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Catalog Mesin MDE

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We use standardized materials (NK materials)

of the Highest quality in making all kinds and
sizes of engines. This is the reason why
Niigata engines are tough and durable under
serve conditions of the sea and against
unexpected phemonmena on the sea; why
High Quality
they are longlasting and why their parts are long Working life
so durable. With fine records of engine
performance and great confidence in the
products, we are sure that we will be able to
meet your needs anywhere around the world. CONOMY
Low Fuel Consumption
Low Maintenance Cost

use for all kind of Ship
Approved by the world marine
classification societies.
These engines are lighter in weight ,
smaller in size and shorter in height
than low-speed engines with the same
output power . This means better use
can be made of the spaces in the
engine room and on the decks of
trawlers, and ferry boats, and the
spaces thus made can be used as holds,
fish store or living quarters ,
Lighter weight permits additional in­
stallation of cargo loading machines ,
fishing gear and cargo .

The engines can be operated unattended
by introducing a remote control equip­
ment and a central supervisory system .
Niigata's exclusive engine protective
device assures added safety of
unattended engine operation.
The Niigata Remote Control Equip­
ment, which has proved itself to be
highly reliable by a long list of satisfied
customers, allows easy and quick
reversal and speed control . All this
adds up to improved maneuverability.

Propelling Efficiency
All models of engines have many reduc­
tion ratios selected as appropriate to
the propelling efficiency of various
kinds of ships and the economy of
engine output power .
Niigata Power System CO .,Ltd with a history Since Niigata Diesel constructed Japan's fi rst
of more than 100 years is building foot-hold industrial diesel engines in 1919,the co m pany
in the world as a leading comprehensive had manufacturd diesel engines with a tot al
system enjineering company. Niigata Power output power of 32,000,000 hores power and
Systems offers an extensive range of total 39,000 sets as of March 2004, the highest
products and services from diesel engines, production of medium-sized engines in the
Z-peller, gas engines, gas turbines and world.lndeed,Niigata Diesel has met a large
casting as well as their desiging, portion of the world's needs of tractive power.
manufacture,marketing and consultant The company's activities are not limited to the
service . field of medium-sized engines. In November
On the basis of our tradtional technologies, 1973, a license agreement w as signed between
we have organize an effcient and powerfu .1 Niigata Diesel ando France's S.M .E.T. to
system of intensive technology to readily produce PC engines.This psves t he w ay for
meet today's needs for goods distdbution, us to advance in the field of large-sized engin es
The sprit of Niigata Power Sytems to meet for merchant marina, auxiliaries, work boats,
any needs anywhere is highly evaluated both and coastal ships. And w e have developed a
at home and adroad. series of large-sized,medium-speed en g ines.
We wish to than k you very much f o r yo u r
support and patronage.
4-cycle Marine Geared
Medium Speed Diesel Engine

MODEL Gear ratio

6NSF-M 308 420 2 100 6L 132.9 160 3.92~3.43 1.6 0.3 1.9

6NSE-M 404 550 1 950 6L 150 165 2.93 2.3 0.5 2.8
6NSD-M 478 650 1 450 6L 160 210 2.93 2.9 O.S 3.7
6NSDL-M 55 1 750 1 400 6L 160 235 2.S3~3.06 3.4 1.0 4.4
6MG17HX 735 1 000 1 650 6L 165 2 15 2.79~4.46 3.2 0.7 3.9
6MG19HX 735 1 000 1 000 6L 190 260 2 . 26~4 . 00 7.0 2.0 9.0

6MG22HX 1 029 1 400 1 000 6L 220 280 2.41 ~ 4. 2 4 9. 1 3.5 12.6

6MG22HLX 1 324 1 SOO 1 000 6L 220 300 2 . 54 ~4.3S 12.0 4.1 16.1

8MG22HLX 1 765 2 400 1 000 8L 220 300 3.04~ 4 . 72 15.0 6.7 2 1.7
12MG22HLX 2648 3600 1 000 12L 220 300 2 . 27~3.76 20.0 10.0 30 .0
16MG22HLX 3530 4800 1 000 16L 220 300 2. 0 0 ~ 4 . 50 24 .0 12.0 36 .0
18MG22HLX 3972 5 400 1 000 18L 220 300 2.00~4 .50 27.0 13.5 40.5
6MG25HX 1 323 1 800 750 6L 250 350 2. 5 0~ 4. 04 13.0 5.2 18.2
Su ject to modification ilhout notice.
0f Englne welgnt , including Geishnger coupling.


L, - - - L. Bz 6MG22HLX
-- L - -- ­


- Lz
-­ - II

Dimension (mm) Section
L LI L2 Ll H HI H2 H3 I H.. BI Bl B~ G
6NSF-M 1 923 1 508 415 - 1 282 876 106 106 1 000 970 750 750 211 A

6NSE-M 224 1 1 720 521 - I 1 516 1 050 150 150 970 1 170 920 906 227 B

6NSD-M 2506 1 896 61 0 67 11 64 1 1 088 200 200 1 2 10 1 098 798 980 285 B
6NSDL-M 2501 1 896 605 21 5 1 853 1 153 225 225 1 330 1 078 870 1 11 0 358 B
6MG17HX 2548 1 911 637 - 1 722 1 178 160 160 1 240 535 930 1 162 285 B
6MG19HX 38 12 2 912 I 900 - 2 122 1 472 650 320 1 550 800 813 666 462 C
6MG22HX 4 198 3084 1 265 - 2403 1 695 708 330 1 690 890 896 739 - 0
6MG22HLX 4 655 3390 11 265 - 2730 1 945 785 373 2000 1 040 897 799 - 0
8MG22HLX 5475 4 130 I 1 345 - 2847 2062 785 373 2000 1 040 897 799 - 0
12MG22HLX 5680 3680 2000 I - 3 192 2407 785 373 1 810 1 270 - - - 0
16MG22HLX 6580 4480 2 100 - 3 192 2 407 785 37 3 1 810 1 270 - - - 0
18MG22HLX 7 130 4880 2250 - 3 192 2 407 785 373 1 810 1 270 - I - - 0
6MG25HX 4728 3 424 1 265 - 2 726 1 966 720 380 2080 1 040 1 016 1 - - 0
Subject 10 modlhcatJon without n tic .
':- En(Jine weight is including Gelslinger coupling,

4-cycle Marine Geared
Medium Speed Diesel Engine

MODEL Gear rat io
(m m ) (m m )

6MG26HX 1471 2000 1 000 6L 260 275 2.54"-'4.38 11.9 4.1 16.0
8MG26HX 1838 2500 1000 8L 260 275 2.50"-'3.86 15.3 5.2 20.5

12MG26HX 2647 3600 1 000 12V 260 275 2.27"-'3.76 18.4 6.9 25.3
16MG26HX 3677 5000 1 000 16V 260 275 1.97"-'3.73 25 .0 10.0 35.0
18MG26HX 4 118 5600 1 000 18V 260 275 2.46"-'4.72 28.5 13.0 4 1.5

6MG26HLX 1 471 2000 750 6L 260 35 0 2.50"-' 4.04 13.5 4.7 18.2

6MG28HX 1 838 2500 750 6L 280 370 2.27"-'3.98 16.5 6.9 23.4

8MG28HX 2353 3200 750 8L 280 370 1.87"-'3.94 21.5 7.8 29.3
6MG28HLX 2206 3000 750 6L 280 400 1.97"-'4.49 22.0 10.0 32.0
8MG28HLX 2942 4000 750 8L 280 400 2.40"-'4.72 31.0 13.0 44 .0

12MG28HLX 4412 6000 750 12V 280 400 2.05"-'4 .03 38 .0 14.0 52.0
16MG28HLX 5884 8000 750 16V 280 400 2.17 "-'4.00 50.0 19.0 69 .0
18MG28HLX 6620 9000 750 18V 280 400 2.12"-'406 57.0 2 1.5 78.5
Sub jec i 10 IT1Od l!oc a l ' Dfl wlt ho ul ')o lice
'" engine wei qtl1 15 In cl .l dln (] Gel iln qer cou ol ing


-++-ot-­ - - l , --------t
~---- L ----------~

B ------Bl-


Dimension (mm) Sec ion

L L L2 H H, H2 H3 H4 8, 82 83
6MG26HX 4 673 1
3804 1 265 2704 1 936 768 380 1803 1 040 961 741 D
8MG26HX 5715 1 4 265 1450 2812 2044 768 380 1 803 1 040 982 766 D

12MG26HX 5925 4580 1 345 2862 2077 785 400 1 710 1 270 1 130 1 000 D
16MG26HX 7 930 I 57 50 2 180 2990 2205 785 400 1 710 1 270 1 079 1 058 D
18MG26HX 857 0 6270 2300 2997 2212 . 785 400 1 710 1 270 1 079 1 215 D
6MG26HLX 4 808 1 3 463 1 345 2885 2165 720 380 2080 1 040 982 766 D

6MG28HX 5 050 I 3 705 I 1 345 3045 2212 833 400 2210 1 130 982 823 D

8MG28HX 6368 4 638 1 680 3218 2385 833 400 2210 1 130 1 153 823 D

6MG28HLX 6463 4 713 1 750 3207 2402 805 455 2270 1 220 1 002 835 D

8MG28HLX 7623 5683 1 940 3 207 2402 805 455 2270 1 220 1 200 835 D

12MG28HLX 8770 6580 2 190 3655 2580 1 075 475 2350 1 500 1 190 1 190 D

16MG28HLX 9879 7629 2250 3655 2580 1 075 475 2350 1 500 1 190 1 190 D

18MG28HLX 11 020 8670 2350 3655 2580 1 075 475 2350 1 500 1 190 1 190 D
Sub jec 10 I odlf,calion without notice.
", Engine welgl1t is including Gelshng er co uohn

4-cycle Marine Geared
Medium Speed Diesel Engine

No. of str ok e Sta ndard

MO DEL cyli nders G ea r rat io
(mm ) (m m)

6MG3 2CLX 2206 3000 650 6L 320 420 2.00""4 .00 30 ,7 10,0 40.7
8MG32CLX 2942 4000 650 8L 320 420 2.00""4 .00 4 1.0 13.0 54 .0
12MG32CLX 4413 6000 650 12V 320 420 48 .0
16MG32CLX 5884 8000 650 16V 320 420 60.4
18MG3 2CLX 6619 9000 650 18V 320 420 66.4
6 MG34HX 2647 3600 600 6L 340 450 2.46""4.52 32 .8 13.0 45 .8

8MG34HX 3529 4800 600 8L 340 450 2.50""5.00 43.5 17.0 60 .5

6 MG41HX 41 92 5700 500 6L 410 560 6 1.0

8 MG41HX 5589 7600 500 8L 410 560 82,0

6 MG4 6 HX 4943 6720 450 6L 460 600 95 .0
8 MG46HX 6590 8 960 450 8L 460 600 120.0
12MG46HX 9885 13440 450 12V 460 600 140.0
16MG46HX 13180 17920 450 16V 460 600 180.0



k ­- - - - - - - - - - - - ­ L

Dimen si o n (mm) Secti on

L L, L2 H HI H2 H:; H. B, B2 83
6MG32CLX 7184 I 5254 I 1 960 3550 2547 1 003 530 2520 1 340 1 173 995 E
8MG32CLX 8875 6935 1 940 3955 2953 1 003 530 2520 1340 1 173 995 E
12MG32CLX - 6235 - 3797 2632 1 165 530 2270 1 550 1 630 1 630 E
16MG32CLX - 7460 - 3550 2385 1 165 530 2270 1 550 1 630 1 630 E
18MG32CLX - 8030 - 3 720 2555 1 165 530 2270 1 550 1 711 1 711 E
6MG34HX 6470 4530 1 940 3573 2580 993 515 2760 1 390 1 178 916 E
8MG34HX 8 140 5590 2550 3573 2580 993 515 2760 1 390 1 178 916 E
6MG41HX - 6389 - 4605 3455 1 150 650 3000 1 790 1390 1 225 E
8MG41HX - 7789 - 4800 3650 1 150 650 3000 1 790 1 390 1225 E
6MG46HX - 7710 - 5 435 3880 1 555 750 3910 2060 - - E
8MG46HX - 8930 - 6099 4544 1 555 750 3910 2060 - - E
12MG46HX - 7600 - 5605 4000 1 605 800 3180 2450 - - E
16MG46HX - 9280 - 5705 4100 1605 800 3180 2450 - -

SubieC I I m d" I!; a Ion w,l hou' no Ice

'* Engine wel<;1I11 is includ ing eisllnger coupli llp .

4-cycle Z- Peller Propulsion

Medium Speed Diesel Engine

Max. Continuous Engine Cyl. Piston Dry

Rating speed No. of bore stroke mass Z -peller model
MODEL cylillders
(min -l) (mm) (mm) (Ton)

6NSDL-Z 551 750 1 400 6L 160 235 3.4 ZP-09

6L17HX 735 1 000 1 650 6L 165 215 3.2 ZP-09

6L19HX 735 1 000 1 000 6L 190 260 7.0 ZP-09

6L22HX 1 029 1 400 1 000 6L 220 280 9.1 ZP-1 0, Zp-21

6L22HLX 1 323 1 000 6L 220 300 12.0 ZP-21

8L22HLX 1 765 2400 1 000 8L 220 300 15.0 ZP-31 , ZP-41

6L25HX 1 323 1 800 750 6L 250 350 13.0 ZP- 21

6L26HX 1 471 2 000 1 000 6L 260 275 11.9 ZP-2 1, ZP-31

8L26HX 1838 2 500 1000 8L 260 275 15.3 ZP-31 , ZP-41

6L26HLX 1 471 2000 750 6L 260 350 13.5 ZP-31

6L28HX 1 838 2500 750 6L 280 370 16.5 ZP-31 , ZP -41

8L28HX 2353 3200 750 8L 280 370 21.5 ZP-41

6L28HLX 2206 3000 750 6L 280 400 22.0 ZP-41



Turbocharger Coupling

Niigata Med ium Speed eng ine is equiped with Niigata Geislinger Coupling
NIIGATA tu rbo charge r o r NIIGATA-MAN-B&W The Niig ata Medium Speed engine uses a
turbocharge r as a standa rd accessory. shock-a dsorbin g coupli ng between th e
eng ine an d a reducti on reverse gear to
NIlGAT A MAN-B& W turbocharger prote ct the gearwheels and shafts fro m
harmful vibrat ing torq ue Specif ic ally,
The NII GA TA -MAN-B&W tu rboc harger is manufactured
the Mediu m Speed eng in e has a NII GATA
by Nii ga ta Eng ineering under lic ense from MAN :3&W
GE ISLING ER coup ling, which feat ures
Diesel A/ S NII GATA-MAN-B&W t ur bocharger has
highly effi cient to rque transmiss ion ,
supe rio r c ha rac terist ics such as as a stand ard eq uipmen t.
-N o c o rross io n o f ho t casings The NIi GATA-GE ISLIN GER coupl ing
- Unc oo led des igh IS a hi gh-pe rfo rma nce , vibra tio ll ­
-Hi gh t turbo c ha rge r eff ic ienc ies abso rbing elas tic cou p lin g manu factured
- Long se rvic e life by Niig ata En gin eering unde r lice nse
-S im p le maintenance fro m an Aus tralan manufacturer o f
-Hi gh m arket accep tance elasti c coup lin gs The NII GATA ­
- Wo rl dw ide se rv ice o rgan isa ti on GEISLI NGER co up lin g can be used
fo r large engines with more than
10,000 ho rse power Because the
coupling has a very small sp ring con ­
stant and excellent damping perfor­
mance, It demonstrates superb effe cts
galnst the torsional vibration o f
propellers, propeller shafts and inter­
mediate shafts.

NIIGATA MAN B&W NR-turbocharge r

NIIGATA turbocharger
NIIGATA turbochargers have also bee n
adop ted by many diesel engin e
manufac turers for their di ese l eng ines.

GEISLI NGER coupling joi ned with engi ne

NHP type t urbocharger

.... - - .... -~ --- - --- - ---­

~:. f1I\!lj~JAWA4~~~.~Qj~~ContI7QI Device


Remote cOntrol stand

Remote Control Device

Solenoid valve
Use of a rem ote contro l equlp m nt will
for change over of
control position Limit switch make engin e aperat ion far easier , permit
for change ove r of
clutch positron sign ificant labor sav in g ab oard ships ,
and assure greater econo m y
Various comb in ations o f fun ctio ns,
such as reversing , speed control and
var iable-pitch p rop el ler bl ade ang le
contr o l, are av ai lab le as requir ed by
Speed controller
custo m er's sp ecifi cations A ce ntra l
Wheel House su pe rviso ry system can be aqqlied to
the remote co ntr ol equipment for
automatic, unattended operat ion of
the engines
O ne of our standard remote control
system is p neumatic single lever
control, consisting of one eng ine co nt rol
Alarm be l l Engine room
( Fitted on hull) Alarm panel stan d an d necessary accessories for the
(F ined o n hull ) pn eum atic equipment
BEll A single lever on a control stand auto­
matically reverses its rotation and
0 00 0 00
con trols the speed as required

From " FULL AH EAD " to "Ful l ASTE RN"
or an y interme d ia te positio n, man euver ­
Ing is carried out immediately.
The eng in e ca n be stopped remotely by
operating an emergency stop push
button o n the stand
Limit switch of fuel control han dle
Pr essu re SWi tch f or ala rmi ng
Te m p era ture sW itch f or alarmi ng
The remote control stand comprises :
Power Sou re e
DC fl. C
Tac homet er ge nerat or - Maneuvering leve r
Pressu re sWI tch for alat mln g
L im it SWit CheS f or con r"mlnt; clutch pOSltoons - Engine tach om ete r
Pre ssu re switc h for alarmmg - Indicating lamp fo r contro l position
- Ala rming lamps for eng ine nd
gear box
- Pressu re gauge for co ntrol air
- Push button fo r eme rgency stop of
Stopping ai r piston eng ine
- Dim me r switch

Clu tch -c hange -over device


Starting air reservoir Solenoid v al ve box: I

( Fitted on hur d

Or ain
So l eno id v al v e So len oid v alv e for
for change o v er o f emerge"cy s top
C rll ~ch p OS I tion

- - -- --

NII'GATA Marilrne G:ear'

- - - - - - - - - ------- -~---- --------------=---

Nligata Reverse Reduction Gear

The Niiga ta Re verse Red uction Gear The Nii g t Re verse Red uc tio n Gear Wet typ e mult iple di sc c lu tches are
is a p rod uct o f a ubsidiary nam ed empl oys red uction gear-wh eel s In stalled o n he ahead and as tern
Ni igata Co nverter Co , Ltd . and it s whi c h a re made o f special steel and sha fts. The gear ca n be easily shi fted
g reat re liab ili ty and eco no m y have har den ed an d g ro und , and ro lle r to Ihe ahead, neutr al or aste rn
been proved by a long li st o f o r plain bearin g s to assure high pOSi tio n w ith a co ntro l le ver. Remo te
sat is fied custo mers using it. acc uracy o f eng agement and glg h co ntr o l IS easy, too . The c lut ches
Iransmi ssion ef fic iency . and p ro peller sha ft can be ea sily
di~ as sem b l e d an d checked.

Construction of Reverse Gear Co-axial Type

Eccentric Type (Vertical or Model MGN ...... Z
Horizontal Offset)
Model MG N......, MGN ......V

1. input shaft
2. drive gear
3. driven gear
4. foward clutch shaft
5. reverse drive gear
5'. reverse driven gear
6. forward clutch
6 '. reverse clutch
5' 6' 9 7'S' 10 2 9 6
S. pin ion (forward)
Forward 1 -, 5 --+ 7 '8 - > 9 - > 10 Forward 1--+ 2 - '3- t 4 .... 5 --+ 6 --+ 7 --+ 8 - >9 9_ redu ction gear
Reverse 1-->5- ' 5' --+ 6' - , 7' --+ 8 ' --+ 9 --+ 10 Reverse 1--+ 2--+3->4-->5 --+ 5' -> 6 ' --+ 7' - , 8' --+ 9--+10 10. output shaft

Wide Range Systems Multiple-geared system Built-in controllable pitch

This system saves sti ll more wei g h propeller unit system
Standard Type (1 eng ine 1 shaft) and space as c o m pared witll the A bui lt -in CPP in the red uc tion gear
single eng ine sin gle shaft system means a short ove rall lengt h o f
~---;-0-+1 Engine Particula rly, the eng ine roo m m ay shaft in g. Engines can be k pt runn­
have a ve ry low ceilin g . ing at c ons tan t speed rega rd less of
Th e sys tem also pe rm its reduced shi p sp eed so th at eng ine p owe r
speed o perati o n und er pa rllal load can be taken o ut o f til e ailead si de
so an eng ine o r eng ines can be shut of the en g ine lo r dri Ving the ma in
d o wn and output powe r can be taken gen rato r o r a fi shing hydr auli C
fr o m the m ain engine apart fr o m p um p A sm all -si zed hydr aul ic pum p
prop el lin g powe r. Th is mak es may be used as it will be d riv en at
pOSSib le econom ical en g ine cons t nt spee d
MOG Type (4 engines 1 sh aft)
ope ra ti on and reas o nabl e eng in e
roo m la yo ut. Shut dow n engin es can Other systems
be dis as sem b led nd chec ked even A Wide range of o the r sys tem s, suc h
d uring nav ig atio n so that o pe ra ti n as a syste m o f M edium Speed
elf ic ie cy can be im p rove d Wi thou t eng ines with a ge ne rat o r d rive uni t,
hurtin g th e sa fety of the ship an d a d ou bl e red uctio n sy stem , are
ava ilab le to meet any and all need s o f
cu sto m ers .

Niigata Power Systems Co., ltd.
Head Office
9-7. Yaesu 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028, Japan
Tel: +81-3-6214-28 25 Fax : + 81 -3-6214-2839
URL : http://www.niigata-power.com

Niigata Power Systems Co.• Ltd. (Beiji ng)

Beijing Fortune Bldg. Room 0 720.5 Dong San Hvan,

Bei··Lv Chao Yang District. Beijing, China 100004

Phone: +8 -10 65 0-83 8 Fax 86-' 0-6590-8320

Niigata Power Systems Co., Ltd . (Jakarta)

Wisilla Nugra Santana 5th Floor. JI Jencleral Sudirman

I<av. 7-8, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia

Pll one: +62-21 ·570-3570 F : ,62· 21-570 6 30

Niigata Power Systems Co" Ltd. (Manila)

8th Roor, Cilibc nk Center Bldg . 8741. Paseo de Roxas.

Village Makati. City 1226. Philippines

Phone: +63-2-81 2-3874 Fax +63 2-812-3915

Niigata Power Systems (Europe) B.V.

Beurspleln 37 , 3011 AA Rotterdam. The Netherlands

POBox 30082 300 I DB Rotterdam

Phone +3 1-10- 405-3085 Fax +31- 10-405-5067

Niigata Power Systems (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

50 Buki! Batok St .23, ~04-21 Midvlew Building,

Singapore 659578

Phone: +65 ·6899- 1500 Fax +65-6899 1600

P.T. Niigata Santana Diesel Engine Manufacturing Indonesia (NISDEMI)

Jalan Raya Cakung Cilincing, Keillrahan Semper
Jakarta 14130 . IndoneSia
Phone: +62-21-44 0-2 191 Fax: +62-21 440-2202
Niigata Power Systems Phi lippines, Inc,

8th Floor, Citibank Center Blug .

8741, Paseo de Rox s, Makatl. City 1226. Philippines

Phone: +63-2-812-3874 Fax t-63-2-8 12-3915


Diesel Engine and Equlpmel1ts

Marine Diesel Engines

Stationary Diesel E'nglne

Railway Tract I'ln Diesel Engines

Gas Diesel Engines

Gas TlIrt)ll'"

Nilgata Man Turbo Blowers

Remote Control Equ,pments

Nilgata Z-['leller

Gel811ngel Couplings

¥- ~A I oH§CIl-T'- Sf< ~ 1470t,::t:tAI

0l101:':::of OI El1321 BI D 19022.
sml TEL :051 )462- 6888 FAX:051 )462-6889
E-mai!: s mi eb orn aritime.com
~iB l 01AI: www.s eIJomar itime.com

*S pecificatlons are subject to change wi lilou t notice

EE6001 A DD S PnnteQ 111 Japan

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