John Rawls Theory of Justice in Indian Scenario
John Rawls Theory of Justice in Indian Scenario
John Rawls Theory of Justice in Indian Scenario
Rawls argues that self-interested rational persons behind the veil of ignorance
would choose two general principles of justice to structure society in the real
1) Principle of Equal Liberty: Each person has an equal right to the most
extensive liberties compatible with similar liberties for all.
(2a) is not egalitarian but makes benefit for some (those with greater talents,
training, etc.) proportionate to their contribution toward benefiting the least
advantaged persons.
The first principle of justice as propounded by Rawls has its influence on the
interpretation of Art. 14 in the case of Re Special Courts Bill, wherein
Chandrachur, J. Observed:
“The underlining principle of the guarantee of Art.14 that all persons similarly
circumstanced should be treated alike both in privileges conferred and
liabilities imposed.”
Art.14 does not mean that all laws must be general in character or that same
law should apply to all persons or that every law must have universal
application, for all persons are not by nature, attainment and circumstances, in
the same positions. The State can treat different persons differently if
circumstances justify such treatment. In fact, identical treatment in unequal
circumstances would amount to inequality. The legislature must possess power
to group persons, objects and transactions with a view to attain specific aims.
So, a reasonable classification is not permitted but necessary if society is to
People often frame justice issues in terms of fairness and invoke principles of
justice and fairness to explain their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their state
or government. However, in the Indian context, we see a strange drift away from
this rather Western line of thought. The average Indian, being ignorant of his
rights, does not really bother much with social policies of justice; he is content
if in his own life, he sees justice being played out in acceptable terms of society;
albeit tinged by shades of religion and divine intervention. The principles of
equity, equality, and social need are most relevant in the context of distributive
justice but might play a role in a variety of social justice issues. However, because
these principles may come into conflict, it is often difficult to achieve all of these
goals simultaneously. According to the principle of equity, a fair economic
system is one that distributes goods to individuals in proportion to their input.
While input typically comes in the form of productivity, ability or talent might
also play a role. A principle of need, on the other hand, proposes that we strive
for an equal outcome in which all society or group members get what they need.
Thus, poor people would get more money, and richer people would get less. This
principle is sometimes criticized because it does not recognize differences in
productive contributions or distinguish between real needs and manifested
needs. This is where reservation policies in India become academically relevant.
India’s policy of reservation is a daring attempt to remedy the past injustices
suffered by those who are at the lower levels of India's four-tier caste hierarchy.
Before India declared independence in 1947, the British maintained separate
electorates and reserved seats for these groups in Indian Parliament. Soon after
Independence, by recommendation of the Kalelkar First Backward Classes
Commission, the Indian government implemented the model of reservation
schemes for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes in government employment The
Mandal Report of 1980 suggested reserving an additional 27% of government
positions for Other Backward Classes. Amidst violent protest, the Supreme Court
validated this plan.
Articles 142, 144 and the Fundamental Rights enshrined in Part III of the
Constitution provide for a just and fair society and ensure distributive justice as
has been seen even before the enactment of the Constitution.24 Many
judgements originating from the Public Interest Litigation also strengthened the
idea of distributive justice. Also, all the litigation about the various
environmental issues decided by the Supreme Court highlights its attitude to
establish ‘distributive justice’ and ‘corrective justice’. Whether it be the
application of ‘Polluter Pays Principle’ or the ‘Public Trust Doctrine’, the core
idea behind them is distributive and corrective justice. The huge debate that
occurred in Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India on the concepts of ‘procedure
established by law’ and ‘due process of law’ has its source from distributive
justice only. That case saw a complete shift in the attitude of the judiciary that
even if there is some procedure that has been established by some statute
passed by the legislature, the justice will still be done keeping in mind the ‘due
process of law’ taking us away from the A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madras. Law
declared by the Supreme Court is binding is binding on all the courts. But it also
provides that Supreme Court is not bound by its own decisions and it may
reverse its own decision. Thus, where the question of public good comes and
fairness is to be seen, or the need of distribution of the rights and responsibilities
come, Supreme Court has always been in favor of the public, or rather, public
Submitted by:
Shreesh Pathak