Household Survey
Household Survey
Household Survey
, behavioral change
Table of Contents outcomes and norms
Draw questions from Madagascar
Joanna will send
- Excel version of survey
SECTION 1. HOUSEHOLD ROSTER 4 - Surveys conducted in Zinder
Baseline Survey Questionnaire
CLTN Impact Evaluation Study
Interview date Result 1=Completed interview
2=No competent household member at home
3=Entire household absent for an extended time
Interviewer code 6=Partly completed interview
7=Dwelling vacant/destroyed
8=Dwelling not found
96=Other, specify
SAY: At this time, do you want to ask me anything about the purpose or content of this interview?
May I begin the baseline survey now?
Signature: _____________________________________________________
1. What is your ethnic group? Multiple choice would depend on country
2. What language do you speak at home Multiple choice would depend on country
most of the time?
3. What is your religion? Multiple choice would depend on country
Relationship code
1= Respondent 2= Spouse 3= Son 4= Daughter 5= Father 6= Mother
7= Grandson 8= Granddaughter 9= Grandfather 10= Grandmother 11= Brother 12= Sister
13= Uncle 14= Aunt 15= Co-wife 16= Cousin 17= Niece 18= Nephew
19= Father-in-law 20= Mother-in-law 21= Brother-in-law 22= Sister-in-law 23= Uncle-in-law 24= Aunt-in-law
28= First-cousin-once
25= Cousin-in-law 26= Niece-in-law 27= Nephew-in-law 29= Stepchild 30= Foster child
31=Local Friend 32= Non-resident friend 33= House helper 34= Landlord 35= Tenant/Renter 96= Other
99= Don’t Know
ID Code 1. Please give me 2. 3.Sex of 4. DATE of Birth 5. Current Age 6. If you are
the names of your Relationship (NAME) (Record in Ethiopian not sure of
household of (NAME) calendar) If known, write and skip [NAME]’s
members. to the 1= Male to Q7. exact age,
respondent 2= 99=Don’t know (for 99=Don’t KnowQ6 estimate from
HOUSEHOLD Female date/month) the following
MEMBERS **See 9999=Don’t know (for IF LESS THAN 1 YEAR age groups.
SHOULD HAVE relationship year) OLD, RECORD IN
STAYED IN THE code MONTHS 1=Less than 1
MORE THAN 3 3=3-5
MONTH DURING [If less than 1 month old 4= 6-10
THE PAST 12 write 0] 5=11-15
MONTHS 6=16-20
A. B. C. A. B. 10=36-40
Day Month Year Years Months 11=41-45
17=more than
ID 7. How many 8. What is [NAME]’s current 9. What is [NAME]’s marital status? 10. Partner of [NAME] Lives in
code months was primary occupation? household?
[NAME] away in [Skip if age < 12]
last 12 Months? 1=Farmer or person who 1=Yes
works on family farm (either 1= Married 0=No
[Round down to crops or livestock) 2= Cohabitating
whole number] 2=Person who works for a 3= DivorcedSkip to Q11
regular wage on off-farm 4= Separated Skip to Q11
employment 5= Widow Skip to Q11
3=Person who works for 6= Never married Skip to Q11
wages on a casual or
irregular basis
4=Person who operates
their own non-farm
5=Not employed but looking
for work
7=Not employed and not
looking for work
8=Other, specify
PART B. Education
Ask question for all household members over 5 years old. Please follow the ID code from the HOUSEHOLD ROSTER.
SAY: In this section, we would like to ask you questions about your household members’ education.
ID 11. Has 12. What is the highest grade that [NAME] has 13. Is [NAME] 14. What is the current grade that
cod [NAME] ever completed? currently attending [NAME] is attending?
e attended a. Final level reached b. Number of school? a. Level b. Year
school? 1= Kindergarden (KG) Years within 0=Kindergarden
2= Primary the level 0=NoSkip to Q16 1=Primary
0=NoSkip to 3= Secondary indicated in (a) 1=Yes 2=Secondary
Q16 4= Post-Secondary 4=Post-secondary
1= Yes 5= College 5=College
6= University 6=University
ID 15. Can [NAME] listen, speak, read, and write in Amharic? Indicate 16. Can [NAME] listen, speak, read, and write in Oromigna?
cod the level of fluency. Indicate the level of fluency.
e 1=None 2=Intermediate 3=Fluent 1=None 2=Intermediate 3=Fluent
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Listening Speaking Reading Writing
SECTION 2. Employment
Ask question for the respondent and her spouse/partner if any. Please follow the ID code from the HOUSEHOLD ROSTER.
SAY: In this section, we would like to ask you questions about you and your spouse/partner’s work experiences.
SAY: We would like to ask you about WAGE EMPLOYMENT IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS
ID code 1. During the Past 2. How many hours 3. What kind of trade industry or business is this work 4. For how many
4 weeks, has did [NAME] do this connected with? Years has
[NAME] worked as work on average in [Select the place which gives wage] [NAME] been
an employee of a a week of past 4 1= Farming (flowers, vegetables, bees, dairy, etc.), doing this work?
firm, government weeks? 2= N.G.O.,
or for some other 3= Research center, [If less than 1
person who is [Probe for actual 4= Government Office (health post, etc.), year, get month]
NOT a member of hours including 5= Factory (processing in establishment),
your household? overtime. Do not 6= Maintaining service (computer, machinery and tool, etc.), a. b.
include travel time, 7= Bank, Year Months
1= Yes leave, paid sick 8= Driving company, s
0= NoSkip to leave or paid 9=Restaurant/bar/hotel (waitress, cleaner, etc.),
Q8 holidays] 10= Small shop (grocery store, bakery, beauty salon, textile
shop, etc.),
[Total No of hours 11= Domestic work (maid, etc.),
for a week] 96=Others, Specify
ID code 5. Is [NAME’S] position temporary or 6. In the past 4 weeks, did [NAME] 7. In the past 4 weeks, did [NAME] receive
permanent receive a salary for this work? any in kind payment for this work?
1=Temporary If yes, If yes,
2= Permanent ___________ (in kind amount)
(“Permanent” means 3 consecutive ____ Monthly salary 0= NO
months of working) 0= NO
Amount Unit
SAY: Now we would like to ask about SELF-EMPLOYED FARMING IN THE PAST YEAR
ID 8. During the past 9. In the past 12 10. During the 11. In the past 12 12. In the past 12 months, how
Code 12 months, has months, how many months [NAME] months, how much much income did [NAME] receive
[NAME] worked on months did [NAME] worked on a farm, on income did [NAME] earn from the sale of products from
a farm, field or work in a farm? average, how much from sales of animals (e.g. milk, honey, eggs)?
garden belonging time did [NAME] agricultural production
to someone in [Total number of spend working on (e.g., crops)? [Amount in ariary per month]
your household, or months in the past your household's
has [NAME] raised 12 months] field (e.g., ploughing [Amount in ariary per
livestock planting, weeding, month]
belonging to your harvesting, drying,
household? milling brewing, sale,
home consumption)
1= Yes or caring for
0= No Skip to animals?
[Total hours for a
ID 13. During the past 4 weeks, 14. What type of business or 15. How many hours did 16. In the past 4 weeks, how
Code has [NAME] worked on self-employment did [NAME] [NAME] work at this much net income did [NAME]
independent business, or in work at in the past 4 weeks? business on average in a receive from this business?
some other self-employed What kind of trade, industry week of the past 4 weeks?
activity belonging to someone in or business is it connected [Amount in Ariary per month]
your household with? [Total hours for a week]
[Multiple choices possible]
1= Yes [If more than 1, begin with the [If income is not separated
0= No Skip to Section 3 one in which the most time is between the respondent and
spent] spouse, put in total amount for
1=Butcher the respondent and indicate
2=Restaurant/coffee house 0000=Not separated for the
3=Driver (bus, car, gari etc) spouse]
4=Shoe polisher
5=Beauty salon
6=Small shops (grocery,
stationery, clothes, etc.)
7=Petty trade
8=Home shop
96=Other, specify
22 Does your household have: No Yes
1. Electricity? 0 1
2. Solar panel? 0 1
3. A radio? 0 1
4. A television? 0 1
5. Any type] of phone (e.g., mobile phone or battery phone) 0 1
6. A telephone (landline)? 0 1
7. A bed with a mattress? 0 1
8. A sofa set? 0 1
9. A table and chair(s)? 0 1
10. A refrigerator? 0 1
23 Does any member of your household own: No Yes
1. A bicycle? 0 1
2. A motorcycle or scooter? 0 1
3. A car or truck? 0 1
4. A gari? 0 1
SECTION 3. Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding Practices
SAY: In this section, we will ask you about breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices. These questions are to be answered about the
youngest child among children between 4-24 months of age.
[Match name with household roster and write the corresponding member ID]
Code (a)
1=Abish water 6=Infant formula 11=Tea
2=Breastmilk 7=Milk (other than breastmilk) 12=Water with rue, thyme, other herbal extract
3=Ersho 8=Plain water
4=Fruit juice 9=Raw butter 88 Cannot remember
5=Honey 10=Sugar water 99 Do not know
13e. Meat
13f. Eggs
13g. Legumes (pulse/peas etc)
13h. Green vegetables
13i. Fruits
13j. Snacks such as biscuit
Q14. Open recall on diet [NAME] consumed yesterday:
Probe all food items mothers fed [NAME] in the previous day. (Similar to 24 hour recall) (NOTE: THIS IS OPEN RECALL
1. Start with asking activities: e.g., what time did you wake up? What did you do next… When did you FIRST in Q14, THEN PROMPTED
feed your child between the two activities you mentioned? in Q15-16.)
2. After writing down the mother’s responses, probe and double check the mother’s recall.
For example, suppose that the mother responded that she fed the child the following items:
1. Milk 2. Porridge 3. Potato 4. Banana 5. Porridge 6. Injera 7. Shiro etc
Suppose in the subsequent questions, the mother responded that the child did not consume any
cereal. Then, from this list, you can infer and probe whether the child consumed any cereal, since
you know injera and porridge contain cereal.
Also, the mother may also say they did not feed any vegetables. However, you can double check by
asking “did you put any vegetables inside the porridge you cooked?”
Q16. Now, I would like to ask what [NAME] ate yesterday during the day or night, whether at home or (1) (2)
outside the home. Yesterday, during the day or night, did [NAME] eat [FOOD ITEM]? 0=NoNext If yes, how
food item many times?
a. Any porridge (made from teff, maize/corn, barley, or other grains)
b. Any gruel (thin or watery porridge made from rice, oats, wheat, or other grains)
c. Any commercially fortified food (Cerifam, Fafa, Farmixt milk, Favena, Berta, Mother’s Choice)
d. Bread, pasta, rice, noodles, or any other solid foods made from oats, maize/corn, barley, wheat,
sorghum, millet or other grains
e. Injera or kita
f. Enset (amucho), white potatoes, white yams, bulla, kocho, kasava, or any other foods made from
PROBE: Are you sure it wasn’t included in shiro/porridge?
g. Pumpkin, carrot, squash, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside
h. Dark green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, amaranth leaves)
i. Other vegetables (onion, cabbage, mushroom, starchy vegetables such as plantain)
j. Ripe papayas or ripe mangos (other local vitamin A-rich fruits)
k. Other fruits (bananas, apples, citrus fruits)
l. Liver, kidney, heart, or organ meats
m. Any meat such as beef, pork, goat or lamb (not including any organ meats, chicken, ducks, or other
n. Chicken, ducks, or other birds
o. Eggs
p. Fresh or dried fish or shellfish
q. Legumes such as peas, lentils, beans or pulses
r. Nuts or seeds such as peanuts, groundnuts, sesame, or sunflower seeds
s.Milk product such as cheese or yogurt
t. Any food made from oil, fat, or butter
u. Ready-to-use therapeutic foods (Plumpy Nut, F100)
v. Kolo, chips, crisps, popcorn
w. Candies, chocolates, cakes, cookies, or biscuits
x. Spices or condiments
y. Any iron-containing tablet, syrup, or sprinkles
Q17. In the past week, did [NAME] eat by him/herself or was he/she fed?
1=Ate alone 2=Someone fed him/her
Q18. In the past week, when you were feeding [NAME] and he/she refused to eat, did you encourage
[NAME] to eat?
0= NoSkip to Part B 1=Yes 2= Child did not refuse foodSkip to Part B
Q19. In the past week, when [NAME] refused to eat, what did you do to encourage [NAME]?
[Do not read the options] [Multiple response possible]
1=Fed slowly and patiently 2=Talked to the child 3=Forced the child to eat 4=Reduced
distraction 5=Changed the flavor of the food 6=Fed other food 7=Encouraged and praised
the child 8=Waited until child became hungry 96=Others, specify ________
1. When you were pregnant with [NAME], did you want [NAME] to be a boy or a girl?
1=Boy 2=Girl 3=No preference
2. When you were pregnant with [NAME], how many times did you visit health center/health post for
antenatal care?
0= none skip to Q4 _________ times
3. How many months pregnant were you when you first visited health center/health post for antenatal
care? _________ months
4. Did you receive education about exclusive breastfeeding during pregnancy (health center/health
post/CHWs/community gathering/NGOs/any other sources)?
1=Yes 0=No
5. Did you receive education about complementary feeding during antenatal care?
1=Yes 0=No
6. Did you receive education about how to care for your child during antenatal care?
1=Yes 0=No
7. Did you receive education about sanitation and hygiene during antenatal care?
1=Yes 0=No
8. Did you take iron supplement/syrup during pregnancy?
0=NoSkip to Q10 1=Yes 99=don’t know
9. For how long did you take iron supplement?
(if <1 month, write 1 month) _________months
10. In the past six months, did [NAME] receive a dose of vitamin A? (Show of vitamin A capsule.)
0=No 1=Yes 88=DO NOT REMEMBER picture
11. In the past six months, did [NAME] receive any micronutrient powder (sachet/packet) to add to
his/her food? (Show picture of MMN powder) 0=No 1=Yes 88=DO NOT REMEMBER
12. What type of salt do you use in your household?
1= Commercial packaged salt (with iodine), 2=Salt sold by weight/without packaging, 96=Other,
specify, 99=Don’t know, 88=Don’t remember
13. In the last 6 months, were you given any advice or information about feeding your child?
14. What advice or information about child feeding did you receive?
[Multiple responses possible] [DO NOT READ THE OPTIONS]
1= exclusive breastfeeding 2=Continued breastfeeding 3=Feed infant formula
4=Complementary feeding 5=Feed other kinds of milk 6=Increase frequency of
7=Feed a variety of foods 8=Enrich child’s food with special 9=Give
food (milk, egg, meat, veg.) vitamins/supplementary food
10=Feed additional food 11=Receive rehabilitation/ 96=Other, specify,
during/after illness therapeutic care for severe
99=Don’t know 88=Don’t remember
15. In the past 6 months, was [NAME] identified as being severely malnourished by a health personnel?
0=NoSkip to Part C 1=Yes
16. Did you receive any specific food or milk (treatment for severe acute malnutrition) for [NAME]?
0=No skip to Part C 1=Yes
17. What type of food or milk (treatment) did you receive?
1=Infant formula, 2=Plumpy nut, 96=Other, specify, 99=Don’t know, 88=Don’t remember
1. Compared to other children of the same age and sex, how would you describe [NAME]’s size in terms of height?
1=The tallest 2=Among the tallest 3=Taller than most children 4=About average
5=A little shorter than most children 6=Among the shortest 7=The shortest
2. Compared to other children of the same age and sex, how would you describe [NAME]’s size in terms of weight?
1=The heaviest 2=Among the heaviest 3=Heavier than most children 4=About average
5=A little lighter than most children 6=Among the lightest 7=The lightest
3. Compared to other children of the same age and sex, how would you describe [NAME]’s food consumption level
in terms of quantity?
1=Eats better than any other children 2=Eats better than most children 3=About average
4=Eats less than most children 5=Eats less than any other children
4. Compared to other children of the same age and sex, how would you describe [NAME]’s food consumption level
in terms of quality?
1=Eats better than any other children 2=Eats better than most children 3=About average
4=Eats less than most children 5=Eats less than any other children
1. At what age should a baby first start to receive foods (such as porridge) in addition to breast milk?
99=Don’t know 88=cannot remember __________month
2. Please tell me if the following statement is true or false. If you don’t know, say don’t know.
Statements True False Don’t
a If a child does not eat enough iron, brain development will be delayed. X
b If a child does not eat enough iron, children will become anemic. X
c Vegetables and fruits are the best source of iron. X
d Zinc helps to prevent illness such as diarrhea. X
e Meat is the food that is rich in iron. X
f Meat is not a good source of zinc. X
g If a child does not eat enough vitamin A rich food, child will have low resistance to illness. X
h If a child does not eat enough vitamin A rich food, child will have eye disease. X
i Eggs are rich in protein that is essential for healthy growth of child. X
j Adding small amount of oil/butter will give extra energy for child’s growth. X
k Orange colored fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin A. X
3. Please tell me if the following statement is true or false. If you don’t know, say don’t know.
Statements True False Don’t
a After 6 months of age, feeding only breast milk is adequate to meet the child’s needs. X
b The consequence of malnutrition is more serious for a three-years-old child than for a child who is one year X
c It is not possible to reverse the effects of malnutrition that happens in the first 2 years of life. X
d At 7 months of age, babies are not ready to digest foods other than soft gruel. X
e At 9 months, babies are not ready to digest eggs. X
f An adult person needs to feed a young child rather than having an older brother/sister feed the young child. X
g At 7 months babies are not ready to digest thick porridge. Only thin porridge should be given. X
h At 7 months babies do not need fruits in their diet. X
i In addition to normal feeding, children should be fed often—whenever they are hungry. X
j Children should be fed snacks between the meals. X
k Children should be fed animal foods such as egg and meat as often as possible. X
4. For a child 12 up to 24 months of age, how much complementary food should be given per day? Answer: 3
1=3 full coffee cups of food (porridge) and one snack, 2=2 full coffee cups of food (porridge) and three snacks,
3=4 full coffee cups of food (porridge) and 1 to 2 snacks, 99=don’t know
5. The quality of complementary food can be improved by [Multiple responses possible) [Do not read the options] Answer:
1=Replacing water used to make porridge with milk, 2=Adding a small amount of oil or butter to porridge,
3=Adding mashed vegetables and animal products such as meat and fish
4=None of the above, 96=Other, specify, 99=I don’t know
6. Please tell me if the following statement is true or false. If you don’t know, say don’t know.
Statements True False Don’t
a When a child is sick, child doesn’t have appetite, so there is no need to give solid food. Child will eat when X
they recover from illness.
b Cooking large amount of foods to consume for a longer period of time is not a problem. X
c Using clean water for cooking is important. X
d Mixing different types of cereals and legumes to make porridge powder will increase child’s nutritional status. X
e It is no problem for child to share foods from the family plate. X
f If child refuse to eat, parents should force the child to eat more. X
g Parents should help the child to eat. X
h Child’s older siblings should be responsible for feeding the child. X
7. Please look at these two pictures of porridges. Which one do you think should be given to a young child at 10 months of age? 2
(Show the images/pictures of thick and watery/thin porridges and tick one of the options here below depending on the respondent
1=Thin watery porridge, 2=Thick porridge, 99=Does not know
Symptom Fever Cough/cold breathing/short Diarrhea
of stool
1. .Has [NAME] had [SYMPTOM] in the past two weeks?
1=Yes 0=NoSkip to the next symptom 99=Don’t
2. Did you ask for advice or seek treatment when [NAME]
had the illness?
1=Yes 0=NoSkip to Section 5
3. Where did you receive medical help for [NAME]’s
1=Hospital 2=Health center 3=Health post
4=Private clinic 5=CHW 6= Family/relatives
7=Friends 96= Specify others_________
Section 4. Exposure to Health and Nutrition Services
SAY: In this section, we would like to ask you about your exposure to health and nutrition services.
Code (a)
1 Antenatal care 7 Family planning 13 Malaria treatment 19 Provide or sell bed nets
Management of severe Referral or management
Breastfeeding counseling Growth monitoring
2 8 14 malnutrition (OTP) 20 of sick child
Health education
Vitamin A or iron
Complementary feeding counseling about sanitation and Neonatal care
3 9 hygiene 15 21
Nutrition and care during
Delivery care HIV/ AIDS counseling
4 10 16 pregnancy
5 Deworming 11 Immunization 17 Pneumonia treatment 96 Other, specify
Information on safe
Diarrhea treatment (ORS) Postnatal care Don't know
6 12 water use 18 99
Code (b)
Breastfeed more often during child Feed only breast milk When to introduce the
Give colostrum to baby
1 illness 5 for first 6 months 9 13 family food to the baby
How to make
Continue breastfeeding until 2 Feed the child at least When to start feeding
complementary food such
years 3 times a day complementary foods
2 6 10 as thick porridge 14
Feed the child more Put baby on the breast
Enrich porridge with milk, eggs,
often during and after immediately after birth, Other, specify
meat, or vegetables
3 7 illness 11 within 1 hour 96
Even during hot weather, breast Take vitamin A
Feed the child with
milk is sufficient to quench baby’s supplements after 45 days Don't know
4 thirst/do not give water 8 12 of birth 99
1. Do you know the Community health worker (CHW) working in your area?
0=NoSkip to Q7 1=Yes
2. In your opinion, what are the services you can receive from the CHW?
Code (a) [Multiple responses possible] [Do not read the options]
3. Did you have any contact with a CHW in the past 3 months? (at home, at the health post, or in the
0=NoSkip to Q7 1=Yes
4. In the past 3 months, when you met the CHW, what topics did she discuss with you?
Code (a) [Multiple responses possible]
5. In the past 3 months, when you met the CHW, did she talk to you about breastfeeding, child feeding or
nutrition? 0=NoSkip to Q7 1=Yes
6. What did the CHW tell you about breastfeeding or child feeding?
Code (b) [Multiple responses possible]
1=Feed the child a variety of foods, 2=Feed the child at least 3 times a day, 3=Add milk into the porridge,
4=Add an egg into the porridge, 5=Add (dried) meat into the porridge, 6=Add vegetables into the
porridge, 7=Thicken the porridge, 8=Feed the child with patience, 9=When to wash your hands,
96=Other, specify, 99=Don’t know, 88=Don’t remember
11. Do you ever listen to the radio? (in your house or anywhere outside the house)
0=NoSkip to Q15 1=Yes
12. During the past 3 months, did you hear any information about breastfeeding, child feeding or nutrition on the
radio? 0=NoSkip to next section 1=Yes
13. In the past 3 months, how often did you hear information about child nutrition on the radio?
1=Almost every day, 2=Several times a week, 3=About once a week, 4=Few times a month,
5=Once a month, 6=Less than once a month
14. What messages did you hear about child nutrition on the radio?
Code (b) [Multiple responses possible]
Code (c)
1 Aunt 5 Father 9 Grandfather-in-law 13 Husband 17 Radio 21 Traditional healer
2 Brother 6 Father-in-law 10 Grandmother 14 Midwife 18 Sister 22 TV
3 Brother-in-law 7 Friend 11 Grandmother-in-law 15 Mother 19 Sister-in-law 23 Uncle
4 Doctor 8 Grandfather 12 CHW 16 Mother-in-law 20 Son/daughter 96 Other, specify
15. From whom do you usually get information on child 16. Of the people you usually get information listed in Q16, who are the five
feeding and child care? Choose as many as you feel most influential people for you? Please list them in the order of their influence
appropriate from Code (c). on your behavior.
[Give examples from Code (c) if needed] [Rank from the most influential (Rank 1) to least influential (Rank 5)]
SECTION 5. Household Hygiene Environment
SAY: In this section, we are going to ask you about the hygiene status of your household environment.
SECTION 6. Intrahousehold Decision-making
SAY: In this section, we are going to ask you questions about how decisions are made within your household.
1. ASK: Do you currently live with your husband/partner? 1=Yes 0=NoSkip this
OBSERVE: Who is present during this part of the interview?
1=Alone 2=With adult females present 3=With partner/husband present 4=With non-
partner/husband adult male present 5=With adult mixed sex present (with partner/husband)
6=With adult mixed sex present (without partner/husband) 7=With children present 8=With
adult mixed sex and children present (with partner/husband) 9= With adult mixed sex and
children present (without partner/husband)
2. Who usually made the FINAL decision about …… Point on the ruler 0-10
2-1. how much education should the children receive?
2-2. whether you or your spouse/couple use contraceptives?
2-3. number of children you want to have?
2-4. expenditures on major durable goods?
2-5. health related expenditures (drugs/treatment/supplement etc)?
2-6. visits to your family or relatives?
2-7. purchasing clothes?
2-8. how to use the money you earned?
2-9. how to use the money that your spouse/partner has earned?
2-10. how to use the money that is given to your/spouse/partner’s parents/relatives?
SECTION 7. Household Labor Allocation
SAY: In this section, we are going to ask you questions about how men and women allocate tasks within the household.
ASK: Do you currently live with your husband/partner? 1=Yes 0=NoSkip this section
Q1. In the past month, did you and your partner receive any outside help for tasks at 1= Help from child/children
home, including cleaning the house, preparing food and taking care of children? 2= Paid help (maid, nanny, etc)
3= Help from others (family, relatives)
4= No help
In the past month, how did you 1=I did almost 2=I did more 3=Shared equally 4=Other members 5=Other members
allocate the following activities everything of the household of the household
with the other members of the did more did almost
household? everything
Q2. Washing clothes
Q3. Repairing house
Q4. Shopping for food and
household items
Q5. Cleaning the house
Q6. Cooking
Q7. Farming
Q8. Trading
Q9. Collecting water
Q10. Collecting fuel
Q11. Looking after animals
Q12. Feeding child
Q13. Playing with child
Q14. Daily care of child
Q15. In the past month, how do you think the tasks were 1=I do a lot more 2=I do a little more
allocated between you and your husband/partner? 3=Same between me and my partner 4=I do a little less
5=I do a lot less
Q16. Are you satisfied with this labor allocation? 1=Very satisfied 2=Satisfied
3=Neither satisfied nor disatisfied
4=Dissatisfied 5=Very dissatisfied
Q17. Do you think your husband/partner is satisfied with this 1=Very satisfied 2=Satisfied
work division? 3=Neither satisfied nor disatisfied
4=Dissatisfied 5=Very dissatisfied
In the past month, 1=Rarely or 2=2-3 times 3=At least 4=2-3 times a 5=Everyday
never per month once/week week
(Less than
Q18. How often did your husband play with your
child at home?
Q19. How often did your husband take care of
your child when the mother is at home?
Q20. How often did your husband cook for your
Q21. How often did your husband wash clothes
for your child?
Q22. How often did your husband feed your child?
Q23. How often did your husband buy or give
money to you to buy egg/meat to cook nutritious
food for child?
Section 8. Communication with Partner
SAY: In this part, we are going to ask you about communication between you and your partner.
ASK: Do you currently live with your husband/partner?
1=Yes 0=NoSkip this section
Q1. In the past week, have you discussed the following topics with your partner/spouse? 1=Yes
Q1a. Your work activities (including housework)
Q1b. Your expenditures
Q1c. Child’s health
Q1d. What to feed baby (6-24months)
Q1e. What happened in your community/area?
SECTION 10. Maternal Capabilities
SAY: In this section, we are going to ask you about your perception about your capabilities.
6. If I need help with money, I have somebody who can lend me the money I need.
7. I feel that there is no one I can share my most private worries and fears with.
8. I could easily find someone to help me with my daily chores.
9. There is someone I can turn to for advice about handling problems with my family.
10. If I decide one morning that I would like to go to the market, I could easily find someone to go with me
11. When I need suggestions on how to deal with a personal problem, I know someone I can turn to
1=Definitely True 2=Mostly True 3=Don’t Know 4=Mostly False 5=Definitely False
Part D. Time stress
SAY: Now, we will ask you about how much time stress you experience.
23. Are children under 24 months usually with you when you are doing household work such as cooking and
cleaning? 1=YesSkip to Q25 0=No
24. If not, who takes care of children under 24 months while you are doing household work?
1=Adult (>=15-year-old) within the house 2=Adult (>=15-year-old) outside household 3= Child (<15-year-
old) within household 4=Child (<15 15-year-old) outside household
25. Do you feel that you have enough time to take good care of your children under 24 months along with the
household work?
1=Always 2=Sometimes 3=Never
26. Do you feel that you have a very heavy workload in your household?
1=Always 2=Sometimes 3=Never
27. Do you feel tense about finishing all of the work that you must do in 1 day?
1=Always 2=Sometimes 3=Never
Section 11. Social Networks
SAY: In this section, we will ask you about your social networks.
1. Who are the persons closest to you in your district? Maximum ten people. First ask, who is the person closest to you in your district?
Persons A. Name B. Sex C. Name of D. Name of E. Name of F. G. Phone Number H. Whether participated in I. Relationship with the
Spouse Commune Village Relationship Fararano in the past year Household Head
After the first person, 1=Male he/she lives he/she lives 1=Relative
ask: Who is the next 2=Female 98=Not applicable 2=Friend 1=Yes
person? 99=Don’t know 3=Others, 0=No
specify 99=Don’t Know
1=First Closest
2=Second Closest
3=Third Closest
4=Fourth Closest
5=Fifth Closest
6=Sixth Closest
7=Seventh Closest
8=Eighth Closest
9=Ninth Closest
10=Tenth Closest
Section 12. Food frequency
SAY: Now we would like to ask you about foods that the members of your household consumed at home in the past one week.
When was the last time your husband/partner visited the market to purchase food?
22 98=Not applicable (if the respondent does not live with spouse)
99=Don’t know
__________ days ago
1. IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS, how much has the household spent on the following non-food items? Commented [SP2]: Edit item based on Mada/Niger household
expenditure surveys
Item Item Code Total expenditures in last 6 months (ARIARY)
Clothes/shoes/fabric for MEN 1
Clothes/shoes/fabric for WOMEN 2
Clothes/shoes/fabric for BOYS 3
Clothes/shoes/fabric for GIRLS 4
Kitchen equipment (cooking pots, etc.) 5
Bowls, glassware, plates, cutlery 6
Cleaning utensils (brushes, brooms etc) 7
Mosquito nets 8
Linens (sheets, towels, blankets) 9
Furniture 10
Lamps/torches 11
Solar panels 26
Costs (materials, wages) associated with house repairs 12
Costs (materials, wages) associated with bicycle or vehicle repairs 13
Modern medical treatment and medicines 14
Traditional medicine and healers 15
School fees 16
Other educational expenses (exercise books, pens, pencils, uniforms, 17
maintenance, club fees, etc)
Church, mosque or other religious contributions 18
Funeral costs and contributions 19
Wedding costs and contributions 20
Contributions to local, regional or national projects 21
Taxes and levies 22
Compensation and penalties 23
Contributions to iddir 24
Expenditures on health insurance 25
2. IN THE LAST MONTH, how much has the household spent on the following non-food items?
Part B. Food Expenditure
SAY: Now we would like to ask you about food expenditure of your household.
4. We now want to think about the food consumption of your household over the last 12 months. Please tell us what were the primary and secondary sources
of food consumed by this household over the last 12 months (Code a).
Year (EC)
5. We would now like to ask you about all the food that was bought for consumption or was consumed from your own food stock, IN THE
LAST WEEK. In last week, did your household consume any of the following?
During the past If yes, how much was Did you If yes, how much did you buy
one week (7 consumed purchase this
days), how many food in last
days did you or week?
others in your
household eat:
Write “0” if the Item Quantity Unit 1=YES Quantity Unit Total
item was never Code (Code c) 0=NO (Code c) expenditure
consumed. on this item
CEREAL GRAINS AND CEREAL PRODUCTS Commented [SP3]: Edit items based on Mada/Niger
household food expenditure surveys
Maize 501
Rice 502
Millet 503
Sorghum 504
Wheat 505
Barley 506
Teff 507
Purchased Injera 508
Purchased bread or 509
Other cereal, specify 510
Bean 521
Groundnut 522
Cowpea 523
Horse beans 524
Chick peas 525
Lentils 526
Vetch 527
Linseed 528
Sesame 529
Onion 531
Tomato 532
Mushroom 533
Lettuce 534
Spinach 535
Cauliflower 536
Green bean 537
Green pepper 538
Carrot 539
Other cultivated or 540
gathered green leafy
Mango 541
During the past If yes, how much was Did you If yes, how much did you buy
one week (7 consumed purchase this
days), how many food in last
days did you or week?
others in your
household eat:
Write “0” if the Item Quantity Unit 1=YES Quantity Unit Total
item was never Code (Code c) 0=NO (Code c) expenditure
consumed. on this item
Papaya 542
Banana 543
Wild fruit 544
Eggs 551
Fish 552
Beef 553
Goat 554
Pork 555
Mutton 556
Chicken 557
Other meats or poultry 558
Sugar 571
Sugar cane 572
Sweets, candy, 573
Jam, jelly 574
Honey 575
Cooking oil 576
Tea 581
Coffee 582
Squash (Hibiscus 583
(Zobo) drink
Soft drinks (Coca-cola, 584
Fanta, Sprite, etc.)
Salt 591
Pepper 592
Spices 593
Yeast, baking powder, 594
bicarbonate of soda
During the past If yes, how much was Did you If yes, how much did you buy
one week (7 consumed purchase this
days), how many food in last
days did you or week?
others in your
household eat:
Write “0” if the Item Quantity Unit 1=YES Quantity Unit Total
item was never Code (Code c) 0=NO (Code c) expenditure
consumed. on this item
Tomato sauce (bottle) 595
Hot sauce (Nali etc) 596
13 Pagumel
1. How many months in the last six months did you have problems
satisfying the food needs of the household?
2. During the last rainy season, did your household suffer any shortage
of food to eat? 0=No 1=Yes
3. Thinking back over the last 6 months, in which month was the
shortage of food most acute for your household? (Code a)
(If household did not experience any food shortage, skip to Q5a.)
4a. During the worst month, how many times a day did adults in your
household eat?
4b. During the worst month, how many times a day did children in your
household eat?
4c. During the worst month, did household members consume “less
preferred” foods? 0=No 1=Yes
4d. During the worst month, did household members consume wild
foods? 0=No 1=Yes
4e. During the worst month, did household members consume seed
stock? 0=No 1=Yes
5a. During a good month, how many times a day did adults in your
household eat?
5b. During a good month, how many times a day did children in your
household eat?
6. Is food from your own (beteseb's) stock shared with others in the
1=All together 2=Separate stocks
SECTION 15. Cognitive Ability Test Commented [SP4]: May also add Rabin’s test
SAY: In this section, we would like to ask you some calculation questions.
1. What is 4+3?
2. What is 7 – 4?
3. What is 12 – 7?
4. What is 3 times 6?
5. What is 400 divided by 10 (i.e., one tenth of 400)?
SECTION 16. Time Use Survey
Time when started this section: _______________________________
1. Date of day for which activities are recorded: (This is the day before today): ________________________
2. Day of the week for which activities are recorded: (This is the day before today)
1= Monday 2= Tuesday 3= Wednesday 4= Thursday 5= Friday 6= Saturday 7= Sunday
To Yes No
11:30am Yes No
11:30am Yes No
To Yes No
12:00pm Yes No
12:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
12:30pm Yes No
12:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
1:00pm Yes No
1:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
1:30pm Yes No
1:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
2:00pm Yes No
2:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
2:30pm Yes No
2:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
3:00pm Yes No
3:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
3:30pm Yes No
3:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
4:00pm Yes No
4:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
4:30pm Yes No
4:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
5:00pm Yes No
5:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
5:30pm Yes No
5:30pm Yes No
to Yes No
6:00pm Yes No
6:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
6:30pm Yes No
6:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
7:00pm Yes No
7:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
7:30pm Yes No
7:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
8:00pm Yes No
8:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
8:30pm Yes No
8:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
9:00pm Yes No
9:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
9:30pm Yes No
9:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
10:00pm Yes No
10:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
10:30pm Yes No
10:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
11:00pm Yes No
11:00pm Yes No
To Yes No
11:30pm Yes No
11:30pm Yes No
To Yes No
12:00am Yes No
12:00am Yes No
To Yes No
12:30am Yes No
12:30am Yes No
to Yes No
1:00am Yes No
1:00am Yes No
To Yes No
1:30am Yes No
1:30am Yes No
To Yes No
2:00am Yes No
2:00am Yes No
To Yes No
2:30am Yes No
2:30am Yes No
To Yes No
3:00am Yes No
3:00am Yes No
To Yes No
3:30am Yes No
3:30am Yes No
To Yes No
4:00am Yes No
Note to interviewer: Probe for more activities if: (a) Any activities took much longer than you would expect. (b) Activities that normally follow
each other seem to be missing.
8. Did you spend any time during the day looking after children?
1= Yes, not mentioned all the times – go back and fill in child care activity.
2= Yes, already mentioned all the times.
3= No.
If “1”, go back and fill in extra child care activities in the diary. Write an asterisk (*) next to
the added activities. Then come back to question #9.
9. Was yesterday a typical day for you?
1= Yes
2= No, because I was ill.
3= No, because it was school/university/college/technikon holidays.
4= No, because there was on leave from work.
5= No, because there was a funeral, wedding, bereavement, ETC
6= No, because there was a problem with the weather.
7= No, because I was looking after another family/household member.
8= No, because there was another family problem.
9= No, because it was a weekend day.
10= No, other reason (Describe):
10. Which activity during the day did you enjoy most?
Code: Activity:
11. Which activity during the day did you enjoy least?
Code: Activity:
12. Overall, how did you feel about the day you just described?
1= I was too busy/I had too many things to do.
2= I had a comfortable amount of things to do in the day.
3= I was not busy enough/I did not have enough to do.
SECTION 17. Anthropometric measurements
SAY: In this section, we are going to measure the anthropometry of you and your children under 24 months of age.
SURVEYOR: First indicate the name of the person(s) who measured and the ID number of the weight and height machine used.
1. Roster ID 2. Name Question 3. Measurement 4. If the mother cannot be
a. First b. Second c. Third measured, specify the
3=Too ill to be measured
96=Other, specify
1) Length/Height (cm)
2) Weight (kg)
3) MUAC (cm)
1) Length/Height
2) Weight (kg)
3) MUAC (cm)
1) Length/Height
2) Weight (kg)
3) MUAC (cm)