Law of Life Enlightener
Law of Life Enlightener
Law of Life Enlightener
A.D.K.Luk (Alice Schutz) was directed by the Masters to prepare and
publish a “Newsletter”. Its Purpose was to utilize the Ascended Master
Instruction in a practical way for application. Within it contains history,
Discourse, Dictation and teaching on many subjects. It was published
from 1979 (25 A.F.) – 1994 (41 A.F.). We are blessed to present it here in
its entirety.
By Alice Schutz
The Christ Self is beautiful, youthful and perfect. It has eternal youth and
Never appears as one over 21 years of age. That is why some elderly
people whose Physical body is 70 or 80 years of age, still feel young
inside. The Christ Self has a flower fragrance just like an Ascended
Master. The human self asserts itself and makes mistakes by using Life
Energy from the “I AM PRESENCE.” Since the Christ Self is the
Directing Intelligence, the student may call to It to withdraw the power
the human self has given itself and refuse to accept that it has any power
to make further mistakes. When dealing with others – ask your and their
Christ Self for guidance. If an individual’s thoughts. Feelings, and
motives are constructive the Christ Self will “Act” according to Universal
Law, to bring the desired results. If it is destructive – It will not act on it.
The “I AM PRESENCE” is the OWNER of everything. So It is the
Intelligence, Energy, Power and Action that can take command of
conditions in the outer world to provide whatever one requires. The
Christ Self is “One” with the “Presence” and is in Harmony with all Life,
and wants Perfection for the outer self. When one needs financial or
other supply, [since, most are not yet Precipitating] Call to the “Presence”
and The Christ of yourself and others, who are Serving the Light, who
need supply; to move into action and bring about conditions in the outer
world, whereby the required supply is provided. The Christ Self of every
human being wants Perfection for the outer self, no Matter how
destructive the activities of the personality are. The “Resistance” comes
when the outer mind is given a “Truth” and resists it in the “Feelings.”
This comes about when the outer self is so preoccupied with human
beliefs and concepts, and will not admit there is any resistance. The
student may ask for assistance while asleep, and Charge the Christ Self to
Direct and Charge Its currents of energy through the Four Bodies; to
Transmute, Purify and Restore their Perfection. The Christ Self has a
complete and total knowledge of the outer self and its human
consciousness. It is aware of every thought, feeling, motive and
experience. Although the outer self thinks and feels otherwise - it is
“Impossible” to “Deceive” the Christ Self. In vibratory action the Christ
Self is the Step-Down Consciousness for the “Presence” on the Fourth
Dimensional Plane. The Three-Fold Flame within the Heart, Directed by
the Christ Self, is the Step-Down Consciousness on the Third
Dimensional Plane or the world of form. The Flame within the Heart is
the “Outpost” of the Christ Self. This Flame is the embryo Christ
Consciousness and can only grow in Power and Action by the Attention,
Love, and Devotion given It by the outer self. When one is willing to give
“All” of his or her’s Energy to It, then the Seed Within will grow and
wax Strong - “Surrendering” the human to the Christ Self.
Beloved Master Jesus knew that even the disciples who had been closest
To Him could not of themselves externalize their Christ Consciousness.
Therefore, He asked for the SPIRIT OF COMFORT to be sent to His
disciples, which would animate within them those Powers they had
allowed to lie dormant by resting upon His accomplishments. The
Beloved Lord Maha Chohan answered Jesus, and on the first Whitsuntide
released those Tongues of Flame referred to in the Bible. These were
actually Magnetic Currents of Energy, which Expanded the Christ
Consciousness in their Soul’s and expanded the Christ Flame within their
The Bridegroom [as referred to in the Bible] represents the Action of
one’s own Christ Self. When one has purified himself or herself enough,
and can keep their Four Bodies Harmonious and at Peace at all times;
then, the Christ Self can draw the Gifts, Qualities and Powers from their
Causal Body and externalize them into their world. By Turning one’s
Attention to and holding it on their Christ Self that Beam of Energy draws
and magnifies their Divine Powers and Qualities. The Christ Self of
everyone is ONE in Action. Only a small portion of the Christ Self is
within the Heart, [the Golden Man within the Heart] the greater part is
outside and above the physical body. When one becomes FULLY ONE
with their Christ Self they are no longer of the human realm. One’s Real
Mission on Earth begins when their Consciousness is no longer the
“plaything” of the Four Bodies, which are transformed to become the
“Servants” of the Divine Will. One’s conscience is the Action of their
Christ Self. It is one’s judge! It is IN COMMAND, as opposed to the
human personality, and “Decides” when to terminate life On the Earth
plane. At the point of passing the individual cannot speak an untruth. The
Christ Self is not just an abstract idea, or a hazy, vapory sort of thing, but
a tangible Individualization of Intelligence and Feeling. It is an
INDIVIDUAL BEING OF LIGHT! When taking embodiment, the final
decision is made by the Christ Self, as to who one’s Parents shall be. The
moment an individual allows imperfection into his thoughts and Feelings
- he has created a “separation” with his Christ Self, - which can only be
corrected by dwelling on Perfection. The outer consciousness must be
Purified and Developed, with Mastery and Peace Externalized, before the
Christ Self can take possession of the personality.
The Ascended Masters watch and guard the students through their Christ
Self. That way the students are never separated from the Master. The
students are Prompted through the Christ Self of what the Masters have
said. The Divine Qualities and Activities that the Masters Amplify, to
benefit the Soul, must go through the Christ Self of that one. When the
“Initiate,” through centuries of righteous living, has achieved that
consciousness whereby the White Dove is externalized within his or her
aura, then that One is in Harmony with the Cosmic Christ and the Lord
Maha Chohan. And into Their Consciousness is released the Full Pressure
and Power of Their Christ Self. Thus, the student becomes the “only
begotten Son,” and his Mission, like that of the Master Jesus, is to
externalize the Divine Will of God.
February 26, 1967
“I AM” draw me into Yourself
Beloved Djwal Kul my Twin Ray,
Merge all of me now with Yourself,
Keep it so forever to stay.
My “I AM” give Your Great Command,
Djwal Kul my Beloved Twin Flame,
Rip human out by Divine Hand,
Transmute it by the Purple Flame.
Dear Djwal Kul one with You make me,
Beloved, let me Yourself see,
Transmute all never meant to be,
And set me forevermore Free.
White Fire Body from whence we came,
Release Actions of the Sacred Fire,
Thru our “I AM” the Three Fold Flame,
Beloved, make me all You desire.
Of my world take full authority
Do all needed, produce Perfection,
Give me all of Your Mastery,
You had before Your Ascension.
My own Beloved Djwal Kul dear,
Draw the Power from the Central Sun,
And take of me full command here,
Now make me to with You become one.
A.D.K. Luk
V.1 N.1, May-June, 25 A.F. (1979)
The Maltese Cross is Saint Germain’s Electronic Pattern, and also that of the
Goddess of Justice since they come forth from the same Spirit Spark or White Fire
Body. The Maltese Cross represents the Freedom Flame to earth.
“Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray, represents the perfect (mature) Man
to the planet earth. He is the bridge between the kingdoms of the Angels the Elementals
and Man. He is the bridge between heaven and Earth. With outstretched arms, He
forms within Himself the Maltese Cross of Freedom.” (Lord Maha Chohan)
The north end of the vertical bar represents Saint Germain and/or the Ascended
Masters, the south end represents Man; the east end of the cross bar represents the
Elemental kingdom; the west end represents the Angelic Host. The Illumination Flame
is represented in the center.
The New Age – the Age of Freedom (A.F.) stands for Freedom, Liberty, Justice
and Opportunity. Freedom is the Ascended Master Saint Germain’s Cosmic Quality
and Name. Liberty is the other part of the Seventh Ray, the feminine aspect, Freedom
is the masculine aspect. Justice and Opportunity are Portia’s, Saint Germain’s Divine
Complement, Qualities and names and service to earth.
Wesak Festival
On the day of the Full Moon in the month of May, Lord Gautama Buddha has each
year since His Ascension, the departure from the physical plane, given His outpouring
of the Buddha Life Force. This is known as the Wesak Festival. This was the provision
made for Him to infuse His particular blessings and benediction upon the people of
earth once each year.
This takes place in the month of May because that is the anniversary of His birth,
His attainment of Buddhahood and His Ascension. The time of Full Moon was chosen
because the emotional bodies of the people are at their fullest tide, and there is more
opportunity to pour the radiation from the Realms of Light.
Each year Lord Gautama has always made this visitation in the lower atmosphere
over the hills in India. Thus sending forth His outpouring to the assembled White
Brotherhood, to the pilgrims who were able to be there in their physical bodies and to
the students who could consciously leave bodies and attend in their inner bodies, and
spread the radiation over the earth, the people and through nature.
Until 1953, this visitation was always made in His Luminous Presence. But since
then He has appeared there in His Ascended Light Body, visible to the inner sight.
Since becoming Lord of the World (January 1, 1956), the full gathered momentum
which He has gained and which enabled Him to fill that position is released at the
Wesak Festival through the attending pilgrims to all evolutions of earth. Now that the
Western mind has been made aware of the Great White Brotherhood, the Retreats and
many inner activities, the students can direct their consciousness there at the time of the
Wesak Festival and attend in consciousness and their inner bodies. (May 11, this year)
Make effort to better understand – and become more aware.
Question: What is most important in each one’s life?
Answer: To again be aware of and know one’s own individualized “I AM”
Presence. Read, study, think about it and get the feeling – the awareness of its reality.
Application is important, and it is important to do it each day, rhythmically, not
just spasmodically. We eat; we sleep each day as a rule. We do not just eat once and
think that is sufficient. The earth makes its revolution each day so the sun’s rays cover
certain portions of the planet each day.
Through the ages the only way anyone got into an Ascended Master Retreat was
by invitation. And only those who qualified received an invitation. To qualify one had
to have attained a certain degree of mastery.
Then in the 1930’s after the Master Saint Germain’s work had begun and the
student were made aware of some of the activities which took place in the Teton
Retreat, the Masters began to permit students to attend certain activities as they were
going on, in their inner bodies, while asleep in the outer. Then 20 years later in the
1950’s, during that intensive work other Retreats, and Temples, were opened to the
students to attend in the same manner.
Each month from the 15th of the month through the 14th of the next month, we give
recognition and attention to one of the Ascended Master Retreats. For the Month
beginning May 15th, we will take the Retreat at Luxor, Egypt. We can ask to be taken
there during sleep, and go in consciousness. Just because you may not remember it is
no proof you were not there.
From June 15th through July 1st will be the Teton Retreat in the Grand Teton
Mountain in Wyoming. This is the same each year because the Karmic Board meets
Ascension Day
The recognized day for the anniversary this year of Jesus’ Ascension is May 24th.
It is figured the 40th day from Easter, this includes Easter Day. That is the way they
counted it at that time. So actually it is 39 days after Easter. Hence it always come on a
Thursday since Easter is always set for a Sunday.
Young People
When we come into embodiment there is an approximate time span set by the
Christ Self for that embodiment. It releases a certain amount of energy to the outer self
during that time. Each one has free will and must choose as to the use and qualification
of that energy. So discrimination must be used how or for what he/she is going to use
that energy. All the things that go along with old age can be seen among the people
everywhere. That has come to be mass acceptance but it was not that way originally.
This is evident they misused much of that energy which the Christ Self released to them
pure and perfect.
Mankind is to return to the original plan. To return to the Divine Plan we have to
change ourselves change our thoughts and feelings, and actions. The Masters have said
the only difference between their states of consciousness and ours is thought and
feeling. Their world is all perfect, ours is all not perfect. So we and everything down
here has to change.
Children and young people want to express themselves. They should have the
opportunity to do so when it is constructive, but not just for emotional excitement,
which is often the case. The outer self on its own wants to assert itself.
With most everyone the emotional body has much discord in it, of various human
qualities, an accumulation through many past embodiments. It is this accumulation that
wants expression. But instead it needs to be curbed and held under control at all times.
Furthermore it needs to be cleaned out with the Transmuting Violet Flame. The purpose
for which we are here is self-mastery. Each individual has a Divine plan for this
embodiment and should find out what it is, and not just follow mass consciousness and
outer world temptations. Instead of following the crowd and going along with the gang
and wasting your energy, you can have a goal and work towards it. Tell no one. Be in
the world but be not of the world.
The Cosmic Law is such now that everyone has to choose (each one having free
will) whether he/she wants to go the way of the Light or not. It is evident the majority
wants to go the human way not the way of the Light.
For each one of us that is here in embodiment, two lifestreams were denied that
opportunity. Opportunity here means to make things right. If we just go the worldly
ways and do not fulfill our vows taken at inner levels (of which we usually know not
in the outer consciousness), then had one of the two which were denied come in that
one might have done better. Yet we were probably chosen because of certain vows we
were willing to take at inner levels, and possibly had certain qualifications which the
others did not.
Children’s Corner
The Explanation of the Chart in “Law of Life for Children” booklet can be read or
portions of it, depending on the age of the child; some of the material for grown-ups in
other books can also be used. Some even at the age of three, respond and have an
awareness of their “I AM” Presence.
Many children now can understand this Teaching very young and even better than
their parents. This is because now those out of embodiment are being taught these laws
in schools at inner levels, whereas formerly that was not the case. Therefore parents
and guardians should not have the attitude that the children need to go through the steps
of learning that they themselves did.
When the explanation of the Chart is presented to the children and they see that
Chart, they may have an awareness of their Presence and an inner confirmation of it.
V.1 N.2, July-August, 25 A.F. (1979)
Maltese Cross
Of the Maltese Cross, the two points at the end of each arm, eight in all, represent
Beatitudes: humility, obedience, comfort, justice, mercy, purity, peace, gratitude. By
holding an attitude makes it become a reality. Beatitude equals, be the attitude. By
living and becoming these Beatitudes, possessing these virtues, one can become the
mature Man which Saint Germain represents to this planet.
Impersonal Service
When the Master Saint Germain started this work in the 1930’s, there were set
into action ways and means by which students could render impersonal service. They
could while learning the Law, purify themselves and start to put their own world in
order, also at the same time learn to render impersonal service through group decree
Because of turning away from the Light it is required of us to give back to life
some sort of balance. This is done through impersonal service.
New Cycle
During the three days in the tomb Jesus consciously went into the psychic-astral
realm and drew currents of Light into it, establishing an action for the release of the
disembodied there who were earth-bound. He did this while He still had the physical
body because it had a connection with the vibratory action of mankind, therefore gave
Him the authority to do so.
However, the accomplishment of this only came when the Seventh Ray cycle
began to be put into action through the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, the Master Saint
The first action for the removal of the disembodied was July 4, 1936, during the
Shrine class in Los Angeles. Under the direction of Saint Germain through Mr. and
Mrs. Ballard the audience for the first time gave the decree to remove the disembodied
individuals from the atmosphere of earth.
Then in the nearly three and a half years following, during the classes in the
various large cities in the U.S. the decree for removal of the disembodied went forth
and it was carried out by the Divine Beings. Hundreds and thousands and even
hundreds of thousands would be taken in one night.
In the over-all Cosmic Plan these things move into action and are accomplished
only in certain cycles. This shows how Cosmic actions are carried out under their
respective Rays. Jesus started the initial impulse but only around 1,900 years later did
the real action which brought manifestation begin.
Jesus evidently had the authority and power by which disembodied individuals
who were earth-bound were removed from individuals He contacted and in the region
where He moved. But it was not a Cosmic action which affected all those all over the
earth as was the case now.
Those who hang on to the teaching of the last 2,000 year cycle and believe Jesus
is the answer to everything, are like those in the time when Jesus walked the earth who
hung on to the Mosaic teaching, and some still do. The new cycle has begun. Saint
Germain has worked for a long time preparing for the inception of the New Age which
could only come for here in America. The United States as a country was not brought
forth by Jesus, but by Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty. They worked on the
inner, and the outer work was done through George Washington and others – the
Founding Fathers. George Washington was reembodied as Mr. Ballard, who was the
spearhead for the new Teaching for the new cycle. Benjamin Franklin was reembodied
as Mrs. Ballard; Lafayette was reembodied as their son, Donald. Also Von Steuben,
Rochambeau and others were here again to help Saint Germain.
Saint Germain endeavored to secure in the original Constitution clauses
abolishing the right to hold slaves. But through free will of some of the men, this
important clause was omitted, which would have avoided the Civil War.
Saint Germain was the “unknown” man who fired the men to sign the Declaration
of Independence. This country was established in love and born out of His hear, and
destined to be the “cup” to hold the Flame of Freedom until the rest of the world was
ready to receive It.
There is an action in understanding the I AM Presence and in the application that
differs from any other Teaching. It is not a matter of following a personality, no matter
how much charisma he may have. But it does give the weaker ones an excuse to not
make the effort to stand on their own. They want something to worship in the outer
tangible world. To attain the goal it takes more than just following some human being.
Through application by purifying our inner bodies, learning how the I AM
Presence works and learn to let the Presence be the doer, then in the right way calling
the Presence into action differs from the various means of other teachings. Instead of
praying for something you want or even for the good of someone else, or through
mental force concentrate to produce manifestation, or working under a guru, or calling
to a Being like Jesus as the orthodox world knows Him. In the latter case it is not the
Master Jesus who is limited but the lack of understanding in the caller. In making calls
the Presence will not produce imperfection, but sometimes when an individual is so
determined to have a certain thing he desires the Presence may let it come about
although it is not the Divine Plan and it process out to be not the best for him. That is
done to teach him a lesson he would not learn any other way.
When the Presence is called into action to fulfill a certain portion of the Divine
Plan or for something that is in accordance with the Divine Plan, then the inner action
is: since the I AM Presence of all individuals being one in action then that action – the
answer to the call – benefits everyone, not just the ones for which the call is made.
Before we had the use of electricity, it was there but we lacked the means to
harness it. So has mankind been through the ages in relation to spiritual powers.
Young People
The energy from the Presence comes down through the top or the head and into the
heart where the outermost end of the Ray is anchored, producing the Spark of Life.
This Spark in the heart is a potential Three-fold Flame. Only in great spiritual
development does it become the Three-fold Flame. This stream of energy should be
returned to the Presence in love, completing the circuit. Through free will you can
return it or drive it down below the belt.
The Christ Self and Body Elemental of course distribute and use enough of that
energy to carry on the functions of the body and our activities in the outer world.
When we come into this Teaching and want to pursue it, one usually finds there
are things one needs to change, human concepts, habits, etc. Often the outer self does
not want to do so and rebels. That is because of the humanly qualified energy is the
inner bodies. We have now learned that rebellion was the first action which brought
about the so-called ‘fall of man”. (Refer to Law of Life & Teachings by Divine Beings,
page 134.) When rebellion flares up, one should stop and think instead of expressing
such a feeling and the part of wisdom is to correct oneself.
It is necessary to make effort and maintain self control at all times. Instead of
speaking impulsively, it is better to just walk away and wait till things calm down.
Then calmly talk things over if possible.
Children can learn these things about creation, the Spiritual Hierarchy, action of
the Flames, etc., along with what they get at school. They can learn to keep quiet about
it. Learn when to speak and when not to speak.
From July 15 through Aug. 14, we will take Saint Germain’s Retreat in
Transylvania – the Freedom Flame, color purple.
From Aug. 15 through Sept. 14, will be the Temple of Truth in the etheric over
Crete – the Flame of Truth, color mainly green.
V.1 N.3, September-October, 25 A.F. (1979)
Maltese Cross
Twin Rays having the same Electronic Pattern, and by taking another Maltese
Cross representing the Goddess of Justice, and placing it in between the bars of the
Maltese Cross, it makes a “whole”.
Mighty I AM Presence, Great Central Sun, Great Cosmic Light, Mighty Cosmos
and Your Two Secret Rays, Great Divine Director and the Karmic Board, Mighty
Astrea, Archangel Michael, Oromasis and Lord Maha Chohan,
We love You! We love You! We love You!
We thank You! We thank You! We thank You!
We bless You! We bless You! We bless You!
Forever, forever, forever!
V.1 N.4, November-December, 25 A.F. (1979)
Door Closes
Unlike new ones coming on a planet, these lifestreams here have already had the
experience of physical embodiment and much built into their Causal Bodies. Now it is
a matter of changing their consciousness, cleaning up their bodies, and making things
right, pay their karmic debts by rendering impersonal service.
When mention was made about individuals not being permitted to reembody on
earth, the question was asked if they would be annihilated. No. No individual is ever
annihilated. Once an individualization has made the decision to be an individual that
one remains an individualization forever. All the so-called “lost souls” the churches
speak of, have more opportunity too. Each one eventually has to make the Ascension.
They say only God is eternal – then how can anyone be in hell for eternity?
Each year the Karmic Board selects one out of three applicants for reembodiment
during the year, while two are denied. So there are approximately one third of the ten
billion souls in embodiment. Some people of course will have opportunity to
reembody but for those who may not reembody on earth, then the two who were denied
may have a chance. So that would take a few hundred years to get them all into
embodiment. In the 1930’s it was said that the books starting Saint Germain’s work for
the New Age put out then would be used for a few hundred years. This process of
closing the door for certain lifestreams gives hope of freeing the planet of wayward
mankind so it can go forward into the Light. Unless lifestreams go along with the
Cosmic Law – that is this Cosmic Push, they will eventually eliminate themselves from
the earth. The earth has to go ahead, it cannot longer stay inert and be sustained.
“Laggards refers to those individuals who did not choose to progress along the
Path of Life as quickly as the rest of the lifestreams evolving with them. By command
of Cosmic Law, these planets were destined to move forward into greater perfection
and much more rapid vibratory action and these recalcitrant souls, vibrating at a
slower rate, would not be able to embody thereon.
When planets in a solar system come forth one after another, and their evolutions
progress to a certain point they move ahead one place in the solar system. For this, all
vibratory action is accelerated. Hence, those lifestreams who do not wish to comply,
that is accelerate their vibratory action, cannot go along with their planet.
So the Christ Selves of those individuals have to descend with them to the next
planet in line which is of a slower vibratory action. The term “laggards” has been
loosely used for these individuals. However, the laggards that came to earth evidently
were not only from the planet ahead of earth but from other planets and system as well.
If the planet earth were dissolved mankind would have no place to embody, and
all would have become so-called laggards. It is evident in a race, which ones are
behind. So it is with the lifestreams in regard to the capacity to go along with the earth.
Cosmic Law is impersonal just as a charge wire acts irrespective of persons. Law
does not consider excuses and alibis. One has to measure up and produces the goods.
We won’t get by the Law like they promote children in school now-a-days whether
they can read, write, etc., or not. All those who do not accelerate their lower bodies
enough and go along with earth are lagging –fall behind, hence may not reembody on
If enough Light had not been drawn forth by the students then the earth would have
been destined to be dissolved and there would have been no place for mankind to
reembody. So evidently there would have been more laggards than what were brought
here to earth.
Since so far great cataclysmic action has been averted and many schools set up at
inner levels, and the new orb has been provided upon which the lifestreams who
cannot go along with the earth can make progress. And we hope eventually attain the
In the latter 1930’s when some students turned from the Light it was said that the
Light would go on, and later on in the New Age when perfection manifested on earth
these individuals would be made to see that. A place was provided for them as they
pass on, wherein to abide, where they cannot contact or influence anyone on earth.
As was said in the early work, the Light would go on regardless of or despite of
any human being, and that there was no human being that was indispensable. However,
the hope was that great numbers of people would accept and profit by this Ascended
Master Instruction and make the Ascension. Since they have chosen not to do so the
Cosmic Law is now working it out in another way. Hence closing the door for
reembodiment so those individuals cannot further detain earth’s progress.
Christmas Season
Each year just preceding and during the Christmas season, the Cosmic Law
permits the opening of the Spiritual Highways between planets, stars solar systems and
galaxies over which travel Divine Beings from place to place.
The song of each lifestream forming his/her atmosphere, accompanied by the
radiant Beings that comprise his/her Court and who abide within his/her aura, many of
them being born of his/her own life essence.
As these Beings meet and pass each other in interstellar space, exchanging joyous
salutations, expressed in music and song, their happy vibrations mingle with and add to
the harmony of the Sphere. As these songs of praise rise in a mighty chorus of
thanksgiving to the Source of all life, the entire universe resounds with the joy,
gladness and goodwill that finds an answering echo even in the most dense earth
consciousness during the holy season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The very
ethers seems atremble with anticipation, joy and gladness and that holiday spirit which
penetrates even into the dense atmosphere of earth during the happy season of the
Christ Mass. It is a period of joy, happiness and freedom for these Beings for a short
time from their voluntary service to lesser evolutions.
Earth plays Host to many of these Beings, especially Shamballa.
Shamballa is open each year from November 15 through December 14. During
this time especially on the 30th is the time of bringing in the sheaves and harvest of the
year, for unascended mankind and for the Ascended Ones and Divine Beings who
render service to earth and its evolutions. These Beings each year endeavor to
complete that portion of their service which had been allotted to them at the beginning
of the year, by November 15th. During the period that Shamballa is open is vacation
time (so to speak) for them. They attend the Conclave there. Each is enfolded in the
radiance of the Lord of the World, and then goes to his/her own compartment which
he/she has there.
Here they reverse the currents of their consciousness preparatory to entering the
Great Silence where the pull of the earth ceases for them and the pull of the Source
becomes the magnetic attraction of their feelings. Thus the weight of earth and its needs
are no longer a suction on their consciousness and vital energies. When imbued with
the Silence they return to the great Hall where They mingle together comparing notes
about their work and enjoy the association of each other.
The Christ Spirit is an outpouring of Love and all the perfect qualities from the
Divine Beings. It pours over the earth like a golden rain of beautiful particles of Light.
Each particle is like a nine-pointed star. The entire lower atmosphere and the bodies of
mankind are enveloped in it. As it increases until Christmas when even the most coarse
consciousness can recognize it. To that outpouring is added the radiation from the
Retreats and Foci of Light.
The Christmas wreath manifests in the upper atmosphere over Retreats and other
places. This is a constant outpouring of a ring of Flame, qualified by a radiation of
peace and goodwill to men which goes to every particle of life on earth.
The Christmas season offers great opportunity for soul and spiritual growth, and
when one is aware of this potent force it can greatly intensify one’s spiritual progress.
During this time the atmosphere of earth is literally “star dust” which the people
unconsciously breathe in, filling their inner bodies with a sense of ease, peace and
happiness which they attribute to the “Spirit of Christmas”.
The Spirit of Christmas is real Being, whose name is Mary, and is the guardian
Spirit of the Christian Dispensation.
Many times a Master stands beside a Christmas tree, giving it radiance, warmth
and Light. Therefore when people are through with the trees, it is a good idea to burn
them rather than throw them carelessly aside. They have been Light Bearers, and
should be returned to the flame when their service is ended.
Whenever you refer to your Godhead or to Divinity use the words “I AM”, “I
AM” Presence, Beloved or Mighty I AM Presence. Do not keep on using your old
terminology, God, Father or whatever. Because they do not carry the same power as
the Words “I AM”. They do not release that vibratory action as when you say “My
Mighty I AM Presence” which releases its power into and through your body whenever
you say that. Whenever those words are said with great firmness and determination
then the energy of your Presence which beats your heart is intensified and released into
and through your body into action.
In case of an emergency if you will still yourself and say: “I AM, I AM, I AM,”
that will release the power of the Presence into action. When you firmly utter those
words, it is Divinity announcing its action and power at your point in the universe.
In each meeting, and each day privately, you can use breathing exercises, and
visualize the Flame from the Retreat that is open as you do the breathing.
The Rhythmic Breath: - the group Director can repeat out loud the four statements
seven of twelve times, to get the others into the rhythm, then do it silently also. During
the time Shamballa is open we will take the statement:
For Teton Retreat we will use: I AM inbreath-ing Pre-cipi-tation Flame. This
Retreat is open each year from December 15 through January 14; and from June 15
through July 14. The Karmic Board as a rule meets from December 26 to first part of
January. We plan to have classes here from Dec. 26 through Jan. 1st.
We who are familiar with the Ascended Master Teaching can give thanks and
gratitude to the Source, not only for the physical blessings, for the harvest, shelter and
food that sustains our bodies but give thanks for the spiritual sustenance of the souls,
and also for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the White Brotherhood who have served
during the past year.
May you all have a joyous Thanksgiving as it is known at inner levels.
May you all feel the great outpouring during this time from the Great Ones.
May the Cosmic outpouring From the Flame of Thanksgiving
Bring peace, Christmas Spirit, cheer, and bless you all through the year,
So long ago as the Wise Men Were guided to Bethlehem,
May you wherever you are, be guided by your own star.
V.1 N.5, January-February, 25 A.F. (1980)
Door Closes
In Washington’s Vision, when the Goddess of Liberty appeared to Washington in
the winter of 1777-78, she showed three scenes of peril to come upon this Republic, of
which the third would be the most fearful. The Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and the
third into which she said if it occurred, a Light as of a thousand suns would descend.
This would have occurred in the 1930’s but because there were enough students that
gave the obedience and made enough application through which the Great Ones could
dissolve and handle those accumulated dark forces to the point where it has not been
necessary as yet to release that Light as of a thousand suns to save this land and
If that action had taken place great numbers of people would have been thrown
out of embodiment. Since in the early work, some students have been expecting some
big event, a cataclysm or some such thing to happen to shock the people awake. Yet
what happens after a big damaging earthquake, etc.? The people that survive, when
they get over the shock, go right on in the same way they did before. Except a few, who
may start to do some thinking.
Even those who get awakened from within, so many of them when they get some
inner action, especially when they have some clairvoyance and/or clairaudience, feel
they can have their own contact with God and do not want to follow the instruction the
Ascended Masters have given. Often they get connected with the lower levels. Some
then feel they are going to bring forth the Teaching for the New Age. Yet the
understanding has been that what Saint Germain and the Great Ones gave in the 1930’s
and 1950’s, was it. We still have the Teaching Jesus is supposed to have given, not
something someone gave that came after Him.
The Dispensation of 20 years to give this Teaching to mankind ran out in 1952, but
the Masters Morya and Saint Germain were able to secure another 20-year
Dispensation. Early in the 1950’s it was said that when this time ran out the time would
not be extended further although Sanat Kumara said if necessary He would stay longer.
But the Karmic Board ruled that out. However, by the great work done through the
students Sanat Kumara was released January 1, 1956, because much necessary inner
work had been accomplished. Yet much more needed to be done (still does). If the axis
were straightened as some have claimed, then why are there still earthquakes taking
place and much destructive and wrong things manifesting on earth? All along a
cataclysm has been expected to take place to put an end to all of that.
Under this Dispensation it was permitted to bridge the gap between the human
consciousness and the Ascended Masters’ consciousness whereby the students could
be made aware of what the master’s Plan was and what was going on at inner levels.
Then those individuals by cooperating with the Masters and through the decrees and
songs released the energy and action which with the Brotherhood drew the power and
blessings that formerly acted only in the etheric realm, thus it was drawn into the
physical appearance world. In this way much destruction was averted, much of what
has been referred to as the Armageddon.
Hence at the end of the 20-year cycle, if no more time was allotted cataclysmic
action was expected. Since that did not take place in or around 1972, it was questioned
whether more time had been allowed. If both Atlantis and Lemuria are to arise much
earth change will have to take place. But instead of having a cataclysm before now,
since so much was accomplished in the 1930’s and 1950’s, evidently the Cosmic Law
is working it out in a more gradual and more harmonious way instead of great
cataclysmic action. Although the time not having been extended and no drastic change
taken place, but instead the door has been closed for reembodiment for those who have
not profited by the Ascended Masters’ Instruction. Evidently their bad karma will have
to be removed from earth and in this way will be brought about the end of human
creation – “the end of the world” that religious leaders have been prophesying about
and scaring the people into turning their possessions over to them. Human creation
refers to all human ways, all sense gratification, human concepts and desires, deceit,
trickery, crime, suffering, all tragedies, experimenting with impurities, etc. if raising a
family, (and animals do also, just by instinct) were the way to attain the goal, just about
everyone would be ascended.
At the end of each lifetime judgment is made as to what one did with the energy
during that time, how and for what that energy was used. As the earth moves into higher
frequency, individuals have to accelerate the energies of their lower bodies and be
able to fully control it, in order to go along with the planet. If there is a feeling of not
wanting to make that effort which is according to their free will, then that automatically
puts them with those who may not reembody. In this way they eliminate themselves
through free will.
Impersonal Service
In the past under the occult law, to develop spiritually one had to enter one of the
Ascended Master’s Retreats. In order to get in a Retreat one had to already be
developed to a certain point, which was beyond that of a truth-seeker in the outer
world now. In a Retreat one is severed and protected from the outer world activities,
here he could develop further which could only be done in a Master’s Retreat. By
adhering to the disciplines and persevering, still he might have to do that for several
embodiments before he passed the necessary initiations. He had to make some progress
or he would be asked to leave. Then when he did attain the ability to prolong life in the
physical body, which was the goal, then he could render the impersonal service
necessary in order to give somewhat of a balance back to life. This was required
before he could enter his eternal Freedom. This took many years, a hundred or several
hundred years, of impersonal service before he would complete the Ascension into the
Light. There are human beings in Retreats, yet they had to qualify to be admitted.
Now because of the great need and with the release of the Cosmic Light people in
the outer word while carrying on their daily activities can learn to render impersonal
service and accumulate merit towards their own individual Ascension. However,
service to the Light which is impersonal service is more than just some altruistic act.
Formerly the action was: first, self-development; second, service to the whole.
Now it is reversed, first comes service to the whole, and second self-development.
However, the second must not be neglected. If one had rendered sufficient impersonal
service to attain the Ascension, but had not purified and developed or conditioned his
lower bodies, he could not ascend until that was done.
When people begin to awaken spiritually they usually begin to want to do things
for others, whereas before they would only do for themselves, and family or close
friends. They begin to spread out a bit, and do more than just work for a pay check.
Some help with work in some altruistic organization, or do some church work.
However, usually the ego still wants credit, or it wants to see where it has done good.
Church people claim that what they are doing is serving God. Yet it is just holding
within a certain boundary of certain human concepts which they call serving God.
Metaphysical people operate within the boundary of certain metaphysical human
concepts, which they call truths.
One can do dozens of constructive things or be constructively occupied and yet
not be rendering impersonal service or fulfilling the Divine Plan of his/her lifestream.
Nor is just being a “do gooder” what is meant by serving the Light. People still have
free will to do other than work within the Divine Plan, and so keep on in the human
People in the outer world do not qualify to enter Ascended Master’s Retreats.
Now the students get their training and initiations right out here in their daily activities
under natural circumstances; instead of in the Retreats where most of the tests were
conjured up and brought about through projections. Under the Dispensations in the
1930’s and 1950’s, the Masters came where we were and gave this Teaching for the
New Age, instead of us going to Them. And too, they opened some Retreats and the
students could go there in their inner bodies while asleep.
In the 1930’s with the release of the Cosmic Light and the step-up of the activities
planetary and cosmic, some students in that period lived as much as it would have
taken seven or more embodiments previously. Then again in the 1950’s the service
rendered amounted to the equivalent of several more embodiments.
Daily application is necessary like eating and sleeping. Also if you want to have
money in the Bank, you have to put some there, and most people have to work to do it
and to get paid you have to comply with certain rules, schedules, etc. Application is
not just read, say or rattle off a bunch of decrees. One should practice getting still,
reading, studying and visualizing too.
It takes more than just not being negative, or being “harmless one” as they say in
the East. One has to make positive application. If you take a course in a cooking school
do you just study, and read cook books and recipes? If you do it will not do you much
good. The law does not apply itself. Arithmetic and mathematics do not apply
themselves, and results are only gotten when one applies or uses them. To just read a
book on the subject and enjoy the numbers lined up in a certain way does not get
results. That comes only when the operation of numbers understood and then put to use.
So it is with this Teaching of Law of Life.
The feeling of the Violet Flame is not an emotional activity, although that is what
the emotions want to do. The emotional body should be held still, and the Violet Flame
can be felt flowing through, but it can be flowing through even though you may not feel
It. To have motion in the emotional body does not mean that it is the Violet Flame
flowing through. It is not just a thought-form or the Violet Flame either.
The seventh 2,000 year cycle of the Cosmic cycle of 14,000 years, is to bring
forth on earth the perfection from the inner Spheres which has accumulated through the
six previous 2,000 year cycles.
“The activity of the Seventh Ray is the joining of the Elemental, the human and the
Angelic kingdoms in conscious cooperative service. It is the unifying of the
consciousness of the three elements who are enjoying the courtesy of earth’s
hospitality.” Master Morya .
Monthly Retreat:
Jan. 15 through Feb. 14, Transylvania Retreat of the Master Saint Germain, the
Freedom Flame, color: violet or purple. Statement: I AM inbreath-ing the Free-dom
Flame, (absorbing; expanding; projecting).
Feb. 15 through Mar. 14, the Darjeeling Retreat of the Master Morya. Statement: I
AM inbreath-ing the Will of God. Color: royal blue.
A Living Will
A Living Will is used not only by individuals; but lawyers, doctors, clinics,
religious and other groups make them available. Originally it was intended to be a
legal witnessed affirmation of belief in the individual’s right to determine the nature of
his/her own passing, to whatever extend possible. When made by a person in good
health, it would relieve both physician and family of all responsibility in his/her
decision. It was to be a means by which the individual could avoid being subjected to
the futile prolongation of the passing on process.
A Living Will is an assertion of the individual’s right to self-determination over
his/her own body. Thus is stated in writing the signer’s decision to exercise the right to
refuse treatment. The courts have uniformly held that it is an assault and battery upon a
person to administer medical treatment that he/she does not want.
It is a flexible document, and can be altered to suit personal wishes. Specific
statements can be added above the signature if one wishes. It may be best to have it
witnessed by other than blood relatives or beneficiaries of the individual’s property
will. It is a good idea to have it notarized.
1. Sign and date before two adult witnesses. 2. If you have a doctor, give him a
copy for your medical file and discuss it with him to make sure he is in agreement.
Give copies to those most likely to be concerned, those next of kin, spiritual advisors,
lawyer, and friends. Enter their names on bottom line of the Living Will. Keep the
original nearby, easily and readily available (not in a safety deposit box). 3. Discuss
your intentions with those closest to you. 4. It is a good idea to look over your Living
Will once a year (or at least every five years) and re-date it and initial the new date to
make it clear that your wishes are unchanged.
A Living Will
To my family, my physician, my lawyer, my spiritual advisor, to any medical
facility in whose care I happen to be, and all others whom it may concern:
The end of physical embodiment is a certainty in life here. Since there is no death
but just a change in existence which offers opportunity for a fuller life and
advancement, greater freedom, harmony and peace, there is (or should be) no fear
about passing on, and there should be no grief. One enters the sleep state daily and
while in that state functions in a body similar to the physical body but of a higher
vibratory action. At the time of passing there is only a slight difference from the sleep
state. That is, the life force is completely withdrawn by one’s higher self, and the
individual does not return into the physical body but stays in this other body.
If the time should come when I can no longer take part in decisions for my own
future, let this statement stand as an expression of my wishes and directions, while I am
still of sound mind.
If the situation should arise in which there is no reasonable expectation of my
recovery from physical or mental disability, I direct that I be allowed to pass on – let
nature take its course and not force sustained existence here, by medications, artificial
means or “heroic measures”. I therefore ask that the body be properly cared for, and in
mercy be made as comfortable as possible.
This statement is made after careful consideration and is in accordance with my
strong convictions and beliefs. The wishes and directions are expressed here with the
intention of relieving those to whom this Will is addressed of feeling responsible, and
placing the responsibility upon myself. Therefore I hope you will regard yourselves as
morally bound by these provisions.
Signed ______________________________
Date _______________________________
Witness _____________________________
Witness _____________________________
Copies of this request have been given to
V.1 N.6, March-April, 25 A.F. (1980)
Concerning Passing On
As a planet is being created or built, the Sun God and Goddess draw from the
Central Sun individualizations, individual Sparks or Flames. One can think of it as
similar to putting a stick in a fire in a fireplace and drawing forth an individual flame.
It has not left a hole in the big flame nor depreciated it in any way, and the small flame
can become as large as the other one.
While the planet is being prepared these individualizations who are to inhabit the
planet, are also being prepared. This takes place at inner levels in the inner Spheres.
They are not scattered into the universe, but abide at a definite place for training for a
definite purpose. The Cosmic Law to produce manifestation operates according to
principles and not in a haphazard way.
When the structure of the planet has been created, then a Being voluntarily offers
the substance of her body like Virgo did for the planet earth, to produce the substance
of earth dense enough to serve as a platform. However, originally this was not nearly
as dense as now. Then a Being like Neptune offers the substance of His body for the
water, and a Being like Aries offers the substance of her body as the air and
atmosphere around the planet.
Originally all the substance of earth, water and air, and the four lower bodies
were of a higher vibratory rate. But after mankind had created a certain amount of
discord all this had to be lowered in order for the outer self to function.
When man lost the use of the Light Rays by which even the physical bodies were
created, evidently this was the time the Christ Self (Higher Mental Body) relinquished
its authority over the outer self. Then the design and functions of the physical body
were changed; and then gradually the present means of birth came about. Evidently
here is when there was assigned to each lifestream a Body elemental to help carry on
the functions of the physical body.
Originally there was no loss of memory from one embodiment to the next. There
was no waste from bodily function as now, no pain nor distress.
We will deal here with the four lower bodies, the three higher ones remain
perfect, never did and never will accept vibrations below a certain point.
When an individualization has been prepared at inner levels and is ready to
embody on a planet the following which takes considerable time, takes place.
A mental body is created out of the finest part of the air. An emotional body is
created out of the finest part of the water element. An etheric body, a replica of the
Christ Self is created out of the finest part or electronic substance of the earth
substance. This then serves as the pattern upon which the physical body is created by
drawing together certain substance of earth, water and air.
The elemental substance and energy which is used to fashion the physical body in
which the individual must function is the personal heritage endowed by nature to him.
Those elements that make up one’s physical body are now the same ones that have been
used by the Builders of Form every time he/she has taken embodiment. Those elements
have been charged with the tendencies of one’s nature, habits, patterns and plans.
Mother Mary uses the best to fashion the heart, and the better ones are saved for the
outside so one looks comparatively good.
After passing on, the substance of the physical body returns to the source, the
general reservoir of substance or matter which constitutes the body of the planet. These
same elements are used in each succeeding embodiment. They rest in between and
when the time comes for reembodiment, that substance is re-assimilated to form the
physical body. The elements at the end of their service are returned to their source,
indicating that man did not come up through or develop from mineral to vegetable, to
animal, then to human being, as some theorize, and even the individualized Flame
returns to Its Source in the Ascension.
(To be continued in next issue)
When all of the family is interested, application can be made together. When not
then that one has to find a time and place to do it. At times when a need comes up to
make application and there is no suitable place one can have at least a few minutes
privacy in the bathroom.
Religion is a form of worship of some idol, and by it get enough appeasement to
survive and keep on functioning. It is a belief in an abstract God.
Philosophy is a resignation to conditions in a positive way and keep on
functioning in that way.
Law of Life Teaching of the Ascended Masters, is to understand and by right
application change the earthly conditions back into perfection as it should be and as it
was in the beginning.
Monthly Retreat:
March 15 through April 14, Resurrection Temple,
Statement: I AM inbreath-ing Res-urrec-tion Flame; (absorbing, expanding,
April 15 through May 14, focus at Kashmir:
Statement: I AM inbreath-ing Illu-mina-tion Flame.
We plan to have classes here April 3, 4, 5, 6. Also here June 24 through July 6.
This issue completes Vol. 1 of the Enlightener. So those of you who are interested
in receiving further issues please let us know. As we intend to send it only to those
who desire to receive it and not to others, so as not to impose it upon anyone.
Copies of Vol. 1 available.
Cremation hastens the release or detachment of the spiritual elements from the
lower, and aids in dispersing the lower etheric part or element, freeing the individual
from the physical plane. The consciousness or the inner man has not changed, he/she is
still the same, and more alive than before, and is responsive to the emotional (astral)
body, to the mental condition he/she had in life here, and to the voice of the Christ Self.
So there should be no objection to cremation of the body as it is the cleanest way
to handle it and it even helps free the individual on the other side.
Through cremation the elements, the substance of elemental life of which the body
is composed, instead of having to undergo disintegration or decay, is returned more
quickly and in a clean way back to the source, or universal, as some term it, than any
other way.
Cremation makes indoor burial possible if desired, but no burial is necessary.
Thus thousands of acres of land might be restored to better uses than that of being the
receptacle of decaying bodies, and psychic spots. In some places cemeteries are a real
problem. They are an expense, an inconvenience and can even be an actual danger.
We can look forward to the day when cemeteries will be no more, and cremation
will be enforced for sanitation and health reasons.
When the physical body is cremated, the fire transmutes the qualities of discord
which have been imposed upon the physical substance, it also releases destructive
elements in the emotional and etheric bodies. This is much needed to help bring about
the purification of the psychic-astral realm, which handicaps embodying individuals.
But to transmute the etheric records of imperfection in the etheric body the use of the
Violet Flame and the assistance of the Ascended Masters is required.
The misuse of energy, of life, caused the lowering of the vibratory action of the
bodies of the people and then also of the planet. So the bodies became less luminous
and heavier in weight and the excrements of impurity from the bodies began the
creation of that which is so aptly called “soil”. This has taken the place of the original
substance which was similar to alabaster.
The decaying bodies of the “dead” have been buried within the earth for ages and
the elemental beings, the gnomes have had unpleasant task of completing the
dissolution of these bodies. In the process of embalming the task of decomposing these
bodies was made more difficult for these elemental beings who had to suffer the
presence of them in their element and home.
When the physical body is buried the corpse or more dense substance of the
etheric and emotional bodies may hover there for a long time, and sometimes until the
physical body is completely disintegrated. The individual that has passed on of course
is not there. The mummifying process, and also the embalming practiced in the West,
have caused them to endure sometimes for centuries, particularly when the person had
been evil in character. This etheric portion (or shell which is the misqualified energy
that cannot enter the higher etheric or realms of Light) could be possessed by an evil
force, an evil elemental being, or a discarnate entity (previous to the removal of all of
them from earth). This is the cause of attacks and disasters which befall those who
discover and open up ancient tombs.
By cremating the physical body the destructive element in the emotional body is
also transmuted, thus loosening the desire to be taught. All atomic structure comes
within the physical domain. The emotional which is the astral is partly physical.
Cremation is the most appropriate, sanitary and clean way of disposing of the
body (rendering putrefying matter wholly innocuous in a short time) imposing no
impurity upon nature and with no attendant peril to the living, the Elementals as well as
human beings. Through cremation the elements of the body are freed and returned back
to their original source.
Pastor Perry C. Hopper says: There is no justification for opposition to cremation
from the religious point of view. There is no specific instruction as to mode of burial
given anywhere in the 66 books of the Bible, though there are numerous references
indicating that cremation was a common practice among ancient people.
In Alice Bailey’s literature is pointed out that when the thread of consciousness
had been withdrawn from the head and the thread of life from the heart the individual is
truly “dead” so-called. When that has been scientifically established by the doctor,
when it has been ascertained that no spark of life remains, then cremation can take
place. That some things stated in theosophical literature concerning the subtle bodies
had no real basis. It might be good to wait 12 hours, to be sure the person has really
passed on. If further delay is necessary to comply with municipal requirements or
because of family feeling or situation, cremation should take place within 36 hours of
In the “I AM” Discourses by the Great Divine Director (Vol. 8) page 395-6, it
says for the students who come to the point of passing on, to give the firm command
that the body not be embalmed but be kept refrigerated or in a cool place for three
days, then cremated. That by following this instruction would enable the full complete
activity to take place that was required.
In case this is not possible then do what can be done. The Presence and the
Masters know the situation and will work accordingly. But avoid embalming and get
the body cremated whenever possible. This is important.
If the situation should arise where advance arrangements had not been made to
keep the body refrigerated for three days and it was not possible to attain that, then
instead of having it embalmed, it would be preferred to have it cremated, according to
requirements of the law although it is before the expiration of three days.
It is the nature of the physical substance of the body to start to disintegrate as soon
as life is withdrawn. Therefore in case of those who do not understand this law and
have not made the necessary application, of course the body should not be embalmed
either, but in these cases it may be best to cremate the body as soon as arrangements
can be worked out.
V.2 N.1, May-June, 26 A.F. (1980)
Ascension Day
May 15, this year is the day recognized as the anniversary of the Master Jesus’
Ascension. He came and left the example of the Ascension which is the goal of every
individual who takes embodiment on earth. Through His mission and example nearly
2,000 years ago, now at the close of that cycle everyone on earth should have attained
to exemplifying the Christ as He did. But mankind is far short of that, and some things
have gotten much perverted. “Saved by the blood of Christ”, does not come through or
because a Christ died on the cross 2,000 years ago. But comes about when a human
being has been purified sufficiently whereby the quality of the Christ, the Christ life
and consciousness can be expressed through that one.
However, the Cosmic Law is stepping-up and increasing the vibratory action to
bring about the purification of the earth. For this purpose the New Teaching of
Ascended was brought forth. Thus giving the knowledge of the I AM Presence, and
also of the Transmuting Violet Flame and Its use. These actions must be consciously
called forth in order to attain the goal, the Ascension.
The Cosmic Law through the Cosmic Light can supersede human free will. Hence,
the door is closed for those who do not qualify to make the Ascension under the New
Dispensations nor qualify to reembody.
Concerning passing on
Death, so-called, is not understood and is therefore an enigma to most people. But
it lies ahead of every person. It is something that should be thought about and
discussed, and not shunned. Through correct thinking one can prepare for it while in
good health. It is something that we are made aware of very frequently.
To get an intelligent comprehension of the reality, the concept of continuity of life
of one entity or individualization, in many lifetimes in physical bodies having various
experiences, will eliminate fear of death. It also helps to learn about the inner Realms
or Spheres and what takes place when one passes on. We have on much more
information on it now in this Ascended Masters’ Teaching, and with sufficient
understanding of the I AM Presence, that eliminates all fear of death.
The fear of death is founded upon the love of and attachment to form, Physical
bodies and things of the outer world. It is based upon the mental uncertainty as to the
fact of permanent existence or immortality of the individual. The outer self questions as
to where, after passing, is that part that identifies itself as an individual that says “I”
and “I AM” that part that activated the personality.
Fear of passing on is due to the fact of people identifying themselves with the
physical body, and the fear of loss and loneliness. However, loneliness after birth is
far greater, when one has left his friends and associates at inner levels and comes into
a physical body which is incompetent to take care of itself. He is in new surrounding
and unable with which to make intelligent contact for a long time. He does not identify
those with which he has relationship, and only later makes friends of his own. After
passing on it is quite different, the individual retains the memory of the physical life,
and contacts those he knew here during earth life. He does not experience loneliness as
human beings do here. When one is born he is like in a prison, and when one passes on
that is a step towards liberation.
Some think a person that has passed on is in the coffin or grave, yet if that were
the case then the body would be alive. The only reason the body is so-called dead is
because he/she is no longer in it. Then how can one be in the grave?
Think of some dream you had which was most real. You can probably recall that
you had or were in a body similar to your physical body. You functioned in it, moved
about, perhaps talked, you could think, feel, see, hear, perceive, comprehend, yet you
had no physical brain or body. When one reembodies, if he could recall it through the
physical brain, passing on would be a familiar experience.
Every time we go to sleep we go through the same process as when we pass on.
So we already have much practice. Because in the brain consciousness we do not
retain nor recall passing from or leaving the physical body, hence we do not relate
passing on (so-called death) with sleep. When we go to sleep we die to the world and
function elsewhere. After passing on there is little difference from sleep. One’s
consciousness and sense awareness are practically the same, one is free from physical
limitations. He is well take care of, and goes on living with similar interests as before.
He is alive and functioning elsewhere.
The only difference is that in sleep the current of energy which constitutes the path
of return to the body, the Ray of Light from the I AM Presence sustaining the Flame in
the heart is kept intact. Whereas is so-called death the Flame or spark in the heart has
been drawn out by the Christ Self and the connection with the physical body is broken.
In passing on there is no rending process, as is dreaded by some. Even in violent death
there is only an instant when imminent peril may be sensed, which might be similar to
an electric shock. In some cases there is some struggle in trying to longer hold onto the
body. The outer or human forces do not want to let go.
At the end of a life span the Christ Self directs It’s attractive power intentionally,
so as to offset the attractive power in outer world living. This can be seen in
individuals, they become less and less interested in things, their interest wanes
. The passing comes by the steady withdrawing of the life force and etheric body
from the physical body until all contact is severed with the outer world.
The instant that a human being passes on his aura begins to disintegrate and soon
it is felt no more. That is why individuals can be so sentimental about the dead that
they quarreled with and resented in so-called life 24 hours before. Because when the
thinking, feeling, memory soul-self is removed, the pressure of that aura is no longer an
irksome thing and the shell which lies serene in the coffin causes no distress.
In cases of sudden death so-called, in accidents, fire, scalding, etc., the Christ
Self seeing what the extent will be, draws the consciousness out just ahead of the
action, and therefore the individual does not really suffer like people imagine.
In the last 40 some years there has been much change at inner levels for those who
pass on. Temples and schools have been set up in the etheric realm around the earth
and lower Light Realms, where they can learn the law and put it into practice. Whereas
this was not available previously, when those who were earth-bound stayed in the
atmosphere of earth and tried to gratify their desires they had on the earth. The others
went to some Light Realms, where they got some training if they chose to do so of their
own free will, but it was not required of them. Some entered their Christ Self (Higher
Mental Body) and functioned therein. Their human creation of course had to remain in
the atmosphere of earth. But they all knew in their inner consciousness that to further
their evolution and attain the goal, they had to reembody. In the freedom of the inner
bodies all desire the opportunity to embody and make things right. It has always been
so because that was the only way one could gain his eternal Freedom, the Ascension.
That is why so many clamor to come back into embodiment regardless of the
conditions here. While on the other side they are not limited like here and can see what
can or could be done. However, when they get here they get bogged down with wrong
food and drinks, wrong objectives, human concepts and desires, and maybe at the end
of that life span go back with more bad karma than what they had when they came into
These things are to change into right spiritual understanding, correct
psychological training, and conditions and habits that produce good health instead of
the opposite.
Since December 3, 1939, no disembodied has been allowed to remain in the
atmosphere of earth over the United States, and for more than 20 years that has
prevailed all over the earth.
The soul, that is, the individual, the consciousness which is the sum total of one’s
use of life through his own free will, the thinking, feeling, memory soul-self, is what
leaves the physical body at so-called death, as he/she leaves the body he/she is met by
a Being of Light usually by an Angel.
Medical science needs to return from a complexity of drugs and operations to
simple methods of an understanding of the right use of the energies coming from the
Christ Self through the etheric body to the physical body.
Later on in the New Age man will get back to longevity, then a person will pass
on only when his/her life work or service for that lifetime is completed. This will
depend on what the planned service is. Passing on will be controlled by the will of the
individual. When the work is finished he/she will just cease breathing.
As we progress into the New Age the attitude about passing on will change. A
new concept will be taught, emphasizing conscious withdrawal from the body, and
family and friends share in the preparation for it. The crematory (instead of funeral)
services will be happy events because it is understood the departed one has been
released and returns to a better life.
In the early ages before there was discord on earth, human beings and the
Elementals consciously controlled the vibratory action of their bodies. During the
entire time of manifestation the vibratory action of the form was held in the rhythm set
by the consciousness, which was harmonious, beautiful and part of the music of the
Spheres. There was no disintegrating, decaying or dissolving action in their bodies.
When their service for that embodiment was finished the body was consciously
dissolved. The component parts released to the accompaniment of music, color, tone
and perfume for the return to the Sun of the system for re-polarization. This dissolution
of form was a beautiful rhythmic and natural activity.
On Atlantis before the last remnant sank, the constructive transmuting activity of
the Three-fold Flame was visible to the people. This was used in place of our present
method of cremation, and it will come forth again in the New Age. The Flame stood
there and when a body was placed in it, it instantly disappeared.
Cremation is an ancient practice. Among the Athenians it was a universal custom,
but due to the extravagant funeral pyre, which became an abuse, there was a gradual
return to earth burial when Greece and Rome were at the height of their glory. Only
persons of affluence continued cremation and urn burial. Magnificent funeral pyres
were accorded kings held in great favor, those in disfavor were given earth burial.
There is no teaching in the Bible which forbids cremation. (1 Samuel 31:12; 1
Corinthians 15:50, 53, 54; II Chronicles 16:14.)
The burial of the vast number of corpses through the ages has produced taints in
the soil infecting the vegetable kingdom and also mankind, which out-pictures in the
form of cancer. The roots of this disease are deep-seated in the emotional body, so as
mankind develops right emotional control and as the use of the processes of cremation
increases this condition will improve, gradually the taint will disappear. When
cremation becomes a universal practice, there will be a minimizing of disease, people
will have more vitality and live longer. There will be less effort expended to combat
disease therefore greater usefulness and the Divine Self or Christ Self can have greater
expression. All nature can then manifest more perfectly too.
When bodies are buried the Elemental Beings have to work on that decaying
substance for years. In July 1954, Oromasis asked the Karmic Board for a grant to
immediately dissolve and transmute all deceased forms as soon as they were buried.
We were not told whether or not that was granted. Therefore, the Elementals would not
have to work on that decaying substance.
A little clear thinking will remove objections to cremation. When one cannot
accept cremation for disposing of the body, the shell after passing, it is because of
mass pressure in his consciousness. He still has too much attachment with the body. He
does not fully realize the separation and the separateness of the real self from the
physical body and that the body is but a vehicle or garment he wears.
Incoming Children
Early in the year right after the Teton Activities, for a few months the Karmic
Board selects the lifestreams who are to embody that year. At the same time those who
volunteer to embody present their petitions. During this time preparation goes on for
their embodiment, Mother Mary.
During the mystic month of May the Lords of Karma draw together all the
lifestreams that have been chosen to embody within that 12 month cycle. All the
potential mothers of the race are also brought, in their inner bodies to the assembly and
each soul meets and embraces the mother chosen, for reasons of past ties, karmic debts
or potential service, to be the channel through which the soul shall secure a body.
To give assistance to these lifestreams, the decree in Decree Book page 39 #6 can
be used. We can also call to the I AM Presence Ascended Masters and Angelic Host
for the protection, purification, illumination and whatever assistance is required by the
prospective and also expectant parents.
Some do not want to take the responsibility, and many rebel at being caused to
fulfill the service for which they engaged their senses. Because of the stillborn,
miscarriages and the abortions (which from the inner standpoint is the same as murder)
not all will get through into embodiment. Those who lose their opportunity to secure a
body, in such cases they suffer,(From Orion and Uriel).
Why incoming souls are given (through birth) and designated into the keeping of
those who do not want them may be because a certain number are to come in each year,
and karmic ties play an important part of fulfilling the Divine Plan .
The outer self does not know what his accumulation of the past is. So it is
important to call to the I AM Presence to use the Transmuting Violet Flame through the
four lower bodies. Unless that is done efficiently the whole accumulation of the past
can rush in upon one (the creator) in case he got very discordant. Call the Presence to
set the Transmuting Violet Flame into action and keep It surging through you like water
through a hose under hydraulic pressure all day and night, to transmute every
discordant thing you have ever created.
Not knowing what your accumulation is, take no chances. The Violet Flame will
not hurt you, but It will keep the accumulations of the past from coming into expression.
At least two or three times a day call the Presence and Christ Self into action to set the
Transmuting Violet Flame into dynamic action and keep It sustained. Then in case you
forgot, It would still go on, as the Christ Self takes up our commands and carries them
out. But if you try to do it with your outer self, you are just wasting your time. You
cannot do these things physically, except to make the call. The Christ Self is the
director of the energy which renders this service to you. Therefore charge It to render
this service.
May 15 through June 14, Ascension Temple at Luxor, color, white. Statement: I
AM inbreath-ing As-cen-sion Flame; (absorb-ing; expand-ing; project-ing).
June 15, Teton Retreat, color, green. I AM inbreath-ing pre-cipi-tation Flame.
The Karmic Board meets the last week of June. Read up on the Teton Activities
during this time. Class will be held here June 24 through July 6.
After Passing On
Those who know nothing of the use of the Violet Fire are then taken to the River
of Violet Flame (spoke of in mythology as The River Styx). This river has been
provided at inner levels for the purification of those lifestreams from as much
discordantly qualified energy as possible, before either going to the Sleepers’ Realm
or before appearing before the Karmic Board to receive their assignments of study and
service at inner levels between embodiments. The psychic-astral realm is the realm in
which the outer bodies, mind and feeling worlds of earth’s evolutions abide (it
interpenetrates our outer world activities).
The Sleepers’ Realm is place provided for a period of rest, because of strain and
stress while in embodiment, one may choose to sleep for a while. He may need some
time of absolute peace where there is neither thought nor conscious feeling, before he
is able to absorb any of the good at inner levels. They are permitted to stay there no
longer than three months. TDB 476
The beauty of this Violet Fire River is indescribable; therefore Its appearance
does not frighten these souls who have passed on, when they are invited to step into It
and bath in Its substance. This Violet Fire then dissolves much of the causes and cores
of the physical distresses of the individual’s past earth life, especially those which
caused their recent demise. TDB 464
Then they are called to appear before the Karmic Board after having been bathed
in the River of Violet Fire, or come from the Sleeper’s Realm, or having just been
released from the physical body, legions of Violet Fire Angels surround the building.
They provide an atmosphere of purifying Violet Fire, so that every soul who, as he
appears before Karmic Board in the etheric body, must pass through Their radiation as
they enter these Halls. The Angels help them by transmuting some of their karma,
whatever the Law allows so they can make a better showing. TDB 464
After this, they are assigned to a sphere, the consciousness determines this, whose
vibratory action is comfortable city or country whatever they like best. Some of these
Angels go with them to their places of abode. There they abide making new
associations and friends. Now it is required after passing on, they go to school and
learn the Law of Life. They are required after passing on, they go to school and learn
the Law of Life. They are required to study, make application and render service each
day. They can advance rapidly or slowly even as here on earth.
They are given instruction and assistance according to their capacity to
understand, absorb, digest and assimilate the Truth of Life. None are committed to
punishments for the sake of chastisement. Although some through learning the lessons
of cause and effect, do temporarily suffer, and in that suffering, build into their
consciousness a realization of right and wrong. TDB 445
While the individual is in the inner realms the etheric body gradually throws off
the appearances of age and disintegration of the earth life, because it mirrors that
which it sees and by which it is surrounded. It takes on the appearance of those Beings
around it. When an awakened individual passes on the etheric body begins to throw off
the appearance of age, because everyone in the inner realms has returned to about a 35-
year age. In a few years the etheric body of the newly passed again assumes an
appearance of youth.
The etheric body is an amalgamation of all the energies which animate the
physical body during a lifetime. In occult literature it is referred to as the vital body,
and the etheric body or double, is the counterpart of the physical body. It is the energy
body, and is larger than the physical body. The centers or chakras are located in it, also
underlying force threads which are the counterpart of the nervous apparatus – the
nerves and the nerve ganglia.
Out of the etheric substance the finest part of the earth element, was created the
etheric body, within which is the Light pattern, the points of Light. TDB 89
The etheric body being the memory world of the individual, it carries the records
of every experience of each embodiment and those in between embodiments. The
etheric records of the earth life determines the pattern of the etheric body which the
soul occupies at inner levels in between embodiments. TDB 441
The etheric body is a mirror, it is its nature. It mirrors all experiences. The etheric
body takes on the form and shape of the thoughts and feelings. When an individual
passes on, his etheric body looks just like his prostrate form. If it is shriveled up and
worn out, it looks like that.
One’s karma is the result of all the activities of the soul of all previous lives. The
pattern for the new body is determined by that which the soul has earned in the past. If
many of the etheric records are of a destructive nature, when embodying again, the
Body Elemental copies that karmic pattern. This causes the distortion of the physical
form. TDB 441
The individuals go in their etheric bodies to the Temples, but the physical
substance which will make the body for the next earth life, will cause the Body
Elemental and the etheric body (again) to be misshapen if such is the type of garment
which the soul has earned. There is often rebellion in the Body Elemental and
rebellion in the etheric body when it is required to enter into a grotesque or misshapen
form, because of the freedom, lightness and happiness it has had. TDB 455-6
The time of sojourn in the inner Realms is determined by many things. They abide
here until the time comes when the same Karmic Board measures the consciousness of
these beings before reembodying. TDB 448-9
There is no death but life everlasting, and each individual is sent back to earth
until he becomes master of his life, of the energy of his thoughts, feelings, spoke words
and acts. TDB 48
It is a scientific fact that the weight of an individual’s karma is carefully taken into
consideration by the Karmic Board before he enters and earth life. For every person
who embodies, thus revivifying his own karma through his soul consciousness, there
must be removed through the gates of so-called death another individual, whose karma
then lies quiescent during the period of mercy while he abides at inner levels. Because
the earth is a schoolroom ordained by Cosmic Law for certain experiences of
emotional control, and because there has been no other suitable place found which is
ready or willing to accept these people, they must return again and again until they find
the mastery which is their reason for embodiment. TDB 449
Those elements that make up your bodies are now the same ones that have been
used by the Builders of Form every time you have taken embodiment. After passing on
those elements rest for the time being, until that individual takes embodiment again.
Those elements have been charged with the tendencies of one’s nature, those habits,
patterns and plans and that is all that Mother Mary has to work with. She uses the best
to make the heart, the better are saved for the outside so one looks comparatively good.
Deep inside are the elements, earth, water, and air, which never see the light of day nor
the sun. Kwan Yin, TDB 452
After the heart is fashioned, these individuals wait in the inner Realms until they
are called for reembodiment. Within the year conception takes place on earth for each
one and they come into the world of form in physical birth. TDB 453
In 1939 Mighty Cosmos said that the students’ application, especially in groups
meant the release of the earth from all destruction, and without this it would not be
possible. Because the call from human beings is necessary to bring this about. Besides
rendering this service for the rest of the world the students were gaining freedom for
Remember in your application that the mental and feeling world of mankind are
one, therefore in the mighty decrees there go forth waves or pulsations of Light through
the mental and feeling world of mankind. The inner action goes on although there is no
outer manifestation.
V.2 N.3, September-October, 25 A.F. (1980)
Passing On
The passing on at the end of a life span is normal and should be considered thus
and not as an unexpected event. The cause behind sudden deaths so-called, of being
catapulted from the body, may be because of past relationships and obligations, or in
some cases the Higher or Christ Self leaves the door of protection open permitting it to
happen to more quickly obliterate past penalties due. It was said of a student’s son,
around 20 years of age, who went out in an auto accident, that because of heavy or
certain bad karma, he would have had a tough time in life, and this way he could better
make progress. The cause may also be by reasons of group conditioning, having set up
karmic conditions through relationships and obligations in group involvement in the
past. It is noticeable, that many have been going out in groups.
Disease can be call or method used for the body to give up and let the soul go free
so it can enter other services, or have better opportunity to make progress.
Instead of looking at so-called death in horror, realize it is a beneficent friend.
A certain percentage of so-called death is caused by the individual’s thought and
feeling, his own human creation. It is his energy, his intelligence acting. When that
portion comes to a certain point, it can shut off one’s heart action, or any function of his
body. The outer self not understanding this and not having the feeling that it can be
changed, it therefore acts according to the power and quality with which the energy has
been charged.
When the will-to-live in the physical body ceases the individual passes on. Also
when life, the real part or Christ Self of the individual demands change; that then gives
opportunity for something better.
The Life principle, the stream of energy from the individualized God Presence,
the I AM Presence is anchored in the heart, at the time of passing this is withdrawn.
There is also a stream or thread of energy anchored in the brain. In sleep only this
stream of energy is withdrawn, and the individual is no longer conscious or aware of
the physical. But his attention is focused on the inner world and he functions in his
inner body, the etheric body. When passing on both streams are withdrawn which is the
Ray of Light from the Presence, but he retains his mental consciousness and feeling
world which function within the etheric body.
While one sleeps that part of himself is out of the physical body. To operate on a
body they drive out the consciousness so the body does not register pain. During this
time the physical body does not register anything. Only when the consciousness is in
the body again will it register what goes on in the world or the body.
That shows that the physical body is not really you, but is only a vehicle in which
you function.
At the time of so-called death that one just steps out of the physical body and
functions in the etheric body with the mental and feeling faculties in it, just the same as
when one sleeps. So one is still alive just the same as before. According to the way of
one’s thinking in his outer self or consciousness does he have, or function in a body
after passing on.
There are two main openings in the human body through which to leave the body,
go to sleep and re-enter, wake up. When it is done consciously it should always be
through the top of the head, not through the solar plexus which is the other opening.
The trend of one’s life tendency and where he focused his attention during life
determine the mode of exit when passing on. The undeveloped human beings, who are
polarized in the physical and emotional (astral) bodies, infants and animals, go out
through the solar plexus. The initiates, the spiritual, students, advanced mental types,
the more evolved, the thinking rational individuals go out through the top of the head.
For the aspirant, the average intelligent person, the one of goodwill, the well-meaning
citizen, the philanthropic worker, there is now in temporary use an opening just below
the apex of the heart.
Most people live to a great extent focused in the emotional body. For the vast
majority of people their consciousness is focused in the solar plexus thus connected
with the astral plane, and the world of glamour. These emotionally or astral polarized
people, those whose animal nature is strong, exit through the solar plexus.
Clairvoyance comes about when the center between the eyebrows or the solar
plexus center is awakened. In most cases it is the latter.
After passing on the individual is distinctly aware of himself, and has a much
clearer perception. He still has the same desires and consciousness. He is on the inner,
which is a plane, level, realm or sphere of higher vibratory action than the physical. It
is not a locality, but is essentially a state of consciousness.
Here on the physical plane our brain registers the succession of events which to
us is time. There, on the other side, the individual has no brain, and time is non-existent
as we know it. The sequence of events and states of consciousness we call time. Time
is only known in outer world experience.
The moment the individual is completely disconnected from the physical body,
there is a moment of direct contact with the Higher or Christ Self and he is aware of
past and present. This takes place with everyone no matter how undeveloped. That
contact acts as a pull on him and the Christ Self responds briefly, just for a moment. In
that response he sees like on a map his experiences of the life just passed. He has a
sense of timelessness. He now also becomes aware of the future; past, present and
future he sees as one. He is fully conscious, although he has no brain, and the emotional
vortices or swirls are no more. Sex as it is known in the outer is nonexistent. The
individual is now free from the main animal impulses which are accepted as normal
and even right in the outer world. He has a much greater awareness of the surrounding
states of consciousness. His experiences are richer and fuller, he is more keenly aware
than while in embodiment.
On the inner they know that rebirth is a law and governs the outer or physical
world living. They also realize that up to the time of attaining the goal, which is the
Ascension into the Light that in between embodiments they just pass through an
Temples of worship have been established in the psychic-astral realm for
orthodox people and those who do not have the knowledge and understanding of the
Sacred Fire. Through ordinary prayer force and devotional singing, which is utilized
by the Devas to melt away karma, they can expiate karma after passing on. Like going
to church they voluntarily enter the temples and these activities until they can come to
the knowledge of the Sacred Fire.
One of the saddest partings is on the inner (far more so than when one passes on
here on earth) when the soul is bound round (with the band of forgetfulness), the
shining wings pinioned, the blazing light of the eyes dimmed, the kiss of the Master
placed on the forehead (of those who have individually come under a Master) and
down into forgetfulness the hope of man (the individual) descends. The consciousness
enveloped in the earth shroud and passes from the blazing glory of Light, from the inner
Realms into a body of flesh.
Suggestions in regard to when one is about to pass on: Let the room be as silent as
possible. This helps the departing one make preparation for leaving. Most or nearly all
are aware of what is happening, and are not unconscious as seems to be the case. They
are still conscious but unable to generate the energy which would indicate aliveness,
and the will to express is paralyzed. This is indicative of the Christ Self (Higher
Mental Body) being in charge, evidently utilizing the energy on preparation for leaving.
The room should be light, not dark. The creative Word “I AM” can be repeated
(mentally) when in the room with others who do not understand.
In case of burning incense, only sandalwood should be used, this is the incense of
the First Ray. Passing on is an action of the First Ray, since the individual is leaving
the body to disintegrate, and to enter a different life.
When the time comes that fear of death is no more, the time of passing will be
regarded as a happy and destined release. It will be utilized by relatives and friends of
the departing one, they will rejoice with him/her at leaving the physical body and
entering into a new life of freedom and peace in inner Realms.
Those understanding this Teachings, can call for and visualize the Violet Flame in,
through and around the person. We can make the call: “Beloved I AM Presence, take
command and be the only Presence acting here. Beloved Master Saint Germain and
Hilarion make and give “name” and easy, peaceful passing. Beloved Archangel
Michael cut him/her free from all human creation, and have one of Your Legion take
him/her to the Halls of Karma, the Sleepers’ Realm or wherever is right.” Visualize the
departing one in or surrounded by Light, and pour out love to him/her.
A coma comes about when the ray of energy anchored in the brain is withdrawn
by the Christ Self, thus the consciousness, that part that is conscious and has awareness
through the brain structure, is gone. Yet the Ray of Light anchored in the heart which
keeps life in the body is not withdrawn. The consciousness ray is a part of the Ray
anchored in the heart. Coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness under the
direction of the Christ Self when the life begins to be withdrawn from the physical
Nonresistance, the overpowering willingness to pass on, psychologically governs
coma. Life can be prolonged in the physical body after the will of the Christ Self is
toward the withdrawal of the life. The life of the atoms can be fostered for a long time,
thus keeping the body alive. This distresses the spiritual person who is aware of it and
of the intent of the Christ Self. The physical body is kept alive but the interest of the
individual is focused elsewhere.
In some cases a state of coma is for the purpose to give the physical body time to
get a grip upon the organism and restore health. In other cases the reason for it is, that
the Christ Self seeks to withdraw the life from the physical body but the integrated life
of the physical body is in great conflict with it. And the Body Elemental which has
been charged and has taken on certain or all kinds of human desires, evidently does not
want to let go.
Cremation by flame is preferred, but some crematories use other methods. Such as
intense heat, which dries out all fluid substance of the body and lets all gases escapes.
This dehydration process leaves rather large pieces or recognizable fragments of bone.
In some places by special request the remains after cremation can be pulverized. This
is much preferred for desired disposal of the cremains (as the remains or ashes are
now called) in swiftly running water, returning them to the water element. In much of
the country swiftly running water is not available, so the cremains could be scattered
by the wind in the woods or fields.
Columbus Day
Remember Columbus (Oct. 12) now our beloved Master Saint Germain, opening
the way for the Light to come forth in the only spot on earth where that could be done.
The magnetic pull of Lord Zadkiel’s Temple now in the etheric, drew him off his
charted course and thus landing where Cuba now is. In the New Age these Temples are
to be built again and manifest in the outer world.
America’s Independence
On Fourth of July we celebrate the Declaration of Independence, although they
did not get independence then. The signing of the Declaration of Independence was the
instrument by which the 13 Colonies declared what their aim was, but that did not give
them independence, although they had been fighting for it. They kept on fighting for
years and more help from abroad was desperately needed when France came to their
assistance, with troops as well as more money and supplies.
The enthusiasm for liberty spread all over France and more men wanted to come
than they had boats at the time. Although France was still at war with England, the
objective was to help the Americans gain republican liberty.
Without the French who were experienced in warfare, the States could not have
gained their independence.
Coming of Christ
The coming of Christ can mean the manifesting of the Christ Self through human
beings, and also the time when Ascended and Divine Beings not only Jesus will
associate with mankind in a tangible form, as was the case ages ago. This will take
place when people have developed sufficiently and express enough of Christ
In the Statements made by Jesus which were prefaced by “I AM”, did not refer to
the personal Jesus nor did He wish or intend to convey that He was the only one
ordained with that privilege. The “I AM” referred to the Great I AM, the I AM
Presence which was in and above Him, and which is above and anchored within
everyone’s heart, giving life to the outer form.
The consciousness He used for His great Victory was the use of the I AM
Presence, which the students are now being taught.
Through this one can build a structure upon a firm foundation which cannot be
disturbed by outer activities. This is the only way individuals may achieve their great
Victory and eternal Freedom.
All of the Ascended Masters used the conscious activity of the I AM Presence to
raise their bodies into their eternal Victory, the Ascension.
This is the only way you and the “Father” (used by religious people) can become
eternally one.
The veil of the orthodox idea was drawn over the things of the people that Jesus
was a special God created Being, different from the rest of humanity. Jesus said this
was unfortunate; and that each one had and I AM Presence, the same as He had by
which to do the same things He did and attain one’s eternal Freedom.
To embody on earth gives opportunity to make things right, attain the Ascension or
at least advance toward that goal. In the past when one did not make the grade he/she
could come into embodiment again. Now if one does not take advantage of that
opportunity he/she may not reembody on earth. While here each one still has free will
and must choose which way he/she wishes to go. How much each wants his/her own
way while here determines what the course will be after passing on. But at the end of
the embodiment the Cosmic Law supersedes human free will of those who did not take
advantage of that opportunity, and decides where they must go.
The outer self wants to exert its free will and do just as it wants to go and
especially when it comes to spiritual activities. It thinks and feels it can do exactly as
it pleases, and rebels at all else, thinking it to be interference with its free will. Yet,
weather conditions, certain established laws in the outer world sometimes interfere
with one’s free will. As a rule man’s human free will and the Divine will are far apart.
Now the Cosmic Light has the power and authority to supersede human free will. And
that is the only way man will come back to the Divine way of life.
Remember the first sin was rebellion – disobedience this brought about the “fall
of man”. Now for some 40 years the Cosmic Law has through mercy permitted
Ascended Masters and Divine Beings to informed and instruct mankind of the coming
changes, and what can and should be done. Few have listened and needed the warning,
the outer self still determined to pursue its own course, not being willing to accept that
Cosmic Law can change things.
What it fears, the human consciousness wants to ignore. That is the state of
consciousness the masses are in. Because they fear so-called death they want to avoid
knowing about it. And through lack of knowledge and understanding has come about
the acceptance of “death”, that is, as passing on being the end of existence. And
science has not been able to prove it otherwise.
Through spiritualism and mediums has come some acceptance or continued
existence after so-called death. But they cannot penetrate beyond the realm of the
human at inner levels. Hence much distortion and wrong information has been given
out. So what is beyond has to come from the Ascended Ones.
The main purpose for putting out this information is to give people the knowledge
of what takes place at the time of passing on and what takes place after that, to give the
assurance that there is no death. Then in case of loved ones passing on, instead of there
being fear and grief (which is selfishness) there is understanding and compassion. Fear
and grief can affect and hinder the departing one. So instead of doing that or holding
them here through ignorance and selfishness, when the time has come for them to go on,
they can be let go free.
The outer self fears the unknown, and then it is known and understood there is no
fear, what it fears it wants to ignore.
Mankind must get free from fear of so-called death. To know this Law and by
understanding Life will remove the fear of death, which is the cause of grief. Intense
grief opens one to destructive forces almost as quickly as fear will.
For cremation one needs to deal through on undertaker, a funeral director. Regular
services can be had if desired in which case a casket would be used. However, to hold
the body.
There seems to be much sentiment about complying with the supposed wishes or
departed one as to how and what is done with the physical body. This is based on lack
of understanding, human concepts and emotions creating a binding force out of fear.
That human force can make one feel guilty, fearful of lack of respect if not carried out
according to family traditions or what is thought the departed one wanted. Even if
he/she wanted burial, cremation would be much more beneficial to that lifestream,
which he/she can see once he/she is on the other side.
As soon as the individual is completely disconnected from the physical body
he/she is not concerned, nor has any interest in it. He/She is also disconnected from
family ties. All that is just of the human realm. That is why when loved ones during
sleep meet with the departed one he/she shows no interest in the family left behind.
He/She has stepped out of the human realm. It is like when you are in a dark room and
step into a lighted one, the darkness is no longer a part of your consciousness.
If the students do not adhere to the Masters’ suggestions then why expect the
people in the outer world to change. Yet things have to change in order to have New
Age. How can there be purity with slaughter houses and with diseased bodies in the
ground? The ground is so saturated with all that now, as is our food since it is
produced from the ground. Every time a human or animal body is buried that just adds
to that. There does not have to be war. War just comes out of an accumulation of human
qualities. All that is needed is for human being to change. Instead of thinking of having
war, think that the Light can handle it; but we must call the Light forth.
The contamination of the ground from buried bodies, human and animal, does not
stay in that one spot. Like smoke, pollution and radioactive material spreads through
the air. Some years back it was reported that in fish eggs in the Antarctic they found
detergents. That shows now it has gone all through the waters. There are gas belts
through the structure of the earth, caused by decaying bodies buried in the earth. This is
a cause of earthquakes.
Besides the Christ Self we need the assistance of the Ascended Masters and
Divine Beings too, but They are not our Source.
Before going to sleep it was suggested that we call for the Transmuting Violet
Flame to blaze up through the bed and particularly the mattress. The mattresses are
done up usually in some sort of stripes in green or blue. One time when thinking about
it, suddenly before my vision there was a mattress all in purple. Now if we all
visualize purple mattresses then they will probably become available sometime in the
future. However, even now we can make purple covers for them.
It would be good to read again about Christmas which is in the Enlightener, issue
Vol. 1, No. 4.
Nov. 15th through Dec. 14th is again vacation time for those Divine Beings Who
have rendered service to mankind and the earth this past year. They can go to
Shamballa and be within the vibratory action of the Three-fold Flame established there
by Sanat Kumara so long ago, and enter into the Divine activities for the time and be
free from the vibratory action of the earth.
Nov. 30th, the ceremony takes place at Shamballa of “Bringing in the Sheaves” for
the service rendered mankind and the earth through the past year, by Divine Beings, the
Ascended Masters and unascended beings.
Dec. 15th, the activities are moved from Shamballa to the Teton Retreat which
will be open till Jan. 14th. The various Beings will report on Their work which was
assigned to Them in Jan. and July 1980. There will again be opportunity to present
petitions, which the Lords of Karma convened there will hear. This usually takes place
from Dec. 26th through the 31st. Then They go into the Silence to determine which ones
are to be passed, and volunteers will then be assigned to carry out the work during the
next six months or year.
Beginning Dec. 26th, classes will be held here for a week or so, while the
Conclave and the Karmic Board are in session, in the endeavor to release energies
from the physical realm to further the work by the Karmic Board and the White
Also may we be reminded of the opportunity and privilege of the activity of the
Violet Flame Cauldron during the last few days of the year.
May all have a grateful Thanksgiving, and spiritual progress during this period.
V.2 N.5, January-February, 26 A.F. (1981)
Must Choose
Up until 1926 mankind was quite free to choose to go on in somewhat indefinite
But since then the Cosmic Law through the Cosmic Light commands individuals to
choose whether or not they will come into the Light. The Cosmic Light is part of every
individual and each one must come to understand the Divine Law, which is no
respecter of ignorance or disobedience. The Law acts.
The United States of America is destined to be the “Cup” of Light to the world.
People in the Western world in the past have not been interested nor understood the
ideals of Life. They thought they had to seek this knowledge in India or somewhere in
the Orient. However, that has been changed.
Everything here on earth was being made more and more complex and more
technical in expression through human concepts; metaphysical laws were only partly
explained so that the average individual and little comprehension of the laws. The
Cosmic Being Victory from Venus saw the need to change all this. He came and issued
the fiat which set aside the old occult law. He stated the Law for the earth in the future
was that the Light be revealed in America, so no longer does one have to go to or look
to the East for the Light, nor practice those former methods. That is why the Master
Saint Germain has not used the Bible nor occult terminology. These things of the past
have only given partial results and have not brought freedom to Mankind. The New
Age Teaching as given under the director or Saint Germain, when applied brings
permanent results and enables many students to attain the goal the Ascension in one
embodiment compared with the former methods which took many embodiments.
Through mercy the provision of the Law has now been revealed which gives
many the opportunity to set themselves free. If they choose to comply. And gives great
opportunity not only for one’s own freedom but to render impersonal service to
mankind and the earth. This needs to be done because mankind is responsible for one
conditions which exist here. The discord which registered in the feeling of each one
has changed the earth from perfection into what it is today. However, the requirement
now is to get out of the old which has not brought freedom and get into accepting and
applying the new which will bring permanent Freedom to mankind and the earth as
well as to the individual.
The Teaching for the New Age is not just revised metaphysical and/or old occult
teachings, which so many are promoting. This New Age Teaching is a new presentation
giving the Law of one’s being, the Law of Life which is to understand and apply the I
AM Presence and actions of the sacred Fire. We now have this instead of using
parables symbols blinds, veiled and complementary expressions, etcetera, which have
partial truths in them. Formerly the real of full Truth had to be revealed from within
one’s self before the Truth was known. This could only be done in a Retreat. Now it
has been presented plainly, in a simple manner which can be understood and
comprehended by the intellect. Instead of being abstract it is concrete, and when
applied properly one can get clear and definite confirmation from within. Application
brings permanent results. Thus we have opportunity by which to give a balance back to
life, which each one needs to do before one gains his own Freedom.
Many people respond to the old methods because they practiced them in former
embodiments. There is a momentum of that, and the records are in their etheric bodies,
and their consciousness taps in on the momentum and these records. That is how we
got drawn into the limitations we are in now. The Law acted according to each one’s
feeling world. The feeling world ungoverned rules mankind. Effects are the results of
causes set up. For the most part this has been forgotten and individuals do not believe
that they are responsible for what is in their world. Each one is responsible for his
own world, either by direct creation or by accepting something undesirable from
The free will of mankind could not at any time be interfered with until at this time
with the release of Cosmic Light, which has made so much possible to be done not
permitted heretofore. For some students it was possible to set aside time and space
which enabled them to call forth the power to render the service required for mankind.
Thus things were accomplished never know before on earth.
Through the decree work in groups, went forth into the mental and feeling worlds
of mankind certain work which had to be done.
When one comes into this Ascended Master Teaching and goes along with it,
he/she enters this great stream of Light amplified by Cosmic Light which is being
released unto earth to bring perfection to mankind. This Cosmic Light is a part of each
individual lifestream.
Why stay in that state of or on that level of consciousness when now it can be
transcended? We should do more than just activate the old patterns established under
the occult law and recorded in our etheric bodies. Beneath those records in our etheric
bodies are those records of perfection which we all knew before turning from the Light
and perfection. Now through this new Teaching of Saint Germain by applying it as
suggested by the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings and not mixing it up with the
metaphysical and occult versions, that perfection can again be called forth; not only
from the Realms or perfection but also from the etheric records deep within our etheric
Retreat Work
Through the ages to attain mastery and eventually to make the Ascension into the
Light, one had to get the training in some Ascended Master Retreat and successfully
pass through the disciplines of the seven Temples or initiations.
This has now been somewhat changed. Since this new Teachings has come forth
the student no longer goes to the Retreats but gets his training, tests and initiations right
out here in everyday living.
In entering a Retreat, particularly at Luxor, the neophyte first must learn the great
surrender. He must learn in consciousness, in his mind and feelings to find and desire
to cooperate with the Will of God, the Divine Plan. He is placed in a cell and must
learn to be able to contact his I AM Presence, and endeavor to develop within himself
a humility before It. All rebellion within his lifestreams must be dissolved and
transmuted; rebellion in the feeling which caused every human to “fall” from a state of
grace and from having contract and communion with the Divine Self. Rebellion is what
took Lucifer from the heart of Heaven. Rebellion against discipline and self-correction
is a barrier to real spiritual progress, It does not mean to assume servility to human
being, nor require submission to limitation, or even to the Will of a Master, as a
substitute for rebellion. But all ramifications of it – rebellion against injustice, against
conditions and limitations must go. Many candidates remove themselves (leave) before
passing through the first initiation. It requires a constant alert awareness setting into
action the law to remedy conditions, and during this process keep oneself harmonious,
peaceful and constructively occupied. Thus one is master of his energy.
Now after five, ten, 15 or more years people are having so many problems. That
is because of lack of application or lack of right application, and also using this to
further their own ideals and desires instead of serving the Light according to the
Divine Plan.
One can do many constructive things yet not be doing what the Divine Plan of the
Christ Self is. They want to fit this Teaching into their religious beliefs, philosophies,
etc. It may be easier to follow old traditions, family patterns, customs, etc.
Ever since this Teaching has come forth there have been those who try to change
it, who have their own ideas as to now it should be written and carried on. That too
was Judas’ idea. His reasoning was to get money to give to the poor (an unselfish
motive) figuring Jesus could use His powers to protect Himself.
The seven Rays were represented in the disciples Jesus chose. Judas represented
the Seventh Ray, the Ray which was to follow Jesus’ Ray. Now it can be seen how
Judas and his actions were a forerunner of the Seventh Ray action coming in now.
Many coming in contact with this Ascended Master Teaching want to change it and
work it their own way, figuring they can call forth the powers to do it their way; the
same as Judas did. So he failed the first initiation, and when the rebound (Karma
returned) came be removed himself. Now when students can’t have their own way they
drop out, and some have become vicious, but most just drop out.
Most thoughts start from an impulse in the emotional body. Instead of being
directed by the Presence through the mind; instead of having a clear mental body human
beings have an accumulation of all kinds of concepts derived from partial information
gathered through many embodiments. This is termed the intellect. This has come about
because the mind has the capacity to form conclusions from fragmentary information.
So now the human being is maneuvered by the emotions and the intellect, and functions
thus instead or being directed divinely. The misqualified energy in the emotional and
mental bodies controls individuals in some manner or other.
This is what makes the difference between human beings and Divine Beings. The
Masters did say the only difference between. Them and us is thought and feeling.
It was said in the 1830’s that many of the students at that time, were chosen over
others at inner levels before coming into embodiment because they would do the work
and get results. Although many others had better attunement but preferred to just
meditate, which is half or one part of the law, and it works to that extent. All negative
or feminine aspects or actions have some positive aspect in them. The same with
positive or masculine aspects have some negative aspect in them.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain in the beginning of this work got the students
to do decrees, and also said to visualize, and to contemplate. The student body did
mainly decrees, which is a positive action; as this notion is positive in comparison to
India which is negative. In the West it is action, do things, get things done in the outer.
The spiritual aspect gets neglected. In the East the stress is on spiritual attainment
through meditation, neglecting the outer aspect of life. There should be a balance
between the two – and that is the action of the Seventh Ray. Through the centuries the
East has meditated but did not accomplish the Cosmic feats or actions which were
necessary to change the cosmic course of things to save the earth, which has been done
through the decrees and songs, etc., by the student body in the 1930’s and 1950’s. We
should contemplate (negative aspect) as well as do decrees and visualize (positive
aspect) each day.
Everything is energy. Everything consists of some kind of active energy which is
available. This energy is a part of the sum total of energy within, around and up on the
planet earth, which remains the same as long as the planet functions in this manner of
life expression.
When physical forms disintegrate or decay, the atoms are returned to the source
which is the sum total or all energy, the atomic substance or matter of the planet
constituting the physical life. All forms are made from this, and return to the universal
reservoir of substance.
While the Angelic, human and Elemental Kingdoms consciously controlled the
vibratory action of their vehicles, dissolution of form was a beautiful, rhythmic and
natural activity. When the form had completed the service for which it was designed, it
was consciously dissolved. The component parts (electrons) released to the
accompaniment of music, color tone and sweet perfume, for the return to the Sun of the
system for re-polarization. TDB 602
The cause and core of any condition on which you work is a living, moving thing
like a whirlpool with radiating energy passing out from it. That radiating energy is
what gives it life. In a destructive activity, when you call for the Astrea or one of the
Great Ones to close in upon it, the whirling motion of the very center of that cause is
stopped, the circle or Blue Flame closes in upon that moving see and the Sword of
Blue Flame goes right into the center of it and the cohesive power lets go. The
cohesive power that held it together is dissolved and the electrons just fly apart and the
thing is no more. The electrons immediately arise for re-polarization, thru the Violet
Flame or return to the Sun. (The Sun not the Central Sun) TDB 636
Those elements that make up your bodies are now the same ones that have been
used by the Builders of Form every time you have taken embodiment. After passing on
those elements rest for the time being, until that individual takes embodiment again.
Those elements have been charged with the tendencies of one’s nature, those habits,
patterns and plans and that is all that Mother Mary has to worth with. She uses the best
to make the heart, the better are saved for the outside so one looks comparatively good.
Deep inside are the elements, earth, water and air, which never see the light of day nor
the Sun. TDB 452
Jan. 15 through Feb. 14, Darjeeling Retreat:
Feb. 15 through Mar. 14, Transylvania Retreat;
Mar. 15 through April 14, Liberty Temple:
April 15 through May 14, the Resurrection Temple;
May 15 through June 14, The Ascension Temple.
We have now had two generations of liberalism, of government control, or
government promises to take care of the people, and it has not worked. With an ever
increasing national debt; and a massive credit system, most people doing business on
the other person’s money.
Now as last year’s election demonstrated, people seem to want freedom from
government control, and we hope to again have a government by and for the people
with free enterprise instead of national debt and government hand-outs.
This seems to show that the Cosmic Light and radiation from the Ascended Ones
is getting through and into the mental and emotional bodies of the people. The most
efficient means to accomplish this is through the proper group decree work, not just
meditation or prayer. There has never been such a great opportunity on earth for
individuals to serve the Light and give a balance to life, for their freedom.
For Jan. – Feb. we take the Darjeeling Retreat, a First Ray action, Ideas originate
in the First Sphere. Let us make the call that Master Morya and the Brotherhood of
Darjeeling take command of the new administration and all in important positions in
our government, give them the right ideas and courage to carry them out. That they
work from the standpoint of principles and stick to them, and not vacillate from one
human concept to another.
Then for Feb. – Mar. we will take the Retreat at Transylvania since the Master
Saint Germain as the Master Morya, is interested in and works with the government;
and is responsible for founding this nation. We in physical form being a part of
mankind, have a certain authority we can exercise for the good or all.
For Mar. – Apr. we will take the Liberty Temple in southern France as the
Goddess of Liberty has been behind this nation from the beginning. As a place where
people can have opportunity and be at liberty to express their divine purpose in life.
That does not mean their human qualities as the liberals are promoting.
April 19 is Easter so we will take the Resurrection Temple. May the Resurrection
Flame help resurrect this nation back into what it should be – a “Cup” of Light to the
rest of the world. Not a dumping ground for those other nations that want to get rid of
those people that are beyond repair, putting a burden on the tax payers here. All who
come should be able to make their way in a constructive manner.
For May-June we will have the Ascension Temple.
July-July the Teton Retreat.
In early life here many children retain some sense of the greater freedom they had
at inner levels before taking embodiment, and tend to rebel at the restrictions and
limitation here. Because there it is not required to provide food and shelter for the
body as it is here.
Nothing on earth is perfect. But innately human beings know there is perfection,
and they crave it.
Law of life and Teachings by Divine Beings, page 602, the missing words on the
five lines are: lines 1, Celestial; 2, can be; 3, many; 4, the ben-; 5, Presence.
Second edition of “Law of Life Group Outline – Decrees”, has just been re-
printed It has the same decrees with some additions and a few new ones. Price $2.50
plus 40¢ postage at present. They say postage is to be raised around Feb. 1.
V.2 N.6, March-April, 26 A.F. (1981)
With some people color seems to be a very “touchy” subject. That is, particularly
the colors of red and black. Most of the shades so called that is the hues of red we
have in the outer world, are not seen in realms of Light nor is black. They do appear on
the inner in the lower realms that is in the psychic astral realm. The black and most of
the red we have are of human qualities and not of the Divine. The dark or sinister
forces have perpetrated these colors onto and into mankind’s spiritual activities, the
robes, caps, and the printing of the Bible. Yet black (the absence of light) is used to
represent or symbolize death, which is the opposite of spiritual life which is
everlasting or eternal. Although the Bible comes in red and black, yet people get good
from it by recognizing certain truths therein. Red is used to represent or signal danger.
Danger, accidents etc., are only of the human and not of the Divine.
It is argued that scientifically red and black are or do exist. Yes, so do diseases,
crimes, accidents and death. But all these qualities and actions have come into
existence only since mankind turned from the Light and has created the human realm
which did not exist previously and does not exist except on earth. So black and the red
referred to here did not exist on earth originally, there were only the true colors of the
seven Rays. Scientist go by what they can perceive with the five senses and their
Man’s five senses do not sense the higher vibratory action which created the
universe and is eternal life. The vibratory action of the brain structure is now too slow
to register the vibrations of the higher realms. Scientists work from the outer, the
physical, and the human side inwards. While the true action of life is just the reverse, it
already is on the inner and then manifests in the outer.
They use the rainbow for their argument. Is black one of the colors in the
rainbow? The dictionary does not include it as such. That color of red in the rainbow
is produced by the discord in the atmosphere. None are the true colors of the seven
Rays, just as nothing on earth is perfect. “There is no perfect physical condition, nor
perfect physical body or physical environment.” (Esoteric Healing by A. A. Bailey,
page 310.) Through man’s discord all vibratory actions of earth have been lowered
below perfection.
Dictionary: “White or colorless light (like daylight) is made up of all the colors
of the rainbow, so blended, or mixed, that no color predominates. Hold a glass prism
in a beam of light… the band color (you see) is called a spectrum. It contains all the
colors of the rainbow, separated out of the beam of light passing through the prism.
“A band of these spectrum colors: it progresses gradually like the colors of the
rainbow, from violet to indigo, to blue, to green, to yellow, to orange, until finally at
the opposite end, it stops with red.
“The three colors that we call primaries, namely, yellow, blue, and red (originally
pink)’ secondary colors, orange between yellow and red, violet between red and blue,
and green between blue and yellow; between each primary and secondary color are the
intermediate colors, yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green,
and yellow-green.”
They list no black in the color spectrum or rainbow. But show black as the
opposite of white, and by mixing them one gets the various shades of gray with no true
hues. White light contains all the colors, and the opposite, an absence of light or black
has none of these colors in it.
There are no shady or dirty colors in the higher realms, although there are seven
hues of color of each Ray.
We have learned that the colors as well as everything has come out of Light
substance. A beam of pure light from the sun functioning in the atmosphere of earth is
subjected to its vibratory action which is less than perfect, hence produces colors less
than perfect.
Black, most of the red and other colors that are shady, dark, etc., have come out of
human qualification; as had so-called death; also decay, bright and animal life. If one
wants to hang on to and nurture these things that is for each one to decide. However, it
is because of an emotional tie through solar plexus center.
Originally man did not have a physical body of flesh so now, it was of a vibratory
action similar to the etheric body. There was not the present means of birth; nor labor
by the sweat or the brow; nor were there animal creatures on earth. All was done
through the use of Light Rays.
Now in order for the earth to be maintained in the solar system it has to come
back to the original state and Plan. In order to do that man has to change – has to let go
of the things which have brought or gotten earth into its present state. To not be willing
to do that is rebellion – disobedience which was the first sin, which is what started
man on the downward path and into the present condition. Each one still has free will
and will have to choose. The Masters may not say to individuals that they shall accept
this understanding. However, that choice knowingly or not will determine whether or
not he/she stays with the earth as it progresses, or puts him/herself in the category for
whom the door is closed to reembody on earth, thus eliminates him/herself.
When something is not understood, the expression is used, to send light upon it,
which gives the understanding. When you do not see or understand something when you
get more light on it you do understand. When a thing is not clear, pure or true; the term
is used it is shady or dark, the lack of or opposite or light.
The colors of the Seven Rays in occult literature are given with blinds, thus: Ray
1. Blue; 2. Indigo; 3. Green; 4. Yellow; 5. Orange; 6. Red; 7. Violet; which makes the
first and seventh correct and the others with a blind. (LL 337, 408)
The seven Rays are the seven sub-rays of one Cosmic Ray. (Initiation Human and
Solar, by A.A. Bailey, page 3-4)
On July 22, 1939, two secret Rays were sent to the earth which America and the
people needed at the time. Two Rays of which the outer world had never known, and
which made nine to the earth. Mighty Cosmos brought them and said that He was the
Law of One of these. He would not give their colors; that they would only be revealed
when mankind had advanced into the New Age sufficiently, and then when they will
know all army, navy, penal institutions and hospitals will cease to exist.
It can be presumed that these Two Secret Rays are of colors known on earth soon.
“I AM”
Both God and Lord are titles, not names, the name of God is “I AM”.
I AM God Almighty. Gen 33:11. I AM (a) God. Eze 23:2, 9; Ho 11:3; Joe 3:17
I AM that (who) I AM. I AM hath sent me unto you. Ex 3:14
This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generation. Ex 3:15
I AM the Lord; that is my name. Isa 42:8
The name of thy God: I AM the Lord. Lev 15:21
Be still and know that I AM God. Ps: 46:10
I AM the Lord your healer. Ex 15:26. I AM a father to Israel. Jer 31:9
I AM the Lord thy Savior. Isa 49:26; 60:16
I, the Lord, the first, and with the last, I AM He. Isa 41:4; 43:10, 25; 46:4; 51:12
Before the day was, I AM He. Isa 43:13
I AM the first, and I AM the last. 44:6; 48:12; 58:9 Here I AM.
I AM with you. Isa 41:10; 43:5; Jer 1:8; 19; 15:20; 30:11; 42:11; 46:28; Hag 2:4;
I AM the Lord (God). Num 3:13, 41, 45; 10:10; 15:41; I’Ki 20:13, 28; Isa 43:3,
11, 15; 44:5, 24; 45:5; 45:17; 49:23, 51:15; Jer 8:24; 24:7, 32:27; Eze 6:7, 10, 13, 14;
in nearly all chapter through 39; Lev 11:44, 45; 16:2, 4, 5, 6, 21, 30; 13 times in
chapter 19; 20:7, 8, 24; 21:12; 22:2, 3, 8, 30, 31, 32, 33; 23:22, 43; 24:22; 25:17, 38,
55; 26:1, 2, 13, 44, 45; De 5:6; 29:6; J’g 6:10; Ps 81:10
I AM the Lord; and there is none else. I AM God, and there is none else. Isa 5:18,
I AM God, and there is none else; I AM God, and there is none like me. Isa 46:9
That sayest in thine heart, I AM, and none else beside me. Isa 47:3, 10
I AM he, and there is no god with me. De 33:38
I AM, and there is none beside me. Sep 2:15
I AM the Lord their God. Zec 10:6; Lev 26:44; Eze 28:26; Mal 3:6
I AM the Lord (thy God) Ex 6:2, 6, 8, 29; 7:5, 17; 8:22; 9:22, 10:2; 12:12; 14:4,
14, 18; 29:46; 6:7; 16:12; 20:2, 5; Ps 50:7; Isa 41:10; 43:12; Eze 34:31; 20:5, 7, 19,
20; Ho 12:9; 13:4; Joe 2:27. Zec 15:6; Lev 28:44, Eze 28:26; Mal 3:6.
There AM I in the midst of them. Matt 16:20
I AM the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac. Matt 22:32; Marc 12:26
I AM Christ. Matt 24:5; Mark 13:6, Lu 21:6. I AM with you always. Matt 25:20
Jesus said “I AM”. Mark 14:62. I AM the voice. John 1:23; 6:35
I AM the (living) bread of life. John 6:45, 51. I AM the light of the world. John
9:5; 8:12
I AM from above, I AM not of this (the) world. John 6:23; 17:14, 16.
Before Abraham was, I AM. John 8:56. I AM he. John 8:28; 8:9; 13:19; 18:5, 6, 8
I AM the door. John 10:7, 9. IAM come that they might have life. John 10:10
I AM the good shepherd. John 10:11, 14. I AM the son of God. John 10:36
I AM the resurrection, and the life. John 11:25. I AM the true vine. John 15:1, 5
I AM come a light into the world. John 12:46. I am the way, the truth, the life.
John 14:6
I AM the God of thy fathers. AC 7:32
I AM not the body. 1 Co 12:15, 13. I AM the first and the last. Rev 1:17
I AM the Alpha and Omega. Rev 1:5, 11; 21:6, 22:13
I AM the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. Rev
I AM he that liveth; I AM alive for evermore. Rev 1:15
“I AM”, in regard to deity is mentioned in the Bible some 246 times. (Old
Testament 201, New Testament 45), yet in most Concordances it is not listed, although
they claim every word is listed.
Jesus used and gave other “I AM” statements.
The saying, Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free, refers to what’s To
the true understanding of life, which is the understanding and acknowledgment of one’s
I AM Presence. This is the only means of knowing the Truth.
Resurrection Flame
April 15, Resurrection Temple. Long before the coming of Sanat Kumara, the first
Krishna (Christ) a Cosmic Being brought the Resurrection Flame to earth. The
Resurrection Flame was drawn forth when It became a necessity for mankind and
elemental life. This was because of the causes set up through the consciousness of the
race which caused inharmony and discord and which brought about degeneration,
disintegration, decay and involuntary dissolution of form.
In 1953 it was given that when the Resurrection Flame was first drawn forth onto
earth, it was located in the land how known as the Arabian Desert and for centuries
Divine Beings, tended, guarded and sustained the physical focus of this flame. In the
Resurrection Temple now in the Etheric Realm Beings of the Angelic Host absorb into
themselves the substances of the Resurrection Flame, then sweep outward at the
direction of the Masters who are in charge of the direction of the Light Rays.
In the Arabian Retreat now beneath the sands of Arabia, is where the use of Light
Rays is taught. (It looks like this Retreat and the Resurrection Temple were possibly
the same originally. But now there is a specific action in the Etheric Realm. TDB 600
The Festival of the Incoming spring is celebrated at inner levels each year when
the spring cycle opens, in which they honor those Beings who are primarily concerned
with conferring upon the planet earth a new springtime. This usually takes place in the
audience chamber of the Lord Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
The Being Amaryllis, the spirit or spring, leads the procession with the Lord
Maha Chohan, as representative of the nature kingdom. Next in line come the Directors
of the Elements, Helios and Vesta (or Zarathustra) followed by Salamanders; Neptune
and Undines, Aries and Sylphs, Virgo and Gnomes. Then the Chohans of the Rays and
other members of the White Brotherhood. TDB 660
March 17 is recognized as Saint Patrick’s Day. After ridding Ireland of all
reptiles, he later became known as patron Saint of Ireland.
New colored Chart: reproduction of a painting, sizes 20 x 13 $6.00, postage at
present 53¢; about 8 X 5 $1.59; 6 X 3 ¾ 80¢ on the two small ones no postage when
ordered with other material, for separate mailing 20¢.
May 28 is Ascension Day. We will deal with the Ascension in next issue.
Enlightener because of increase of postage and material costs, Vol. 3 estimated
production costs - $3.50 in U.S.A & Canada, $4.50 over seas.
V.3 N.1, May-June, 27 A.F. (1981)
Ascension Day
Ascension Day 1981 is May 28th, this represents the fullest outpouring of Jesus’
mission at that time. During this 24 hour period Jesus gives an intensified outpouring to
mankind of His Light and Love in His Ascended Master consciousness and His feeling
and Victory of the Ascension. It is well for students to give recognition to Him for an
hour or so, accepting this outpouring and blessing. The peak of intensification is at
Everyone who will do what the Ascended Master have asked and follow the
directions and suggestions that were given in the early work and make application with
the same earnest determination as They did can have the same kind of results.
This is Law, and acts when set into action. It is not a matter of belief, hence it can
work without belief. However, belief in it is good and helps.
This Law, the Law of Life is the action of your I AM Presence which gives you
life and beats your heart. It gives you intelligence by which to act, be self-conscious
and enables you to do the things you do.
When one cannot or chooses not to accept this fact and utilize it there is no
condemnation and there is no use to argue. That one must wait, which is unfortunate,
because at this time the Law has been given in a simple and direct manner that even a
small child can apply it and get results.
However, some things can also be made to work when sufficient energy, human
force has been poured into it although it is not in accordance with the Divine Plan.
Generally when passing on, one is not aware or the disconnection of the Ray of
Light from the Presence. Unless, that one has this knowledge and understanding he/she
has no concept of the connection with the Presence through the Ray of Light. So at the
time when they could observe the entire process, they are interested in and have their
attention on other things. But a few have watched the process.
As to making the change – we should leave that to the wisdom of the Presence,
and not try to hurry it up. Just make the call daily, give your adoration to the Presence,
and give obedience to Life. We can but make the call from the human side, so we
should leave the time, where and how the Ascension takes place to the wisdom of the
Presence, the outer self cannot determine or judge as to that.
When one first gets the Ascended Masters’ understanding of the meaning of the
Words “I AM”, the resurrection of his/her human consciousness of imperfection starts.
This is the beginning of the first step to the Ascension into the Light.
To attain the Goal the Ascension, to contemplate it, fully accept it in both thought
and feeling and make conscious effort toward it will help.
The Ascension does not come about as the result of a moment’s grace but of entire
embodiments of vigilance, self-control, self-mastery, aspiration and service to the
One’s world must be changed. Enough substance within the physical body needs
to be cleansed and purified which the I AM Presence then can utilize to draw the outer
self or consciousness into Itself.
The outer self does not know when that can be done. When sufficient preparation
has been made, at a time or one’s intense call on the Law of Forgiveness for all human
mistakes, a great outpouring of Divine Love and blessings to all humanity and all life
on earth, and adoration and gratitude to the I AM Presence it might take place.
The preparation cannot be made from without in; it has to be done from within
Purify is required to gain one’s Ascension. Impurity cannot be taken into the
Ascended Master’s Realm.
The outer self needs to give back to the Presence all control over the energy
which has been loaned to it.
The Three-fold Flame in the heart expands and fills the body, intensifying the
points of Light in every cell, until the vibratory action raises to the point whereby all
misqualified energy is transmuted. All human creation of the past and present has to be
transmuted before the Ascension can take place.
The Ascension is the raising of the particles of Light in the etheric body into the
Christ Self, then It rises and enters the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence.
The Ascension into the Light is real and very practical, as practical, natural and
as mechanical as things of the outer world, the electric fan and airplane propeller. All
who have made the Ascension were practical individuals or they would not have
attained it.
All through the ages before the New Dispensation for the Ascension was secured
the Ascension had to be accomplished from the physical side of life, from a physical
body. After the Ray of Light, the Silver Cord (the stream of life force) from the
Presence was severed one could not attain the Ascension and that one had to embody
The purpose of physical embodiment is to prepare, illumine and perfect a body. It
was necessary to purify the four lower bodies, raise the vibratory action to a point
whereby the purified physical body could be raised into the etheric body, then into the
Christ Self and the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence. What happened to the
physical body at the time of the Ascension, is that the vibratory action of the flesh,
bones, etc., was raised to the point whereby that physical substance was changed or
was transformed into Light substance. This is similar to a piece of ice in a pan which
has been placed over a fire. It melts into water, then becomes steam and can be
completely evaporated.
The Ascension must be achieved some time by every human being. That is Law
not a matter of one’s choice. One’s eternal Victory over the outer world conditions.
Only comes through the Ascension into the Light.
The Ascension is each one’s eternal birthright. The Goal of all embodiments is
the Ascension.
By the Life which is anchored in the human form comes the glory of eternity.
Because by that Life one rises into the glory of the Ascended Masters’ Realm. Although
the substance, the structure is composed of only 99% or so of chemicals, yet the
physical body is important once one has come to understand his/her I AM Presence.
The most glorious thing known on earth is when one attains the Ascension.
Most of the cause of insanity is in the feeling world, yet the effect outpictures in
the brain structure of the physical body. Or it may be caused by an interference in the
nerves with their balanced quality of action. This interference is human creation which
prevents the Light from the Presence from flowing into the brain (and nerves)
sufficiently to correlate the faculties.
One that was insane here cannot be insane in the Realms of Light, there he has no
brain. Such conditions cannot enter those Realms. But the memory of it is retained.
There can be some carryover of it into the next embodiment because of the etheric
records, the same elements being used to create the next physical body.
The Goddess of Liberty is the one who gave Washington the Vision. She is
responsible for the Cosmic Light coming to earth. That shows how everything in
creation comes about through individualizations, and does away with the abstract idea
that God did it or made it in general, and shows even the grass does not just spring up.
Some church people believe that anything not explained, understood or understandable
is because God does not want them to know; this is only an excuse for deliberate
ignorance. Ignorance is not God created, given or destined. Ignorance is not something
that just is – like life and light. It is an action of individual free will. To be ignorant we
had to do something, we had to ignore.
Each month we take one Retreat from the 15th through the 14th of the following
month, students can call before going to sleep to be taken there during sleep.
Jesus has said that His leaving the example of the Ascension did little good.
Already 300 years afterwards the Truth concerning it was so obscure that mankind has
scarcely understood anything of the achievement or the example. The sinister force
which wanted to destroy the Light, intentionally directed the concentration on the
crucifixion instead of on the Ascension a Jesus intended, which was Jesus’ purpose for
leaving that example. Even today people preach about HIM and at the same time in
their feeling deny Him, deny His reality and/or thing He could and would do
He left the example of the Ascension and soon afterwards found that people did
not believe that it was for them. That knowledge was clothed with falsehood, making
the people believe that they could not attain what He did. They were made to believe
Jesus was a special being and the only one for whom the Ascension was possible. That
He was too transcendent for anyone to reach or for them to make effort to accomplish
the Victory he said they should, which caused them to cease to make effort. People put
their own interpretation upon the experiences Jesus left.
Because it is not understood the Ascension is looked upon as incredible and
Mankind has been steadily drifting back into dealing with effects instead or
causes since 300 Years after Jesus’ ministry, hence no permanent assistance has been
Now with the turn of the Cosmic Wheel and assistance of the Cosmic Light, the
consciousness of mankind can be brought back to dealing with the causes and then all
less than perfect must disappear.
The Master Jesus in His desire and determination for Truth was led to the Retreat
in India where the Great Divine Director gave Him the inner secret and
acknowledgement of the I AM Presence, which through the Master’s radiation He was
able to comprehend, and began using it.
By using the I AM Presence, one is impelled forward, even in spite of any activity
of the outer self. In this way one can eventually become one with the I AM Presence,
which is what the term means “become one with the Father”. Through the use of the I
AM Presence, the vibratory action of the atomic structure is raised, and thus once can
become self luminous.
Each individual is Ray from the Source. All who have ascended into the Light
before or since and all who will as well as Jesus Himself, used or must use the
conscious activity of the I AM Presence. That is the only way one’s eternal victory can
be attained.
Jesus was able to make the Ascension then because of previous to that
embodiment He had attained much through conscious effort. The Divine Plan was for
Him to leave the example which every individualization must eventually attain
consciously. He said the same I AM Presence that enabled Him to make the Ascension
is the same I AM Presence which will enable us to attain the Ascension.
When Jesus was placed in the tomb He was enfolded in the presence, power and
majesty of His Christ Self. The purified substance of His physical body was raised and
merged into the Christ Self, while the rest was dissolved and transmuted. So when He
came out of the tomb He was in His Christ Self. He functioned thus and on the fortieth
day He ascended into His I AM Presence which completed the Ascension. Thus He
became the Ascended Jesus Christ with authority and power over all substance and
energy upon earth.
One’s individualized I AM Presence is one with the Great I AM Presence which
has all authority and power over all substance and energy upon the earth, and is one
with all individualized I AM Presences. By entering the I AM Presence one gains that
That is why it is necessary for students to acknowledge and give attention to the I
AM Presence and not just to the Christ (the Higher Self, the Higher Mental Body which
is the Christ Self, the Christ for the individual or outer self), which is used in
metaphysics and occult teachings. These methods are for self interest and development
first and service to the whole comes second, instead of the reverse as in the new
Teaching. Although the Christ Self is the authority, the over-seer, and delegates all
energy and help from the Presence to the outer self, It is not one’s Source and only has
certain power at certain levels. Because of this point and action is why so much was
accomplished in the 1930’s and 1950’s through this new Teaching over all other
teachings through the ages past.
Some individuals want to go along with Jesus’ Teaching because through the
Resurrection and public Ascension, he did what none other has done. He did it for the
purpose of leaving an example that the goal of embodiment is the Ascension. But how
many through the past 2,000 years have attained that goal because of that example? The
number of Ascensions made in the past were approximately one per year, which would
amount to around or less than 2,000. And we can presume that nearly all were attained
in Ascended Master Retreats through the occult teaching and not through the Christian
Now through this new Teaching that Saint Germain has brought forth, and because
of it and through the students cooperation and application the New Dispensation for the
Ascension was brought forth, which has enabled already in some 40 years, many
thousands to make the Ascension. This is proof that this new Teaching is teaching
people how they can accomplish what Jesus said everyone must attain. So which route
shall you choose? The choice is yours to make.
As recorded in Unveiled Mysteries and Ascended Master Discourses, when
David Lloyd made the Ascension on Mount Shasta, it shows after 50 years of
preparation, he made it consciously, from the physical body, he was fully conscious of
it every step of the way. With Jesus it was the same. Also with Mrs. Rayborn (Magic
Presence and Ascended Master Discourses). Although at the time of passing (which the
family thought was so-called death) she in the outer lost consciousness which seemed a
long time but it was only for a few moments, she thought she was leaving the body
behind. Then she became vividly conscious in her Christ Self. This way she was able
to cooperate with Saint Germain so He could give the necessary assistance so she
could make the Ascension from the physical body (not under the New Dispensation, as
this was years earlier). Saint Germain could not make the Ascension for her, but He
could assist her. She being in that higher state of consciousness and unlimited activity
of the Christ Self, he quickly taught her how to release the currents of energy, from the I
AM Presence and made it clear that by directing certain currents of energy she could
purify the physical body which lay helpless in the coffin. Instead of releasing herself
from the body which she thought she was leaving behind, under His direction she drew
forth from her I AM Presence currents of energy and focused them on the physical
body. Then He amplified her efforts to render the service necessary.
In this manner the part of it which was necessary to raise into her Christ Self
could be refined. She was conscious in her Christ Self and projected Rays of Light
onto the body. She watched the change take place in every cell, renewing and
expanding the Life – the Light in each cell. She saw the density which clothed the cells
dissolve and then the purified body rise and come to her.
In this way one becomes an Ascended Being. As the refined part of the physical
body ascends and is absorbed into the Christ Self, all appearance of age leaves the
body and the outer garments are dissolved or transformed into garments of the higher
Realms. The rest is dissolved and transmuted, it just melts into the Light, and hence
nothing is left behind. Thus the transformation from the human into the Divine takes
place at this point. A great Ray of Light and energy descends from the I AM Presence.
The Three-fold Flame in the heart expands, intensifying the points of Light in every
cell, severing the gravity pull, and the body rises into the atmosphere. Thus the purified
refined human form ascends and is absorbed into the Christ Self. The outer self in the
Christ Self ascends on this Ray of Light from the Presence and is absorbed into the
Electronic Body of the “I AM” of that one. Thus one becomes an Ascended Being. One
is fully conscious of the whole procedure.
The principles of the Law involved under the New Dispensation are exactly the
same as previously. The only difference is that one usually loses consciousness for a
few moments at the time of passing. Also that the shell or dense part of the body is left
behind and not dissolved and transmuted through an action of drawing form the Light
Rays as it was necessary to do formerly. The physical structure is or should be
cremated, and by physical fire returned to the universal substance in a somewhat
slower manner than when done with Light Rays. In case the body is buried the process
is still slower.
When one has completed the Ascension into the Light that one will never return to
this dense sphere of earth, that is will never take physical embodiment again.
By having the sun shine through a crystal prism, one can see the various colors of
the Rays; which are only slightly different from the perfect colors or the Realms or
Sometimes children have a hard time telling the truth or facts, that is, telling it just
like it is or how it happened. It is easier and more pleasant to tell it a little differently.
They may think that their parents or teacher don’t know it. But many times they know it
is not right. But even if they are fooled, the I AM Presence and the Masters always
know about it.
Whenever a thing is falsely stated, it would be best for the child to be taken by the
parent (or whoever is in charge) and use the Transmuting Violet Flame to remove that
quality. This is important to be done while the child is young. Because if that tendency
manifests when young while some of this karma is still being withheld, it would
indicate there must be quite an accumulation of it. So unless it is handled, then around
the age of 14 (more or less) when the karma is released to the child it may make it very
difficult for him/her.
In regards to abortion, in the early work it was stated that life was at stake from
the time of conception which takes place within three days of the physical act.
To produce the physical body for the incoming lifestream it takes the Permanent
Atom, the Body Elemental of that one, and the physical substance which has been used
in former embodiments. In order to produce anything there has to be a pattern. So it is
with the building of a physical body, the body is patterned for the most part after the
tendencies of the nature of that lifestream. Each one has set up certain habits and
patterns. The pattern for the new body is determined by the karma, both good and
The body is created by the Body Elemental and Builders of Form around the
keynote of the incoming lifestream.
Many lose the body before they actually receive it. There are the stillborn,
abortions and miscarriages. These who lose the opportunity to secure a body have
some effect from it, in a sense suffer. It was said that from the inner standpoint an
abortion is considered the same as murder.
We are responsible to the Cosmic Law for how we use our bodies. But many
rebel furiously and do not want to take responsibility in that which they engaged their
senses, rebel at being cause to fulfill the service for which they engaged their senses.
We were told, what your attention is on, is your god for that moment (or time).
Also, the words, “I AM” followed with some specific quality does qualify the energy
release with that quality. (LL 193). In the Bible some form of the word “kill” is used
more than 200 times. In the Ascended Master Teaching the word kill is not used, nor
other destructive things. As the Teaching is to show the way to live not to destroy, nor
to kill to get what one wants.
In the Bible the word “I AM” are followed by a negative statement or destructive
quality some 142 times. Thus qualifying the energy (one’s life) with that quality. Out of
all that one has to try and find a few “pearls” of Truth. People say they just get truth out
of the Bible, that is, that which they want to interpret as the truth; or they get that by
which they can justify their desires. Yet while reading the Bible all the negative, human
and psychic things there make a record in their consciousness. And these thing are
deep-rooted, many people have been reading the Bible lifetime after lifetime. And just
because one may endeavor to serve the Light now does not mean they are not there.
July 15, Temple of Illumination.
Aug 15, Temple of Truth.
V.3 N.3, September-October, 27 A.F. (1981)
There was the traditional feeling and apprehension in the mind of those in
Congress and General Washington, of a foreign alliance with France. When for over a
century both the French and English struggled to conquer America. Washington had
worked with English Americans against the French with some success. Hence some
feeling of enmity between the French and Americans.
There was much objection to having foreign troops on American soil, even though
help was so greatly needed. However, the States never would have made it without the
French army and navy.
Rochambeau was born July 1, 1725. His early education was directed toward a
religious career. He was studying for the priesthood, and wrote an article which is still
in Catholic books. When suddenly his elder brother passed on he became the eldest
and according to custom the eldest son had to serve his country. So the Bishop told him
to forget all he had been told and serve his country with the same zeal as he would
have served God as a priest.
At the age of 16 and ½ he entered the army (1742). In six years he had to his
credit as brilliant a service in campaign as ever won by any of his age.
On June 23, 1758, in a battle between the French and Hanoverian battalions, one
wrote, indicating the important role Rochambeau played in that battle – he was the
intelligent executor of Monsieur de Saint Germain’s plans.
In the midst of a certain collapse, the committees of infantry and cavalry
inspectors studied questions of ordinance which would permit the Comte de Saint
Germain to complete the work several years later. Rochambeau was the chief worker
of rebuilding the French military institutions through the clearness of his reports and
through the confidence which he was able to inspire in the minister.
Through test maneuvers he demonstrated that success did not depend on any
certain system, but on the quick judgment or the commander-in-chief who correctly
seized upon the best means of execution.
These principles proved successful on real battlefields, and later Napoleon
adopted some of them.
Rochambeau was concerned with every aspect of army life, even as to the
material for the uniforms. He figured they could be turned the second year, that way be
good for two years, and after that they could be used as an undergarment. No details
were too small for him. He believed the troops should have the best training, and have
the best equipment.
Rochambeau saw service in the war of Austrian succession, the conflict of
Minorca, and distinguished himself in the seven Year’s war. He took his father’s place
as Governor of Vendome in 1749. In 1780-82 he commanded a French force of 6,000
men in America aiding the revolutionary troops against the British. In the capacity of
lieutenant general he fought with Washington.
As to the character of Rochambeau, he had a good sense of measure and
proportion, what is called common sense. The more trying the situation the more
resolute his three strong points were – fortitude, endurance, and equanimity. A man of
concentration and reserve, and of Self-control. He was wise in resolve, sagacious in
counsel, prompt in preparation, and exact in execution.
It was the moral exaltation of Rochambeau which brought victory to the allied
standards as much as the gallantry of the brave Frenchmen subject to his command.
Rochambeau’s motive as was also Washington’s, was service to and work for the
good of mankind.
Rochambeau with the first division arrived at Newport, Rhode Island July 11,
Rochambeau did win the confidence of the American officers and or the people.
When one from France landed in Boston, he was impressed with the people,
simple, kind and full or dignity, that they were conscious of liberty, and saw all men as
their brothers, as equals.
Equality was the particularly American trait, and it was imported from the states
into France just before the French Revolution. France then too conquered liberty.
Liberty is the most perfect state of society, a state in which man depends upon the
laws made by himself. They are among free men what irons, whipping-posts, and
gibbets are among peoples in slavery.
Washington and Rochambeau were to meet for the first time, Hartford was the
place. September 20, 1780 during the conference they were served fruit punch. There
was great apprehension, should Washington’s absence become known, that the enemy
would be encouraged to make some movement. Washington required all officers to be
in perfect readiness and the guards and patrols alert and watchful. Arnold was
stationed at West Point and in command. Here all the ammunition and supplies were
kept. He went down the Hudson to meet Washington where he was to cross the river at
Kings Ferry and handed Washington his opinion, as requested, concerning the exhibit
of the military situation.
Washington and befriend Arnold when others suspected his fidelity and the world
knew of his dishonesty. Arnold started his infamous business in 1779, pressing the sale
of his services to the enemy. He conveyed top secrets to the British.
The plan was to attack the British at New York as soon as the second division
came from France (which never did come).
Coming back from Hartford Washington was to stop over night at West Point.
Upon arrival he learned of the nefarious plot of Arnold to surrender that post to the
A party of the militia who was on the alert to secure the safe return of Washington
to his army, met John Andre’, aid-de-camp to General Clinton, disguised, on the road
from West Point to New York, their suspicions were aroused. They stopped him, and
found in his shoes the full plan of the conspiracy. He offered them money, but they
refused it and took him to headquarters.
As soon as Arnold learned of Andre’s arrest he took off in a boat and sped to an
English vessel below Kings Ferry, thus he escaped. Washington arrived a few hours
later and was apprised of it. The plan was to surrender the post and its garrison to the
British on September 25 or 26 when they expected Washington back, hoping to add the
seizure of Washington to is as well.
The Frenchmen wanted to meet Washington, and when they did they all got a good
impression of him.
Instead of attacking New York Rochambeau suggested an expedition against
Cornwallis on the Chesapeake, which he considered more practical and less expected
by the enemy.
Washington was set on attacking New York but Rochambeau persisted that the
war would be decided in the South.
On May 23, 1781, at the Wethersfield conference near Hartford (in the Webb
house) Washington still preferred to attack New York. For the Americans the war in the
South was a series of misfortune, Lafayette barely able to hold the defensive. But when
it had been decided to attack Cornwallis at Yorktown, suddenly everything turned their
The American and French armies met at Phillipsburg, July 6, 1781. In their
difficult march no attempts were made against them by the enemy, yet if there had it
could have been fatal.
While there, Washington and Rochambeau crossed over on a small island with
some French engineers to reconsider and size up fortifications of New York. While the
engineers were making the geometrical calculations, the two generals being weary
from the previous march, fell asleep, beneath a hedge. They were within cannon range
of the enemy ships. Rochambeau awakened first, and awoke Washington and reminded
him that they had forgotten the time of high tide. With some effort they managed to
reach the mainland. (It appears again that they had divine protection.)
Washington wrote to the various governors and Congressmen requesting recruits.
John Hancock Governor of Massachusetts did not even acknowledge his letters
although he wrote six times.
Most of those in the American army were farmers, and some were merchants, etc.,
who only fought when necessary and then went back to their work.
Because of lack of resources in money and material future operations of the
Americans depended on what money they could get. Washington did not know how
many men he could muster or how they could be equipped. Rochambeau had his men
and they were being paid. Rochambeau loaned Washington $20,000 for the campaign.
This was handed over in coins, and was to be returned in October.
Baron von Steuben was drillmaster of the continental army. Both he and
Rochambeau had much experience of siege warfare in the Seven Years’ war. Here they
had served on opposite sides, but then in America they were serving the same cause.
Again one can see Saint Germain’s influence. And perhaps gave protection in the
incident below.
Before the attack at Yorktown, Rochambeau examined the redoubt himself,
permitting only his son to go with him. He descended into a ravine on one side and
climbed up under the defenses to determine the amount of damage done to the enemy
works. The British either did not see him or were too impressed and did not fire.
Yorktown was Rochambeau’s 15th siege (the others were in previous wars in
Without Rochambeau and his Frenchmen on land de Grasse and his Frenchmen on
sea the glorious consummation would have been beyond the resources at command.
With the aid of the French the drama of the American Revolution became a triumph.
After the capitulation, peace was a possibility, not a certainty. When George III,
and his ministers’ heard of the surrender they refused to yield and were pushing to
pursue the war, but the mass of his people were not.
The loss of the army of Cornwallis was regarded on both continents as sealing the
fate of the British dominion in the former colonies of North America.
The signing of the capitulation of Yorktown was in a way the ratification of the
Declaration of Independence, which was declaring it hoping to attain it.
October 1981, marks the 200th anniversary or the signing of the Capitulation after
the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. This actually gave the States independence
and Freedom from England. This was October 19.
Under the New Dispensation for the Ascension enough of the purified substance
of the physical body can be drawn into the etheric body so that that one can complete
the Ascension at inner levels. Never has there been such opportunity on earth before.
When this Dispensation was given in the 1930’s, to have the benefit of it one had
qualify. This meant he had to have purified himself to a certain extent, and to have
rendered a certain amount of impersonal service besides having rendered a certain
amount in the past. Now after making the Ascension under the New Dispensation they
can then render impersonal service at inner levels and make up what is needed to give
a balance back to Life.
Since the great accomplishments in the 1950’s, more may be able to make it under
this Dispensation, not because they qualify but because the Masters and Divine Beings
have taken it upon themselves to get as many of us as possible out of the way so They
do not have to keep expending Their energy in sustaining and helping us in the future.
Thus individuals can be of greater assistance to the White Brotherhood.
When one makes the Ascension after passing on, under the New Dispensation,
when the physical body or shell is cremated or is disintegrated, that substance returns
to the universal, that is, it returns back to the sum total of the substance allotted to the
planet while it functions in this phase of existence.
That substance of the physical body, when released from the imperfection
imposed upon it, does not go to the Ascended One. It was substance from the planet’s
quota, only loaned to the individual to function on this planet, hence it is returned to
that quota. All that substance used by the individual has to be purified and returned
before that one can complete the Ascension.
In the case when Jesus made the Ascension, the purified substance or essence of
the physical body was drawn into his etheric body and the substance of the physical
body was transmuted through the action of Light and returned to the universal.
Everyone who makes the Ascension has the assistance of the Ascension Flame,
which is sustained by the Brotherhood of the Luxor Retreat. As each one ascends on
the Ascension Flame into complete Freedom, the feeling of joy, happiness and
gratitude is left here by the individual. This adds to the momentum of the Ascension
Flame, which the Brotherhood guards.
In 1939, Mighty Cosmos said that the students’ application, especially in groups,
meant the release of the earth from all destruction, and without this it would not be
possible; because the call from human being is necessary to bring this about. Besides
rendering this service for the rest of the world the students were gaining freedom for
Remember in your application, that the mental and feeling worlds of mankind are
one, therefore in the mighty decrees there go forth waves or pulsations of Light through
the mental feeling worlds of mankind. Even though there is no perceptible outer
manifestation, the inner action goes on.
September 29, is Archangel Michael’s Day. We thank Him and ask the Presence to
bless Him for all His great service He is and has been rendering through the years for
working in the atmosphere of earth for 22 hours a day helping-mankind.
At Shamballa, September 30, the ceremony takes place of bringing in the sheaves
for the Angelic kingdom, all of them who rendered service for the benefit of mankind
and the earth from the smallest to the greatest. October 31, is when the Elemental
kingdom bring their Sheaves to the Lord of the World at Shamballa. The essence of this
service will be taken to the Teton Retreat in December and placed before the Karmic
V.3 N.4, November-December, 27 A.F. (1981)
Ascended and Divine Beings do not function like we do, They do not do the things
we do. They do not eat, as They are sustained through the Light Ray. If an Ascended
Being visible and tangible to us, ate some food like we do, He would transmute it as
He took it, otherwise it would fall to the floor. They do not get married. They do not
produce off-spring. But in case of mankind of earth, by turning from the Light, Twin
Rays have been separated, hence there is a uniting of these Twin Rays. That takes place
with a ceremony at inner levels.
Some of Them are working with and helping mankind, and beside that They are
constantly creating perfection at inner levels, through wielding Light Rays.
The Ascended Masters work on one project after another. Mother Mary said, to
participate in activities that engage the subtle senses may seem strange to the outer
mind. But that is now the Great Ones work all the time, flashing from star to star, from
planet to planet, under the direction of some Cosmic Being, giving Their vital energies
where they are required the most. (TDB 466)
In 1933, after it had been given out about the New Dispensation for the
Ascension, it was said that those students who had come to understand this Ascended
Master Teaching and were rendering the service to save the earth, decreed for their
Ascension, kept up the application and were reaching forth for it, if for some reason
they did not attain it, would when they pass on retain this knowledge and all
achievements attained so far. Then they could continue their instruction at inner levels
and by using the Transmuting Violet Flame could transmute all human creation and
when they come back into embodiment would have none of it to meet, but would bring
this understanding with them. Thus they could establish the condition which would
enable them to make the Ascension in the next embodiment and probably early in that
So the preparatory work goes on which one’s I AM Presence alone may do. This
goes on in accordance with the obedience given by the outer self to Its request and
One must not look upon this Dispensation idly. It is reality, and through it those
who qualify can be set free for eternity. Each one must choose what he/she shall accept
into or reject from his/her world. Each one must exercise his/her choice. Each one
enter this Light, this stream of Life by his/her own volition, by the call of Light within
him/her. The Masters never interfere with that.
Your goal is to perfect yourself, free yourself from limitations, and to ascend into
the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence; thus it is two-fold.
Sanat Kumara said July 30, 1939 that we were living under a Law (a phase of the
Law) which was unknown on earth the year before. That tremendous assistance was
being given and great blessings were being prepared for those students who were and
remain loyal to the Light. For the Ascension under the New Dispensation, it does not
matter how one’s passing comes about.
From the time one learns of his/her I AM Presence, accepts and acknowledges it,
and is sure what Saint Germain has given out is the Truth, the preparation goes on as
long as one remains harmonious to the Light and to the great Law. This does not come
about by sudden impulse. Many times during the quiet times the greatest preparation
goes on. By giving this obedience one can attain eternal Freedom for such has the New
Dispensation provided.
One must assert the mastery of self-control and not let persons, places or
conditions disturb or sidetrack him/her.
Each individual alone is concerned with his/her own Freedom and Ascension.
The students were cautioned to not talk about their Ascension, especially to those
in the outer world; and to not say to other students that they were going to make the
Ascension. Because that just open the door for other forces to challenge them. In the
outer one never really knows until it is attained.
When one gives earnest sincere attention to the source, the I AM Presence, and
really feels It is there above, and realizes Its Light and energy enters the top of the head
and is anchored in the heart, that moment, his/her Ascension has begun.
In 1939, it was said that these Dispensation brought form for our blessing in this
embodiment were privileges and never known on earth before, and were not permanent
activities. It was also said or intimated that after the “world change” the New
Dispensation for the Ascension would no longer be in effect, and the Ascension would
again be attained in the same manner as formerly.
The earth being at point where it either had to make progress to enter into the
Light or be dissolved to the rest of the universe could go forward, hence something had
to be done to get lifestreams from reembodying again. That is the reason for the New
Dispensation for the Ascension. Hence that will be in effect only for a certain period
of time. That is until certain things are accomplished, especially from the inner
standpoint, and the axis straightened.
To attain Freedom, one’s application is required. The call is required and is
imperative. Application must be made until one ascends; and harmony must be
maintained in the feelings.
Under the New Dispensation for the Ascension many will be able to make it with
sufficient application. At least one third of the energy and substance must come from
the physical side of Life in order to make the Ascension.
People now read about it and just because they read it think they are going to
make the Ascension too, and yet go on in their human ways.
Evidently some individuals who come in contact with this Ascended Master
Teaching get the idea that all it takes is to make a few calls to have their Ascension.
Some seem to think that by belonging to an organization they will get it. Like the
churches promise, you will go to heaven if you join. To attain the Ascension one needs
to purify and correct oneself through application. That is an individual activity, as is
everything in the understanding of the I AM Presence. To do decrees in groups and
render impersonal service will assist and build merit towards one’s Ascension, but it
will not give one the Ascension without his/her personal application.
Each human being today is the accumulation of all that has been for that lifestream
in the past. In the activity of purification of the physical structure and mental and
feeling worlds; there is the drawing forth of all accumulation of imperfection into the
Transmuting Violet Flame. All of one’s stream of Life is being drawn back to the
Presence into the Causal Body, and to do that it has to be perfect; no imperfection can
enter into It.
If students think or have the idea, that at the time of passing they are going to make
the Ascension, just float right up into the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence, they
need to realize there is more to it. Every step of the way is done self-consciously. Most
people cannot even look into the sun for a fraction of a minute, how can they then enter
into the blazing Light of the Presence.
Besides, every atom of misqualified energy of the lifestream has to be redeemed
before one makes the Ascension. That means not only in the physical realm but in all of
the four lower bodies.
Also a balance must be given back to Life, whatever the law of the individual
requires. This is done by rendering impersonal service. Furthermore, to make the
Ascension the lower bodies have to be ready. One does not ascend until these two
requirements are met.
The Masters saying They would assist students to make the Ascension does not
mean that after passing on the individual will wake up or come to, in the Ascended
State, nor just float or be taken into that State. It is a matter of consciousness. Every
step to the Ascension is made consciously. Although as a rule one loses consciousness
just for a little while when passing on, he/she wakes up or becomes fully conscious on
the other side (at inner levels), and has the same consciousness as before passing on.
Now unless he/she has made enough achievement from the standpoint of Light, to enter
the I AM Presence, under the New Dispensation, he/she must learn and gain that at
inner levels before the Ascension can take place. All this must be done consciously.
One does not ascend until the requirements of the Presence are met, and that must
be done in full self consciousness.
Children’s Corner
Children are very susceptible to environment and take on what is around them, the
moods, thoughts, feelings and actions of others. They are great at mimicking others.
There is a reason for this. Long ago the Christ Self relinquished Its authority over the
outer self, which is too bad it ever happened. This was because the outer self through
free will turned from the Light and wanted to pursue that course. So now each one has
a Body Elemental which plays a big part in a child’s life. The very nature and action of
Elementals is to mimic.
Children’s emotional bodies are open for one most part. They do not have enough
protection around them to keep out the vibratory action in the world around them. So
parents, particularly the mother, relatives or friends who are familiar with this
Teaching, can call to the Presence for protection for them. It can be applied in the same
manner as for oneself. They can even help transmute some of their karma. But some
day each one will have to make application for himself before he can be completely
free. As no one else can do certain things for us, such as eat, breath, learn, exercise,
grow or develop and eventually make the Ascension. So they might as well start in
On Thanksgiving Day starts the action of the Seven Sacred Weeks, peaking at
Christmas time. During each year this is the most intense outpouring of the Great ones
of Their Love, Light and Blessings to mankind. People feel it but do not understand
what it is.
Most (if not all) of them were guardian spirits who had at inner levels
volunteered to come to America before taking embodiment. This they did because they
were made to know that the Light had to come forth here and it was the time and was
important to establish this new country for that purpose.
Guardian spirits being individuals who came from other planets to help the
mankind of earth were already somewhat advanced when they came, and had and still
do have a certain connection with the inner realms. Therefore they are more sensitive
and attuned to the inner actions than the native earthlings.
Originally those people who came to this country were strong lifestreams and
people of great Light and destined to develop and build this country. They were
determined to work and make progress, which they could not do in their native country.
They did not expect to be taken care of by the government or the citizenry. At that time
this country gave great opportunity. Now conditions are much different; people create
conditions so as to get on welfare instead of making effort for self support.
Since the Karmic Board to some extent regulates where and when lifestreams
embody, in the 1950’s it was desired by the Board that the birth rate be greater in
Canada, Mexico, and South America than in the United States. Because the Light was
supposed to increase here and influx of lifestreams could hinder that.
But then in the latter 1970’s the liberals in high positions in our government, in the
name of human rights let come in an influx of undesirables. What it says on the Statue
of Liberty does not mean to let into the United States the ill, elderly, diseased,
criminals and degenerates who will not and/or cannot make effort to develop and
support themselves; but just come in and live off of the tax payers. That is not the
destiny of this country how and never was.
Mankind and Ascended Ones bring their harvest to Shamballa November 30. The
celebration starts a few days before this ceremony. This is the reason for Thanksgiving
Day in America coming in this month. Someone in the days of the Pilgrims became
aware of this activity and set it into practice.
Teton Retreat
On December 15th, the essence of the harvest which has been sealed in a sphere at
Shamballa, will be taken to the Teton Retreat by Beings from the Angelic kingdom.
So begin the activities and ceremonies of the Teton Retreat each year at this time.
The Cosmic Highways are opened from the various planets and Stars, Divine Beings
come and attend and many come to participate in the activities, the ceremonies and
actions for the benefit of mankind and the earth.
Petitions are formed and presented to the Brotherhood, then condensed, placed on
the bulletin board in the halls for those to see who might be interested to support them.
Because it takes energy from individuals to carry out and make manifest any petition.
Unless this energy is forthcoming a petition is not passed by the Karmic Board. After
the Board convenes around the 26th of December these petitions are presented by the
various members of the White Brotherhood and now sometimes by even some human
beings. After that the Board retired into the Silence and in a few days hand down their
Right at midnight New Year’s Eve all activities stop and the attention of all is
focused on the action of the Thought-form for the year coming forth. It is given by the
Silent Watcher to the Lord of the World. He then reproduces it for all to see. Then all
reproduce it and send it forth on the breath to encircle the earth. Thus it penetrates the
inner bodies of all mankind.
Around the Star in the center of the ceiling of the audience Hall the Teton Retreat
as originally described, there are two bands or circles of colors. The inner one is rose-
pink and the outer one is violet. These are the colors of the sixth and seventh Rays, and
represent the 2,000 year cycle which has now been closed and the new cycle we have
just entered.
To manifest ideas on earth they come from the First Sphere out through the others
– seven Spheres in order. This is the reason that on our colored Chart the bands in the
Causal Body appear in order of the seven Rays one through seven. This results with the
outer two being rose and violet or purple.
So it can be assumed that the first five rings or bands are also there, but at a
higher frequency, hence were not seen.
Since Mr. & Mrs. Ballard and Donald have all left this physical plane of
existence and are ascended, those bodies which were preserved and kept in the Teton
Retreat, are no longer there.
Happy Holidays, with much illumination,
Freedom in all ways from past accumulation.
V.3 N.5, January-February, 27 A.F. (1982)
The equality of changes for all was admired by the early French visitors here, and
was one of the main things for which Washington fought. It was and is a chief attraction
offered to immigrants to the states.
The French Republic also secured it; with no more privileges, all have the right to
vote, taxation is the same, and military service is expected from everybody.
To Washington, equal liberty was the most important principle.
Of all the envoys sent to other countries to ask for help, France was the only one
to respond.
It was not until after Rochambeau and his troops came that Washington made
personal contact with France. He found these men had noteworthy qualities. It was
only then that Washington’s heart was won by the French.
At the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte (1503), which gave opportunity to men of
merit, officers trained by Rochambeau served at his generals.
Napoleon who knew how to appreciate real military merit, in 1504 conferred
upon the veteran the cordon of grand officer of the Legion of Honor and granted him the
pension of Marshal of France.
Saint Germain was known by the various governments and appeared in the courts
of Europe from 1710 to 1822. Saint Germain is the one who raised up Napoleon,
hoping to make a United States out the countries of Europe.
The Master Saint Germain tried to bring form this Ascended Master instruction on
the I AM Presence for 600 years. He endeavored to prepare a condition for that in
He taught Napoleon from youth who was very obedient. But when he was having
achievements some sinister individuals subtly poured into his world vicious
suggestions which he did not suspect. Then arrogance began to act within him, and the
human self decided to take over and be in command; he believing the power was his
own. After that he would not listen to Saint Germain although He gave him plenty of
proof, even the power to change from one form to another. So Saint Germain had to
withdraw His power from him, and then is when Napoleon’s defeats began.
The three Ballards’ had been children of Saint Germain in ancient times and again
in the civilization 70,000 years ago. And Saint Germain brought them together in this
their last embodiment. In the past embodiment Mr. Ballard was George Washington,
Mrs. Ballard was Benjamin Franklin, and Donald was Lafayette.
After the war of Independence, on wrote that Washington considered Lafayette as
his child: Lafayette referring to Washington, wrote, as a son of his adopted father.
Others who were in the war of Independence were in embodiment again and were
students of Saint Germain’s new Teaching. To name a few; Von Steuben, Rochambeau,
King George III, Rosciusko, two aides to Van Steuben, Generals Knox and Mercer,
Molly Pitcher*, Talleyrand, John Adams and John Hancock were only in the later
King Louis XIV and Louis XV, Queen Marie Antoinette, Rochambeau, Lafayette,
and others in the Court of France, George Washington, Franklin, Von Steuben, and
Lincoln, all knew Saint Germain personally but they did not know He was an
Ascended Master.
The American revolutionary war was different from any other revolution. The
colonies had established a government before they revolted against the British. Less
people lost their lives than in other revolutions. Yet this was touched and/or affected
nearly every country in the world, more so than any other war that was ever fought.
Saint Germain then ascended, and the Goddess of Liberty were directly behind
the action of establishing this nation.
Dental Care
Use a soft bristle tooth brush (or medium or hard). Hold is at a forty-five degree
angle to the teeth. This way the bristles will get under the sulcus, (which is the edges of
the gums overlapping the teeth. Most cavities get started because of particles of food
being deposited there and it gets invested with germs, which live on those particles.
The germs are like animals, they eat, digest and eliminate, and this causes tooth decay.
Hold the brush at this angle, use short back and forth strokes (that is sidewise
across the teeth). This way the bristles get between the teeth and gums. It can be done
with or without tooth paste or powder. It is all right to use soda.
To do it between the teeth use unwaxed dental floss. Use short pieces of it. For the
lower teeth push it down with the forefingers; for upper teeth use the thumbs; and then
pull it out. If your gums bleed that shows they are already infected. Wash the mouth out
with salt water. If you have not been using dental floss do not do it for long periods of
time. Do it only one or two minutes a day; use on some teeth and next day use on others
until you become sufficient and can cover all in that period.
With this method one need only do it once a day but can do it more. The dentist
said he does it in two minutes.
He said that in the 1930’s a dentist not understanding (proper dental care)
advocated brushing the teeth with up and down strokes. This can be compared with a
man having a haircut and then the barber brushing the hair off the collar and neck but
does not get that beneath the collar.
He does not approve of tooth paste advertised to remove tobacco stains. Electric
tooth brushes and water picks will not do what this method does, but can be used along
with it.
In dental school dentist learn about this method but they do not tell their clients.
The one who does has said that 90% of his clients have no further cavities. He run an
ad in a paper about this and that dentists do not inform their clients on this. For this he
has been put on probation for a year. That is like is with the medical profession.
Anyone who gets results in healing through certain or proper foods, is condemned by
the profession.
In Seattle, June 7, 1936, the Master Saint Germain said that the Great Divine
Director had recently called into action a transcendent service (this was about June 1),
for those boys who had passed on in the strife overseas. They were all contacted at
inner levels and offered the opportunity to receive the knowledge of the I AM
Presence, and how to apply the Law. Then when they would reembody they would
bring with them this knowledge and be able to make the Ascension in that embodiment.
This was the first time in the history of the earth that this could be done. This was made
possible by Cosmic Law because the Cosmic Light was flooding the earth and was
being increased daily.
A certain percentage of the boys accepted the offer. Then a year or so later those
who had not accepted were approached again with the same offer, and more accepted.
This was before the information about the New Dispensation for the Ascension
was given out. From the inner standpoint that action was ready to come forth, but
evidently required a certain amount of application by the students before it could be set
into operation for them and others. However, it had already acted for Cardinal
Bonzano in 1926-27.
The men in military service that went out of the body in war, if there was a certain
percentage (even as low as 25%, it was said) of Light in the lifestream they were given
the opportunity to make the Ascension. At inner levels they were given training and it
depended on the individual as to how long it would take to complete the Ascension.
Many in World War II were released from reembodiment through the Ascension
under the New Dispensation. Others for who it was not possible, get training at inner
levels and can probably make it in the next embodiment. Great was the mercy of Life
during that chaos to release so many lifestreams.
There is the need for everyone to get still and contemplate the Light and the
Presence. That pure life essence or energy enables one, the outer or sense
consciousness to hold a connection with the Divine Self, the Source.
When the sense consciousness holds the attention and therefore the mind on being
separate from one’s Source (God), then that condition will express itself in his world,
and he feels himself an entity apart from his Source.
It is each one’s preordained destiny to ascend into the I AM Presence. However,
it cannot be used as a way out or a means of escape from certain experiences that are
trying. When difficulties arise there is the desire within the outer self to escape in some
manner. Some of the orthodox beliefs have furnished such an escape for their followers
by encouraging the mind to dwell on gold-paved streets in heavenly cities, while in
metaphysical and occult circles they find a certain peace of dwelling on the so-called
mystery of the Ascension.
When one gets overwhelmed with world conditions then the outer self may want
to call for the Ascension to use that as an escape. But it does not work that way. Not
can one go on in all the human ways and on the death bed repent and expect to get the
Ascension. The action is quite the opposite. Since every particle of misqualified
energy that lifestream has sent forth has to be redeemed, one has to face the situation
and change one’s attitude. One cannot make the Ascension because the inner bodies
have to be ready and one must have completed the service of his/her lifestream.
It is the part of wisdom to trust in the Law, knowing that when one’s service is
completed and the lifestream is sufficiently purified, then and only then will one
Jan. 15, Transylvania Retreat.
Feb 15, Retreat at Darjeeling.
Mar. 15 Resurrection Temple.
April 15, Focus of Wisdom over Kashmir.
May 15, Ascension Temple.
*She was nick-named Molly Pitcher because she carried water to those needing
it. Her real name was Mary Mc Cauley. When her husband was incapacitated she took
over and finished the battle.
V.3 N.6, March-April, 27 A.F. (1982)
Resurrection Flame
March 15, Resurrection Temple. Long before the coming of Sanat Kumara, the
first Krishna (Christ) a Cosmic Being brought the Resurrection Flame to earth. The
Resurrection flame was drawn forth when It became necessity for mankind and
elemental life. This was because of the causes set us through the consciousness of the
race which created inharmony and discord, and which brought about degeneration,
disintegration, decay and involuntary dissolution of form.
In 1953 it was said that when the Resurrection Flame was first drawn forth onto
earth, it was located in the land now knows the Arabian Desert, and for centuries
Divine Beings, tended, guarded and sustained the physical focus of this Flame. In the
Resurrection Temple, now in the etheric realm, Beings of the Angelic Host absorb into
themselves the substance of the Resurrection Flame, then sweep outward at the
direction of the Masters Who are in charge of the direction of the Light Rays.
In the Arabian Retreat, now beneath the sands of Arabia, is where the use of the
Light Rays is taught. (LL 435). (It looks like this Retreat and the Resurrection Temple
were possibly the same originally. But now there is specific action in the Etheric
Realm.) TDB 600
It is a restorative, life-giving Flame from the source or all Life. It is an activity of
quickening, bringing back to life, resuscitating the Divine vibratory action in human
beings when they desire is, also in nature every spring.
Through the centuries this Flame has gained a momentum. Mother Mary and the
Master Jesus used it in their lives and it was a very real and efficacious part in the
Victory of Jesus. After Their Ascension, Jesus and Mother Mary offered to guard and
sustain the Resurrection Flame, thus release the previous sponsor. Someday someone
of mankind will be chosen to relieve Jesus and Mary.
This Flame is also guarded by Archangels Gabriel and Hope.
In the Etheric Realm circular Temple has been built around it, with seven circular
corridors. From the center it is constantly flowing outward in rhythmic action.
There can be an inversion of the use of the power of resurrection, like other
talents and virtues. In this way one can resurrect unpleasant memories and experiences,
which should be completely forgiven and forgotten; this can cause distress to oneself
and others. But in this Temple, one is taught to use the power or resurrection only to
resurrect good and bring about the Divine Plan for each whom he might influence. The
Resurrection Flame is the hope or redemption of mankind, and it is the Flame of hope.
Individuals in their etheric bodies and Elementals go there and absorb the
radiation, and get charged with renewed hope and spiritual vitality. Whichever
corridor they enter is according to each one’s development. The power of the
Resurrection Flame is such that only Ascended Beings can stand in the center of it.
The Cosmic Law does not allow the receiving of more than ordinary assistance
without a balance or impersonal service. Thus pupils under the direction of their
Master are constantly sending form the Ray and Flame of Resurrection into nature, and
also to certain individuals who are deserving more than ordinary assistance in their
endeavors to fulfill the Divine Plan.
When invited the substance of the Resurrection Flame will flow through one’s
four lower bodies. The action of it is the quickening of the vibratory action of the Light
and Life within the cells of the body which enables the inner Light to throw off the
appearance of limitation and be free.
The Resurrection Flame is a substance which resembles mother-of-pearl. Or it
looks like a lily with rainbow colors in it. From this Temple It is directed out into the
mental, emotional, etheric and physical planes. The white lily represents this Flame.
Divine Beings in each corridor amplify and radiate out the buoyant, uplifting, life-
giving, resuscitating power of the Resurrection Flame and direct it to all life on the
particular Ray which They serve.
Although mankind has accepted the power of it to restore their own vehicles,
Jesus and Mother Mary continuously send forth from this Temple the victorious
radiation into the consciousness of mankind.
What is accomplished in nature, man can also experience in his own life;
experience the resurrecting or perfection in his mind, body and world. Without that
resurrecting power no man could enter into his Christ Estate.
Saint Patrick
March 17 is recognized as Saint Patrick’s Day. For this mission he went from
France to Ireland, and stood in the Focus of Light Mother Mary had drawn on the trip
when they took the Holy Grail to England after Jesus’ Ascension. He was enfolded in
Lord Maitreya’s Flame and stood for hours in rain and storm, persistently calling to rid
Ireland or all reptiles. He was working for the benefit of all, and would accept only
victory. Hence the Being Victory answered his call. And the so-called miracles took
place. He later became known as patron Saint of Ireland.
Each individual created by the I AM Presence is endowed with the power to
think, feel, speak, act and remember. To have the Ascension one must understand that
these powers are under his/her control, and it is necessary to use the knowledge that
such control is possible. Then as these powers are utilized to consciously create
perfection that one will ascend into a Realm where only perfection exists.
The Ascension cannot be forced by the outer self. It is like a trap door which
opens only from the side of the Presence. Therefore it has complete control over one’s
Ascension. Since one has to enter the Presence, one has to know the Presence and give
complete obedience to it. There is no other way, there is no way one can work around
We cannot force the spirit within as or within others. The chick in the egg cannot
be forced to come out. It has to break the shell from within, or its life may be
endangered or terminated. The butterfly cannot be freed from its cocoon before its time
and be an entity that can fly. The rose bud cannot be rushed. To pull away the green
leaves covering it, and then pull apart the buds which is beginning to form petals, one
does not see the color of the role nor get the fragrance which it would produce. So is
man’s spiritual nature, it cannot be rushed. It has to develop from within. That is the
uniqueness of individualization. But mankind unlike the above examples, has free will
and can delay that process. However, Cosmic Law has been set into action whereby
some of that free will is being set aside; and everything is being accelerated. But
human beings’ spiritual development cannot be forced, nor can it be done by anyone
else, not even by an Ascended Master. However, great assistance can be given by
The great majority of people are not developed sufficiently to be able to complete
their development for which they have a physical body. And now the Cosmic schedule
does not allow time to reembody on this planet. However, provision has been made
whereby they can go on developing at inner levels.
Every electron that the individual has taken from the unformed Light from his
Source and sent out into the universe stamped by the Light battery of his lifestream
must be accounted for before the Ascension can be completed. If the electrons went
forth in harmony for a constructive purpose to fulfill at least a fair proportion or that
person’s reason for being, those electrons are released from be debit side of this
“ledger” and become a part of the Causal Body. But the misqualified energy must be
returned to the individual in one form or another until that one redeems it and sends it
forth in love and purity.
The Law of Life is that any energy sent forth which does not comply with the law
of harmony must be cleansed and purified by the dispenser. The misqualified energy
sent forth in some lifetime, will come back to him in some particular trait or
characteristic in some person around him which is particularly annoying or distressing.
This energy coming from another person which “baits” the temper must be loved in to
harmony or it will appear again in another person some place on that one’s path. No
two persons are annoyed by the same traits, habits, and characteristics of others or of
circumstances. Because each one is only produced by the energy which corresponds to
his own “failing” in some lifetime and which Life, in mercy, brings back to him in
order that he may redeem it and to set both himself and the other one free.
When an individual comes to the point where the Ascension could be possible,
the return of this energy is greatly accelerated and conditions and individuals seems to
pop up out of nowhere to cause every conceivable type of annoyance. If one can
realize that all of this is but the return of one’s own energy which is “called in” by the
Cosmic Law before one can pass through the portals of Freedom, that one would not
feel resentful or rebellious. Also it would save one from depression and doubt.
In order to become an Ascended Being, every ounce or particle of energy that one
has misqualified since individualizing must be purified and redeemed. The returning
misqualified energy may cause some concern and trouble in various ways. One should
not be discouraged but should realize that once the student has set foot on the final path
back to the Source, these appearances are but Life presenting its account from the
“cosmic ledger”, which must be balanced and are not a punishment or a failure on his
part when they do appear.
In each lifetime more pages are written in each one’s Book of Life and in the end
nine-tenths has to be erased; because all discord and imperfection has to be transmuted
before that one can complete the Ascension. Every electron of that lifestream has to be
It was said that all misqualified energy must be purified by the one whose
electronic pattern it bears. But now under the New Dispensation for the Ascension, for
some of those who are enabled to make the Ascension at inner levels, who did not
know their I AM Presence or the use of the Transmuting Violet Flame, through the work
of the student body understanding this, that energy which otherwise needs be
transmuted and redeemed on the physical side of Life, through the students’ call can be
put in a Cosmic furnace and transmuted for them. However, while this energy then can
be placed in the Causal Body of that one, it is usually given to some Master to produce
some Cosmic work for mankind at inner levels.
So that one is just minus that much in his Causal Body which he would otherwise
have – that is, if he had made the call and effort to redeem that energy himself.
The Master Jesus said, the last enemy to overcome was so-called death. The
misuse of sex activity is the last activity which that enemy uses to keep holding
dominion over mankind.
In ancient times individuals sustained life for hundreds of years, but as mankind
has wasted more and more of the life energy the span of life has become shorter and
Even those who made the Ascension by the former method, in the embodiment in
which they were to make it, they were given this same understanding of the creative
Words “I AM”, and also the knowledge of their I AM Presence. Without this it is
impossible for anyone to make the Ascension.
In case of illness when one is being prepared to make the Ascension that registers
only in the atomic structure, and not in the etheric body because the Ascended Masters
transmute it. All records of imperfection have to be transmuted from the entire
lifestream of all embodiments before that one can Ascend. And to do that every human
being has to have Ascended Master assistance.
The Ascension is the only means by which one can be free from the wheel of birth
and re-birth.
As one enters the Electronic Presence (Body) of the “I AM”, he/she carries with
him/her the authority he power of having dissolved and transmuted all human creation,
and the power of having gained the victory over the human element of life. This gives
one the authority over all energy and substance of the planet.
The electron is the central nucleus of the atom around which are particles of a
very dense nature arranged like the planets around the sun. Our physical bodies are
composed of these dense particles which are many times heavier than the electrons.
The Body of an Ascended Being is composed wholly of electrons. Because of the
distance separating the atoms, an Ascended Being can pass unobstructed thru physical
substance, walls, etc. Likewise a physical object can pass right through an Ascended
Being’s Body.
Upon entering the Electronic Body in the Ascension, one lives by the power of
Light and energy, which as shown on the Chart flows into one’s physical body. Then
that needs no longer be called forth because that one has entered the Electronic Body,
and how has the use of the various qualifications of that infinite power of Light. That
Light can be made manifest as liquid Light, as substance, or whatever is required.
When functioning on these lower levels, that Light and energy flows through an
Ascended Being as golden liquid Light similar to the blood stream which flows
through the arterial and veinular system in the physical body. The natural appearance of
an Ascended Being’s Body has a glowing color of pink to the substance of His form,
which is the activity of Light radiating from the heart. The heart, of course has become
all Light, and is located in the center (not to the side as in the physical body), it still
pulsates and carries the energy through the Body, in similar fashion as the heart in a
physical body. The Ascended Body can be made as tangible as a physical body, but it
is not physical substance. It is all Light (substance) and is eternal.
At the time of the Ascension the blood stream turns into liquid golden Light. The
Light in the body is the power that overcomes the gravity pull of earth. (To Be Continued)
March 15, Resurrection Temple.
April 15, Focus of Wisdom over the hills Kashmir.
V.4 N.1, May-June, 28 A.F. (1982)
So after the Ascended Master Saint Germain got the new Teachings started for the
New Age in the early 1930’s, the other side of the Seal began to be used. As in 1935
both the obverse and reverse sides were put on our one dollar bills.
The number 13 represents the Union from the standpoint of our country. From the
inner standpoint 13 represents the action of the Central Sun; the 12 Qualities and
Actions around that Sun and the 12 Cosmic Beings representing them, plus the Central
Sun – Alpha and Omega.
Vista (Cyclopea) is the Eloah of the Fifth Ray and One of the Twelve Cosmic
Beings around the Sun. He has charge of and controls the activity of the All-Seeing Eye
of god for mankind. At the beginning of each cycle He comes forth from out the Great
Silence to pour out His Light and Love to awaken and expand the true inner sight in
individuals, to illumine the consciousness and expand the Light in their hearts. Also to
purify and illumine the atmosphere of earth.
This is the reason the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye within the triangle, forming
the cap stone to the pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States is used.
The Light Rays pouring out from the Eye within the triangle represents the
outpouring from this Cosmic Being. Through His Light Rays He pours forth the patterns
of perfection which register within the consciousness of mankind and which are to be
externalized or outpictured for mankind and the earth.
Through the Eye in the north wall of the audience Hall in the Teton Retreat, Vista
gives protection and guidance through the projection of Light Rays in Cosmic activities
to America and the earth, every six months now. This is to continue for 100 years.
Before 1932 He came forth only every 100 years.
The three-fold activity of the Silent Watcher, Vista and the Great Divine Director
is signified by the triangle which is not mitered into position. This may signify the
separation or gap between the human consciousness and the Divine (as is still the
case). These Beings controls the Cosmic Activity of the expansion of the Light for the
earth and the activities of building the new civilization in America. This is the power
and action behind the advancement and change taking place now.
Note: On the one dollar bill the reverse side is at your left and on it are the
words: “The Great Seal”, to the right on the obverse side are the words: “Of the
United States”. This side is what has been in use. Perhaps the original design of the
observe side was too little understood, especially by the one or those to whom befell
that decision; although many of the Patriots were Masons. The outer mind not being
familiar with the symbol of a phoenix, hence the eagle was used in its place.
In 1776, on the physical plane was started the action to provide the place where
the Light could and would come forth. In 1932 the Cosmic action to bring forth that
Light started. At that time began the preparation to close the old (Sixth Ray) cycle and
bring in the new (Seventh Ray) cycle – the New Age, which began in 1954.
Why do children and young people jump around so much of the time? It is because
certain qualities in their emotional bodies. And those qualities are of the human, in
other words, misqualified energy. The nature of energy is action. So the actions are,
according to the quality or qualified energy. Learn to be quiet and not chattering all the
time, or jump and move around. That is a waste of energy, and some day it has to be
transmuted and purified. We are in embodiment to master energy, not give way to it.
The Ascension
Since turning from the Light everyone has misqualified a certain amount of energy
in every lifetime. This karma acts on many planes, determined by which body is the
chief offender in the case. The physical body performing acts of violence, releases
much vital energy into the elemental substance of the physical world. That substance
remains part of the imprisoned elemental life of the physical plane until the individual
soul who has created it, takes it back into his/her own physical body is some future
life. Under the former or occult law this was done through suffering and disease. Now
this energy can be purified and set free through the Transmuting Violet Flame which is
an action of the Sacred Fire.
Human beings also perform discordant acts on the mental plane, crimes of mental
cruelty. The mental elements charged with that vibratory action, which fill the mental
atmosphere, must be redeemed and does return to its creator as mental pressure in the
mental body. The same with emotional cruelty which charges the substance of the
emotional plane. These various types of crimes on these three planes, in their return
circuit are the primary causes of the physical, mental, and emotional diseases.
In order for anyone to gain full freedom from reembodiment, all that misqualified
energy must be redeemed. To do this one must have a body on each of these planes
through which to redeem that energy there. That is why it has always been necessary to
be redeemed and perfected on the physical plane.
When the Master Saint Germain brought forth the knowledge and activity of the
Sacred Fire, especially the Transmuting Violet Flame, and the group work got going,
there were established so-called “Cosmic incinerators” at inner levels. Into these was
placed the misqualified physical energy of the unpaid debt of individuals who had
rendered great service in the past but still had some untransmuted karma at the time of
passing on, this way they were not required to return to earth. They were the first ones
to have the benefit of the New Dispensation for the Ascension. (It was said that they
were allowed to go to Venus or some other planet to complete their evolution). By the
use of the Violet Flame in group decrees the student body transmuted for them that
karma on the physical plane, freeing them from the necessity to return to earth to do it
So some students in the activity which Saint Germain had started, made the
Ascension at inner levels after passing on, by completing the purifying process of the
emotional, mental and etheric bodies there and entering into the Electronic Body. This
could take days, weeks, months or years.
Then was secured a further Dispensation. In gratitude for the student body’s
service, Archangel Michael on January 1, 1954, secured the Dispensation which
would free from the necessity of reembodiment, every lifestream belonging to (that is
every member of the family of) any student who had given his/her life to this endeavor;
also all who had already passed through the change of so-called death or who would in
the future pass on, back for three generations.
Between this date and Easter at inner levels were created the Ascension Temples,
some in each of the seven Spheres, into which on Thursday April 15th, all the relatives
who had passed on, of those students, filed in for the first lesson on the Law. The
requirements there are: daily attendance to learn, to make application, and to render
impersonal service. Through this means they could acquire their Ascension at inner
levels and would not be required to reembody on earth.
This could be done because the students through conscious active groups were
willing to assume that debt, at least as far as the physical world was concerned, for
these lifestreams and also for others. The karma in their inner bodies they could
redeem at inner levels, because one retains his/her mental consciousness and feeling
world, which functions within the etheric body.
Those who have come under the Dispensation of Lord Michael, are being
prepared to make the Ascension at inner levels without reembodying. They are trained
also to work with the Builders of Form and the powers of the Elements and to
consciously help in the purification and disintegration of the physical body that has
been buried and not cremated. That is a tremendous release and relief to the etheric
consciousness as well as to the body of the earth itself. In each 24 hour cycle they must
give some time to the purification of that shell which has been placed in the body of the
earth (buried).
Some of the things they must do there, the students can do here through the decrees
etc., especially in group work render impersonal service, before (even) leaving the
earth plane.
One does not get the Ascension by just decreeing. It also takes pouring love to the
Presence. One has to learn to know his/her I AM Presence and love it.
When all this information came forth the door for reembodiment had not closed.
But we presume that for those who are loyal to the Light, who continue their
application and make effort for the Ascension and do not make it at the close of this
embodiment will be given opportunity to reembody, in case it is needed.
Individuals in embodiment now who are not Candidates for the Ascension, can
learn of their I AM Presence and use the Transmuting Violet Flame and other actions of
the Sacred Fire, and thereby gain the necessary qualification to become a “Candidate
for the Ascension” in the next embodiment, if they get to come back.
When one becomes such a Candidate to make the Ascension in that one earth life,
he/she volunteers to endeavor to draw back through the Law of the Circle all of the
misqualified energies of the lifestream still unredeemed back to the beginning.
In previous ages to get the training to make the Ascension one had to enter an
Ascended Master Retreat because there was no conscious knowledge of the Sacred
Fire outside the Retreats. There were very few lifestreams whose vibratory action and
spiritual nature were developed to a point where they could enter a Retreat. Hence
Candidates for the Ascension were few. Through the ages there was only an average of
once a year who made it. But since Saint Germain has given forth this New Teaching,
all that has change greatly. TBD 784
The more service to the Light the Candidate for the Ascension renders here, the
less he/she will have to do when he/she gets on the other side, before making the
Law of Forgiveness
Why keep calling on the Law of Forgiveness? As long as there is any
imperfection manifesting anywhere, there is the need to call on the Law of
Forgiveness. When it is completely forgiven then it is also forgotten and it manifests no
Whenever there is disorder or disease in the body there is a cause. So there is
need to call on the Law of Forgiveness. As long as we are in a physical body there is
imperfection manifest. Even for a physical body to function normally in good condition
it still manifests imperfection. When one eats an apple, what does the body do to it?
Each one of us, if we had not turned from the Light and had always functioned in
Christ Light instead of gotten into the density there would be that much less
imperfection manifesting. We have a responsibility for that and need to call on the Law
of Forgiveness until it is rectified. Every atom, all the energy of our lifestream which
we have ever drawn forth that is less than perfect has to be redeemed. And only then
can one make the Ascension. So until that moment there is still need for forgiveness.
May 15, Ascension Temple at Luxor.
Ascension Day, in recognition of Jesus’ Ascension this year comes on May 20th.
V.4 N.2, July-August, 28 A.F. (1982)
There is an aspect of the Law which provides opportunities of an unusual nature
from time to time. Blessings are released in a rhythmic cycle and are then withdrawn
when the service is completed. For instance, the Cosmic outpouring during the Master
Jesus’ mission on earth.
There was such a cycle during the 1930’s when the Matter Saint Germain gave the
basis of the Teaching for the New Age. Then again, a dispensation was granted early in
the 1950’s, and for a small cycle of around seven years there was a Cosmic out-
During these periods the door was opened whereby the Ascended Masters were
permitted to reach the consciousness and hearts of Their friends (students) who had
served Them faithfully thru the centuries, and who were then interested in Their
Endeavors to promote an understanding of the Universal Plan of Creation and the way
and means by which the individual may cooperate with the Divine to fulfill that Plan In
the world of form.
Certain qualities were required in the consciousness of the student, these are:
faith, discrimination, love, humility and an extreme sensitivity to the vibrations of the
Master Who chose to make the offer of friendship and opportunity to serve in a more
than ordinary capacity in the Name of the Great White Brotherhood. The students
drawn into the activity had given that faith, exercised that discrimination, poured out
that love, manifested the humility and received, according to their sensitivity, proof
within themselves of the Master’s reality. Their desire to help them and their desire to
reach thru them to mankind en masse. Centuries of self discipline and self denial had
built those requisite qualities into their natures for THAT DAY.
Signing Of The Declaration
The Signing Of The Declaration
Thomas Jefferson had finished a draft of the Declaration of Independence in 17
days, in the last paragraph the signatory would pledge his life, his fortune, and his
sacred honor.
In the Pennsylvania State House, now called the Independence Hall, In
Philadelphia, on July 4, 1776, 56 men assembled to break the shackles of the mother
country (and even of the world). King George III, had denounced all rebels in America
as traitors, and punishment for treason was hanging.
Of these 56 delegates, 24 were lawyers and jurists, 11 were merchants and trades
– men, and nine were farmers and owners of plantations. They were men of means and
education having achieved personal security, but valued freedom more. Of these 56, 53
were Masons.
In the meantime, in the wooden steeple of that building by the Liberty bell was an
old white haired man, humbly dressed. Yet his eye gleamed as it was fixed on the out-
line of the bell. By his side stood a flaxen-haired boy with blue eyes, looking into his
face in wonder. The old man was thinking for a moment about the stranger words
written upon the bell. Then he asked the boy to do him a favor, to go down stair and
wait in the hall until a man gave him a message for him (this old man). When he got that
word, to run out into the street and shout it up to him.
Some time passed, and the old man, thought the boy must have forgotten him. Then
he heard the merry laugh of the boy, and there, among the crowd on the pavement, stood
the boy, clapping his small hands, the breeze blowing his hair about his face, he took a
deep breath, raised himself on tiptoe and shouted the single word, “Ring”! The old
man’s eye flashed, his hand grasped the iron tongue of the bell. He felt young again, his
veins were filled with new life. Backward and forward with sturdy strokes he swung
the tongue.
The bell pealed out a noonday; the crowds in the street, hearing it burst forth in
one long shout. The sailors on the Delaware heard it and gave it back on the cheers of
a thousand sailors. The city heard it and started up from desk and workshop, as if an
earthquake had spoken.
The committee, who had been out all night, had laid the parchment on the table.
Then followed a high and stormy debate, whether or not to sign it. The timid cringed in
corners. Then Thomas Jefferson spoke his few bold words and John Adams poured out
his whole soul.
Still there was a doubt: and that pale-faced man, rising in one corner, spoke
something about “axes, scaffolds and a gibbet”. A tall slender man arose, and his dark
eye burned, while his words rang through the halls:
“Gibbets! They may stretch our necks on every scaffold in the land! They may turn
every rock into a gibbet, every tree into a gallows, and yet the words written on that
parchment can never die! They may pour out our blood on a thousand altars, and yet,
from every drip that colors the axe, or drips on the sawdust of the block a new martyr
to freedom will spring into existence. What! Are there shrinking hearts and weak
voices here, when the very dead upon our battlefields arise and call upon us to sign
that parchment or be accursed forever?
“Sign! If the next moment the gibber’s rope is around your neck. “Sign! If the next
moment this hall rings with the echo of the falling axe. Sign! By all hopes in life or
death, as husbands, as fathers, as men! Sign your names to that parchment!
“Yes! Were my soul trembling on the verge of eternity; were this voice choking in
the last struggle, I would still, with the last impulse of that soul, with the last gasp of
that voice, beg you to remember this truth: God has given America to the free! Yes! As
I sink down in the gloomy shadow of the grave, with my last breath,it would be of your
(From an article by George Lippard. ‘The Workaday Readers” – Fifth Reader.
D.C. Health & Co., Chicago, Ill.)
(Continued from Vol. 4 #1)
Before one can make the Ascension the fiat of his/her own I AM Presence has to
be fulfilled. It is this action which forms the motivating power by which the lifestream
The time of the Ascension for each one is determined by the service that
lifestream was destined to render in the evolution of the planet. For some their service
can and is completed in a shorter time, whereas for some their service may take them
down the whole course of history. Thus it is not necessarily determined by merit. Only
when that service is completed does the call from the Presence come. Then, in order to
accept or take that Freedom that one’s inner bodies have to be in order. This condition
of the inner bodies will determine how long after the service is completed it will be
before that one can make the Ascension. In case the bodies are not ready then the
necessary purification of them will have to take place first. This could even take more
than one embodiment. Hence, while serving, it is necessary to find time to make
personal application to purify the inner bodies, and establish a certain peace and
balance. So that when the mission is accomplished one can make the Ascension as
soon as possible.
Everyone who has embodied in a physical body many times, and that includes
nearly everyone, could not balance his debt in one embodiment, even if he could use
every electron of energy of that lifetime just to serve the Light (which is not possible)
still he could not give a balance to Life for having strayed from the Light. By rendering
impersonal service we can give some balance back to Life for having turned away.
Every human being is responsible for the discord in the outer world to the degree
that he/she has misqualified energy and released discord, adding to that which already
exists. Therefore, he/she is responsible to that degree for the limitations of mankind
now. It is the misqualified energy which caused disease. In the outer world nearly
everything is turned around, is backwards.
But thru the understanding of the Law of Life one can reverse that trend and
change human concepts into right action and Truth. All human concepts about life must
be cleared.
There are certain experiences that can only be obtained thru physical embodiment
which would widen the nature of the Causal Body and even that of the I AM Presence
Itself. That is why those who have taken physical embodiment and have ascended from
this planet have attained greater merit and achieved a wider scope of service than
those who have remained within any one of the seven Spheres and did not volunteer to
come forth with their Manu.
Some students seem to want to make the Ascension the way Jesus did and not
under the New Dispensation. They seem to think by making the call that that will do it.
All thru the ages to make the Ascension, one had to have much training in a
Retreat. That was usually several embodiments, sometimes it took many embodiments,
in a Retreat where he was cut off from all vibratory action of the outer world. When he
was admitted he relinquished any possession he had. The Masters have said, that now
the people who come into this understanding, who are stepping out of the masses, none
could qualify to enter a Retreat. So it behooves us to be willing to accept what the Law
offers and take advantage of the opportunity, and not hang on to some human concept,
like people do with vicarious atonement.
From the inner standpoint the Ascension is very practical and operates under law.
Yet the outer self cannot accomplish the Ascension physically. But one can and needs
to make the call in the outer. And one will only ascend when he/she completely gives
everything over to or back to the Presence.
August 15, 1939, Saint Germain said He was very grateful to have been a part of
The preparation for Mr. Ballard’s Ascension was completed in August 1936, but
the etheric body withdrew only when or after he passed on December 29, 1939. The
Ascension was only completed new Year’s even at midnight in the Teton Retreat, when
in his etheric body he merged with that pure body there, which had been preserved
from a former embodiment of long ago, He then rose into the Electronic Body of the “I
In the early work it was said that after the change takes place, the New
Dispensation for the Ascension will no longer be in effect, and the Ascension will
again be made as it was formerly.
Some of those things stated in the Discourses pertaining to the Ascension and
otherwise, apply only to those who were present or who were students at that time. But
most things are applicable to those accepting the Teaching now too. (Finis)
There was the outbreak of the French Revolution; then came the collapse of the
monarchy; then the rise of the Republic.
The constitutional monarchy promised order and peace. So to evade the
constitution, the King and Assembly wanted war. Rochambeau opposed plans to take
the offensive. But they planned a campaign and kept it from him. Lafayette always
ready to do whatever big deed turned up so he could gain some laurels, was put in
command. When Rochambeau found out about the intrigue, he said he could not
approve a proposition he had always opposed; but he cooperated with them to the
utmost. Their campaign failed drastically.
Rochambeau asked to resign, but the King resisted his requests; then finally he
retired in June 1792.
Many officers were beheaded, others were obliged to flee, including Lafayette.
As he crossed the border he was captured and imprisoned for life by the enemies.
Rochambeau alone had stayed in France undisturbed. But was then arrested and
imprisoned on a trumped up charge; but did escape the guillotine.
Rochambeau served 37 years in the army. He was famous in the wars of two
continents. He served in two great nations; in the seven years’ war against Frederick
the Great, resulting in the foundation of the Prussian monarchy; the other against
England in America for two and one half years, terminating in the birth of the United
States of America, and peace between France and England.
Rochambeau having played a very important role in the war of Independence, the
Revolutionary War, he then remained silent about it. But he left his memoirs, giving
exposition facts written briefly and concisely without emotions or opinions, and
suppressing the personality. He was an aristocrat, a true soldier, with ambition only to
serve his country; he was a nobleman, a gentleman and honest. Even suppressed
Lafayette in spirit and conduct was a true republican.
For over 20 years he was in the most dangerous position in the wars in Europe.
He had no inclination for the frivolous and dissipated life of the court, he was more
interested to serve than to please. He was clear-sighted, deliberate and a strict
disciplinarian, and a leader.
Although he could have retired (1763), he remained as an inspector in charge of
organizing the army. For over 17 years he worked at this thankless undertaking with
opposition and indifference of the Court, until the reforms of Comte Saint Germain. He
was probably the first soldier to realize that war was no longer to be for exploitation
and heroic deeds nor the sport of kings. That a commander needed to have disciplined
and well-trained troops, with thorough preparation to win the victory. No doubt this
came out of Saint Germain’s efforts at the Court of France.
These principles were later used in World War I.
In 1747 Rochambeau was near death from wounds, but did not pass on till 1807 at
the age of 82.
The French Revolution would have been avoided if the King and his ministers
had complied with Saint Germain’s suggestions and requests.
Saint Germain then Ascended, and the Goddess of Liberty were directly behind
the action of establishing this nation.
Some officers trained by Rochambeau served under Napoleon. Saint Germain is
the one who raised up Napoleon, hoping to make a United States out of the countries of
Hallowe’en means Hallowed or Holy evening. Originally this evening was set
aside for the worship of the various Saints who had blessed mankind but were not
generally known nor worshiped otherwise. The sacredness of this purpose was
forgotten, and later on some more sensitive “tuned in” on the activity of bringing in the
sheaves at inner levels by the Elemental kingdom.
The ceremony of the Elementals presenting their harvest of the years’ service
takes place in the etheric realm at Shamballa October 31.
However, mankind have perverted this celebration by having attuned into the
psychic-astral realm and outpicturing the frightening aspect of false faces and
grotesque forms. Yet using apples, sheaves of wheat, corn and pumpkins as a symbol to
gathering of the harvest.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14, Retreat at Ceylon.
Days to recognize:
Sept. 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Being’s Harvest.
Oct. 3, Saint Germain started to give the series of Discourses.
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, Colonies’ Independence won.
Oct. 31, Elementals’ Harvest.
A recommended book: “The Energy Non Crisis” by Lindsey Williams.
Distributed by CLP Publishers, P.O. Box 15666, San Diego, CA. 92115. Price $2.95,
postage 63¢. Paperback, 240 pages. Everyone should read it, and tell others; then
contact or write the Senators and Representatives; they should investigate it and change
the situation.
V.4 N.4, November-December, 28 A.F. (1982)
The Heart
The heart is a muscular organ. The heart gives life to one’s body and circulation
thru it. It is the action of the I AM Presence in the human form. The power of all Life
and Light is anchored in the heart.
On one side of the heart are the auricles (taken from the Greek word “oracle”, the
receiving center), on the other side are the ventricles (the directing centers) doing
exactly what is contained within that word – pushing the vital blood and energy thru the
body. There is the double action of the heart which is considered as one.
The auricles and the ventricles are the receiving and directing centers of the
energy thru the body.
From the I AM Presence is directed into the secret chamber of the heart a focus of
itself. This is the immortal Three-fold Flame of God. It is the intelligence by which one
thinks; It is the motivating power by which one moves about, and is the only part of one
that sustains eternally one’s Ascended Body when one has attained the Ascension.
That focus or flame in the heart lives within the airless cell. In the undeveloped it
is very small, it is but a spark; in the more developed it begins to expand.
According to Dr. Hanish’s finding, there is within the back of the fourth chamber,
or left auricle, a fifth chamber within which is an airless cell, a perfect vacuum. Within
this is the Divine Atom, a tine replica of the Christ Self.
Beating one’s heart is the power and Presence of Life. There is anchored the Light
of eternity in the physical form, and no imperfection can enter into that. It is that Light
and the Light pattern which hold together the flesh body or else there would be no
physical bodies. That Light is the Intelligence, power and activity of Life and that
which gives life to the physical form.
The beating heart is the activity of the I AM Presence in the physical body, and the
only faculty that knows the Truth. It is the knower and knows the fullness of perfection.
This has been shut off by the intellect which has gathered (so) much from without and
clouded the comprehension.
Thru that Stream of Light and Energy has come everything in the outer world –
first as an idea, then a plan, a blue print and then thru the outer intelligence the physical
object, thing, building, etc., comes into existence.
The Masters said that it is not the heart that is troubled, but that it is one’s feeling.
That the heart of itself in spite of X-rays, does not have trouble or imperfection except
what is imposed upon the action of the heart by human suggestions, feelings and
A doctor’s finding has been that it was liver trouble and not a heart attack, as the
death certificate showed, which caused certain individuals to pass on.
Doctors and surgeons have accomplished much in the world of form, but they too
must come to realize that the I AM Presence is the power and operator of the body, and
that It gives them action to perform their services. Likewise with all others who are
rendering service, it is the I AM Presence which beats their hearts, enables them to
make decisions and perform their services.
All who do not know or believe their Presence is there, can try it out. Go by
yourself and call to the I AM Presence to make you feel and know It is there, and to
give you proof. If you are sincere and will still the feelings, and not let the ego and
intellect act, the Presence will give you that proof.
The heart is made up of intelligent energy (elemental substance) which is sworn
to obedience. Thru the heart the Sacred Fire is focused into the physical world, giving
identity and being to a personality for a time.
People unknowingly accept things in the feelings, and will accept that something
is wrong with the heart.
The heart is shaped like a flame upside down. (The outer, the human has things
upside down, hind side to, and backwards.) The ear is half of such a heart, with it we
hear. The ear attunes us to the sounds of the outer.
It is the current of Light and energy from the I AM Presence that hears thru one’s
ears. The same with one’s sight; it is Life within that current of energy thru the optic
nerve which sees, not the nerve in itself.
When one speaks discordant things and gossips, the ears hear it. Because the ears
are one of the open doors into the feeling world is why people so easily accept
falsehoods and gossip, and that is why it is so hard for them to refuse to listen to such
things. It is just as easy to believe a falsehood as the Truth. The main door to the
feelings is at the solar plexus, but as long as one keeps listening to and accepting things
he does not want, they act in the feeling world and generate conditions which cause
one to set up other causes. So-called heart trouble can be just pressure from gas.
When a lifestream has been passed by the Karmic Board to secure an earth body
that one is drawn into Mother Mary’s Temple at inner levels. Together they look over
the energy and substance which that one has used in all previous embodiments (which
can be for eons of time). This is the personal heritage endowed by nature to that one to
form the physical body in which it must function. They select the best cells from which
to fashion the heart, because it is the chalice for the Three-fold Flame of Life. Hence
the most highly developed substance or cells are used because in the course of their
service to life, they require more resistance and durability, in order to stand the beat
which gives life to the physical body.
The heart has greater endurance than mechanical instruments, in withstanding the
tremendous number of heartbeats there are in a lifetime. That is because it is not the
physical muscle that does it, it is the Light from the Presence which creates the action.
In the activity of Life, the Christ Self has chosen to project into the chalice of the
human heart a portion of Itself, that Immortal Flame which has the power of magnetic
attraction within Itself. This Flame draws around Itself the physical form, the more
subtle ethers of the etheric body, the substance of the mental body, and the substance of
the emotional world. When acknowledged, that Immortal Flame within the heart will
again expand thru oneself a replica of the Divine Presence, the Electronic Presence
which abides within the inner Spheres. This small figure within the heart is one with
the Christ Self, and the Christ Self is one with the Presence, making the action of the
Three Times Three.
Primal life which is drawn forth by the I AM Presence and invested in the Christ
Self, should in all courtesy to Life, expand thru the Silver Cord into the keeping of the
Immortal Flame (Presence) within the heart. This beautiful primal life is magnetized
from the Presence which gives one being, gives one intelligence, gives one the
capacity to say “I AM”, and the consciousness to create in this world of form. That
primal life should be dispensed from that Sun (Flame) within the heart, into the use of
the vehicles created by that presence to expand the borders of God’s Kingdom; even as
the Sun dispenses its radiation and light to the planets, causing them to rotate on their
axis and move around the Sun.
When one is mature enough and again turns to the Source, he/she will find in
mercy that Source is not far off but right within the heart.
The energy from the Central Sun flows into the heart of the Electronic Body of
each one, and from there into the heart of the Christ Self and then into the heart of the
physical body. So the energy from the Central Sun beats one’s heart and flows out thru
the physical form.
Behind the heart beat is a cause; and that cause is the I AM Presence in the
Central Sun.
That is why when one gets discouraged or even despondent and does not want to
live any longer, he/she cannot just stop the heart from beating. Because the cause of that
beating is not in the physical body nor under the jurisdiction of the outer self.
Dr. C. Bernard who did the very first heart transplant, pointed out that a
transplanted heart has no connection with the nervous system.
He said the heart is just a pump. They think the memory is contained in the brain
and that that is how we know things. That conclusion comes from the intellectual
standpoint. But the memory is recorded and contained in the etheric body, which they
call the unconscious.
The question has come up as to which flame occupies the transplanted heart. It
seems logical that the flame of the individual who previously occupied the body would
move into the transplanted heart.
The Seven Sacred Weeks start on Thanksgiving.
Around Thanksgiving time there is the rejoicing and thanksgiving at inner levels
by the God-free Beings for having gained their eternal Freedom.
Lord Gautama is now Lord of the World. It is to Him that the harvest is brought at
Shamballa on November 30th each year, by the Divine Beings Who have rendered
service to mankind and the earth, and those of mankind who have done likewise.
Before the Retreat is opened November 15th, the whole City of Shamballa is
decorated with radiant colored flame flowers. Garlands of flowers are wound around
the pillars of the bridge and of the Temples. Various colored lights blaze in all the
windows around which are flame flowers both inside and out.
At this time of year the Three-fold Flame is visible upon the altar at Shamballa
for the 30-day period. It is a projection from the permanent Three-fold Flame there
which is too intense for human beings to view even in their inner or etheric bodies.
The earth plays host to many of the Celestial Beings at this time. On this joyous
occasion, as a rule the Lord of the World takes His place upon the throne before the
great altar in the main Temple, which stands on the highest point of the City. A flight of
steps lead up to the foot of the Altar. These and the center aisle are spread over with a
royal purple carpet embroidered in gold. This is only done on important occasions.
Down this aisle comes the long procession of Divine Beings from other stars and
planets. All are clothed in the gorgeous colors of Their Rays and stations, each One is
accompanied by His or Her Twin Ray.
The come those Ascended Masters Who work with the earth, in pairs of Twin
Rays. If one Twin Ray is not yet ascended, but is a student of the Light, then the Christ
Self of that one will accompany the Ascended One. They wear the color of their Ray
proof the Sphere in which they serve. These Beings usually carry flame flowers of
garlands or bouquets of their favorite flowers or of the electronic patter of their
combined lifestreams. These floral tributes they place on the steps on each side, then
kneel before the Lord of the World and receive His blessing and His benediction.
Each year just prior to and during the Holy Christmas Season, the Cosmic Law
permits the opening of the spiritual Highways between the planets and Suns of the
galaxies. Over these come Cosmic Beings, Archangels, Angels, and Ascended masters
to shining Shamballa, where Sanat Kumara dwelt for so long while He was supplying
the Light required by Cosmic Law to sustain the planet Earth in its place in the solar
system. A responsibility He assumed out of Love for mankind.
The song of the lifestream of each Celestial Being forms the atmosphere around
Him. He is accompanied by the radiant Beings that comprise His court and who abide
in His aura; some of them are born of His own life essence.
As these Celestial Beings meet and pass each other in interstellar space, They
exchange salutations which are expressed in music and song. These happy vibrations
mingle with and add to the harmony of the Spheres. As Their songs of praise go forth in
a chorus of thanksgiving to the eternal Source resounding in space, some penetrate the
atmosphere of earth. It is this that people feel and call the “spirit of Christmas”, and
even some of the densest consciousness’ respond to it, during the Holy Season between
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
These Divine Beings are free during this time from Their voluntary service to
lesser evolutions, and can meet and associate with each other, and visit the Guardians
of the various Stars and systems.
The songs of the Seraphic and Cherubic choirs are soul stirring to all.
During this time the other Temples at Shamballa are open also, for the benefit of
the pilgrims who are drawn to any particular focus.
On November 30th, the individual harvest of each one’s service to the earth, is
brought by the Masters and the unascended students, and presented to the Lord of the
World. It is then sealed in an oval or sphere of Light by the Seraphic Beings and
transferred to the Teton Retreat and after It opens on December 15th, at the proper time
it is presented to the Karmic Board when It has convened.
November 1953 was the first time that thousands of unascended beings were
privileged to witness the ceremonies and join in worship. Before that only Brothers
and Sisters representing great movements, etc., were allowed entrance.
These splendid pageants give some idea of what Saint Germain’s ceremonial Age
will be.
The Lords of Karma convene over the Teton Retreat usually around December
26th, but sometimes earlier, depending on the need; They stay until the work is finished
which may be till the end of the year or it may be longer. In case They stay longer then
the activities are stopped New Year’s Eve at midnight long enough for the ceremony of
receiving the Thought-Form for the year, from the Silent Watcher, which is given to the
Lord of the World, then duplicated by the assemblage and projected out thru the
atmosphere around the earth.
Happy Birthday
(Goes to the familiar tune)
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear (name), happy birthday to you.
On this anniversary entered realm of mankind,
Thereby left the friends on the inner levels behind.
Having gained permission to come to make things right,
Must render impersonal service to Life and Light.
The purpose for coming here you must understand,
Is to attain mastery and the Light to expand.
Transmute and end all human of your lifestream
And make Ascension into that ecstasy supreme.
A.D.K. Luk
When the medical profession will turn to preventative action, of a vegetarian and
fruit diet, and draw forth inner vitality in place of the use of drugs and surgical
operations, healing methods will change. And also learn about the effect of the
emotions on the nervous system; and about the connection between the physical body
and the inner bodies. Then many diseases will be eliminated and mental conditions
will be better handled. When these things are understood the cause will be determined,
and the disease or condition will be treated thru the cause and not just thru the effect.
The cause is in the mental and emotional bodies. When the cause is treated and
corrected the ill effects will disappear.
As one gives obedience (to the Law) then he will begin to express more harmony
and will find more perfection in, thru and around him. When enough of the Presence
can flow thru there will be no more disease, illness or disturbance.
Mankind have drifted back into dealing with the effects instead of the causes,
since 300 years after Jesus’ ministry. That is why permanent assistance has not been
But now that the Cosmic Wheel has turned and permitted this new Teaching to be
given, which deals with the causes, is why so much has been accomplished in so short
a time.
On behalf of the Great Ones serving in connection with the students of Light, and
on our behalf, we offer to you the deepest blessings and spiritual felicitations of this
Holy Christmas Season.
V.4 N5., January-February, 28 A.F. (1983)
When a planet has become habitable, recalcitrant members (so-called laggards)
from the preceding planets of that same solar system only, are permitted to embody
along with the new lifestreams destined to have embodiments upon it. For those who
are unable to complete their evolution on a planet when it moves forward, it is
necessary that they be moved to the next planet. In case of the earth, it was destined for
a small number of lifestreams (about 3 ½ billion) yet it took upon itself the residue of
all the preceding planets of this system, as well as the new egos who took embodiment
upon it for the first time.
The Garden of Eden refers to the first Golden Ages on earth. During these ages
everyone knew the I AM Presence, just as they knew each other. They received
direction from their own Presence each day. Perfection reigned all over the planet and
there was no discord, haze, no animals nor vicious creations.
The third root race was in Lemuria, and the three Golden Ages were before the
laggards contaminated the consciousness of the people.
The first, second and third root races completed their evolution and returned to
the Source. But the third was a little longer in accomplishing it.
The guardian Spirits who chose to guard and serve mankind walked together in
Light, harmony and peace in the era before the effluvia of the creation of the laggards
of the system shut away the Light and perfection of the Realms of Light.
In the working out of the Cosmic Scheme, there came the need of some planet of
our system to host the laggards. In this crisis the earth Council and the Beings upon it
decided among Themselves that the people of earth and the guardian Spirits were
strong enough to help to sublimate the dissonance and discord of the laggards. Like
man, laggards are consciousness with the capacity to think and feel, but who had not
maintained a vibratory action of perfect harmony, beauty, purity and perfection.
Therefore, they could not or would not accelerate the vibratory action of their inner
vehicles to move forward with the planets to which they belonged. So thru free will
they abandoned their planets. Then later the earth became their “foster planet”, so to
speak. The purpose was to give them opportunity once again to make progress and
fulfill their Divine Plan. They were being held in abeyance at inner levels, having no
chance to take embodiment because their vibratory action was too low, too much lower
than the existing planets.
When this call went forth for a volunteer planet which would offer such souls
opportunity for embodiment, those who were in charge of the earth and its evolutions at
that time, answered that call and offered the earth as a home for these laggards. Thus
offering to accept certain lifestreams who had not attained the development required to
progress with their planets and systems. The earth and its evolutions, being of more
condensed and slower vibratory action than the successive systems, offered to take on
these laggards, hoping by contagion and by the pressure of purity within the people of
earth and their guardian Spirits, to redeem these laggards quickly.
The guardians were told in advance, of the coming of the souls who formed the
laggards of the other planets and systems. They were told that, in their coming the
knowledge and consciousness of good and evil would be brought into the atmosphere
of this planet and the consciousness of its people for the first time. The mass of the
people were unaware of their coming. Shortly after their arrival, began the long story
of the contamination of the innocents.
For 100 years the priests and priestesses in the Temples made continuous
applications for the protection of the consciousness of the masses of earth’s people
against contagion thru proximity, by which imperfect forms might register within their
consciousness. Up to this time earth’s people had held to perfection.
The laggards were not allowed to come to earth until the middle of the Lemurian
age. These lifestreams from other planets and systems then began to come into
embodiment into the fourth root race in Lemuria. These laggards got into the evolution
of earth thru the means of birth at the time. These lifestreams brought with them the
shadows in their consciousness, formed by their rebellious feelings against moving
forward more rapidly into greater Light. The lower vibrations of these shadows were
contagious to earth’s people, so much so that this considerably slowed down the fourth
root race and those that followed which delayed their progress. In time it caused the
lowering of the vibratory action of the bodies of the people, as well as that of earth.
It was during the crucial time when the Manu of the fourth root race was drawing
forth His sub-races, that the infusion of contagion from the other planets stopped the
evolution. Then instead of taking 14,000 years to evolve a lifestream, it has been
millions (more than 18 millions) of years; the Cosmic Wheel turning every 14,000
years endeavoring to germinate the soul and set the lifestream free.
After the laggards had found homes on earth and were living with people, most of
whom did not cognize these “orphans” from other planets, their chief faults were
arrogance, rebellion, resistance to progress, stubbornness, and resentment to change.
The masses of the people were unaware of their coming, and there was little outer
cognizance of the infiltration by the people Although a tremendous amount of energy
was released in the calls of the priesthood still there was more destructively qualified
energy brought into the earth’s atmosphere by these laggards than there had been energy
released by the priesthood in their calls. This shadowed energy began to weave its
ugly web of thoughts and feelings of a rebellious and disobedient nature in the
atmosphere. Then thru contagion, many of the people began to harbor these thoughts
and feelings, first in secret and then openly.
The weight of the creation spewed forth from the thought and feeling bodies of
these visiting souls ensnared even all but a few of the guardian Spirits.
Yet the mercy of the Cosmic Law allowed these souls who showed no apparent
spiritual Light to remain a part of the evolution of earth cycle after cycle, being
exposed under each 2,000 year radiation; while a complete revolution of the Cosmic
Wheel (14,000 years) should bring a new soul to full mastery.
Then the first disobedience ensued, in their rebellion against the fulfillment of the
Divine ideas. So those upon earth, looking upon those creations, accepted thru their
senses, into their own consciousness, the seed of those patterns and forms of
imperfection. Thru contagion and association, the consciousness and thought and
feeling centers of the people became clouded. They then chose to take the creative
centers of their own thought and feeling and draw out of their own energies and primal
life the same patters they saw externalized by the laggards. So this veil of maya which
had begun to express from both the laggards and the people, just as smog flows over
the coast, this veil did cut off the inner sight and closed off mankind from conscious
association with the Angelic Host and the Ascended Masters. As the discord flowed
forth like a fog, that was the beginning of the astral and psychic realm.
Thus the people left the I AM consciousness.
Curiosity, rebellion against holding true to the Divine pattern and the use of
thought and feeling in creation of imperfection, began the building of what is called the
“soul”. Through this use of the thoughts and feelings a record was made in the etheric
body, then a shadow formed between the I AM Presence and the outer consciousness.
Thus thru conscious use the imperfection grew and finally the centers got completely
away from the control of the ego and acted independently of the Presence.
The original Lords of Karma Who were designed only as a governing Body to see
that each root race and the sub-races came into embodiment at the appointed time, and
not to render any service of judgment, had to be increased in numbers from three to
seven and had to arrange for the balancing of the discord of the race.
Having taken the vow of obedience to man, elemental life was required (by the
authority of the life Flame in every one’s heart) to create and sustain these thought and
feeling forms, even though they were imperfect. Thus the veil of maya was woven and
the “fall of man” began. They receded more and more as they began to assert their free
will and felt the authority in the outer.
The vibratory action of the quality of rebellion was the fundamental cause of the
“fall of man” (this disobedience was the first action of it), then came the separation of
the consciousness from the Christ Self. The fall of man came about when individuals
decided to experiment with creation of their own responsibility.
After the veil of human creation began to form from the consciousness of mankind,
Archangel Michael offered to become the Protector of the soul Light, the Defender of
Faith which keeps the spirit of moving forward. So thru the centuries He has cut away
human creation and weaknesses of the outer self, and fanned the fires of hope and faith
in mankind. Then at the time when mankind could no longer hear nor see the Divine
Beings, is when Archangel Michael chose to forego the natural activity of the
Archangels and entered the astral and psychic realm, and has spent the greater part of
His life age after age.
The earth or any planet is composed of the four elements; earth, water, air and
fire. These elements are each composed of elemental life (tiny intelligent particles of
life) of that particular nature. This elemental life or substance is inhabited by
Elementals, of larger proportion, created by Divine Beings such as Ascended Masters,
Archangels and Cosmic Beings. They are endowed with a particular quality, and/or
action, by the Master. They are created to serve man, the Individualizations of God
who came forth, or sparked forth from the Godhead. That is, their beginning was an
individual Three-Fold Flame from the heart of God, or the Godhead of a planetary
system, the Central sun, that is the Cosmic Beings there.
These Elementals are vowed to serve, that is obey directions or orders given by
consciousness endowed with the Three-fold Flame. It is thru this particular action that
has enabled man to bring the earth from its pristine purity to its present state of
impurity and density – to this point of nigh self-destruction.
Individuals are individualized to become co-creators with God. It is thru
cooperation with elemental life that one acquires such powers. As one progresses on
the path of attainment he works with more and more Elementals and they become very
closely associated with him. Then when he makes the Ascension the Elementals can be
raised to a higher degree also, and remain members of his court.
Thru misuse of energy man distorted his beautiful body and descended into the
“caveman”. Then he brought about the vicious creations known as prehistoric mammal
and ape. Thus man walked out of the Garden of Eden (so to speak) into a world of his
own creating. This is known as the antediluvian age, the lowest ebb of mankind who
had fallen from grace. This was not the beginning of man on earth as that had begun
long before.
Then there came the time when the vibratory action of the earth changed.
Originally man and the earth were perfect. There was no deformity; bad odors or
emanations like animals give off, no decay, deterioration, inharmony, discord, disease,
illness, deception, disorder, impurities, and etcetera.
To accomplish certain work at hand, draw the energies (beforehand) daily in calm
but systematic and positive endeavor.
If you could see the results of driving energies to accomplishment in too short a
time, you would never allow yourself to become a victim to this habit and tendency. As
you would rend a chiffon veil, so does that energy tear thru the emotional body and
leave jagged, torn, ragged edges that must be knitted together by the hovering
Intelligence before any external or internal pressure can attach itself to such an
unguarded vehicle.
Nine out of ten accidents are caused by the rushing forth of uncontrolled energies
which unbalance the body and mind as well as the feelings.
Jan. 15, Retreat at Darjeeling;
Feb. 15, Chateau de Liberte’;
Mar 15, Resurrection Flame;
April 15, Ascension Flame;
May 15, Focus of Wisdom;
June 15, Teton.
V.4 N6., March-April, 28 A.F. (1983)
The colony of black magicians were experimenting with their powers and aimed
to destroy as many of mankind as they could.
Although the black magicians have been taken from the earth; much of that force
and their influence is still here. This force acts thru many of mankind. Some are wholly
unaware of it acting thru them, but many consciously and deliberately utilize it for self-
They created animals of many sizes and descriptions, and embodied in them the
various destructive qualities which man had generated. They made some large, some
small, some run fast and leap. Others to fly thru the air from trees (that does not include
the birds) so as to swoop down onto man.
The Elementals began to take on man’s impure qualities, and also to build
resentments and became rebellious against mankind.
The fierceness in the feelings of mankind enables viciousness to still act in some
animals. Man’s love for animals tempered the animal nature and domesticated some.
That love transmuted some of the destructive qualities in them which has made them
Animals have an emotional body, and when their life here is to be terminated, they
instinctively know it around 24 hours before it takes place. In case of being slaughtered
the feeling of fear experienced by the animal is recorded in its flesh which is charged
with that fear. The human beings who eat it absorb that quality into their emotional
Animals have grown a shell, scale, horn, hoof, and think skin, as a protective
measure or defense mechanism. When that happened, Divine Beings volunteered to
remain as guardian and protector of each species. Most of them were Angels.
As the earth is released from the discord and accumulated human creation, and
more harmony comes about, those kind of growths will be thrown off and the animals
will resume their state of perfection. Burbank offered redemption to the flower thru
love, and they began losing their thorns. Originally the rose was without thorns, but
grew thorns as a protection, like animals did against the vicious currents in the
atmosphere of earth. When a Master comes in contact with a vicious animal, He pours
out love which dissolves the vicious impulses. Then soon after that, something happens
by which it is released from that body.
Salamanders, these lizard-like animals are not the fire Elementals called
Salamanders which are not in physical form. The physical salamanders are just another
creature, elementals imprisoned in animal form.
Human beings do degrading things which not even animals will do. That is
because animals are (more or less) limited to certain qualities, while a human being
can have in him, most if not all animal qualities. Human beings have intelligence and
connections with greater intelligence which animals do not have. By misuse of this
intelligence human beings were able to create or produce what is now called animal
qualities. And also the animals.
The evolving of the vicious animal, reptile and insect creations which were
produced by degenerate man thru the misuse of the powers of creations, are not a part
of the evolving chain of atomic consciousness. Those creations must be transmuted
before that life can become part of the greater consciousness.
Evolution is expansion of perfection, it goes from glory to glory, on an upward
journey. Then why would a beautiful jewel like a diamond or pearl or a rose petal, in
the course of evolution be incarcerated in a distorted body such as an octopus or ape?
Although these horrible forms are attributed to be creations of God, they were
created by man thru wrong use of free will.
Birds do not come into the category as animals. They were created by Ascended
Masters and not by black magicians. They were created as messengers, for the purpose
of producing attunement, connection or contact of the outer consciousness with the
higher realms. This, most people have experienced in a sudden upliftment of
consciousness when hearing a bird song.
Elemental life is so weighted down with human discord that man is experiencing
the re-action in storms and all kinds of bad weather conditions, earthquakes, et cetera.
What takes place or happens is, the tiny elementals exert the effort to shake off or free
themselves of the discord imposed upon them, which for instance creates earthquakes.
In that action millions of them are shaken loose or freed to a great extent. They are then
taken by Divine Beings, to the Sun completely purified and then repolarized. Then they
are ready to be sent out on some mission again somewhere in God’s vast creation
These Elementals in animal forms are imprisoned there and need to be released
from that action, so they can function once again as was originally intended.
Elementals, originally were all Light. They were created out of Light substance, and
charged by the Master Who created them, with certain qualities and intelligent action.
They had vertical spines and walked upright, instead of walking on all fours (four feet)
with horizontal spines, and inhabiting forms created out of the misqualified substance
of man.
Now in this same manner as the black magicians were taken, the students have the
privilege of freeing those imprisoned Elementals. (Decree Book 1st edition page 20;
2nd edition with addition, page 21.) Only the black magicians could have freed them
before, which would have helped free themselves at least to some extent; but they
chose not to do so, when presented with the issue by the Cosmic Law. This was done
thru Divine Beings. When these black magicians were taken from the earth, they were
taken to the so-called compound. But all were released from there December 31, 1954,
and agreed to again step upon the evolutionary path.
When animals become extinct, those particular Elementals must have been freed
somehow from having to come back into that kind of forms.
After the third Golden Age Lemuria opened the doors to the laggards.
Since the laggards first brought the shadows of discord to earth, Lord Michael has
been acting as spiritual guide to the people the outer consciousness attached itself to
miscreation by its attention and thus began to generate the same distortion of form
which it saw. Seeing the subtle infiltration of the destructive use of free will into the
consciousness of the innocents, it was then that Archangel Michael fashioned from the
substance of Light by Love, His Sword of Blue Flame. He vowed then that as long as
the creative centers of mankind would imprison elemental life in these distortions, He
would remain and dissolve them by the use of that Sword of Blue Flame releasing that
life and returning it to the Sun for re-polarization.
When the attention no longer rested on the I AM Presence, the Light and Life in
the heart began to decrease, and that which life sustained thru the attention, grew
larger, thus the human creation increased. When the Flame in the hearts of mankind
receded to about 1/16 of an inch in height, and was about to withdraw those sparks
which would have meant second death, a great crisis ensued at interstellar space.
Least the earth be swung off its axis and dissolved, Archangel Raphael asked for
volunteers from other planets and stars. Among these were Sanat Kumara and others
from Venus. Because the earth faced dissolution, that is when Sanat Kumara decided to
come to earth. The Kumaras from Venus have been the van guard and sustained
mankind for several million years. Sanat Kumara has held the Light for the entire race
with a few exceptions, those who made the Ascension.
From the time when the laggards from the other systems entered into the evolution
of the earth, the Fire Temples began to decrease in size, in number and in efficacy.
As the vibratory rate of mankind’s physical bodies lowered, those bodies became
less and less luminous as well as heavier in weight and the excrement of impurity from
these bodies began the creation of that which is so aptly called “soil”.
After man had been drawn into a certain density, then the present type of physical
body was devised for man. The reason the body was made to require food is so man
has to make effort which otherwise he would not make any, and would just stagnate.
Before the fall of man everyone could precipitate whatever was required, and
labor by the sweat of the brown was unknown.
When the original rapidly vibrating substance of earth would no longer sustain
their physical bodies in comfort, by Cosmic Law in mercy, the vibrations of the
substance of earth was lowered so that it would hold the weight of man and the
civilizations then extent here, during his decline into what has been referred to as
matter. Then Pelleur also had to lower the vibrations of the gravity pull of earth and
create a centripetal force within the earth which would correspond to the denser type
of creation which was on earth’s surface.
Elemental life is so weighted down with human discord that man is experiencing
the re-action in storms and all kinds of bad weather conditions, earthquakes, et cetera.
What takes place or happens is, the tine elementals excerpt the effort to shake off or
free themselves of the discord imposed upon them, which for instance creates
earthquakes. In that action millions of them are shaken loose or freed to a great extent.
They are then taken by Divine Beings, to the Sun completely purified and then
repolarized. Then they are ready to be sent out on some mission again somewhere in
God’s vast creation (kingdom).
These Elementals in animal forms are imprisoned there and need to be released
from that action, so they can function once again as was originally intended.
Elementals, originally were all Light. They were created out of Light substance, and
charged by the Master Who created them, with certain qualities and intelligent action.
They had vertical spines and walked upright, instead of walking on all fours (four feet)
with horizontal spines, and inhabiting forms created out of the misqualified substance
of man.
Now in this same manner as the black magicians were taken, the students have the
privilege of freeing those imprisoned Elementals. (Decree Book 1st edition page 20;
2nd edition with addition, page 21.) Only the black magicians could have freed them
before, which would have helped free themselves at least to some extent; but they
chose not to do so, when presented with the issue by the Cosmic Law. This was done
thru Divine Beings. When these black magicians were taken from the earth, they were
taken to the so-called compound. But all were released from there December 31, 1954,
and agreed to again step upon the evolutionary path.
When animals become extinct, those particular Elementals must have been freed
somehow from having to come back into that kind of forms.
After the third Golden Age Lemuria opened the doors to the laggards.
Since the laggards first brought the shadows of discord to earth, Lord Michael has
been acting as spiritual guide to the people. The outer consciousness attached itself to
miscreation by its attention and thus began to generate the same distortion of form
which it saw. Seeing the subtle infiltration of the destructive use of free will into the
consciousness of the innocents, it was then that Archangel Michael fashioned from the
substance of Light by Love, His Sword of Blue Flame. He vowed then that as long as
the creative centers of mankind would imprison elemental life in these distortions, He
would remain and dissolve them by the use of that Sword of Blue Flame releasing that
life and returning it to the Sun for re-polarization.
When the attention no longer rested on the I AM Presence, the Light and Life in
the heart began to decrease, and that which life sustained thru the attention, grew larger
thus the human creation increased. When the Flame in the hearts of mankind receded to
about 1/16 of an inch in height, and was about to withdraw those sparks which would
have meant second death, a great crisis ensued at interstellar space.
Least the earth be swung off its axis and dissolved, Archangel Raphael asked for
volunteers from other planets and starts. Among these were Sanat Kumara and other
from Venus. Because the earth faced dissolution, that is when Sanat Kumara decided to
come to earth. The Kumaras from Venus have been vanguard and sustained mankind for
several millions years. Sanat Kumara has held the Light for the entire race with a few
exceptions, those who made the Ascension.
From the time when the laggards from the other systems entered into the evolution
of the earth, the Fire Temples began to decrease in size, in number and in efficacy.
As the vibratory rate of mankind’s physical bodies lowered, those bodies became
less and less luminous as well as heavier in weight and the excrement of impurity from
these bodies began the creation of that which is so aptly called “soil”.
After man had been drawn into a certain density, then the present type of physical
body was devised for man. The reason the body was made to require food is so man
has to make effort which otherwise he would not make any, and would just stagnate.
Before the fall of man everyone could precipitate whatever was required, and
labor by the sweat of the brown was unknown.
When the original rapidly vibrating substance of earth would no longer sustain
their physical bodies in comfort, by Cosmic Law in mercy, the vibrations of the
substance of earth was lowered so that it would hold the weight of man and the
civilizations then extent here, during his decline into what has been referred to as
matter. Then Pelleur also had to lower the vibrations of the gravity pull of earth and
create a centripetal force within the earth which would correspond to the denser type
of creation which was on earth’s surface.
It was only after the “Fall” that the races began to develop rapidly into an entirely
human shape. The first human race was in old Lemuria.
The fourth sub-race of the fourth root race was brownish, which turned black with
sin according to occult literature.
The whole creative scheme has been delayed because of these laggards.
Originally procreation took place thru the use of Light Rays, not by the present
means of birth, which brought about what is called the “second fall of Man”.
The first “fall” came about thru disobedience, rebellion and pride. The second,
when they had separated into sexes which was over a long period of time, was the
misuse of it.
After the race was blanketed under the maya of human creation, the guardian
Spirits who were not yet ascended had to tie themselves into the wheel of birth and
rebirth as it was required to take upon themselves bodies vibrating at a rate similar to
the evolution they served, hoping to retain connection with their own Divinity.
After the veil of maya clouded the Light, and the Great Ones were no longer
visible to the masses, but only to the priests, there came a split in the priesthood. Those
who had agreed with reluctance to allow the laggards to come to earth, now felt
justified in objecting to the pollution of the race by allowing them to remain. So they
decreed to blast them of the earth. These decrees have come down to the present day.
What purpose would that serve when they would as soon as possible take embodiment
The priesthood swung for the most to the powers of invocation (decrees) and the
balance of the upreaching consciousness thru which the direction and protection from
the Great Ones could reach priesthood was neglected, to a degree.
Had the priesthood kept open the contemplative power and the capacities of the
feminine aspect to reach Divinity, the sinking of the continent of Lemuria could have
been avoided. It sank as a result of the split in the priesthood.
Then again on Atlantis the same lifestreams endeavored to bring forth the Cosmic
activity of invocation and contemplation. But the priesthood forgetting the balance of
the masculine and feminine activity again split in two. Those who favored power of
decrees (the scepter) and those who favored the power of contemplation (the crown),
neither one of which was a perfect balance between the two.
Now as we were told in the early work that many of the students were the same
lifestreams who had helped bring in other Golden Ages, and again there were splits in
the activities.
The “Ring-pass-not” of Blue Flame was established in the atmosphere of earth at
a certain distance out from the planet. It is made up of Angles of Blue Flame of the
First Ray, and is a service of Archangel Michael. It was devised after the laggards
came as the way and means by which the nearly ten billion souls using the earth as a
schoolroom might be kept from polluting interstellar space with their chaos and
discord. There is no discordant vibration in the entire universe except that generated
by earth’s evolutions. There is none in interstellar space.
Just because someone uses some black magic does not make him what is or has
been termed a black magician, who were able to use powers way beyond any such
person. Under the great Law now, no longer can one become a black magician. This
action came about in 1939 when all the black magicians had been seized and taken out
of the atmosphere of earth thru the calls of the students understanding the Law of Life,
and the action of the I AM Presence. It is only thru this action that that was enabled to
be done. (The last one was taken February 25, 1939).
Formerly, thru all the ages and all the occult and higher knowledge, the removal
of the black magicians was not affected. Only now that some of mankind have the
knowledge of and accepted their individualized I AM Presence and set It into action
was that enabled to be done. Thru this action the release of the Cosmic Light was
brought about and thru that some of man’s free will was set aside which permitted the
Great Ones to take the black magicians at the students’ calls.
Some Ascended Beings had for a long time been calling to the Great Source of all
Life to bring this about. But note this point of the Law. Their calls alone could not
affect the action because under the Cosmic Law the call must come from the sphere and
vibratory action of the same level of consciousness as where the action is to take
place. In other words, to get the effect some energy had to be released and the call had
to come from some of mankind in physical embodiment, who were functioning in the
same vibratory action as the black magicians who had physical bodies, and from
where the need was.
In regards to the question of which came first the chicken or the egg, logically one
could say that the chicken did. Because the black magicians created the forms and
compelled elementals into them; having built in the reproduction phase which then
manifested later. If the egg had come first, there would have been no chicken to
It was said that the quality of fish is similar to human flesh, more so than (other)
meat. The quality of fish and reptile is similar. These forms and such are comprised of
the energy and substance released thru sex gratification. An otherwise honest person, is
apt or more apt to be deceitful in regards to sex practices than anything else. Hence the
word serpent and the expression, “snake in the grass”, are appropriately used in this
regard. (To be continued)
Heart Transplant
A student had the opportunity to discuss heart transplants with two heart
specialists. One method used is termed “piggyback transplant”, this is when the donor
heart is superimposed on the so-called failing heart. They feel or think the rejection of
tissue is less drastic, hence favored by some. The other method is to leave part of the
original heart; and this too is believed to help the patient accept the new heart with less
rejection and less drugs.
They have discovered that total removal of the heart is not feasible for some
reason, (a very, and the most important point.) The part of the heart that is retained may
be wherein the Flame is, of course unknown to them. In this case, no doubt the Flame
just stays there.
About the artificial heart transplant, it was said that not the whole heart was
removed, only the lower part or lower half. Hence by that we can figure that the
ventricles, the two lower chambers of the heart were removed, leaving the auricles, the
two upper chambers of the heart, wherein the Flame is anchored.
Now-a-days the consciousness is geared to pleasure seeking, that seems to head
the list of all desires and activities with most people. The outer self attempts to find
happiness thru pleasure which is a sensation of the outer self and which relates to outer
things. There is a difference between real happiness and pleasure.
Decreeing should not become a chant. Sure one can accomplish certain things that
way because one is using energy but that method has not redeemed the world. It is easy
to hook people on that because it can be emotional and because it is something they
have done before and the etheric record is there.
March 15, Resurrection Temple.
April 15, Ascension Temple.
May 12th this year, is the recognized day of the anniversary of Jesus’ Ascension.
This is the last issue of Vol. 4. Vol. 5 begins with May-June issue.
To continue getting the Enlightener, requests have come in to let them know when
and how much for the next volume.
V.5 N.1, May-June, 29 A.F. (1983)
Ascension Day
Ascension Day this year comes on May 12th. We have the privilege to call for and
visualize Jesus’ Luminous Presence of the Ascension enfold us and any one we wish to
assist, and make us feel the activity and full victory of His Ascension, transcending
every human concept.
Jesus, by making the Ascension publicly, He hoped it would encourage those
following after Him to make the necessary endeavors to do likewise. At this time let us
ask for His feeling of the actual victory of the Ascension.
The Ascension of the Master Jesus into the Sphere of consciousness, wherein He
dwells at One with the (Father) I AM Presence, was consummated forty days after the
earth-shaking manifestation of His Victory over so-called death, when He re-vitalized
his lower vehicles and confounded not only the enemies of his Mission, but his
confused and desolate disciples as well. During the forty day period after the
Resurrection, Jesus continued to imbue his disciples with His consciousness and
performed His final act of Love in the invocation of the special Outpouring of the Holy
Comforter, the Lord Maha Chohan, which was effected on Whitsuntide.
It is evident throughout the story as chronicled in the New Testament that Jesus
chose to complete His Mission, in order that the disciples would turn from the
tendency to lean upon His Powers and develop the latent powers within their own
lifestreams. Again and again He repeats, “Nevertheless I tell you the Truth; it is
expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter (Paraclete) will
not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.”
After His great decision was made, He disconnected His Free Consciousness
from the gravity pull of earth, the personal pull of love and affections (which in itself
was no easy task) and chose to draw the entire substance of His world, including His
Body into the Realm of the (Father) of Light and Love. Thus, He turned each aspirant
back toward his own individual God power, and cosmically left an example, to all men
of the ultimate goal of manifest life, the dignified, glorious transmutation of the outer
self, thru self conscious endeavor, rather than the ignominious disintegration and decay
that forms the pattern for mankind’s exit from the world of appearance thru the doors of
so-called death.
Man must come now to so live, that when he has breathed his last breath and he
receives the Cosmic Summons, he may gather his harvest about him, and Ascend in
glory, to the Kingdom from whence he came forth – to go out no more.
Some individuals at first when they take up or come into this Ascended Master
Teaching and find out that they have been here in embodiment before and most likely
many times, they say they are not going to come back, (because they do not like the
mess they are in) and get very determined on that. But the Ascension cannot be made
thru human will. The only way this can be accomplished is by complying with the Law
and by qualifying to do so, which is the goal of embodiment and the only way to end
Another thing, when they learn about the Ascension they jump at conclusions.
Probably because of the ingrained belief of the past that if they believe so and so they
will be saved. That all it takes is belief. They believe in vicarious atonement and do
not accept reembodiment (reincarnation). So they conclude that they can and will make
the Ascension regardless of qualification. This is not according to Law – the Law of
Life or Divine Law.
One has to qualify to make the Ascension. And it may take more than just live a
good life or become a harmless one, or just pour out love, or do some decrees, or do a
little good for someone else. Now, some when they are presented with these facts and
that the Ascension cannot be forced and it takes more than belief, they may tend to get
discouraged and not want to make the effort. But that is rebellion and is only the human
acting because it cannot have its own way. When a child starts to school and in the first
grade he is made to realize he cannot graduate from grammar school or the eighth or
ninth grade at the end of the year, does he quit? It is the same with this one has to start
on whatever level of consciousness he is on and then keep on keeping on. The amount
of application and determination will determine the results.
Some think they can use it as a means of escape from difficulties in their life here.
But it does not work that way. The Ascension comes only when things have been made
right and the Divine Plan for the individual has been sufficiently fulfilled.
What the human or outer consciousness does not understand it fears. Hence, some
fear that if they make the call or decree for the Ascension they will be taken into the
Ascension. They of course do not want to give up their human ways and things, but
want the Light to make their lives easy and glamorous.
Amongst the students there seems to be a belief or the idea that under the New
Dispensation for the Ascension, that when they leave this plane or pass on, that to be
given the assistance to the Ascension means they will just be taken into or
automatically float into the Ascension. However, that is not the procedure.
The Ascension is not a means to get relief from difficulties and problems here. It
is not a provision of escape. It only comes about when one has mastered such
conditions and situations.
To enter into the Ascension one’s outer self conscious awareness has to be
developed to the point where he/she can consciously enter the Electronic Body of the
“I AM” in full consciousness, and do what It is already doing.
The physical body has human blood in the veins at the time when one makes the
Ascension, this becomes a liquid golden Light. When an Ascended Master lowers the
vibratory action of His Light Body and functions in the lower realms including the
physical realm or plane, one can feel His heartbeat, similar to that of a physical body.
A medical doctor that had been pronounced clinically dead (came back to life)
returned to full outer consciousness. He related that while in this other state of
consciousness, being a doctor, he examined the body, and the type of body one
functions in after leaving the physical body, which is the etheric body. He found that
that body does not contain the kind or type of internal organs that our physical bodies
do. There is no need for digestive or generative organs there.
Mother’s Day
As we give honor and loving gratitude to the Mothers of the human race on their
annual day of recognition, let us not forget the great God Mother of our universe, Who,
together with God, the Father, represent our Cosmic Parents, to Whom we may turn at
any moment for the comfort, assistance and ever present loving counsel which They
alone can give us.
When the Father of our universe first drew forth the Spirit Sparks of our present
humanity, He impressed the Divine Pattern or Arch-type of every human being into the
substance of the great Cosmic Mother, within Whose Body dwells the predestined
perfect Christ Pattern of every man, woman and child who belong to our race. This
Divine Pattern, God Ego, or Christ Self, is the Immaculate Concept or Thought of God,
and one day the personal self every lifestream will connect with this Higher Self,
blend with it, and finally thru the Cosmic Assistance of the God Mother, experience the
Second or Spiritual Birth, as Jesus, Lord Gautama Buddha, and many other Liberated,
that is Ascended Beings have done.
The early Greeks called the Feminine Aspect of Divinity, Vesta, Goddess of the
earth and home. The Chinese have embodied Her Merciful Nature in the beautiful
Kwan Yin and to the Christian Church, the lovely Mary, Mother of Jesus, is an ever
present reminder of the God Mother. By whatever name She is called, remember She is
your Mother, in the greatest and most beautiful outpouring of loving kindness that your
soul will ever experience, and She holds for your, within Her Cosmic Heart, the
Divine Image of the perfect man or woman you shall someday become. As the earthly
mother desires only the best for her children, you can, perhaps, conceive the solicitude,
the gentle compassionate care in which your spiritual nature is guarded, abiding the
time, when you shall claim it from Her, and choose to fulfill the Immaculate Concept of
your Godhood – the perfect Christ Being, made – not only in the Image and the likeness
of our Father, but of our beloved Mother as well.
Keep in mind that in this work you are serving your own Life for your Freedom.
When assisting those who stand in certain positions and carry certain responsibilities,
you are not serving them, you are serving Life for your own Freedom.
Nor are we here to just utilize this knowledge, this Teaching to just live good the
human way. It should be applied to fulfill the Divine Plan.
The story goes that at the time of Jesus’ birth the only lodging available was a
stable. The custom then was to keep the animals in a section of, or adjoining one’s
dwelling place. So they have baby Jesus lying in a manger. They think what an
unfortunately thing, and say why didn’t God provide a place for him? But now-a-days
it is in reverse. City people have various animals and various numbers of them right in
the best part of the house, and sleeping on the same beds, eating off the same dishes,
while they eat meat of some other animals.
The eating of meat dampens the higher impulses in a human being, and hampers
the receptivity to the vibratory actions of the higher Realms.
There is an accumulation of the life energy discordantly qualified and released by
human beings, in the past. It gathers into an aggregate mass, which will hold the
principal qualities of any particular animal feeling.
The animal group souls are the combined consciousness of each species. Over
and above them is an Angel or Angel Deva of love, who has volunteered to render this
service, and who holds the immaculate concept of the perfection that each one was and
will be again. The animal instinct comes from the intelligence of this Being.
The energy of Life beats the animal’s heart. But that is not an individualized
Flame of Life from God. That is the energy of life from human beings, charged with
human qualification.
Lord Himalaya is the second Manu of the fourth root race. He took the place of
the earlier One at the end of the Atlantean destruction. He is also know by the name of
Lord Himalaya is still serving those here belonging to the fourth root race, which
includes any member of the Angelic Host who came out with the fourth root race, any
guardian who came forth from other planets at the time of inception of that race, any
elemental who became imprisoned at that time, in fact all life, all living things.
Therefore He is responsible for the redemption of all animal life. It is His
responsibility and that of the students and those who belong to the fourth root race to
make that redemption possible.
Under the Seventh Ray influence the human, misqualifications will be removed,
transmuted, thus make way (room) for the new.
So it will be in the animal kingdom. The old forms will go and the life force, the
Elementals will have new and better forms. Many animals will become extinct during
the next few hundred years.
On August 28, 1936, the Master Saint Germain said that a tremendous service
was rendered the earth that day, by the removal of the two powerful black magicians
who created animal forms in the beginning. That day the withdrawing of animal forms
began. (That does not mean or include the bird kingdom). Hence more Light could
come forth which would enable more of mankind to awaken and hold to and pursue
In October 1954, the Lord Maha Chohan applied to the group souls who govern
the various departments of the animal kingdom, and asked for a gradual decrease of the
size of all litters. That this was the beginning of their final removal from the earth. The
Elementals must come to the completion of their cycle in animal forms, and again have
an erect backbone and have a conscious, thinking mind. Thru the calls and use of the
Transmuting Violet Flame, assistance can be given for their release, so they can evolve
into a more constructive expression of life.
We are calling to release the animals. They all have to be released before
perfection can manifest on earth. People think and feel they would be deprived without
animals here. However, it will be much better because then the Elementals can be seen
doing their perfect work, and the Angels will be able to associate with mankind.
Elemental beings have their own evolution, and need to be able to evolve in their
natural way, instead of being perverted into these animal forms. A small Elemental
being can become a Deva, and Eloah and then a Silent Watcher, of various degrees and
The fourth root race has yet to be completed. It and the fifth are under the process
of redemption at the present time. Most of the sixth root race and the seventh have yet
to come into embodiment on earth.
The evolutionary theory of man is eliminated when the laws of individualization
are understood. Especially now in the understanding of the I AM Presence thru this
New Teaching the Ascended Master Saint Germain has brought forth.
How imperfection or discord can start is not a matter of planting a seed or the
idea in another. Although that is what happened to a great number of mankind after the
laggards came on earth.
Each individual having free will has the freedom to use his creative faculties, the
attention, though and feeling, as he chooses. So when he takes embodiment on a planet
the vibratory action is different from that he is accustomed to at inner levels. The
purpose for embodying on a planet (and not all individualization do) is to expand one’s
creative abilities. Thru his creative faculties he manipulates energy. Energy is
produced by vibration, vibration is produced by thought, and qualified by feeling. At
some point there must be a line of demarcation between perfection and imperfection.
So in experimenting he can produce vibrations below that life. If when reminded of
this by the guardian, he having free will, can choose not to correct it. That then
becomes a part of his world, and he can expand it.
Then when the time comes for a planet to move forward, the vibratory action of
everything including that of the (four) bodies of the lifestreams on that planet needs to
be accelerated in order to go along with the planet. In case they are not able to or
choose not to do so, then they are removed and abide at inner levels in whatever state
of consciousness they are in. Since they are using some energy all the time, naturally
they build on that.
Then centuries or eons of time later when they are again gives opportunity to
embody on a planet they take that storehouse of consciousness with them.
The intellect came about thru free will, by drawing conclusions thru the outer
activity of the mind, from fragmentary information. Then thru the intellect thru the ages,
individuals have gradually and steadily more and more drawn to and held the power in
the form. This lowered the vibratory action of the structure of the bodies. That is the
reason we have these dense bodies today.
This came about thru consciousness, which is thought and feeling. Now thru the
control of the three creative faculties, attention, thought and feeling, used as the Great
Ones have instructed with the added assistance given at this time individuals can attain
Freedom. This can be done in much less time than it took to create the density.
Thru the “fall of man” the outer consciousness became incapable of functioning in
and remembering the activities in the higher Realms; and for the most part the use of
the Christ Self, the Causal and Electronic Bodies have been inaccessible to the outer
Ascension Temple thru May 14th.
May 15, Focus of Wisdom over Kashmir.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
July 15, Retreat at Transylvania.
Aug. 15, Meru’s Retreat.
Sept. 15, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15, Retreat at Ceylon.
Nov. 15, Shamballa.
May 1, we celebrate Saint Germain’s Coronation Day, New Year of Age of
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Day
May 8, Mothers’ Day.
May 12, Ascension Day.
May 22, Whitsuntide.
May full moon Wesak Festival.
May 31, Memorial Day
June 14, Flag Day
June 30, Asala Festival
Last week in June, Karmic Board convenes.
V.5 N.2, July-August, 29 A.F. (1983)
The names of the signers of the Declaration were kept secret for six months;
because they knew they risked everything, and later did pay the price.
Carter Braxton lost his ships and property. Thomas McKean was harassed by the
enemy and forced to move several times. His family was in poverty and in hiding, yet
he served in Congress without pay. Thomas Lynch, Jr. in failing health, with his wife
was lost at sea on the way to France. John Hart was forced to leave his sick wife;
lived in the wilderness for more than a year and when he returned his wife had passed
on, his children were gone and his property was destroyed. He soon passed on. Their
homes and properties were taken or destroyed, and families separated. And so it was
with Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Heyward, Jr., Gwinnett, Livingston, Middleton, Morris,
Rutledge, Walton, Hopkinson, and Lewis Stockton. John Hancock is remembered, not
for anything he stood for, but for his signature towering over all the others which attests
his vanity. He was one of the wealthiest men in New England. Yet he was willing for
Boston to be burn which would have destroyed his properties, if it were necessary for
the public good.
Thomas Nelson, Jr. of Virginia raised two million dollars on his own signature to
supply provisions for the French fleet. Cornwallis occupied his home, which was
destroyed in the siege of Yorktown. After the war Nelson paid back the loans which
wiped out his entire estate. He was bankrupt when he passed on.
Of the 56, five were captured, and two sons of one were captured, 12 had their
homes ransacked and occupied by the enemy or destroyed, nine passed on in the war
either from force or from hardships. Two lost their sons in the war.
So they lived up to their pledge. They realized that Liberty and Freedom were
more valuable than physical security. And so came into being this nation, the only spot
on earth which could be the “Cup of Light” for the world.
The American Revolutionary war unlike any other war, affected almost every
other country in the world – on earth.
The unknown was the Master Saint Germain, We were told that inside the
entrance door a little to the left is where Saint Germain stood at that time. Standing
there one can feel the current.
Saint Germain charged the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the
early Patriots, with courage, and His Light and strength to stand for Freedom, Liberty
and Justice in spite of the threatening conditions. He is the One Who protected and
encouraged those responsible for our country’s (U.S.) inception. Thru His help and
influence the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United
States, and the establishing of the Supreme Court came about. During the darkest times
of Washington’s and Lincoln’s lives, it was His Love, guidance and protection that
sustained them. The Goddess of Liberty also gave assistance.
According to information given in the 1950’s, the eloquent speech that fired the 56
men to sign the document, was actually spoke by a man who was present. Saint
Germain was able to impress him with the words which he spoke. (That individual
was in a feminine body this time and was a student in both Activities.)
The universal law is conservation of energy. Hence the Ascended Ones do not
waste energy like mankind does. For Them to do physical acts in the same manner we
do takes a tremendous amount of energy, so whenever possible They use a human being
to do it. So from the information we have, that is what Saint Germain did, although He
was present and then disappeared. As recorded in the legend, for the spokesman to
have become exhausted could have been the case with the man, but we know no
Ascended Master ever gets exhausted. By the time they had signed the document and
reflected over the situation, Saint Germain was gone, and the man was all right.
The monument (statue) symbolizing the commemoration of the services of Comte
De Rochambeau and his countrymen in the war of the American Revolution (war for
independence) was unveiled May 24, 1902, in Lafayette Square, opposite the White
In the reprinting of “Life and Teaching of Jesus and Mary”, none of the text has
been changed. The paragraph below has been added at the end, on page 515. It is now
in soft cover instead of hard-cover which would have run up the price.
June 30, 1937, Mother Mary said that in the wisdom of the Great Ones, at the right
time, a description of Jesus; life would be given. Thus clearing away human concepts.
Also unrecorded and hitherto unknown activities would be revealed. This information
was given in 1954 and 1955, and is summed up in this book.
For the last two generations the trend has been for the children and young people
to just have a good time, to let them express themselves, in whatever manner they
desired, instead of cultivating discipline. This has changed and lowered the values of
life. It has changed the state of consciousness, not for the better but the opposite.
Since our physical existence is intertwined or penetrated by the psychic-astral
plane, it is these qualities that are given freedom to act. So they are open to those
forces instead of guarding against them.
If the same attitude were taken in regard to the weather our existence here would
be terminated.
There are certain things when taken into the body which leave a substance in the
brain. To have the full action of the higher powers thru the outer consciousness; that
must be cleared away. In order of importance these are narcotics, alcohol, meat,
tobacco, excess sugar, salt and strong coffee.
The Masters did say that there had been a few feminine black magicians. One who
was very cunning was responsible for the terrible dope condition in America; and also
for many other things.
January 2, 1938, this one was seized and removed from the earth by the Ascended
They said, that the greatest menace to the American people was dope. It had made
a great inroad in America by the sinister force, in a cunning secret way. The danger of
it confronted the young people, who were needed for the incoming Golden Age. Many
individuals who pretended to be revealing this nefarious activity were claws of the
sinister force and were dispensing it instead.
The use of this poisonous substance opens one whereby the sinister force can
seize upon one’s feeling and make him/her unfit to cope with situations as they arise. It
has wrecked nations century after century. And such is the condition in our military.
The Masters sounded warning in the latter 1930’s, about the fiendishness of dope
which was being used to try to get its clutches upon the young people, in the cities in
America. It was cunningly being used to get the attention and hold power and influence
over them. That the depravity impart in the world was the most terrible thing known in
About the marijuana weed, in 1938 the Masters said, that it was destructive
enough, yet it was the feeder to other things which entirely wreck the feeling world.
That these things are substance and not like just a mental activity. When that substance
gets anchored in the feeling that individual is under its possession and claw. The
students were warned to not take any such things into their system; because it will
subtly and unknowingly begin to act in the feeling world, which then opens that one to
the mass accumulation of destructive forces. It destroys the desire for the higher ideals.
Hence thousands are sunk under that nefarious influence. The average individual does
not detect it in another. But it can be detected in the eyes by one who is familiar with
the effect it produces.
That substance from dope is in the feeling world of the individual and goes forth
(from him/her) by the power of radiation. In this manner it enters the feeling world of
others, and (in time) can create that same desire in them by which they can be drawn
into the use of it and ruin their lives. That is a grave responsibility and heavy karma to
In the forgotten past on Lemuria, China was a land of Light and glory. The
downfall came about thru the use of dope imposed upon the people. That same thing is
attempted now in America and throughout the world.
In China, the destructive forces knowing the mentality of the people; planted the
most nefarious weeds which deaden the human senses. By imposing this daze upon the
people’s mind they made steady progress in their degrading activities. No place on
earth has it ever been worse than in China. That dazed condition and density developed
over a period of many generations. Thru that substance of dope the claws of the sinister
force gained a certain dominion over the people then they started to make an inroad
into America, the last place on earth where mankind could get its Freedom.
The substance in marijuana goes directly to the structure of the brain and to a
certain point of activity in the feeling world, and here begins the delay action of the
brain. It produces a lethargy, and in continued use of it, it will saturate the atomic
structure. The cause must be removed before the effect will disappear.
All who use it or deal with it are just a pawn of the sinister force. The dark forces
make them think they are getting benefit and that it helps them have out-of-the-body
experiences, which it can but they contact the psychic and not the Divine. They are
deluded and self-deceived. It is only a crutch. It stinks terribly. And is a very
expensive habit. It would make more sense to smoke the bills with which they buy
dope, than to smoke it which harms themselves and others.
Because of the deadening of the senses, the users of dope do not realize that that is
taking place. Hence their morale is lowered, their dignity and cleanliness depreciates
and they justify all their wrong actions.
In the use of drugs – dope – the over-all action is degeneration, not development.
Here we are in these dense bodies, not perceiving the glories of Life at inner levels.
Then by using dope, also alcohol, some may artificially stimulate brain cells which for
a brief time attunes one’s consciousness to the psychic level, vibrations somewhat
faster. But at the same time deterioration in the brain takes place (it also affects the
physical body), instead of purifying the cells and working toward self mastery which
we should be doing. As this is the purpose for being in embodiment.
Dope goes to the brain. It atrophies brain cells. It has a deadening effect and that
way one is not aware of how it affects him/her. For instance, it causes a perverted
sense of values, and a depreciation in values.
Life is constant action, no standing still, so one is either going forward or
backward. With the dope user it is a matter of going backwards. While using it one
does not see that. As one does not have full control of his/her faculties.
It can act as an artificial stimulant. When one gets hit on the head hard enough like
with a blunt instrument, a crow bar or a 2 X 4 piece of wood, one sees light for that
short period of time. But would that be the proper method to develop inner sight, when
one only sees it when hit?
While with dope it is not so short in duration, it is much more damaging to the
brain cells, while getting hit on the head would be more apt to injure the physical
structure. Both are senseless, and self defeating. Getting hit can be from a vicious
standpoint, while the use of dope is a subtle sinister thing to demoralize, incapacitate,
and enslave human beings, as was done in China.
How much energy and time does one spend to get the money with which to get the
dope, to avoid or sneak around the law, or spend time in court and in jail? The energy
is one’s life, and each one is allotted a certain span or time here to fulfill the plan
which allowed him/her to come here, that is to have a physical body. So they misuse
and waste their energy (life) and time, damage and degenerate their vehicles, and build
more bad karma.
We hear complaints from dope users that it is hard going, it is difficult to stay with
the Ascended Master Teaching. That is because they are going in two opposite
directions. In other words trying to serve two masters. While trying to make effort for
the Light, at the same time subjecting themselves to the worst substance of all which
should be avoided.
“Pot” smokers seem to accept that smoking it is all right, and some reject tobacco
smoking and meat eating. Yet narcotics is at the top of the list of substance to be
avoided, which Saint Germain has given.
The intellect can be very tricky. It can make one think that what is wrong is right.
It is just as easy to believe a falsehood as the Truth. For instance, because an action of
fire purifies, they think because fire is used to smoke “pot” that that makes it all right.
In this way they try to justify their smoking it.
They pride themselves for being vegetarians and for not smoking tobacco. Also to
have facial hair and long hair, and then put on a robe which is supposed to make them
holy men, yet use dope.
Dope users and “pot” smokers are deluded, and foolish. They are dupes, and
willing pawns of the sinister force.
In doing a little straight thinking, the dope users should assess what could have
been done with the money, time and energy spent on dope, and smoking “pot”. Just
think what the hundreds of thousands of misled young people could have done could be
doing if they served the Light instead of wasting their lives thru the use of dope,
alcohol, and sex, etc.
With such great numbers of people so duped, the politicians know they can and do
take advantage of this situation. Thus we have higher taxes, promotion of war and more
At this cosmic cycle when the planet has to go forward, the dope users are
placing themselves of their own free will and choice, in a position which will make
them similar to the laggards that were brought to earth. Because the people who cannot
go on with the planet will not have opportunity to take embodiment here again.
Why have so many uncentered music leaders passed on so young recently?
Because the karma of misleading people came back. The damage done to others
returned and it threw them out of the body.
The last two generations have exploited free love, being determined to use their
free will as they choose. And of course l-o-v-e spells to them “sex gratification”.
Thinking free will means to use life in whatever manner one chooses even
destructively. Hence, the so-called social diseases have spread immensely. The
alcoholics have multiplied as have the dope users.
In the growing-up process most young people at a point, exert their free will and
do as they choose, and are not going to be told anything.
Weather Conditions
The Master said that meat (animal bodies) was composed of the misqualified
energy in the atmosphere which was condensed into the physical substance.
That man’s body is composed of the electronic substance which fills the
atmosphere and the universe that is before it is charged with human qualification.
The black magicians originally created the animal forms. They could not use pure
electronic energy to make distorted forms. So even reason tells us that they had to use
misqualified energy and substance.
People have noticed and can tell storms and earthquakes are coming by the
behavior of animals’ even days before meteorologists have any such signs or
Storms etcetera, are created by Elementals weighted down by human creation.
Animals are elementals in those forms, so they are one with the elemental kingdom and
can sense those things ahead of time.
The drastic weather conditions are a result of the reaction by the Elemental beings
to man’s discord and misuse of life. So some people especially students say people
have to wake up. That these things come about to shock the people to make them wake
up to the fact that they need to change their ways. That attitude and expectancy has been
among some for many years, yet it has not happened that way. One could look at that as
being the human way. While the Ascended Masters’ hope was that those who contact
this Ascended Master Teaching, instead of just going their own way, they would adhere
to the Teaching, and become reliable by getting a thorough understanding of it and make
sufficient application. So that the Great Ones could depend on them, to give the
instruction correctly to those being directed to them. Then the Presence and the Masters
could expand the Light in people so they would desire the Light. But since most people
want to do it their own way, not much expansion of the Light has taken or is taking
The human wants something else instead of holding to and following what the
Masters have given and suggested. If that had been done there would not have been
many of the wards, and we would not need to have these extreme weather conditions
both summer and winter.
When the original Constitution was being drawn up, Saint Germain endeavored to
have put into it a clause that would abolish the right to hold slaves. But He had to work
thru many men, and some had large plantations, and so that important clause was
omitted, which would have avoided the Civil War.
Ascended Beings
It is important for students and people to come to realize that all Ascended Beings
are real, tangible Beings. Their bodies are not physical but They can make them as
tangible as our physical bodies are.
They live by the power of Light, by the power of energy, by that stream of Light as
shown on the Chart, coming from the heart of the Presence into our physical bodies.
They have entered into that Presence therefore They no longer have to call it forth.
They have the use of this energy in the various qualification. Thru thought and feeling
They can mold It into whatever is required. As blood flows thru the physical body, that
Light flows thru Their bodies. That Light beats Their hearts and carries the energy thru
Their bodies. Their hearts and bodies have become all Light substance. The activity of
Light radiates from the heart giving the body a pink glow.
Our bodies constantly change because in building them past qualification of
energy and substance is utilized. While the Ascended One retain Theirs eternally,
because Their activity is reality.
The Ascended Masters activity is very practical and natural, although it may seem
transcendent from the human sense. When we understand that and can feel it, then They
can give greater Assistance. By giving out attention first to the Presence and then to an
Ascended Being, that ray of light and radiance from us goes right to the Master. No
matter where He is, He knows it and by directing His attention through consciousness
He comes back on that ray of Light and knows what is required.
Mankind has since Jesus’ ministry felt He was so far beyond the human being that
it was impossible to reach Him. Yet many times He has wanted to come close and give
assistance; but could not because the individuals’ feeling held Him so far away.
Under the old or occult law thru suffering some karma was expiated. But that did
not necessarily balance one’s karma. It could lessen it or get rid of some that is if thru
suffering that one learned the lesson to not create it again. But that does not eliminate
the obligation to render impersonal service. On the other hand one could render
sufficient impersonal service to be set free, yet if the four lower bodies have not been
cleared or purified enough that one cannot be set free until that is done.
Elemental Life
The vegetation we have on earth is produced by the Elementals, the Beings of the
four elements; (earth, water, air and fire.).
How is it that we can plant various seeds and plants in the same ground and
produce things that are so different? We may tend to think that each selects the minerals
and whatever substance it requires from the ground. However, since only around five
to ten percent of the plant or tree comes from the ground, then the other is drawn forth
by the Elementals from the inner realms. The particular Elemental drawn that quality or
qualities required to produce that particular plant or tree, thus give it the minerals, the
vitamins, the substance, the fragrance and taste that is has.
Likewise, human beings can draw forth love, wisdom, power, truth, comfort,
healing, illumination, and etcetera, as required.
Days to Remember
September 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
September 30, Angelic harvest at Shamballa.
October 3, Saint Germain started to give the series of Discourses.
October 12, Columbus’ Day.
October 19, Surrender of British forces at Yorktown; America’s Freedom won.
October 31, Hallowe’en. Elementals’ harvest at Shamballa.
September 15, Temple of Truth.
October 15, Lord Maha Chohan’s Retreat at Ceylon.
V.5 N.4, November-December, 29 A.F. (1983)
The Christ Self can look upon the discord around the outer self, but not accept it.
It knows what is required, and can draw it forth from the I AM Presence, to produce
perfection. It is the Christ – the Christ action for the outer self, for the personality.
The Christ Self embodies the qualities and activities of the I AM Presence, and
can draw forth whatever light, energy, power and substance that is required from the I
AM Presence, the Electronic Body, and from the Causal Body. It controls and regulates
the amount and intensity of Light and Life released to and thru the outer or physical
body. The Christ Self is the determining factor, as to what can be done for that human
being, and what takes place in one’s life.
The great Wisdom of Life has provided the Christ Self as the director of the
currents of energy and Light which may be called forth at any time. The Christ Self can
cut one free with the Sword of Blue Flame. It is all-powerful and wise, and It is the
real authority over one’s lifestream. The reason one is not yet free is because the outer
self did not know of the Christ Self and then when it did (and does) it still gives more
power to outer things.
The Christ Self is one’s discriminating selective intelligence and knows what one
requires in his/her outer activity before the outer self is aware of it. Although one may
think he/she requires certain things he/she may realize later that he/she requires
something else. In knowing the Presence and making the call, impels into action the
discriminating selective intelligence of Christ Self, to provide whatever is required in
the outer activity. Thus is provided directing Intelligence, the activity and conscious
enfolding Presence to produce perfection in the outer.
The I AM Presence has delegated the Christ Self to have charge of and direct the
outer consciousness and form. Hence, It knows the requirements and also the
difficulties and troubles of the outer self, whereas the I AM Presence does not concern
Itself with such things. It has given that authority to the Christ Self.
The Christ Self operates between the outer self and the Presence. Originally, It
functioned in the Third Sphere, but presently abides in the Fourth Sphere for the most
part. It may also abide in the Causal Body.
When one maintains harmony in the outer self, then the Christ Self can work thru
the outer self. When one feels a sudden or definite harmonious action, it may be from a
One’s attributes come from the Christ Self, as well as the faculties and one’s
ability to function. That is what acts thru the intellectual consciousness or outer mind,
but can be colored or distorted.
The Christ Self regulates and directs the activities of the organs of the physical
body, which is taken for granted until something goes wrong, or gets out of order. The
outer self does not give it a thought and goes about doing what it wishes. Aside from a
certain amount of gathered energy which can act involuntarily, the energy called forth
is from the Presence directed by the Christ Self.
The Christ Self keeps life flowing into the body. It is able to cause the organs to
function, supply the outer self with energy and intelligence. In spite of what sort of
environment one gets into, what kind of feelings one has or what kind of food and drink
that is taken into the body the Christ Self has to handle it> It has the power to do it.
Also it has the power and intelligence to handle any problem one might encounter. It
will do so when the outer self can give all power back to It; thus let It handle it, and be
at peace.
The Christ Self keeps the heart beating. It and the Body Elemental operate the
functions of the body, the digestive system, etc. The organs of the physical body do not
act automatically, they are under the direction of the Christ Self. When one becomes
inharmonious, the Christ Self recedes from the outer self.
The energy and intelligence from the Christ Self flowing thru the four lower
bodies enables one thru the senses to cognize the conditions in the outer world (of
One’s heart-beat is sustained thru the flow of energy from the heart of the Central
Sun, coming thru the heart of that one’s Electronic Body, and thru the heart of the Christ
Self. The Christ Self regulates the amount and intensity of that flow of energy. It also
sets up a plan for each lifetime, and an approximate life span for that embodiment.
For aerial transportation the Christ Self far excels any outward conveyance; even
the etheric body does too.
The Christ Self having the all-knowing mind will not release energy for a
destructive purpose to one who has entered upon the path of Light and has come into
the knowledge of the “I AM”. However, if that one does act destructively, it is by
energy already accumulated in his/her world, particularly in the emotional body. So
when that energy is exhausted that one could not continue such actions. Some people
have a great momentum of mental power. But there is a difference between that and
real spiritual power.
The Christ Self, of course releases the regular daily allotted amount of energy to
the physical body which the outer self can misuse. But it will not release extra energy
for destructive purposes. Whereas, when one has this knowledge and understanding,
one can call forth whatever is required to fulfill the Divine Plan.
It is thru the Christ Self that the activity of one’s Reality can flow or express. The
inner or Real Self of each one is beautiful and perfect.
The Christ Self knows ahead of time what is required in the outer activity of one’s
life. The outer consciousness does not know because of the density of the brain and
body. But by getting still these finer vibrations can reveal what is required.
The Christ Self of each one is the judge as to what the outer self is required to do
to fulfill the Divine Plan. It has a complete record of how all the energy has been used
by the lifestream from the beginning. It judges, but never criticizes or condemns.
Even though the Christ Self is all-knowing and all-powerful as far as the outer
self is concerned, at times, It will call on Ascended Beings for assistance. When the
outer self does not obey the directions from the Christ Self because of the accumulated
human creation of the past, It calls to some Ascended Master because He has gone thru
the whole process by self conscious effort, and knows every requirement. So when the
outer self is too stubborn to let the impulses from the Christ Self, thru and respond, the
I AM Presence, thru the Christ Self asks for assistance. The Masters do not interfere
except when the Christ Self has called for it. They give that assistance by projecting a
Light Ray and dissolving and transmuting that obstruction so that the impulse from the
Christ Self can get thru.
In case the Christ Self is not permitted to release the energy, power and action a
person requires, for some purpose because of his/her discord and interference then the
Christ Self calls to an Ascended Master Who will project His consciousness into that
one’s feeling world which will act there until the person can handle, control or
accomplish what is required.
When the human is stilled one feels at peace because the current of energy from
the Presence, is not being misqualified.
The Christ Self is the governor of one’s outer self and world. It has the Power to
change that and will when the outer self stops requalifying the energy and charging that
into his/her world; and also stops trying to do things thru the human will, which is the
gathered energy in the outer activity of one’s world. Instead one should call the power
of the I AM Presence, which is Light, self-luminous, intelligent substance, into action.
Before going to sleep call on the Law of Forgiveness for all mistakes.
Call to the I AM Presence, and charge the Christ Self to direct back to the
physical body, a Light Ray of healing (or whatever the requirement is), and to dissolve
and transmute all; human creation, and to see that the full action is there upon
The Christ Self is the intelligence and power which acts at the direction of the I
AM Presence.
One will never be deceived by the Christ Self.
It is possible to see the Christ Self when there is enough human creation cleared
away, and harmony is maintained in the feelings.
Since the Presence has provided the Christ Self to handle whatever comes within
the vibratory action of being embodied on a planet, the Christ Self knows both
conditions; that and also the perfection of the Presence. So when one calls to the
Presence it is the Christ Self who hears it, knows what to do and answer that call.
Some students while asleep render service thru the Christ Self. Before going to
sleep, one can make the call: “Beloved I AM Presence, while this body is asleep, take
me in my Christ Self and see I render whatever service You want.”
The Christ Self stands above or somewhere outside the physical body waiting for
the outer self to get to the point of self-control, whereby enough harmony is maintained
in the feelings so the Christ Self can release Its powers thru the outer form.
The Christ Self knows the requirements of the outer self and will release it from
the Presence to produce perfection, when one has kept the feelings harmonized long
enough. In order to produce perfection in one’s activity and world the Christ Self needs
one’s energy held in control, and it must be kept harmoniously qualified.
Instead of human beings giving advice to others, they should be turned back to
their I AM Presence. This gives opportunity to the Christ Self, to project to the outer
self Its qualities and activities.
The statement attributed to the Master Jesus, “See no man after the flesh”, means
to not be interested in any one’s mistakes or limitations. The Masters are not, nor is the
Christ Self. It was said that the Christ Self sometimes covers Its eyes with Its hands so
as not to see the iniquity of the outer self.
Young People
Some people, particularly young people, especially when they first come to
reading this Ascended Master literature, get disturbed and object to the use of the word
“magic”, as Saint Germain uses Magic Presence. They want to eliminate the word. He
used the word purposefully. It portrays a meaning to the outer, limited consciousness
which no other word will. Their consciousness evidently relates the word to only
“black magic”. The action of magic, “white magic” has always been and was long
before the was any “black magic”. In the first place one could not have any black
magic if there was not the “white magic” or right use of energy or rather the right us of
qualifying energy to produce manifestation. Without white magic there would be no
manifestation of any form anywhere in any universe. Black magic is simply a
perversion, misuse or wrong use of energy or energy put to a wrong use. It is disturbing
to some individuals because of their association of the word with “black magic”, in
which they may have been involved in the past and/or may be even now.
How does the I AM Presence hold the stars, the planets, the suns and all created
things such as nature, in their proper places? Not by pole, steel, beams of wood,
etcetera. It is all done thru the magical powers of the use of the Light Rays with which
It endows Its various self-conscious Intelligences. Without that there would be no
manifestation anywhere. That magic power is natural, it is only magic to the outer
consciousness because it has lost its right orientation as to creation or the process of
In the book “The Magic Presence” by Godfre Ray King, Magic Presence is used
about as many or more times than Mighty I AM Presence.
This Teaching
People seeking truth, come in contact with this Ascended Master Teaching and
feel it is the Truth. Yet then go around dabbling into many other things of partial truths,
with all kinds of claims. One reason for it is because they have been in those type of
teachings in former embodiments. The outer self likes the mysterious, the mystical.
Because that way one can imagine all kinds of ways of being benefitted without making
effort, without disciplining oneself; thus one can live in a world of fantasy. We cannot
cheat or deceive the Law, the short comings will show up sooner or later.
Many teachings are just revised church, metaphysical or occult versions, with
perhaps bits of the Ascended Master Teaching mixed in, and they call it the teaching
for the New Age. For many that is all they can or care to pursue at this time.
Jesus’ Teaching has lasted for about 2,000 years. So we can expect the Ascended
Master Saint Germain’s version to do likewise.
To celebrate the Holidays, human beings use it as an excuse to indulge in
satisfying body sense. So there is an excess of intake of food and drink, and much of
the wrong kind.
Jesus’ mission was to bring spiritual enlightenment to the world. He was not
concerned with things, which is the case with people now.
The reason people give things is because they cannot give spiritually.
During the last few days of the year there will be again the opportunity to have a
certain portion of misqualified energy transmuted in the Cauldron of Violet Flame.
Thus giving each one a new start for the New Year. So instead of celebrating by taking
into the body wrong substances and too much, we can and should take advantage of the
assistance received. Some do feel a lightness and freedom so instead of just enjoying
it, this is a good time to work on some traits or substances that are still in us which
need to be eradicated or redeemed, which will give us greater freedom.
On other planets although there is no discord, they have the Violet Flame, the
Freedom Flame. It is used to promote progress, especially to progress faster than the
natural course of things.
In case of one leaving the body in an accident, etc., the expression is used, “lose
one’s life”. Yet one does not lose his/her life – just loses the body.
Some people think it is a sacrifice to serve the Light. That is they think it a
sacrifice to not indulge in their human desires, and to give up those desires, which are
the cause of all their troubles and limitations.
However, a real sacrifice is when a perfect Being stays in lower realms to help
mankind because of having turned from the Light. Like Sanat Kumara and now Lord
Gautama and Others.
November 15, Shamballa.
Nov. 30, mankind’s harvest at Shamballa.
December 15, Teton Retreat. Half-yearly Conclave.
The names of the Seven Archangels and Archai, Their qualities, activities and
services, and on which Rays They are. Most of Them gave Addresses for the first
Which Ray each of the Seven Elohim are on. The names of Their Twin Rays
(Complements). Their qualities, activities and services.
Much information about the Chohans, other Masters and Divine Beings. On which
Ray many of Them are.
Much information about the Hierarchy – Their positions, etc. Change of the Lord
of the World, Buddha, World Teacher and Cosmic Christ, Chohans of the Second
and Sixty Rays.
Much instruction on the Seven Rays.
Much instruction on the Retreats.
Transmission Flame Activities.
About the Body Elementals.
The Ministering Angels.
Much about the Elementals and elemental life.
Much about the seven bodies.
Explained Individualization; the Seven Spheres.
About the Suns and planets. The Sun Gods and Goddesses of the Seven Suns and
the Great Central Sun. The seven planets around each Sun.
Information about the Silent Watchers, Devas, Angels, Cherubim, and Seraphim.
Much about the Lords of Karma – the Karmic Board; making petitions, granting
Dispensations; about cooperating with the Great Ones.
Taking part in ceremonies which were going on at inner levels; working back and
forth with the Great Ones, while the activities were in session. (Milestone of this
The removal of the individuals from the Compound, the Sleepers’ Realm, and the
removal of the rest of the entities from the earth. The Sleepers’ Realm was
Thought-Form of the year. Sponsor of the year. Sponsors for certain countries and
sections of the earth.
Keynotes of Retreats, Masters, students.
About the Electronic Pattern of lifestreams. Gave the pattern for some of the
Masters and some students.
About King Arthur and His court.
About past embodiments of some Masters and some students.
Twin Rays of Masters and some students.
Letters to students by Masters.
Cherubim assigned to certain students.
Cosmic Highways opened
That the same elements are used to create each succeeding physical body for an
Not only the energies released thru the students; decrees and songs were being
used put the students worked in cooperation with the Divine Beings, They giving
instruction as to what was required by Them from the students’ right at the time, to
accomplish certain work.
Unrecorded material and a descriptive account of Jesus; life was given,
explaining and clearing that which had been clothed with human concepts thru the
centuries. Also about Mother Mary and the Disciples too. As Mary had said, June
30, 1937.
In the 1930’s when this New Teaching for the New Age started to be given the
Ascended Masters and Divine Beings began to draw closer into the world of
human activity, because the need was so great. At the time of Jesus ministry there
was a similar action, but on a lesser scale.
Jesus was taught by the Great Divine Director in the Retreat in India, this same
application. The he taught Mother Mary and John. It was this instruction which
enabled them to make the Ascension at the close of their embodiments.
The instruction and teaching given thru Mr. Ballard, gave the basic Teaching for
the New Age, and set into action Cosmic changes for mankind and the earth.
Then the purpose of what was given thru Mrs. Ballard (which began in 1944) was
an action of holding together as many students as possible.
When the first 20-year period was up the Great Ones’ endeavor was to expand
this Teaching to more people and also to get more cosmic work done which was
necessary for the progress of mankind and the earth.
Law of Life literature is a combination of the Teachings given in both the 1930’s
and the 1950’s. This is not a religion, it is reality.
Before all this instruction and information was given by the Divine Beings in the
1930’s and 1950’s, various teaching gave out some of this information in symbols,
under blinds, etc., under the occult law. So unless one had the key to decipher it
correctly one would not have it right.
So-called new Age literature still consists mostly of metaphysical or occult
material, with modification, personal interpretation and concepts. Most people
are still hanging onto the teachings of former cycles.
When Jesus walked among mankind His followers hung onto the teaching of the
Fifth Ray cycle which they had and which is still used today, particularly the Old
Jesus’ mission was planned to fit into the teaching they already had and believed
in, because that way they would follow Him. His mission was to teach and leave
the example of how to become the Christ. And by the end of the Sixth Ray cycle
(which is now) every human being was to walk the earth as a Christ. Instead
vicarious atonement has come out of it.
For the new cycle, the teaching Saint Germain brought forth is not based on Jesus’
teaching, the Bible, or occult material but stands alone. However, it is being
mixed up with other material by some. In order to have a new age we have to let
go of the old, otherwise we will keep on having the same conditions we are in
The incoming new age comes under the Seventh Ray action. “The Activity of the
Seventh Ray is the joining of the elemental, the human and the Angelic kingdoms
in conscious cooperative service. It is the unifying of the consciousness of the
three elements who are enjoying the courtesy of earth’s hospitality.” (Master
Morya) TDB 351
This new teaching differs from the former teachings of prayer, and meditation
methods, which are a negative approach, and act within the etheric realm. Instead
of that, decrees, fiats and positive and meaningful songs are used in cooperation
with the Brotherhood, which draw the power and blessings (instead of only into
the etheric) into the physical appearance world.
The Seventh Ray, the Freedom Flame aspect is masculine – decrees, songs,
visualization. Represented by the scepter (action) to execute. The Liberty Flame
aspect is feminine – meditation, contemplation/Represented by the crown, the
cup, receptivity.
Christ Self
In attaining one’s Freedom, the Christ Self is the dividing line because that is
where all human cease. Then the full power of the Presence can act thru the Christ Self.
As one gives attention to the Presence, this gives It the privilege of releasing the
directing intelligence into the outer self. This comes thru the Christ Self. If thru a lack
of understanding the human or outer self has a wrong motive when making the call, the
discriminating Intelligence in the Christ Self knows it right away. So to prevent a
mistake, the Christ Self sets into action currents of energy to annul what would have
been a mistake and brings about perfection instead.
What everyone is seeking is his/her service to the Light. One need not keep on
qualifying the energy thru the feelings with imperfection. The Christ Self awaits the
call by which this can be corrected. It will release what is required to render this
service. When one no longer generates inharmony in the feelings then he/she can have
immediate answer to his/her calls.
To the degree that one is poised and maintains harmony can the Christ Self render
service thru the outer self. To the degree that the feelings are allowed to become
disturbed that one serving the dark forces. Accept that the Christ Self has the power to
transmute every undesirable condition in the feeling world.
It is important to realize that all destructive and/or irritating qualities and
activities are just that much energy charged or qualified with human qualities; and it is
just trying to find expression. So one needs to be alert to prevent it from acting in
his/her world. Make the call: “Beloved I AM Presence and Christ Self stand guard
over my feelings, and prompt me whenever disturbance tries to reach me. See I use the
Transmuting Violet Flame to dissolve and transmute it, before it can act.”
The Christ Self is always alert and on guard. It never gets weary or tired. It
supplies all the energy to the physical body and It can supply whatever is required. It is
not limited as to the quantity and power It can project forth. This energy is pure and
perfect. It takes energy to feel tired. In order to feel that way one has charged or
qualified that energy with a human quality. This can be transmuted and changed back
into perfection.
When one stands in the position of assisting others and do healing work, when
more requests for assistance come in than one can handle he/she can call to the I AM
Presence and Christ Self to stand guard and answer the calls, and render this service. It
will answer every call which is directed to that one. This comes thru the feelings first
and the Christ Self always knows it. The Christ Self can project any number of Light
Rays, and thru them whatever power and quality of Life and Light is required. If he/she
can have the full feeling of the power and supremacy of what the Christ Self can do
thru the Light Rays, then the Christ Self can answer the calls and instant results can take
place, because this power knows no opposite.
When assistance or healing is called forth for someone and that one is in too much
pain, or not sufficiently harmonized so it can act, it will stay there and wait till such a
time, if the call has been made for the Christ Self to sustain it. Even thought thru free
will the individual opposes thru the feelings the assistance sent, yet that which was
sent stands there around that one until there is sufficient harmony for it to do its perfect
When making application to assist some other individual, one can call to the I AM
Presence and Christ Self of that one, and thus get better results.
The Christ Self is the mainspring of each one’s existence and abides in every
center of our being. Thru close affiliation with the Christ Self human beings can
become a comforting Presence in action to all life they contact.
No Divine Being nor any unascended being who has attained mastery, ever allows
the energy of any of his vehicles to act independently of the jurisdiction of his Divine
Intelligence, nor does he allow the energy of another, no matter how it expresses itself,
to draw him out from the center of his being.
Human beings desire to heal and be a comforting Presence to others. Yet in that
very desire rush forth from the center of being and attach their energies, thru thought
and feeling, and the very flesh, to the consciousness of those who require assistance;
and thereby forfeit their mastery and the capacity to help and serve others.
There is only one mentor and that is the Christ Self. Human beings do not know
what others should do, hence the admonition of Jesus: “What is that to thee, follow
thou Me.” One can and should walk the pathway of life without being a mentor to every
lifestream that crosses his/her path.
When one tangles with the energies of another’s world, with a pressure of will,
the karma that results there from if the act be wrong is shared by the one who stirred it
to such action.
One’s I AM Presence and Christ Self are one, and there is no separation between
Them, insofar as the action of the energy is concerned. The Christ Self is aware of both
the inner and outer conditions, and It directs the currents of energy to (for) whatever is
required in the outer.
When one knows the I AM Presence and calls to It to release what is required to
render service to the Light, under Cosmic Law, It is compelled to release it for one’s
use. The Christ Self will render service when there is no questioning in the outer self.
If there was a wrong desire there, It would not release it. However, when one holds to
a desire sufficiently, it will be produced, even if it turns out to be a mistake, unless the
Presence has been called into action to release it according to Its wisdom. In this case,
It would over-ride the wrong desire and produce what is required. When one draws
forth a wrong thing, then he will have to dispose of it.
When one has developed to the point where he/she can completely give dominion
to the Presence then the Christ Self can and will always do whatever is required, and It
will cause the outer self to do the right thing at all times.
The Christ Self has the full action of the All-Seeing Eye of God, therefore knows
everything that the outer self does. It can change any condition of imperfection that the
outer self needs changed, into perfection.
When one calls to the I AM Presence, visualize and feel the radiance of the Christ
Self, enfold the physical body.
The wise intelligence that acts thru the outer self is the action of the Christ Self.
One needs to remember that in the outer consciousness, so there is no feeling of lack of
intelligence or power when making calls for whatever is required.
The Christ Self has the power of the universe to do what is required, and the outer
self needs to feel that. When the feeling is there, it will outpicture.
The Law is that the power of Life must respond to a call. Hence when one
understands his I AM Presence, thru an earnest determined call it is possible to have
greater power released, and not have to wait for the gentle way of the natural activity
of Life to act.
Fear hits one in the solar plexus. Fear is the greatest weapon of the sinister force.
Yet religions and churches even perpetrate upon their people that to fear God is
supposed to be a virtue. Hence use fear as a tactic to make people submit to them. The
priesthood has done this thru the centuries, and it is the cause of much of the limitation
and fanaticism in the consciousness of many people. It also has made an etheric record
in their etheric bodies, which is now the cause of certain psychological reactions not
understood as a rule.
Self-righteous people use the tool of fear the same as the sinister or dark forces
do. That is their main tool. It is taught, you have to be God-fearing in order to do right;
you have to fear God because if you don’t do what the church or clergy say God is
going to do something bad to you.
That is just the opposite of the way the Ascended Masters teach. Fear is a human
quality and was never created by God, nor ever used by the Divine. But it is a lack of
trust in the Divine.
People are fearful to let go of the chains which bind them. Fear of some sort
dominates most people, and of most of it they are not aware. Behind obesity is the fear
of not having enough of what is desired.
A psychologist said, that fear is the (an) unconscious wish for it (the thing feared)
to happen. Fear is a force. It is a feeling and it multiplies anything that one’s attention
is upon while you have that fearful consciousness around you.
Each race has its own tendencies, karmic accumulation, etc., which differ sharply
from others and out of which that race needs to develop and redeem all miscreation.
Jan. 15, Transylvania.
Feb. 15, at Darjeeling.
Mar. 15, Liberty Flame in France.
April 15, Resurrection Flame.
May 15, Ascension Flame.
V.5 N.6, March-April, 29 A.F. (1984)
Retreat Work
This is Retreat work. When the Presence and the Masters drawn individuals here,
it is to give them opportunity. Whether they make it or not depends on themselves. And
this depends on how and whether they handle their own human accumulation, by
sufficient application, or whether it handles them. In this case they remove themselves.
Everyone has to prove himself to the Presence and the Masters. No one has been asked
to come here, and no one has been asked to leave. However, in the Retreats when one
does not make satisfactory progress he is asked to leave. When they did not make it,
they could then live an ordinary life in the outer world until the close of that
When one entered an Ascended Master Retreat, he had to give up all outer world,
possessions, ways and connections. He was given simple clothes to wear, and his own
were kept for him along with anything else he had with him (pictures, watch, money,
etc.) These were put away and kept for him, and in case he left, all his possession
were returned to him and sometimes he was given extra.
There they had to develop self-mastery and pass the various initiations. Then
before their eternal Freedom was gained they had to render a certain amount of
impersonal service. Individual development came first, then came the whole. One had
to attain self-mastery, then he needed to render impersonal service to the whole.
That was changed in the 1930’s, when this New Teaching came forth. Now the
whole comes first then the individual development. And the initiations come in daily
living right in the outer world activities; and students no longer go to the Retreats as
they did formerly. Now spiritual attainment is developed by rendering impersonal
services while developing and attaining self-mastery.
When one is decreeing he should be aware that he is speaking to individualized
Intelligences, not just talking to or at an abstract God or concept. These Beings are
grateful when we realize that They are individual intelligent Beings, carrying out the
Divine Will of the Creator of all Life.
This phase of action distinguishes this Ascended Master Teaching from previous
According to the information given, the Karmic Board each year, approves which
lifestreams are given opportunity to take embodiment on earth. So by choosing one out
of three and rejecting two, allows about one third of around ten billion, to be in
embodiment at one time. In case less than one third pass on during the year, then this
will increase the number somewhat. However, They also consider the karma of those
coming in against that of those passing on. The Karmic Board has a certain amount of
control over as to who and how many come into embodiment. Hence we need not get
alarmed about outer world prediction of having a great over-population. More
countries take census now than formerly and so the intellect has more numbers to
expound upon.
Resurrection Flame
In springtime again the Lord Maha Chohan draws forth the Resurrection Flame
from the Resurrection Temple in the etheric Realm over the Holy Land. From this
Focus pours forth the reality of the power of Resurrection which lies within Life, into
the consciousness of all evolutions. This Flame will quicken the vibratory action of the
cells of the body. The substance of this Flame when invited will flow thru the four
lower bodies. The action of this Flame revives nature, drawing forth the sap in the
trees, etc., providing mankind with beauty and the sustenance required.
The Statement Jesus gave, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life” draws forth the
power within the lifestream. Thus enabling one to increase the vibratory action of his
lower bodies and throw off or raise out of the human accumulation into perfection.
Jesus in His ministry, used the three Flames and activities of the Sacred Fire
given Him by His Teacher. The Resurrection Flame which quickens the vibratory
action of the four lower bodies, connected His vibration with that of His Presence. The
transfiguration Flame which enabled the Sacred Fire within Him to expand more
powerfully than the atomic pressure of the outer world. The Ascension Flame, which
surged thru His four lower bodies carrying the energies of His world upward into
connection with His Christ Self, and then with His I AM Presence.
The crucifixion took place at sunset; The Transfiguration at midnight, The
Resurrection at dawn; The Ascension at noonday.
Christ Self
The Christ Self is beautiful, youthful and perfect. It has eternal youth and never
appears as one over 21 years of age. That is why some elderly people although the
physical body is some 70 or 80 years of age, yet inside they still feel young.
A flower fragrance can come from the Christ Self just like from an Ascended
Master. In its purity the Life of each one has a nice flower fragrance.
The human self asserts itself and makes mistakes. To do so one uses the Life from
Presence, the Christ Self being the directing intelligence, one can call to withdraw the
power the outer self has given itself to make mistakes, and refuse to accept that it has
any power to further make mistakes.
The outer self may think it has to rush around and do certain things to convey
something to another, who might then even argue against it. So it is much better to call
to the Christ Self of that one, then there is no questioning nor argument. But the greatest
possible power and intelligence has been set into action. If it is constructive the Christ
Self will act according to Law, to bring the desire results. If it is destructive it will not
act on it.
The Presence is the owner of everything. So It is the intelligence, the energy, the
power and action that can take command of conditions in the outer world to provide
whatever one requires. The Christ Self is one with the Presence and is in harmony with
all Life, and wants perfection for the outer self. When one needs financial or other
supply, (and since we are not yet precipitating), call to the Presence and Christ Self of
all those serving the Light who need supply, to move into action and bring about
conditions in the outer activity whereby the required supply is provided.
The Christ Self of every human being wants perfection for the outer self, no matter
how destructive the activities of the personality are. The only obstruction there is, is
within the atmosphere of earth. All intelligence and power in the universe outside the
atmosphere cooperate and act in conjunction with our calls for perfection, etc. There is
no resistance except when the outer mind knows about a thing and resists it in the
feelings. This comes about when the outer self is so imbued and occupied with human
affairs and ways, and then will not admit there is any resistance. While the body is
asleep there is no resistance. So before going to sleep one can charge the Christ Self to
direct and charge Its currents of energy thru the physical body to cleans and purify it,
and produce health and perfection.
The Christ Self knows everything the outer self does, knows every thought, feeling
and motive, and so does an Ascended Master when He chooses to do so. Although the
outer self may think and feel otherwise. It is impossible to deceive Them.
In vibratory action the Christ Self is between the I AM Presence and the physical
body. The Christ Self is the Presence in action out here, as It is the intelligence and
action of the Presence for the outer self.
The tendencies of human nature is to lean on Jesus’ powers, rather than develop
their own Christ nature. Jesus represented the Christ Self of human beings but is not
supposed to do, as they expect, that which they must draw forth from their own Christ
Self. Jesus and the other Masters encourage the cognizance of the ever-present
precipitated Christ-Flame in the hearts of Their pupils and the development of this
Flame so that It can and does continue Its natural activity and so precipitate a portion
of the Divine Plan in whatever sphere the individual is serving.
Each one is a precipitated being and the natural activity of his/her life is to allow
this Christ Flame to continue to precipitate thru him/her the particular virtue which is
the reason for his/her being. Because thru the loss of the remembrance of this, human
Beings have become subject to the fear of human limitations of every kind, and look to
something outside of themselves to produce what they require and desire, instead of
making self-conscious effort to expand the Presence of the Christ which is within the
The Flame in the heart is the outpost of the Christ Self.
The Christ Self within the heart can only grow as one’s attention goes to It, as one
is willing to give all the power of his/her life to It, and pass the Flame of Adoration
thru It, allowing the seed within one to grow and wax strong, relinquishing the human
to the Christ Self.
Jesus knew that even those who had been closest to Him could not of themselves
externalize their Christ, therefore He asked for the Spirit of Comfort to be sent to the
disciples which would animate within themselves those powers that they had let lie
dormant by resting upon His accomplishments. The Maha Chohan answered that
promise to Jesus, and on the first Whitsuntide released those tongues of Flame referred
to in the Bible. These were actually magnetic currents of energy, which expanded the
Christ power within them, It expanded their own Christ Flame.
The bridegroom (as referred to in the Bible) represents the action of one’s own
Christ Self.
When one has purified himself/herself enough, and can keep the four lower bodies
harmonious and at peace at all times, then the Christ Self can draw the gifts, qualities
and powers from the Causal Body and externalize them as one’s personal aura.
By turning one’s attention to and holding it on the Christ Self, thus the beam of
one’s energy flows to It magnifying the Divine powers and qualities.
Before the laggards came to earth, mankind knew no imperfection; directions
were received by each one from his own Presence in the form of divine ideas. They
manifested and precipitated whatever was required. There was no laboring.
In the middle of the Lemurian age, the third Golden Age is when the so-called
laggards were allowed to come to earth.
Man did not fall all at once, it was a very gradual procedure, which built up over
a very long period of time. The first action was rebellion, by taking credit to oneself
there was developed an ego, and then it took over.
The first disobedience ensued (this was the first sin), in their rebellion against the
fulfillment of the Divine Plan, with their attention on the patterns the laggards
externalized, thru their creative centers of thought and feeling, they chose to draw on
the energies and produce likewise. It was then that Lord Michael fashioned His Sword
of Blue Flame.
When this contamination first began Archangel Michael offered to become the
protector of the soul light, the defender of faith which keeps the spirit moving onwards.
It was perhaps, somewhere along in here when Lucifer first came to earth.
According to information given, Lucifer was an Archai, whose quality is faith, the
Twin Ray of Archangel Michael.
Lucifer came to be a magnet and a receptive pole for protection to the people with
him came many Angels. Thus this group during many ages Archangel Michael was able
to anchor His radiation of Faith in God, give protection from the psychic-astral
effluvia of the laggards, and in general help keep alive the spirit sparks within the
souls of the people.
The power of contagion did eventually shut off the visible presence of Divine
Beings, the glory and music of the inner Spheres. This left the outer consciousness
groping in the darkness and confusion.
After the ‘fall of man” Archangel Michael vowed to stay with mankind until every
lifestream was free. Lord Michael decided to forego the natural activity of the
Archangels and has worked in the psychic-astral realm thru the ages helping mankind.
All the Beings of the Angelic kingdom are one-pointed and specifically express
one quality, whereas man is a twelve-fold being.
Angels serve mankind and although they are not always able to hold onto their
quality, but when that happens they fly back to the Source and are re-charged. They do
not take on conditions of mankind. However, with the Elemental Kingdom it is
Thru free will Beings of the Angelic Host can enter the kingdom of mankind and
become human beings by taking embodiment in the same way human beings do. After
the laggards had come to earth and things were getting worse, at that time that is what
Archangel Michael’s counterpart did.
An Archangel is a highly developed or very advanced Angel. Archangels with
Their Divine Compliments or Archai, guard not only the evolutions of a planet but that
of solar systems. They come from the Central sun, and have access to and travel back
and forth from there.
The Archangel represents the feeling nature. Then when it is perverted there is a
greater amount of energy misqualified. A being that has developed to be on the level of
an Archangel is in command of a great amount of energy and has tremendous power.
After mankind had turned away from the Light and created the discord,
limitations, etc., some of the Angelic Host guarding and helping the people of earth
took physical form by coming thru the regular ways and means of birth. To do so they
had to get the approval of the Karmic Board. By doing so they switched evolutions,
changed from the Angelic kingdom to that of mankind. Thereby became subject to the
same laws prevailing over mankind; for instance that of passing on (death) and rebirth.
The reason for taking physical embodiment was so they could better reach the people’s
consciousness, and having no bad karma could be an example amongst them in the
endeavor and hopes of raising them back to their Divine Estate. But instead they
eventually also get involved in the same things and predicaments the people were in,
and that is how they became “fallen” Angels. Now they have to be extricated and
redeemed the same as mankind, in fact they are a part of mankind.
The so-called “fallen” Angels are human beings who are of the Angelic kingdom,
and have karma to redeem. They do not fall from heaven to earth. Since Angels will
not take on human qualities, the only way an Angel can “fall” is by taking embodiment
in human form and then taking on human qualities and doing human things.
Out of the seven Archangel and seven Archai serving this solar system two of the
Archai took physical embodiment on earth. These are Lucifer, the Divine Complement
of Archangel Michael, and Mother Mary, the Divine Complement of Archangel
Raphael. They took embodiment in order to reach the consciousness of the people in
hopes of reversing man’s waywardness and so would again come into the Light.
Originally the Divine Light filled the whole body from the Flame within the heart,
and each one had a natural protection of Light about him. But as the discord grew the
Flame in the heart decreased, until it was only about 1/16 of an inch in height, and the
Christ Selves were going to withdraw completely. This would have meant the second
death (so-called) for them. The condition on earth got so bad that there was danger of
the earth being swung off its axis, and in that case the earth would have been dissolved.
That is when Archangel Raphael sent out the call for volunteers from other
planets and stars. Sanat Kumara responded and volunteered to come to earth and hold
the Light for mankind. He and others from Venus, and some others, offered Their
services to assist. That was the darkest time in earth’s history. That was some million
years ago. But mankind has lived upon the earth much longer. Some occult literature
says over 18 million years.
In the Bible Sanat Kumara is referred to as the “Ancient of Days.” He has been
the vanguard, and sustained mankind since He came.
Lucifer was a Being of great Light in heaven, hence referred to as a star, or
morning star. Thru free will he chose to come to earth to work in cooperation with
Lord Michael in giving protection to the people. With him came many Angels and
guardian Spirits for the same purpose. They took embodiment thru the natural means of
birth, as the Law required they take on bodies vibrating at a rate similar to the
evolution they were to serve.
Eventually thru contamination, Lucifer and many who came with him also began
to succumb to the temptations of thought and feeling emanated by those whom they had
come to serve and save. So they accepted thru contagion and free will the discordant
and human qualities mankind were expressing. Rebellion, spiritual pride and
arrogance also entered into their souls and grew within them. Lucifer was very
powerful in human ways, more so than the average man. So when he expressed human
qualities they were greater and more far-reaching than that of man. The veil of human
creation great between Lord Michael and Lucifer until Lucifer lost conscious contact
with Michael. Thus the story that Lucifer fell from heaven (meaning harmony and
perfection) is based on fact, and with him many of the others who came with him also
fell, and forgot their Source the same as mankind did. Rebellion took Lucifer from a
state of grace and constant communion with the Divine. In spite of the human they were
still more sensitive and attuned to the Realms of Perfection therefore could draw forth
more secrets and discoveries of creation. But then they also misused them.
However, Lucifer has had many constructive embodiments and has rendered
service to the Light, trying to make recompense.
Evidently Lucifer took embodiment mostly in masculine bodies, which gave
opportunity to serve in a greater capacity as a leader.
Few people can write or serve impersonally. But with most their personality is
felt in all their works, and so it was with this individualization. In many embodiments
he held high and important positions in world affairs, which are recorded in history.
The statement of Jesus that satan would be bound for 1,000 years, did not refer to
a being with horns and long tail, but human minds have chosen to make it an individual.
By satan He did not mean Lucifer but each one’s own human creation, which would be
bound not only for a 1,000 years but for eternity. The power He referred to is the
Cosmic Light and the knowledge of and use of the Transmuting Violet Flame.
Because of discord in the consciousness man removed himself from the Divine
way of life. Thus it was that man fell from grace and was not ejected by Divine Beings
or anyone.
The Universal I AM Presence gave Archangel Michael the opportunity of
becoming Prince of the Archangels and thru that office redeem Lucifer and all
imprisoned life into a state of sustained harmony and perfection thru instruction, thru
application and thru opportunity.
In a book about UFO’s published in 1955, it says that Lucifer was in embodiment
at that time, but that they were not permitted to disclose his identity. Also that he had
embodied on earth many times and that the names of those (or most) embodiments were
familiar to even grade school children. That one might be surprised at some of the
names, as they were not what one might expect. (To be continued)
Christ Self
(Continued from last issue)
Before the “fall of Man” in the first Golden ages, the natural enfolding Presence
was the substance of the Christ Self for from three to ten feet out from the body. Then
there was no struggle for living. Ever since then man has not had the full freedom of the
Christ Self.
A small part of each one’s own Christ Self is anchored in his/her heart. So
whoever does not let It expand is crucifying the Christ.
The Christ Self of everyone is waiting for the outer self to begin to give attention
to the Presence. Because then It can release the intelligence and energy into his/her
world of action to produce the required results.
As one keeps placing the attention upon the Christ Flame, the Three-fold Flame in
the heart, in Divine Love, giving It full authority to direct and central the energy of
one’s world, one will begin to let go of the efforts of the human ego to accomplish and,
instead, allow the dignity of the Christ to take command, Then without struggle. It will
bring and sustain peace, healing and the blessing of Divine Love.
The Christ Self knows ahead of time what is coming, long before the outer self
knows. Hence it can and does make preparation.
Since energy does not discriminate, when one begins to call the I AM Presence
into action, one needs to call the discrimination and activity of the Christ Self into
action, so as to not make mistakes of the past.
One’s comprehension is in one’s Christ Self, It is the discriminating selective
The Ascended Masters watch and guard the students thru their Christ Self. That
way the students are never separated from the Masters.
The students are prompted thru the Christ Self of what the Masters have said.
The Divine qualities and activities the Masters amplify, to benefit the outer self,
must go thru the Christ Self of that one.
In general the souls of mankind are a shapeless and imputer mass of subtle ether
of various elements, upon which many stories of the supernatural have been woven.
Instead of being immortal it is quite the opposite.
Out of this mass must be fashioned a faring white garment for the Christ Self. The
outer consciousness must be purified and developed; purity, mastery and peace
externalized before the Christ Self can take full possession of the personality.
When the initiate thru centuries of righteous living has achieved that
consciousness whereby the (white) Dove is externalized within his/her own aura, then
so that one comes the Cosmic Christ and the Maha Chohan (the Holy Spirit) and into
that consciousness is released the full pressure and power of the Christ Self.
Thus he/she becomes the “only begotten Son” and his/her mission, like that of the
Master Jesus, is to externalize the Divine Will of the Creator Who sent him/her.
When the contact and connection between the Christ Self and the outer self is
permanently established the grant Initiator (Lord Maitreya in Jesus’ time) is always
present, as is also the representative of the Holy Spirit. Then the individual ago moves
forward to externalize the Divine Plan. This took place with Jesus when He was
baptized in the River Jordan, by John the Baptist. His outer self was anchored in His
own Christ nature.
Lord Maitreya fused His own Christ consciousness with the Christ Self of Jesus,
giving His (Maitreya’s) full Cosmic momentum and power into the use of Jesus for His
mission. In this mystic union Lord Maitreya joined His consciousness with that of
Jesus the Christ thus the two became One, so that Lord Maitreya, thru Jesus, might
bring the Powers of the Cosmic Christ to man.
That is the action of what is referred to as the “second coming” of Christ. This is
not to be an individual but a Cosmic Event. When each sincere student of the Light who
qualifies will have the blessing of the Cosmic Christ (now Jesus and Kuthumi hold that
position) pass thru his own Christ Self to assist in the blending of the Divine Nature
with the personal ego, which is the instrument of the Cosmic I AM Presence in the
world of form… By the outer self giving attention to the Presence and the Christ Self,
and the Love from the Presence thru the Christ Self flowing from the heart of each,
makes a bond of unity and oneness. (To be continued)
May 31, is Ascension Day. At 12 noon Standard time (1 PM DST) for a few
minutes give attention to the Master Jesus, being grateful for His Victory. And realizing
that we too must someday attain the Ascension. But that only comes when one has
served enough here, when every particle of misqualified energy has been redeemed,
and when one qualified to render service on the other side – at inner levels.
June 10, is Whitsuntide. On the first Whitsuntide was the outpouring that gave the
disciples the capacity to perform more than ordinary service. The Lord Maha Chohan
answered that promise to Jesus and on the first Whitsuntide released those tongues of
Flame referred to in the Bible. These were actually magnetic currents of energy, which
expanded the Christ power within them. It expanded their own Christ Flame. This Day
celebrates the descent and merging of the Spirit of Cosmic Comfort (Comfort Flame).
With the individual’s outer consciousness. It is the mystic union between the Divine
and the human, the miracle of Whitsuntide. The Maha Chohan breathed his breath as the
Comforter and as the Fire of Creation into their Christ Flame, causing it to expand
whereby they could do the things Jesus did.
June 14, is Flag Day. We should display the American flag.
On page 81 in Law of Life and Teachings by Divine Beings, after the first
paragraph should be: Lord Zadkiel, September 28, 1957.
April 15, Resurrection Temple.
May 15, Ascension Temple.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
July 15, Over Kashmir in India.
Aug. 15, Lord Meru’s Retreat.
Sept. 15, Temple of Truth over Crete.
Oct. 15 Maha Chohan’s Retreat. Nov. 15, Shamballa.
May the Resurrection Flame blaze thru all, renew your lower bodies, world and
affairs as in nature; bringing beauty and the produce required to sustain our bodies.
V.6 N.2, July-August, 30 A.F. (1984)
Christ Self
(Continued from last issue)
The Christ Selves were created long before the outer (personal) selves took
(came into) embodiment on a planet. The Christ Self of each one desires thru the outer
self to complete Its pattern and plan in the outer world in rendering a particular service
which adds to the glory of the Divine Plan of the universe. Until each Presence thru the
Christ Self is enabled to fulfill itself, the full perfection of the Divine Plan is not
manifest, and no other Christ Self can render that particular service for such a one.
Thru the use of free will, the Christ Selves of the greater part of this evolution
have been denied fulfillment. Yet They have sustained the personality in the hope that
someday the outer self would desire to cooperate with the Presence and manifest Its
reason for being, and justify the expenditure of the energies of the Presence, of nature,
the Angelic and Elemental kingdoms which have sustained life in the personality thru
the centuries. Now the Cosmic Law has taken a hand and refused to allow further
expenditure of the pure energies of the Presence, the Masters, Angels and Elementals
to sustain the foolishness of the human ego. Hence, the Christ Selves must connect with
Their own outer selves and serve Their Cosmic purpose or with the personality be
removed and no longer have opportunity to reembody on earth.
The outer self is the Christ Self’s responsibility.
The One holding the office of the Cosmic Christ represents the “Father” of Life to
all the Christ Selves of unascended mankind. Thru His momentum and power he can
enable or assist the Christ Selves or each one to (enable) to draw closer to the outer
self, and impress it with greater spiritual understanding and desire to pursue the Path.
That individualized consciousness of the lifestream, the Christ Self, dwells in the
higher Realms and is one with the nature and purpose of the Creator (God). The
thought and feeling centers of the Christ Self are always actively engaged in creating
and expanding God’s Kingdom of perfection. The Divine Will is the motivating power
of these Beings, and the Divine ideas from the First Cause flow thru Them continually
without opposition. Thus, the perfection of the Godhead is clothed by the thought,
animated by the feeling, and externalized by the obedient Will of these intelligent Foci
or Christ expressions of the Creator of all there is.
Hence They activate the universal substance of the Spheres in which They dwell,
by Their constant creative endeavor in carrying out the Divine Plan. Thus has the
Fourth Sphere been greatly charged with the perfection and beauty of the Divine Plan,
since that is where the majority of the Christ Selves of mankind dwell.
In January 1952, the Christ Selves of mankind applied for a dispensation whereby
human free will would be set aside which would allow Them to commanded the
energies and power of the personality, in order to fulfill Their own purpose and
design, and allow Them to cooperate in the Cosmic push thru the outer self. The Lords
of Karma and the Messenger from the Central Sun, made a partial grant to 2,000
particularly prepared individuals as an experiment. No matter how great the struggle
and resistance of the outer self may be, when the Christ Self has been given the
authority by the Lords of Karma, there is no possibility of lasting rebellion on the part
of the individual, although, for a time, there may seem to be a terrific struggle. The
Christ Self has not chosen idly to sustain an ego for millions of years, and when It is
authorized by the Sun of the system to set aside the human free will of individual, that
authority will never again be relinquished – and sad it is that it was relinquished in the
first place.
In July 1952, 200,000 lifestreams had been chosen out of all embodied on earth,
to give particular obedience to the Christ Self, thru whom the Great Ones hoped to
expand the Light on earth. But since more than 100,000 of these did not respond in any
manner, during the December-January half-yearly Conclave it was decided not to
increase the numbers to receive this special blessing.
February 14, 1953, the Christ Selves of 200,000 lifestreams embodied, applied to
the Cosmic Law for permission to consciously impress and direct the outer selves
which They had sustained thru the centuries.
The student body was making the call that the Christ Selves of the younger
generation might take possession of the outer selves at the age of six, rather than at 18
which was the Law. A limited grant was given whereby the Christ Selves were given
authority to take possession of the children at the age of 12.
The Cloak of Invisibility is an action of or produced by the Christ Self.
One’s mentor, guide or mediator between the outer self and the Divine is one’s
own Christ Self.
The Christ Self is one’s Silent watcher into which the Divine design is placed. It
is concerned with lowering into the outer consciousness the pattern from the heart of
the Presence for externalization thru the Three-fold Flame in the heart.
The Christ Self is almost helpless to act (thru the outer self) until the heart and
brain consciousness are in alignment.
The recording Angel often referred to, is one’s own Christ Self. It keeps an
accurate record of oneself. It is also referred to as the White Fire Body, and the
Guarding Angel. The only Begotten Son of God refers to the Christ Self, It is the Christ
Self, the Christ nature in man, the spiritual side (part) of man.
In Masonry, the cap stone refers to the Sacred Fire, the Three-fold Flame. It
stands above the physical body, hence is the Christ Self.
One’s Presence and the Christ Self, or thru the Christ Self is the authority, the
determining factor to what can be done or take place for that one.
The Christ Self knows what is required, but It may not over-rule the free will of
the human or outer self. For some years now, the Cosmic Law has permitted to some
degree free will to be set aside but not enough yet to stop one from acting by which one
creates discord, except in a few cases.
The Master Saint Germain said May 29, 1938, that They had not called the
students attention to the Christ Self particularly, because They wanted their attention
fixed on the I AM Presence, the Source of Life. From then on it was necessary for the
students to remember and be aware that the Christ Self is there, that It answers our
calls to the Presence, that it knows what we should do and what we require and that It
can give unlimited assistance.
The Christ Self can make Itself visible, It can speak to the outer self when the
obstruction in the feelings is sufficiently cleared away. It can enfold the physical body
in Its Light and make it invincible against any discord.
The Christ Self can envelop the physical body, or stand by a human being and
walk the earth, with one who has purified the physical body sufficiently so that he/she
can function at that vibratory rate. Such a person is known as an unascended Master.
He/She is still in the physical body, but can whenever the requirement arises, raise the
consciousness instantly into the vibratory action of the Christ Self and call It into
action, and thus function from the Christ Self and in Its wisdom. While otherwise
he/she still functions in a highly developed physical body.
The Christ Self has been provided by the I AM Presence to do all of this for the
outer self. The I AM Presence cannot do that because the radiance in the Casual Body
cannot come below the heart. The outer rim of radiance from the Presence never goes
below the heart of the physical body, because if the Presence even came that close the
outer self would be a luminous being.
While Jesus was in the tomb He became enfolded in His Christ Self, and no
human element or vibration can exist in the vibratory action of the Christ Self. On
Easter morn when Jesus came forth from the tomb, He had ascended into the Christ
Self, He was the Christ in action. But He was not yet fully ascended, as He had not
ascended into His own I AM Presence.
Until the New Dispensation for the Ascension came forth, the only way a human
being could make the Ascension was from the physical body. The physical body had to
be purified to the point where it could be drawn from the earth plane into the Christ
Self. As a rule the Ascension was completed right then. It was said, that after the great
change, the straightening of the axis, the removal of all discord, then the New
Dispensation for the Ascension would no longer hold good. Hence the Ascension
would again be attained as it was formerly.
When the Christ Self which is the Master within, has been given full control and
command of all of one’s energy, substance, world and affairs in both thought and
feeling, then the Christ Child in born as some would term it.
Then the vibratory action of his/her being and world would begin to rise until the
purified substance of the physical body is absorbed into the Christ Self, which then
rises and is absorbed into the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence. This completed
what is termed the Ascension into the Light, and which makes a human being as
Ascended Master. (Finis)
(Continued from last issue)
Lucifer means, light bearer; to bring light. Hence he is referred to as the morning
star; and also as satan, from an erroneous interpretation of the term as applied by
Isaiah, in the Bible.
Dictionary: Satan (Heb., an adversary.) The devil or prince of darkness; the chief
of the fallen angels. From this it can be perceived why or how come that term is by
some applied to Lucifer. He was the chief of the Angels that came to earth to assist
mankind, and many, as he did also, “fell” into the same plight as man. Many even got
into the so-called compound, but all were extricated in the 1950’s. There were over
300 from the Angelic kingdom of the compound. Lucifer was not in it.
When Satan was asked, “Whence comest thou?” he answered, “From going to and
from in the earth, and from walking up and down in it,” Job 1:7. In other words that is
the human creation which is all over and in the earth. Isaiah 14:12, 10, “How art thou
fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, Son of the morning? Art thou also become weak as us?
Art thou become like unto us?” This shows that man had already fallen and was in
discord before Lucifer ever came to earth. Later in Christianity he was assigned to the
devil (as were others).
Lucifer and Satan are two different subjects. Lucifer was and is an
individualization with free will. Satan or the devil (lived, spelled backwards) is the
accumulated misqualified energy of mankind, all destructively qualified energy. This
has come from mankind thru misuse of free will God or the Divine created and
produces only perfection. Now it is man who personifies this misqualified energy into
some specific form, which he calls the devil. This is easily done through thought, by
holding a certain form in mind, and this substance which is very pliable takes that
Now people put the blame on Lucifer (which gives them an escape goat) for the
discord and their own wrong doings. While it is their own wrong desire, their own
human creation, the accumulation of their own misqualified energy thru the centuries
from many embodiments that caused them to do wrong; along with the mass pressure of
all mankind’s misqualified energy thru the centuries. Lucifer did add to this as he
created a lot of hell on earth in his time.
Showing various embodiments of this lifestream, which may or may not all be
correct. Some of these embodiments differ with some given in other literature, and
some may be claimed by others living now. The dates being from outer world records,
may not all be correct. However, in case when we get on the other side of existence,
and find some of this is different, we can then put it in right perspective.
Around 1,500 B.C., Herr, Moses’ brother-in-law.
Eleventh century B.C., Sampson.
Shortly before 1,000 B.C., Goliath, the great (giant) Philistine in King Saul’s time
who was felled by young David. (1 Sam. 17:32 to 58)
A disciple of Gautama Buddha (363 – 483 B.C.) and built churches after he left.
Around 500 B.C., a twin daughter of the Emperor Chan (Lanto) of China.
Before 100 A.D., Peter, the disciple of Jesus, built churches after He left.
Fifth-sixth century A.D., Sir Belvidere, a Knight of King Arthur, the one who
stayed with him the longest. According to the story, he cast the Sword “Excalibur” into
the lake at Glastonbury, at the King’s request. He then became a monk, and built a
monastery, then when embodied as Henry VIII, he had all the monks killed and ended
the monastery.
742-814, Charlemagne, called Charles the Great, king of the Franks and Holy
Roman emperor.
1167?-1216, John, succeeded his brother Richard the Lionhearted as king of
England. One of England’s worst kings was he. His barons forced him to grant the
Magna Carta, the famous charter of liberties, June 15, 1215.
1491-1547, Henry VIII, a king of England, in whose reign the Church of England
was established. He had Thomas More, Morya, 1478-1535) beheaded.
1584-1656, Miles Standish, Puritan leader in Plymouth Colony.
Only some people are aware of the Council of Foreign Relations, and the
Trilateral Commission. But even fewer people are aware there has already been
constructed a “New states Constitution” which would take away the Freedoms of
America, and which some wish to replace our present Constitution.
There is talk and endeavor going in to call or bring about a Constitutional
Convention, under the guide to pass an amendment to balance the budget, which is
already provided for in our Constitution, but is ignored. At such a convention they
could remove the annoyance of obstacles of the United States Constitution and erect in
its stead the New states Constitution. Therefore, this should be avoided.
Many things have been working in that direction for a long time. Already in the
1930’s, the masters made the students aware of such things.
The Federal Reserve System is private banking monopoly, a cartel of
international Bankers. It is not a part of the United States Government, hence
The passing of the Federal Reserve Act (of Dec. 23, 1913), and the 16th and 17th
amendments to the Constitution violate the prohibitions of Article 1, section 8 and
Article 1, section 1 of the Constitution of the United States; and should be repealed.
The Committee to Restore the Constitution (P.O. Box 986, Ft. Collins, Co. 80522)
is bringing this to the attention of the people, and endeavoring to educate them of this
fact and how it can be changed back to the original. They said, the money of the world
is controlled by 300 families. For further information write them.
Decree: Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution, and the Federal
Reserve Act, reinstate, restore and uphold Article 1, section 1 and 8 of the Constitution
of the United States. (This can be added to the Decree in our Decree book, page 41,
#16, between paragraphs 2 and to Finish with Ending on page 37. Can also be used on
Patterns on pages 42-43 and also the two following decrees :)
Methods of Application
For many people to simultaneously create a thought-form (thought-image) for
peace, or whatever, is good and a step in the right direction. It is better than not do
anything. But it is still the metaphysical version and under the occult or old law which
has been set aside. More needs be done.
Thus a form is produced by human beings on the inner level (plane) and can have
some influence. This method has been used thru the centuries but has not corrected the
outer world conditions; because only part of the Law is employed, this represents the
negative phase. For full results it takes both the positive and the negative elements, the
“I” as well as the “AM”, of which the occult version is OM or AUM, and Christianity
has it as Amen. This is the receptive action or phase, while the “I”, the positive phase
or action executes.
Thru the many centuries under the occult law meditation has been practiced and
been used for attainment on the “Path”, but conditions in the outer world remained
Petitions presented to the Karmic Board were not granted for centuries because
no energies from human beings thru the physical forms were forth coming. Until in the
1930’s, when the occult law was set aside and the Master Saint Germain brought forth
the understanding of the individualized I AM Presence and the use of the Transmuting
Violet Flame. Then He got a group of people to practice it, to set the Law into action
thru decrees, particularly in groups, thus releasing the energies required by Cosmic
Law. Then the Great Ones were enabled to begin to change things at inner levels to
bring about changes in the outer world. All manifestation in the outer (good or bad) has
its cause at inner levels. That must be changed before the change in the outer will take
Thru this method of application, for the benefit of mankind and the earth more was
accomplished in about three years’ time than there had since man turned from the Light
many millions of years ago.
In regard to lighting a candle or small bulb at midnight and praying for peace (by
the Candle-light Movement) in England during World War II, there was more going on
which produced the success or results now attributed to that action: that the Germans
concluded the British had developed some sort of secret weapon.
Thru correct decreeing with the understanding and comprehension back of it, a
small number of students, compared to all mankind, did enough to set the Law into
action. Although not all understood nor comprehended the phases of the Law the
Masters and Cosmic Beings were utilizing, in this time of great need and Cosmic Push
the Law permitted their energies to be used for Their purpose for the good of all, and
this gave added credit to those lifestreams.
Thru energy human beings created a thought-form, and in general create forms
which can be good or bad. But previous to and all during that war, trained students of
Saint Germain were making application and rendering impersonal service thru decrees
and visualization. Not just created a form of human energy, which is a different action.
Thru the decree and visualizations the connection was made directly with the I
AM Presence of every human being involved as well as with the Great Ones Who
were thus enabled to set into action the Law and utilize various means of Light and the
Sacred Fire. Thru the visualizations of the Luminous Presence of the Master Jesus over
England was produced a form tangible enough that it showed up in a picture of the war
clouds, taken by a soldier while up in an airplane.
(Continued from last issue)
As given in the 1950’s, the last embodiment was feminine. This was required by
Law for that lifestream to make the Ascension, and which has been attained.
In many embodiments this individual attempted to redeem the misqualified
energies of the past and help restore purity, harmony and perfection and regain the
position as the protector of the faithful and guardian of the right. Much mercy was
extended, opportunity and much assistance given, especially in this redemptive
process, particularly in the last embodiment. This was accorded because of that one’s
original motive Divine possibilities and unique position as Lord Michael’s Twin Ray.
She did want to know what was right, and served the Light. She was active from
the beginning and a power group Director in both activities which the Ascended
Master Saint Germain and Others promoted for the bringing in of the New Age in the
1930’s and 1950’s. She was the spearhead for the latter activity thru which so much
was accomplished cosmically for the benefit of earth.
She was told she was the Divine Complement of Archangel Michael. Also that
she had more misqualified energy than any other lifestream on earth, and was given
more assistance than any other. Having attained to the status of an Archangel before
embodying on earth naturally had much energy. Hence when it was misused, it was in
greater proportion then that with others… Even in this embodiment the color and
texture of the skin was different from an average fifth root race person. She had very
fair hair and light skin thru which the light showed So Lucifer has been redeemed, an
action which has been very important for the earth, and re-united with Lord Michael
Sept. 15, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15, Lord Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
Sept. 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest at Shamballa.
Oct. 3, Saint Germain started Dictations.
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, Surrender at Yorktown.
Oct. 31, Elementals’ Harvest. Hallowe’en.
V.6 N.4, November-December, 30 A.F. (1984)
Earth’s Evolution
The first people who inhabited the earth were not begotten, the life as an
individual in a human being does not start with birth. It starts as a Flame drawn by the
God and Goddess of the Sun of that system. It is drawn forth from the Central Sun, the
sun behind the Sun. It then works thru all the inner Spheres around the planet for which
It was drawn forth, before it ever comes into embodiment. This process goes on while
the planet is being created by Cosmic Beings, Devas, Masters, Angels and Elementals.
All this creation is done by intelligent individualizations, some of very great
development. Planets, stars and suns do not come into being thru combustion of mass
substance. Nor do they exist for a period of time and then disintegrate. The Divine Plan
is that they continue in their expansion, according to that Plan.
Planets of a solar system are not all created at the same time, but there are many
solar systems in the process of creation at the same time, also many galaxies of which
their solar systems are being created at the same time. The Divine Plan for a planet is,
not to be disintegrated but to develop and ascend into or go within the Electronic Belt
around its Sun, it is not dissolved but remains as a body in a particular place within the
Electronic Belt around its Sun, it is not dissolved but remains as a body in a particular
place within the Electronic Belt of the Sun.
Some or most of them but not all, then later on come forth as Sun and design and
create their own solar system.
When a planet is ready for habitation, individualizations who have been prepared
and have completed their course thru the inner Spheres of that planet, are taken to that
planet from the inner Spheres.
In the case of the planet Earth Archangel Michael and six other Archangels
volunteered to assist the inhabitants who would inhabit the earth. The Many who was
in charge of the first root race had selected the ones who were to come first upon the
Earth. A path of Light was projected to the Earth from the inner Sphere, for them upon
which to proceed. Of the Archangels, Lord Michael was chosen to lead the way. As He
and Manu proceeded. Some guardian spirits who had volunteered, and the innocents,
the first inhabitants of Earth followed. They landed in the vicinity of the present Teton
Mountains, in the U.S.A. From there then they spread over the Earth.
During the first two Golden Ages, known as the Garden of Eden, they lived in
perfection as there was no imperfection, no discord, decay, war, selfishness nor death.
They had the use of the Light Rays and the power of precipitation, hence did not have
to labor. There was no sex, the begat referred to in Genesis only came about a long
time after man first inhabited the Earth. Their bodies were much less dense than now.
Procreation took place by the use of Light Rays, projected by two individuals, and
where the Rays crossed a spiral action was started and the new body was formed to
full stature, and the incoming intelligence entered. When its service and development
for that embodiment was completed it just stepped out of the Rays which was then
transmuted by the Sacred Fire. The individual went to abide in the inner Spheres for a
time. Then came back into embodiment for a certain number of times and then
terminated the last one by making the Ascension into the Light in full consciousness.
So the first, second and third root races did complete their cycles, graduated by
making the Ascension and returned to the inner Spheres, or heaven, to abide for
In contrast of the “big bang” theory of how the universe came into being which is
ridiculous, and which would be along the action of fission, one can think of the action
of fusion – taking it from the microcosm of a cell coming out of one cell and
duplicating itself. It did not decrease the first cell, it did not take anything from any
other thing in existence. It did not produce any waste product or residue. Even our
physical bodies start with one cell.
Then one can see how it is feasible for a planet to be started in the same manner.
For our physical bodies to be created there is definitely intelligence behind it, although
it is not recognized or accepted in the outer world. And so it is with the creation of
planets and the universe.
The real Truth, understanding and application of the Cosmic Law, the Christ
actions have thru the centuries been preserved in secluded places, Retreats of the
Ascended Masters, and for the greatest part in India, thru the fifth root race.
Here a long time ago there was a large true priesthood. There were great numbers
of people cast out of it because they did not give sufficient obedience to the Law, the
spiritual law, and they have wandered all over the Earth since. Most of them in various
embodiments associated with some religion. Because of the lack of obedience and
compliance with the law by the people, the real Truth had to be withheld as they would
misuse it. But portions of it were given, but it was veiled, also blinds, symbols and
parables were used. Then the real seeker had to make enough application to have it
revealed from within. This they got only after they had gone thru probation, and then
had been invited and taken into the Ascended Master’s Retreat. (As a rule women
were not permitted to enter a Retreat.)
Many people in the outer world claimed and still do that they have the Truth but
are much mixed up with psychic stuff.
The Master Jesus used parables to illustrate certain portions of the universal of
Cosmic Laws. That is how He put it, in order to put it on a level of understanding of
the people. But leaders and many people have perverted it and taken advantage of the
masses thru that, or in that way.
What makes the different human races? What differs in the races? A different set
of qualities and activities, and their importance and intensity developed thru many
generations over a long period of time; values of life as well as laxities. The values of
various accepted human qualities and activities as to their importance and various
intensities, which all are perverted divine qualities and opposites of those qualities.
Nothing in the human realm is perfect yet, the vibratory action is too slow.
According to the Bible they blame things on the Lord or God. The word Lord
means law. Hence in using Lord, it can even in a sense apply, since it is a misuse of the
law. So by disobeying and misusing the Divine Law, they created human qualities and
activities, which affect, influence, manipulate and control human beings. It says the
Lord told them to destroy and kill so and so. Human consciousness has it that in order
to accomplish one must use force. So they fight, destroy and kill. Some claiming to
have gotten such direction from within, hence assuming it was from the Lord or God,
not realizing that there are many dark forces from which such directions can come.
The same trend operates in the medical field, constantly promoting to fight such
and such diseases. To heal, eliminate and cure they think they have to kill the affected
cells, and automatically do the same to unaffected cells.
The concept that being god-fearing is a virtue has been perpetrated upon mankind
by the sinister force. Fear is a tool of that force, to hold control over people. There is
nothing Divine in it, and that kind of a god is not Divine.
They speak of the battle between darkness and Light. However, only darkness
battles. The Light does not, when It appears the darkness disappears. Human
consciousness thinks it has to battle, fight, destroy and kill. The Bible is full of this and
they say that is God’s word. That is just human creation, human concepts acting, and
not the Divine. This, children read there; then we wonder why they do these things. In
order to be taught “thou shalt not” do so and so, one must first have the knowledge of
or have been taught those wrong things. This is the negative approach, the attention on
the human things; instead of the positive, and teaching the ‘thou shalt” do so and so,
then the other can have no place in one’s world.
Force in ungoverned energy. In the human activities when people allow discord to
register in their feeling world they open themselves to the mass accumulation and
cannot control it so they are impelled to act according to the quality of that force.
Now with this Ascended Master understanding one can gain the victory without
using any destructive force.
Opposites: Positive, negative; right, wrong; Divine, human; patience, indifference
and lethargy, determination, stubbornness.
Each Retreat is a concentrated focus on energy qualified to bless life in a specific
manner. Primal life has been qualified with the virtue and activity which that Retreat
had offered to radiate or channel into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical
bodies of mankind. The Brothers and Sisters radiate that qualified energy forth to bless
the race, in a similar manner as the Sun of the system magnetizes the primal life from
the Central Sun and radiates it forth as light, warmth, fecundating power, etc.
Twice each year the spiritual Hierarchy has the Conclave in the Teton Retreat, and
the Karmic Board meets there. It is open from June 15 thru July 14, and from
December 15 thru January 14, for the students to go there in their inner bodies and
receive (absorb) the radiation. Lifestreams can have the spiritual tide of this Focus to
carry them forward upon their life plan.
The Teton Retreat represents the activity of expansion of the Divine Plan. This is
why the half-yearly Conclaves are held here, the plans of the White Brotherhood are
accepted and energized here, and the various Masters and Divine Beings go forth on
the Cosmic pulsation from this Focus to the respective locations on the earth’s surface
charged with the pressure and power of this natural activity of expansion. For this
reason this location was chosen for the first pulsation of life upon the planet. The gift
of this Retreat is the power of controlled precipitation to those who tune into Its Light.
The color is green.
Also each year Shamballa is open from November 15 thru December 14. During
that (month) time is when the Brothers and Sisters of the Great White Brotherhood take
some vacation from their volunteered services They render mankind. They have some
freedom from Their voluntary service and can attune for a time to the Source and be
free from the pull of the Earth.
Those two Retreats are open during those three months each year. Then the other
Retreats we designate for each month’s time of the year, vary according to the time and
activities in the outer world as well as those at inner levels.
In November 1952, the Lord Maha Chohan said that Lord Sanat Kumara advised
that on Thanksgiving Day, the seven Retreats of the Chohans of the Rays and Maha
Chohan’s Retreat would be permanently open in order to allow the lifestreams
evolving on the planet the opportunity of intensified training upon the particular Ray
which forms their natural vibration. That is, they can go there in their inner bodies.
These Retreats are: At Darjeeling, Focus of Wisdom, Temple of Liberty, Ascension
Temple, Temple of Truth, Resurrection Temple, Temple of Freedom, and Retreat at
At the end of November They have the ceremony of the Harvest at Shamballa, for
mankind as well as for the White Brotherhood and Divine Beings.
At the end of the year every individual who has had any portion, even one hour in
physical embodiment will again have the Benefit of the Violet Flame Cauldron, thru the
mercy of the Karmic Board, Saint Germain and all on the Seventh Ray, as well. This
takes place at inner levels and we can make the call to be taken there while we sleep,
not just once but a number of times.
Occult Law
For those who do not fully understand what is meant by: “The occult law was set
aside”: Under the old occult law, only certain facts or phases could be given. The
detailed work concerning the process was not permitted because of the inability of
mankind to act altruistically. Hence veils, blinds, symbols and parables were used.
In the early days when the Masters endeavored to give some fundamentals of
wisdom in book form, much misapprehension and misunderstanding crept in. This
danger greatly handicapped the Masters’ efforts; only indication was possible.
Mankind’s thoughts needed to be lifted from only studying ways of physical existence,
to broader concepts, wider vision and fuller comprehension. Therefore it was not
permitted to give (out) transmutive formulas or the statements that manipulate
substance, both material and light substance.
When the occult law was set aside, that set aside those restrictions, and permitted
this Ascended Master Teaching to be given in detail, clearly and definitely as we have
it now; particularly the knowledge of the I AM Presence, of the Transmuting Violet
Flame, about the Ascension, and how to decree.
The activity of breathing in itself shows the balance of the Law. The rhythm of
contraction and expansion, centripetal and centrifugal force are the two activities of
creation and are required to both draw and sustain life in the physical body. The
inbreathing must be followed by the out-breathing to comply with the Law which
sustains the life in the body and the individual in the outer world. This Law applies to
all activities of life. By comprehending this Truth and mastering the energy in drawing
forth and expanding the Divine Plan in the outer world, and thru purification and
application one can be raised and become an Ascended Being.
When doing the rhythmic breathing as given in the Decree booklet, it is important
to sustain the rhythm throughout. That is, keep the in-breath, the held-breath, the out-
breath, and the directing breath all the same length. One could record a phrase of
music, for the length of eight beats, each in a different key, or some definite dividing
point for the ear to detect.
In regard to the second third decrees in Vol. 6 #2 issue, page 4: Disarmament talks
have been going on for 86 years, but have not come up with a solution. This is because
so many companies are manufacturing weapons and war material; and are set up only
for those things. They are owned, governed and controlled by those who control the
money of the world, hence want to continue that procedure. These plants need to be
converted over to manufacturing useful products instead, which is rather expensive as
the equipment needs be changed and the personal need be re-trained.
There are various states of evolution for humanity. On Atlantis it was the
physical. The emphasis was on physical development there were the giants. Now
mankind is in the emotional stage, changing to the mental. The mental level or plane,
not intellectual accretion. Most people are on the emotional level, with the solar
plexus center most developed and active. During the time of changing from one level of
consciousness to another is always a difficult time. Mankind must change from the
lower three centers to the heart, throat and head centers.
Dates to remember:
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day.
Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Day.
Dec. 25, Christmas.
End of year, Karmic Board meets, V.F. Cauldron
The etheric body vitalizes and energizes the physical body. Cosmic energy and
Light, the life-forces circulate thru the etheric body, not only of mankind but of planets
and solar systems. It is the basis of all manifested life, and the expression of the
oneness of all life.
Mankind is essentially emotional, with the attention focused on the emotional
nature. The development of which reached its height in late Atlantean days, and is still
very potent. This needs be shifted to the min
In the emotional (astral) and etheric bodies are the causes of 90 percent of all
physical diseases, and only a small percent in the mind; not nearly as much as
believed. All disease is the result of inhibited flow of energy – Life from the I AM
Presence, thru the Christ Self.
Disharmony between the form (body) and the Life, Light flowing into it, a lack of
alignment and control, is the cause of all disease. In one sense disease is a process of
liberation, especially from crystallized conditions. It brings about change.
The highest method of healing is to call the Presence into action. The healing
comes when the energy, the Life, the Light of the Presence flows freely thru the body. It
eliminates congestions and obstructions and vitalizes the person.
Disease is an activity of the physical plane. Disease = dis-ease.
The Cosmic action of the incoming Seventh Ray is playing thru and affecting
every human being and is bringing or producing developments and changes in the
attitudes towards the (human) function of sex. From the human side it is a natural
function, a fundamental urge, an instinct which is the dominating factor of man’s animal
nature. Instead of being regarded as a natural process the subject of sex became an
unmentionable topic thru excessive intimacy. There are many attitudes concerning this
subject. The main one among so-called civilized people has been that which gave men
license to be promiscuous but women had to be the opposite, remain restrained. Out of
this has come a lax morality, and disease, which is one the increase because of
promiscuity and illicit relations.
In the human realm sex is a natural function for procreation, as eating and drinking
are natural functions to sustain the body. This is in the human realm only, as they do not
exist in the Divine Realms. Neither was meant to be for sense gratification. This
subject (of sex) has been a difficult matter to approach, the basis of which has been
prejudices in people’s minds; various views of individuals, each convinced his was
the right one, because he lived and acted accordingly. Thru excessive intimacy of this
natural function, strict morals and narrow-mindedness, this subject came to be
regarded as an indecent secret and mystery. Wrong and misuse of this function and lack
of control thru the ages has brought about an era of disease which will take several
centuries to eradicate.
From a Cosmic standpoint sex is a short word used to express that basic law of
attraction, the expression of which manifests (brings) life into form. In the outer it is
used to denote the relation between males and females which results in procreations
and reproduction of the species. For most of mankind it means satisfying the animal
After passing on the burial of the discarded physical bodies thru the many
centuries, has permeated the earth with the germs of those diseases. Mankind now is
prone to those taints, resulting in those same and other diseases. All this gives weight
to emphasize the use of the process of cremation, which will decrease the
contaminations, and improve the condition.
The three major deep-seated diseases are: the social diseases, cancer and
tuberculosis. The last is the least deep-seated and is of more recent times. It will be the
first to be eliminated. Thru right mental attitude, sunshine and proper food it is
The so-called social diseases, the venereal diseases and syphilis, derive out of
the misuse of sex which began in Lemurian times, and the excesses indulged in
thereafter. This is the most deep-seated and the oldest of the three, and it will be the
last to be corrected.
At that time the emphasis was on the development, use and control of the physical
body, and procreation. Then the sacral center was the most active.
Now we are at a point in time when the shift from the emotional is being made to
the mental. It has come about thru the shift of the attention and life energy from the
emotional to the mental nature. Our race stimulation now is of the mind.
Some diseases or ailments can suddenly appear without any particular cause
wrong doing of the individual in or during the present embodiment that is because of
karma of the past.
Man is so involved with animals that the diseases are being passed on to the
Ray – Flame
The difference between a Ray and a Flame: A ray of light is not a stationary thing
life a pencil or a fence post. Although it cannot be seen with the physical sight, the ray
is made up of very small particles or specks of pulsating light, in constant motion,
going out from its source.
These constantly pulsating particles concentrate or congregate together at the end
of the ray of light and form a flame.
The Masters said we were not these bodies, we were each a ray of light, and the
end of that Ray is anchored in the physical heart. Each one is a Ray of Light, an
individual Ray from the Central Sun. That Ray is pliable and permanent. It is a Ray and
is focalized at a certain point which manifests as a White Fire Being. Then from there
out of this Flame from this Ray come two Rays (Twin Rays) which focalize at a certain
point as a Flame producing the I AM Presence, as we have come to know It. Then from
It the Ray continues, providing the Christ Self. Then still continuing on It is anchored in
the heart of the physical body. So that is now we are a Ray of Light – that is one’s
More than one quality and/or activity is contained within one Ray.
First Ray: Divine Will, power, faith, protection.
Second Ray: Understanding, illumination, wisdom, discrimination, perception,
comprehension, Christ activity.
This planet earth, this solar system and galaxy were created or came into being
thru the seven Rays.
In each Retreat of the Ascended Masters is a Flame formed and established thru
the momentum drawn by the Brotherhood, of that particular quality.
In doing the breathing exercise of the rhythmic breath for the designated Retreat
each month, by giving attention to It one can have and feel that just by accepting It.
Accept It, just like naturally breathing or walking into another room. But if the intellect
has to have a mechanical procedure, then think of It, and as you give attention to the
Retreat and the Brotherhood and to the Flame of that particular quality and color a ray
comes from that Flame, and can form a flame at your end, which can enfold you then
expand and project forth, or emanate.
In the higher realms the Masters appear in long robes. That is the reason priests,
etc., in the outer world wear robes. (By the way, the black magicians perpetrated upon
them the colors of black and red.) It is only human beings that need to wear clothes.
Divine Beings only appear in such manner to conform to our human consciousness.
We, in reality are, as the Divine Beings are, a Ray of Light which at its end
becomes a flame.
The Masters being a Flame, hence when condensing Their forms into lower
realms will appear as wearing robes, which is similar to and conforms to a flame. This
trousers will not do, but skirts will. However, when They appear in the outer world.
They usually come in similar dress as is the custom of those in the outer.
Cloak Of Invisibility
To make an automobile invisible, the automobile is not dematerialized (and
materialized again to make it visible). The vibratory action in the atmosphere around
the vehicle is of a certain vibratory action, a substance, then what takes place is, the
vibratory action of that is increased or raised to a point where it makes the automobile
invisible to ordinary physical sight.
The automobile remains just as it is and if the Cloak of Invisibility is not qualified
to deflect anything approaching it, one can bump up against it the same as if he walked
onto it with his eyes closed, and skin his shin as is reported to have occurred to a
person in Africa. If one were inside the automobile he could see everything that is
going on outside as usual, but no one from the outside could see him or the vehicle.
In visualizing the Luminous Presence of Jesus or some Divine Being, around a
person a similar action takes place. Thru the visualization, substance of Light is drawn
around that person. When that build-up reaches a certain point the Master charges into
it His own consciousness. Hence His likeness is super imposed over (on) the person.
Jan. 15 thru Feb. 14,
Darjeeling. Feb. 15 thru Mar. 14,
Lord Meru’s. Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14,
Resurrection Temple. Apr. 15 thru May 14, over Kashmir.
May 15 thru June 14, Ascension Temple. June 15 thru July 14, Teton Retreat.
Dates to recognize:
First part of January the petitions are decided upon by the Karmic Board.
New Year’s Eve – Jan. 1, Occult (old) law was set aside by Mighty Victory.
Sixth Ray cycle closed and we entered the Seventh Ray cycle of 2,000 years,
Saint Germain and the Goddess of Justice assumed the Cosmic Chohanship of the
Seventh Ray.
Archangel Michael was granted the Dispensation whereby certain lifestreams,
some already disembodied, could make the Ascension without reembodying.
All in the so-called compound, the Sleeper’s Realm and the disembodied, bent
the knee before the Karmic Board and took the vow to make things right; thus were
released from those conditions. The Thought-Form for the New Year (1955) was the
Freedom Flame, and as Saint Germain expanded It thru them helped bring this about.
New Year’s Day Saint Germain (in 1955) directed the first currents of the Cosmic
Freedom Flame thru the forcefield of the Philadelphia group.
1955-56, Sanat Kumara was released from His exile of the ages.
Lord Gautama became Lord Of The World.
Before the “fall” of man procreation took place thru the use of Light Rays, by
which the outer form for an incoming individual was created to full stature, and it
entered in and began to function immediately. That is there was no baby stage and no
growing up process, as is the case at present here. Then there was no sex division, and
the present means of birth did not exist and was unknown. But the masculine and
feminine aspects, the positive and negative, the father, mother principles, as thought
and feeling, thru which all creation is produced, did exist and still do exist in the I AM
Presence. All life functioned divinely and there were no human qualities, and no
Thru the “fall of man” the separation of the gender came about. So, illicit love
(sex) is an expression of an inner failing.
Ancient Lemuria goes back more than 15 million years. The great sin on Lemuria
was sexual in nature. The syphilitic diseases originated in these times, and other
venereal, diseases, thru promiscuity and misuse, and a series of perversions.
In Lemurian times the main development was physical, the stimulation of the
physical body, and to gain conscious control of this body.
In Atlantean times the emotional got the most attention and stimulation, which is
still predominate with most people. But should now be or go to the mental, not the
intellect but the mind or mental activity.
On Lemuria the discord and dark forces had been generated. These dark forces
stimulated the sex desire and out of that came many wrong and evil relations, and the
misuse of love (sex). In time thru these illicit practices came about the earliest type of
venereal disease, later the entire race was riddled with it.
It was then that the first tendency toward marriage came about, seeing what
resulted from promiscuity, the Hierarchy brought about marriage. So among the highly
evolved began the formation of the family unit, which then became their goal. Then
later in the occident monogamy became the accepted practice.
With family came a sense of responsibility, and the first effort toward some form
of group activity. However, in modern times that is changing. Family units have been
breaking up, owing to changing conditions of war, views concerning marriage and
divorce, and the discovery of treatment for venereal diseases makes people more
reckless. Thus sowing seeds of inevitable retribution.
Venereal diseases, especially syphilis is not cured by outer world methods; it is
only pushed back or made inactive for a time, as much as several embodiments, and
then it shows up again. Only the use of the Transmuting Violet Flame will completely
eradicate it. The cause of these diseases is the misuse of the sex activity, and stems
back to Lemurian days.
Occult science has always taught that the sex function is for propagation only, for
the perpetuation of the species, and never for sense gratification. Thus the sex force
can be used for spiritual purposes. For the greater initiations absolute celibacy may be
necessary. The abuse of the sex function, using it for sense gratification, is primarily
responsible for pain, disease and (so-called) death. We are here for self mastery not
self indulgence, not for pleasure of satisfying appetites and sense gratification. The
purpose of embodiment is not for sex gratification or any other gratification for that
matter, not for self nor to provide it for another.
Mastery or self mastery is more than just self control here in conventional outer
world living. Mastery from the Ascended Masters’ standpoint is when the Christ Self
is in control of the outer self that is the outer does only what the Christ Self wants.
The dividing line between the human and the divine in the human body is between
the heart and the solar plexus. The action of the Christ Self is thru the heart, head and
throat centers, and not below the belt.
One’s life, Light or/and energy comes into the body at the top of the head. To enter
into the sex activity is to force it out of the body and waste it, and it cannot be recalled.
It is the same whether one is married or not.
Birth, (so-called) death, rebirth and the sex activity are or seem the natural way
as far as the degenerated or human functioning or way of life goes; also various
limitations, which have resulted from the misuse of that activity.
Christ action does not need sex to create that is just human. Human beings have
made everything here on earth imperfect, and most things in reverse or backwards from
the divine, and they have done likewise with this function.
In such cases when pregnancy occurs, is that the inner action takes advantage of
this act to give some lifestream an opportunity to embody, and thus is nullified some
bad karma which otherwise would accrue.
They speak of the marriage with the Christ consciousness, or Christ Self, This
makes the connection with the I AM Presence, producing the power to create or bring
forth, precipitate what is required. Thus the first miracle of Jesus mentioned was at the
wedding at Cana. The Christ action became the wedding guest. He turned water into
so-called wine, which is a symbol of the energy of spirit. He produced enough for all
there, spirit being unlimited. Now they use that as an excuse to drink wine.
In the Bible it says, it is not expedient to marry. Let those accept it who can.
(Matt. 19; 10, 12). To practice continence, in view of the kingdom of God, is better
than the married life. It says that after the Resurrection (and Ascension) they do not
marry nor die. It is not expedient to marry, meaning to serve the Light and perfect
oneself is more important. A man who has studied the Bible said, that nowhere does it
say to get married, not that God has joined together, etc.
Jesus kept himself attuned to the higher things in Life. At about maturity he went to
India and there in the Retreat, was revealed to him, his I AM Presence, and he was
given the statement for the Resurrection Flame. For the rest of his life he held to that.
He gave the Teaching for the new cycle then. When Jesus came on earth the Cosmic
action was for every lifestream to manifest the Christ as He did, by the end of that
2,000 year cycle, which ended January 1, 1954. He left the example. But during this
time, although people preached about His Teaching they lived and went more by the
previous cycle, the Old Testament, because their feeling world were full of the desire
for sense gratification and various human things, which are also recorded in the etheric
body. So they condoned and justified these actions. Who begat who became very
important, generation after generation. While the fact is that many of those people were
the same individuals reembodying again and again.
Marriage has been accepted to give license to man to use woman for his sensual
gratification. But in later years now some women have done so too. Marriage should
be a union on all three planes, physical, emotional and mental, between the two
parties. This is to come about in a couple of centuries or so, with the increase of
Seventh Ray vibration and action. Then they will draw the developed lifestream into
embodiment. The trend is changing with more and more for union on the mental plane
too; not just on the physical or/and emotional.
Thru the centuries men misused and wrongly employed this established function.
Thru lack of self control, laxity, license and prostitution, wrong attitudes and relations
have come various diseases which need now be eradicated, and it will take several
hundred years. It also opened the door for many individuals to come into embodiment
before they were ready or should have come.
People get married to live happy ever after, but may only get to be happy once in
a while or now and then.
Marriage is only in the human activity, and like traffic laws can serve a certain
purpose of regulation and stipulation, but in most cases it is misused. On the divine
side of life, no traffic laws are needed because no one bumps into another.
In early Christianity marriage was left to local law, and was not sanctioned by the
church, that came about a few hundred years later. In general people get married
because of the sex drive, and now the church has God sanctioning that action. Whereas,
it is only of the human, but since mankind has lost the divine way to procreate, the
inner law takes advantage of that.
When people come into this Teaching, they may feel in harmony with another
person. They may be attracted to each other because of previous association. Watch
that, because many times it is misinterpreted, and is only a human desire for
The Masters pointed out that a person should not seek companionship of a
married person.
That ungratified sex desire produces the greatest viciousness. That if the person
made the call to the Presence. It would remove it, that is transmute that desire.
The Ascended Master told the young people to not accept any suggestions from
the outer world, which would tempt them to lower their moral standards of conduct.
They would meet people who would thru suggestions try to drag down their ideals. To
not let them do it. But to stay with the purity of the Ascended Masters.
That they had come into embodiment century after century, got married, reared a
family and then passed on. After having done that again and again, now that the
opportunity for complete Freedom was available, if they couldn’t be thru with that, be
thru with serving the outer world and their own desire to have their own way, in order
to give attention to the Presence and become free forever. To take care of the
requirement of birth, there were still plenty others to do that. Thru the centuries one did
not have the opportunity to make the Ascension because the knowledge of the I AM
Presence had not been given as now.
It depends on what level of consciousness one is on, however, those that want to
get married, and that is up to them. But the suggestion has swept over the young people
in particular, trying to drive into them the desire to get married, because others were
married they also should. To do so for that reason or on impulse would be a mistake.
Use discrimination and only do so on definite promptings from the Presence.
Determine to hold to purity and high ideals. Not stubbornness, but determination in the
outer is the activity of the Law, the Presence acting thru the Christ Self.
The Presence can bring two individuals together if they require it, or/and it will
be harmonious, benefit and intensify the Light in both. One must call the Presence into
action, and wait till one is sure so no mistake is made. Marriage in its purity can be
good, but thru passion and human desire it can be tragic.
The outer self looks to another human being, when the craving is really for the I
AM Presence, but they do not know it. So for happiness they look to things, and
persons, it, usually ends there also. Hollywood movies have contributed much to this.
They get married and expect the one whom they marry to supply all the finesse,
the sublime characteristics and Hollywood romance that will make them happy
forever. But in most cases they find out only too soon, that Prince Charming or Lady
Fair is just another human being that they have married. It is no longer a fantasy world.
They get married, thinking they marry a person. But they marry the whole family
of the other person, and still have their own human to handle. They marry the mental
and feeling (emotional) worlds of the other one which are involved with all his/her
relatives and friends; when they cannot even handle their own feeling world. It is
impossible to satisfy the human and when each wants his/her own way then there are
two ways, often in opposite directions.
In living a married life they get involved with and take on each other’s karma.
To make the partnership work both usually need to adjust, give and take,
compromise with the other’s wishes. Then instead of doing it just to get along with a
human being why not be willing to do that much for the Light, which will eventually
give one his eternal Freedom?
When married people do not get along together, the sensible thing to do is part in
a peaceful manner. There is no use to do it with revenge, spite or anger.
When one gets married usually there are a number of things one has to change in
order to get along, of which neither one thinks beforehand, because of that emotional
force, and wrong training during growing up years. During these years young people
are made to believe the goal of life is marriage, and that is where happiness is, but this
is contrary to most marriages in real life, often it is the case in their own parents’ life
Real and permanent happiness is only in the I AM Presence; as it was originally,
before the sexes were separated. So it is really that the outer craving is for the
Presence. Within the Presence is the fullness of both sexes. That is how we can come
forth in both male and female bodies. Twin Rays are a different action.
Marriage as an institution grew out of or because of necessity. In the divine
Realms and ways there is no marriage as we know it. But after mankind had drawn
itself into the density, whereby the sexes were separated and man had to labor to
provide for an existence, and then because of misuse of sex the density grew and grew.
So the young could no longer walk when first born, like the calf and the cold and other
animals still can today. The female problems and difficulties increased in bearing
children and had to be provided for by someone else. So out of all that grew the
institution of marriage. Hence, one can see it is just human, and not the purpose of
embodiment. All mass consciousness of course is human and not divine.
Some try it (marriage) several times, still hanging on to the false concept or belief
that marriage is the way to happiness. The movies of love stories are a great influence
on the young people in misleading them that a mate will bring sure happiness. (Previous
article to be continued)
Re: Cremation
In occult literature was given the concept that when one passed on he needed to
rerun, backwards (from passing to birth) the experiences of that lifetime, to absorb or
assimilate what was of value or could be learned and made permanent. Evidently as
stated in the literature put out by A.B. Bailey, some things put out earlier were not
right, and the above, evidently is one of them.
When one goes out in sleep, he is in a body free from the physical body. He is in
the etheric body or vehicle within which are the mental and emotional consciousness
or activities which contains all the qualities and activities of his life’s experiences in
that physical body. While in the psychic-astral realm, one can do or mimic many things
we do in the physical.
When one has passed on he is in this body but has severed all connections with
the physical body. He has no brain, nor sex as known in the outer. He is aware of
himself, senses the environment, his desires, and things he was engrossed with in the
earth life. His perception is much keener. On the inner, a plane is essentially a stat of
consciousness, not a locality. There is no sense of time. As we know it, to be
succession of events as registered by the physical brain. So time is nonexistent there.
After passing, now all are taken out of the atmosphere of earth, then taken before
the Karmic Board. In some cases one is given some time for rest, but many go right
away. There they stand in their etheric body and their Christ Self stands above.
At a point when he is completely free from the physical body, his own Christ Self
makes direct contact with his consciousness, there is a strong pull, for a moment, he
sees the experiences of his earth life, similar to a map. That is done very quickly as
thought process goes fast. The outer consciousness sees what was done right, what was
wrong, what one should have done and failed to do. Then the judgment is made
between or together with what was the outer consciousness and the Christ Self. In case
of not full agreement, the final judgment is by the Christ Self.
Hence, logically there would be no need to preserve and retain the physical body
for three days by refrigeration or by ice, as claimed in occultism.
In the 1930’s and since, much has changed in regards to these inner actions.
Recently some students in California had an unpleasant experience when a
relative passed on, who was elderly and terminally ill. Because a doctor had not seen
the patient within the previous 20 days, the Coroner wanted to perform an autopsy
immediately. The way the law is there, to get a death certificate he/she should have
seen a doctor within 20 days of the time of passing. It varies from State to State. In
Oklahoma it is six months, and even though it had gone over that period, they seldom
will perform an autopsy; only when they suspect foul play.
In case of terminally ill patients it is well to talk it over with the doctor, so in
case it goes over the allotted period he will agree to sign the death certificate. Some
localities have societies which provide for such cases.
Evidently it was destined for Jesus to take embodiment in that part
of the world because the Resurrection Flame had been established there.
Thru the prophecies the way was being prepared for His coming; and also
that race is of the fifth root race.
Special days to observe:
Mar. 17, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 21, Lord Michael led the first inhabitants onto earth…spring...
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
Feb. 15 thru Mar. 14. Lord Meru’s.
Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14, Resurrection Tem.
This is the last issue of the Enlightener Vol. 6. Let us know if you want Vol. 7.
V.7 N.1, May-June, 31 A.F. (1985)
The father had been made aware on the inner, of the inception of the new activity
for the New Age, sometime before Saint Germain started it in the outer world thru Mr.
Ballard in 1929 and early 1930’s. Mr. Westfall received the book “Unveiled
Mysteries” in 1934. Then he read everything that the Ballards published and whole-
heartedly accepted it. However, his wife did not agree, and wanted him to direct his
attention to homemaking and more prosperous endeavors. But in June 1939, when he
went to Los Angeles to attend the Shrine Class, it was with a troubled heart, regarding
what he felt he should do from the inner standpoint, and outer world family duties.
A few days before he left, David had asked him in as a matter-of-fact manner as a
grown person would, when they were alone, if he (David) were to ascend, if he could
come back to see Anne, his sister two years older, whom he greatly loved. The daddy
said, he thought he could come back to see Anne, but he was not sure she would be
able to see him. That seemed to satisfy him and he asked no more about it.
One day when David’s parents got into an argument about something, and as such
things go it got too intense for the child who was nearby on a chair at the table in the
dining room, playing with something in his hands. The daddy had not even noticed him.
The mother was in the pantry washing dishes. When there was a lull in their exchange
of words, David drew closer to his daddy so his mother would not hear, and in a half
whisper said, “Daddy if you will stop talking, Mamma will stop”. The answer was,
they would stop right now. And they did. David got down off the chair and went
outside to play. Thus the child had called his daddy down in a most wonderful and
loving manner. A few minutes later he told his wife about it. First they felt ashamed of
themselves, and then a good laugh over it.
A few days before the accident occurred, David visited an elderly lady who was
a student of this new Teaching, and was a good friend of theirs. She loved David
perhaps more than those of her own family. While he was on the floor deeply
engrossed in something he was playing with, casually remarked, “No one understands
Anne and Me”. The lady did not believe he could have said that, and asked him what
he had said. Emphatically he repeated it. She lovingly said, “Well, I understand you,
David.” But he determinedly said, “No, no one understands Anne and Me.”
Around noon August 12, 1939, the fatal accident occurred. Mrs. Westfall and the
two youngest children had gone down to the hotel they owned in Eureka (evidently on
foot). When they came back the children went on ahead of their mother. Anne stopped
in to play with a playmate in the neighborhood. David with another little boy went on
to the house. Later a neighbor saw the other boy run from the house. When the mother
arrived at the house she found the lifeless body of David hanging in the electric
washing machine. He had somehow gotten his hands in the wringer, both arms were
pulled into it and he was strangled. When he was taken to the hospital all efforts to
revive him failed.
The mother felt responsible for the accident because she had left the washer
where he could get to it or had absent-mindedly left in running.
After sending the second telegram to her husband in Los Angeles, she collapsed.
She was unconscious when he got home and was taken to where she was. When he
would rouse her, she would go right back into that state, she didn’t want to live as she
blamed herself for the boy’s passing.
On the way home by bus, while waiting in the station at San Francisco, the father
sent a telegram to Mr. Ballard, who was then in the Bay area for Class, telling of the
tragedy, and asked him to call for David’s Ascension. The Ballards sent back a
telegram saying the call was being made, and they would let him know as soon as any
definite word or information was received.
On August 14th, Mr. Westfall showed his wife the telegram, which seemed to
strengthen her, to think that the Ballards were interested in David.
On August 15th, they received a telegram from the Ballards saying that the night
before, Saint Germain had verified that David had made the Ascension. When this
telegram was read to her, she definitely began to revive, as she began to realize that
although David was gone he had attained what he was in embodiment for and was
immortal (according to her understanding).
In the San Francisco Class in the evening of August 14, 1939, in the presence of
between 2,000 and 3,000 students, Saint Germain thru Mr. Ballard announced that the
child in Eureka had made the Ascension under the New Dispensation, instead of going
thru the changes ordinarily accompanying so-called death.
This was the beginning of the Ascension of children under the New Dispensation
Thus David gained his eternal Freedom soon after his sixth birthday.
Then followed the Ascension of more than 10,000 children in China, thru the
assistance of the Master Eriel and Fun Wey and Others.
Eriel had transported Fun Wey when yet an infant to His Retreat and Home in
Arizona. When matured Fun Wey made the Ascension. Saint Germain said that this was
the wedge which would someday release the powers of Light which would set China
free from the dope activity.
In August 1942, the child Nada Potter made the Ascension. Sometime before that
she had said that she would never go to High School.
In October 1938, in a letter to one who applied to become a group Director, Mr.
Ballard wrote the following: For those who had studied various other teachings, that
there was the need for each student and particularly for each group Director, to be
vigilant that by no chance does any of the instructions received thru other channels
creep into their work in this activity. The instruction in the books and magazine,
requires no interpretation or explanation in terms of any instruction which one may
have received in the past. Saint Germain of course and the other Ascended Masters
under whose radiation this work is given, appreciate fully the benefits students have
received thru their past studies, but They also realize that there were many mistakes in
much of the instruction previously received and They realize that the human cannot
distinguish between that which is correct and that which is not. They therefore request
that in giving forth this instruction each group Director must be careful to adhere
strictly to the instructions actually given in these books and magazines.
In the beginning of this work or Teaching coming forth, the Master Jesus urged the
students everywhere to forget everything else they had ever studied. To stand 100
percent with the I AM Presence, and the Discourses by Saint Germain.
There is an important reason for this in carrying out the requests of the Ascended
Masters. Therefore all group Directors, and students, are asked to set aside anything
that would set as a reference to other sources of instruction, such as used of “Inner
Names” and other forms of symbology associated with the other teachings. This is not
criticism of any assistance received thru other channels, it is simply obedience to Saint
Germain’s request that this particular Teaching be used only for giving forth the
instructions which it was designed to convey.
To not lead students astray, one must divorce the attention completely from older
systems of instruction, it is essential that these things be removed entirely from the
consciousness. These old forms of instruction were so cluttered up with human
concepts and opinions as to still leave the students in relative darkness after all of
these years, then such students must of course have the privilege of doing so, but it
would be a mistake for us to allow such ones to continue as group Directors. This is
based on the requests dictated by the Ascended Ones to definitely regulate this activity.
Some students have such a great interest in what is received inspirationally, since we
have been given the definite accurate instructions of the Ascended Masters
Themselves, instructions without human concepts, so one cannot see how they would
profit by giving their attention on anything received “inspirationally” thru any human
It is understood that each true inner experience is of great help to the student on
the path, but the danger is, on the one hand that they accept as true experiences things
which are merely incidental or false and on the other hand, that they place so great
attention and importance upon their own experiences that they fail to do the one thing of
most importance, the applying of the Ascended Master Instructions in their daily life.
While it is true no human being should dictate to another what he should say or
not say, but the Ascended Masters have requested that in the “Study Group” Activity,
that no instruction shall be given except as direct quotations read verbatim from the
books and magazines. When one’s “understanding has expanded and his appreciation
for the perfection of the Ascended Masters’ own instructions has become adequate, he
will come into full understanding and agreement with it.”
In September 1939, Bob urged everyone to never allow their attention to go back
to anything they had ever studied in occultism or metaphysics. That when one does he
connects with those old conditions which just deprive one of good and holds one
longer from his Freedom. To turn the attention to the I AM Presence, which is the
greatest thing in the universe. (Bob is the one that received these marvelous
experiences before he knew anything about such things in the outer consciousness.)
Out of this has come the present function of the activity. However, it does not say
we cannot say anything about things in this Teaching. It says to not try to explain it in
terms of or by using terms of the “former teachings”, or try to fit it into the concepts of
those teachings. That is why many people say they are so confused, is when they do
In the I AM Discourses Vol. 3, page 304, Saint Germain says: “That in all this
amount of instruction that has been given, it is but a fragment which the student must
build upon.” For ideas for one’s own expansion one must go to his/her own I AM
So in the 1950’s, when the 20 years were up, the Masters just wanted to expand
the activity, not mix it up with all of the teachings of the past. No one wanted to create
a new activity.
Mother’s Day
As we give honor and loving gratitude to the Mothers of the human race on their
annual day of recognition, let us not forget the great God Mother of our universe, Who,
together with God, the Father, represent our Cosmic Parents, to Whom we may turn at
any moment for the comfort, assistance and ever present loving counsel which They
alone can give us.
When the Father of our universe first drew forth the Spirit Sparks of our present
humanity, He impressed the Divine Pattern or Arch-type of every human being into the
substance of the great Cosmic Mother, within Whose Body dwells the predestined
perfect Christ Pattern of every man, woman and child who belong to our race. This
Divine Pattern, or Christ Self, is the Immaculate Concept or Thought of God, and one
day the personal self of every lifestreams will connect with this Christ Self, blend with
it, and finally thru the Cosmic assistance of the God Mother, experience the Second or
Spiritual Birth, as Jesus, Lord Gautama, and many other Ascended Beings have done.
The early Greeks called the feminine Aspect of Divinity, Vesta, Goddess of the
earth and home. The Chinese have embodied her merciful nature in the beautiful Kwan
Yin, and to the Christian Church, the lovely Mary, Mother of Jesus, is an ever present
reminder of the God Mother. By whatever name she is called, remember She is your
Mother, in the greatest and most beautiful outpouring of loving kindness that your soul
will ever experience, and She holds for you, within Her Cosmic Heart, the Divine
Image of the perfect man or woman you shall someday become. As the earthly mother
desires only the best for her children, you can, perhaps, conceive the solicitude, the
gentle compassionate care in which your spiritual nature is guarded biding the time,
when you shall claim it from Her, and choose to fulfill the Immaculate Concept of your
Godhood, the perfect Christ Being, made – not only in the Image and Likeness of our
Father, but of our beloved Mother as well.
After our Lord was crucified, Thomas, one of the twelve apostles, was desolate.
It seemed to him that all was over: he could not believe that there would be a
Resurrection. One day, while traveling thru Galilee, he paused to rest, and there
beneath his feet, a lovely iris bloomed. He began to think of the wondrous fact that this
beautiful flower, now so full of life, only a few months ago, to all appearances, had
been dead.
Was not this an indication of re-birth – of a life which lay dormant, but now had
burst into flower? Perhaps Christ, whose seeming death had occurred so recently,
would also live again.
With new hope rising in his heart, Thomas hurried to the place where the Apostles
had gathered. When he arrived, he found himself face to face with the Resurrected
Lord, and doubted no more.
And since that time, the iris has been a symbol of new life and new hope.
The action of family units still comes under a lower or human phase, and at this
point of mankind’s level of consciousness is all right but is still an action of mass
consciousness. Like forming a habit, it is better to have a good habit than not, but there
is still a human quality acting. It is not completely the action of the Presence or the
When all of the human is gone and the Divine is in action, although not ascended,
they will not form habits or need families as such. They will just work in cooperation
and under the direction of their Presence each day.
What about the other lifestreams who were a part of one’s family in other
embodiments? Who were so important then, but are not now? Life broke that
attachment by severing the consciousness from the physical body, and shutting of the
memory when reembodying.
There are no spiritual marriages as claimed by spiritualists. The animal impulses
of the outer no longer have meaning nor are a part of him/her.
Students go to the Karmic Board right away after passing, then go on progressing.
In the Realms of Light there is no marriage, no giving in marriage. But there is
uniting of Twin Rays (Flames) at inner levels, for human beings since they got
separated from each other during their human involvement.
Even if one met his/her Twin Ray here in physical embodiment and they got
married is no proof it is going to be a bed of roses. Each has his/her own karma to deal
with and handle. On other planets, not having rebelled and strayed from the Divine
Plan that action is unnecessary, and there is only the activity of the Twin Rays.
However, the institution of marriage has its place at present in the human or outer
world affairs. But can be based too much on the gratification of the lower nature, and
selfishness. This lower nature is often termed “animal nature”, yet animals do not do
things human beings do. Animals only co-habit for the purpose of propagating their
own kind. Why just follow the pattern of our parents, their parents and their parents,
and on and on? Some of the Great Ones asked, after having gratified the lower nature
thru hundreds of thousands of years, why couldn’t we stop and resist for a few years to
gain the Ascension?
In order to bring in the New Age there has to be much change. Mankind must be
raised (come back) to the original way of life on earth. This includes procreation
which originally took place thru the use of Light Rays, this must come again.
The New Age has to come forth thru some individuals of humanity who will
purify themselves sufficiently to draw forth enough Sacred Fire to purify the psychic-
astral real so mankind is released from that pressure. In order to qualify for this one
cannot go the way of the outer world. (To be continued)
Days to recognize:
May 1, Saint Germain’s Ascension Day; His Coronation Day. New Year’s Day
for the New Age of Freedom of the next 2,000 years.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s birthday; Day of His Enlightenment; and of His
May 4, Wesak Festival.
May 12, Mothers’ Day.
May 16, Jesus’ Ascension Day.
May 15, Ascension Temple.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
V.7 N.2, July-August, 31 A.F. (1985)
Evidently when Mr. Ballard was still eating meat, one time when he sat at a
counter he ordered a steak. When it came up he cut off a piece and started chewing it.
The more he chewed, the bigger it got. Then he seemed to hear a voice at his ear say
that is the last steak (or meat) you will ever eat.
When Mr. Ballard was 20 years of age, he went to England in regards to his
mothers’ estate, the Stone Lee estate (Westshire), and again when he was 24 years of
age, He got evidence that 16 persons had been killed in order to hold the estate. Some
fruit had been put in his hotel room. He had the prompting not to eat it, but did eat some
and got poisoned. Some arsenic had been put in it. However, he survived, as he was
given assistance from the inner realm. The Masters were permitted to do that because
he was destined to do this work for Light. He said that had he gotten what he should
have from the estate he would have had it then to use for the Light.
Mr. Guy Warren Ballard, used the assumed names of Ray Richardson and Dick
Gilbert, and the pen name of Godfre’ Ray King, the inner meaning: “God frees by the
power of Light and becomes king”. He was born in Newton, Kansas, July 28, 1878. He
left the body December 29, 1939. 5:20 A.M., at 2545 Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles,
California, His son’s house. He made the Ascension at midnight 1939-40. He was six
feet tall. Now in the Ascended State He is six feet eight inches tall. His Cosmic quality
is obedience.
At one time Mr. Ballard got a strong urge to learn to play the harp. That is how he
met Mrs. Ballard in 1916, and he took some harp lessons. Shortly after that they were
Mrs. Edna Wheeler Ballard (June 25, 1886-February 10, 1971, she used Chanera
and Lotus Ray King in her writings. At a time she worked in a relative’s bookstore in
Chicago. She was not afraid of work.
Mrs. Ballard was a harpist and did some concert work. One time for a concert
only a few persons showed up because of severe weather conditions. The Masters
watched to see what she would do. She played the whole concert thru just as if there
were a full house. From the inner standpoint that was a test – an initiation, which she
Donald, their son (May 12, 1918 September 5, 1973) was christened Edona Eros.
Mr. Ballard did some healing work before he came into this Teaching. He felt the
need to be present with the patient. He did not do absent treatment. Then when he had
those experiences he was shown how well he had followed his promptings. Later
when he had this Teaching he realized that to heal it was not necessary to be present
with the patient.
Some people wonder why the Ballards were the ones chosen to bring forth this
Teaching, and not some others whom they think were better qualified. From the outer
standpoint and appearance world that could be, but not from the inner standpoint. Later
that was proven out in some cases. Furthermore, the Masters could only use those who
were willing, and volunteered. In the past they were instrumental in bringing
civilizations to their apex, and had close association with Saint Germain. This also
was the case with most of the students in the beginning of this work. They were also
willing and volunteered to render this service is why they were drawn in and others
were not. Many more were called but did not respond, and many who did respond did
not make it, because of lack of application.
Mr. Ballard left Chicago in March 1929, and went to Los Angeles, California and
took up residence there; when first there he stayed with a Mr. Mossure.
He had some connection with mining, and once said that he had shoveled tons of it
in an uncle’s mine, and that he was able to let the Light flow thru sufficiently that it did
not affect his hands. For a man he had beautiful hands. He also said that he had never
had a manicure.
In 1929 when Mr. Ballard was going thru the “fire”, (very difficult times, tests or
initiations) Saint Germain signed a letter to Mrs. Ballard: “Rimbushy Saint Germain”.
Rimbushy means Great Lord, as He was Lord of the Seventh Ray.
In the latter part of 1929, Mr. Ballard was in some office presumably about work.
He had come down from there and evidently things had not gone very well. He was on
Broadway, on the west side of the street between sixth and seventh, when he suddenly
turned on that force and said, “You have scared me for the last time. You have no
power!” That force was his own accumulated human creation. Soon after that things
began to break for him (Refer to Law of Life page 372).
He (alias Ray Richardson) got some government work at Mount Shasta. He stayed
in a room over a store or eating place in Weed, so it was said. On Sundays he would
take long walks on the mountain.
It was said, he first climbed Mount Shasta August 16, 1930. It was there Saint
Germain came to him. Also that he met David Lloyd on the east side of the mountain.
They had registered with the Forest Ranger but later only Mr. Ballard checked out. Mr.
Dutchy Salaway was the McCloud chief Forest Ranger on Mount Shasta.
After Mr. Ballard returned to their home in Chicago, they had private classes in
their home. This was by invitation only. Some of the seven attended who were later
made the “appointed” messengers by Saint Germain.
Miss N. who was staying at the house and took care of Donald while Mrs.
Ballard worked said, that when he had returned home, Mrs. Ballard said to come meet
her husband. Then out from another room came this tall, well-built gracious man, with
great Light, which she could see plainly.
The week before October 3, 1932, one evening just after supper, Mr. & Mrs.
Ballard and their son, were just inside the dining room from the kitchen, when Saint
Germain projected a Ray of white Light about three feet in diameter on the table. Thru
it they heard Him say, that He would like to give a series of discourses if they cared to
cooperate. Mrs. Ballard was ready right then, but He said, no, they would start next
week and do it twice a week. The dictations began October 3, 1932, nearly all were
given on a Monday and Thursday of the week.
That was done thru a Light and Sound Ray of pure white Light thru which one can
speak, hear and see at any distance. The Masters did say later that that method would
not be used with anyone else as long as the Messengers went forth in this work.
The first 26 Discourses in volume 3 of the Saint Germain Series (green books)
are the first on the 73 given at that time. Most of them were given thru the Light and
sound Ray, but a few were given by the Ascended Master being present in His visible,
tangible Body, (not physical but a Body of pure Light substance which was as tangible
as a physical body). (To be continued) (But will present the next three paragraphs, which
belong at the end of this article)
A rumor got started last year that only the first three of the green books (Saint
Germain Series) were authentic. That is false. The dictations in those books are more
accurate and authentic and without human concepts, than anything received or put forth
thru all these so-called channels. They are free of human concepts which cannot be
said about all this other.
In the public classes, the words were flashed by the Master before Mr. Ballard in
letter of living golden Light, about two inches in height, and moved quite rapidly
before his eyes. He saw them with his inner sight; he stood on the platform, and spoke
the words into a public address system as he read them. That was the people in the
audience heard them as they were first given by the Master. He usually kept his eyes
closed in order to hold a better concentration, but could see them either way. A few
students in the audience did see the letters at various times.
The question was asked, why do some people so oppose what came thru “The
Bridge Activity” in the 1940-50’s Mrs. Ballard did not accept that The Bridge Activity
was the work of the Masters, like the I AM activity. She opposed it and relayed that to
the students. Hence, there are those who believe it is false and of the psychic.
However, everyone has free will and is free to believe whatsoever he/she chooses. So
if they are not sensitive enough or/and have not given enough attention to sense the
Truth about it, they are free to believe otherwise. As that will not change the Cosmic
achievement accomplished at that time. Then at the close of embodiment when they get
on the other side they can see for themselves. For human beings it is as easy to believe
what is false as it is to believe the Truth.
By rendering such service builds a momentum and earns credit that when one
leaves this plane he/she goes forward in position at inner levels far beyond that he/she
would otherwise. The greater the service here the higher one goes at inner levels.
Service is usually done for the family or some member of the family, or some friend, so
most of mankind have continued in an endless cycle of birth and rebirth, but did not
progress nor accomplish spiritually.
Intermarriage will help the racial problem when they can forget that they are
certain color, and not endeavor to dominate in all fields.
The same is true in service as with love. Most people render service for self gain,
or selfishness, the motive back of it is some kind of selfishness, even in altruistic
service. And much pride goes along with it. So it is in love, even in family love.
People marry for love, they say, yet generally passion and selfishness are behind it.
Even when it does not bring trouble still the selfishness can be there.
Somewhere there is a line of demarcation, as to directed energy. Much energy is
directed below the belt. Yet out of it are brought forth the young. Animals do the same,
hence it does not take much intelligence to do that. Yet man thinks he is so far superior
in intelligence over the animal, which goes by instinct. After animals were brought
forth by black magicians, some males (of mankind) cohabited with female animals and
thru that came forth the ape.
In bringing forth children one takes on a responsibility, even though, the outer self
does not want to accept it.
Family ties and services are all of the human nature, human qualities, animal
magnetism, as well as blood ties. The saying, blood is thicker than water, is proof of
the human and personal ties, which are the opposite of the Divine. Divine service is
impersonal, and Divine ties are of or thru Light, not blood and flesh.
To propagate is just an animal instinct, in man as well as in animal, which any so
called animal follows. Animals are Elementals imprisoned in those forms created by
so-called black magicians. Elementals have a certain free will, but not the same self-
conscious free will that man has.
Liberty to use one’s free will as he chooses is the one quality man brings thru into
his physical consciousness. On that one point he takes his stand when opposed,
especially in regards to some conventional rules which are usually for his good. This
is most often exerted in relation to sexual expression, which is just the animal part of
Animals follow instinct and use that activity only for propagation. While man has
developed an intellect and uses it instead for self gratification. Out of this wrong use of
life has come so-called death, which was unknown before. Out of man’s misqualified
energy, the black magicians who were expertise in black magic, created the animals
back in the Lemurian age. Animals do not have a developed intellect and perform that
act only for propagation, while man has and does for the most part use it for self
Man slaughters the animals and at the same time proclaiming ‘thou shalt not kill”,
and then eats their carcasses. Thus, ingesting their fear, karmic patterns and otherwise.
Saint Germain gave this information about animals, meat-eating, etc., more than
50 years ago, yet mankind still insists meat is so important. Even students are still
eating it. Yet it was hoped that by now mankind would see meet-eating as we look
upon cannibalism.
The accepted outer world meaning of the word l-o-v-e is the desire for sex
gratification, and lust. To get married to exercise that or for that reason or purpose
amounts to legalized prostitution, as one lecturer once put it. Thus wasting their energy
which should be used to raise them into Ascension.
Pure or Divine Love never goes below the heart. In pure love there is no physical
contact even necessary. Thru (man-made) marriage some feel they have the legal right
to bind another person in the sex activity. Medical doctors promote that the sex activity
is right and necessary. Yet it is the greatest avenue of wasting one’s energy, and of
producing pain, disease, old age and so-called death.
A medical doctor that interviewed many wives about their love life, has realized
and made this point, that a person needs food, water, clothing and shelter, to live, exist,
but does not need sex. After 50 years of the Ascended Masters putting forth the right
ideas about sex, someone finally admitted it was not necessary. (To be continued)
The Masters did say that when an individual is to make the Ascension that in case
of sickness or accident, etc., the Master prevents that from making a record in the
etheric body. Hence in regard to the passing of David the Child, we can presume that
was done for him and he did not feel it, having stepped out of the body beforehand.
July 15, Transylvania.
Aug. 15, Liberty Flame,
Sept. 15, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15, Comfort Flame.
Nov. 15, Shamballa.
Dec. 15, Teton Retreat.
Dates to Recognize:
July 4,
July 22, Cosmos,
July 28, Godfre’s birthdate.
Aug. 15.
V.7 N.3, September-October, 31 A.F. (1985)
In their private classes, now students want to know why the Masters do not
appear. So one day when the desire was strong, and perhaps it was being discussed,
there was some motion in the adjoining room, and instantly they were gripped by fear.
So of course the Master could not come forth. It was ChaAra (trying them out) and had
they not feared He probably would have walked into the room.
A student who attended their private classes said, that as Mr. Ballard became
more and more involved in living in the outer world again, his light slowly diminished.
Another student said that when Mr. Ballard was home after those experiences, he
would iron the sheets on the mangle in the basement, as he did not want Mrs. Ballard to
have to do it. He also said that Mr. Ballard told him in the beginning that the three
hoped to make a triple Ascension.
One night when Mr. Ballard went to a neighborhood drug store for some small
item he saw a man walk up to a saloon and then turn around and walk away. When he
got some distance he turned and went back to the saloon then again walked away. He
did that a few times, evidently trying to conquer the desire for liquor. As Mr. Ballard
watched he realized what was going on and made the call to cut him free from that
force, the man turned instantly and ran down the street as fast as he could.
Those three bodies preserved for so long, in the Teton Retreat, were to be
absorbed by each when the Ascension took place. It is clarified that they have
ascended so in that case the bodies would no longer be there.
In that body which Saint Germain prepared for Mr. Ballard’s use, he could go
with Saint Germain to various parts of the earth in from one to three minutes. He could
function in four dimensions, he did not recognize time and space since he was not
limited as in his own physical body.
When Saint Germain first sent the Messenger’s forth to carry the Light, He had
them go to Philadelphia, the cradle of Liberty, October 10 thru 19, 1934. That was
their first class outside of Chicago. They owed five months’ rent. Saint Germain told
them to look to their I AM Presence for whatever they required. On the train on the
way there, at one point when they looked out the window they saw a double rainbow.
Which is taken as a sign for better things or accomplishments ahead.
They left Miss N. to take care of the things at the house. So when the utility bill
came in, it was placed on the table. The night before it was due she placed all the
money at hand there, which was only half enough. But in the morning before she needed
to go pay it, there was the exact (full) amount.
A student who attended the first classes in Los Angeles said, that Mrs. Ballard
wore the same dress meeting after meeting.
We did hear that later there were times like at a cafeteria, when it came to pay the
bill that Mr. Ballard pulled out of his pocket the exact amount.
In April 1936, some students said, that Mr. Ballard had been offered his
Ascension twice but refused it so that he could be here as we are, to help humanity. It
was also said, that he had met 240 Ascended Masters, in the various places Saint
Germain had taken him.
We were told in 1936, that Saint Germain, thru a student started the tomatoes juice
propaganda. Also the same with pineapple and the citrus juices. So it was not just a
big sales scheme.(To be continued)
For spiritual attainment there have always been certain requirements. One needs
the energy he has been wasting; the life energy must be controlled and conserved. The
correct the (wrong) use of this energy thru the sex activity which has caused it to flow
in the wrong direction, it must be re-directed and not (just) dammed up, but returned
into its natural channels. To do that one can use the statement “I AM the Resurrection
and Life, of the perfect activity here”. Focus the attention on some high ideal or the
Presence, to control the thought in order to bring the sex activity under one’s conscious
Sometimes an advanced individual (usually a female) gets married to one
enmeshed in a psychic-astral condition. That may be because at inner levels she had
volunteered to go into that realm and help sever the hold of that force on mankind. And
he was cunning enough to deceive her. So beforehand, one should call to the Presence
that if it was not right to get married, to prevent it and not let it take place.
One can easily pick up the various human qualities, including the sex desire, from
the feelings of another person, and may think it is his own. Therefore, it is important to
keep the protection of Light surrounding oneself.
One can love another without putting the arms around that person. That way avoid
getting swept into doing something which might be regretted thereafter.
In the liquid Light which flows thru the nerves in contained strength and courage
which is feeling. The courage, strength and confidence which has been gathered in
one’s feeling world is thrown out of the body, and wasted in sex gratification. Then
there is distrust, fear and suspicion which leads to jealousy, all kinds of trouble and
separation. Sex force is back of jealousy, and of the possessive feeling of another
person. Desire for sex gratification is selfishness. Polygamy came out of the so-called
civilized intellectual male, as a way and means of gratifying his built-up sex desires,
making woman his possession.
This energy is needed by individuals in order to be able to keep up their
application in calling to the Presence to transmute all of the human accumulation and
gain their freedom.
The energy should be poured back to the I AM Presence in love and adoration.
Also it is to be used to do creative work at the mental level, in art, music, research,
bring forth inventions, discoveries, to produce beauty and harmony, blessing life. This
Life essence or energy flows wherever the attention directs it, and energizes whatever
the attention rests upon.
Dates to recognize:
Sept. 29, Archangel Michaels Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest.
Oct. 3, 1932, Saint Germain started the series of Dictations.
Sept. 15, Temple of Truth over Crete, color green.
Oct. 15, Comfort Flame, color pink, at (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
V.7 N.4, November-December, 31 A.F. (1985)
In the beginning of Saint Germain’s endeavors in bringing in the New Age, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard and son Donald, were made Messengers. And Saint Germain
then appointed seven others in the early 1930’s, they were called the appointed
Messengers: Mr. Paul Stickel, Mr. William J. Cassiere, Mrs. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson. Later, Earl Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Galliger did field work.
When it came to get the book “Unveiled Mysteries” printed, the Ballards did not
have the money. They were to look to their I AM Presence. They visualized $100 bills,
enough to pay for it. Then to pay for the printing, etc., the money came from a student
(Mary Cochrane) in $100 bills.
The following are comments made during classes: In Unveiled Mysteries page 21
(second edition), the representative from the Belgian government mentioned was
Vander Nell.
At the last banquet 70,000 years ago, when Saint Germain was the King and the
three Ballards were His children, there were 576 guests. All of these received the
liquid pure electronic essence from the Realm of Light, which gave them soul
protection thru the centuries. The being who gave this was the Great Divine Director,
so it was said. Many of these individuals were in the activity in the 1930’s (Page 48,
The hordes of primitive souls which overrun the civilizations of the Gobi and
Sahara deserts were laggards from the planets. (Page 94)
The Cosmic Being that gave the command to preserve those bodies that were in
the caskets, was the Great Divine Director, 70,000 years ago. That was never done for
anyone else, so those three bodies were the only ones. (Page 123)
The three Ballards came from the Golden City (in the etheric) over the Sahara
desert to embody in the Inca civilization. (Page 127)
Those pictures in the Inca civilization, done by Lotus (Mrs. Ballard) were etched
in natural colors on sheets of gold. They are the only ones like it on the planet. (Page
The man that nearly discovered the same process as that which made metal
imperishable and used in the cities of then Amazon, was Robert A. Armstrong. This
was called Monite. Streets paved with it would last almost indefinitely. (Page 191)
When they met in the Teton Retreat, December 31, 1930, Mr. Ballard was in the
body Saint Germain had prepared for him, Mrs. Ballard and Donald were in their
etheric bodies. (Pages 243-4)
Mr. Ballard originally wrote the poem “The Ascension” which appears in front of
Unveiled Mysteries. But Mrs. Ballard revised it.
It was said that Mr. Ballard was George Washington; Mrs. Ballard, Benjamin
Franklin, also Joan of Arc; Mr. Ballard, Sieur Louis de Conte, Joan of Arc’s scribe,
page and secretary who wrote personal recollections which are contained in the book
on Joan of Arc by Mark Twain. Donald Ballard was Marquis de Lafayette. In Jesus’
time Mr. Ballard was embodied as Aemilius, the Roman centurion, and Mrs. Ballard
as Adina.
The pictures of Jesus and Saint Germain, in the early books of the Saint Germain
Series were painted by Charles Sindelar, a renowned artist. He painted the picture of
Jesus (the Christ Head) in September 1929, at 6200 Fountain Avenue. (At Elecentro
Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.) At the annual art exhibition of the artist club, it was passed
with no criticism, (which was very unusual). He did Saint Germain’s picture in 1935,
in the Hotel Richelieu, 1050 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA.
The monthly magazine “The Voice of the ‘I AM’”, was instigated by the Master
Jesus, and He gave the responsibility of publishing it to Mr. Sindelar, who was
familiar with printing procedures, and the various types of print. This he carried out
until March 1942. The pictures and art work in the magazine were done by him.
It was said in the 1930’s, that in a former embodiment he was Leonard da Vinci;
also Lazarus in Jesus’ time.
The original Chart of the Presence they have now was done by May Dacamara.
She and a young man, both were given the vision, she carried on thru and he did not.
Earlier someone had made a sketch type, which they showed along with the slides of
the thought-forms, the gas belts, etc.
It was said that Saint Germain only wanted the two figures, in the original Chart,
the Electronic Body and the physical form shown. This was because He wanted the
student’s attention kept on The I AM Presence. At that time the mass consciousness
accumulated thru the ages, of forgetting and rejecting the Presence had to be penetrated
and broken down.
Then later, May 29, 1938, He said that the students could call to The I AM
Presence and directly to the Christ Self, and they might have quicker results.
The action of the Blue Flame around the Tube or Pillar of Protection was only
given in the latter 1930’s.
The seven colors of the Seven Rays were never released in the “I AM” activity.
That was given by the Maha Chohan, January 18, 1953. So they do not have these
colors nor the colors in order of the Rays.
In the public classes held in the various cities of the country, usually Mr. Ballard
did not know ahead of time which Master was going to give the dictation. A number of
times they had to change their plan or schedule, because the vibratory action in the
room, of the student body, was not right for that One to dictate, and another filled in.
During the Chicago class October 7 thru 16, 1938, in the Civic Opera House, a
summons was served on Mr. Ballard while he sat in the lobby autographing books for
students. (It was reported in the newspaper October 14, 1938.) It was in connection
with some work he had done there before he went to Lost Angeles in 1929. Some
dishonest lawyer got hold of a person who had some grievance over some deal
transacted then. Thinking the Ballards had money now, they sued and slandered Mr.
Ballards. It was at the time when that viciousness was running rampant.
During the Chicago class, the night of April 15, 1939, after class we saw a Cross
of white Light in the sky visible to any one’s sight. Even long after the meeting was
over it could still be seen. The next night Saint Germain said, that what we witnessed
was the Cosmic Light in a Cross which represented the Christ.
The Ballards and a group of students went to the Music Festival in Soldier’s
Field (Gate 35, Sec. 137). They had colored water displays which looked like various
flames dancing. It was very impressive and beautiful.
On the way east, the last of August 1939, when we were going thru Salt Lake City
some on the staff wanted to go see the movie “The Wizard of OZ”, as it was showing
there. When the beautiful green temples were shown, Mr. Ballard said they represented
the Emerald Temples at inner levels. Then at the end when the old witch was
completely dissolved, he said that represented the end of the black magicians, which
had all been removed from the earth by the Great Ones.
The first one was taken during the San Diego class, March 4 thru 11, 1936.
(Interesting – the dark forces which were responsible for the sinking of Lemuria had a
powerful focus at a point out in the ocean just outside of San Diego.) The last black
magician was taken February 25, 1939. He had his focus in the Black Forest in
Germany, he would leave his physical body and work out of the body, in his inner
body. When the Master seized him They kept him here for a week before taking him out
of the atmosphere and into the so-called compound. During that time They compelled
him to draw the streams of energy of destructive force which he had woven thru the
substance of the earth, back into himself and/or his aura.
During the Cleveland class October 13 thru 22, 1939, the Ballards automobiles
were attacked. That is when Mr. Ballard said, he just couldn’t take it any longer, and
asked for his Ascension. He then turned and asked Mrs. Ballard what she was going to
do, come along or stay? Mrs. Ballard said, someone had to hold the ideal for mankind,
and she would stay to carry on. Later she said in a meeting, that she had that feeling;
that the (Higher Mental Body) Christ Self knew it would take more power than what
they had in the physical. This way, by Mr. Ballard and others, ascending, and by Mrs.
Ballard staying here, more power could be poured thru. (To be continued)
In regards to the point of Law that making love is best for procreation, people are
quick to argue that mankind would soon die out. However, if mankind adhered to this
principle and followed Divine direction then those on the other side who were
supposed to come in would be given the opportunity. Then they would have better
bodies, and much less adverse conditions to meet when they got here. The women
would have an easier time during pregnancy and deliverance.
Then when two-thirds of mankind reached that way of life and understand enough
of Cosmic Law, they would again gain the use of the Light Rays. That way it would be
easy to provide bodies for all who’s Divine Plan it was to come into embodiment. The
body provided would be in full stature and the incoming one could function fully.
The form (body) is created by the stream of life thru the Ray from the Presence,
not by the combined essence of life in the masculine and feminine, as man thinks.
So the outer idea and belief that physical union is necessary for so-called God to
bring individuals to function on earth is quite in reverse. When in fact the action is that
the Divine just takes advantage of the opportunity, of man’s human weaknesses.
Conception takes place within three days, and life for that embodiments starts then, not
at birth. The light enters the body at the time the first atom of the heart forms within the
body of the mother-to-be, self-conscious life enters at the first breath. Therefore, from
the inner standpoint from the time of inception abortion (at any time) is the same as
murder, it is terminating the process set up, and hence it can be considered as “taking
According to a doctor’s research, birth control pills do not necessarily prevent
pregnancy, but prevent it from being carried out. The pills prevent the egg, which in the
majority of cases is fertilized, from entering the uterus (womb) where it can develop.
Therefore is aborted during the first week of pregnancy.
Everything that the pregnant woman takes into the body goes to the fetus. All food,
drink, alcohol, dope, smoke, etc., emotions and mental attitudes affect the fetus or is
relayed to it.
Whatever is taken into the body goes to the brain first. In occult chemistry it is
pointed out that even just a kernel of sugar or a crumb or bread goes to every cell of
the body. So the fetus could be no exception.
At the time of birth when they administer anesthesia, that affects the fetus likewise
(since the fetus takes on everything). Hence, after birth they would slap the baby to
make it start breathing that seemed necessary because it was in a sleeping condition
caused by the anesthesia.
Now that is being done less as more and more women prefer the natural way.
The thought and feeling of the parents are an influence and mold for the incoming
lifestream. For procreation, proper and clean use of sex is important.
Parental desire for the child and the love which accompanies such feelings, are of
great assistance in the one to be born. On the other hand, as some do not want to take
the responsibility in which they engaged their senses, and rebel at being caused to
fulfill that service, and the child is not wanted, then when qualities of fear, shame
resentment and rebellion are charged into the feeling of the mother-to-be, this has a
detrimental effect upon the mind, brain structure, emotional and flesh bodies of the
incoming child.
With some children there is some remembrance previous to conception, which has
been described by them as being all light and beautiful. One child recalled the
conception, taking place while the parents were drunk, and asked why they acted like
There are a few individuals who remember about being born. One said he did not
want to come into the outer world.
Some research has been done thru hypnotism. They described the delivery room,
the doctors, nurses, what they said, did and what their attitudes were; the arrangement
of the mother’s hair, etc. So it is important that those attending do not think, feel or say
unpleasant or discrediting things about its head shape, eyes, nose, or hair, etc., or that
the child was unwanted, or it was not of the right gender. The delivery room should be
body temperature, of clear soothing color, with pleasant surroundings.
Some recalled that while in the womb they felt comfortable and secure. So after
birth it is well that the infant is placed on the mother, the opinion is that his be done
even before the umbilical cord is severed.
It was also determined that there is communication between the fetus and mother
to be particularly; and even to some extend with the father to be, when he favorably
anticipates the birth of the child.
People question as to how communication can take place, because the fetus dos
not know their language. However, communication can take place without words. It is
well known that infants respond to love, which is a certain vibration, also react to hate
and various attitudes, each being of a certain or particular vibration. A pregnant
woman feels various movements of the fetus and often responds to it. As one recalled
while in the womb, it kicked and the mother to be placed her hand there, then it kicked
at another place and she put her hand there. That was a sort of communication. It was
also said that the fetus will open its eyes and then shut them.
All this goes to show that there is life there before birth. Hence all this upholds
the fact that the process of abortion is taking life, regardless of when performed.
The emotional body predominates, most people act upon emotional impulses.
These come from or thru the solar plexus center which is below the dividing line, and
is on the human level.
The mass consciousness is, that when one is incapable of having children,
incapable of propagating, that that is tragic. Generally the cause of that is the misuse of
life in that respect, in previous embodiments.
People here grieve when someone passes on. When a baby is born here then that
individual is missing among its friend on the other side.
Because of reembodiment, individuals are developed to various degrees of
intelligence, accomplishments, talents, etc. This they have before coming into
embodiment, and then they learn to communicate with words, they are a full-fledged
individual at inner levels. But upon taking embodiment the full remembrance of that
phase of life is cut off by the band of forgetfulness, and they are somewhat restricted.
While waiting before conception and during the period of gestation they abide in
designated spheres. At the time of conception the lifestream makes connection with the
earth realm, hence it has to abide in a lower realm, a specific realm. We might liken
the connection to be similar to or like one in a coma, from the standpoint of the other
A small child sometimes focuses its gaze above the head of the person holding it.
What it sees is the Ray of Light from the Presence of that person. Some babies cry
when certain persons take them because of that person’s vibration, or because of black
or dark colored garments.
One mother said she had three children, the oldest was eight years older than the
youngest. The youngest recalled of all three being in the womb. The researcher said of
course that could not be. However, the explanation is, that there is an etheric record of
everything. The third child while in the womb could have been aware of the others
having been there, or else she can tune in on that record now.
The cause of some still-born babies is that they “chicken out”, so to speak, they
did not have the courage, or they refused to go on thru with the process of taking
embodiment. This is one reason for “crib deaths”, although people concerned with it
claim there is no explanation for it.(To be continued)
Nov. 15, Shamballa. Dec. 15, Teton Retreat.
Days to recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saint’s Day.
Nov. 2, All Souls’ Day.
Nov. 11, Veteran’s Day.
Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Master’s and mankind’s Harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26, thru New Year’s Day, Karmic Board in session, over Teton Retreat.
Thursday Nov. 26, 1789 was declared the first Thanksgiving Day by George
What makes one immune to disease after having it? It is that the feelings repel it,
while before the feelings accepted it.
Some think they have to have that morning coffee to satisfy that human desire, and
give every blessed little being in the body a little poison. Stimulations poison the being
in the body, so the Christ Self releases more energy for them to throw it off.
V.7 N.5, January-February, 31 A.F. (1986)
After Mr. Ballard had returned home from those experiences with Saint Germain,
one evening he went to the drug store for some small item. Evidently he had to pass
thru an underpass close by, (it seems it was on the way back) as he approached it, all
about it there was a green light or radiance, which he later realized was the radiance
from the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple, the Guardian Being for the I AM Activity.
The general opinion of the students now is, that Mr. Ballard while at Mount
Shasta stayed at the McCloud Lodge.
Before their trip to Honolulu, in August 1936, Mr. Ballard received the messages
thru the Light and sound ray, in this way he would hear the audible voice of the Master.
But on their return there was a change in the mode of his receiving the dictations and
the words were flashed before his sight in letters of living Light, about two inches
high. One who saw the letters of Light from the audience said that instead of being in
reverse order as one would expect, they read along naturally, the same way Mr.
Ballard was seeing them. This change was because the last vestige of his human
creation had been transmuted. He said that while on the boat they slept most of the
time, and then is when the inner work took place. The purified substance of his
physical body was raised into his etheric body, which only withdrew December 29th,
New Year’s Even 1939-40, in the Teton Retreat he made the Ascension, by the
etheric body in which was the purified substance of the physical body, merging with
that body in the casket of long ago, which then ascended into his Christ Self, this was
all done in full self-consciousness, then he ascended into his Electronic Body of the I
AM, which completed the Ascension. After that there were only two bodies in the
caskets, that of Mrs. Ballard and Donald.
The services for the Departed, for Mr. Ballard, were conducted by Mrs. Ballard.
It was said there were to be 77 present, by invitation only. The coffin was draped in an
American flag. After the closed casket service the body was taken to the crematory.
The staff (and maybe some others) followed, then saw the casket being pushed into the
channel or tunnel at the end of which one could see the flames in the furnace.
The first group meeting Mrs. Ballard and the staff attended after Mr. Ballard’s
Ascension was at Ratana’s on Lake Avenue in Los Angeles. A large picture of Mr.
Ballard had been placed on and near the front of the platform with flowers on each
side. That picture was so charged that it just seemed alive.
The New Dispensation for the Ascension was enabled to be given because of the
application and work that the students did in the first few years of public classes. It at
the time applied only to those students who had rendered enough impersonal service
and/or had sufficient qualification of the past along with it.
Now people read of it and think and decide they are going to make the Ascension
whether or not they qualify, they think just because they want to believe in that it will
take place. Yet Mr. Ballard who already more than qualified to make the Ascension
never did say he would, but instead said more than once: “When I have cleansed and
purified myself enough; when I have poured out love and kindness enough; when I have
been humble and grateful enough; when I have served enough; then – will I enter into
that Home of my Presence.”
Mr. Ballard once said, that they did not have an organization, and NEVER would
so it was as long as he was here.
However, after he had left, and Mrs. Ballard was in charge and there was so
much viciousness being released, some of the Minute Men who were endeavoring to
help her, got an organization set up. So beginning in July 1940, on the magazine
appeared Saint Germain Press, Inc., in place of Sindelar Studios.
The Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood do not have an
organization. They just work in cooperation and in obedience to the Law, which makes
it unnecessary to have an organization.
As they got out books, Mrs. Ballard had the desire to give the books to people.
She asked Saint Germain if she could learn to precipitate and give away the books. He
said, no, that people need to give something for what they get.
So it was even in the classes, the students released (gave) their energy thru
decrees and songs, then were given the Dictations by the Masters.
Mr. Ballard did mention about using the Transmuting Violet Flame for three hours
a day.
Mr. Ballard had handled all pertaining to the group activities. Mrs. Ballard
handled the editing and publishing, etc. So when Mr. Ballard left this realm, Mrs.
Ballard and the secretary (B.M.) knew nothing about the group work. Mrs. Ballard
took over but was unfamiliar with group procedures.
In 1940, since Mr. Ballard had left, many things in and about the activity were
changing. His leaving was to the loyal students, similar to when Jesus left, as it was to
his sincere followers.
In the 1930’s, Ratana, a group director, had put together five very short lessons
for beginners. A student (X) on the staff, who had the group directors’ files and was
familiar with the group activities having gone to the group meetings in the various
cities, realized those five lessons were not adequate to prepare or give sufficient
information to one who would enter a decree group. That there was a need for more
basic instruction for those interested in this new Ascended Master Teaching. So it was
taken up with the secretary, suggesting what ought to be done, and for her to take it up
with Mrs. Ballard, but she said to go ahead and put together the material.
Since coming into the activity in 1936, X had indexed all the books and magazines
to date. This was on hundreds of pieces of paper, more than a shoe box full. These
were sorted and put in alphabetical order. The subjects were selected and determined
upon and then the material was gathered together for them, making seven Fundamental
lessons. Some of it was typed up and the rest was just giving references.
This was presented to the secretary who typed it up for printing, then presented to
Mrs. Ballard for her approval. She suggested more material on the Violet Flame. The
secretary suggested a particular reference on precipitation, these were located and
inserted. This Outline was first printed in 1940. (X had the idea to later put together
another two sets of seven lessons.)
Then sometime after fundamental classes were being conducted, some regular
students wanted to know if they could also attend those classes. The secretary took it
up with X who pointed out that it could benefit the new students by having some in the
meeting who were familiar with the songs and decreeing. It was also pointed out to the
secretary, that to just go thru the set of seven lessons once, for one unfamiliar with
esoteric teachings, was not enough to go into regular decree groups. That would be
better that they attended two sets of lessons first. During this discussion all of a sudden
she said, something to this effect, then, have every student take the fundamental lessons
twice a year, (that was not Ascended Master direction, it was an action from the solar
plexus.) So evidently she put in on the Fundamental outline and when Mrs. Ballard
checked it she did not catch it, nor realize what far reaching effects in might have. And
because of that all these years, in order to attend the regular decree groups the students
were required to take the Fundamentals every six months.
This was when Europe was trying to draw America into war, and the students
were particularly active in decree work at that time. The Masters had said that
President Roosevelt and Churchill had made a pact to gain control over all peoples.
They intense to attain that thru war. So when Congress would not give the President the
power to declare war, there was some maneuvering around and it was instigated from
the White House. That is how it came about that Pearl Harbor was bombed. The
Masters also informed the students that there were atrocities going on in Europe, which
would be beyond our belief. On this the world is now aware. At the time some people
who knew those ovens were being built could not believe it could be carried out, so
there was no opposition. The Masters also pointed out that whenever human beings
make a pact like and it was attained then always one of them gets rid of the other (or
In Los Angeles there was a decree group every night of the week, so to provide
time for some students to take the Fundamentals, one decree group had to be
terminated. At that first Fundamental lesson, the inner action was disastrous, instead of
decreeing, which was so necessary, they had to sit there and just listen.
In 1941, X suggested to the secretary, that it would be more convenient for the
Directors to have the material for the Fundamentals, printed in booklet form. But she
said, no, that they could gather together the material for each lesson. However, in 1965,
they did do just that, and also made the change from seven to nine lessons.
Occult Law
Using crystal for various things or actions, is not new, they have been utilized thru
the centuries: as have other jewels and gold.
The use of herbs is nothing new either, just because they have not been utilized in
the West as in the East, does not make them new. They are used in the East instead of
drugs. Just because the knowledge of this has not been known in the West, does not
make it new. It shows up the wrong type of education prevailing here.
In the East they use herbs for medicine which produces no after ill effects. They
know what kind of herbs and how to use them for dropsy, jaundice, to remove corns
and warts, to cure rheumatic pain, to relief cholera, for asthma, chest pains, for gums
and mucous membranes, for low blood pressure, to alleviate fever, to keep insects
from biting, to allay hysteria, as an antiseptic, for women’s peculiar complaints, relief
of diabetes, skin disease, urinary complaints, cystitis, bladder ulceration, astringent,
dysentery, for burns and wounds to form new skin, to coagulate the blood of wounds, to
secure abortion, etc.: The herbs used for these are the more common ones, but they
have others also.
In the East they learn self-control, mastery over the mental, emotional and
physical bodies. They learn the art of an advanced technique of which “judo” as known
in the West is very elementary. A certain action of this is used in place of anesthetics
(of which they have none), to set broken bones and extract teeth. There is no risk in this
method and no pain nor ill effects.
In the Far East, especially in Tibet and India, they learn and know how to contact
their Higher Self to some extent, which we term the Christ Self (Higher Mental Body).
They did not know the use of the Violet Flame which the Master Saint Germain has
since brought forth. They are taught reembodiment (re-incarnation), and do not fear so-
called death. They are taught about liberation to be attained in the future after many
embodiments. We have been given a better understanding of it, and know it as the
Ascension into the Light.
In the West, people think the people in the East are ignorant, and should or need to
read the Bible. However, a person versed in occultism (not what one reads about in the
West), has much more understanding of spiritual things, than what the Bible has. In the
East there is greater spiritual understanding and respect for it, which people in the
West do not have as their consciousness is geared towards pleasure and materialism,
hence do not sense it, they are predominately emotional. The solar plexus center being
the most active which promotes psychic connections. Intellectual connections are also
made thru this center.
Some in the West are pretending to be gurus and having chelas, but that is only
mimicking and pretense of the real thing in the East. Here they do not have technique
nor the qualification of the real, which is passé anyway now since the occult law was
set aside. Hence is not a part of the Ascended Master Teaching for the New Age that
Saint Germain has set into action, and does not use the old terminology.(To be continued)
The need is to conserve one’s energy. That is, not waste it thru criticism,
condemnatory feelings, anger, hate or misuse of the sex activity. People waste their
energy thru intense feelings of discord, of resentment, hatred, anger, jealousy, etc. And
thru sense pleasure one drives the energy down and out of the body. Thru radiation it
goes out from the body, and is not only lost but charges those qualities into the feeling
worlds of others.
In ancient times mankind lived in the body for a few hundred years. But as people
wasted more and more of their energy the life span decreased. As Jesus said, the last
enemy to overcome is (so-called) deaths. The misuse of the sex activity is the last
activity of that, by which it holds dominion over mankind. Thus the energy required to
sustain life in the body is wasted. Yet the majority of mankind justify it and rebel
against conserving their energy.
Life originally intended the energy released thru the Ray of Light only for
procreation of the species, for propagating of the human form. Hence the sex activity
should only be used for that. In order to have perfection, the energy needs to be held in
control and kept harmoniously qualified. The penalty for misuse is what mankind pays
in the various diseases, other failures and death (so-called).
The Masters have pointed out that there were many young people who had some
contact with the Presence and/or Divine Beings, and when they get married lost that
contact because they were drawn away from that ideal. The attention was drawn
downward, and the energy released for sense gratification; and the Light vanished.
The Goddess of Purity stayed in the Great Silence ever since mankind turned the
attention away from pro-creating thru the use of the Light Rays. From that time until
January 1, 1939, She never came forth to render service because of lack of purity in
mankind. Once 800 years previously She came and looked mankind over but was
compelled to wait. Although for over 100 years the call for purity had come to Her
from the hearts of some, because their voice was silent She could not come. But thru
Saint Germain’s instruction, students began to decree and call for purity, and because
the discarnate were removed from certain localities She was enabled to come forth.
That shows how important it is to say the decrees. And also what can be accomplished
thru that action. The reason for the decrees is that we need to release some of our
energy by which the Presence and Divine Beings can give the assistance. Thru the
spoken word and feeling we release human energy which is required.
The Goddess of Purity again came October 1, 1939, and dictated. She said, that
mankind had had millions of years to go thru birth and rebirth. So those who now had
the opportunity to gain their eternal Freedom, should not contemplate sex relationship
having had a long time for rearing children, and misusing the sex force. She asked, if
they couldn’t forget that for a few years and turn the attention to the Presence and purity
of life and become free from the wheel of birth and rebirth forever.
All the thrills of the flesh in one embodiment cannot equal one real Divine
outpouring. These inner experiences far excel outer pleasure. They come about when
we have earned them, or they come about in the Cosmic push, when we give enough
obedience and render the required service.
When bodies can again be provided thru the use of Light Rays, there will not be
the need of others (parents, etc.) having to provide for the incoming one, as now from
babyhood to maturity. Therefore, marriage and homes as it is now will not be needed.
When people are confronted with these ideas now they get so scared that they
might not be able to hang onto all their human desires. Yet had the people (even all
who had the opportunity) been willing and able to come into this Ascended Master
Teaching and live by it, cooperate and enter the group work as the Master Saint
Germain suggested, the conditions of the outer world could have been changed.
This is another case of how the human defeats itself. Because it enough people
had made the application then the dispensation could have passed so those persons
passing on could have come under it whereby they could finish up on the other side and
attain the goal.
Many marvelous things could already be in action. And the Cosmic Law would
not have had to close the door against reembodiment on earth. Because this other
means of birth could be brought about as was planned. When two-thirds of the people
attain sufficient mastery this can come about.
Now the individuals take vows to serve the Light before coming info embodiment,
but most of them are not kept. And the door being closed, they cannot come back to
contaminate the earth further, cannot use the earth for a playground anymore. For those
who would not change, the Cosmic Law put an end to that.
The Master Jesus did the things to fulfill the prophecies which was to make
people believe He was the Messiah for whom they were looking. Yet it did not all
work out that way. Had enough people taken and applied His Teaching He could have,
instead of being crucified, stayed here and spread the Teaching and Christ action. (To be
Jan. 15, Darjeeling.
Feb. 15, Meru’s Retreat.
Mar. 15, Resurrection Temple.
Apr. 15, Ascension Temple.
May 15, Focus of Wisdom.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
Days to Recognize:
Jan. 1, New Year’s Day. Old occult law set aside. Sanat Kumara released. Lord
Gautama became Lord of the World.
Jan. 21, Sanat Kumara left.
Feb. 12, Lincoln’s Birthday.
Feb. 21, Gautama returned to earth,
Feb. 22, Washington birthday.
V.7 N.6, March-April, 31 A.F. (1986)
In the early classes all over the country, anyone from the street could walk in.
Later on they had a policeman stationed during meetings. In 1939 they said that Saint
Germain asked that the classes be closed. So cards were issued. Before that only
100% students had cards.
One day during a class at the Shrine Auditorium, a man who had a gun came in.
That was before the classes were closed. Evidently Mr. Ballard was made aware of it.
But he only told it sometime later in a meeting. Had the man tried to shoot, the Masters
Who of course knew it, would have incapacitated him from doing so.
A lady who had had back trouble for a long time came to a meeting and was
healed. Then did not even pursue the work. Like people did in Jesus’ time.
The son of one of the women who was pursuing the work came and sat on the
front row. Mr. Ballard made the call to cut him free from that condition. As the change
was taking place in his body he got rather faint. Mr. Ballard asked for someone to
bring a glass of water. When it was brought, he said to wait, as he wanted to charge it
first. So he made the call for it to be charged with what was needed. Later someone
started a rumor, that they even charged (meaning money) for a glass of water. That
shows what ignorance and human concepts will do.
In the Voice of the “I AM” magazine, March 1936 issue, in an article by Mrs.
Ballard, it states that Francis Bacon was the last embodiment of Saint Germain. Then
in the latter part of the 1930’s, one day in class while Mrs. Ballard was speaking,
suddenly she began coughing as if choking. Mr. Ballard was sitting in a chair on the
platform, he got up and issued a decree and soon her coughing stopped. He said that
(S.L.) head of AMORC, a Rosicrucian organization was claiming to have been Francis
Bacon, and was interfering with or trying to stop this work.
We were sitting in one of the first rows of seats in the center of the balcony, and
Mrs. S. said she saw a hand (on the inner) grab at Mrs. Ballard’s throat.
When Mr. Ballard asked for his Ascension, Saint Germain told him he needed to
stay here until certain work was completed. Hence, he did not leave until the end of the
year. Evidently this was to complete work which was in the Master’s Plan for the
period from July thru December.
In July 1940, the Federal Court of the U.S. indicted 24 persons in the activity,
Mrs. Ballard and Donald were two of these, (it was said, also Mr. Ballard, although he
had passed on), on charges of fraudulent use of the United States mails.
In the February 1942 magazine, was an announcement stating that thru the vicious
attempt to interfere with Saint Germain’s activity in getting this Ascended Master
Instruction to the people, the use of the U.S. mails was being denied them. This lasted
for some years, while the court fight was going on, but in the 1950’s they were
vindicated, hence could again use the mails. In a notice in the same magazine it stated
that the Decree groups at the Shrine Auditorium (in Los Angeles) were discontinued.
In early 1942, Mrs. Ballard advised the students to leave the west coast, claiming
it was going to go down, also that there would be marshal law declared there. This is
what we called “the exodus”. She wanted Mr. Sindelar also to leave and move the
press to Santa Fe, N.M. But he said later that he went by his own directions, and that
he was not directed to do so. Hence refused to go. So at Mrs. Ballard’s directions the
press was moved to Santa Fe, and she took charge. The publishing address was
changed from: Published at the Sindelar Studios, 2600 S. Hoover St., Lost Angeles
CA. to Saint Germain Press, Inc. Chicago, Illinois.
Metaphysical and particularly occult students were against some things the
Ballards gave out, because they felt it was over-stepping the bounds and revealing
occult secrets. That was because they, these people did not know about or/and accept
that the old occult law had been set aside.
During meetings in Chicago in the middle 1940’s, Mrs. Ballard read Unveiled
Mysteries and The Magic Presence books, giving extra information as she read.
Mr. and Mrs. Ballard lived life in dignity, and morally did not get involved with
another of the opposite gender, (as most people are doing now). There was never even
any such intimation.
When their son wanted to get married they did not approve and did what they
could to prevent it. When they asked Saint Germain for help He said He did what He
could, according to the law of free will. He said it was a karmic condition and it could
have been handled thru application, but if thru free will they did not do it the result was
the other route.
The Ballards never begged for money or any contributions. However, the Law is
we should give a balance for what we receive. Some people who were healed and
greatly blessed did give them gifts in appreciation. The announcer on several
occasions, pointed out that the contributions at the classes did not nearly cover the
expenses, and that they made up the difference from money from the books.
Many who had healings, and even outstanding ones, did not do anything for the
Light, and when the Ballards came back to their city for class they never even attended.
That shows the ingratitude of human beings. What about those thousands (over 20,000)
of healings, what did those people do for the Light and Saint Germain’s work?
Divine Beings are not interested in any human title, diploma, outer world
position, amount of schooling or affluence, but only in our consciousness, willingness
to give obedience to our I AM Presence, render impersonal service to Life, and in
doing a job well done. This means, according to Their standards and not to human
beings concepts and evaluation.
The Master Jesus on December 25, 1935, said, that the Messengers (Mr. & Mrs.
Ballard) had proven themselves, had proven their ability to stand in and carry the Light
and that until the Ascended Masters came forth in Their visible, tangible Bodies they
would remain the direct Messengers for the Ascended Masters.
The Goddess of Light October 17, 1938 said, that no one could take the place of
these Messengers, that the Cosmic Light had made it so. That until enough people were
firmly anchored in the Light and able to get directions from the I AM Presence clearly,
the dictations needed to continue. Until then the Messengers under Saint Germain
would be the authority to keep this Teaching clean and free from human concepts.
However, when the people were awakened and had reached a certain rate of vibratory
action and were firmly anchored in the I AM Presence so they could get perfectly clear
direction from the Presence, many in America would be able to receive. Then there
would be no confusion in what came forth, as it would all agree with what the Great
Ones had given thru Mr. Ballard; that if it disagreed it would not be correct. And it
would also agree with what the Hierarchy gave in The Bridge activity from 1952 to
1958. (But the inner backing, promotion and action of receiving then, will be very
different from that of the 1930’s and 1950’s.
In the 1930’s more was accomplished for mankind and the earth in three years
than had been done thru all the millions of years since mankind turned from the Light.
That was made possible by the students’ accepting and knowing their I AM Presence,
the Violet Flame, etc., and by applying it.
The Eloah Hercules said in the late 1930’s, that the dispensations which had been
obtained had changed the plans of many things. Since the Central Sun was the Source
and authority for the planet earth that one It has been called into action, Its activity can
change the whole plan of conditions for the earth, even those which had been planned
by the Elohim.
Hence, even though the plan in the 1930’s was for the Ballards to be the
Messengers and the ones to be the authority in the outer world for the new Teaching
and Saint Germain’s work, did not mean under certain conditions it could not and
would not be changed. And so it was changed when the 20 years had run out.
The Law had allowed the Ballards 20 years in which to give this Teaching to
mankind. But because there was not enough expansion of the Light to sustain the planet
in its system, so when that period had expired the greater authority took action and
changed that. Then thru Cosmic action much was accomplished for mankind and the
earth which was needed, but had not gotten done on the inner which was of Cosmic
import. So the Cosmic Law gave a dispensation for another 20 year period in which
the Great White Brotherhood was required to acquaint the consciousness of mankind
with the Divine Plan. For the earth to be sustained, the remaining discarnate needed to
be removed and again get on their evolutionary path; the same with those in the
Sleeper’s Realm, and those in the so-called compound. Sanat Kumara had to be freed,
bun. All that had to be done first.
Hence, the Masters set into action a New Endeavor to see what could be
accomplished. A new publication called “The Bridge” was started April 1952, by the
Masters working thru other individuals. This, Mrs. Ballard thru free will refuted, and
this is why some students refuse to accept that it is authentic, and in themselves have
not been able to sense it. However, when they leave this plane they will see the Truth
about it.
In the early 1950’s, Saint Germain gave the following:
The Great White Brotherhood is required by Cosmic Law to acquaint the
consciousness of mankind with the Divine Plan within the next 20 year period, which
has been given to us to complete the earth’s redemption.
As My Ray is the point of contact with the people of earth, it is only thru My
Chelas that I am enabled to effect this rapid transition. The appearances of the last
several years point to the unpleasant fact that rather than increasing, the interest and
enthusiasms of those in whom I have invested so much of My life, has been slowly
dying – until only shouldering embers remain of My once hopeful Flame, in the hearts
of the few that have chosen, no matter what the sacrifice, to stand by!
Too often thru the centuries have We seen the Flame of enthusiasm for God Causes
flicker and die out, and the vision of world brotherhood lie dead ash – blown by the
winds of adversity into oblivion!
While there is yet a heart in which a spark is burning, there is hope of renewing
the Flame – even as while a tiny ember burns, the woodsman can rekindle the watch
fire upon whose guarding presence his safety so depends.
Seeing the handwriting on the wall, We have been able to secure the acquiescence
of the Cosmic Law, the Lords of Karma, and the Lord of the World, (at that time) Sanat
Kumara, to invest the lifestream of My beloved Frances Ekey with the responsibility of
being such an Ember to rekindle the Life Flame of the student body.
We had hoped up to the very last to secure the support or at least to avoid the
active opposition of Mrs. Ballard but as this has not been possible, We shall have to
pass thru a period of transition, during which the sheep and the goats again must choose
their respective paths and then abide in the goal to which those paths will ultimately
lead. Saint Germain.
The Masters drew from the other activity those students who could sense their
vibrations. A group of perhaps 20 to 35 who had years of training and much
momentum, who were fully dedicated and dependable and willing to follow the
Masters’ suggestions, along with the forcefield, composed the central Focus. So thru
these students and along with others in The Bridge activity, all those lifestreams who
had removed themselves from the evolving mankind were brought back into the
evolutionary process; also a number of other achievements were accomplished. Thus
Sanat Kumara was enabled to be freed January 1, 1956. Those are things which never
again have to be done. All this is different from the methods used now by the so-called
channels, etc., also the material put out is different. Now it is more just individual
actions. The blind leading the blind. It seems like only the old guard adhere to the
principles and live the life, which seems so rare now.
The Great Ones had hoped to get earth’s redemption completed in or by the end of
the second 20-year period, but again that was not the case. However, evidently enough
was accomplished, that since They had thru the 40 years invested so much of Their
energy and time that it was the part of wisdom, to perhaps let it phase out more
gradually. By closing the door for reembodiment, it will probably take a few hundred
years to clear the earth of the some ten billion lifestreams, so the others of the sixth
root race and the seventh root race can take embodiment to go on with their evolution
and fulfill their destiny. Finis
When the Masters speak of holding the Immaculate Conception, it does not refer
to producing pregnancy. Neither does it refer to artificial insemination. It means to
practice visualizing and holding the Divine likeness of that individual, like Mother
Mary did for the Master Jesus all of His life.
To some motherhood is marvelous. But it will be much more so in the future when
true motherhood and fatherhood of form (body) will again come forth and the forms are
produced by the projection of the Light Rays.
In the 1930’s, at a meeting of the Daughters of Light, Mrs. Ballard said that Saint
Germain had said that the menstrual period was a psychic-astral thing. So evidently
that too will be eliminated.
At present many are here now who are products of late Atlantean times, and are
highly developed emotionally. The substance of their physical bodies and emotional
bodies is tainted or conditioned from the past. Therefore these bodies will respond to
urges of those qualities created in previous embodiments. In these bodies are the seeds
of inevitable retribution if the functions are misused. The emotions must be brought
under control and transmuted into Love, and effort should be made towards the
development of the mind so as to raise into the mental activity, not intellectual but
It is said one must have faith, but just faith without works is not enough.
Just being sincere is not enough, although it can bring results. One can be since on
a wrong pursuit. As it is as easy to believe what is false as to believe Truth. A
communist is sincere, and holds to certain principles, but in a wrong way, or for just
human results. They work for and hold to the principle of comradeship (brotherhood)
but have perverted it to some extent.
In the past when Saint Germain endeavored to bring about universal and Cosmic
Brotherhood, or Utopia, it was seized upon by the wrong individuals and because the
greatest concept of communism. A communistic order is a degradation rather than an
acceleration of consciousness, or effort towards perfection. Communistic doctrines
promulgate the leveling of the consciousness and personal estate of every man to the
subnormal status of the illiterate masses. It stifles individual development. It is that
communistic element or state of consciousness that has destroyed every civilization.
What is needed is right relationship not the communistic way of life.
Many individuals think they go along with communism because of dominating
suggestions thru hate and fear, which was promulgated by the black magicians.
Since in the 1930’s, when Saint Germain’s work which is an action of Freedom
started in the outer world, instead of refinement, much slip-shod, slouchy mannerisms
especially among the young people sprang up and prevailed, and then go the females
wearing trousers, all that comes from (out of) the communistic element. Back of the
communists is the sinister influence which consciously manifests thru mental forces.
These are the things to be dealt with in the outer activity of life. (To be continued)
April 22, 1939, Saint Germain said, that the group Directors and the students
should not keep referring to the destructive activities, but let the power of Light flow
forth, since that was the remedy. Because, by dwelling upon the destructive forces one
begins to build them.
He also said, that in the lower Light Realms where the disembodied dwell now,
that their attention was being drawn to the expansion of this Light and they were taught
to see it. That some in their etheric bodies and some in their Christ Self, all are shown
their I AM Presence. So when they embody again on earth they retain some memory
and feeling of It. This would help bring the change in the vibratory action which is
demanded for the earth by the Christ Light. That the Great Divine Director had made
this possible. This, then was to start soon. So the people born around that time and
since have been shown their I AM Presence before taking embodiment.
Days to Recognize:
Mar. 17, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar 21, first inhabitants came.
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
Mar. 30, Easter.
Mar. 15, Resurrection Temple.
April 15, Ascension Temple.
On Vol. 7 #5, page 1, Year should read 1986 instead of 1985.
A reminder: this is the last issue of Vol. 7. May-June issue will be the first of Vol.
8. In it will run an article on David Lloyd’s Ascension.
V.8 N.1, May-June, 32 A.F. (1986)
David Lloyd
David Lloyd was of the Lloyd family of London, England. Although he was, the
family was not able to hold him to the things of the outer world.
Englishmen are known as being not very receptive. But their peculiar nature is
that they have a remarkable tenacity.
When David was about four years of age, his parents moved from England to
Punjab, India. There his father was an officer for the English government. That was all
in the great wisdom of the Presence. His boyhood was very happy and harmonious. He
was being watched over from birth, by an unascended Master who came to them later,
although they had not met Him nor knew about Him. David was guarded and directed
by his Christ Self and by that Master all his life.
As a lad he loved the idea very much of the Master Jesus having left the example
of the Ascension. But from all he contacted in the outer, caused him to believe such a
thing was impossible at this time for human beings. But after his Ascension He found it
was a mistake, because He had proven it otherwise.
When David was about 14 years of age his father who was a very quiet man, one
day just after dinner started to talk. He was being prompted by a Master but he did not
know it. He directed most of his attention to David, asking if he ever thought of what
was beyond this realm of life. David wanted to ask him if he ever had, but did not dare
do so. His father said that he knew some way that there were many realms above or
beyond this physical realm, and that in each was substance of its own vibratory rate.
The boy asked him if he really thought it was so; and he said, he not only thought it, but
he knew it was so, although he could not tell how or why he knew. He talked further
for a time and then suddenly stopped. Later David wanted so much for him to talk
about it again but they never could get him to do so.
Although David did not know it, the Light within his heart knew and accepted the
Truth of what his father spoke. Later he saw this was in preparation for what followed.
When David was 16 years of age, his father grub-staked a friend who went to
South Africa to try his luck in diamond mines. They never did hear from him. But he
did meet went to South Africa and befriended him, so that He (the Master) would
receive his wealth for the Lloyds, since the man had no relatives to whom to leave it.
When David was 20 years of age, that unascended Master who could levitate,
came to their home to relay news about this man at the mines. He came from South
Africa when He knew Mr. Lloyd would soon pass on, to give His radiation to the
family. He told them that man had passed on and left his legacy to Mr. Lloyd, which
was to go to David in case the father passed on. The good deed of his father returned to
David thus the great Law prepared thru individuals to provide for David in his long
search. The Master offered to take care of it all and have the fortune transferred, as at
that time Mr. Lloyd could not get away.
When they had finished with that business, the Master turned to David who was
standing nearby, and said, that he would meet a man, with a crystal Cup on a great
mountain in North America; that that man was the one who could assist him to the
Ascension. And who that was He could tell him.
The Light within David was sufficiently expanded to draw the attention of that
unascended Master. It was like those words were fire branded into his feeling world,
which stayed with him until he got his Freedom.
After that the Master and Mr. Lloyd went by themselves and talked for hours.
When his father came back David asked him what he had been told. He answered that
he could not tell him. However, it was in preparation for what was to happen to the
father later. Then the Master went away and they did not know where He went.
The Master kept that worded picture before David, unknown to him. The Light in
him was strong enough to enable him to completely accept it in his feelings and so he
set into action thru his feeling world that vision. By the Master calling his attention to
the Crystal Cup and the possibility to make the Ascension gave his own Christ Self
opportunity to prepare his feeling world, although he did not know in his outer
consciousness of these actions. So that power was set into action by the Christ Self and
Ascended Master who knew what was coming. Although he understood but little what
that goal meant, it registered in his feeling world with great intensity, which impelled
him on all thru the years, even though the information was very fragmentary and
indefinite. Even though at times the intellect questioned the feelings never wavered.
A month later as Mr. Lloyd was attending some government matters with some
natives, he was shot and passed on. He served the English government in India, and
never did a dishonorable thing. Although he was constantly beset by individuals
offering him bribes of money. Because he held the great respect of the government and
continued to refuse bribes, he was shot.
When the body was brought back to the house, and David looked at it, he had not
feeling of sorrow. He just thought, now his father was free. However, his mother was
less fortunate, her sorrow was great. In spite of what the Master had told her, she was
not able to free herself from the old concepts about passing on.
After David’s father passed on, the Master came again. He came from South
America. He made friends with them, and gave them what they required from this
fortune for their trip to England.
After another month just before he and his mother were ready to leave for London,
the same Master came again. He knew before he left two months earlier what would
happen to the father. So he had already arranged for the fortune, much of which was in
diamonds, to be transferred to a Bank in England for David.
He told them He had deposited the balance in the Bank of England, and gave them
the papers and credentials they needed to claim it. David thanked the Master and
offered to pay Him, but He said that had been taken care of already. The Master made
the arrangements for their transportation, and accompanied them to the boat at Bombay.
That gave the Master the opportunity to talk to David who recognized His wisdom, and
to envelop him in His radiance which stayed with him thru his lifetime. As they left He
reminded David to remember the crystal Cup, and to seek and he would find.
They had a wonderful trip, and arrived at Southampton. When they got to London
he went to the Bank and the man said, they were expecting him that day. He got his
Bank and check books, and found he was credited with 100,000 pounds. Thru this
means he was provided for during his long search. After four years his mother passed
on. He thought he was left alone in the world, but of course was not as the Masters
were with him. He was now free to go on his search. Later he transferred a portion of
his wealth to a Bank in New York City. He came to New York and got established, and
then began the search for the man with the crystal Cup.
Constantly in his consciousness were the words the Master in India had said to
his that when he had found the man with the crystal Cup he would have found the one
who could assist him to the Ascension. His consciousness fixed upon the word
“Ascension” and stayed uppermost in his consciousness all his life. During all those
years than phrase rang in his ears and was repeated in his consciousness innumerable
times, he would even wake up during sleep and be saying those words. Intellectually
he believed it. He never questioned, doubted nor considered how it would be
He got weary of searching at times, he had many trials, much disappointment and
sorrow. Yet he never doubted, although he thought to give it up, there was no use as
months passed by with no results. But then there would come that inner surge of
strength and power, and he would go on. He was so convinced that it never ever
occurred to him that he might not get to the right mountain, or that it might not come to
David’s long search was necessary for him to build up the strength, power and
momentum he needed when the time of his Victory came. The purpose of that long
search was, that the outer self had to prove it would stick to searching. So when he
reached the goal, he had to be worthy of it. David had searched for Truth in other
embodiments and so his Freedom had to come in this embodiment.
He was 70 years of age then and seemed to still have the same amount of energy
as in his youth. This was in 1930.
One year during his search with no result. He did accept a New York friend’s
invitation for a yacht trip to Florida.
He searched for nearly 50 years, although the outer self got weary and
discouraged at times, and when he would have quit, the Light within him pushed on.
There were times he wondered where was the guiding power and intelligence, but that
was only temporary. As when he would lie down and rest then in short order he would
be determined again and would have the strength and courage to go on searching.
Always would come from the Light within him (and evidently by the watchful care of
that unascended Master the joy and happiness in that quest, the strength and courage
that sent him forth again.(To be continued)
There are the different cycles in life. At a certain time boys and girls begin to
have an awareness of and attraction to those of other souls. This is a certain cycle of
physical life and is of the human nature, as is eating. Like a baby has certain foods, as
it grows it can digest different and heavier kinds of food. That is all of and on the
human level and not Divine. Because the Christ Self does not require food or any of
these actions. Originally, before the fall of man it was not this way as now.
We have entered the cycle now in which things must change. The eating habits
must change from eating flesh foods to eating fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, etc.
Other phases of life must change. There is more to life than just growing up with the
idea of pleasure or satisfying the appetites and endeavoring to gratify all sense
activities. One can choose what to do or just follow the pattern of the parents, and their
parents, raise some children as they have done. If they were somewhat satisfied with
what they have done, then usually they have developed much pride, family pride, pride
of possessions, etc.
While children are reared they are given various false impressions and ideas
about life, by their parents, schools and colleges, which often result in
disappointments, disillusionment, hard knocks later and for some disaster.
People and parents make children believe in Santa “Clause”. That is perpetrated
upon them not only in belief but in action, it is carried out and made manifest to appear
to be so in the outer physical world. Thus the children deceived by all in whom they
have confidence and trust. Then later they find out it is not so. That Santa was some
relative or someone else. Then at a certain age if a child still believes in Santa, he/she
is made fun of or chided.
Children grey up under the false belief, that marriage or mating is the goal for
happiness. Even if it isn’t directly taught it is implied. In a similar way young people
are deceived in believing romance and marriage is the objective to produce
everlasting happiness, hence the goal in life. It is false and in the great majority of
cases turns out in something less than happiness.
It is perpetrated upon them from many angles; in the home even when the opposite
in manifesting between the parents, thru literature, fiction stories, TV and movies plus
mass consciousness. Then after marriage and they find out, the hard way, that it isn’t all
a “bed of roses”, the elders shrug their shoulder, saying that everyone has to find out
for themselves. The young ones have to decide what they are going to do about it,
tolerate it, give in and try to make the best of it, or go their separate ways.
In marriage there is usually quite a bit of adjusting that has to take place. For
sense gratification, this they are willing to do. Now if people would be willing to do
that much adjusting when it comes to the action of serving the Light, then the Law and
the Masters could get much done that needs to be done.
The opportunity has been before the people since in the early 1930’s. But since
most of them have chosen not to give that obedience to the Law of their own being, and
since the earth is to go into a higher orbit, the door is closing to these who cannot
accelerate their four lower bodies to the point required to go along with the earth.
Marriage is only on the human level and performed on earth, there is none in the
Realms of Light. Marriage vows are of the human and only unto death. In the Realms of
Light there is the uniting of Twin Rays, which is for eternity; instead of co-habiting
with various Twin Rays of other individuals as is done in the outer world. The outer
consciousness attributes happiness to physical sensation.
Children are let or made to believe they can ride thru life sitting on a pink cloud.
They need to be made aware that life is not just what they want or like, but need to face
facts here in the outer, while they are yet under the protection of the parents and home.
It is much better than later having to buck it without any preparation. They should also
be taught about karma, etc. That should make them realize that they are here to redeem
that and attain mastery, instead of just looking forward to marriage and expect
happiness thru that, for-ever after.
Most marriages are not what was anticipated, and if that is or were what we are
here for, then what is wrong?
Children usually grow up with the idea that the goal in life is to get married, and
for the most part have a family. That is the way it was with the parents and so they
perpetrate that upon their children, the same way as make or let them believe in Santa.
So they believe marriage is the one way or road to happiness and they get disappointed
the same as with the Santa story, which the parents also had experienced. (To be continued)
The individuals after passing thru so-called death sojourn a shorter or longer time
in the inner realms to which they have fitted themselves by the qualification of their
energies in the past earth life. All are given instruction and assistance, according to
their capacity to understand, absorb, digest and assimilate the Truth of Life, and none
are committed to punishments for the sake of chastisement, although some, thru learning
the lessons of cause and effect, do temporarily suffer to a degree, and in that suffering
build into their consciousness a realization of the right and wrong.
Ascension Day
The Ascension of the Master Jesus into his I AM Presence, was consummated
40th day after the earth-shaking manifestation of his Victory over so-called death, when
he re-vitalized his lower vehicles and confounded not only the enemies of his mission,
but his confused and desolate disciples as well. During the 10 day period after the
Resurrection, Jesus continued to imbue his disciples with his consciousness and
performed his final act of Love in the invocation of the special Outpouring of the Holy
Comforter, the Lord Maha Chohan, which was effected on Whitsuntide, ten days after
his Ascension.
Jesus chose to complete his mission, in order that the disciples would turn from
the tendency to lean upon his powers and develop the latent powers within their own
lifestreams. Hence he said it was expedient for them that he go away, so the Comforter
(Paraclete) would come unto them. Thus, he turned each aspirant back toward his own
individual God power, and left the example of the Ascension for mankind.
May 1, Saint Germain’s Ascension Day; Coronation Day; New Year’s Day for
New Age.
May 8, Gautama’s birthday; Enlightenment; Ascension Day. Jesus Ascension Day.
May 11, Mothers’ Day.
May 18, Whitsuntide.
May 31, Memorial Day.
June 14, Flag Day
V.8 N.2, July-August, 32 A.F. (1986)
Holy Grail
Thru the centuries people have been searching for the Holy Grail, or Crystal Cup,
and like the Fountain of Youth it is within or comes from within, from the I AM
presence. Actually what they are searching for, is their I AM Presence.
What they are looking for is not the “Cup” itself but what it is supposed to
contain. The cup furnishes a means of making contact with the Presence, by which one
gains Freedom.
Like David Lloyd on Mount Shasta, when It appeared it was the contents of the
Cup when he drank it, which released the action of Light from the Presence (both his
and Mr. Ballard’s which set him free – gave him his eternal Freedom.)
That is what everyone is looking for, the contents, the energy, the action from the I
AM Presence to know and become one with it.
The upper part of the physical body represents the “Cup”, from the dividing line
between the heart and solar plexus upward, and the lower part represents the stem. In
the heart is the Three-fold Flame thru which the I AM Presence acts, contacts the outer.
The Cup represents the feminine aspect, the receiving principle, the AM, or OM or
AUM, the all. The spear, lance, sword, which is used with the arm and hand out from
the Cup part of the body, is the masculine aspect, the “I”, or the individualization out of
the “AM”. When the “I” separated or got separated from the Cup, man’s struggle and
problems began. This is legend was used long before Christianity.
So for the Communion in the New Age, being the Words of the Ascended Masters
and Divine Beings, is why They said Their Words were cups. Thru Their Words They
can pour Their radiation which assists those on the Path when reading Their Words, to
become more aware of and to make connection with their I AM Presence.
The reason for using the crystal Cup or goblet in group meetings is to remind the
outer self that the body is the cup for each one’s Presence to pour Its radiation into the
outer world.
The most important thing is the legendary contents of the Cup, not the cup itself.
However, only those worthy may see the Cup, those pure in thought and feeling,
only those who live a chaste and clean life. In the story about King Arthur and his
court, the knights were looking for the Holy Grail, the “Cup”, but could not find it.
There were 150 Knights. Galahad was the last knight to come, he saw the “cup” at
the bottom of the well at Glastonbury. Thru him a few others got the vision of the Holy
Grail. Lancelot had sinned with Guinevere and so could not see the Cup. Lancelot,
Arthur’s trusted friend and Guinevere his wife, fell in love with each other, that
unfaithfulness finally poisoned the whole court and ruined it. Guinevere had much
influence in destroying the Order of the Round Table.
July 3, 1958, Morya said: “Long ago I endeavored, unsuccessfully, to establish a
very small brotherhood based on the principles of Jesus, wherein the knights and
Ladies fair were to live according to their highest principles and seek the living Christ.
That experience has come and gone. Those of you who read know the record thereof.
By the very reason of that record have I chosen some among you to help make things
right. We are living in a day when my small dream of Camelot is to be expanded into
world brotherhood, although I be not the King. Saint Germain Who has earned that
right, reigns upon that throne, and I, as so often unascended (ones do) too, shall offer
my advice as privy counsel.”
The Holy Grail originally contained the consciousness or virtues of each of the
disciples, besides what Jesus consciously charged into It. Communion is taken as a gift
of receiving the nature of God.
The Grail and the Spear are symbols of the two activities embodied within the
Divine Will.
The Grail signifies the consciousness upheld, into which is poured the Divine
Will, along with the inspiration of the Divine Plan to manifest this Divine Will; and the
Spear signifies the projection forth of the energy into action and accomplishments.
In the opera “Parsifal”, it shows the struggle between the outer self and the I AM
Presence, which wins out in the end. Parsifal, the youth who represents the perfection
of Life, protected the “Cup” and became its defender.
David Lloyd
Although David did not in the outer consciousness know the Law nor the I AM
Presence and Christ Self, yet his Christ Self did know what was to come. So when his
attention was called to the possibility of making the Ascension, and by dwelling on it,
that gave his Christ Self the opportunity to prepare his feeling world. Thus was set into
action by his Christ Self and Ascended Masters, assistance similar as to what the
students later received in the classes in the 1930’s.
During those years of search the sinister forces (the black magicians, discarnate
entities and the accumulated human creation were still here), knew of the Plan and
wanted to prevent David from attaining his Freedom.
So in this subtle cunning way they tried to make him think that he was lazy by not
rendering service to mankind but just seeking his own Freedom. That was the closest
he came to failing. At that time there was not the opportunity to render impersonal
service as now.
Like the fourth Wise Man who rendered certain service but did not accomplish
what he set out to do but the three Wise Men did. David could have rendered some
philanthropic service which is good for development for some individuals, at a certain
level of consciousness it can promote some progress. Many are giving partial truths
according to their understanding and doing the best they can.
But the Plan for David was to attain the goal, the Ascension.
Today we do not have to search like he did thru those many years of uncertainty.
Since we know the I am Presence, and that it but takes application, sufficient
application. Thru this knowledge, and while developing, one can render impersonal
service at the same time one is developing and making personal spiritual progress.
It was required of David to hold to the goal – the Ascension. But most people
need to render impersonal service before their Freedom comes.
David, like hundreds of students in the early release of this new Teaching, had
been in touch with Saint Germain in many embodiments before. He was also in the
civilization 70,000 years ago, and could have had his Freedom. Thus he (as many of
them) had the preparation which made the Victory, the Ascension possible in this
David did not have the understanding of the Law, the Transmuting Violet Flame,
etc. as we do now, but he wished he had. He was still under the occult law and was
having his training thru occult methods but in the outer world, instead of in a Retreat.
He thinks the tests and initiations were as difficult as any occult initiate had. The
reason for the (tests of) privations, difficulties and stress, which are the product of
one’s own human creation, was just to test whether the Light within the individual was
strong enough to continue in the endeavor.
So why let one’s own human creation longer interfere with one’s progress in the
The Light was strong enough in David that when the Master told him of the
Ascension, It enabled him to completely accept it in his feelings, which never
wavered, even though the intellect at times questioned. (To be continued)
July 15, Temple of Truth.
Aug. 15, Transylvania Retreat.
Sept. 15, Liberty Flame.
Oct. 15, Lord Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
Days to Recognize:
July 4, Independence Day.
July 22, Mighty Cosmos came forth.
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15, Mother Mary’s Ascension Day.
V.8 N.3, September-October, 32 A.F. (1986)
The Light, one’s Christ Self, Presence and Ascended Masters, reveal only that for
which the individual is ready. If more were revealed it would not be comprehended
nor utilized. Anyone’s idea other than that concerning It, is but the imagination of the
outer (activity) of the mind, and is not true.
David Lloyd
David did not even know what the Ascension was yet something within him took
and held command all thru his life. All thru those years of search his attention and
expectancy was on the Ascension, and the purification of his body went on.
In 1930 David had a very strong prompting to follow the statement, “Young man
go West”, but for a different purpose. After so many years of seeking and traveling
thousands of miles, and hiking hundreds of miles he arrived at Mount Shasta. It took
those many years for him to come to the point where he could turn the searching over to
the Presence (God, as he knew it then) and let it direct him, and he follow thru. Then
soon his search was ended.
By having only such fragmentary information, the only way he could win his
victory was if he was strong enough to follow that, it keep on until it came. Because he
was able to maintain harmony within himself enabled him to succeed.
Then on a particular day he was led, impelled just thru feeling, to go hiking on the
side of Mount Shasta. That day he wondered about his pursuit, he had thought “could it
be possible?” As he wondered a bit, then came a powerful charge thru them and he felt
rather ashamed of having had such a thought. Whenever he felt disappointment or like
giving up, there would always come from within that great impelling inner power
which could not be denied and he would go forth again. However, he always retained a
knowing of his final victory.
During his search he would think about that mountain he was to find. At one time
at lengthy intervals, for around three years, his human would talk back to him. To think
of finding the mountain among so many in North America, leave alone the man on it.
Then one day when that started again, he heard (mentally) something within him say,
calmly and very positively, “Stop that”. He did not know what it was as he did not
understand these things.
When one’s Christ Self from within takes command that puts an end of such
(human) things. In a similar manner that is what Mr. Ballard experienced on the street
in Los Angeles in 1929. Many students experience such actions, and that gives one a
freedom to go forth.
On that day he hiked up Mount Shasta and slept there that night. All he had in the
morning was a little fruit he had brought along. He ate it, then started hiking, he had a
strong urge to follow that trail. In about two hours he was high upon the mountain, and
came into this small clearing where he unexpectedly came to where Mr. Ballard was
sitting on a log, waiting for Saint Germain.
Thru the years while on his search, he was always expecting any moment to
contact or come across the man with the Cup who could help him. But this day he
perhaps expected it the least.
That morning Mr. Ballard left his lodge at four o’clock in the morning, arriving
there at that meeting place at ten-thirty. He sat down on the long to wait for Saint
Germain, Who had seven days previously instructed him to meet Him there at that time.
He got into deep contemplation and did not hear David approach.
David coming along saw him sitting on the log, when he got near he spoke, and
Mr. Ballard turned and responded; standing up he saw an old man with white hair and
beard, whom he took to be an old prospector. But then noticed his clothing was too
clean. They both thought the other was just on a hike. Little did David dream that that
was the Man, and that within the hour he would attain his complete Freedom. David
went up to him and held out his hand, which showed he was not laborer. For a moment
they both looked each other over and there was a feeling of peace and harmony which
both felt to the other. They talked on generalities for a bit. Then David said he would
like to tell him a story he had not told for a long time, and would like to try again,
within he knew Mr. Ballard would understand.
Mr. Ballard became very interested, then thought he might be thirsty. He reached
for the cup or dipper hanging on a wooden peg by the spring where they stood,
intending to offer him a drink of water. As he did so a crystal Cup was precipitated
into his hand, one like Saint Germain had offered him on a few occasions. That was the
first precipitation that occurred to him. He was greatly amazed. Upon seeing it, David
was transfixed, all that momentum and power within him rushed into action, and he
excitedly said, “It is he, it is he!” Because he recognized that was the Cup for which he
had sought for those many years. It was exactly like the one which the Master had
described to him. He thought his search was finished; he knew it was the end. It was
required of David to meet a certain lifestream whose inner consciousness would form
the point of contact between the Celestial Realms and the earth plane. Which would
enable him to ascend out of the human realm into the Ascended Masters’ Realm of
They both stood there in amazement looking at the Cup, watching It being filled
with sparkling Liquid, Mr. Ballard was even more astonished than David. From within
David came a deep calm joy of knowing. When It was full, Mr. Ballard being at a loss
as just what to do, offered It to David, who knew It was for him. He eagerly seized It
with both hands and without fear drank It as fast as possible, in very deep gratitude.
Every cell of his being was electrified. That great release of energy swept thru his
mental, and feeling worlds and physical body, thus in one mighty sweep purified his
body. Then he became very calm. During the next few moments he experienced
pleasantly, the Fire of Life, the electrical power charged thru every cell of his body.
This set into action the purifying of the dense substance produced by misqualifying
energy, this was swept out of his physical body and transmuted, releasing into action
the purifying substance.
After 15 or 20 minutes Mr. Ballard asked him to tell him the story. David had a
strong urge to tell him, although he had not felt that way for a long time. They sat down
on that log and David told him what had happened in India and of his search thru the
years, each year seemed as long as an age.
Then Mr. Ballard having no idea as to what he should do, innocently said, “What
am I supposed to do?” A great inner power surged thru both of them, and the Presence
thru David said, “Ask God to show you what to do! Ask the God in you who does
know!” Then all the momentum of years of expectancy of David, and all the power his
being went into action and released such power that made Mr. Ballard’s feel as if he
were stiffened. It caused his human self to recede out of the way and the Light from his
I AM Presence began to come down, and enfold him nearly lifting him into the air.
David watched It as It became brighter and brighter until they could scarcely look into
It. The Light enfolded Mr. Ballard’s head, shoulders and arms, down to the dividing
line between the heart and solar plexus.
He raised his hand in making the sign of the Great White Brotherhood, and asked
for Light, wisdom and power, and for God’s Will to be done for David. When he
lowered his hand a crystal Cup was in it, full with Light substance. He knew it was for
David, and offered It to him, and Mr. Ballard’s Presence spoke again, saying drink
without fear, your search is ended. David quickly drank It. When he saw the Cup that
released the momentum of energy in him which swept thru him. (To be continued)
Young people are made to believe that marriage spells happiness. No matter how
bad parents’ marriage turned out to be, they still let the children believe that is the way
to happiness.
One need not experience a thing to know it, as people think. By observation, etc.,
one can know the various troubles and problems others have in family life, without
becoming a part of experiencing the same. One can understand their emotions and
thinking or lack of thinking. By thinking these things thru is why some people have
avoided getting into it. Instead of blindly entering in, thru emotions or sex drive and
false hope, that marriage was the way to happiness.
One gets to just where his own energy puts him, in spite of other beliefs.
The Ascended Masters say that the only true happiness comes from one’s own I
AM Presence and the fulfilling of one’s own Divine Plan. When one gets married
he/she has not only his/her own karma to handle, but that of the other person as well,
usually also that of the two families.
It used to be that girls were supposed to, and did make “hope chest”, but it often
turned out that what they got was “Pandora’s box” instead.
Marriage as the ideal or goal in life is a false portrayal, a false assumption. It is
only of the human, and not the real path to the happiness each one seeks. Parents
perpetrate that false hope upon their children instead of pointing out the facts.
Human beings look to other human beings to obtain happiness. Whereas real and
permanent happiness comes only from within, by attunement with one’s own Source. In
many there is a deep inner desire to become whole again, which is only in the I AM
Presence, and it is for that they are really looking. But the outer or human self perverts
it into sense gratification.
We should look to our Source, the I AM Presence for our supply not to a pay
check. What is important is to render service, learn to render impersonal service. Most
people want a big-paying position, and want all the luxuries, thinking that is the way to
happiness. Always looking to the outer. All the luxuries, sense gratifications are but
sack cloth and ashes compared to the experience of letting the Divine Currents flow
For those who are at that level of consciousness, where they think they need all of
that, it can be a balancing action if they work it right, but on the other hand it can hinder
their progress and delay or abort what they were to do in this embodiment. Everyone
should think these things thru and not just jump in and later when it is too late say, they
just didn’t think. Many marriages take place that way, and many come about because
one challenged the other to decide right then, or it would be all off. That usually turns
out to be a mistake. It would be better to go thru a disappointment than to get tied up in
a deal like that. The use of a little common sense is the part of wisdom.
It is possible for a couple who both want to serve the Light to get married and to
do so. Some have done it. But many who vehemently proclaimed they would stay in the
Light that it would make no difference, soon were engulfed in all the outer world
passions and activities.
The idea of marrying is so predominate that the merits of single people is
overlooked. In the past, single persons, men and women have contributed much to the
benefits, progress and development of mankind and country, thru roles of: scholar,
explorer, adventurer, sportsman, teacher, nursing, social worker, and in literature and
So to choose a career instead of marriage should not be discouraged, and
everyone should have the freedom to so choose, without ma’s pressure that one should
marry. Much energy is used (utilized) to make a go of marriage, which could be used
more productively in other fields; and especially now in serving the Light.
Some young people and others too, do not want their feelings restrained, they feel
that is interfering with their freedom. However, that is not what freedom means. For it
is using the liberty given each one in the beginning, in a wrong manner. Young people
are determined to have their way and that no one interfere with their free will to do as
they please. Take into their bodies whatever they want and express themselves in
whatever manner they choose. Thus they will do things even animals will not. We
attribute human beings as having more intelligence than animals. Hence they should
know and have better behavior.
So many get married and expend their vital energies rearing children and just
trying to get along with each other. Thus spend the best part of their lifetime rearing
children, who then go do the same thing too. Like a merry-go-round; there is no end.
Like under the Law of Moses, an eye for an eye, etc., and there is no way that the
karmic debt can ever be paid in that process. They have a family, rear their children
and acquire pride in what they have done, and receive praise from others but will still
have to take care of their karma, the human creation.
In the last two generations children were made or let to believe that whatever they
wanted and asked for from whosoever, they were to get. Main theme was to have fun,
and get whatever they wanted, their way.
Ideals are fine and are bits of remembrances from the higher Realms, but the outer
world is not that way. Children should learn that that is the way it is, here. Also that
they are here for a purpose, and that purpose is to attain mastery over vibration energy
and substance. Also that money cannot buy this. We are here in these conditions and
circumstances because we have things to correct within ourselves.
A certain action of Freedom was started in the early 1930’s. But many people
have used it wrongly, and there was brought about the action and desire for free
expression, without discrimination. This resulted in less or no discipline, with or
allowing full expression of the emotions which are of the human and not the Divine. So
the last two generations have en masse gotten into alcohol, drugs and sense
gratification, that life here was just to have fun, and for pleasure. Instead of taking
advantage of this great opportunity to gain real Freedom, most people exerted their
efforts to do as they please in the human way. One cannot participate in any of these
and go beyond a certain point of development.
So-called love and marriage stem from the quality of Divine Love, from the
Three-fold Flame, without the wisdom and power, hence without the balance of the
three, which should always be employed. In the human realm it is usually perverted.
When power alone is pursued it ends up in destroying its creator (the person who
drew it forth). As was the case with Hitler.
From the Divine standpoint, and as it was originally with mankind before the
“fall”, the greatest love between two individuals is between Twin Rays.
Early in Christianity, the church did not perform marriages that was under civil
jurisdiction. Only in the 1600’s did some ministers and clergymen perform marriages,
which was much opposed by some. It was only in the 18th century that it was made
legal for them to do it.
It is interesting to note that the first miracle of Jesus mentioned in the Gospels set
the keynote for the education of the age. At the wedding at Cana Jesus turned water into
wine for the happiness and well-being of those present. Looking at it the from the inner
standpoint, of His educational purpose for human beings was to attain the marriage of
the outer consciousness with the Christ Consciousness. Then the Christ principle can
act and become the wedding guest. Then wine, the symbol of the energy of spirit (God,
the I AM Presence), is produced sufficiently for all.
Days to Recognize:
Sept. 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest at Shamballa.
Oct. 3, Commemorate the day Saint Germain gave the first Dictation on the Word I
AM (God’s Name in action).
Oct. 19, Surrender of British Forces at Yorktown.
Oct. 31, Elementals’ Harvest at Shamballa. Hallowe’en.
Sept. 15, Temple of Liberty, the Three-fold Flame.
Oct. 15, Maha Chohan’s Retreat, the Comfort Flame.
Nov. 15, Shamballa.
Dec. 15, Teton Retreat.
V.8 N.4, November-December, 32 A.F. (1986)
David Lloyd
(Continued from last issue)
The Light around Mr. Ballard was from his own I AM Presence. He stepped
forward reaching out, David responded involuntarily, extending his arms, and they took
a hold of each other’s hands which made the connection. As they touched, a strong
current of energy was released from Mr. Ballard’s Presence which rushed thru David’s
physical body and feeling world. That released the energy and power from his own
Presence, charging thru him, thru every cell, like lighting. This made him feel as if
every cell of his body was gasping, sort of like when one grasps for breath. That was
produced by the sudden powerful purification of the structure of his physical body.
This great power of the Three-fold Flame surged thru David, expanding the points
of Light in every cell of his body.
When the light in the cells of the physical body have expanded enough the density
with which one has clothed them by discord will be dissolved to the extend where the
earth will lose its attraction for the physical body and the purification physical body is
naturally drawn to the Presence, because all discord and pressure of earth are gone.
Thus was swept out and transmuted all impurity that retained, the sense of weight
of diminished, and each moment he felt lighter and lighter.
Thru the connection with Mr. Ballard, all of David’s human accumulation was
transmuted and the pull of Light from above was strong enough to raise his physical
body into the air.
They were both astonished as his feet left the earth crashing an indescribable
feeling in him. His body rose into the air as far as Mr. Ballard could reach, then they
let go of each other’s hands. His body ascended till his feet were between 15 and 20
feet or so above Mr. Ballard’s head. In that vibratory action he had no human thoughts
of concepts.
As David stood there in midair which felt as firm as standing on the ground or on
a floor, he knew the great wisdom was acting and he just accepted and rejoiced in the
accomplishment of the Ascension taking place. In such great gratitude, no words can
express, he stood there looking at Mr. Ballard, with no thought of himself.
David was in his hiking clothes, and he still retained most of the appearances of
his outer self as he rose into the atmosphere. He knew his victory had come. He
realized then that all that had been told him by the Master was really true, but had been
little comprehended by him. Mr. Ballard being so changed with the power and Light
evidently had no thought at all.
When he had adjusted to that charge, to the vibratory action, he felt all density of
the physical body gone and he felt the purified part, the purified physical body within
the etheric body, and outer consciousness rise, ascend.
The remaining accumulated misqualified energy in the four lower bodies was all
dissolved and transmuted while standing in midair. The atomic structure which was
built upon the points of Light, the Light pattern of the etheric body was only transmuted
when he entered the Christ Self, and that is when the transformation took place.
As he entered into the radiance of and was absorbed into his Christ Self, all
appearances of age left his form and he returned to the fullness of youth as of 20 years
of age, His ordinary suit of clothes he was wearing quickly dissolved and changed into
garments of Light of the higher Realms. Thus the transformation from the human into the
Divine took place. He became neuter in gender, because that is the way the Christ Self
is; the heart is in the center and not to one side. He stood there looking at Mr. Ballard
with no thought of what was taking place with himself, except knowing the part of
wisdom was acting. He just felt eternal gratitude to Mr. Ballard, who was standing on
the ground looking at him, the Light still enfolding him. David knew Mr. Ballard was
seeing it very clearly, he saw his facial expression change. David felt it and was aware
of it. Not having a mirror he did not see the process of the change taking place.
That charge of energy released thru Mr. Ballard released David from all ties to
earth. The I AM Presence spoke thru Mr. Ballard telling David he was free and to
ascend. Mr. Ballard did not consider he had anything to do with it mentally or
physically. Then for a moment David’s attention went back to himself and he looked
down and could see himself, it was as if a mirror was before him. However, he was
seeing from the standpoint of the Christ Self now and did not really need a mirror. As
he observed himself, he saw himself as He really was, His garments were magnificent,
and the texture of His body was changed. He marveled at this. The fullness of His
release from all human came after He was absorbed into the Christ Self.
His garments were like those he had often dreamed of having, when he was
between ten and 14 years of age. But upon awakening, in disappointment he had to put
on his regular every-day clothes. Those so-called dreams were actually the
remembrances of what he experienced at inner levels while out of the body. In early
boyhood he had daydreams as many people have of being clothed in beautiful
garments, which are really reflections or memory of inner experiences. But now it was
reality for him.
The purified substance or rather the purified physical body and outer
consciousness was raised into the vibratory action of that which the Christ Self already
is. The vibratory action of the Christ Self of human beings in much higher or faster than
that of their physical bodies. But the Christ Self can before one ascends, make Itself
visible and tangible to the physical senses. So to become visible to the physical sight,
after the Ascension one can in the Christ Self step out of the Electronic Body, lower the
vibratory action and become visible. But one does not separate oneself from the Christ
Self. It is similar to, when we are in the physical body before the Ascension, we can
function in the etheric body, while out of the physical body.
David felt the great change, as he was released from all the density, the
misqualified energy, which was like substance all around the body, and the density of
the structure of the physical body, was released and transmuted, all that could not go
with him just left the body, releasing him back into the life from where he came.
Although the accumulated misqualified energy was transmuted, yet the complete
transformation, the blood being changed into or replaced with liquid golden Light, the
transmutation of the flesh and bones only took place when the body entered the
radiance of and the Body of the Christ Self.
David standing in the air, said to Mr. Ballard, that He would return and render
him service for the service he had rendered Him in making the Ascension. That Mr.
Ballard was the only one thru whom this could have been done. If Mr. Ballard had not
been there David could not have made the Ascension.
Then He felt a strong pull from above. He felt the current descend from His I AM
Presence, and as He looked up He saw a Ray of crystal white Light, self-luminous
Intelligent substance, then in a few moments He saw His I AM Presence. It enveloped
Him in Its radiance and He felt Himself rapidly ascending. To the sight of Mr. Ballard
David in His Christ Self disappeared within that Ray of Light. But David could still
see him, and was aware of him being there even as He himself was absorbed into the
Electronic Body of His I AM Presence. David longed to draw Mr. Ballard along with
him but something within Him made Him know Mr. Ballard still had a service to
render here.
Mr. Ballard saw the Ray of Light from David’s Presence descend but did not see
the Presence.
Note: While all that was going on, David was fully conscious, wide alert and
self-conscious, but did not interfere in any way with his own thought or feeling, with
what was going on. There was no hypnotic, trance or such condition like one feels
when under the influence of dope or alcohol. So to make the Ascension, to make the
while yet functioning in a physical body one has to be able to retain full self-
consciousness in that very intense Light and not seek out. Can you do it?
The I AM Presence of unascended (human) beings does not know of a person’s
imperfections out here, but the Christ Self does, It knows both, the conditions here and
also the perfection of the Higher Realms. It waits and waits for the outer self to start
giving attention to the Presence so It can release what is required in the outer.
The purified substance or purified part of the physical body and the
discriminating selective activity of the Intelligence of the Christ Self entered with Him
into the Electronic Body of His I AM Presence. That is why or how an Ascended
Being knows the imperfection and requirements of human beings, yet the Presence of
an unascended being does not.
As David realized He had entered into great Freedom, His joy and happiness
knew no bounds. Then Saint Germain on the inner, clasped His hand and said “Accept
My congratulations on Your Freedom”. In the Ascended State then in one day one can
serve almost as much as one can in one lifetime here.
The Presence works at Cosmic levels and according to the attention given to It
does It release energy thru the Christ Self to the outer self.(Concludes the action of
It may surprise you to learn that sometimes a hundred embodiments, nay, often a
thousand embodiments are entailed before a chela comes in direct contact with one the
Ascended Host either thru his own consciousness or another’s. Then the first conscious
association, the first word, the first visitation, the first parting of the veil, fills the chela
with enthusiasm, zeal and a tremendous acceleration of spiritual desire, but very often,
alas, the proximity of the Master, the very naturalness of the association, the
comradeship, soon becomes so “humanly natural” to the outer sense that the chela loses
the import of the partnership and is inclined to slip again into a lethargic state wherein
the acceptance of such association does not draw forth the Light which the original
contact was designed to manifest.
Again and again have I seen this happen thru the ages, that is why I have become
extremely reticent in allowing any dispensation or grant by which the Chohans and
Masters Who work under Me may consciously contact unascended beings. I fine as a
rule that in Their great Love and generosity They are bound to invest more energy than
They get in return thru the application of the chela and the disappointment to the Master
as well as the necessity of His making up to the Cosmic Law for such investment in
added concentrated service is such that wisdom has caused Me to forbear often from
allowing some dear and blessed Being to reach a chela even of great merit.
I speak of this because in the designing of the Bulletin it was My specific idea to
create “a tie that binds” between MY Heart, My Consciousness and My Presence and
every individual who found My Words, My Light and My Energy worthwhile and then I
hoped on the return current thru the replies of the students to further strengthen that
bond, building for a day that is coming when mankind, the animal and nature kingdom
will require comfort more than I care to describe to you in words. The Cosmic Law
demands, that the frail span between Our lifestreams and yours be sustained by the
energy of your worlds if the light, love, inspiration and Divine Comfort from Our
Realm is to reach yours, because the conscious bean of your sustained attention,
interest and energy provides the bridge over which Our Rays travel. Lord Maha
Those students who understand this Ascended Master Teaching can thru
application fortify themselves against undesirable suggestions whether just going out of
someone or when deliberately projected at them. By having drawn the Pillar of Light
protection and the Activity of the Transmuting Violet Flame, one can not only repel the
suggestions but by the Light pouring forth it can be dissolved and transmuted. This way
it will not affect anyone else either, otherwise it moves slow until it finds reception by
someone and then goes into action. So when we feel such things we should instantly
call forth the Light to transmute it so it cannot act thru anyone. Thus by transmuting it in
the Violet Flame, will bless even the creator of it.
Everyone is free and must choose. One cannot go on exercising his human desires
and gain Freedom. One must have purity and Divine desires to become a Divine Being.
The students were prompted to repel and not accept suggestions directed at them
which would intensify their wrong desires.
There is a fiat of Life that in case a great, or world-wide destruction took place,
the great Cosmic Light would be released and dissolve and transmute all viciousness
from the planet earth.
Since the students in the latter 1930’s were calling in the authority of Life with
understanding and in great earnestness, various Dispensations were granted. Because
of this the Master Jesus contended that the Dispensations asked for should be granted
by the Central Sun. And if necessary He would go in person to obtain the
Dispensations, whereby the Cosmic Light might be released to prevent this last throe of
destruction in the world, instead of the Light following after it.
Thru the students’ application, the release of increased Cosmic Light and the
release of Dispensations that great destruction has been held off for all this time.
The Goddess of Purity said October 1, 1939. That wing to the great need, the
Cosmic Light demanded more purity in the feeling world of the student body. That
purity in the thought and feeling was perhaps needed the most of all the Divine
Qualities, by mankind.
Particularly in 1930’s, because of the great need, the students had much assistance
thru radiation, along with their application. Hence their inner bodies became different
from that of the masses, and it did distinguish them from others.
People coming into this work now want to do their own way instead of life the
majority in the early work, who were willing to forego that and cooperate with what
the Masters wanted to do and accomplish.
However, the basic work will remain thru the years. Even Jesus’ work of nearly
2,000 years ago, although very distorted is still acknowledged today. But the impostors
of His time are unknown. Yet they or some of them may be in embodiment doing the
same thing now with this new Teaching.
But there is one consolation in regard to this. Since the door having been closed
for reembodiment, they are being eliminated. Hence Saint Germain’s work will be able
to go forward and bring perfection forth for the earth, which will probably take a few
hundred years. Some of those characters of Jesus’ time are now Ascended.
This Ascended Master Instructions the new Teaching for the New Age under the
authority of Saint Germain, was premeditated, devised and constructed by Ascended
Masters backed by Cosmic Law and Cosmic Beings, devised to accomplish Cosmic
results necessary to save and sustain the planet earth in this system. Furthermore, to
develop the process whereby each planet in the system could move forward one
position. Then also each system move forward one position.
Days to Recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Souls’ Day,
Nov. 27, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Masters’ and mankind’s Harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas.
Dec. 26 or so to Jan. 1, the Karmic Board in session.
Dec. 31, Violet Flame Cauldron. Every human being who had some embodiment
during the year, if even for only one hour, is individually taken and dunked in the Violet
Flame Cauldron, and purged of karma created with no wrong intent. Students may call
several times to be taken there. The Beings are happy to give that added assistance
because they understand what is being done.
Nov. 15, Shamballa.
Dec. 15, Teton Retreat.
V.8 N.5, January-February, 32 A.F. (1987)
Mr. Ballard is the only one to whom They projected the Light and Sound Ray to
give dictations; and later the other method of flashing the words in letters of living
golden Light. It takes too much energy to train one and then use these methods. He also
had to have and thus had to be given the understanding and fortification.
In the 1930’s, while Mr. Ballard was here it was maintained that the Ascended
Masters were giving instructions only thru him, not anyone else that They had
withdrawn what action or radiation They were giving to metaphysical and occult
organizations and were all focusing and cooperating with Saint Germain’s Endeavor.
Hence They were concentrating all efforts thru the I AM Activity. They endeavored
and hoped to unify all spiritual teachings.
But around 1942 that action changed somewhat, and some Masters not so active
with the Activity, again made some endeavor to work thru Their students as before.
At the time of Jesus He was the only one who gave or could give his Teaching.
When the 20-year period allotted to the Ballard ended, Saint Germain, went with
Master Morya, to Helios and Vesta in the Sun and got another 20-year period in which
to endeavor to get the Ascended Master Teaching to more people, remove certain
destructive forces, change certain things, attain certain Cosmic accomplishments and
expand the Light on the planet, which were not done but needed to be done.
Master Morya was the spearhead in this New Endeavor to save Saint Germain’s
In the 1940’s, on Long Island, New York, Mrs. Mary Innocente had a small group
in connection with the I AM Activity. One night in 1944, Geraldine Innocente and her
mother were sitting in their home before the fire in the fire place (which the Master
Morya likes). Suddenly Geraldine was aware of a Presence in the room which startled
her for a bit. Then she realized it was Master Morya. She said to her mother (who was
not aware of His Presence), “Master Morya is here”. Her mother said, “What does He
want?”… He did ask or suggest for her to make certain application daily. This was
around the same time Mrs. Ballard began to get dictations as of her method. The rule is
They prepare more than one so if one does not work out They have another one to fall
back on.
In 1945, Morya told Geraldine that the Lord Maha Chohan would like to give a
series of Discourses thru her. She thought it over and consented to do it. He came to the
group of 13, known as the Inner Circle, once a week to give instruction in an endeavor
to awaken their (sleeping) consciousness; and from then on they were in continuous
communication with the Masters.
Because of what was accomplished in the Theosophical Society thru the
lifestream of the Philadelphia group Director (Mrs. Frances Ekey) as Mme. Blavatsky,
Morya realized they had been able to do certain work thru her. He interceded with the
Karmic Board to give her another opportunity thru grace, to redeem past karma thru
service to the Light. So she was drawn somewhat unwillingly into Their New
Endeavor. In March 1952, she made the decision, she once said Being the Director of
that forcefield, she was later endowed with power and was made the spearhead of the
New Activity, The Bridge To Freedom, *
They also drew in the group Director Mrs. Mildred Boos who had the I AM
Activity in New York City. These two with Geraldine I, were the three that formed the
triangle at the top of this New Endeavor that the Masters were promoting. The three
were the authority for the activity in the outer.
The Cosmic Law permitted Them to invest the lifestream of F. E. with the
responsibility to rekindle the Life Flame of the student body; since it was not possible
to avoid the opposition of Mrs. Ballard.
Masters Morya, Saint Germain and Serapis wrote letters to Mrs. Ballard just
prior to the first release of “The Bridge” magazine April 1, 1952. Morya tells her: “It
falls upon your shoulders to lead the peoples in the Way of the Masters, Whom you
serve.” They state the purpose of the magazine. (*TDB 25f)
Morya’s response to a group Director’s desire for a detailed understanding of the
Divine Plan and her part in it; received August 29, 1952.
The Plan and main objective of the New Endeavor and particularly of Master
Morya was to get Sanat Kumara released.
“We have not been able to release this Plan to our chelas in its fullness, while the
choice and decision of Mrs. Ballard yet hung in the balance. Courtesy and spiritual law
require that those who have served Us well be given the first opportunity to carry the
new Life Wave over which the spiritual currents of a new Dispensation will ride into
the world of men, and the souls and spirits of those desirous of receiving them. We
have offered her every such opportunity and courtesy, but she has denied Us the right to
expand God’s Kingdom and this, of a certainty, is no part of Love’s Plan!
“The Great God from Whose Bosom We all came into being, in Love, allowed
each individualized Ray from His Heart, the joy of becoming co-creator with Him, not
as automaton, but as a Self-conscious Being whose initiative would enable Him to
“grasp” God ideas and develop them, growing and unfolding in God-consciousness
thereby. Can the finite expand His Kingdom when, by its very nature, it opposes the
original scheme of creative co-operative endeavor?
“Truly, in every age, has the Messenger of God been chosen to receive and
dispense The Word and enable those who had, for one reason or another, lost their
individual contact with the Higher Mind, to know the Will of God and to incorporate
that Will into the fibers of their living? To avoid confusions and contradictions, this
Contact was almost without exception vested In One Individual of good repute, lest the
conflicting directives of “the many” might make for greater chaos than if no one had
such Divine Access to the Throne of Grace.
“The measure, always, of the Messenger and the Message has been its similarity
to the nature and purpose of the God Head – Love, Freedom, Purity, Justice, Tolerance,
Mercy and Faith. When either the nature of the Messenger or the Message veered
permanently from that measure, other means had to be found to lead those who
signified willingness to follow the God Will to the best of their individual talents,
capacities, power and understanding. Such is now the case.
“We are given a span of approximately 20 years to spread the Light of Truth
across the earth, to acquaint every soul in every clime with the Law of Life, and We
must begin… Although the wheels have been set into motion, much remains to be
accomplished. The earth must be prepared to vibrate at the speed of Venus, and our
gracious Lord Sanat Kumara must be allowed to return to His planetary Home – this in
spite of any or all personalities that seek, for selfish reasons, to condense the Truth of
God into a human measure. And so, you and others who choose to open yourselves to
the onrushing Christ Force may become those open doors by which We may reach the
sons of men.
“The nucleus of Saint Germain’s New Endeavor centers around the Thinking
people, and not those who are of the mass mind, and from those Thinking people will
be chosen those who will, in turn step down Truth and infiltrate the mass mind in every
“Lack of organization and the delegation of power in the past, has caused the
present ‘bottleneck’ in the expansion of the Truth which Saint Germain drew forth and
which He invested with His full gathered momentum of Love Divine. The organization
of Heaven is so exact, and the manifestation of God’s Will delegated with such
precision, that it would be well for the sons of men to look heavenward in endeavoring
to become a focus for that Will and Design in the outer world.”
This was Their Plan. Denied the opportunity to lend a hand in co-operating with
the activities already established in Saint Germain’s Name, Saint Germain said:
“Now is the time for action. Given a dozen good men (students) I shall begin
again to train them in drawing, directing, and radiating the power of God. If you choose
to come with Me, that is fine. But in any case, We shall move onward for the Seventh
Ray must shine, and We shall find a way to make Its Radiance felt in the hearts of those
who can become, in fact, Freedom incarnate, here and now.”
*in the physical realm. The Great Beings made it so.
It was never supposed to be a separate activity. But the Masters gave the group
Directors a suggested outline for the activities which was similar in nature to that
which was being used in the outer activity. That we shall continue to decree but in a
manner which They would explain in order that the perfect service would be rendered.
Much of the energy released in the other activity is useless to Them. We were also
informed there was also energy to be transmuted and redeemed from previous
Now the students were being given a new opportunity to balance their karma and
render service to mankind and the earth. The students were left with a choice and there
was no compromise. Either they choose the bondage of the past, standing in the one
place forever, listening to the same fundamental lessons year in and year out in order to
claim a place for yourself at her feet, or you choose a wider path where there is
Freedom to expand and grow and serve in the greater Cause. The decision rests
entirely with each one. (The above was given to the New York students)
Neither your decision nor her’s nor mine nor will all mankind’s put together alter
the evolution of the earth or the cosmic scheme. But if you wish to be an ascending part
of that scheme and not a laggard longer, you will find that opportunity in this New Gift
from the Master’s own Heart Flame. (That was from Saint Germain. Following :)
“To those of you who cannot yet respond to the Truth within these words nor see –
for the blinding veil of personal prejudice – the vision of a free people and a free
planet I say:
“I do not desire to place the Honor Flame of Cosmic Freedom which is to be the
vestment of my Spiritual Ambassadors of the future – into the hands or hearts of
individuals who are not thoroughly convinced that the souls of men are more important
than the personal dictates of any unascended being.”
Excerpts from Master Morya’s overture to Mrs. Ballard previous to the first issue
of “The Bridge”, dated Feb. 28, 1952, and given to a contact of His in England.
“We commend the admirable development of your Life expression which couples
extreme sensitivity to the Will of the Higher Powers with dynamic activity in
fulfillment of those impressed directives.”
“I enclose a Journal dedicated to the comfort of the great masses in the 20-year
period of transition which lies immediately ahead… Contact Me further in the usual
way, but do not allow a block in your receptivity occasioned by any personal
prejudice or pre-disposed plans, for this always affects the accuracy and worth of your
transmission. Your obedient servant, MORYA (Refer to TDB pp14f)
Serapis’ letter to Mrs. Ballard, most of it is in TDB pp 28f, except the following:
“No. 4. Give the people who Love Us a connecting link with the Masters to hold
them upon the Path, when your great mission is completed, until they are ready for the
personal, visible, conscious contact toward which all aspire. 5. Keep the enthusiasm
of the people alive thru constantly feeding them with the inspiring activities of the
Brothers, for, from their enthusiasm comes the Fire of Life – and this is the requirement
of the Lords of Karma – that our earth and its people emit more Light. 6. Let Sanat
Kumara have His Freedom NOW. 7. Give the people the encouragement of having a
Center of common interest into which they can pour their hopes, aspirations, the
produce of their talents, and the result of any localized efforts, which binds each unit in
the one design. Serapis. (This letter was the birth of The Bridge”)
The planetary need was very great and Saint Germain’s Activity had all but
failed, there was almost desperation in heaven. The Masters sent letters to some
students, offering an opportunity to assist, explaining the need and the requirement.
Mrs. Ballard was also given the same opportunity, and to increase her usefulness in the
Cause several others were also contacted in the hope of benefitting the Cause. Mrs.
Ekey, responded along with Mrs. Boos, and all the others refused for various reasons.
When the offer was made to Mrs. Ballard, it was with no thought of a break in the
already established activities, but rather only an elucidation and expansion of certain
phases of the work which were necessary.
“The Endeavor of the Brotherhood was to expand the Light thru the organism
already established thru the kind and arduous endeavors of Mr. and Mrs. Ballard thru
the past 20 years, to save the necessity of creating again a complete Spiritual Body,
and it was in July of this year (1952) at the Council that it was made abundantly
evident that no such transfusion of Spiritual Forces could be effected, because the
permanent atom in the Heart (Mrs. Ballard) of that order, thru free will, chose not to
accept this outpouring.” Lord Maha Chohan, Nov. 2, 1952.
(To be continued)
In the I AM Discourses Vol. 3 page 304, Saint Germain says: “In all this amount
of instruction that has been given, it is but a fragment which the student must build
upon.” Then you were supposed to believe you should take the Fundamental lessons
every six months! That that was the Master’s orders!
A good way to find your Ray is to repeat over the names of the different Chohans
and then wait for the vibration which will strike thru your energy when you reach the
One which corresponds to your natural heritage. (Maha Chohan, Bulletin V. 1 #24)
A concentration of power flows thru the Causal Body of the Godhead,
emphasizing the Gifts, power and activities of each sphere successively in the course
of the seven-day cycle. Helios and Vesta, thru the natural process of living, radiate
electronic Light from the Heart Center of Their Being thru all the various spheres, but,
in each 24-hour period, They emphasize the gifts and powers of one sphere
particularly thru the great Elohim, Archangels and Chohans Who represent that Sphere
and Ray.
This accounts for the fact that individuals are more vital on the day when their
Ray is accentuated. Individuals who are not members of the Ray which is active in the
24 hour period can magnetize these currents thru themselves by wearing the color of
that Ray during this period if they choose to do so.
Guardian Spirits – spirits, is an expression, rather abstract, which they used but
can be confusing. It refers to individual Beings usually from other planets and Spheres
who came to earth to guard and assist the evolution on earth. They already had various
grades or decrees of development and maturity when They came. Some were even
Jan. 15, thru Feb. 14, Transylvania Retreat, Freedom Flame, Saint Germain
Feb. 15 thru Mar. 14, Retreat at Darjeeling, Divine Will, Master Morya.
Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14, Meru’s Retreat, Illumination Flame, Lord Meru.
Apr. 15 thru May 14, Resurrection Flame, Resurrection Temple, Jesus and Mary.
May 15 thru June 14, Ascension Temple, Ascension Flame, Serapis.
June 15 thru July 14, Teton Retreat, Precipitation Flame, Lord Confucius.
Days to Recognize:
Jan. 21, Sanat Kumara left for Venus.
Feb. 12, Lincoln’s Birthday.
Feb 21, Lord Gautama returned to earth in His Light Body.
Feb 22, Washington’s Birthday.
V.8 N.6, March-April, 32 A.F. (1987)
At that time in the Chicago class July 1952, Mrs. Ballard announced that there
was a magazine being put out called “The Bridge”, and that is was psychic. A few days
later she mentioned it again and said that they had taken the material from “our (the
Ballard’s) work”.
In the 1940’s, one time when they were in Chicago to attend Mrs. Ballard’s class,
Mrs. Ekey shared a room with Geraldine I. Mrs. Ekey felt Mrs. Ballard had slighted
her in some way, and was fretting about it. Gerry said to her that Master Morya says, to
dry her tears that He was still interested in her welfare from the days of Madam
After that Mrs. Ekey told Mrs. Ballard, that Gerry, claimed to have a connection
with the Ascended Masters. The next time Mrs. Ballard saw Gerry at a class, she
called her to her private office, made her face the Chart and made some cabalistic
signs over her which were supposed to exorcise any spirits (good or evil) which
would interfere with her (Mrs. Ballard’s) work.
Then for seven years the Ascended Masters made no attempt to communicate thru
Gerry with Mrs. Ekey. Although They were in communication with the Innocente’s
group, the Inner Circle (13 of them) once a week.
By the time the 20-year period ended which had been allotted to the Ballards,
Sanat Kumara should have been enabled to be freed, and mankind and the planet earth
should have been ready to go into the next orbit. But after Mr. Ballard left, things go
stifled and the Great Ones were not permitted and could not do what was needed, and
which They wanted to do. Because of free will of the one at the helm, who was in
control of the activity; instead of letting the Presence and the Masters control it, she
denied Them the right to expand the Light and activity.
But They got another Dispensation of 20 years. Most of the I AM students who
were the best prepared and most likely to accept the issue the Masters were promoting,
would not even do so. But the Masters went ahead with the few who did.
Then again at the end of that 20-year period allotted for the transition, the planet
was supposed to be ready to move into the next orbit but that did not occur. However,
enough was accomplished that has enabled the planet to be sustained this far.
Already on October 22, 1939, the Divine Director said, that every human being in
embodiment was at the dividing of the ways. That each one would have to make the
decision for the Light or otherwise. That people were not going to have more
embodiments. The earth and its people had to emit more Light. (Dec. 1939 Voice; page
Mrs. Ballard refused the offer contained in the letters from the Masters (refer to
TDB 14f, 28f) and was evidently convinced or determined to believe that they and
“The Bridge” Journal were not genuine. (Remember Napoleon; and Queen Elizabeth,
who prevented Francis Bacon’s ascension to the throne, and uniting the States of
Europe). She did denounce the publication and all who were concerned with it, in her
meetings. However, certain students who received letters and invitations to designated
meetings of “The Bridge”, did follow their own promptings from the Presence and
became a part of it. They believed these letters were genuine and that the Masters had
come and were pleasing for the opportunity to assist in raising this planet so it would
not fail at that point and fall into dissolution, which had been threatening it for some
time, but that it would pass the final tests. Because thru the (previous years especially
thru the) 1930’s, the Great Ones had expended such a tremendous amount or energy and
time in saving the planet. Bu the following years They could not do what was needed
to be done.
These letters were real, the instruction and information authentic, and it was not
domination or/and prejudice of any unascended being. The information in these letters
was given to the amanuensis who typed them and sent them thru the mail in the regular
It was for each one to decide whether he/she would worship the gift within the
cup or the hand that, up to then, had held the Cup. So as for us we blest the hand that
held the Cup, but it was for us to accept the gift within the Cup and render what service
we could. It was again a separating of the sheep and goats.
“The Bridge” was not meant to replace the “Voice” magazine but to supplement it.
Many of us felt something needed to be done and were looking for it. At that time the
“Voice” was very still. Mrs. Ballard was too occupied with outer activities, to get the
magazine out, or to attend to the Youth who needed comfort and instruction from the
Masters. These were sacrificed for construction of buildings, cities, motion pictures
and pageants, which had less bearing on the planetary problems and were not pertinent
need of the moment. She was proceeding to get her plans done.
The first publication was a Journal called “The Bridge”, which was issued April
1952. It came out in sheet form, for the first year and was printed in and distributed
from Havana, Cuba. The energies of Mr. Pita gave the first impetus to “The Bridge”.
He was a chela of Master Morya’s of long standing and was in charge. He held a high
position in the government there.
For April 1953 the format was changed and it came out in pamphlet form, the
name was altered and became “The Bridge To Freedom”. Mrs. Ekey the group
Director of Philadelphia was in charge. It was printed in and distributed from there.
She was also the associated editor with Thomas Printz, which was a pen name Morya
assumed for this purpose.
Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin began to be released in May, 1952, thru the New
York Sanctuary. Early in 1953 it was taken out to the Innocente home at Halesite on
Long Island, and put out from there. It became a weekly release of instruction mostly
by the Lord Maha Chohan.
In 1952, Master Morya wrote letters to some He considered “likely” individuals
who would listen to Him and cooperate with Him. As other students were drawn
together who felt that the Masters were behind this Endeavor and were willing to
dedicate themselves to the Endeavor, some were drawn into the Inner Circle.
In the beginning we did not know who was getting the messages, as Morya
intended to stay “behind the veil” so to speak, and also the contact who was of a rather
retiring nature, and not an outgoing person. She did not care for public speaking. That
was assigned to the two group Directors. They conducted the group meetings, gave out
some new instruction and let the decrees, along with new information.
Certain students, mostly of the I AM Activity, were invited to meetings held in
New York City Sanctuary, by some Masters thru letters. Then those very dedicated, in
1953 were invited to special meeting which turned out to be the Inner Circle. There
then it was revealed who the contact was.
This activity gave great opportunity to expand the Light. The intent was to do this
primarily thru the preparation and distribution of the literature, not only to those
already acquainted with the spiritual law, out those yet in orthodox channels who seek
a greater illumination within their own beliefs, first, and when property educated they
will walk forward on the path into service of a more spiritual nature.
All depended upon the action of those delegated to serve for the Brotherhood who
must move forward and cannot await procrastination… Opportunity is offered, even
the attainment of the Ascension, in a split second, and then the Cosmic Moment is gone.
He who is wise moves with the tides of the spiritual opportunity and is ever alert for
the summons, which often comes informally and without the clothing of authority which
so impresses the outer self.
Yet, in the city of Philadelphia, on September 7th, 1952, there was enacted one of
the greatest act of tyranny, injustice, dictatorship and depression since England tried
unsuccessfully to bow the heads of Free Men to the yoke of a tyrannical policy without
the courtesy of representative vote of the people.
The American Way gives self-government to the People and when the people are
allowed no voice in any decision in which their money, their energies, their Faith and
their interests have been invested over a period of 18 years and are ruthlessly denied
even the opportunity to hear their Teacher the Friend of Light standing, speak in her
own defense, when such a one has been smeared by slanderous statements which
cannot be proven in fact, and dismissed without notice and ordered to sign away the
rights she holds as trustee for intelligent people who, thru her counsel and teachings
over the years, had invested in a property valued at over $200,000, it is time the Law,
human and Divine, intervene to establish Justice.
No Ascended Master ever interferes with the service of another Master unless
invited to do so. When an organization brought forth in the Name of the Ascended Host
of Light professes to represent the Will of God and to interpret that Will to the people,
it would be wise for the people to measure such representations thru the Light of
individual reason, to see if the qualities of God – Love, Kindness, Justice and Mercy
are woven into the Policy of such an individual or group, or whether the organization
has become an embodied entity preying upon superstitious fears and threats which
force Truth to veil Her Sacred Head and Justice to retire from the sight of the people.
All the Masters stand as One against such a policy and its perpetrators.
This is not the first time that earnest men and women have left their business and
activities in outer world endeavor and dedicated their lives, their income and the
pressure of their own personal influence to spread the doctrines in My Name, only to
find themselves stripped of their rights as citizens in a defense against personal
condemnation and seizure of their money and valuable properties drawn forth and
dedicated to such a Cause, and, further, have had their reputations challenged thru care-
fully planned “smears” that play upon the fears of the credulous, who dread to lose the
professed “contact” with Heaven’s Sons, or to find the Door to Heaven closed against
them on the final Judgment Day.
It is the last time that thinking people will be forced to sit and accept an ultimatum
from an unascended being in My Name without allowing them the courtesy of a
hearing, or My Students the justice of representation before the people whom such a
one has served.
I hereby repudiate the authority of any lifestream to cut off any individual from
contact with the Ascended Masters, or enjoy their ultimate achievement of Heavenly
Bliss in My Name, and I shall no longer stand behind either an organization or an
individual who chooses to use My Name as a cudgel by which to secure, unfairly,
property or fidelity in My Name.
I hereby assert the God-given Rights of Mrs. Frances K. Ekey, Mrs. Sterling Boos
and all other students to read and enjoy any printed material that is in accord with the
moral, ethical and political standards of Free Men, and deny the right and authority of
any individual to take from such a person either their freedom so to do, their reputation
among their fellow students, or the protection and financial interests that are the
rightful due of a lifestream who has saved without recompense for 18 years in My
Name and Service. Ascended Master Saint Germain.
(In this same issue appeared “The Burial of ‘The Bridge’”, by Saint Germain, A
timely parody. See Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, Act III, Scene 2.) (To be continued)
Never condemn. Try always to understand whenever there seems to be a wrong
activity, and lift the consciousness of the individual, by focusing the attention upon a
high ideal of some kind, in order to control the thought so the activity can come under
conscious control of the individual, thru the use of his own will.
The proper clean use of the sex is for the expansion and expression of Love in the
pro-creation of a form that the incoming soul may have a harmonious and loving
disposition and temperament . The thought and feeling of the parents are the influencing
molding activity. The nature of the Life Principle of the individual is to love. Saint
Germain, Oct. 30, 1932. (Vol. 3, p. 74)
If you waste your sex energy for pleasure gratification, then you have carried out
of your body the energy from the Presence which you must have in order to maintain
the courage, strength and confidence to call the Presence into action and hold to It until
the human qualities are transmuted. Sanat Kumara, July 11, 1937. (Vol. 7, pp 63f)
In the waste of the sex energy, the individual throws away his strength and
courage, for that is what goes out. The Liquid Light which flows thru the nerves
contains the courage and strength of Life which is feeling…Hence, the need for
conserving the sex energy. It was never intended for anything but the propagating of the
human form. Sanat Kumara, July 11, 1937. (Vol. 7, pp 63f)
Thru the sex depravity, the misuse and waste of the energy thru anger, hatred and
the misuse of sex, the Life energy has gone from mankind…Many do not resists the
mass suggestions. They feel they can go on in the old sex habits. I tell you they cannot
do it. If they do not save the energy, which is the Life in them, then direct it forth in
constructive activities, how is anybody to have help, release and Freedom? Silent
Watcher, Oct. 12, 1937. (Vol. 7 p.123)
How did death come about? By wasting one’s energy, thru the various destructive
use of thought and feeling and action, of which sex was the greatest.
Love alone runs into sensuality, emotionalism, and passion. Power, into force,
pride, arrogance, domination. Wisdom, instead of it, it becomes an accumulation of
knowledge, intellectuality, cold facts, arrogance.
In describing the Chart or speaking of the Ascension, Mr. Ballard never brought in
the White Fire Body, showing It is not an important step in making the Ascension.
It seems the I AM Presences can and do go into the White Fire Body whenever
They choose, even now. Perhaps it is something like the Christ Self does now, in
regard to the Presence, but the Presences always stay a Focus by Themselves as well
as now.
At this point of the Cosmic cycle there is an action of uniting Twin Rays. This
does not mean marriage. It is a different action, an inner action, while marriage is of
the human, an outer activity. The uniting of the Twin Rays is a Divine Action, and is
permanent. However, Twin Rays can and are sometimes married and live the human
way, then all human laws apply. But marriage in the outer does not mean that they have
been united on the inner.
The impression was given that: After both Twin Rays are Ascended, when They
qualify, They can both go into the White Fire Body and work from that standpoint when
required to do certain Cosmic Work or creation, and again one or both can come out
and work from that standpoint. It could be a similar action as the Christ Self can do in
regards to the Presence, as It can talk to the Presence (the Electronic Body) or enter It
when It sees fit.
In making the Ascension as far as the outer self is concerned, by entering into the
Electronic Body (at that time) completes that action.
The “body and blood of Christ” symbolized in the wafer and wine, refers to, the
Essence of Truth which is vibrating so rapidly that the dense consciousness of mankind
cannot grasp it and use the application within the Truth by which to quicken and
transmute the human nature into the Divine. It is the office of the Holy Spirit that
presides at this Sacrament and qualifies that Truth with substance, so it may be
absorbed into the world of the communicant. Lord Maha Chohan, Sept. 10, 1953.
Days to Recognize:
Mar. 17, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 21, Lord Michael led the first inhabitants onto earth.
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
April 19, Easter.
Mar. 15, Meru’s Retreat.
April 15, Resurrection Temple.
This is the last issue of Vol. 8. This bi-monthly release is not a so-called
newsletter, chit-chat sort of letter. So it is not for anyone on that level of
consciousness. Since we do not want to impose anything too serious onto anyone, we
require your notification of your desire for its continuation.
V.9 N.1, May-June, 33 A.F. (1987)
A planet forms the core of or for the Spheres around it, which in earth’s case are
the seven Spheres or the Silent Watcher, Immaculata. If the planet were dissolved,
what would happen to those Spheres? The seriousness of this is why the supreme
Cosmic effort has been and is being made now to not dissolve the planet. It would
leave a hole in a pattern of seven if it were.
The idea that a planet is dissolved when it ascends into the sun, is evidently that
the person relates the planet to a human being making the Ascension when the
substance of the physical body is returned to the universal substance of the planet. We
must remember the planets which ascended into the aura of the Sun which is now the
Central Sun, when our Sun was a planet with the other planets of that galaxy, did not
have discord on them as does planet earth, and as our physical bodies do which have a
built-up of human creation. Beings on other planets do not have any human creation
hence the planets do not either.
A planet is not a body of an individualization, as is the case with an individual. A
planet is an orb, like Venus, Mercury, etc., which are to go or ascend into the aura of
their Sun. As the Sun did when it was a planet, and it was not dissolved, but its
vibratory action was raised and it ascended into the aura of the Sun, not into the Sun
itself. While we are to ascend into the Electronic Body not just into the aura of It,
which is the Causal Body.
A planet is a Focus, a focal point of concentrated energy, in itself, for the Beings
who ascended from it or belong to it.
Our Sun had its place along with the other six Suns and the five planets of the
former galaxy which have not come out as Suns, all ascended into the aura of what is
now our Central Sun. If they had been dissolved how could those planets have become
Suns? Likewise, the planets around our Sun of Helios and Vesta later will be stationed
each in its place in the aura of the Sun.
The Beings on other planets, all of which have no discord, reembody not because
of bad karma or karmic debts, but for the purpose of developing the various qualities
and action of the various Rays.
When that is accomplished, and they make the Ascension, instead of leaving the
substance of that planet which has been borrowed or loaned to them for the bodies in
which to function while embodied each time on the planet, they simply raise the
portion which is to go with them, and the rest is returned to the sumtotal of the planet
(or as we say returned to the universal).
After people have ascended where do they abide? Usually Their focal point is the
planet they originally came from.
When that planet ascends They go with it, in fact They are the ones by which it
does so. Then that planet stationed at a particular point in the aura of the Sun, is still
Their focal point from which They work, on it there or anywhere in the universal
When an Ascended Master appears visible and tangible to our senses, then when
He disappears, where did that body go? It was not dissolved, only the vibratory action
of It was raised.
The so-called black holes are quite likely the result of that orb having raised its
vibratory action, and entered another orbit, or ascended into the aura of its Sun.
Some students and now people coming into this Teaching, have the idea that all
they have to do is believe they will ascend, just like the church people, except that now
they believe they make the Ascension instead of just going to heaven.
Some have thought the only thing necessary was to make a few calls to the Mighty
I AM Presence, and they would have their Ascension, or that if they signed the
application to become a member of the 100% group, it was the only thing necessary for
their Ascension. However, the Ascension cannot take place unless one qualifies. Just
because one comes into the understanding of the “I AM”, does not mean he/she does
not need to make application, purify and correct oneself.
There are many who still think that it does not required anything but their call to
the Presence to gain their Ascension, regardless of what the condition of their feeling
world is.
The student body was informed about the New Dispensation for the Ascension by
Saint Germain, November 8, 1938.
In the 1930’s, Saint Germain promised the Ascension to those who applied
themselves and rendered that impersonal service so much needed to save the planet,
then their Ascension would be assured. He did not promise the Ascension to everyone,
only those who would do that. Of course the judge is each one’s Christ Self as to
whether or not one qualifies, and only when one qualifies does an Ascension ever take
It was pointed out that the Ascension was offered at the close of this embodiment
absolutely certain and definite, if we complied with the little that was required.
Without that obedience They could not give us our Freedom.
After Jesus’ Resurrection and ascending into the Christ Self, having that Freedom
and victory, then coming in contact with human being still in limitation for whom he
had great love, is why He said to Mary, Touch me not as I have not yet ascended. He
had not yet entered the Electronic Body of his I AM Presence, hence was not fully
After the students were told about the New Dispensation for the Ascension, one
said that he was going to make the Ascension the way Jesus did, and not this other way.
Then one day Mr. Ballard said, that was childish and foolish. At this state of affairs it
behooved everyone to take it in whatever manner possible. We better take advantage of
the grace given and not miss out again. (That person has passed on and the body was
left behind.)
When one comprehends the principle involved he will realize that the action is
the same. The purified, the refined portion of the physical body in both cases enters the
Christ Self. The only difference is that one does not transmute the atomic structure with
the use of Light Rays as Jesus did. It is best that this be cremated which returns that
substance back to the universal quickly. Otherwise the individual who has left it must
transmute it thru the use of Light Rays from the other side before he/she can complete
the Ascension. Since every atom, every particle of substance that had been used by
him/her must be purified before that one can Ascend. At which time then the Lord
Maha Chohan writes it in the Book of Life, closes it, locks it and puts it on the shelf in
His Library.
When one has made or attained the Ascension, whether we know it or not does
not change the fact. It really does not matter whether humans know it or now. We are
dealing with greater Laws.
To make the Ascension as Jesus did, one needs not only the use of the Transmuting
Violet Flame to dissolve and transmute the accumulated misqualified energy, but also
the release of Light from one’s I AM Presence intense enough to dissolve and
transmute the density of the structure of the physical body, releasing the individual back
to just having a pure body like man had in the beginning before there was any discord,
a resurrected body similar to the etheric body now; in which one could levitate and
precipitate, etc.
The one know just as “David” made the Ascension in the Cave of Symbols in
1932; with the assistance of the Atomic Accelerator. This was witnessed by Mr.
Ballard. He was an elderly gentleman with white hair and beard, seemed nearly
feeble. Because of previous attainment and self-conscious effort in this embodiment
that assistance was permitted to be given. His body was also resurrected before he
made the Ascension. This took place in the Atomic Accelerator just prior to making the
Ascension. His hair changed to dark brown, the beard and wrinkles disappeared, and
the flesh became youthful looking. Then the Light got more intense and he disappeared
in it. That same action took place with David Lloyd on Mount Shasta.
Previous to Mr. Rayborn’s Ascension each time he came forth from the Cave of
Symbols where he had the assistance of the Atomic Accelerator and the Globe of
Light, the Light shone brighter, was more and more visible thru his flesh, body and
clothing from his head to feet. The Light from his heart was visible to anyone’s
physical sight. Just before his Ascension the Light shone thru his face as it will thru an
alabaster vase.
Master K-17 and His Sister had attained to a point of mastery where They could
maintain youthful bodies and so-called death could no longer touch Them. They did
complete the Ascension in the early 1930’s in the Cave of Symbols with the aid of the
Atomic Accelerator.
Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl, completed their Ascension in the early 1930’s. They
evidently made the Ascension in a Retreat, about March 1933.
It was said that when a person has ascended, that there is a little time required to
adjust to the new state of consciousness. But could in a few (two or so) weeks come
back and move among mankind.
As one makes the Ascension he takes the refined human body with him/her. There
is nothing left behind. As it is raised and absorbed into the Christ Self (H.M.B.) the
transformation from the human into the Divine takes place. The Ray of Light from the I
AM Presence descends and the purified finer physical form within the Christ Self
ascends into the Electronic Body, thus one becomes an Ascended Being.
Mr. Ballard did witness the Ascension of David Lloyd on Mount Shasta of David
and Mr. Rayborn both in the Cave of Symbols.
The manner of working with the Masters in the 1950’s was unique and a marked
difference in action from that in the 1930’s; except in one occasion, when the Panama
Canal was about to be blown up. On September 26, 1939, K-17, during class in
Chicago, asked for the call to be made. And at the end of class He reported what had
been accomplished. (“Voice” magazine, October 1939, p.90)
These two activities were backed by Cosmic actions, and not just individual.
In the summer of 1953, Saint Germain had a group of students go from Long Island
to Massachusetts. We went to Plymouth where He gave a talk. Later to Bunker Hill, to
Emerson’s house where we sat in the grape arbor, nine of us, and the contact stood at
one end. During the dictation Saint Germain called the name of each one sitting there,
by the name of the embodiment he/she had while serving during the Revolutionary War,
There were: two aids to von Stueben, Tallyrand, von Stueben, John Adams, Molley
Pitcher, Rochambeau, two others, General Mercer stayed in New Bedford and was not
there, The contact was not in the war, she was in a feminine body in Europe at the time.
Then we walked over to the Concord bridge where the first shot was fired, as
Saint Germain had directed, those who had come from Europe walked over on the east
side of the bridge and the Americans stayed on the west side, then all started to walk to
meet at the center of the bridge, and shake hands. At that moment the Great Ones on the
Seventh ray release Their Powers of Light and transmuted the etheric records of that
war all around the earth.
Some of these individuals had also been Pilgrims. (To be continued)
On the morning of July 18, 1953, Saint Germain said, “Tonight is an anniversary;
and one that I can celebrate with particular personal happiness for this magnificent
activity brought to such full fruition; particularly when the curtain had all but closed
upon My humble endeavors thru the past 20 years.”
The activity of application stirs the inner centers.
Were you aware of May 1st, what it actually is or means in the New Age – the
Age of Freedom? It is New Year’s Day, and we have entered year 33 A.F. (That is the
reason for the appearing on the Enlightener and also on the copyright page in the books.
We are already 33 years into the New Age.)
Days to Recognize:
May 1, Saint Germain’s Day. New Year’s Day of New Age.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Day.
May 10, Mothers’ Day.
May 13, Wesak Festival.
May 28, Ascension Day.
May 30-1, Memorial Day.
June 7, Whitsuntide – Pentecost.
June 11, Asala.
June 14, Flag Day.
May15, Ascension Temple.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
V.9 N.2, July-August, 33 A.F. (1987)
Saint Germain
Many Beings who have assisted mankind and the earth thru the ages came from
others planets. But the Master Saint Germain is a product of this planet – earth. The
Goddess of Justice, His Twin Ray, completed Her earth journeys at the time mankind
turned from the Light.
In the early work there was the question, when Sanat Kumara would be released,
as to Who would take His place to be the Lord of the World. Mrs. Ballard once said,
that Saint Germain would be the One. However, that did not sound right.
Then January 1, 1956, when it was announced that Sanat Kumara was being
released Lord Gautama was elevated to that position, taking His place. But that is not
to be permanent. He, too is not of the earth. So Saint Germain being a product of earth,
is evidently or at least likely to be the One Who will eventually be the permanent Lord
of the World.
(Continued from last issue)
Mr. Ballard had been informed by Saint Germain that before January 8, 1939,
three students who made the change which was thought to be so-called death, did make
the Ascension under the New Dispensation.
Mr. Frank Kelley was the first one out of the student body we knew of who made
the Ascension under the New Dispensation. He was a very interesting man. He
attended the Classes at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA. He always sat at
about the same place, in the south side section about half way down. He left the body
February 21, 1939, Between 6:20 and 6:30 P.M. He attained the Ascension. He was in
the Activity only about two years.
Later his wife said that the few days before he left the body, he went about the
house giving gratitude to and for the various things which had served him and his well-
being. For instance the refrigerator, he went and opened it and gave thanks for the use
of it, for the service it had given.
After gaining his Freedom, every day He would plead with the Masters for the
Freedom of the students. He was a great enthusiast, exceeded only by David Lloyd.
Nada was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P. Potter who lived near Chicago, IL. As a
child she attended the Classes at the Shrine with her mother. At about ten years of age
she passed on. Earlier she told her parents she would never go to high school.
August 15, 1942, her life started to withdrawn from the body, and left completely
on the 18th. In the Ascended state She is now five feet eight inches tall.
One big factor concerning those students who made the Ascension under the New
Dispensation in the early work, was their preparation and attainment of certain Light in
previous embodiments which entitled them to whatever assistance was required. But
not all have that to be called upon to assist them.
The Extension Of This Teaching
(Continued from last issue)
The Lord Maha Chohan September 10, 1953, brought to our attention: “The
possibilities within the creation and sustenance of the Sacred Fire thru the cooperative
energies of the chelas who form the center (around the contact) thru which the spiritual
food is presently being actually passed thru the Sacrament of Transubstantiation and
carried into the consciousness and worlds of those who had proffered themselves as
Guardians of the Powers and Activities of the Sacred Fire by which mankind shall be
redeemed and the planet purified and the elemental kingdom freed from the
imprisonment of misqualified energies.
“Body and blood of the Christ, “refer to previous issue V. 5 #6 p.4
(Cosmically speaking, this is what We have been preparing for the past nine
Years. The individual Christ Self must anchor into the consciousness of the student thru
feeling, thru intelligent grasp of the activity of the Law and thru whatever medium We
can find by which the rapid vibrations of the higher Realms can be mercifully slowed
to a point where the contact between the consciousness of the Free and consciousness
of the bound become one.
“The service of this local Focus was to keep the Grail upheld. The forcefield thru
which the Masters reach the Messengers and the populace is made up of your
individual auras (of that small group), blended together into the artificial forcefield
which looks like a wagon when lying on its side. The electrons of each one’s own life-
flow blend into this forcefield and its power and efficacy is determined by your
individual and collective endeavors to hold harmony, purity, peace and balance thru
the inner and physical garments each soul uses to express itself on every plane.
“The Angel Deva that has offered to provide the heartbeat of this Forcefield is
Cherub Lovelee. She pours out a stream of Her own Light constantly carrying the gifts
from this Focus into the world of the students. Her garments are pure white and a large
Holy Grail in pure gold embroidered across the bosom from the waist to the neckband
of her robes.
“Thru the enthusiasm and zeal firing the hearts, so (often a Sacred Design is
thrown to the indiscriminate minds of the public and then the Sanctity and purity of the
Spiritual Order is violated by the clamoring of the unprepared to join such service
which cannot be denied without hurt to the soul. Better to lay the foundation carefully,
design the local activity and then arrange for the disciplined, selfless, reliable,
constant chelas to become this Secret and Sacred Guard for the entire local group, and
the entrance to such a group a privilege to be earned.
“I share this design only with the few. Upon their comprehension and action, shall
I later share it with the many?
“For one conscious director there are a hundred absorbers. “The absorbers can
become workers and leaders of the future. “But for the concentrated service at hand,
the few, those who have been Guardian Spirits in themselves for centuries, can do
more to make and sustain a forcefield of power than a thousand untrained and indolent
“Order is heaven’s first Law. Man rises by his own discipline and application
into worthiness to become a Chohan, a Silent Watcher, and an Eloah. Until he has so
qualified by his own mastery of life, be cannot be invited to fill such a responsible
position, no matter how much any one of the Masters might life to have him so serve.”
There are so many places where comfort is required. “Yet, this Order of the
Priests and Priestesses of the Sacred Fire is the hope of the planet – and once
‘launched upon the subject’ thru the acquiescence of the beloved Kwan Yin and the
Cosmic Board I must avail Myself of every moment of the undivided time of Our
“bridge” (contact) to get My hopes on paper, and thru this medium, into the
consciousness of the students, with the hope that one, even, may grasp the significance
of the opportunity and make that Idea a tangible reality thru the world of form.”
The Maha Chohan gave the Electronic patterns of these students.
“Let us see what you will do in weaving the electrons of your own life into this
forcefield which carries the blessed Sacrament of Our own Life, which, thru the
transubstantiation of the child’s energies, becomes the Word, carrying Our desires, Our
hopes, Our Plans, into the consciousness of the chosen chelas who have loyally loved
Our Cause thru the centuries.” Lord Maha Chohan, 9, 10, 53. (To be continued)
Days to Recognize:
July 4, Independence Day.
July 22, Coming of Cosmos.
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15, Mother Mary’s Ascension Day.
July 15, Focus of Wisdom.
Aug.15, Liberty Temple.
Sept. 15, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15, Comfort Flame.
Nov. 15, Shamballa.
Dec. 15, Teton Retreat.
V.9 N.3, September-October, 33 A.F. (1987)
The first design was a little over four feet high made of plaster, when Bartholdi
began work on it, around 1875, Later a nice foot model was used to construct the 151-
foot Statue of Liberty.
Bartholdi got calculation and structural advice from Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, an
engineer, who later built the Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Seine. For the statue he
designed an iron framework, upon which would be hung hundreds of copper sheets,
hammered into the proper shape to make the exterior.
To be sent to America, the Statue was dismantled and packed in wooden crates, it
took 36 crates for the framework and 49 for the other parts. The journey began in
December 1884.
The French appealed to the people for contributions to build the monument, and
the Americans contributed to provide a pedestal for the Statue. Much came from school
children who were enthusiastic about it. In two months $270,000 was raised, which
surpassed the goal. More than $100,000 was raised thru the newspaper campaign.
Bedloe’s Island, 2,950 yards southwest of the tip of Manhattan, a 12-acre tract
was chosen for the site of the Statue of Liberty.
The pedestal 89 feet high was constructed on a 65-foot, 11-point, star-shaped
base. This had been a fort, built between 1806 and 1811 to defend New York, known
as Fort Wood. It was abandoned in 1877.
President Grover Cleveland presided over the ceremonies held at the Statue,
October 28, 1886.
August 15, is recognized as the Ascension Day of Mother Mary. On this day at
least some people give recognition to Her. We can pour our love and gratitude to Her
for Her great service in Jesus’ time, and for Her attainment of the Ascension at the
close of that embodiment. Also or all Her service in helping every lifestream as they
embody on earth.
It is very important to balance by self-control, the power one wishes to call forth
from the Presence. Because as the powers intensify, without self-control, one will find
himself tripped up at most unexpected moments.
This Teaching
In the 1930’s during a class, Mrs. Ballard once mentioned that the Alice Bailey
books were the best in print (then) next to theirs.
Alice Bailey received the dictations by mental telepathy from the Tibetan (Djwal
Kul). And that was the only contact she had with Him.
Thru Theosophy an attempt was made to acquaint the Western world with Masters
(unascended and Ascended) and the spiritual teachings of the Far East. Since the
Masters were unable to complete that work, then came forth an extension of it thru
Alice Bailey.
These books contain some of the teaching for the New Age.
Thru the group decree work in the 1930’s and 1950’s, great changes which are
alluded to in other teachings, have taken place for mankind and the earth. Thru the
decrees was drawn the attention and action of many Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings
and other Divine Beings, thru which all this was accomplished. This was not the case
thru the centuries under the occult law, by the various teachings thru meditation,
affirmation, etc.
We know about seven Rays, which are but the seven sub-rays of one of many
Cosmic Rays.
The exact color, quality and action of the seven Rays were not given until January
18, 1953. In Theosophy and by the Tibetan the same blinds were used. Every student
had to discover the exact significance, because it was not yet permissible to give the
information as to their order and application. The danger of misuse was too great.
In this Teaching, thru the knowledge of the Seven Rays, their colors, qualities,
actions and which Beings were on each Ray, students were enabled to wield powers of
an adept.
In the future healing is to be done thru the use of Light Rays.
Thru the decrees based on the knowledge and application of The Word (I AM),
and knowing one’s I AM Presence, is how these accomplishments were attained.
This New Teaching gives application and action to make contact with one’s Christ
Self (Higher Mental Body) (Divine Soul) which is the source of intuition, and this
supersedes mental telepathy. We can get better results than by practicing yoga and these
former methods, which have now been set aside.
For transmutation, the way the Law has now permitted the action to be given, by
Saint Germain, is so much simpler, much easier understood, more potent. By drawing
forth the Transmuting Violet Flame, and other actions of the Sacred Fire, by calling to
the I AM Presence, one gets better results and gets liberated. So many get opportunity
to finish up in this embodiment because of this New Teaching. Whereas, before it took
several or many embodiments after entering on the Path, to be liberated, by attaining
the Ascension into the Light.
The Tibetan said, that mankind was facing a period of freeing the human soul that
the right decision would lead to freedom, otherwise to retrogression. That Kuthumi
would assume the role of World Teacher, Jesus the Christ, would move to a higher and
more important work than dealing with the consciousness of humanity. By January 1,
1956, that had been accomplished.
When one resents the conditions we are in or the condition of his/her own body,
remind yourself of what the Great Ones have said. When mankind began to recede from
conscious understanding of the I AM Presence, the Presence of Life, the Divine
Director and the Goddess of Purity went forward. He admonished the people then that
if they kept on that trend, the result would be the kind of conditions we are in now. But
they did not heed His warning, rebelled and went their own way. They rebelled at the
suggestions to change; as people do now too.
As the Divine Director said on January 1, 1939, that some of the students were
with Him then long ago, when He went forward and mankind chose to give the
attention to the things of the outer world.
Now once again we have the opportunity to go forward.
Now when we feel we do not want to do what the Masters have suggested, and
think we know better, or that we do not have to do it, rebel and just want to go out own
way, we better take command of what is acting in us, realize it is the human acting, and
do what is suggested. For instance, that also goes for when we do not want to do
Now the tendency and action of students is to try to fit this Ascended Master
Teaching into their human concepts and habits. Try to draw it down on their human
level, instead one needs to change the consciousness thru thought and feeling. When
one does not present it to others in their human way, they claim that one just does not
understand because he/she has not experienced all the same human trials and things
they have. However, that one probably knows better and sufficiently to have avoided
those tribulations, and has raised in consciousness above doing so, and avoided getting
What is available in books on occultism is not the real. The real was never
written down. That which is in books is what those who had only some knowledge of
it, wrote about it. It is similar to what is being distributed by many who read some of
the material of this New Teaching Saint Germain and the Great Ones released,
claiming theirs is the Teaching or that they are getting the new teaching for the New
Age. When they have some of it and their own human concepts.
Fringes or phase of occultism found in books was brought forth in preparation for
the coming of the Seventh Ray activity and the close of the cycles of mankind’s
waywardness, which is upon us now.
Thru the centuries the only real occult teaching (not what is found in books) was
given only in Ascended Master Retreats. It was only thru this or in this way one gained
his Freedom the Ascension.
Why hang onto those old occult words or/and phrases which are used as blinds,
veils or symbols and parables which denote or symbolize a certain time period, action
or quality? Instead of using the right word or words which clearly and specifically
describe what is meant, as can now be done and is done in this Ascended Master
There has long been the question why in astrology the word Aquarius is used for a
so-called air sign or house, when that word means or pertains to water. Likewise, the
word Aries is used for a fire sign, yet the word pertains to air. Evidently these too
have served as occult blinds, as used in the occult literature because the plain Truth
was not permitted until in the early 1930’s, after the occult law was set aside. Yet the
so-called Light groups still use that old occult terminology, accepting it literally, not
taking into account the occult law.
They also keep referring to the New Age coming in, as the Aquarian age, which is
in occult literature, instead of the Age of Freedom which it really is. The word
Aquarian again used as a blind. The Piscean age going into the Aquarian age… That is
going counter clockwise, backwards which is the human way, and the lower form of
astrology. The higher astrology, although not correct, goes clockwise.
Hence, like in Jesus’ time the people have kept hanging onto the Jewish literature
instead of changing to the new of that cycle. Jesus’ Teaching, of course, came out under
the occult law too, therefore it could not be given clearly as this Teaching was .
So, as one Master said, when one starts on the Path back to the perfection, the first
thing one needs to develop is discrimination.
There must have been a definite reason and purpose why Jesus came into
embodiment in that particular race. The Jews and Arabs are of the fifth root race which
manifested in India.
When they rebelled at giving obedience and were no longer permitted admittance
to the Temples of the Great White Brotherhood, they wandered over the earth. And the
Jewish race never even had a homeland until quite recently, in the 1940’s.
In Jesus’ time they were given opportunity which was mostly ignored. They did
not want to make a change from the methods being practiced although these methods
did not and do not now bring freedom. It is only in human consciousness that one
People can and do tune into some of these old things and respond to them because
of having participated in them in previous embodiments and it seems real to them. The
record is in their etheric bodies. Each one is free to choose that which he/she wishes to
follow. However, the Ascended Masters suggested to the students in the early
instruction what would be best for their freedom. They pointed out that the old occult
law had brought great wreckage into mankind and had to be set aside.
Cosmic Beings made the occult laws, so They can change them. They have gotten
so covered over with human concepts, and the Bible has also, that only about 35
percent of the original remains. In translation human concepts always creep in; and the
Bible has been translated many times. Even the original could only give partial Truths,
and had to be presented in symbols, with blinds, veils and parables. So everyone
interpreted it in his/her own way. Hence, is it any wonder that it was at the point of
endangering human beings’ very existence because of misunderstanding? The Cosmic
Beings seeing this, set aside the old occult law and the law has been stated clearly
from Ascended Master consciousness, and is so to remain. (It is supposed to at least.)
But people are still doing as in the beginning, when new ones kept coming in and trying
to tell the Ballards how it should be done.
In the former teaching many human concepts crept in and sometimes produced the
opposite of what is should have, hear instead of freedom. Some who had done that in
the pat were fierce against Mr. Ballard because thru him these things were being
The black magicians had perverted the occult laws in a manner that even
advanced occult students believed it to be the law in accord with wisdom. That is why
Bob Singleton, (of whom it tells in the “Magic Presence”), on September 24, 1939,
urged students to not go back to metaphysical or occult things they had studied in the
past, but turn the attention to the I AM Presence. Because what one’s attention is one
he/she draws into his world. That is why the Ascended Ones requested that the
students stay with the Ascended Masters words, use what was given as it was given
and not make up their own. This would bring them to where they could later be given
greater freedom n individual expression. Few students can discriminate between
stilling the human impulses and their answer to their call to the Presence, hence
mistakes results.
Discrimination is so important. Yet too few have it.
To transmute (consume) we use the violet or purple Flame. We think of it for the
purpose of changing misqualified energy.
On other planets there is no discord, no misqualified energy but there is the
Freedom Flame of the Seventh Ray. Its color is violet or purple. Its use is to release or
turn, change the energy in forms which are no longer of use.
The Freedom Flame is used to make progress, to progress faster.
Days to Recognize:
Sept. 29, is recognized as Archangel Michael’s Day
Sept. 30, The Angelic Harvest at Shamballa.
Oct. 3, Commemoration of the day Saint Germain gave the first Dictation on the
“I AM” (God’s Name in action).
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom was won, by the surrender of the British Forces at
Oct. 31, Elemental’s Harvest at Shamballa.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14 Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14 Comfort Flame.
V.9 N.4, November-December, 33 A.F. (1987)
Some people have said that Annalee Skarin made the Ascension when she
disappeared in 1952, however, the action was a translation. In her book “Beyond
Mortal Boundaries”, page 90, she described translation, which shows she did not make
the Ascension. Somewhere else she says, that there was so much work to be done on
the level she was functioning on that she had not yet made or completed the Ascension.
There was a change in Jesus after the experience on the Mount of Transfiguration.
He then had the power to disappear or appear upon occasion and the power that no one
could take his life from Him. He could relinquish it, which He later did willingly. But
no one could take it from Him. He could lay His life down and He could take it up
again (as some term it), according to His Word – the “I AM”. But when Jesus came
forth from the tomb Easter morn, He had received the full power and the glory of the
Resurrection, as she terms it. This was because He had entered into the Christ Self.
She says, translation is not fullness of the Resurrected state. Translation is that
which Jesus received upon the Mount of Transfiguration, and was not the resurrected
state, but that it holds all the powers of what is spoken of as, “Being Born of the
People expect to make the translation without understanding the required
purification necessary to attain to such a state. When one has been translated, he/she
can or is able to do as Jesus did, appear and disappear at will, that is become invisible
to the physical sight and reappear, to those who are on a slower (lower) level of
vibratory action. They can levitate, that is take their bodies with them to whosesoever
their service calls them. As she says, they have the power to come and go as the wind,
to travel with great speed under complete conscious control. No one knows from
whence they came or whither they go.
After the Transfiguration, Jesus could relinquish his life but no one could take it
from Him. Therefore He could never again go thru so-called death. This He proved by
going thru the crucifixion and attaining the Resurrection.
In order to become translated, one has to “overcome” as some people say, all
desires for personal acclaim and glory, all human qualities have to be transmuted. The
four lower bodies have to be purified. After Translation one is not subject to suffering,
aging, or to go thru so-called death. Then one can truly render impersonal service.
Then when their service here is finished, according to the Divine Plan, and the Christ
Self calls them “Home”, they make the Ascension, enter into the Christ Self and then
into the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence, which completes the Ascension.
To be changed in the twinkling of an eye from “mortality to immortality”, can
refer to the action of completing the Ascension or it can even refer to the
Transfiguration, the Resurrection or all three.
In every person’s life, (so-called) death is the last enemy to be overcome. In the
New Age there will be no more death, as all will be taught these laws by which one
can live a pure life, and as they do live, so will they attain accordingly.
Annalee Skarin and others who have attained to that state of consciousness, are
rendering impersonal service. We can look at it this way, they have raised or attained
to a state of faster (higher) vibratory action, which is above or out of the physical
limitations and desires, and are now rendering impersonal service before completely
ascending. Whereas, in this Ascended Master Teaching we have the opportunity to
render impersonal service while we are yet attaining towards making the Ascension.
When they are translated they do not leave the earth.
When one does not obey the speed limit, what is apt to happen? When the law of
one’s being, the law of health is not obeyed illness may be the result.
In the 1930’s, the Masters and particularly Saint Germain, told the students who
were present, that for those who were sincere, who followed Their suggestions, made
determined application, lived the life as suggested (in the “Magic Presence” and
elsewhere), that then They could give certain assistance for their Freedom. That there
were some things that left substance in the brain which must be cleared away, in order
to have the full perfection of the I AM Presence released thru the outer self. That these
things must be avoided. Saint Germain listed them in the order of their importance:
narcotics, alcohol, meat, tobacco, excess sugar, salt and strong coffee.
After the great earth-change and the axis is again straight, that does not mean that
the four lower bodies of mankind will be purified. There will be less pressure as the
world accumulation will be removed. It was said, then this New Dispensation for the
Ascension will no longer be in effect. However, students who will be eligible to make
the Ascension can then get assistance if required thru Saint Germain’s Atomic
Accelerator in the Cave of Symbols.
The Goddess of Purity said October 1, 1939, that these dispensations were a
privilege and a blessing to us in this embodiment. That one should not think lightly of
them. They were not known on earth before and are not permanent activities.
The Christian Church people have it that Jesus died on the cross for their sins,
which will take care of their sins when they pass on, if they believed. Hence they will
be taken or arrive in Heaven for eternity. Just because they believed. Yet, one
individual claims that a person who had passed on was going around from place to
place, and was looking for and asking “where is God?”
In Theosophical time the Masters Morya and Kuthumi had bodies beyond the
ordinary. They were the same or similar to a body which has been translated. They
were not ascended then. However, Saint Germain was Ascended. And it is believed
Djwal Kul also attained to that state of Morya and Kuthumi; They all ascended in the
latter part of the 1800’s.
The occult training and action for those who attain to the state of Translation are
different from this Teaching Saint Germain has brought forth. The former are under the
occult law and the action is supplication, whereas this Teaching is application. There
is quite a difference between the two.
There is a marked difference between the two words. Supplication is a negative
approach and action, the human way, to beg, wanting assistance according to human
concepts; not knowing the Law of Being – of having existence. It is the way of the
churches, all religions and metaphysics, thru prayer. One can get assistance and results
in human conditions, but mostly it is not permanent.
Application is the positive approach, knowing the Law and setting it into action,
thru decrees. Thru right application the Law of one’s being is set into action according
to the Divine Plan, which will eventually set one free from all human conditions. What
is done thru the I AM Presence is permanent.
Instinctively everyone knows what is right and becoming, if they will attune to
and let the inner self act. However, many undignified and unbecoming acts and manners
are now tolerated and accepted in modern society, but that does not alter what is
perfect according to the Ascended Masters manners and ways of life.
Smoking, the use of alcohol and dope deadens certain cells in the brain and makes
people insensitive to such actions and behavior and accept such things as being
permissible and desirable.
Lady Master Nada once said, to stand with the feet about four inches apart. The
crossing of the legs is not good for the physical body. That habit is due to something in
the feeling which wants to do it.
In the past, for many in training on the Path, the posture was to sit cross-legged
and some also were to cross the arms, and focus the attention on the forehead between
the eyes. The purpose was to shut out, insulate oneself, and prevent one from the outer
world vibrations and keep one’s energies from going out or being dispersed; so as to
develop oneself. Because then self development came first, now the whole comes first
then self. In this Teaching we should be doing both. Now we use the tube or pillar of
Light for protection. Not cross one’s legs or arms, so as to let the energies from the
Presence flow thru. When you do that short-circuits the currents.
Now the acceptance by the females of wearing trousers gives them the freedom
they think, to take all kinds of liberties, unbecoming positions with no thought of
dignity. As in some places in the world nudity is accepted with no thought concerning
it, the West has not gone quite that far, to accept it on the streets. Why not? Yet take all
kinds of positions, letting the feeling run in all directions with no restraint nor
discipline. Such has been the trend and action of the last two generations. Also using
human in-spired music , some modified a bit with some classical structure.
Now, suppose the Ascended Masters’ ideas, which They are promoting and trying
to get mankind to accept, were accepted like the females wearing trousers has spread
thru the world, what great changes in short order that would bring.
With the increasing of the Cosmic Light everything, all energy is being intensified.
Not only the good but the discordant as well when it is not restrained, disciplined and
controlled. The life style of the last two generations has been to let the feelings have
full expression, a lack of discrimination, discipline and control. Hence an increase of
ill health, disease, crime, waste and destructive activities, etc.
After students were permitted to attend some functions in the Retreats or
elsewhere, in their inner bodies, the Masters pointed out that it gave Them more work
because They had to handle the human qualities of the students to keep the atmosphere
(in the Retreat) clean and pure, to maintain Their standard of perfection.
At inner levels when we are out of the body, an Angel or Master sees to it that we
are properly dressed before we are taken to a Retreat, a meeting, or whatever. So we
do not get there in just any kind of clothing we feel like, or in the nude, which the
human would do. Most likely one is garbed in the same clothes as he was when awake.
Supposing all these hundreds of thousands numbing, doping up, smoking, using
alcohol, had used their minds, bodies, energy, time and money to do what the Ascended
Masters (and followers) had suggested.
The idea seems to prevail among the students of this Teaching, that because they
are endeavoring to serve the Light in their own way, that whatever they want to do that
is constructive, the Masters should and would make it so. They often over-estimate
what they expect the Masters to do.
The Masters give obedience to the Law and comply with our human laws in
regard to us. But students expect Them to over-step these laws (especially human
laws) in order to fulfill their own desires. Like speeding and driving too fast on
Mountain roads and expect the Masters to protect them. We need to use common sense
and observe the laws here too, even in regards to our physical bodies. A man and wife
sold their business then spent all their savings, traveling from city to city to attend the
Ballard classes. Then they did know what to do because no project had opened up nor
did anything fall from heaven to provide for them. He was able to get an appointment
to talk with Mr. Ballard. The advice he got was to go back into the same business he
prospered in before. As that was the one thing he knew how to do, even though it was
not conductive to serving the Light.
Just to be since is not enough, even though human beings may think so. We also
have to comply with the laws inner and outer. When Mr. Ballard came back home after
those experiences he had with Saint Germain, they had to make out as best they could,
he helped Mrs. Ballard with the house work, etc. That shows money etc. did not just
roll in.
When one feels and/or think unkindly or thinks any destructive thing, silence it and
do not express it. To voice it gives it the power of vibratory action thru the spoken
word, which then returns to him. This gives a good reason for saying decrees aloud.
Many people here now once lived in Egypt and worshiped false gods. Because
whatever of the human holds one’s attention is his god for that time. Then, there were
less things, Now we have many more false gods.
When one hears the Truth spoke and if it hurts, then he/she should know he needs
to get rid of that human quality; and when it does not affect one, then it does not belong
to him/her.
Days to Recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day.
Nov. 26, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Masters and mankind’s harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26 or so Karmic Board convenes.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Copyright on Law of Life Book is being renewed.
V.9 N.5, January-February, 33 A.F. (1988)
Second Death
It was said that “second death” took place when a human being did practically no
constructive work for many lifetimes. The Christ Self and Ascended Masters would
decide that it be cut off. Because the Christ Self would no longer give energy to a
wholly destructive outer self. This took place when it was impossible to get the free
will of the outer self to change of its own free will. Hence the so-called second death
took place. The outer form was encircled in the Blue Flame and the physical,
emotional, mental and lower etheric bodies were dissolved and transmuted.
Previous to 1936, there were no provisions for those who passed on to be
educated at inner levels, at the level of their outer consciousness. But since then as
Saint Germain got the student body to do decrees, great changes have taken place at
inner levels for those individuals.
Before Sanat Kumara came to the earth there were ages when only one lifestream
in embodiment held the connection between the human and the Divine. This kept the
connection from being severed eternally, which would have resulted in the evolution of
ten billions of lifestreams going thru the second death. Just before Sanat Kumara came,
They believed there were only four lifestreams that in that case, could be sustained.
In 1939, Archangel Michael said, if the substance of the earth which has been
misqualified by mankind failed to come back into the Light, it would mean the second
death for millions of people.
Master Morya said that if Sanat Kumara had not given so selflessly of His Light,
the evolution would have passed into the second death and as an individual (outer)
consciousness every human being would have been no more. (Jan. 20, 1954)
It was also said that if the Christ Self came as close as three feet to the physical
body it would be all Light. Therefore, to “lift the physical body” into the Ascension as
some think and claim took place in Jesus’ case, is impossible. Because the Christ Self
accepts no human, no vibration lower or vibrating slower than Itself. Hence,
everything or every vibration that comes within It or within Its radiance of three feet
around It, is changed or raised to that vibratory rate. Hence exists no more, since all
human vibration is slower than that. When you have a harp string vibrating at middle C
and you tighten the string till it is at D or E, where has C gone? It just is no more. The
same thing happened or took place with Jesus’ physical body. What happens when you
heat or cool a place? Or you light a dark room? You just changed the vibratory action.
However, the Christ Self does not come that close until there is enough substance
of the physical and inner bodies purified to go into the Christ Self, and then into the
Electronic Body of the “I AM”, which completes the Ascension.
After a so-called second death took place, the Christ Self withdrew into the
Electronic Body and worked from there. It would not project forth to embody on a
planet for ages. Then when It does It has to start all over again. As not only the outer
form but the etheric, mental and emotional bodies too have to be again created. As had
been done in the beginning before ever taking embodiment on any planet. There is that
difference between passing on in ordinary so-called death and the second death. In the
latter case the three inner bodies are also transmuted. Whereas otherwise they are not.
Although some occult teachings have it that the inner bodies also dissolve in time, after
passing, which is evidently not correct.
Note: the parallel – the point of action by the Christ Self which Led into two
complete opposite directions: because of the human build-up taking one thru the second
death, and the other, the outer self giving obedience to the Law, resulting in the
Ascension. The direction being determined by free will.
By serving the Light now each one is paying for his/her immortality.
Master Morya, representing the Divine Will, maintained that unless mankind knew
what to do, why and how to do, how could they do it? So the Cosmic Law in the
1930’s permitted the Ascended Masters to make contact with the outer self,
intellectually and physically, in the hopes of savings the earth.
Because of that, from the Cosmic standpoint, the great accomplishments were
achieved in the 1930’s, and the 1950’s.
Lord Sanat Kumara established the Three-fold Flame at Shamballa. Then set into
action a tiny Ray or thread of Light going to the heart of every individual of mankind,
which has kept the Christ Self of each one from withdrawing, thru the centuries, which
would have caused them to go thru the second death.
In the 1890’s, Master Kuthumi got a Dispensation to set aside or eliminate the
action of the second death.
Therefore, those individuals who were earthbound, those in the compound and the
Sleepers’ Realm, could not be eliminated thru the second death. Yet the earth could not
go forward with them in that condition. Something had to be done to get them back on
the evolutionary path. Hence, Cosmic Law could supersede their human free will to
some extent.
However, in case the earth did not make it, and emit enough Light, and if the earth
were dissolved, we can presume, that automatically their four lower bodies as well as
that of those in embodiment would be dissolved and transmuted.
In 1952, was started the “Cosmic Push” for the redemption of the race, all
Then on that eventful evening of December 31, 1954, when they were being
coerced to come out and go before the Karmic Board to take their scrolls, they were
told that we stood in a Cosmic moment of opportunity. That the earth had been their
host and they had used its energies. That it was destined to become Freedom’s Star.
Now the people of earth had decided to bring earth “Home”. And to do that they must
have all of them willing, joyous and desirous of cooperating and fulfilling their Divine
Plan. That they were being offered Freedom and opportunity.
The Goddess of Justice told those from the compound, that They (Divine Beings)
understood that they (of the compound) had not come wholly voluntarily.
Since they had to resume their place in evolution again, some of their human free
will which had kept them in those condition, was superseded.
Then the Great Divine Director told those in the Sleepers’ Realm that the second
death was an impossibility. That there was only one course for them to come back
“Home”. That was to take the scroll upon which their names were written, and bend
the knee, take the oath to make things right. (TBD pp 378f)
Thru the centuries these individuals could not be roused by Beings at inner levels.
But it did occur thru the release of energy from the decrees and songs of the students
gathered together that evening. Thus was released a vibratory action slow enough and
of a quality that did accomplish it.
Dividing Line
The diving line in the human body is just below the heart and above the solar
plexus. The digestive organs and track, the generative organs, the emotional activity
which is centered in the solar plexus, all come below this line. The functions of all
these are of the human, which man originally did not have. These came about after man
created and drew himself into the density, the dense bodies we are in now. In the
divine there are none of these. At the dividing line is where the human ceases. When
one enters the Christ Self that is the end of human functions.
However, Divine Beings have a breath pulsation, a heart center and heartbeat.
Thru the heart comes the true feeling nature, and They have a mental activity, (not
intellect). They do not have red blood, but golden liquid Light flows thru Them.
The Cosmic Law is at a point where mankind must raise above the emotional
sensations and become mental beings. The Ascended Masters make contact with the
outer self on the mental level, not thru the emotional activity.
Instead of from the solar plexus center, the center at the spleen and the one at the
base of the spine, we are supposed to function from the heart, throat and head centers,
two centers being in the head, one back of the point between the eye brows (the
pituitary body), and the other one below the top of the head (pineal gland).
These centers or organs in the physical body correspond with the chakras or
centers in the etheric body, thru which flows the life essence from the Source, in and
thru the physical body.
Ordinarily mankind functions on the emotional level, hence contact with the
Divine is not made. Such contact is made only thru the mental activity, thru the mind,
not the intellect, nor the emotions. However, on the evolutionary path mankind must
now rise out of the emotional level and function on the mental plane. Then contact with
the Divine will be a natural activity.
The fetus, the baby body, our physical bodies are brought into being below the
belt, below the dividing line. The fetus is fed thru the umbilical cord; which is of the
human activity.
Since all manifestation is a matter of vibration, then somewhere there is a line of
demarcation, a dividing line, between perfection and imperfection. A certain vibratory
action denoting that. As no thing on earth is perfect, that line comes above physical
Notice: In Unveiled Mysteries, page 256 line 4, in second edition, in first edition
page 257 line 6, it refers to the dividing line thus: “the pure white Light encircles the
waist just below (above) the solar plexus. The “below” should be “above”. Also see
Ascended Master Light, Vol. 7, page 161, it says above.
Then while in Cleveland, Ohio, October 13 to 23, 1939, for class, Mr. Ballard
asked for his Ascension, as he had already earned it. But it was not given to him until
the end of the year, at the Teton Conclave, because as Saint Germain said, certain work
had to be done first.
In just visualizing Light or the Violet Light, they are missing a vital point.
Metaphysical people, those doing healing and giving other types of assistance are
using light, by visualizing, etc. Some who have read about the Violet Flame in this
Ascended Master Teaching, are giving out to visualize Violet Light. That is a part of
the Law. But it will not produce the same results as when one consciously calls the I
AM Presence into action to draw forth the Violet Flame, as Master Saint Germain
instructed the students to do.
To visualize light is one action, to visualize Flame is another. Flame is produced
by sufficient concentrated Light. But to call the Presence into action is quite another
thing. That which is done thru or by the Presence is Permanent, otherwise not.
Flame of the Sacred Fire does not have, produce or throw off tongues of flame as
or like physical fire does. Rather, it is more of or an action of scintillating energy, just
vibratory action, and hold or stays within a designated area or form, scintillating at a
certain vibratory rate, in perpetual motion.
Visualizing light is just defused light, a static condition. While flame is action,
perpetual motion contained within a certain form or area. And what makes it do it? The
intelligence within it.
One’s (constructive) determination is the Will of the I AM Presence in the outer
activity, when it is for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan.
Retreats for next six months
Jan. 15 – June 14, Transylvania Retreat, Flame of Freedom.
Feb. 15-Mar. 14, Darjeeling Retreat, Divine Will, Master Morya.
Mar. 15-Apr. 14, Resurrection Flame over the Holy Land, Jesus & Mary.
Apr. 15-May 14, Ascension Temple at Luxor, Ascension Flame, Master Serapis.
May 15-June 14, Focus of Wisdom, over Kashmir Hills, India, Master Kuthumi.
June 15-July 14, Teton Retreat, Precipitation Flame, Lord Confucius.
Days to Recognize:
Jan. 1, New Year’s Day, anniversary of Occult Law set aside: Karmic Board in
session: Sanat Kumara was released; Lord Gautama became Lord of the World.
Jan. 21, Sanat Kumara left for Venus.
Feb. 12, Lincoln’s Birthday
During this Christmas Season, we wish many blessings for all of you.
Illumination and spiritual progress during the Seven Sacred Weeks too.
V.9 N.6, March-April, 33 A.F. (1988)
All substance has intelligence within it, but does not have free will as we do.
Elementals have some or a certain amount of free will, but are limited within a
certain element, fire, air, water or earth, and usually to a certain particular area.
Angels have free will but are of a particular quality.
Wood fire or fire of some other physical substance, is not fed evenly at a
stationary place. But the fire moves where the material is. Wood or coal flame varies
because the burning process is in stages and irregular.
A big search light holds its own form, and does not change. Even a gas flame on
the store or in the yard for light, holds its own form, stays within a specific area.
Because a gas flame is fed evenly, and burns likewise as long as there is no motion of
Turning on the light in a dark room just changes or replaces the darkness, but does
not burn one’s flesh like a flame would.
All inner actions are in harmony and regular, so our reason tells us the flame too
must be and not as the flame produced by physical material, wood, etc. Also the
material consist of varied substances which causes various stages, intensity and action
of the flame. Light intense enough can burn the flesh but not like flame which is more
intense light.
August 30, 1936, Master Saint Germain said, that the Unfed – Three-fold Flame
was again released into the activity of the earth, for the first time since the civilization
of the Buried City of the Amazon, as recorded in Unveiled Mysteries (p. 177). At
certain points in history the symbolism of the Three-fold Flame was used.
The release of this indicated that a great advancement was again at hand.
Because of that action the removal of the disembodied in the atmosphere of earth
was enabled to be brought about in America; and later in the 1950’s, also the removal
of all disembodied over the rest of the earth, and the removal of those in the Compound
and the Sleepers’ Realm took place.
As one develops in consciousness and expands the Light within, then when
sufficient harmony is maintained in the feelings, the Flame in the heart (after the spark
had become a flame) expands and at first is a blended soft light. It develops and
steadily increases, then begins to take the form of three small plumes. These will
become about as large as one’s thumb. As the consciousness is held on the highest
center in the body, this Flame expands until it becomes three feet in height. It never
leaves the individual who has reached a certain attainment. It is self-sustained. Then
that one has attained mastery; is an unascended Master.
Three of the Three-fold Flames make the action of the Three-times-Three.
Flame on the inner is concentrated Light in motion.
The Three-fold Flame is also called Unfed Flame. It is unfed from the outer
standpoint, as It stands there is the Teton Retreat and other places wherever It is. Yet
from the inner standpoint It is not unfed, that is, It is sustained, self-sustained by the
stream of electronic energy or substance constantly pouring or streaming into It. The
term Three-fold is more appropriated and descriptive, especially for this action of It.
As far as the outer goes the Three-fold Flame is first a single Flame. Its natural
color is crystal white.
A Three-fold flame is to develop from the spark at the tip of the Light Ray from
each human beings I AM Presence, and is anchored in the heart. When It is developed
It is a Three-fold Flame.
The Three-fold – Unfed Flame has a two-fold activity. In our hearts now It is a
spark or a single Flame.
One can call It forth for specific activities, for Its dynamic activity, for any
constructive or personal use of this Flame, see the single Flame like a candle flame but
larger. This Flame has been known and used in some civilizations in the past.
It is a most concentrated and powerful action. Before and after calling It forth one
must keep his feelings harmonized.
The use of this Flame with Three plumes is the activity of the Life-giving
Essence. Use this Flame if you want to establish It at a certain place where It will not
be disturbed.
In reading we go from left to right and so are the plumes positioned in the heart.
First Ray, power, electric blue, protects, left side. Second Ray, wisdom, yellow
or molten gold, directs, center. Third Ray, Divine Love, rose pink, enfolds, right.
This three-fold action is the beginning of all manifestation.
While each of the three Rays are predominant in one specific activity and quality,
yet contain within themselves also the activities and qualities of the other two Rays.
The color of each of the Seven Rays is seven-fold, seven hues of the same color
The darkest (most concentrated) in the center, the lightest at the edge, from a very deep
color to a very delicate color. For instance the Violet Ray, from a deep purple to a
delicate orchird.
Each Ray has its own color and dominant natural activity; but also contains within
itself each activity of the other (six) Rays.
Axis Change
A student has requested more information on this subject…
In 1926, which marked the end of a certain cycle, a Dispensation was secured
which would hold in abeyance the accumulated destructive forces around the earth
which otherwise would have been released and destroyed most of the planet, and most
of its inhabitants would have perished. The purpose was to give Saint Germain the
opportunity to try out His plan for bringing in the New Age of the Seventh Ray cycle,
by which They hoped to save the earth from the destruction otherwise imminent.
Deep in the earth are as belts, tunnels full of gas produced by decomposition of
human and animal bodies buried thru the centuries, and from other matter. There are
two around the equator, one somewhat deeper than the other and at places just below
the upper one. Others are along the coasts of the continents and thru the various
countries. The Masters were particularly watchful of the ones along the equator,
because in an eruption of the upper one in case it was severe enough it could puncture
into the lower one. This would cause tremendous renting of the earth. They wanted to
avoid this if at all possible. Hence They utilized the energy released by even
individuals who attended the public classes for the first time; that is how urgent it was.
Because of earth’s circumstances, Saint Germain was permitted to carry out
certain actions and procedures which had not ever been done before. For instance: to
provide Mr. Ballard with that other body which He created for him in which special
training could be given in preparation for the work which would have to be done.
Since Saint Germain was already Ascended He had to have someone else in the
physical realm to present the Teaching, carry it and expand it. In previous cycles, like
in Jesus case, that one could embody for that purpose.
Although the Goddess of Liberty was instrumental in getting the release of Cosmic
Light which would be of great help, more was required. The Great Ones are far more
interested in avoiding destruction than mankind is. But the Law requires a certain
amount of energy from this realm. They cannot tell what human beings will or will not
do, because of free will. Hence They cannot predict just how thing will turn out.
The Cosmic Law had acquiesced to the method of using decrees by human beings
to furnish the energy required from the physical realm for Them to do the work. But
whether or not and to what extent people would willingly comply, They could not tell.
However, during the 1930’s, lifestreams who had helped usher in other Golden Ages
and who had personal connections and ties with some of the Masters were drawn into
this Teaching. Most of them were willing to do the decrees, seeing the great need. Thus
was provide energy, demanded by Cosmic Law, by which Divine Beings were
permitted to remove destructive forces. They were also able to secure Dispensations
never heard of before, and accomplish much more than expected in some respects.
Because a large number of students gave their energy, effort and time for the
protection and benefit of our country, mankind and the planet, instead of for self-
development, there was released the New Dispensation for the Ascension, for those
who would qualify.
This Dispensation enabled students who had thus rendered sufficient impersonal
service, to make the Ascension at the close of this embodiment. Whereas they could not
have done so under the old method; because they used their energies for the Cause.
This Dispensation was only for this period of transition, and not a permanent
Before making the Ascension or qualifying for it, one has to redeem all
misqualified energy of the lifestream, of all embodiments. Therefore, it is advantages
to have the physical body left behind, cremated.
It stand s to reason that the axis of the earth must be straightened for the planet to
go into the next orbit, where the vibratory action is much faster than of earth at this
In the 1950’s at one time there was some definite work done in this regard. There
never was any definite time given as to when the axis had to be or would be
straightened. At a certain point They had to stop the action because the emotional
bodies of mankind could not comfortably adjust, the tension was too much. It was also
affecting the elemental Beings. The tension between some in the heart center was
mounting, and later the Focus was broken, and a lot of changes came about. The
Masters have said, that They could not tell how much destruction will occur as They
cannot depend on human beings.
In the 1930’s, They said, They wanted to save as much of the buildings and
constructive activities as possible, to keep from having to rebuild again after the
In scheduling the Classes, Saint Germain would designate the cities. This was
usually where the need was greatest.
One time the Class was scheduled for San Francisco because there was a large
earthquake to occur there. Only Mr. Ballard knew this as he had been informed by
Saint Germain. Shortly before it occurred it was also predicted by outer world
scientists. Had it not been for the Class there it would have occurred in the city and
would have been more damaging than the one in 1906. Because of the energies
released during Class, it was diverted by the Masters out into the ocean where it did
no particular damage. This was reported by the outer world media and scientists. But
of course they never knew why it erupted out there.
The auditorium in which the Class was held seated around 2,000 persons. A
Master said, had all the people come who had had the promptings, it could not have
anywhere near held them all. But for one reason or other many did not attend, because
of their feelings or the intellect argued them out of it, family or other pressure.
However, enough energy was released to avoid a disaster.
Before the black magicians had all been removed, one time a Class was
scheduled for New York City. This was because some black magicians were pushing
the energy in the gas belts towards the city. They wanted to sink Manhattan Island.
Some black magicians had the power to manipulate the energy in the gas belts.
About the unavailability of getting the books of the Saint Germain Series, etc.,
there has been much criticism and resentment, because they could not get just what,
when and how they wanted it in their own outer world human way. The outer self does
not want to give obedience to the Law, but wants to grab all it can for its own and self
gratification. In the past for this type of instruction, one had to qualify before it was
released to them. We should be grateful for it and for all the work that has been done.
There has been much criticism about this material being copyrighted. They say what
right has anyone to copyright God? However, even an idea cannot be copyrighted leave
alone God. That is a lack of understanding of what copyrights is.
Copyright is for the purpose of protecting one’s way of presenting an idea or
Some say that these books are for everyone. They were brought forth for all who
sincerely want the Light, and are willing to live accordingly, not to further their own
desire or to exploit the ego or to influence others, but to be used for the good of all.
The way thing are being changed and perverted it is good that they have been
When anyone sincerely wants to learn and is willing to give obedience and
comply with the Law, the I AM Presence and the Great Ones can and will see he gets
the books.
The Goddess of Liberty was the One Who gave Washington the vision, and gave
the fiat for that if necessary, that Light as of a Thousand Suns would be released to
save America. This was in the winter of 1777-78 (Dec. 17, 1777). It was this Being
because She is the One Who gave mankind free will in the beginning, when they first
came forth (were individualized). She held that position of authority in the 12 Houses
around the Sun. Therefore, She has the authority now to call forth the action of the
Cosmic Light which supersedes human free will. That is why She was the Spokesman
of the Karmic Board for so long.
Hence in the 1930’s as the students began to make the calls for the Cosmic Light,
the Goddess of Liberty was the One Who called that Light forth from the Central Sun.
This was done at different intervals. As these became more frequent the Cosmic Light
was being increased.
That which is done thru the I AM Presence is permanent, but may not outpicture or
manifest in the outer for a long time. As the inner work has to take place first. So now
the changes we see taking place in mankind, the attitudes, trends, behaviors etc., may
be due to much which took place or was accomplished on the inner, from a Cosmic
standpoint, back in the 1930’s, and later in the 1950’s. And not so much as the
metaphysical, semi-occult and so-called Light groups would like to think it is because
of what they do now. Whereas, what was done then is influencing mankind now
Then August 19, 1934, Eloah Arcturus issued the same fiat. He is the Eloah of
Invocation Who showed Saint Germain long time ago, that thru decrees the conditions
of the earth could be changed; hence He has a certain authority in that respect for
The same decree was issued August 22, 1937, by the Master Jesus. Thru His
mission on earth and public Ascension (the Goal all mankind must reach), He gained
and has a certain authority and influence for mankind. That fiat has been issued by great
Beings three times, which makes and gives it the power of the Three-Times-Three.
In the beginning of bringing forth this Teaching, Saint Germain said that the earth
changes would be swift and drastic. That was of course in accordance with the
accumulation of destructive forces around the earth. As the Cosmic Law had decreed
that earth must come into the Light or be dissolved. Thus be out of the way for the other
planets in this solar system and also the other six solar systems in this galaxy, to go or
move forward.
To disintegrate coarse and dense substance the Blue Ray is used to break it up.
Then use the Violet Flame to transmute it. After that it is good to use the gold, pink and
blue Rays as a cleansing activity.
People think there is so much to learn in this Teaching and that it is complicated.
However, when one understands the principles and eliminated the human concepts, it is
quite simple. One thinks it is complicated when or because he/she tries to cover or
include all the human concepts out here about it; or tries to fit it into the concepts they
already have.
Days to Recognize:
Mar. 17, Saint Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 21, First inhabitants came to earth.
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
April 3, Easter.
March15, Resurrection Temple.
April 15, Ascension Temple.
This is the last issue of Vol 9. Let us know if you want it continued, as it is to go
only to those who want it. Estimated production cost and postage, #3.75; overseas
V.10 N.1, May-June, 34 A.F. (1988)
Earth’s children must of themselves provide the Light which is required to insure
the earth a permanent place in this solar system. This Light comes thru the hearts of
men. If they are not given an opportunity to learn the Law, and are denied by language
restrictions and limitations of distribution of the tremendous accumulated store of
wisdom that lay unprinted, how could they contribute their Light? It was for this
purpose of reaching these people that this endeavor was started (in 1952). Not as a
new activity, but as a complement to the former, a supplement not a competitor. The
activities described and the instruction given were in agreement with the Law of Truth.
It was never intended to start a “new” activity, but to broaden the field of service of the
then present activity by engaging the competent and willing service of lifestreams then
not allowed full expression of their talents. Many had not been privileged to receive
the instruction brought forth in the 1930’s, due to barriers of language, limitation in the
production and distribution of illuminating literature and the unhappy
“excommunications” which resulted from misunderstanding of a human nature.
The Great Ones had hoped up to the very last to secure the support or at least to
avoid the active opposition of Mrs. Ballard, but as this had not been possible, which
was made abundantly evident at the Council in July 1952, the new Endeavor
proceeded as an activity.
It is so easy for energy to get away from the original purpose to which it was
dedicated, especially if the channel thru which that energy has been focused, diverts
from the original motive which became the pulsation of the release. In retrospect, it is
evident that Mrs. Ballard did not qualify to fulfill the need.
Saint Germain said, They had to pass thru a period of transition, during which the
sheep and the goats again had to choose their respective paths and then abide in the
goal to which those paths would ultimately lead.
It was not generally known that the Cosmic Law had allotted to the Ballards 20
years in which to give this Teaching to mankind. However, when that period expired in
1952, Master Morya representing God’s Will to the earth, had presented to Sanat
Kumara, Lord Maitreya and Lord Maha Chohan, a certain Logic which brought forth
this activity, the New Endeavor; the logic based on the fact that the most well-meaning
individual could not consciously cooperate with the Ascended Masters unless he knew
what they were doing, when They were doing it, and had opportunity at least to refuse
or accept cooperation with the endeavor. He had also approached Helios and Vesta in
the sun, to see if it might be possible to secure another 20-year period in which to
further the work the Master Saint Germain had started in the 1930’s. He then
approached Saint Germain and They went to the Sun. They did secure the dispensation
and permission to try out this Plan.
Master Morya had already made some preparation. He had approached Miss
Geraldine Innocente and given her some training in preparation to be a contact to
bridge the chasm between the Ascended Master’s Realm and the realm of human
consciousness. He secured from the Karmic Council the right to establish this new
order of contacting the consciousness of certain dedicated lifestreams.
Miss Innocente received messages from about 1944, which were given to the
small group of students the Innocentes had on Long Island, New York. Mrs. Ballard
had begun to receive so called dictations early in 1944, in her way.
A way and means had to be devised by which the Hierarchy might reach the
consciousness of the people. Hence the publication of “The Bridge” came about,
released monthly first issue was April 1952. The first issue of “The Bulletin” was
released May 1952, and in a couple of months it came out weekly.
Mr. Guy W. Ballard was the first contact, the receiver, for the original I AM
Activity. Miss Geraldine Innocente was the center contact, the amanuensis, for the
original “The Bridge” and “The Bridge to Freedom” Activity and publications. From
the inner standpoint these two activities are unique and different in two distinct ways,
from all others previously given and all those which have sprung forth from his New
Teaching, from all other activities, movements, all splinter groups, channeling, etc.,
religious or otherwise. The method of contact and inner action of these activities were
When the Master Morya received permission of Helios and Vesta to bring forth
the New Endeavor, all of the Members of the Great White Brotherhood offered to give
Him the assistance of Their particular talents as He should choose to use them to
further this Cause. He also secured from the Karmic Council the right to establish this
new order of contacting the consciousness of certain dedicated lifestreams.
Some of the Masters wrote a few letters previous to the release of The Bridge
publication, to those They considered likely individuals who would listen to Them and
cooperate with Them.
Mrs. Ballard was informed prior to any other individual, of the purpose for which
“The Bridge” came forth and was courteously invited to allow the Masters the
opportunity of supporting her work and performing thru other well qualified
individuals the task of reaching other lifestreams than those presently blessed by the
knowledge of the I AM Activity.
Saint Germain said, July 18, 1953, the curtain had all but closed upon His
endeavors thru the past 20 years.
How can a Hierarchy direct the progress of a race unless the Masters can reach
the consciousness and outer minds of the lifestreams who are in distress? Only if there
is a bridge, a link, a connection over which Their design, counsel, words and currents
endeavors may reach the intellect of the personal self. Current activities require
current emergency methods.
January 1, 1954, the inner work was completed for the change-over from the Sixth
Ray cycle of 2,000 years, of which the Master Jesus was the authority, to the new cycle
of the Seventh Ray, of which the Master Saint Germain is the authority. On that day
Jesus spoke to the student body: “Many long years have passed since We gathered
together in an upper chamber and celebrated the first Communion, which set the initial
pulsation for the Christian Dispensation, whose outpouring is completed this night.”
Thru the past ages the ceremonies for these changes of cycles took place in the
higher Realms of Light. But this time because of the activities and work being done for
mankind, was with the participation of some unascended beings (the student body), the
Hierarchy held this ceremony for the crowning of Saint Germain as the authority for the
incoming New Age of the Seventh Ray, in the etheric realm; as the lower vibratory
action would be of greater benefit to mankind. At the request of Saint Germain it was
postponed and held May 1, 1954, because that date is very dear to Him. Hence, this
action made this date officially, New Year’s Day for the New Age, the Age of
May 1, 1955, Archangel Zadkiel, in His dictation to a small group of students
said: “Today We celebrate the year one of the Age of Freedom. We are entering into
the second year of an entirely new Era. It is a new calendar, known only to the few
within this room and the Ascended Masters.”
So like in the 1930’s, there was another period of approximately seven years
(1952-58) in which the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings were permitted to work
closely with a group of human beings, during which time great things were
accomplished, especially at inner levels, for mankind and the earth which had to be
done for the planet earth to be sustained.
May 20, 1956, the Maha Chohan said, that They were taking advantage of the
temporary contact to get as much of this Law as possible to us, for the benefit of those
following in the future. That They were writing a whole Bible that would live and be
read by millions. (TDB p.38)
In order for the planet earth to be sustained in this system and Sanat Kumara to be
released, certain things or feats had to be accomplished, and thus in the 1950’s they
were. All disembodied entities were removed from the atmosphere of earth, all
lifestreams who had removed themselves from the evolving mankind, who were in the
Sleepers’ Realm and in the Compound, were brought back into the evolutionary
Then much more instruction and information was given: the colors, qualities,
activities of the seven Rays: about the Seven Elohim, the Seven Archangels, the
Chohans, other Ascended Masters, the Hierarchy, Divine Beings, Angelic Host, Devas,
Cherubim, Seraphim, Retreats, Sacred Fire, Flames, Elemental Beings, planets, Suns,
Spheres or Realms, Manus, The Karmic Board, petitions, root races, and more.
Sanat Kumara was released and Lord Gautama took His place, and Others of the
Hierarchy changed positions.
Thru the 1940’s when Mrs. Ballard was in charge, the Hierarchy was not able to
accomplish this and that which needed to be done. Yet thru other lifestreams it was
done in the 1950’s.
May Day, the day of happiness. Do you think it is happenstance that your air corps
uses May Day as their signal of distress, whereas you have been taught to use the
“Light of God That Never Fails”? Ah, no! There is no such thing as happenstance.
When those men in the high blue sky are at a point of great distress and that word
“May-day” goes forth, who answers? I. For I have loved May and that is why although
they do not know it, they use that for their S.O.S. in times when they need more than
ordinary assistance…
This earth is to be Freedom’s Star, a Star which I have dreamt of so long… The
God of mercy in heaven had given to Me the throne of Freedom and the authority to be
the presiding Master for this magnificent age that is four years old… I have seen so
clearly and known so perfectly what is the God Design for this earth, and then the only
means whereby I could present it to the world was thru the Shakespearian doctrine,
thru the various articles that I wrote as Francis Bacon. Then I made a rather
unostentatious departure.
Now I come again with My vision, My vision of a world where there is no sin, no
unhappiness, no need for tears, no disease, disintegration nor death, but absolute
liberty! For the spirits at the close of whatever choice of life they had upon the earth to
in dignity enter into the Ascension Flame and consciously become a Divine Being. Is
this not worth the balance of your life? I have given mine, Morya has given His, and
now We depend on you.
Days to Recognize:
May 1, Saint Germain’s Ascension Day, and Coronation Day.
May 1, 1954, was the beginning of the new calendar, which makes this dates New
Day (1988) and Year 34 of the Age of Freedom, for the new era of 2,000 years.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s birthday; Day of Enlightenment; Buddhahood; and
May 8, Mothers’ Day.
May 12, Ascension Day.
May 22, Whitsuntide
May 31, Memorial Day.
May 15 thru June 14, Ascension Temple.
June 15 thru July 14, Teton Retreat.
V.10 N.2, July-August, 34 A.F. (1988)
We are here to learn and attain self-mastery. In order to attain it our Inner bodies
have to be cleared of the misqualified energy. Of most of this the outer self is not
aware. When we come into embodiment a band of forgetfulness is placed about us.
Because if we remembered all the things of the past we could not endure it here. Then
the bad karma, the misqualified energy, or most of it is withheld after birth so as to
give the baby body a chance to grow up. Then at the age of around 14 years of age (a
few years one way or other) the karma is released back to the individual. Or at least
the amount under which each one can survive and that which he/she has the capability
of handling if he will.
In order to handle this everyone has to have the assistance of some Ascended
Master or Masters. All this misqualified energy has to be redeemed, purified and
returned to perfection. Scientifically this is a matter of raising the vibration. Like
melting ice over a fire into steam, or like raising the vibration of a harp string, then the
former condition is no more.
This misqualified energy is just energy vibrating at rates below perfection. It must
be raised by actions of the Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire has to be drawn forth from the
God Presence and / or Ascended Masters and Divine Beings.
In general the people of earth have lived here many times and each time thru free
will have misqualified energy and also accepted misqualified energy from without.
Now thru free will and self-conscious effort or action this has to be redeemed. In order
to completely do that one has to have the assistance of the Ascended Masters. But an
Ascended Master never interferes with anyone’s free will.
To the student on the Path the Masters give the assistance by first making him
more aware of the misqualified energy, human habits, traits and tendencies which are
rooted in him. Then the individual of his own free will must indicate whether or not he
wants those things removed – transmuted. If he does, then with his permission, often
the Master transmutes it instantly.
During the years since early 1930’s, much has been done at inner levels to clear
the earth of human creation in order to bring in the New Age. So things have and are
changing as to what can be done for individuals to help clear their worlds of human
creation. Now individuals can be given more assistance.
In order to root out these age old things, habits, etc., it is sometimes necessary to
enter into or connect with or draw forth that particular vibratory action. For every
experience and everything, there is an etheric record (by some termed subconscious).
For the individual it is in his etheric body. Not only the misqualified energy but this
record too has to be transmuted.
Since the Presence is not aware of our needs, is why Saint Germain (May 29,
1938) told the students they could call directly to their Christ Self (call to the I AM
Presence first) and that way one may have quicker results.
When one ascends into the Electronic Body that completes the Ascension from the
physical standpoint. To become an Ascended Master (be ascended) the self-
consciousness of a human being and the purified part of the body ascend into the
etheric body, then into the Christ Self, then into the Electronic Body of the “I AM”.
That is the practical process that every human being goes thru. One need not ascend
into the White Fire Body, to be an Ascended Master.
The Ascended Ones do not govern mankind and will not compel people to do
what is best for their own good. They must do these things because they want to do
them. The only way to gain their Freedom is to serve the Light. And they must want to
serve the Light for the Light itself, not just for their Freedom. Whatever they do in the
service of the Light is serving Life for their Freedom.
Feminine Activity
The feminine activity of Life represents the feeling activity of the world. This
should not be minimized. Master Saint Germain said in the early work, that in this great
activity which America and the world needed, with cooperation of the feminine
activity charging forth the decrees, and that power of feeling going into the mental and
feeling world of mankind would awaken them and give courage, strength and power to
issue these decrees.
The feminine activity is the more powerful activity. In all of life’s activity, now
the feminine activity must take its balance with the masculine. At this time the Light is
impelling and compelling this balance to take place. Great honor between the
masculine and feminine is necessary to bring this about. The students represent the
Light and to the outer world are an example. Hence the Master’s also said, for the men
to be careful when meeting the ladies, about putting their arms around them.
When reading about men of great accomplishment, usually there is a women back
of each one. Often it is his own mother, or some other woman, who had great influence
in shaping his life and is the power behind him by which the accomplishments were
Days to Recognize:
July 4, the signing of the Declaration of Independence – was not the Freedom of
America, our country, but the intent to operate and function independently from England
as a country. But America’s Freedom was not won until at the signing of the
Capitulation October 19, 1781, which gave the Colonies independence
July 22, Coming of Cosmos.
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15, Mother Mary’s Ascension Day.
July 15 Liberty Flame.
Aug. Meru’s.
Sept. 15 Truth.
Oct. 15 Maha Chohan.
V.10 N.3, September-October, 34 A.F. (1988)
Master’s Pictures
In the beginning of the new Activity, “The Bridge To Freedom”, in a letter to the
student who then because of that, was put in charge of that department, Saint Germain
gave the following information. “Appreciating your interest and sincere desire to know
Our wishes concerning the very important activity of placing the pictures of the
Masters and the activities of the Sacred Fire into the hands of the students who are
asking for them”.
“First, there is a spiritual Law as well as a physical law to be considered, and
under the spiritual Law no photograph may ever be “sold” for profit. In the case of
portraits impressed, inspirational or imaginative sketches, this law does not hold true.
As your present “earned” store of pictures contains a few photographs, and a good
many portraits of one of the other type mentioned above, I would hold fast to the same
policy, finding the cost of production and allowing the recipient to render whatsoever
recompense he, according to the dictates of his own conscience, may feel is right and
fair to give in return for the service rendered in providing him with such a picture.
“Photographs: The actual photographs of the Masters contain the energy and vital
substance and directed Ray of the Master’s own individual world into the
consciousness of the student. No human agent has colored the intensity of that radiation,
except in so far as the skill of the photographer adds lights or shadows which tend to
emphasize or mute certain characteristics, features, etc. A photograph of the Master is,
therefore the most concentrated focus of His Consciousness and talisman of His Power
in the possession of the student, and the invisible Watchers see that no such photograph
ever remains for long in the hands or possession of one not worthy to honor it or to be
benefited by Its Presence.
“When an individual is entrusted with the opportunity of distributing such
photographs, it becomes his individual responsibility to make application daily for the
protection and wise distribution of these beautiful foci of the Masters’ Love, and if the
chela makes not such application, the karma of his neglect falls at his own door.
“The actual photographs which are presently in your possession and which may
be reproduced and disposed of on a voluntary, free will offering basis are --- etc.
“PORTRAITS _ Impression: These come under several different categories, as I
set forth in paragraph one of this letter. The “impressed” portraits, sketches, etc., are
for the most part the most authentic, if the artist is skilled not only in “clairvoyance”
and able to “pick up” accurately the impression of the subject to which he is devoting
his time, and also in the technique of transferring his impression to canvas, sketch
board, etc.
Inspirational: Those artists who work by “inspiration” usually either tune in to
reality in dreams or in the quiet of their studies rise in consciousness into what the
Venetian calls the “world of the Real” and endeavor to transfer their vision to paper.
They differ from the “impressionists” in this regard, they, of themselves, rise to
spiritual heights and incorporate their vision onto canvas, sketch board, etc. While
those chosen, for impressed drawings, have the distinction of having the Master single
them out and strongly direct an impressed vision toward them for a definite reason.
One is the result of “choice by the Masters” the other “aspiration of the self.”
“Imaginative Drawings: In this category are the great number of “artists?” who
choose to externalize their own concepts of the Christ, the Madonna, and, coloring
their concept with their own particular believes of a given lifetime, create on canvas
and paper something which pleases them but which may fall far short of truth, the
surrealist does not do worse in externalizing the thoughts of his own inner nature, but
the artist? Consoles himself in his subject matter’s supremacy over the mundane affairs
of the outer self. Much harm has been done through this type of art, for man is taught so
much by the visional sense, than an eye picture of the “chart”, the “Christ” or anyone or
anything becomes his concept, unless he is a free, strong, and unimpressionable thinker,
in his own right.
“The radiation of the Master’s Love through a portrait is not as strong as in the
case of an actual photograph. The energy of the artist is impregnated into the
impression and conveyed along with the focused ray of the Being represented into the
world of its possessor.
“It is therefore, very important to know the moral character and spiritual nature of
any artist commissioned to depict a spiritual focus which will be the concentrated
point of the vision and attention of individuals and groups, particularly with regard to
platform pictures, the chart, etc. Although many lifestreams may be given an
opportunity to express the “germ” of the idea, the lifestream of the individual
privileged to complete it for public use must be spiritually illumined. You have no
concept of how much of Mr. Brooks and Mae Da Camara has flowed into the students’
worlds over the years through the contemplation of those charts, etc.” (Saint Germain
did not want many different Charts.)
We are here to learn and attain self-mastery. In order to attain it our inner bodies
have to be cleared of the misqualified energy. Of most of this the outer self is not
aware. When we come into embodiment a band of forgetfulness is placed about us.
Because if we remembered all the things of the past we could not endure it here. Then
the bad karma the accumulated misqualified energy, or most of it is withheld after birth
so as to give the baby body a change to grow up. Then at the age of around 14 years (a
few years one way or other) the karma of the past is released back to the individual. Or
at least the amount under which each one can survive and that which he has the
capability of handling if he will.
In order to handle this everyone has to have the assistance of some Ascended
Master or Masters. All this misqualified energy has to be redeemed, purified and
returned to perfection. Scientifically this is a matter or raising the vibration. Like
melting ice over fire into steam, or like raising the vibration of a harp string, then the
former condition is no more.
This misqualified energy is just energy vibrating at rates below perfection. It must
be raised by actions of the Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire has to be drawn forth from the
God-Presence and/or Ascended Masters and Divine Beings.
In general the people of earth have lived here many times and each time through
free will have misqualified energy and also accepted misqualified energy from
without. Now thru free will and self-conscious effort or action this has to be redeemed.
In order to completely do that one has to have the assistance of the Ascended Masters.
But an Ascended Master never interferes with anyone’s free will.
To the student on the Path the Masters give the assistance by first making him
more aware of the misqualified energy, human habits, traits and tendencies which are
rooted in him. Then the individual of his own free will must indicate whether or not he
wants those things removed – transmuted. If he does, with his permission it is often
transmuted instantly.\
Since in the 1930’s, much has been done at inner levels to clear the earth of
human creation in order to bring in the New Age. So things have and are changing as to
what can be done for individuals to help clear their worlds of human creation. Now
individuals can be given more assistance than ever before.
In order to root out these age old things, it is sometimes necessary to enter into to
connect with or draw forth a particular vibratory action. For every experience and
everything there is an etheric record (by some termed subconscious). For the
individual it is his etheric body. Not only the misqualified energy but this record too
has to be transmuted.
Things become perplexing when human concepts enter in, (when one does not
discriminate), when one wants to believe all the various things people say that the
Masters said it. Much is being claimed that it came from the Masters when it did not.
Students may feel they are being led, in a Divine way, and get the idea that for the work
they are doing, that they are important. Yet to the Master’s work it may be completely
unimportant. Most prefer to have human concepts along with the Truth. That shows that
some of the same ones are back again doing the same things, in so-called Light groups,
which sank Atlantis.
Wherever and whenever that life which belongs to you, which has been generated
thru you and sent forth, whether it acts in the life of another for good or for evil or acts
in another realm or planet, when it acts you feel it within yourself. Sometimes
individuals have great feeling of exaltation and upliftment and it is because a prayer, an
invocation or call which they made sometimes years ago, even centuries ago has found
fulfillment in another part of life. Whenever you feel a stir of energy if it is joyous,
know there is fulfillment, if it is distress stop for a moment and call on the Law of
Forgiveness and ask that any previous cause that has gone out from you and is
disturbing life somewhere else, may be released. You can have instantaneous release
from a depression or from a feeling of heaviness or lethargy that sometimes comes
unexpectedly upon you. When you awaken in the morning or often when you are
moving happily thru your day and suddenly a cloud of energy will fall upon an
unascended being and he does know from whence it has come, it is your own life that
is acting.
The heart center of the universe, which mankind has chosen to call God, and
which has been designated by the later organizations of spiritual thought as the great
Central sun, is literally, practically and absolutely the Source of each individual (soul)
who must attain mastery over the individual energy which forms his heartbeat and his
life essence.
Group Work
The spiritual vitality that flows into the planet earth and into the consciousness of
the people, flows primarily thru congregations. Where numbers of people are gathered
together under a director to worship God, they draw down a benediction, a grace, a
spiritual nourishment that expands the soul light of the spiritual self.
In your individual lives I cannot emphasize the fact too much that personal
application provides spiritual vitality and nourishment. The rhythm of your personal
application and the rhythm of your cooperative endeavors in groups draws into your
spirit the nourishment that makes it strong, makes it a greater magnetic power to draw
from the universe the good, makes you a greater radiating center and makes you grown
in spiritual stature. No individual should feel religious worship is duty. It is a
magnificent opportunity to expose the starved and shriveled soul to the nourishment of
those vital currents that flow from the I AM Presence and from the Angels of
Ministration at congregational services.
Why did Jesus say: “When two or more are gathered together in My Name”? Why
did He not say when one says his prayers? Because the merging of the consciousness
and the flames and the intensifying of the magnetic field thru the power of each
lifestream warrants the expenditure of a great deal more energy than the endeavors of
the individual alone, although a certain amount of spiritual vitality flows the moment
that you think of (God) the I AM Presence. (Archangel Uriel, 5/16/54)
In the 1930’s, it was said that the Law was permitting the energies released in
decree work to be amplified by the number of individuals participating.
Our call to the I AM Presence is a signal to some Ascended or Divine Being to
observe what is needed. Because it is not only for our Freedom individually, but also
for the changing of the axis of the earth, when all has to change. Therefore, Life the
Source of all Intelligence, has permitted such great assistance to be given at this time.
In 1939, Archangel Michael said, that those who passed up this opportunity would
have to wait such a long, long time again, that he did not care to estimate it.
The Ascended Masters attained by this same understanding of the Law. Mankind
can now produce the same results. But one must feel the reality of these Truths and
cannot just take or make it a social event, another activity of just temporary interest.
Because of human beings tendencies, desires, deliberate determination to do their
own way is why the spiritual teachings in the past had to be veiled, hence the occult
law was devised.
Because of the way students displayed the Masters pictures, handled them, glibly
talked about the Masters on a personal human level, caused much criticism, opposition,
ridicule, and hate from the public, occult, metaphysical and church people.
First when the Ballards started out and for a few years, they were not even
allowed to give out publicly a notice of any kind, in any way. Later they could give to
the students only a list of future classes, when Saint Germain had scheduled some
classes. This way the Masters could impress on the minds of certain students to
mention to certain persons whom they knew, about the book Unveiled Mysteries, or up-
coming classes, then too the Masters could impress those people whom They wished to
drawn into the Teaching. They used Unveiled Mysteries as a sieve, to test them out. If
they could not accept what was written there, they automatically eliminated
themselves. Unless they could accept it they were of no use to the Masters, just a
In the latter part of the 1930’s after a few students had made the Ascension under
the New Dispensation, which had been confirmed by Saint Germain thru Mr. Ballard,
some students started to call to Them, for assistance or help of some kind. Then the
Masters told us not to do that, because those recently Ascended needed to adjust to that
vibratory action, and learn, to get into whatever work they were to do. For assistance
and work here to be done, we should call to Those Beings Who have offered to render
or are in charge of those activities, qualities and particular work, etc.
In the literature that came thru Mr. Ballard in the 1930’s, when the Masters speak
and refer to the students, that applies to only some who read this material now.
They endeavored to time the ascended and unascended activities exactly, and as
the Digest of the magnificent accomplishment of the student body for the year 1953 was
being read to them, the great Sponsor for the year, Lord Michael, was presenting the
address to the assembly at the Teton Retreat. From this one can see how already the
students were working with the Brotherhood.
Before the activities of the evening began, the beloved Lord Michael arranged
that the members of their families who had passed thru the veil, all those who were
given the Grant, that they be drawn to the Teton, and they were given the news at the
same time them that the students’ hearts leapt on hearing of it. It is a wonderful thing.
Something that had never been done on earth before. Twelve o’clock midnight
December 31, 1953.
Note: Lord Michael had secured a dispensation whereby the members of those
students’ immediate families were not required to reembody, but would be permitted to
complete their life work in the Realms of Light.
The Copyright on Law of Life II is being renewed.
Days to Recognize:
Sept, 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, the Angelic Harvest at Shamballa.
Oct. 3, Commemoration of the day Saint Germain gave the first Dictation on the
“I AM”.
Oct. 12, Columbus Day. Oct. 31,
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom was won, by the surrender of the British forces at
Yorktown. The signing of the capitulation, which gave actual Freedom to America, the
U.S. as an Independent country, was signed by: Cornwallis, Thomas Symonds
(British); G. Washington, La Comte de Rochambeau, La Comte de Barras en son nom
at celui (for) de Grasse, (combined forces of America and France). However it was
only know that at that signing, America’s Freedom was won. The preliminaries of
peace were signed at Paris, Nov. 30, 1782. But the peace treaty was only concluded
and signed Sept. 3, 1783, at Paris… The Declaration of Independence is an
unparalleled activity upon the earth. The original Constitution of the U.S. of A, was
and is also a divine creation.
Oct. 31, Elementals’ Harvest. Halloween.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15-Nov. 14, Comfort Temple.
V.10 N.4, November-December, 34 A.F. (1988)
Master Morya’s Plan was to open the door to those of mankind of earth who were
interested in cooperating with the White Brotherhood by providing them with a
knowledge of which Retreat would be currently active, what the Masters were
endeavoring to do thru Its Radiation, and give a comprehensive understanding to the
students who might wish to join their energies with the endeavors of the Brotherhood
while such endeavors were in progress. This way the Cause and the individual’s own
evolution could be hastened, by becoming engaged in the action at the time.
Master Morya did receive a limited dispensation whereby He was privileged to
endeavor to contact certain chelas who, thru past association might respond to His
overtures. In that case, he would be given additional freedom from the Cosmic Law.
The way and means by which He should make such overtures would likewise depend
upon the questionable cooperation of whatever lifestreams He could secure to
“bridge” the chasm between the Ascended Masters’ Realm and the realm of human
consciousness. The acceptance of His Presence behind the endeavor would depend
upon the spiritual perceptions and sensitivities of those chelas chosen.
When the Transmission Flame classes were first inaugurated, the students did not
have sufficient knowledge nor momentum of application to transmit around the world
the powerful concentrated Rays, Flames and Radiations of the Retreat honored each
To remedy this, various members of the great White Brotherhood and the Angelic
Kingdom volunteered to assist the group activities and lend the strength and energy of
Their individual momentums to help the students to receive, absorb and transmit the
gifts and blessings from point to point on the earth’s surface.
Then as the activity became worldwide and the students had developed the
capacity within themselves to perform this service in a satisfactory manner, the Master
more and more transferred to the students both the responsibility and the opportunity
for drawing and directing the Rays and Currents, so that the meritorious karma may be
given to the members of the race presently embodied rather than add to the already
glorious heritage of the God-free Beings.
The Maha Chohan was vitally interested in the progress of the Transmission of the
Flame around the earth, because His service to Life is connected with the tying of the
breath into the physical body at the time of birth and the releasing of the final breath
from the body at the time of passing on, so-called death.
The use of the breath in the course of the life determines the amount of vital
essence that can be released to and thru the individual from the finer ethers. Within
these subtle ethers is the elixir of life, the secret of eternal youth and beauty and the
purifying agency by which disease and decay are transmuted into immortality.
Mankind, for the most part, are not discriminate in what they inbreathe nor what
they outbreathe into the universe.
When mankind voluntarily offers to contribute some of his breath to the forward
progress of the race, he automatically receives from Life a greater proportion of the
gifts that life within the substance of the air and ethers.
The forming of “a bridge” from point to point across the face of the earth, by the
voluntary contribution of the breath of certain students was a marvelous Cosmic Action
of the Law.
The Focus and Action of the Light, which had been established and was utilized
in the 1950’s, by and/or thru which those Cosmic Feats were accomplished enabling
Sanat Kumara to be released, since the Focus was broken, it automatically affected the
Transmission of the Flame in a similar manner; hence, is no longer in action.
In order to understand the divergence in the spelling of the names of the various
members of the White Lodge, it is necessary for the chela to realize that references to
the Masters which appear in the bodies of manuscripts and letters rely upon the
accuracy of transcription of the particular scribe entrusted with preparing such written
The language sense, education and the purity of reception will all be factors in the
developed manuscript. Also, the method of reception, thru clairvoyance where the
actual lettered spelling can be accurately transcribed, or the more difficult
clairaudience where the sound must be incorporated in those syllables that most nearly
represent that sound in the language of the chela. For instance, the vowel and consonant
combinations in Pali and Sanskrit represent a different sound than the same
combinations in the English language.
The Masters, Themselves, also take into consideration the difference in the
sounds produced thru word and syllable combinations. For instance, Koot Hoomi,
written in this way is pronounced as Kōōt (hard t) Hōōmi (both long oo’s – u sound)
and to give a more accurate sound the Masters has, occasion, changed the spelling to
Kuthumi to give the softer t-h, which is more pleasing to Him. (“t” “h” not as in but as
in Beethoven.)
Djwal Kul has also been written phonetically as well as copied by chelas from
the Sanskrit and Pali scrip, but the written signature that conveys the sound best to
English speaking people is the Djwal Kul, giving the soft “g” sound.
Hoping this will give the information desired will also clear the mind of chelas of
unnecessary confusion. (Master Morya, 7/23/1953)
Days to Recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day.
Nov. 24, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Masters’ and mankind’s harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26 or so Karmic Board convenes over the Grand Teton Retreat.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat. For color, quality and activity of the Flame,
refer to Law of Life Book II, for that particular Retreat.
Singular: Cherub-Seraph-Eloah
Plural: Cherubim-Seraphim-Elohim
V.10 N.5, January-February, 34 A.F. (1989)
One cannot run away from one’s self. If one’s world is in turmoil here, it will be
in turmoil when he is on the other side, out of the physical body. When a person passes
on his consciousness is the same there as here. The physical body is left behind, but the
consciousness one takes with him. Everything there is intensified, amplified. When the
past is reviewed on the other side, one cannot hide anything, lie, or deceive. The
review takes place for his own education as Those helping him already know. So there
is nothing gained by committing suicide. When one no longer has a physical body for
certain reasons, or under or within a plan and an approximate time or life span which
is set by his Christ Self, then to commit suicide is interfering or cutting that short.
Hence one has to make amends for that on the other side. So he slows down his
All forms in the outer world come to an end. This includes our physical bodies
that is the Law of Life in this low vibratory action. This is generally termed death. This
comes about from one of two causes. Physical substance comes under the Law of
Cycles. Passing on comes about because of the ending of the cycle which end the old
and gives opportunity for the new, something new. Or it is brought about by the misuse
of the physical body, by misuse of energy; or by deliberate action, that is by committing
suicide. However, it has not been realized that the person who misuses his energies,
who persists in holding wrong attitudes and resorts to consequent actions, commits
suicide in fact just as surely as one who does it thru or by physical means or force.
In life here we have this energy which is provided by the I AM Presence for work
to be accomplished. And not to be misapplied in wrong attitudes and wrong actions.
In the past before all discarnate entities were removed from the atmosphere of
earth, and now none are permitted to remain, a person who had committed suicide was
apt to be more earth-bound, than would have been otherwise. Usually it was for the
period of that life span, and sometimes for two or three life spans. Some would come
back into the next embodiment cripple for the purpose of teaching them the value of a
good body.
Although he has taken life from the physical body he cannot cease the flow of
energy nor terminate consciousness.
Thru discouragement of attempts to handle one’s problems and obstacles in life,
when one commits suicide and he no longer has the physical body which is a blessing,
and a shield against the discord, one’s suffering is much greater. Then one sees his
mistake, but it is too late. Such ideas, one can erase by calling the Presence into action.
It can transmute the human creation from which one cannot run or get away.
To cut off one’s span of life does not bring freedom. It only intensifies the
conditions from which that one sought to be free. These conditions being mental then
the awareness is much greater.
When on contemplates suicide as an escape from the troubles here, he should also
contemplate what it will be like when he gets on the other side – out of the physical
body. When one no longer has a physical body, which serves as a shield or veil, one
clearly sees life from the other side, the principles and purposes of life. Then his
remorse for having violated the laws of his being may be much greater than all the
troubles and tribulations experienced in the physical body while on earth. So he gets
punished by no one but himself.
When someone kills someone else that is considered a bad crime. In war it is
justified. Suicide is killing oneself, so that can be put on an equal bases as doing it to
At times they want to do away with themselves, end it all they think, but that act
just makes more trouble, more karma for themselves. At times they think they want to
do it, that shows emotional instability and mental irrationally. But in case of getting
very sick or having a narrow escape from death, ironically, they get very scared that
they might pass on, even more so than others do.
The reason the thought of suicide enters one’s consciousness is because he has
greatly violated nature’s law, the law of his own being, he has violated social customs
and laws. He has self pity because he could not have his own away.
Anyone with a suicidal frame of mind should think these things thru when in a
more rational mood. Because one does get all the attention and praise, etc. that he
wants or would like, he entertains self pity, which plays a big part in this.
He should also realize in case of suicide, what a burden this would place upon
his relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc. But he is usually too occupied with thinking
of self. They think by ending it all, they will have the peace of mind for which they are
looking, and get the attention from others by making them feel guilty that they did not
give enough attention. But they will experience quite the opposite – more like a
nightmare. Suicide is not a normal way to pass on, to end life here, by one’s own hand
is tragic. Causing others overwhelming grief, torment and pain. Those left behind for
the rest of their lives wondering what or if they could have done anything to prevent it.
If one loves any of those left behind, how can one do such a thing? It is a giving in
to the wrong forces, is a failure of all life that is meant to be. A complete lack of self-
mastery, and is not worth it. Depression is karmic, an accumulation of the past, having
the attention on the human the wrong thing or action.
The life flowing into each one of us is all the same essence from the universal
First Cause, all released from God the Cosmic “I AM” Presence. That life is the gift of
God Who has given individualization to each of us, to every Divine Being that has
been and Who will be in the future. That life is so precious. Tap the resource of all
life! Not thru effort of human will, but by allowing that life which is intelligent and
responsive to your direction, to begin Its expanding process thru you, making all things
right, mentally, emotionally, etherically and physically while you still wear a flesh
garment. It is sad indeed when We see so many of mankind in sore distress of their own
human creations that they desire no longer to have the gift of life. There are Great
Beings particularly concerned with the protection of individuals who come to that
point of despondency; lest thru violence they should shut off temporarily the flow of the
greatest gift in the universe – life itself into their physical form – and not complete the
magnificent manifestation for which they were created and sent into physical
embodiment. Then they have to stand before the Karmic Board and make recompense
for their refusal to accept and sustain the gift of life in so far and in so long as the God,
the I AM Presence, that made us each and every one, desires to serve on any plane or
in any sphere in which we have become fitted to dwell. (Lanto, 12/21/57)
For depression medically subscribed drugs may help some people, at least
temporarily. But thru the knowledge of the I AM Presence and application of the
Transmuting Violet Flame and actions of the Sacred Fire it can be corrected
To have a physical body is an opportunity to surmount whatever needs be, and not
give in to weakness, but make things right. Especially at this time when the greatest
assistance from the Cosmic stand point and Law is given making, more than ever
before in the history of the earth. Then to think of suicide, and like thousands of young
people today give in and go along with the craze of dope, liquor and sex; what a
tragedy when they have the greatest opportunity of all life times. Yet to go the extreme
the wrong way, when they could with the same energy and intelligence gain their
eternal Freedom in the Ascension into the Light.
For the last two generations the attitude has been that all life was just “to have
fun” to be entertained. So the children are brought up – reared – with that as their
objective. Instead of being taught that they have a responsibility to life. They should be
taught from babyhood to be constructively occupied, and made to understand we all
have to be responsible. Instead now they are before the TV most of the day that their
minds are conditioned so they become incapable to even think.
To attain the goal of earth life, for those out of embodiment, the law is that they
need to have a physical body. Therefore, from that stand point, it is a privilege to be
the one out of three to be accepted by the Karmic Board each year, when two are
denied that privilege. Although for most it is not an easy role after they get here.
However, it should not be taken lightly, and contemplate taking life by one’s own hand
when things don’t go to suit oneself; thinking that would end all the difficulties here.
Such things come about from the accumulation of one’s own misuse and humanly
qualified energies; which is each one’s own responsibility, and no one else’s.
Now we are at the close of the Cosmic cycle and the door is closing for future
embodiment on earth for those who have not made good.
Because the Ascension can only be attained when the Divine Plan for that
lifestream is sufficiently fulfilled. And the judge for that is each one’s own Christ Self,
into which the outer consciousness and the purified portion of the physical body must
be drawn by the Christ Self into Itself, then ascend into the Electronic Body of the “I
Thru suicide one does not end that from which he is trying to escape. It just juts
one off from the opportunity to make progress in fulfilling that part of portion of one’s
Divine Plan for which he came into embodiment; attaining the Ascension which is the
Goal for each lifestream.
Since the call for the Ascension has to come from one’s own I AM Presence, and
it will not make that call until Its own fiat, or the Divine Plan for that lifestream is
fulfilled. So we can see how suicide just postpones that possibility.
Another point to realize is that it is not possible to use the Ascension as an escape
to leave the earth or to get out of difficulties here.
The authentic dictations by the Ascended Masters were not given thru mediums,
psychics or so-called channels, have nothing to do with disembodied individuals or
psychic connections.
When an Ascended Masters dictates a message or discourse to an individual who
is the contact or amanuensis, the Master does not take over and use that body life
spiritualists and psychics let some other force take over their body and change their
voice and mannerism, claiming a Master is dictating.
As Ascended Master never controls or takes over the faculties of another life
spiritualism and under psychic influence. The contacts, these persons speak naturally
some time with much power and certain emphasis, because the Master’s radiation does
enfold the person. What one says is a Master and what an Ascended Master is can be
two different things.
An Ascended Master just mentally relays the message. Or like in Mr. Ballard’s
case sometimes the Master was present in a tangible body, which would be like a Boss
dictating a letter to his secretary. Then too Mr. Ballard had been prepared whereby the
Masters could flash the words before him in letters of golden light about two inches in
height, and he would simply read them and speak in his natural voice and manner.
By radiation and substance of the contents one with sufficient discrimination can
know whether or not it is from an Ascended Master or Divine Being.
When stepping on the spiritual Path the first requisite is discrimination. One must
discriminate the sham or false from the Truth.
Many think they are in touch with the real because it is very potent and seems very
real to them. Yet, it is very tangible to them because they are in contact with substance
but it has been humanly qualified, and with records thereof, but they are self-deceived.
It is the same action as what has been going on thru the centuries and they have quite
likely done it many times before. But that is not an Ascended Master giving it not are
they in contact with that Realm.
A channel is when some outside force flows thru or some other entity takes over.
When a boss dictates to a secretary, she does not take over, and she is not a channel.
He relays in words certain ideas to her. She is at all times in full control of all her
faculties, and of her own free will writes it down or not. Then after working for him
for a long time, she becomes familiar with his ways and business and can write some
letters practically the way he would. But that would not be a dictation.
Besides tuning in thru trance or otherwise to one’s own past accumulation and
activity, that of others, and etheric records, there is this other realm which is still
below the Ascended Masters’ Realm and consciousness.
One can be in contact with and get help or/and inspiration from an unascended
master still in embodiment, or an advanced individual out of embodiment at inner
levels, in a certain realm or in one of the Etheric Cities who is giving it.
One can be in contact with and get help or/and inspiration from an unascended
master still in embodiment, or an advanced individual out of embodiment at inner
levels, in a certain realm or in one of the Etheric Cities who is giving it.
In the lower realms of Light are Masters, Angels and disembodied individuals.
They are taught the science of the creation and projection of Light Rays. Lady Master
Meta established Temples in the Etheric Cities from which trained lifestreams,
unascended beings, also some serve there while their bodies sleep, selfless and
nameless ones who direct beams of energy to earth. They become projectors of Light
Rays over which ideas are sent to receptive consciousness of embodied individuals, to
inventors, ideas for sermons, and certain truths. This enables information and
instruction to be given from inner spheres into the human realm which otherwise would
be too subtle for the outer consciousness to accept. It also gives those individuals at
inner levels a lesson in selflessness.
But this is not from the Ascended Masters nor from Their Realm. Evidently the
so-called channels are in contact with some of their own inner consciousness, and
these authentic dictations by the Ascended Masters were not given thru mediums,
psychics, and have nothing to do with disembodied individuals or psychic connections,
but may be from some of these unascended beings and not from the Ascended Masters
as they claim, but from one of His pupils, who sometimes even uses the Master’s name.
Hence some of it is qualified with their own concepts, consciousness and etheric
records. Therefore, there are conflicts, contractions and discrepancies in what they put
Meditation – Contemplation
Thru the ages mediation has been used as the process of awakening the head
Meditation is to get one’s consciousness or conscious awareness out of the human
realm and connected with a realm of higher vibrations. Then listen, be receptive. This
way the outer self learns of the reality of life beyond the physical realm.
Thru daily practice and being willing to listen one can get some directions from
the Higher or Christ Self.
The motive behind meditation is to connect or make connection with a higher
realm, for ease, peace or some satisfaction for the self. While contemplation is to
connect with the Christ Self and enter into the action of the I AM Presence and then go
along with it.
When one has learned of the I AM Presence, the Christ Self and actions of Sacred
Fire, one can then truly contemplate instead of just meditate, which is the negative or
feminine aspect. Contemplation brings in the positive aspect as well, and thus lets the
inner awareness come into the outer consciousness.
In consideration of the Presence, it is much better to think of It as contemplation
instead of meditation. The general consciousness about meditation is to sit in
meditation so long that one becomes negative, which is not what is desired. Meditation
denotes stillness. Although one needs to still the four lower bodies, so that the Divine
can get thru and function, (as it was created for that), yet contemplation is action. And
when the attention is held on the I AM Presence, the word contemplation means action
of the Presence.
Under the old or occult law meditation has been the process to awaken the head
center, bring it under one’s control and use. In this way the outer self and the inner
action were brought together, coordinated. This at-one-ment produces a greater inflow
of spiritual energy and activity, and brings forth latent talents and also bad karma to be
redeemed. That is why purity is stressed, not only physical purity but purity in thought,
feeling and deed as well.
By living a one-pointed life and mediating each day brings brain cells into action
and awakens the brain consciousness or outer self to the Light within. Living this kind
of life over a period of years can awaken the chakras or centers in the etheric body.
The awakening must not be forced or brought about by breathing and other types of
exercises. Before the bodies are developed sufficiently. This can be dangerous,
especially in awakening the kundalini, which is stimulating into action the energy at the
base of spine.(To be continued)
Retreats for next six months:
Jan. 15-Feb. 14, Darjeeling Retreat, Divine Will, blue.
Feb. 15-Mar. 14, Meru’s Retreat, Illumination, near Lake Titicaca, gold and pink.
Mar. 15-Apr. 14, Resurrection Temple, over Holy Land, Jesus & Mary, white &
all colors.
Apr. 15-May 14, Ascension Temple at Luxor, Ascension Flame, Serapis, white.
May 15-June 14, Focus of Wisdom, over Kashmir Hills, India, Kuthumi, gold.
June 15-July 14, Teton Retreat, Precipitation Flame, Lord Confucius, green.
Days to Recognize:
Jan. 1, New Year’s Day: anniversary of occult law set aside; Karmic Board in
session; Sanat Kumara was released, Lord Gautama became Lord of the world.
Jan. 21, Sanat Kumara left for Venus.
Feb. 12, Lincoln’s Birthday.
Feb. 22, George Washington’s Birthday.
The Resurrection Flame was first drawn into the atmosphere of Earth by the
Being Krishna, Who, seeing the shadow of human thought and feeling taking form in the
consciousness of mankind knew that the fruit of that seed would be disease,
disintegration and decay, and knew further that some means of restoration of those
fallen sons of God would have to be provided for, in case they desired to return to
their natural God Estate.
The Resurrection Flame did become a necessity for mankind and Elemental life.
1783, They became aware the War had been won at the signing of the
Capitulation. July 30, 1861, General McClellan’s Dream occurred.
1861 - 65, Civil War.
August 19, 1934, Eloah Arcturus issued the fiat, If necessary a Light as of a
thousand suns would descend.
August 22, 1937, Master Jesus gave the same fiat.
1914-19, World War I.
November 11, 1918, Armistice Day, armistice declared.
1926, was the end under Cosmic Law for the accumulation of destructive forces
of mankind’s waywardness. However, Cosmic Beings did secure a dispensation to
withhold that otherwise those forces would have destroyed the earth. This was in order
to give the Master Saint Germain a chance to try out His plan to bring in a New Age
for the cycle of the Seventh Ray which was to follow that of the Sixth Ray about to
Saint Germain being already Ascended could not take physical embodiment for
that purpose, as Jesus, Moses and those of previous cycles did. He had to prepare
someone to be the spokesman and leader to do that work in the physical realm.
August, September, October 1930, Mr. Guy Ballard had been prepared for 30
years, mostly on the inner, when he was contacted by Saint Germain on Mount Shasta;
then had those experiences recorded in “Unveiled Mysteries” (Vol. I), and others.
October 1930, David Lloyd made the Ascension on Mount Shasta, CA.
1932, Mr. Ballard had the experiences recorded in “The Magic Presence”, and
February 1932, Mr. & Mrs. Ballard started classes in their home in Chicago, IL.
July 4, 1932, Saint Germain started giving the Discourses recorded in Vol. 4.
October 3, 1932, Saint Germain started giving the Discourses on the creative
Words “I AM”, recorded in Vol. 3.
November 7, 1932, Lord Himalaya came forth to minister unto America. The first
time He had been brought to the knowledge of the outer world.
May 27, 1933, World’s Fair in Chicago opened fair illumination officially by
utilizing Light from the star Arcturus – Light, Power, and Sound.
October 1934, Mr. & Mrs. Ballard held their first public class, in Philadelphia,
1937, Astrea started to give assistance in removing the discarnate entities and the
destructive substance from the atmosphere.
In the 1930’s, Saint Germain and other Divine Beings gave the Teaching for the
New Age. The Ballards were allotted 20 years to give this Teaching to mankind.
December 29, 1939, Mr. Guy Ballard left this plane. Completed the Ascension
New Year’s Eve at the Teton Retreat.
1951-52, When that period ran out, Sanat Kumara still remained a voluntary
prisoner of Love, supplying the Light which mankind should be emitting. Millions of
years ago when the Cosmic Law voted the earth back to nothingness, then Sanat
Kumara volunteered to supply the Light from His own Presence, required to hold this
planet in its place in the solar system until such time as mankind would awaken and
assume their responsibility to the universe for their existence and sustenance.
1951, Masters Morya and Saint Germain were able to secure another
dispensation for 20 year to see what could be done in regards to the expansion of the
Light, and handling of certain forces and activities which had to be remedied before
Sanat Kumara could be given His Freedom. At that time the Cosmic Law issued the
edict that it would only accept this sacrifice of Sanat Kumara for another 20-year
period, (1952-72).
January 1, 1954, the cycle of the Sixth Ray closed. The past 20 some odd years
had formed the transition period, from the Sixth Ray to the Seventh Ray. Because of the
tremendous response of the Lords of Karma to the students’ magnificent outpouring,
that day began the era of Freedom. The Master Saint Germain and the Goddess of
Justice assumed the Cosmic Office as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray for the next 2,000
May 1, 1954, Coronation ceremony took place, making Saint Germain the Cosmic
Representative of the new cycle. It was at His request, because of the sweet memories
of May Day which He had known in many ages.
That makes May 1, New Year’s Day for this new age, the first day of the calendar
like January 1, has been for nearly 2,000 years.
January 1, 1956, Thru the activity and accomplishments of the New Endeavor
(1952-58) Sanat Kumara was enabled to be released New Year’s Eve.
At the time when Morya’s petition was granted by Helios and Vesta for the
opportunity to start the New Endeavor, Lord Gautama began without being asked, to
prepare Himself by expanding His Causal Body to make it like that of Sanat Kumara.
So did Lord Maitreya prepare Himself to take up the office of the Buddha. This, Their
readiness, really enabled Sanat Kumara’s Freedom to take place. It was the most
important aspect of Their consciousness, to be ready at that time, even though there had
been given a longer period of time in which to accomplish His release.
The students thru the powers of invocation, decrees, and visualization, set into
motion Cosmic activities of mercy and purification, which did in a short span of time,
free souls who had been impounded for many ages, slept thru eons of time, or had been
earth-bound, and by this very self-imprisonment had not been willing or able to find
out the Will of their own I AM Presence, or even if they knew that Will, could not
fulfill it and complete their destiny. Although enough destructive forces and human
creation was transmuted from the earth to give Sanat Kumara His Freedom, the
remaining is for those on earth to purify.
January 1, 1956, At the Conclave New Year’s Eve, Master Morya announced that,
“Sanat Kumara has been released from His exile of the ages”. Sanat Kumara
transferred the Crown to Lord Gautama, Who from then on has ruled as Lord of the
Sanat Kumara desired to remain at Shamballa and retained the office over the
Spiritual Hierarchy, as Regent until the time allotted Him by Cosmic Law expired, (20
years, 1952-72), with exceptions of visits to Venus.
At Shamballa in the main Temple Sanat Kumara reigned since coming to earth
millions of year ago, His Banner or Standard, which is the planet Venus surrounded
with the laurel wreath on a deep purple field, had flown over the Temple ever since He
January 1, 1956, Sanat Kumara’s Standard was lowered for the first time and the
Standard of Lord Gautama was raised, which is the planet Earth surrounded with the
colors of the Casual Body, on a gold field. Lords Sanat Kumara, Gautama and
Maitreya then walked over the Bridge and disappeared in a blaze of Light. In the next
moment They were at Lord Michael’s Temple at (over) Banff in the Canadian Rockies,
where the final ceremony of the transition of power from Sanat Kumara to Gautama
took place.
Sanat Kumara addressed the Spiritual Hierarchy and expressed His gratitude for
answering His heart-call and forming the Great White Brotherhood in order to forward
the Divine Cause upon the planet earth, and for the privilege of serving earth and being
permitted to share in its redemption and victory.
March 26, 1956, Lord Maha Chohan said, that Eloah Astrea had the opportunity to
enter Cosmic Nirvana with the Eloah of Purity, but chose to remain as a separate,
individualized conscious Intelligence in order to provide the purifying action of the
Circle and Sword of Blue Flame, in order to clear away the substance of human
creation. (1937). If She had not done that, and the sincere dedicated students in the
early work (1930’s), and those in The Bridge work (1952-58) had not volunteered to
give this selfless service to Life as representatives of the Ascended Masters Sanat
Kumara would not have been freed; and if Lords Gautama and Maitreya had not been
ready. Hence, They were ahead cosmically speaking far beyond that which They
expected to accomplish, in regards to Sanat Kumara’s release and Maitreya’s ascent to
Thru the students efficacious decrees individually and in groups, many of the
vortices of distress had also been removed, dissolved and transmuted. The individuals
who came out of the compound are now studying in the Temples of Mercy, learning to
use the Transmuting Violet Flame to make things right. Those from the Sleeper’s Realm
have resumed their conscious awareness, and are working to fulfill their Divine Plan.
The earth-bound (all discarnate entities) have been removed from the earth. Those
three great activities are already depicted upon the frieze around the base of the marble
Altar at the Teton Retreat.
In “The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, pages 11f, the Tibetan says, that there is
a thought-form of Himself in the psychic-astral realm. It is made up from energy of the
disciples and from all who have read literature put out by Him. That He has no
connection with it, and does not use it, that it is a distortion of Him and His work. It is
composed of emotional substance and some mental substance, hence it is easy for
psychics to tune in on it and be completely deceived.
A trained student in the occult law is capable of doing what any psychic can do
and more, but they do not expend energy that way.
The light in the psychic-astral realm is only a reflection of the real.
Likewise there are the thought-forms of the Masters by which these various
channels and psychics are deceived. Then too there are the shells of disembodied
individuals. The Ascended Masters have nothing to do with so-called guides, Indian
chiefs or otherwise.
Emotional impulses are not Divine directions.
Whereas the perspective of the various channeling is in accordance with an level
of human consciousness.
These channels just seem to sprout up, have not had training and definite
preparation like the contacts or amanuensis for the work done by Divine Being in the
1930’s and 1950’s. Nor have they been a part of it. Nor are they backed up by Cosmic
action. The early students were trained how to and did render impersonal service. The
channels work more on a personal level, giving opportunity to some Beings at inner
levels to expand their work as well as that of the channels. Hence what is given is
according to their accrued consciousness and not always in accord with the new
Teaching of Great Ones. Much is according to metaphysical and occult teachings
because that has been their training in the past. They also connect with the forces in the
psychic-astral, and being psychic they are easily deceived. They tune into that
accumulation of which it was said, nine-tenths has to be transmuted. However, some
things are deliberately changed to try to make people believe certain changes have
taken place. This may be done thru the desire to be the one putting out something new.
These various channels, etc., are sensitive to vibrations beyond the physical
substance. But usually they are not familiar with and do not know the vibrations from
the Ascended Masters’ Realm, just hose in between, that and the outer. They are
sensitive enough whereby other lifestreams or some inner forces can make contact with
them. What comes forth is according to their consciousness or the status of
consciousness of each, the received and the giver. Even though they attribute what they
contact and put out as being from Ascended and Diving Beings by using Their names,
does not make it so.
Comparing the material and action of those claiming to be getting messages, or
dictations from the Masters, with what really came from Them, shows how distorted
things are already; what a difference. What has happened to Jesus’ Teaching?
The mental and feeling worlds of mankind are all one. Like short wave radio is
instantaneous anywhere. As the students in their feeling became sure that there was but
one Presence in the mental and feeling worlds of mankind, they could then understand
how thru issuing the decrees could render unparalleled service for mankind and the
In the feeling is both sight and hearing. With sufficient expansion of the Light and
enough clearance in the feeling world, one can (come to the point of hearing, that is)
feel things as clearly in the feelings as if it were the spoken word.
When coming into the Light and stepping upon the Path, then as one’s Light first
expands he necessarily receives first thru his feelings. Hence he may hear many voices,
and/or see many faces and things. Proclaiming, since it is beyond the physical
perception or manifestation, it was of God, the Presence and/or Masters. However,
this may be like what is mentioned in Ouspenksi’s work: this man (like many others) in
his search began to hear all kinds of voices around him; others see all kinds of faces
and things. This man knowing something was wrong, kept on calling. Then one day just
one distinct and powerful voice (of the Christ Self) spoke, and from then on the others
voices were silent. This is why when getting on the Path, discrimination, or developing
it, is the most important thing.
The mental and feeling worlds of mankind being one, by the students
understanding this and being conscious of it, gave the Great Ones, in the 1930’s, as
They spoke thru Mr. Ballard to the students, it gave Them the opportunity at the same
time to act within the mental and feelings worlds of all mankind to produce perfecting
results. It also gave (was) the opening thru which They could put forth (say) the words
thru which They wished to give assistance to mankind; as that went thru the mental and
feeling worlds of all mankind, unknown to them.
When contemplating the I AM Presence, then give It all power to act here in the
outer world. The one can visualize those Rays of Light being intensified, and doing
their perfect work. January 1, 1935, those Rays of Light were permanently anchored
from the Central Sun thru the Sun, to the national Capital in Washington, D.C., and each
State Capital: also to certain cities in various countries. (Vol. 3 p. 360, Vol. 4 p.5, 46.
green books.)
In his inaugural address, President Bush said for Congress to produce an
Amendment to the Constitution, by drawing forth and passing a Bill for a Balanced
Budget, without a Constitutional Convention. It would be well to write the Members of
Congress concerning this, as it is very important that this be done without such a
convention. Decree for it:
Mighty I AM Presence, Great Divine Director, Goddess of Justice, Saint
Germain, Morya, Nada and K-17, see that in Congress they draw forth and pass a Bill
for a Balanced Budget each year, which Congress must adhere to, as an Amendment to
the Constitution, without a Constitutional Convention. (Pattern p. 37, Decree book.)
Days to Recognize:
Mar. 17, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 20, Spring Festival.
Mar. 21, First inhabitants came to earth.
Mar. 26, Easter. Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
May 4, Ascension Day.
Mar. 15-Apr. 14, Resurrection Temple.
Apr. 15-May 14, Ascension Temple.
Eternal Record
Jesus’ public Ascension made an eternal Cosmic Record not only that did but also
His whole mission did. It has become an active Cosmic Records, and differs from any
other made. Within It is contained the forward urge and impulse for which the outer
mind is magnet. This was for the enlightenment and blessing of mankind.
Thru the centuries His Statements and expressions have become more vivid. Thus
with the assistance of the powerful Rays of radiation, this forward impulse of that
activity focused upon the earth will cause great accomplishment to be achieved,
because great numbers of mankind were enabled to be sufficiently anchored in the
Truth and Its conscious application.
After man had turned from the Light, the individual, Krishna, realized that there
must be some means by which to return to the Light. Therefore, He drew forth from the
Source the Resurrection Flame.
While in the tomb Jesus resurrected His body before it was raised into the etheric
body and then into the Christ Self. That same process took place in David Lloyd’s case
there on Mount Shasta before Mr. Ballard’s sight.
Man’s original body on earth was pure, made up of or containing only pure
substance. Originally the Christ Self was projected forth as a replica from the I AM
Presence. Then from It at a lower vibratory rate was created the etheric body, then the
mental, and emotional, and later the earth body. In the etheric body is the pattern (of
Light) for the physical body. Neither had any discord, all were of pure substance,
created from the etheric, air, water and earth substance. But that body could not go
where the Christ Self could, nor could the etheric. But the etheric could go where the
physical could not, as is still the case. It’s limits are within the etheric realm. The
physical or earth body was limited to function within the bounds of the original gravity
of earth. The Christ Self has a far greater capacity, but not the Cosmic capacity as does
the I AM Presence.
In the case of Jesus’ Resurrection while in the tomb, and David Lloyd’s
Resurrection during the Ascension process before Mr. Ballard’s sight, before they
ascended into the Christ Self the resurrection of the physical body took place. That is,
it had to become pure, as the bodies were which we had before ever creating any
discord and imperfection. In regards to making the Ascension the term “purified
substance of the physical body” entering the etheric body refers to this pure body when
making the Ascension.
Originally the vibratory rate of, and hence the substance of the four lower bodies
was under the conscious control of the individual.
Jesus on the cross, was meant as an example of Victory not of distress which
people and churches expand now. He felt no pain nor distress as He was out of the
body in his etheric body, but kept enough connection (thru) which enabled him to say
those last words: “Father, how Thou hast glorified Me, into Thy hands I commend My
Spirit”, instead of what is claimed now. “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken
“Every son of earth who has stood before the Karmic Board and qualified to
become a Son of heaven was, before his Ascension, a Presence of Comfort to his
fellowmen. The exceptions to this rule have been bound out to schoolrooms in the inner
Spheres where they have had to learn the control of their energy until such a radiation
became their passport into the Realm whose inhabitants are dedicated to bringing and
sustaining Comfort of all who “touch the hem of their garment”. Lord Maha Chohan,
“When earnest souls are aware of the Masters and begin to think of Us, naturally
Our energies flow back to them and often a strongly impressed word or thought does
enter the conscious mind of the chela. That is a private blessing that should be honored
by the individual in the silence of his own heart. Here there is the danger that the
awakening ego, once having received such an accurate impression, may begin
thereafter to accept all the suggestion of his own inner bodies, his frustrated impulses
and desires, and once he has accepted them indiscriminately, thru spiritual pride and
egotism, he no longer will accept the real directions and truths from the Master. Really,
often this closes the door of opportunity for advancement for an entire embodiment.
There is great opportunity in receiving an impression from the Master, if it makes the
lifestream more humble, more earnest, more valuable as an instrument in our hands but,
always, when people question you concerning this, counsel them that for one such
blessing, there may be a thousand subtle impulses from their own inner bodies which
form “tests” in discrimination and humility. Master Morya, 1955
Kwan Yin, Spokesman for the Karmic Board (at that time) addressed the souls
about to embody within the year.
“No lifestream that embodies receives in any embodiment more karma than his
development will allow him to completely expiate within that lifetime. There is no
disease, no distress or condition which, thru the Law of justice and mercy, is to be
experienced by any lifestream in that embodiment that is greater than the developed
consciousness and power of the individual to whom that karma rightfully belongs. This
is the Law.
“Mas has said: ‘The Lord (Law) prepares the back for the burden’. Yes, to a
degree, but the Law does not inflict the burden of returning energy upon the lifestream
until within the Flame in the heart and the capacity in the consciousness there is the
potential power to balance that debt.
“Where would justice and mercy be were the debts to come back more rapidly
than the power developed within to expiate them? Now the potential power is within
the soul to expiate every bit of karma that belongs to and is allotted to each lifestream
but very few men, women and children adore the Presence of God enough to
externalize that power and make that balance. When they do, disease and death,
disintegration and failure will cease to be.
“Man, receiving back into himself the return of his energy and knowing that the
Cosmic Law will not burden him in any one life with more than he can handle, will
rejoice when he seems to have a return of a considerable amount of karma, that the
God of Love has thought he was mature enough to not only wipe that quality out of his
own world, but from the face of the earth.”
Thru the past ages in occult teachings and then the Church too, had it that for one
to pursue the spiritual path in earnest he was to take the vow of poverty. Like some
other things they were made to believe it was the law. However, it is not and never
was. That was perpetrated upon mankind by the black magicians to prevent or hinder
spiritual development as much as possible. The Law is, we can have what we require
for that pursuit, however, it may not be just what or enough what the outer wants. As
most people think they must have what they want, which can be much they do not
require, and then have to take care of it.
Life thru nature gives all to mankind as a glad free gift of love. Mankind need to
give all back to Life, instead of claiming (feeling) we are the owner, the possessor and
when we do, Life will give all to us.
That does not mean we should sell all of what we are custodians and take up
beggar’s bowl. What it does mean is to give back into service (for the Light) what is
required, instead of the energy contaminated by human qualities, give it back pure as
Life has given it forth.
May 15-June 14, Focus of Wisdom, Kashmir Hills.
June 15-July 14, Teton.
Days to Recognize:
May 1, Saint Germain’s Ascension Day; and Coronation. New Year.
May 4, Jesus’ Ascension Day. May 8, Gautama’s birthday. Enlightenment &
May 14, Mothers’ Day. Whitsuntide.
May 30, Memorial Day.
June 14, Flag Day.
V.11 N.2, July-August, 35 A.F. (1989)
Master Morya, 4/6/55
What is the purpose of repetition which is the basis of Saint Germain’s activity in
the decree pattern? It is based upon the fact that you have used in millions of years so
much energy thru the spoken word, and beaten that into your mental, emotional and
etheric bodies that you have solidified qualities of a negative and destructive nature
within them, such as doubt, fear, rebellion, disillusionment, etc.
Now, to requalify the energy in your physical bodies and your etheric, mental and
emotional bodies you have got to begin to release a balance of energy which will blaze
into them and really shatter those patterns that you set up mostly thru the use of the
spoken word and physical action. The efficacy of your decrees is not only in that which
goes out into the ethers but that which is charged and charged and charged into your
etheric bodies which brings a positive alignment and control of your entire
consciousness in the acceptance of affirmation of faith and positive assurance. When
you have said for centuries, I am helpless, I am sick, I am distressed; you have built
into this etheric garment, into that which the world calls the sub-conscious, certain
deep grooves of energy. You have set that body into motion. It is a consciousness
which has accepted that which you have decreed for yourselves for millions of years.
You have done the same thing with your emotional body and your mental body thru the
use of life. One affirmation from your lips is not going to convince these conscious
vehicles that you have completely changed your centuries of living. You are going to
have to drive into them a POSITIVE radiation which will in time shatter and transmute
the pattern of your past; and put in its place the patters of perfection for the future. You
know yourself in the dabbling with the powers of the sub-conscious how the mind has
absorbed even the recordings that have been placed under the pillows of sleeping men.
(You know what has been done by the affirmation on the biblical phrases that bring
peace to the minds of individuals and enter into their feeling worlds.)
The activity of the Master Saint Germain is to drive that energy into yourself. For
your mental body is so little of your entire being. Until all of your vehicles responding,
one day you can say, and your mental, etheric and emotional bodies will cooperate
with the physical, “I am free by God!” and that moment you will be. You might have to
keep on saying it for a long time before you have the full cooperation of those vehicles.
On the other hand you may be one whose inner bodies are very positively charged and
at the very first call you have manifestation. I don’t have to tell, you, you know – in the
use of the words of life and the fiat whether you are having manifestation or not. If you
are not it is because some place back in that realm of inner vehicles you have a
momentum that says: “Oh, yes it isn’t so.” There is no fooling with this Law – when
you come to a point of realization THEN you are Master! And in one word you can say
to the flood, STOP! You can say to the great earth quake: “Cease”. You can say to
volcanic eruptions: “Be still,” and it will be done. But you cannot work with some of
your bodies out of gear any more than you can drive your car with one wheel, you
would have a very bumpy trip, I assure you.
At the moment of realization when your seven bodies are completely aligned,
when your Electronic Body, you Causal Body, your Christ Self, your etheric , your
mental, emotional and physical bodies come to that point of spiritual illumination and
realization, that moment one spoken word is all that is required for manifestation and
precipitation to occur. And all the power in your Causal Body flowing thru that word
brings manifestation. Jesus manifested that in the drawing of the precipitation thru the
fish’s mouth, in every fiat which He gave for healing and for resuscitation even of
bodies that passed thru so-called death.
In the development of a positive radiation you must work for it.
Everybody likes a comfortable religion. Certainly that is why the earth is in the
condition it is. Everybody likes peace, everybody wants some other being to carry
them out of distress. But how to do it is like Lord Gautama Buddha, Moses, Mother
Mary and Jesus the severe discipline and life they went thru.
Those who say they do not wish to decree, are making an error. K-17
For more than 100 years the call from the hearts of humanity has come to Me, but
the voice of the outer was silent. Today, the voice of the outer has made its call to
Me… Thus life has called and called, but the outer response was silent… Since your
call has brought this response, is there anything that you call will not bring forth?
Goddess of Purity, 1/1/39
In the early work it was said that infertility, inability to propagate your own kind,
is caused by and is a result of excessive misuse and abuse of the sex activity, in former
embodiments it may go back a very long time. In the past there was a time when that
was so pronounced that it almost wiped out a civilization.
In the first ages there was no sex activity. That only came about long after man
began to turn from the Light, the Divine Plan and action. After the direct use of and
wielding of the Light Rays had been lost, when they could no longer procreate in that
manner. This is when Cosmic Beings devised different bodies for man to function in
that lower vibratory action. Then is when sexes were separated. Hence the process of
procreation is human.
Mention has been made of a Dividing Line, between the human and the Divine
which is just below the heart and above the solar plexus of the physical body; and even
the fetus is formed below that line.
The term Dividing Line is also used as or for the action of the Christ Self (Higher
Mental Body) where the two worlds meet, the human and the Divine. Where the human
ceases and one becomes free. All appearance of age disappears, the garments one is
wearing dissolve into those of the Ascended Master Realm; there is nothing left of the
physical. The purified or/and refined part of the physical body is absorbed as It
ascends into the Christ Self. At that point the transformation from the human into the
Divine takes place.
After one has made the Ascension one does not re-embody, does not come into
physical embodiment again.
So-called death has come about thru or from the misuse of the sex activity. It was
created by or thru that. That urge, desire and momentum is all human. All of it is in the
density, in the clothing, the vibratory action, the misqualified energy around the points
of Light. None is from the Light nor from the Divine.
In passing on (so-called death) the interim is when the permanent atom, the Three-
fold Flame (Unfed Flame) lets go, compels the feeling to let go and withdraws from the
physical body. It may seem like an eon, but it is only a few moments.
Even though persons are drawn together by the Presence or Ascended Masters,
there can be and often is that attraction between them, because of sex energy within
them. So the outer consciousness may pursue that. Since the general ideal of life here is
for pleasure, the sex gratification is so important.
In the early part of the century it was said of a popular or sexy person, he/she has
“It”. Later the term “sex appeal” was used, it was more specific. Now it is “charisma”,
same thing by different names. The majority of people respond to it because they are of
that caliber of consciousness. When one’s energy is driven down below the belt it
dams up, hence the doctors say that sex participation is necessary. It also gives them a
good excuse to participate in that manner with their clients. This according to statistics,
is practiced in alarming numbers. Years ago it was mostly known to be with men and
their secretaries. With most people next to food and drink it is most important, and with
some it comes first. It is also maintained by some to be necessary for spiritual growth.
According to Cosmic Law and the Ascended Masters that is not so. But it is spiritual
camouflage. That was perpetrated upon man by the black magicians. Now used as an
excuse to participate.
Children are reared in homes with parents or others where sex activity is carried
on for gratification; and some with the Bible study where there is more of it. Then
wonder why their children, and even some very young, and young people pursue it.
When having lived in that or such an atmosphere, their inner bodies were saturated
with it. Children are sensitive and their inner bodies are open to whatever vibratory
action and qualities are around them. Also there could be a carry-over from former
embodiments of it.
Saint Germain has pointed out that for the real earnest (or 100%) student that sex
gratification was out. That one needs to guard his energy. If one wants to render this
service and wants his Freedom. One must call for that desire to be taken out of his
world. That it was very important. But if the student insists on doing this, that then
They could only give them a certain amount of help.
When finally the leaders of nations realized in a nuclear war they too could not
survive, brought about some change in their thinking, and action too, in regards to the
use of nuclear weapons. Hence, they agreed along with the increasing Cosmic Light
and the Ascended Masters radiation and work, to start to destroy some. Which is the
way and only way. The changes taking place in Russia by Gorbachev, and in the
communistic world, are evidently compelled in the outer by the present technology. In
order to not fall completely behind, and in the use of it, it is impossible to keep the
people completely ignorant and in the dark any longer.
Meditation – Contemplation
(Continued from V. 10 #5)
Yoga, for the occult student for this transition period, is to constantly practice the
Presence of God. For those who have the explanation of the I AM Presence, etc., that
means practice the I AM Presence, which is not so abstract but much more concrete. It
does not say to meditate on the point between the eyebrows and on a guru, or to open
any particular center, which was the occult practice formerly. It should be done with
one-pointed intent and directed purpose, and ordered regular meditation, done
systematically thru years of effort, while giving loving service done with detachment.
This denotes impersonal service, in comparison with the former.
Then the centers will be awakened naturally and safely including the kundalini
fire. As now there is such great general world stimulation.
They warn against excessive and prolonged meditation, fanaticism in diet or
anything else, and not hold the interest on psychic development and experiences, but
work unemotionally and hold a balance. The real occultist has nothing to do with the
three lower centers.
That is similar to our Teaching. Make regular daily personal application:
contemplate, do decrees for protection, Violet Flame, etc., and render impersonal
service, thru group work whenever possible.
Thru the release of Cosmic Light since 1936, has brought much change and great
assistance to those endeavoring to walk the spiritual Path. Instead of practicing old
occult methods for awakening the centers we give attention, as Saint Germain
instructed, only to those above the dividing line, the heart, throat and (two) head
centers and do it thru the I AM Presence which will bring all into line and balanced
The aim of contemplation – meditation is: 1) The formation of thoughts, to bring
abstract ideas and intuitions down to the concrete levels of the mental plane. 2) The
aligning of the outer self with the higher Self or Christ Self, and to get the outpouring of
the I AM Presence and Causal Body which will eventually free the individual.
The reason or purpose for (intoning the Word) saying words, a phrase or decree
three times is to send it forth on the mental plane affecting the mental body, on the
emotional plane for the emotional body to help stabilize it, and on the physical plane
acting on the physical body and is counterpart the etheric body. Visualize it going forth
thru the bodies. There is a three-fold effect on the bodies.
The oriental posture of sitting with the legs crossed, etc., comes under the occult
law, then the main endeavor was self-development. One had to attain to a certain point
before he could render service to the whole, that is render impersonal service, as we
do now. Therefore he crossed his legs and arms to shut out, block off outer world
activities, the vibration of the outer world. Now that the occult law has been set aside,
and we know our I AM Presence, how to call forth protection and how to use the
Violet Flame for transmutation, the action is different. Instead of working for self-
development first then render service, it is reversed. Now impersonal service comes
first, then the self. However, both should be carried on continually.
The posture should be, sit and stand with feet and knees about four inches apart,
arms uncrossed, hands at the side or at least four inches apart. This is so the currents
from the Presence can flow thru. By crossing arms or legs it makes a short circuit, like
two electrical wires touching each other.
The occult law having been set aside means, that occult terminology and practices
have been set aside such as, having a guru, extended meditation, concentration on the
point between the eyebrows, practices of the kundalini fire.
Mankind, human beings need the Ascended Masters, and there is no way a human
being can extricate himself and make the Ascension without the assistance of the
Ascended Masters. However, there is a big difference between this and having a guru
in physical form. For one to get or have assistance from an Ascended Master does not
mean He is a guru for that one, although He may assist in a personal way. Furthermore
we need Their assistance in impersonal and cosmic service. As human beings cannot
handle, dissolve and change the destructive activities of man without the Master’s
We might say that Lord Maitreya was Jesus’ guru. But even so, Jesus had to rely
on His own I AM Presence (which he knew and was much aware of). When he went to
India the Great Divine Director was his Teacher and gave him the statement. “I AM the
Resurrection and the Life”, which he had to use and manifest. The Great Divine
Director did not tell him He would give him or even assist him to the resurrection, in
fact He did not even give him recognition although He knew what Jesus’ mission was
to be.
Under the occult law it was not permitted to give the knowledge of the I AM
Presence, the use of the Violet Flame, etc., so one was supposed to follow a guru,
hoping he could find a real one and not a false one. The pupil was taught to place the
attention and concentrate on the point between the eyebrows. By some it was thought
that was the seat of one’s soul, so to speak, meaning the anchorage of one’s Divine
identity. However, now we have learned that the spark or the potential Three-fold
Flame is anchored in the heart, instead.
So what the guru would do was form a thought-form, an image of himself and
mentally project that into the etheric body of his pupils, at the point between the
eyebrows. Then they would look to that for guidance, etc. Now we are to look to the I
AM Presence instead.
So it can be seen how easily a pupil could be misled by a false guru. That is why
the and most important thing for one who steps upon the spiritual Path, is to cultivate
discrimination. Now in this Ascended Masters’ Teaching students go direct to their
Presence, not to a guru, nor to a guide, an Indian Chief, etc. Having a guru is passé.
Like when Jesus came he brought grace which set aside the old law of an eye for an
eye, etc.
The use of the Rosary, the prayer-wheel and chanting were formerly used but are
not needed in Saint Germain’s Teaching. These methods can be too mechanical and not
the divine way of calling forth perfection. Although some results may be gotten from
them because of the energy used and the qualification of that energy. They are passé.
Instead we have been taught to decree. And a decree should not be taken and used in
these other methods or fashion. A decree should not be chanted. A decree should be
given by an intelligence in an intelligent way, that is, knowing that you are addressing
intelligent Beings, knowing what you are doing, why you are doing it, for what
purpose, what is the law behind it and what results are to come from it. The most
important part of a decree is to comprehend it. There is more to this Teaching than just
acquiring knowledge, chanting or rattling of decrees, of just reading.
In spiritual development theories and mental concepts are not enough. One must
grasp and understand, and through experience by the inner consciousness, it must be a
fact, real.
In or by employing sound and rhythm in group work should make a connection
between the group and the I AM Presence and Divine Beings, Whose assistance is
being sought. This enables Them to pour forth Their Light and Power, the assistance as
designated. It is based on vibration and the process is scientific. This same process
can be used to contact evil forces. This was done on Atlantis and is why it sank. Many
of these individuals are in embodiment and are doing the same things again.
All that is in existence is based on sound or on the Word – the sounded Word
which is
“I AM”. All in manifestation is the effect of sound. Sound makes a Good contact
from here to there, the higher Realms. Another good reason to decree. (To be continued)
When doing (intense) mental work a ray of Light flows forth between the eyes, the
center of the forehead. When speaking, the energy flows forth thru the throat center as
sound. When intense feeling flows forth, the energy goes thru or from the solar plexus.
When pouring out Divine Love the Light flows forth from the heart center.
Conscience is the action of the Christ Self, an inner action; not reason which is of
the outer mind.
July 15 thru Aug. 14, Liberty Flame, southern France.
Aug. 15 thru Sept. 14, Transylvania Retreat, Violet Flame.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Flame of Truth over Crete.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14, Maha Chohan’s Retreat, Comfort Flame.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Days to Recognize:
July 4, Independence Day.
July 22, Coming forth of Mighty Cosmos and the Two Secret Rays.
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15, Mother Mary’s Day.
V.11 N.3, September-October, 35 A.F. (1989)
Meditation – Contemplation
(Continued from V. 11 #2)
The various Yogas have had their place and purpose. But to return to those now
especially those dealing with the development of the centers, thru breathing exercises
and certain type of meditation, from a certain aspect, is retrogression. The greater Yoga
(Raja) includes all the lesser. Under the old or occult law, thru the practice Raja Yoga
was when one had assumed sufficient directional control who centered his
consciousness in his soul, his Real Self, as best he could perceive It. This makes the
other forms of Yoga unnecessary. The soul, here meaning one’s Real Self, his Reality,
this we know as the I AM Presence. This again corroborates with Saint Germain’s
instruction of giving the attention only to the heart, throat and (two) head centers.
(Unveiled Mysteries, p. 255, second edition.)
The occult law was in effect thru the past ages preceding 1931, when it was set
aside. Under it the real Truth was hidden by the use of blinds, veils, parables, symbols,
etc., which made it mysterious.
That is why people pursued and were fascinated by the mysterious things, because
behind it was some Truth. The pursuit of many is still in that direction. Although this
new Teaching of Saint Germain and the Great Ones, explaining about the I AM
Presence, Whose action/activity is the Law of Life, has done away with mysticism.
To just chant “Om” or “Aum” to experiment or see what will happen is not a wise
thing to do. It may draw some radiation or power, some of it may be light but are you
sure you will know what to do with it or how to handle it?
“Om” being universal, can draw to or around one whatever is in the atmosphere;
and it is full of all kinds of human creations.
On the other hand in the use of “I AM” there is a safe guard not otherwise had;
because this invokes (what people term) God, individualized (an individualized focus
of God), wherein is discrimination and selective intelligence.
Hence, there has been far more accomplished in the past years since in the
1930’s, (in fact from 1936 to 1939) thru the use of “I AM” than there was during the
past millions of years, even since the time man turned from the Light and drew himself
into discord.
“Om” is “AM” of “I AM”, It indicates a universal presence and does not give the
individual action of God within one. While “I AM” gives a recognition and acceptance
of Deity in action or acting in and thru the individual.
Meditation or rather contemplation, really means, feeling the active Presence of
God, the I AM Presence. To do that one must remove all disturbance from the attention
and feelings.
In the past the main function of meditation was to bring the four lower bodies into
a receptive condition and vibratory action so that the Master, and one’s own higher
Self could use that outer vehicle for a specific purpose.
In metaphysics and occult teachings they use lower mental body for the intellect
or intellectual activity; higher mental body refers to the Christ Self (to them an abstract
concept), which is not only the divine mental activity but Divine feeling as well. It is a
mental and feeling Being. The emotional body is the human feelings. The emotional
body is the human feelings. We need to release the feeling from the heart which
releases the energy from the Presence (thru the Christ Self), and the Divine Beings.
That is what produces results, manifestations.
Meditation is what has been used in the past as a process of awakening the head
center, much of the time then one hopes and waits for something to happen, not knowing
what. In meditation if one contacted a Master it was usually an unascended one, but
much of the time it was some lower forces. This is because the student often gets
negative and also he does not understand these forces which are very deceptive. One
should remain alert and positive and in full control of all his faculties at all time. The
mass understanding of meditation thru the past, has made mankind feel it must be
prolonged, and so one gets negative. Meditation denotes or is just stillness, inactivity.
So in consideration of the I AM Presence, it is better to think of it as contemplation,
which means action.
But now when having an understanding of the I AM Presence, the various
activities of the Sacred Fire, and knowing of the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings,
the right action is contemplation. Thru it or in this way consciously tuning in on an
inner activity.
To enter; into the silence, there is more to it than just stilling the physical, mental
and emotional bodies. Meditation is tuning out of the human realm. Contemplation is
tuning into the activity of the I AM Presence which is already there. We need to let go
of all striving to produce something; to try to be the doer or manipulate things, or try to
get the Presence to manipulate things our way. Because the Presence is already in
action in Its Cosmic activities, all we need to do is tune in. That is what is meant to
experience “the peace that passeth the understanding of the human mind”.
In the various methods to meditate, one spends the time endeavoring to get still to
still the four lower bodies. But when one has accepted the I AM Presence and knows It
is there one can put the attention on It and very quickly or right away still the bodies
and then have Its action. That is, one then has all that time to contemplate Its action.
Under the occult law the use of the Sacred Word was one of the secrets of
initiation. It was used in meditation, and was not permitted to be divulged. That is why
it was so difficult to comprehend.
The advanced man, linked up the two major centers, the head and the heart into
one synthetic instrument, and the throat center vibrates to the same measure. Thereby
blending wisdom (head center), love (heart), and power (throat center), by which the
lower physical activity is transmuted. Now we use the Transmuting Violet Flame, call
It forth thru the I AM Presence, instead of having a guru. This corroborates with Saint
Germain’s instructions of giving attention only to these centers. (Unveiled Mysteries,
page 255, second edition.)
Meditation of the East is a tuning in on the universal state of consciousness. It is
the abstract. It is the feminine aspect; the Om or Aum of the creative Words “I AM”,
the crown action. In meditation that vibratory action can be drawn into and around
oneself. Meditation is just a tuning in on a state of consciousness on the inner, a
passive state. While contemplation brings in action consciously, sets into action on the
inner, thru one’s focalized God-power some creative activity.
When understanding the I AM Presence, It then acts thru all. In regards to
meditation, contemplation is the positive aspect, brings in the action of the “I” of the “I
Yet under the action of the Seventh Ray of the two aspects, contemplation is
negative, or feminine aspect, the crown. While the decrees are the positive or
masculine aspect, the scepter. The negative or feminine aspect denotes the receiver; the
positive or masculine aspect denotes the executor.
When this work or Teaching first came forth, because the need to save the earth
was so great, and that aspect of the Cosmic Law had changed, the action was to work
for the whole instead of for the individual. The teaching came thru Mr. Ballard, and we
could completely rely on it as coming from the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings.
Now it seems there is more action on individual development, and each individual
wants to follow his own desires. Hence, so many are claiming to be getting messages,
and these seem to be from various levels. This leaves the student completely on his
own as to how much Truth is there.
Many psychics are putting out material with all kinds of claims. They need to
develop discrimination and more control instead of being controlled, as they are easily
As the Tibetan Master (Djwal Kul) has said, that from their guides, Indian Chiefs,
etc., there was nothing to be learned and much to be avoided. Also, that there is a
thought – form on the psychic-astral plane of Himself. And it is this which many
contact, and not the Master. This thought-form was constructed by the students and
those who have read the Alice Bailey books. He says He has no connection with it, nor
does He use it in any way. As he words on the mental level and not on the psychic-
astral. This thought-form is composed of some mental substance and much emotional
substance, resembling a shell such as is contacted at séances. It is an animated and
galvanized form masquerading as the Master. It is a distortion of Him and His work. It
has the quality which gives or permits easy attunement with it, and completely
deceives the students. Thru it one can only contact the astral light or realm which is
only the reflection of the akashic or etheric records from which the Masters get much
of Their information. All this is distorted by it. It sends out thoughts which fosters
flattery, love of power and ambition and ideas of separateness. Trance mediumship is
in this category too.
A shell is the discord of the outer self at inner levels, after one has passed on. It is
the human accumulation, the misqualified energy, the substance of the mental and
emotional bodies. This cannot go into the Light or higher Realms but has to stay in the
psychic-astral realm. It is from these shells the psychics get so much of their
information. The inner bodies do not disintegrate as is sometimes claimed.
There are thought-forms of Jesus and the various ones who have given out
Teachings. It is these, many are contacting and not the real individuals, as they think,
thus they are self-deceived.
Jesus still had to give his Teaching under the old or occult law. He used for or in
place of “I AM” the term “Father”, and also “Amen” for “I AM”. Whenever these
terms are used in place of “I AM” they do not release the same power and action as the
expression “I AM” does as spoken in English.
This should be explained to people to whom this Teaching is new. Since man
knows now how to make airplanes fly, we use them and no longer use the horse and
buggy for quick and long distance transportation. Thousands of years ago had man
known how to produce and make an airplane fly it would have flown the same as now.
The same with electricity, its use could have been utilized then as well as now. The
Law, Cosmic Law has not changed, only man’s consciousness, his knowing and
understanding has changed, It is the same now with the use of the words “I AM”.
It was not permitted to be given then in the outer world activity, because of the
danger of misuse. However, Jesus knew and used “I AM” as he learned it in the
Retreat. As all who made the Ascension in the past knew and used It. And the only
place It was given was in the Ascended Masters’ Retreats. But one had to qualify to
enter such a Retreat, then he invited, directed or taken there by a Master. To qualify,
one had to have attained beyond desiring anything in the outer or for the self; to the
point of being willing and desiring only the Light and action of his Christ Self and his I
AM Presence.
Then individual attainment came first, then came the work or benefit for the
whole. Now the whole comes first then the individual attainment. The whole action is
reversed, changed now. However, one has to qualify in both factions before he/she can
make the Ascension. Since the Teaching is given in the outer, we no longer go into
Retreats as before.
Whatever word is used for Deity – the Ultimate, in any religion, belief or
language should be replaced with the words “I AM”, which is the name of God. No
one need first learn, as in the Christian belief, “Father” or “Amen”, (these are
perversions of “I AM”) or any other words used for Deity.
Everyone should be given or presented with this Teaching and understanding as
Saint Germain and the Great Ones have given it forth.
The use of drugs and alcohol which disarranges the vibration (vibratory action) in
the brain, thus making the outer mind aware of vibrations which ordinarily do not
register in the brain, is what is termed getting “high”. This is similar to getting nuclear
power thru the fission process. While the use of the silencing action (entering into the
silence) is similar to the fusion (or the action of fusion) process.
Saint Germain as Columbus, ventured forth on the Santa Maria to find a land
which he was sure existed. Yet when the days passed into weeks, the spirit within him
wearied, when the calculations he had made so carefully did not yield the
achievements of the goal toward which he had set his consciousness. He had woven
into this enterprise the reluctant energies of men of vision who, believing in his
purpose, chose to forego the security and safety of the known European Continent and
against the prejudice and ignorance of that day, ventured forth upon his word.
So, long after the other had retired at night did he pace the uneven boards that
comprised the deck, looking at the horizon that would not yield a shoreline, Even
questioned his own faith, in the darkness of the night, upon a chartless sea, having
engaged the life interests and the bodily safety of men, knowing that not only his own
but the well-being and salvation of others depended upon the accuracy of his
Here He compared the students now who have ventured upon the Path of Light
and activity He has brought forth, with His experience then.
But one day the horizon did yield land, and a green island swam before his misted
eyes, the sun reflected on the waving palms, the birds flew over the salt encrusted
masts. That day his heart leapt to find his vision fact and at the same time his knees
bent in gratitude to God for sustaining their course westward in the face of almost
unsurmountable odds.
So shall it be in your experience and in that of others who have touched the fringe
of a vision of God-free people, where disease, death, decay and dissolution are no
longer the heritage of the human bodies of men. This vision seems as fantastic now as a
globular world was to the people of the 15th century, but nevertheless as surely a
predictable fact in the future.
Some students in the early work sailed with him, and believed him then, They
shared in despair and in his victory. Some were within the circle, who examined with
him each night the length and course of their daily journey set down in that private log
he carried and wherein he wrote, his knowledge of the sea they had traversed, although
they kept another log for the sailors lest, in fright at knowing how far they had come
from his calculated goal, they would refuse to continue on – and on – and on.
In the hold of the ship, in a small cabin they sat, the night the compass “failed”,
they not knowing that as they turned and sailed due West instead of North, the polar star
would affect the needle. In looking at it that night they felt that their last hope was gone
and yet when they faced the men next day they could not tell them that they were no
longer northward bound lest they become more discouraged than they already were.
Saint Germain said He would never forget it thru all eternity and yet, despite that
seemingly small irreconcilable “defect”, they did find land!
They saw San Salvador! They saw Cuba! They shared his personal agony and
they shared with him the joy he felt at the hot sand firm beneath their feet, the paradise
of the good steady Earth after the roll of the sea, the restful green of grass and shrub
after the gray, billowy waters of the wide Atlantic.
These are the things that burn deep into the spirit of love. They are ties of
friendship that make the association of Heaven a sweet and cherished comradeship that
extends all thru the ages yet unborn. They are links of love written upon the sands of
In the days of Atlantis, a mystical Order known as the Priests of Zadkiel was
established on the present island of Cuba. Here the purple-robed priests of Invocation
wielded the power of the Violet Flame and Ray. Saint Germain was one of them.
At inner levels, after the sinking of Atlantis, the Temples of Zadkiel continued to
train initiates in the power of divine alchemy, where He studied and prepared, between
embodiments, to comprehend the activities of the Sacred Fire. Finally He qualified
sufficiently to be offered the guardianship of the Violet Flame and the office of Chohan
of the Seventh Ray.
When lifestreams believe and have faith in the vision of another, they form a
mighty pillar of sustained energy to hold the consciousness that bears the vision high.
That feeling of trusted and trustful friends was the victory of Saint Germain and all
who finally stepped over the threshold into Freedom. Life and Love do not forget and
They Who live beyond the veil do not forget fidelity and constancy.
After Saint Germain’s embodiment as Columbus (1446-1506) that lifestream had
a short embodiment during which he was privileged to cross the ocean with the great
explorer De Soto and his company. (1541)
He was but a young lad at the time and so was accompanied by a Spanish priest,
who was a good friend to him. Upon their arrival in this new world, they found their
way as best they could to the locality of the Wissahickon creek (near Philadelphia),
where he lived for a while. Much Love and Light of his lifestream were anchored in,
thru and around Philadelphia and its vicinity.
Later, he came to know that thru his sojourn there then, he had magnetized certain
Divine currents of God-freedom which were anchored even within the landed area
itself, these currents took root later and grew into a strong and vibrant “vine” of Truth
and Freedom. This “vine” then later thru the expanding branches of the “I AM”
Activities became globe-encircling.
He left his heart in the spot which William Penn called “Philadelphia”, meaning
“Brotherly Love”, which is not too far from the truth, a very appropriate name for that
community of Liberty and Freedom-loving people, who had left their homes, loved
ones and treasures of the outer world to find a place to live which would be free from
the binding restrictions of the human, particularly insofar as concerned the worship of
their God. (To be continued)
Days to Recognize:
Sept. 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest at Shamballa.
Oct. 3, Commemoration of the day Saint Germain gave the first Dictation on the
Words “I AM”.
Oct. 12. Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom was won, by the surrender of the British forces at
Oct. 31, Elemental’s Harvest. Hallowe’en.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14, Maha Chohan’s Retreat, Comfort Flame.
V.11 N.4, November-December, 35 A.F. (1989)
Group Work
In the early work the Great Ones said that the need of mankind was for
cooperation with the Law and in group work. They put forth certain suggestions which
covered the most important requirements at the time. That would produce the greatest
blessings. That is the reason They requested the students to adhere to the Outline.
Those suggestions were drawn together and that comprised the Group Outline. By the
students adhering to that, enabled the decrees to be issued uniformly throughout
America and the world, and built a momentum, to go forth thru the mental and feeling
worlds of mankind. There would be no division.
To bring about change in the outer, it first had to take place in the inner bodies.
By issuing the decrees, gave the Great Ones the authority, from the physical
standpoint, to do for mankind what was needed, but it could not do. The decrees
released a vibratory action to which mankind’s inner bodies could relate, whereas
otherwise the Masters’ vibration was too high.
This then later enabled the Great Divine Director to set aside the third year for
certain students. He and Others came forth to assist the Cosmic Light with that which It
must do for mankind. That blessing was never before given any of mankind. In that way
accomplishments came about step by step. The Masters requested the students to
follow the Group Outline. The reason They did was because of the need of protection
for America, for which there were certain definite requirements. This had to be done,
and that was the only way it could have been done. Thus many magnificent activities
were released, and could not have been done without activity of the students. Certain
work had to be done before greater freedom could be given for individual expression.
Then it the 1950’s, the Great Ones suggested some alterations, which were
followed. For platform arrangements it was suggested to have the Director or speaker
stand, instead of in the center, to one (the appropriate) side of the Chart which is
placed in the center, and higher than eye level when one is standing. To stand not
directly in front of the Chart (which would be the center, and is customary), so as not to
be in line between the upper figure in the Chart and the individuals in the audience.
Since the Sixth cycle has been closed and we have entered into the Seventh Ray action,
instead of using the Masters’ pictures of Jesus and Saint Germain at either side of the
Chart, use Saint Germain’s at the right and Master Morya’s at the left (of the Chart)
when facing the audience.
It was Morya, Who represents the Divine Will, Who got the Dispensation for the
second 20-year period to promote Saint Germain’s work, when the 20-year period
allotted for His Work expired. And it was Morya Who instigated “The Bridge”
Mighty Victory said, to not be so anxious to express (give expression to) your
own feelings and strong impulses, as you were to stand by and use the decrees which
have been outlined. To not worry about one’s own expression and expansion that
would come later and there would be plenty opportunity for it, but the need was for
America and mankind, in issuing the decrees. He observed that some students as they
called forth energy and power from the I AM Presence, they (the ego) become inflated
and think, what they got is marvelous, such things as instruction, music and art, etc.,
that they must give it forth the world.
Saint Germain suggested that we not keep changing decrees, but have certain
patterns to follow so as to build a momentum, which is not done when one switches
decrees all the time. They needed to get certain work done for the earth, which They
could not do since Mr. Ballard left. So They needed to utilize all the energy They could
get from the small number of students who were willing to come along with the new
The Unfed Flame and the Three-fold Flame refer to the same Flame. It is the
action, the start of all manifestation, which is three-fold, love, wisdom and power.
Metaphysics has it that all is love, or all it takes is love. That is correct when it is
Divine Love, for when we call to the
I AM Presence, Love, Wisdom and Power are acting in balanced form, not just
love, light and substance. This (Unfed) Flame is not fed from the outer standpoint, but
is fed from the inner standpoint.
The Three-fold Flame is a focalization of Electrons or Electronic force or
Substance qualified equally with Love, Wisdom and Power. The universal Light is
Electrons or Electronic Substance. What takes place in Individualization is: the Sun
God and Goddess, draw forth or bring into Being Three-fold Flames, which is the
beginning of individualization.
Saint Germain observed amongst the students that the use of “Consuming” Flame
leaves in their consciousness a vacuum, hence He suggested to use “Transmuting”
instead. To transmute something changes it into something else thus leaves something in
its place.
The Seventh Ray is the Violet Ray. The transmuting (consuming) is but one action
of that, Violet Ray or Flame. Hence it is the Transmuting Violet Ray or Flame, in place
of Violet Consuming Flame. It is also the Freedom Flame and is Violet, but not
necessarily transmuting or consuming. Hence It is the Violet Ray with more than one
action, and not the Transmuting Ray with more than one color. Therefore, “transmuting”
describes that one action of the noun – Violet Ray.
The Lord Maha Chohan said on September 10, 1953, that some years ago, when
Adelphia chose to ensoul the forcefield of the Philadelphia group, this permanent
artificial forcefield was established, and Adelphia formed its heartbeat. Thru this
forcefield, the Great Ones directed many powers of the Sacred Fire even when the
student body was not in attendance.
The forcefield drawn and qualified by the group Director and the students, and
thru the assistance of Adelphia formed the power of Faith, Protection and Action. It
was the impetus to the group Directors and students who desired to establish local
units in their various localities. Because of the Cosmic Forcefield in Philadelphia,
built by the Goddess of Liberty and the Spirit of America, the Great Ones already had
a tremendous power upon which to build this heart center.
February 3, 1954, Master Morya said; The energies drawn forth in Philadelphia
thru this past 18 years make it possible for Us to bring Being like Zadkiel, the great
Elohim, the Silent Watcher and others into the lower atmosphere of earth. The release
which is given in worded expression will be a permanent monument to the lifestreams
in Philadelphia who have made that forcefield over these past years. The group
Director’s discipline, the strength of her Light and lifestream have made this possible.
And no one unascended or Ascended can change or alter that fact. The disciplines of
flesh in which she abided as well as those that she asked to endure are fine. The
disciplines of feeling, of mind which the Director and students incorporate into
themselves can make of the group a tremendous instrument in Our hands.
Many people think they can bring about world peace thru just meditation. The
evidence is before us, it has been the occult law and practiced thru the ages without
accomplishing it.
The real occult law, and not any psychic stuff, has been the law for spiritual
development and attainment, up to the 1930’s, when it was set aside. This attainment
meaning complete freedom from all human creation and action, which can only be thru
one’s self-conscious effort by making the Ascension into the Light, as Jesus did.
Under the occult law one attained step by step thru certain definite initiations.
Now since that law has been set aside, we learn that the highest and ultimate
understanding possible to be given to our human consciousness, of God, or Deity know
by whatever words of expression used, is “I AM”, instead. That “God” is not the name
but is a title. The name is “I AM”, the proof is that no one else can use It (or Its
derivatives) only you can use “I AM” for yourself.
So to be free from all human creation, one has to go somewhere else, but where
have we gotten? There is ultimately only one place to go. And to get there has to be
done self-consciously. It is the same for every human being. Although many roads may
lead to that place, that place is each one’s own “I AM Presence”. Under the occult law
it has always been the same. Hence, at a certain initiation, secretly one learns of
his/her I AM Presence, and how to apply it. No one gets his/her Freedom except by
accepting the “I AM” and making application, using It, making or giving It a change to
work, self-consciously in one’s own being and world. That means apply not just read.
There is no other way to gain the Ascension, as Jesus said, follow thou “Me”, the
“I AM” in Jesus (not the man Jesus), but the “I AM” which is the same in you and
everyone else, only individualized for each. “I AM” the Ascension into the Light. One
can take a pale of water out of the ocean and put a certain coloring in it, but it is still
the same H, O, water.
Those of you who have done some decrees but get discouraged because you do
not see the results you expect, just remember the Cosmic Law has been set into action.
But it depends on mankind, because of free will, as to how fast or quick the perfection
can manifest.
Like a baby body, thru the human way it takes years to mature, however, it has
been set into action and each day it progresses, works towards a goal, although you do
not see it.
But Thru the Divine way the body could be produced full grown right at the time.
Since the old way has been set aside, and Saint Germain and Others have brought
forth a new method of spiritual attainment which is much easier, sager and quicker, the
why not go that way instead of the old occult way of just meditation, etc.? The reason
many want that way is because thru perhaps many embodiments, they have practiced
the old. Therefore, what is built into their inner bodies and they tune in on that which
they feel and it makes them think that is the way, and only or real way. So here we are
still in human embodiment which is proof we have not made it, as Jesus said we were
to do.
World conditions have not changed more because not enough has been done by
human beings, as Saint Germain and Others have suggested. Yet in the 1930’s there
was proof it can be done. As in three years’ time more was done for the Freedom of
mankind and the world than had been done under the occult law since man turned from
the Light. Had that viciousness not interrupted what was being done thru the “I AM”
Activity when Mr. Ballard was here (in 1938-39), and had the people gone on in their
application, and the expansion of the Light continued, all discord could have been
removed from the earth, and we could have much greater perfection manifest now.
None of the hundreds of methods of spiritual training in existence, will ever give
an individual complete Freedom. Everyone who has gained It thru any one of these
methods had reached a point where the understanding of the “I AM” Presence was
finally revealed to him/her. This should be evident, to anyone who really studies Saint
Germain’s Instructions. Those who just want to meditate and feel comfortable and are
satisfied with it and their social activities, or just want to go on in their human way of
living, are free to do so. Each one must choose. If they are interested in the number of
attendance then they are still a long ways from qualifying to enter an Ascended Master
Retreat under the former method. The greatest number are at the bottom of the
mountain, the few at the top.
Now we can have this Teaching intellectually and then thru application get it from
within, instead of the other way around. Also we have the opportunity to render
service while at the same time working on our own development for our own Freedom;
in a way never known on earth before.
(Continued from V. 11 #3)
Saint Germain made the Ascension from the old world in 1684, and that same
year the city of Philadelphia was founded, by William Penn (who served the Cause of
Freedom well).
Then later (July 4, 1776), after His Ascension, Saint Germain stood in the visible,
tangible Body in the Independence Hall, and with all the Divine Fire and Love and
Freedom He charged into those early patriots the strength and courage which enabled
them to sign the Declaration of Independence. This documents still stands us and this
country (land) in good stead today.
Points of Divine Destiny of this city and this nation: Philadelphia was the first
Capitol of America; Saint Germain’s first public classes of the “I AM” Activity were
held in Philadelphia (Oct. 10 thru 19, 1934), just 250 years after His Ascension. (That
class ended on the anniversary of the date America actually won its Freedom, Oct. 19,
1781.) Also from this city pealed forth the soul-thrilling and heart-lifting tones of that
heavenly Liberty Bell. It was rung at the funeral rites of that great defender of the
Constitution, John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, at which
ringing the Bell cracked, July 8, 1935.
When it again rang, February 22, 1846, it cracked beyond repair.
That bell was cracked by black magician forces. It shall be sealed by and in the
actual Light-substance from the Ascended Masters’ Realm. That Bell shall one day ring
again! Then it will be heard completely around the world, by the physical ear. (By
radio, television and other inventions.)
Saint Germain, even since His Ascension has at times walked along that stream,
especially where what is termed “The Sanctuary of the Wissahickon”.
Days to Recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saint Day.
Nov. 2, All Souls’ Day.
Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Masters’ and mankind’s Harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26, usually, Karmic Board convenes over the Teton Retreat.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Again we send to all Seasons Greetings
When Their Divine Radiation peaks,
As the outpouring from Divine Beings,
The middle of the Seven Sacred Weeks.
Will start the night before Thanksgiving Day,
Thus each year forming the Christmas Spirit,
Steadily increasing till Christmas Day.
Yet the masses of mankind do not know it.
A. D. K. Luk
V.11 N.5, January-February, 35 A.F. (1990)
Have scientists located an axis of the earth that they can see and feel physically?
Can they walk on it? Then in case the substance of Mars, Venus, of any planet is like
that, could they land on it in their physical space ship? Or physical body? One can see
the light substance of a powerful search light (like at fairs), but one cannot walk on it.
So are we sure that human beings can land on other planets? An Ascended Master can
make His Body tangible to the physical senses of sight and feeling or touch, but if He
took some physical food in His mouth and swallowed it, if He did not transmute it, it
would fall to the floor.
Our physical bodies are not reality. They are constantly changing. They are just a
utilization of past qualification of energy and substance.
Unwillingness to cooperate and follow the Ascended Masters’ instruction is
rebellion in the feelings, which was the first action that brought about the “fall” of man.
The people did not want to accelerate the vibratory action of their inner bodies, so that
automatically eliminated them, they eliminated themselves, from going along with the
planet to which they belonged, and thus became so-called laggards.
Now planet earth is at a point where it must clean up and go forward in vibratory
action. That is why the Cosmic Push is on, and every individual in embodiment must
choose which way he/she is going to go. That is more than an intellectual decision. The
feelings, the emotional body, the feeling world must be brought into line, brought under
conscious command and control. In the end it could even be the deciding factor.
“According to your faith in our cooperation and your perseverance in the release
of your energies thru your calls, will the present planetary changes take place without
undue discomfort either to the earth or its people. Lord Maha Chohan, 9/4/55
“I greet you, in the Name of Life and Breath and the Opportunity afforded each
one in the use of both. How little the individual thinks of the opportunity that lies
within the use of life, and yet I have seen so many souls, after the change called death,
filled with such a deep remorse and desire for just ‘one day of life to make things
right’. Oh, Ponder, precious hearts, the opportunity each new day brings when you are
allowed, again, the precious flowing essence of life to weave into your experience and
that of those you love all the happiness and harmony of Heaven and to ‘make things
right’ and keep them so while yet you each one have the time to do so.” Maha Chohan,
“In the Holy Name of the Cosmic Comforting Presence of Life, I greet you tonight.
‘I AM’ nearer to you than you yet know thru the activity of the outer mind, for it is one
of the services of the Holy Spirit to provide the spiritual impetus which causes every
newly born infant to draw in the first breath. Therefore, I was present at the birth of
each of you within this room, and at the close of this embodiment, I shall also stand by
your side as you return the final breath to the universal and leave the physical form to
enjoy the Immortal Garments of your Electronic Body of Blazing Light.
“Therefore, you will see how your use of breath is closely connected with the
gifts of the Holy Spirit, and that as you come to use that breath to bless life, you will
find released from the essence of the ethers a certain substance which is both
energizing and uplifting and which for the most part – is not assimilated by the bodies
of mankind.
“The use to which mankind puts the breath of life, not only in one embodiment but
thru century after century, has done so much to cause the limitations in the physical
garments they wear, as well as the destiny of the ethereal envelope, for breath is Holy
Spiritual Life Force which is given into the keeping of every man in order to expand
the glory of God and the Will of His Divine Plan.” Maha Chohan, 10/18/1952
“When it has been said, ‘there is no outer order of This Brotherhood’ the truth
which was meant to be conveyed in such a statement is that, ‘There is no way to
become a Member except by the voluntary dedication of a portion of the individual life
to impersonal service whereby life, as a whole, might be blessed, purified, raised,
transmuted and freed from shadows, limitation and distress of every kind’.
“It is one thing for an individual to signify an interest in spiritual knowledge
because the pressure of personal discomforts prods the intelligence inherent within life
to find a way and means of alleviating such unpleasant manifestations…and such a
desire is worthy of commendation…but when the intelligence voluntarily offers to
apportion its daily gift of life to help the evolution of the entire scheme, such a one is
accepted by the Brotherhood and becomes part of the living, breathing body of this
Celestial Guardian Presence!
“Your breath is qualified life…drawn into your body, clothed in the substance of
your consciousness…and breathed forth again to contribute to the heritage of the race –
for good or evil – according to the state of that consciousness from time to time. In the
course of a natural day, the lifestream who is yet not Master of his energy, qualifies the
breath according to the mood of the moment, and in periods of prayer, meditation,
contemplation and decreeing, offers that qualified life on the constructive side of life…
and in periods of individual confusions and the struggles against the shadows of the
appearance world, offers that misqualified life to the sustaining of the psychic-astral
realms, creations of imperfection.” Maha Chohan, 9/3/53
“I have seen people many times who spend a whole lifetime giving comfort to a
husband, a wife, a mother, sister or brother or child (which of course is a very
commendable trait) but if you were to look at the aura of that one, you would see that
the giving of that comfort was a satisfaction to the self of the giver more than the desire
and motive to convey comfort into the consciousness of the one he or she was serving.
You will be much happier when you lose yourselves from the feeling that you must give
all your comfort to one part of life and learn to open your arms and desire to give
comfort to all.
“You know, there is a balance. I Am always working on that balance with the
Seven Chohans. It is the balance between getting people depleted in body and
exchequer, thus getting them in such a condition that they do nothing at all, and that of
teaching them the aspects of the Law of Life. There is a balance between making
people think of these deeper aspects of the Law and just giving them knowledge which
they do not put to use.” Maha Chohan
“Many thousands of metaphysical students have milled about the doorway to the
Path for centuries, but few have placed their feet upon the actual Path which is
ACTION coupled with the desire” Morya
The writing of ancient sages – the people of today could not take time to read or
understand them, so busy are they in the search for food, for raiment, and for pleasure;
spiritual wealth being to them, even as to the rich, of very little value.
In the 1950’s, the Great Ones indicated various melodies known in the outer
world, which most closely resemble the melody created by the radiation of a Retreat,
Divine Being or the inner/Divine action of the lifestream of some human being. As all
energy in action produces sound, also color. That melody denoted as the “Keynote”
represents the general melody that pours forth from the Retreat and Its Brotherhood, or
individual. Because of the denser consciousness of the outer self, composers as a rule
are not able to accurately reproduce these beautiful melodies exactly but often weave
them into an “aria’ or composition, often quite unconscious of the fact that they have
“tuned in” to a part of the “Music of the Spheres”. In other words, the outer world
composition such as, for instance, “Liebestraum”, embodies the “Theme” of the music
of the Ascension Temple as well as many extraneous notes from the composer’s own
consciousness not necessarily note for note, of the original melody. The Liberty Flame
in the Retreat in France is the original pattern from whence the lovely Fleur-de-lis of
France has been designed. Like the focus at Shamballa it is triple in its outpouring, and
concentrates the colors of pink, gold and blue in a beautiful and harmonious aura of
multicolored radiance, seen often in a beautiful sunrise on a clear day. The composer
of the Marseillaise incorporated the keynote of this Flame into this stirring melody, and
the pulsation of the Liberty Flame is a tremendous stimulus to the heart flame within the
souls of men. The melody “Aloha Oe” was given as the keynote of the Ascension
Flame. It is also a stirring melody which moves many people; and comes from
Lemuria. It is all these various melodies that make up the Music of the Spheres.
Jesus has said that His leaving the example of the Ascension did little good.
Already 300 years afterwards the Truth concerning it was so obscure that mankind has
scarcely understood anything of the achievement or the example. The sinister force
which wanted to destroy the Light, intentionally directed the concentration on the
crucifixion instead of on the Ascension as Jesus’ purpose for leaving that example.
Even today people preach about Him and at the same time in their feeling deny Him,
deny His reality and/or things he could and would do otherwise.
He left the example of the Ascension and soon afterwards found that people did
not believe It was for them. That knowledge was clothed with falsehood, making the
people believe Jesus was a special being and the only one for whom the Ascension
was possible. That He was too transcendent for anyone to reach, or for them to make
effort to accomplish the Victory He said they should. This caused them to cease to
make effort. Because it is not understood the Ascension is looked upon as incredible
and impossible. People put their own interpretation upon the experiences Jesus left.
Mankind has been steadily drifting back into dealing with effects instead of
causes since 300 years after Jesus ministry, hence no permanent assistance has been
Now with the turn of the Cosmic Wheel and assistance of the Cosmic Light, the
consciousness of mankind can be brought back into dealing with the causes and then all
less than perfect must disappear.
The Master Jesus in His desire and determination for Truth was led to the Retreat
in India where the Great Divine Director gave Him the inner secret and
acknowledgment of the I AM Presence, which thru the Master’s radiation He was able
to comprehend, and began using it.
By using the I AM Presence, one is impelled forward, even in spite of any activity
of the outer self. In this way one can eventually become one with the I AM Presence,
which is what the term means, “become one with the Father”. Thru the use of the I AM
Presence, the vibratory action of the atomic structure is raised, and thus one can
become self-luminous.
Each individual is a Ray from the Source. All who have ascended into the Light
before or since and all who will as well as Jesus Himself, used or must use the
conscious activity of the I AM Presence. That is the only way one’s eternal victory can
be attained.
Jesus was able to make the Ascension then, Because of previous to that
embodiment He had attained much thru conscious effort. The Divine Plan was for Him
to leave the example which every individualization must eventually attain consciously.
He said, the same I AM presence that enabled Him to make the Ascension is the same I
AM Presence which will enable us to make the Ascension.
When Jesus was placed in the tomb He was enfolded in the presence, power and
majesty of His Christ Self. The purified substance of His physical body was raised and
merged into the Christ Self, while the rest was dissolved and transmuted. So when He
came out of His tomb He was in His Christ Self. He functioned thus until on the fortieth
day he ascended into His I AM Presence which completed the Ascension. Thus He
became the Ascended Jesus Christ with authority and power over all substance and
energy upon earth.
Some individuals want to go along with Jesus’ Teaching because thru the
Resurrection and public Ascension, He did what none other has done. He did it for the
purpose of leaving an example that the goal of embodiment is the Ascension. But how
many thru the past 2,000 years have attained that goal because of that example? The
number of Ascensions made in the past were approximately one, or at the most two,
per year, which would amount to around or less than 2,000. And we can presume that
nearly all were attained in Ascended Master Retreats thru the occult teaching and now
the Christian teaching.
Now through this Teaching that Saint Germain has brought forth, and because of it
and through the students cooperation and application, the New Dispensation for the
Ascension was brought forth, which has enabled already in 50 years, many thousands
to make the Ascension. This is proof that this new Teaching is teaching people how
they can accomplish what Jesus said everyone must attain. So which route shall you
choose? The choice is yours to make.
The drastic changes in the communistic world has come about thru the steady
increase of the Cosmic Light, since in the 1930’s, and the dissolving and transmuting of
the accumulated destructive forces, has also brought about an expansion of Light in
individuals which was enough that enabled them to take their stand against
communism. As is pointed out in the Magic Presence (green book) p. 322, that
whatever and whoever denies the Source of Life, God, Deity, which is what
communism does, could only exist until the accumulated energy was exhausted. This
has come about thru group work especially in the 1930’s and 1950’s, thru decrees and
songs, with particular wording, and understanding behind it. Thus has been averted at
least this far, a major cataclysm.
In case of a feud, or some other excuse, thru the centuries, that always resulted in
war. In people’s mind or consciousness there seemed no other way. Around the end of
the 1970’s, finally over radio for the first time, a news report said, that they didn’t
have to make war, they could negotiate instead.
All the thousands and thousands of people meditating thru the centuries have
never accomplished that. That is because one ingredient was missing. This was lacking
because the energy released was only on the inner planes or levels, the physical
element was lacking. No energy released from the physical plane where the action, the
change was required. To supply that need the Cosmic Law provided or set into action a
way whereby that could be done. The energy could be supplied thru human beings at
their level of consciousness, providing a vibratory action that could be utilized to
remedy the condition to bring about the required changes, and the only way enough
energy could be released was thru group work.
Retreats for next six months:
Jan. 15-Feb. 14, Darjeeling.
Feb. 15-Mar. 14, Transylvania Retreat.
Mar. 15-Apr. 14, Focus of Wisdom.
Apr. 15-May. 14, Resurrection Temple.
May 15-June 14, Ascension Temple.
June 15 – July 14, Teton Retreat.
Days to Recognize:
Jan. 1, New Year’s Day; anniversary of occult law set aside; Karmic Board in
session; Sanat Kumara was released; Lord Gautama became Lord of the world.
Jan. 21, Sanat Kumara left for Venus.
Feb. 12, Lincoln’s Birthday.
Feb. 22, George Washington’s Birthday.
V.11 N.6, March-April, 35 A.F. (1990)
On the Path toward mastery, there comes on the Path of each lifestream a certain
place when you no longer look for the teacher without, you begin to turn to the “still
small voice” that is within. You begin to rely just on intuition, then upon inspiration
and later still upon that conscious contact which precedes self conscious mastery and
your divine freedom from all human concepts and all human form. This is the most
difficult point upon the spiritual path particularly for those of you who have sacrificed
the life in the East with the mysticism, with its gentleness, with its peace, for the more
rugged existence in the Western world where your energies are women so often into the
mundane tasks of making a living and the energies that could be incorporated into the
depths of your own being are tired and worn out before you have the freedom of
conscience in your daily life, to proceed on that inner pathway.
When you come to a point of entering into the heart of the silence where you
commune with your own Godself, be extremely careful of the response that you will
receive first of all from your own bodies, because you are a complex mechanism, a
seven fold individual in your own right, and whereas the glory of your Electronic
Body, your Casual Body and Christ Self can never lead you astray, those lower bodies
in which you function have voices, have consciousness and have desires and appetites
of your own. These voices this consciousness and this intelligence within them is
endeavoring often to serve its own end through you.
Krishnamurti, in examining his own conscience, the first requirement for spiritual
mastery is discrimination, as given By Lord Maitreya, I wish to point out again the
necessity on the spiritual path for the development of individual discrimination. Call
for that discrimination wherein you may recognize the Voice of the Silence and know
always that which builds up the personality, that which seems to give aggrandizement
to the human ego is not the still small Voice of the Presence, but it is but the etheric
rumblings of your own world, the emotional desires of your feeling world or mental
concepts and precepts from other lives.
In all the lives you have lived you have sat before teachers who have given forth
both truth, and fallacy, into your mental bodies are built those concepts, some of them
solidified and petrified and lying dormant there, but as the Flame begins to surge
through you, they are again vivified and come forth and you must recognize them for
what they are. They are not necessarily the Voice of Truth. (Kuthumi, 8/15/53)
Oh, for the day when the prison walls built of concepts may go down and the
consciousness be content to rise with the Light. May that triumphant shout for Freedom
shatter and transmute the capacity for any lifestream to channel distortion and call it
truth, and to likewise remove from the consciousness of mankind the capacity to accept
even half-truths, rather brush them aside and command to know the full truth. (Maha
Chohan, 11/1/53)
Those who are within the Ascension Temples, who have come under the
dispensation of Lord Michael are trained also to work with the Builders of Form and
Forces of the elements and to consciously help in the purification and disintegration of
the shell, the physical vehicle that has been buried, and not cremated. That is a
tremendous release and relief to the etheric consciousness as well as to the body of
Earth itself and there is a time within every cycle of 24 hours when they must give
some time to the purification of that shell which has been place in the body of the
Earth. (Maha Chohan, 8/27/56)
This from Ascended Master Discourses, Vol. 6p. 160, we take to mean: That
those individuals cannot fulfill that for which they were given opportunity to embody.
But linger here in various degrees of physical capacity, many at the tax payers’ expense
till the allotted time of their life-span expires. The decree: “Mighty I AM Presence and
Christ Self, withdraw the lifestream of all whose emotional bodies have been shattered
by broken rhythm, and/or through dope, alcohol, and sex, to the point where they have
lost the use of their bodies, so far as use to the individual (Christ Self) is concerned.”
You cannot have an intelligent activity without a conscious Intelligence behind it
and the metaphysical aspect of spirit without the Being Who has created and sustained
that spirit or divine nature is lacking in Divine Logic. It is also lacking for an
individual to accept a virtue on any one of the seven Rays without realizing that there
is a conscious Director of that virtue to the individual or into any conditions into which
it is invoked. The Godhead Himself, by whatever name mankind has chosen to call
Him, is a thinking and feeling Being, and the Aura around the Godhead is filled with
the virtues of that Perfected Being or Beings which forms the nature or Holy Spirit that
Godhead, to that universe or planetary system.
The individual consciousness belonging to the various planets of a sun, Who have
ascended into Their Eternal Freedom, or Who have never taken embodiment on any
planet, but Who have qualified cosmically to serve as channels, conductors and
directors of the Holy Spirit of God, - the Father-Mother, have learned through
experimentation with the various qualities that represent Comfort to Life.
As these Beings drew primal life, They also learned to create around Themselves
an aura like that around the Godhead which contains all the virtues of that Godhead,
and when all those virtues are embodied in an Intelligence, that One is ready to apply
for, or volunteer to become, a channel for the Holy Spirit any planet of the system.
It has been for ages that the Chelas were approached by their Chohans and I,
personally, had very little contact with unascended beings, but now we have come to a
point Where I do have that association through the medium of a bridge. (Lord Maha
This saying, Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free, refers to what? To
the true understanding of life, which is the understanding and acknowledgement of
one’s I AM Presence. This is the only means of knowing the Truth.
In looking to an Ascended Master for assistance is similar to looking to one’s
own I AM Presence, except Those Who have attained mastery and the Ascension have
the conscious knowledge of that Victory, with which to assist an unascended one. This,
his/her own I AM Presence does not yet have.
One must prove life him/herself to have dominion. Life does not prove itself to us.
So we must prove Life by our own application, which is what has been missing
through the centuries. We cannot expect someone else to prove it for us.
The secret of Life is the understanding and application of the words “I AM”. The
words “I AM” have been used as written in English, in every civilization that has been
on earth. Only because Saint Germain is the Law of the Seventh Ray has this come
forth, and did the Law permit it to be given by Him.
In the evolution of every planet there comes the time when it and its humanity must
express the Divine Plan of the system and go forward into greater perfection; or in the
case of earth, come into perfection and then go forward. Since in the 1930’s this
Cosmic push has been on. Those of mankind who will not align themselves with the
new action, will remove themselves from the earth, by having made the choice through
free will.
In the 1930’s much was said about human beings having to choose, whether or not
to come into, or go along with the Light. On October 22, 1939, the Great Divine
Director said that everyone in embodiment was at the dividing of the ways, and was
not going to have more embodiments to decide.
In the light of things now, He already told us then that the door to reembodiment
would be closed.
One’s individualized I AM Presence is one with the Great I AM Presence which
has all authority and power over all substance and energy upon earth, and is one with
all individualized I AM Presences. By entering the I AM Presence, one gains that
That is why it is necessary for students to acknowledge and give attention to the I
AM Presence and not just the Christ (the Higher Self, the Higher Mental Body which is
the Christ Self, the Christ for the individual or outer self), which is used in
metaphysics and occult teachings. These methods are for sell interest and development
first and service to the whole comes second, instead of the reverse as in the new
Teaching. Although the Christ Self is the authority, the over-seer, and delegates all
energy and help from the Presence to the outer self, It is not one’s Source and only has
certain power at certain levels. Because of the students’ understanding of this point and
action is why so much was accomplished in the 1930’s and 1950’s through this new
Teaching over all other teachings through the ages past.
In the former and occult teachings to gain self-control they were taught and
attempted at control of the thought. Since the thought will express what is in the feeling,
and the feeling is one’s power-house, to control the thought, the feelings first have to or
must be controlled.
Mind in operation is the highest vibratory rate. Thought is mind in operation.
Now in this teaching we learn that 75 to 90 percent of the (one’s) energy is in the
feeling world and 10 to 25 percent in the mental world. Also that the power of
qualification is in the feeling world. This action or process is going on constantly
while one is awake and asleep. The pure energy coming through the Ray of Light from
the Presence is being qualified with the various qualities and actions in the feeling
world, which are mostly human with most people, of this most people are unaware in
the outer consciousness. Since the cause of our troubles is in the feeling world, a good
decree to add to your daily application is in Ascended Master Discourses p. 287:
“Mighty I AM Presence, take eternal command of my power of qualification. Do not let
the old concepts or habit any longer have power in my world.”
This past year 1989, was quite an eventful year. Many things for which the
decrees have been going forth through the years began, to show results. To enumerate
some: To compel governments to dismantle nuclear weapons; to stop and prevent all
wars and revolutions, every such vortex, the arms race and all war material, and
nuclear threats, to raise up some people in each country to bring about complete
transformation there. To withhold and withdraw to some communists. To seize all
energy meant for war. To transmute the Atom and Hydrogen bombs, war implements
and war materials; the reduction and elimination of chemical, nuclear and other
weapons. About school busing and integration. To prevent the eruptions of Mt. St.
Helens and others, and earthquakes on the West Coast. To prevent a constitutional
convention from being brought about. To reveal all spy activities. Eliminate the cold
war, and all communism. And many other things on which there have been some
results. There is much to be done, on which application is continuing.
The governments are not reducing the war machine, war equipment, machinery
and man-power, because they want to, but because of the increasing Cosmic Light. This
has been set into action through the Cosmic Fiat that the system must move forward. In
order for this system to do so the planet earth has to be cleaned up, by the removal
(transmutation) of all misqualified energy, or be dissolved. Through the group decree
work since in the 1930’s, this process has gone on, in a more gradual action than
would have been otherwise. By the vibratory action of the decrees going through the
mental and feeling worlds of all mankind, since the mental and feeling worlds are all
one, this was made possible so now there is no longer enough momentum of
destructive forces to promote and sustain the war machine as before.
Human force, wars, gigantic intellects, politics, communism, religions,
philosophies, metaphysics, occultism, sages, et cetera, have no remedied mankind’s
problems or world conditions. It is only the Light called forth consciously by human
beings, from the Mighty I AM Presence that can do that.
Whatever energy was released by individuals through decree work that could be
utilized by the Light and the Great Ones, to bring about these achievements that much
credit goes to the lifestream and is added to his/her Casual Body.
September 24, 1939, in a dictation Ascended Bob said that in Russia (Stalin had),
as in Germany and Poland, many fine men had been shot down without provocation
because the dictators feared them. Of those in Russia, 65 were given their Ascension
and some of the others were too. That they would then turn their power from the Realm
of Light upon their country and hold it there until whatever they wished to be
accomplished was done.
So doubt what is taking place over there in that region now, they have a hand in it.
The highest or most important or true education is the recognition of the Mighty I
AM Presence. For permanent freedom, happiness and expression of perfection this is
the only foundation. The understanding of the Mighty I AM Presence is the first
fundamental of education. This can make the outer phases of education easy for
As the Mighty I AM Presence is called into action to bring forth the right
activities in the outer world education, that which will be of real benefit to the students
will come forth.
Fundamentally the Mighty I AM Presence must come first, not the outer phases of
education. One’s I AM Presence is the balance between religion and education.
The right education is not some special way of teaching. It just means put the I
AM Presence first, and the natural sequence will come forth into the educational
system in Divine Order.
When one comes under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master, he is
guided in his development to his maturity. Then he is prepared for special work and
educated to expand his consciousness beyond human expression. Until under the
instruction of the Master he graduates, but unlike the student in college, he graduates
out of the existence of mankind, into the Realms of Light, thru the process of the
Ascension to forever express and expand Perfection. (Vol. 1, p. 135)
What Application Is
Much has been said about the need to apply the Law, to make application. But
people becoming interested in this Teaching, when first reading about application seem
to not understand what making application means.
Application consists of: issuing decrees (instead of saying prayers), along with
reading and studying. Also, the stilling of the outer self, the physical, emotional and
mental bodies, what some call meditating and/or contemplating. It also means to
correct one’s eating and other habits, language expressions, thought and feelings. And
too, we need to guard our worded expressions. Energy is used for this, and when
energy is set into action, it acts according to its nature. The same as a live wire, it acts
when set into action regardless of anything. It does not discriminate. Only man with the
three-fold flame in the heart, has the power to discriminate.
When the Light expands to a certain point within an individual he has the desire to
serve, and will usually begin to do for others. That is fine and is how some people
need to start. Benevolent service is commendable, as are altruistic groups or
organizations. Some of that has been going on through the centuries; but it has not
brought about permanent solutions to world conditions. Hence there is that general
opinion and mass belief that the world will always be this way because that is the way
it has been.
The decrees should be spoken a bit faster than people ordinarily speak, and
should be intelligible (the same with the songs, get out of the old church drag). It is not
a matter of vibratory action of speed, of saying them real fast, which brings the
required results, that raises the vibrations of your bodies. That is a human concept, and
is the human, the outer self trying to be the doer. That is why one gets tired. What is
required is to get the response, the actions of I AM Presence. It is the Doer, and that is
the only way it will be permanent.
The reason for saying decrees three times is once each to go out through the
mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
Make the call, to speak the decree, sets the vibratory action in the physical realm.
Then to visualize makes the “cup”, and gives the opportunity and time for the Presence
and the Great Ones to supply the elements, energy and/or substance to produce the
action on the inner to make it manifest. When we can feel it with the feeling from the
heart, not the emotions, makes a direct connection to the Higher.
In Unveiled Mysteries, Vol. 1 p. 256 (or thereabouts) where it refers to the
dividing line: “below” solar plexus, should be “above”. In Ascended Master Light,
Vol. 7 in Contents in front, also on p. 441, instead of Queen of Light it should be
Goddess of Light. It is well to make these changes in your books.
In a letter in 1952, when They were having to start another action to expand the
Light, Saint Germain said, He was grateful to those who responded, for hearing His
Call and responding so wholeheartedly at that time.
They were engaged in the creation of a new Spiritual Heart, which was to be
made up of lifestreams who had loved freedom for centuries. That mankind and the
entire race through the Freedom Flame was to be raised into the Christ Estate as the
Master Jesus was raised those centuries ago.
They, then established centers in those cities where good Heart Cells could be
found. These were the nucleus for the transmitting center which the Maha Chohan
desired to perfect for conducting the radiation of the Retreats throughout the world.
They were also to be foci into which Them by the Silent Watchers of various
localities, as ready for the more than ordinary assistance of the Brotherhood in
expanding their Light. They were primarily interested in expanding the Light within the
souls of men at that time so that they might present to the Karmic Board sufficient
manifestation of the efficacy of Their Plan in order to obtain added dispensations at the
January and June Council at the Teton Retreat.
The Maha Chohan’s Plan was to develop the Transmission of the Flame around
the earth; from the various Retreats, from each one at a specific time. Since each
Retreat specializes in a quality and action of a Flame of the Sacred Fire, rendering a
certain service and activity to earth and for mankind.
The Plan was to utilize these various activities of great momentum, in a much
more proficient way, by each month, taking a different Retreat and from It transmit the
Flame, from Retreat to Retreat, to Foci of Light and Sanctuary, so that Its radiance
could help dissolve and transmute the discord, also help raise the consciousness of
mankind. The Rhythmic Breath (Law of Life Decree book p. 28) was used by the
student body to send It from point to point over the breath around the earth. It was
picked up from the previous focus and sent on to the next one. (The student was to hold
the attention on these two points). A track was formed going east and west from the
Retreat currently open for that month, to the next Retreat, Focus of Light or Sanctuary
toward the east on around the earth. When it had been worked up to go around the
earth. They then expanded It out northward and south.
The breathing is done through both nostrils at once with the mount closed. There
should be no sound whatsoever as the air is drawn into the body or released from it.
Just a normal, relaxed, effortless, rhythmic breath on a define “beat.” By the inner
work done through this action which dissolved and transmuted much discord in various
parts of World, especially in the Middle East, somewhat stabilized conditions and
prevented war from breaking out at the time.
In 1958 when the Focus was broken, that terminated that action.
Saint Patrick
March 17 is recognized as St. Patrick’s Day. For this mission he went from
France to Ireland, and stood in the Focus of Light Mother Mary had drawn on the trip
when they took the Holy Grail to England after Jesus’ Ascension. He was enfolded in
Lord Maitreya’s Flame and stood for hours in rain and storm, persistently calling to rid
Ireland of all reptiles. He was working for the benefit of all, and would accept only
victory. Hence the Being Victory answered his call. And the so-called miracles took
place. He later became known as patron saint of Ireland.
The Festival of the Incoming Spring is celebrated at inner levels
each year when the spring cycle opens, in which They honor those beings
who are primarily concerned with conferring upon the planet earth a new
springtime. This usually takes place in the audience chamber of the Lord
Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
The Being Amaryllis, the Spirit of Spring, leads the procession with the Lord
Maha Chohan, as representative of the nature kingdom. Next in line come the Directors
of the Elements, Helios and Vesta (or sometimes Zarathustra) followed by
Salamanders, Neptune and Undines, Aries and Sylphs, Virgo and Gnomes. Then the
Chohans of the Rays and other members of the various branches of the White
Upcoming Classes:
Easter Class: April 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th.
May 1st Coronation Day of Saint Germain. New Year’s Day, year 36 A. F. (Age of
Freedom), Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. Teton Class:
June 23rhd or 24th thru July 1st or 4th.
Autumn Class: Sept. 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th.
Teton Class: Dec. 26th thru Jan. 1st 1991.
Days to Recognize:
Mar. 17th, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 20th, Spring Festival.
Mar. 21st, the first inhabitants came to earth. Sanat Kumara released, left earth for
Mar. 29th, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
April 15th, Easter.
Note: This is the last issue of Vol. 11. Estimated production cost and postage
$3.75; other countries, $4.75. Let us know if you desire to have it continued.
V.12 N.1, May-June, 36 A.F. (1990)
Ascension Day
Ascension Day in 1990 is May the 24th, this represents the fullest outpouring of
Jesus’ mission at that time. During the 24 hour period Jesus gives an intensified
outpouring to mankind of His Light and Love in His Ascended Master consciousness,
and His feeling and victory of the Ascension. It is well for students to give recognition
to Him for an hour or so, accepting this outpouring and blessing. The peak of
intensification is at noon.
Everyone who will do what the Ascended Masters have asked and follow the
directions and suggestions that were given in the early work and make application with
the same earnest determination as They did, can have the same kind of results.
This is Law, and acts when set into action. It is not a matter of belief, hence it can
work without belief. However, belief in it is good and helps.
This Law, the Law of Life is the action of your I AM Presence which gives your
life and beats your heart. It gives you intelligence by which to act, be self-conscious
and enables you to do the things you do.
When one cannot or chooses not to accept this fact and utilize it there is no
condemnations and there is no use to argue. That one must wait, which is unfortunate,
because at this time the Law has been given in a simple and direct manner that even a
small child can apply it and get results.
However, some things can also be made to work when sufficient energy, human
force has been poured into it although it is not in accordance with the Divine Plan.
Generally, when passing on, one is not aware of the disconnection of the Ray of
Light from the Presence, with the Physical body. Unless that one has this knowledge
and understanding he/she has no concept of the connection with the Presence through
the Ray of Light. So at the time when they could observe the entire process, they are
interested in and have their attention on the other things. But a few have watched the
As to making the change – we should leave that to the wisdom of the Presence,
and not try to hurry it up. Just make the call daily, give your adoration to the Presence,
and give obedience to Life. We can but make the call from the human side, so we
should leave the time, where and how the Ascension takes place to the wisdom of the
Presence, the outer self cannot determine or judge as to that. When through the feeling
and the attention one really knows the Presence is there above, that moment one’s
ascension begins.
When on first gets the Ascended Masters’ understanding of the meaning of the
Words “I AM”, the resurrection of his/her human consciousness of imperfection starts.
This is the beginning of the first step to the Ascension into the Light.
To attain the Goal, the Ascension, to contemplate it, fully accept it in both thought
and feeling and making conscious effort toward it will help.
The Ascension does not come about as the result of a moment’s grace but of entire
embodiments of vigilance, self-control, self-mastery, aspiration and service to the
One’s world must be changed. Enough substance within the physical body needs
to be cleansed and purified which the I AM Presence then can utilize to draw the outer
self or consciousness into Itself.
The outer self does not know when the can be done. When sufficient preparation
has been made, at a time of one’s intense call on the Law of Forgiveness for all human
mistakes, a great outpouring of Divine Love and blessings to all humanity and all life
on earth, and adoration and gratitude to the I AM Presence, it might take place.
The preparation cannot be made from without in; it has to be done from within
Purity is required to gain one’s Ascension. Impurity cannot be taken into the
Ascended Masters’ Realm.
The outer self needs to give back to the Presence all control over the energy
which has been loaned to it.
The Three-fold Flame in the heart expands and fills the body, intensifying the
points of Light in every cell, until the vibratory action raises to the point whereby all
misqualified energy is transmuted. All human creation of the past and present has to be
transmuted before the Ascension can take place. The Ascension is the raising of the
particles of Light in the etheric body into the Christ Self, then it rises and enters the
Electronic Body of the AM Presence.
The Ascension into the Light is real and very practical, as practical, natural and
as mechanical as things of the outer world, as the electric fan and airplane propeller.
All who have made the Ascension were practical individuals or they would not have
made it.
All through the ages before the New Dispensation for the Ascension was secured,
the Ascension had to be accomplished from the physical side of life, from a physical
body. After the Ray of Light, the Silver Cord (the stream of life force) from the
Presence was severed one could not attain the Ascension, and that one had to embody
The purpose of physical embodiment is to prepare, illumine and perfect a body. It
was necessary to purify the four lower bodies, raise the vibratory action to a point
whereby the purified physical body could be raised into the etheric body, then into the
Christ Self and Electronic Body of the I AM Presence. What happened to the physical
body at the time of the Ascension, is that the vibratory action of the flesh, bones, etc.,
was raised to the point whereby that physical substance was changed or was
transformed into Light substance. That is similar to a piece of ice in a pan which has
been placed over a fire. It melts into water, then becomes steam and can be completely
The Ascension must be achieved some time by every human being. That is Law,
not a matter of one’s choice. One’s eternal Victory over the outer world conditions
only comes through the Ascension into the Light. The Ascension is each one’s eternal
birthright. The Goal of all embodiments is the Ascension.
By the Life which is anchored in the human form comes the glory of eternity.
Because by that Life one rises into the glory of the Ascended Masters’ Realm; even
though the substance, the structure is composed of only 98¢ or so worth of chemicals.
Yet the physical body is important once one has come to understand the I AM Presence.
The most glorious thing known on earth is when one attains the Ascension.
Under the old dispensation the physical body along with the inner bodies had to
purified to the point where that one could be raised into the Christ Self. Because of the
increasing Cosmic Light and through the service rendered by the students for the
protection of America enabled the New Dispensation for the Ascension to be given. By
rendering this service to the many the students did not have time to concentrate on
purifying themselves to a point whereby they could make the Ascension. However,
because they did give this service which freed mankind of years, and complied with
the Law, Life opened a way for some attain their eternal Freedom through the New
Dispensation. Hence, many have made their Ascension.
Under the New Dispensation it became possible for the Ascension to be made for
certain ones who qualified, if the students had made the call to the I AM Presence for it
before passing on, because the call had to come from the physical side of life. Then at
the time of passing the purified part of the physical body could be drawn into the
etheric body and the Ascension completed later. But it could not be made by those
already on the other side.
However the Law went even a step further. December 21, 1953, Archangel
Michael secured a Dispensation, for every student who had fully accepted the New
(Their) Endeavor, was being given a gift of his Lifestream, for the relatives of every
member of the family who had passed on, from the necessity of reembodiment on earth.
This was for His gratitude for the students’ faith and acceptance of the reality of the
Masters and the incorporation of their energies in spreading the Word and radiation
through their voluntary service, talents, and momentums in the Light.
Each one would be given the opportunity to finish his studies in the inner sphere.
For this He pledged added service to the Law.
Now most of those who come under the New Dispensation when they pass on do
not enter into and become conscious in the Christ Self (as Mrs. Rayborn did) because
they are not developed sufficiently. They function in the etheric body, and get training
in some Realm of Light until they qualify to make the Ascension.
Even those who made the Ascension by the former method, in the embodiment in
which they were to make it, they were given this same understanding of the creative
Words “I AM”, and also the knowledge of their I AM Presence. Without this it is
impossible for anyone to make the Ascension.
In case of illness when one is being prepared to make the Ascension, that
registers only in the atomic structure and not in the etheric body because the Ascended
Masters transmute it. All records of imperfection have to be transmuted from the entire
lifestream of all embodiments before that one can Ascend. And to do that every human
being has to have Ascended Master assistance.
The Ascension is the only means by which one can be free from the wheel of birth
and re-birth.
As one enters the Electronic Presence (Body) of the “I AM”, he/she carries with
him/her the authority, the power of having dissolved and transmuted all human
creation, and the power of having gained the victory over the human element of life.
This gives one the authority over all energy and substance of the planet.
The electron is the central nucleus of the atom around which are particles of a
very dense nature arranged life the planets around the Sun. Our physical bodies are
composed to these dense particles which are many times heavier than the electrons.
The Body of an Ascended Being is composed wholly of electrons. Because of the
distance separating the atoms, an Ascended Being can pass unobstructed through
physical substance, walls, etc. Likewise a physical object can pass right through an
Ascended Being’s Body.
In the Ascension, upon entering the Electronic Body, one lives by the power of
Light and energy, which as shown on the Chart flows into one’s physical body. Then
that need no longer be called forth because that one has entered the Electronic Body,
and now has the use of the various qualifications of that infinite power of Light. That
Light can be made manifest as liquid Light, as substance, or whatever is required.
When functioning on these lower levels, that Light and energy flows through as
Ascended Being as golden liquid Light similar to the blood stream which flows
through the arterial and veinular system in the physical body. The natural appearance of
an Ascended Being’s Body has a glowing color of pink to the substance of His form,
which is the activity of Light radiating from the heart. The heart, of course has become
all Light, and is located in the center (not to the side as in the physical body), it still
pulsates and carries the energy through the Body, in similar fashion as the heart in a
physical body, but It is not physical, It is all Light, and is eternal.
At the time of the Ascension the blood stream turns into liquid golden Light. The
Light in the body is the power that overcomes the gravity pull of earth.
The natural pull from the Electronic Body is so great It would draw the lower
bodies into Itself. Hence there was placed in the planet in the beginning a Rod of
Power, as a magnetic pull, to keep mankind from flying out into space, so to speak, but
in other words would be drawn into the Electronic Body.
The heavy gravity pull of earth at present, is much more than the pull from the Rod
of Power. It is the force of human creation, and is caused by the accumulated
misqualified energy of mankind.
People can believe whatever they wish. It can be according to Law, or not. But
belief does not change the Law. Law is Law. Like a live wire, belief does not change
In the nearly 2,000 years since Jesus’s time, the many denominations today,
basically use what little of His Teachings that is given in the Bible.
The various revelations they get it mostly or altogether just some more human
concepts, which they call truth.
When Jesus gave a dictation thru Mr. Ballard, He did not speak like those do now
who claim to be getting something from Jesus. Of Jesus there are probably many
thought-forms. The many preachers who think they are in contact with Jesus, and the
old type of wording they use, and the force of energy they throw out, all probably
comes from contact with some thought-form of Jesus.
Even in decree work, until a certain development and understanding is reached
the Masters have to purify the energy released before They can use it. But people have
to start at whatever point or state of consciousness they are at.
A decree is or should be a command giving the Presence and the Masters the
authority to act in our human world, individually or otherwise.
(Cont. from last issue)
In the outer world schooling which they call education, much of it is not practical.
They may cover a lot of subjects, and some acquire much knowledge about outer
things, by which means they hope to get by without doing any or little work. But of the
mastery of energy, substance and vibration, the purpose for which they are here, they
learn little. Wisdom which is the right use of knowledge, is what should be developed.
One should acquire that particular knowledge he requires to fulfill the Divine Plan of
his lifestream.
This is Law, not convinced conviction. This is not just religion, it is educational.
It covers what mankind has expected from religion but did not get. It is not just a set of
concepts. It is Reality.
This teaching is according to Law. It is mathematical and scientific, which is
according to action and reaction of or to substance, energy and vibration in the
physical world. But a Light Ray can change and transcend it in an instant.
Arithmetic is not a physical thing, it is for dimensional, but one can apply it to
physical things and it words when the right equations are used. Music too, is not the
instrument or in it, but the vibration created and released by it, which one can feel and
follow in thought, and it can and does affect the physical. So it is with these inner
activities and Divine Beings in relation to the physical.
When They meet in and over the Teton Mountain, They do not recognize the
physical part, to Them the physical substance is not there.
Individual and especially in group work, when we do not keep up the
applications, we become somewhat responsible for what happens in that locale, State,
nation, etcetera.
Bad karma comes from, is created by commission of wrong doings, also by
omission, by not doing what one should. When knowing the Law and not applying It,
for instance, in one’s locale, we have some responsibility.
The essence from the energy used or released in impersonal service is that much
qualified energy or power in one’s Causal Body. It is similar to putting money in the
bank upon which he can draw at any time. It gives one that much more to draw upon for
eternity, it does not become depleted like money in the bank, but the more it is used the
greater it becomes, while the physical things and money acquired are only of use while
on earth.
Days to recognize:
May 1, New Year’s Day for the New Age. Saint Germain’s Ascension Day; His
Coronation Day.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Birthday; His Day of Enlightenment; Buddhahood, and
May 13, Mother’s Day. May 24, Jesus’ Ascension Day.
May 31, Memorial Day.
June 3, Whitsuntide – Pentecost.
June 14, Flag Day.
April 15 – May 14, Resurrection Temple.
May 15 – June 14, Ascension Temple.
June 15 – July 14, Teton Retreat.
June Class: June 23, Sat., start 6:30 to 7:30p.m.
To you New Year’s greetings.
And all that Freedom brings.
The true way we know again,
For this we thank Saint Germain.
V.12 N.2, July-August, 36 A.F. (1990)
Each individual created by the I AM Presence is endowed with the power to
think, feel, speak act and remember. To have the Ascension one must understand that
these power are under his/her control, and it is necessary to use the knowledge that
such control is possible. Then as these powers are utilized to consciously create
perfection that one will ascend into a realm where only perfection exists.
We cannot force the spirit within us or within others. The chick in the egg cannot
be forced to come out. It has to break the shell from within, or its life may be
endangered or terminated. The butterfly cannot be freed from its cocoon before its time
and be an entity that can fly. The rose bud cannot be rushed. To pull away the green
leaves covering it, and then pull apart the pulp which is beginning to form petals, one
does not see the color of the rose nor get the fragrance which it could produce. So is
man’s spiritual nature, it cannot be rushed. It has to develop from within. That is the
uniqueness of individualization. But mankind unlike the above examples, has free will
and can delay that process. However, Cosmic Law has been set into action whereby
some of that free will is being set aside and everything is being accelerated. But human
beings’ spiritual development cannot be forced, nor can it be done by anyone else, not
even an Ascended Master. However, great assistance can be given by Them.
The great majority of people are not developed sufficiently to be able to complete
their development for which they have a physical body. And now the Cosmic schedule
does not allow time to reembody on this planet. However, provision has been made
whereby they can go on developing on inner levels.
Every electron that the individual has taken from the unformed Light from his
Source and sent out into the universe stamped by the light pattern of his lifestream must
be accounted for before the Ascension can be completed. If the electrons went forth in
harmony for a constructive purpose to fulfill at least a fair proportion of that person’s
reason for being, those electrons are released from the debit side of his “ledger” and
become a part of the Causal Body. But the misqualified energy must be returned to the
individual in one form or another until that one redeems it and sends it forth in love and
The Law of Life is that any energy sent forth which does not comply with the law
of harmony must be cleansed and purified by the dispenser. The misqualified energy
sent forth in some lifetime, will come back to him in some particular trait or
characteristic in some person around him which is particularly annoying of distressing.
This energy coming from another person which “baits” the temper must be loved into
harmony or it will appear again in another person some place on that one’s path. No
two persons are annoyed by the same traits, habits, and characteristics of others or of
circumstances. Because each life is only being prodded by the energy which
corresponds to his own “failing” in some lifetime and which Life, in mercy, brings
back to him in order that he may redeem it and so set both himself and the other one
When one comes to the point where the Ascension could be possible, the return of
this energy is greatly accelerated and conditions and individuals seem to pop up out of
nowhere to cause every conceivable type of annoyance. If one can realize that all of
this is but the return of one’s own energy which is “called in” by the Cosmic Law
before one can pass through the portals of Freedom, that one would not feel resentful
or rebellious. Also it would save one from depression and doubt.
In order to become an Ascended Being, every ounce or particle of energy that one
has misqualified since individualizing must be purified and redeemed. The returning
misqualified energy may cause some concern and trouble in various ways. One should
not be discouraged but should realize that one the students has set foot on the final path
back to the Source, these appearances are but Life presenting its account from “cosmic
ledger”, which must be balanced and are not a punishment or a failure on his part when
they do appear.
In each lifetime more pages are written in each one’s Book of Life and in the end
nine-tenths has to be erased. All discord and imperfection has to be transmuted before
that one can complete the Ascension. Every electron of that Lifestream has to be
It was said that all misqualified energy must be purified by the one whose
electronic pattern it bears. But now under the new Dispensation for the Ascension, for
some of those who are able to make the Ascension at inner levels, who did not know
their I AM Presence or use the Transmuting Violet Flame, through the work of the
student body understanding this, that energy which otherwise needs to be transmuted
and redeemed on the physical side of Life, through the students’ call can be put in a
Cosmic Furnace and transmuted for them. However, this energy then can be placed in
the Causal Body of that one, but it is usually given to more Master to produce some
Cosmic work for mankind at inner levels.
So that one is just minus that much in his Causal Body which he would otherwise
have-that is, if he had made the call and effort to redeem that energy himself.
The Master Jesus said the last enemy to overcome was so-called death. The
misuse of the sex activity is the last activity which that enemy uses to keep holding
dominion over mankind.
In ancient times individuals sustained life for hundreds of 2 years, but as mankind
has wasted more and more of the life energy the span of years has become shorter and
Through the opportunity of taking embodiment, the Christ self hopes to outpicture
and accomplish some portion of the Divine Plan in each lifetime. But with most people
it turns out to be a race for sense gratification. Even those who hold to high ideals and
do creative work usually run into that. They may meet another, which may even have
been meant to be, in order to work in cooperation and enhance the work. But what
usually happens is that the outer self, the personality qualifies that mutual attraction and
harmony with the human desires instead of holding to the pure creative action. So they
waste their energy in sense gratification, unmarried, or married.
In regards to abortion, in early work it was stated that life was at stake from the
time of conception which takes place within three days of the physical act.
To produce the physical body for the incoming lifestream it takes the Permanent
Atom, the Body Elemental of that one, and the physical substance which has been used
in former embodiments. In order to produce anything there has to be a pattern. So it is
with the building of a physical body, the body is patterned for the most part after the
tendencies of the nature of the lifestream. Each one has set up certain habits and
patterns. The pattern for the new body is determined by the karma, both good and
The body is created by the Body Elemental and Builders of Form around the
keynote of the incoming lifestream.
Many lose the body before they actually receive it. There are the stillborn,
abortions, and miscarriages. These who lose the opportunity to secure a body have
some effect from it, in a sense suffer. It was said that from the inner standpoint an
abortion is considered the same as murder.
We are responsible to the Cosmic law for how we use our bodies. But many rebel
furiously and do not want to take the responsibility in that which they engaged their
senses, rebel at being caused to fulfill that service.
Esoteric and Ascended Master Teachings are essentially and wholly ethical.
Ethics in these are not merely the products of human thought existing as a formulation
of conventional rules proper for human conduct. They are founded on the very structure
and character of the universe itself. These teachings should include the loftiest ethics
that the moral sense of mankind can comprehend.
Morals is right conduct based upon right views, right thinking. Morality is that
instinctive hunger of the human heart to do righteousness, to do good to every man
because it is good and satisfying and ennobling to do so. To follow the promptings and
directions of the I AM Presence, and not that of the lower self.
There is a great difference between asserting a human opinion and issuing a
decree which is according to the Law of Life. The opinion may be impressive or of
interest but has not particular activity and is not a permanent action. Whereas a decree
is the Law of Life set into action to produce that which a decree expresses. This is why
the decree work can and does render a great service.
There is a difference between negating a thing and transmuting it.
At Lake Titicaca in South America, around 13,200 feet above sea level, because
of the low oxygen supply there is very little danger of fire. Outboard motors generate
only half their rated horsepower. Skin cancer is almost unknown. So when the
atmosphere and the earth get purified, there will be no more destructive fires. Disease
will automatically be eliminated. And as it looks we will have to have refined
Each month we take one Retreat from the 15th of the month to the 14th of the
following month. Students can call before going to sleep to be taken there during sleep.
July 15th thru Aug. 14th, Liberty Flame in France.
Aug. 15th thru Sept. 14th, Meru’s Retreat at Lake Titicaca.
Sept. 15th thru Oct. 14th, Temple of Truth.
Oct 15th thru Nov. 14th, Maha Chohan’s Retreat, Comfort Flame.
Nov. 15th thru Dec. 14th, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14th, Teton Retreat.
Days to recognize:
July 1, the Karmic Board is in session.
July 4, Independence Day.
July 22, The coming forth of Mighty Cosmos and the Two Secret Rays
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15, Mother Mary’s Ascension Day.
V.12 N.3, September-October, 36 A.F. (1990)
Twin Rays
The Law of Life concerning Twin Rays is as the Ascended Masters have given it.
The action of Twin Rays is one of the fundamental laws of creation in the universe, an
important phase of Cosmic Law. This subject of Twin Rays has been one of the greatest
mysteries thru the ages
Precipitation or projection is the first principle of activity from the Godhead.
Out of the absolute (or nothing), comes one – Flame – self-conscious Flame. The
nature of our being, who we are as Rays of Light, is the natural quality of Life.
While the creation of a planet goes on, individualization takes place by the Sun
God and Goddess (God Parents) drawing forth individual Flame from the Central Sun.
The nature of flame is to rise, as the Law of Life is a circle, all eventually returns to its
source, completing the cycle of its existence.
When one, the Intelligence within the White Fire Body first cognizes Itself, and
has the awareness of “I AM”, and realizes individuality, feels Itself an
Individualization, as an individualized part of the God-Life of the universe, the “I
AM”, then (in this galaxy) the Goddess of Liberty confers upon that one, Free Will. She
says, “You are at Liberty now to use the gift of Life as you will.” Thus It is given free
will and choice, as to whether or not It will (wishes) to continue as an individualized
part of the Creator, drawing more energy into the Three-fold Flame within It’s heart
which will enable It to create as God creates. Cognizing Itself as “I AM”, the Three-
Fold Flame in the White Fire Being, thru the exercise of Its God-given free will, can
refuse self-conscious individualization. If It does so, then the Three-fold Flame is
drawn back by the GodParents into Their hearts. For every individualized White Fire
Being who accepts that responsibility there may be some who choose to return to the
So there is the Ray from the hearts of the God Parents, at the termination of which
arises the Three-fold Flame, and the self-conscious Intelligence within that Flame,
cognizant of Its own Being, making Its first choice as to whether to become a co-
Creator, or to return into the heart of the God Parents from whence It came.
Thus one began to exercise the heritage of Liberty, a virtue and an activity. From
the very first instant that one is created as a White Fire Body, Spirit Spark, It begins to
draw forth the Light that creates the Causal Body.
Thus each Being becomes conscious of Its own Individual Identity and thru the
magic Words “I AM” finds Itself a living, breathing intelligence vested with Life,
opportunity and free will, the pathway thru the entire universe lying open before It to
make of it what It shall choose. These remain always at inner levels.
When the Electronic Bodies have been externalized a Ring of Flame or circled
passes from the White Fire Body thru Their hearts and back to It. This gives protection
during Their individual pilgrimages, and will ultimately bring about Their union.
Rays of lesser intensity sent out by the White Fire Body a force-field or aura
around the Electronic Body. This is all white Light, and becomes what is termed the
Causal Body. This is the depository of all essence from qualified energy thru
constructive effort, before, during and in between embodiments.
The action of this begins the moment the self-conscious individual used any
energy, as it is all deposited therein, hence the coloring of it starts. As the individual I
AM Presence functioning in the Electronic Body uses energy, and now what the
personality uses in an in between embodiments constructively that is pure. Thru It the
White Fire Being (Body) can expand greater perfection out thru space.
Twin Rays start out with one having predominantly masculine qualities with the
feminine qualities submerged, the other is predominantly feminine with the masculine
qualities submerged. But the Ascension is made from the opposite body of that which
one started out in.
As long as one Ray of the Twin Flame is not ascended, the Twin Rays and
individual Presences are limited in their expression. When one Ray is ascended, the
complete service of the outer world rests with the unascended one.(To be continued)
People will say, such and so “is no longer truth to me”. Because they see thru the
thing and see it in a different manner or in a different light, as the saying goes. Hence,
in the first place it never was the Truth, just a human concept. Then they may have the
Truth, or it could be another human concept.
In connection with their problems and close association with family members and
others, students will often say “You don’t understand”, when one does not sympathize
enough with the condition or circumstance. Their thinking is that because one is not or
has not been involved in such a situation that they don’t and can’t understand. While the
fact is quite the opposite. However, they are not involved because they were able to
see thru it and understood even better than the others, hence avoided such actions.
Some seem to pride themselves in being able to connect with and getting close to
others. This is usually on the human level, and the connection is thru the solar plexus.
A drowning person tries to pull his rescuer down with him. They want sympathy,
and try to draw others down on their level, to get their energy, and sustain their human.
Any such condition is because of the active center at the solar plexus, thru which
they make connection. Many want to believe that is spiritual, but it is not, and only on
the human level. While the one who controls that and works thru higher centers can and
does comprehend and evaluate those human situation without ever getting involved. He
refuses to entertain or identify with those things, while those involved think it can only
be understood thru experience and by being involved. Whichever center is most active
is what makes or can make the difference.
Before this Teaching came forth, the thinking was that for a person to know certain
things, especially subtle feelings, one would have had to experienced it. That really is
not the case. It is possible to be able to know by observing or thinking a matter thru
without experiencing it now.
In the higher consciousness one can know without experiencing a thing, and now,
knowing the I AM Presence, it can be done thru the Presence.
Who Reembody
The disembodied at inner levels are having their attention drawn to the expansion
of the Light on earth, and are being taught to see It. They are shown their I AM
Presence, so as to charge and retain the memory and feeling of It, when they come into
embodiment and replace those who go out. Some are in their etheric body and some in
the Christ Self (or Higher Mental Body). It will help bring about the change of attitude
and vibratory action which the Cosmic Light demands for the earth.
On October 22, 1939, the Great Divine Director said, that the human beings were
at the dividing of the ways.
The purpose of embodiment is to master vibration, energy and substance. To be
able to control all energy flowing thru oneself from the Presence and all energy which
contacts or affects one’s being and world, or that which one contacts.
Only then can the Ascension be attained.
Temple of Truth
“It is a month of contemplation of the use of your energies in this embodiment,
when the varnish and veneer of subtle appearances should be removed and the motives
of the heart that sent into action qualified life examined honestly and sincerely. And
here again, we must have no unbalance of condemnation and judgment of self – but the
deep realization that thru the use of the Sacred Fire of Mercy and Compassion we have
yet the opportunity to redeem energy, balance karma and give peace and happiness to
life. Most people do not relish an audience with Truth. I Who love Her well say to you,
that She (Goddess of Truth) is one of the sweetest Friends of Man, for if you do not
know the Truth, how can you be free? (Lord Maha Chohan, 10/1/53)
“Enter into the Temple of Truth and throw off the veils of subterfuge and deceits,
subtle and apparent, and accept the love of the great Chohan of the Fifth Ray, Hilarion,
and My Beloved Goddess of Truth and enjoy the revealing Power of that Sacred Fire
that enables you to comprehend the nature of your own life, and then to learn how to
consciously qualify that life to create and sustain perfection in action for you.” Maha
A dispensation is the permission to your energy for a purpose, in a way or at a
lower level not otherwise permissible by Cosmic Law.
For concentrated misqualified energy, sometimes there is more needed than just
Violet Flame. Even Saint Germain used more than that to cut Mrs. Livingston free from
that with which she had gotten involved. Why did Archangel produce the Sword of
Blue Flame to handle man’s discord? To annihilate very concentrated misqualified
energy. *Michael
Four Day Class: September 27, 28, 29, 30.
Teton Class: December 26 thru January 1.
Days to Recognize:
Sept. 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest at Shamballa.
Oct. 3, Commemoration of the day Saint Germain gave the first Dictation on the
Words “I AM”.
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom was won, by the surrender of the British forces at
Oct. 31, Elemental’s Harvest. Hallowe’en.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14, Maha Chohan’s Retreat, Comfort Flame.
V.12 N.4, November-December, 36 A.F. (1990)
Rex, Nada and Pearl graduated in the Spring of 1932. Mr. Rayborn and Mr.
Ballard were to be at the Cave of Symbols July 20, 1932, for preparation of Mr.
Rayborn for his Ascension. The four children were to be there on the 26th. Around
midnight July 27-28, Mr. Rayborn did make the Ascension into the Light. *When Mr.
Gaylord was abducted and Mr. Ballard followed, before boarding the steamer, he
provided himself with a satchel and clothing.
The four children had much protection and were well sheltered in their contact
with the outer world activities in school and in business, and especially Bob in the
mining community, unknown to them until after their Freedom. They were enabled and
privileged to have that extra assistance in this lifetime because of past service
Rex and Nada’s Mother being Ascended was aware that the four children would
be drawn together. So She poured forth Her Radiation for their protection.
They too found that by entering into this great Truth they experienced far greater
happiness, beauty and perfection than they ever did by any human achievement.
After their training began in 1931, in such a short time the four children and Mr.
Ballard went to Chananda’s Home in India; where then a few years later, it was
August 28, 1932, Rex and Nada Rayborn, Bob and Pearl Singleton and Mr.
Ballard in the other body, boarded the S.S. Majestic at New York. Then Leto
(Ascended over 300 years) joined them at dinner time. They went to France, then to the
Retreat in Arabia. From there K-17 took them in His Yacht to India. They were to be
there for ten months.
In Chananda’s Home they came under the training of the Great Divine Director.
Mr. Ballard was present and took the same training. However, he was not in his
physical body but in that body which Saint Germain created for him, which was as
tangible as his physical body. If he had been in his physical body he too would have
made the Ascension. But he was there to observe, then write up whatever was
permitted and what Saint Germain wanted to present to mankind for the New Teaching
for the New Cycle.
This was required in the outer world activities at that Cosmic time, but was at a
lower level than was the natural service of the Great Ones. Hence it was permitted for
that purpose.
Thus it was with Mr. Ballard too. He received training and blessings which no
one else did, in preparation to fulfil a position required at the time, as spokesman in
the outer world for Saint Germain to bring forth the New Teaching for the incoming
Cycle. As Saint Germain was already Ascended and therefor would not be in
embodiment to do it Himself, as Jesus did in His time.
When they met in the reception room in Chananda’s Home, there were the four
children, Mr. Ballard, Leto (Who was Ascended) Mr. Gaylord, Her Twin Ray, His
Friend (K-17), and Electra. Then They and over 200 Ascended Beings met in the
Council Chamber. Evidently They could not seat that many individuals in such a room.
However, the Ascended Ones are not limited by physical structure or anything, and
could extend the room to whatever dimension was required.* They meditated for some
time, until They heard the tones of a wonderful voice, They opened Their eyes and
before Them stood this majestic Being, the Great Divine Director. He said that those
before Him (unascended), were ready for Their assistance to raise their bodies and
enter their true Freedom. That they (four children) would be given bodies such as had
not been known in the outer world that had never been given to man. That He would set
aside the two year period and instead they could acquire it in two days.
Chananda took them to the Cave of Light. They were told that whoever enters the
Cave of Light, the physical body, the atomic structure is transmuted and they come out
in an Immortal Body. So two days after they entered It, they emerged, the four children
were in their new Bodies which were Immortal. Mr. Ballard was not in his physical
body, and the others K-17, Mr. Gaylord and Electra (it is presumed they had gone into
the Cave of Light) and evidently they made the Ascension there, hence did not come out
with them but went into the Ascended Masters’ Realm of Light. *
Those Bodies gave them greater power to act in the physical realm. These Bodies
held a connection with the human realm for that specific service that was to be
rendered. They were able to wield the Light Rays and dissolve the steel and iron
construction destructive individuals had set up by which to send forth the death rays to
destroy mankind. The Masters are on constant guard and where any such attempt is
made They will dissolve the individuals and mechanics. The same with secret
submarines, etc.
The secret submarines were built by some who failed in World War I, for the
purpose of sending forth their wholesale destruction on mankind. Because they believe
there would yet be a world war. And which world condition did so nearly produce.
(Man’s vicious discord from the feelings is the blame for the conditions which exist on
However, because Saint Germain got His work going and some people did apply
the Law by doing decree work that was averted. Saint Germain and Others watched
very closely over the Capital, to prevent the intent of some in our government and
others, to get into war, from being carried out.
After Mr. Ballard left Chananda’s Home, the four children spent four and a half
months there, in training. For the work they were to do, they all chose or selected, the
use of the light Rays. It was rather unusual for all to make the same choice and render
the same service. They returned to the Retreat in Arabia where the greatest
understanding of the use of the Light Rays is given, to receive further instruction by the
great Ascended Master, Whose name was never given.
Thru the use of the Light Rays is how the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings
project, charge and anchor into the feeling worlds of unascended being the various
qualities which They are privileged to pour forth.
After Mr. Ballard returned to his home in Chicago, IL. the Ballards started to hold
classes in their home, by invitation only, in February 1932, (so it was said).
Of the 73 Discourses given consecutively on Monday and Thursday in 1932, 26
are in volume No. 4 of the “I AM” Discourses. The first one is dated July 4, 1932, and
ends with the one on September 29, 1932. These are followed by October 3, 1932
ending on December 29, 1932, in Volume 3, of the “I AM” Discourses. This leaves 21,
one dated June 13, 1932, is published in The Voice of the “I AM “magazine, April
1936 issue. All of these were given to Mr. Ballard thru the Light and Sound Ray, in
their home. Their first outside class was in Philadelphia, PA., October 10 thru 19,
1934. The students of the Ballards classes then stood in the same or * (The children
were told they were to remain there for one year.) similar position that the four
children stood in when Mr. Ballard had come among them.
In the Retreat in Arabia, they were trained in the use of the Light Rays, in their
various colors and activities. This enabled them to use them in an amazing manner, to
stop destructive activities here on earth, etc., for the blessing of mankind and the earth.
While in this Retreat, one day they became so intensely interested in what they
were doing, that they found themselves standing at least three feet above the floor. They
stood in the atmosphere just as firmly as on the floor. They were devoid of all body
consciousness, but when their attention reverted to the body, they immediately settle
down on the floor.
Thru the projection of the Light Rays they have rendered great service in State and
government. Also in strikes, they dissolved and transmuted the discord, which enabled
those involved to reach an agreement. The students, all over the states and the world
under the Ballard’ training (particularly from 1936 on) then had sufficient
understanding to call the Presence into action to project forth Light Rays, which are
self-luminous intelligent substance. Thus rendering the same kind of service, but in a
lesser degree.
Rex, Bob, Nada and Pearl, made the Ascension previous to March 26, 1937, just
when, was never revealed. As did also the gentleman his wife and son of Tucson; Mr.
& Mrs. Rayborn. They evidently made it in the former manner, as Jesus did but not
publicly. This was the method used before the New Dispensation for the Ascension
was brought to the attention of the students, November 8, 1938. All of these except
Mrs. Rayborn made the Ascension from within a Retreat. She did not from the physical
standpoint but most likely it took place in a Retreat on the inner, in the etheric realm.
The four children could not have made it alone, by themselves. But by having the
training together enabled it to be done.
Although Ascended, They yet called Themselves “Little children”.
After They were Ascended, when They gave a dictation that gave them the
opportunity to charge into the feeling worlds of the students certain qualities which
were Theirs to pour forth. This was done thru the projection of the Light Rays, which
they had learned.
Bob, Rex and David Lloyd were with K-17 in rendering that service of saving the
Panama Canal, September 26, 1939. K-17 said, those children were rendering
remarkable service. If it were know what it is, one would better understand what the
Divine Director meant about giving them Bodies never known on earth.
The children mentioned how happy They were, that They never get tired nor feel
limited; but go on and on in Their expansion of the Light. As They can enter into the
Radiance of Their Presence, They go on pouring forth Light Rays, like the Rays going
out from the Presence, as one sees on the Chart, to do many wonderful things, which
bring new enthusiasm and joy to Them.
At their young age in a few years, thru the use of the Light Rays they were able to
utilize, direct and wield power by which to accomplish things which are incredible to
the human sense, the outer consciousness.
In the 1930’s, the four children having so recently attained their Victory, still had
a certain connection with the earth, which They were not permitted to explain. Yet it
enabled Them in Their enthusiasm and joy of Their attainment, to pour a Radiance and
strength into the feeling worlds of the students, especially while dictating, (which the
greater Beings may not be permitted to do). Thus They could give assistance in matters
more closely associated to or with human actions. This is done thru the projection of
the Light Rays.
Under the Great Divine Director’s guidance they accomplished the Ascension in
the Cave of Light in India, sometime previous to March 26, 1937.
On September 29, 1937, Bob and Rex annihilated insects or germs on an airplane
brought to the United States for some nefarious purpose, then appeared to those on
May 8, 1938, the Goddess of Liberty said, that within a few hours, three of the
stolen airplanes had been dissolved by Rex, Bob and David Lloyd. They used the
Transmuting (Consuming) Ray. So there was just a streak of dust left where those
magnificent metal planes had been. Then the Great Ones permitted Them, while
standing there to be seized when They were discovered by the people there, who
expected to destroy Them, and the Masters just dissolved in their grasp. This was
permitted in order to make the destructive individuals realize they were dealing with
an invisible but tangible power with which they could not cope.
Saint Germain issued a fiat to one of them, and it was hoped that because of this
occurrence he would adhere to the instruction given. But no further information was
released on the matter to the student body.
Bob and Rex did some experimenting and by October 3, 1937 They had definite
results. (Nothing was given as to what it was about.)
Rex, Nada, Bob, Pearl and Mr. Rayborn are very grateful to Mr. Ballard, for his
coming into the Rayborn home. This opened the door enabling Saint Germain to come
render the service He did render them which resulted in Their attaining Their eternal
Freedom so quickly.
Bob said January 30, 1938, that Mr. & Mrs. Rayborn, Rex and Nada, even yet
give their gratitude for their family’s Freedom.
Twin Rays
(Continued from #3)
The (two) Twin Rays come forth from the same Individualized (God) Divine
Flame, called the White Fire Body. The first evolutionary step of individualization.
This is the first spark of individualization, It is draw forth by the Sun Gods and
Goddesses at the time of the creation of a new planet. It is the very first step to provide
individuals to inhabit that planet. It is drawn from the heart of God, so-called, the Life,
consciousness, energy, and Intelligence, which is the Great Central Sun of that galaxy.
The beautiful Love of one Ray for Its Twin Ray is tremendously uplifting, exalting
and wonderful.
A stream of Life-Essence or Liquid Light flows from the heart center of the
Electronic Body entering the physical body thru the pineal gland. In the Bible it is
referred to as the Silver Cord. It flows thru the nervous system like blood flows thru
the veins, beats the heart, moves the muscles, enables one to manipulate the body,
energies the brain cells. When this stream of white Light is withdrawn by the I AM
Presence, so-called death ensues.
It is said that the Electronic Body, the I AM PRESENCE OF AN INDIVIDUAL
abides from 12 to 50 feet above one’s physical body. It was also said that if the Christ
Self came as close as three feet to the physical body it would be blazing Light. Hence
if the I AM Presence would actually be in the atmosphere like that, how could anything
less than perfection be there? Here one has to take into consideration the fourth
dimension phase of vision or consciousness, seeing thru a Light Ray, in which case
time and space is set aside, and one sees with a higher sight. Thus it would look like it
were 12 to 50 feet above, while the Presence would not even be in the atmosphere of
earth. It could be millions of miles away, in the Sun or Central Sun, or anywhere in
interstellar space.
What is karma? The word actually means qualified energy, so it relates to both the
good and bad. But much of the time as it is used (loosely) it refers to the bad karma.
The good karma is accumulated and stored in the Causal Body of that lifestream. The
bad karma is within and around the four lower bodies. And is responsible for the
imperfection in us and our worlds.
It is not a matter of one embodiment. It is the aggregate sum of the action
committed during the many embodiments one has had. Each action may have been
insignificant, only as a fine thread. But when enough of those threads are woven
together, they can make a string, a strong cord or a rope. So it is with one’s karma. The
energy qualified by the various trivial actions of a certain kind, when all put or woven
together can be a tremendous force, to influence that one for good or evil, depending on
the quality. In the early work it was said that a man’s destructive karma could tear the
shirt off his back.
May this Holiday Season Induce all to make things right,
Great Cosmic changes bring, I AM Presence and Christmas cheer,
Enrich you and each person, Thru release of Cosmic Light,
With the Divine Ones Blessing. Bring a prosperous New Year.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Dec. 31, In the last 24 hours of the year is when every lifestream who has had
even partial embodiment on earth, is then taken in the etheric body and passed thru the
Violet Flame cauldron.
Days to Recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day.
Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Masters’ and mankind’s harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26, or so, The Karmic Board convenes over the Teton Retreat.
V.12 N.5, January-February, 36 A.F. (1991)
When the four children and Mr. Ballard went to India, even then in their outer
consciousness they could not conceive that their Freedom into the Ascension was
Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl, when in the Cave of Symbols with Saint Germain, they
thought they were having supreme happiness. But after they were Ascended, and could
go anywhere in the universe, gather what knowledge and information they required
firsthand, see feel, be, and experience it, then realized it was only a fragment compared
to what They now experience in the Ascended State.
The experiences recorded in the book “The Magic Presence”, started in Denver,
CO., in the Spring of 1931. And the recording of the contents by Mr. Ballard (Godfre
Ray King) closed in Denver sometime after August 1932.
Rex Rayborn was born 1913 or so.
After Mr. Ballard came to the Rayborn home, in 1931, Saint Germain came to Mr.
Rayborn and gave instruction and explained many things. They learned that their
Mother who had passed on some years before was not in that tomb, but had been free
since then. In Saint Germain’s Radiance they quickly entered into the Radiance of their
own I AM Presence. Hence had no time to get involved with anything else, with any
human things. Then the heavens opened and they gained their Eternal Freedom in a few
Ascended Rex gave His first dictation April 5 1937, (Vol. 6p. 282), in Long
beach, CA. He also dictated May 16, 1938, as mentioned by Bob in Vol. 12p. 69.
The feeling world is out powerhouse. The full power of the Presence is anchored
in the heart. That is why they say the heart is the knower and not the intellect; but which
still tries to be the doer. One only gets partial results until one gets the full
consciousness of a thing into his or her feelings. When this is realized, thru the activity
of the attention it can become a tremendous power, because then what is acting is the
In the Ballard classes the students’ attention was on the activities of the class and
the dictations, and thru the Masters Radiation the vibratory action could be raised so it
was a different world. Then when getting into outer world activities one would
unknowingly accept in the feeling body the vibratory action of those limitations,
conditions and habits, to which one had been accustomed. One time in one class with
rather small attendance, it was said that the radiation was almost like the vibratory
action on Venus.
This information was given April 5, 1937. There are those of mankind who have
wholly destructive desires. These desires the Great Ones must counteract. They always
knew when such an attempt is made. Within the previous three months, a man serving
the destructive. To forestall it was Rex’s privilege and service, which gave Him great
joy, and made Him realize that in that service He is to render in the outer world later,
that will continue to intensify. Then when He comes forth in the tangible form that same
power and activity will be there.
Excerpts from the series of lives shown to Rex on the Cosmic Mirror in the Cave
of Symbols. In three embodiments he was a great teacher of Truth, many times an
important officer in large armies. During the time of the American Revolution he was
in embodiment in France and in England. His development was unusually steady, with
no great struggle in any embodiment. He was a renowned scientist three times with
many wonderful discoveries to his credit, for the blessings of mankind.
To finish his schooling, the uniting with his Twin Ray, Pearl, and the training in
the Retreats, was to cover at least two years. He is to play a very prominent part in the
American government in his future activities.
Nada (Rayborn’s daughter) was born in 1915 or so.
After gaining the Ascension Nada, first dictated April 6, 1937. She explained that
when their Mother became unconscious to the outer, Saint Germain had assisted her to
leave the body, and instructed her what to do. Their Mother knew that there was no
death, years before her passing. She tried to make the family aware of that but they did
not comprehend it.
By April 1937, Nada had taken on some of the powerful Qualities of Lady Master
Nada, which She had acquired, having Ascended long ago.
After the Ascension one quickly takes on the Qualities of the Ascended Master
with whom one associates. After acknowledging the I AM Presence, then thru the
attention to some Ascended Master, one can fill one’s own world with those Qualities
acquired by that One.
On the Cosmic Mirror was revealed to Nada: In hundreds of embodiments
seemingly she always had a sincere desire for the Light. She and Bob were together on
Atlantis when Bob was a nephew of one of the great Master Rulers. In one embodiment
Nada was a priestess in Egypt. In another embodiment she was the daughter of an Arab
Sheik. Nada has for many embodiments, been under Saint Germain’s care and
In this (the last) embodiment, she met Saint Germain and then also Bob, her Twin
Ray. Then ended her school work and she got into Cosmic Work. This was before Bob
was ready for that. In the Ascended State they are to be great Teachers of Wisdom to
Pearl, after their mother passed on, she and her brother Bob Singleton lived with
an aunt in San Francisco, CA. where they were happy. A short time later when Pearl
was not quite ten years of age, Bob went away, and she thought she was left quite
alone. As their aunt did not know how to give love and kindness, but did what she
thought was right.
In her need, Pearl did call to God. So one night she suddenly awakened, and the
room was filled with a soft golden Light. She saw in the concentrated part of the Light
a radiant Presence, a Being, which proved out to be the Ascended Master Saint
Germain. She was not frightened, but felt it was an answer to her call.
He told her He would instruct and train her in Laws she had not known existed.
She was not to tell anyone, as it would be a secret between them.
She wanted to go to school but was not attending any public school at the time. He
told her He would take care of it. At regular intervals He would come and teach her. In
cases like that when He cannot be present Himself an Ascended Master projects a
Luminous Presence of Himself. That is, by operating the use of the Light Rays, He
projects a Ray of Light to that point and draws particles, specks of Light in the
atmosphere there and builds a likeness of Himself, thru which He works. In her case
He talked to her, instructed and taught her many things for years, in a form tangible to
her. At the same time he was working some other place.
Later when Pearl was around 18 years of age and Bob had started working for
Mr. Rayborn, this time Saint Germain came in His tangible Light Body. With a peculiar
twinkle in His eye, He asked her, if she didn’t think she ought to go visit her brother.
She said she would love to very much, but did not have the means. He assured her that
it could be taken care of, and a short time later, one morning the money was on her
table, sufficient to defray her expenses.
Her first impulse was to rush to her aunt and tell her. But she suddenly stopped
short in her tracks, and remembered all this was to be kept secret. While thinking on it
she knew thru her feelings, she was not to let her aunt know.
When she went to visit Bob, she met Mr. Rayborn and his two children, Nada and
Rex, her Twin Ray. She was so happy to find out they also knew the Master Saint
Germain. She learned that He had also trained Mrs. Rayborn during the Years He was
training her; and that Mrs. Rayborn had made the Ascension.
When she was in the Rayborn home, she went with Rex, Nada and Mr. Ballard to
Table Mountain. While there she felt to go to be by herself, she went a short distance
away and there was Lord Tabor, Who talked to her and made her realize that they were
all being directed by a mighty Intelligence. This was evidently before her experience
with the rattlesnake (as told in Magic Presence). By keeping her eyes focused on its
eyes that prevented it from striking at her, until the other came, who had been quietly
sitting on the bank of the mountain lake. She had no fear but was serene and calm. She
felt confident that the Master Saint Germain would give the needed protection.
She found Saint Germain had already prepared others. But she had not been
permitted to say anything to Bob. So she made the call to Saint Germain, for the
possibility of Bob having this understanding that they could go forth together. Her call
was answered shortly afterwards (as described in Magic Presence) when Saint
Germain enabled Bob to appear in the Cave of Symbols where they were at the time.
Excerpts revealed to her on the Cosmic Mirror: In past embodiments Pearl was a
teacher of the Truth many times. In only three embodiments did the outer self rebel
against the Light. She saw the burning of Joan of Arc at the stake, and witnessed the
crucifixion of Jesus.
In the Ascended State in the future, she is to minutes to mankind.
Pearl dictated a discourse thru Mr. Ballard, April 6, 1937, in Hollywood, CA.
Also March 11, 1939, to the Youth Group in Denver, CO.
Evening of Dec. 3rd, since the earthquake had not occurred, a
person in all seriousness, contacted the news media and wanted to know
if the earthquake had been canceled.
Cosmic Law
Since the Cosmic Beings were the creators of the Laws governing mankind’s
spiritual development in the past, They can change them now. Naturally too when
Cosmic Cycles close there is change. Today the occult laws contain only about 35
percent of what they originally were. Having been clothed with human concepts, thru
translation, interpretation and willful perversion by the priesthood, black magicians
and individuals. That too happened to the Bible as it is today, hardly recognizable
compared to what is was originally. Thru translation human opinions are always
imposed upon it. Thus it was with the spiritual laws and it was getting to a point where
mankind’s misunderstanding would endanger individuals very existence. So the
Cosmic Beings said there must be change, and the Law of Life must be presented in
simple language so the layman could understand.
The Law of Life, the Law of the I AM Presence, is eternal and must remain as
Saint Germain has brought It forth, be stated clearly in Ascended Masters’
consciousness. That is request of the Ascended Masters, because that is the need of
However, so many who contact this work, instruction, just want to incorporate
some of It into their own concepts, etc. For example, take healing. Yes, one can get
results, thru direction of energy, also by/thru qualification and have results from human
endeavor temporarily. But when the action is thru the I AM Presence the healing is
permanent. However, the patient can re-create the same condition unless he/she
changes living habits which have caused it.
People go from one healer to the next who has a different method, etc. That shows
it is a human way and not the I AM Presence in action, and their feelings accept it that
One has to be very firm in holding the human desires inactive, since the atomic
pressure of the human qualities of discord is so great. This can be done by giving
attention to the I AM Presence. This causes the human qualities of the force-field
around the points of light, in the cells of the body and the brain structure to be held in
abeyance. Give attention to the Presence and then directly to the expansion of the
points of Light within the cells.
At has been said by the Great Ones, the time is coming when the discord, the
substance in the atmosphere will be dissolved and transmuted, cause, effect, record
and memory by the Cosmic Light by Cosmic Beings. One will feel the release like
stepping from a shadowy world into Light. This does not include one’s own karma of
misqualified energy. However, the atmospheric pressure will be gone.
By such Cosmic action is the only way the earth can be purified and enter into the
Light and perfection which must be in order for it to be sustained in the system. This
Cosmic action could have already taken place if a sufficient number of people had
accepted and applied this understanding of the Law. However, only a small fraction of
those who have beer acquainted with It have applied It. Therein lies a great
responsibility. Hence, mankind is still struggling under the discord. If mankind does not
release enough energy to bring it about, then from what was said, at a certain point in
time, which They have not revealed as such, the Cosmic Light will evidently be
released. Then will come about the conditions which are referred to in Magic Presence
and elsewhere, which will be made manifest.
Decrees which can be use on Pattern “C”, on page 43 of the Decree book.
All concerning Communism.
All concerning the Iraq-Kuwait situation,
All intended one-world Bank and one-world government that is not of the Light.
All concerning the balancing of the budget.
All concerning American’s economy.
All concerning the national debt and deficit spending.
During the Ballard classes the Masters would radiate Their Ascended Master
qualities into the students worlds, their inner bodies. That Light Substance cannot be
changed or contaminated by us, by our human qualification. So when one turns vicious
or does not live the Life sufficiently that Substance is drawn into that one’s Causal
Because when an Ascended or Divine Being gives something, that One does not
ever take it back. Since now it belongs to that other lifestream, it is taken away from
the outer self when the outer self does not give sufficient obedience to the Light, So as
not to enhance its actions, or human qualification.
New Cycle
May 20, 1956, Lord Maha Chohan said, you may be being given too much of the
Law for your outer minds to digest at one time. However, We feel that for the sake of
those following after you, an entire evolution of people, who would perhaps benefit by
the instruction that you may never even need to use, We had better take advantage of the
forcefields, or your faith, of your presence, as well as advantage of the temporary
contact between the Ascended Masters’ Realm and the human, and get as much of this
Law as possible to you. Because We are writing a whole Bible that will live and be
read by millions of people long after you have come Home.
May 16, 1954, Archangel Uriel said, Genesis and all of the succeeding Biblical
law is being written again. It is being written now not by unascended beings, but by
God-free Beings. It is a Bible made up of the energies of the Archangels, the Cosmic
Beings and the Ascended Masters that will stand for the rest of the civilizations being
brought forth on this planet Earth.
Doubt from others can easily creep into the feeling before one is aware of it.
When it is felt two or three times it becomes distrust. When that whirls a couple of
times in the emotional body it becomes suspicion, and thru that comes self-destruction.
While the other half of the Law is: Hope becomes faith, faith becomes reality.
Mankind wants everything to be easy. One need not study the things he already
understands. He must realize he must grow up to things. It is a mistake to try to bring
Truth down to ignorance, or bring it and spiritual things down to his level.
This results in perversion and misunderstanding. He must realize the mind has
great capabilities, and it can be trained. In this way he can unfold his consciousness
and understand these spiritual things.
Since the Higher Mental Body and the Christ Self are the same, so that body is or
would be the shape of the Christ Self and like the physical, being an individualized
Being. But the lower mental body being composed originally from the higher air
substance as a vehicle for the mind, an activity of the Christ Self, and as seen now as
radiation around the upper part of the physical body, is rather spherical shaped.
Days to recognize:
New Year’s Day. Karmic Board in session. Lord Gautama became Lord of the
world. Old occult law set aside. Sanat Kumara released.
Jan. 15 thru Feb. 14, Retreat at Darjeeling.
Feb. 15 thru Mar. 14, Temple of Truth over Crete.
Season’s Greetings to all of you, As we enter the New Year,
Our gratitude to Saint Germain, May before you the Light shine,
Whom all should revere, And for all you hold dear,
For bringing the True Way again. Making your world more Divine.
V.12 N.6, February-March, 36 A.F. (1991)
Bob and Pearl lived with an aunt and their home life was harmonious so that he
did not even know there was discord in homes until after he was Ascended.
Bob went to mining school in Golden, Colorado, While there, whenever a
problem came up, he knew and took the consciousness that there was an intelligence
within him that knew how to solve it. Within a minute or a few minutes he would
clearly have the solution. As a mining engineer, just out of school unbeknown to him,
from the inner standpoint, Saint Germain drew him to Mr. Rayborn, who took him
under his wing, so to speak.
Bob did not know about metaphysics, but did have a deep love for the Master
Jesus. He had certain ideals and held to them. But did not know from where they came.
Bob first met Mr. Ballard the day Mr. Rayborn brought him to the mine, and Mr.
Ballard marked the spot where Mr. Rayborn then ordered Bob to start work. From the
outer standpoint, to Bob, or any mining engineer, it would have looked like it was
impossible to find gold or anything of value to be there, and foolish to drill there. Bob
had so much confidence in Mr. Rayborn that he did not say anything. By direction of
Saint Germain who could see thru the earth substance, a tunnel was to be driven for a
certain number of feet to the ore body of gold. When Mr. Rayborn ordered the tunnel
dug, that was Bob’s first touch with this knowledge, his first experience in regard to
these Laws a freak of nature had occurred.
After Bob had become superintendent, the mine proved out to be rich in ore, and
they had taken him into partnership. Then he was told about Saint Germain, and it was
explained to him how it came about. While they were at the mine, he was invited
frequently to have dinner with them.
Later when they did locate gold at the exact location specified, that was a great
shock to Bob, from the metaphysical standpoint. After that he never had any doubt.
When that project was taken care of, Bob’s training on the spiritual path began.
Bob knew nothing of the training Pearl was getting from Saint Germain, even as a
little girl, He taught Her in His tangible Body for years.
Bob’s first spiritual (inner) experiences were when Saint Germain enabled him to
leave the physical body, and be conscious in that body He provided for him, and was
taken to the Cave of Symbols, It was a most beautiful thing to witness, how he entered
into and followed the instruction Saint Germain offered, in eagerness, full acceptance,
and joy but without impatience. Because of the joyous acceptance of whatever Saint
Germain asked him to do, he attained with greater speed than any of the others.
In this incident as related in “The Magic Presence”, he had no outer preparation
in these spiritual things until a very short time after he met Saint Germain.
July 26, 1931 (the dates are as of the Magic Presence), there on the inner he met
Nada, his Twin Ray. Rex, Nada, Pearl and Mr. Ballard went to the Cave of Symbols,
the first time.
It had been arranged by Saint Germain for Bob to meet his Mother. She had
passed on years before, and they thought she passed thru so-called death. The first
night he was there he was taken in the other body to meet Her. She had made the
Ascension and was in Her glorious Body of Light. She was always wonderful, he
thought, but now in that glorified Ascended Body She was much more wonderful. He
was astonished for a few moments. But Saint Germain released thru the vibratory
action the feeling of naturalness of it, to which he readily responded. During that hour
he was visiting his Mother, a great transformation took place in his physical body,
sleeping at the mine. When he awakened the next morning, he scarcely realized he was
the same being the night before.
The next night (July 27, 1931) when he again was taken, in that other body
provided for him, to the Cave of Symbols, there he met Mrs. Rayborn, his God-Mother,
Who was also Ascended. In that radiation his consciousness and comprehension were
perfectly clear. Saint Germain revealed to him the relationship to Mrs. Rayborn, and he
saw how great wisdom had been acting.
Bob was released from the physical body without preparation or warning and he
was escorted to the Cave of Symbols by two radiant Beings whom Saint Germain had
sent to do that, yet Saint Germain was the real escort. Bob found this out after he was
Ascended. Saint Germain released him from the physical body while asleep, he was
taken to the Cave of Symbols in his (inner) etheric body. By regulating the vibratory
action of his etheric body, Saint Germain drew about it a Light substance and
“densified” it to a point where it became as tangible as the other three children’s
physical bodies were, as he appeared on the table there, but it was not a body
composed of physical substance. He was fully conscious of all there and did retain the
memory upon awakening, and thought he had a vivid dream. But when Mr. Rayborn and
Mr. Ballard again came to the mine he knew right away that was not a dream. It was
his first inner experience, but is seemed (felt) perfectly natural to him.
When Bob first got on the spiritual path he had not had the preparation Rex, Nada
and Pearl had, so he could not yet do or get into the same work that is cosmic work
they were able to do. But as he awakened and because of previous preparation, and
expansion of his own Light, this enabled him to enter quickly into the same training and
activity with the other three.
Having had no contact with these great (spiritual) Laws, Bob knew nothing about
them in his outer consciousness. Yet thru that came his eternal Freedom in so short a
time. He had no outer preparation until a very short time after meeting Saint Germain.
Then in a short time they went to Chananda’s Home in India. In a few years he
was able to make the Ascension.
December 24, 1931, when Saint Germain had arranged for Bob to sing in the
quartette in Washington, D.C., Bob was terrified at the thought of it. Saint Germain
seeing that, asked him if he did not trust Him, at that point Saint Germain transmuted all
fear, cause, effect and record of it. So Bob learned later.
After Bob got (into) this teaching he had a great desire to make the Ascension.
Since his Freedom he has learned such a lot.
After becoming an Ascended Being, Bob was the first one to dictate a discourse,
March 26, 1937. He gave at least 15 dictations thru Mr. Ballard. He and Nada are to
be great teachers of Divine Wisdom in the future.
Bob’s training on the spiritual path was short but terrific. He said, that with so
little effort on his part, it seemed almost incredible that he could have gained His
He still did not know just why that was, and he still had no desire to look back
thru his lifestream, although he could have to see what was there, except what was
shown in the Cave of Symbols in connection with Nada’s past. He would not do so
until he got the desire. Yet with that great assistance, he made it.
Twin Rays were brought together and united, not married which is only human.
The reason the four children and Mr. Ballard were taken to Chananda’s Home, to
the Divine Director was because in former embodiments they had come within a
continued harmonious activity and radiance. They understood the Law of
reembodiment. They issued a mighty decree then, that in all future embodiments they
would only take on embodiments which were perfectly harmonious; until they attained
perfection, the Ascension. It was the Great Divine Director’s privilege to render that
service. Because of previous development the four children had the privilege of those
special bodies. That is how they were able to enter into cosmic activity at once.
Later their Ascension was completed in the Cave of Light in Chananda’s Home,
and not in the Cave of Symbols, under the former method and not under the New
Dispensation for the Ascension, perhaps in about March 1933. They were set free and
became Beings of Light and Freedom, wielding the power of the Light Rays, which
delighted the Ascended Masters. As they go every way watching and guarding, giving
protection to America against the destructive forces that want to gain dominion here.
The four children’s work is to be in America.
August 10, 1931, Saint Germain knocked on the door of the bungalow at the
Rayborn mine in a tangible body appearing as a well groomed gentleman of the outer
world. Saint Germain provided a precipitated dinner, with linen and entire service,
which he presented to Pearl and Rex for keeps.
He precipitated two diamond rings, one for Bob, one for Rex; a pearl necklace
for Pearl, and a diamond one of Nada. He taught them how to use the Great Command.
August 15, 1931, they met with Saint Germain in the Tower Room on the Rayborn
ranch. He gave Bob his robe.
September 16, 1931, Mr. Gaylord arrived at the Rayborn ranch. Mr. Gaylord said
he had known and been under Saint Germain’s directions for some ten years. That Saint
Germain was drawing certain students together, for important work, to begin certain
work that year. It was concerning a serious crisis, which affected not only North
America, but the whole world. But it could be averted, and if so the outer world would
never know of the disaster which was avoided.
September 10, 1932, Rex, Bob, Nada and Pearl went with Saint Germain to the
Far East, India and Arabia. When they left New York the first night on the boat, Lady
Master Leto taught them to leave the body and come back consciously and at will. Bob
being the most enthusiastic, when they found they could be free from that body, lost no
time to utilize it. She made it very plain that no boyish pranks were permitted in the
operation of Cosmic Laws.
In April 1938 and 1939, Bob said He and Rex often go to the ranch and mine in
the visible, tangible Body, to direct affairs. Rex who possesses tremendous wealth but
does not require any of it still goes there. The people there notice a great change in
Him, and sometimes ask Him about it. He tell them He was just trying to behave
Himself, they accept it.
On August 11, 1937, a frightful destructive activity was about to find expression
(in America), and they caused it to fail utterly. They were also moving among the
young people in the colleges and universities on endeavoring to stir up in the
acknowledgment of the I AM Presence, in great numbers, so they could render a
service and assistance, which They were capable of doing.
The Divine Director said, because of the wonderful service Saint Germain had
given the four children, They were rendering great service for Him, standing guard and
watching over America. They are working every hour as They do not require rest.
Before Bob met Saint Germain, he seemed to have no artistic temperament, no
inclination to paint. But in his first dictation, He said he had recently produced a
remarkable painting, which He hoped to some day bring it forth visible to outer sight.
The Masters said that Bob’s enthusiasm kept increasing after He was Ascended
and He would pour forth such a radiance of that quality, more than any other.
In the Retreat in Arabia they experienced marvelous use of the Light Rays, in
various colors and activities. Thru that they have stopped destructive activities on
earth for the blessing of mankind and the earth.
The four children even now at times in gratitude to Saint Germain and for the
Light which is coming to mankind burst into a song of praise.
“Strange,” I said, “I never heard of the English having any white uniformed
cavalry whether Colonial or not. They have all been fighting on foot for several years
past, and anyway, they are in khaki, not white.”
“Well, they are plain enough,” he replied, “see, our guns have got their range now,
they will be blown to pieces in no time.”
We saw the shells bursting amongst the horses and their riders, all of them came
forward at a quiet walk trot, in parade ground formation, each man and horse in his
exact place.
Shortly afterwards, our machine guns opened a heavy fire, taking the advancing
cavalty with a dense hail of lead. But they came quietly forward though the shells were
bursting amongst them with intensified fury, and not a single man or horse fell.
Steadily they advanced, clear in the shining sunlight; and a few paces in front of
them rode their Leader – a fine figure of a man, whose hair, like spun gold, shone in an
aura around his bare head, By his side was a great sword, but his hands lay quietly
holding his horse’s reins, as his huge white charger bore him proudly forward.
In spite of heavy shell, and concentrated machine-gun fire, the White Cavalry
advanced, remorseless as fate, like the incoming tide surging over a sandy beach.
Then a great fear fell on me, and I turned to flee; yes, I, an Officer of the Prussian
Guard, fled, panic-stricken, and around me were hundreds of terrified men,
whimpering like children, throwing away their arms and accoutrements in order to
have their movements impeded… all running.
Their intense desire was to get away from the remorselessly advancing White
Cavalry; but most of all from their awe-inspiring Leader, whose hair shone like gold
round his bare head, and whose hands lay quietly holding the reins of his great white
That is all I have to tell you. We are beaten. The German army is broken. There
may be fighting, but we have lost The War, we are beaten – by the White Cavalry.
To try to humanly batter down the dark forces with decrees is not going to do the
job. It is not the human beings’ energy that does it. Our energy released in decrees but
causes or permits the Divine Beings’ energy to be released in accordance, which does
the work.
The inner action that was behind the I AM Activity from 1932 thru 1939, and the
seven years (1952-58) of The Bridge Activity is not there now. It was said that action
would never be again. A real decree is not to just state a fact.
Since America being the only place on earth where the Light could come forth,
that the students making the call for the Freedom of America, that that privilege was the
most transcendent ever given to mankind on earth, so it was said.
The only thing which can correct outer world conditions is enough of these
decrees going forth by enough people, which go forth the mental and feeling world of
The mental world is one. The feeling world is one. Then for many when their
attention was drawn to this Teaching, they said, “That is it; and that they had been
looking for this all their lives. (Vol. 7p. 510, green book)
The colored Chart in the original printing of the books distributed by the Saint
Germain Press (so-called green books) in Vol. 3, 6, 7, the Chart is open beneath the
feet. In the Talk by Mr. Ballard 1938-39, on tape “The Need for Today” he says they
had two Charts that in one Chart the Tube of Light is open at the bottom, in the other it
is closed. In July 1943 Voice magazine page 8, it says it should be open.
Evidently when the Chart was re-done the Tube of Light appeared closed, it is
copyrighted 1942, after Mr. Ballard had Ascended. It looks like that is the one that has
been used since.
In some dictations thru Mr. Ballard, it was said that the Chart was accurate
according to one’s position to his own God-Presence. While Mr. Ballard was here, the
Chart used showed the Pillars or Tube of Light open underneath the feet. As for the
colors in the Causal Body, the seven colors of the Rays had not been given when those
Charts were produced.
When you want to call forth health or energy into your own body you must call the
Light Rays from your own I AM Presence into your own body. Actually it is the
intensifying of the Light Ray that beats your heart. That also helps build your Tube of
Only in case one’s body is in need of energy or strength, then mentally visualize
the Pillar or Tube of Light closed beneath the feet. Call forth the charge of energy
required. Then mentally with your vision, open the Tube of Light again. Otherwise,
because the energy is not being released, one can get an over-charge, and become
disturbed or sort of nervous.
To give assistance call to the Presence, and your Christ Self will project a Light
Ray to the person, place or condition where you want to give it. This makes it
impossible for your own energy to be carried there without any human concepts or
qualification into that condition. This is the New Age way of healing.
Recently word went around that at a specific time there would be a unified
meditation, in which any one so inclined could participate in their own way in their
own place for the purpose of world peace. Knowing they expect us to take part we did.
But there was no inner action on it nor is there any permanent action to it, because it
was done according to the old occult law and not in accordance with the understanding
of the I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters work.
In the 1930’s a large husky man came into one of the Ballard classes praising the
Teaching, etc. Mr. Ballard said he just wanted to take this knowledge and go to the
mountains and meditate, when the need was to do the work here that was required in
the outer world.
Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14, Resurrection Temple.
Apr. 15 thru May 14, Ascension Temple
May 15 thru June 14, Temple of Wisdom.
June 15 thru July 14, Teton Retreat.
Days To Recognize:
Mar. 17, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 21, The first inhabitants came to earth; Sanat Kumara left earth for Venus.
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday
Mar. 31 Easter.
May 9, Ascension Day.
Upcoming Classes: Mar. 28, 29, 30, 31 Easter. May 1, Saint Germain’s
Coronation and Ascension Day. New Year’s Day, year 37 A.F. Teton class June 22 thru
July 1st or 4th. Autumn class: Sept. 26, 27, 28, 29. Teton: Dec. 26 thru Jan. 1, 1992.
Note: this is the last issue of Vol. 12. Estimated production cost and postage
$4.00. Other countries $5.00. Let us know if you desire to have it continued.
V.13 N.1, May-June, 37 A.F. (1991)
Dark Cloud
A description of a marvelous manifestation seen by five students near Washington
D.C., October 7, 1937, shortly after 11:00 P.M.
When we were about eight miles out of the city on the lighted highway, our
attention was drawn to an intensely black cloud of very peculiar formation. It hung
very low in the sky and so close to us that trees often obstructed our view of it. It was
long, perhaps ten miles long, very clear cut, with no soft feathery edges, almost as if
cut out of wood, and shaped something like this example. It was so long and so black
in a sky otherwise free from anything but light, drifting fog-clouds and with the starts
shining all about it, and so strangely shaped, that it gave us the feeling that it was
somehow a very sinister, evil thing. We watched it as we drove and at the last saw it
was beginning to grow lighter in color and the point was commencing to fade.
When we arrive at our destination on top of a low hill which gave us an
unobstructed view, we stood for 15 minutes in a cold biting wind (blowing from the
direction of the cloud) to watch a manifestation which we will never forget.
Before, and centering at the dark (right) point of the cloud, which was beginning
to fade, was a circle of quite brilliant light, white with electronic blue rays in it,
radiating to or from the center (the point of the cloud), clearly tinged in places with
gold and with some quite strong gold rays in it. This circle of light, shot with blue and
gold, radiating to or from the center, extended back to the “shoulders” and an equal
distance in from of the point.
Descending from the heavens upon this dark cloud at various points along its
entire length, were broad rays, or pillars, of light. These were active, coming and
going, widening and narrowing, strengthening and fading away. There was an airport
beach-light revolving below the cloud but its ray was less brilliant and much narrower
than the rays from above. These rays descended straight, not from a central focus.
At times a cloud of intense Nada-pink light, deepening to rose, would sweep
down, grow and intensify over most of the upper half or two-thirds of the descending
rays of light – this at 11:30 at night where there was no city below to reflect light of
any kind.
This continued for 15 or 20 minutes and the dark cloud gradually disappeared. It
did not move away or break up. It simply faded out and vanished. And when it was
wholly gone, the rays and the changing areas of color were withdrawn and the sky
returned to its drab neutral coloring.
No one of us doubts for a moment that we were privileged to witness a
transcendent activity of the Ascended Masters annihilating some destructive force or
sinister thing for the protection of America. We are deeply grateful to the Mighty I AM
Presence that we were privileged to see such a transcendent activity of the Hosts of
Light, for it has given us a greater realization and feeling of the way that Power is now
manifesting in the outer to save our beloved land. We actually saw the way the
Ascended Masters work to protect us by destroying destructive, vicious forces.
We had attended a class in Washington, D.C., and had stayed for a late supper
with the speaker (P.S.) and others, and were returning by auto to a point ten miles
outside the city.
Five of the students (and perhaps more) witnessed this is the outer, with our
physical sight. I never found anyone else who saw it, though I asked many.
A description of this manifestation was sent to Mr. Ballard immediately after its
appearance. He told about it in detail at several classes. He said that the Ascended
Masters had gathered destructive forces from Washington and were annihilating it there
before our eyes. He said it was the most wonderful thing he had ever heard of coming
into the outer, and he meant to ask Saint Germain more about it.
Later on, he told us that we five were the earth focus for that activity which gave
us a new realization of how the Ascended Masters really need the students if They are
to accomplish Their purposes and save America and the world.
The wind ceased when the cloud disappeared but Mr. Ballard never told us
whether that had any connection with the manifestation or not.
This is the manifestation to which Pelleur refers in the early part of His dictation
in the Ascended Master Light (P. 256; 122). Either I did not see His Ray from below or
mistook it for an airplane beacon-light. However, I think what I saw below was a
beacon-light as it seemed to revolve at regular intervals and, as I remember, remained
after the cloud was gone. Of that I cannot be sure though for Pelleur’s dictation did not
come out until months later, to call my attention to the matter and I have not since
returned to that exact point to check on whether there is a beacon-light there or not.
(Student, L.B.)
On October 13, 1937, Lord Pelleur said that the Ray which came from underneath
came from within the earth. That they in the interior of the earth were cooperating with
the Cosmic Light and with that which is on the surface of the earth, to bring about
perfection as quickly as possible. That the greatest cooperative activity of Light was
focused upon the earth at that time, since the second Golden Age.
April 3, 1955, Kwan Yin said: I have pled in every age for the removal of the
degradation of passion and lust and the scorn of those who have used their vital forces
in a manner that was not ordained by God nor commanded by man. Lust and passion
form the greatest layer by far, of the astral realm which surrounds the earth. Into it is
woven the scorn, the unkindness, the selfishness which has recorded on the bodies of
women as the unnecessary and undignified pain which accompanies (creation and)
human birth.
It is My desire, and it is My reason for being to restore to mankind the dignity of
entrance into this world of form on a song, in beauty, in harmony, in full control of the
faculties and the conscious mind as it was in the beginning, before mankind chose to
take the life of God and use it in vain.
The souls of men that are born on this earth plane are born on a wave of pain and
a cry of agony. Do you see what that does to the etheric body, and to the lifestream
newly come from Realms of such beauty and harmony? The retiring from the screen of
life (at the close of embodiment) should be in dignity, when the service is completed in
full command of mind, in a perfect body, in which there is no disintegration or decay.
Life, birth and passing death) these three activities should be restored and should
represent the dignity of experience in this world of form, and manifest the glory of
God, the Mighty I AM Presence.
We are the Guardians of the Sacred Fire. That means We are those Beings Who
keep the spark of divinity alive within the hearts of mankind. Those of Us, have
concentrated Our Light to specific services. When we turn Our attention to an
individual We increase in such a one the qualities which are Our predominant feeling.
As the Masters give Their gifts to individuals, their mind wants to accept. But it is
in the locked feelings which do not respond, where We find the resistance of even the
most earnest chela. It is in the buried resentments, rebellions and disappointments of
the etheric consciousness We find the “block” to the building of the individual focus of
the Sacred Fire thru those of you thru whom We would like to walk the earth as the
Master Presence of compassion, fountain of that merciful Flame which frees life
everywhere from distortion and imperfection and restoring life again to its Divine
Leonora Who invented that radio in the Cave of Symbols, worked on it during
seven embodiments, four were masculine and three feminine, retaining the memory
each time one to the next. She came from France to the Cave of Symbols, and knew
Lafayette over there.
The radio has three fields of operation. In medium, one can reach any place on the
surface of the earth including the etheric belts. The Etheric Cities are I the first etheric
belt around the earth. In low it connects with Pelleur’s region in the center of the earth.
In high it can connect with the Planet Venus. This radio is the only mechanical
instrument that reaches Venus. It is thru it that Mighty Victory’s first contact with
Master Saint Germain came about.
Mighty Victory thought if it was possible that on that darkened planet there could
be that much wisdom to produce a mechanism which could annihilate space. He says
He just thought those words. Yet Saint Germain answered right away saying, there was
great wisdom here. That it needed encouragement and strength; and asked if He would
like to give assistance. Victory answered right away in the affirmative, feeling His
mighty vibratory action, and positive voice, therefore knew He would make it, even
thru the jungles of human creation. Victory said that psychic-astral realm was much
more dangerous than the jungles.
In September of 1939, it was said that the Great Ones have and have had for about
86 years a counter-acting force to the most destructive of poisonous gases. It has been
used three times in past forgotten civilizations. This is what had happened in cities
which have been discovered, where everything there is found to be intact, just as if the
people had walked out. That gas was used, destroying the people’s entire physical
structure in a few minutes, without affecting the physical structure of building and
It was said in September 1939, the Ascended Master had airplanes without wings
that could anchor in mid-air, in use now. These secret airplanes were produced
because of the necessity for the protection of mankind, when secret submarines were
built by man.
Mighty Cosmos with the two secret Rays came forth for or to give protection.
In the 1930’s, before September 1939, the students who wanted to serve the Light
had the idea that they were serving Saint Germain or the Messengers, of course they
were assisting them. But when it was explained and made clear that the students were
really serving Life for their own Freedom, the transformation which took place in the
feeling world of the student body all over America was remarkable.
The dark cloud referred to in Washington’s Vision was dissolved before
September 17, 1939.
Leonora (see p.2). When Leonora had invented and perfected the radio, for a
certain power of connection, then She felt it could be used for or with other things
under the accumulating conditions of the physical world. Some remarkable things did
come out of it the Reflector which is in the Retreat in Arabia being one. It has a
powerful use in connection with the use of a Light Ray. It is not to be known in the
outer world.
In the Retreat in Arabia in the Television Chamber, a great circular room which is
especially insulated, with a precipitated substance to make it sound and vibration
proof. In the center is a larger Reflector. Much electrical apparatus around it and a
large dial at its side. By focusing the dial on a particular point anywhere on the surface
of the earth one can instantly see very accurately all that is taking place there. The
Reflector in 1931, had already been in use in the Retreat in Arabia over 100 years.
The radio chamber, to make it sound and vibration proof, is insulated with a
precipitated substance. By means of this instrument, one can see instantly and
accurately at any distance, what is taking place, by focusing it to any particular point
on the surface of earth.
June 27, 1937, Lord Himalaya said, they have had the radio for 100 years in
The planet earth was created for three evolutions to develop upon it, for mankind,
the Angelic kingdom and the Elemental kingdom, to work in full conscious cooperation
with each other.
We are responsible for our own world. We created the human or accepted it by
letting it in. Now our thoughts and feelings have a certain pattern, and function
accordingly, hence misqualifying and creating more human creation.
To get to the point of not even knowing the Presence and the Masters any more,
took a lot of application on our part, but the wrong kind. Application of rebellion,
feeling we know more than God, separateness, egotism, development of pride, and the
creation of the seven sins and all their ramifications. That all took a lot of application.
That of course was over a very long period of time, millions of years. That we had to
do all of our own, with no help from so-called God, all with just the energy flowing
thru the individual which was allotted, a composite of that is what we are today.
At a point the individual allotted energy had to be decreased, or man would have
annihilated his physical body (form).
Some people have said, they were bringing forth a new teaching. The outer human
mind of the self is always looking or wanting something different, evidently hoping for
vicarious atonement. Looking for something by which everything is done for one
without the outer self having to make effort – without having to apply the Law him/her
It is not a new teaching that is needed but application of the Law. The new
Teaching has been given by Saint Germain and other Divine Beings in the 1930’s and
Supposing one just read all the various school text books on arithmetic, what
good or how would he keep his bank account if he did not apply it?
The mind has the capacity to form conclusions from fragmentary information
which are human concepts, and the accumulation of those human concepts is what is
termed the intellect.
To go by oneself, get still and think things thru, is well, and we should do that. But
that is not contemplation, that in mental thinking. For meditation and/or contemplation
one needs to also silence the mental activity.
When one applies the Law sufficiently and correctly it will prove itself.
In this new Teaching we have the assistance of Ascended Masters and Divine
Beings, which makes a big difference from the former teaching which these others just
revise and/or mix some of the new in with it, and call it new teaching.
Self-correction, self-control and harmonious management of energy are required
by the Law before the assistance can be given toward eternal youth and the glorious
Light bodies which are the pattern of the Divine Self. (Master Morya)
One must become still and silence the violent pulsations in the aura, then
consciously create thru the mental body an accurate vehicle of reception to the divine
ideas of the Presence. The emotional body must be controlled, so that when one says,
“Peace be still”, these energies can be used as a grail thru which the gifts of the Causal
Body can flow into the outer world, into distress and bring harmony, peace or
whatever is required. The concentrated energy in the etheric body must be purified so
that one no longer accepts the many voices, the etheric rumblings of the past; the half
truths and concepts and pressures that would exalt the self. Then the divine memory
can be revivified, the magnificent powers and accomplishments, the memories of the
activities in the seven Spheres, and the remembrance of one’s contact with the Master
while the body sleeps. (Immaculata, July ’54)
The Goddess of Liberty Who gave Washington the Vision, is responsible for the
Cosmic Light coming to earth. That shows how everything in creation comes about thru
individualization, and does away with the abstract idea that God did it or made it, and
shows even the grass does not just spring up. As church people believe, that anything
not explained, understood or understandable, is because God does not want them to
know; this is only an excuse for deliberate ignorance. Ignorance is not God created,
given or destined. Ignorance is not something that just is – like life and light. It is an
action of individual free will. To be ignorant we had to do something, we had to
The idea being put out by their so-called new age light groups, that the “Fall of
Man” was in the original Divine Plan and was for the purpose of being that man
wanted to experiment to find out what would happen, etc. The idea “wanting to find
out” in itself is a human idea and not an Ascended Master’s or Divine idea, as They
can know beforehand. However, the Ascended Masters have never said anything to that
effect, but quite the contrary. The Divine Director said, that some of the students were
with Him at that time so long ago, when He chose to go forward and the students chose
to give their attention to the things of the world. The Lord Maha Chohan once said, that
it was too bad that the Cosmic Law let it go so far, and did not interfere with free will
long, long ago, as is the case now.
In the case of space ships and individuals coming here for experimentation it can
be because human beings differ from the beings on other planets. It may be this that
they are interested in to find out. And this difference is just human qualification, the
human, the misqualified energy which has brought about the density, which they do not
understand. So from that standpoint man is unique.
Scientists try to find out what produced or makes life. They work from the outer
manifestation, trying to work inward. Trying to find that which activates and sustains
life. Their action is in reverse of reality. Because life is and always was before there
ever was any manifestation as far as we are concerned on this planet. The only reason
they do not see it is because of human qualification.
Days to Recognize:
May 1, New Year’s Day for the New Age. Saint Germain’s Ascension Day; His
Coronation Day.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Birthday; His Day of Enlightenment; Buddhahood; and
May 9, Jesus’ Ascension Day.
May 12, Mothers’ Day.
May 19.Whitsuntide – Pentecost
May 31, Memorial Day.
June 14, Flag Day.
May 15, Ascension Temple at Luxor.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
There is no failure but giving up, just continue to try.
V.13 N.2, July-August, 37 A.F. (1991)
Mighty Cosmos
There was the 17-day Class (June 30-July 16) at the Shrine Auditorium in Los
Angeles, CA, but it was said or indicated that there was not (full) assurance that the
balance for the earth could even be held for the next six months, and so it probably
would not have been. But by Mighty Cosmos’ coming forth on July 22, with the two
secret Rays, which changed the whole vibratory action of the planet, is why the earth
has been sustained.
He said we were dealing with Law not with our own desire. Mankind needed to
control it. That the Masters’ pleading for obedience had ceased. That the Law was in
command, and He and the Goddess of Justice were in command of the activity of the
earth. For us to make up our minds, as we were no longer going to sit on the fence.
That we had to choose one way or the other. To either walk out of this Light or stay in
It with all we were.
The students had been calling for the “Light as of a thousand Suns” to descend,
Mighty Cosmos coming forth was an action of some of that Cosmic Light.
Many of these Divine Beings, mankind do not know of have existence, yet They
give to human beings purity of Their feelings, just thru proximity to someone who is
utilizing the power of the Violet Flame, utilizing the students’ feelings, minds, etheric
consciousness and physical bodies. These Beings give to them the concentration
required to follow thru upon their paths, spiritual or secular, until they have fulfilled
the Divine Plane. In the new activity the Ascended Master Saint Germain has called
around His Banner of spiritual Freedom those chelas in whom He has placed His trust,
to bring forth the New Age of the Seventh Ray.
In the beginning of bringing forth this Teaching, Saint Germain said to the Great
Divine Director, that He would try this out. The Divine Director asked Him if He
thought He could find anyone strong enough in the outer world who could stand against
what would be focused at and forced upon them, if they undertook to spread this Light.
Saint Germain said, He thought He could, and He would try on His own responsibility.
The Great Ones had to decide what would be the most powerful means to give
this assistance to mankind at this time. The Great Divine Director said to Saint
Germain, He would be willing to try with Him to make a final effort, to release the
Light within enough of mankind for them to have the Blessings which it holds for them.
Beginning in the San Francisco Class (February 4 thru 13, 1937), at Saint
Germain’s request the Great Divine Director left His Cosmic Activity and came forth
to assist the people of earth. He came forth from His home in the Light, after He had
rendered that service in India to the four Children and the others, as described in
“Magic Presence”.
In the San Francisco Class, February 13, 1937, the Great Divine Director
rendered a similar but a little less powerful service for the students present, that He
had done for the four Children and Mrs. Ballard, in that other body, who went to India;
but here He had come to the students. This was an exceptional Activity, not only from
the human or outer standpoint, but from the standpoint of the Realms of Light also.
Already by this date, February 13, if it had not been that the Messengers, Mr. &
Mrs. Ballard, had been strong enough to stand before the world and carry this great
Truth which Saint Germain had brought forth, destruction would have found America
By April 21, 1937, such tremendous release of Light and Energy to bless mankind
was coming forth as had never before been done in the history of the earth. In New
York City the Great Divine Director said, if these mighty decrees had not gone forth for
the protection and blessing for America, we would not have been in that city at that
date, because of the destruction which would have taken place. It seems it was here
that the black magicians had planned to sink Manhattan Island by pushing the energy in
the gas belts to that region, but because of the Ballard, class there as Saint Germain
had planned, it was averted.
The end of the ages is here, mankind can have the assistance of the Divine Being
thru their call to the I AM Presence, or they can choose otherwise. That is the reason
this Teaching is being brought forth, that this knowledge was being released, the
greatest Truth that mankind can receive in the human consciousness.
June 7, 1937, The Divine Director rendered for the students present in Detroit, a
similar service, only less powerful, He had rendered the four Children in the Cave of
July 11, 1937, the Great Divine Director said, he had been present in every one of
the Messengers classes since He had started in that San Francisco Class.
For more than 200,000 years the Great Divine Director has been governing and
assisting in perfecting the outer manifestation of the lifestreams of individuals.
He has been the authority to the earth for two million years.
Statements do release from the Presence all that is required. (Vol. 7, p. 431)
Continue your earnest calls to your Presence which enables these powers to act.
P. 468
The energy and substance human beings release in the decrees or calls, releases
from the Presence and Great Ones the energy which does the work, transmutes, changes
energy and conditions. (Vol. 12 p. 127).
The energy used to do decrees but enables the energy of the Divine to be released
to fulfill the decree, and is actually not the energy used to remedy the condition.
If one does not generate sufficient release of his own energy to release the energy
from his I AM Presence to accomplish what is asked for the Christ Self may call to a
Master. (Vol. 7p. 357).
Days To Recognize:
July 1, the Karmic Board is in session.
July 4, Independence Day.
July 22, the coming forth of Mighty Cosmos and the Two Secret Rays
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15, Mother Mary’s Ascension Day.
June 15 - July 14, Teton Retreat.
July 15 – Aug. 14, Transylvania Retreat.
Aug. 15 – Sept. 14, Meru’s Retreat.
Sept. 15 – Oct. 14, Liberty Flame in France.
Oct. 15 – Nov. 14, Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
Nov. 15 – Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 – Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Autumn Class, here: Sept. 26, 27, 28, 29.
V.13 N.3, September-October, 37 A.F. (1991)
Sanat Kumara
Sanat Kumara dictated for the first time July 1, 1937, He said, that everyone thus
far drawn under this Radiation of Saint Germain, has had definite training (in these
great Laws) in some embodiment in the past. There is no greater information and
Instruction that this, Saint Germain has given, on the whole earth. Do not ever look for
anything greater. Do not be foolish enough to expect to find It anywhere else.
The second time He dictated was July 5, 1937, during the Shrine Class in Los
Angeles, (July 2 thru 11, 1937. He said, the I AM Presence is the only Source in the
universe which can bring Freedom to you, or bring you into It and sustain you. There is
nothing else that you can find which will do it. That since the opening of this Class that
for which They could hardly hope was made possible. That They had waited for more
than 400,000 years for this time that mankind might have this assistance and Freedom.
This Light Saint Germain brought forth is the greatest come to earth in all of that time.
They expected to establish another activity of this kind in the east (New York
City) thru which, like a great Rainbow of Promise, these two foci might act.
The time had arrived when mankind’s’ vicious destructive activity had no power.
Each one there was privileged to be a part of this great service.
Because They thought They saw this possibility is why the Messengers had come
to Los Angeles at regular intervals. This was during the ninth Class there. These varied
from two days to 17 days each.
He said, shortly there would come forth certain assistance to every sincere
individual, which He might not mention that night. He asked: “Will you be kind enough
to do this for Me? Silently before you retire at night will you send Love and blessings
to those individuals who have because of some outside influence, turned aside from
this Pathway of Light? We do not want to see anyone fail anywhere. I do not mean, that
you should be subject to their influence in any way; but in the silence of your own
room, call to their Mighty I AM Presence to give them the assistance and cut them free
from every hypnotic influence which would deprive them of the freedom and the
blessings which this Light holds for them. A great service can be rendered in that way.
The Light will always one day claim Its Own; but in this assistance, you can help these
blessed ones greatly, by calling their Presence into action to cut them free from
everything, which has led them astray.” (Voice of the I AM Aug. 1937 pp 3-7)
Lord Maitreya, October 8, 1937, during His Discourse at the request of those
ministering, He anchored a Ray of Light from the Realm of Light from which He came,
into New York City. And also one into Los Angeles for the activities of the future, to
hold the balance of the east and west in America. (Vol. 7 p. 176.)
Master Morya in New York City, May 15, 1938 said, the Great Divine Director
rendered a great service to New York City, as it was hoped to make it a mighty Focus
of Light.
That the Rainbow is a symbol of fulfillment to the earth, It represents a certain
activity. It was coming into a Cosmic Activity. The Cosmic Beings were bringing these
colors into focus thru the Light Rays which the rainbow represents. That would be a
mighty thing.
For the segment of the rainbow to go thru the atmosphere to Los Angeles, it goes
right on around thru the earth and back to New York City.
Thru consciously directed Light Rays, containing all these qualities, It is the
Power of the Cosmic Light. It goes around thru the earth, and regulates the power and
activity of the gas belts.
That is what three and a half years of calls for protection of America had done.
May 24, 1938, the complete circle of the Rainbow took Its Dominion in America.
By the connection of these Rainbow Rays from New York City to Los Angeles made a
powerful Focus at these two points on the landed surface of America. (Vol. 7
pp 345-7.)
In Lost Angeles the Messengers had held four Classes in various places, and at
the Shrine Auditorium six Classes; and three after that. In New York City, it took place
during the sixth Class; and there were two after that.
Mighty Cosmos
(Continued from last issue.)
Mighty Cosmos coming forth July 22, 1939, was for a great Cosmic Purpose in
the onrushing power of the Cosmic Light. That evening, two of the Secret Rays were
sent to the earth, of which the outer world had never known. That made nine Rays to
the earth, making the Power of the Three-fold Flame to the earth (nine makes three
Three-fold Flames) are the Power of the Three times Three.
The war entity of Europe had been dissolved, much (psychic-astral) substance, in
the atmosphere over and around America had been dissolved and transmuted, thus
changing it, great numbers of disembodied entities had been removed, and other
achievements which took place during the Shrine Class (June 30 thru July 16, 1939)
made this * Action coming forth possible, right at the only hour in a thousand years in
which it could have been done. That being the center of that one thousand years,
otherwise it would have had to wait 500 years. Mighty Cosmos represents the greatest
Action that had come to earth in two and one half million years.
Thus started a certain action, a great release, forever silencing every destructive
individual toward this Light, the revealing and bringing forth evidence against spies
which would be their conviction. The Glory of Its mighty Action to mankind started
that night. With that release, that made enough in America making the call to hold the
balance for the time being.
Mighty Cosmos commanded K-17 to add Legions to His army of Light; but it was
necessary for the students to keep up their calls.
Mighty Cosmos is the Law of one of the Secret Rays of which the outer world
shall never know. He did not describe His Secret Ray further, because minds in the
outer world would jump at all kinds of conclusions. When mankind have advanced
enough into the Golden Age, and the vibratory action of the student body of America is
raised to a certain point of comprehension, will be revealed Who He is, what His part
in this Activity for the Freedom of American and her people is, and from whence He
came. Then all army, navy, penal institutions and hospitals in this land will cease to
He said, that the student body of America who had stood so loyal to the
Messengers, to the Light and Saint Germain had been the Magnet of Power which had
drawn Him; and Saint Germain’s endeavor, all that had been accomplished thru His I
AM Activity. That meant the Victory of Light upon the earth.
That the All-powerful Light was back of the Messengers, and that their
magnificent courage and strength, never know on earth before, had brought about this
release that night.
He said, that the physical bodies we had previously in all the various
embodiments, were not so important. But the present bodies were more important than
any before because of the possibility of gaining our Eternal Freedom in the Ascension.
That Saint Germain has brought this great Light and Freedom to mankind which is
the Truth and it will last for thousands of years as the Law to the earth.
There were 20 people in America who fully accepted this great Light and if they
had asserted it to the world, could have turned half of the population of America to this
Light within one year.
He said, beloved Saint Germain is the Law of the Violet Ray to the earth. That He
would not tell the colors of these other Two Rays, but one Ray would play that night
upon the Americas from border to border and pole to pole, It would sweep this part of
the Western Hemisphere.
The Goddess of Light was able to bring about the final fulfillment of all She had
long wanted to do for the people in South America, that night.
Before dawn, He enfolded everyone who was loyal and sincere to the Light, all
over the earth, in His Divine Love and His Secret Ray. It would not touch anyone who
doubted. That in His position which He represents to the earth for the time being, that
His position to our own Light was the same as what our own Lifestream represented to
The atmosphere all over the earth that night was changed.
That was the beginning of the greatest Spectacle on earth. (Voice, Aug. 1939.)
Because this is the only time in four and a half million years, when this point has
come into action for the people of the earth and that is a wholly different activity from
anything which has ever before acted upon the face of the earth. (Fun Wey, 5/30/39.
Voice July ’41)
In Los Angeles July 30, 1939, Sanat Kumara said, Mighty Cosmos coming forth
did not change the Laws of Life but did change the activity for the people of earth.
He said that previously (July 5, 1937) He had asked the students to make the call
for the return of all who had gone forth from (turned against) this Light. Tonight Life
compels the recall of that request. Mankind in the future, must by their own call to the I
AM Presence win the Victory or fall. Those who turn against the Light can no longer
have Ascended Masters’ Assistance.
He said, Mighty Cosmos came forth because in the culmination of the ages in
releasing mankind from all human creation has to have assistance direct from the
Source of its Intelligence and Energy acting here on earth. But without the students call,
firmness and loyalty He (Cosmos) would not have come. This is the first time such
Assistance has ever been given earth Sanat Kumara said, he and the Others came from
Venus four and a half million years ago to assist mankind, They came of Their own
volition, but it was not accomplished. Although He is Being of limitless Power,
because free will was supreme and They did not dare to interfere with that. Only a few
came out Victorious from the mass of mankind, and the Master Saint Germain was One.
So can we comprehend what Saint Germain means to us and for the freedom of
mankind? (Voice, Oct. 1941 pp 6f, 12.)
Like with the Messenger, Mr. Ballard, on the street in Los Angeles, turned on his
human self; and ten minutes later it would have been too late.
That shows how the Presence can prompt the outer self to do what is required yet
in time that the action can be carried out, and if the outer self will cooperate. That is
how the Light of God never fails. However, when human free will still prevails
beyond that point human beings can prevent the action from being accomplished. As in
the case of Sanat Kumara’s endeavors.
Master Eriel said, July 23, 1939, that more than three million people in America
had come to know that they have above them the individualized I AM Presence; (in
five years).
He also said, that for a radius of 20 miles around Long Beach, CA. every
disembodied entity was removed. Approximately 16,000 years ago the focus of
destructive activity was established there before the last remnant of Atlantis sank, by a
certain black magician, who had been removed earlier. There was one of the most
powerful dope activities in the country. That night it was shattered.
Because of habit, it is so easy for one to feel: “Now I think I had better have a
little help”, and then goes to someone for it. When if he/she would just be a little more
firm and say “Mighty I AM Presence, now You see that this is done here. Give me the
evidence of Your Power, make me feel that My call to You is sufficient”, then you will
allow the Presence to sweep into action and do it. But the minute you begin to feel
“Now I think I am going to have to have help”, you change the vibratory action and then
you actually do need help.
Whereas if you took the stand that your Presence was just as powerful as any
one’s else and would do it at your call; that would make a change in your feeling.
When one leans too much on outside help he will not gain his Victory. (Voice, Oct. 40
p. 19.)
As long as we are in a physical body the pure energy constantly flowing from the
Presence into us, is automatically qualified, that is, it is compelled to take on whatever
qualities are in our feelings. That vibration radiates out from us and we cannot help it.
It is very noticeable with a heavy smoker. This same thing takes place in regard to food
or whatever we take into our bodies. Also with suggestions, what we suggest to others.
That radiation goes out to others and unless they have the Tube of Light around
them sufficiently, it enters their world. In doing healing work the energy drawn and
projected forth by the healer has a certain amount of human qualification in it. The
healers are responsible for what goes forth from them.
The appointed Messengers were advised by Saint Germain, that at no time to ever
attempt to advise students or to give advice to students; but keep turning them back to
their own I AM Presence.
Discord, limitation, imperfection, is generated only by human beings.
The Stream of energy that flows in, beats the heart, would of itself produce
perfection in our worlds, if it were not for the requalifying of it with the qualities of
more or less discord acting in our feeling worlds. That perfect energy flowing thru is
compelled to take on be clothed with whatever the feelings generate. Energy takes on
qualification thru the conscious direction of the feelings of the individual.
To stop the requalifying of our Life energy with the qualities that are constantly
acting in our feelings, requires maintained harmony in our feeling world.
From the Flame (in the heart) there is constantly pulsating into the universe, the
energy of Life and the quality imposed upon that energy becomes the responsibility of
the individual.
It was during the Class held in the Civic Opera House, Chicago, IL. October 7-
16, 1938, as Mr. Ballard was in the lobby, autographing books for students, that law
suit papers were served on him.
The woman who brought that charge against Mr. Ballard did not really want to do
it. But a vicious individual got a hold of her and kept pounding at her until his vicious
influence caused her to temporarily submit to it.
There was one person who thought that the Messengers were not necessary and
that she could do what they could.
There were three couples who were going to exchange spouses because they
claimed one of the others’ spouse was his/her Twin Ray; so they all got divorced. One
couple of these who were supposed to be Twin Rays, thought they were going to take
the place of the Messengers. How ridiculous!
Then the Goddess of Light said, that no one on the earth could take their place.
That the Great Cosmic Light had made it so.
She also said that anything which does not agree with the Instruction given thru the
Messenger (Mr. Ballard) by Saint Germain and Others of the Great Ones, was not
correct. It would be that way until mankind had reached certain rate of vibratory
action, and certain individuals would be so anchored within the I AM Presence that the
directions from It would be so clear, that there will be no confusion or discrepancy in
what they give forth.
The Ascended Beings by using that means of flashing Their Words before the
Messenger, to express Their feeling and words to the students, did assure freedom
from human concepts and imperfection.
Words “I AM”
Many places in the Bible it says, “I AM” is God’s name. That means the vibratory
action produced by the sounds released from the pronunciation of the words “I AM” as
spoken in America English. The rates of vibration the sounds produced make contact
with or connect with the I AM Presence in a way or whereas no other words will. This
means the word God, or any other word in any language used for the supreme Being,
the rate of vibration sounds produces, does not set the I AM Presence, into action as do
the (English spoken) words “I AM”.
When one says “Ich bin” (German), then only the personality of that one speaking
When one calls to “John” of “Mary”, only the person whose name it is responds
to it. But when one calls to the I AM (Presence) (as pronounced in American English)
that vibration connects with the I AM Presence of everyone. That is how and why so
much was accomplished from the inner standpoint for all mankind and the world by
such a small percentage of humanity in such a short period of time in the 1930’s and
Here the nucleus drew or released the power from within, or tapped into the
Almighty, ever self-sustaining power. One can think of it in this way, as “fusion”. And
accomplished what by outer means or methods represented as “fission”, using various
forces of all sorts have failed to achieve all thru the ages.
The Position or place is so important to unascended beings. In the Ascended
Masters’ Realm They are all one in the desire for the greatest good for the earth. Each
has a certain momentum in the Causal Body. When there is a requirement, any one of
the Spiritual Hierarchy Who qualifies offers Himself to fill that position. Sanat Kumara
Who came as Lord of the Flame from Venus, took upon Himself the Office of the
Chohan of the Seventh Ray. Gautama now Lord of the World, held that position also.
They consider not place but the requirement of the current hour. When Jesus moved up
to World Teacher, Nada, Ascended long before He did, willingly took the place of the
Chohan of the Sixth Ray, for the time being. Lanto, great Hierarch of the Teton Retreat,
Ascended long before Kuthumi, willingly accepted Chohanship of the Second Ray,
because the requirement of the hour was such that some One be in that place
magnetizing those currents.
Days to Recognize
Sept 29, Lord Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest
Oct. 3, Commemoration of first dictation in Vol. 3
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom won at Yorktown.
Oct. 31, Elementals’ Harvest at Shamballa. Hallowe’en.
Sept. 15 – Oct. 14,
Liberty Flame in France.
Oct. 15 – Nov. 14, Maha Chohan.
Four Day Class:
September 27, 28, 29, 30.
Dec. 26 thru Jan. 1.
V.13 N.4, November-December, 37 A.F. (1991)
The following experienced and told to me by a Miss A. from Budapest.
Miss A. was living in New York City, at the time the Messengers, Mr. & Mrs.
Ballard were holding a class on the “I AM” Instruction at the Mecca Temple in New
York City, Nov. 25-Dec. 4, 1938, the Instruction was being broadcasted over radio, 30
minutes of each class, and Miss A. had heard the broadcast and had come hoping she
might get to talk to Mrs. Ballard. But as no appointment had been arranged she could
not see Mrs. Ballard immediately. So she said: “I have a feeling I should tell you part
of what I want to tell Mrs. Ballard. I have never told anyone about this experience
before.” She began by saying, during the World War I, I was serving as a nurse. I had
been sent out near the front to a building that was used for a hospital, and the wounded
and dying men were lying all over the floor with cats and rats around. It was a terrible
condition and the foul odor of the place was almost unbearable. I had no help, no food,
no supplies and no medicine for the men and I did not know what to do and as I stood
in bewilderment, I bit my lip and said, “Oh God! If there is a God, surely something
can be done for these men.” As I turned to look around, there stood a very, very
beautiful doctor, and he said: “My dear may I be of assistance to you?” I replied, “Oh
yes! Doctor I need everything for these men, they are assistance to you?” I replied, “Oh
yes! Doctor I need everything for these men, they are going to die if I don’t get
immediate assistance, I need beds, I need food, I need bandages and other supplies, I
need doctors, and nurses, I need medicine!” This wonderful, beautiful doctor just
smiled, and said: “No we don’t use medicine.” But I said: “Doctor I need medicine to
inject into them to stop their pain and suffering.” And he said: “No we don’t use
medicine to stop pain.” And I said: “Doctor they are going to die, and he would say:
“No they are not going to die they are all going to get well.” As we walked along I
noticed the entire hospital had become fragrant like roses, and before He left He said:
“I will see what I can do to help you.” He asked me if I liked nursing, and I told him,
“Yes, if I just had something to do it with.”
At this time the men were lying all over the floor in a terrible condition, but
within twenty-four hours after this beautiful, wonderful doctor was there, every man
was in a bed, the bunk kind, three decks along the walls, the was food, supplies,
nurses, and everything in perfect condition. I don’t know how all these things got into
the hospital, but they got there, and the men remarked about the walls and floors and
ceiling all looking violet.
The next time this beautiful, wonderful doctor came I noticed He had a big black
beard, and as I looked at Him I didn’t like that and He just smiled but did not say
anything, and the next time He came, He didn’t have a beard.
Every time after this beautiful wonderful Doctor was there the men would speak
about the walls, floor and ceiling all looking violet and the entire place smelled like
roses for days after each visit.
Finally after many days, the regular doctors with their 15 or 20 attendants came
and as they entered they gave orders for the men to be prepared for operations, and the
men all called out and said: “We don’t want any operations, we want our clothes.” The
doctors and the attendants wanted to know what was the matter with them, and what
happened, and the men all replied: “There has been another doctor here and we are all
healed.” And they demanded their cloths. The doctors and their attendants examined
the men and to their surprise found the men were all healed and ready to go home.
So then the doctors wanted to know more about this beautiful doctor. They made
inquiry of the guards at the doors. The guards all declared there had been no doctor
enter there. I replied to them: “There has been a doctor here, and the proof of it is the
men are all healed. I asked the guards, how did all the beds and supplies get in here,
and none of them knew anything about how any of those things got in there. I said
further, I don’t know how the doctor got in here and I don’t know how he got out of
here, but I do know he was here and there is plenty of proof of it.
They were all amazed but acknowledged that this same doctor had been to other
hospitals also.
One time after this wonderful, beautiful doctor had been there, I met a nurse as I
went thru a door and she stepped back as though surprised or shocked, and said: “Oh!
Miss A. what? And she stepped back and just looked with great surprise. I asked her
why she acted that way: and she replied; “There is a great Light around you, don’t you
see it?” I replied that I did not, and she said no more.
As she related this experience to me, we were standing in the lobby of the Mecca
Temple in New York City. As she turned and looked thru the door to the stage she saw
the picture of beloved Master Saint Germain, she pointed to It and said: “There is the
picture of that beautiful, wonderful doctor, only He is so much more beautiful that that
picture, and Oh! His clothes were so beautiful and wonderful you have never seen
beautiful clothes until you see His clothes. You have never seen a beautiful person until
you see that beautiful, wonderful Doctor.
The last time this beautiful Doctor came to the hospital He asked me, “When your
service here is over what would you like to do?” I replied: “Go to America.” He
smiled and said: “Go to America,” but said no more about that, but He did say, “When
you need help call to Me and I will help you.” I said: “How can I call to you, I don’t
even know your name.” He did not reply but just smiled.
Then after my service was over and I was at home, one day a very beautiful man
came to my place and said: “Did you say you wanted to go to America?” I replied
“Yes.” He said, “How would you like to travel?” I replied, “I do have but I don’t know
where they are.” He left and when He returned He handed me an envelope, and in it
was a ticket as second class passage to New York City, and the names and addresses
of my people in New York City. I came as soon as I could get ready, and have been
here since. Today when I heard that broadcast over the radio, I just felt I had to come
down here. I have never told anyone about this experience before, but I just had the
feeling I should tell you, and I hope to get to see Mrs. Ballard.
An appointment was arranged and she got to see Mrs. Ballard. After she had
finished telling me of this experience which was just before the evening class, and the
girls had returned to the book tables, I had the opportunity to tell my wife and a friend
about as I have given it here; there was a flash of Light came from above, which was
surely a signal from our Blessed Master Saint Germain, that this was the truth.
Some weeks later I had an opportunity to tell Mr. and Mrs. Ballard about this. Mr.
Ballard said it was the truth. Mrs. Ballard said, she had told her about the experience
about the same as I had related it to them.
About a year later I was asked to tell this to an audience of about 3,000 people,
and there were two men in the audience who were in Budapest during the war and they
told me that an account of this experience was in the newspapers of Budapest and the
guards were on that; for not knowing how the doctor got into the hospital A Student.
Twin Rays
(Continued from Vol. 12 #3 #4)
The White Fire Body has nothing to do with or in regard to the functioning of the
outer self. As far as the outer consciousness is concerned, the action of the White Fire
Body comes after the Ascension, and has no part in a human being’s process of making
the Ascension. When one has made the Ascension into the Electronic Body of the “I
AM”, that completes the Ascension into the Light from the physical body or human
Then the individual can enter the White Fire Body, go in and out at will.
One need not Ascend into the White Fire Body to be an Ascended Master.
The I AM Presences can and do go into the White Fire Body whenever They
choose, even now. Perhaps it is something like the Christ Self does now, in regard to
the Presence, but the Presences always stay a Focus by Themselves as well, as They
are now.
To do work at Cosmic levels in the fullness of the I AM Presence, that comes only
after both Twin Rays have made the Ascension. Then when They qualify, They can both
go into the White Fire Body and work from that standpoint when required to do certain
Cosmic Work or Creation, and again one or both can come out and work from that
The White Fire Body stands above one’s (the two Twin Flames) I AM Presence,
the two Presences may be on different Rays because of free will.
The I AM Presence of an individual gets Its Life, and Energy from the White Fire
Body, just like the Christ Self does from the I AM Presence, and the four lower bodies
do thru or from the Christ Self. Even the I AM Presence of a human being as a rule
never comes with in earth’s atmosphere. During all the years of the class work, only
was it mentioned or pointed out that on a very special occasion did some (a few)
students’ I AM Presence do so.
In the beginning the Twin Flames abide and function as one in purpose, in the
Realms of Light. There is a mutual attraction between Them. Here They are very happy
and have each other’s companionship in Their endeavors and service. The Love
between Twin Rays is beautiful, exalting, wonderful and uplifting. Some always
remain in the inner Spheres. But eventually with some Twin Flames; one or both get the
impulse to carry the action of perfection out further, on planets or stars. Then may come
the first separation, as on earth even forgot each other, and floundered for centuries.
Sometimes as one takes embodiment the other remains at inner levels as the positive
pole. But sometimes they both take embodiment and work together or they may work
separately. Now quite a number of these are drawn together and some will complete
their work and make the Ascension at the close of this embodiment.
However, in some cases one Twin Ray is already Ascended. With some of these,
a Cosmic union is possible. This is determined by the Karmic Board, as such a union
has to be of benefit to the progress of the universal Scheme. Also there has to be the
possibility of the unascended one making the Ascension at the close of this
When both Rays are Ascended They are of equal, purity, freedom, dominion and
power. They then can work at Cosmic Levels, by projecting Cosmic Rays of Light thru
Love, Wisdom and Power, creating and controlling Cosmic Activities.
A Lifestream actually encompasses the Stream of Life of both Twin Rays and all
the Life from the individual White Fire Body.
As the electrons are drawn into the White Fire Body from whence each of the
Twin Rays has been externalized, the White Fire Body forms the primal essence into
the pattern of the Lifestream. Then as it descends into each Twin Ray is made up of
these tiny patterns, and the stream of Life flowing down and forming the various inner
bodies (etheric, mental, and emotional) is likewise made up of this pattern. Even the
flesh form (of present mankind), each atom, is made up of many of these tiny forms
swinging around the polarized love center that holds them in place.
As one qualifies the life, these little forms, unclothed in worry, depression or
discord, flow out and make one’s forcefield and one’s gift to all life around oneself.
These little forms become the actual substance, the money, and the forms by which one
is surrounded.
Originally we were made in the image and likeness of (God) the I AM Presence.
At this point of the Cosmic cycle there is an action of uniting Twin Rays. This
does not mean getting married, and has nothing to do with marriage. It is a difference
action, an inner action, while marriage is of the human, an outer world activity only,
and in relation to the sex activity. In the Realms of Light there is no sex, and nothing
concerning it. There is no giving in marriage. The uniting of Twin Rays is a Divine
Action, and is permanent. However, Twin Rays can and are sometimes married and
live the human way, then all human laws apply. But marriage in the outer does not mean
that they have been united on the inner. In the Realms of Light there is only the action of
the Twin Rays working for the expansion of the Light of Themselves and for the benefit
of the whole.
When man first came on earth there was no sex, and no marriage as now know. It
was this way thru the first three root races. That action only came about after mankind
had these dense bodies which came about thru misqualifying energy, termed human
creation. This was a very long process. The whole action of procreation now is human,
it has to be carried on in accordance to on with the human standpoint.
For the earth to go into the Light, that all has to be changed back into the Divine
way of procreating thru the projection of Light Rays.
At the beginning of the decline of the Second Golden Age, when mankind began to
turn the attention down and away from the perfection of producing their kind thru the
projection of the Light Rays, the Goddess of Purity left or was driven from the earth.
She entered the Great Silence and remained there. Now proof had to be given that a
few of mankind were ready to return to the original perfection before She would come
forth again. Thru enough obedience for the first time on January 1, 1939. Later She
warned the students to not seek their Twin Rays, to leave that to the wisdom of their I
AM Presence.
Sometimes the term “soul mate” is used to mean “Twin Rays”. But more often it
refers to two individuals who are attracted to each other because of harmonious
association in past embodiments.
Third Episode
Washington’s Vision of the future of America was a real prophesy, and only
Cosmic Beings can produce real prophesies. The Goddess of Liberty in Her great
wisdom gave General Washington that Vision in the winter of 1777-78, one afternoon,
during the Revolutionary war when he retreated to Valley Forge. Two of the activities,
the Revolutionary war and the Civil war, were already fulfilled before Saint
Germain’s Work began. At the time the Vision was given, there seemed no possibility
of the Third Episode being withheld. They could not tell what mankind would do or
what response would come forth: otherwise They could have told accurately.
In the vision it showed a dark shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather
floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. He seemed to be the instigator of the
activity of what was shown as the Third Episode. That great dark cloud was to
submerge America. It was to arise in South Africa, and She saw it move toward
America. That was a mighty reality which the Goddess of Liberty saw.
It showed the dark being taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon
Europe, Asia and Africa. From each of these countries arose think, black cloud which
joined into one. Throughout this mass gleamed a dark red light, by which could be seen
hordes of armed men moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to
America. The cloud enveloped the country. The armies devastated the whole country,
and millions went into combat with each other.
Then a Light as of a thousand suns shone down from above. It pierced and broke
into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same time the Angel
upon whose head shone the word Union (Micah), who bore our national flag in one
hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of
white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who were well-
nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broke ranks
and renewed the battle Amid the fearful noise of the conflict, the mysterious voice
said, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” As the voice ceased, the shadowy being
for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly
the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the
inhabitants of the land victorious.
Then once more the villages, towns and cities sprang up where they were before,
while the bright Angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them,
cried with a loud voice: “While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon
the earth, so long shall the Union last.” And taking from his brow the crown on which
blazoned the word “Union”, he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling
down, said “Amen”, “I AM”.
Then the mysterious visitor (the Goddess of Liberty) said, “son of the Republic,
what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the
Republic. The most fearful is the third passing which the whole world united shall not
prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land
and Union.”
The Master Saint Germain and the Great ones, in the 1930’s were endeavoring to
prevent that Third Episode from taking place. This They could only do by earnest,
sincere calls from the “I AM” students. Because of the decrees, in the place or position
of that dark shadowy being in the center of the Atlantic Ocean was placed a Pillar of
Light, April 18, 1937. If Saint Germain had not brought forth this Work, the activity of
the Third Episode would have begun before June 9, 1937. (To be continued)
In the beginning of the Class (March 11 thru 20, 1938) the Great Ones poured
forth a power of Radiation to Russia and the people, to try to bring the vast remedy
which was needed. The beginning of that destructive element was in Russia in
connection with three individuals in New York is what started that frightful destruction
to mankind and earth.
In South Africa where that dark cloud which was to submerge America, was to
arise, there was established an “I AM” group. Thru this, the Great Ones could focus
Their Power of Light. The sinister force tries to spread its destruction everywhere.
Some of that literature denouncing the Messengers and this Instruction reached those
students. They were shocked momentarily. Then gathered themselves together, and
decided, if the Messengers were good enough for the Ascended Masters, then they
were good enough for them.
The Goddess of Liberty gave Her first dictation in New York City, October 13,
1937, 54 years ago (1991). She revealed She was the One Who gave General
Washington that Vision about the future of America. The symbol of Her stands in New
York harbor, and everyone on board boats coming in or going out feel Her Radiance of
the quality of Liberty.
Days To Recognize:
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day.
Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day. Nov., Masters’ and mankind’s harvest at Shamballa.
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26, or so, the Karmic Board convenes over the Teton Retreat.
Dec. 31, In the last 24 hours of the year is when every lifestream who has had
even partial embodiment on earth, is then taken in the etheric body and passed thru the
Violet Flame Cauldron.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
V.13 N.5, January-February, 37 A.F. (1992)
The Great Cosmic Light is an activity of the Law of Life for the earth, directed by
a Group of Masters referred to as the Great Central Sun. The Great Cosmic Light is not
an involuntary activity, but It is consciously projected by this Group of Cosmic Beings,
Who govern this solar system of planets.
Mankind got into this density by consciously turning the attention from the I AM
Presence, by the attention on outer things instead. Thus kept lowering the rate of
vibratory action until now the earth is at the lowest point.
Thru the centuries the Great Ones, the Ascended Masters working with an
assisting mankind were not permitted by Cosmic Law to give certain help because
human being did not know their I AM Presence, nor the use of the Transmuting Violet
April 21, 1937, the Great Divine Director said, that since Saint Germain had
brought forth this activity the Great Cosmic Light did permit help to be given. So by
April 7, 1937, there was sufficient activity of the Cosmic Law because of the need and
Blessing of mankind to release the Light and it would be twice a year, again on July
7th, instead of as in the past only at very long intervals.
April 17, 1938, Saint Germain said and He was very grateful, that from the
Realms of Light there was coming to the earth the assistance which was imperative.
Because He and those Who stood with Him had been able to serve and draw the
attention of the Cosmic Light at that time. With that assistance the Light was at last
finding Its dominion on earth, and would no longer be a shadow planet (dark star).
(Continued below)
Disc Of Light
July 31, 1937, the Great Divine Director started the activity of projecting a Disc
of Light into the feeling world of individuals. He chose of His own volition to give this
assistance. This He started by doing It for the young people of America. It would give
a mighty protection of their morality, of their courage and strength which they needed to
stand in the Light. This activity was to make for the fullness of what was needed for the
blessing of America.
Those who are aware of their I AM Presence have more dominion over the
physical body than those who are not yet. The Great Ones had scarcely imagined it
could be utilized for their protection at that time.
The hypnotic action of the sinister force is a very subtle thing. It creeps upon
individuals and gets into their feeling world before they are aware of what is taking
place. In this way that sinister thing seizes upon the young people thru the sex activity.
That is why Saint Germain was warning the young people of America to stand guard
over all sex activity, already back in 1937. To bring about that protection is why the
Divine Director projected into their feeling world that Disc of Light. It would render a
service the same as a certain precipitated Liquid Light which would absolutely protect
one from any immorality for the rest of that embodiment. The disc acts as a magnet
drawing all discord in the emotional body into it.
As the I AM students called forth protection and purity for the young people of
America, that enabled these qualities to be projected into their mental and feeling
would to assist the, cause them to have the courage and strength to stand against the
nefarious things which were being projected into their world.
A change was taking place in the feelings within the young people in the colleges
and universities, because of the decrees which had been issued.
Third Episode
(Continued from Vol. 13 #4)
In case that Third Episode took place in America, there would scarcely have been
enough people left on the earth to make one small city. Without the Light of America the
earth would be lost. The United States of America representing the heart of the world,
the destructive forces by getting control of it, in that way could then have gotten control
of all the rest of the earth.
At that time the Goddess of Liberty could not see the possibility of being able to
secure Dispensations and achievements such as the great group decreeing brought
about in the 1930’s. That is because the Great Ones cannot depend on human beings as
to what they will do.
The Great Divine Director said, (December 22, 1937), that Saint Germain’s
Activity had made it possible to avoid that most destructive thing from over-taking the
earth. If that would have taken place there would have been no decent place on earth
for mankind to live. September 17, 1939, it was said, that dark cloud shown in the
Vision was to arise in Africa and move toward America, was dissolved and
transmuted, cause, effect and record, causing it to cease to act, hence never did
approach America. The call of the student body made that possible. But that the third
mighty action was in its throes at that time. But it could still be avoided.
On September 24, 1939, we were told that the third episode of Washington’s
Vision had not yet been successfully prevented. But it still could be.
The Light as of a thousand suns that shone down from above, represented some of
the activity in the “I AM” Activity which thru the decrees has prevented the third
episode from coming about as it would have otherwise.
However, as the Cosmic Light is increasing Its intensification to the earth, it looks
more like the Great Ones are getting more result in Their efforts that individuals of
power, of Light be raised up in the various countries, who will call forth the Power of
Light and be sustained in their honesty, honor and integrity in their service to the
That destructive element began in Russia in connection with three individuals in
New York, who started this frightful destruction.
Earlier there seemed to be no hope of bringing transformation into Russia. But
there was evidence at that time which gave the Great Ones, renewed hope, and They
were going to do Their utmost and pour forth a Radiation to the mass of the people.
So it looks like it took this long (last of Aug. and Sept. 1991) to get real results.
The decree work was not only holding protection for America, and solving
problems, but it was reaching into the mental and feeling world of the people in the
whole world. There were groups in other countries, even though some were small, it
was enough so They could focus the Power of Light at those points.
No one had heard of the Cosmic Light before Saint Germain brought It to the
students’ attention in the 1930’s. The Goddess of Liberty, Goddess of Light and Mighty
Victory, a three-fold action, are responsible for the release of the Cosmic Light to earth
The Cosmic Light the outer world scientists refer to is that which comes from the
two permanent Rays to the earth anchored thru Himalaya’s and Meru’s Retreats. This
other is the Cosmic Light, the self-luminous Substance which is released from the
Great Central Sun to the planets of this solar system. Then why was It not released
ages ago when mankind first drew itself into discord, distress and all ramification
thereof? Because the Cosmic Law is such that It was not permitted. The requirement is
that the call and a certain amount of energy has to come from the realm where the need
is. Energy which we may term outer energy, but which is the energy or power of Life,
from the I AM Presence, energy acting within and thru the physical body. This is
imperative and required by the Great Cosmic Light, the Ascended Beings and Cosmic
Beings to render this service to the earth.
The earth was being called the dark star, because of its lack of emitting Light. The
Great Cosmic Light has said that the earth must blaze forth more Light. The Light of a
planet comes thru the individuals on it.
The Cosmic Light compels the expansion of the individual’s Light; hence one
becomes more sensitive.
October 12, 1937, the Silent Watcher said, that thru the decrees by the students,
thru the calls to the I AM Presence, had made it possible for a sufficient release of the
Great Cosmic Light to come into action, to not only sustain what Saint Germain had
accomplished for America during more than 200 years; but even bring forth more than
He could possibly have hoped. None of the Great Ones had expected the permanent
release to begin so quickly.
By the Great Cosmic Light flooding the earth, It became the Initiator for mankind
and the earth. Meaning no longer would human beings go to the Retreats but in the
human activity of the outer world gain their initiation and Freedom. What is gained in
the outer world is a greater Victory than in seclusion of the Retreats in the past.
*Although the Great Ones require our energy that is not the energy They use to
produce results. We need to give Them the authority which gives Them permission to
use Their Energy Their way not our human way, to get results.
Shortly before June 27, 1937, it was said, that the outpouring of the Cosmic Light
for the first time in the history of the earth, now was making it possible to release
power under the Ascended Masters direction, to dissolve and transmute destructive
forces and conditions. Because of individual free will, this was never permitted
Previously the Ascended Masters were not permitted to call the attention of the
people to the imperative need of harmony in their feelings. Now the Cosmic Light in Its
wholly impersonal service is impelling and compelling the feeling world of mankind
to accept, take hold and utilize this power which is their own Life.
During the period of six months previous to December 18, 1938, Saint Germain
was absent from the class work much of the time. Besides His great accomplishment in
Europe, He achieved a transcendent accomplishment in America, releasing the people
in America from a tremendous pressure, which was consciously directed destructive
forces. Mankind’s accumulated discordant energy, is small in comparison to that from
which America was released. All of that was enabled to be done because or thru the
service the students were rendering thru the decree work. This goes thru the mental and
feeling world, cleansing and purifying it. The call sets into action the power, Light and
Energy of the Presence. As that is called forth from the Source, It becomes the Waves
of Cosmic Light to the earth, which are not limited. When the consciousness of human
being is raised to a certain point the action of Light becomes more and more
instantaneous. To accomplish these things it usually requires (time) a certain sense of
time as we know it.
In the changing activity on earth, the Light taking dominion, greater and greater
will be the power and authority of the Ascended Masters, the Cosmic Beings and the
Legion of Light to render assistance. Since the Cosmic Light has commanded that the
earth must emit more Light, it is not out the hands of mankind. But is in the hand of the
Great Cosmic Light which no one way long resist and remain in the physical body.
That is how all destructive forces will be removed from the earth.
Statistics show that women live longer than men. Why? Jesus said the last enemy
to overcome was death. What brought about death? In the Realms of Perfection outside
the earth there is no death; no disease, decay nor rust, no viciousness. That all comes
from misuse of energy by human beings, no other beings, waste of the energy brought
about the process of the physical body, which results in death.
Thru the centuries men have dominated the life activities. It was all right and the
custom for men to live a promiscuous sex life even after marriage some men thought.
But it was not all right for a woman to do so. Women were supposed to be virgins until
they married. Death having come about thru wasting one’s vital energy especially thru
misuse of the sex activity. So men having been doing it far in excess of women thru the
centuries, could it be that has shortened their life span?
Another thing, why is it active in children? Of course, for karmic reasons. But
also because the parents keep up the activity during pregnancy, and as they grow up, it
is in their environment. Children are very susceptible or what goes on around them
their emotional bodies are wide open to the vibrations around them.
Why do we have leap years? Is it because when the earth’s rotation around the sun
was pronounced as a year, then divided into months, weeks, days, hours, minutes,
seconds, that they did not get the seconds just the right length to come out even to make
a year? Or maybe the accumulation of man’s human creation has changed or slowed
down the earth a bit.
Evidently our way of calculation is not correct. As Saint Germain says They have
an eternal calendar which is according to Their Accessory of time held within the
human realm.
Days to Recognize:
New Year’s Day. Karmic Board in session. Lord Gautama became Lord of the
world. Old occult law set aside. Sanat Kumara releases.
Jan. 15 thru Feb. 14, Retreat at Darjeeling.
Feb. 15 thru Mar. 14, Meru’s Retreat.
Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14, Transylvania Retreat.
Apr. 15 thru May 14, Resurrection Temple.
May 15 thru June 14, Ascension Temple.
June 15 thru July 14, Teton Retreat.
So grateful for assistance For American’s protection,
From the Great Central Sun, To set all again free,
For now knowing our Presence, And mankind’s illumination,
For all that has been done. Now so grateful are we.
V.13 N.6, March-April, 37 A.F. (1992)
Planet Earth
While a planet is being created, which is during a long period of time, the Sun
God and Goddess of that solar system draw forth so-called Spirit Sparks, from the
greater Sun behind that Sun, the Great Central Sun. These are individualized Sparks,
focuses of Light or Flame. They then are placed at a certain place in the universe,
where they go Light or Flame. They then are placed at a certain place in the universe,
where they go thru a long period of training thru the inner Spheres. They abide in
certain definite places, and are not scattered out into the universe.
Before the planet Earth was inhabited, Amaryllis and hosts of Elementals came to
Earth to create nature and beautify the planet before the first inhabitants were brought
They were to be the future inhabitants for this planet. Not only to take embodiment
on the planet but also to inhabit the inner Spheres of it.
These Spirit Sparks are individualizations who know themselves as a separate
being from the Great or “All – ‘I AM’”, and can say and use “I AM” to create and
eventually become co-Creators with that “All I AM”. So they are endowed with the 12
Qualities and Activities of the Central Sun of our system.
For instance, one might think of it in this way: take cups or spoonsful of water out
of the ocean that would be individualizing the water. Each one to go forth as an
individual which is endowed with free will. Yet all are of the same origin and
substance, which will remain so eternally. However each one can pursue a somewhat
different path.
Each one of the evolutions on a planet has free will to create, thus set up causes
which are bound to manifest effects that will either help or hinder the outpicturing of
the Divine Plan.
The different planets in different systems and galaxies have Representatives of
distinct Qualities which that evolution requires or will require to fulfill its destiny.
The Resurrection Flame is not required on planets where there were no causes set
up which produce discord, as is the case with earth. There is no discord on other
planets or in other systems.
Earth’s Axis
If one wants to go along with the theory that planets come into existence thru the
“Big Bang”, out of a destructive action, then from where does the energy come to
produce the “Big Bang”? The intellect does not know that planets are created from and
manifest perfection. That planet Earth too was originally perfect, but was made by man
into this present state.
Under the direction of Helios and Vesta, when and where the seven Elohim were
going to create planet Earth, the fourth out from the Sun, which was at a certain point in
space in this galaxy. Two Cosmic Beings (Twin Rays) volunteered and each from a
certain distance drew forth a Ray of Light and where these two Rays met, came
together, there was formed the Three-fold Flame which is now in the very center of the
Earth. At the present time Polaris, at the north end, Magnus, at the south end, hold or
maintain the action which forms Earth’s axis. Lord Himalaya guards the entrance, or
exit, of the north end of that Ray, where His Retreat is in that Mountain in the Himalaya
Mountain range. Lord Meru does the same for the south end in that Mountain in the
Andes east of Lake Titicaca.
In school in the outer world in taught that this is an imaginary line between the
north and south poles, upon which the Earth turns. They have it that the axis is off 23
and a half degree (or so). In this Teaching it was said it was off 45 degrees. In the
latter 1950’s for a few months the Great Ones were moving the axis, straightening it ten
percent of what is was off, a month. Then They stopped it because the change in
vibratory action was too much for mankind and the Elementals. They intended to wait
for a time and then move it some more. But at that time the Focus of The Bridge
Activity was broken and that way They could no longer do what They had been doing
for mankind and the world.
The Earth has the lowest vibratory action of any planet in any system of planets in
existence. The vibratory action of the Earth substance is lower than of any other planet.
The substance of man’s body originally was Light substance, of points of Light.
This substance has been misqualified thru man’s human thought and feelings which now
makes our bodies dense. Animal bodies were created long after that by black
magicians who used the misqualified energy to make those bodies. That is the only
energy they could use for destructive purposes. Science and physics have only
connection with this misqualified energy, its action and reaction. The perfect energy is
too high or rapid in vibratory action, so they think outer space is dark when it is all
light, light substance. Science and physics teach behavior or laws under which earth
substance or humanly qualified substance operates. Hence that must differ and cannot
be the same as that of other planets. But they apply it to other planets, and claim certain
conditions were due to gases, volcanoes, etc. Yet these only come from discord, which
is humanly qualified energy, and there is none on other planets.
In the Retreat in Arabia is taught the use of the Light Rays as to their action on
or/and in connection with physical substance. The use of the Light Rays cannot be
given to human beings until they have attained self-control to the point beyond misusing
that energy, to a certain point of mastery. Nikola Tesla touched on that or came close to
Imperfection started by mankind turning from the Light. Rebellion, determination
to have one’s own way is the very first thing in the beginning that drew mankind into
these conditions. Discord started by and came out of man thru his power of
qualification. Density came from man’s discordant qualification.
Later when the intellect was developed, the intellect having the capacity to draw
conclusions from fragmentary information, resulted in judgment, criticism
condemnation, etc.
Mankind is responsible for the limitations of Earth.
Earth is not nor the Elementals are to blame for the limitations, distress, discord
and viciousness that exist on Earth, but mankind is because of releasing those qualities
thru the feelings.
Only human beings generate discord and viciousness. It has been imposed upon
the Earth, animals and birds. There is no other place in the universe for it to come
The Earth is the only planet where there is the density of the atomic structure.
Then how can an atomic vehicle land on Mars or Venus which consists of substance of
a faster vibratory rate?
By mankind crossing the dividing line and generating discord brought about the
density of the body. Before that, there was a self-luminous radiance, visible to the
outer sight, around the body as far as the hand can reach. Then no one could practice
deception of any kind. Because the color in the radiance indicated what was in their
thought and feeling. The density of the body has made life a struggle.
By turning their attention away from their I AM Presence, and having it on things
instead, human beings kept lowering the rate of vibratory action until they got into this
present state of density.
Because of various things which have caused the density of the brain structure is
why one does not have clear directions from the Christ Self.
There is no thing in the outer world that is perfect. There is no thing which does
not have some kind of limitation which is human creation in it. So it is less than
Darkness acts only on Earth and in its atmosphere; at no other place. That is the
reason, Earth is sometimes called the dark planet or star, and because it was emitting
no Light. Although it vibrates below the Seventh Sphere it still orbits around the Sun in
fourth place.
The Earth is one of the smallest planets in this solar system, which is but an atom
in this galaxy to which we belong, and there are galaxies upon galaxies.
The Earth being the densest planet in this system must be purified. All the
discordant conditions, the misqualified energy is held within the surrounding element
of Cosmic Light called the “Ring-pass-not”, which prevents it from going out into outer
space or reaching other planets. All accumulation of discord of the ages within this
belt has to be cleansed and purified by the Cosmic Light. So Earth will attain and hold
its balance with the other planets of this system.
Outside of San Diego, where the ocean now is, in Lemurian days was a great
focus of the dark forces. This was the basic force which caused, brought about the
sinking of (Mu) Lemuria.
The Great Central Sun, which is the heart Focus of Life and Light to this system of
worlds, in the 1930’s acted upon the Earth for the first time in more than two million
years, and it is only because of the great need of sustaining the Earth in the system.
This planet is known as the shadow planet or dark star, because of the discord
generated by mankind thru the ages. Human beings cannot comprehend what it would
mean in relation to the other planets in this system, if the Earth failed to expand the
Light required and was dissolved. This system was created and functions on the
principle of seven’ and then there would be only six planets in the system. So that is the
reason for all the great assistance and dispensations unheard of before, from a Cosmic
standpoint which came forth in the 1930’s and 1950’s.
Up until 1929 mankind, individuals were left free to a large extent to choose or
not, to go on in a somewhat indefinite manner, which they have done; since 1929, they
may not have that privilege. Reflecting back, it can be seen that it was not till 1929 that
Saint Germain came to Mr. Ballard in the physical sense. Evidently because of this
change in the Cosmic Law, Saint Germain had a little more freedom to act. Mankind is
asked by the Great Cosmic Law to choose. The Cosmic Law changed and mankind
must choose which way they intend to go, the way of the outer world, or the way of the
Light, of which they are a part. The Great Cosmic Light is a part of each one (from the
inner standpoint) which mankind must come to understand. The Divine Law is no
respecter of ignorance or disobedience (as is the outer law also). The Law acts. It acts
for each one according to his/her feeling world.
The Earth and mankind are at the culmination of the ages, which is a wholly
different activity from anything which has ever before acted upon the face of the Earth.
In four and a half million years, this is the only time when this point has come into
action for the people of the Earth.
Many guardian spirits who had come here from other planets, also got into the
discord. Some of them lowered their consciousness and compromised with conditions,
because to assist the people they had to relate to them to make them understand, and
that was the only way.
During the Classes and dictations in the 1930’s and 1950’s, the greatest activity
going on was at inner levels thru Radiation by the Great Ones Who were giving Their
assistance in what was needed for the protection of America and mankind.
In the decrees that went forth, it was the power of Radiation in the mental and
feeling world of mankind which touched the Light within the heart. Thru that vibratory
action, the whole attunement of the individual was set anew and enabled the perfect
work to go on. This took place in the invisible, as all the great powers we use are
invisible. The outer manifestation of our lights and radio and television are only a
fragment of the invisible power that produces them.
In the 1920’s and 1930’s in India, tens of thousands who knew how to meditate,
got together in one place to meditate. Yet that did not change India or remove the
destructive forces from the Earth. But which is being done thru the decrees. There are
some things which just meditation cannot do, and must be done thru decrees. The proof
is before us. All thru the centuries meditation has been going on especially in India and
it has helped hold the Light there but has not remedied physical conditions. In
meditating, mental and feeling energy is used and it operates on those levels. In
decreeing a certain physical energy is released which is required to set into action the
energy of the Divine to bring about results and solutions, and then perfection into the
physical realm.
December 31, 1930, was the first time Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald,
consciously in the inner bodies, attended the Conclave at the Teton Retreat. Mighty
Victory from Venus, issued the Fiat to set aside the occult law, dismissing forever the
old occult methods for the Earth.
After that a delegation of 500 occult students, in their inner bodies, went to
Mighty Victory and demanded He retract that Fiat. He gave them a good lecture and
told them since they had come to Him they would remain until they understood this
Cosmic Law and saw the Truth why He had issued that Fiat; they had to stay until there
was cleansed from their mind and feeling world, the arrogance of the dominion of
certain occult laws which had been distorted. This way Mighty Victory stopped then
and there, one of the most nefarious activities (of the black magicians) which was at
that time attempting to take hold of that old occult method and utilize it. Those 500
people were innocent but felt they were an authority for it. As that force had
determined to seize upon them, had they kept up any further authority, that force would
have wiped most of the people from the face of the Earth. This way that was avoided
by Mighty Victory.
In the early 1930’s it was said that the Earth was passing thru the throes of a
tremendous new birth, and would be in a transition period and change in a Cosmic
Way. The attitude of war would change into that of peace, which is finally now taking
place, hatred to love, selfishness to unselfishness, the people must exert enough
strength to live according to the Law of Love, Law of Life.
From 1936 to 1939 particularly, decrees to remove the discarnate entities and the
black magicians were being issued. The first black magician was taken (out of the
atmosphere of earth) during the San Diego Class March 4 thru 11, 1936. The last one
was taken February 25, 1939; and much of the psychic substance was transmuted.
During 1937, the students had been informed that the Great Ones were
endeavoring to enable the constructive forces to hold dominion over the destructive
forces. A certain amount of energy from mankind was needed to do that. This could be
supplied by mankind thru the decrees.
During 1937 and into 1938, that was the main objective. By January 2, 1938,
there had been gained 47 percent, but 53 percent was needed to hold the balance for
Victory. That night America had 50 percent. And They had a certain amount They could
depend on.
During the San Francisco Class, January 28 thru February 6, 1938, much was
done in releasing the constructive activity of mankind into this service of the Light.
During the Kansas City Class, February 18 thru 27, 1938, 53 percent was
accomplished. February 27, 1938, 60 percent had been attained.
The service to this planet of Saint Germain as Chohan of the Seventh Ray, is its
transformation, which is connected with its transmutation of a dark star into one of
Light and Freedom. Having seen the vision of what the planet Earth was to be, He
drew together His friends of the centuries, in the 1930’s. However, to assist Him to
accomplish this they cannot be bound, blinded, restricted, as the Activity of the 1930’s
had become, and other activities and organizations are, but walk in Freedom’s Robe.
Divine Atom
The things one reads in occult literature does not give the occult law nor explains
it. That was never permitted to even be written down. One had to get it by word and
from within.
Some people now have the idea that the little “Golden Man” (a Being) is in the
heart, in people’s hearts. Whereas the spiritual spark (Divine Atom) is yet not even a
flame, only a spark. But the potential of the little Golden Man is in that spark, like the
potential of the oak tree is in the acorn, but there is no little tree in it.
The purpose of having contact with a Master is to increase the desire of the outer
self for spiritual Light, so that thru conscious application, one day the spark of Light
might become a Flame.
The spark is in an airless cell which is capped. In the unawakened that spark is
like a tiny unformed flame. This way it is protected no matter how far off the Path the
outer, personal self goes, or how dark the shadows become, they cannot touch the
Immortal Spark.
Thru application on the spiritual Path that spark is increased to become a Flame, a
Three-fold Flame. Then within that, It begins to take on the form of the Christ Self, and
can become a perfect Being, of infinitesimal size (Life & Teaching of Jesus & Mary p.
434), awaiting the “Second Birth”. This is when the cell is uncapped and the new
Christos is delivered from the tomb (the airless cell). (Evidently the airless cell only
became necessary since we got into discord and have these dense bodies.)
The uncapping may not be done until the outer self, the mental and emotional
bodies are purified to the point where one’s aura, atmosphere or radiation is like the
Divine Realms. Otherwise It will return to the fourth dimension, which is termed the
“Second Death” that would end that embodiment. So can the Golden man be in the
hearts of people in the outer world, eating meat and doing all those human things?
Thru the ages, that is why people had to go into the Ascended Master Retreats to
attain the Goal, where the environment was kept harmonious. Also why they had to
pass severe initiations, of conjured up projections, etc.
Days to Recognize:
Mar. 17, St. Patrick’s Day.
Mar. 21, the first inhabitants came to earth. Spring.
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday.
April 19, Easter.
Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14, Transylvania Retreat.
Apr. 15 thru May 14, Resurrection Temple.
May 15 thru June 14, Ascension Temple.
June 15 thru July 14, Teton Retreat.
Upcoming Classes:
Easter, April 16, 17, 18, 19.
May 1, Saint Germain’s Coronation and Ascension Day. New Year’s Day, year 39
Teton Class: June 26 thru July 4 or 5.
Autumn Class: Sept. 26 thru 29.
Teton Class: Dec. 26 thru Jan. 1, 1993.
Note: This is the last issue of Vol. 13. Estimated production cost and postage
$4.00. Other countries, $6.50. Let us know if you desire to have it continued.
V.14 N.1, May-June, 38 A.F. (1992)
“The Old World” said, he, “is sunk in all manner of crime, as was the
Antediluvian World the New World is given to man as a refuge, even as the ark was
given to Noah and his childred.
“The New World is the last altar of human freedom left on the surface of the
globe. Never shall the footsteps of Kings pollute its soil, It is the last hope of man. God
has spoken, and it is so. Amen.” “I AM”.
It was the girl who urged a return to the house, and it was she who sought its
warmth and shelter for the sake of her loved ones, and drew the curtains at the
windows of the living-room to shut out the gloomy forest and coming night. It was the
girl who tried to bring cheer to the little group, and to lighten the sadness of her father
and brother; to distract them from their somber thought and study. That night she tried in
vain; she knew that passing hunters again would hear the voice of prayer late into the
night, and see the chapel lights streaming across the snow until the dawn.
The hour of separation came when father and son bade the maiden good night and
together sought the chapel where two tall candles were already burning on the white
altar. It was a circular chamber with oak panels. Between the candles on the altar was
a slender silver flagon, a wreath of laurel, fresh gathered from the Wissahikon hills,
and a velvet bound Bible with clasps of gold. Behind the altar was an iron cross. The
Priest of the Wissahikon was the first to break the silence, Said he:
“At the third hour after midnight, the Deliverer will come.”
Then as the young man stood pondering, the father repeated, “Tonight he will
come. At the third hour after midnight he will come thru yonder door and take upon
himself his great mission to free the New World from the yoke of the Tyrants. All is
ready for his coming. Behold the crown, the flagon of anointing oil, the Bible, and the
Hours passed. The lad knelt in prayer; but the father paced up and down the
chapel waiting until the clock of the great hall struck 12 and the New Year dawned.
Then the lad arose and gently tried to prepare his father for disappointment. Perhaps
they were mistaken; perhaps they were not right in believing that the time for the
Deliverer was at hand.
“At the third hour after midnight the Deliverer will come!” was the Father’s
The lad returned to his prayers and the Priest of the Wissahikon continued his
lonely watch while the clock struck one, two, and three. Then there came footsteps in
the hail, and a tall stranger of commanding presence entered the door of the chapel and
spoke these words:
“Friends, I have lost my way in the forest. Can you direct me to the right way?”
Answered the Priest of the Wissahikon, “Thou hast found thy way to usefulness
and immortal renown!”
Wondering, the stranger came a step nearer to see if he were being mocked, but
the Priest of the Wissahikon rapidly questioned him. Did he come from the city? Yes.
What was the burden upon his heart? Was it not his country’s welfare? Yes. Was he not
troubled about the right of a subject to raise his hand against his king? Yes! Then said
the Priest of Wissahikon to the amazed stranger:
“Thou art called to a great work. Kneel before this altar and here, in the silence of
night, amid the depths of these wild woods will I anoint Thee Deliverer of this great
Immediately this peerless stranger before whom ten thousand might bow their
heads, knelt before the white altar in the old blockhouse and placed his hands on the
Bible. Then, says the legend, these words fell from the lips of the Priest of the
“Thou art called to the great work of a Champion and Deliverer soon thou will
ride to battle at the head of legions – soon thou will lead a people on to Freedom –
soon thy sword will gleam like a meteor over the ranks of war.”
The candle-light cast weird shadows on the wall, the silver cross of the priest
shone, the white altar cloth waved in the wind from the open outer door, the trees
moaned outside, while the priest, so the story goes, continued thus:
“Dost thou promise that when the appointed time arrives, thou wilt be found
ready, sword in hand, to fight for thy Country and thy God?”
Everyone is endowed with the Divine Powers of creation in the use of the
acknowledgement “I AM Present”. When one says, thinks, or feels, “I AM”, that or a
portion of the Divine is present at that point that moment. Every self-conscious ego
may use the “I” but the qualifying activity following the announcement of the Divine
Presence (God’s Presence within him/her, thru the feeling body, becomes the Law of
his individual life.
What one sends out, returns to that one. That is the Law of every one’s being.
Being the creator of any imperfection, that one must thru self-conscious call to the
Presence transmute it.
Law of your being is: when one gives attention to the I AM Presence, a greater
amount of energy flows thru, then when one continues to qualify that with discord,
since there is more energy to misqualify, it gives one more to handle, it also makes it
much more powerful to act in one’s world.
When all discord is removed from one’s world then comes peace, and everything
one requires pours forth from the Presence.
It was said that from the inner activities, the Qualities of the Seven Rays are
poured forth to the earth, on each current day of the week, the Quality of that specific
Ray for that day predominates. Hence it is important that we have the right ray for each
day. That information was not given until January 18, 1953 by the Lord Maha Chohan.
First Ray – blue – Sunday. Second Ray – gold or yellow – Monday. Third Ray –
pink – Tuesday. Fourth Ray – white – Wednesday. Fifth Ray – green – Thursday.
Sixth – Ray – ruby or gold – Friday. Seventh Ray – Violet, purple – Saturday.
February 25, 1939, the last black magician was removed from the earth.
That evening Mighty Harmony, the Cosmic governor of Harmony to the earth,
poured forth His magnificent assistance to mankind. Such as had not been known for
more than 800,000 years.
How quickly Mighty Harmony responded to give that assistance, when enough
destructive forces were removed from earth.
May 20, 1895, income tax was declared unconstitutional by the United States
Supreme Court. But President Roosevelt perpetrated it upon us, by over-stepping the
bounds of the Constitution; as he also did in other matters. Our country got along better
before there was any income tax, or sales tax, and had much less debts, and sometimes
a surplus.
This year a number of people went to San Juan Capistrano to watch the return of
the swallows as they have been returning each year. But they did not return. Quite a bit
of development had been going on for sometimes. So the birds went to Irvine instead, a
more conservative community, where it is more like their former place.
How did the birds know that or how were they guided to go to the other place?
Birds and animals too are or have some assistance from the inner levels from Beings
of greater intelligence, usually from the Angelic kingdom. So it was a Bring who
directed the leader bird when and where to go, as it always was done other years too.
A man before Beethoven, took an octave of sounds and divided it into 12 equal
parts, as closely as possible, forming the 12 half-tone scale, (on a piano keyboard,
seven white keys and five black keys).
Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770 – 1827), a German composer, was the first one to
develop music by using the 12 half-tone scale. That is why good, modern music is
based on that scale, and why his music is considered the basics of or for producing
music in the modern or Western world now.
Days to Recognize:
May 1, New Year’s Day for the New Age. Saint Germain’s Ascension Day; His
Coronation Day.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Birthday, His Day of Enlightenment Buddhahood; and
May 10, Mothers’ Day.
May 28, Jesus Ascension Day.
May 31, Memorial Day.
June 7, Whitsuntide – Pentecost.
June 14, Flag Day.
May 15, Ascension Temple at Luxor.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
V.14 N.2, July-August, 38 A.F. (1992)
The Priest of the Wissahikon dipped his fingers in the anointing oil, and described
the outlines of a cross upon the stranger’s forehead, and was about to place the laurel
wreath upon his head after saying, “When the times comes, go forth to victory. On thy
brow no conqueror’s blood-red wreath, but this crown of fadeless laurel, “when the
girl appeared, took the wreath and crowned the stranger.
Unable to sleep she had hastily donned a white robe, and putting a dark cloak
around her, had gone down to the chapel and had witnessed the scene unnoticed until
she had seized the laurel crown from her father’s hands. Fearing she had been
presumptuous, the girl bowed her head; but her father smiled.
“It is well,” said he, “From whom should the Deliverer of a Nation receive his
crown of laurel, but from the hands of a stainless woman.”
The spoke the lad: “Rise, the Champion Leader of a People. Rise, sir, and take
this hand which never yet was given to man. I know not thy name, yet on this Book I
swear to be faithful to thee even to the death.” Then Paul, for that was his name,
buckled a sword to the stranger’s side.
Then the ceremony was over, the stranger stood in the chapel in towering strength
and majesty and said these final words:
“From you, old man, I take the vow. From you, fair girl, the laurel. From you,
brave friend, the sword. On this book I swear to be faithful until all!”
A moment later the stranger vanished into the outer wilderness of the Wissahikon
and the sound of his retreating footsteps mingled with the moaning of the wind. That
was New Year’s night of the year 1/74.
In the darkest hour of the American Revolution, the blockhouse was burned; and
while smoke still rose from the ruined home, three were sleeping in their graves by the
Wissahikon; one was an aged nobleman; one was a fearless lad; and the other, a fair
girl with a wealth of golden hair.
Years later, when America was a Nation, and George Washington was her
President, again came the stranger of noble presence to the banks of the Wissahikon,
seeking the blockhouse and the three who sent him on his mission that New Year’s Eve
of 17/4. He found the ruined blockhouse and the graves. That night, at a party in the
bright city of Philadelphia, there were many who wondered why, at a time when a
nation bowed before him, the Father of our Country was sad and thoughtful, and bowed
his head as if in memory of grief when a fair maid, with a wealth of golden hair, sang a
song of the Wissahikon.
Saint Germain said, during His Dictation in Washington, D.C., June 1937, that
both He and the Goddess of Liberty were present during the anointing of the Father of
our country in the Chapel on the banks of the Wissahikon.
There is no more reason or necessity to try to develop or progress on the Path (of
Light) thru hypnotism, trance, spiritualism or any other “ism” or cult, than is it
necessary to work thru the strata of human creation in the atmosphere (which is up to
7,000 or 10,000 feet) as has been the practice with occultists.
One simply builds that Tube or tunnel of Light, a Pillar of protection and go up
thru it untouched by any of the other forces. First of all one must see the simple
possibility of this, and the utter necessity of the other. All these other ways are the
humanly qualified energy. One has to follow his inner sense (the feeling from the heart)
that there is something beyond orthodoxy. Keep the attention on the Light and off the
sinister force.
In the beginning many have the idea that service is to become a “do-gooder”; to
just do something good or some good. But that is not what is meant by service to the
Light. One can do much good and give a lot of needed assistance without really serving
the Light.
They are serving human needs, which is all right and much of that too has to be
done. It does give them a certain personal satisfaction. Hence most people are satisfied
to stay at that level of consciousness. Some go thru that phase for a time, but mankind
and the Earth are to be free, much more than that has to be done. So to really serve the
Light one, one has to go beyond that point of consciousness. Many who have come into
this Teaching and understand the means of application and what it can and will do for
all mankind and the World, feel justified in just rendering this service, and neglect the
work they need to do on themselves, neglect the needed personal application.
There is a subtleness here, a feeling (a subtle feeling) and unwillingness to face
certain things that need to be rooted out. They find many things for excuses, to justify
Psychic endeavors, trance, hypnotism, telepathy, that is the use of mind force. It is
just the operation, the same force that is used in Africa in voodooism etcetera. Just
because the people are living differently and under different circumstances and call
themselves civilized, does not change the force being used; it is still the same force
acting. They try to make out it is good and right because the world considers it all
right, and considers voodooism taboo and awful. Although some may be put to a
somewhat different use, It is still the same force being used, which is of human quality
and is not the spiritual to which they ought to be striving.
To serve the Light means to render impersonal service. Most people after coming
into this understanding, at least at first are interested (or their main interest is) in what
it will do for themselves. Then when people begin to get the right trend they usually,
desire to help those closely attached to themselves, dear friends and especially
relatives. Then as they progress they begin to expand to helping others as well.
Ignorance is born and developed out of ignoring (a conscious action). Ignore
means: not know, disregard, to leave unnoticed, consciously not recognize; also reject.
Ignorance is more than a condition, it is an action. It became a condition thru an action,
or an action that developed into or became a condition. It is something consciously
done. It is a state of consciousness created by man. Man did not come forth (start life)
ignorant of perfection. Perfection – that is all he knew in the beginning. We need not
be ignorant or ignore a condition exists but we need to keep our attention off it, in
order not to feed our energy into it. Some people take a stand for principle against the
other forces in their physical actions. Yet condone, compromise, or/and support those
under the more subtle influence and action of that force thru mediumship, trance,
spiritualism, et cetera. They argue that at least they are going beyond the church
orthodoxy, or that they are doing some good. One can put up the same kind of argument
for Communism; and that is where or why most Communists of the West fall into the
At the end of the 20-year period allotted the Ballards to present Saint Germain’s
Teaching to mankind, the year of 1952, represents the beginning of the Cosmic “Push”,
an endeavor to increase the Light in individuals.
The Great Ones have aerial navigation all ready for mankind with air planes
which cannot have an accident. These have been known of for thousands of centuries.
But these and such things cannot and will not be released till more change takes place
in mankind’s feeling and consciousness.
By September 11, 1939, five of the most powerful secret submarines had been
dissolved. Ascended Masters contacted war lords and dictators again.
Days to Recognize:
July 1, the Karmic Board is in session.
July 4, Independence Day.
July 22, the coming forth of Mighty Cosmos and the Two Secret Rays.
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s birthday.
Aug. 15. Mother Mary’s Ascension Day.
July 15 thru Aug. 14, Liberty Flame, in France.
Aug. 15 thru Sept. 14, Kashmir Retreat.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14, Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Autumn Class: Sept. 26, 27, 28, 29.
V.14 N.3, September-October, 38 A.F. (1992)
Spiritual Path
Very few are they who pursue the real spiritual path. It is much easier to follow
this other path, these other things, literature, reading and lecturing, because most
people interested or getting interested, have dabbled in and pursued these things before
(in other embodiments).
It is easier to follow where there is a greater momentum, a greater force of action.
When everything else fails to convince, then those knowing about radiation say,
there was radiation at such and such a meeting. What does that prove? There are many
things that give off radiation: plants, animals, food, in fact in a sense everything does.
The aroma of food is radiation. It is the quality of radiation that is important, not just
radiation. The quality determines whether it is spiritual or not.
Some persons, lectures can draw quite a powerful radiation from the mental
plane. But that is not Ascended Master radiation. Most of them operate on the
emotional level.
All these others things have been going on thru the centuries, and where is
mankind today as a result of it all? Much more than that is needed. What is needed is
Ascended Master Qualities, Radiation and Consciousness.
Just like in the physical, one drives along a road, which is easy, instead of trying
to drive straight thru a field, forest or swamp. So it is much easier to pursue psychics,
the accumulated forces of humanly qualified energy in the mental, emotional and
etheric realm around the earth, than to pursue the Spiritual Path.
People often try to push this sort of literature onto one knowing better, one
knowing the Ascended Master way. There is a subtleness in this. It is a very subtle
action of the sinister force, working thru them, to try to get the energies of the one on
the right Path. To try to get to lean just a little to the left by using certain bits, small
parts of the Law of Truths. Then more and more, of course is their aim: the tactics of
communism. Those forces live on the energies they draw from people.
Some that come in contact with literature about the Ascended Masters think or
regard it as just something to read, that the Masters are just something to read about.
Same with the instruction They present for Spiritual development, but they go right on
pursuing these other things.
Many pursuing the religious path and now the latest fad, that of bringing in the
“New Age”, but they are going by their own or; human concepts of what it is. Mostly
just revising the former teaching, metaphysical and occult concepts.
They may even sacrifice pleasure, worldly good and physical needs but that does
not make it God’s Will, or the fulfilling of the Divine Plan. However it may be good
discipline for them.
The Ascended Ones have to work with what there is to work with in the physical
This other literature has some of the Truths in it, which has come from this
Ascended Master Teaching. Those reading it point out certain portions of Truths to try
to convince others that they should also read it. This can be misleading and is not
necessary if one will study what the Great Ones have presented.
The dark forces have worked thru religious and other organizations using partial
truths as being the full truth.
In order to know what is constructive and to be constructive, in the outer world
teachings, constructive minded people do not consider teaching children to steal, lie,
trick or how to use gangster methods (although they are getting some of is especially on
Mankind is qualifying God’s pure energy thru the creative faculties of attention,
thought or vision, and power of qualification which is an activity within the feelings,
thru their God-given use of free will. There is nothing in the universe but human beings
who can generate discord, distress and limitation. The dark forces are composed of
this misqualified energy. These same forces have been acting all along, but do burst out
in different ways, manners and places. So the struggle has gone on throughout the
centuries between these two forces – the Light and darkness.
The Great Powers and Foci of the God authority are only as important to the
mankind of the earth, as their acceptance of Their reality will allow Them to be.
Expression Of Truth
Both the oral and written expressions of Truth up to the present time are
predominantly masculine in their expression, in their beauty, and in their presentation,
with very few exceptions.
The Masculine Ray, focused in Asia, was the spiritual stimulus for all
evolutionary progress of God-unfoldment, and It has been the magnet which has drawn
the seeker for Life and Light into those Eastern countries from the very beginning of
unrecorded time. Each such a one entering within the aura of that Ray took some of Its
vital essence into his own being, and in the course of centuries, thousands of
lifestreams have ascended from within Its Sphere of Influence. This accounts for the
fact that the East has always been the fount of Spiritual Knowledge, and the natural
radiation of Tibet, China and India has been conducive to the unfoldment of any
spiritual quality within the individual.
All the individual who have attained the Ascension thru the feminine aspect, such
as Kwan Yin and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, were drawn within the Ray at Mount
Meru, and received their inner training under the Brotherhood who have guarded this
Ray until the hour.
The Masculine Ray has expanded Its greatest power and given the full stimulus of
Its potency in the fullness of Its gifts. The tremendous heritage of the Feminine Ray is
only now beginning to be felt in Its subtlety by the elect, who are more sensitive to the
changing currents at inner levels, and their response, in the finer bodies, to the
magnetic pull of Its attainment in the control and sublimation of the feeling nature.
While the vibratory action of the Feminine aspect of Meru is yet such a subtle
activity that is not apparent to the outer consciousness of the students, it will increase
in Its irresistible force and be a tremendous assistance in the blanketing of the
individual emotional nature as a peace-commanding Presence, which will enable them
to much more easily become master of their own feeling worlds.
Those who are conscious of the service of Lord Meru, and of the service of the
Ray which is focused within His Retreat, may mark the effect in their own feeling
worlds if they direct their attention into the Sphere of Influence of this Retreat. Lord
Maha Chohan
Many individuals now are claiming they have come from another planet.
However, that is not necessarily so. As even small children do. However, they may
pick it up from things they hear as their imagination can be great. They can have great
imagination because they still have some connection or memory of the realms of Light,
where they were before coming into embodiment. Children stating they want to go
“home”, meaning from whence they came, or wanting to know where from they came,
by no means, means another planet, although in some cases it could. They all have been
going to school at inner levels, in another sphere at some level of consciousness, and
the outer mind of any individual of any age, can interpret that as another planet. Some
inner spheres can be of similar vibration as certain planets.
All children coming in now will have seen their I AM Presence in either their
etheric body or Christ Self. Some are aware of or know some Ascended Master or
Days to Recognize:
Sept. 29, Lord Michael’s Day.
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest
Oct. 3, Commemoration of first dictation in Vol. 3.
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom won at Yorktown
Oct. 31, Elementals Harvest at Shamballa. Hallowe’en.
Aug. 15 thru Sept. 14, Kashmir Retreat.
Sept. 15 thru Oct. 14, Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 thru Nov. 14, Maha Chohan’s Retreat.
Nov. 15 thru Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Autumn Class: Sept. 26, 27, 28, 29. Class Dec. 26 thru Jan. 1.
V.14 N.4, November-December, 38 A.F. (1992)
Pledges and oaths are binding and are human. While God, the I AM Presence and
the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings, never bind or limit any one.
In case of having made pledges and taken oaths, one can call the Presence into
action to cut you free from all such things.
1. SIGNING. Select one of three nourishment actions to be taken in paragraph 2,
Write your initials next to the line provided. Sign and date only one copy of the
declaration in the presence of two adult witnesses. (This is to assure others that you
signed of your own free will and not under any pressure.) The witnesses must neither
be an heir, your doctor or his employee, nor a staff member of your hospital or nursing
home. Explain the purpose of the declaration to the witnesses should then sign the
declaration and fill in their address.
2. ORIGINAL. You should keep the original in a readily accessible place and
inform the persons closest to you of your wishes and the location of the declaration.
3.COPIES. If you have a doctor, give him or her a copy of the declaration for
your medical file and discuss it with him, NOW. You may also wish to give copies to
key family members. Make a record of all copies given to help you find the copies if
you wish to revoke the declaration.
4.ANNUAL REVIEW. You should review this document at least once a year to
be certain your views have not changed. To make clear your continuing wishes, you
may redate and initial the original declaration; however, it is better to sign a new
declaration. If you sign a new declaration, follow these instructions and replace all old
declaration copies with copies of the new declaration. If you change your mind, you
may revoke the declaration
5.REVOCATION. If you wish to revoke (cancel) the declaration, you may do so
at any time by a separate written document or by destroying (such as burning or
tearing) the signed original. If possible, you should also retrieve and destroy all copies
and tell your doctor that you have revoked the declaration. You may revoke the
declaration orally, but if you do so, you should ask someone to make a written record
of your oral revocation and, if possible, to get destroy the original and all copies.
Adapted and used with permission from: Colorado Estate Planning, Will Drafting
Declaration as to Medical or Surgical Treatment
I, ________________________________________, being of sound mind and at and at least eighteen
years of age, direct that my life shall not be artificially prolonged under the circumstances set
1. If at any time my attending physician and one other qualified physician certify in writing that:
a. I have an injury, disease or illness which is not curable or reversible and which, in their judgment, is a
terminal condition; and
b.For a period of seven consecutive days or more, I have been unconscious, comatose, or otherwise
incompetent so as to be unable to make or communicate responsible decisions concerning my person, then
In accordance with Colorado law, life-sustaining procedures shall be withdrawn and withheld pursuant to the
terms of this declaration, it being understood 1) that life-sustaining procedures not include any medical procedure or
intervention considered necessary by the attending physician to provide comfort or alleviate pain and 2) that in
accordance with Colorado law, artificial nourishment may be withdrawn or withheld pursuant to the terms of this
2.In the event that the only life-sustaining procedure I am being provided is artificial nourishment, I direct that
the one following action that is initiated by me shall be taken:
I execute this declaration as my free and voluntary act this _______ day of ______________, 19___.
By ___________________________________
Address: _______________________________Address:_______________________________
Voluntary act and deed of the declarant, this _____________ day of ____________________, 19______.
Notary Public
Address: _________________________________________
No Organization
The Ascended Masters have no organization in the outer world. (Vol. 1 p. 83)
In the beginning when the Ascended Master Saint Germain brought forth this
Teaching He said people must be free. Therefore it would be impossible for this Work
to be organized in the outer world activity, or committees to be formed, as is done in
churches, in business, etc., to carry on their activities. People must be turned to their
Presence, so it can and then will show them what to do which will enable them to
make the decision within themselves. (Vol. 7 p. 428)
For salvation so-called, the outer self looks for vicarious atonement, believing
that by belonging to an organization one will get it. But only thru self-correction,
discipline and adoration to the Source, the I AM Presence, can one attain mastery.
V.14 N.5, January-February, 38 A.F. (1993)
During the 18th century He was the outstanding topic of conversation among the
nobility. He always appeared as a man about 45 years of age, medium height, slender
and graceful figure, captivating smile, and eyes of peculiar beauty. He was a great
linguist, spoke all the various languages of the West perfectly. He was well acquainted
with the East. He played various musical instruments proficiently. He improvised and
composed music. It is said, two of His compositions ability. He was frequently
consulted in regard to the authenticity of paintings.
He would merely glance at a paper and days later repeat its contents word for
word. He could write a poem with one hand and with the other frame a diplomatic
paper. Without touching them He would read sealed letters. He would answer
questions before they were asked.
He knew alchemy and changed silver coins into pure gold. He melted several
small diamonds into a large one. He could remove flaws from diamonds, increasing
their worth greatly. On gala occasions He appeared wearing a diamond ring on every
finger, and jeweled shoe-buckles of great worth.
Although He sat at the table with friends, His own food was specially prepared
for Him in His own apartment. But He probably maintained a house or place for His
headquarters in the physical world, and for some chelas. He made them know He did
not eat meat nor drink wine. His favorite beverage was herb tea, which he even
presented to friends.
The charming Count was a welcome guest in the homes of the nobility of every
land. He had extra-ordinary popularity, and well known intimacy with the greatest men
and women of the day. He was very familiar with occult subjects. The mystery of His
birth and nationality remained, as He refused to reveal it. He would recount events in
detail and with feeling that took place many centuries previously. On one such
occasion. He then asked His butler if He had missed any details. The butler replied, it
must have been his predecessor as he had only been present for 500 years. (This shows
St. Germain must have maintained a place for more than 500 years.)
Some claimed He affirmed He had lived in Chaldea and possessed the secrets of
the Egyptian sages. Of course as an Ascended Master He could recall any of His past
embodiments. He knew the secrets of “the elixir of Life”. And of course He could
Count de St. Germain was known and believed to live in Europe from 1710-1822.
A Countess who met the count in 1710 in Venice, 50 years later she met Him in
Madame Pompadour’s house. She asked Him if His father had been in Venice in that
year. The Count said, He Himself was living in Venice at the time and paid her a visit,
and she had admired a little Barcarolle He had composed. The Countess could not
believe what she was hearing, and said, if that was true then He must be at least 100
years old. He said that was not impossible.
The Count always wore a miniature picture on his arm, of a beautiful woman
which was a precipitated picture of His mother. He showed it to a woman, and she
being unfamiliar with the costume, asked to which period it belonged. The count just
smiled and changed the subject.
From 1737 to 1742 the Count de St. Germain was living in the Court of the Shah
of Persia, occupied with alchemical research. On his return from Persia he settled in
Versailles and became an intimate friend of Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. In the
following year he was caught in the Jacobite Revolution in England. From there he
went to Vienna, and afterward visited Frederick the Great in his castle of Sans-Souci
in Potsdam, where Voltaire was also an honored guest. Voltaire’s admiration for St.
Germain was unbounded. In a letter to Frederick, Voltaire expressed his opinion that
“the Count de St. Germain is a man who was never born, who will never die, and who
knows everything.”
In 1755 the Count de St. Germain accompanied General Clive to India. On his
return to France Louis XV gave him a suite of apartments in the Royal Chateau of
Chambord, in Touraine. Here he often entertained the King and members of the Court in
the alchemical laboratory which the King had provided for him.
In 1760 Louis sent the Count de St. Germain on a delicate diplomatic mission to
The Plague and London. At that time he discovered that the Duc de Choiseul, who up to
that time had been implicitly trusted by the King, was playing a double game. Although
St. Germain confided this fact to the King, the former was determined that the Peace
Treaty between England and France should be signed, no matter who received the
credit. So one evening in May, 1761, St. Germain called upon the Duc de Choiseul and
remained closeted with him the whole night. This conference resulted in the celebrated
alliance known as the Family Compact. This is in its turn was the forerunner of the
Treaty of Paris, which brought the colonial war between England and France to a
In the following year St. Germain was called to St. Petersburg, where he played
an important part in the revolution which placed Catherine the Great upon the throne of
Russia. He left the country in the uniform of a Russian general, with full credentials to
which the imperial seal of Russia was affixed. Shortly afterward he appeared in Tunis
and Leghorn while the Russian fleet was there, again in Russian uniform, and known
under the name of Graf Saltikoff.
After the death of Louis XV in 1774, St. Germain spent several years travelling in
Germany and Austria. Among the Kings, Princes, Ambassadors and scholars who met
him during those years, how many suspected that the soul of a great Adept looked out
through the eyes of the Count de St. Germain? How many realized that they were
conversing with an emissary of the great Fraternity of Perfected Men who stand behind
the scenes of all the great world dramas, one who was directing not only the minor
currents of European history, but some of the major currents as well?
Although an effort has been made to eliminate St. Germain’s name from modern
Masonic literature, careful research into Masonic archives will prove that he occupied
a prominent position in 18th century Masonry. He acted as a delegate to the Wilhelms
bad Convention in 1782 and to the great Paris Convention of 1785. Cadet de
Gassicourt described him as travelling member of the Knights Templar, and
Deschamps says that Cagliostro was initiated into that Order by St. Germain.
The Count de St. Germain is said to have died on February 27, 1784, and the
Church Register of Eckernforde in Danish Holstein contains the record of his death and
burial. But as it happens, some of St. Germain’s most important work was done after
that date. This fact is brought out in the SOUVENIRS DE MARIE-ANTOINETTE,
written by one of her ladies-in-waiting, the Countess d’Adhemar. This diary was
started in 1760 and ended in 1821, one year before the death of the Countess, and a
large part of it is concerned with St. Germain’s efforts to avert the horrors of the
French Revolution.
Early one Sunday morning in 1788 the Countess was surprised to receive a visit
from the Count de St. Germain, whom she had not seen in several years. He warned her
that a giant conspiracy was under foot, in which the Encyclopaedists would use the
Duc de Chartres in an effort to over throw the monarchy, and asked her to take him to
the Queen. When Madame d’Adhemar reported the conversation to Marie-Antoinette,
the Queen confessed that she also had received another communication from this
mysterious stranger who had protected her with warnings from the day of her arrival in
France. On the following day St. Germain was admitted into the private apartments of
the Queen. “Madame,” he said to her, “for 20 years I was on intimate terms with the
late King, who deigned to listen to me with kindness. He made use of my poor abilities
on several occasions, and I do not think he regretted giving me his confidence. “After
warning her of the serious condition of France, he asked her to communicate his
message to the King and to request the King not to consult with Maurepas. But the King
ignored the warning, and went directly to Maurepas, who immediately called upon
Madame A’adhemar. In the midst of the conversation St. Germain appeared. He
confronted Maurepas with his treachery and said to him: “In opposing yourself to my
seeing the monarch, you are losing the monarchy, for I have but a limited time to give to
France. This time over, I shall not be seen here again, until after three successive
generations have gone down to the grave.”
The second warning from St. Germain came on July 14, 1789, when the Queen
was saying farewell to the Duchesse de Polignac. She opened the letter and read: “My
words have fallen on your ears in vain, and you have reached the period of which I
informed you. All the Polignacs and their friends are doomed to death. The Comte
d’Artois will perish.
His farewell letter, addressed to Madame d’Adhemar, arrived on October 5,
1789. “All is lost, Countess!” he wrote. “This sun is the last which will set on the
monarchy. Tomorrow it will exist no more. My advice has been scorned. Now it is too
late… In that letter he asked the Countless to meet him early the next morning. In that
conversation the Count de St. Germain informed her that the time when he could have
helped France was past. “I can do nothing now. My hands are tied by one stronger than
myself. The hour of repose is past, and the decrees of Providence must be fulfilled.”
He foretold the death of the Queen, the complete ruin of the Bourbons, the rise of
Napoleon. “And you yourself?” the Countless asked. “I must go to Sweden,” he
answered. “A great crime is brewing there, and I am going to try to prevent it. His
Majesty Gustavus III interests me. He is worth more than his renown. “The Countess
inquired if she would see him again. “Five times more.” He answered. “Do not wish
for the sixth.”
True to his word, the Count de St. Germain appeared to the Countess d’Adhemar
on five different occasions. At the beheading of the Queen: on the 18th Brumaise; the
day following the death of the Duc d’Enghein in 1804; in January, 1813: on the eve of
the assassination of the Duc de Berri in 1820. Presumably, the sixth time was on the
day of her death, in 1822.
In 1790, Saint Germain said to an Austrian friend, Franz Graeffer, He was
leaving, that He was needed in Constantinople, then in England, there to prepare two
new inventions which we should have in the next century – trains and steamboats.
(This gives some idea of what He tried to do during that time.) That toward the end of
this (18th) century He would disappear out of Europe, and go to the region of the
Himalayas. That in exactly 85 years the people would again see Him, which made
1875. That is the year when Theosophy was established by the unascended Masters
Morya and Kuthumi, and the Ascended Master Saint Germain, using Madam Blavatsky
(H.B.P.) as their spokesman in the outer world. And then the unascended Master Djwal
Kul (The Tibetan Master) gave much of the instruction and information to her. Thru this
They tried to acquaint people of the West of the reality of the Masters.
One of the Masters spoke of the “benevolent German Prince from whose house,
and in whose presence he (St. Germain) made his last exist – HOME.” In the 1950’s it
was said that the individual in whose house and presence Saint Germain made the
Ascension, that he then was in embodiment, and a student in both Activities. But the
Ascension was in 1684.
The Count de St. Germain was considered by some as the greatest Oriental Adept
seen in Europe during the 18th century.
Since they did not see Him anymore, the outer consciousness presumed He had
died. One man thought he saw Him in the French prison during the French Revolution
(1789-92), and wondered if He had escaped. Saint Germain was Ascended at the time,
so physical walls could not imprison Him. As He would just raise the vibratory action
of His Body and disappear. He evidently went there to do certain work and then just
disappeared. Lord Lytton evidently did know Saint Germain in about 1860.
The Great Ones said we were Children of the Light because the Light which is
eternal, is anchored in our hearts. It is the power of Life, the authority and Intelligence
of the Infinite Power which rules the universe. There within the heart of every
individual Life, It can be brought into action thru the human form by the Intelligence
and Power of our I AM Presence. Since It comes thru or as It comes within the Stream
of Light which beats the heart, it gives Life to the physical body.
So the Ascended Masters had to present bit by bit of instruction and information,
according to our understanding and usage of words. Within this range is a large margin
for misinterpretation.
Days To Recognize:
Jan. 1, New Year’s Day. Karmic Board in session. Sanat Kumara was released.
Lord Gautama became Lord of the World. Old occult law was set aside.
Jan. 21, Sanat Kumara left the earth and returned to Venus.
Jan. 15 thru Feb. 14, Darjeeling Retreat.
Feb. 15 thru Mar. 14, Meru’s Temple of Illumination.
Mar. 15 thru Apr. 14, Resurrection Flame.
Apr. 15 thru May 14, Focus of Wisdom.
May 15 thru June 14, Ascension Temple.
V.14 N.6, March-April, 38 A.F. (1993)
State of Consciousness
There is a certain state of consciousness that students and human beings
thoroughly believe in, that when they leave this physical body they arrive in heaven or
at the ultimate state where they will abide forever. That they are here to have a good
life, do the things they wish and enjoy; and that all that is needed is to just get in under
the line, and that they can make amends at the time of passing on.
However, it is not that way. By self discipline, and the more effort one makes or
puts into it, and the more spiritual development one gains, the further along one goes on
the other side after passing on.
Saint Germain said long ago the urgent need was to clear the earth of the
destructive forces. This could and can be done thru the decrees in group service, by
rendering what impersonal service is required. Then there will be plenty of time for
each one to express him/herself.
It is even possible for one to surpass another already Ascended, by rendering
impersonal service, while here on earth.
People are more interested in doing personal service. That gives a certain amount
of satisfaction to the outer self.
Thru the centuries the requirement for eternal Freedom has been that a certain
amount of impersonal service had to be rendered. That was the reason for retaining life
in one embodiment for long periods of time. It took several or many embodiments of
living a pure life and working towards the goal. Then in the final embodiment when it
was possible to attain the Ascension one had to attain to a certain point which took
years and usually most of that life span before he could render impersonal service.
Therefore, he maintained life for whatever length of time was required for him to
render enough impersonal service to balance his account.
However, some choose of their own free will to maintain life here for even longer
periods of time to give certain assistance to the earth and mankind.
That has all changed, now that the old occult law has been set aside and the
student learned of his own I AM Presence, and the use of the Transmuting Violet
In this new way now one can learn to render impersonal service right along with
his own development. The greatest service can be and is done now thru decrees in
group work.
And under the new dispensation for the Ascension, many have made their
Ascension at the close of this embodiment.
To be a Chohan, one had to qualify to be Chohan of each of the Seven Rays.
Selection of Chohans
The Masters began the preparation for the selection of the lifestream who will be
the applicant for the Chohan of the First Ray at the close of the 2,000 year cycle of
Saint Germain. That shows how long before the requirement, the planning takes place,
and how many centuries are involved in preparing many lifestreams so that one will be
ready, at the beginning of the reign of Saint Germain. They chose those who within the
next 2,000 years would have embodiment after embodiment so as to prepare and
qualify for the solemn Cosmic hour when they will stand as Jesus did, and from among
them will be chosen the successor to Morya.
Then the 14,000 year cycle will begin again on a much higher and more
developed plane. Even some of the students in the room were being considered. Where
one is even thought as a possible candidate for a Chohanship he must become pretty
well master along all of the seven primal Rays, not only his own but all of the others.
What is Flame? And why does mankind shy from that word? Flame is but a
concentrate of life energy which has been qualified by some Intelligence to act in a
specific manner a concentrate of energy qualified by the feeling world of some self-
conscious Intelligence to act in a specific manner. As that energy, magnetized, drawn
and concentrated, is charged and charged with a specific feeling, it becomes a Flame
which can and will enter into the energies and world of anyone who chooses to use It.
What is Patience? It is merely control of the energy of the inner and the physical
bodies. It is the capacity, when treating any expression of life needing assistance, to
hold your energy in perfect harmony and then project it forth according to the direction
of your Christ Self for the accomplishment of some good purpose.
Let me differentiate, for your enlightenment, between the quality of patience and
that of lethargy or indifference. The patient man is not the indifferent or the lethargic
man. The patient man is positive, poised, and powerful. He does not allow his energy
to go from him, either in thought, feeling, gesture or word, until the God-Self has
qualified it with Its nature, and then only does it go forth in blessing. (Lord Sanat
Kumara, November 1955.)
We had this material which had not fit in with the other material gotten out thus
far. We will from now on just put out “extras” or when there is material we feel should
be made available.
Days To Recognize:
April 11, Easter Sunday,
May 1, Saint Germain’s Coronation and Ascension Day. Beginning of Age of
Freedom calendar.
May 6, Wesak Festival.
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Day
May 9, Mother’s Day.
May 30, Whitsuntide.
March 15, Resurrection Flame.
April 15, Focus of Wisdom
May 15, Ascension Temple.
June 15, Teton Retreat.
June Class: June 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, July 1-4.
V.15 N.1, 39 A.F. (1993)
At the table in the dining room of 1620 (South 84th St.), that table by the way is
still there, surroundings in some ways are quite the same as they were then. But prior
to these dictations this was not by any means the first time that the great Ascended
Beings have spoken thru our beloved papa, and as far as I know and am able to
determine, I am the only person now living with the exception of beloved mama, that
saw this thing take place and therefore I thought it would be of great interest to you
people to be filled in on this background. I also asked Jack here to record this speech
before any more of it fades from my memory. It should be preserved for posterity. As I
said in the beginning, from the time I was about six years old. The Ascended Masters
spoke to the family, thru our beloved papa. The family at that time consisted of four
people there was papa, mama and myself and an elderly lady by the name of Aunt
Mary, who was really no blood relation of the family at all, but someone for whom
papa had cared for many, many years. She was an elderly lady in her seventies. We
were the only ones who were the witness to the events which I will now describe.
My earliest recollection of the Masters speaking thru our beloved papa, was that
of the Masters Kuthumi and Morya. Of whom I’m sure you have seen many pictures of,
and the thing came about in more or less the following manner.
Usually it would begin as a family group in the evening, many, many evening we
would sit around the living room, we lived mostly in apartments in those days. Maybe
mama or papa would read aloud to us, or we would sit there and converse on many,
many things. Subjects pertaining to the Divine Law in the search for the truth as we
then knew it, were always upper most in mama’s and papa’s mind.
Sometimes papa would become very, very still. And then say something like this,
I feel that Kuthumi is coming, he would be very still then close his eyes, something of a
heave shutter would run thru his body; and presently the Master would begin to speak
thru him. The instruction at this time was more of personal nature than it was, strictly
the explanation of the law. We were told how to handle certain problems within the
family, more specific of how we should conduct ourselves. As time went along, these
which really later became the dictations, they stared out more as intimate
conversations. There would be other Masters beside Kuthumi and Morya. There was a
Chinese Master by the name of Chan, and then one day oh, I suspect, maybe a year or
two years, after my earliest recollections, Saint Germain first spoke to us thru papa.
This would put in between 1924 and 1926, some time. At that time we were living in
an apartment here on Loyola Ave, near the Lake. Subsequently we lived in four or five
apartments in different locations, one or another of the Masters would come and speak
thru papa.
As you can well imagine my memory is not as clear as I would like it to be;
because of the age of six or seven, is a long way past in my history, we don’t like to
admit this but its none the less true. There was one particular incident in this sequence
of events that was particularly impressed on my mind.
At one time my mothers’ sister and her son were invited in to listen to one of these
intimate series of instruction by the Great Ones, and they expressed doubt in this belief
to the point of being downright rude about it. Papa said, well that is enough of that. He
did not use the exact words but the same and substance of it, these pearls shall not be
cast before, you know what and they truly were pearls of wisdom, they were really
what formed the basis of conduct that I learned at the earliest age that I can remember.
Then I believe it was sometime in late 1928 or early 29, Papa left for California
on some business enterprises, and then the story as is enfolded in the books, began to
take place. So the manifestation of the Great Higher Beings, speaking thru papa,
antedated several years the publication of the books as you know them today. As far as
I know this story has not been generally known, and I don’t believe it has ever been
told from the platform.
We will go from that now to another story that has been always one of the things
that remain with me, live with me all my life. I always enjoyed papa retelling this story
and I heard this story from his own lips, not once but dozens upon dozens of times.
When papa was about 25 years of age, (which would make it around 1903), his uncle
had a silver mine in Arizona, about 20 miles S.E. of Tucson, there is a town which still
exists, by the name of Vale, Some 15 miles out of Vale was his uncle’s mine, which
was known as the Blue Jay. If any of you are ever traveling around that part of the
country, and ever get track of this or any information pertaining to it, I’d like very much
if you would pass it on to me.
Here two outstanding incidents took place at this mine, where the Higher (or
greater) power than man in the universe manifested thru papa. Papa’s uncle sent him to
take charge of the mine because the man who was employed at that time as the
superintendent, of the mine, was something less than reliable. Papa was sent to find out
what was going on and try to straighten the situation out. Now to put this thing in
proper sequence, I want to interject something right here, that in 1935 papa and Grant
Lewis and myself drove down to Tucson and to Vale then across the desert road to the
mine and I actually walked into the mine tunnels, and the building in which the
experience which I am about to relate took place. It was a typical mining shack and the
floods all over the years had reduced the thing to a few boards and washed it
considerably down the arroyo, and papa identified it positively as the building in
which the experiences took place. This superintendent and papa and the men who
worked in the mine, ate their meals. In this shack was a dining table which was made
of rough planks. It was there 2 x 12 planks laid side by side with 2 x 4 legs, and you
can gather, the thing was rather heavy.
One evening after dinner he got into some kind of an argument with this
superintendent over the reality of the higher law. This guy was a very doubting and
somewhat offensive individual. As the evening wore along papa just had enough of
this. So he says, all right if you doubt that there is an invisible power, we will see. So
papa placed his hands, papa was sitting at one end of this table and this man was
sitting at the other end, and papa placed his hand on the table with only his finger tips
on top of the table. And he was standing more or less like I am standing now, his
fingertips resting on the table. And called to as he then knew it as God. To prove to this
man that there was a power in this world bigger than that of a human being, and with
that this table started moving forward towards this superintendent. Well, in one leg of
the table was a nail for at one time the table was nailed to the floor. The table would
lift up and move forward a few inches, and this nail would catch on the floor and lift
up again. Finally it backed the superintendent up against the wall, and started butting
him in the stomach, about that time the superintendent had enough. Also about this time
papa himself was more than a little bit scared, because he didn’t truly know what he
had gotten hold of so he called to God to make this thing stop, which it did, and the
table came to rest on the floor, and that was the end of the incident. From that time on I
imagine that man thought twice before assuming there was no power in this universe
greater than that of a human being.
During this same period that papa was at this mine, there was another truly
miraculous incident. Papa never was greatly mechanically inclined, but in this mine
they had an engine which was as near as I could deduce from the way papa described
it, it was one of these very early one cylinder gasoline engines, we generally refer to
as a donkey engine. This operated a hoist that brought the cage up out of the shaft to
bring the miners up from the lower levels. This one day the superintendent had gone to
town and the custom was when the men were working in the mine and were ready to
fire the shots at the end of the day, thereby getting the dynamite fumes, overnight to
clear out of the tunnels, they would signal with a bell arrangement and this was done
after the fuses were lit, so the superintendent didn’t show up and he didn’t show up,
and papa didn’t know the first thing about running this engine. So finally the men down
in the shaft gave the signal to be hoisted out of the mine, and this meant that the fuses to
the dynamite had been lit, and it was one of these things it had to be now or never, and
papa didn’t know what to do and he just made one tremendous call to God as he then
know it, without really knowing what he was doing, his hands reached out and pulled
the right levers that got this engine started and hoisted the men out of the mine, and the
men never knew how close they came to leaving this world in a rather unceremonious
manner. So this was some of papa’s earliest experience with a higher power that
showed even as a young man what great attunement he had.
Within a few years of this same time, and my recollection is that it was a few
years after these episodes at the mine in Arizona, papa was again selected by his uncle
and some of the other members of the family, to go to London to press the claim of his
family, to an estate in England.
This estate still exists, it is on the Avon River near Stratford-on-Avon where
Shakespeare was born, and the name of the place is Stone Leigh Abby. Leigh was his
mother’s maiden name. It seems that there have been litigations over this estate going
on for many years because the American branch of the family, had a claim to the estate.
But the wills to support the claim had mysteriously disappeared and have never been
found. The English branch of the family had simply moved in, and usurped the estate.
This is one of those situations where they played a little rough, so as to keep certain
persons quiet. During the building of a bridge across the Avon River, two of the
workmen who knew some of the history of the estate, were crushed to death on purpose
underneath a large stone that was being lifted into place, during the construction of the
bridge, and several other joyful instances that had taken place. So the American heirs
selected papa to go to try to track down these wills, among the instructions that he was
given, was to be very careful about what they eat and drank. Above all to never eat any
food that was left in his hotel room. Well, papa had been searching for several weeks
for these wills and he came back to his hotel room in London one night, very tired and
was about to get ready for bed, without thinking he ate an orange and an apple that had
been left in his room. He said the next thing he remembered was waking up in bed the
next morning completely paralyzed, and only barely able to move his head from side to
side. Well, he made his call again to God, in a way that he had been trained, and over a
period of about an hour, he finally started to be able to move the fingers on one hand,
and gradually the whole use of his body returned, and a very few hours later he was
back in normal condition. According to the story the uneaten portion of the fruit
contained enough poison to kill two or three ordinary men. So with that, he kept on
with his search for the missing wills.
The name of that building is Summerset House, and you may imagine the way I
felt when walking down the streets of London one day during World War II, I was
looking at what was obviously a large government building. I looked up at this bronze
plaque and here it said Summerset House. Well, this brought back tremendous
memories of the whole thing. To get back to Summerset House, papa went in there to
try to find the missing wills, As you well image, being the repository of all the wills in
England, this was quite a voluminous and extensive set of records. In order to find a
will one would look in the index and then take a copy of the number down on a piece
of paper and give it to the clerk, and the clerk would send down to the vaults in the
basement of the building, and have this will brought up. So papa searched for a couple
of days unsuccessfully and the index to the will were in large volumes stacked on
shelves much like a library. He was searching in this one portion and the Presence or
God as he knew it then, all of a sudden guided his hand up to this shelf back of the one
he was looking in and he grabbed this book and then grabbed another book, and laid
the two books down on a table and opened them and there completely out of where
they should have been, and under normal circumstances no one would have found them
in a thousand years. Here was the index of the missing wills. He copied the numbers
down and gave them to the clerk, who send down to the vaults for the wills. And he
said the clerk turned as white as a sheet of letter paper, when he handed him those
figures, because the index to the wills had been purposely and obviously hidden. It was
thru the sheer power of the Presence of God alone that papa was able to find them. He
brought the evidence back to this country and turned it over to the American heirs to
take what action they care to, and beyond that is as far as I know the story, because
papa after the skullduggery, people having lost their lives, simply didn’t want anything
to do with a situation in which that much destructive activities had been focused. But
the American heirs did get the evidence that they required to prove their claims to
Stone Leigh Abby.
Grown up people do things, enter activities while asleep, that they express, but
would not do here in the physical realm.
It is better not to try to draw forth all of the past karma right in the beginning. First
get a better understanding of these things so you know what you are doing.
People come to know of this Teaching, they still want to do it their own way. Do a
few decrees etc., and all the outer things they want to do, and think that they will make
the Ascension. But it takes more than that. It would be good if it was that way which
would give the Masters more freedom to go on with greater work.
Thru the past century there has been the (old) occult law which has not permitted
the truth to be given, only hints in a hidden way. It has not freed mankind and the world.
This was set aside which permitted Saint Germain to prepare Mr. Ballard to be his
spokesman in the outer, and present this Teaching to bring in the new age. Some
organizations claiming to be the new Teaching for the incoming age, but it is only
putting the occult law in a different perspective, hence have perverted it.
Bryant was responsible for the sinking of Los Angeles on Atlantis, he was serving
the dark forces then and also now. He was unable to force himself onto the Ballard
staff and hence wrote all those false accusations about them. The two women on the
staff who turned against the Light, teamed up with Bryant and Mrs. Meyer who were
serving the dark forces.
The pattern or form may seem formless when approaching or entering the next
realm of consciousness until one is able to function and manipulate in that higher
This is not a religion, it is reality.
This work is not a welfare proposition. Some think it is or should be just to help
them. However, its purpose is to give opportunity or train individuals to become useful
to the Masters in promoting the Cause of Freedom.
To distribute these books of Ascended Master Teaching, does not mean to the
masses, those people are not ready; it means to those who are ready for this Teaching,
each one tell one other person. Even most psychics are not ready. If enough people
made application, did the decrees, many could be awakened, that has to come from
within, and then they will be drawn, guided to these books.
It shows how much more important it is to make application than get people to get
the books when they are not yet ready. Many psychics are not enough ready, so they try
to fit this into what they are aware of, instead of the reverse; and so spread their mixed
up things to others.
Call to the Presence as to where the books should go.
Energy and substance act under law, but do not discriminate; but always act under
Are all electrons the same? The same proton and neutron which is Divine Love.
Divine Love is not just love, it is love, wisdom and power in balanced action, when
not it is not Divine Love.
Of the fire element, Divine Love is the highest activity, because it is Love,
Wisdom and Power, the Three-fold action.
Science and the astral-psychic realm or substance are the action of action and re-
action of the humanly qualified energy.
Science is but theorized action.
Psychic-astral realm is not necessarily all bad from the human standpoint, yet it is
less than perfect.
In 1951-52 when the Masters got the 20-year Dispensation. They endeavored to
build a bridge between Their Realm and the world of form. In order to serve with the
Great White Brotherhood in current crisis it required to do more than just present law.
Therefore unascended beings needed to cooperate with the Great Ones so They had the
opportunity to at least point the way by which mankind could cooperate with the
Brotherhood in emergencies. That was the reason for Morya to endeavor to secure that
Dispensation to reach the minds of students.
Days to Recognize:
Aug. 15, Mother Mary ascension Day
Sept. 17, Constitution Day,
Sept. 29, Archangel’s Michael’s Day,
Sept. 30, Angelic Harvest at Shamballa
Oct, 3, Commemoration on the first dictations on the Word I AM in Vol. 3
Oct. 12, Columbus Day;
Oct. 19, America’s Freedom won at Yorktown;
Oct. 31, Elementals Harvest at Shamballa; Halloween;
Nov. 1, All Saints Day;
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day
Nov. 11 Veterans Day.
Nov 25, Thanksgiving Day, beginning of the Seven Sacred Weeks.
Nov. 30, Masters’ and mankind’s harvest at Shamballa
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec, or so, the Karmic Board convenes over the Teton Retreat.
Dec. 31, In the last 24 hours of the year is when every lifestream who has had
even partial embodiment on the earth is then taken in the etheric body and passed thru
the Violet Flame Cauldron.
Aug. 15 – Sept 14, Transylvania;
Sept. 15 – Oct. 14, Temple of Truth;
Oct. 15 – Nov. 14, Maha Chohan Retreat
Nov. 15 – Dec. 14, Shamballa.
Dec. 15 – Jan. 14, 1994, Teton Retreat.
Classes: Autumn Class: Sept. 29 thru Oct. 3. Teton Class, Dec. 26 thru Jan. 2,
V.15 N.2, 39 A.F. (1993)
Just an interesting little side line here. Papa’s name of Guy came from Guy Earl of
Warwick (County) whose estate was in or near the vicinity of Stone Leigh Abby. Guy
Earl of Warwick, I believe there had been many Earls of Warwick, who played quite
an important role in English history. It was after the Earls of Warwick that our beloved
papa was named.
The last incident that I’m going to tell you about concerns another experience
papa had in his great search for the truth. They then surely led to the revelations that
have since become the “I AM” Activity.
There are two precipitated paintings, and here again I’m quoting the story from
papa’s own lips. As I heard it not once but many, many times when I was a child.
There are two precipitated paintings which exist now in 1620 (South 84th St.)
they are there now. Many of you who have been around mama’s house have seen,
although you may not even have really known what you were looking at. And there is
quite a fantastic history behind these paintings too. One is a painting of mama, 12 years
before papa ever met her. The other one is a painting of his sister who, if my
recollection serves me right passed away before papa was born. The way these
paintings came about is another interesting thing. It’s particularly interesting, because
in this day and age more and more things are being published concerning the invisible
side of life of the reality of those things we cannot see and cannot by outer means be
explained. But along about the same time, let’s take a bracket of years between when
papa was 20 maybe and 32 let’s say this incident occurred. In Kansas City there were
two sisters, they were named the Bang sisters and they had been given the Divine
power, for lack of a better word I will use that, to create these precipitated paintings.
So papa had seen this person in visions and dreams whom he knew only as water lily,
and of his sister he had never known.
The way papa described it; they took what appeared to be ordinary artist canvas.
These paintings are, I judge them to be oh, about 24x30 in., somewhere like that. They
are roughly life size of the head from the shoulders up. They take this artist canvas and
put it in the window of the living room of this house. The canvas was surrounded by
drapes in such a manner as to exclude all light from the room except that which came
thru the canvas itself. As Papa described it, the two sisters would sit, one on each side
of this canvas holding it lightly by the lower corner by the thumb and the forefinger.
They was asked to concentrate on the picture he wanted. The picture appeared to form,
some 3ft. back of the canvas, and then slowly more forward and actually affixed itself
to the canvas. And it was in this way that these two pictures came to be. This is the
story as I got it directly from papa’s own lips. I pass this on to you.
This is the final anecdote. I’m going to pass this onto you because I think because
of the great reverence, we have for the beloved papa, these things should not be
allowed to fade into a distant time; they should be preserved for posterity as part of the
background of our beloved papa. So with that thought, I leave you.
The masses are really not ready for this Teaching.
In January 1939, Saint Germain said, that seven years previously at his direction
Mr. & Mrs. Ballard started to give forth this work to seven persons’ and by 1939 the
attention of over the two million people had been drawn to the understanding of the I
AM Presence. There was no advertising in any manner whatsoever. There was no
organization. It came about thru the decrees issued in the groups of students. By
sending forth that vibratory action thru the feeling and mental world of the people,
touching, attuning and lifting their consciousness by expanding the Light within their
own physical bodies. This prepared them for their contact with this Teaching-this
work. When it was brought to their attention on the physical plane thru the books, thus
they could accept it; and then came the application, by which they can achieve their
own Freedom.
That shows how much more important application is than to just get the books to
the masses, who are not ready for this. But thru application by enough students, the
masses could be awakened to where they too could and would make application.
From Letter to a Student
Many, many centuries your sweet lifestream has been under my personal
supervision and guardianship, for it is my obligation to life and my joyous
responsibility to guard, direct and instruct the Beings of Nature, the Elemental
Kingdoms and their Individual Intelligences in the performance of those duties by
which life, manifestation and substance is provided for the mankind evolving upon the
planet earth today.
Therefore, long before you achieved the experience of incarnation in the human
kingdom, you worked with me in the world of elemental life, which is a beautiful
kingdom where Service is the predominant motivating principle behind all activity.
To me, came Ariel with the petition that you be allowed the opportunity to attain
human consciousness, and I acquiesced, although often I have felt you would have
known more personal happiness evolving along your own original line of evolution.
However, service-sacrifice-loyalty and love to a Cause do bring great reward.
I AM very thankful for your loving letter. Do you know that of the 300 I received,
yours alone asks for blessing and protection for the channel? Without the channel and
the bridge none of us could find ourselves expressed in the world of form, or the outer
consciousness of the lovely ones who desire to serve us but know not how. I thank you
for this, and I love you for your asking of protection and sustenance of this frail bridge.
Blessed Heart – not idly have you received this name, your Beloved has achieved
immortality through selfless service. You too, through service have received the
blessing of Lord Michael and myself. All the angles which are representative of “sharp
feelings” and sharp thoughts, shall be transmuted into the curves of God’s loving
symmetry, and I shall-through you – show what the elemental kingdom can contribute
consciously to the God design. Lovingly, I AM, MAHA CHOHAN (11-23-52)
Christ Self
Jesus said you have been taught that your Higher Mental Body is the Christ. In my
physical body, I was Jesus the physical being. My Higher Mental Body was the Christ
which I hoped to reach; and when placed in the tomb, I did become enfolded in Its
majesty, Its Presence and Its Power. When I came forth, I was my H.M.B. in action. On
the day of my Ascension, I became the Ascended Jesus Christ having entered into my I
AM Presence, with all authority and power over all substance and energy upon this
planet. So does every other Ascended Master become the Ascended Master(Nov.
From Letter to a Student
It is fitting that I should be the One to offer the Blessings of the Brotherhood upon
the strong spiritual light of your heart on the anniversary of your birthdate! As I stood
by the side of your Mother, when first you were delivered into this world, and breathed
the first breath into your lungs, I really was the first one to say “Welcome—child—to
the sweet earth, with its laughter and its tears, and may you so live that you may leave
in laughter and in full freedom.”
And my Association with you goes back far beyond this earth life, for Mine is the
Office of Lord of the Temples of Nature, before whom all elemental spirits are called
and vested with the particular service they are to render on the earth. I watch their
evolution, counsel them on their activities, and graduate them to greater responsibility
through the centuries. When an application is made by a human being to raise an
elemental into the human kingdom (which I never consider a kindness) it is upon my
shoulders that the responsibility for such acquiescence lies. It amazes me still that man
should think it such an honor to “enter this kingdom” for it is the least pleasant of all
that evolve upon the spiral of life! However, such petitions do come – motivated by
Love and the desire to give greater opportunity to one who has served long and
faithfully. Once the little one enters the new evolution, THERE IS NO GOING BACK.
This I must make clear, and often – with a small, wide eyed elf or gnome upon my knee
– I try hopelessly to convey the consciousness of the new world into which he eagerly
desires to enter. Knowing nothing but happy, harmonious, joyous service, the little one
nods knowingly and is wholly unconscious of my concern. Sighing, then, I make the
necessary preparations and the happy one becomes a human being!
Never do I lose track of such a transformed nature spirit because I know the Path
ahead… And always My Mantel of Comfort lies upon his little shoulders…Do you feel
Fun Wey is in the Heart of the Sun, taking an initiation based on the dispensation
received at his request, and bids me give to you His Love on this anniversary date.
Blessings and Love, MAHA CHOHAN (February 8, 1953)
Another Letter
A Master may apply to the Maha Chohan for permission to accept an elemental
being whose nature is potentially charged with the capacity to increase in spiritual
worth, to accept an elemental into His Aura and release it from the small sphere in
which it was permanently destined to dwell. Then the elementals become part of the
Court and Train of the Master, absorbing His Light, Love, Wisdom and Intelligence
and, in turn, serving the Master in many ways as messenger, etc.
Thus, did the Great Ariel accept your love and for over 900 years did you
accompany Him in his forward progress toward spiritual freedom. When He passed
through the final portals of initiation and became an Ascended Being His first
Invocation was for the Father of Light to raise you and your twin flame into the
evolutionary sphere of mankind. His request was granted and, in a beautiful ceremony
were you raised from your knees and endowed with the spiritual spark of immortality,
whereby you can ascend into the perfection of the Arisen Host from the human kingdom
at the culmination of this earth life.
Now, again, your alert spirit stands at the threshold of a new opportunity to rise
again into the Superior Evolutionary Sphere of the Angelic Hosts and, under the great
Spiritual Directions of Lord Michael and his Beloved further the cause for good from
This Consciousness after your ascension. Thus, you have availed yourself of the
opportunity of becoming one of the mankind of earth and in your service to the Great
Life Stream working through Frances Ekey you again repeat the upward rushing of your
spirit into the Cosmic Activity of the Angels. Blessings your constant heart receives!
Yours, Saint Germain (9/16/53)
Another Letter
Often I have spoken to the hearts of the Elementals, but I find writing my Love a
novel experience.
Under the Beloved Maha Sahib, I have been privileged to serve in the Great
Temples of Nature and to draw close to the sweet Intelligences who have volunteered
to create and mold the very substance of life into the beauty of the landscape as well as
the nourishment by which man’s physical bodies are enabled to sustain themselves.
The ability of the elementals to “mirror” a picture given them enables them to
serve in externalizing the glorious manifestations which are created for the enjoyment
and the sustenance of mankind.
In these Temples, a Great Builder of Form gather around Him a number of these
little Intelligent Beings. He then externalizes a picture of a flower, a piece of fruit, a
shrub, a grain of wheat, a tree. (According to the type of elemental in His Class). He
uses the Universal Light Substance as his “blackboard” as well as the body of his
thought form. Then the little ones immediately take on the very form that He has
projected. While he holds the form, it is comparatively simple for them to sustain their
own little replicas. When He dissolves His form, their disappears too. By degrees, He
gets them to hold the form after His design is dissolved. Finally they come to a point of
evolution where they can embody a thought form and go outside the temple and sustain
it for a length of time. When they are enabled to hold the form for the length of time that
represents a “season of manifestation” on the earth, The are given over to one of the
Nature Spirits who are overshadowing a garden, a lake, a plain or a hillside, and they
go into the world of form and endeavor to create and sustain a blade of grass, a flower,
a blossom. Thus, their creative, visualizing and sustaining powers grow, and the nature
kingdom evolves into Greater Responsibility. From such small beginnings, potential
Elohim are developed, Who will be enabled to receive the pattern for an entire planet
from the Cosmic Builder – sustain It for an aeon of time-and provide a habitable globe
for an entire evolution!
Because of the nature of the Kingdom to “mirror” what is seen, those who have
come “up through” this evolution must be ever on Guard to hold the Divine Pattern in
the thought-accept It deeply in the feeling, and not allow the “tendency’ of the
evolutionary type to limit the beauty and perfection that “upward Gazing at the Pattern
Sweet” will externalize for themselves and those they love!
Yours in Love and service to Life!
Kuthumi(September 1, 1953)
From more Correspondence – Greetings! As the life essence of nature is set into
motion by our Beloved Maha Sahib, each flower, each bush, each tree receiving the
impetus by which it may fulfill in glory, those of you who belong to the Nature
Kingdoms are particularly blessed because you can avail yourselves of those
resurrecting currents much more easily than the lifestreams who are naturally of the
human evolution.
How many countless spring times have you, and those of the Elemental Kingdoms,
gathered in the Cosmic Nature Temples and heard the Exquisite Melodies by which
each initial impulse of life was released to a particular species of flower, tree, or
shrub, or garden product… As each lovely Melody surged forth, those elementals who
were to serve in manifesting the perfection of that particular type of nature’s
“springtime garments” entered into the Music and Color of the Ray, and like children
sliding down a play slide, they “rode” the Ray into the lower atmosphere of earth,
laughing and rejoicing in the colors that played through their tiny bodies, and dancing
to the rhythm of the keynote which was theirs as well.
As spring comes again, tie in your consciousness to these memories and accept
the upward surge of consciousness and feeling and thought which you have known
rhythmically through so many centuries! BLESSINGS M (April 30, 1953)
Correspondence continues – Blessed Child of Nature: WELCOME to the
ASHRAMA! It is beautiful to witness the strength within your lifestream and your
natural acceptance of Truth…which is so easy for the Angelic and Elemental
Kingdoms to grasp when within the light bodies of their own evolution, but more
difficult when functioning through the comparatively heavy sheathes of atomic
consciousness which has been earned by the race as the “natural!” habitation of the
Within the sun is the natural life giving substance which the body elemental
absorbs, and directs not only into the physical body but into the inner vehicles as well.
Take advantage of the opportunity to open your bodies to the natural elements now, that
there may be built that reserve upon which you may draw at will in the future, through
your self chosen service to life…
For your service to us through many centuries, We are grateful, little Child of
Happiness and as We draw closer to you through you acceptance of our reality… you
shall know our gratitude in a far more tangible manner than has been yet expressed.
V.15 N.3, 39 A.F. (1993)
All Life operates under a great Law-Cosmic Law under which the Earth and
universe function. This Law has ways and means of bringing about these changes (as
they are required). In the stepping up actions or the intensifying activities a balance
must always be maintained.
This intensification is now taking place and is produced by the release of Cosmic
Light which has come to Earth for more than twenty years. It has been observed as sun
spots at times. At first it was released only at certain irregular intervals. These
intervals were gradually shortened and the waves of Cosmic Light were constantly
intensified. The intervals then became regular on a weekly basis and finally to a daily
Going back to the phrase ‘As ye sow so shall ye reap” – the qualities or actions
as sent out by an individual return to the sender whether good or bad. Such as love,
hate criticism, condemnation, irritation and so forth, all have their reactions.
Formerly they were much longer in returning, as a rule, but with the increase of
this Cosmic Light the reaction has been considerably shortened. It has been noted that
sometimes it is only a matter of hours or even minutes.(ADK Luk 11-20-58)
As it seemed to Mary at the time they were at the foot of the cross, now looking at
mankind and the outer world conditions, it seems so little has been accomplished thru
St. Germain’s and all the other Great Beings’ endeavor these past 30 years or so; there
being so little real response for or towards the Light. However, (although) the Earth
has been sustained thus far, many great and wonderful things have taken place and great
things have been accomplished at inner levels; several hundreds of students have
attained the Ascension, also many thousands of service men (of the armed forces) and
others have attained the Ascension because of the work done and service rendered by
the student body.
The Cosmic Cycle allowed for mankind’s waywardness ended in 1926, and the
accumulated destructive forces would have annihilated the Earth in cataclysmic action
then. But, because of Saint Germain’s work and planned endeavor at inner levels, a
dispensation was secured by the Goddess of Liberty (the statue of Whom stands in NY
harbor), then Spokesman of the Karmic Board, thereby permitting the holding back-in
abeyance enough of the destructive forces so as to give Saint Germain an opportunity
to try out His Endeavor.
(ADK Luk)
Our Lord Maha Chohan has expressed extreme gratitude for the establishment of
the spiritual forcefields in, through, and around your sanctuaries and homes through
your group endeavors. I express to you My extreme gratitude that you have had enough
love to draw around you lifestreams who are willing to give of their energies in an
impersonal Cause, to forward the evolution of the planet and its peoples. This is no
small accomplishment when you see the inner atmosphere in which the souls of men
move, and the pressures and drives of energy which are not conductive to spiritual
development. You are stronger than you know! You are more loved than you yet
realize! You are held ALWAYS in the Presence of some Member of Our Kingdom and
At this season when the coming of the Master Jesus is recognized, I would like to
express to you personally, My extreme gratitude for accepting the Robes of Freedom,
for sharing My Vision, for firing the energies of the students with sustained enthusiasm
in service, and for your acceptance of Our Reality, Our Counsel, and Our Presence
Your Friend of the Ages
When a humanity is drawn forth from the heart of God and planets prepared for
their successive habitation, two other groups of being accompany them on the
Pilgrimage, making again the Holy Trinity, moving upward together on the spiral of
life. The Superior and Guardian Spirits of the child-like race are under the direction of
the Seven Archangels and represent countless legions of the Angelic Hosts. The
elemental spirits are those who voluntarily choose to serve mankind and, through
nature, abundantly supply them with the very substance of life, purifying the
atmosphere in which they move, etc. These little beings are for the most part, under the
direction of the Maha Chohan, Virgo, Aries, Neptune and, of course, Helios, Himself.
The elemental spirits work with the Builders of Form and the Nature Devas and
are usually assigned to a permanent location and engage themselves in drawing forth
beauty and abundance, and in purifying the water, air and atmosphere for the humanity
who come within the periphery of their little Kingdom.
It is important to get the four lower bodies which are out of harmony with this
rhythmic pulsation of the God Presence, back into cooperative working order. Thru the
four lower bodies the Keynote of the lifestream is distorted and send out discordant
sounds into the elements of earth, water, air and fire. This causes unrest and unbalance
in the outer self; and chaos in the Elemental Kingdom.
It is essential to harmonize the four lower bodies with each other and with their
own elements. Then they can line up with the higher bodies, and when this is done one
becomes master, and can have instantaneous manifestation.
We can daily utilize moments in between our work by using powerful Statements,
which would bring speedy results. Anytime during the day when one’s mind is not
otherwise occupied instead of letting it wander, just silently say: “Mighty I AM
Presence, expand the Light within every cell of my bodies.”
Days to Recognize:
April 3, Easter Sunday;
May 1, Saint Germain’s Coronation & Ascension Day. New Year’s Day (A.F.)
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Day, Mother’s Day.
May 12, Jesus Ascension Day
May 22, Whitsuntide
May 25, Wesak Festival.
June 14, Flag Day.
March 15, Resurrection Flame.
April 15, Ascension Temple.
May 15 Focus of Wisdom
June 15, Teton Retreat.
June Class: June 28, 29, 30, July 1-4.
V.15 N.4, 40 A.F. (1994)
When one firmly and sincerely gives attention to his I AM Presence, his
Ascension begins. As one’s attention goes from the heart and brain activity to the I AM
Presence and is held there, the Ray of Light and energy intensifies and expands. This
will cause the point of Light within every cell of the physical body to respond and
expand also. When the attention has been held there long enough the process begins of
throwing off and transmuting the dense qualities around the points of Light.
As one applies the Law, the expansion of these points dissolve the density with
which the points of Light have been clothed by discord in the feelings. Because of
discord registering in the feelings, is the reason we are in this density today.*
When the attention has been held on the Presence earnestly enough and long
enough, and the density is dissolved enough, the earth will lose its attraction for the
body. As the attention continues to the Presence, the body rises. Every vestige of age
leaves the form, the hair return to its natural color, and the clothing is dissolved and /
or changes into garments of the higher Realms, as one rises and enters the radiance of
the Christ Self. Then the complete transformation from the human into the Divine takes
place and the finer part of the physical body is absorbed into Christ Self. Then
disappearing from earth in that Ray one ascends into the Electronic Body of the I AM
Presence. Thus the individual becomes an Ascended Being, forever free to move
anywhere in the universe. This body of Light is eternal and never changes.
The Ascended One can at will make His Body visible or invisible in the human
realm by lowering or raising the vibratory rate. This is a phase of the Law of Life
which has not been understood.
The Ascended Master and a disembodied individual are as far apart as Light and
darkness. The disembodied has to return into a baby body and try again to attain his
Victory, the Ascension. When one has made the Ascension he does not re-embody.
When one makes the Ascension he does not instantly have all the power Cosmic
Beings wield. He gains them thru practice and use. (Oct. 41’ p.23) It is similar as here,
the more we can gain while here, in the application of the Law the more power we
will have when we do ascend.
SEVEN A’s: Attention, Acceptance, Acknowledgement (Assimilation),
Application, Adoration, Attainment, Ascension. (Mar. – Apr. ‘1945 p. 11) (Voice)
Every man and every woman rises to the heights of his or her own developed
manifestation according to the amount of real Cosmic Love that is in him. The
motivating power behind every bodhisattva, every world teacher, every master, has
been not individual development but Love for Life. That great impersonal Love for the
Source first which created the planetary system and the universes, and then Love and
desire to assist that Source and externalize it. Love where it sees any portion of life
imprisoned, Love enough, compassion enough to tie to that core of life and draw forth
that Divine pattern and plan until Freedom is.
Ah—how long your Spirit has walked the earth, since those gentle days when the
Mantel of Mu stretched across the wide expanse of the present Pacific Ocean, and the
children of Mu lived happily in the Spiritual Aura of The Great Himalaya-precipitating
the food and clothing required to sustain life in dignity… and allow the spirit full
freedom to unfold the petals of the Sacred Lotus Flower of attainment!
You have looked so long upon the records that now form the Books of Akasha that
it is now difficult for you to remember Truth! Few individuals care to look upon the
Face of Truth, and in all Her Contacts with the unascended mankind of earth, She
comes “veiled” in the White Mist of the maya spun out of the consciousness of the
race…. Hasten the Day when man loves truth more than the robes of his own pride and
false dignity which would be stripped from his body by Her Unveiled Presence!
May I thank you personally for your great service to this endeavor! As you
walked, the Goddess of Truth emphasized the Presence of Truth within this Activity
into which I have woven my life essence for these past years, preparing for This Day.
Truth and Comfort are truly complements, for no one is truly comfortable unless they
know Truth. And I, who must bring Comfort to life, am assisted by the ever increasing
Pressure of Cosmic Truth through the Presence of My Beloved, Pallas Athene
MAHA CHOHAN (Feb. 8, 1953)
Many who come into this understanding and also religious or certain impulses
were/is from the Presence or God they say God spoke thru them or the Presence took
command when it really is not. But is really only the activation of the ideas, thoughts,
feelings-substance and records, qualities and activities of what is accumulated in this
lower or human realm (plane or sphere); and thought-forms, thoughts, feelings and
records in the individual’s worlds and in the atmosphere.
If you take a pale of muddy water and you pour clean water into, making it
overflow then the water coming out is it clean like what went in? Now we will have
the clean water represent the pure energy from the Presence or God which stimulated
or caused action, but what came out was not the same quality-purity-as what went in.
So can we rightly say it is the Presence or God speaking thru us? (Jesus & Mary –
A.D.K. Luk)
Many mistakes are made because human beings do not and are not able to
distinguish between human impulses and between when they still human impulses and
their call to the Presence. (Mar 38p. 37 Voice)
The forms of Angels and Elementals are built of light substance which is self-
luminous. The realms in which they dwell are also all light substance. Their forms
closely resemble the human form, our physical bodies. That is there is of a similar
model. Angels and some Elementals) in their natural state are ethereal beings and very
beautiful. They express a vividness of consciousness, dynamic energetic life and
beauty beyond human beings.
Through their bodies and around them there is continuous play of light rays, and
energy being directed by them. The auras around them are glowing light, radiating out.
There are certain power centers and cortices of light in their bodies-and certain lines
of energy flowing through them. Their radiation produces certain definite patterns, such
as wings, flowers, crown etc. These are in various hues of ever-changing colors,
subdued and brilliant. The radiation appearing as wings is not used to motivate. They
simply move or float through the air, either swiftly or slowly in a graceful manner
without the need of wings, as birds use. They do not wear garments as we do but the
radiation from them often appears as garments.
Since their bodies are all light and a constant radiation is going forth, this
naturally produces a constant change of colors about them. When they change their
consciousness the shape and color of their auras change. When They pour out love the
color is pink or deep pink flowering toward the objective. Though activity produces a
yellow light and radiation from their head upward. It may form a halo or a crown of
shining light with a number of jewels in it. Each of these represents an idea.
Thought and feeling in them is objective instead of subjective as in human beings.
They clearly see thought and feeling forms, aspirations, and ideas as we see physical
forms. They do not speak as we do, but communicate through thought and feeling which
are form and color instead of sound. This is done through flashes of light. Their
communications are a natural activity and without conscious effort of particular color
or form.
Their consciousness is a sense of oneness of all Life, they know only unity and
truth. They have no feeling of separateness of falsity. They maintain a complete
spiritual sense of consciousness which has a depth far beyond human beings. Their
every activity is with a purpose. They have no concept of untruth, purposelessness or
anything that does not express divinity. They are constantly aware of oneness and
divinity. This state of consciousness they never lose. Thus their every thought, feeling
and deed is inspired and illumined.
They have a universal consciousness, and keep completed concentrated upon their
work. They have no personal attachments and do not experience such things as human
beings do, such as personal love which is an emotion. They are of a universal mind
and a oneness in feeling from the heart. Their activity is impersonal.
To have the presence of the Angels one should cultivate that peaceful feeling in
himself. This prepares one to become a co-worker with the Angelic Kingdom and thus
greatly assist in their outpouring of Love and Light to the people of earth. (Bul V3 p.
It takes a strong man and a strong woman to give complete forgiveness to any part
of life which has injured it. It is the weak nature that nurtures grievances but it is the
strong that, in deep sincere feelings can melt away from their own feelings a sense of
injustice or wrong and can then, in intense love and devotion direct that flame of
compassion into that generative center which has inflicted that wrong. It is through the
strong and merciful that I shall endeavor to balance the debts to life and light in these
days and years that are yet ahead.
(Kwan Yin 8/11/53)
The joy of observing the lifestream with the Liberated Senses of the Ascended
Master Consciousness cannot be over-emphasized. It was with the desire of sharing
this joy that I secured, some years ago, permission from Our Lord Maha Sahib, to
release to your outer consciousness those melodies which incorporated the Cosmic
Melody that your Presence sings in the Realms of Light, and which it endeavors to
release through the silver cord of Electronic Light Substance which animates your
physical body.
When the outer personality has come into One Accord with that Melody the
harmony of the Spheres is radiated through the aura and such one is truly a Peace
Commanding Presence.
So long the outer personality has, through the use of energy, created a dis-chord
that the Song of the Presence seldom reaches though the atomic substance to bless the
world in which the individual functions, or the mental and emotional realms which
form the habitat of his inner bodies.
We who have enjoyed the glorious Harmonies of Your Presence, and who can
hear clearly the melody of its heartbeat, know that you shall yet become. When you are
made aware of the song of your Presence, you can utilize the music in which that song
is sung, and it has a tremendous effect in harmonizing your bodies, and bringing them
into divine order, putting your consciousness into receptive attunement with your own
The clashing cymbals and drums that make up the emanations from the auras of
mankind play so loudly in your ears that few become still enough to touch the fringe of
the melody of the God-self… Blessings and Love and STRENGTH OF GOD BE
THINE. (SERAPIS BEY Feb. 9, 1953) Luxor
Class is the activity is to provide the most beautiful and harmonious forcefield of
qualified energy contributed by human beings which acts as a “battery” and
“conductor” to carry the blessings, radiation and illumination of the illustrious ones
over as a great a portion of the earth as is possible thru as much of the astral and
psychic realm as is possible and also thru the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms whose
evolutions are dependent upon the development of man’s Divine Nature at this time.
(St. Germain to Student 2-25-54)
Grace is humility, tolerance, kindness, and understanding. A person in a state of
“listening” grace will recognize Truth, the Presence of God, no matter thru whom or
what religion it comes. The one who accepts all some leader, teacher or religion gives
forth as gospel, just because he has accepted their belief is not filled with grace and
does not exercise discrimination. (V.3 #2/2 – 55)
I AM the illumination of the Presence expressing thru the minds of men.
I AM the love of the Presence saturating and expressing thru the hearts of men.
I AM the Will of God made known and expressed in all activity of men.
I AM the Divine Plan in action thru all men now made manifest. (ADK LUK)
Days to Recognize:
July 22, The coming forth of Mighty Cosmos and the Two Secret Rays.
July 28, Mr. Ballard’s Birthday.
August 15, Mother Mary Ascension Day.
September 17 Constitution Day.
September 29, Archangel Michael’s Day.
Fall Class September 28 till October 2, 1994.
July 15 – Aug. 14 Liberty Flame.
August 15 - Sept. 14 Transylvania.
Sept. 15 – Oct. 14 Temple of Truth.
Oct. 15 - Nov. 14 Temple of Comfort-Lord Maha Chohan.
Nov. 15 – Dec. 14 Shamballa.
Dec. 15 – Jan. 14 Teton.
V.15 N.5, 40 A.F. (1994)
Beloved ones, mankind do not understand the opportunities of classwork.
Mankind for centuries have come to schools for knowledge, in the world of secular
activities as well as in metaphysical and occult channels. However, KNOWLEDGE
comes karma and the obligation to weave out of the individual’s energy a blessing to
life commensurate with the knowledge given. Better had man not applied to the Fount
of Knowledge than to satiate the mind, the etheric body and brain with more and more
Law; then continue in the way of the senses, weaving out of beautiful life energy more
of the dissonance which forms the blanket of atmosphere in which he lives, moves and
has his being.
When one comes to a class, he brings his mental body filled, beloved ones, with
centuries of the accumulation of knowledge-both truth and fallacy. All of the various
“isms” that have engaged the energies of one embodiment alone make a conglomerate
mass of thought forms. The Master must speak through that mental accumulation,
endeavoring to anchor into the mental body even one thought which could be
developed through the feelings into an improved nature and a greater radiation of
Then, also, there is that great sea of emotion, surging constantly-never still! How
rich would the student be if that great emotional world COULD BE PREPARED FOR
THE RECEPTION, not only of the worded address, but for the radiation-and all of
those surging tides COULD BE STILLED!
And the etheric body wherein all of the grievances of the ages are stored could
also be stilled and that precious flesh rested and relaxed-IN ONE ADDRESS more
could be done than in a hundred where the motion and the lack of individual
preparation make it so difficult to reach through the energy, not only of the psychic and
astral planes but of the many selves.
There is a Divine feeling just as there is a Divine Mind, a Divine part to feeling
as there is a Divine part to mind. Outer mind/intellect is the accretion of the human
activity of the mind, the misconcepts, human concepts and that which is not perfect,
hence not Divine. Likewise with the feelings, the emotions are the accretion of human
feeling and misqualified energy in the feeling world, and not Divine. Originally our
mind and feeling were perfect, and two necessary faculties of the 3-fold creating
ability. The attention being the other. Thru the activity of free will we have
misqualified energy-qualified it with human qualities which now composes our mental
and emotional worlds. So now we have disorder and chaos in our worlds instead of
Divine Order.
When one allows himself to become angry, irritated, discouraged, etc. he is just
being a tool of the sinister force.
The 5-pointed Star represents man unascended, 6 pointed-the Higher Mental Body
or Christ Self, 7 pointed represents the Electronic Body, the Ascended being.
In the medical field they use methods to destroy infected cells; antibiotics,
chemotherapy and now thermo-therapy. Now in the healing field the Divine Way is thru
the use of Light Rays. Instead of contra acting, destroying – or burning up, the action of
the Light Ray is the raising of the vibratory action of the cells or atoms. This eliminates
the lower vibrations or vibratory action which produces the disease. That can come
about in two ways: by the Violet Flame transmuting the lower vibratory action around
the points of Light within the cells or atoms; or thru the expansion of the points of Light
within the cells.
To produce nuclear energy, thru a fissure method they break up the atom, which
leaves radioactive waste. Thru a fusion method the atom would multiply itself like
cells do in nature and there is no waste left. The Masters have said the most important
thing for us to learn is: the use of Light Rays (how to use Light Rays).
In order to attain that one has to transmute the accumulated human creation and
raise above misqualifying energy.
Scientist have a theory that energy cannot be destroyed. It can be changed, made
into other forms and back again into just energy, but cannot be destroyed.
They theorize that suns and planets eventually or in certain periods of time burn
themselves out and are no more. That reasoning is of course in accordance with the
activity in the human realm, the misqualified energy. But that is contrary to Life or the
reality of Life, which is ever expanding perfection.
So in regards to suns and planets we can theorize (if we want to use that term), as
the Masters have explained that planets like individuals ascend. Planets ascend into the
sun and a solar system ascends into the Central Sun. So what would appear to the outer
mind of man as the burning out theory in reality is rising the vibratory action beyond
their scope of perfection. Perhaps the black holes can be attributed to human
consciousness only like when the vibratory action gets too high one conks out, loses
consciousness, and sees black.
It is said that there are writings by the Master Jesus preserved and still hidden. So
after nearly 2,000 years they are still not permitted to be brought forth for mankind’s
enlightenment and use because of the perversion of what we have of His Teachings. In
a short time that too would all be perverted.
Turning attention to your own God, ask that may be shown without any mistake
what you as individual shall do? For what each one was created! I am the Cosmic
Representative of the Holy Christ Self, and in all humility ask that the Will of that
Christ Self thru the outer be done…this day of complete inner honesty and self-
surrender when every man bares his head before his God—bows his knee before his
Christ, and accepts the joyous, happy, harmonious responsibility of fulfilling the
Divine Plan for which Love has sustained him for millions of years.
The Second Coming is individual – the Shining Christ Self of each one stands
waiting to externalize thru our physical and Inner Bodies which It has sustained,
guided, purified and guarded for centuries, a portion of that Great Divine Plan which
can be manifest thru no other lifestream.
The Master Power of the Universe is within your heartbeat….It is not in any
outside form. It is not in reliance upon Angels, or Masters-though they may assist you.
It is in the Drawing and Developing of the Control of the Primal Essence as it Flows
Thru You, sending it forth with constructive intent and purpose. (Lord Maitreya –
Until each one ascends his evolution, continues on the four planes of
consciousness – Physical, Mental, Emotional and Etheric at once. Until he has
achieved a certain point of development he is mostly conscious of his physical
evolution and unable to function at will in any of the other planes.
These four planes of experience upon which his soul is functioning form the
schoolroom is his nature. Sometimes his soul will be in the primary grade, physically
speaking. On the mental plane he might be at the point of a high school or college man.
On the Emotional plane he may be no more than an infant, and Etherically, according to
his past lives he may be a professor, a child, or an adolescent.
Every man uses his Emotional body and his Mental body spasmodically as he
responds to feeling and thought impulses, or memories of the past, but he is not able to
make definite excursions into the Mental plane, the Etheric plane or the Emotional
plane, returning with the conscious knowledge of what has transpired there until he has
advanced quite materially upon the path.
As the individual passes through his day, various experiences come to him; some
of them are emotional experiences; some mental; some are purely physical, and some
are etheric, tuning in to past ties. He will react definitely to each set of experiences
according to his unfoldment and development upon that plane. A little contemplation of
one’s own nature will show where the greatest weakness lies, and where the greatest
development has been attained as one progresses toward the goal of mastery. Such a
person will find the greatest test lying in the particular sphere in which he is the least
developed – never as punishments or obstacles – but as experiences to raise that
particular body into balance with the most advanced part of his nature.
Hence if a man is emotionally under-developed, he will be forced by Life to
“cram” along that score. If he is mentally sluggish, Life experience will place him in a
position where his Mental Body must make more effort. If he is physically
undeveloped, Life experience will require the development and unfoldment of a strong,
physical structure.
And to you, dear seekers of Truth, I might say here that most students require a
tremendous intensification of poise and emotional stability which will allow a greater
responsibility from the Higher Octaves to rest upon natures capable of accepting the
directions of more energy and the directing and sustaining of that energy into
constructive channel.
My Love, My understanding and My Light enfold you, My Children.
Blessings & Love,
Each year from the middle of November for a month the City of the Bridge –
shining Shamballa is where the Illuminati of the earth, the Brothers and Sisters from the
Retreats & Sanctuaries scattered all over the face of the planet meet for a rest or sort
of vacation, and get assignments for the coming (following) year. At this time of year
the Cosmic Law opens the Spiritual Highways between the galaxies and universes, and
visitations from others stars and system are permitted. (So the Earth plays host to these
many Celestial Ones).
“Each Illustrious Being, the Song of His own Soul, filling the atmosphere around
Him moves with the band of Angels which belong to His Court, and They visit the
Guardians of the various Stars and Systems. And presently, the earth plays Host to
these many celestial Ones, as the 3-fold Flame is visible upon the altar at Shamballa
for the next thirty day period.”(DJWAL KUL (11/16/53) Letter to Student
THANKSGIVING – As We come to the close of the 12-month cycle, all Those
Who represent the Spiritual Hierarchy are gathered at Shamballa, and here We
celebrate a Cosmic Thanksgiving in which every one of the Brothers is a participant. It
is a marvelous opportunity to release the concentrated blessings of life upon each and
every one who has served and increased the comfort of the universe during that period.
Thanksgiving is the pouring forth of life.
One of the most exquisite ways of preparing for the Christmas season individually
is for each lifestream to consciously and earnestly prepare his own ceremony of
Thanksgiving, and officiating upon the altar of his own Christ Temple, invite into the
presence of his own God Flame all of the life that has served him during the 12 months
that have passed, and through a special blessing and benediction, confer upon that life
the added substance of his own Christ nature. This ceremony will show each man how
rich he is in the blessings that have filled his world through the channels in every
kingdom, natural, human and Divine. HAPPIEST HOLIDAYS!
Days to Recognize:
Oct. 3, St. Germain gives 1st I AM Dictation.
Oct. 12, Columbus Day.
Oct. 19, British surrender Yorktown-America’s Freedom won
Oct. 31, Elementals’ Harvest-Halloween
Nov. 1, All Saints Day.
Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day
Nov. 24, Thanksgiving Day.
Nov. 30, Masters’ and mankind’s harvest at Shamballa
Dec. 25, Christmas Day.
Dec. 26, or so The Karmic Board convenes over the Teton Retreat.
Nov. 15 – Dec. 14, Shamballa
Dec. 15 thru Jan. 14, Teton Retreat.
Dec. 31 – In the last 24 hours of the year every lifestream in embodiment is taken
in the etheric body and passed thru the Violet Flame Cauldron.
V.15 N.6, 40 A.F. (1994)
A conjunction of planets is not that the planets are joined together, but are lined up
in a row, or come within the same Zodiacal sign or constellation of stars.
Thus during a conjunction there is a concentrate of energy along a certain line or
path, affecting all within that field. Thus intensifying all energies both good and bad; in
nature as well as man; and in man not only in the physical, but mental and emotional
also. Particularly the emotional body because it contains a greater amount of energy
than the other bodies. Thereby resulting in greater effects.
The first part of February 1962, there will be a conjunction (with the Earth) of
five planets – Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn – along with the moon and our
planetary Sun. The planets forming this conjunction are not all in our system. There are
six other Suns, each with their own system of seven planets that revolve around a
greater Sun, which is called the Great Central Sun.
These eight celestial bodies, astrologers say, will all enter the sign of Aquarius –
the 19-degree arc of the Zodiac; not completely line up but will be within the sign.
They say much a situation has not taken plane in 25,000 years. This is the first time in
recorded history; and it will be a long time until another similar occurrence. Two times
at the conjunction of three planets, were at the time of Gautama Buddha and at the time
of Jesus. This latter was also at a new cycle of 2,000 years, as is the case at present.
February 22, 1955 there was a great conjunction of which people in the outer
world knew not. And we have no information that astrologers knew of it. It may have
been a higher levels – Cosmic levels, detectable only on the inner. This conjunction
generated very powerful currents of energy through which the earth had to pass. It
would have destroyed about half of its people. Not because it was destructive in any
way (as the actions of conjunctions are not in themselves), but such actions are
tremendously energizing and intensify everything in their wake; or that comes within
their radiance. At Cosmic levels they are of very great importance in universe creation.
Protection on such occasions can only be given by the Great Ones – by Divine
Beings. This protection can be called forth by those of mankind who know how to
make the call and comply with the great Law. (These things are explained in the “Law
of Life” Book I and II).
Here is an explanation according to information given by an Ascended Master
Saint Germain: “I would like to describe to you tonight something of the activity of the
Cosmos. So you may understand what is means to be a volunteer, (willing to be called
upon at any time to enter into cooperative action), to release those energies which We
in the God-free state can utilize to prevent certain disasters, to mitigate certain evils
and to give protection to the planet Earth as we move forth on our Cosmic Cycle.
“Now tonight, I will show you the activities of the Masters with regard to the
planet, the universe or the galaxy for which Those Masters or Cosmic Beings have
taken the responsibility of guarding.
“You all have a simple knowledge of astronomy. You know that not only this
Earth, but our Sun, and for that matter the Central Sun of the entire galaxy are moving
forward with great speed through the universe. Not only the revolution of the planets
around the Sun constitutes the motion of the Cosmos. But a steady upward push toward
a goal which even our Central Sun does not know its full and permanent manifestation.
In the course of this tremendous onward motion of the planets belonging to the system,
the Masters and guardian spirits watch for the Cosmic tide, into which the various
planet will pass. In much the way that your meteorologists watch the weather plans,
and individuals connected with aeronautics watch the course of forms in order to
protect those vessels which are part of their responsibility.
“Every great planet and every great focus in this great universal scheme is
sending forth vibration, powerful radiation. It is engaged primarily in fulfilling itself to
direction of light rays. Just looking at your sky at night and witnessing the millions and
millions of stars in the Milky Way alone, you have some idea of the size of the great
universal Cosmic Galaxy. As these great planets meet in interstellar space, or as they
plan a conjunction of their light rays to create some great Cosmic endeavor, which is
so far beyond the comprehension of the human mind that I shall not describe it, they set
into motion what you would really call riptides. Where those currents meet and lock,
there are set off vibrations in their wake, that are not destructive in themselves, but
which energize and vitalize everything that they touch. Therefore as you (the planet
earth) move through this universe, the guardian spirits of the planet Earth are always
ahead, we will say, at least twenty-four hours ahead of the progress of the planet. They
watch the various planetary meetings and the various tides which the Earth will pass
through. Then through the invocations of the Great Beings and Mighty Devas, They
create an artificial shell for Cosmic protection which is given at inner levels. You
might liken it to a pair of gorgeous wings. That shell deflects vibrations which are
slow enough that they would energize the evil that is within man, as well as the good,
and perhaps cause great distresses.
“Astronomers and later astrologers have gotten hold of some of these facts
(partial truths). They have distorted it into the theory of the malefic influence, which is
not true. These great universal bodies as they move, are merely impersonal generators
of Cosmic power. They are interested primarily in creating some Cosmic matrix and
some great Universal Scheme. They are absolutely unconcerned with the dust particles
that seem to be in the way. As far as their consciousness are concerned your planet
Earth is perhaps no larger than the nail on your small finger. In their great Cosmic
design they continue to pour that intensification of energy. It is the Masters and
guardian powers Who call for the assistance of every Angelic and Cosmic Being for
protection, when They see we are going to enter into such a tremendous tide. It is such
a tide that we are passing through today. This morning, in Her Cosmic Activity, the
Beloved Portia (Goddess of Justice) as representative and Spokesman of the Karmic
Board, asked Me if I had charted the heavens as of today. Her question was enough to
send Me immediately to see what was ahead.
“Looking upon the smoldering condition, ready to break into outer conflagration
on the Earth; and looking upon the great tide into which the Earth is now emerged, I
realized not sustain the mankind that plunges itself voluntarily into mass suicide
through another war. That they refuse create and grow crops and sustain and nourish
the bodies of the people. The Body Elementals themselves refuse to bring to fruition
the beautiful manhood of each age only to have it ground to pieces through the jaws of
the war beast. The Divine Director in His discussion, made it evident that if Earth
enters into another war we would see a complete revolution in the elemental kingdom.
And this must not be.
“We are at the threshold of a new age and a new era. We are at the door of the
Cosmic Hour of Freedom.
“As your songs and decrees went forth this night, the Great Devas of the Freedom
Flame created those beautiful wings. The Earth itself being in the center and those
great wings enfolding it round – (forming a shell of protection). You know how the
fliers describe the calm in the center of the heart of a hurricane. That is just exactly
what the Earth is experience tonight. And some three and a half or four billion people
are in perfect safety and harmony. While the great Cosmic tides that surround this Earth
would have destroyed maybe half of them. But they are living tonight, and they will go
forth tomorrow in their usual activities, because a handful of people in the heart of the
city of brotherly love (Philadelphia Pennsylvania) chose to come here (for this special
meeting), answering the summons of love, in desire to selfless service.
“Even so a handful of men in the heart of Philadelphia not so long ago risked life,
property and fortune to call forth the Independence of this Nation. This nation which is
the heart of the planet and the hope of the world.” immediately that more than ordinary
assistance would have to be given to carry her through this twenty-four hour period.
Particularly, because, the Divine Director has told Me that the forces of the elements
and the Directors of those forces have given an ultimatum that they will (February 22,
So one can see that it is not the radiance from other planets that is destructive or
harmful in itself. It is only the destructive qualities already existing on Earth and in
mankind which are intensified by that extra energy that produces destructive results.
(December 1961 A.D.K. Luk)
This Ascended Master Truth is not a religion. All religions are based on some
fundamental truths, partial and hidden truths with many human concepts and psychic
forces acting. This latter is taken as being truths. It is true that it exists and is a force
that can be manipulated to produce results. However that does not make it nor prove it
to be the Truth.
The psychic-astral realm is not the Truth. It consists of misqualified energy,
human concepts and desires, perversion of Truth, and reflection of Light which is the
Light that is in it. Like when you look in a pond at the right angle you see a reflection of
the sun, but what you see is not the actual sun, it is not the source of light to the earth. It
is only reflection, like the moon, it reflects light from the sun but has no life on it. It is
not eternal, only what is eternal is Truth.
Hypnotism and getting messages through trance and such states, from a pure law
standpoint is similar in motive (at least for those meaning to do good) as one wanting
to help others in need, and he goes and steals so he has something to give, and then
feels gratified. Mankind others feel it was his (theirs) to give when it was not. He
(they) steals instead of earning it or complying with the right principle of the Law.
Now these people putting out partial Truths, do that to satisfy their own ego and
falling back on past momentum. (These things have not freed mankind thru the
centuries). Yet the majority of people having an inkling for greater understanding
condone this action, (But would not condone stealing). Instead what they should be
doing is studying and making the Instruction the Masters have given (which is
available) one with them.
Their activity is as in Jesus’ time – the Pharisees and scribes.
The claim that the so-called messages claimed to come from certain Beings, (do
not contain) are not their (human?) opinions does not prove they do not contain human
opinions or have human consciousness in them. Just because they do not come from
your outer intellect you can go into trance or attune to your inner consciousness which
is full of human opinion or that of another unascended being is not Divine. Much of that
comes from the accumulation in your own inner bodies, then also from the mass
accumulation which is the psychic-astral realm.
What they think and claim is truth is actually the psychic-astral. They can learn to
manipulate and function in and with that. All that is limited and is not and far from the
action of working with, thru and in cooperation with the I AM Presence as Saint
Germain and the Ascended and Divine Beings have given. (ADK Luk)
The Masters have said we cannot depend on psychic sight. The psychic astral
realm is a mass of substance and vibrations.
Human consciousness is not able to separate, segregate and discriminate these
and put in proper perspective and order what is there. We can compare it with the
radio. When the radio is properly attuned it does separate various vibrations, but
otherwise it is muddled because the atmosphere is full of different vibrations and it has
not distinctly separated them.
How muddled up dreams often are! We seem to sometimes experience things of
the past with certain persons; maybe just snatches here and there, and other things
wholly unrelated may be mixed in with them. One can while asleep be in the etheric
realm and re-live certain experiences with other persons while they too sleep. But
when one dreams of these experiences and the other person is not asleep then there
must be some other explanation.
As one comes back into the body, right at that time most dreams are produced, at
the time of that contact. When or while changing from the inner consciousness to the
outer consciousness. So the mixed up dream which is a remembering of things the
attention focused on in the etheric, the records there, and thought-forms in the mental
and emotional bodies. But like the static radio, the consciousness did not separate and
Blessed One:
Again I stretch forth my hand to greet you as the Sun of a New Spiritual Day
dawns over the horizon, but this time My hand shall draw you deep into the Temple of
the Sacred Fire that you may experience the Activity and Power that is within it! On
this Holy Thursday preceding the Resurrection Morning, the Great Ruby Temple in the
Sixth Sphere has opened Its Doors to The Great White Brotherhood and the Angelic
and Devic Hosts, and from within Its Shining Altar, the Soft Pink Flame which is the
essence of that Peace which passeth the understanding of the human mind shall flow
earthward, into the auras, the minds and heart and the inner bodies of all peoples.
When this service is performed, We all wear delicate “shell pink” robes, and My
Mother looks beautiful, with her golden hair and great liquid violet eyes, as she stands
in the center of That Flame, surrounded by the Angels of Healing and Mercy, who are
robed in all the varying shades of pink, varying from the almost while blush pink to the
deepest and most glorious tones of rose, which form the vestments of the Devas of
Healing, Music and Invocation.
We ask that from now through Sunday you make special conscious effort to enter
this Temple and join in the direction of those individualized Rays which are projected
around every lifestream incarnate and all those in the astral realm as well as those in
the orthodox Heavens awaiting incarnation. A Holy Easter to you. (Jesus, April 2,
The Masters have said that we who serve the Light should look to the Presence
and Source for our supply. That for the one who serves the Light that the Presence has
various ways of supplying that one (of producing supply) with what he/she requires to
render that service. Now notice there may be a big difference between what is
required and what is desired. What is meant by service to the Light is not just do a
good human thing for another human being – so-called good deed, and call that serving
the Light. It is all right and good to do that but that is not what is meant. That sort of
service has been going on for ages, but is has not remedied world conditions. If it were
so it should have. The Masters pointed out that a bird does not intellectually plan for
its next day’s supply. (Of course it does not have to provide itself with clothes,
transportation, heat, etc.); but it does what is necessary and does not just perch on a
limb and expect the food to fall in its beak. As we need to follow our promptings, you
are here to learn and attain mastery. Then you do not have to work by the sweat of the
brow to provide for the physical body. It can be precipitated, in one of two methods:
either direct from the universal or through some channel it can be brought to you. ( I
AM Discourses – p. 65)
Precipitation is more than just a thought, as people think it is. They would like to
precipitate because they think they would not be required to do anything. However, to
precipitate takes energy. It is a manifestation of energy. It requires magnetizing,
adhering and cohering energy. And it takes energy to do that. All substance was energy
condensed into form (ADK LUK)
Days to Recognize
Jan 21, Sanat Kumara left the earth and returned to Venus
Feb. 20, President’s Day
Feb. 21, Lord Gautama returned to Earth in His Light Body
March 17, Saint Patrick’s Day
Mar. 21, the first inhabitants came to earth. Spring
Mar. 29, Geraldine Innocente’s birthday
April 16, Easter
May 1, New Year’s Day for New Age. Saint Germain’s Ascension Day &
Coronation Day
May 8, Lord Gautama’s Birthday; His Day of Enlightenment; Buddhahood, and
May 14, Mother’s Day & Wesak Festival
May 25, Jesus’ Ascension Day
June 4, Whitsuntide-Pentecost
June 14, Flag Day
Teton Class-June 29-July 4.
Jan. 15 – Feb. 14, Darjeeling (Will of God),
Feb. 15-March 14, Tabor’s Retreat,
March 15-April 14, Cave of Symbols (Rocky Mts.),
April 15-May 14, Resurrection Temple,
May 15-June 14, Ascension Temple.
June 15-July 14, Teton Retreat
Happy Spring!!
V.16 N.1 41 A.F.
Mrs. Frances Ekey had a group in Philadelphia (evidently some kind of
metaphysics). That is where Mr. & Mrs. Ballard went to give their first class outside
their home in Chicago.
During the I AM Activity she was the most powerful Group Director, and outside
of Los Angeles she had the largest group. That forcefield was the largest and most
Then in the 1950’s that Forcefield played an important part in the work the Great
Ones were doing for America, mankind and the world.
She got most of the lyrics or the songs used in the Bridge Activity. She could play
many church and popular songs by memory on the piano.
As the Master’s worked on one project or phase of a project she would get a new
song. Also often when a Great Being came or one was going to do some particular
work. At first, for quite a long time she did not know who was giving them. Then she
found out that Hilarion was the One who was giving her the songs. In Jesus’ time
Hilarion was Paul, and she was Peter. Having worked together then was preparation
for now Mrs. Ekey, usually if not always attended the Ballard’s classes in the various
Mrs. Ekey was getting these many songs to various tunes with which she was
familiar and she could play most of them on the piano by heart. Her mother was an
orthodox church goer so she had that kind of background.
What (counts) is important is how much intelligence (you) one employs, not how
much schooling one has had, how many Dr. degrees or intellectuality.
In the early days of this nation, the question was asked why do we need
universities? Answer – to make people think (for themselves). To do as the gang does
in not thinking for oneself. It is just the opposite.
However, one does not need to go to college to learn to or be able to think. Some
of the greatest people who have done the most good (for mankind) had no college
education not even high school, and some had little grammar school now think about
One needs to draw forth and keep up the application for protection. You may have
those human qualities of the gang in you or at least not the same degree of intensity; but
unless you have sufficient protection and radiation of those undesirable qualities will
enter you world and can act there, and/or activate the etheric records of those qualities
that are in you and then outpicture in your world.
Have you ever thought what you do for the human? All the time, energy and money
you spend doing for the human? Now supposing you had used all that for the Light?
In the human being today, each one’s own individual (little) world’s center is the
solar plexus instead of the heart as it should be. It is the center of the emotional body,
and the center of misqualified energy and in so many it is much uncontrolled.
In all this rat-race of outer world activities everyone needs to still himself a
couple or several times a day, get still-enter into the Silence. If one isn’t doing so, it is
well to start. These perfect Realms are there all the time and thru practice one can
attain an awareness of them. It is a matter of consciousness, a state of consciousness.
One needs to get still and silence the demands of the body and enter in consciousness
into the perfected Realms. Get out of body consciousness. It is just a shift of
When mankind’s own decrees use the structure of main ones-one can insert other
words. The advantage, when you do have the momentum of all others use of it.
Now there in the Presence is everything required to handle the world conditions
but it has to be called forth. How best can it be drawn forth? Thru group work-
cooperative endeavors – unification of purpose, and willingly, joyously entering into it
with enthusiasm.
All memories of imperfection are in the etheric body. While the memories of the
greater perfection we knew and had in the past Golden Ages along with that of before
(the world was) we took earth bodies is in the Causal Body.
Like the Ascended Master Substance, their various qualities of Their Gifts of
Their Life. They gave students and those who turned vicious against the Light and those
carrying the Light those Gifts and Substance had gone into their Causal Bodies. So the
records of this tremendous perfection which we once knew, being crowded out by the
discord moved (went) up into the Causal Body. This can be drawn forth as the
qualities and activities of the Causal Body should be drawn down here around the
physical body. Jesus did it, Lord Gautama Buddha did it. Like a physical flame, it goes
out, that is it goes back into its own 4-dimensional realm when condition are not right
enough here to sustain it
Thru the centuries people have been searching for the Holy Grail, or Crystal Cup,
and like the Fountain of Youth it is within or comes from within, from the I AM
Presence. Actually what they are searching for, is their I AM Presence.
What they are looking for is not the “Cup” itself but what it is supposed to
contain. The Cup furnishes a means of making contact with the Presence, by which one
gains Freedom.
The reason for using the crystal Cup or goblet in group meetings is to remind the
outer self that the body is the cup for each one’s Presence to pour Its radiation into the
outer world.
The most important thing is the legendary contents of the Cup, not the cup itself.
However, only those worthy may see the Cup, those pure in thought and feeling,
only those who live a chaste and clean life. In the story about King Arthur and his
court, the knights were looking for the Holy Grail, the “Cup”, but could not find it.
There were 150 Knights. Galahad was the last knight to come, he saw the “cup” at
the bottom of the well at Glastonbury. Thru him a few others got the vision of the Holy
Grail. Lancelot had sinned with Guinevere and so could not see the Cup. Lancelot,
Arthur’s trusted friend and Guinevere his wife, fell in love with each other, that
unfaithfulness finally poisoned the whole court and ruined it. Guinevere had much
influence in destroying the Order of the Round Table.
July 3, 1958, Morya said: “Long ago I endeavored, unsuccessfully, to establish a
very small brotherhood based on the principles of Jesus, wherein the knights and
Ladies fair were to live according to their highest principles and seek the living Christ.
That experience has come and gone. Those of you who read know the record thereof.
By the very reason of that record have I chosen some among you to help make things
right. We are living in a day when My small dream of Camelot is to be expanded into
world brotherhood, although I be not the King. Saint Germain Who has earned that
right reigns upon that throne, and I, as so often unascended (ones do) too, shall offer
My advice as privy counsel.”
The Holy Grail originally contained the consciousness or virtues of each of the
disciples, besides what Jesus consciously charged into It. Communion is taken as gift
of receiving the nature of God.
The Grail signifies the consciousness upheld, into which is poured the Divine
Will, along with the inspiration of the Divine Plan to manifest this Divine Will and the
Spear signifies the projecting forth of the energy into action and accomplishments.
In the opera “Parsifal”, it shows the struggles between the outer self and the I AM
Presence, which wins out in the end. Parsifal, the youth who represents the perfection
of Life, protected the “Cup” and became its defender.
From Saint Germain in a letter to a Bridge Student: (evidently) the first Inner
Court meeting in New York City. Each one there was among the Court of Arthur-and
also with Saint Germain in the civilization over 70,000 years “ago-“ when we knew
great Light, Peace and Illumination”.
July 15-Aug. 14 Blue Lotus Retreat
Aug. 15-Sept. 14 Illumination
Sept. 15-Oct. 14 Faith
Days to Recognize:
July 22-Cosmos and the two Secret Rays come forth
July 28-Mr. Ballard’s Birthday,
August 15-Mother Mary Ascension Day;
September 29-Archangel Michael’s Day;
September 30-Angelic Harvest-Shamballa
Oct. 3-Saint Germain gives first dictation on words “I AM”.
Ruby goes for the 6th Ray, the colors cannot be combined to make one color, in
doing that it would change the whole vibratory action hence the qualities. In the outer
world there is no ruby color, not even similar to that on the inner. So it is better to think
of it a deep, deep rose. The gold part or action comes from the fact that the 6th Ray
action has some of the Christ action which is gold. So we can think of the 6th Ray as
the rose with an action of the Christ-which Jesus manifested on earth.
Black and red never existed in this world till after the cataclysm of 80,000 years
Each of the Seven Rays is predominately masculine or feminine. The Masculine
ones are: one, four, seven, the feminine are: two, three, five and six.
We are in embodiment on earth to gain mastery over the human, and that is in our
four lower bodies. In order to complete that only the 7 bodies are involved, not the
White Fire Body which some want to include as the eighth body. Any action with that
comes after the ascension, not before.
What is required of the 12 qualities is within the 7 Rays. It would be wiser to
develop through application more self-mastery, instead of going along with the desire
to put out something new all the time, thru intellectual exploitation of the ego.
Originally man got everything direct from the Presence, the Flame in the heart. It
sounds like when we got dense bodies which They had to provide for man, the
Presence had to create a mind thru which It could make contact with the outer
consciousness. Intellect wasn’t there in the beginning.
The Masters have always stressed group activities. With people gathered
together participating in the same activities at the same time, releases more energy and
power. It is amplified by the number of persons present. It is thru the energy released
by groups that has thru the years enabled all these various things to be accomplished at
inner levels; to give protection, dissolve mass human creation, to hold off cataclysmic
action, end strikes, prevent storms, assist the incoming children, release the
disembodied who were earth bound, get those in the Sleeper’s Realm and the
Compound back into action and take up their evolution, all must now go to school at
inner levels, free thousands from having to reembody, and freed Sanat Kumara to return
to Venus.
In 1953 Saint Germain had certain students of the New Endeavor meet at the poet
Emerson’s house, near the Concord bridge. There were 10 of us. We sat on the benches
in the grape arbor at the Emerson house, all but the contact who stood at the end of the
east (one) bench. Saint Germain gave a dictation and during that time named each one
by the name of the embodiment we had in the Revolutionary war: King George III,
General Von Steuben, General Rochambeau, Tallyrand, Molly Prichett, John Adams,
John Hancock, Two Aides to General Von Steuben.
Saint Germain asked us to go to the bridge, and those who had come over from
Europe go across the bridge to the east end, and those of America stay at the west end
of the bridge. Then both groups start walking towards the center, meet there and shake
hands with the other group. Right then Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and others,
released the power to transmute the etheric records of the Revolutionary war all over
the world, which touched and affected almost every country in the world, more so than
any other war ever did. (ADK LUK)
Whenever you refer to your Godhead or to Divinity use the words “I AM”, “I AM
Presence”, or Beloved or “Mighty I AM Presence. Do not keep on using you old
terminology, God, Father or whatever. Because they do not carry the same power as
the Words “I AM”. They do not release that vibratory action as when you say “My
Mighty I AM Presence” which releases Its power into and through your body whenever
you say that. Whenever those words are said with great firmness and determination
then the energy of your Presence which beats your heart is intensified and released into
and through your body into action.
In case of an emergency if you will still yourself and say: “I AM, I AM, I AM”
that will release the power of the Presence into action. When you firmly utter those
words, it is Divinity announcing Its action and power at your point in the universe.
In each meeting, and each day privately, you can use the breathing exercises
(Decree Book pages 26, 27), and visualize the Flame from the Retreat that is open as
you do the breathing.
The Rhythmic Breath: -the group Director can repeat out loud the four statements
seven to twelve times, to get the other into the rhythm, then do it silently also. During
the time Shamballa is open we will take the statement:
Christmas Season
Each year just preceding and during the Christmas season, the Cosmic Law
permits the opening of the Spirital Highways between planets, stars, solar systems and
galaxies over which travel Divine Beings from place to place.
The song of each lifestream forming his/her atmosphere, accompanied by the
radiant Beings that comprise his/her Court and who abide within his/her aura, many of
them being born of his/her own life essence.
As these Beings meet and pass each other in interstellar space, exchanging joyous
salutations, expressed in music and song, their happy vibrations mingle with and add to
the harmony of the Sphere. As these songs of praise rise in mighty chorus of
thanksgiving to the Source of all life, the entire universe resounds with the joy,
gladness and goodwill that finds an answering echo even in the most dense earth
consciousness during the holy season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The very
ethers seem atremble with anticipation, joy and gladness and that holiday spirit which
penetrates even into the dense atmosphere of earth during the happy season of the
Christ Mass. It is a period of joy, happiness and freedom for these Beings for a short
time from their voluntary service to lesser evolutions. Earth plays Host to many of
these Beings, especially Shamballa.
Shamballa is open each year from November 15 through December 14. During
this time especially on the 30th is the time of bringing in the sheaves and harvest of the
year, for unascended mankind and for the Ascended Ones that Divine Beings who
render service to earth and its evolutions. These Beings each year endeavor to
complete that portion of their service which had been allotted to them at the beginning
of the year, by November 15th. During the period that Shamballa is open is vacation
time (so to speak) for them. They attend the Conclave there. Each is enfolded in the
radiance of the Lord of the World, and then goes to his/her own compartment which
he/she has there.
Here they reverse the currents of their consciousness preparatory to entering the
Great Silence where the pull of the earth ceases for them and the pull of the Source
becomes the magnetic attraction of their feelings. Thus the weight of earth and its needs
are no longer a suction on their consciousness and vital energies. When imbued with
the Silence they return to the great Hall where They mingle together comparing notes
about their work and enjoy the association of each other.
As we have Thanksgiving here so do those gathered at Shamballa as they
celebrate Cosmic Thanksgiving in which they all participate.
It is this vibratory action that the Pilgrims tuned into which prompted them to
declare a certain date as Thanksgiving Day each year, and which later became a
national holiday.
The evening before our national holiday, and for our days and night there after,
there is a constant outpouring of blessing and benediction upon every one and
everything which has contributed to the progress of earth’s evolutions. Thanksgiving is
the pouring forth of life. It is an opportunity to release blessings.
The Flame of Thanksgiving has gone forth rhymically since the day when the
volunteer Beings knelt before the coming of Sanat Kumara and it has been increasing
ever since.
The Seven Transcendent Weeks begin Thanksgiving Day and continue until around
two weeks after the New Year. The outpouring of Light and Love to earth from the
Master Jesus and the Hosts of Divine Beings steadily increases until Christmas.
Because of the attention of the people being more on Jesus and spiritual things at this
time gives the Great Ones greater opportunity to give assistance. The students can by
pouring their love to Jesus and the Divine Beings increase this Cosmic Blessing, and
for persons they wish to assist visualize the Luminous Presence of Jesus or some
Ascended Master around them.
Long before Jesus took embodiment the Christ Victory was celebrated in the
higher Realms by others who had attained to their Christly Estate by individual effort.
It was radiation of their rejoicings that was communicated to the spheres by the
Angelic Choir as they sand “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men”, on that first Christmas
The Christ Spirit is an outpouring of Love and all the perfect qualities from
Divine Beings. It pours over the Earth like a golden rain of beautiful particles of Light.
Each particle is like a nine-pointed star. The entire lower atmosphere and the bodies of
mankind are enveloped in it. As it increases until Christmas when even the most coarse
consciousness can recognize it. To that outpouring is added radiation from the Retreats
and Foci of Light.
The Christmas wreath manifests in the upper atmosphere over Retreats and other
places. This is a constant outpouring of a ring of Flame, qualified by a radiation of
peace and goodwill to men which goes to every particle of life on earth.
The Christmas season offers great opportunity for soul and spiritual growth, and
when one is aware of this potent force it can greatly intensify one’s spiritual progress.
During this time the atmosphere of earth is literally “star dust” which the people
unconsciously breath in filling their inner bodies with a sense of ease, peace and
happiness which they attribute to the “Spirit of Christmas”.
The Spirit of Christmas is a real Being, whose name is Mary, and is the guardian
Spirit of the Christian Dispensation.
Many times a Master stands beside a Christmas tree, giving it radiance, warmth
and Light. Therefore when people are through with the trees, it is a good idea to burn
them rather than throw them carelessly aside. They have been Light Bearers, and
should be returned to the flame when their service is ended.
The I AM Presence can be likened to a parent who has given the care of a child
over to a nurse. The parent is not concerned with all the details of the care of the child
nor all its antics but still knows what is going on and supervises and supplies what is
required. The child recognizes the parent as such but goes to the nurse for what it
Besides the Christ Self we need the assistance of the Ascended Masters and
Divine Beings, too, but They are not our Source. (En V2#4)
Beings live on the Suns, these are all Ascended Beings that had lived on Planets
at one time, and those who stayed in the various Spheres and didn’t take embodiment
on a Planet; the Angels and Archangels and Elementals that became Immortal. Their
Light makes the Sun shine.
No thing on earth is perfect. But innately human beings know there is perfection,
and they crave it.
Nov. 15 – Dec. 14, Shamballa. Nov 30, the ceremony takes place at Shamballa of
“Bringing in the Sheaves” for the service rendered mankind and the earth through the
past year, by Divine Beings, the Ascended Masters and Unascended beings.
Dec 15 – Jan 14, Teton Retreat. Half-yearly Conclave. The various Beings will
report on Their work which was assigned to Them in Jan. and July of this year. There
will be opportunity to present petitions, which the Lords of Karma convened there will
hear. This usually takes place from Dec. 26 through the 31st. Then They go into the
Silence to determine which ones are to be passed, and volunteers will be assigned to
carry out the work during the next six months or year.
Dec 25, Christmas
Dec 26-Jan 1, Teton Retreat class will be held here while the Conclave and the
Karmic Board are in session, in the endeavor to release energies from the physical
realm to further the work by the Karmic Board and the White Brotherhood.
Also may we be reminded of the opportunity and privilege of the activity of the
Violet Flame Cauldron during the last few days of the year!
May all have a Blessed Seven Sacred Weeks, a Happy Christmas and
spiritual progress during this time!
V.16 N.3, Age of Freedom
To attain power the kundalini had to be developed, that is the Life energy or fire
had to be developed up thru the centers; the human way of doing; forced action.
Now the action is, draw the Light, Intelligence and Energy from above (I AM
Presence) to develop the centers in the heart, head and throat; Love, Wisdom and
Power – the Three-fold balanced action. Then the other centers will develop naturally
– the Divine Way.
A stock pile of Cosmic energy is allotted for each New Endeavor. Formerly this
would always be used up, and then it would have to go on the momentum as best it
could. Now-enough energy has been released thru the student body using the decrees
that the stock-pile has not been used.
Christianity, religions, metaphysics and occult teachings are abstract. This
teaching makes these things concrete. Abstract principle is made manifest by a Light
In occultism one had to work thru the psychic-astral realm (which they divided
into seven planes); a hazardous procedure.
Now all that is eliminated. One can and should completely avoid the realm. Build
one’s Tube or Pillar of Light Protection and thru It go the psychic-astral realm
completely insulated. That way one need not struggle with the human creation but go
directly and safely into the realms of Light.
Whereas they used to work or meditate in darkness because it is the open door to
the psychic. We do everything in bright light-to avoid as much psychic things; the
Christ Light can be seen anyway.
In helping other-in the past they would take on conditions; then try to handle it. We
insulate ourselves in the ‘Tube or Pillar of Light Protection, then by calling the
Presence and Ascended Masters into action, it is handled thru the use of Light Rays.
People with occult training are afraid they will interfere with karma hence do not
give assistance. Feel they have to work out karma person to person and by like
We call to the Presence and leave it up to Its wisdom. We at all times have the
right to call the Presence into action to produce perfection. Now only very little karma
has to be worked out as previously. Thru the decrees we can render service to all
mankind and thus balance our karma.
At certain initiations one had to look upon his own hideous human creation.
Now by using the Transmuting Violet flame sufficiently one never has to look
upon his human creation.
Parables, symbols, occult, hidden, mysteries, and blinds were used. These are no
longer used. The Key is given-four fundamental laws or principles of everyone’s life
(not given before) = end of Preface Law of Life Book 1.
Under the former teachings, how many gained liberation? An average of one a
Under the new, hundreds of students have made the Ascension and tens of
thousands of others have made it under the new dispensation.
Retreat Open
On November 23, 1952, Lord Maha Chohan said, “We have been advised by
Sanat Kumara (then Lord of the World) that on Thanksgiving of this year 1952, the
seven retreats of the Chohans of the Rays and my own retreat will be permanently
open, in order to allow the lifestreams evolving upon the planet the opportunity of
intensified training upon the particular ray which forms their natural vibration.” The
location and information of those retreats are as follows:
A.D.K. LUK Publications would like to again remind all students that we offer
four classes a year to give impersonal service to the Great Ones and to go over certain
aspects of the Law of Life in greater detail. These Classes are always at the same time
each year as follows: Easter Class (starts the Thursday before Easter Sunday and goes
until Easter Sunday). Summer Teton Class (starts the last Thursday of June and goes
until July 4th). Archangel Michael’s Class (starts Sept. 26 thru Sept. 29). Winter Teton
Class (starts Dec. 26 thru Jan. 1).
Note: This was the last issue of Law of Life Enlightener. Alice Schutz made her transition and
Ascension in January 1994.