denmark

(Received 21 February 1980; in rcDistd

jomt 24 June 1980)

Ahdrac-WC considerthe problemof maximiingthe integralstillnessof solidelasticplatesdescribedby

thin pkte thnory.Assumingthe materialvolumeandplatedomainto be given,we use the platethkltncss
functionas the design variabkand tahc both maximumand minimumallowabkthichncssvalues into
account.On PIEbasisof a convenknttensorialformulationof the problem,wherethe governingequations
arc derivedby variationalanalysisand constitutencccssaryconditionsfor stationarity,we developan
clRckntand quite gcnaralnumericalalgorithmby meansof whicha numberof stationarysolutionsfor
Manguhu audaxlsynlmetricannukrplateswithvariousboumkryconditionsam obtained.
T&K 0umcrlcaIrasultsenabk us to invcstigatcthe optimizationprobkmitaelfin termsof its major
parameters, partkuMy the maximumandminimumvafucsspccifkdfor the platethickness.Forprobkms
assoc&d withkrgc ratiosbetweentheseconstraintvalues,platedesignswithsign&antintegralstifhers
arc obtained.We lindhowever,thatthcsa designsarc only local optimaand thata globaloptimalplate
thkltn~ functiondoesgenerallyneitherexist withinthe classof smoothfunctionsnorwithinthe classof
smoothfunctionswith a 6nitc numberof discontinuitics. In orderto determinea globaloptimalsolution
associatedwith given thichnessconstraintvalues,it is thereforem to changathe optimaldesign
formulation.Withimplkationsfor a numberof similartwodimensionaloptimizationproblems,ourresults
offervaluableindicationsof the liis alongwhichsuchchangesshouldbe performed.

Optimal design problems for thin, solid elastic plates of non-uniform thickness are considerably
complicated by an inherent cubic relationship between the plate bending rigidity and thickness.
This non-linear relationship is the cause of the difficulty [l-31that the field equations for
stationarity are only necessary conditions for optimality and do not ensure global optimality of
a possible solution. Moreover, due to the cubic relationship mentioned, the governing field
equations for the plate become a highly nonlinear and strongly coupled system of integro-partial
differential equations, the complexity of which readily excludes the possibility of closed form
solutions. The search for solutions and investigations of many sign&ant features of plate
optimization problems as well, must therefore be based on numerical methods specially
developed for these purposes.
Numerical solutions to geometrically unconstrained solid plate optimization problems, i.e.
problems where no constraints are specified for the plate thickness function, are published in
[4-g]. These solutions all have smoothly varying thickness distributions, but as is argued in
different ways in [2,3,7,9-II], plate designs with integral stiffeners will be associated with
more optimal properties. The advantage of a direct use of stiffeners for reinforcement has been
demonstrated in diflerent contexts in [12-161. Smooth, stationary solutions obtained to
geometrically unconstrained formulations for optimal design must consequently be considered
as local optimal solutions, see [2,3,7,9,17,18].
Thus, we are confronted with the paradoxical situation that optimal plate designs must be
expected to have integral stiffeners, but that such solutions have yet not been obtained by
optimization. This paradox is previously studied in 1171by way of introducing suitable
singularities into a geometrically unconstrained plate optimization problem. This problem was
thus shown to possess several local optimal solutions with stiffener-likethickness distributions
between the singularities.It was also found in [17’lthat the optimal characteristics of the local
optimal solutions increase rapidly with the number of stiffeners contained in the solutions, but
that a global optimal solution does not exist when no constraints are prescribed for the plate
thickness function. The latter result is later contlrmed mathematicallyin [2,3].
It is the objective of the present paper to investigate a reformulation of the plate
optimization problem, where both maximum and minimum constraints are considered for the

fromthe Dept.of !Iolii Mcchanlcs,TheDaliin Englnccring
Institute,Dalii, ThePeople’sRepublicof China.


plate thickness function. As before, the available volume, material, domain and boundary
conditions for the plate are assumed to be given. We consider the problem of maximizingthe
stiffness (minimizingthe compliance) subject to a given transverse load distribution on the
plate. To some extent, this problem is less complicated than designing with respect to other
objectives, but it contains all the significant features that are inherent in optimal design of
plates. Maximum stiffness design of solid plates has previously been considered in
[3,4,8,11,16, B-211, of sandwich plates in [22,23]and of other structures in, e.g. [24-261.
In Section 1, we state the plate equations and three sets of homogeneous boundary
conditions in tensor form. This is the outset for the derivation in Section 2 of a general set of
necessary conditions for optimality from the principle of minimum potential energy by
variational analysis. In Section 3, we then develop a stable and effective numerical solution
procedure based on successive iterations, which can be used for any particular coordinate
system chosen for the plate. In Section 4 the set of tensorial governing equations are
specializedto Cartesian coordinates and solved for simply supported and clamped rectangular
plates by means of the aforementioned numerical procedure. Using polar coordinates as a
reference frame in Section 5, we present a number of results for axisymmetric annular plates
with various combinations of boundary conditions. Here, the loading is assumed to vary
harmonically in the circumferential direction, which implies that the governing equations for
optimality are reduced to a set of ordinary integro-differentialequations.
The numerical results presented in Sections 4 and 5 display significantfeatures: a definitive
tendency towards formation of stiffeners and the existence of different local optimal plate
designs. Furthermore, for problems associated with large ratios between the maximum and
minimum thickness constraints, a global optimal design does not seem to exist within the class
of thickness functions considered in the present formulation; our results indicate, as is
discussed in Section 6, that such a design should be sought within a class of plates that has an
infinite number of infinitelythin stiffeners.


We consider a thin, solid, elastic plate of variable thickness, whose mid-plane occupies a
given domain 0 with the contour w in the x’ - x2-planeof some three-dimensionalcoordinate
system xi, the x3&s of which is assumed to be perpendicular to the x’ -x*-plane. The plate is
assumed to be loaded transversely by a given static load of intensity p(x’, x2),and the equation
of equilibriumin the x3-directioncan then be written in the general form [27,28]

d,,dsMa8 = p. (1)

Here and in the following, Greek indices take values 1 and 2 and repeated indices imply
In eqn (I), d,, denotes the operator of covariant differentiationwith respect to the coordinate
of index (Y,and Mu8 is the contravariant, second order moment tensor

Ma0 = D{(l - u)d”dflw t uu”~d+Pw}, (2)

where the scalar function w(x”) denotes the plate deflection in the x3-direction, au@is the
contravariant metric tensor for the plate mid-plane coordinates x0 and da = Pd, is the
operator of contravariant differentiation.
The function D(x”) in eqn (2) identifies the plate bending rigidity

D = 12(1- 9). (3)

Within thin plate theory, this is a scalar function (i.e. independent of orientation) and it is noted
to be cubic in the thickness function h(x”) for solid plates. The constants E and Y denote
Young’smodulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively, of the plate material.
concerning optimal design of solid elastic plates 307

By substituting eqn (2) into eqn (1), we obtain the following fourth order, partial differential
equation for the defiection function w(x”) of a plate of variable thickness

At the contour w of the plate, we consider the possibility that either of the following three
sets of linear, homogeneous boundary conditions may be prescribed, namely, the conditions for
a simple supported plate edge

w=o, ~a(w)=O x” E w, @a)

the conditions for a clamped edge

w=o, $(w)=O xa E w, (5b)

or the conditions for a free edge (assuming the plate to be supported elsewhere)

&g(w) = 0, Q(w)= 0 x’ E 0. (W

In (Sb), $ = n”d,,w identifies the scalar slope of the deflection w normal to the curve o, and
in (Sa)and (5c),



represent, respectively, the effective bending moment and the effective (Kirchhoff)shear force
per unit length of the curve o. Here, n, and &,denote, respectively, the outward unit normal
vector and the unit tangential vector in the x’ plane to the curve o.
By means of the expressions for JI, MS and Q given above, and the expression for Ma8 in
eqn (2), all the boundary conditions @a)-(Se)can readily be written in terms of w.


Using the plate thickness function h(x”) as the design variable, it is now our objective to
maximii the integral stillness of the plate subject to a given transverse load distribution p(x”)
and given boundary conditions. This problem is equivalent to minimizationof the compliance

that is, the work done by the applied forces.

The optimization is to be performed under the condition that the total volume of plate

In hdQ
is prescribed. The domain fi and the material constants E and Yof the elastic plate are assumed
to be given as well.
In addition to the integral constraint (9) for our design variable h(x”), we also assume that a
maximum and a minimum allowable value (h, and h+* respectively), are specifiedfor h, i.e.

h,, s h(x”) s h,i”. These inequalityconstraints are easily transformed into equality constraints

hmax-h=U* (10)
h - h,i” = T* (11)

by means of the real slack variables (T(x“)and 7(x9.

We now apply a variational formulation of the optimization problem stated above and
construct an augmented functional r*,

n*=loPwd&/n ~[[d,d,JD{(l - v)d”daw+ vaa6d,dTw}]

-p] dQ tA[I,hdQ-
- A[h - h,,, t u’] dR- K[h,in- h + ~~1 da (12)

where the plate differential eqn (4), the volume constraint (9), the geometric maximum
constraint (10)and minimum constraint (ll), respectively, are adjoined to the functional n of
eqn (8) by means of Lagrangian multipliers 7)(x”), A, h(x”) and K(x*). The principle of
stationary potential energy and the introduction of the Lagrangianmultiplierspermit us to take
independent variations of r* with respect to its variables in the following.
The set of necessary governing equations for our optimization problem now consists of the
Euler-Lagrange equations expressing stationarity of P* for arbitrary admissible variation SW,
Sh, 6a and ST,in addition to the constraint eqns (4), (9), (lo), (1l), and the particular set of
boundary conditions @a),(Sb)or (SC)under consideration.
As is shown in the Appendix, the condition of stationarity of ?r*with respect to variation of
w leads to the result that the Lagrangianmultiplierfunction 7(x“) satisfiesthe same differential
eqn (4) and particular set of boundary conditions (Sa),(Sb)or (SC)as does the function w(x”).
Hence, we have

7)(x”) = w(x”). (13)

When deriving the condition of stationarityt of 1~*with respect to variation of the design
variable h(x”), the so-called opfimality condition, it is useful to write the second integral on the
r.h.s. of eqn (12) in terms of Mu8 by means of eqn (2), and to eliminate q by means of (13).
Performing the variation with subsequent application of the divergence theorem and the
boundary conditions for w(x”) as shown in the Appendix, we arrive at the result


where Ma@ is the moment tensor corresponding to the deflection function w(x”). If we
introduce the design variable h(x”) by means of eqn (3) and redefine LagrangianmultipliersA,
A(x”)and K(x”) by a simple scaling factor, the optimality condition (14) can be written in the

- vM,"M~~]=
h-‘[(l t v)M”‘%~..~ A-A + K. (15)

The variation of s* with respect to u and 7, respectively, gives the switching equations

Au=0 (16)
K7=0. (17)

tTbc conditionis necessarybut not sufficientfor globaloptimality.

An investigation concerning optimal design of solid elastic plates 309

Comparing these equations with the definingeqns (10)and (11)for the slack variabies U(P) and
7(x”), we are able to deduce the following results by studying possible combinations of Q and
7: If a# 0 and 7f; 0, then we have ri = K= 0 and h,, < h c hminri.e. the thickness function is
unconstrained at the point considered. If crf 0 and 7 = 0, then K= 0 and h = hti, that is, the
thickness is constrained from below. If we have cr = 0 and ric 0, then A = 0 and h = h-, i.e. h
is constrained from above. The combination (I = I = 0 is not possible since we assume
h, > k&.
The above results enable us to eliminate the functions A, K, a; 7 and instead introduce the
unions &,, fl, and St,, of su~omains in fi (0 = 0, U Sz, U &,), where the plate thickness
W) is constrained from above, unconstrained and constrained from below, respectively.
Introducing the short-hand notation g for the scalar function

g(P) = (1 + V)WM*# - VM,“M& (18)

we can then write the following convenient formula for the plate thickness function h,

h rnx if (g(x”)/A))‘“rh,,, x’ E n,
h(x*) = (g(x*)~A)I”, x0 f 0, (19)
h,ia if (g(~“)/A)t”~ h&n, x’ E &

where the expression for h in the (unions of) unconstrained s&domain(s) fi, (with A = K= 0)
follows from eqns (15)and (18).
Now we only need a suitable expression for the Lagrangian multiplier A. Substituting eqn
(19)into the volume cons~int (9) and solving for A, we obtain

In summa~, the complete system of necessary co~itions for our optim~~n problem
consists of eqns (2)-(4), (8) and (18)-(20), together with a particular set of the boundary
~nditions @a),Qb) or (SC).This system of eq~tions is seen to ~onsti~te a coupled, non-lint
integro-partial differential boundary value problem with unknown interior boundaries, and
closed form solutions cannot be expected. The principal unknowns to be determined are the
minimum compliance W,the associated deflection w(x*) and the thickness function h(x*), of
the optimal plate, which in turn require determination of the Lagrangian multiplier A and the
subdomains a,, Q, and &,.
The given quantities for a particular problem can be summarized as the following: the type
of coordinate system xi, the plate domain Q with contour o and transverse static load
distribution p(x”), the total plate volume V, the minimum and maximum allowable values hmin
and h, for the plate thickness, and the constants E and v for the plate mate&&


In order to solve the governing non-linear, integro-partial differential boundary value
problem, i.e. eqns (2)-(4), (8) and (18)-(20), which, together with a given set of boundary
conditions (Sa), (5b) or (SC),constitute the mathematical formulation of our plate optimization
probiem, we apply a numerical solution procedure based on successive iterations.
The general iteration scheme ~ns~~t~ and used as a basis for oboist ah the numerical
results presented in this paper has the following form:

START Take h(x”) arbitrarily together with II,, & and &, such that Jo, dil > 0.
I Compute Rx”) by eqn (3).
II Solve w(x*) from discretized version of differential eqn (4) and boundary
conditions (Sa),(Sb)or (5~).
III Compute Ma8 by eqn (2). determine Ma@and M,",
and compute g(x”) by eqn
IV Compute A by eqn (20).
V Determine h(x”) together with fl,,, Q, and &, from eqn (19).
VI Go to IV if h(x”) has not converged in the inner iteration loop IV-VI.
VII Go to I if h(x”) and hence all other iterates have not converged in the main
iteration loop I-VII.
VIII Compute a by eqn (8).

In this scheme, the functions are iterates represented by their discrete values at a number of
fixed mesh points in the domain fl and at its contour o embedded in the x0 plane of a given
coordinate system. For a given set of .meshpoints, the sequence of iterates is found to converge
rapidly towards the numerical solution, especially if the ratio ~,,,.J/I~~is not taken too large
(i.e. greater than about 5). However, as will be outlined and discussed in the subsequent
sections, our numerical study reveals that in some problems, i.e. for given fl, p(x”), V,hminr
h E and v, the numerical solution to the discretized problem is significantlydependent on
thykeness of the grid used in the computations.

When dealing with rectangular plates, it is convenient to select xi as a Cartesian coordinate
system. Then the components of the metric tensor for the plate mid-surface are given by

1 0
a=8= aa== &Q9
= 0 1
{ I9

which implies that no distinction is necessary between contravariant, mixed and covariant
components of similar indices of any Cartesian tensor and that the Christoffel symbols vanish,
such that contravariant and covariant differentiationboth reduce to usual partial differentiation.
Denoting the x’, x2 and x3 axes of the Cartesian coordinate system by x, y and z,
respectively, the compact dilferentialequation (4)for plates of variablethickness can be written
in the familiar expanded form (291

(Dw,), + (Dw,,),, + v(Dw,).,, •t v(Dw,,), + 2(1- v)(Dw,),, = P, (22)

where commasdenote partialdifferentiationwith respect to succeedingcoordinate(s).Equation(2)

can be expressed in the traditional form

M, =D(w,.cx+
vwJ, My,=D(w,~,+
VW,),Mx,=W - v)w,, (23)
where M,(= M" = Ml' = Ml,) and M,,( = M22= M22= Mu)are the physical bending moments
and M,,(= Ml2= M2'= Ml', etc.) the physical twisting moment (all per unit length) in the plate.
The characteristic quadratic expression termed g in eqn (18)can be written out as

g(x”) = (M, + MYJ2+ 2(1+ v)[Mf, - K&l, (24)

and substituting eqn (24) with M,,MIyand M,, given by (23) into eqn US), the optimality
condition reduces to the familiar form [ZO]

h2[(Aw)‘+2(l- v)[w&- wow,,]] =A, (25)

in the unconstrained subdomain a,,. In eqn (25), A denotes the Laplacian operator A( ) =
( )* + ( )JI, and the original Lagrangianmultiplier A has been scaled.
Performing the numerical solution procedure for rectangular plates, we choose the x and y
axes of the Cartesian coordinate system along two intersecting plate edges and introduce a
rectangular grid in the plate domain with equidistant spacing in the x and y directions.
An investigation concerning optimal design of soijd elastic plates 311
To solve the Cartesian version (22)of the plate eqn (4) together with a given set of boundary
conditions in Step II of the iteration scheme outlined in Section 2, a finite difference method is
used. Since stiffener-like thickness variation is to be expected as a result of our optimization,
the finite difference scheme is developed on the basis of low order polynomial approximations
and care has been taken to avoid as much as possible the use of approximations that implicitly
assume continuity and differentiabilityacross the interior boundaries between constrained and
unconstrained subdomains, where first order derivatives of the thickness function and higher
order derivatives of the deflection are discontinuous.

Results and discussion

We now present some thickness distributions obtained for square, solid, elastic plates that
are acted on by uniformly distributed static loading and optimized for maximum stiffness
(minimum compliance).
Fire 1 illustrates a square plate whose edges are all simply supported, and the result
shown in Fii. 2 is for a plate with all edges clamped. The constrained and uncontrained
subdomains for the plate thickness functions are easily identifiedin the figures. Both results are
obtained for a comparatively small ratio, hmx/hmin= 1.5, between the maximum and minimum
thickness constraints, and the volume assigned to the plates is given by hjhmin= 1.25,where h,
designates the thickness corresponding to uniform distribution of the plate volume. Poisson’s
ratio for the plate material is taken to be v = 0.25. The compliance II of the simply supported
plate in Fii. 1 is 82.4%of the compliance or, of a uniform, simply supported plate with the same
volume, side lengths, material and loading and the compliance of the clamped plate in Fig. 2 is
70.7%of the compliance of a corresponding uniform, clamped plate. A grid consisting of 10x 10
equally spaced points for a quarter plate is used in the numerical solution procedure.
The build-up of material in the corner of the simply supported plate in Fig. 1 is noticeable
since it can be shown analytically that the thickness function vanishes along simply supported
edges and particularly at the corner between such edges, if no minimum constraint is specified
for the plate thickness (see Ref. [7,19] for a slightly different problem). However, the physical
conditions at the simply supported plate corner crucially depend on whether or not a minimum
thickness constraint is considered in the formulation for optimal design; in the case where no
minimum constraint is specified, it can be shown by means of an analytical expansion of the
solution in the vicinity of the plate corner, that the concentrated Kirchhoff reaction force in the
comer point is equal to zero. However, if even a very small, but finite, minimum thickness is
considered in the problem, then the Kirchhoff corner force is finite. Now, plate optimization
problems are known to be extremely sensitive with respect to concentrated forces[5,30]; at
points of action of such forces, the thickness function will tend to infinity unless a specified
maximum constraint, as in the present formulation, constrains the thickness function against
such behaviour, uiz. the plate corner in Fig. 2.

Fii. 1. Simply supported square plate, h,/hti = 1.5, h,jh,,,h = 1.25; T/T. = 0.824. A 10x IO grid is used
for a quarter of the plate.

Fig.2. Clampedsquareplate,h&h,+,,= 1.5,hJhtim= 1.25;a/~~=0.707.A 10x 10 grid is used for a

quarterof the plate.

The thickness variations shown in Figs. 1 and 2 are qualitatively very similar to those
published in Ref. [20], where, however, the numerical procedure seems to be less attractive
than the approach developed in the present paper from the point of view of simplicity and
effectivity. In Ref. (201,only results associated with the ratio hmx/hmin= 1.5are presented.
For problems associated with moderate to large h-/hmin ratios, we found that different
local optimal sc?lutionscould be obtained by starting the iterative procedure with different initial
thickness functions, keeping all other input and problem data unchanged. Thus, as was found
for a similar optimization problem[ 171,the present problem, too, seems to possess a number of
local optimal solutions.
For large hmrx/hmin ratios, we obtain thickness distributions with significant stiffeners as
illustrated by the quarter of the calmped plate shown in Fig. 3. This result is associated with
hJh,i, = 2 and hmx/hmin= 6, and the compliance is found to be 21.8%of the compliance of a
corresponding uniform plate. Concerning the stiffeners, we should like to underline that they
are formed automatically by the optimization, that is, except for the total plate volume and
thickness constraints, no constraints, e.g. conditions concerning location, number or width of
the stiffeners, are imposed.
The solution shown in Fig. 3 is associated with the highest integral stiffness (smallest
compliance)from among other stationary solutions obtained for the given set of problem data.
In fact, the solution is determined by an incremental procedure of “optimal structural
remodeling”[31],where a uniform plate of thickness hminis taken as the starting structure, and
where fractions of the total plate volume V are successively applied for optimal improvement
of the structure obtained from the previous step of remodeling,until the entire availablevolume
V is used. For large h,,,Jhminvalues and a given plate grid, this approach generallyseems to lead
directly to the “best” local optimal solution and to demand less computer time than the
procedure considered previously, where all the available volume of plate material is applied at
one time.

plate corner / clomped edge

Fig.3. Quarter of clamped square plate, h,,,,,,/hmin

= 6, hJ&in = 2; w/rr. = 0.218. A 10 X 10 Hd is used Ior
the quarter plate.
An investigationconcerningoptimaldesignof solidelasticplates 313

However, the numerical solution for the clamped plate in Fig. 3 cannot be designated as the
final answer to the problem considered, because we have found that solutions associated with
large h,/trti, ratios are significantly dependent on the fineness of the grid used in the
numerical solution procedure. The result in Fig. 3 is obtained on the basis of 10x 10 equally
spaced grid points for one quarter of the plate. If we solve precisely the same problem as in Fig.
3, but use 20 x 20 equally spaced grid points for the quarter plate, we obtain the result shown in
Fig. 4,t where more stiffeners are formed, and where the compIiance is now 20.4% of the
compliance of the uniform reference plate.
Thus, if finer and finer grids are used, we find decreasing compliances and that more and
more stiffeners are formed. These stiffeners become thinner and thinner since V, h,, and hmin
are not changed. Increasing the grid fineness, a possible limiting design could not be obtained
within the capacity of our computer and probably cannot be found at all. Thus, the present
formulation of the optimization problem does not seem to possess a global optimal solution if
&J&i. is large.

In order to study the fundamental questions concerning the behaviour of numerical
solutions and the very fo~~tion of opt~~tion problems for solid plates in greater detail,
we shall now use a polar coordinate system r, 8 for reasons of convenience that will be
apparent in the sequel. Taking r = x1 and 8 =x2, the metric tensor for the plate mid-plane


which implies that from among the Christoffel symbols


only the following will be different from zero,


Using now the general rule for covariant differentiation of tensors, we find that the
cont~v~nt, mixed and covariant components of the moment tensor in eqn (2) can be


plot0 corner /
Fii 4. Quarterof a clampedsquarepIate,h_//cw =6.~~hJlt,~2;da,=0.204.A20x20gridisuswlfor
the quarter plate.

tft is interesti to note that this result has 8 rtmarkable similarity with a result obtain& by Prof+Pmgerf321
fora quite
d&rent problem, namely minimum-weight design of rechqph grihges againstplasticmliapae;the distributionof
stilknen in Fii 4 of the present paper strongly resembles the optimal beamlayoutin Pii 4b of Ref. [32].

ss Vol. 17. No. 3-D


expressed in terms of the deflection w and plate rigidity D as follows,


M== = r-‘M; = r-4M,2 = D~-‘(w~~+; ,,+$ w,~)

M’2 = M2i = M,2 = r-2M

21-- r-2M,2= r-‘Ml, = (I- v)Dr-’ (f w,@) . (29)

Along a curve r = const, the Kirchhoff shear force in eqn (7) has the form Q = - Mff+
rM” - r-'M"-2M!e' and corresponds physically to the radial (Kirchhoff) shear force Q, per
unit length. By means of (29),this quantity can be expressed by w and D as

Qr= -,,(w,,tr,,t;,,)-D(,,t$,,t~w,~),~
-(l-~)D;(;w,~) -2(1-v)D,4;wc),;

The physical moment components, i.e. radial bending moment Mm tangential bending
moment MB0and twisting moment Mti = MB,(a!!per unit length) are defined as follows in terms
of the mixed moment tensor components, and can be expressed by w and D as

Mm=M,‘=D w,,+$wB&w,es
, MBB=M22=D vw.,,t;w,,t~w,,
( ) ( >

I& = MB,= I.~M,~M~‘)= (l- v)D (; w,#) . (31)


Via eqns (29),the function g in eqn (18)is seen to take the following form in terms of the
physical moments,

g(x”)=(M,t Mee)2t2(1t v)[Mf- MJ&]. (32)

By means of eqns (26)-(32)it would now !.x a simple task to specializethe governingtensor
equations for our plate optimization problem to a genera! description in polar coordinates, but
this will be omitted here.
Instead, we shall from now on assume that the plate is rotationally symmetric, i.e. that its
thickness h and bending rigidity D depend only on the distance r from the symmetry axis,
implying h = h(r) and D = D(r). Furthermore, we shall limit outselves to considering load
distribution functions p(r, 0) of the special type

p(r, 0) = f(r) cos n0, (33)

where f is a given function that only depends on r and where n is a given integer. Equation (33)
thus models a rotationally symmetric load distribution for n = 0, whereas eqn (33) for n # 0
models a load p(r, 8) that has the trace f(r) for B= 0 and varies harmonically with B in the
circumferential direction. Assuming the boundary conditions to be homogeneous, the plate
deflection function w(r, 0) then has the simple form

w(r, e) = u(r) cos ne. (34)

The assumptions introduced here offer the mathematical simplificationthat the governing
non-linear partial diflerentia! equations of our optimization problem reduce to ordinary
differential equations after a separation of variables and this means in turn that much less
computer space and time are required for the numerical solution procedure. These sim-
An investigation concerning optimal design of solid elastic plates 315

plifications do not impede our further study of plate stiffener formation; the rotationally
symmetric piate possesses the possibility of increasing its stiffness against circumferentially
varying loads p(r, 6) by forming concentric, circumferential stiffeners that may effectively
counteract the circumferential curvatures of the deflection function w(r, 0).
Now, substituting (29)with w given by (34) into the equ~~~urn eqn (f), cos n6 factors out
and we obtain an ordinary differential equation for the plate rigidity function D(r) and the
e-inde~ndent part u(r) of the deflation function. After some manipulation, this eq~tion can
be written in the comparatively compact form

where primes denote differentiation with respect to r. Equation (35) replaces eqn (4) in the
formulation of our new optimization problem.
For dedection functions in the form (34),the stress resultants in eqns (30)and (31)reduce to

Q, = B cos n8, M, = m,, cos n8, Mw = mw cos no, Mu = m, sin nt$ (36)

respectively, where the &independent parts of the stress resultants are given by

In order to establish the optimality condition, we now substitute eqn (311,with M, M,, and
Me given by eqns (36), into (A201and perform a separate ~te~tion over 8 in the interval
0 s 8 s 2n; thereby ruling out @dependence. Upon applying the usual argument from the
calculus of variations, using qn (3) and scaling Lagrangian multipliers A, A and rc,we obtain
the optimality condition in the form

h-'[(m, 2(1+ v)(m2, - mAr)J = A-A f K

t m&'-t (38)

which takes the place of eqn (15)for the present problem.

De&&g the function g as

g(r) = (m, + 48 + 20 + MS - wh), (39)

from now on, we instead of qn (19)obtain the formula

for the optimal, symmetrical plate thickness function k(r). Here, r,, r,, and rd denote the
unions of subinte~~s for the radial distance r, where the plate thickness is onset from
above, unconstrained and constrained from below, respectively,

Finally, substituting eqn (40)into eqn (9) and solving for A, we obtain the formula

g(r)“4r dr
r dr - h,,, rdr
I ‘Cd

which takes the place of eqn (20)for our new problem.

As objects of optimization, we now consider annular plates with various combinations of
boundary conditions at their inner and outer circular edges. In accordance with eqns (5a-c) we
deal with simply supported, clamped and free plate edges, and in the present notation
corresponding boundary conditions can be expressed as

u(r*) = 0, m,( r*) = 0 (42a)

u(r*) = 0, u’(r*) = 0 (42b)
m,(r*) = 0, q,(r*) = 0, (42~)

respectively, where q, and m, are given in terms of u and D by eqns (37)and where r* denotes
the radius of the inner or the outer plate edge.
In the iterative solution procedure of Section 2, where u now replaces w,we in Step II solve
the present version (35) of the plate equilibrium equation (4) by means of the finite element
method, sub-dividing the distance between the inner and outer plate edges by means of a
number of equally spaced nodal points, where the deflection u and slope u’ are used as the
nodal unknowns, and where continuity is imposed on these quantities. Each element between
two adjacent nodal points has a constant thickness and its shape function for the deflection u is
taken to be a complete third order polynomium. This approach is chosen because the different
boundary conditions (42a-c)are easily imposed, and because it admits thickness jumps between
neighbouringelements, which is a behaviour the plate may tend to exhibit.
When the deflection function u(r) is determined in Step II, we in Step III compute m, mee
and m,, by means of eqns (37) and the function g(r) by eqn (39). In Step IV, A is then
determined by eqn (41).The computation of the new values of the constant thicknesses of the
elements in Step IV is performed by means of eqn (40) on the basis of determining for each
element sub-intervala constant, properly averaged value of the function g in eqn (39).

Results and discussion

We now present a number of numerical results obtained for annular plates acted on by load
distributions (33) with f constant and n a given integer. In all the examples, the inner plate
radius is taken to be one-fifth of the outer radius, the ratio between the thickness constraints is
hmx/hmin= 5, and the total plate volume is given via the ratio hJh,s = 1.6579,where h, is the
plate thickness corresponding to a uniform distribution of the available volume over the plate
area. Poisson’s ratio of the plate material is taken to be v = 0.25. In the following we state the
compliance g of an optimized plate as a fraction of the compliance ?r, of a corresponding
uniform plate that has the same loading, boundary conditions, total volume and inner and outer
plate radii and that is made of the same material.
Figures S(a)-(i) illustrate numerical solutions for annular plates with the nine possible
combinations of clamped, simply supported and free inner and outer plate edges. Each solution
is illustrated by a radial section through the plate, together with the B-independentpart u(r) of
the deflection function. All the results are associated with the load wave number n = 4 and 100
elements are used in the numerical procedure. It is noted that circumferential stiffeners are
formed in all the plates, and it is also interesting that some of the plates with simply supported
and free edges build up ring-shapededge reinforcements that reduce the slope of the deflection.
To investigate the influenceof the load wave number n on the numerical results, we take the
clamped-clampedplate as an example and first optimize it subject to n = 6 and 10,respectively,
again using 100elements. The results are shown in Figs. 6(a)-(b),and may be compared with
the result for n = 4 in Fig. 5(a).As is to be expected, the number of stiffeners tends to increase
An investigation concerning optimal design of solid elastic p!ates 317



! ‘\

.---.-* ______

Id Ill


Fii 5. Rdta of ~~~ annularplatesof ditkent boundarya&ions. Solid CIrvesshow “4’“’

sectionsthroughthe plates and dashed-dotted lines indicalethe r&dependentpart Y of the deflectmn
functions.The load and detlectionwove numbern in the circumfenntialdirectionis quai to 4 in each
example.The imw plateradii is one-fifthof the outerradiusandthe resultsarcbaaedon ~~~ the
platesinto 100ekments.(a)Clampedclnmpcd plate,w/n. - 0336. (b) SiiIy supported-simplysupporkd
plate, da. - O.M&(c) Free-freeplate, dr. - 0.265.(d) Clamped-freeplate, $a, = 0.251.(e) Simply
supported-fnew* da. = 0.256.(f) Freeclunpcd plate, &r” =0.617. (g) simply ~~~~~
plate, ailr. = 0564. (h) Clamped-simplysupportedplate, r/n. = 0.584.(i) Free-simplysupportedplate,
417”- 0.645.

with increasing n. Optimixinga clamped-clampedplate for n = 0,l and 2, respectively, see Fiis.
7(a)-(c), none of our numerical results exhibits stiffener-likebehaviour even though we increase
the number of elements to 300,thereby favouring formation of possible stiffeners, which should
be expected in view of [3].
Let us now investigate how the number of elements used affects the results, taking the
c~~~~~ plate associated with n = 4 as an example. Figures 8(a)-(d) show the results
obtained by using 150, 200, 250 and 300 elements, respectively, to cover the interval of the
radial distance from the inner to the outer plate radius. Fiis 8(a)-(d) illustrate that the
number of Meners increases rapidly and that the compliance decreases as the number of
elements is increased. Moreover, the stitfeners are seen to become thinner and thumer as the
number of elements increases, the widths of most of them in fact beii equal to the width of
one element only.


____+ I



I fb1

Fig. 6. Doubly clampedannular plates optimizedfor different load wave numbers n: (a) n = 6. nin; =
0.491.(b) n = 10,d7r*= 0.408.The platesare su~vi~d into 100elements.

Fii, 7. Doublyclampedannular platesoptimhd for smallloadwavenumbersn. (a) n = 0. nln, = 0.463.(b)

n = 1, T/W.= 0.489.(c) n = 2, &r. = 0.589.The phtcs arc subdividedinto 300elements.

These results clearly indicate that no limiting solution will be found if we continuously
increase the number of elements, and this implies that there is no global optimal solution to the
present formulation of our optimization problem for sufficiently large values of the ratio

Opt~izuti~n with s~g~ent~ise constunt thickness and a minimum stifener ui~th cunstruint
From the results reported above, the natural question arises of whether an optimization
problem associated with a large h-/ha ratio will possess a @obal optimal solution if, in
addition to the minimumand maximumthickness constraints, we consider a minimumallowable
width of possible stifTenersin the mathematicalformulation of the problem.
To study this question, we impose the condition that the thickness function may not vary
within plate segments consisting of a given number of adjacent finite elements. We then solve
the problem a number of times where different numbers of elements are used, but where the
proportion between the number of elements within the segments of constant thickness and the
An investigation concerning optimal design of solid elastic plates 319

_--..+ __w-_-


_a--* _..__--
I fb)

Fii. 8. The d&mdcnceofthe de&n of a do&y clamped annular piate with R =4 on the number of
elements used. (a) 150 elements, hr. -0.536. (b) 200 elements, +rh. -0,525. (c) 250 elements, &r, =
0.433. (d) 300 elements, alrr, = 0.428.

total number of plate elements is maintained, such that the absolute values of the radial
distances of the plate segments are the same in each ~c~ation.
We find that probfems associated with a sufficiently large minimum width constraint for
possible stiffeners seem to have a global optimal solution, because the same pIate design is
obtained independently of the starting design and the number of elements used. if a small
minimum width constraint is specikd, however, the results are less conclusive since different
local optimal designs can be obtained by starting out from different Sal designs and using
diierent numbers of elements.

Some fundamental questions concerning the mathematical formulation for optimal design of
plates on the basis of thin plate theory, are investigated in this paper. Our numerical results
show that the geometrically constrained formulation considered, signi6cantIy prompts the
formation of plate stiffeners. However, as in a geometrically unconstrained formulation
investigated in (171,we find that a number of local optimal solutions exist and that a possible
global optimal plate ~c~ss function does neither exist in the class of smooth functions nor in
the class of smooth functions with a finite number of discontinuities. Similar results are to be

expected for corresponding formulations of optimal plate design with respect to minimizingthe
largest deflection, maximizingthe fundamental vibration frequency, buckling load, etc.
The current results indicate clearly that the global optimal design is a plate which, at least in
some regions, is equipped with an infinite number of infinitely thin stiffeners. Indeed, this has
been confirmed by follow-up research[33,34]on axisymmetric annular plates. In Refs. [33,34],
which deal with static compliance and transverse vibration frequency design, respectively, new
optimal design formulations have been developed on the basis of a revised plate model where
the density of infinitelythin stiffeners is used as the design variableand where the plate bending
rigidity becomes an orthotropic function of the stiffener density.

Acknowledgemenfs-Authorsthank F. I. Niordsonfor many useful discussions.The first author gratefullyacknowledges

the receptionof a scholarshipfrom the DanishMinistryof Education.

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An investigation concerning optimal design of solid elastic plates 321

In this section, we shall derive in some detail the Euler-Lagrange equations expressing the condiiiins of stationarityof
the functiooal V*in qn (12) with respect to arbitrary admissible variations of the deflection w and the plate thickness h,
VatiM of w yields the statiooarity condition

-dp6wdD+~o~tdcbM’L(w)dn=0. (Al)

wherethe expressionof Mu in terms of w is given by qn (2). Using the identity

$.d,W”@ = 4(~@P’)-(4sXd,,W~)

to replacethe second integralin (Al) by two new integralsand applyiogthe divergencetkorem to the lirst of them, we get

where u isthe boundarycurve of the domainn and n. is the outwardunit normalvector in the x* plane to this curve.
An analogoustreatment of the lasttermon the rhs. of eqn (A2)gives the qoation

In the third integral of qn (A3) we now put d.~ = rln. + cf., where 1. is the unit wnt vector to u and where $ and t
denote the scalar slopes of the function q in the normaland ta~ntial directions,respectively,to the curve (u.Usiqt then
the identity

and notirq~that { - J&M, we can write qn (A3)in the form

- du + o SM*(w)4d,,q
Isr(q)SM”(~)n.,n~ tit-l = 0. (A4)
f- I

Here, the Kkhhoff shear force o(w) given by qn (7) and the effectivebending momentMB(w)given by qn (6) can be
introduced in the 6rst and third curve integrals, respectively. Sii the curve o is closed, the second curve integral will
vrnirh if u it smooth, but if w has one or more corner points xi, i = 1,2,. . . , where the vectors 1. and n, change
discontinuouslyfrom 1; and IIj to 1: and I;, respectively, thesecond curve integralwill becomeequal to

-7 btw(W)~*~.x,~.
{Q’hr = {M4f.‘np+ - hf9.-nb-),=,.~

identifiesthe coqcentratedKircbhoffforce at a possible comer point xi’. Hence, we can write qn (A4) as

Let os now address OUT attention to the last integral on the 1.h.s. of qn (A6). Usiog the shorter notation 8I for this

I 6MdWkQl a

and introduci~ covariant diff~&ion &o&out in the expression for M* in qn (2), we have

M*(w)= DA*d&v,

thefourth order metric tensor A@ is definedby


A+ = (I- v)o%~ + t&am.

FWation (A7) can then be written as

&I= DA*Idp.sw)+d,,l, dfL (AW


but since the tensor A”*@* in eqn (A9) possesses the symmetry property A ayen = Ap” due to symmetry of the metric
tensor a@, it follows from eqn (A8), when this equation is expressed in terms of 7, that eqn (AIO) can be written in the

61= hW(q)d,,d&~ dfL (All)

where the moment tensor is now based upon the function n.

Using the identity

= d.{W8(n,deSw}- d,@vdJP’(q))+ Gwd,d,W(q)

to replace the integral (All) by three integrals, applying the divergence theorem to the first two of them, we write
d,&w = I@$ t t,,gwhere Q and f denote the scalar slopes of w in the directions normal and tangential to the curve 0.
respectively. Then, upon noting that 6 = dw/& and using the identity

a(We( )f n,bw) a(W( )I .)

M”Bb&3n.Y= ;“* - d,” dn 6w

we obtain the following expression for the integral 61,

M”P(v)n.ngS$(w)dw + d@f”b(;n.6w)do-f [n,d,,,W(q)t dw

+ {d,,de@(q))Sw dfl. (A12)

Since We is symmetric, it is now possible to introduce in the first and third integrals the effective bending moment Ma(n)
and Kirchhoff shear force Q(n) based on r) by means of eqns (6) and (7). Furthermore, the second integral of eqn (Al2)
vanishes if the curve o is smooth, but equals

- 7 IQ*(W),..,;.,

where Q* is defined in eqn (AS), if the curve w has corner points x,“. Consequently, we can write eqn (A12) in the form

&I= M,(q)S$(w) do + Qb#w dw -z IQ*(TMwI,.-,: + nId,,d~M=%HSw do. (Al3)

fL I I

Now, substituting this expression for 61 into eqn (A6) via eqn (A7) and collecting terms, we have the variational

t (Al4)

which expresses the stationarity of ?I** eqn (12). for arbitrary admissible variation of w. To be admissible, w must satisfy
the boundary conditions (Sa), (Sb) or (SC) for a particular problem.
Since 6w is arbitrary, it follows from eqn (A14), taking eqn (2) into account, that the function n(x”) must satisfy the
partial differential equation

d,,d&D((l - v)d”deq + vaa6d#q)] = p

in the domain 0, but this is the same differential equation as governs the deflection w(x”). see eqn (4). Moreover, it follows
from eqn (A14) that, at the plate boundary w, (i) the function 7(x-) must vanish if the distributed Kiichhoff shear force
Q(w) of eqn (7) and concentrated Kirchhoff forces Q*(w) of eqn (AS) at possible corner points x; are not specified, (ii)
that the slope II(n) = n’d.7 of the function r) normal to w must vanish if the effective bending moment M,(w) in eqn (6) is
not specitied, (iii) that Q(n) and Q*(r)) must vanish if the dettectton w IS not specttied and (IV) that Ma(r)) must vamsh I!
the slope 9(‘(w) = n.d.w of the detkction w normal to er is unspecified. All these results clearly imply that the function
r)(P) must satisfy the same particular set of boundary conditions (Sa), (Sb) or (SC) as is specified for the deflection function
w(x”) in a given problem.
Since the functions q(x’) and w(x”) are governed by the same differential equation and the same set of complete boundary
conditions for a particular problem, they must be identical,

7(x”) = w(x”). (A16)

It is noted that this result is closely connected with the fact that the differential operator on the 1.h.s. of eqn (4) is
An investigationconcerningoptimaldesignof solid elasticplates 323

Vdriorionof h gives the followingcondition of stationarityof the functional W*in eqn (12)if we use the result (AM
and introduce the moment tensor M%, w) given by qn (2),

w4d,,W”(h, w) dfl t [-A t A-x16/1da= 0. (A17)

Treatiqt the fust term in analogy with our manipulation of the second term in eqn (Al) during the steps from qn
(A&046), we obtain

- nGQ(h,w) dr + {wSQ*(h,w)}~=.~~
- Y(wWu(6, w)do
f” 7 fW

t &U*(h,w)d.d,wdfit o[-AtA-K]8hdn=0, (AM

I 11 I
but here. the three tlrst terms vanish for any of the sets of knmdary conditions(Sa),(Sb)or (SC)under consideration.Now,
writing bhf* as 6(DM*/D), Wing that W/D does not contain h, and using the well known result[281that the tensor
(d,w, i.e. the covnriantcurvature tensor, can be expressedin terms of the momenttensor as

we obtain the followingequation by performingthe variationwith respectto h in qn (AM)and collectingterms,

Since i3his arbitrary, we thus have

whichconstitutesthe optimalityconditionfor our problem.

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