OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030
Education and
Skills 2030
Conceptual learning framework
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Co-agency with peers, e 2030
teachers, parents,
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Attitudes Values
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Student agency
The concept of competency implies more than just the acquisition of knowledge and skills;
it involves the mobilisation of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in a range of specific
contexts to meet complex demands (see also the concept notes on Skills and on Attitudes
and Values).
In practice, it is difficult to separate knowledge and skills; they develop together. As Klieme
et al. (2004[1]) assert, “higher competency levels are characterised by the increasing
proceduralisation of knowledge, so at higher levels, knowledge is converted to skills” (as
cited in (Cedefop, 2006[2])).
Researchers have recognised how knowledge and skills are interconnected. For example,
the National Research Council's report on 21st-century competencies (2012[2]) notes that
“developing content knowledge provides the foundation for acquiring skills, while the
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019
skills in turn are necessary to truly learn and use the content. In other words, the skills and
content knowledge are not only intertwined but also reinforce each other”.
Similarly, UNESCO researchers have emphasised the growing importance of being able to
understand, interpret and apply knowledge and skills in various situations. Scott (2015[4])
states that learning to know is not the only necessary skill for students. Also important are:
learning to do, which includes problem-solving skills, critical thinking and collaboration;
learning to be, which includes social and cross-cultural skills, personal responsibility and
self-regulation; and learning to live together, which includes teamwork, civic and digital
citizenship, and global competence.
Researchers note that over the past few decades there has been growing emphasis on
thinking of the world as made up of inter-related systems, rather than solely as a series of
discrete units (Ackoff, cited in (Kirby and Rosenhead, 2005[3])). Education systems around
the world have been moving from defining subjects and required curriculum knowledge as
collections of facts, towards understanding disciplines as inter-related systems.
Recent evidence from learning science research shows that the patterns of learner
development vary widely, rather than following fixed, linear progressions or moving
predictably through formal hierarchies of curriculum-based knowledge. A learner can
display different levels of skill, competence or understanding at different moments,
depending on the situation in which they are learning. Over time, however, learners do
progress through recognisable stages of maturity and awareness of their learning, especially
as they grow through childhood and adolescence and into adult maturity. They are guided
and challenged by the social relationships and cultural values surrounding them.
As Fischer and Bidell (2006[6]) put it: “An examination of the evidence shows a familiar
pattern: There is high variability in developmental sequences, but this variability is neither
random nor absolute. The number and order of steps in developmental sequences vary as a
function of factors like learning history, cultural background, content domain, context, co-
participants, and emotional state.”
As students develop their competence and understanding in different areas of knowledge,
they may go through rapid and repeated cycles of learning in which performance and skills
level develop quickly and then fall back as the focus of the task or the context in which it
is being performed vary. Over time, the cognitive development, self-awareness, attitudes
and beliefs, and ability to adapt and transfer learning across different settings, can all
reinforce each other, supporting both deeper levels of understanding and higher levels of
competency among learners. The interactions between disciplinary, interdisciplinary,
epistemic and procedural knowledge take place in this context, helping connect and
integrate different aspects of knowledge with the ability of each learner to adapt and apply
what they know to a changing landscape.
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Knowledge alone is smart. Knowledge interconnected with time, humanity and earth is
wise. (Denise Augustine)
The knowledge of indigenous peoples (in this note, including peoples who originated in a
particular place; nomads; and those who inhabited or existed in a land from earliest times)
is complex. It encompasses culture, language, systems of classification, social practices,
the use of resources, ritual and spirituality. These unique and holistic ways of knowing are
facets of the world’s cultural diversity.
Augustine et al. (2018[7]) report that indigenous peoples agree that indigenous knowledge
cannot be defined from a Western orientation, and that there is no single definition.
Indigenous knowledge is diverse and action-oriented, and considered to be neither a subject
nor an object. Although indigenous knowledge is place-based and unique to a people, there
are shared understandings of this knowledge, including:
Interconnectedness: Everything is connected, nothing is excluded, and everything
is related.
Everything in the universe is fluid and in motion.
Reciprocity, generosity, kindness, harmony, balance and beauty are words spoken
about the world and contribute to the health and well-being of a community.
Knowledge is expressed, transmitted, transferred and practiced in varied forms.
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019
understand the ethics of AI, and, for some people, know how to build AI systems (see the
concept note on Core Foundations for more information on digital and data literacy).
Acquiring disciplinary knowledge is a step towards ensuring equity and opportunity to
learn. Voogt, Nieveen and Thijs (2018[10]) define equity as when “all students have
opportunities to access a quality curriculum to reach at least a basic level of knowledge and
skills, and that the curriculum does not set barriers or lower expectations due to socio-
economic status, gender, ethnic origin or location”. They define opportunity to learn as
when “the curriculum supports all students to realise their full potential. Opportunity to
learn refers to the way the curriculum is organised to provide maximum opportunity for all
learners to develop their talents and reach their potential”. Young and Muller (2016[8]) refer
to equity and opportunity to learn as the idea of “knowledge of the powerful”.
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019
Big ideas occupy a big place in the curriculum of British Colombia, Canada. Big ideas refer
to the generalisations, principles and key concepts that are important in a certain area of
learning. They reflect the “understand” component of the Know-Do-Understand model of
learning. They represent what students are expected to understand at the completion of
their grade and will contribute to future understanding.
Key or cross-cutting concepts can be thought of in two ways. First, there are concepts that
are subject-specific and those that are found across subjects but within the same area of
learning, such as in science or social studies. Second, there are cross-cutting concepts that
provide links across several areas of learning. In the curriculum for British Columbia, these
are defined as “macro concepts”.
Source: OECD, (2017[14]).
The movement towards STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics (with
some variations, e.g. STEAM – stem + art and design) is another example of grouping
certain subjects for a particular purpose. While combining subjects or creating new subjects
might be beneficial as a way of avoiding curriculum overload, there is a chance that
countries perceive the creation of new subjects as increasing, rather than reducing,
curriculum overload.
Interdisciplinary knowledge can help students transfer knowledge from one setting to
another. According to Mestre (2002[11]), “we can define transfer of learning broadly to
mean the ability to apply knowledge or procedures learned in one context to new contexts”.
If this transfer occurs in relatively similar contexts, it is known as “near transfer”; if this
transfer occurs in a different context, it is known as “far transfer”.
Transferring knowledge to different situations seems more difficult than transferring
knowledge to similar situations. In a comprehensive review of the literature on transfer and
learning, Day and Goldstone (2012[12]) note that while near transfer is easy, what is actually
difficult about far transfer is recognising that transfer is possible at all. A person must
recognise structural or conceptual similarities in order to invoke previous knowledge to
apply in the new context. Day and Goldstone warn: “The literature on similarity and
transfer suggests that students may often fail to recognise the relevance of these ideas when
they are confronted with analogous situations in the real world, particularly when the
specific concrete details of those situations do not closely match those presented by
teachers” (2012, p. 156[12]).
Given the challenge of far transfer, Dixon (2012[13]) suggests that it is important for teachers
to help students see the more abstract conceptual and structural similarities between
previous knowledge and new situations so that what is seen as far transfer can be perceived
more like the easier near transfer (Benander, 2018[18]). Bereiter (1995[15]) notes that while
knowledge and skills can transfer readily to new situations, it is more challenging to teach
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019
Knowledge about different forms and uses of knowledge, or epistemic knowledge, allows
students to extend their disciplinary knowledge and use this understanding to help solve
problems and work purposefully towards valued future outcomes, contributing over time
to well-being. This creates authenticity and a connection to their lives and concerns.
Students are able to understand how they can use their knowledge and, with reflection
informed by values and ethics, how they can make their community a better place.
Connecting knowledge to real-life issues can lead to greater student motivation. Many
educators argue that in order to motivate students, it is important to link the teaching of
content knowledge to an understanding of how the subject can be applied to students’ daily
lives and their possible future work. Among other things, this could involve learning what
it means to think like a mathematician, an historian and an engineer. Epistemic knowledge
can be stimulated by questions such as, “What am I learning in this subject and why?”;
“What can I use the knowledge for in my life?”; “How do certain professionals from this
disciplinary field think?”; “What kinds of ethical codes of conduct do professionals like
doctors, engineers, artists and scientists follow?”.
Ensuring that students recognise the relevance and purpose of their learning is not easy.
Young and Muller (2016[8]) suggest that if curriculum designers and policy makers want
students in 2030 to be critical thinkers, good problem solvers and able to develop the skill
of “learning to learn”, they need to focus on the pedagogies and curricula of the different
knowledge domains. How far do they encourage these outcomes in their knowledge
domain? And to what extent do formal curricula and assessments help students and teachers
connect what they learn to the applications of knowledge in those domains? As one
example, engineers learn to solve engineering problems, but their curricula rarely teach
them to think about what problems engineers should be trying to solve.
Procedural knowledge about frameworks, such as systems thinking and design thinking,
can help students develop thought patterns and structured processes that can enable them
to identify and solve problems. For example, understanding how something is done or made
may involve a series of steps, or actions, taken to accomplish a goal – which can be
characterised as a strategy, production and interiorised action (Byrnes, J.P. and Wasik,
B.A., 1991[21]). Some procedural knowledge is domain-specific, such as that in
mathematics, while other kinds of procedural knowledge are transferrable across different
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019
Mobus (2018[17])defines systems thinking for the classroom as “being able to see how the
systems are organised for purposes and how, if they fail to serve those purposes, they will
not be able to persist as systems”. Mobus believes that when students learn systems
thinking, they can transfer the disciplinary knowledge of what a system is and the
procedural knowledge of how a system works, to recognise and understand the ill-defined
systems of the real world (Benander, 2018[18]).
Design thinking, similar to systems thinking, also focuses on solving complex problems
that resist neat definition. While it embraces a holistic view of the problem, it concentrates
on specific perspectives (Benander, 2018[18]). Goldman (2017[18]) describes design thinking
as “a process, a set of skills and mindsets that help people solve problems through novel
solutions. The aim is to move beyond simply teaching the steps of the process and providing
students with experiences, such as empathy development, participation in ‘team
collaborations’, commitment to action-oriented problem solving, a sense of efficacy, and
understanding that failure and persistence to try again after failure is a necessary and
productive aspect of success”. Design thinking is concerned with the methods used to solve
a problem; whether the solution actually works; what the potential users of the solution
need; the contemporary social and cultural appropriateness of the solution; and the aesthetic
appeal of the solution (Pourdehnad, Wexler and Wilson, 2011[19]).
In empirical studies of teaching systems thinking and design thinking in primary education,
Kelley, Capobianco and Kaluf (2014[20]) find that students in a primary school science class
who were asked to solve problems that were unfamiliar and ill-defined were able to come
up with multiple design solutions (Benander, 2018[18]).
Procedural and disciplinary knowledge function together to create a mutually informed
understanding of novel contexts. A challenge for education is to help students develop
deeper understanding by facilitating both disciplinary and procedural knowledge, and
connecting them with the skills, attitudes and ability to transfer knowledge (Benander,
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Benander, R. (2018), A Literature Summary for Research on the Transfer of Learning, [19]
Byrnes, J.P. and Wasik, B.A. (1991), “Role of conceptual knowledge in mathematical [22]
procedural learning”, Developmental Psychology, Vol. 27/5, pp. 777-786.
Cedefop (2006), Typology of knowledge, skills and competencies: clarification of the concepts [2]
and prototype, http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/3048_en.pdf.
Council, N. (2012), Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and [3]
Skills in the 21st Century, The National Academic Press.
Day, S. and R. Goldstone (2012), “The Import of Knowledge Export: Connecting Findings [17]
and Theories of Transfer of Learning”, Educational Psychologist, Vol. 47/3, pp. 153-176,
Dixon, R. (2012), “Transfer of Learning: Connecting concepts during problem solving”, [18]
Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 24/1, pp. 2-17.
Erickson, H., L. Lanning and R. French (2017), Concept-based curriculum and instruction for [14]
the thinking classroom (2nd ed.), Corwin.
Fischer, K. and K. Bidell (2006), “Dynamic development of action, thought and emotion”, in [6]
Damon, W. and R. Lerner (eds.), Theoretical Models of Human Development. Handbook of
Child Psychology, Wiley, New York.
Gardner, H. (2006), Five Minds for the Future, Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, [8]
Goldman, S. (2017), “Design Thinking”, in Peppler, K. (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out- [24]
of School Learning, Sage Publishing, http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483385198.
Harlen, W. (2010), Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education, Association of Science [13]
Education, Hatfield, UK.
Kelley, T., B. Capobianco and K. Kaluf (2014), “Concurrent Think-Aloud Protocols to Assess [26]
Elementary Design Students”, International Journal of Technology and Design Education,
Vol. 25, pp. 521-540, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10798-014-9291-y.
Kirby, M. and R. Rosenhead (2005), “IF ORS Operational Research Hall of Fame: Russel L. [5]
Ackoff”, International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 12, pp. 129-134.
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019
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Klieme, E. (2004), The development of national educational standards: an expertise, Berlin: [1]
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Luckin, R. and K. Issroff (2018), Education and AI: preparing for the future, [9]
McKeough, A., J. Lupart and A. Marini (eds.) (1995), A Dispositional View of Transfer, [20]
Laurence Erlbaum Associates.
Mestre, J. (2002), “Transfer of learning: Issues and research agenda”, National Science [16]
Foundation Reports, https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf03212/nsf03212.pdf (accessed on
17 July 2017).
Mobus, G. (2018), “Teaching Systems Thinking to General Education Students”, Ecological [23]
Modeling, Vol. 373, pp. 13-21, http://dx.doi.org/doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.01.013.
OECD (2018), Education 2030: The Future of Education and Skills. Position paper, [12]
OECD (2017), Education 2030 - Conceptual learning framework: Background papers. [15]
Pourdehnad, J., E. Wexler and D. Wilson (2011), “System and Design Thinking: A conceptual [25]
framework for their integration”, Organizational Synamics Working Papers, Vol. 10,
pp. 10-16, https://repository.upenn.edu/od_working_papers/10/.
Scott, C. (2015), The Futures of Learning 2: What kind of learning for the 21st century? [4]
UNESCO Education Research and Foresight,
Voogt, J., N. Nieveen and S. Klopping (2016), Curriculum overload: a literature study, [21]
Voogt, J., N. Nieveen and A. Thijs (2018), Ensuring equity and opportunities to learn in [10]
curriculum reform, http://www.oecd.org/education/2030-project/about/documents.
Young, M. and J. Muller (2016), Curriculum and the specialization of knowledge, Routledge. [11]
UNESCO uses the term “transdisciplinary” which the organisation defines as “an approach to
curriculum integration which dissolves the boundaries between the conventional disciplines and
organises teaching and learning around the construction of meaning in the context of real-world
problems or themes.” See: www.ibe.unesco.org/en/glossary-curriculum-
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Concept Note © OECD 2019