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Permissible Limit of Drinking Water

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A review of permissible limits of drinking water

Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Manoj Kumar,
Abstract Avinash Puri1
Indian Council of Medical Research
Water is one of the prime necessities of life. We can (ICMR) are compared in this review Department of Public
hardly live for a few days without water. In a man’s body, Health,
article. The following method are used
70-80% is water. Cell, blood, and bones contain 90%, Panjab University,
for test water quality.[1]
75%, and 22% water, respectively. The general survey 1
Department of
reveals that the total surface area of earth is 51 crore km2 Dissolved oxygen Anesthesia, Post
out of which 36.1 crore km2 is covered sea. In addition For dissolved oxygen “ Winkler ’s Graduate Institute of
to this, we get water from rivers, lakes, tanks, and now method with azide modification” is Medical Education and
on hills. In spite of such abundance, there is a shortage being followed (APHA, 1998; part 4500 Research, Chandigarh,
of soft water in the world. Physicochemical parameter of – OC, p. 4-131). India
any water body plays a very important role in maintaining
the fragile ecosystem that maintains various life forms. For correspondence:
Present research paper deals with various water quality Free carbon dioxide
Dr. Avinash Puri,
parameter, chlorides, dissolved oxygen, total iron, nitrate, Free carbon dioxide is being determined
Post Graduate Institute
water temperature, pH, total phosphorous, fecal coli by NaOH titration method (APHA, 1998;
of Medical Education
form bacteria, and adverse effect of these parameters part 4500-CO2, C, p. 4-31). and Research,
on human being. Chandigarh – 160012,
Chlorides India.
Key words: Dissolved oxygen, drinking waters, fecal For the determination of Chlorides E-mail: avinash_puri@
coliform bacteria, parameters, pesticides “Argentometric method” is being hotmail.com
applied (APHA, 1998; part 4500-Cl B,
p. 4-67).

For the estimation of nitrates “Brucine
Drinking water is one of the basic needs of life and essential for method” is being used (Trivedi and
survival. Still more than one billion people all over the world Goel, 1984, p. 59).
do not have ready access to an adequate and safe water supply
and more than 800 million of those unsaved live in rural areas. Phosphates
In India, ground water is being used as raw water for 85% For the estimation of phosphates
public water supply. (According to world health report 1998) “Stannous chloride method” is being
water supply varies widely in terms of region and country. In applied (APHA, 1998; part 4500 – P D,
1970s, of the approximately 2.5 billion people in developing p. 4-145). Access this article online
world, only 38% has safe drinking water. At the beginning of Website: www.ijoem.com
the 1980s, water supply coverage was 75% in urban areas
Silicates DOI:
and 46% in rural areas. In developing countries, 75% of the 10.4103/0019-5278.99696
Determination of silicates is being
population had access to water supply. So they are always Quick Response Code:
done by “Molybdosilicate method”
prone to loss of their lives or cost a big toll to save themselves
(APHA, 1998; part 4500-SiO 2 C,
from the occurrence of different water-borne disease. Water
p. 4-156).
contamination due to pathogenic agents, chemicals, heavy
metals, pesticides water disinfectants, and thereby product
as a consequence of industrial and agricultural activities Sulfates
leaching from soil, rocks, and atmospheric deposition and Determination of sulphates is being
other human activities has become a hazard to human health done by “ Turbidimetric method”
in several regions of world. (APHA, 1998, part 4500 – SO 42- E,
p. 4-178).
Total alkalinity
Permissible limits for drinking water quality according to Total alkalinity of the sample is being
American Public Health Association (APHA), World Health determined by standard titrimetric
Organization (WHO), Indian Standard Institution (ISI), Central method.

40 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - April 2012 - Volume 16 - Issue 1
Kumar and Puri: Limits of drinking water

Phenolphthalein alkalinity and methyl orange alkalinity special effects of pH on fish and aquatic life.
(APHA, 1998, part 2320 B-CO2, D., p. 2-27).
Total hardness and calcium hardness Water temperature regulates the metabolism of the aquatic
These are being determined by “EDTA titrimetric method” ecosystem. High water temperature stress aquatic ecosystem
(APHA, 1998, part 2340, C, p. 2-36). by reducing the ability of water to hold essential dissolved
gases like oxygen often summer head can cause fish kills
Pesticides estimation method in water bodies because high temperature reduce available
Pesticides estimation has been done with gas liquid oxygen in the water.
chromatography. Gas liquid chromatography is a partition
chromatography in which stationary phase is liquid and mobile Hardness
phase is gas where partition of compound takes place between It is defined as the sum of calcium and magnesium
two phases. The requirement of GLC is that compound or its concentrations and is a measure of the capacity of water to
decomposed stable product should be volatile at the working precipitate soap
(column) temperature. The column, oven, and the detector
are three important components of gas chromatography. The Alkalinity
column is the heart of gas chromatography. It is used to hold Alkalinity is primarily due to carbonate, bicarbonate and
the separating media in a fixed position relative to a constant hydroxide contents. It is used in the interpretations and
carrier gas flow through media. It is composed of long narrow, control of water and waste water processes.
metal, or glass tube filled with a packing material consisting
of liquid stationary phase coated on a solid support .The Dissolved Oxygen
liquid phase should have a boiling point more than over the Dissolved oxygen analysis measures the amount of gaseous
working temperature (200-300°C). The stationary phase is oxygen (O 2) dissolved in an aqueous solution. Oxygen
mostly organic silicon. gets into water by diffusion from the surrounding air,
by aeration (rapid movement) and as a waste product of
DISCUSSION photosynthesis. Environmental impact of total dissolved solids
gas concentration in water should not exceed 110% (above
pH 13-14 mg/l). Concentration above this level can be harmful
pH is a measure of the acidic or basic (alkaline) nature of a to aquatic life. Fish in waters containing excessive dissolved
solution. The concentration of the hydrogen ion [H+] activity gases may suffer from “gas bubble disease”; however, this is a
in a solution determines the pH. Mathematically this is very rare occurrence. The bubbles or emboli block the flow of
expressed as: blood through blood vessels causing death. External bubbles
pH = –log [ H+] emphysema can also occur and be seen on fins, on skin and
The pH value is the negative power to which 10 must be raised on other tissue. Aquatic invertebrate are also affected by ‘gas
to equal the hydrogen ion concentration. A pH range of 6.0 to bubble disease,’’ but at levels higher than those lethal to fish.
9.0 appears to provide protection for the life of fresh water Adequate dissolved oxygen is necessary for good water quality
fish and bottom dwelling invertebrates. The Table 1 gives some
Nitrate and Nitrite
Nitrate and Nitrite are naturally occurring ions that are part
Table 1: The methods of analysis of different parameters of
water quality of nitrogen cycle. In general, vegetables are the main source
Name of Instrument used Method Method reference of nitrate intake when level in drinking water is below 10 mg/l.
parameter for determination used When nitrate level in drinking water exceeds 50 mg/l, drinking
pH pH meter - APHA (1998) water becomes the main source of total nitrate intake. The
Conductivity Conductivity meter - Trivedi and Goel (1986) presence of nitrate indicates an old contamination provided
TDS TDS meter Evaporation Trivedi and Goel (1986)
Total hardness Burette Titration Trivedi and Goel (1986)
nitrites are absent.
Calcium Burette Titration Trivedi and Goel (1986)
Magnesium Burette Difference Trivedi and Goel (1986) High level of nitrate in drinking water due to excessive use
Sodium Flame photometer Calibration APHA (1998)
of agriculture fertilizers, decayed vegetable water, domestic
Potassium Flame photometer Calibration APHA (1998)
Chloride Burette Titration APHA (1998) effluent, sewage disposal industrial discharges, leachable from
Nitrate Spectrophotometer Phenol disul APHA (1998) refuse dumps, atmospheric and atmospheric precipitation has
fonic acid
become a serious problem (Makhijani and Manoharan 1999)[2]
Fluoride Spectrophotometer SPADNS APHA (1998)
Heavy Metals Polargraph and Standard Khandekar and Mishra
atomic absorption addition (1984) Excess concentration of nitrate causes disease.
spectrophotometer Methemoglobinemia oxygen transport depends on the

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - April 2012 - Volume 16 - Issue 1 41
Kumar and Puri: Limits of drinking water

maintenance of intra cellular hemoglobin in the reduced (Fe2+) 23 nations around the globe where health problems occur due
state. When hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin, the to the consumption of fluoride contamination water and the
heme iron becomes (Fe3+) and is incapable of binding oxygen. extent of fluoride contamination in water varies from 1.0 to
Methemoglobinemia is suspected in any cyanotic patient with 400 mg/l. In India, 20 million people are severely affected by
no evidence of heart and lung disease of cyanosis is due to fluorosis and 40 million people are exposed to risk of endemic
decreased oxygen saturation. fluorosis (Chinoy J. N. 1991). In India fluoride endemic states
one Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana,
Nitrites can produce a serious condition in fish called “brown Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala,
blood disease” Nitrites also react directly with hemoglobin Jammu and Kashmir, and Delhi.
in human blood and other warm-blooded animals to produce
methemoglobin. Methemoglobin destroys the ability of red Arsenic
blood cell to transport oxygen. This condition is especially Arsenic contamination in drinking water has been reported
serious in babies under three months of age. It causes a in different region of the world mainly in china (WHO1996). In
condition known as methemoglobinemia or “blue baby India, it had been found to be wide spread in different region
disease”. Water with nitrite levels exceeding 1.0 mg/l should of the West Bengal due to dissolution of arsenic containing bed
not be used for feeding babies Nitrite/nitrogen levels below 90 rocks. WHO has prescribed a provisional guideline value of
mg/l and nitrate levels below 0.5 mg/l seem to have no effect As 10 µg/l in drinking water and according to India standard
on warm water fish. drinking water specification 1991, the highest desirable limit is
50 µg/l and no relaxation for maximum permissible level. Early
Chlorides clinical symptoms of acute intoxication include abdominal
Chlorides are the inorganic compound resulting from the pain, vomiting, diarrhea, muscular pain, and with flushing
combination of the chlorine gas with metal. Some common of the skin. These symptoms are often followed by numbers
chlorides include sodium chloride (NaCl) and magnesium and tingling of the extremities, muscular cramping and the
chloride (MgCl2). Chlorine alone as (Cl2) highly toxic, and it is appearance of a popular erythematous rash.
often used a disinfectant. In combination with a metal such
as sodium, it becomes essential for life. Small amounts of Chronic exposure due to arsenic contaminated drinking water
chlorides are required for normal cell functions in plant and includes dermal lesions, peripheral neuropathy, skin cancer,
animal life. and peripheral vascular disease. Major dermatological signs
are nelano-keratosis, melanosis, spotted and diffuse keratosis,
Environmental impact of chloridesare not usually harmful to leucomelanosis, and dorsal keratosis (Saha et al 1999).[4]
human health; however, the sodium part of the table salt has
been linked to heart and kidney diseases. Sodium chloride Lead[5]
may impact a salty taste at 250 mg/l; however, calcium or From a drinking water perspective, the almost universal use
magnesium chloride is usually detected by taste until levels of lead compounds in plumbing fittings and as solder in water
of 1000 mg/l are reached. Public drinking water standards distribution systems is important.[5] Lead pipes may be used
require chloride level not to exceed 250 mg/l. Chlorides in older distribution systems and plumbing. Lead is present
may get into surface water from several sources including: in tap water to some extent as a result of its dissolution from
rocks contain chlorides, agricultural run-off, waste water natural sources but primarily from household plumbing
from industries, oil well wastes, and effluent waste water systems in which the pipes, solder, fittings, or service
from waste water treatment plants. Chlorides can corrode connections to homes contain lead. PVC pipes also contain
metals and affect the taste of food products. Chlorides lead compounds that can be leached from them and result in
can contaminate fresh water streams and lakes. Fish and high lead concentration in drinking water. According to India
aquatic communities cannot survive in high level of chlorides. standard drinking water specification 1991, highest desirable
Therefore, water that is used in industry or proceeds for any limit of lead in drinking water is 0.05 ppm and no relaxation
use has a recommended maximum chloride level. for maximum permissible limit. Provisional tolerable weekly
intake of 25 µg/l lead per kg body wt or 93.5 µg/kg body wt/
Fluoride[3] day for all age group was established (WHO 1993). Lead is a
According to WHO 1984 and Indian standard drinking water cumulative general poison and associated with several health
specification 1991 the maximum permissible limit of fluoride hazards like anemia (Moore. 1988),[5] reproductive effects
in drinking water is 1.5 ppm and highest desirable limit is (Wildt et al. 1983)[6] (Cullen et al. 1984).[7]
1.0 ppm. Fluoride concentrations above 1.5 ppm in drinking
water cause dental fluorosis and much higher concentration Phosphorus
skeletal fluorosis. Low concentration (approximately 0.5 ppm) Phosphorus is one of the key elements necessary for growth
provides protection against dental caries. India is among the of plants and animals. Phosphorus in elemental form is

42 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - April 2012 - Volume 16 - Issue 1
Kumar and Puri: Limits of drinking water

very toxic and is subject to bioaccumulation. Phosphate 0.1 mg/l for ferrous iron and 0.2 mg/l ferric Iron, giving a bitter
PO43– formed from this element. Phosphate exists in three or an astringent taste. Water used in industrial processes
forms: Orthophosphate, met-pho sulfate, and organically usually contain less than 0.2 mg/l iron. Black or Brown swaps
bound phosphate. Each compound contains phosphorus in a water may contain iron concentration of several mg/l in the
different chemical formula orthoform are produced by natural presence or the absence of dissolved oxygen, but this iron
processes and are found in sewage. Poly forms are used for form has little effect on aquatic life. The current aquatic life
treating boiler water and in detergents in water they change standard is 1.0 mg/l based on toxic effects.
into the ortho form organic phosphates are important in
nature. Their occurrence may result from the breakdown of Microbiological Parameter
organic pesticides which contain phosphates. They may exit Fecal coliform bacteria
in solution, as particles, loose fragments, or in the bodies of Fecal coliform bacteria are a collection of relatively harmless
aquatic organisms. microorganisms that live in large number in the intestines
of the warm and cold blooded animals. They aid in the
Rainfall can cause varying amounts of phosphates to wash digestion of food. A specific subgroups of this collection is
from farm soils into nearby waterways. Phosphate will the fecal coliform bacteria, the most common member being
stimulate the growth of plankton and aquatic plants which Escherichia coli. These organisms may be repeated from
provide food for fish this increased growth may cause an the total coliform group by their ability to grow at elevated
increase in the fish population and improve the overall water temperatures and are associated only with the fecal material
quality. However, if an excess of phosphate enters the water of warm blooded animals.
way, algal and aquatic plants will grow wildly, choke up the
water way, and use up large amounts of oxygen. This condition The presence of fecalcoliform bacteria in aquatic environmental
is known as Eutrophication or over-fertilization of receiving indicate that the water has been contaminated with the fecal
waters. The rapid growth of aquatic vegetation can cause the material of man or other animals. At the time this occurred,
death and decay of vegetation- and quality life because of the source water may have been contaminated by pathogens
the decrease in dissolved oxygen levels. Phosphates are not or disease-producing bacteria or viruses which can also exist
toxic to people or animals unless they are present in very in fecal material. Some water-borne pathogenic diseases
high levels. Digestive problem could occur from extremely include typhoid fever, viral, and bacterial gastroenteritis
high level of phosphate. and hepatitis A. The presence of fecal contamination is an
indicator that a potential health risk exists for individuals
Iron[8] exposed to this water.
Iron is the most abundant element, by weight, in the earth’s
crust. Iron is the second most abundant metal in earth’s crust. Pesticides
It is an essential element in human nutrition. The minimum Most commonly used Pesticides which have been detected in
daily requirement of iron is ranged from about 10 to 50 mg/ drinking water, ground water well water and surface water
day (FAO/WHO 1988) in many countries are alchlor (Ritter 1990), aldicarb (Heibseh
1988)[9] Carbofuran (Ritter 1990).[10]
Natural water contains variable amounts of iron despite its
universal distribution and abundance. Iron in ground water CONCLUSION
is normally present in the ferrous or bivalent from (Fe++) or
insoluble Iron urban exposure to air. Iron is a race elements It was found that all parameters of permissible limit of
required by both plants and animal. It is a vital oxygen drinking water were not set for all by different agencies
transport mechanism in the blood all vertebrate and some i.e. (APHA), (WHO), (ISI), (CPCB), and (ICMR). Public health
invertebrate animals. officers, doctors, and researchers follow these norms.
However, there is a bias in permissible limit of drinking
Iron in water may be present in varying qualities depending water quality set by different agencies (APHA, 1998; part
upon the geological area and other chemical component of the 4500 – OC, p. 4-131). Permissible limits for drinking
water way. Ferrous Fe++ and ferric F+++ irons are primary forms water parameters such as pH, temperature, hardness,
of concern in the aquatic environment other forms may be in alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and nitrite, chlorides,
either organic or inorganic waste water streams. The ferrous fluoride, arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium,
form Fe2+ can persist in water void of dissolved oxygen and phosphorus, iron and microbiological parameter like of fecal
usually originates from ground water or ---- that are pumped coliform bacteria are compared for different agencies in the
or drained. Iron in domestic water supply system, stains Tables 2 and 3.[11] The permissible limits of different parameter
laundry and porcelain. It appears to be more of a nuisance than set by different agencies do not show uniformity. pH (mg/l):
a potential health hazard. Taste thresholds of iron in water 6.85-9.2 show uniformity set by different agencies, Turbidity

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - April 2012 - Volume 16 - Issue 1 43
Kumar and Puri: Limits of drinking water

Table 2: Permissible limits of drinking water quality Table 3: Permissible limits of pesticides in drinking water
Parameters USEPA WHO ISI ICMR CPCB Pesticides ISI limit (µg/l) WHO limits (mg/l)
pH (mg/l) 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-9.2 6.5-8.5 DDT 42
Turbidity NTU - - 10 25 10 Aldrin 17 0.0003
Conductivity (mg/l) - - - - 2000 Dieldrin 17 0.0003
Alkalinity (mg/l) - - - - 600 Endrin 1 -
Total hardness (mg/l) - 500 300 600 600 Chlordane 3 -
Iron *mg/l) - 0.1 0.3 1.0 1.0 Lindane 56 -
Chlorides (mg/l) 250 200 250 1000 1000 Heptachlor 18 -
Nitrate (mg/l) - - 45 100 100 Methoxychlor 35 0.020
Sulfate (mg/l) - - 150 400 400 Heptachlor-epoxide 18 -
Residual (mg/l) free - - 0.2 - - Organic-phosphate 100 -
Chlorine Toxaphene 5 -
Calcium (mg/l) - 75 75 200 200 Carbamate 100 -
Magnesium (mg/l) - 50 30 - 100
Copper (mg/l) 1.3 1.0 0.05 1.5 1.5
Fluoride (mg/l) 4.0 1.5 0.6-1.2 1.5 1.5 do research. The WHO and MCI should fix the uniformity
Mercury (mg/l) 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 No relaxation
Cadmium (mg/l) 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 No relaxation
permissible which are helpful to the society.
Selenium (mg/l) 0.05 0.01 - - No relaxation
Arsenic (mg/l) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 No relaxation REFERENCES
Lead (mg/l) - 0.05 0.10 0.05 No relaxation
Zinc (mg/l) - 5.0 5.0 0.10 15.0
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8-9 Sept. 1999 at ITRC, Lucknow.
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7. Cullen MR, Kayne RD, Robins JM. Endocrine andreproductive
chlorine (mg/l) 0.02 set up only by ISI, Calcium and magnesium dysfunction in men a social with occupation inorganic lead intoxication.
(mg/l) WHO 75, 50 ISI 75, 30 ICMR 200 CPCB 200,100. Calcium Arch Environ Health 1984;39:431-40.
and magnesium are significant to detect hardness of water, 8. FAO/WHO. Requirement of Vitamin A, Iron, Folate and Vitamin B12.
Report of a joint FAO/WHO expend consultation Rome, Food and
Copper (mg/l): USEPA 1.3, WHO 1.0, ISI0.05, ICMR 1.5, CPCB
Agricultural organization of the united nations (FAO Food and Nutrition
1.5, Fluorides (mg /l): USEPA 4.0, WHO 1.5, ISI 0.6-1.2, ICMR series No. 23), 1988.
1.5, CPCB 1.5, Mercury mg/l:USEPA 0.001, WHO 0.002,ISI 0.001, 9. Hiebsch S. The occurrence of thirty five pesticides in Canadian drinking
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RN, Mishra UC. Environmental lead exposure of an urban Indian
Cadmium (mg/l):USEPA 0.005, WHO 0.005, ISI 0.01, ICMR 0.01,
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CPCB no relaxation, Selenium (mg/l):USEPA 0.05, WHO 0.01, 10. Ritter WF. Pesticide contamination of ground water in the United States
CPCB no relaxation Arsenic (mg/l) USEPA 0.05, WHO 0.05,ISI – A review. Environ Sci Health 1990;25:1-29.
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0.05 ISI 0.10 ICMR 0.05 CPCB no relaxation Zinc (mg/l): WHO
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this permissible limit not given by different agencies. There Cite this article as: Kumar M, Puri A. A review of permissible limits of drinking
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is great confusion to the researcher, public health officers,
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
and doctors to following the permissible limits when they

44 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - April 2012 - Volume 16 - Issue 1
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