6 Novice Moot Court Competition1
6 Novice Moot Court Competition1
6 Novice Moot Court Competition1
JIDH KUMAR--------------------------------------------------------------[Respondent]
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INDEX OF AUTHORITIES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION--------------------------------------------------------------------
STATEMENT OF FACTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISSUES RAISED-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------
ARGUMENTS ADVANCED----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AND -----------------------------------------------------------------------------&
HIGH COURT------------------------------------------------------------------HC
1. Jidh Kumar lives in the township of Jung Pura Castle. He is very famous for his books
on pet grooming and activities for pets. He is of his view that his sole purpose of living
is to nurse the disabled animals.
2. His journey to a famous animal lover started in 2013,by creating the ‘Feed Back
Challenge’, wherein he challenged his friends to feed 5 stray dogs by sharing a full
bucket of food. He created another challenge named ‘Food and Bucket Challenge’
where we have to adopt three stray dogs. He adopted 3 stray dogs . Though this was not
as successful as the earlier challenge, there are few posts on social media on advantages
and dangers in adopting a stray dog.
3. He moved into Jungpura Castle in 2015 with his 3 pet dogs. The large park in the centre
of the township is the main reason for him to buy a flat there, as his dogs get a lot of
space to unexplored enjoy the clean environment. In Jungpura Castle he can see a lot
of people who own pets.
4. He started a YouTube channel by the name ‘Dog’s Jidh’, where he posts videos on
activities, games and lessons on pet grooming. By December 2016, he had adopted 16
dogs, most of which are disabled ,all living with him in his flat. His daily routine starts
with waking up and taking all his dogs out for a walk. All the dogs used to answer
nature’s call during that walk in the park. The dogs urinate and excrete in the park.
5. In July 2017,on receipt of a few complaints from the neighbours of Jidhkumar, the
Residents ‘Welfare Association of Jungpura Township had formally asked Jidhkumar
to reduce the number of dogs by offering them or adoption and also get all his dogs
vaccinated for the safety of the residents.He declined and said that he can manage all
his dogs and there was not even a sinlge incident of his dogs going out of control. In
the meanwhile , a new block of apartments was constructed in the Township, which
reduced the size of the park to one-quarter of the original size. There was a rise in the
number of man-animal conflicts. There were incidents of dog bites.
6. In January 2018, elections were held for the Residents’ Welfare Association of
Jungpura Township. The newly elected members resolved that the Township should be
clean and that the residents should be allowed to enjoy the premises to the fullest
possible extent. In March 2018, basing on complaints relating to the noise that the dogs
make and disturbance caused, the Association had sent a notice to Jidh Kumar for
controlling his dogs, as the exam season for the children is fast approaching; to which
he replied that it is natural for the dogs to bark, you cannot ask for control in the noise
being made.
7. By June 2018, it was found that the park is stinking and filled with animal excreta, so
the association asked Jidh Kumar to desist from using the park as an area for is dogs to
excrete, and to ensure that his dogs should not harm anybody.
8. After a month, the Association has filed a suit against Jidh Kumar.
Whether the Township Association has imposed reasonable restrictions with regard to
the pets?
Here it was nowhere mentioned in the guidelines of association that a resident is limited
to adopt a specific number of dogs & so he has not violated any rules of association, he was
nowhere mentioned not to carry 16 dogs beforehand and when he had three dogs initially, as
he was a dog lover & also it can be foreseen by the association that he would bring more
number of dogs as there were no restrictions imposed. Therefore he could not be restricted
his right of having16 dogs.
Constitution of India (sept.,30th ; 2018, 1 pm) https://www.india.gov.in
PCA, 1960 (sept.,30th ;2018, 2 pm) www.envifor.nic.in
Here it is the fact that the Jidh Kumar’s purpose of buying flat in Jungpura Castle that his
dogs get a lot of space to run, explore & enjoy the environment. Even in Jugpura Castle, he
can see a lot of people who own pets. In the meanwhile, the association has constructed a
block of apartments which reduced the park size to one-quarter. Here it can be clearly seen
that there was no such incidents before the reduction of the apartment such as dog bites, but
there after due to the reduction of the size of the park dog bites incidents has started.
According to the Environment Protection Act, 19863, Environmental Pollutant means any
solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be or tend to
be, injurious to environment. But animal excreta is not an environmental pollutant as it
doesn’t contain any of above mentioned. According to Animal Welfare Board of India4,
banning pets from accessing the park & gardens is not right and pets can express anger
related to the same.
Environmental Protection Act, 1986(sept.,30th;2018,3:30 pm)https://envfor.nic.in
Animal Welfare Board of India(sept.,30th;2018,4pm)www.awbi.org
Jidh Kumar moved to the Jungpura Castle for the main reason that his dogs could get a space
to explore & enjoy the environment. He could also see that the people in that township also
own pets & there was no such restrictions on the number of pets he could use. When it comes
to the barking, it’s the general tendency of a dog to bite & based on this, RWA cannot ban
dogs based on invalid reasons. Here there was nowhere mentioned in
the guidelines of association that a resident be limited to adopt a number of dogs & so he has
not violated any rules of association, he was nowhere mentioned not to carry 16 dogs
beforehand & when he had 3 dogs initially, as he was a dog lover & also it can br foreseen by
the association that he would bring more number of dogs as there were no restrictions
imposed and he could not be restricted his right of having 16 dogs. It is also stated in the
case Buckle V. Holmes5 that it is natural for cats to kill pigeons and defendant was not held
liable. It is also stated in Manton V. Brocklebank6 that the tendency to kick or bite other
horses is common to all horses &the defendant was held not liable.
Buckle v. Holmes (1926) 2 K.B. 125.
Manton v. Brocklebank (1923) 2 K.B. 212.
RWA states that because of dog barking creates disturbance to the children for their studies
as the exam season is fast approaching & they cannot study as the barking hinders their
concentration to study. Public Nuisance is defined as it is an act or illegal omission which
cause any common injury, danger or annoyance to the public or people in general who dwell
or occupy property in the vicinity or which must necessarily cause injury, obstruction,
danger or annoyance to person who may occasion to use any public right. It is the fact to
Public Nuisance that there must be necessarily an act or illegal omission which causes
common injury, danger to public. But there is no such act or omission on part of
Jidh Kumar’s dogs. The main essentiality of Public Nuisance is that the defendant or
respondent should have acted unreasonably & in course of action the damage should have
caused but barking of dogs is quite natural. It is said that there must be occupying of property
in general. But, here there is no such thing called occupying property because it is a common
area for residents who live in the housing society. So it doesn’t amount to Public Nuisance.
According to the Animal Birth Control Rules,20017, they can ask him for vaccination or
sterilization of dogs. But there are many side effects for that. They may cause discomfort,
and local swelling, lack of hunger, and itching as well. So, keeping in view of these side
effects he in good faith believed that he can control his dogs. As they are already disabled if
they are affected by these side effects it may lead to the death of those stray dogs. Risk of
vaccination outweighs the deadly disease. According to PCA,1960, also infliction or
unnecessary pain or suffering on animals amounts to cruelty & also it’s not a right action.
Animal Birth Control Rules,2001(sept.,30th;2018,5 pm) https://awbi.org
It is therefore humbly prayed before the Hon’ble court to kindly allow the appeal & may
please declare that;
The Petition filed by the Petitioner will not be maintainable.
Jidh Kumar is not answerable to the Jungpura Township Residents’ Welfare Association
about the increase in the number of dogs.
It is hereby prayed that the Township Association has imposed unreasonable restrictions with
regard to the pets.
Keeping of 16 stray dogs is a natural thing because he believed in his good faith to feed them
& this doesn’t amount to any Public Nuisance.
The conduct of Jidh Kumar doesn’t amount to negligence.
RWA cannot ban dogs due to its general tendency to bark and or pass any such order, writ or
direction as the honourable court deems fit & proper, for this the respondents shall duty
bound pray.
The entire above contentions are most humbly & respectively submitted to the bench.