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Using Scrabble Game To Improve The 10 Grade Students' Vocabulary Mastery at Sma N 2 Purworejo

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Gilang Panji Sadewo
Student Number: 111214146



A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on



Gilang Panji Sadewo
Student Number: 111214146

Approved by

Advisor Date

Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. January 18, 2016



Gilang Panji Sadewo
Student Number: 111214146

Defended before the Board of Examiners

On February 17, 2016
and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : P. Kuswandono, Ph.D. _____________

Secretary : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. _____________

Member : Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. _____________

Member : Drs. Emanuel Sunarto, M.Hum. _____________

Member : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed _____________

Yogyakarta, February 17, 2016

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education
Sanata Dharma University

Rohandi, Ph.D

Live for nothing or die for something

-John Rambo-

To know what is right and choose to ignore it, it

is the act of a coward

-Hatake Kakashi-

I dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved mother, father, and sister for always
taking care of me and giving me support, love, and


I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or
parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the
references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, February 17, 2016

The Researcher

Gilang Panji Sadewo

Student Number: 111214146



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma
Nama : Gilang Panji Sadewo
Nomor Mahasiswa : 111214146

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Pada Tanggal: 17 Februari 2016
Yang menyatakan

Gilang Panji Sadewo


Sadewo. G. P (2016). Using Scrabble Game to Improve the 10 th Grade Students’

Vocabulary Mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

English is one of the important subjects for senior high school students,
especially 10th grade students. It is because 10th grade is a transition to the higher level
from junior high school. Vocabulary is an important aspect in English. English
teachers are required to teach vocabulary using media in order to make the students
learn easily. One of the media which can be used to teach vocabulary is scrabble
game. In this research, scrabble implemented in X-1 class of SMA N 2 Purworejo.
This research aims to find out the students’ perception on the implementation of
scrabble and how the scrabble improves 10 th grade students’ vocabulary mastery at
SMA N 2 Purworejo.
There were two research problems in this research. The first was “How is the
students’ perception on the implementation of scrabble for the 10 th grade students of
SMA N 2 Purworejo?” and the second was “How does the use of scrabble game
improve the 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo?” This
research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data were gathered through doing
observation, writing on the field notes, distributing the questionnaires, and
interviewing the students. The data from the observation checklist, questionnaire, and
interview instruments were analyzed to gather the information based on the students’
perception by using triangulation technique.
The result of this study showed that the students have positive perception
towards the implementation of scrabble game. Scrabble gave benefits for the students
in improving their vocabulary skills. Scrabble generated a positive learning
environment and give motivation for the students. As a result, it can maximize the
result of vocabulary learning process. Related to the second research question, using
scrabble helped the students to improve their vocabulary memorizing, pronouncing,
and spelling elements. In conclusion, scrabble helps the students in improving their
vocabulary mastery. Therefore, English teachers can use scrabble as one of media in
vocabulary learning for the students.

Keywords: Scrabble game, games, teaching media, vocabulary

Sadewo. G. P (2016). Using Scrabble Game to Improve the 10th Grade Students
Vocabulary Mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran penting bagi siswa
sekolah menengah atas, khususnya bagi siswa kelas X. Hal ini disebabkan karena
siswa kelas X merupakan masa transisi ke level yang lebih tinggi dari sekolah
menengah pertama. Vocabulary merupakan aspek penting dalam pembelajaran
Bahasa Inggris. Guru Bahasa Inggris wajib untuk menggunakan media agar siswa
dapat belajar vocabulary dengan lebih mudah. Salah satu media untuk mengajar
vocabulary adalah dengan menggunakan scrabble. Dalam penelitian ini, scrabble
diimplementasikan di kelas X-1 SMA N 2 Purworejo ketika mereka belajar
vocabulary pada teks naratif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap implementasi scrabble dalam pembelajarn
vocabulary dan bagaimana penggunaan scrabble dapat meningkatkan kemampuan
vocabulary siswa kelas X SMA N 2 Purworejo.
Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan dua masalah. Yaitu “Bagaimanakah
persepsi siswa terhadap implementasi scrabble untuk siswa kelas X SMA N 2
Purworejo?” Dan “Bagaimana penggunaan scrabble dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan vocabulary siswa kelas X?” Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif.
Pengumpulan data diambil dengan melakukan observasi, menulis di catatan,
menyebarkan kuesioner, dan mewawancarai beberapa siswa. Data yang diperolah
melalui instrumen observasi, kuesioner, dan interview berdasar kepada persepsi
siswa dan diolah menggunakan teknik triangulasi data.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa positif terhadap
implementasi scrabble. Scrabble dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi siswa dalam
meningkatkan kemampuan vocabulary. Scrabble dapat menciptakan situasi belajar
yang positif dan memberikan motivasi yang lebih kepada siswa sehingga dapat
membuat proses belajar menjadi maksimal. Dalam hubungannya dengan rumusan
permasalahan yang kedua, scrabble dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan
mengingat, pronouncing, dan spelling vocabulary siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian
ini adalah scrabble dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan vocabulary.
Maka dari itu, guru dapat menggunakan scrabble sebagai salah satu media
mengajar vocabulary bagi siswa.


In the name of Allah SWT, the Beneficent and the Merciful. All praises be to

Allah SWT lord of the world who has given the mercy and blessing for me in

completing this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW,

His family, and His followers.

Firstly, I would like to thank my advisor Ibu Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari,

S.Pd., M.Ed for her guidance, inspiration, suggestion, patience and valuable time.

Moreover, I would also thank her for being the best single parent of my class C

batch 2011 in ELESP. Next, I would like to thank all of the lecturers of ELESP Sanata

Dharma University for their great teaching and patience in these four years. I am also

thankful to the Secretariat Staff, mbak Danik and mas Yudo, for helping me in

completing the administrative matters.

I am also grateful to my beloved parents, bapak Dwi Nugroho and ibu

Purwanti for their never ending love, prayers, and support for my study. Without them,

I would not have the opportunity to study. My gratitude is also addressed to my lovely

sister Galuh Puri Dewanti for the support and love.

My gratitude goes to Drs. Urip Raharjo, M.Pd. as the headmaster of SMA N 2

Purworejo and Dra. Sri Widiyastuti as the English teacher of SMA N 2 Purworejo

who had allowed me to conduct this research on their school and class. I thank the 10 th

grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo for their help and good cooperation during the


To all my partners in crime, Yosua Adi Wicaksana, Hanung Yulianto,

Leonardus Indramarwan, Fa’adillah Malik Akbar, Gregorius Gyan Puruhito,

Tamara Gita Megani, Astriyani Sulistyowati, Muhammad Aditya Setiawan,

Mohammad Eka Amperawan, Adityo Prawinanto, I thank them for always giving

me support, advice, time, distraction, and friendship during my study in Sanata

Dharma University. English Education Study program. I present them my deepest

gratitude for being inspiration, motivation, and strength. I would also thank

Muhammad Mufid Al Burhan and Ahmad Ngainur Rofiq, my senior high school

best friends, for always being my lifetime partners for almost eight years.

Finally, my great gratitude goes to everybody who could not be mentioned

one by one who has helped, supported, and given his or her time to me, especially in

writing this thesis.

Gilang Panji Sadewo


COVER PAGE...............................................................................................................i
APPROVAL PAGE.......................................................................................................ii
DEDICATION PAGE...................................................................................................iv
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY..............................................................v
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN.............................................................vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES.............................................................................................xiv
A. Research Background.....................................................................................1
B. Research Problem...........................................................................................7
C. Problem Limitation.........................................................................................7
D. Research Objectives........................................................................................8
E. Research Benefits...........................................................................................8
F. Definition of Terms.......................................................................................10
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................................13
A. Theoretical Description................................................................................13
1. Perception......................................................................................13
2. Vocabulary.....................................................................................16
3. The Roles of Games in Learning Vocabulary................................26
4. Scrabble.........................................................................................28
5. Scrabble and Vocabulary Skill.......................................................37

B. Theoretical Framework.................................................................................39
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................41
A. Research Method..........................................................................................41
B. Research Setting...........................................................................................42
C. Research Participants....................................................................................43
D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques................................43
1. Observation....................................................................................44
2. Questionnaire.................................................................................45
3. Interview........................................................................................48
E. Data Triangulation........................................................................................50
F. Data Analysis Technique...............................................................................50
G. Research Procedures.....................................................................................52
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...........................................................54
A. Research Findings.........................................................................................54
1. The Students’ Perception on The Implementation of Scrabble for
the 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo....................................54
2. How The Use of Scrabble Game Improve the 10th Grade Students’
English Vocabulary Skills?..................................................................60
B. DISCUSSION...............................................................................................65
1. The Students’ Perception on The Implementation of Scrabble
Game for The 10th Grade Students of SMA N 2 Purworejo.................65
2. How The Use of Scrabble Game Improves The 10 th Grade
Students’ Vocabulary Skill at SMA N 2 Purworejo?............................69
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...................................................................73
A. Conclusion....................................................................................................73
B. Suggestions...................................................................................................74
1. For the teachers..............................................................................74
2. For the 10th grade students.............................................................75
3. For the future researchers..............................................................75


3.1 The Questionnaire Result………………………………………………………..47

3.2 The Questionnaire Blueprint……………………………………………….........48
3.3 The List of Questions in The Interview…………………………………………50


Appendix 1. Questionnaire Result…………………………………………………...81

Appendix 2. Questionnaire Percentage……………………………………………....84
Appendix 3. Questionnaire Blueprint………………………………………………..87
Appendix 4. Interview Questions……………………………………………………89
Appendix 5. Interview Result………………………………………………………..91



In this chapter, the writer presents six sections, namely the research

background of the study, problem formulation, problem limitation, research

objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Nowadays, English has become one of the important languages which is used

as an international language. It is used in all world activities, such as conferences,

sport events, and world trades. Moreover, people use English as a tool for

communication among them in the world. It is strongly related to societies’ lives

because it is used to connect society with other societies. Larsen and Long state that

English as a second language for most of the people in the world has increasingly

become an international language for international relations (1991, p. 1).

Language is a means of communication that is made up of sentences that

convey meaning. It means that vocabulary takes an important part in language to

make a language meaningful. Webster (1988, p. 110) states that vocabulary is a list of

words usually arranged alphabetically and defined, explained, or translated into the

range of language, the stock of word a person’s command the word used in particular.

It is understood that vocabulary is the basic element of language. It is difficult to

master a language without mastering or understanding certain numbers of


vocabularies. Without a sufficient vocabulary, someone cannot communicate

effectively or express the ideas in both oral and written forms.

Related to the English teaching learning process, language skills such as

listening, speaking, reading, and writing need a series of words that are called

vocabulary. Richards and Renandya state that “vocabulary is a core of language

proficiency and provides much of the basic for how well learners speak, read and

write” (2002, p. 255). Vocabulary is one element of language that should be learned

and taught. It becomes central to any language acquisition process especially in

introducing a language.
In relation with this, vocabulary is an important aspect for school level

especially in senior high school level. However, many 10th grade students complained

that they had a huge amount of vocabulary to learn and it was difficult for them to

deal with. Many senior high school English teachers also have expressed that their

10th grade students feel pressured and frustrated by too many new words to learn.

Many teachers think there is a big gap between junior high and senior high

vocabulary amount. In fact, a number of studies on senior high school English

teaching have reported such a gap.

Moreover, Huang (1999) mentions that vocabulary is a big obstacle to many

senior high school students and that a serious gap exists between senior high school

and junior high school English education. Huang (1999) further states that 10th grade

students have to face a huge amount of vocabulary, which is three times more than

the junior high vocabulary amount. It also indicates that many English teachers have

found that there is a vocabulary gap of vocabulary level between junior high

graduates and 10th grade students. There are some topics in vocabulary learning for

10th grade students such as historical place, legend, science fiction, etc. Those topics

are considered as the higher level vocabulary compare to junior high school level.
Based on those facts, the researcher focused the research at SMA N 2

Purworejo. SMA N 2 Purworejo is very attentive to the development of the

vocabulary skills for the students since in the 10 th grade. The students have to acquire

English vocabulary mastery since they are in the 10 th grade because it will be easier

for them if vocabulary is taught in the first year. In order to achieve a successful

process of English vocabulary learning, students must acquire its vocabulary

memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling elements. Based on the researcher’s

experience before the implementation of scrabble game in the classroom, the students

still found the problems related to the English vocabulary mastery.

Furthermore, based on the researcher’s observation in English class of X-1

SMA N 2 Purworejo, the researcher found that most of the students did not really

understand the materials when the teacher started to speak in English. However, when

the teacher started to speak Indonesian, the students could understand. The students

would keep quiet when the teacher explained the learning materials in English. They

did not give enough responses to answer and less active. The researcher investigated

the students’ problem in learning vocabulary. For the students, it is impossible to

know all words. Many students did not know the meanings of the English words used

by the teacher. It was likely that this condition was a problem in terms of students’

limited vocabulary mastery.


Learning English vocabulary is not easy for EFL (English for Foreign

Language) students. The students may find some difficulties in memorizing words.

Students may recognize a written or spoken word and think they already know that

word, but they may not be able to use that word properly or pronounce it correctly.

Even, they will not be able to spell particular word correctly. It is because English is

not their mother tongue. It is obvious that the students use their mother tongue which

is not English at home or in their community.

Therefore, the teacher needs to apply some techniques which make the

students interested in learning English. It is expected that a teacher can conduct his or

her teaching and learning process in such a way that makes the students enjoy

learning English. For an example, a teacher may use determiner game to attract

students’ attention. Several experienced textbook and methodology have argued that

games are not just ice breaking activities but have a great educational value.
Through games, children experience, discover, and interact with their

surroundings. According to Lee, “vocabulary game is one which the learners’

attention is focused mainly on words” (1986, p. 37). Games allow the students to

relax and enjoy themselves, which means that they will have better comprehension

and retain more information. Charlotte (2011) states that educators can make

vocabulary more engaging and easier to learn through the use of games.
From this problem, the teacher has to think the strategy which helps the

students to solve their vocabulary problems in learning English. The use of game as

the learning media is one of the strategies to help the students improve their

vocabulary mastery. In teaching and learning process, the important thing is not only

how much or how less teaching and learning is done in the classroom, but also how

the students are active and enjoy in their learning process. In learning vocabulary,

there are many kinds of games which can be used, for example scrabble, crossword

puzzle, hangman, flashcards, etc. Those games may help the students to understand

vocabularies easily. In this study, the writer focuses on the implementation of

scrabble. The writer chooses scrabble because the implementation of scrabble in

education can help students to improve their vocabulary memorizing, pronouncing,

and spelling elements.

This strategy is designed to increase the students’ interest to learn with

pleasant. Students have to arrange words using the given letter tiles that will fit on the

board game in order to improve vocabulary. They can consult any dictionary for

unique and unusual words though they must be prepared to define the word and prove

the game. Scrabble allows the players to use any words in English language except

for words that are capitalized which need hyphens, abbreviations, prefixes or suffixes.
Using scrabble game in teaching vocabulary will encourage the students to

memorize their vocabulary that they have saved in their memory. Scrabble game in

SMA N 2 Purworejo is really well organized. Students are really enthusiastic with this

game even the school held scrabble game tournament every year for the class meeting

event. Each class should send their own representative to join as the participant in the

tournament. Two students will compete as the representatives of each class, the

winners will get reward and trophy. The tournament followed by 24 classes using

match chart and knockout system. From this fact the writer assume that SMA N 2

Purworejo students are really familiar with scrabble.


Actually, scrabble game is not a new media which is used to learn vocabulary.

Although memory game like scrabble is good for helping the students to enhance

their vocabulary mastery, many teachers would argue that students will not benefit

from playing games, and it is a waste of time. Even, some teachers assumed that

scrabble is an old media and not effective as an alternative way in teaching

vocabulary. Many teachers assumed that scrabble is used only as an ice breaking

activity. However, scrabble game at SMA N 2 Purworejo is used as the main media

when the teacher focused on vocabulary achievement for the 10th grade students. The

use of scrabble game in SMA N 2 Purworejo is different. The teacher believes that

through scrabble game will help the students learning to be successful. The teacher

uses scrabble as a learning media to help the students improve their vocabulary

mastery. The researcher would like to see how 10th grade students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble and how it improves their vocabulary mastery.

It is hoped that the research can give information for English teachers that

they can use scrabble game as one of their teaching media in vocabulary learning so

that they can help the students in the teaching and learning process. It is proved that

scrabble which considered as out of date game still give positive impact for the

students’ vocabulary improvement. Besides, it is also expected that this research can

give information for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students

that they can also use scrabble game when they do the pre service teacher internship

program (Program Pengalaman Lapangan).


B. Research Problem

Based on the background of the study, two problem formulations are

formulated as follows.
1. How is the students’ perception on the implementation of scrabble for the 10 th

grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo?

2. How does the use of scrabble game improve the 10 th grade students’ English

vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo?

C. Problem Limitation

This study will focus on how the 10th grade students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble game in ELT classroom at SMA N 2 Purworejo and how it

improves 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery. The participants of this study are

the 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo. The game as the media is going to

help the teacher in conveying the material easily. It can attract the students’ attention

during the teaching learning activity. Therefore, the students will not get bored and

they will follow the teaching learning activity happily.

In this study, the students’ vocabulary mastery refer to the vocabulary

memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling elements. The researcher intends to discuss

the implementation of scrabble game by knowing its influences on the students. It is

also to determine the 10th grade students’ perceptions of the game as an effective

media to improve students’ memorizing element in recalling the newly learnt


D. Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are to answer the problems previously stated.

Firstly, this study tries to know how the 10 th grade students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble game. Secondly, this study aims to know how scrabble

game can improve students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo.

E. Research Benefits

This study would be useful for students in SMA N 2 Purworejo, teachers in

SMA N 2 Purworejo and English Language Education Study Program (ELESP)

students who are interested in this study. This study is expected to bring a valuable

contribution to the English Language Teaching (ELT).

1. The Students

For the students, using scrabble game to learn English vocabulary can be

interesting. Hopefully, this study gives positive contributions to the 10th grade

students of SMA N 2 Purworejo. This study is expected to help the students to know

that scrabble brings positive effects, so that the students should use it properly.

Therefore, the students can improve their vocabulary mastery through scrabble and

enjoy being involved in teaching learning process.

2. The Teachers

For the teachers, using scrabble game is one of the media that can improve the

quality of teaching-learning process. From this research, it is expected the teachers

realized that scrabble which considered as an out of date game still used nicely and

gave good result for the students’ vocabulary mastery improvement. It can be a

solution and new alternative in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, the

English teacher can also use scrabble game as a media to introduce the new

vocabulary in the vocabulary learning.

3. ELESP Students
Hopefully this study can give benefit for the other students or researchers who

have the same interest to find the materials or references for their own research and

also generate an understanding of related study. Other researchers can use this study

as journal to develop their own research. Hopefully, this study can stimulate other

researchers to conduct further research related to this topic. Thus, this study can

inspire them to conduct further research related to the use of scrabble in class.

F. Definition of Terms

There are terms mostly used in this research that need to be defined. They are

vocabulary, scrabble game, and SMA N 2 Purworejo.

1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the personal collection of words that any given person knows

and uses on a daily basis. According to Steven Stahl (2005), vocabulary is knowledge

of a word which not only implying a definition, but also implies how that word fits

into the world. According to Kreidler, vocabulary is defined as a stock of words in

language that can support the learners to learn the skills of the language in terms of

reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills (1958, p. 21). Dedi Suryana, in

Teaching Vocabulary (1990) states that; vocabulary is one of language components. It

supports the teaching and learning of the four language skills of reading, listening,

speaking and writing. As the language component, vocabulary must be taught in a

proper way. Dedi Suryana states that; vocabulary divided in to:

a) Vocabulary skill involved deducing meaning from the context, use of dictionary,

word formation coining, and ignoring unfamiliar words.

b) Vocabulary activities, involved word guessing, word association, crossword

puzzle, cline, word-classification, and rid dies.

A vocabulary usually develops by age and serves as a useful and fundamental

tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary

is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language. In this research,

vocabulary is one of the important language components which has to reinforce for

10th grade student in order to make them easier in vocabulary mastery. Cameron

(2001) defines a vocabulary mastery is to “know” words intends to master vocabulary

(p. 75). It means that vocabulary mastery is how to know words. According to

Nation (2001), acquiring a word means knowing its form (spoken, written, and word

parts); meaning (concepts and associations); and use in terms of grammatical

functions, collocations and constraints. The writer focuses on the vocabulary teaching

techniques which use correct media which is scrabble game to deliver the material in

the vocabulary learning process.


2. Scrabble
The term scrabble is used to describe a board game to help students improve

their vocabulary in English. In Oxford Advance Dictionary (1985), scrabble is a

board game in which players try to make words from letters printed on small plastic

blocks and connect them to words that have been already placed on the board.
In this study, scrabble is a learning media to improve and help students to

master their vocabulary skill. Gagne, as cited in Arief S. Sadiman (1986, p. 6) and

Rasibah (2006, p. 18), states that media is some kinds of components around students

which stimulate them to study. The scrabble game is provided by the teacher and use

it when she wants to teach and explore vocabulary for the students. Hebblethwaite in

the Voinov journal (2009, p. 217) mentions that scrabble can offer its players. These

include intense mental activity that hones cognitive skills, practice in applying

economic principles, and the activation of language learning in classrooms. It means,

scrabble game is a media that can expand the vocabulary and strengthen the language

3. SMA N 2 Purworejo

SMA Negeri 2 Purworejo is located in Mayjend S. Parman street Purworejo

regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This school has a comfortable learning situation

since it is located far from the highway. This school is one of SSN (Sekolah Standar

Nasional) schools in Purworejo regency. In this study, the researcher will do a

research towards the implementation of the scrabble game used as a learning media to

improve and help 10th grade students in recalling the newly learnt vocabulary and also

vocabulary mastery.


This part consists of two sections. The first one is the theoretical description.

It is about the direct explanations of some terms that are used in this study. The

second part is the theoretical framework. In the theoretical framework, the researcher

explains more about how the theories can help the researcher in doing the study.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the researcher explains the review of related literature used in

conducting the research. The theories are pertinent since they can either help to solve

the research problems or enlarge particular knowledge of the topic. There are five

theories which are discussed in this subchapter. Those are the theories of perception,

the theories of vocabulary, the roles of game in learning vocabulary, the scrabble

game, the scrabble and vocabulary mastery.

1. Perception

Perception becomes the concern of this study. For this reason, the researcher

provides several explanations about perception. This part will explain what

perception is and the factors that affect someone’s perception.


a) Definition of Perception

Based on Bootzin, Loftus, Zajonc, and Braun (1983), perception means the

interpretation process which comes from some stimuli of their sense organs. For this

reason, perception and sensation cannot be separated in the perceptual process. Basic

sensations are always needed in order to have a meaningful interpretation. The stimuli

which help the perceptual process usually come from the previous experiences.

People will reflect the stimuli which they got from the past and gain some

information about that. They will try to compare the previous and the newest

information on their own.

Further, Rock said that perception is an active process (as cited in Altman,

Valenzi & Hodgetts, 1985, p. 105). The perceptual process needs an active brain to

create the perception. One of the examples is filling some incomplete sensory

information. This action simply called as subjective contours. Subjective contours are

some helping lines or shapes that appear to be a part of a figure but those are actually

not physically present. However, building a perception is not easy as it seems. During

the perceptual process, the brain is expected to organize the stimuli to create a good


Along with Bootzin et al., Altman, Valenzi and Hodgetts (1985) also has the

same ground for perception. He states that the stimuli will be selected and grouped to

have a meaningful interpretation. Perception is the way of someone sees reality. As

soon as somebody gets stimuli, their selected sense organ will interpret and give

meaning to something.

Sensors organization, and Behavioral
Stimuli selection of interpretation of respons
stimuli stimuli

Figure 2.1 The Perceptual Process

From the figure above, it can be concluded that perception has a role in

building someone’s behavior. Experiences also affect someone in building his or her

b) Perceptions’ Factors

Altman et al. on their book Organizational Behavior: Theory and Practice

(1985, p. 86), define several factors which influence perception. They mention four

things. Those are selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation, and the


The first factor is the selection of stimuli. When we are surrounded by bundle

of stimuli, we can only focus for a small number. This process is called a selection.

Selection is also a reason on why people have their own thoughts and perceive things


The second factor is the organization of stimuli. After selecting the

experiences, those experiences need to be arranged. This arrangement is needed so


that the information will become meaningful. Having a good order of the sensory data

will also be good for our mind.

The third factor influencing someone’s perception is the situation. Situation

means a person’s familiarity with expectations or about something. Situation also

connected with his or her past experience.

The last factor influencing someone’s perception is the self-concept. The way

people feel and perceive about ourselves is known as self-concept. Self-concept will

affect the way of seeing the world.

2. Vocabulary

There are four sections discussed in this part. They are the meaning and level

of vocabulary, the vocabulary teaching, the techniques of teaching vocabulary, and

the background and principle of vocabulary teaching.

a. The Meaning and Level of Vocabulary

According to Kreidler (1963, p. 21), vocabulary is a stock of words in a

language that can facilitate and support the learner in order to reach the language

skills. This statement is supported by Burton (1982) who says that students should be

supplied with enough vocabulary in order to make them able to learn the four

language skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Fries (1952, pp.

55-56) divides the meaning of English words into two kinds. The first is lexical

meaning which refers to the words found in the dictionary. The second is structural

meaning that can be derived from grammatical relationship within the language or

from the word order.

Therefore, learning a language, including English cannot be separated from its

vocabulary. It is important to introduce some English words first to the senior high

school students as a basic step to learn English vocabulary. Lado (1964) states that

there are three steps in teaching vocabulary. First, the students hear the new word for

several periods of time. It means that the teacher becomes the model of a good

pronunciation. Second, the students should be given the opportunity to pronounce the

new word. This step will help students to remember the word in a longer period of

time. When the students are wrong when pronouncing the words, the teacher should

correct it at the time by pronouncing again. The last step is that students should

predict the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

The teacher may give the definition to describe the word indirectly. By using

an indirect description of the word, the students will be encouraged to remember the

word better. Those three steps are important in learning vocabulary and have to be

considered in the learning process. In order to be able to master and understand

vocabularies, the students should experience those three teaching vocabulary steps.

According to Yang (2002) English for Second Language (ESL) junior high

students have to learn 1.000 words, while senior high school students have to learn

2.800 words, almost three times more than words to be learned in junior high school

(as cited in Wang, 2005, p. 4). However, not all words have equal importance in

language instruction. Therefore, teacher have to know which words they need to

teach. A word’s frequency of use, complexity, and meaning determines into which

level it will fall. Those with mature vocabularies and age-appropriate literacy skills

understand and use words from all levels. First level called Basic Vocabulary

consists of the most basic words. These words rarely require direct instruction and

typically do not have multiple meanings. Sight words, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and

early reading words occur at this level. Examples of level one words are: book, girl,

sad, run, dog, and orange. There about 8,000 word families in English included in

level one.

The second level is called High Frequency/Multiple Meaning Vocabulary

consists of high frequency words that occur across a variety of domains. These words

occur often in mature language situations such as adult conversations and literature,

and therefore strongly influence speaking and reading. Level two words are the most

important words for direct instruction because they are good indicators of a student’s

progress through school. Examples of level two words are: masterpiece, fortunate,

industrious, measure, and benevolent. There are about 7,000 word families in English

(or 700 per year) in tier two.

The third level is called Low Frequency/Context-Specific Vocabulary,

consists of low-frequency words that occur in specific domains. Domains include

subjects in school, hobbies, occupations, geographic regions, technology, weather,

etc. Students usually learn these words when a specific need arises, such as learning

amino acid during a chemistry lesson. Examples of level three words are: economics,

isotope, asphalt, Revolutionary War, and, crepe. The remaining 400,000 words in

English fall in this level. It is important to remember that level two and three words.

There is more than one way to select the words. Word knowledge is subject to

personal experience.

b. Vocabulary Teaching

Vocabulary is an important part of language learning. Teaching vocabulary

requires the students’ ability to understand the words and to use the words

appropriately. Teaching vocabulary looks very simple. The teacher only gives the

students some new words and exercises then asks the students to memorize the words

and gives the test. However, Wallace (1982) states that “learning vocabulary is a

complex process which requires the ability to recognize the words, remember them,

and to pronounce, spell and use them correctly” (as cited in Ayuningtyas, 2008, p. 2).

Therefore, it is not only memorizing lists of words and knowing the meaning of each

In the vocabulary learning, the students are expected to understand the

meaning of the words, the uses of the words in sentence, and form the words in oral

and written. Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. As Steven

Stahl (2005) puts it, vocabulary is knowledge of a word which not only implies a

definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world". Vocabulary knowledge

is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and

deepens over the course of a lifetime. Instruction in vocabulary involves far more

than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentence. It means that

the process of vocabulary learning is difficult because it does not only learn an aspect

of the words. In this research, vocabulary learning is a process where the teacher

teaches the students to recognize English words in order to assist the students to reach

their goal.
In the vocabulary learning, the teachers should make the acceptable process to

the students. Therefore, the teachers should have the suitable strategies in the

vocabulary learning process. Hustjin (1993) states “vocabulary learning strategies

suggested not only consist of teaching specific words but also aim at equipping

learners with strategies necessary to expand their vocabulary knowledge” (as cited in

Morin & Gooebel, 2001). Then, the vocabulary learning strategy needs a good

technique to help the student to get meaning and form of the words. As Allen and

Vallete (1972) state, vocabulary learning can be meaningful if the teacher can conduct

the teaching process by combining the available techniques of teaching. Therefore,

the teacher should consider the appropriate strategies and suitable techniques in

vocabulary learning to achieve the goal.

c. Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary

Since vocabulary learning is considered as a complex process, the teacher

should provide practical techniques on teaching vocabulary that the students are

able to develop their learning of new words independently. Hence, Nattinger (1988, p.

63) stated that guessing vocabulary from context is the most frequently way of

discovering the meaning of new word. Similar to this Idea, Oxford and Scarcella

(1994, p. 236) also stated that guessing the meaning word from context is the most

useful vocabulary learning technique. Based on those ideas the teacher should ensure

that the students not only understand the meaning of words in context, but also

communicate with others. The students should be provided with some opportunities

to produce the language. In other word, the teacher should be able to lead the students

to produce the language as well as other language components either spoken or

written form.

Commonly, there are several techniques concerning the teaching of'


1. Visual Techniques

Concerning with the visual techniques, Gairns and Redman (1980) state that

there are three form visual techniques: realia, pictures, and mime or gestures (as cited

in Marla 1999, p.12). Realia means using a variety of real object brought by the

students in the classroom. It is applied to remember the written material. The students

can act out what they read or associate physical sensation with specific words found

in reading passages. Referring to ideas mentioned above, Klippel (1994, p.115) stated

that mime or gesture is useful if it emphasizes the importance of gestures and facial

expression on communication. At the essence it can not only be used to indicate the

meaning of a word found in reading passage, but also in speaking activity as it

stresses mostly on communication.

2. Verbal Techniques

This technique pertains to the use of illustrative situation, synonyms,

opposites, scale, definition and categories. Specifically, Maria (1990, p.3) divides

verbal techniques into four parts:

a. Definition and illustration sentences, in which the teachers are expected to

introduce a word in English through the use of other word in the same language.
b. Synonyms and antonyms, which are especially important in building new

vocabulary because learners are able to know vocabulary. Synonyms are words

that have the same meaning as the unknown in a given sentence. There may be

signals that identify the presence of synonym for the students. They could be or,

commas, dashes, and colons. Meanwhile, antonyms are words that have the

opposite meaning of the unknown word in a given sentence. Signals which

identify the presence of the antonyms for readers are instead, although, but, yet,

and however.
c. Scale, which is the presentation of related words in scales that include the

combination of both verbal and visual techniques, for example, in term 32°

Celsius, the degree sign is the visual.

d. Explanation technique that explains the meaning and the use of a foreign word

in the foreign language itself.

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the teachers should

know the level of students' competency and the goal of teaching in advance before

applying those techniques. The teacher should be able to lead the students to learn a

new word or some words clearly. In relation to the employment of verbal techniques

the teacher has to regard the length of time and the textbooks used.

3. Dictionary Techniques

In addition to the previous two techniques, the use of dictionary is another

technique in finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words and expression. In this

respect, the students can make use of variety of dictionaries, such as bilingual,

monolingual, pictorial, and thesaurus.

According to Allen (1993, p.83), using dictionaries is "passport” to

independence and use them is one the students centered learning activities.

Meanwhile, Gerald & Laura (1989, p.120) states dictionaries are more easily used to

determine word meaning. Moreover, Readence (1995, p.35) adds that the dictionary

definition is shared with a discussion when the words are presented both in isolated

form and in the context. In conclusion, the use of dictionary is an effective way for

the students in finding out the meaning of words. Related to techniques of teaching

vocabulary, the words are given according to the level. It means that the word which

are selected should be appropriate to the students’ level.

d. Background and Principle of Vocabulary Teaching

Vocabulary is one of an important language component which can support the

learners to learn other language skills. This is clarified by Burton (1982) who says

that vocabulary really supports learners to learn the language skills of the target

language. That importance makes the students need a serious attention in learning

vocabulary. It becomes a great challenging act for the teacher to teach vocabulary,

what kind of methods they use, what kind of vocabulary they give, or how many

vocabularies they should teach. Having a rich vocabulary helps the learners to express

their ideas.
Robert Lado (1955) stated that while dealing with vocabulary one should take

three important aspects of words which are their form, their meaning, and their

distribution. The teacher should consider various kinds of classes of words in the

function of the language. Lado said that the forms, meaning, distribution and

classification of words are different in different in another language. Lado revealed

that these differences might lead to vocabulary problems.

According to Coxhead (1998), the main focus of the basic of vocabulary

teaching is to highlight some considerations for teachers to set up and plan a regular

vocabulary teaching and learning program with their classes. Most teachers know that

dealing with unknown word is a good and popular way to teach vocabulary. However,

students can also take benefit by doing direct and deep study of new and unknown

vocabulary. There are six considerations teachers should address when they plan a

direct vocabulary teaching and learning program.

a) Choose useful words

Teachers should choose words that will be useful for their students to learn.

Useful words are words that learners will meet often, or need to use often in their

language use situations. There are frequency lists available that help identify these

useful words. For instance, The General Service List (West, 1953) is a list of the most

common 2000 words used in everyday English. This would be ideal for thee students

to study English or those wishing to learn English for conversational purposes.

Amongst other lists available is the Academic Word List (Coxhead, 1998) which

contains the most frequent academic vocabulary. Teacher can also use their judgment

to decide which word is useful for the students but it is better to have available word

lists to help.

b) Let the learners do the work

Many teachers do all the work for their learners by providing definitions,

sentences, etc. Helping students by explaining some difficult definitions is necessary,

it will be more meaningful for learners to do the work themselves. Let the students

active during the teaching learning process.

c) Focus on different aspects of a word

There are much more terms to a word than just its meaning. For example,

among other things, students can learn a word’s stress (accent), its collocations and

word family members, its grammatical patterns and word parts, etc. Students can

enrich their knowledge of a word, and remember it better by learning more of these

different aspects. The students can be encouraged to discover these different aspects

for themselves.

d) Provide meaningful learning opportunities

It is not enough to simply tell students the meanings of words. The students

need opportunities to see or hear words in a meaningful context, and opportunities to

use words in meaningful writing and speaking tasks. Give the students a challenge to

find words in reading or listening passages and use these words in particular writing

and speaking tasks is a simple way to approach this. The provision of these

opportunities is the main job of a vocabulary teacher.


e) Implement a regular testing schedule

The students should be tested regularly. Testing can be used to give students

feedback on their success and or failure to learn and use the target words and

motivate them to study vocabulary. Regular testing can provide learners with a

chance to retrieve newly learnt words from their memories and use them in a

meaningful way. Good vocabulary tests will have a balance of vocabulary

understanding (receptive) and vocabulary use (productive) tasks.

f) Be patient with their learners

Students constantly forget words they have learnt. This is part of the learning

process. However, this can often frustrate teachers. It is important that teachers

remain patient with their learners and allow them a lot of opportunities to see, use and

revise new vocabulary in a positive learning environment. A patient teacher can

reduce the anxiety levels in a classroom and this can in turn have a positive effect on

vocabulary learning.

3. The Roles of Games in Learning Vocabulary

Many experts of language teaching methodology also agree that playing

games is a good way to learn vocabulary. The games used in the classroom need to be

planned in order to fulfill a specific objective, they should not be designed randomly

without context. Games will only work in the classroom if they have a specific

purpose, and if the instructions and rules are set clearly to students since the

beginning. According to Brewster (2000), games may be simple and require very

little planning or may need quite a bit of preparation and the use of special materials,

such as dice, boards, or picture. Wright, Betteridge, and Buckby (1984) claim that,

with the use of games the teacher can create various contexts in which students have

to use the language to communicate, exchange information and express their own


They also said that games add variation to a lesson and increase the students’

motivation. Moreover, Baid and Lambert (2010) reported that game-based learning

can stimulate students’ cognitive skills as well as boost their motivation. Al Zaabi

(2007) advocated that learning vocabulary through games give students more chances

to learn something from one another. Zaabi also stated that the use of games helps

students to enjoy the class, which is important for success in learning. Nguyen and

Khuat (2003), affirmed that teachers appreciate games as they are enjoyable and

pleasurable and for making students practice lessons incidentally.

According to Napa (1991), there are several ways that can be used to develop

students’ vocabulary achievement. It can be taught by using many different

techniques such as picture, crossword puzzle, song, game, text, and translation.

Scrabble game can be used as one of the educational techniques in teaching

vocabulary. Through scrabble the students experiment, discover, and interact with

their environment. According to Lewis & Bedson (2003), playing games in the

classroom develops the ability to cooperate, competitive, and works together to

achieve certain goals. When the students play scrabble they required to arrange the

word per character. This activity can make their spelling ability getting better because

they can share their ability with their friends and check the correct spelling in the


Scrabble can break the tension and help the students to avoid boredom in

learning vocabulary. Many teachers conduct drilling techniques to enhance the

students’ vocabulary mastery. However, drilling is not the only way to achieve

memorization of vocabulary. Scrabble help the students to achieve memorization of

vocabulary in an enjoyable way. When the students play scrabble, they surely expose

repetition of a word. The students also can enhance their vocabulary mastery when

play scrabble in the classroom. It is because scrabble is one of memory games which

can used in vocabulary leaning. Slattery and Willis (2001, p. 49) states, there are

many types of games, including memory and guessing games which will help

students become familiar with new vocabulary in an enjoyable way. However, it is

the teacher’s responsibility to determine an appropriate way of teaching that can

motivate the students to involve in the learning activity.

4. Scrabble

This study focuses on learning vocabulary using scrabble. It is necessary to

discuss how scrabble in learning vocabulary is used as the learning media. This part

discusses about two things which are the use of scrabble as the learning media and the

scrabble rules.

a. Scrabble as the Learning Media

In order to make the students achieve their vocabulary skills easily, the teacher

need to use appropriate media to conduct the learning activity. Gagne, as cited in

Sadiman (1986, p. 6) and Rasibah (2006, p. 18), states that media is some kinds of

component in the surrounding around students which stimulate them to study. Briggs,

as cited in Rasibah (2006, p. 18), argues that media are all physical tools which serve

messages and make stimuli towards students to study, like book, film, cassette, etc.

Based on those definition, it can be summed up that media is everything which is

used to obtain information from the sender to the receiver so that it can stimulate

learning process to get knowledge, skill, and also certain attitude.

Scrabble is one of media which can used as the learning media especially in

vocabulary learning. Hebblethwaite in the Voinov journal (2009, p. 217) mentions

that scrabble can offer its players. These include intense mental activity that hones

cognitive skills, practice in applying economic principles, and the activation of

language learning in classrooms. Scrabble is use as the vocabulary learning media

since the students faced difficulties such as memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling

the words. Rush (2010) states that vocabulary learning has largely been construed as

a memory problem. Vocabulary memorizing seems to be another difficulty for

vocabulary learners. One of the biggest problems with vocabulary learning is that

what have learned today is often forgotten tomorrow. Shelby (2010), multiple sense

English words and synonyms (words with a similar meaning) present special

difficulty for foreign learners. Shelby states there are differences in English usage in

English-speaking countries in terms of spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and

grammar. Based on those statements above, it can be concluded that scrabble is a

learning media which can help students in learning vocabulary.

b. The Scrabble Rules

According to J.W. Spear (2009), scrabble is a word game for 2, 3 or 4 players.

Play consists of forming interlocking words, crossword fashion, on the scrabble

playing board, using letter tiles with various score values. The object of the game is to

get the highest score. Each player competes by using their tiles in combinations and

locations that take best advantage of letter values and premium squares on the board.

The combination of total score for a game may range from about 400 points to 800 or

more, depending on the skill of the players.

1) Content
A playing Board, 100 Letter Tiles, 4 Tile Racks, 1 Tile Bag, 100 Letter tiles:
a) There are 98 tiles with letters of the alphabet and two blank tiles.
b) Each of the letter tiles has score values indicated by the number to the bottom

right of the letter.

c) The two blank tiles have no score value, and can be used as any letter desired.

When it is played, the player must state what letter it represents, after which it

cannot be changed for the remainder of the game.

2) Set Up
a) Get a pen and paper to keep score.
b) Set up the board in the middle of the playing area.
c) Each player takes a rack for arranging their tiles and places it in front of them.
d) All the tiles are placed in the tile bag. Each player takes a tile out to find out

who plays first. The player who has the tile nearest the beginning of the alphabet,

with the blank preceding ‘A,’ plays first. The exposed tiles are put back into the

bag and the bag is shaken to shuffle them.

e) Each player, in turn, then draws seven new tiles and places them on their

racks. Everyone is now ready to play scrabble. Play proceeds clockwise.

3) Rules of Play
a) Keeping score

One player is selected as scorekeeper. They keep tally of each player’s score after

each turn.

b) Exchanging tiles

Any player may use their turn to replace any or all of the tiles in their rack. They

may discarding them face down, drawing the same number of new tiles, then

mixing the discarded tiles with those remaining in the bag. They then await their

next turn to play.

c) Passing (missing a turn)

Instead of placing tiles on the board, or exchanging tiles, a player may also decide

to pass, whether or not they are able to make a word (or words). However, when

all players should pass twice in succession, the game end.

d) Placing the first word

The first player combines two or more of their tiles to form a word and places

them on the board to read either across or down with one tile on the center square

(ribbon). Diagonal words are not permitted. All tiles played in this and subsequent

turns must be placed in one continuous line horizontally or vertically.

e) Permitted words

You may play any words listed in a standard English dictionary except those only

spelt with an initial capital letter, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes and words

requiring apostrophes and hyphens. Foreign words in a standard English

dictionary are considered to have been absorbed into the English language and are

allowed. Prior to starting the game, all players must agree on a dictionary to be

used. Once a tile has been placed on the board, it may not be moved unless the

word is successfully challenged.

f) Challenging words

Once a word has been played, the word may be challenged before the score is

added up and the next player starts their turn. At this point only, you may consult

a dictionary to check spelling or usage. If the word challenged is unacceptable,

the player takes back their tiles and loses their turn.

4) Board Premium Spaces

The playing board consists of 15 x 15 squares in the playing area with grid lines

to separate the squares. There are special premium squares on the board with

bonus score values:

a) Premium Letter Squares

A light blue square doubles the score of a letter placed on it. A dark blue square

triples the score of a letter placed on it.

b) Premium Word Squares

A light red square doubles the score of the word. A dark red square triples the

score of the word. If a word crosses both premium letter and word squares, all the

bonus letter values are added up before the complete word score is double or

tripled. The bonus scores of the premium squares only apply to the turn in which

the tiles are placed on them. When a blank is placed on a Triple or Double Word

square, the sum of the tiles in the word is doubled or tripled even though the

blank itself has no score value. When it is placed on a Triple or Double Letter

square, the value of the blank tile is still zero.

c) Scoring the first word

A player completes their turn by counting and announcing their score, which is

recorded by the scorekeeper. The score for the turn is calculated by adding up all

the values of the numbers on the tiles, plus any premium values from utilizing the

premium squares.

d) Ending a turn

At the end of every turn, the player draws as many new tiles as they have played,

thus always keeping seven tiles in their rack.

e) Adding 50-point bonus

Any player who plays all seven of their tiles in a single turn scores a premium of

50 points in addition to their regular score for the turn. The 50 points are added on

after doubling or tripling a word score.

f) Next player’s turn

The second player and then each player in turn, has the choice of exchanging

tiles, passing or adding one or more tiles to those already played so as to form

new words of two or more letters.


All tiles played in any one turn must be placed in one row only across or one

column only down the board. If they touch other tiles in adjacent rows, they must

form complete words crossword fashion, with all such tiles. The player gets full score

for all words formed or modified by their play. Include the bonus scores of any

premium squares on which they have placed the tiles. There are five different ways

that new words can be formed:

1. Adding one or more tiles to the beginning or end of a word already on the board, or

to both the beginning and end of that word.

2. Placing a word at right angles to a word already on the board. The new word must

use one of the letters of the word already on the board.

3. Placing a complete word parallel to a word already played so that adjoining tiles

also form complete words. In this example, more than one word is formed in the same

turn and each word is scored. The common letters are counted (with full premium

value, when they are on premium (squares) in the score for each word.

4. The new word may also add a letter to an existing word.

5. The last variation would be to “bridge” two or more letters. (This can only happen

on the 4th move or later in the game).

Sometimes a word may cross two premium word squares. The word score is doubled

then re-doubled - 4 times the complete word score; or tripled and then re-tripled - 9

times the complete word score!

g) End of the game


The game ends when: all the tiles have been drawn and one of the players has used all

the tiles in their rack, when all possible plays have been made, and all players have

passed twice in consecutive turns.

After all the scores are added up, each player’s score is reduced by the sum of

his un-played tiles, and if one player has used all their tiles, their score is increased by

the sum of the un-played tiles of all the other players. Example, if Player one has an

X and an A left on their rack at the end of the game, their score is reduced by 9 points.

The player who used all their tiles adds 9 points to their score. Remember the game

can be won or lost on the last letter in the bag.

5) Rules Clarifications
a) If any tile touches another tile in adjacent rows, it must form part of a

complete word crossword fashion, with all such tiles.

b) The same word can be played more than once in a game.
c) Pluralized words are allowed.
d) A word can be extended on both ends within the same move e.g. TRAINER to

e) All tiles played in any one turn must be placed in one continuous line only,

horizontally or vertically.
f) Players may not add tiles to various words, or form new words in different

parts of the board in the same turn.

g) The bonus scores of the premium squares only apply to the turn in which the

tiles are placed on them.


h) When more than one word is formed in a single turn, each word is scored. The

common letters are counted (with full premium value, when they are on premium

squares) in the score for each word.

i) If a word crosses two premium word squares, the word score is doubled and

re-doubled - 4 times the complete word score; or tripled and re-tripled - 9 times

the complete word score.

j) When a blank is placed on a Triple or Double Word square, the sum of the

tiles in the word is doubled or tripled even though the blank itself has no score

value. When it is placed on a Triple or Double Letter square, the value of the

blank tile is still zero.

k) When one player has used all their tiles and the tile bag is empty, the game is

over. In some games, no player succeeds in using all their tiles. In this case the

game continues until all possible moves have been made. If a player is unable to

move, they pass their turn. If all players pass twice, in consecutive turns, the game

l) A dictionary or word guide may not be used while a game is in progress to

search for words to fit the tiles on your rack. It may only be consulted after a

word has been played and challenged.

The explanation of the scrabble rules above shows that playing scrabble game

needs the techniques in making a new word from the tiles given. Besides, making a

new word needs the ability to recognize the letter that will form a word.

5. Scrabble and Vocabulary Mastery

Scrabble game is often perceived as being a recreational activity. For SHS

students, scrabble can make their process of learning vocabulary enjoyable and a lot

of fun. Hebblethwaite in the Voinov Journal (2009, p. 217) states that scrabble can

give mental activity that develops cognitive skills, practices in applying economic

principles, and activates the language learning in classroom. It means that scrabble

game can expand the vocabulary and strengthen the language ability.

Scrabble is one of memory games used to help students to improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery. Learning vocabulary using scrabble can improve

students’ vocabulary mastery such as vocabulary memorizing, pronouncing, and

spelling elements. There are some experts who support that statement as mentioned


a) Memorizing

According to Rixon, memory games help students revise vocabulary and

memorizing something that happened in a game and may help students remember the

language connected with it (1992, p. 82). Similarly, Wright, Betteridge and Buckby

agree that memory games “challenge the players’ ability to remember” (1984, p. 139).

Those experts state that scrabble as one of memory games can help students to

improve their vocabulary memorizing element.

b) Pronouncing

The students also can improve their vocabulary mastery like pronouncing the

words. Scrabble makes the student easier to improve their pronunciation skill because

when the students play scrabble in a group they will share their pronunciation element

from one to another then they check it from the dictionary. According to Rixon,

vocabulary game provides a good chance for students to learn something from one

another (1992, p. 80). Similarly, Al Zaabi (2007) state that learning vocabulary

through games give students more chances to learn something from one another.

c) Spelling

Scrabble also helps students to spell a difficult word correctly. It is because

when the student play scrabble they should arrange the word per character. According

to Cruickshank and Telfer, many types of games commonly used in second language

learning include scrabble and puzzles, in which players use principles of a subject or

discipline and solve related problems as in math or spelling (2001, p. 76).

B. Theoretical Framework

This part is about all major relevant theories that help the researcher in

conducting the research and answering the research questions. In analyzing the data

and answering the research questions, the researcher uses some related theories as the

groundwork. The main theories used in this study are mostly related to the meaning

and level of vocabulary, the scrabble, and the roles of games. However, the researcher

aims to investigate two important points of the objectives, they are the students’

perception on the implementation of scrabble for the 10 th grade students and the use

of scrabble improve 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery.

The first research question is conducted to investigate the students’ perception

on the implementation of scrabble for 10th grade students at SMA N 2 Purworejo. The

theory of perception is used to help the researcher in knowing students’ perception on

the implementation of scrabble for 10th grade students. Based on Bootzin, Loftus,

Zajonc, and Braun (1983), perception means the interpretation process which comes

from some stimuli of their sense organs.

The theory of vocabulary and the roles of games in learning vocabulary is used

to help the researcher in understanding the importance of game as the learning media.

The researcher uses Baid and Lambert (2010) theory that reported that game-based

learning can stimulate students’ cognitive skills as well as boost their motivation. The

researcher also use Hebblethwaite theory that states that scrabble can give mental

activity that develops cognitive skills, practices in applying economic principles, and

activates the language learning in classroom.

To answer the second research question the researcher use Rixon theory that

memory games help students revise vocabulary and recalling something that

happened in a game may help a student remember the language connected with it

(1992, p. 82). Similarly, Wright, Betteridge and Buckby agree that memory games

challenge the players’ ability to remember (1984, p. 139). Al Zaabi (2007) advocated

that learning vocabulary through games give students more chances to learn

something from one another.

According to Cruickshank and Telfer, many types of game commonly used in

second language learning includes scrabble and puzzles, in which players use

principles of a subject or discipline and solve related problems as in math or spelling

(2001, p. 76). They are used to indicate that the use of scrabble is able to improve the

10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery which include memorizing, pronouncing, and

spelling elements.


This chapter presents detailed information about the methodology used to

accomplish this study. It is divided into six parts. They are the research method,

research setting, research participants/subjects, instruments and data gathering

technique, data analysis technique and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

In this study, the researcher answers two problem formulations: (1) how is the

students’ perception on the implementation of scrabble for the 10 th grade students of

SMA N 2 Purworejo? and (2) how does the use of scrabble game improve the 10 th

grade students’ English vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo? To answer those

problem formulations, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative.

To answer the research questions, the researcher conducted descriptive

qualitative research. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1998), descriptive qualitative

research data collection is taken in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers.

The data includes the interview transcripts, the field notes, the photographs, the

videotapes, the personal documents, the memos, and the other official records

(Bogdan & Biklen, 1998). To answer the first research question, the researcher

described how the 10th grade students perceived the implementation of scrabble game


in SMA N 2 Purworejo related to the data from questionnaire and interview. Then, to

answer the second research question, the researcher identified the questionnaires in

order to gather the information about the 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery

improvement through scrabble. Then, the researcher also identified the interviews

related to the vocabulary mastery improvement which include memorizing,

pronouncing, and spelling elements in order to get the further explanation.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted at SMA N 2 Purworejo. It is one of the favorite

schools in Purworejo. It focused on the use of scrabble in teaching vocabulary for the

10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo. The reason why the writer chose this

school was because this school is located in strategic area and consists of students

from many areas, so it has heterogenic students from many background. The use of

scrabble as the media in teaching vocabulary for senior high school in Purworejo was

rarely found. The researcher did previous project research by asking questions to

students from 12 different senior high schools in Purworejo about the implementation

of scrabble game for vocabulary learning in the classroom. The result was 9 out of 12

schools never used scrabble in vocabulary learning activity. Even, they did not know

about scrabble game before. SMA N 2 Purworejo is one of schools which used

scrabble as the vocabulary learning media and even there is a scrabble competition in

every semester.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this study were the students from the 10 th grade of SMA N

2 Purworejo. In conducting the study, the writer observed one group of participants.

There were thirty-three students in the class consisted of twelve male and twenty one

female students. The researcher conducted the observation and distributed the

questionnaire to the 10th grade students. For the interview, there were five students as

representatives and one English teacher. The researcher chose X-1 class to be

researched because the X-1 class is the 3rd champion for the scrabble tournament in

SMA N 2 Purworejo. Therefore, it really helped the researcher to conduct the research

because X-1 students are the real evidence that scrabble influenced the students’

vocabulary mastery. The researcher selected the participants based on a purposive

reason. The reason why the researcher chose 10 th grade students was because they

were in a transitional phase. The 10th grade students are in the higher level from

junior high school. By using purposive participants’ selection method, the researcher

was able to observe and identify the participants’ characteristics that become the

representative in the group. In purposive sampling, sample elements judged to be

typical. For representative, are chosen from the population (Ary, Jacobs, and

Razzavieh, 2002, p. 169).


D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques

In the previously part, the researcher explained the method which was used in

gathering the data. In this case, instruments helped to answer the research problems.

The data gathering techniques that were employed were observation, questionnaire

and interview. In this study, the researcher observed the activities that happened in the

classroom in order to develop a detailed understanding value held by the participants.

1. Observation

According to Nunan (1992), as cited in Ayuningtyas (2008, p. 32), observation

as the first instrument in this research is commonly used in education as a tool to

support understanding and development. The observation was used both in

quantitative and qualitative research. In observing the participants, Morrison as cited

in Anditasari (2012, p. 29) states that observation enables the researcher to gather data

on physical setting, human setting, interactional setting, as well as program setting.

By using observation, the writer was able to gather data in the setting.

Before doing the observation, the writer made an observation checklist. The

observation checklist was used to indicate the kinds of information which were

needed to answer the questions. Moreover, it was also used to observe the students’

behavior during teaching-learning process. The researcher observed the students and

activities in the classroom.


In this study, the researcher observed the students and the teacher. First the

researcher observed the students/participants. In observing the participants, the

researcher conducted nonparticipant observation. In this activity, the researcher did

not involve in the teaching learning activities. The researcher only observed the

students’ activities when the teacher applied the scrabble game. The researcher

intended to know the effects using the scrabble game in learning vocabulary for the

students. While doing the observation, the researcher took notes on the observation

sheet from the situation in the classroom. The second to be observed is the teacher.

The teacher was observed based on the ability to teach and handle the activities

especially in implementing scrabble to improve the students’ vocabulary. Besides, the

researcher also observed the students’ responses to the implementation of scrabble.

The researcher did the observation before and after implementing scrabble.

2. Questionnaire

The other instrument was a questionnaire. Shohamy (1989, p. 172) states that

a questionnaire was printed from data collection, which included questions or

statements to which the subject of the research was expected to answer. The

researcher made close-ended question which consisted of “Yes” and “No” answer.

The questionnaire was made in close-ended form in order to make the participants

could answer easily. The writer provided 22 close-ended questions. The purpose of

this questionnaire is to find out and to answer the two research questions.

Questionnaire is a quick and simple way to obtain rich information about aspects of

the classroom and the teaching method (Hopkins, 2008). Therefore, the researcher

used the questionnaires to collect the information. Table 3.1 presents the

questionnaire that the researcher used and table 3.2 is the questionnaire blueprint.

Table 3.1 The Research Questionnaire

No Statements
1. I have learned English for more than 5 years.
2. Vocabulary is one of important thing in English.
3. I need to learn vocabulary to achieve my English skill
4. I found difficulties in learning vocabulary.
5. Learning vocabulary made me bored easily.
6. I have a difficulty in memorizing words on vocabulary learning
7. I have a difficulty in pronouncing words on vocabulary learning
8. I have a difficulty in spelling words on vocabulary learning
9. I have ever learned vocabulary using games as the media.
10. I am glad to learn English vocabulary using scrabble game.
11. Scrabble game made me motivated to learn vocabulary.
12. I am glad to learn vocabulary using scrabble game in the group.
13. Scrabble game helped me in improving my vocabulary mastery.
14. Scrabble game helped me to learn vocabulary easily.
15. Scrabble game helped me in memorizing and recalling the
16. Scrabble game helped me in improving my pronunciation.
17. Scrabble game helped me in improving my spelling.
18. Through scrabble game I can learn and share vocabulary
mastery by cooperate and ask friends.
19. I could contribute actively in the group when playing scrabble.
20. Playing scrabble wasting my learning time.

21. The teacher deliver the explanation related to scrabble game

22. I would like to use scrabble to learn English for the future.

The researches made those questions based on some theories. Those questions

were classified into three indicators and made in the form of close-ended.

Table 3.2 The Questionnaire Blueprint

Question Indicators Theory Form

1-8 10 Grade Students’ Huang Close-ended
Difficulties in Learning (1999)
9-12 The Students’ Perception on Baid & Lambert Close-ended
the Implementation of (2010)
Scrabble in Learning Hebblethwaite in
Vocabulary for 10th Grade Voinov Journal
Students (2009)
13-22 Scrabble Help The 10th Grade Wright, Betteridge, Close-ended
Students to Improve Their & Buckby
Vocabulary Mastery (1984)
Cruickshank &
Telfer (2001)

3. Interview

The last instrument used for this study was an interview. This instrument was

one of the ways to get more detail information in the classroom. Interview was an

instrument to answer the two research questions. It was related to the implementation

of the scrabble game in teaching learning process which could improve students’

vocabulary mastery for the 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo. Interview was

the most common data gathering technique. According to Gall, Gall, and Borg

(2007), interview involves asking a series of structured questions and then probing

more deeply with open-form questions to obtain additional information. The

researcher got the complete answers from the interview from the students.

The interview aimed to find out the participants’ and the teacher’s opinions

and feelings of using scrabble game in vocabulary learning process. According to

Wallace (1998, p. 146-147), interview is divided into three categories structured

interview, unstructured interview and semi-structured interview. The interview

functioned to collect further information, clarify the data, and to obtain the additional

information. The questions were in Indonesian to make it easier for students to

answer the questions. This interview was done after implementing the scrabble. The

writer used note taking and tape recording to obtain detailed and further information

from the interviewees. The interview was about the problems that appeared in class

before and after using scrabble. The following table provided questions in the


Table 3.3. The List of Questions in The Interview

1. Did you feel bored when learning vocabulary without any media? Please describe your

2. Did you find any difficulties in learning vocabulary? Whether Memorizing,

pronouncing, or spelling? Why?

3. Are you interested by the implementation of scrabble game in vocabulary learning?


4. Are you motivated to learn vocabulary using scrabble game? Why?

5. Are you cooperated actively with your partner when compete the scrabble game? Why?

6. Did scrabble influence your vocabulary mastery improvement? How it can improve
your vocabulary mastery?

7. Did scrabble help you in improving your vocabulary memorizing element? How it
can improve your vocabulary memorizing element?

8. Did scrabble help you in improving your pronunciation element? How could it
improve your pronunciation element?

9. Did scrabble help you in improving your spelling element? How it can improve your
spelling element?

10. How is your teacher’s ability in delivering the explanations related to the implementation
of scrabble game?

E. Data Triangulation

In this research, the researcher used more than one data collection. It means

triangulation is used. The data were collected through: observation, questionnaire,

and interview. According to Creswell (2015), triangulation is the process of proofing

evidence from different individuals (e.g., a principal and a student), types of data

(e.g., observational field notes and interviews), or methods of data collection (e.g.,

documents and interviews) in descriptions and themes in qualitative research.

The triangulation from the instruments and data techniques which are

observation, questionnaire and interview would be analyzed to gain the reliability and

validity of the study. Elliot as cited in Anditasari (2012, p. 33) states that data

triangulation is a method which brings several evidences to be compared and

contrasted. Moreover, according to Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007), the use of multiple

methods to collect data can enhance the validity of findings through a process called

triangulation. Data triangulation is used to make the findings accurate.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this part, the data techniques were expected to be able to gather the

information. The data from the observation checklist, questionnaire, and interview

were analyzed to gather the information on the students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble for the 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo. In

order to find out the use of scrabble game in improving the 10 th grade students’

vocabulary mastery at SMA N Purworejo, the researcher distributed questionnaire to

thirty three students and interviewed five students.

The data from the questionnaire and interview were classified into two

segments: the students’ perception on the implementation of scrabble for the 10 th

grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo and the use of scrabble game in improving 10th

grade students’ vocabulary mastery. After the questionnaires were distributed, the

final data of the questionnaire were presented in a form of percentage. To get the

percentage of each statement, the researcher used the formula as written here:

x = The number of the students based on the degree of agreement

n = The number of all participants

Besides the questionnaire, the researcher also needed to analyze the data from

the interview. The data were gathered by taking the main idea from each statement

that the participants gave. This was called as a coding system. Coding system is a

system used to facilitate the categorizing and counting of specific behaviors as they

occur (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010).

The last analysis is the interview. The goal of this step was to find additional

information to support and strengthen the analysis about the use of scrabble. From the

interview, the writer will know the opinions towards the use of scrabble in learning

vocabulary. The data from interview was analyzed by rewriting the conversation

between the researcher and the respondents. Then the researcher summarized the

data. The researcher provided ten questions and chose five students to be interviewed.

The researcher wrote the transcription of the interviews to present clearer data. After

that, the writer related the results of the interview and the questionnaire to the theories

in Chapter II.

G. Research Procedures

This part is aimed to find out how the 10 th grade students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble game and how scrabble game can improve 10 th grade

students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo. There are some procedures that

had been done in accomplishing this study

1. The researcher selected the problem to investigate.

2. After the problem had found, the researcher chose the participants as the subject

of the study. The participants were chosen by using the purposive sampling.

3. Then, the researcher prepared the observation, the questionnaire, and the

interview. Before conducting the observation, the questionnaire and the interview,

the researcher asked the permission letter from the secretary of the English

Language Study Program to do the study. After that, the researcher asked the

permission letter from Dekanat of FKIP. Then, the researcher proposed the

permission letter to the headmaster of SMA N 2 Purworejo to conduct a study and

gain the participants of the study. After all the permissions were accepted, the

researcher had a meeting with the English teacher of the second grade students to

arrange the schedule to conduct the study.

4. After that, the researcher observed the situation of the class and the participants,

distributed the questionnaire and interviewed the students to obtain the data

needed. In this step, the writer might be able to see the phenomena and situation

during the observation.

5. Then, the researcher analyzed the data which were gathered from the observation,

the questionnaire, and the interview to answer the problem formulation by

triangulating the data. The observation, the questionnaire, and the interview was

used to answer the research problems.

6. In the next step, the researcher interpreted the findings and related to the theory

that was used as the reference of the study. After that, the researcher made a

conclusion based on the interpretation.

7. The last step, the researcher reported the result based on the observation, the

questionnaire, and the interview.



This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is the research findings

and the second part is the discussion. In the first part, the researcher presents the data

which were gathered by employing three research instruments: observation,

questionnaire, and interview. From the data analysis, the researcher presents the

findings which answer the two research questions.

A. Research Findings

There are two sections in this part. The first section is about the

implementation of scrabble in teaching vocabulary for the 10th grade students of SMA

N 2 Purworejo. The second section is the use of scrabble game in improving the 10 th

grade students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo.

1. The Students’ Perception on The Implementation of Scrabble for The 10 th

Grade Students of SMA N 2 Purworejo

This section presents the findings which were related to the students’

perception on the implementation of scrabble game. The researcher divides this part

into four sub-discussions:


a) Students’ Attitude Towards Vocabulary Learning

The researcher provided two close-ended questions in the questionnaire and

interview to find out the students’ attitude towards learning. The first question was

about whether the students face difficulties in learning. The result was twenty out of

thirty three (60,6%) students answered “Yes” they faced difficulties in learning

vocabulary. Besides, thirteen out of thirty three (39,4%) students answered “No” they

did not face any difficulties on learning vocabulary.

The second question was about whether the students were bored when

learning vocabulary about. The result of the second question was twenty two out of

thirty three (66,6%) students answered “Yes”. Besides, eleven out of thirty three

(33,4%) students answered “No” they did not bored when learning vocabulary about.

The result of the questionnaire strengthened by the interview. The researcher asked

why learning vocabulary makes the students feel bored. Students 2 and 3 stated as

S2: It was because the material always related to words. It always made me bored
easily. (Soalnya materinya cuma hubungannya sama kosakata tok mas. Itu
yang bikin aku gampang bosen kalo belajar vocab)

S3: Too many words for me to memorize. It was difficult and always made me
bored easily. (Lha banyak banget kosakata yang kudu diapalin mas. Susah
juga sih, kalo udah gitu terus males)

The data above proved that many students still faced difficulties in learning

vocabulary. Those difficulties made the students experience boredom. This problem

can hinder the students to develop their vocabulary mastery.


Then, the researcher provided three close-ended questions on the

questionnaire to find out what kinds of difficulties that the students faced in learning

vocabulary. The first question was about whether the students found difficulties in

memorizing the words. The result was thirty one out of thirty three (93,9%) students

answered “Yes” they found difficulties in memorizing words. It was because the

students needed a good learning media to help them memorize the words. The second

question was about whether the students were difficult in pronouncing the words. The

result was twenty five out of thirty three (75,7%) answered “Yes” they were difficult

in pronouncing some words. It was difficult for second language learners to speak

with a good pronunciation because they rarely practice their English. The third

question was about whether the students were difficult in spelling the words. The

result was twenty seven out of thirty three (81,8%) students were difficult in spelling

unusual vocabulary which sometimes the found. It was because the students rarely

practiced their spelling except in the classroom. Those problems will affect the

students’ achievement in English.

Those percentages from the questionnaire were strengthened by the interview

result. The researcher tries to elaborate on the cause of their difficulties in learning

vocabulary about. Student 2, 4, and 5 stated as follows:

S2: Yes, sometimes those was difficult for me whether memorizing, pronouncing,
or spelling the words in a narrative text. Actually, the difficulties not only in
the narrative text. Generally, vocabulary is difficult. It would be more difficult
when we learn vocabulary in certain topic. (Iya mas, kadang aku susah buat
nginget-inget kosakata sama istilah. Cara ngucap nya juga kadang masih
salah. Sama pas waktu nulis gitu kadang juga salah huruf nya. Emang

dasarnya udah susah sih apalagi kalo pas tentang bacaan gitu suka nggak
umum kosakatanya ya tambah susah deh)
S4: Yes, all of them were quite difficult. Whether memorizing, pronouncing, or
spelling. Basically, I did not really like English. Narrative text was so hard for
me because it contained many unusual words. (Iya susah semua mas
pokoknya. Soalnya emang dasarnya aku nggak terlalu suka sama Bahasa
Inggris. Jadinya pas topik nya narrative text tambah susah buat aku soalnya
banyak kosakata yang nggak terlalu umum)

S5: Yes, I have got difficulties on those requirements. In the narrative text I often
found unfamiliar words which hard to memorize, pronounce, or spell, (Iya,
aku kesulitan banget buat mengingat, mengucap, sama mengeja kalo pas
kadang sering nemu kosakata yang nggak familiar di teks naratif)

From the questionnaire and the interview, it can be concluded that some of

students faced difficulties in learning vocabulary. There were three difficulties that

students faced in learning vocabulary. The students faced those kinds of difficulties

such as memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling elements. From the interview result it

can be concluded that 10th grade students got those difficulties because of unfamiliar

words and low motivation to learn vocabulary.

b) The Students’ Perception on The Implementation of Scrabble in

Vocabulary Learning

Before using the scrabble in the vocabulary learning, the teacher recalled the

previous topic. After that, the teacher divided thirty three students into eight groups

which contains of 4-5 students. There were eight scrabble boards for eight groups and

thirty three students. In a group which consisted of four people the students work in

pairs. Then, the teacher gave an explanation about rules and requirements which used

by the students to play scrabble related to the topic of the lesson. The last, the teacher

asked the students to discuss the meaning of the words and write down every single

word in their own group. The teacher gave the students 30-45 minutes to compete and

used the rest of the time for the discussion.

From the questionnaire twenty nine out of thirty three (87,8%) students were

never played scrabble game before. Scrabble was used as a game which could trigger

the students’ curiosity and increase the students’ attraction.

This statement was strengthened by the questionnaire and the interview. Based

on the questionnaire, there were thirty out of thirty three (90,9%) students agreed that

the use of scrabble attracted them. Since scrabble could attract the students, they were

very interested in using it as the media to learn vocabulary. There were twenty seven

out of thirty three (81,8%) students stated that they were enthusiastic to use scrabble.

In the interview, the researcher asked whether scrabble made the students interested.

Student 5 and 1 stated as follows:

S5: Yes, I am really interested in using scrabble to learn vocabulary. I have never
used this game before. Scrabble was never taught in my junior high school.
(Iya mas, aku tertarik banget pake scrabble buat belajar. Soalnya aku belum
pernah main game ini, dulu di SMP juga nggak pernah diajarin)
S1: Yes, I interested. Besides, it makes me enjoy the lesson and helps in learning
vocabulary. (Hooh mas, aku tertarik kalo ada game nya. Lagian kan selain
bikin asik pelajaran nya juga bantu buat belajar vocab)
Since the students were impressed and interested to use scrabble as the media

to learn vocabulary, the students’ motivation to learn vocabulary was also increased.

Thirty out of thirty three (90,9%) students answered “Yes” that scrabble made them

excited to learn vocabulary. This statement was strengthened by the interview’s

answers from student 1 and 5 stated as follows:

S1: Yes, it made me excited when scrabble game involved in the lesson. (Iya mas
aku sih jadinya lebih semangat kalo belajar nya pake scrabble)

S5: Excited or not it depends on the condition but overall game usually makes me
excited. (Semangat apa nggak nya tergantung sama kondisinya mas, tapi
biasanya kalo pake game ya jadi semangat)

From the result of the questionnaire and interview above, it showed that the scrabble

was successful to attract the attention and to measure the interest of the students.

Then, it made the students motivated to learn vocabulary in the class.

The third, forth, and last statement were related to the students’ activeness

when they worked in pairs to compete scrabble in the classroom. The students were

enthusiastic when they competed scrabble among the groups. Then, the students were

cooperated actively among others in their own group. Twenty eight out of thirty three

(87,8%) students answered “Yes” that they could cooperate actively when they

worked in pairs. It can be seen from their interaction among others as well as among

teacher. This statement was strengthened by the interview’s answers from student 3

and 4 stated as follows:

S3: Yes, we were worked in pairs and cooperated actively. It was because each
pairs wanted to give the best for the competition. (Iya mas, kita kan main nya
berpasangan jadi ya mau gak mau pasti aktif kerjasama. Soalnya tiap
pasangan kan juga mesti mau bersaing)

S4: Yes, both of us were helped each other when. We were wanted to compete
with the others. (Iya kami berdua saling bantu mikir sama nginget-inget aja
kalo pas giliran main. Kalo gak gitu kita gak bisa bersaing sama yang lain)

It showed that the scrabble could really make the students follow the learning

activity actively. The small competition which was planned by the teacher using

scrabble really worked to reinforce the students’ activeness in learning vocabulary.

It can be concluded that the implementation of scrabble in learning vocabulary

build a positive learning environment for the students and perceived positively by the

students. It can be seen from the data above that the students assumed the scrabble

game help them to improve their interest and motivation in learning vocabulary. It is

because the scrabble let the students to use their creativity. According to Domke

(1991), students have a chance to use their imagination and creativity during activities

like games in the classroom. When the students were interested in learning the

material, they would give more attention to the lesson given. That condition will give

a good achievement for both the teacher and students. On the occasion the teacher

could deliver the material very well and the students could understand what they had

learned on that day.

2. How The Use of Scrabble Game Improve The 10th Grade Students’

English Vocabulary Mastery?

In this part, the researcher presents the general statements which are related to

the use of scrabble that can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery in terms of

memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling elements. This part shows how the scrabble

gave the students chances to improve their vocabulary mastery in terms of

memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling elements. Since the students had positive

learning environment because of the implementation of scrabble game in vocabulary

learning, it showed that the scrabble game could improve the 10th grade students’

vocabulary mastery.

Basically, the students’ vocabulary mastery is certainly different from one to

another. When the students played scrabble in a group, they could share their

vocabulary mastery for the others by cooperate in the competition. Therefore,

scrabble could help the students to improve their vocabulary mastery in those three

elements. Twenty six out of thirty three (78,7%) students answered “Yes” that

scrabble made them easier to learn vocabulary. The students assumed that scrabble

made them easier to learn vocabulary because it could help them to memorize,

pronounce, and spell the words correctly. This statement was strengthened by the

interview’s answer from student 1 and 3 as follows:

S1: Yes, through scrabble game I feel that my vocabulary mastery is improved.
My vocabulary is getting better. I found many new words from the other friends that I
have never heard before. Even, sometimes we debate on a word which unusual for
some of us and find out through dictionary. (Iya mas, pake scrabble ini rasanya
kemampuan vocab saya jadi nambah makin baik lagi. Soalnya pas main scrabble kan
jadi nemu vocab baru. Malahan kadang jadi debat kalo nemu kata yang diragukan
gitu, terus kita nyari tau nya lewat kamu)

S3: Scrabble really makes my vocabulary mastery improved. I can enrich my

vocabulary without reading a book. Through scrabble my vocabulary was getting
better without realized it. (Scrabble bikin kemampuan ku nambah banget mas.
Gausah susah-susah baca buku buat belajar vocab nya. Pake scrabble bisa asik
belajarnya nanti tau-tau udah nambah aja kemampuan vocab nya)

It showed that scrabble could influence the students’ vocabulary

improvement. From the interview result the students answered that they can enrich

their vocabulary through scrabble. However, the researcher specified what vocabulary

mastery which improved because the use of scrabble. The researcher found that the

students’ vocabulary mastery in terms of memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling

elements were improved through scrabble.

a) Memorizing

Twenty five out of thirty three (75,7%) students answered “Yes” that scrabble

helped them to strengthen their vocabulary memorizing element. It helped them to

memorize difficult words and also enrich their vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary

memorization achievement is the most important thing in vocabulary learning. The

students cannot develop their vocabulary skills if they are unable to memorize the

words. Drilling the words is not the only way to achieve memorization of vocabulary.

It is lack of fun and interest, which is one of the essential components of learning.

Scrabble was used to help the students in memorizing the words in an interesting way.

When playing scrabble, the students tried to recall words that were saved on their

memory. Moreover, the students found many new words from playing scrabble with

their friends. This statement was strengthened by the result of interview from student

2 and 5 which were stated below:

S2: Yes, it was really helped me to strengthen my memorizing element. It was

because when we played scrabble we forced to recall the words we have learnt
before. (Iya membantu banget mas buat memperkuat kemampuan nginget
vocab. Soalnya kan mau nggak mau kita kudu nginget-inget vocab dari apa
yang udah kita pelajarin)

S5: Yes, it was quite helped me to recall words that I had learned before. I was
automatically memorized words that had saved in my memory. (Iya scrabble

cukup ngebantu buat nginget vocab yang udah pernah dipelajari dulu. Secara
otomatis pas main scrabble aku kan terus jadi nginget-inget biar nggak
kehabisan kata)

From the interview result above, it is proved that scrabble game could

enhance the students’ vocabulary memorizing element.

b) Pronunciation

Thirty out of thirty three students (90,9%) believed that scrabble help them to

improve their pronunciation element. It helped them to pronounce particular word

correctly when they played scrabble in a group. It was because when the students

played scrabble in a group they will share their pronunciation each other. The

students also confirmed the correct pronunciation by asking the teacher or reading

from the dictionary. This statement was strengthened by the interview result from

student 2 and 3 stated as follows:

S2: Yes, scrabble helped me to learn how to pronounce particular word. It is

because I can ask friends in my group about how to pronounced the word and
then checked it in online dictionary. (Iya pake scrabble jadi lebih gampang
buat belajar ngomongnya mas soalnya bisa nanya sama temen di kelompok,
kalo belum yakin ya kita cek aja di kamus online kan ada tuh yang ada

S3: Yes, scrabble made my pronunciation was improved. When I played scrabble
it really embarrassing if I cannot pronounce the words correctly. So, if I find a
difficult word I tried to search how to pronounce it correctly by using online
dictionary from my cell phone. (Iya, pas main scrabble kemampuan
pronunciation ku jadi nambah mas, soalnya malu-maluin kalo gak bias
ngucap kata nya. Kalo pas nemu kata yang susah ya tinggal nyari aja gimana
cara ngucap yang bener nya lewat kamus online kan ada tuh)

It showed that the students could really enhance their pronunciation element

through playing scrabble in learning vocabulary.

c) Spelling

Twenty five out of thirty three (75,7%) students answered “Yes” that scrabble

helped them to spell difficult and unusual words correctly. The students not only

required to spell words but they could see words that other players spelled as well.

This thing served to increase their vocabulary and had a better grasp on the spelling

of words. It was because when the students played scrabble they should arrange the

words per character. Therefore, the students’ spelling element would increase through

scrabble. This statements were also supported by the interview that scrabble

improved their vocabulary skill. The interview result from student 1 and 4 presented

as follows:

S1: Yes, that was pretty helped me to spell a word because I have to arranged the
word per character. So, I can spell the word correctly. (Ya itu cukup membantu
sih mas kalo buat aku. Soalnya pas main scrabble kan harus nyusun huruf
nya satu per satu. Jadinya paham dan bisa mengeja vocab nya)

S2: Yes, scrabble helped me to spell a difficult word. Actually, spelling was not
that difficult but sometimes when I find unusual words which usually
consisted in an articlet it would be difficult to spell. Scrabble helped to
enhance spelling element because we have to arranged the word per character.
(Iya kalo menurutku scrabble membantu buat spelling. Sebenernya sih
spelling nggak terlalu susah banget mas, tapi kadang kalo pas ketemu sama
kata yang nggak umum dipake jadi susah. Contohnya di bacaan gitu kan
banyak tuh kata-kata yang nggak umum. Nah, scrabble bisa buat bantu
kemampuan spelling karena selain aku harus nyusun huruf aku juga bisa
ngoreksi punya lawan main nya)

The data above proved that scrabble facilitates the students to improve their

spelling element as a vocabulary learning media.

Since most of the students agreed that the scrabble game helped the students

to enhance their vocabulary mastery especially in memorizing, pronouncing, and

spelling element, the researcher concludes that the use of scrabble game in

vocabulary learning could improve the 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery.


In this part, the researcher presents the data results which answer the two

research questions: 1) how is the students’ perception on the implementation of

scrabble for the 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo? and 2) how does the use

of scrabble game improve the 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2

Purworejo? The discussion can be seen as follows:

1. The Students’ Perception on The Implementation of Scrabble Game for

The 10th Grade Students of SMA N 2 Purworejo

This section will answer the second research question about how the

students perceive the implementation of scrabble in vocabulary learning. The

researcher took students’ perception to know the students’ responses about the

implementation of scrabble game. The researcher also wanted to know whether the

students could get the vocabulary mastery improvement in memorizing, pronouncing,

and spelling elements or not. Perception based on Altman et al. (1985) is the way of

someone sees reality. There are four factors which affect perception. Those are

selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation and the person’s self-

concept (Altman et al., 1985, p. 86). Identifying the students’ perceptions was easier

after they got their own experiences.

However, the findings showed that most of the students got positive

perception on the implementation of scrabble in vocabulary learning. There will be

two parts in this section. The first part is about the students’ attitude towards

vocabulary learning. The second part is the students’ perception of scrabble game in

vocabulary learning.

a) The Students’ Attitude Towards Vocabulary Learning

The findings showed that the students perceived the implementation of

scrabble through their interaction during the learning process. The 10th grade students

of SMA N 2 Purworejo faced difficulties such as memorizing, pronouncing, and

spelling the words. Rush (2010) states that vocabulary learning has largely been

construed as a memory problem. Vocabulary memorizing seems to be another

difficulty for vocabulary learners. One of the biggest problems with vocabulary

learning is that what have learned today is often forgotten tomorrow.

According to Shelby (2010), multiple sense English words and synonyms

(words with a similar meaning) present special difficulty for foreign learners. Shelby

states there are differences in English usage in English-speaking countries in terms of

spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Here is one statement about the

difficulties of vocabulary learning:


S4: Yes, all of them were quite difficult. Whether memorizing, pronouncing, or
spelling. Basically, I did not really like English. (Iya susah semua mas pokoknya.
Soalnya emang dasarnya aku nggak terlalu suka sama Bahasa Inggris.

The result of the findings was twenty out of thirty three (60,6%) students

answered “Yes” they faced difficulties in learning vocabulary. Besides, thirteen out of

thirty three (39,4%) students answered “No” they did not faced any difficulties on

learning vocabulary. Based on the findings, it is showed that the 10 th grade students

face difficulties in learning vocabulary.

b) The Students’ Perception of Scrabble Game in Vocabulary Learning

In order to help the students generated their motivation in learning vocabulary,

the teacher chose to implement scrabble as the learning media. On certain meetings,

the teacher focused the learning activity on the vocabulary achievement using

scrabble. It was conducted to avoid the students to learn passively through the

teacher’s explanation. According to Nguyen & Khuat (2002), students have not

changed their learning habits, such as writing words on paper, trying to learn by heart

or learning passively through the teacher's explanations. Therefore, the teacher tried

to create new learning situation. The use of scrabble successfully made the students’

motivation in learning vocabulary were increased. Here are the statements from the


S1: Yes, I interested. Besides, it makes me enjoy the lesson and helps in learning
vocabulary. (Hooh mas, aku tertarik kalo ada game nya. Lagian kan selain bikin asik
pelajaran nya juga bantu buat belajar vocab)
S3: Yes, it made me excited when scrabble game involved in the lesson. (Iya mas
aku sih jadinya lebih semangat kalo belajar nya pake scrabble)

As Baid and Lambert (2010) stated that game-based learning can stimulate

students’ cognitive skills as well as boost their motivation. Moreover, there is a

scrabble game tournament in every mid semester in the class meeting activity. The

students were really interested when they worked with game as their learning media.

According to McManus, interest in the learning centre paradigm situates learners to

the centre of the experience, empowers and motivates them to assume responsibility

for their own learning and adopts teaching and learning strategies designed to

encourage students to see themselves as active thinkers and problem solvers (2001, p.

183-199). Therefore, the interest of the students in teaching learning process will

determine the achievement of their study. From the statements, the researcher found

out that the 10th grade students give positive perception on the implementation of

scrabble in vocabulary learning.

The students learning motivation were increased when they competed

scrabble among the groups. Then, the students were cooperated actively among others

in their own group. According to Lewis & Bedson (2003), playing games in the

classroom develops the ability to cooperate, competitive, and works together to

achieve certain goals. Twenty eight out of thirty three (87,8%) students answered

“Yes” that they could cooperate actively when they worked in pairs. One of the

students gave her perception that the scrabble could make the students cooperate

actively in the group. The statement provided positive response about the

implementation of scrabble through group work. Here is the statement from the


S3: Yes, we were worked in pairs and cooperated actively. It was because each
pairs wanted to give the best for the competition. (Iya mas, kita kan main nya
berpasangan jadi ya mau gak mau pasti aktif kerjasama. Soalnya tiap pasangan kan
juga mesti mau bersaing)

From the statements above, it concluded that the 10th grade students gave

positive perception on the implementation of scrabble in vocabulary learning. The

students were helped in vocabulary learning by the implementation of scrabble game.

When scrabble game was implemented in the class, the students became active and

independent. They shared their vocabulary mastery when they worked in their own

group. The teacher believed this learning activity can improve their vocabulary


2. How The Use of Scrabble Game Improves The 10 th Grade Students’

Vocabulary Mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo?

This part focuses on how scrabble game can improve students’ vocabulary

mastery. According to Phillips, there are many factors that affect learners: the

atmosphere of the classroom, the attitude of the teacher, and the organization of the

lesson all affect children’s learning (1997, p. 141). The students assumed that they

liked the relaxed atmosphere, the competitiveness and the motivation that scrabble

games brought to the classroom. Nguyen & Khuat (2002), states that games bring in

relaxation and fun for students, thus help them learn and retain new words easier. If

the students were having fun learning vocabulary using scrabble in learning

vocabulary, then they would have motivation to develop their vocabulary mastery.

Therefore, generating a good learning environment is very important in order to help

the students in developing their vocabulary mastery.

The researcher used questionnaire and interview to gathered the data. Based

on the data gathered, most of the students agreed that scrabble game improved their

vocabulary mastery. If the students could improve their vocabulary, they would be

able to learn the four language skills easily. This statement was supported by Burton

(1982) who says that the students should be supplied with enough vocabulary in order

to make them able to learn the four language skills, they are: listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Since the students had a positive learning environment, the

researcher obtained that scrabble gave an improvement toward their vocabulary

mastery especially in terms of memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling elements.

a) Memorizing

When playing scrabble, the students will concentrate and try to recall words

learnt in order to play the scrabble. If scrabble used in the classrooms, it will help

students learn vocabulary because it is introduced and used in an enjoyable and

challenging way. There are many types of games as the vocabulary learning media,

including memory and guessing games. Scrabble game is one of memory games

which used as a vocabulary learning media. According to Rixon, memory games help

students revise vocabulary and recalling something that happened in a game may help

a student remember the language connected with it (1992, p. 82). Similarly, Wright,

Betteridge and Buckby agree that memory games challenge the players’ ability to

remember (1984, p. 139).

b) Pronouncing

Pronunciation is the way in which a word is pronounced. It is not like

Indonesian language that words can be read directly as same as the written words.

However, English has different way to pronounce words. Pronunciation will become

challenge for the students because they also have to know how to pronounce words.

For example, word “read” is pronounced /riːd/, not /read/ if it pronounces in

Indonesian language. Based on the questionnaire there were thirty out of thirty three

students agreed that scrabble improved their pronunciation element. Based on the

interview, student 2 and 3 assumed that scrabble made the student easier to learn

about pronunciation. It was because when the students played scrabble in a group

they will share their pronunciation element from one to another then they confirmed it

from the dictionary. According to Rixon, vocabulary game provides a good chance

for students to learn something from one another (1992, p. 80). Al Zaabi (2007)

advocated that learning vocabulary through games give students more chances to

learn something from one another.

c) Spelling

The last and foremost advantage to scrabble is spelling. The entire game is

based around spelling. Not only the students required to spell words by their selves,

but they can see words that other players spell as well. This serves to increase their

vocabulary and have a better grasp on the spelling of words. This can be extremely

advantageous for the 10th grade students who are at a stage where their vocabulary is

expanding to the higher level. Student 4 agreed that scrabble helped the student to

spelled a difficult word correctly. It was because when the student played scrabble

they should arrange the word per character. According to Cruickshank and Telfer,

many types of game commonly used in second language learning includes scrabble

and puzzles, in which players use principles of a subject or discipline and solve

related problems as in math or spelling (2001, p. 76).



This chapter presents the conclusions of this study and the suggestions. In the

first part, it is about the conclusion of how is the students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble for the 10 th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo and

how the use of scrabble game improves the 10 th grade students’ vocabulary mastery at

SMA N 2 Purworejo. In the second part, it contains the suggestions for teachers,

students, and future researchers.

A. Conclusion

This research aims to find out the students’ perception of the implementation

of scrabble game in SMA N 2 Purworejo and to find out how the use of scrabble game

improves the 10th grade students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo. There

are two research problems. The first is how is the students’ perception on the

implementation of scrabble for the 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Purworejo The

second is how does the use of scrabble game improves the 10th grade students’

vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo?

Based on the research findings in Chapter IV, how the 10 th grade students’

perception on the implementation of scrabble is, the first, the students perceive the

implementation of scrabble game from two ways. The first way is that the students’

attitude towards vocabulary learning. The students perceive it is difficult to master


those three vocabulary elements which are memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling.

The second way is that the implementation of scrabble in vocabulary learning. The

10th grade students perceive that the implementation of scrabble game in vocabulary

learning could generate their learning motivation. The students could cooperate

actively in their own group when playing scrabble. It brings positive learning

environment for the students.

Related to the second research problem, scrabble game improves the 10th

grade students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA N 2 Purworejo. There were three

vocabulary elements which were improved by playing scrabble in vocabulary

learning. The first one was vocabulary memorizing element, the second one was

vocabulary pronouncing element, and the last was vocabulary spelling element. The

improvement of those vocabulary elements were because of the positive learning

environment which created by the implementation of scrabble game in vocabulary

learning. In conclusion, scrabble give benefits towards the students’ vocabulary


B. Suggestions

In this part, the researcher writes suggestions for some parties. There are

suggestions for the teachers, the students, and the future researchers.

1. For the teachers

This research proves that scrabble gives benefits for learning vocabulary. The

researcher suggests that teachers can use word game especially scrabble as one of

their techniques in teaching vocabulary for students. It is not only able to help the

students, but it is interesting for them because it makes the students fun in learning


2. For the 10th grade students

In this case, since scrabble was used by the teacher in vocabulary learning, the

researcher suggests that they shall maximize the use of scrabble so that they can

really improve their vocabulary mastery. Besides, the students should pay attention

when the teacher explained the rules of the game. So that the students can really

understand the rules of the scrabble. The researcher suggests that each student should

be active in asking question related to the teacher explanations if there is something

unclear about it. The researcher also suggests that the students should be contribute

in their own group actively.

3. For the future researchers

The researcher hopes that this research can inspire other researchers to

conduct further research about the use of scrabble game in vocabulary learning. The

researcher suggests that the future researchers investigate more on the teaching

strategies which are appropriate to be implemented in vocabulary learning in order to

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.


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Questionnaire Result

Appendix 3. Questionnaire Result

Questionnaire Result

No Statements Yes No
1. I have learned English for more than 5 years. 32 1
2. Vocabulary is one of important thing in English. 33 0
3. I need to learn vocabulary to achieve my English skill 33 0
4. I found difficulties in learning vocabulary. 20 13
5. Learning vocabulary made me bored easily. 22 11
6. I have a difficulty in memorizing words on vocabulary learning 27 6
7. I have a difficulty in pronouncing words on vocabulary learning 29 4
8. I have a difficulty in spelling words on vocabulary learning 30 3
9. I have ever learned vocabulary using games as the media. 28 5
10. I am glad to learn English vocabulary using scrabble game. 30 3
11. Scrabble game made me motivated to learn vocabulary. 30 3
12. I am glad to learn vocabulary using scrabble game in the group. 30 3
13. Scrabble game helped me in improving my vocabulary mastery. 33 0

14. Scrabble game helped me to learn vocabulary easily. 33 0

15. Scrabble game helped me in memorizing and recalling the 25 8

16. Scrabble game helped me in improving my pronunciation 27 6

17. Scrabble game helped me in improving my spelling element. 25 8
18. Through scrabble game I can learn and share vocabulary 30 3
mastery by cooperate and ask friends.
19. I could contribute actively in the group when playing scrabble. 31 2
20. Playing scrabble wasting my learning time. 6 27
21. The teacher deliver the explanation related to scrabble game 29 4
22. I would like to use scrabble to learn English for the future. 30 3

Questionnaire Percentage

Appendix 2. Questionnaire Percentage

Questionnaire Percentage

No Statements Yes No
1. I have learned English for more than 5 years. 96,9% 3,1%
2. Vocabulary is one of important thing in English. 100% 0%
3. I need to learn vocabulary to achieve my English skill 100% 0%
4. I found difficulties in learning vocabulary. 60,6% 39,4%
5. Learning vocabulary made me bored easily. 66,6% 33,4%
6. I have a difficulty in memorizing words on vocabulary 81,8% 18,2%
learning activity.
7. I have a difficulty in pronouncing words on vocabulary 87,8% 12,2%
learning activity.
8. I have a difficulty in spelling words on vocabulary learning 90,9% 9,1%
9. I have ever learned vocabulary using games as the media. 84,8% 15,2%
10. I am glad to learn English vocabulary using scrabble game. 90,9% 9,1%
11. Scrabble game made me motivated to learn vocabulary. 90,9% 9,1%
12. I am glad to learn vocabulary using scrabble game in the 90,9% 9,1%
13. Scrabble game helped me in improving my vocabulary 100% 0%

14. Scrabble game helped me to learn vocabulary easily. 90,9% 9,1%
15. Scrabble game helped me in memorizing and recalling the 75,7% 24,3%
16. Scrabble game helped me in improving my pronunciation 81,8% 18,2%
17. Scrabble game helped me in improving my spelling element. 75,7% 24,3%
18. Through scrabble game I can learn and share vocabulary 90,9% 9,1%
mastery by cooperate and ask friends.
19. I could contribute actively in the group when playing scrabble. 93,9% 6,1%
20. Playing scrabble wasting my learning time. 18,2% 81,8%
21. The teacher deliver the explanation related to scrabble game 87,8% 12,2%

22. I would like to use scrabble to learn English for the future. 90,9% 9,1%

Questionnaire Blueprint

Appendix 3. Questionnaire Blueprint

Table 3.2 The Questionnaire Blueprint

Question Indicators Theory Form

1-8 10th Grade Students’ Theory of Close-ended

Difficulties in Learning Vocabulary
Vocabulary Huang

9-12 The Students’ Perception on The Roles of Game Close-ended

the Implementation of in Learning
Scrabble in Learning Vocabulary
Vocabulary for 10th Grade Baid & Lambert
Students (2010)
Hebblethwaite in
Voinov Journal
13-22 Scrabble Help The 10th Grade Theory of Scrabble Close-ended
Students to Improve Their and Vocabulary
Vocabulary Mastery Mastery
Wright, Betteridge,
& Buckby
Cruickshank &
Telfer (2001)

Interview Questions

Appendix 4. Interview Questions

Interview Questions

1. Did you feel bored when learning vocabulary without any media? Please describe your

2. Did you find any difficulties in learning vocabulary? Whether Memorizing,

pronouncing, or spelling? Why?

3. Are you interested by the implementation of scrabble game in vocabulary learning?


4. Are you motivated to learn vocabulary using scrabble game? Why?

5. Are you cooperated actively with your partner when compete the scrabble game? Why?

6. Did scrabble influence your vocabulary mastery improvement? How could it

improve your vocabulary mastery?

7. Did scrabble help you in improving your vocabulary memorizing element? How it
can improve your vocabulary memorizing element?

8. Did scrabble help you in improving your pronunciation element? How it can improve
your pronunciation element?

9. Did scrabble help you in improving your spelling element? How it can improve your
spelling element?

10. How is your teacher’s ability in delivering the explanations related to the implementation
of scrabble game?

Interview Result

Appendix 5. Interview Result

Interview Result

R: Hae dek, lagi selo kan? Mau nanya nanya dikit boleh ya huehe

S2: Oh boleh kok mas, gimana?

R: Gini, kamu kan tadi udah belajar vocab pake scrabble to? Sebelumnya di SMP
pernah main scrabble nggak?

S2: Belum pernah mas baru tadi ini tau ada game gituan.

R: Oke kalo gitu, dulu pas km belum tau ada game scrabble suka bosen gak kalo
belajar vocab? Kalo iya kenapa?

S2: Iya biasanya mboseni mas kalo belajar vocab paling banter ya mbuka nutup
kamus. Soalnya materinya cuma hubungannya sama kosakata tok mas. Itu yang bikin
aku gampang bosen kalo belajar vocab.

R: Oh gitu, kalo diantara suruh nginget kata tertentu, pronunciation, sama mengeja
yang paling susah yang mana?

S2: Pronunciation itu piye mas?

R: Pronunciation itu pengucapan nya, jadi nek ada kata yang susah misalnya
“architecture” gitu kamu bisa ngucapin nya dengan benar nggak?

S2: Woalaaah, lha itu susah semua e mas hahaha. Iya gitu mas, kadang aku susah buat
nginget-inget kosakata sama istilah. Cara ngucap nya juga kadang masih salah. Sama
pas waktu nulis gitu kadang juga salah huruf nya. Emang dasarnya udah susah sih
apalagi kalo pas tentang bacaan gitu suka nggak umum kosakatanya ya tambah susah

R: Hmm oke I see, lha nek ini tadi pake scrabble bikin asik gak? Jadi semangat
belajar nggak?

S2: Ya jadi jauh lebih mendingan sih mas jadi nggak mboseni, sampe pada ubruk
ribut dewe gitu tadi kan saking asik nya haha

R: Iya asal ributnya tetep fokus di scrabble ndakpapa hehe. Lha tadi kamu ikut aktif
kerjasama sama partner kamu nggak hayo?

S2: Ikutan yo mas, tapi tadi rodo waton nggak manut sama aturan main nya yang
penting mbuh piye carane nyusun huruf jadi kata gitu aja hahaha

R: Woh malah waton haha. Hmm tadi kamu kan bilang kalo km susah buat nginget
vocab, pronunciation sama spelling. Nah melalui scrabble ini km merasa kemampuan
kamu di 3 elemen itu jadi makin baik gak?

S2: Ya jelas iya mas.

R: Hmm kok bisa??

S2: Lha soalnya kan tadi main nya rame-rame jadi nya bisa kerjasama. Kalo ngga tau
tinggal nanya aja sama pasangan nya kalo gak ya mbuka kamus aja. Kalo belajar
sendiri cepet bosen.

R: Jadi intinya kamu merasa terbantu buat memperkaya vocab kamu ya?

S2: Iya membantu banget mas buat memperkuat kemampuan nginget vocab juga.
Soalnya kan mau nggak mau kita kudu nginget-inget vocab dari apa yang udah kita

R: Kalo pronunciation km jg terbantu gak kalo pake scrabble?

S2: Iya pake scrabble jadi lebih gampang buat belajar ngomongnya mas soalnya bisa
nanya sama temen di kelompok, kalo belum yakin ya kita cek aja di kamus online kan
ada tuh yang ada suaranya.

R: Kemampuan spelling kamu juga otomatis nambah juga dong?

S2: Iya kalo menurutku scrabble juga membantu buat spelling. Sebenernya sih
spelling nggak terlalu susah banget mas, tapi kadang kalo pas ketemu sama kata yang
nggak umum dipake jadi susah. Contohnya di bacaan gitu kan banyak tuh kata-kata
yang nggak umum. Nah, scrabble bisa buat bantu kemampuan spelling karena selain
harus nyusun huruf aku juga bisa ngoreksi punya lawan main.

R: Hmm okedeh kalo gitu udah cukup gitu aja. Makasih banget ya dek ya, maap lho
ini jadi ganggu waktu istirahat mu.

S2: Haha iya ndakpapa mas sante aja.


Scrabble Board

Appendix 6. Scrabble Board

Scrabble Board

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