Novak2013 PDF
Novak2013 PDF
Novak2013 PDF
1 Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Sydney; 2 University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney, Australia.
Correspondence to Associate Professor Iona Novak, Head of Research, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute, PO Box 560, Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia.
PUBLICATION DATA AIM The aim of this study was to describe systematically the best available intervention
Accepted for publication 5th June 2013. evidence for children with cerebral palsy (CP).
Published online METHOD This study was a systematic review of systematic reviews. The following databases
were searched: CINAHL, Cochrane Library, DARE, EMBASE, Google Scholar MEDLINE,
ABBREVIATIONS OTSeeker, PEDro, PsycBITE, PsycINFO, and speechBITE. Two independent reviewers
COPM Canadian Occupational Perfor- determined whether studies met the inclusion criteria. These were that (1) the study was a
mance Measure systematic review or the next best available; (2) it was a medical/allied health intervention;
GAS Goal Attainment Scaling and (3) that more than 25% of participants were children with CP. Interventions were coded
MACS Manual Ability Classification using the Oxford Levels of Evidence; GRADE; Evidence Alert Traffic Light; and the
System International Classification of Function, Disability and Health.
NDT Neurodevelopmental therapy RESULTS Overall, 166 articles met the inclusion criteria (74% systematic reviews) across 64
discrete interventions seeking 131 outcomes. Of the outcomes assessed, 16% (21 out of 131)
were graded ‘do it’ (green go); 58% (76 out of 131) ‘probably do it’ (yellow measure); 20% (26
out of 131) ‘probably do not do it’ (yellow measure); and 6% (8 out of 131) ‘do not do it’ (red
stop). Green interventions included anticonvulsants, bimanual training, botulinum toxin,
bisphosphonates, casting, constraint-induced movement therapy, context-focused therapy,
diazepam, fitness training, goal-directed training, hip surveillance, home programmes,
occupational therapy after botulinum toxin, pressure care, and selective dorsal rhizotomy.
Most (70%) evidence for intervention was lower level (yellow) while 6% was ineffective (red).
INTERPRETATION Evidence supports 15 green light interventions. All yellow light
interventions should be accompanied by a sensitive outcome measure to monitor progress
and red light interventions should be discontinued since alternatives exist.
Thirty to 40% of interventions have no reported evidence- Orthopaedic surgery and movement normalization were
based and, alarmingly, another 20% of interventions pro- once the mainstays of intervention, but localized antispas-
vided are ineffectual, unnecessary, or harmful.1 The gap ticity medications and motor learning interventions have
between research and practice has been well documented gained increased popularity.4,5 Thus, the sheer volume of
in systematic reviews1 across multiple diagnoses, special- research published makes it hard for clinicians to keep up
ties, and countries. Surveys confirm that, unfortunately, the to date.6 Systematic reviews seek to provide evidence
research–practice gap occurs within the cerebral palsy (CP) summaries, but, in spite of this, clinicians find it difficult
field to the same degree.2,3 This gap exists despite numer- to interpret review findings and stay abreast of these
ous systematic reviews providing guidance about what does syntheses.7 Furthermore, the introduction of new and
and does not work for children with CP. When clinicians sometimes competing effective interventions increases the
want to help, families expect effective interventions, and complexity of clinical reasoning required by clinicians,
the health system depends upon cost-effective services, the who are primarily motivated to improve outcomes for
provision of ineffectual interventions is illogical. In view children.8
of this, why is there such variable uptake of best available In the last 10 years, the field has adopted the World
evidence within real clinical practice? Health Organization’s International Classification of Func-
In the last decade, the CP evidence base has rapidly tioning, Disability and Health (ICF),9 which has redefined
expanded, providing clinicians and families with the the way clinicians understand CP and think about inter-
possibility of newer, safer, and more effective interventions. vention options. From an ICF perspective, CP impacts on
Review 3
Table I: Included studies, best available evidence levels, grades and traffic lights
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
1 Acupuncture: electro-stimulation to scalp and Improved gross motor function Zhang25 Insufficient evidence 1 Low Weak + Yellow
body via needles and manual pressure (A) MEASURE
2 Alcohol: muscular injections to induce chemical Reduce muscle spasticity Delgado26 Insufficient evidence to support, but BoNT-A exists 1 N/A Weak Yellow
denervation for treating local spasticity locally via injections (BS) as a highly effective alternative – therefore MEASURE
probably do not use alcohol unless BoNT-A total
dose limitations in play
3 Alternative and augmentative communication: Improved general Pennington27 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow |
technology alternatives to verbal speech, e.g. communication skills (A) MEASURE
communication boards, speech generating Improved communication skills Branson28 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
devices of pre-school children (A) MEASURE
Improved communication skills Pennington29 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
8 Behaviour therapy: positive behaviour support, Improved child behaviour (from Roberts48 Effective, but low CP numbers were included in the 2 Low Weak + Yellow
behavioural interventions, and positive the Stepping Stones Triple P Sanders49 study samples and publication bias existed 2 MEASURE
parenting Programme) (A)
Improved parenting skills (E) Whittingham50 Insufficient evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
9 Bimanual training: repetitive task training in the Improved hand function, i.e. Gordon51 Effective. Equal effectiveness to constraint-induced 2 High Strong + Green GO
use of two hands together bilateral hand use for children Sakzewski4 movement therapy 1
with hemiplegia (A) Sakzewski52 2
10 Biofeedback: electronic feedback about muscle Improved muscle activation Dursun53 Effective if combined with other treatments 2 Low Weak + Yellow
activity to teach voluntary control and active range of motion MEASURE
Improved walking (A) Dursun53 Insufficient evidence 2 Low Weak + Yellow
Improved hand function (A) Bloom54 Lower-quality supporting evidence 4 Very low Weak + Yellow
11 Bisphosphonates: medication to suppress bone Improved bone mineral density Fehlings55 Effective. Small RCTs suggest a positive effect and 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
reabsorption to treat osteoporosis (BS) Hough56 there are high risks of adverse events from no 1
12 Botulinum toxin (BoNT-A): medication injected Reduced lower limb muscle Ade-Hall57 Effective and safe 1 High Strong + Green GO
into overactive spastic muscles to locally block spasticity (BS) Albavera- 1
spasticity Hernandez58
Boyd59 1
Heinen60 1
Koog61 1
Lukban62 1
Love63 1
Mulligan64 1
Reduced upper limb muscle Fehlings65 Insufficient evidence. Note: function was 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
spasticity (BS) Reeuwijk66 preferentially measured over spasticity reduction 1
Wasiak67 in high quality studies. Since the drug is highly 1
effective in lower limb muscles, we expect
comparable results – therefore do use BoNT-A
Reduced hypertonia of the neck Novak68 Insufficient evidence. Since high-quality evidence 1 N/A Weak + Yellow
muscles (BS) supports tone reduction in primary dystonia (non- MEASURE
CP populations), we expect similar results –
therefore probably do use BoNT-A
Improved walking function (A) Koog61 Probably effective in combination with 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
Love63 physiotherapy therefore do use 1
Ryll69 1
Improved hand function and Boyd59 Effective in combination with occupational therapy 1 High Strong + Green GO
performance of functional Fehlings65 1
hand activities (A) Hoare70 1
Hoare71 1
Reduced pain (BS) Rawicki72 Insufficient evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
Reduced drooling (BS) Lim Effective short term and given the adverse social 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
Reddihough74 outcomes from no treatment – do use 1
Walshe75 1
Table I: Continued
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
13 Casting: Plaster casts applied to limbs to (a) Improved passive range of Autti-Ramo76 Effective. Gains in ankle range of motion are very 1 Low Strong + Green GO
stretch muscles for muscle lengthening, i.e. motion of the lower limbs Blackmore77 small but are potentially clinically meaningful for 1
contracture reduction casts changed regularly; (BS) Effgen78 children that need more dorsiflexion to walk, 1
or (b) reduce spasticity Katalinic79 therefore – do use 1
Improved passive range of Autti-Ramo76 Insufficient evidence 1 Low Weak + Yellow
motion of the upper limbs Lannin80 1 MEASURE
(BS) Teplicky81 1
Improved function (A) Autti-Ramo76 Insufficient evidence 1 Low Weak Yellow
Blackmore77 1 MEASURE
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
21 Cranial osteopathy: palpation using small Improved mobility, quality of Wyatt91 Ineffective. Note: a single rigorous RCT shows no 2 High Strong Red STOP
movements to ease musculoskeletal strain life and general health (A and benefit when compared to no treatment
and treat the central nervous system P)
22 Dantrolene: antispasticity medication Reduce spasticity (generalized) Delgado26 Insufficient evidence 1 Low Weak Yellow
23 Diazepam: antispasticity medication Reduce spasticity (generalized) Delgado Effective short term, therefore – do use 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
24 Dysphagia management: promoting safe Improved safety of swallow via Snider Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Low Weak + Yellow
swallowing by changing food textures, sitting thickened fluids i.e. less MEASURE
position, oral motor skills and using oral aspiration (BS)
appliances and equipment Improved safety of swallow via Snider92 Conflicting evidence 1 Low Weak + Yellow
upright positioning, i.e. less MEASURE
aspiration (BS)
25 Early intervention (EI): therapy and early Improved motor outcomes (BS Blauw- Evidence supports general stimulation, 1 Moderate Weak + Yellow
education to promote acquisition of and A) Hospers93 developmental approaches and parent coaching MEASURE
milestones, via group or individual stimulus Blauw programmes. Gains are superior to NDT or 1
Hospers94 traditional physiotherapy
Turnbull95 1
Ziviani96 1
Improved cognitive outcomes Blauw- High quality evidence supports EI in non-CP 1 Low Weak + Yellow
(BS) Hospers93 populations. Moderate evidence supports EI MEASURE
Blauw program memes for at risk pre-term infants, 1
Hospers94 aimed at mimicking the intrauterine environment
Turnbull95 1
Ziviani96 1
26 Electrical stimulation (ES, NMES, FES): Improved gait parameters (BS) Cauraugh97 Insufficient evidence. Effective in laboratory, 1 Low Weak + Yellow
electrical stimulation of a muscle through a Wright97 unknown effectiveness in the community 1 MEASURE
skin electrode to induce passive muscle Improved muscle strength (BS) Kerr98 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Moderate Weak + Yellow
contractions for strengthening or motor Scianni99 1 MEASURE
activation Wright97 1
Augmented effects of Lannin100 Conflicting evidence. More evidence needed 1 Low Weak + Yellow
Botulinum toxin (BS) Wright101 1 MEASURE
27 Fitness training: planned structured activities Improved aerobic fitness (BS) Butler102 Effective short term and only in those that have 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
involving repeated movement of skeletal Rogers103 sufficient motor skills to undertake aerobic 1
muscles that result in energy expenditure to Verschuren102 training. No carryover when training stops. 1
improve or maintain levels of physical fitness Therefore do use but only in the right patient and
plan to continue the programme long term
Improved function and Butler102 Insufficient evidence. Aerobic fitness does not 1 Moderate Weak Yellow
participation (A and P) Rogers103 appear to translate to activity and participation 1 MEASURE
Verschure n102 gains 1
28 Fundoplication (including Nissen and Reduction of gastro- Vernon- No CP-specific evidence 1 N/A Weak + Yellow
laparoscopic; gastric plication): surgical oesophageal reflux (BS) Roberts103 MEASURE
procedure to strengthen the barrier to acid
reflux, e.g. by wrapping the fundus around the
Table I: Continued
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
29 Gastrostomy: surgical placement of a non-oral Improved growth and weight Arrowsmith104 Adverse events occur 3 Very low Weak + Yellow
feeding tube to prevent or reverse growth (BS) Kong105 3 MEASURE
failure, or prevent aspiration pneumonia, e.g. Samson- 1
percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), Fang106
jejunostomy Sleigh107,108 1, 1
Sullivan109 3
Sullivan110 3
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
38 Intrathecal baclofen (ITB): antispasticity Reduced lower limb spasticity Butler130 Predominantly low-quality supporting evidence. 1 Low Weak + Yellow
medication delivered directly to the spinal (BS) Creedon131 The size of the gains varies between studies 1 MEASURE
cord via a pump surgically implanted within Dan132 1
the abdomen Delgado26 1
Kolaski133 1
Reduced upper limb spasticity Butler130 Insufficient evidence. The effect on upper limb is 1 Low Weak Yellow
(BS) Creedon131 less than for the lower limb and some authors 1 MEASURE
Dan132 question whether ITB is clinically worthwhile for 1
Delgado26 the purposes of reducing upper limb spasticity 1
Kolaski133 1
Reduced dystonia (BS) Albanese134 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
Butler130 1 MEASURE
Improved function and health Hoving135 Lower-quality supporting evidence 2 Low Weak + Yellow
related quality of life (A, P and Hoving136 2 MEASURE
PF) Kolaski133 1
Improved walking ability in Pin137 Insufficient evidence. Some children with CP 1 Very low Weak Yellow
ambulant children (A) improve but many experience adverse events MEASURE
including inability to walk
39 Massage: therapeutic stroking and circular Reduced pain (BS) Hernandez- Conflicting evidence 2 Low Weak + Yellow
motions applied by a massage therapist to Reif138 MEASURE
muscles to relieve pain and tension Nilsson139 2
Reduced spasticity (BS) Alizad140 Conflicting evidence 2 Low Weak + Yellow
Hernandez- 2 MEASURE
Improved function (A) Hernandez- Conflicting evidence 2 Low Weak + Yellow
40 Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT, Bobath): Normalized movement (BS) Brown141 Ineffective. No gains superior to other treatments 1 Low Strong Red STOP
direct, passive handling and guidance to Butler142 1
optimise function Prevent contracture Brown141 Ineffective because immediate gains in range of 1 Low Strong Red STOP
development (BS) Butler142 motion observed within the session do not carry 1
Improved function (A) Brown141 Conflicting systematic review evidence. Early 1 Low Weak Yellow
Butler142 reviews suggested no benefits. The more recent 1 MEASURE
Martin143 review included one new trial suggesting 1
possible benefit of higher doses of NDT
compared with lower doses of NDT; however,
this is not a conventional method for establishing
treatment efficacy and should be interpreted with
caution. Other evidence shows that motor
learning produces superior functional gains to
Enhanced social emotional and Brown141 Ineffective. No evidence to support claim 1 Low Strong Red STOP
cognitive skills (BS and PF) Butler142 1
41 Occupational therapy after BoNT: improved Improved goal achievement of Boyd59 Effective 1 High Strong + Green GO
hand use via CIMT, goal-directed training, upper limb activities (A) Fehlings65 1
strength training and functional hand splints. Hoare70 1
improved symptom management via casting Hoare71 1
and immobilisation splints Lannin99 1
Table I: Continued
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
42 Oral motor treatment: sensory stimulation to Improved verbal speech as a – No evidence in CP. Insufficient evidence to support – N/A Weak Yellow
lips, jaw, tongue, soft palate, larynx, and result of non-speech oral or refute in non-CP200 populations MEASURE
respiratory muscles to influence the motor exercises (BS)
oropharyngeal mechanism Improved safety of swallowing Snider92 Insufficient evidence 1 Very low Weak Yellow
and reduced drooling (BS) Wilcox144 1 MEASURE
43 Orthopaedic surgery: surgical prevention or Correct equinus foot deformity Shore145 Lower-quality supporting evidence with no 1 Low Weak + Yellow
correction of musculoskeletal disorders and (BS) superior surgical technique evident. Studies MEASURE
associated muscles, joints, and ligaments, e.g. indicated that early surgery was a major risk
muscle lengthening factor for recurrent equinus deformity
44 Orthotics (splints): removable external devices Improved stride length and Autti-Ramo76 Positive effects on ankle range of motion, gait 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
designed to support weak or ineffective joints range of motion via AFOs (BS) Blackmor e77 kinetics and kinematics, but the quality of the 1 MEASURE
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
49 Respite: temporary caregiving break for parents Improve family functioning and Strunk152 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
where the child is usually accommodated reduce parental stress (E) MEASURE
outside the home
50 Seating and positioning: assistive technology Improved pulmonary function Farley153 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
that enables a person to sit upright with (BS) Ryan154 1 MEASURE
functional, symmetrical or comfortable Improved posture and postural Chung155 Insufficient evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
posture, to enable function control (BS) Farley153 1 MEASURE
Roxborough156 1
Ryan154 1
Improved hand function (A) Farley153 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
McNamara157 1 MEASURE
Ryan154 1
Reduced pressure via tilt (BS) Michael158 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
51 Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR): neurosurgical Reduced spasticity (BS) Grunt Effective 1 Moderate Strong + Green GO
procedure that selectively severs nerve roots McLaughlin160 1
in the spinal cord, to relieve spasticity Steinbok161 1
Improved gait kinematics (BS) Grunt159 Effective 1 Low Strong + Green GO
McLaughlin160 1
Steinbok161 1
Improved function and Grunt159 Evidence for improved gross motor function, but 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
participation (A and P) McLaughlin160 no supporting evidence for general activities and 1 MEASURE
Steinbok161 participation and this should not be the primary 1
goal for using SDR
52 Sensory integration (SI): therapeutic activities Improved sensory organization Vargas162 Ineffective. Since meta-analyses of SI compared 1 Low Strong Red STOP
to organize sensation from the body and (BS) with no treatment had average effect sizes of 0.03
environment, to facilitate adaptive responses, (for most recent studies)
e.g. hammock swinging Improved motor skills (A) Vargas162 Ineffective. Since Goal directed training, CIMT or 1 Low Strong Red STOP
bimanual therapy exist as effective alternatives.
Meta-analyses of SI compared to no treatment
had average effect sizes of 0.03 (for most recent
studies), and 0.09 for SI compared to alternative
treatments. Note reviews for non-CP populations
53 Sensory processing: therapeutic activities to Improved function (A) – No evidence in CP. Since performance-based – N/A Weak Yellow
organize more appropriate responsiveness approaches (e.g. CO-OP) are more favourable MEASURE
(i.e. not hyper-responsive and not than impairment-based approaches, e.g. sensory
hyporesponsive) to task and environmental processing (in non-CP populations)
demands, including self-regulation
54 Single event multilevel surgery with therapy: Improved long-term functional McGinley163 Lower-quality supporting evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
multiple simultaneous surgical procedures at mobility (A) MEASURE
different levels of the lower limb to either
improve gait or prevent deterioration
55 Social stories: an individualized book describing Improved communication and Test164 Insufficient evidence 1 Very low Weak + Yellow
a situation, skill, or concept and the relevant management of emotions and MEASURE
social cues, perspectives, and common behaviours (A)
responses to prepare a child for a social
56 Solution-focused brief therapy: resource Reduced parental depression, – No evidence in CP. Since low-quality evidence – N/A Weak + Yellow
orientated and goal focused approach to improved coping and shows emergent effectiveness in non-CP MEASURE
generating solutions to life challenges improved parenting skills (E) populations198
Table I: Continued
Oxford Quality
evidence of Strength of rec- Traffic light
Intervention Intervention outcome (ICF level) Citations Panel comments level evidence ommendation action
57 Strength training (resistance): use of Improved lower limb strength Dodd165 Effective short term for improving muscle strength. 1 Low Weak + Yellow
progressively more challenging resistance to via progressive resistance Effgen78 Improved muscle strength does not carry over to 1 MEASURE
muscular contraction to build muscle strength training (BS) Jeglinsky166 function, other treatment approaches will be 1
and anaerobic endurance Martin143 needed for functional gains 1
Mockford167 1
Scianni168 1
Taylor169 1
Improved upper limb strength Kim170 Effective short term for improving muscle strength 2 Low Weak + Yellow
via progressive resistance MEASURE
training (BS)
Improved function via Scianni168 Insufficient evidence 1 Low Weak Yellow
Traffic light
would not; ‘Strong ’ means ‘do not do it’, indicating a judgement that most well-informed people would make.17 A, activities; BS, body structures and function; P, participation; RCT, ran-
make but a substantial minority would not; ‘Weak ’ means ‘probably do not do it’, indicating a judgement that a majority of well-informed people would make but a substantial minority
means ‘do it’, indicating a judgement that most well-informed people would make; ‘Weak +’ means ‘probably do it’, indicating a judgement that a majority of well-informed people would
using GRADE; a colour coding scheme using the Evidence
Under ‘Quality of evidence’, ‘High’ means that further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect; ‘Moderate’ means that further research is likely to have
an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate; ‘Low’ means that further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confi-
dence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate; and ‘Very low’ means that any estimate of effect is very uncertain.17 Under ‘Strength of recommendation’, ‘Strong +’
Alert Traffic Light system, and an ICF domain (Table I).
More specifically, each intervention outcome sought by
Strength of rec-
included study authors was assigned an ICF domain based
upon published literature.176 It has been acknowledged in
the literature that ICF coding is notoriously complex to
Very low
Very low
The study did not involve contact with people, so the need
Insufficient evidence
Using the search strategy, 33 485 citations were identified,
of which 166 articles met the inclusion criteria for review
del Pozo-
del Pozo-
(Fig. 2).
Intervention outcome (ICF level)
Review 13
Grade of evidence Traffic alert action
Quality Recommendation
Weak +
Very low
Yellow: Measure
Very low
Weak –
Review 15
Table II: Green light interventions (and their other indications) by level of ICF
ICF level
and Personal
Intervention function Activity Participation Environment factors
G=green intervention when aimed at this level of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF); Y=yellow
intervention when aimed at this level of the ICF.
therapy; orthopaedic surgery; parent training; phenol designs used, serious methodological flaws, the relevance
(intramuscular injections); play therapy; respite; seating and and sensitivity of the outcomes measures adopted, the diffi-
positioning; sensory processing; single-event multilevel sur- culty in assembling large homogeneous samples for niche
gery; social stories; solution-focused brief therapy; strength interventions, and most authors concluded that more rigor-
training; stretching; therasuits; oral tizanidine; treadmill ous research was needed.
training; oral vitamin D; Vojta; and whole-body vibration.
It is important to note that cognitive–behavioural ther- Red light stop interventions
apy,192–196 early intervention,196–198 parent training,49,50 Craniosacral therapy, hip bracing, hyperbaric oxygen,
and solution-focused brief therapy199 all have good-quality NDT, and sensory integration have all been shown to be
supporting evidence in non-CP populations. It is also ineffective in children with CP, and are therefore not rec-
important to note that oral–motor therapy200 and sensory ommended for standard care. Appropriately, effective alter-
processing201 have equivocal evidence in non-CP popula- natives exist that seek to provide the same clinical outcome
tions for which they were designed, and so there is no of interest.
strong or compelling reason to think either intervention To assist with comparative clinical decision-making
would work better in CP. Of note, there was great variabil- amongst intervention options for the same desired out-
ity in the volume and quality of the evidence available at come, we mapped the interventions that seek to provide
the yellow-light level. For example, some intervention evi- analogous outcomes using bubble charts. In the bubble
dence bases were downgraded to low quality, as per the charts, the size of the circle correlated to the volume of
GRADE guidelines for dealing with imperfect randomized published evidence. The circle size was calculated using (1)
controlled trials (e.g. hippotherapy and biofeedback). How- the number of published papers on the topic; and (2) the
ever, for some interventions simply next to no evidence has total score for the level of evidence (calculated by reverse
been published and what has been published involves coding of the Oxford Levels of Evidence, i.e. expert opin-
very small numbers and is of low quality (e.g. whole-body ion=1, randomized controlled trial [RCT]=5). The location
vibration). of the circle on the y-axis of the graph corresponds to the
The yellow-light included reviews that could not dem- GRADE system rating. The colour of the circle correlates
onstrate robust evidence of effectiveness when strict sys- to the Evidence Alert System (Fig. 4).
tematic review criteria about design quality, adequate
sample size, and independent replication were used to DISCUSSION
judge the evidence. Yellow-light reviews contained only High levels of evidence existed in the literature summarizing
marginal amounts of good-quality evidence when criteria intervention options for children with CP. Akin to other
were applied to reduce the possibility of biases explaining fields of medicine and allied health, there has been an expo-
the proposed treatment benefits. Most yellow-light system- nential increase in the number of systematic reviews pub-
atic review authors commented upon the low quality of the lished about CP intervention6 revealing the emergence of
S+ Do it
Botulinum toxin
Diazepam Casting
lower limb
W+ Probably do it Casting training
Tizan- Orthotics lower limb
ITB upper
idine limb
Orthotic upper
SEMLS hand limb
Baclofen Dantr-
oral oline ES
Ortho- Hand
paedics surg- Whole
? Unknown in CP body
Alcohol Phenol
Worth it line
manual Vojta
W– Probably don’t do it
S– Don’t do it NDT
directed Goal-
CIMT training Bimanual directed
training training
OT post
Context botulinum
focused Home
toxin programs
EI Treadmill
Bio- training Botulinum toxin
SEMLS Assistive
technology SDR
Hydro- &
therapy therapy
hand ITB
NDT Hyper- SI
baric 02
Review 17
c Improved Mealtime Improved Improved Improved
communication management behaviour parent bone
& social skills coping density
Behaviour Behaviour
therapy therapy
Communication Gastrost
Social Communication Assistive
training omy stories training technology
Coach- standing
Dysphagia ing frames
management therapy
AAC Solut- Vitamin
ion D
Social Fundopli focus Whole
stories cation Coun-
CBT body
selling vibration
Oro- Oro-
motor motor
Figure 4: Contiuned.
highly effective prevention interventions.186,187 There is no or self-care function; (4) BoNT, diazepam, or selective
reason to think that this trend may decline. This finding has dorsal rhizotomy for spasticity management; (5) fitness
important implications for managers, knowledge brokers, training for aerobic fitness; (6) pressure care for reducing
and clinicians about finding effective and efficient ways for the risk of ulcers; (7) bisphosphonates for improving bone
health professionals to remain up to date with the latest mineral density; and (8) anticonvulsants for managing sei-
practice. Best available knowledge translation evidence sug- zures. When delivering interventions to children with CP,
gests that managers and senior clinical mentors can help it is paramount that clinicians choose evidence-based inter-
staff maintain up-to-date knowledge via interactive evi- ventions at the activities and participation level that hone
dence-based practice continuing education sessions and the child’s strengths and reflect their interests and motiva-
journal clubs, but multiple tailored strategies will be tions, and ultimately seek to help children live an inclusive
required to change their use of evidence.202 This systematic and contented life. However, when choosing interventions
review could form the basis of policy, educational, and at the body structure and functions level, the primary pur-
knowledge translation material because it is a comprehensive pose is to mitigate the natural history of CP (such as hip
summary of the evidence base. dislocation) and the probable physical decline from second-
ary impairments,118 rather than trying to fix the condition.
Recommendations for practice We must also remain mindful that conflicts can arise
Based upon the best available evidence, standard care for between what families hope for and what the evidence sug-
children with CP should include the following suite of gests will be helpful or is realistically possible.202 Part of
interventions options (where the interventions would being truly family centred is to act as an information
address the family’s goals): (1) casting for improving ankle resource to the family, which will include honest and open
range of motion for weight bearing and/or walking; (2) hip disclosure about prognosis using evidence-based tools to
surveillance for maintaining hip joint integrity; (3) biman- guide these difficult conversations.203 Similarly, designing
ual training, constraint-induced movement therapy, con- services based upon goals set by the family5,64 is best prac-
text-focused therapy, goal-directed/functional training, tice and can also help to set the scene for discussing what
and/or home programmes for improving motor activities is realistic and possible from intervention.
Review 19
performance-based or ‘top-down’ approaches based on including small sample sizes (n<16) and extremely low
motor learning theory, in which interventions focus methodological quality such as a lack of blinding, inten-
directly on specific task training in activities of interest and tion-to-treat analysis, concealed allocation, etc. In the three
are not concerned with underlying impairments in body NDT dosing RCTs, two studies (studying n=96 children)
structures and function.201 This visionary advice, in con- found no difference between intense or regular NDT,
cert with the researchers who rigorously tested their theo- whereas one more recent study, by Tsorlakis212 (n=34),
ries, has transformed CP rehabilitation in recent years. showed favourable outcomes from higher-intensity NDT
The majority of the ‘do it’ or green-light effective CP over lower-intensity NDT. The most recent NDT system-
therapy evidence generated in the last 10 years are in fact atic review143 cited the Tsorlakis212 RCT as the sole high-
top-down therapy approaches, aimed at improving activi- level evidence for NDT being favourable, excluding older
ties performance and inducing neuroplasticity, and include evidence and thus all the unfavourable NDT RCTs. Since
bimanual training, constraint-induced movement therapy, this is not a standard systematic review methodology for
context-focused therapy, goal-directed/functional training, providing proof of efficacy, the results of this systematic
occupational therapy after toxin, and home programmes. review143 should be interpreted with caution. The differ-
Consistent with the theoretical underpinnings, research has ence in inclusion criteria between the systematic reviews
not focused on whether these top-down approaches had a explains why the newer systematic review143 suggests a
positive effect at the body structures and function level of more favourable benefit from NDT than the earlier sys-
the ICF (Table II). tematic reviews that concluded ineffectiveness.141,142
Given the sudden increase in new effective treatment In order to determine the strength of recommendation,
options available, it is essential that the field widely the panel weighed up the balance of benefits and harms from
embraces and implements these interventions in order to NDT and concluded that there was strong evidence that
ensure that children with CP achieve the best possible out- NDT does not improve contracture and tone, along with
comes. Adoption of evidence-based practice also involves weak evidence that NDT does not improve function. This
the difficult task of getting clinicians to stop providing was because, first, when the methodological quality of the
ineffective treatments that they ‘love’.211 It has been sug- evidence base was considered, the highest quality evidence
gested that the field requires professionals ‘who want to do suggested NDT was ineffective, with only low-quality, high
the best they can for their patients, who are willing to con- risk of bias studies finding a favourable benefit from NDT.
tinually question their own managements, and who have Second, the importance of the outcome that NDT aims to
readily available sources of information about what does prevent was considered: (1) regarding contracture, which is
work’.211 Our present systematic review seeks to provide painful and can limit function, high-quality RCTs showed
the CP field with a comprehensive overview about what that casting was a superior treatment to NDT for contrac-
works for children with CP and what does not (Fig. 4). ture management and therefore the panel favoured casting;
Based on best available evidence, the challenge now is for (2) regarding tone reduction, the highest quality evidence
the field to stop permissive endorsement of proven ineffec- suggested that NDT was ineffective for this indication and
tive interventions on the basis of perceived low risk and other evidence shows BoNT exists as a highly effective alter-
clinical expertise. This recommendation includes ceasing native and therefore the panel favoured BoNT or other
provision of the ever-popular NDT. This is because NDT effective pharmacological agents. Third, the magnitude and
has been a mainstay physiotherapy and occupational ther- precision of treatment effect was considered: only 3 out of
apy treatment for many years, but for the most part, the 15 trials found any benefit of NDT, and in these studies the
evidence base is unfavourable. Of note, contemporary treatment effects were small with very low precision esti-
NDT therapists eclectically include additional evidence- mates as a result of methodological flaws. Fourth, the bur-
based treatment approaches under the NDT banner (e.g. dens and costs of the therapy were considered: NDT is
motor learning and the philosophy of family-centred prac- time-consuming and expensive for families, and, what is
tice), and it is difficult to distil which treatment approaches more, a high-quality RCT shows that substantially better
are being used with fidelity and what features of the treat- functional motor gains are achieved from motor learning
ment are actually working. than from NDT at equal doses.213 Therefore, despite the
Nevertheless, three systematic reviews have been con- evidence being less well understood for the likelihood of
ducted of traditional NDT,141–143 including 18 discrete NDT influencing functional motor gains (yellow light), the
RCTs: 15 measuring efficacy and three measuring optimal panel favoured motor learning since superior gains were
dose. Of the 15 RCTs measuring NDT efficacy, 12 trials possible from an equal dose. Furthermore, since no other
(studying 674 children) found no statistically favourable body structure and function intervention in this review
benefits from NDT; these trials were of varying quality showed gains beyond the body structure and function level
(high, moderate, and low), whereas three trials (studying up into the activity level, it is hard to imagine why NDT
38 children) showed improvements in body structures and would be the exception to this trend.
functions such as gait parameters, spirometry, and mile- In summary, high-quality evidence demonstrates that
stone acquisition. The three favourable trials were all at casting is superior to NDT for managing contracture;
high risk of bias when assessed using the Cochrane criteria, BoNT exists as a highly effective alternative to NDT for
Review 21
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