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PHYS 521: Statistical Mechanics

Homework #1

Prakash Gautam
April 17, 2018

1. A particular system obeys two equations of state

3As2 As3
T = (thermal equation of state), P = (mechanical equation of state).
v v2
Where A is a constant.
(a) Find µ as a function of s and v, and then find the fundamental equation.
Given P and T the differential of each of them can be calculated as
6As 3As2 6As2 3As3
dT = ds − dv ⇒ sdT = ds − 2 dv
v v2 v v
3As2 2As3 3As2 2As3
dP = ds − dv ⇒ vdP = ds − 2 dv
v2 v3 v v
The Gibbs-Duhem relation in energy representation allows to calculate the value of µ.

dµ = vdP − sdT
3As2 2As3 6As2 3As3
= ds − 2 dv − ds + 2 dv
v[ v ] v ( 3v)
3As2 As3 As
=− ds − 2 dv = −d
v v v
This can be identified as the total derivative of v so the rel
( 3)
As As3
dµ = −d ⇒ µ=− +k
v v

Where k is arbitrary constant. We can plug this back to Euler relation to find the fundamental
equation as.

u = Ts − Pv + µ
3As3 As3 As3 As3
= − − +k = +k
v v v v
So the fundamental equation of the system is v + k. □

(b) Find the fundamental equation of this system by direct integration of the molar form of the equation.
The differential form of internal energy is

du = T ds − P dv
3As2 As3
= ds − 2 dv
v v

As before this is just the total differential of As
v so the relation leads to
( 3)
As As3
du = d 2
⇒ u= +k
v v
This k should be the same arbitrary constant that we got in the previous problem. □

2. The fundamental equation of system A is

S = C(N V E)1/3 ,
and similarly for system B. The two system are separated by rigid, impermeable, adiabatic wall. System
A has a volume of 9 × 10−6 m3 and a molenumber of 3 moles. System B has volume of 4 × 10−6 m3 and a
mole number of 2 moles. The total energy of the composite system is 80J.
(a) Plot the entropy as a function of EA /(EA + EB ).
Since the total energy of the system is 80J the sum EA + EB = 80J. The total entropy of system can
be written as
[{ ( )} 13 { ( )} 13 ]
S=C N1 V1 · 80 · + N2 V2 · 80 · 1 −

The graph of Entropy S vs the energy fraction is shown in Figure 1. □

Entropy (Arbitrary Units)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

EA /(EA + EB )

Figure 1: Plot of Entropy vs energy fraction.

(b) If the internal wall is now made diathermal and the system is allowed to come to equilibrium, what
are the internal energies of each of the individual systems?
If the wall is made diathermal and the energy can flow the total energy of the remains constant
E = EA + EB . Taking differential on both sides we get dE = dEA + dEB = 0. Since there is no
change in volume or the number of molecules dV = 0 and dN = 0. Thus the differential relation of
entropy reduces to dS = T1 dE. The additive property allows us to write
1 1 dEA dEB 1 1
dS = dSA + dSB = dEA + dEB ⇒ =− ⇒ =
The quantities TA and TB for each systems can be from the fundamental equation thus
( ) ( )1/3 ( ) ( )1/3
= = 2 = = 2

These expressions can be simplified down to get and noting EA + EB = 80J we have two linear

EB = EA EA + EB = 80 ⇒ EA = 51.93J EB = 28.07J
So the after equilibrium the internal energy of system A is EA = 51.93J and for system B it is
EB = 28.07J. □

(c) Comment on the relation between these two results.

The graph of S vs EA /(EA + EB ) is skewed to the right and its maximum is at EA /(EA + EB ) = 0.64.
The final energy of system A is 51.93 which is 0.64 · 80. Thus the final final energies are such that the
total final entropy is maximum. □

3. An impermeable, diathermal, and rigid partition divides a container into two subvolumes, of volume nV0
and mV0 . The subvolumes contain respectively, n moles of H2 and m moles of N e, each to be considered
as a simple ideal gas. The system is maintained at a constant temperature T . The partition is suddenly
ruptured and equilibrium is allowed to re-establish. Find the change in entropy of the system. How is the
result related to the “entropy of mixing”?
The fundamental equation of ideal gas can be written as U = cN RT and equivalently as P V = N RT thus
the quantities
1 N cR
U = cN RT ⇒ = cR =
T U u
P V = N RT ⇒ =R =
T V v
Sine it is true for each of these systems we can write
( ) ( )
1 P cR R uf vf
ds = du + dv ⇒ ds = du + dv ⇒ s = s0 + cR ln + R ln
T T u v ui vi

The initial and final molar volume for each of the gases is
nV0 mV0
vih = = V0 vin = = V0
n m
(m + n)V0 ( m) (m + n)V0 ( n)
vf h = = 1+ V0 vf n = = 1+ V0
n n m m
Also since the temperature of system is constant and that no heat flows in or out of the composite system
the change in internal energy is zero thus ui = uf for both thus the total final entropy become
( ) ( ) (
uf h vf h m)
sh = s0h + cR ln + R ln = s0h + R ln 1 +
uih vih n
Similarly for N e the final entropy of system is
( n)
sn = s0n + R ln 1 +
The total change in entropy is
∆S = msn + nsh − (ms0n + ns0h )
( n) ( m)
= mR ln 1 + + msn0 + nR ln 1 + + nsh0 − (ms0n + ns0h )
( m
) ( ) n
m n
= n ln 1 + + m ln 1 +
n m
This is exactly equal to the Entropy of mixing. □

4. The entropy of blackbody radiation is given by the formula
S= σV 1/4 E 3/4 ,
where σ is a constant.
(a) Show that S is an extensive parameter.
(b) Determine the temperature and the pressure of the radiation.
The Entropy relation can be inverted to get
( )1/3
81S 4
256σ 4 V
Differentiating this with repsect to V to get the pressure gives
( ) √
3 4
∂E 6S 3
P =− = 4 4
∂V 8V 3 σ 3
The temperature similarly is
( ) √ √
∂E 3
T = √
= 3 4
∂S 2 V σ3
Thus the temperature and pressure are determined. □

(c) Prove that

PV =
Substuting S = 43 σV 1/4 E 3/4 into the pressure expression
√ 4
√ ( )4
6S 3
6 43 σV 1/4 E 3/4 , 3 E E
P = 4 4 = 4 4 = ⇒ PV =
8V 3 σ 3 8V 3 σ 3 3V 3
Thus P V = E
3 is proved as required. □

5. For a particular system, it is found that e = (3/2)P v and P = AvT 4 . Find the molar Gibbs potential and
molar Helmholtz potential for the system.
Since there are two equations of state we can modify them to express the intensive parameters as
( )1/4 ( )1/4
2e P 2u
P = T = =
3v Av 3Av 2
These can be used in Entropy differential equation to get
1 P
ds = de + dv
( )
2 1/4
( )1/4
3A v 8A e3
= de + dv
2 e 27 v 2
( )1/4
128Av 2 e3
The above expression can be recocnized as the total differential of 27

( )1/4 ( )1/4
128Av 2 e3 128Av 2 e3
ds = d ⇒ s= + s0
27 27

Multiplying thourgh by N to get the non molar quantities we get
( )1/4
128A V 2 E 3
S= + S0
27 N

This above relation can be inverted to get the fundamental energy representation. So we get
[ ]1/3
27 N
E= (S − S0 )4
128A V 2

This serves as the fundamental Energy relation which can be used to find the Gibbs and Helmholtz potential.
We can now find the intensive parameters T and P in terms of the extensive parameters as
( ) [ ]1/3 ( )1/3
∂E ∂ 27 N 1 N
T = = 2
(S − S0 ) 4
= √ (S − S0 )1/3
∂S ∂S 128A V 3
2A V 2
We can invert to find S as a function of T so
2AV 2 3
S = S0 + T
Similarly we can find the intensive parameter P as
( ) ( )1/3
∂E 1 S − S0
P =− = √ N 1/3
∂V 3
2 2A V5

This can again be inverted to get V as a function of P

[ ]1/5
1 N (S − S0 )4
V =
16A P3

Equipped with these functions we can now find the Gibbs potential as

G = E − TS + PV
[ ]1/3 ( ) [ ]1/5
27 N 2AV 2 3 1 N (S − S0 )4
= (S − S0 )4
− T · S0 + T +P ·
128A V 2 N 16A P3
( 3 2 )1/5
A P 12 8 AT 4 V 2
= T V −
N3 2N

This gives the Gibbs Potential now the Helmholtz potential can be similarly found as

F = E − TS
[ ]1/3 ( )
27 N 2AV 2 3
= (S − S 0 ) 4
− T · S 0 + T
128A V 2 N
4 2
4 2
Thus the Helmholtz potential is − AT2NV . □

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