Test Paper UCSP 2nd Grading Final
Test Paper UCSP 2nd Grading Final
Test Paper UCSP 2nd Grading Final
/* Before anything else, write your name, strand, subject and name of your instructor in your booklet. Dili magpa-labad sa ulo,
please. Arigathanks! */
I – Multiple Choice: Write the correct answer in your test booklet. (20 points)
1. It is a collection of customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
a. Politics c. Civilization
b. Society d. Culture
3. It is the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.
a. Enculturation c. Assimilation
b. Acculturation d. Deculturation
4. Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices that an individual learns through his or her family, school, church, and other
social institutions.
a. Culture is Learned c. Culture is Shared
b. Culture is Adaptive d. Culture Changes
5. Due to constant interaction between societies, culture can be modified to accommodate desirable traits from other cultures.
a. Assimilation c. Deculturation
b. Enculturation d. Acculturation
6. This includes all tangible and visible parts of culture, which include clothes, food, and even buildings.
a. Nonmaterial Culture c. Material Girl
b. Material Culture d. Nonmaterial Artifacts
7. This includes all intangible parts of culture, which consist of values, ideas, and knowledge.
a. Nonmaterial Culture c. Material Girl
b. Material Culture d. Nonmaterial Artifacts
8. All cultures undergo the same development stages in the same order.
a. Cultural Evolutionism c. Materialism
b. Functionalism d. Diffusionism
10. It can be defined as a product of human interactions as humans subscribe to the rules of their culture.
a. Politics c. Society
b. Ethnicity d. Nationality
11. This is the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
a. Anthropology c. Archaeology
b. Sociology d. Astronomy
12. It is the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation.
a. Role c. Institutions
b. Groups d. Establishment
13. These are established when roles, statuses, and groups are perpetuated within the context of the society.
a. Groups c. Roles
b. Institutions d. Society
14. Studies that involve social structures such as institutions, social groups, social stratification, social mobility, and ethnic groups
fall within the scope of:
a. Socialization c. Society
b. Social Organization d. Sociology
17. These are the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among
individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
a. Society c. Political Science
b. Politics d. Philosophy
18. This study comes from two Greek words: Polis and Scire.
a. Political Science c. Politician
b. Politics d. Polo y Servicio
19. This examines the contemporary application of political concepts such as human rights, equality, peace and justice.
a. Political Science c. Politician
b. Politics d. Political Theory
20. This field covers the attitudes, knowledge and actions of an individual in response to political variables such as policies created
by the government, behavior of politicians, and general political environment.
a. Political Behavior c. Politics
b. Political Misbehavior d. Political Science
II – Enumeration: Enumerate the correct answers in your test booklet. (50 pts)
III – Essay: The Usual. State your thoughts about the questions below: (20 points, 10 points each question)
1. If you were given the chance to be a President for a month, what type or form of government would you prefer? State also your
explanation why would you prefer such type of government.
2. How can you promote your culture despite of the constant changes of cultures around the world?
IV – Memes: Create your own meme regarding to Culture, Society and Politics. (10 points)
A philosopher once said: Kung nailad mo sa istorya nga “I love you”, mas daghang nailad sa “Tara, review!”
- Anonymous, circa 2019