46615bosfnd p1 cp6 U3
46615bosfnd p1 cp6 U3
46615bosfnd p1 cp6 U3
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
w Understand the special features of consignment business, meaning of the terms consignor and
w Analyse the difference between the two transactions – sale and consignment and understand that why
consignment is termed as special transaction.
w Practice the accounting treatments for consignment transactions and events in the books of consignor
and consignee.
w Note the variations in accounting when goods are sent at cost and goods are sent above the cost.
w Learn the technique of computing value of consignment inventory lying with the consignee and also
the amount of inventory reserve in it.
w Learn the technique of computing cost of abnormal loss and treatment of insurance claim in relation to
w Understand the distinction between ordinary commission, del-credere commission and over-riding
commission paid to the consignee.
w See the variation of accounting treatment for bad debts when consignee is paid ordinary commission
and when consignee is paid del-credere commission in addition to it.
w Understand the reason of including/excluding various expenditures to cost while valuing the goods
returned by the consignee.
Goods Consigned
Consignor Consignee
Account Sales
Commission earned
4. The relationship between the consignor and The relationship between the seller and the
the consignee is that of a principal and agent. buyer is that of a creditor and a debtor.
5. Expenses done by the consignee to receive the Expenses incurred by the buyer are to be borne
goods and to keep it safely are borne by the by the buyer itself after the transfer of goods.
consignor unless there is any other agreement.
Commission Discount
Commission may be defined as remuneration The term discount refers to any reduction or
of an employee or agent relating to services rebate allowed and is used to express one of the
performed in connection with sales, following situations:
purchases, collections or other types of
An allowance given for the settlement of a debt
business transactions and is usually based on a
before it is due i.e. cash discount.
percentage of the amounts involved.
Commission earned is accounted for as An allowance given to the whole sellers or bulk
an income in the books of accounts, and buyers on the list price or retail price, known as
commission allowed or paid is accounted for as trade discount. A trade discount is not shown in
an expense in the books of the party availing the books of account separately and it is shown
such facility or service. by way of deduction from cost of purchases.
To Consignment Account
9. For commission payable to consignee
Consignment Account Dr.
To Consignee’s Personal Account
We shall illustrate the scheme of entries on the basis of the following information:
Exe sent on 1st July,2016 to Wye goods costing ` 50,000 and spent ` 1,000 on packing etc. On 3rd July,2016, Wye
received the goods and sent his acceptance to Exe for ` 30,000 payable at 3 months. Wye spent ` 2,000 on freight
and cartage, ` 500 on godown rent and ` 300 on insurance. On 31st December,2016 he sent his Account Sales
(along with the amount due to Exe) showing that 4/5 of the goods had been sold for ` 55,000. Wye is entitled to
a commission of 10%. One of the customers turned insolvent and could not pay ` 600 due from him. Show the
necessary journal entries in the books of consignor. Also prepare ledger accounts.
Journal Entries in the books of Consignor
` `
1 Open Consignment Account and debit it with the cost of goods and
credit it with “Goods sent on Consignment Account”.
1/7/2016 Consignment to Wye A/c Dr. 50,000
To Goods Sent on Consignment A/c 50,000
2 For the expenses incurred by the consignor,debit Consignment
Account and credit cash or Bank, as the case may be.
1/7/2016 Consignment to Wye A/c Dr. 1,000
To Bank A/c 1,000
3 If the consignee sends an advance, debit Cash(or Bank) or Bills
Receivable and credit the consignee’s personal account
3/7/2016 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 30,000
To Wye 30,000
(Note: Wye’s account has appeared only now, in the previous
two entries his account did not figure since he is not personally
4 Wye’s acceptance will mature on 6/10/2016
Assuming it was met, the entry will be:
6/10/2016 Bank A/c Dr. 30,000
To Bills Receivable A/c 30,000
(Note: If such bill is discounted by consignor with the bank before
maturity, pass usual entry for discounting a bill. The discount on
bills may either be treated as consignment expenses and charged to
Consignment A/c or it may be treated as general financial charges
and charged to Profit & Loss Account)
Note: Sometimes an examination problem states only that the consignor’s expenses amounted
to such amount and that consignee spent so much. If details are not available, then for valuing
inventories the expenses incurred by the consignor should be treated as part of cost while those
incurred by the consignee should be ignored.
If the expected selling price of inventories on hand is lower than the cost, the inventories should be valued
at expected net selling price only, i.e. expected selling price less delivery expenses, etc.
Particulars ` `
(i) Consignment to Wye A/c Dr. 60,000
To Goods sent on Consignment A/c 60,000
(ii) Consignment to Wye A/c Dr. 1,000
To Bank 1,000
(iii) Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 30,000
To Wye 30,000
(iv) Bank A/c Dr. 30,000
To Bills Receivable A/c 30,000
(v) Wye Dr. 55,000
To Consignment to Wye A/c 55,000
(vi) Consignment to Wye A/c Dr. 3,400
To Wye 3,400
77,600 77,600
2016 ` 2016 `
Dec. 31 To Consignment to Wye A/c – 10,000 1-Jul By Consignment to Wye A/c 60,000
To Trading A/c –transfer 50,000
60,000 60,000
Inventories on Consignment Account
2016 ` 2016 `
Dec. 31 To Consignment to Wye A/c 12,600 Dec. 31 By Balance c/d 12,600
Jan. 1 Balance b/d 12,600
Inventories on consignment 12,600
Less: Inventory Reserve 2,000
What would be the situation if the commission to Wye includes del-credere commission also?
In that case Wye would not be able to charge the bad debt of ` 600 to Exe; he will have to bear the loss
himself. The student can see that then the profit on consignment will be ` 6,300.
In this regard it is to be noted that when del – credere commission is paid to the consignee, the consignee
account is debited in the books of consignor for both cash and credit sales. But if no such del – credere
commission is paid then consignee account cannot be debited for credit sales and in that case the following
entry is passed in the books of consignor for credit sales.
Consignment Trade receivables A/c Dr.
To Consignment A/c
The difference is because in case del-credere commission is paid to consignee then consignee is responsible
to bear any loss of bad debts and he will have to pay full amount of sales to consigner. Accordingly, in the
books of consignor, whole amount (cash sales plus credit sales) is shown as receivable from consignee. On
the other hand if del-credere commission is not paid than consignor is responsible to bear loss of bad debts,
therefore, till the time consignee has not received money from customers, it is not shown as receivable from
Commission is the remuneration paid by the consignor to the consignee for the services rendered to the
former for selling the consigned goods. Three types of commission can be provided by the consignor to the
consignee, as per the agreement, either simultaneously or in isolation. They are:
Exe sent on 1st July, 2016 to Wye goods costing ` 50,000 and spent ` 1,000 on packing etc. On 3rd July,2016, Wye
received the goods and sent his acceptance to Exe for ` 30,000 payable at 3 months. Wye spent ` 2,000 on freight
and cartage, ` 500 on godown rent and ` 300 on insurance. On 31st December,2016 he sent his Account Sales
(along with the amount due to Exe) showing that 4/5 of the goods had been sold for ` 55,000. Wye is entitled to
a commission of 10%. One of the customers turned insolvent and could not pay ` 600 due from him. Show the
necessary journal entries in the consignee’s book.
Journal Entries in the books of Consignee
Particulars ` `
1 On sending the acceptance to Exe
2016 July 3 Exe Dr. 30,000
To Bills Payable A/c 30,000
2 On meeting expenses on the consignment:
2016 July 3 Exe Dr. 2,800
To Bank 2,800
3 On meeting his acceptance:
2016 Oct. 6 Bills payable Dr. 30,000
To Bank 30,000
4 On sales being effected:
Trade receivables/Bank Dr. 55,000
To Exe 55,000
5 On there being a bad debt:
Exe Dr. 600
To Trade receivables 600
6 On earning the commission:
Exe Dr. 5,500
To Commission Earned A/c 5,500
7 On settling the account to Exe:
Exe Dr. 16,100
To Bank 16,100
If the commission includes del-credere commission also, he would not be able to debit Exe for the bad debt.
In that case the debit should be to the Commission Earned Account whose net balance will then be `4,900
and he will have to pay `16,700 to Exe.
Miss Rakhi consigned 1,000 radio sets costing `900 each to Miss Geeta, her agent on 1st July,2016. Miss Rakhi
incurred the following expenditure on sending the consignment.
Freight ` 7,650
Insurance ` 3,250
Miss Geeta received the delivery of 950 radio sets. An account sale dated 30th November,2016 showed that 750
sets were sold for `9,00,000 and Miss Geeta incurred `10,500 for carriage.
Miss Geeta was entitled to commission 6% on the sales effected by her. She incurred expenses amounting to
`2,500 for repairing the damaged radio sets remaining in the inventories.
Miss Rakhi lodged a claim with the insurance company which was admitted at `35,000. Show the Consignment
Account and Miss Geeta’s Account in the books of Miss Rakhi.
In the books of Miss Rakhi
Consignment Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Goods sent on By Miss Geeta 9,00,000
Consignment A/c 9,00,000 By Insurance Co. 35,000
By Profit & Loss A/c
To Cash abnormal loss(net) 10,545
Freight 7,650 By Consignment
Insurance 3,250 10,900 Inventories 1,84,391
To Miss Geeta
Carriage 10,500
Repairs 2,500
Commission 54,000 67,000
To Profit & Loss A/c 1,52,036
11,29,936 11,29,936
Working Notes:
1. Abnormal loss :
Cost to the consignor: 50 sets @ ` 900 45,000
50 × 10,900
Add: Proportionate expenses incurred by the consignor
1,000 545
Gross abnormal loss 45,545
Less: Insurance claim (35,000)
Net abnormal loss 10,545
2. Valuation of Inventories
200 sets @ ` 900 1,80,000
200 × 10,900 2,180
Add: Proportionate expenses of the consignor
Add: Carriage and customs duty paid by the consignee 200 × 10,500
Vikram Milk Foods Co. Ltd. of Vikrampur sent to Sunder Stores, Sonepuri 5,000 kgs of baby food packed in 2,000
tins of net weight 1 kg and 6,000 packets of net weight 1/2 kg for sale on consignment basis. The consignee’s
commission was fixed at 5% of sale proceeds. The cost price and selling price of the product were as under:
Vikram Milk Foods Co. Ltd.
Consignment to Sonepuri Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Goods sent on By Sunder Stores
Consignment A/c
2,000 1 kg. tins @ ` 10 20,000 1,500 1 kg. tins @ ` 15 22,500
6,000 1/2 kg. pkts. @ ` 6 36,000 56,000 4,000 1/2 kg. pkts. @ ` 7 28,000 50,500
To Sunder Stores: By Insurance - Claim 450
Freight 1,440 By Profit & Loss A/c -
Rent and insurance 600 abnormal loss(Net) 65
Commission 2,525 4,565 By Inventory on 16,915
consignment A/c
To Profit & Loss A/c – 7,365
67,930 67,930
Sunder Stores, Sonepuri
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Consignment to Sonepuri By Consignment to
Account - Sales Proceeds 50,500 Sonepuri Account -
Freight 1,440
Rent & Insurance 600
Commission 2,525
By Bank(Bal. fig) 45,935
50,500 50,500
Working Notes:
Shri Mehta of Mumbai consigns 1,000 cases of goods costing ` 1,000 each to Shri Sundaram of Chennai. Shri
Mehta pays the following expenses in connection with consignment:
Carriage 10,000
Freight 30,000
Loading charges 10,000
Shri Sundaram sells 700 cases at ` 1,400 per case and incurs the following expenses:
Clearing charges 8,500
Warehousing and storage 17,000
Packing and selling expenses 6,000
It is found that 50 cases have been lost in transit and 100 cases are still in transit.
Shri Sundaram is entitled to a commission of 10% on gross sales. Draw up the Consignment Account and
Sundaram’s Account in the books of Shri Mehta.
In the books of Shri Mehta
Consignment to Sundaram of Chennai Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Goods sent on By Sundaram (Sales) 9,80,000
Consignment 10,00,000 By Loss in Transit 50 cases 52,500
@ `1,050 each
To Bank (Expenses) 50,000 By Consignment Inventories
To Sundaram (Expenses) 31,500 In hand 150 @ ` 1,060 each 1,59,000
To Sundaram (Commission) 98,000 In transit 100 @ ` 1,050 1,05,000 2,64,000
To Profit on Consignment to 1,17,000
Profit & Loss A/c
12,96,500 12,96,500
Sundaram’s Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Consignment to Chennai A/c 9,80,000 By Consignment A/c
(Expenses) 31,500
By Consignment A/c
(Commission) 98,000
By Balance c/d 8,50,500
9,80,000 9,80,000
Working Notes:
(i) Consignor’s expenses on 1,000 cases amounts to `50,000; it comes to `50 per case. The cost of cases lost
will be computed at `1,050 per case.
(ii) Sundaram has incurred ` 8,500 on clearing 850 cases, i.e., `10 per case; while valuing closing inventories
with the agent `10 per case has been added to cases in hand with the agent.
(iii) It has been assumed that balance of `8,50,500 is not yet paid.
Ajay of Mumbai consigned to Vijay of Delhi, goods to be sold at invoice price which represents 125% of cost. Vijay
is entitled to a commission of 10% on sales at invoice price and 25% of any excess realised over invoice price. The
expenses on freight and insurance incurred by Ajay were `10,000. The account sales received by Ajay shows that
Vijay has effected sales amounting to `1,00,000 in respect of 75% of the consignment. His selling expenses to be
reimbursed were ` 8,000. 10% of consignment goods of the value of `12,500 were destroyed in fire at the Delhi
godown and the insurance company paid `12,000 net of salvage. Vijay remitted the balance in favour of Ajay.
Prepare consignment account and the account of Vijay in the books of Ajay along with the necessary calculations.
Books of Ajay
Consignment to Vijay Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Goods sent on 1,25,000 By Goods sent on 25,000
Consignment A/c Consignment A/c (Loading)
To Cash A/c 10,000 By Abnormal Loss 11,000
To Vijay(Expenses) 8,000 By Vijay (Sales) 1,00,000
To Vijay(Commission) 10,938 By Inventories on 20,250
Consignment A/c
To Inventories Reserve A/c 3,750 By General Profit & Loss A/c 1,438
1,57,688 1,57,688
Vijay’s Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Consignment A/c 1,00,000 By Consignment A/c 8,000
By Consignment A/c 10,938
By Bank A/c 81,062
1,00,000 1,00,000
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of value of goods sent on consignment:
Abnormal Loss at Invoice price = ` 12,500.
Abnormal Loss as a percentage of total consignment = 10%.
Hence the value of goods sent on consignment = ` 12,500 X 100/ 10 = ` 1,25,000.
Loading of goods sent on consignment = ` 1,25,000 X 25/125 = ` 25,000.
w In Consignment one person (consignor) sends goods to another person (consignee) to be sold on
behalf of and at the risk of the former.
w In the case of consignment, cost means not only the cost of the goods as such to the consignor but
also all expenses incurred till the goods reaches the premises of the consignee. Such expenses include
packaging, freight, cartage, insurance in transit, octroi, etc.
w Expenses incurred after the goods have reached the consignee’s godown (such as godown rent,
insurance of godown, delivery charges) are not treated as part of the cost of purchase for valuing
inventories on hand.
w If the expected selling price of inventories on hand is lower than the cost, the value put on the
inventories should be expected net selling price only, i.e. expected selling price less delivery expenses,
etc.i.e. expenses necessary for sales.
w Proforma invoice is made to show the high value of goods consigned than the cost and entries in the
books of the consignor are made out on that basis. Even the inventories remaining unsold will initially
be valued on the basis of the invoice price.
w Hence, if entries are first made on invoice basis, the effect of the loading (i.e., amount added to arrive at
the invoice price) must be removed by additional entries to ascertain profit or loss.
w Abnormal loss is valued just like inventories in hand. Students should be careful while valuing goods
lost in transit and goods lost in consignee’s godown. Both are abnormal loss but in case of former
consignee’s non-recurring expenses are not to be included whereas it is to be included in case of latter.
w Normal loss, is an unavoidable loss and be spread over the entire consignment while valuing inventories.
The total cost plus expenses incurred should be divided by the quantity available after the normal loss
to ascertain the cost per unit.
w Commission is the remuneration paid by the consignor to the consignee for the services rendered to the
former for selling the consigned goods. Three types of commission can be provided by the consignor to
the consignee, as per the agreement, either simultaneously or in isolation. They are:
ª Ordinary commission
ª Del-credere commission
ª Over-riding commission
w For accounting of consignee, he is concerned only when he sends an advance to the consignor, makes a
sale, incurs expenses on the consignment and earns his commission. He debits or credits the consignor
for all these as the case may be.
w Abnormal loss is always calculated at cost even if invoice price of goods is given.
Theory Questions
Q1. Write short notes on:
(i) Del-credere commission.
(ii) Account sales.
(iii) Over-riding commission.
Q2. Distinguish between:
(i) Consignment sale and Normal sale.
(ii) Commission and Discount.
Practical Questions
Q1. X of Delhi purchased 10,000 metres of cloth for `2,00,000 of which 5,000 metres were sent on
consignment to Y of Agra at the selling price of ` 30 per metre. X paid ` 5,000 for freight and ` 500 for
packing etc.
Y sold 4,000 metre at ` 40 per metre and incurred ` 2,000 for selling expenses. Y is entitled to a
commission of 5% on total sales proceeds plus a further 20% on any surplus price realised over ` 30
per metre. 3,000 metres were sold at Delhi at ` 30 per metre less ` 3,000 for expenses and commission.
Owing to fall in market price, the inventories of cloth in hand is to be reduced by 10%.
Prepare the Consignment Account and Trading and Profit & Loss Account in books of X.
Q2. D of Delhi appointed A of Agra as its selling agent on the following terms:
Goods to be sold at invoice price or over.
A to be entitled to a commission of 7.5% on the invoice price and 20% of any surplus price realized over
invoice price
The principals to draw on the agent a 30 days bill for 80% of the invoice price.
On 1st February, 2016, 1,000 cycles were consigned to A, each cycle costing ` 640 including freight and
invoiced at ` 800.
Before 31st March, 2016, (when the principal’s books are closed) A met his acceptance on the due date;
sold off 820 cycles at an average price of ` 930 per cycle, the sale expenses being ` 12,500; and remitted
the amount due by means of Bank draft.
Twenty of the unsold cycles were shop-spoiled and were to be valued at a depreciation of 50% of cost.
Show by means of ledger accounts how these transactions would be recorded in the books of A and
find out the value of closing inventory with A to be recorded in the books of D at cost.
Q3. Mr. Y consigned 800 packets of toothpaste, each packet containing 100 toothpastes. Cost price of each
packet was ` 900. Mr. Y Spent ` 100 per packet as cartage, freight, insurance and forwarding charges.
One packet was lost on the way and Mr. Y lodged claim with the insurance company and could get `570
as claim on average basis. Consignee took delivery of the rest of the packets and spent ` 39,950 as other
non-recurring expenses and ` 22,500 as recurring expenses. He sold 740 packets at the rate of ` 12 per
toothpaste. He was entitled to 2% commission on sales plus 1% del-credere commission.
You are required to prepare Consignment Account. Calculate the cost of inventories at the end, abnormal
loss and profit or loss on consignment.
Q4 A of Agra sent on consignment goods valued ` 1,00,000 to B of Mumbai on 1st March, 2016. He incurred
the expenditure of ` 12,000 on freight and insurance. A’s accounting year closes on 31st December. B
was entitled to a commission of 5% on gross sales plus a del-credere commission of 3%. B took delivery
of the consignment by incurring expenses of ` 3,000 for goods consigned.
On 31.12.2016, B informed on phone that he had sold all the goods for ` 1,50,000 by incurring selling
expenses of ` 2,000. He further informed that only ` 1,48,000 had been realized and rest was considered
irrecoverable, and would be sending the cheque in a day or so for the amount due along with the
accounts sale.
On 5.1.2017, A received the cheque for the amount due from B and incurred bank charges of ` 260 for
collecting the cheque. The amount was credited by the bank on 9.1.2017.
Write up the consignment account finding out the profit/loss on the consignment, B’s account, Provision
for expenses account and Bank account in the books of the consignor, recording the transactions upto
the receipt and collection of the cheque.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(a) (b) (b) (a) (c) (c) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (c)
Theoretical Questions
1 (i) Del-credere commission is an additional commission paid by the consignor to the consignee
for undertaking responsibility of collection of debts. Generally, the consignee gets ordinary
commission for sales made by him as a percentage of gross sales, over and above, he may get del-
credere commission for the additional responsibility of debt collection. Sometimes it is agreed that
del-credere commission shall be allowed on credit sales only. However, in the absence of any such
agreement the consignor allows del-credere commission on total sales and not merely on credit
sales. If the consignee is entitled to del-credere commission, he has to bear the bad debts; if any,
arising, out of credit sale of consignment goods.
(ii) Account sales is a periodic statement furnished by the consignee to the consignor stating therein,
the quantity sold, price charged, expenses incurred on behalf of the consignee and commission
payable to him in respect of a particular consignment, and the net amount due from him and
remittance received if any. It also shows the details of quantity of goods received, destroyed, if any,
and still held as stock.
(iii) Over-riding commission is an extra commission allowed to the consignee in addition to the normal
commission. Such additional commission is generally allowed:-
To provide additional incentive to the consignee for the purpose of introducing and creating a
market for a new product.
To provide incentive for supervising the performance of other agents in a particular area.
To provide incentive for ensuring that the goods are sold by the consignee at the highest possible
2. (i) In case of consignment, the property in the goods remains with the consignor until the goods are
actually sold. The consignee acts only as a custodian of goods sent by consignor. In consignment,
the ownership of goods does not pass on to the consignee in any case. In case of ordinary sale, the
ownership of goods passes to the buyer immediately after sale. In case of consignment, the risk
attached to the goods remain with the consignor even after sending the goods to the consignee.
However, in case of ordinary sale, as soon as the property in the goods passes on to the buyers, the
risk attached to the goods also passes at the same time. The relationship between consignor and
consignee is that of principal and agent. In case of credit sale, the relationship between the buyer
and the seller is that of a debtor and a creditor.
(ii) Commission may be defined as remuneration of an employee or agent relating to services
performed in connection with sales, purchases, collections or other types of business transactions
and is usually based on a percentage of the amounts involved.
Commission earned is accounted for as an income in the books of accounts, and commission
allowed or paid is accounted for as an expense in the books of the party availing such facility or
The term discount refers to any reduction or rebate allowed and is used to express one of the
following situations:
An allowance given for the settlement of a debt before it is due i.e. cash discount.
An allowance given to the whole sellers or bulk buyers on the list price or retail price, known as
trade discount. A trade discount is not shown in the books of account separately and it is shown by
way of deduction from cost of purchases.
Practical Questions
In the books of Mr. X
Consignment Account
Working Notes:
2016 ` 2016 `
Feb. 1 To Bills payable A/c 6,40,000 Mar. 31 By Cash/Bank A/c (820x `930) 7,62,600
(80% of ` 8,00,000)
Mar. 31 To Cash A/c (expenses) 12,500
To Commission earned A/c 70,520
To Bank A/c 39,580 _______
7,62,600 7,62,600
2016 ` 2016 `
Mar. 4 To Cash/Bank A/c 6,40,000 Feb. 1 By D’s A/c 6,40,000
6,40,000 6,40,000
160 cycles at ` 640 (cost price including freight) 1,02,400
20 cycles (shop-spoiled) at 50% of the cost i.e. at ` 320 each 6,400
Value of closing inventory with A i.e. the amount (net effect of the loading) at which D _______
will account for in his books on 31st March, 2016
Working Note:
7.5 % on the invoice price amount (820x ` 800) i.e. ` 6,56,000 49,200
20% on the surplus price amount (820 x ` 130) ` 1,06,600 21,320
Abnormal loss:
Cost of packet lost during transit 900
Add: Expenses incurred by Y 100
Gross Abnormal loss 1,000
Less: Insurance claim received (570)
Net Abnormal loss 430
59 packets @ ` 900 53,100
Add: Expenses incurred by Y (59x `100) 5,900
Add: Proportionate (non-recurring) expenses incurred by the consignee
(59/799x `39,950) 2,950
Closing inventories No. of packets
Packets consigned 800
Less: Packet lost in transit (1)
Less: Packets sold 740
Consignment Account
` `
To Goods sent on consignment A/c 7,20,000 By Consignee’s A/c-Sales 8,88,000
(800x ` 900) (740x100x `12)
To Cash A/c 80,000
(expenses 800x `100) By Abnormal Loss Cash A/c 570
(insurance claim)
To Consignee’s A/c: By Profit and loss account 430
Recurring expenses 22,500 (abnormal loss)
Non-recurring expenses 39,950 By Consignment stock A/c 61,950
Commission @ 2% on ` 8,88,000 17,760
Del-credere commission @ 1% on 8,880
` 8,88,000
To Profit and loss A/c 61,860
(profit on consignment)
9,50,950 9,50,950
In the books of Mr. A
Consignment to Mumbai Account
2016 ` 2016 `
March 1 To Goods sent on consignment A/c 1,00,000 Dec. 31 By B’s A/cs 1,50,000
To Cash A/c (freight and insurance) 12,000
To B’s A/c:
Clearance expenses 3,000
Selling expenses 2,000
@ 5% on ` 1,50,000 7,500
Del-credere commission @3% on 17,000
` 1,50,000 4,500
Dec. 31 To Provision for expenses 260
(bank charges)
To Profit and loss A/c 20,740
(profit on consignment)
1,50,000 1,50,000
B’s Account
2016 ` 2016 `
Dec. 31 To Consignment A/c 1,50,000 Dec. 31 By Consignment A/c-
Clearance expenses 3,000
Selling expenses 2,000
Commission 7,500
Del-credere commission 4,500 17,000
By Balance c/d 1,33,000
1,50,000 1,50,000
2017 2017
Jan. 1 To Balance b/d 1,33,000 Jan. 5 By Bank A/c 1,33,000
Bank Account
2017 ` 2017 `
Jan. 5 To B’s account 1,33,000 Jan. 5 By Bank charges 260
Jan. 5 By Balance c/d 1,32,740
1,33,000 1,33,000
Provision for Expenses Account
2017 ` 2017 `
Jan. 5 To Bank charges 260 Jan. 1 By Balance b/d 260
260 260