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Aftermath! - FGU4010 Technology! (2e)

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The document discusses technological advancements, cybernetics, and rules for space travel in a post-apocalyptic setting.

Some of the technological advancements discussed include energy weapons, high tech melee weapons, space suits, and spaceship design.

Some of the cybernetic enhancements described include cybernetic eyes, limbs, internal organs, and computer programs that can be implanted.



Project Design: David S. Harmer

Front Cover: Eric Williams. Copyright 2008, Eric Williams

Interior Art: Eric Williams - Pages 5, 7, 11, 17, 24, 32, 53,
57, Copyright 2008 Eric Williams
Shane Mackey,

Interior Photographs: David S. Harmer, Copyright 2007,

David S. Harmer

Firearms Pictures and Data taken mainly from Max A.

Popenker at http:/!world.quns.ru used with

Editing and Layout: David S. Harmer

Copyright 1992 Dinosaur Games Second Edition Copyright
2005, 2006 David S. Harmer,
All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by

any means without express permission in writing AFTERMATH! TECHNOLOGY! Published by Fantasy Games
from the publisher. Unlimited, PO Box 1082, Gilbert AZ, 85234-1082 . Copyright 1992,
2005, 2006 David S. Harmer. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
AFTERMATH! is a trademark of Fantasy Games Unlimited book may be used or reproduced in any manner without permission,
Copyright 1981 Bob Charrette and Paul Hume except in brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Cover Art copyright 1992 Mark Poole. Interior Artwork and
This book is dedicated to Lee Harmer (1946-1996), who Illustrations copyright 1992, 2005 David S . Harmer.
believed in me, my writing, and who stood behind The AFTERMATH! role playing game copyright 1981 Robert
me. Charrette and Paul Hume. AFTERMATH! Published by Fantasy
Games Unlimited, P.O. Box 1082, Gilbert, AZ 85234-1082.
AFTERMATH! TECHNOLOGY! is an authorized game supplement
for the AFTERMATH! role playing game, which is required for play.
CREDITS ............................................................................... 1
FORWARD ............................................................................. 3 FOREWORD
ABOUT AFTERMATH! TECHNOLOGY! ...................................... 3
MODI FI CATIONS TO THE AFTERMATH ! RULES........................ 3 In 1981 Robert Charrette and Paul Hume created a Role Playing
Combat System ............................. .................................... 3 Game system called AFTERMATH! The system is designed around
Aerial Movement ........................ ........................................ 4 role-playing characters in a world that has suffered some form of major
Attribute Group Chart......................................................... 4 calamity, be it nuclear war, devastation caused by plague, or any
UNIVERSAL CHARACTER GENERATOR .................................... 5 number of possible disasters that result in the complete or near-
Race Classes ............... .... .................................................. 5 complete breakdown of governments.
Age Group ................ ......................................................... 5 The game system is comprised of three books. Book One contains
Humanoid Race Descriptions .............................................. 6 the basic rules for the AFTERMATH! system. Book Two, entitled
Technological Level Chart ................................................. 17 "Survivors of the Aftermath," is the player's handbook. Book Three,
Initial Skills for Characters ................................................ 17 entitled "The World of the Aftermath," is the gamemaster's guide.
Initial Equipment .. ........................................................... 17 In order to use this supplement, you will need to have all three
Hit Location Tables .......................................................... 18 books, published by Fantasy Games Unlimited and available at most
Vision Types .......................... .......................................... 19 gaming-oriented retailers.
CYBERNffiCS FOR AFTERMATH!.......................................... 19 In 1987, David S. Harmer set out. to enhance the AFTERMATH!
Cybernetic Descriptions .................................................... 20 system by designing two supplements. The first was centered around
Cybernetic Parts Chart ..................................................... 23 introducing magic and new character races, while the second was to
Computer Programs ......................................................... 24 be focused on expanding the existing technology of the original
Cybernetic Barter Point Values .... ...................................... 25 system.
SPACE TRAVEL ..... ..................... .......................................... 25
Newtonian Spaceflight. ..................................................... 25 AFTERMATH! MAGIC! was finished and test-marketed in 1990 at
The Effects of Vacuum ..................................................... 26 several Southern Conventions and was met with great enthusiasm.
Interstellar Newtonian Spaceflight... .................................. 26 The supplement is currently available as a PDF through
Spaceflight in Hyperspace ................................................ 26 RPG Edge.com.
Hyperspace Mishap Chart ................................................. 27
Spaceship Design ............................................................. 27 AFTERMATH! TECHNOLOGY! is now being revised and re-
New Skills........................................................................ 28 released by Fantasy Games Unlimited.
HIGH TECH EQUIPMENT .............. : ....................................... 30
Energy Weapons.............................................................. 30 About AFTERMATH! TECHNOLOGY!
Miscellaneous High Tech Gear .......................................... 31 AFTERMATH! TECHNOLOGY! is a rules expansion and
High Tech Melee Weapons ............................................... 32 . technology supplement designed for use with the AFTERMATH! role
Space Suits .... ....................... .. .............. ............ .............. 35 playing game system.
Exotic Weapons ............................................................... 35
Oversized Weapons ......................................................... 36 Included in this supplement are modifications to the original
Gun Descriptions ............................................................. 36 AFTERMATH! combat system, a Universal Character Generator with
High Tech Vehicles.. ......... ................................................ 52
an expanded list and descriptions of various humanoid races, details
ALIEN CREATURES ........................................ .............. ........ 53
on cybernetics, space travel (including faster-than light travel), a
NETRUNNING ...................................................................... 54
detailed listing of new skill, High Tech and exotic equipment, detailed
How It All Works .............................................................. 54
breakdowns on several hundred weapons and net running.
Netrunning vs. Normal Adventuring .................................. 54
How to Run the Net ......................................................... 54
How to Play a Netrunning Session..................................... 55
Netrunning Equipment ..................................................... 55
Sample Programs............................ ................................. 55
The Architecture of The Net ............................................. 56
. ROBOTS AND WARDROIDS .................................................. 56
APPENDIX 1 - T ECH LEVELS .... ............................................. 58
Skills ............................... ................................................ 58
Armor/Clothing ........................................................ ........ 59
Melee Weapons ............................................................... 60
Small Arms ..................................... ................................. 62
APPENDIX 2 - QUICK REFERENCE CHARTS ........................... 64
CHARACTER SHEETS .................................................... ....... 68

TECHNOLOGY!, as an expansion for the AFTERMATH! game phases 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3.
system requires that a few modifications be made in the When to Act: The Gamemaster, at the start of each combat round,
AFTERMATH! rules. These modifications are designed to allow role begins an action phase countdown, starting at the highest character's
playing in any milieu without modifications to the game system. Base Action Phase (BAP). The GM calls out the number of the phase
First, a new Talent needs to be added to the Psychological profile: and any characters that act in that phase resolve all actions within that
Magic Affinity (MA). This talent represents the character's facility in phase. A character acts on each phase in his phase breakdown.
dealing with magical concepts, workings, and manifestations. This is Example: The GM calls out, "phase twelve." The player controlling
outlined in greater detail in AFTERMATH! MAGIC!. Slash says. "I acts in phase twelve. I wants to smash da puny widdel
dwarf wif my axe!" (Hey, he's an Ore. What did you expect.
COMBAT SYSTEM Shakespeare!)
How to Act: This is a role-playing game. This means role-play
AFTERMATH! utilizes a slightly different combat system than many everything. Including combat. Make physical actions act faster than
gamers are familiar with. Below is an explanation of "house rules· that verbal actions. If a player dives under the table, then rolls over and
make the AFTERMATH! combat system easier to referee. tells the GM that his character dives for cover, that playe·r is role-
Prelude to Combat: A phase breakdown should be prepared for playing appropriately, and the GM should reward such actions. •
each character, prior to play, and noted on their character sheet. A Example: When a player controlling a healer in a tournament wanted
phase breakdown details the phases in which a character can act to save his comrades from a grenade, he dove out of his chair and did
within a combat turn. Example: Slash The Ore has a BAP of 15 and a a belly flop on a concrete floor, rolled over, and groaned, "I throw
MNA of 5, giving him an PCA of 3. This means that Slash can act in myself on the grenade to save my friends."

against the fall, with 1 BMA per Action Phase canceling the downward
Aerial movement is only slightly different from normal movement, in acceleration, and each additional BMA per action phase reducing the
that altitude can be readily changed. A flying creature may expend 1 category of motion by 1/10. This means that a falling creature wlth an
point of BMA to either gain .5 meters of altitude, or lose 2 meters of aerial BMA of 6 would take 6 Action Phases to land safely.
altitude (safely). If the flying creature wants to "swoop• out of a dive, and is in any
The Stopping Forward Motion rules (Aftermath! Book 1, page 24) motion category less than 3, the downward motion can be converted to
apply fully to aerial descent, and any descent in category 3 (charging horizontal, with BMA/12 of BMA in forward movement, and the rest in
down) is considered a fall by a flying creature (normal falling rules downward movement, as the creature "swoops" out of the dive. Flying
apply, wJth a height equivalent to that where category 3 was reached). creatures wlth a falling category of 3 must reduce their category to 2
A falling flying creature trying to recover from a dive must climb by the above means before performing a "swoop".

The Attribute Group Chart is modified to appear as this:


Attribute Rating 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85-94 95- 104
Group Number 6 7 8 9 10 11
Effect Die 2 01 0+1 2010+106 2010+206 2010+306 2010+406 2010+506

This will allow the generation of "super races" who are much better in one area than humans. Ursolds, for example, have the strength to rip a
limb from the human.body with their bare hands

Universal Character Generation

This system will allow generation of characters in any milieu. The The following chart gives the skill points for a given age group.
first step is to determine the character's age group by rolling a d20 on
this table. The three Ape races are from AFTERMATH! Book 3 page AGE GROUP SKILL POINTS
29. 0- 13 + 2d10 skill points+initial skills
1- 22 + 2d10
AGE RACE ~L,A~~ 2- 31 + 2d10
Sl~2 GROUP A B c 12 ~ F G H 3- 40 + 2d10
1-5 0 5 813 26 46 50 80 160 4- 49 + 2d10
6-10 11 15 22 46 13290110 220 5- 58 + 2d10
11- 14 2 17 24 31 66 180130150 300
15-17 3 23 31 40 86 300170250 500 The second step is to choose a race. The race will determine aging,
18-19 4 29 37 49 106 370200325 650 bonus and minuses to attributes and talents, and any special abilities ·
20 5 35 43 58 126 450230625 750 (infravision, flight, etc.). These modifications to attributes are to be
Race Class A applied before the allocation of initial attribute points.
Ore; Goblin; Scorpion; Kobold; Serpentine; Canine; lnsectoid, The occurrence of "Changed" or mutated characters will vary from
Wasp; Android campaign to campaign, and it is up to the Gamemaster to decide the
Race Class 8 probabilities of this occurring to a character. Note that it is not only a
Felldare, Tiger; Saurian; Toridare; Hawk-man; Muridlan; lnsectoid, post-holocaust world that will contain characters that are "Changed".
Worker-Ant; Ape, Gorilla Usually mutations occur one time in 1000. (Roll 3d10, and a 30 results
BaceClass C in mutation) The Gamemaster should not feel forced into allowing
Human; Felldare, Lion; Hobgoblin; Rhinoceri; lnsectoid, Queen Ant; changed characters into the game, but should use it only if it fits his
Ape, Chimpanzee; Ape, Orangutan
image of his world.
Race Class D
It is suggested that a beginning player try a human character, until
Felidare, Cheetah, Puma/Leopard; Ursoid; Gnoll; Minotaur
the player understands the system of bonuses and minuses. Below
Race Class E
are the race descriptions.
Dwarf; Ogre; Klreean
City Dwarf; lnsectoid, Mantis
Race Class G
Aquatic Elf; City Elf; Halfling
Race Class H

Humanoid Race Descriptions Physical Aspects Chart
Size&Bulk Height Weight
Numbers in parenthesis are racial maximums, and numbers in Very Low Below5'10" below 160 lb
brackets are racial minimums, with the racial bonus included. Low 5'11"- 6' 140- 160 lb
Below Average 6'1"- 6'2" 161- 180 lb
Android Average 6'3"- 6'5" 181- 200 lb
Wit: 0 (100) Above Average 6'6"-6'7" 201- 220 lb
Will: 0 (100) High 6'8"-6'9" 221- 240 lb
Strength: 35+ Options Very High over6'9" over2401b
Deftness: 35 +Options
Speed: 35 +Options The Scorpion-man is an example of arachnid derivative evolution.
Health: 0 (100) Standing about 1.9 meters tall, the Scorpion- man has pale tan to
Charismatic: -2 brown chitinous (leathery) skin, but an internal structural skeleton.
Combative: 0 The Scorpion-man's tail is still fully functional, and has a striking range
Communicative: +1 of 2 meters with a WDM of 1.6L. Poison is coded as thus: S-L-DFT-
Esthetic: -3 203 hours-per unit injected-4 hr.-nausea. The Arachnoid's skin has an
Mechanical: +4 AV of 5, with a claw WOM of 1.3L. The Arachnoids have no hair, and
Natural: -3 have insectoid multi-lensed eyes, giving them a 270 degree ff81d of
Scientific: +3 vision.
Magic Affinity: NIA

An Android ls a machine that mimics human form and actions. The

only way for an Android to increase its Strength, Deftness, or Speed is
with cybernetic implants. Androids cannot ever use magic. They are
also incapable of reproduction, as they are a manufactured life form.
Androids are available as a player character at tech level 24. Androids
are immune to the effects of aging.

Physical Aspects Chart

Size& Bulk Height Weight
Very Low Below 5'7" below 140 lb APE RACES
Low 5'7"-5'8" 141-150 lb
Below Average 5'9"-5'1 O'' 151- 160 lb Ape, Chimpanzee
Average 5'1 1"-6'1" 161- 180 lb Wit: +3
Above Average 6'2"-6'3" 181- 190 lb Will: 0
High 6'4"-6'5" 191- 200 lb Strength: 0
Very High over6'5" over2001b Deftness: +2
Speed: -1
Arachnoid, Scorpion Health: +1(45)
Wit: Charismatic: 0
- 5 (20)
Will: Combative: -2
- 5 (20)
Strength: Communicative: 0
- 5 (25)
Deftness: Esthetic: +3
Speed: Mechanical: +4
+5 (50)
Health: Natural: 0
0 (25)
Charismatic: Scientific: +3
Combative: Magic Affinity: 0
Skin AV 2
Communicative: -1
Esthetlc: BiteWDM 1.2L
Mechanical: ClawWDM 1.2L
Natural: +5
Physical Aspects Chart
Scientific: -1
Size & Bulk Height Weight
Magic Affinity: +1
Very Low Below4' below 105 lb
Skin AV 5
Low 4'-4'1" 105-11 4 1b
ClawWOM 1.3 L
Below Average 4'2"-4'3" 115- 124 lb
StlngWDM 1.6 L + poison ·
Average 4'4"-4'6" 125- 145 lb
Above Average 4'7"-4'8" 146-155 lb
High 4'9"-4'10" 156-165 lb
Very High over 4'10~ over1651b

The Chimpanzee is taken from AFTERMATHI book 3. Above Average 5'8"-5'9" 181-195 lb
High 5'10"-5'11" 196-215 lb
Ape, Gorilla Very High over 5'11" over215 lb
Wit -5 (30)
Will: -5 The Orangutan is taken from AFTERMATH! book 3.
Strength: +8 (50)
Deftness: 0 (30) Canine
Speed: 0 (30) Wit: - 4 (30)
Health: 0 (50) Will: 0
Charismatic: -3 Strength: +4 (45)
Combative: +4 Deftness: - 2 (35)
Communicative: 0 Speed: +3 (45)
Esthetlc: -2 Health: 0
Mechanical: -2 Charismatic: +1
Natural: 0 Combative: +1
Scientific: -2 Communicative: · -2
Magic Affinity: -2 Esthetic: +1
Skin AV 2 Mechanical: 0
BiteWDM 1.2L Natural: +3
ClawWDM 1.2L Scientific: -2
Magic Affinity: -2
Physical Aspects Chart Skin AV 2
Size& Bulk Height Weight BiteWDM 1.2L
Very Low Below5'8" below330 lb ClawWDM 1.2L
Low 5'8"-5'10" 330-35.0 lb
Below Average 5'11"-6'1" 351- 370 lb Physical Aspects Chart
Average 6'2"-6'4" 371-390 lb Size& Bulk Height Weight
Above Average 6'5"-6'7" 391-4101b Very Low Below5'6" below 160 lb
High 6'8"-6'10" 411-430 lb Low 5'6"-5'7" 160- 180 lb
Very High over6'10" over4301b Below Average 5'8"-5'9" 181- 200 lb
Average 5'10"-6' 201- 220 lb
The Gorilla is taken from AFTERMATH I book 3. Above Average 6'1"-6'2" 221 - 240 lb
High 6'3"-6'4" 241- 260 lb
Ape, Orangutan Very High over6'4" over2601b
Wit: +5
Will: +2 The Canine, or Dog-man, is commonly called a werewolf, though
Strength: +2 the stories of the transformations from wolf to human are based on
Deftness: - 5 (30) fear, falsehood, and basic misunderstandings. The average Canine
Speed: 0 stands 1.8 meters tail, with fur and facial features similar to any of the
Health: +2 (40) standard breeds of dog. Beagle, German Shepherd, and Siberian
Charismatic: 0 Husky are the most common breeds of Canine.
Combative: -4
Communicative: 0 DWARVEN RACES
Esthetic: +3
Mechanical: +3 Dwarves are one of the oldest of the humanoid races. Over the
Natural: 0 years, the Dwarven race has developed into 5 distinct sub-races.
Scientific: +4 These represent the different areas in which the dwarves developed.
Magic Affinity: +1 All Dwarves stand 1.3 meters tall on the average, and all have active
·Skin AV 2 infravision. Dwarves are short, stocky, and both sexes have full
BiteWDM 1.2L beards.
ClawWOM 1.2L'
Physical Aspects Chart
Physical Aspects Chart· Size & Bulk Height Weight
Slze&Bulk Height Weight Very Low Below 3'11" below 140 lb
Very Low Below5'1" below 1201b Low 3'11"-4' 140- 160 lb
Low 5'1"-5'2" 120- 135 lb Below Average 4'1 "-4'2" 161- 180 lb
Below Average 5'3"-5'4" 136- 150 lb Average 4'3"-4'4" 181- 200 lb
Average 5'5"-5'7" 151-180 lb Above Average 4'5"-4'6" 201- 220 lb

High 47"-4'8" 221- 240 lb Desert Dwarf
Very High over4'8" over2401b
Wit: 0
Will: 0
Mountain Dwarf
Strength: 0 (45)
Wit: 0
Deftness: 0 (35)
Will: 0
Speed: 0 (35)
Strength: +5 (45)
Health: 0 (50)
Deftness: 0 (30)
Charismatic: -2
Speed: 0 (30)
Combative: +3
Health: +5(50)
Communicative: 0
Charismatic: -2
Esthetic: 0
Combative: +3
Mechanical: +1
· Communicative: +1
Natural: +1
Esthetic: +2
Scientific: -1
Mechanical: +3
Magic Affinity: -3
Natural: 0
Scientific: 0
The Desert Dwarf evolved in the deep desert, with little water or
Magic Affinity: -3
shelter. A little less bulky than his brethren, the Desert Dwarf masses
5 to 10 kilograms lighter on the average than other Dwarvlsh races,
The Mountain Dwarf, or "True Dwarf' is the most common of all the
with black hair, dark skin, and dark brown eyes.
Dwarven races. Living underground, their infravision has been
developed to the fullest extenl The Mountain Dwarves have white hair
Forest Dwarf
and grayish skin, with blue eyes, having lost most of their
Wit: . +1
Will: +1
Strength: +5 (45)
City Dwarf
Deftness: 0 (30)
Wit: 0
Speed: 0 (30)
Will: 0
Health: 0 (50)
Strength: :t-5 (45)
Charismatic: -2
·Deftness: 0 (30)
Combative: +3
Speed: 0 (30)
Communicative: 0
Health: 0 (50)
Esthetic: 0
Charismatic: -2
Mechanical: +1
Combative: +2
Natural: +3
Communicative: +1
Scientific: -1
Esthetic: +1
Magic Affinity: 0
Mechanical: +2
Natural: -2
The Forest Dwarf is the more tribal of the Dwarven races, having
Scientific: 0
developed in the steamy jungles and rain forests of the equatorial belt.
Magic Affinity: -3
Standing 5 to 10 centimeters shorter than the average Dwarf, the
forest dwarf, or Pygmy Dwarf, is the shortest of the Dwarven races,
The City Dwarf is the most "civilized" of the Dwarven races. They
having dark skin, hair, and eyes.
usually stand a few centimeters taller than their brethren, due to the
better balanced diet they enjoy. They have black to light ~rown hair,
with blue to brown eyes.

Arctic Dwarf Aquatic Elf
Wit: -5 Wit: 0
Will: -5 Will: 0 (30)
Strength: +5 (45) Strength: 0 (30)
Deftness: 0 (30) Deftness: 0 (45)
Speed: 0 (30) Speed: 0
HeaHh: +10(60) Health: 0 (25)
Charismatic: -2 Charismatic: -1
Combative: +3 Combative: 0
Communicative: 0 Communicative: +1
Esthetic: 0 Esthetic: +4
Mechanical: +1 Mechanical: -4
Natural: +2 Natural: +1
Scientific: -1 Scientific: 0
Magic Affinity: -2 Magic Affinity: +1

The Arctic Dwarf developed on the glaciers and tundra of the far The Aquatic Elves developed under water, and have both lungs
North. The Arctic Dwarf has dark skin and black to dark brown hair and internal gills, with an automatic air/water/food selection reflex.
with blue eyes. They have pale skin with blond hair, and green eyes, and have slightly
webbed fingers and toes, allowing for better swimming abilities. (+3 to

The Elven races, oldest of all humanoid races other than Man Earth Elf
himself, have developed much as the Dwarves have, developing into 5 Wit: +5
independent races. All Elves stand an average of 1.8 meters tall, and Will: +5 (50)
all have passive infravision, except Earth Elves. All Elves are Strength: 0 (35)
moderately tall and slender, with pointed ears, and they appear very Deftness: 0 (50)
beautiful to Humans. Speed: 0
Health: 0 (25)
Physical Aspects Chart Charismatic: -1
Size&Bulk Height Weight Combative: 0
Very Low Below5'7" below80 lb Communicative: -1
Low 5'7"- 5'8" 80- 100 lb Esthetic: +3
Below Average 5'9"- 5'10" 100- 120 lb Mechanical: -2
Average S'11"- 6'1" 121- 140 lb Natural: -4
Above Average 6'2"-6'3" 141- 160 lb Scientific: -2
High 6'4"- 6'5" 161- 180 lb Magic Affinity: +4
Very High over6'5" over1801b
The Earth Elves, or "Dark Elves", developed underground, and
Aerial Elf have active infravision as a result. They have ebony black skin with
Wit: +5 silvery blond hair and steel grey eyes.
Will: +5
Strength: 0 (30) Mountain Elf
Deftness: 0 (50) Wit: -5
spe8d: 0 Will: -5
Health: 0 (25) Strength: 0
Ct:iarismatic: +1 Deftness: 0 (55)
Combative: 0 Speed: 0
Communicative: +2 Health: 0 (30)
Esthetic: +4 Charismatic: 0
Mechanical: -5 Combative: +1
Natural: +2 Communicative: +1
Scientific: 0 Esthetic: +4
Magic Affinity: +3 Mechanical: 0
Natural: -1
The Aerial Elves long ago moved to cities in the air, even though . Scientific: +2
the Elves themselves are incapable of flight. They are usually lighter Magic Affinity: +2
than the rest of the Elven races (-30 to bulk roll), and have pale skin,
and silvery blond hair with blue to steel grey eyes. These Elves are the barbarian Elves, having developed on the
steppes and plateaus of the high mountains. Because of the thinner

air, they have larger chests, and a large lung capacity. These Elves The Cheetah-man is a humanoid evolved from the cheetah, and .
have pale skin with dark hair and eyes. · has similarly patterned fur. They have eyes that range from green to .
blue, retracting claws, and stand an average of 1.9 meters tall. Like
Wood Elf their wild cousin, the Cheetah-man has very short fur which is kept '
Wit: 0 very clean and neatly trimmed.
Will: 0 (30)
Strength: 0 (30) Felidare, Lion-man
Deftness: +5 (50) Wit: 0
Speed: 0 Will: - 10
Health: 0 (25) Strength: +5 (50)
Charismatic: +3 Deftness: 0
Combative: 0 Speed: +5 (50)
Communicative: +1 Health: +10(60)
Esthetic: +4 Charismatic: +1
Mechanlcal: -4 Combative: +2
Natural: +3 Communicative: -1
Scientific: +1 Esthetic: -1
Magic Affinity: +2 Mechanical: -2
Natural: :t-3
The Wood Elf, or Common Elf comprises almost 65% of the Elven Scientific: 0
. population. They have platinum blond to light. brown hair, with pale Magic Affinity: 0
eyes and skin. Having evolved in the forests, they seem to prefer llvlng Hide AV 3
· amidst the trees and are sometimes mistaken for Dryads. BiteWDM 1.3 L
ClawWDM 1.5L

The Felidare, or cat people, are examples of feline derivative Physical Aspects Chart
evolution. They stlll have fur on their bodies, pronounced canines, Size & Bulk Height Weight
claws, and tails. All Felidare have fur with an AV of 3, and· a bite WDM Very Low Below 6'7". below 190 lb
of 1.3L. Low 6'7"- 6'9" 190- 220 lb .
Below Average 6'10"- 7' 221- 250 lb
Felldare, Cheetah-man Average 7'1"- 7'4" 251- 280 lb
Wit: -5 Above Average 7'5"- 7'7" 281- 310 lb
Will: -5 High 7'8"- 7'10" 311- 340 lb
Strength: 0 Very High over 7'10" over340 lb
Deftness: +5 (50)
Speed: +20 (60) (30) The Lion-man, the largest of all the Felidare, stands 2.2 meters tall
Health: -5 on the average, has golden fur, with the males having a full mane after
Charismatic: -2 age 22 (mane AV 4). A Lion-man's eyes range from brown to green,
Combative: +2 with the rarest case of blue eyes. A Lion-man's claws have a WDM of
Communicative: -1 1.5 L, and are non-retractable.
Esthetic: +1
Mechanical: 0 Felldare, Puma- or- Leopard- man
Natural: +4 Wit: -5
Scientific: -3 Will: -5
Magic Affinity: -8 Strength: 0
Hide AV 3 Deftness: 0
BiteWDM 1.3 L Speed: +5 (50)
ClawWDM 1.3 L Health: +5 (60)
Charismatic: -1
Physical Aspects Chart Combative: +1
Size& Bulk Height Weight Communicative -1
Very Low Below 5'8" below 140 lb Esthetic: 0
Low 5'8"-5'9" 140- 160 lb Mechanical: +5
Below Average 6'- 6'1" 161- 180 lb Natural: +2
Average 6'2"-6'4" 181- 210 lb Scientific: +5
Above Average 6'5"-6'6" 211- 240 lb Magic Affinity: -8
High 6'7"- 6'8" 241- 270 lb Hide AV 3
Very High over6'8" over2701b BiteWDM 1.3 L
GlawWDM 1.3 L

Physical Aspects Chart lnsectold, Worker Ant
Size& Bulk Height Weight Wit: - 10(20)
Very Low Below 5'7" below 120 lb Will: -10(20)
Low 5'7"- 5'8" 120- 140 lb Strength: +5 (35)
Below Average 5'9"- 5'10" 141- 160 lb Deftness: +1
Average 5'11"- 6'1" 161- 190 lb Speed: +3
Above Average 6'2"-6'3" 191- 210 lb Health: - 2 (35)
High 6'4"- 6'5" 211 - 230 lb Charismatic: -3
Very High over6'5" over2301b Combative: +2
Communicative: -2
The Puma or Leopard men, distinguished from each other only by Esthetic: -4
fur patterning, stand an average of 1.8 meters tall, with green eyes. Medlanical: +1
Puma men have single color fur ranging from light brown to black, Natural: +2
while Leopard men have light brown fur with black patterning. The Scientific: -4
Puma or Leopard man's retracting claws have a WDM of 1.3 L. Magic Affinity: -5
Skin AV 3
BiteWDM 1.3 L
Felldare, Tiger-man
ClawWDM 1.6 L
Wit: -5
Will: -5
Physical Aspects Chart
Strength: 0 (50)
Size & Bulk Height Weight
Deftness: +5 (50)
Very Low Belows• below 110 lb
Speed: 0 (50)
Low 5'- 5'1" 110- 130 lb
Health: 0
Below Average 5'2"- 5'3" 131- 150 lb
Charismatic: -2
Average 5'4"-5'6" 151- 170 lb
Combative: +3
Above Average 5'7"- 5'8" 171- 190 lb
Communicative: 0
High 5'9"- 5'10" 191- 210 lb
Esthetic: 0
Very High over 5'10" over2101b
Mechanical: +1
Natural: +4
The male Ant, or Worker, stands an average of 1.6 meters tall, with
Scientific: +1
black to red chitinous skin. The 6 limbs are organized as 2 legs, 2
Magic Affinity: -7
primary arms, and 2 secondary arms (-2 to BCS}. The Worker Ant has
Hide AV 3
a skin AV of 3, a bite WDM of 1.3L, and a claw WDM of 1.6L.
BiteWDM 1.3 L
ClawWDM 1.6 L
lnsectold, Queen Ant
Wit: +5
Physical Aspects Chart
Will: +5
Size & Bulk Height Weight
Strength: - 10 (25)
Very Low Below6'5" below170 lb
Deftness: +2
Low 6'5"-6'6" 170- 200 lb
Speed: +1
Below Average 6'7"- 6'8" 201- 230 lb
Health: +1 (35)
Average 6'9"- 6'11" 231- 260 lb
Charismatic: -2
Above Average 7'- 7'1" 261- 290 lb
Combative: -2
High 7'2"- 7'3" 291- 320 lb
Communicative +1
Very High over 7'3" over 320 lb
Esthetic: -2
Mechanical: -3
The Tiger-man stands an average of 2.0 meters tall, with tawny
Natural: 0
orange fur with black striping. Eyes are usually green, but blue and
Scientific: -3
brown have occurred. The rarest fur patterning is white with black
Magic Affinity: +1
stripes, occurring approximately one time In 100,000. The Tiger-man's
Skin AV 4
retracting claws have a WDM of 1.6L.
BiteWDM 1.3 L
ClawWDM 1.2 L

Physical Aspects Chart

The lnsectoids are intelligent humanoids evolved from smaller
Size& Bulk Height Weight
insects. lnsectoids have 6 limbs, segmented bodies, and multifaceted
Very Low Below6'9" below210 lb
eyes. The lnsectoid's eyes are not good at any range beyond 100
Low 6'9"- 6'11" 210- 230 lb
meters, but give a 240 field of vision. All lnsectoids have
Below Average 7'- 7'2" 231- 250 lb
exoskeletons, with only rudimentary internal skeletons composed of·
Average 7'3"- 7'6" 251- 270 lb

lnsectold, W asp
Wit: -5
Will: .5
Strength: 0 (30)
Deftness: +5
Speed: +5
Health: 0 (30)
Charismatic: -3
Combative: +1
Communicative: -1
Esthetlc: +2
Mechanical: +1
Natural: +1
Scientific: -2
Magic Affinity: -4
Above Average 7'7"· 7'9" 271· 290 lb Skin AV 1
High 7'10"· 8' 291· 300 lb BiteWOM 1.2 L
Very High over 8' over300 lb StingWDM 1.9 L
Flight BMA 5
The female of the Ant species, the Queen, stands an average of ·
2.2 meters tall when standing on her hind legs, and 1.6 meters tall
Physical Aspects Chart
otherwise. She has black to red chitinous skin with the 6 limbs
Size & Bulk Height Weight
organized as 2 arms and 4 legs. The Queen Ant has a skin AV of 4 , a
Very Low Below5'4" below70 lb
bite WDM of 1.3L, and a claw WDM of 1.2L.
Low 5'4"· 5'5" 70- 90 lb
Below Average 5'6"· 5'7" 91· 110 lb
Average 5'8"-5'9" 111- 1301b
lnsectold, Mantis
Above Average 5'1 O"- 5'11" 131- 150 lb
Wit: +5 High 6'- 6'1" 151- 170 lb
Wiii: +5 Very High over6'1" over1 701b
Strength: 0
Deftness: +1 The Wasp is the flying insectoid, having 4 manipulative arms, 2
Speed: +5 (45) wings, and 2 legs. The Wasp's skin varies from being brightly
Health: 0 (30) patterned to a solid brown or black. The average Wasp stands 1.7
Charismatic: -2 meters tall. Wasps have a skin AV of 1, a bite WDM of 1.2 L, and a
Combative: +1 sting WDM of 1.9 L. A Wasp has a BMA of 5 while flying .
Communicative: -2
Esthetic: -3 Gnoll
Mechanical: -2 Wit: • 10(20)
Natural: +1 Will: - 10(20)
Scientific: -2 Strength: +5 (50)
Magic Affinity: +3 Deftness: 0
Skin AV 3 Speed: 0
BiteWDM 1.2 L Health: +5 (50)
ClawWDM 28 Charismatic: .3
Combative : +5
Physical Aspects Chart
Communicative +1
Slze&Bu lk Height Weight Esthetlc: -3
Very Low Below6'3" below 190 lb Mechanical: -2
Low 5•3•.5•5• 190- 210 lb Natural: +2
Below Average 6'6"· 6'8" 211- 230 lb Scientific: -4
Average 6'9"· 6'11" 231- 250 lb Magic Affinity: .3
Above Average 7'· 7'2" 251- 270 lb Skin AV 1
High 7'3"- 7'5" 271· 300 lb BiteWDM 1.2 l
Very High over7'5" over300 lb ClawWDM 1.1l

The Mantis stands 2.1 meters tall, with green to brown skin. The Physical Aspects Chart
Mantis' limbs are 2 manipulative arms, 2 sword shaped secondary
Size& Bulk Height Weight
arms (no manipulation), and 2 legs. The Mantis has a skin AV of 3, a
Very Low Below6'7" below200 lb
bite WDM of 1.2L, and a claw WDM of 28 with the sword shaped
Low 6'7"-6'9" 200- 220 lb
arms. Below Average 6'10"- 7' 221- 240 lb
Average 7'1"- 7'3" 241- 260 lb Pl)yslcal Aspects Chart
Above Average 7'4"- 7'5" 261- 280 lb
High 7'7"- 7'9" 281- 300 lb Size & Bulk Height Weight
Very Low Below3'11" below 120 lb
Very High over 7'9" over3001b
Low 3'1 1"- 4' 120- 130 lb

The Gnoll, or Jackal-man, stands an average of 2.2 meters tall, Below Average 4'1"-4'2" 131-1401b
with greenish-brown skin, yellow eyes, and dirty brown to black hair. Average 4'3"-4'4" 141 - 160 lb
The body is that of a man, with the head and neck of a jackal. All Above Average 4'5"-4'6" 161- 170 lb
Gnolls have passive infravision. Gnolls have a skin AV of 1, a bite High 4'7"-4'8" 171- 180 lb
WDM of 1.2 L, and claws with a WDM of 1.1 L. Very High over4'8" over1801b

Goblin The Halfling is a hairy humanoid with light brown skin, green to
Wit: - 5 (10) brown eyes, and lots of dense brown hair, including the tops of their
Will: - 5 (15) feet. Halflings stand 1.3 meters tall on the average, and all have
Strength: 0 (35) passive infravision.
Deftness: 0 (25)
Speed: -1 (35) Hawkman
Health: +1 (45) Wit: 0
Charismatic: -2 Will: 0
Combative: +1 Strength: - 7 (30)
Communicative: -5 Deftness: -5
Esthetic: -2 Speed: +5
Mechanical: -1 Health: - 5 (35)
Natural: +3 Charismatic: -1
Scientific: -5 Combative: -1
Magic Affinity: -5 Communicative: +1
Skin AV Esthetic: 0
BiteWDM 1.2 L Mechanical: 0
ClawWDM 1.2 L Natural: +1
Scientific: 0
Physical Aspects Chart Magic Affinity: -1
Size&Bulk Height Weight Wings AV 1
Very Low Below 5'1'.' under130lb FlightBMA 6
Low 5'1"- 5'2" 130- 150 lb
Below Average 5'3"- 5'4" 151- 170 lb Physical Aspects Chart
Average 5'5"- 5'7" 171- 190 lb Slze&Bulk Height Weight
Above Average 5'8"-5'9" 191- 210 lb Very Low Below 5'11" below SO lb
High 5'10"- 5'11" 211- 230 lb Low 5'11"- 6' 80- 90 lb
Very High over 5'11" over230 1b Below Average 6'1"-6'2" 91- 100 lb
Average 6'3"-6'5" 101- 120 lb
Goblins have greenish skin and stand an average of 1.6 meters tall. Above Average 6'6"-6'7" 121- 130 lb
They have black hair, pointy ears and nose, and yellowish-green eyes. High 6'8"-6'9" 131- 140 lb
All goblins have passive infravision. Goblins have a skin AV of 1, bite· Very High over6'9" over 140 lb
WDM of 1.2L, and a claw WDM of 1.2L.
Hawkmen are humans with golden brown feathered wings. They
Halfling stand an average of 1.9 meters tall, and sport the full range of human
Wit: +1 features. Hawkmen can see clearly out to one mile. The Hawkman has
Will: +1 a BMA of 6 while flying.
Strength: - 5 (30)
Deftness: +5 (45) Hobgoblin
Speed: -2 Wit: - 5 (15)
Health: +1 (50) Will: • 5 (10)
Charismatic: 0 Strength: +15(60)
Combative: -1 Deftness: - 5 (30)
Communicative: +1 Speed: - 5 (25)
Esthetic: +2 Health: +5 (45)
Mechanical: +1 Charismatic: -2
Natural: -2 Combative: +3
Scientific: -3 Communicative: -2
Magic Affinity: -1 Esthetic:· -4

Mechanical: -1 Kobold
Natural: +1 Wit: - 5 (10)
Scientific: -3 Will: - 5 (10)
Magic Affinity: -4 Strength: - 5 (25)
Skin AV 1 Deftness: 0 (35)
BiteWDM 1.3 L Speed: 0 (30)
ClawWDM 1.4 L Health: +10 (50)'
Charismatic: -2
Physical Aspects Chart Combative: +1
Size& Bulk Height Weight Communicative: +1
Very Low Below 7'1" below 200 lb Esthetic: -2
Low 7'1"- 7'3" 200- 230 lb Mechanical: -3
Below Average 7'4"- 7'6" 23(}. 260 lb Natural: +1
Average 7'7"- 7'10" 261- 290 lb Scientific: -1
Above Average 7'11"- 8'1" 291- 320 lb Magic Affinity: -6
High 8'2"- 8'4" 321- 350 lb BiteWDM 1.4 L
Very High over8'4" over3501b ClawWDM 1.4L

Physical Aspects Chart

The Hobgoblin, a relative of the Ore and Goblin, stands an ugly 2.3 Size & Bulk Height Weight
meters tall on the average, with greenish skin. yellow eyes, pointy Very Low Below4'11" below 130 lb
nose, floppy ears, and scraggly black hair. Hobgoblins have active Low 4'11"-5' 130 -150 lb
infravision, and have a skin AV of 1, a bite WDM of 1.3L, and a claw
Below Average 5'1"-5'2" 151 -170 lb
WDM of 1.4L. Average 5'3"-5'5" 171 - 190 lb
Above Average 5'6"-5'7" 191-210 1b
Kireean High 5'8"-5'9" 211 - 230 lb
Wit: 0 (30) Very High over 5'9" over 230 lb
Will: +5
Strength: -5 (30) The Kobold, one of the goblin races. stands 1.6 meters tall on the
Deftness: +5 (50) average, with greenish-brown skin, sparse black matted hair, shriveled
Speed: +5 ears, flattened nose, and yellowish eyes. All Kobolds have active
Health: +5 (30) infravlsion. Kobolds have a bite WDM of 1.4L, and a claw WDM of
Charismatic: +5 1.4l.
Combative: -3
Communicative: +1 Minotaur
Esthetic: +4 Wit: - 10 (25)
Mechanical: -3 Will: - 10 (30)
Natural: +1 Strength: +15 (60) (35]
Scientific: -4 Deftness: -5 (35)
Magic Affinity: +1 Speed: - 5 (35)
Health: +5 (60)
Physical Aspects Chart Charismatic: -2
Size& Bulk Height Weight Combative: +5 (25)
Very Low Below5'10" below90 lb Communicative: -3
Low 5'10"-5'11" 90- 110 lb Esthetic: -3
Below Average 6'- 6'1" 111- 130 lb Mechanical: -4
Average 6'2"-6'4" 131- 150 lb Natural: +1
Above Average 6'5"-6'6" 151- 170 lb Scientific: -3
High 6'7"- 6'8" 171- 190 lb Magic Affinity: 0
Very High over6'8" over190 1b Skin AV 4
BiteWDM 1.6 c
The Kireean is well known for Its athletic prowess and beauty. A HornsWDM 2.5 B
Kireean stands an average of 1.9 meters tall, with light brown skin,
pointed ears, platinum blond hair, and unusual eyes. The Kireean's Physical Aspects Chart
eyes are black in the center, with the rest of the iris being stark white. Slze&Bulk Height Weight
Kireeans have low light vision class 1 colored through the normal Very low Below7'2" below200 lb
human spectrum. The Kireean's hands are also unique, as they have Low 7'2"- 7'4" 200- 230 lb
dual opposable thumbs, allowing for the high deftness of this race. Below Average 7'5"- 7'7" 231- 260 lb
Kireeans appear very beautiful, and are said to be the most attractive Average 7'8"- 7'10" 261 - 290 lb
of all races. Above Average 7'11"-8'1" 291- 320 lb


BiteWDM 1.2 L
High 8'2"-8'4" 321- 350 lb ClawWDM 1.6 L
Very High over8'4" over350lb
Physical Aspects Chart
The Minotaur stands an average of 2.3 meters tall, with a muscular Size & Bulk Height W eight
man's body and a bull's head, brownish skin and fur, and black eyes. Very Low Below3'8" below70 lb
Minotaurs have active infravision. The Minotaur has a skin AV of 4, a Low 3'8"-3'9" 70- 80 lb
bite WDM of 1.6C, and a horn WDM of 2.5B. Minotaurs have a natural Below Average 3'10"- 3'11 '' 81- 90 lb
sense of direction, and are at home in a maze. Average 4'- 4'1 " 91- 1001b
Above Average 4'2"-4'3" 101- 110 lb
Angus: Jet Black coloring. High 4'4"-4'5" 111- 1201b
Brah man: Overall gray coloring. Very High over4'5" over120lb
Charolais: Solid white coloring.
Galloway: +1 Strength, -1 Deftness The Muridian, or Rat-man, is an example of rat derivative evolution.
Hereford: Has +10 to bulk. They stand an average of 1.2 meters tall with hairless tails, brown fur,
Holstein: Black and white coloring. and yellowish eyes. Muridians have passive infravision. The Muridian
Latvian Brown: -1 Charismatic, +1 Esthetic has a skin AV of 3, a bite WDM of 1.2L, and a claw WDM of 1.6L.
Short-Hom: Horn WDM 2.2 B
Welsh Black: Standard Minotaur, no modifiers. Ogre
Wit: - 10 (10)
Muridlan W ill: -10 (10)
Wit: - 10 (30) Strength: +20 (65) (45]
Will: - 10 (30) Deftness: -10 (30)
Strength: - 10 (30) Speed: - 10 (30)
Deftness: +10 (50) . Health: +10 (60)
Speed: +10 (50) Charismatic: -3
Health: +5 (50) Combative: +4
Charismatic: -4 Communicative: -3
Combative: +2 Esthetic: -2
Communicative: -1 Mechanical: -3
Esthetlc: +4 Natural: -1
Mechanical: +1 Scientific: -2
Natural: +3 Magic Affinity: 0
Scientific: -4 Skin AV 2
Magic Affinity: -2 BiteWDM 1.3 L
Skin AV 3 ClawWDM 2.5C

Physical Aspects Chart Natural: +5
Size& Bulk Height Weight Scientific: -1
Very Low Below7'10" below240 lb Magic Affinity: +3
Low T10"- 8' 240- 270 lb Skin AV 4
Below Average 8'1"- 8'3" 271- 300 lb HomWDM special
Average 8'4"- 8'7" 301- 330 lb Physical Aspects Chart
Above Average 8'8"- 8'10" 331- 360 lb
High 8'11"- 9'1" 361- 390 lb Slze& Bulk Height Weight
Very High over 9'1 " over390 lb Very Low Below 7'1" below250 lb
Low 7'1"- T3" 250- 270 lb
The Ogre stands an average of 2.5 meters tall, with brown skin, Below Average T4"-7'6" 270- 290 lb
black hair, and yellowish eyes. All Ogres have active infravision. Ogres Average 7'7"- 7'10" 291· 320 lb
have a skin AV of 2, a bite WDM of 1.3L, and a punch WDM of 2.5C. Above Average 7'11"- 8'1" 321- 340 lb
High 8'2"-8'4" 341- 360 lb
Ore Very High over8'4" over3601b
WH: -10 (20)
Will: -10 The Rhinoceri have been mistakenly called Unicom men, as they
Strength: +15 (50) have one horn in the middle of their forehead, which Is commonly
Deftness: 0 (30) adorned with engraving, jewels, and gold, and other precious metals,
Speed: +5 (30)
Health: 0 (50) The average Rhinoceri stands 2.3 meters tall, with very powerful
Charismatic: -5 flanks and shoulders, grey leathery skin, steel grey eyes, and black
Combative: +4 hair. The Rhinoceri's horn WDM Is equal to 1.5 + (.5 x Stopping
Communicative: -2 Forward Motion Category). which gives it a 3 WDM at full charge. [See
Esthetic: -2 AFTERMATH! Book 1, page24)
Mechanical: -2
Natural: +1 Saurian
Scientific: -2 Wit: - 5 (20)
Magic Affinity: -2 Will: 0
Skin AV 2 Strength: +10 (50) [35]
Bite WDM 1.1 L Deftness: -5
ClawWDM 1.1L Speed: 0
Health: +5
Physical Aspects Chart Charismatic: 0
Size& Bulk Height Weight Combative: +3
Very Low Below6'6" below200 lb Communicative: 0
Low 6'6"-6'8" 200- 220 lb Esthetic: 0
Below Average 6'9"- 6'11" 221- 240 lb Mechanical: -2
Average 7'- 7'2" 241- 260 lb Natural: +3
Above Average 7'3"- 7'5" 261- 280 lb Scientific: -3
High 7'6"- 7'8" 281- 300 lb Magic Affinity: -3
Very High overT8" over3001b Skin AV STRGRP

The Ore stands an average of 2.1 meters tall, with greenish skin, Physical Aspects Chart
pig like nose, sometimes tusks, pointed ears, sparse scraggly black Size&Bulk Height Weight
hair, and yellowish eyes. All Ores have passive infravision. Ores have Very Low Below7'4" under2501b
a skin AV of 2, a bite WDM of 1.1L, and a clawWDM of 1.1L.
Low 7'4"- 7'6" 250· 270 lb
Below Average 7'7''- 7'9" 271 - 390 lb
Rhlnoceri Average 7'10"- 8'1'' 291- 320 lb
Wit: -5 Above Average 8'2"- 8'4" 321· 3401b
Will: 0 High 8'5"- 8'7" 341· 360 lb
Strength: +8 (45) Very High over 8'7" over360lb
Deftness: +5 (45)
Speed: - 5 (30) The Saurian, or lizard man, stands an impressive 2.4 meters tall on
Health: +10 (45) the average, with green, scaly, hairless skin, no external ears, slitted
Charismatic: -1 nose, and vertically slitted pupils. Saurians have passive infravislon.
Combative: +4 Lizard Men have a skin AV equaling their strength group.
Communicative: 0
Esthetic: -1
Mechanical: +2

Serpentlte Physical Aspects Chart
Wit: -10 (25) Slze &Bulk Height Weight
Will: - 5 (35) Very Low Belows· below 190 lb
Strength: 0 Low 6'-6'1" 190 - 210 lb
Deftness: +1 (45) Below Average 6'2"-6'3" 211 - 230 lb
Speed: +5 (50) Average 6'4"-6'6" 231. 250 lb
Health: - 5 (35) Above Average 6'7"-6'8" 251 -270 lb
Charismatic: 0 High 6'9"-6'10" 271-290 lb
Combative: +3 Very High over 6'10" over2901b
Communicative: -1
Esthetic: -3 The Toridare, or Alligator-man, is an example of alligator based
Mechanical: -2 evolution. The Toridare stands an average of 1.9 meters tall, with a
Natural: +1 tough leathery greenish-brown hide, yellow eyes, and a large tail.
Scientific: -1 Toridare have poor ranged vision, but good night vision (Light Level 3).
Magic Affinity: +1 The Toridare have a skin AV equaling their Health Group, a bite WOM
Skin AV STRGRP of 2L, and a tail WDM of 2C.
BiteWOM 1.8 L
Urso id
Physical Aspects Chart Wit: -5
Slze&Bul k Height Weight Wiii: -5
Very Low Below6'5" below 180 lb Strength: +20 (60) [35]
Low 6'5"-6'7" 180- 200 lb Deftness: -5 (30)
Below Average 6'8"-6'10" 201 - 220 lb Speed: ·5 (30)
Average 6'11"-7'1" 221 -240 lb Health: +5 (50)
Above Average 7'2"-7'4" 241 -260 lb Charismatic: -2
High 7'5"-7'7" 261 - 280 lb Combative: +5
Very High over 7'7" over 2801b Communicative: 0
Esthetic: 0
The Serpentite has a man's body with the head of a cobra. The Mechanical: -3
Snake-man, as he is commonly known, stands an average of 2.1
Natural: +3
meters tall, with green scaly skin and vertically slitted green eyes. The
Scientific: -2
Serpentite's hood is fully extendable, but is commonly worn closed.
Magic Affinity: -5
Serpentites have passive infravision. A Serpentite has a skin AV
Skin AV 3
equaling their Strength Group, and a bite WDM of 1.8L.
ClawWDM 1.8 B

Torldare Physical Aspects Chart

Wit: -10 (15)
Will: -10 (15) Size & Bulk Height Weight
Strength: +5 (50) Very Low Below7'5" below 190 lb
Deftness: -5 Low T5"-77" 190-220 lb
Speed: 0 (20) Below Average 7'8"-T10" 221 -250 lb
Health: +10(60) (35] Average T11"-8'2" 251. 280 1b
Charismatic: -3 Above Average 8'3"-8'5" 281. 310 lb
Combative: +4 High 8'6"-8'8" 311. 340 lb
Communicative: -1 Very High over8'8" over3401b
Esthetic: -2
Mechanical: -1 The Ursoid, or bear derivative humanoid, stands an average of 2.4
Natural: +3 meters tall with fur ranging from white to black but most commonly
Scientific: -2 brown. Ursoids have low light vision level 2. The Ursoid has a skin AV
Magic Affinity: 0 of 3, a bite WDM of 1L, and a claw WOM of 1.88.
BiteWDM 2 L
TailWDM 2 c

The Gamemaster may place restrictions on the available skills
and races in the campaign. For Example, a spy campaign on earth
TECH during the 1980's would be Tech level 19, no magic, no non-human
O Early Stone Ages
2 Early Bronze Age Ancient Egypt
3 Late Bronze Age Classical Greece The character receives a number of initial education skill points
4 lronAge Roman Empire equal to his age group plus the technological level of the campaign,
5 Early Dark Ages Fall of the Roman Empire plus the value number of a reaction roll. (Aftermath! Book One, P.56)
6 Darl<Ages Norman Invasion of Briton The character also receives a number of Initial development points
7 Middle Ages Crusades equal to his base age skill point number plus 2d10. Guideline
8 Late Middle Ages Pre Gunpowder technological levels are given In the chart above. The technological
9 Late Middle Ages Advent of Gunpowder level is defined as the average education level of a 20 year old person
10 Early Renaissance in skill points
11 Renaissance
12 Colonization Revolutionary War INITIAL EQUIPMENT
13 Early Industrial Revolution American Civil War
14 Industrial Revolution Zulu War Initial Equipment for characters will vary from campaign to 1
15 World War I campaign. The Gamemaster must decide what equipment Is •
16 World War II reasonable for the cha.racters. Simple, eh? Generally, however, it is '
17 Korean War
usually feasible to have a player roll a D10 for each of his skills, to
18 Vietnam War
determine the Utility number of the equipment that the character has
19 Computer Era
for the skill. It is still up to the Gamemaster to decide what, if any,
20 Fall of the Communist Bloc
items that the character has, but this system can be used as a
21 Moonbase Established guideline.
22 Solar System Exploration
In modem (pre-collapse) campaigns, the Gamemaster can assign
23 First Warp Drives
each character a pool of funds and allow them to go shopping for their
24 First Galactic Empire Blasters equipment. This requires the Gamemaster to produce a price list for all
25 First Galactic Dark Age the items that the characters want to buy.
26 Second Terran Empire
In Operation Morpheus, the characters start out with no equipment
27 Fall of Terra
at all. Instead, they have to find it as they adventure.
28 SpaceFleet Confederation Established
These different scenarios illustrate the differences that can come
29 Age of Peace In Space
from differing campaigns. The Gamemaster should tailor the initial
30 ????? equipment to match the campaign they are trying to run.
Bipedal 4 Arms
Tailed 0 100 LOC
0 100 LOC 1-3
1-4 4-6 2
5-8 2 7-8 3
9-11 3 9-15 415
12-19 4/5 1$-22 6/7
20-27 617 23-29 819
28-35 8/9 30-36 10111
36-43 10/11 37-41 12
44-48 12 42-46 21122
49-53 21/22 47-51 23/24
54-58 23/24 52-55 25/26
59-62 25/26 56-58 27/28
63-66 27/28 59-63 29/30
67-71 29/30 64-68 13114
72-76 13/14 69-74 15116
77-81 15/16 75-78 17/18
82-86 17/18 79-80 19/20
87-88 19/20 81-85 31/32 Shoulder
89-91 31 86-90 33/34 Upper Arm
92-94 32 91-93 35/36 Elbow
95-97 33 94-97 37/38 Forearm
98-00 34 98-00 39/40 Hand

Use this chart for Arachnoid, Canine, Felidare, Muridian, Saurian, Use this chart for lnsectold, Worker-Ant, and Mantis.
Serpentite, and Toridare.

Bipedal Winged, 4 Arms
Winged 0 100 LOC
0100 LOC 1-3
1-3 1 4-6 2
4-6 2 7-8 3
7-8 3 9-14 415
9-15 4/5 15-20 6/7
16-22 6/7 21-26 8/9
23-29 8/9 27-32 10/11
30-36 10/11 33-36 12
37-40 12 37-40 13114
41-44 21/22 41-45 15/16
45-48 23/24 46-48 17/18
49-51 25/26 49 19120
52-55 27/28 S0-53 21/22
56-59 29/30 54-57 23124
60-63 13/14 58-60 25126
64-68 15116 61-63 27/28
69-72 17/18 64-67 29/30
73-74 19/20 68-71 31/32
75-78 31/32 72-75 33/34
79-85 33/34 76-78 35/36
86-92 35136 79-81 37/38
93-00 37138 82-85 39/40
86-00 41/42
Use this chart for Hawkmen.
Use this chart for lnsectoid, Wasp.

4 Leg s, 2 Anna The following is a description of the vision types available to
0100 LOC character races.
4-6 2 LOW LIGHT LEVEL 1: The race can see in any light better than
7-8 3 darkness.
9-14 4/5
15-20 617 LOW LIGHT LEVEL 2: The race can see normally in light of dim or
21-26 8/9 better.
27-32 10/11/12
33-38 22123 LOW LIGHT LEVEL 3: The race has normal Human vision.
39-44 24/25
45-47 26/27 PASSIVE INFRAVISION: The race can see into the infrared
48-51 36-37 spectrum, and has a 30 foot vision range in total darkness.
52-55 38-39
56-58 40-41 ACTIVE INFRAVISION: The race emits infrared light from its eyes.
59-61 42-43 It can see normally regardless of the lighting, though transitions can be
62-65 44-45 distracting.
66-71 13/14/15
72-77 16/17/18
78-83 19120/21
84-89 28129
90-95 30/31
96-98 32133
99 34
00 35

Use this chart for lnsectoid, Queen-Ant, and Centaur.

Cybernetics for AFTE~MATH!

In Aftermath! cybernetics must be handled carefully by the a deftness of 35 and a speed of 40. The strength of a cybernetic part
Gamemaster. As any experienced Aftermath! Gamemaster knows, the defines its lifting and damaging strength as if it were the user's
greater the quantity of technological items that a party of players has, strength. The Deftness of a cybernetic part represents its agility, and
the more powerful they are, and cybernetics are no exception. The limits the number of actions allowed with that part accordingly. The
distribution of cybernetics Is broken down into two areas: during play speed of a part defines Its Maximum BAP, though this cannot exceed
and before play. During play, it is up to the Gamemaster to limit the the user's normal BAP. Cybernetic legs · are a special case. A high
availability of cybernetics, and control their cost. This is aided by the speed in both legs will allow the user to run very fast. To find the
high barter point values of cybernetics, and also sociological factors. wearer's running move per action phase, divide the leg's speed by the
As most of us are aware, a person who is "handicapped" or user's BAP. A person with cybernetic legs can run a dlStance equal to
"challenged" is treated differently than other people. For example, a the leg's speed per combat turn.
person who is missing his lower leg can currently have it replaced with Cybernetic parts also have two new statistics: structure and
an artificial leg that nearly restores full ability, however when people spaces. The structure of a part is its ability to take damage. A
find out about the leg, they treat the person differently. Sporting large cybernetic part can take damage equal to its structure before it is
amounts of visible cybernetics will cause other people to treat you disabled (damage level 5). double the structure before it is crippled
differently, especially if the cybernetics are military in nature. This (damage level 25). and triple the structure and it is destroyed (damage
excludes the treatment by police and security forces, setting off metal level 100). Repairing a cybernetic part is a task with a task point value
detectors, and generally being treated as a menace to society. Before equal to (number of points of damage x level of damage). with a task
play, during character generation, this control becomes more period of 1 hour. The skill required is Cybernetic technician. If the
complicated. The basic Aftermath! rules handle the disbursement of damage taken is less than the part's structure, the multiplier is 1. The
firepower by the use of random rolls. This does not work as well for spaces of a cybernetic part is the number of features it can hold. T he
cybernetics. Therefore, the availability of cybernetics during character spaces of a feature is how many spaces it takes up. Some features
generation is handled by charging the players skill points for the can be placed remotely from the part that they affect. For example, a
cybernetics. As cybernetics are generally a permanent addition to the scrambler system for an ear could be housed in the arm, and
character, this makes sense. connected to the ear by a cable. Generic features can be Installed in
Cybernetics, especially cybernetic limbs, have their own set of any cybernetic part.
statistics. For example, a cybernetic arm could have a Strength of 55,

Cybernetic Descriptions
Ear, standard: This Cyberware replaces one ear. It duplicates normal Sound Editing: Allows the user to selectively Ignore any specific
human hearing. sounds (gunfire, music, mother, etc.)

EAR OPTIONS Radar Detector: X, K, and Q band radar detector. Know when those
speed traps are coming. This will also pick up motion sensor doors,
Radio Splice: This is an internal two-way radio contained within the alarms, etc.
cybernetic ear. It has a range of around 2.5 miles.
Tight Beam Radio Link: Gives secure battlefield communication that
Amplified Hearing: This cybernetic ear option gives the user the is usually bounces off a satellite. The user can perform no other .
ability to discern sounds as quiet as 3dB. (A mouse's belch at 30 actions, Including motion, while transmitting or receiving.
meters). Sudden loud sounds will act as a distraction to the person
using this, unless they also have level dampers. Eye, standard: Replaces the normal function of the human eye.

Phone Unk: This is an internal 3 watt cellular phone contained within EYE OPTIONS
the ear.
Color Shift: Allows the user to change the color of his eyes at will.
Scrambler: This is a two way scrambling system that will work with a
Phone Link, Radio Splice, Throat/Larynx, or micro recorder. Thermograph Sensor: This feature allows the user to see heat
patterns. Hot areas appear as bright colors, while cool areas are dark.
Bug Detector: This scans for the presence of bugs. It has a search
BCS of8. Infrared vision: Allows the user to see in the Infrared spectrum. This
will give a 30 foot vision range from ambient infrared radiation, or the
Tape Player: Ari audio tape player in your head. Will play any user can select active mode, giving normal vision, but to any other
standard audio tape. infrared seeing beings, the user's eyes will appear to glow.

Micro Recorder: A microchip audio recorder. Records sounds heard Ultraviolet vision: Allows the user to see in the ultraviolet spectrum.
by the ear, with a 2 hour recording time per chip. The recording will This will give a 30 foot vision range from ambient UV radiation, or the
only be in stereo if the user has two cybernetic ears. user can select active mode, giving normal vision, but to any other
ultr.aviolet seeing beings, the user's eyes will appear to glow. This is
Wide Band Reception: Gives the user hearing from either 12 Hz to UV-Alpha rays, and will not cause tanning.
20,000 Hz (low sounds) or from 40 Hz to 40,000 Hz ( high sounds).
Targeting Sight: Will place a crosshair in the user's field of vision
Full Band Reception: Allows the user to hear sounds from 10 Hz to where a coded laser beam impacts (+1 BCS), usually a laser sight, or,
40,000 Hz. (Dog whistles, sound based alarms, sonar. with a cyberweapon splice, will give ranging and crosshairs. (+2 BCS)

Sonar (requires 2 ears): Gives the user sonar. This wi!I map out the Telescopic Vision: Lenses in the cybereye give the wearer 2-12x
solid objects within 30 meters. (100 meters underwater). telescopic vision.

Parabolic Microphone: This cyberware allows the long range Microscopic Vision: This feature has lenses which give 100x
reception of sound; with this the user can clearly hear a nor~al magnification of Items within 6 meters.
conversation at a mile. However the area listened to is quite small. ( 2
meter radius at 1 mile range). Micro Laser: A laser wi.th a collimation of 3, and a MCS of 1, with 10
Pressure Sensor: Allows the user to accurately measure the
barometric pressure. Camcorder: Video camera with 1O minutes of record ing time per
Atmospheric Sampler: This cyberware samples the atmosphere, ·
giving a detailed report to a LCD screen or HUD located elsewhere. Micro Camera: ·10 exposure still camera contained within the eye.

Inertial Tracker: This device maps out the inertial changes that the Heads Up Display: Gives the user full heads-up-display of information
user experiences, giving a very accurate map of the user's travels. The from internal computers, netlink plugs, or other cyberware.
wearer has a +16 to Wit saving throws to retrace any pathway the user
has traveled. Low Light Enhancement: Amplifies ambient light levels, allowing
normal vision in near total darkness, at the cost of the loss of color
Voice Stress Analyzer: Acts as a lie detector, giving the user the sense. Light Level 3.
ability to tell ifa person is lying. (8 BCS)

Image Intensifier: Computer enhancement of images, increasing Monofilament Wire: A garrote or whip of monofilament wire 2 meters
resolution. Gives +1 to all Sight based BCS rolls. long. WDM 1.6L.

Telescopic/Microscopic V1Slon: Electronic alteration in the visual Taser: Concealed Taser within the cybernetic limb. Functions as per
processor allows 2-10x telescopic vision, or 75x microscopic vision. Aftermath! book 3, p. 43.

Range Finder Monocular: Gives +1 to all ranged weapon BCS's at Cattle Prod: An electric shock weapon with the contacts on the
long and extreme range. surface of the Cyberlimb. The Cattle prod has 50 charges contained
within it, each doing 1d10 of subdual damage. The user can put up to
Range Finder Binocular: Gives +2 to all ranged weapon BCS's at 15 charges in a single attack, and must contact the target using
long and extreme range. Requires two cybernetic eyes. surprise, Unarmed Combat, or brawling.

EMR Scanner: Gives a display of electromagnetic radiation Electro Magnetic Pads: Magnetic pads usually installed in the soles
superimposed on the vision of the user. This allows seeing lasers, of cybernetic feet to allow the user to walk normally on any magnetic
electrical currents, etc. surface in zero g. If the Pads are placed on the knees and hands, the
user can crawl on any magnetic surface, even under the influence of
Hand, std. Statistics 15: A standard cybernetic hand (location 29 or gravity.
30), duplicating normal function. It has STR 15, OFT 15, and SPD 15.
Jets (15 lbs thrust): These jets, usually installed in the feet, will lift up
Lower Arm, std. Statistics 25 : A standard cybernetic lower arm to 15 enc. including the user's P.ENC and all equipment. There Is
(locations 25,27,29 or 26,28,30), duplicating normal function. It has enough fuel to lift this about 100 feet in the air. These are designed
STR 25, OFT 25, and SPO 25. more for jumps and airborne drops than flying.

Full Arm, std. Statistics 35 : A standard cybernetic arm and shoulder Weapon Hand: Replaces the whole hand with a weapon. Normal
(locations 21 ,23,25,27,29 or 22,24,26,28,30), duplicating normal function of the hand is lost.
function. It has STR 35, OFT 35, and SPD 35.
Weapon Lower Arm: Replaces the lower arm with a weapon. Normal
Foot, std. Statistics 15 : A standard cybernetic foot (location 19 or function of the lower arm Is lost.
20), duplicating normal function. It has STR 15, OFT 15, and SPD 15.
Weapon Arm: Replaces the whole arm with a weapon. Normal
Lower Leg, std. Statistics 25 : A standard cybernetic lower leg function of the arm is lost.
(locations 15,17,19 or 16,18,20), duplicating normal function. It has
STR 25, OFT 25, and SPD 25. Nose/ Sinuses: Replaces normal function of the nose and sinuses.

Full Leg, std. Statistics 35 : A standard cybernetic leg (locations NOSE/SINUS OPTIONS
13,15,17,19 or 14,16,18,20), duplicating normal function. It has STR
35, OFT 35, and SPD 35. Filters: Chemical filters that will filter out most combat agents and
Chemical Sniffer: Chemical sensor will analyze any chemicals in the
Strength Boost, Deftness Boost, Speed Boost, per group: Gives a air, with an accuracy of detecting as little as one part in ten million.
bonus of one group (10 points) to a cybernetic limb in the given
attribute. Each group boost takes up one space. Mouth: Duplicates normal fun ction of the mouth.

Weapon (gun), hidden: A concealed gun (or other weapon) enclosed MOUTH OPTIONS
in the limb. It Is concealed until use, when it pops out and must be
drawn or readied, etc. Tongue (weapon): Bladed tongue, WDM 1.5 L

Weap~n (gun), mounted: A gun or other weapon mounted In a limb, Polson Sensor: Will detect poison or contamination In food or drink.
ready for use. The extra spaces compose the operating mechanism,
and the gun is always completely contained within the cyberlimb. Net Link: Allows the user to link directly into the net.
Cyberclaws: Cybernetic claws mounted at the tips of the fingers .
WDM 1.5L Cyber Weapon Splice: Allows the user to link directly· with a cyber
weapon through a Cyberscope, bestowing a +3 to BCS.
Razor l~ails: Razor bladed fingernails. WDM 1.7L.

Retractable Blades: Retractable blades concealed within the

cyberllmb. WOM 2.1 L.

Torso: A replacement torso, replacing locations 4 to 12. Voice Modulation: Allows the user to alter his voice to sound like
Independent Air Link: Hose connections in the throat allowing
Weapon Ann Deluxe: An extra arm mounted on the torso cyberlinked connection directly to external air tanks.
automatically. It will Pop out of a concealed space in the torso and is
ready to fire. It is fu lly contained, leaving the user's hands free. Throat Snake: Cybernetic snake imbedded in the throat, used as a
weapon (dam 2d10, WDM 1.8 L)
Wings: A pair of wings mounted on the base of the shoulder blades.
These give the user flight capability, though they are bulky. Tall: Cybernetic tail, fully prehensile.
(Encumbrance of wings equals the user's personal encumbrance}. The
user has a BMA of 3 while flying. See page 6 for details about flying. Reinforced EndoSkeleton: Reinforced skeleton, giving +5 to ORT.

Extra Ann Adaptor: An extra shoulder mounted on the torso, to allow Super Reinforced EndoSkeleton: Reinforced skeleton gives +10 to
the addition of multiple arms. ORT, +1 to STR GRP, and reduces critical effects by 1 level.

Lung: An artificial cybernetic replacement lung, duplicating normal Powered EndoSkeleton: This high tech addition gives a full powered
function, but immune to some (30%) gases. skeleton inside the body, replacing the user's strength, deftness, and ·
speed with its own. STR 35, OFT 35, SPO 30. Each extra 5 points of
Heart: A replacement cybernetic heart, duplicating normal function. statistics for the powered endoskeleton costs 2 skill points, and must
be purchased when the skeleton Is installed initially. The user's HR is
Digestive Tract: A replacement cybernetic digestive system, almost also reduced by 1 due to the lack of bone marrow.
duplicating normal function. Some harsher foods cannot be tolerated
by the system. Vital Signs Monitor: Gives blood pressure, pulse temperature, and
other vital signs that are displayed on a cybereye.
Kidneys: Replacement cybernetic kidneys, duplicating normal
function. Mlcrosurgeons: Genetically manipulated viruses that repair damage
to the body. This will add +3 to the user's Healing Rate.
Lymphatic System: Cybernetic lymphatic system, giving heightened
immune efficiency. The wearer gets an extra save to resist disease at
15 or less on a d20. The system will also reduce the effects of alcohol GENERIC FEATURES
and drugs, reducing their strength by 1. Generic Features can be added to any cybernetic part or feature.

Disguised Part: Hides the fact that a part is cybernetic.

Giiis: Cybernetic gills, allowing the wearer to breathe (clean} water.
Remote Cable, per part: Links a feature outside the cybernetic part
Rebreather: Rebreather apparatus, giving the wearer the ability to with the part. For example, a video recorder housed in the torso linked
hold his breath for 15 minutes. to a cybernetic eye video camera.

Oxygen Tanks (30 minutes): Internal refillablu tanks good for 30 Computer Link: Links a part or feature with an internal computer.
minutes. If these are combined with rebreathers, the person can last
for up to 8 hours without air. Container, per Encumbrance Capacity: Can store up to its
encumbrance in stuff.
Shoulder Weapon Mount: A standard tripod mount afftXed to the
shoulder, allowing fire of tripod mounted weapons while walking. Tape Recorder: Audio tape recorder. Will record up to 60 minutes per
Grafted Muscle, + 1 STR GRP: Muscle grafted into the body, adding
1 to the user's strength group, and raising the user's strength by 10. Kevlar Armor: Kevlar protection on a body location, has an AV of 3
and a BV of 30.
Blood Filter: Cybernetic blood filter, used to filter out poisons and
drugs. (75% effective) Body Armor, per location AV9: Mesh Armorplast armor protection of
body locations.
Throat/Larynx: Cybernetic throat and/or larynx, duplicating normal
function. Tool Kit: Concealed basic toolkit in a cybernetic part. Efficiency factor
of 1.5.

Extra Spaces (up to 2x cap): Increases the capacity of a cybernetic
Air Fiiter: Filters in the cybernetic throat, filtering out most (90%) part. This also increases its physical size, revealing it as cybernetic.
aerosol agents. Computer (5 Banana): An internal computer with 5 bananas of

memory. Software must be purchased separately. (Or can be obtained features.
on an initial equipment roll. The Utility is the number of bananas the
program can be. Only one program can be obtained in this way.) Chameleon Skin: Computer controlled Chameleon camouflage.

10 Bananas Memory: 10 extra bananas of memory for the Internal Cosmetics: Looks augmentation (increase looks up to 100), colored .
computer. skin (green, blue, etc.), fur, if it's just cosmetic, this is it. Use your
Poison Spike: A retractable combat spike equipped to deliver poison.
Adrenal Booster: Direct bloodstream adrenaline injector. Adds 50%
Chemical Spray: A chemical sprayer (5 charges) that can be used to · to strength, deftness, and speed, although the strength bonuses do
• deliver fire extinguishing foam , napalm, acid, or any combat agent. not affect ORT. Wounds are resisted as per the effects of neo-heroin
(Aftermath! book 3, p. 51) the effects last for 3 combat turns, and the
Interchangeable Part: Quick release fittings that allow changing of booster can be used a number of times per day equal to the user's
cybernetic parts to allow easy. replacement with one with different health group.


Ear, Standard 1 2 cap no Foot, std. stat 15 2cap no .
Radio Splice 1 no Lower Leg, std. stat 25 1 5cap no
Amplified Hearing .1 0 no Ful! Leg, std. stat 35 2 12 cap no
Phone Link 1 no Strength Boost, group 1 no
Scrambler 0 yes Deftness Boost, group no
aug Detector yes Speed Boost, group no
Tape Player yes Weapon (gun), hidden 1 +UT 6xEnc no
Pl.lcro Recorder 1 yes Weapon (gun), mounted 2xUT 8xEnc no
Wide Band Reception 0 no Scratchers 1 0 no
Sonar (requires 2 ears) 1 no Rippers 2 no
Pa~bolfc 0 no Wolvers 3 2 no
P~ssure Sensor 0 no Monofllament Wire 1 no
Atmospheric Sampler 1 yes Taser 2 2 no
Inertial Tracker 1 2 no Cattle Prod 1 1 no
Full Band Receptor 2 1 no Electro Magnetic Pads 2 no
Voice Stress Analyzer 0 no Jets, 151b. Thrust 4 no
Sourd Editing 0 no Chameleon Skin 1/2 loc no
Rader Detector 0 no Weapon Ha.n d 1 +UT .5 enc no
Tight Seam Radio Link no Weapon Lower Arm 2+UT 1.5 enc no
Eye, s"..andard 1 cap no Weapon Ann 3+ UT 2.5 enc no
Color shift 0 no Nose/Sinus 1 1 cap no
Thennogragh Sensor 0 no Filters 1 1 no
Infrared Vision 0 no Chemical Sniffer 1 1 no
Ultraviolet Vision 1 0 no C/Maspec 1 4 yes
Targeting Sight 1 0 yes Mouth 1 cap no
Telescopic Vision 1 no Tongue (weapon) 1 1 no
Microscopic Vision no Poison Sensor 0 no
Dart Gun . 1 no Net Link 0 no
Micro laser 2 1 no Cyber Weapon Spllce 0 no
Camcorder 3 yes Torso 20cap no
Micro Camera 1 no Weapon Arms Deluxe 4+ UT 4 no
Heads Up Display 0 no W ings 3 0 no
Low Light Enhance 0 yes Extra Ann Adaptor 1 1 no
image Intensifier 0 yes Lung 2 4 no
Telescopic/Microscopic Vision Heart 2 2 no
2 2 yes Digestive Tract 2 no
Range Finder Monocular 1 no Kidneys no
Range Finder Binocular 2 0 no Lymphatic System 2 no
EMRscanner 5 yes Gills 2 no
Hand, std. Stat 15 1 cap no Rebreather 5 10 no
Lower Arm, std. stat 25 1 4 cap no Oxygen Tanks (30min) 7 13 no
Full Ann, std. stat 35 2 8cap no Shoulder Weapon M~unt 2 no
Grafted Muscle +1 STR GRP Ear 3
no Eye 3
3 0
Hand, std 5
Blood Fiiter 0 no
no Hand, STR25 7
Throat/Larynx 1 2cap
no Hand, STR35 9
Air Filter 1
Hand, each additional STR group +1
Voice Modulation 1 0 no
Lower Arm, std 10
Independent Air Link 1 1 no
no· Lower Arm, STR 35 14
Throat Snake 2 2
Lower Arm, each additional STR group +2
Tall 1 2cap no
Arm, std 20
Reinforced EndoSkeleton
0 no Arm, each additional STR group · +5
Super Reinforced EndoSkeleton Foot, std. 6
6 0 no Foot, STR25 8
Powered EndoSkeleton 15 8 yes Foot, STR35 10
Vital Signs Monitor 1 0 no . Foot, each additional STR group +1
Mlcrosurgeons 3 0 no Lower Leg, std 12
Generic Features Lower Leg, STR 35 16
Disguised Part 0 no Lower Leg, each additional STR group +2
Fancy Disguised Part 2 0 no Leg, std 25
Remote Cable, per part 0 special Leg, each additional STR group +5
Computer Link 1 1 yes Torso 30
Container per Enc cap 2 no Nose/Sinuses 2
Tape Recorder 1 no · Tail 10
Kevlar Armor 1/loc Moc no Mouth 3
Body Armor per foe AV9 ThroaV Larynx 2
Moc O/loc no
Tool Kit 2 no Below are some sample computer programs, along with a table
Extra Speces (up to 2x cap) describing their size (in Bananas) and hardware requirements.
+1 no
Computer (5 Banana) 2 yes Translate Single Language: Gives the user a BCS of 16 in a single
10 Bananas Memory 1 yes language.
Poison Spike 2 no
Chemical Spray 2 1 no Recognize Object: Each unit gives the user a 10% chance to
Interchangeable Part 0 no recognize a certain type of object: Military Vehicles, Spacecraft, etc.
Cosmetics 0 no
Adrenal Booster 0 no Direction Indicator: Uses advanced triangulation techniques to give
the direction to a specific object.

Automatic Map (1 country): Gives the user a full mental map of the
country In question, equivalent to a good road map..

Star Map: A map of the user's star system, allowing stellar navigation.

Mapping Program: Allows the user to make new maps of the areas
that they have traveled or seen.

Text Display: Gives the user a text display in the field of vision that
can be interfaced with another program.

Remote Directions: Essentially a remote control program, this gives

the user the ability to receive directions from an outside source.

Net Link: Allows the user to download information directly into an

internal computer.

Inertial Tracking Program: Builds maps with information given by an

inertial tracker.

Sound Sampling: Allows the user to record, alter, and play baci<
(internally) any sound that is heard.

Voice Analysis: Allows the user to make or compare voiceprints of

any person heard.

Sonar Mapping: Allows the mapping of an area with sonar. This will
detect all physical objects. Will not work in vacuum.

Sound Matching: Allows the user to compare any two sounds, to

determine source type and similarity.

Decibel Meter: Gives the user a quantitative value for the level of

Abnospherfc Pressure Interpret: Allows the user to interpret

atmospheric changes, give weather forecasts, and other such tasks.

Skill Chip: Gives the user a BCS of 15 In a given skill. No

improvement Is possible.

Database (linked with program): Allows the user to have an existing

database for any program mentioned above.


Translate Single Language 3 ear/eye
Recognize Object per 10% 1 eye
Direction Indicator 3 no Powered lntrastellar: powered flight within a solar system
Automatic Map (1 country) 2 no Unpowered lntrastellar: flight within a solar system using the solar
Each Additional Country 1 wind or gravity well "skipping"
Star Map 2 Interstellar: powered or non powered
Mapping Program 2 eye Hyperspace or F.T.L. travel: travel to other systems or galaxies
Text Display using the parallel dimension of "hyperspace"
Remote Directions no
Net Link no There are two skills that govern the piloting of a space ship,
Inertial Tracking Program inertial traci<er Pilot, Spacecraft, and Pilot. Hyperspace. Spacecraft pilot governs
Sound Sampling ear the use of a ship in non hyperspace flight, or Newtonian space flight.
Voice Analysis ear Hyperspace pilot governs the transition to and from hyperspace flight.
Sonar Mapping sonar
Decibel Meter 1 ear Space flight in Newtonian space obeys the standard laws of
Atmospheric Pressure Interpret aim sampler physics. I will not recount all of these, as any physics textbook will
Skill Chip 2xcost no relay them as well as I could. However, I will discuss the applicable
Database (linked with program) var maybe laws as they apply to the rules of space travel.
First, let's look at the top speed of a ship. 3000000 kps: it's the
law! In Newtonian space, a solid mass cannot exceed the speed of
light. Period. Tachyons are a special case of hyperspace particles, and
The Barter Point Value of a cybernetic part can be computed as
will be explained below.
follows: 1000 x skill point cost. This number is halved if the part is
Basically, the top speed of a ship is computed by: SPEED = TIM
simply a replacement for normal function (example: basic eye), and
x FUEL CAPACITY/(MILEAGE). This is the speed reached by full
doubled if the part Is combative (example: weapon arm). The barter
point yalue of a computer program is 50 times the number of bananas acceleration until 1/2 the fuel is used up. The acceleration of a ship is
of memory that it requires. its thrust to mass ratio (TIM) this computation is explained more in the
Spacecraft Design section below. The acceleration of a spaceship also
defines its agility. A spaceship must cancel all forward motion and

Space Travel .accelerate in the new direction to make a 90 degree turn.

On a two dimensional grid, the lines should be labeled as x and
y, and a velocity in the x component of the grid is SPEED(cos(ANGLE
Space travel in AFTERMATHITECHNOLOGY! falls into four OF FLIGHT)) and the y component Is: SPEED(sin(ANGLE OF
categories: FLIGHT)). The x and y components of acceleration are computed in
the same way, and the x c-Omponents are added together to get the INTERSTELLAR NEWTONIAN SPACEFLIGHT
new x component, and the y components are added together to get This is also known as the "slow boat" approach to space travel. A
the new y component. The new forward velocity is equal to: ship from Terra flying to Alpha Centauri would take around 500 years
sqrt(x2+y2). This is relative to a theoretical fixed point in space. The to arrive. Top Interstellar cruising speed in Newtonian space is around
''fixed" point does not have to be stationary, but can be moving, such .95 C. This means it takes 1 chronological year to travel 1 light year.
as the surface of a spaceship or planet. It generally works best to have The same distance can be covered in Hyperspace in less than an
the point on an object that will keep a constant speed during the hour.
Note that this means that earlier tech level ships have a very SPACEFLIGHT IN HYPERSPACE
limited maneuverability, as they tend to run out of fuel on fancy Travel in Hyperspace can be more hazardous than Newtonian
maneuvers (like dogfighting). While high tech ships have an Spaceflight. Hyperspace is an alternate, parallel non-relativistic
advantage in this regard, they still must take fuel into consideration, dimension. This allows a ship to travel a short distance in Hyperspace
and most space combat occurs either with giant battleships slugging it and cover a large distance in realspace. However. because ·
out, or with boarding actions. Because of the danger of explosive Hyperspace is non-relativistic, strange occurrences can happen. You '
decompression, most spacers limit their personal weapons to melee can run into yourself leaving your own stateroom, invite yourself In,
weapons and low penetration projectiles (lasers and energy weapons). and play cards with yourself, even kill the other you (not a
This is except for major military boarding actions, where the boarders recommended action). Time is not necessarily linear in Hyperspace,
are all equipped with Battlesuits, EVA harnesses, and heavy weapons. so no adverse effects might result from the above actions. You might
In this case, explosive decompression may even be desirable for the not even get to be the other you in the card game. Things can also ·
boarders to achieve. become temporarily real just by thinking of them. This effect can be ·
quite dangerous and usually occurs "deep" in Hyperspace. The non-
THE EFFECTS OF VACUUM relativistic effects vary in intensity, and some theorists like to use
Vacuum is an important consideration in space, especially for analogy of rivers and lakes. The "deeper the water," the less relativistic
humanoids. The effects of vacuum on a living being are pretty Hyperspace becomes. Most Hyperdrive ships have a sensor which
consistent. constantly tests "the depth of the water," and sounds an alarm if the
An unprotected humanoid will experience the unpleasant effects of ship drifts too "deep" into Hyperspace. These effects usually increase
low pressure, and will generally die in 45 seconds or less. An with time in hyperspace, so travel distances are limited by this factor.
unprotected humanoid will suffer 1d6 points of lethal damage per The chance of a drastic non-relativistic effect is about 1% per 24 hours
combat tum until pressure is restored. Skin armor will help protect in Hyperspace, cumulative. This effectively limits the safe journey time
against this damage, giving 1 point of protection per 5 points of armor, to about 96 hours. Most pilots consider a greater than 5% chance of
and each open wound will add 1 to the damage due to the increased adverse effects too high to risk.
blood loss. Arachnids and lnsectoids are a special case, as their rigid Travel times in Hyperspace vary, but usually are about 1 hour of
chitinous exoskeletons will protect them from most of the damage; Hyperspace per 1O realspace light-years traveled. However, travel
however, they still will suffer from hypoxia as if drowning (book 1), times can vary by up to 75%.
unless they are wearing a respirator or helmet, in which case they take There are currents in Hyperspace, and occasionally a ship will be
no damage. If a humanoid has the chest pressurized and an oxygen swept along the stream of hyperspace and into another galaxy.
supply, only the limbs will take damage, taking 1 point of subdual To offset the dangerous effects of hyperspace. most pilots will
damage each every other turn. immediately drop out of hyperspace into realspace when the alarm
Weapons act slightly differently in vacuum. Older guns (muzzle sounds. This is called bailout. Bailout is considered a great deal safer
loaders) will not work. Guns using metallic cartridges or caseless than dealing with the hazards of hyperspace, even though it is not
ammunition will work better than normal. Quadruple the BOG for a gun without its own hazards. There is a small chance {about 1 in a billion
fired in vacuum while the projectile remains in vacuum. This may · billion) that the ship could bailout into a star or planet, but it is small
make you think that a gun is the ultimate weapon in space, and it enough that any pilot is willing to risk bailout. The next great risk of
could be except for one fact: gravity. In zero-g or low gravity, a gun's bailout is the risk of being lost. If a ship gets caught in a hyperspace
recoil becomes so significant that it creates a TIM ratio for the firer. stream, it can be swept thousands of light years away from its
The firer's final velocity per shot equals (modified BOG x (1- destination. Since bailout is nonprecise, the first thing that happens
(size/200)))/p.ENC in meters per turn. To find the movement per upon return to rea lspace is that the ship's computer will devote itself to
combat turn, divide that number by 10. To find the meters per action the task of determining its location in space. This can only be done
phase, assume a BAP for drifting movement of 20, and divide the with an exhaustive search, and depending on computer speed, can
meters per combat turn by 20. Understand also that a firer will now be take up to 6 rnonths. During this time, the crew of the ship will do
rotating at a speed equal to BOG x (size/500) rotations per combat maintenance on the craft, and repair any damage sustained in
tum. Again assume a BAP of 20 for non controlled motion, and only if hyperspace.
the firer's BAP happens to coincide with when he is facing his target To determine the effects of travel in hyperspace, add the effect
can he get off another shot. numbers (positive or negative) of both the Pilot. Hyperspace and
In gravity, a firer can handle an amount of recoil equal to the Astrogator rolls to a d100, and then add 1 for each 24 hours planned in
gravity times either his strength group or his aim, whichever is greater. hyperspace, and consult the chart below.
In earth's gravity this rule becomes the same as that in AFTERMATH! Tachyons are particles which travel faster than the speed of light.
book 2. They are created by disturbances in hyperspace due to objects moving
in hyperspace. Tachyons are used for Interstellar communication at
tech levels 23 and above. They must be beamed directly at a receiver,

due to the special relativity of their nature. Tachyons allow ~la111 Q.f Pas~iUI• ~IZ!Ce Welghl M!!l5imum l ime
instantaneous Interstellar communication. If tuned properly, a tachyon Monkey 3 0.4 14 days
transmission can arrive before it is sent This can be used for Experiment 5 0.5 21 days
transmission Into the past, if you decide to allow time travel in your Basic 12 1.2 30 days
game. If not, put a limiter on all the tachyon transmitters that will keep Tourist 15 1.6 30 days
them from transmitting into the past. Business 19 1.9 45days
Luxury 30+ 2.5+ 60days+


1D100 ro ll Mishap Consumables are the items that define the maximum stay of the
1-50 None. Trip is uneventful. ship in space: fOod, oxygen, power, fuel, water, etc. To determine the
51·90 Weird occurrences. Meet yourself, etc. quantity of consumables required for a ship, use the following formula:
Harmless but interesting.
91-95 Temporal Echo • repeat the same time Tons of consumables= (Crew x Max days in space x 0.05)+
segment 1D10 times. (Max days in space x 3)
95-100 off courseI Miss destination by 10 100
light years. DRIVES
101-110 Alarml Pi is no longer constant. Things The drives of a ship fall into 2 categories, realspace and
change shape. hyperspace. A ship may have either, both, or none. Fuel is required for
111-114 Stuff randomly disappears from the ship the drives based on the length of the longest journey. This is detailed
115-120 All people onboard ship become two on the chart below.
dimensional for duration of trip.
121-123 All people onboard ship lose all skin Realspace Drives
pigmentation permanently.
124 Weight of random person(s) onboard ship Tech Drive Drive Fuel Tons Fuel
increased or decreased by 6D1Ox10 lbs. L,evel ~12! Mass Thr!i!~l PerA.U. Ixee
125 Height of random person(s) onboard ship 18 Chem .1 100 .1 chemical
~ increased or decreased by 3D20% 22 Atomic .1 500 .05 atomic
126 Random person onboard ship undergoes 23 AIM .05 2500 .002 antimatter
permanent sex change. 25 Grav .04 10000 .004 electric
127-130 Random person onboard ship rendered 27 P/M .02 75000 .001 antimatter
invisible for 1D10 hours.
131-135 Alarm l Upon return to realspace, Hyperspace Drives
everything changes color.
136-140 Alarm! Mutagenic effects. Each Tech Drive Drive Shift Fuel Tons Fuel
passenger or crewmember has a 5% Level Type Mass Tons Per Shift Type
chance of receiving 1D3 mutations. 23 A/H .1 100 1 antimatter
141-160 Alarm! Caught in Hyperspace stream. 26 NIH .1 250 .5 antimatter
Off course by 1D100x1000 light-years
or more.
161+ Ship falls through interdimensional rift Definitions:
transported to unknowo location. AIM: Antimatter Mass thrower Drive. Uses antimatter to throw mass
out the rear of the ship for thrust.
SPACECRAFT DESIGN Grav: Gravities drive. Uses gravities to push against gravity wells.
Spacecraft are mixtures of several components: Crew space, Loses efficiency the farther from a system that the craft moves.
Consumables, Drives, and Cargo. Any ship can be designed from PIM: Photon Drive. Uses the light from an antimatter/matter
these attributes. reaction to thrust the ship.
A/H: Antimatter Hyperspace Drive. An antimatter reaction based
CREW SPACE hyperspace transition drive.
Each crewmember and passenger takes up a certain amount of NIH: Neutrino Hyperspace Drive. A hyperspace transition drive that
space on a craft, which is defined by the class of passage. The more uses neutrinos to effect the transition.
time a crewmember spends in space, the more space is needed.
Space is given In cubic meters of living space, weight is given in A ship must have more Shift Tons than total tons of mass to shift
metric tons, and Maximum Time Is the maximum time the into Hyperspace.
crewmember can spend on the craft without leave. The limiting factors
are amount of space and movement restrictions. For example, the CARGO
Apollo mission specialists rode In "monkey" class, and had about 3
cubic meters per person to maneuver. They could not have stayed in Cargo Is all other parts of a ship. Space can be allotted here for
space for an extended flight without adverse effects. carryable modules, weapons, shields, and many other options. Some

sample options are detailed below. More can be invented easily by the negates the bonus at that location until the damage is healed. This
Gamemaster. skill is the training of muscles to absorb blows. Lethal damage is not
stopped by Armorskin.
Option Notes Astrogator 3 Wit + Wit + Scientific
7.62mm gun VOG in space of 25 (Computer Science, Astronomy)
Laser cannon VOG45 This is the skill of plotting courses through Hyperspace. A failed
Blast Cannon VOG75 BCS roll will result in the ship ending up far from its destination.
19 Hard Armor .1 % of total ship mass per point
Force Screens .05% of total ship mass per 100 Astronomy 2 Wit + W it + Scientific
points (mathematics)
19 ECM 0.1 Ton Astronomy is the study of the stars.

Battlesult 4 OFT+ Wit+ Combative 3

As you can see, these design rules are quite simple, but they are (High Tech Use)
intended to keep from complicating play. This is a role-playing game, This skill covers the use and operation of powered assault armor
and super detailed ship design is not necessary. However, there are suits. These suits cannot be used by an untrained user.
many other starship design systems that can be used and easily
converted to these rules with the guidelines given above. If you desire Brachlation OFT + STR + Natural
more detailed design, use your favorite system and convert the ships Brachiation is the skill of "swinging" through trees. It governs the
from there to the system presented here. finding of suitable pathways, and the actual leaping from branch to

NEW SKILLS Cybernetic Design 3 OFT +Wit + Mechanical

(Cybernetic Technician, Computer Science)
Acrobatics 3 STR + OFT + Esthetic 3 The skill of designing new cybernetics.
This skill governs the abilities of tumbling, climbing, etc. This skill
improves leaps by a multiplier of 1 + (first 100 pts of skill/100) and Cybernetic Technician 3 OFT+ Wit + Mechanical
allows falls of up to (first 100 pts of skill score/20) meters without (Advanced Medical, Electronics, High Tech Use)
damage, and on higher falls reducing the effective height by the same This is the skill of repairing and installing cybernetics. The task
number. This skill includes flipping over an opponent's head, assuming values for repairing cybernetics are detailed above. The task value for
the leaps are high enough. installation is (8 x skill cost of part) with a task period of 8 hours.

Advanced Interrogation 2 WILL +WIT +Charismatic 1 Disguise/ Acting 2 WIT+ OFT+ Charismatic
(Interrogation, Advanced Medical) Allows the character to make a disguise. A Wit AST is required to
This skill can be used to sustain an interrogation, providing notice that anything is amiss unless the actor's BCS roll is a 1, when a
maximum persuasion. CST is required to notice. A minus is made to the Wit ST equal to the
effect number/5,nearest.
Advanced Stealth 2 OFT +WILL + Natural SP
(Stealth, OFT 35+)
This is the rice walk technique, allowing full movement at normal
stealth, or if moving slowly, a Wit CST is required to notice the
disturbance. If an Advanced Stealth BCS fails, normal Stealth cal\, still
be attempted.

Aerial Beast Riding 2 OFT +WIT + Natural 1

Aquatic Beast Riding 2 OFT +WIT + Natural 1
These skills cover the riding of exotic beasts- griffins, roes, dragons,
etc. Note that not just anyone can sit atop a dragon without falling, and
usually a saddle is required in any case.

Animal Training 2 WIT+ WILL+ Natural

This skill covers the taming, breaking, and tracking of animals.
Taming is task with a value equal to the ORT of the animal times its
mass. Breaking, or the teaching of one trick is a task equal to the
ORT and must be done on a tamed animal.

Annorskln 2 SPO + STR + Combative

Gives an added armor value vs. subdual damage per location of the
user's strength group. However lethal damage equal to the AV Bonus

Dodge & Parry OFT + SPD + Combative Hyperdimenslonal Physics 2Wit + Scientific+ Scientific
With this skill, an area of specialization in a hand to hand combat (Physics)
skill must be chosen as the trained area of study. This skill bestows an The study of the physics of Hyperspace.
additional (skill score/20, down) to the user's WDA when a defend
action is taken with the chosen skill. On a critical defend success, the History: W it + Wit + Communicative 2
defender may make a free strike against the attacker, without the The study of the history of a culture. The specialization must be
attacker having the benefit of his WDA. If unarmed combat is chosen, specified.
this skill can be used to parry weapons without damage to the user.
Pilot, Hyperspace 4 OFT+ Wit + Mechanical 1
Dodge Mlsslles 3 OFT+ SPD + Combative (Pilot, Spacecraft)
(Dodge and Parry) This skill governs the transition of a ship from "real space" into
This skill can used to dodge muscle powered weapons. If combined hyperspace and back again.
with heightened perception, one can dodge bullets at an average BCS
with a -5 modifier for each bullet dodged. The dodging BCS is rolled Psychology 3 Wit+ Will + Charismatic 2
before the attacker's BCS. If dodger makes BCS and attacker misses, The study of the mind and thinking of a given race. The race of
attacker rolls again at half previous BCS to hit. (dodging into the specialization must be specified.
Mining 2 OFT +WIT+ Mechanical
E-Weapon OFT + Wit + Combative 3 This skill covers tunneling through ground, reinforcing tunnels,
(Modern Pistol or Rifle) (Pistol, Rifle) required air ventilation, etc.
This skill governs the use and operation of energy weapons.
Navigation 2 WIT+ WIT+ Natural
Fast Draw 2 SPD + OFT + Combative 3 This is the skill of navigation. The form must be specified:
On a successful BCS, as per AFTERMATH! Book 2, pages 30-31 . Seagoing, Airborne, Stellar. The prerequisites are as follows:
Also, on a successful BCS per action, allows 1 extra shot per action. Seagoing : Seamanship
Holsters give modifiers based on type. Airborne : Aerial Recon Interpretation
Stellar : High Tech Use, Mathematics, Physics, and
Flap Computer Science
Standard 0
Western fast draw +1 Net 2 OFT+ STR + Combative 3
Modem fast draw +2 The user is trained in the use of the net, which may be swung or
thrown. Maximum range of a net throw is 5 meters. Net BCS roll effect
Force Field Physics 2 W it + Sci + Mechanical number equals the number of locations covered on the target. Roll
(Physics) location and distribute as evenly as possible on both sides of target
The physics of force fields. location.
Forgery 2 Wit + OFT + Esthetic page 9) once for each portion (leg, head, arm, torso) covered. Effect
Forgery is the art of duplicating documents. A forged documenCwiil number equals (Strength effect die x net factor) + number of locations
be rated by the forger's effect number. This skill succeeds even if the on the area covered - 1.
BCS fails, simply resulting in a poor document. The effect number is NET NET FACTOR ENC SURV STR UT
the difficult of notlcln that the document is fo~ ed. STD .5 1.8 6 3 3
Foraerv Difficultv Chart HOOKED .6 (WDM 1.1) 2.0 7 3 4

Effect Number Ease of Noticing Netrunnlng 2 W it +Wit + Scientific 2

-19 or less W it AST x2 (Computer Science, Encryption, Netlink)
-10 to -18 W itASTx1 .5 This Is the skill of "hacking" through the virtual-reality, direct brain
-5 to -10 W itAST+2 stimulation computer net. Netru nning is described in more detail on
-1 to -5 Wit AST page47.
Oto5 W it CST
6to 10 112 Wit CST Nuclear Physics 2 W it + Sci + Mechanical
11to15 1/4 Wit CST (Physics)
16 to 18 1/8WitCST The physics of nuclear reactions.
19+ Impossible.
Running 2 SPO + HLH + Natural
Forgery skill can also be used to counterfeit money, with success This skill covers the Zulu's ability to run 3 days to a battle and still
as above. be ready to fight. W ith this skill, a character can run at normal full
speed for a number of hours equal to their Health attribute, sprint at
Heavy Energy Projectors 3 OFT +Wit + Combative 3 (skill score+ 100)% of normal full speed for a number of hours equal
(Direct Fire Cannon) to their HLH CST, or jog at 112 normal full speed for 3 times their
This skill governs the use of large battlefield energy weapons. Health attribute in hours. Normal full speed is (Speed/2.6838) M.P.H..
Pick Pockets 2 OFT + SPD + Charismatic Streetwise 1 Wit +Will + Charismatic
This is the thiefs skill of lightening a target's purse, and routines for Streetwise is the skill of living on the streets, making deals, and
getting away with it. The following is a list of modifiers for picking finding the black market. A successful BCS roll will result in the finding
pockets. Use all that apply. of a contact to the market. Streetwise is used in place of commerce for
black market deals.
Situational Modifiers for pjckina Pockets
Pouch 0 Temporal Physics 2 Wit + Scientific + Scientific 1
Pocket -2 (Wit 35, Hyper Dimensional Physics)
Metal Chain attaching item to belt . -2 The study of the physics of time.
In target's hand -8
Walking Vehicle Driver 2 OFT +Wit+ Mechanical
Spacecraft Armaments 4 OFT+ Wit + Combative 3 (Technology Use)
This skill governs the use of mounted weapons in space. This skill governs the operation of walking based vehicles.

Spacecraft Mechanic 3 OFT + Wit + Mechanical Xeno-zoology 2 Wit + Scientific + Natural

(High Tech Use) (Zoology)
The skill of fixing spaceships. Zero-G Training is suggested, but not The skill of analyzing alien life fonns.

High Tech Equipment


BLASTERS ENC: 1.1 Blast: 2 Mag: box (40)

Blasters are high energy plasma weapons, firing bolts of super- ROF: AUAB DUR: 3
heated plasma. A blaster is rated with a blaster value, based on the Features: Sling, folding stock.
number of charges it uses per shot. Blasters are available at Tech
Levef 24. BlastLMG
BOG: 35 BBL: Machlnegun BV: 7
Light Blast Pistol ENC: 4.5 Blast: 2 Mag: box (100)
BOG: 28 BBL: std BV: 4 Rate: 800 RpM DUR:3 Rate Factor: 0 10 x .5
ENC: .35 Blast: 1 Mag: box (10) Features: Bipod.
Features: none. BlastMMG
BOG: 45 BBL: Machinegun BV: 9
Heavy Blast Pistol ENC: 7.1 Blast: 3 Mag: box (250)
BOG: 35 BBL: long BV: 5 Rate: 800 RpM DUR: 3 Rate Factor: 010 x .5
ENC: .45 Blast: 1 Mag: box (20) Features: Tripod or Bipod mounted.
Features: none. BlastHMG
BOG: 85 BBL: Machinegun BV: 17
Light Blast SMG ENC: 12.5 Blast: 5 Mag: box (150)
BOG: 28 BBL: xlong BV: 4 Rate: 800 RpM DUR: 4 Rate Factor: 010 x .5
ENC: .55 Blast: 1 Mag: box (40)
ROF: AUAB (supennachinegun ROF) Features: Tripod mounted.
Features: Autoburst at dS rounds per burst, folding stock. Blast Cannon
VDG: 75 BBi,.: Cannon Blast: 25
Light Blaat Carbine Mag: box (100) Rate: 800 RpM OUR: 3
BOG: 28 BBL: Carbine BV: 4 Rate Factor: 010 x .5
ENC: .85 Blast: 1 Mag: box (40) Features: Vehicle Mounted only.
Features: Sling, Folding Stock. STUNNERS
Stunners do shock damage to the target's system. Each stunner
. Blast Rine ls rated with a SDG, or Stun Damage Group. The target receives
BOG: 35 BBL: Rifle BV: 7 subdual damage equal to (SDG/10, down) d10, plus a number of

points equal to (SDG/10, nearest). Stun Weapons have no recoil. Features: none.
Stunners are available at Tech Level 21 .
F-E Medium Pistol
Light Stun Pistol SOG: 30 BBL: STD ENC: 0.35
SDG: 15 BBL:SHT ENC: 0.25 BOG: 35 DUR: 3 Action: AU FA
Mag: box(20) Action: DA OUR:4 Mag: box(20) MCS: 3 Collimation: 2.5

Features: User adds his Deftness group to his BCS in energy weapon Features: none.
when firing this weapon.
F-E Heavy Pistol
Medium Stun Pistol SDG: 40 BBL: LNG ENC: 0.45
SDG: 25 BBL:STO ENC: 0.32 BOG:40 DUR: 3 Action: AU FA
Mag: box(20) Action: DA DUR: 4 Mag: box(20) MCS: 3 Collimation: 2.5

Features: User adds his Deftness group to his BCS in energy weapon Features: none.
when firing this weapon.
F-E Carbine
Heavy Stun Pistol SDG: 30 BBL: Carbine ENC:0.75
SDG: 35 BBL:LNG ENC: 0.4 BOG: 35 DUR: 3 Action: AL/ FA
Mag: box(20) Action: DA DUR: 4 Mag: box(30) MCS: 4 Collimation: 2.5

Features: User adds his Deftness group to his BCS in energy weapon Features: Folding Stock, sling.
when firing this weapon.
F-E Rifle
Stun Carbine SOG: 40 BBL: Rifle ENC: 0.8
SDG: 35 BBL: Carbine ENC: 0.7 BDG: 45 DUR: 3 Action: ALI FA
Mag: box(20) Action: DA DUR: 4 Mag: box(40) MCS: 5 Collimation: 2.5

Features: User adds his Deftness group to his BCS in energy weapon Features: Sling, folding stock.
when firing this weapon. Folding Stock.


SDG: 45 BBL: Rifle ENC: 0.9
Mag: box(30) Action: DA DUR: 4 Electromedlkit
This small (.1 enc} item is commonly worn on the belt or wrist,
Features: User adds his Deftness group to his BCS in energy weapon though they can be carried for use on other patients. It has a small
when firing this weapon. Folding Stock. Integral Laser Sight, powered battery of drugs and diagnostic routines, and will automatically Inject
from magazine.. the patient upon diagnosis (Advanced Medical BCS 8). The unit has
the following drugs: Polycell 3, 3 doses; Tailored Antibi~··cs, 50%
Stun Grenade chance of having the proper one; Superior Broad Band Antil otlcs, 10
SDG: 55 Enc: 0.2 doses; Stimulants. 10 doses; Neo-Heroin, 5 doses; Cardiaclne, 2
doses. Tech Level 21 .
This weapon explodes with a blast of stun energy, for a radius of 55
meters. To compute radius of effect, treat SDG as Blast of a normal
These binoculars combine Starlight, Ultra-violet, Infrared, and
FIELD-EFFECT WEAPONS Thermograph technology with a sophisticated image processor giving
Field-Effect Weapons have settings for "stun", "kill'', and a 30 degree field of vision at 35x magnification. ENC .5, Tech Level
"destroy". When set on "stun'', they do damage as Stunners. When set 22.
on "kill'', they do damage as lasers, and when set on "destroy", do
damage ~s Blasters. They have no recoil in any setting. They us up 1.
"shot" in the magazine when set on "stun", a number equal to the· Infrared Goggles
charges when set on "kill", and 3 when set on "destroy". Field-Effect These goggles allow the user to see in the infrared spectrum, giving
Weaponry becomes available at Tech Level 28. good night vision. Tech Level 19, ENC .3.

F·E Light Pistol

SOG: 20 BBL: SHT ENC: 0.27 Tachyon Communications
BOG: 30 DUR: 3 Action: AU FA Tachyon communicators use Tachyons to transmit messages,
Mag: box(20) MCS: 3 Collimation: 2.5 since they move at faster than the speed of light.

Tachyon Communicator Laser Swords
ENC: 1.0 Power: 1 E-5 Laser Swords use a focused beam of high intensity light as a
This device provides instant communication between star systems. cutting device. They are incapable of parrying other weapons, but can
It has a focused beam, so only one communicator can receive the cause damage to normal melee weapons.
message. Tech Level 24. Tech Level 24.

Laser Sword
ENC: 0.4 Utility: 6 STR:2 Format: S,T
Computerized Translator
This small device has a database of different known languages. Hand: 1 Length: L Sec.:Y Skills: SW, LS

It has a Natural Language based processor, which will "listen" to the WDM: 3.5
input language, and either repeat it In another language, or display the
text on a small screen. The different models are detailed below.
Force Swords
Translator, Tech Level 20 Force swords use a focused force field as a blade, allowing
Languages : 8 Language BCS : 8 them to cut through anything except another force field. They are
ENC : .3 Power : E-5 invisible normally but are commonly frtted with an illumination device
which lights up the blade so the user can see where his weapon Is.
Translator, Tech Level 21 Force Swords are available at Tech Level 26 and above.
Languages : 16 Language BCS : 12
ENC : .35 Power : E-5 Force Sword
ENC: 0.7 Utility: 6 STR: 3 Format: S,T
Translator, Tech Level 22 Hand: 1112 Length: L Sec.: Y Skills: LS
Languages: 32 Language BCS : 16 WDM: 4.5 Surv.: 150
ENC : .25 Power: 2 E-1
Monofllament Weapons
Translator, Tech Level 23 Monofilament Weapons are bladed melee weapons with a cutting
Languages : 100 Language BCS : 18 edge of only a single molecule in thickness. At tech level 22, they are
ENC : .15 Power: E-1 modifications of normal weapons, gaining their structural stability from
the mass of the weapon. These weapons will have their WDM
Translator, Tech Level 25 doubled, and are powered by an E-1 in the hilt. At tech level 25, field
Languages: 1000 Language BCS : 14 devices are used to enhance the structure of the blade, allowing them
ENC : .1 Power : E-1 to stand free.

HIGH TECH MELEE WEAPONS Tech Level 25 Monofilament Sword

ENC: 0.5 Utility: 6 STR: 2 Format: S
Chain Sword Hand: 1 Length: L Sec.:Y Skills: SW, LS
This devastating device combines the whirling teeth of a chainsaw WDM:4.0 Surv.: 21
in a wieldable form. This item becomes available at Tech·Level 23.
Ballistic armor made of Kevlar was developed at tech level 18 and
Light Chain Sword continues in common use by Police, military and security forces.
ENC: 1 Utility: 6 STR: 3 Format: S Ballistic Armor is rated by NIJ Threat Levels. At tech level 20, ceramic
Hand: 1 Length: A Sec.: N Skills: SW, LS plates are introduced that provide greater armor protection.
WDM: 3.0 Surv.: 15
Heavy Chain Sword Type I (22 LR; 380 ACP)
ENC: 1.5 Utility: 6 STR: 4 Format: S Type llA (9 mm; 40 S&W)
Hand: 2 Length: L Sec.: N Skills: SW, LS Type II (9 mm: 357 Magnum)
WDM: 4.0 Surv.: 16 Type lllA (High Velocity 9 mm; 44 Magnum)
Type Ill (Rifles)
Type IV (Armor Piercing Rifle)
Vlbroblades Type V (High Power AP Rifle)
Vlbroblade technology, available at tech levels 22 and above. They
are high tech versions of standard bladed melee weapons, but have
an E-1 In the hllt to power a field vibration unit that vibrates the cutting
edge of the blade, increasing the cutting potential of the weapon. This
bestows an additional .5 to the WDM of the weapon.

Type AV Enc/Loe TL mass. The same principles are used for inertial compensators.
5 .032 18
5 .028 19 Anti-Grav Belt
5 .025 20 ENC: 0.5 Flight BMA: 12 Power: 1 E-5
llA 8 ..04 18 Mileage: 50 km per charge
llA 8 . 032 19 This device is used as a means of personal transportation.
llA 8 .028 20
II 11 .045 19 Anti-Grav Plate
II 11 .040 20 ENC Capacity: 50 Flight BMA: 12 Power 1 E-10
II 11 .035 21 Mileage: 100 km per charge
lllA 16 .05 19 This device is used to carry equipment. It is a flat disk 3 meters in
lllA 16 .042 20 diameter.
lllA 16 .036 21
Ill 27 .05 20
Ill 27 .040 21 CVberscope
IV 35 .05 20 The Cyberscope is a weapon accessory that combines video
IV 35 .040 21 camera technology with a Heads Up Display and a cyberweapon
v 50 .06 21 Splice to give the firer firing information In his field of vision. This will
give a +3 to BCS when used. If a cyberweapon Splice is not available,
the Cyberscope functions as a laser sight.
There are three types of personal force field, the first I!- an
ablative damage absorption field, the second is a "chameleon" field
that makes it harder to hit the wearer, and the third is a screer. ihat CVberdecks
stops all high energy damage from affecting the user. Cyberdecks are Direct Neural Interface computer devices that
allow the user to experience the virtual reality of the computer net.
Absorption Fleld They are described in more detail on page 48.
ENC: 0.5 Barrier Va lue: 75
Power: 2 E-5 Recharge Rate: 5 barrier per combat turn
Tech Level: 27 Personal Computers

Chameleon Field Desktop

ENC: 0 .7 CDA Bonus: +5 The desktop computer becomes available at tech level 19, and
Power: 1 E-5 Tech Level: 28 has an encumbrance of 10. Later models do not decrease in size, as
much as increase in power.
The Chameleon Field CDA bonus is applied at full value to all
ranged attacks but is only a bonus of 2 to the user's CDA against Laptop
melee attacks. A chameleon field distorts the light waves around the The laptop computer becomes available at Tech Level 20, and
wearer, making him harder to see. This also has the effect of reducing has an ENC of between 0.3 and 1.5.
the collimation of lasers by 3.
Personal Screen The pocket computer becomes available at tech level 21 , and
ENC: 0.5 Screen Threshold: 5 has an ENC of 0.3 or less. At higher tech levels, these can be very
Power: 2 E-5 Screen Limit: 150 sophisticated.
Tech Level: 29 Dissipation: 75

Laser Sights
The personal screen stops all attacks whose actual damage before
Laser sights are described in AFTERMATH! book 2 , page 74.
armor is greater than the Screen Threshold value. If a screen stops
This is a Tech Level 19 model. The Tech Level 20 model functions the
more damage than its Screen limit In one attack, it temporarily shuts
same in all respects, except that it is powered by an E-1 , and has an
down until it can dissipate the absorbed energy. A screen dissipates
ENC of0.1.
its Dissipation value in damage per combat turn. This means that the
screen described above can absorb up to 150 points of damage per
attack indefinitely, but if it absorbed 750 points in one attack, would •
Video Camera
stop that attack, and then shut down for 10 combat turns until it had
The video camera is a magnetic media audio-visual recording
dissipated the energy from the overload attack.
device that can record both sound and visual images on a tape that
will store up to 6 hours of information. Tech Level 19, ENC varies,
from 0.4 to 2.
Gravities devices are available at Tech Level 25 and above.
They work by applying a variable gravitic field to suspend and propel

Motion Scanner 3 Point Sling
The motion scanner is a device that uses ultrasonic vibrations, A 3 point sling allows the user to carry a long gun in the ready
proximity radar, and air density measurements, coupled with an inertial position, having it instantly available for use.. This allows the user to
compensator to give motion detection infonnation to the user about his "drop" the weapon and have it return to the slung position without
current location. The item's range is about 50 meters, but an air using an action it also allows the user to bring the weapon to ready
pathway, or a direct line of sight must exist between the unit and the without using an action.
moving target for it to be detected. Tech Level 22, ENC 0.5.
Reflex Sight
A reflex site is a weapons site accessory that allows for quick

TELEPHONE TECHNOLOGY acquisition of tactical targets this allows sighted fire (giving +1 BCS)
without sacrificing an action. Tech Level 19, enc 0.05, RIS Compatible.

Cellular Telephone Ghillie Sult

A cellular telephone Is available at tech level 19 and above. It A Ghillie suit is a camouflage over suit and that effectively disguises
allows communication with the standard telephone network, but the the outline of the wearer while worn correctly in a rural environment.
phone must be within range of a tower. This limits the range of a The Ghillie suit is prepared with the target environment in mind.
cellular phone to major population areas. customizing it to the local surroundings. Preparing a ghillie suit Is a
task with a period of 1 CT, the wearer's stealth BCS as the governing
skill and a target number that it is computed specially. The wearer may
Zone Phone increase the target number as long as they make a successful roll
A zone phone is a Tech Level 20 cordless phone that can make against their Stealth BCS during preparation. The group number of the
calls when near any base station, usually in the home or an office target number they create is used as a minus modifier to the WIT AST
bullding. The phone number information is stored in the phone, so it of anyone trying to visually find them. Tech Level 18, ENC 1.1.
can work with any base station of the same provider.
Satellite Phone At Tech Level 19, various governments developed new, extremely
A satellite phone is a Tech Level 21 device that allows the durable battle rations, called "MRE's" or "Meals, Ready to Eat." These
transmission to be bounced off a satellite. It can be used from are (supposed) to be more appetizing, and have an internal heater that
anywhere on the surface of a planet, or in space in a system with the is activated with a small amount of water. Each MRE is 1 day of
phone satellites. rations for 1 man. These are Utility 5, ENC 0.1 , and are contained in
an environmentally sealed pouch.
GPS or Global Positioning Satellite navigation systems become ·
available at Tech Level 21 . These are available in handheld and
vehicle mounted units, with varying accuracy. Civilian systems have
an accuracy of placement within about 15 meters. Military systems
have an (estimated) accuracy of about 5 feet (Actual perfonnance is
Classified Data).

Silencers are a fireann feature available only for ballistic
weapons. They muffle the sound of the weapon to prevent detection
by dispersing the gas of the propulsion. This has the effect of reducing
the BOG of the round by 5%. Autofire through a silencer will destroy it,
unless it has been specially designed as such. Silencers do not
completely silence a weapon - if the muzzle velocity is above the
speed of sound, there will still be a supersonic crack. When using
subsonic ammunition, they can be VERY quiet. A, integral suppressor
gives the same effect as using subsonic ammo, but bleeds off 10% of
the BOG BOG (and acts as a Recoil Reduction of 1). Tech level 15,
ENC 0.1 , Autoflre silencer Tech Level 17, Enc 0.15. Integral
Suppressor Tech Level 18, built into weapon.

Auto Wrist Holster

This de'!ice stores a small (.3 Enc or less) pistol attached to the
forearm, and when a release is pressed, or the arm is shaken or
mov~d in a certain way, the gun is delivered into the hand, ready for
use. This is commonly called a "rail." Tech Level 13, Enc .2.

Night Vision
T.L. 21 "skin s uit" Enc. 0.38
Night Vision devices allow the user to see better in low (or no) light.
There are 5 classes of Night Vision, each with better viewing Garment locations code AV
capabilities, at different Tech Levels ENC
Tech Level Pitch Black With •moon sliver" Helmet 1 DP 11
Gen1 (16) 50M 75M 0.056
Gen2(TL18) 100M 200M visor 2 MP 9
Gen3(TL19) 150M 400M
gorge! 3 SY 4
Gen4(TL20) 200M 1000M
Inner Torso 4-12, 21-24 NX 3
At TL 20, Thermal Imaging - FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) is 0 .024
available as weapon sights and goggles. FLIR converts heat into coverall 4-18, 21 -28 SY 4
visible light, greatly enhancing the contrast between objects of
different heat levels. This is the night vision we see on the news and in
movies where human forms are bright silhouettes. Gloves 29-30 SY 5
Item TL Gen Enc Special Boots 19-20 PX 6
Goggles 16 1 0.3 Extemal Battery
Goggles 0.04
17 1 0.35
Goggles 18 1 0.15
Goggles 18 2 0.25 This is a revolutionary design, in that it is actually two space-suits in
Goggles 19 2 0.15 one. The inner torso cover is a form fitting spandex-neoprene
Goggles 19 3 0.25
Goggles 20 3 0.15 combination that protects the wearer from the adverse effects of
Goggles 20 4 0.25 vacuum by physical pressure. A person can survive with only this
Goggles 21 4 0.1 garment, an air bottle (enc. 1) and the helmet, though he would not be
Weapon Sight 16 1 0.43 Extemal Battery
Weapon Sight very comfortable, and in deep space would suffer adversely from the
17 1 0.3
Weapon Sight 18 1 0.1 cold on all exposed skin locations. The coverall, gloves, and boots are
Weapon Sight 18 2 0.2 recommended for user comfort. Because of the low encumbrance of
Weapon Sight 19 2 0.1 the torso guard, it is commonly worn by spacers as "underwear." the
Weapon Sight 19 3 0.2
Weapon Sight 20 3 0.1 backpack for this unit is ENC 2.5, and will provide 1 hour of life
Weapon Sight 20 4 0.2 support. The torso guard has a thermal factor of 1, and the coverall
has a thermal factor of 4.

L ocations
Item Covered ENC AV Material
Upper Suit 1-11 , 21-30 31 .5 25 HPS

Lower Suit 12-20 31.5 25 HPS

SPACE SUITS Average AV: 25 Total ENC: 1.0

T.L 18 "hard sulf' Enc. 0.69 Features: Provides 48 hours of life support. Vacuum hardened.
Ga nnent locations code AV Can only be worn by someone with Battlesuit skill; each suit Is custom
Helmet 1-3 DP 11 tailored for the user. Radio, Satellite tactical maps, HUD with targeting
coverall 4-18, 21-28 PX 6 computer, 7x telescopic range finding, parabolic microphone hearing,
gloves 29-30 PX 6 doubles user's strength, only 1.0 ENC when worn as a full suit, Atomic
boots 19-20 MP 9 powered, Heel jets with 50 lbs. of thrust (TIM ratio of 0.025, 30
seconds fuel), Starlight scope, Infrared filter built into visor standard. If
This is the familiar bulky suit like those used on the earty the user is netiinked into the suit, the ENC is reduced by 0.2. Tech
spaceflights before the space shuttle. The air supply is a separate unit, Level22.
either a 3.5 enc. backpack unit lasting 1 hour, or a 0.3 enc "briefcase"
AC unit good only in atmosphere. thermal factor of 5.
T.L. 19 "soft s ulf' Enc. 0.36
Garment locatio ns cod e AV ENC Raven's Beak
Helmet 1-2 DP 11 0.06 ENC: 1 Utility: 3 STR:3 Format: S
coverall 3-18, 21-28 SY 5 0.24 Hand: 1.5 Length: L Sec.: S Skills: SW/PL
gloves 29-30 SY 5 0.02 WDM: 1.8L Surv.: 8
Boots 19-20 PX 6 0.04
Cat O' 9 Tails
This is equivalent to the current space suit wom during EVA by the ENC: 0.6 Utility: 3 STR: 3 Format: SIC
U.S. Space shuttle crews. It has a thermal factor of 4. The life support Hand: Length: L Sec.: N Skills: FW
system Is an ENC 3.0 backpack, and lasts for 1.5 hours. WDM: 2 B Surv.: 5

Scythe Kris
ENC: 1.5 Utility: 3 STR: 2 Format S ENC: 0.6 Utility: 3 STR: 2 Format: SIT
Hand: 2 Length: XL Sec.: N Skills: PL Hand: 1 Length: S Sec.: S Skills: SW/KN
W DM: 2.3L Surv.: 10 WDM: 1.7L Surv.: 9

Clnqulneda Gauntlet Sw ord

ENC: 0.5 Utility: 3 STR: 2 Format: S ENC: 1.5 Utility: 3 STR:2 Format: SIT
Hand: 1 Length: S Sec.: S Skills: SW Hand: 1 Length: A Sec.: S Skills: LS
WDM: 1.5L Surv.: 9 WDM: 2.5L Surv.: 9

ENC: 0.6 Utility: 4 STR: 2 Format: T ENC: 0.5 Utility: 3 STR: 2 Format: SIT
Hand: Length.: S Sec.: S Skills: SW/BR Hand: SP Length: S Sec.: N Skills: TH
WDM: 1.6L Surv.: 9 WDM: +0.3 Surv.: 8

Hui-Tho The ATL-ATL is a spear throwing device, used to obtair:i greater

ENC: 0.7 Utility: 4 STR: 2 Format: S velocity and range. Use of an ATL-ATL doubles normal throwing :
Hand: 2 Length: XL Sec.: N Skills: FW ranges for the spear. The ATL-ATL may also be used in close combat
WDM: 2 L Surv.: 9 as a club with a WDM of 1.1C.
Description: Malaysian bladed rope.
Naglnata Caltrops do damage equal to the mass of the victim stepping on
ENC: 1.3 Utility: 4 STR: 2 Format: SIT one, times the WDM of the caltrops.
Hand: 2 Length: XL Sec.: S Skills: PL
WDM: 2.8L Surv.: 8 #/ENC HT WDM
Small Caltrops 20 2· 1.2L
Lance Large Caltrops 10 3" 1.8L
ENC: 1.5 Utility: 3 STR: 3 Format: T
Hand: 1.5 Length: XL Sec.: N Skills: PL OVERSIZED WEAPONS
WDM: 2 L Surv.: 9 To compute the statistics for an oversized weapon, for every .1
increase in ENC, the WDM is Increased by 0.1, and both the STR
(Strength rating) and SURV (survival value) are increased by 0.2.
Pike Round STR fractions nearest. and round SURV fractions down. If the
ENC: 1.6 Utility: 3 STR: 2 Format: T original weapon is designed for one-handed use, subtract 1 from the
Hand: 2 Length: XL Sec.: S Skills: PL initial strength group, and consider it two handed. All oversized .
WDM: 2.1L Surv.: 10 weapons are cons1"d ered two handed for the purposes of strength 1I
group required for use.

Modular Weapon RIS Accessories (all TL 20)
Modular weapons are convertible by the user with standard firearms Laser Sight Enc0.01
skill between different configurations. Reconfiguring is a task with a Weapon Light Enc0.03
period of 1 action and a target of 5. Forward Grip Enc O.o1
Reflex Sight Enc 0.05
RIS System Optical Scope Mount Enc0.001
A RIS system (TL 20)allows a user to add modular accessories Night Vision Scope ENC per scope
configured for RIS with only a successful Firearms use BCS. These Bipod ENC 0.1
accessories can include laser sights, telescopic sights, Weapon lights, Magazine Pouch ENC 0.001
targeting computers, forward grips, blpods, spare magazine holders, Targeting Computer Sight ~1) ENC 0.1
and others. A RIS accessory may be added to any firearm that has Cyber Weapon Sight ENC 0.05
previously been aligned with the accessory as a task with 1 action as Video Camera ENC 0.1
the period, and a target of 5, and a new accessory can be aligned with Digital Camera ENC 0.05
a firearm as a task with a target of 15. Grenade Launcher (M203 mount) ENC per M203

Name: 1851 Navy Revolver BBL: LNG Action: SA
MAG: Muzzle 6 DUR: 3 ENC: .41 .
Caliber: .36 BDG: 2 Tech Level: 13
Features: Cap and Ball Revolver

Name: 1860 Army Revolver BBL: LNG Action: SA

MAG: Muzzle 6 DUR: 3 ENC: .42
Caliber: .44 BDG:3 Tech Level: 13
Silencers are a firearm feature available only for ballistic
Features: Cap and Ball Revolver
weapons. They muffle the sound of the weapon to prevent detection
by dispersing the gas of the propulsion. This has the effect of reducing
the BOG of the round by 5%. Autofire through a silencer will destroy it,
unless it has been specially designed as such. Silencers do not
completely silence a weapon - if the muzzle velocity is above the
speed of sound, there will still be a supersonic crack. When using
subsonic ammunition, they can be VERY quiet. An integral suppressor
gives the same effect as using subsonic ammo, but bleeds off 10% of
the BOG (and acts as a Recoil Reduction of 1). Silencers are also Name: 1858 Army Revolver BBL: LNG Action: SA
configured for a specific caliber. MAG: Muzzle 6 DUR: 3 ENC: .49
Caliber: .44 BDG: 3 Tech Level: 13
Silencer Tech level 15, ENC 0.1 Features: Cap and Ball Revolver; removable cylinder
Autofire silencer Tech Level 17, Enc 0.1 5.
Integral Suppressor Tech Level 18, built into weapon.

Name: Allen's No. 40 BBL: SNUB Action: SS

GUN LIST MAG: Break 1 DUR:2 ENC: .2
Caliber: .22 BDG:2 Tech Level: 13
Name: Tannenburg Cannon BBL: LNG Action: SS Features: Silver plated frame, rosewood stock.
MAG: Muzzle 1 DUR: 1 ENC: .42
Caliber: 17mm BDG:2 Tech Level: 9 Name: Allen's no. 41 BBL: SHT Action: SS
Features: Fired 6 .33 caliber balls. Basically a small cannon on the
MAG: Break 1 DUR: 2 ENC: .23
end of a stick.
Caliber: .22 BDG:2 Tech Level: 13
Features: Heavy plated silver frame, shell extractor.
Name: Wheel lock Pistol BBL: LNG Action: SS
MAG: Muzzle 1 DUR: 1 ENC: .44 Name: Allen's Derrin ger BBL: SNUB Action: SS
Caliber: 17mm BDG: 2 Tech Level: 1O MAG: Break 1 DUR: 3 ENC: .2
Features: none. Caliber: .41 BDG:6 Tech Level: 13
Features: none.
Name: Snaphaunce Pistol BBL: LNG Action: SS
MAG: Muzzle 1 DUR: 2 ENC: .4 Name: Allen's No. 32 BBL: SHT Action: SA
Caliber: .54 BOG: 11 Tech Level: 11 MAG: Port-cyl 7 DUR: 3 ENC: .24
Features: Flintlock. Caliber: .32 long BDG:4 Tech Level: 13
Features: none.
Name: .54 Fllnttock BBL: LNG Action: SS
MAG: Muzzle 1 DUR: 2 ENC: .41
Caliber: .54 BOG: 16 Tech Level: 12
Features: None.

Name: Remington Pocket BBL: SHT Action: SA
MAG: Snap.qi 5 DUR: 2 ENC: .3
Caliber: .31 B00: 4 Tech Level: 13
Features: Black Powder Firearm.

Name: S & W No. 1 BBL: SHT Action: SA Name: Henry Rifle BBL: Rifle Action: LA
MAG: Break 7 DUR: 4 ENC: .22 MAG: Tub-Cyl 13 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.1
Caliber: .22 BDG: 2 Tech Level: 13 Caliber: .44-40 BOG: 30 Tech Level: 13
Features: Shell Extractor. Features: none.

Name: S & W No. 1 1/2 BBL: STD Action: SA

MAG: Break 5 DUR:4 ENC: .34
Caliber: .32 short BDG: 2 Tech Level: 13
Features: Shell Extractor.
Name: Spencer Rifle BBL: Rifte Action: LA
Name: S & W No. 2 BBL: STD Action: SA MAG: Tub-Cyl 8 DUR:3 ENC: 1.45
MAG: Break6 DUR: 4 ENC: .36 Caliber: .50 ball BOG: 40 Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .32 long BDG: 4 Te9h Level: 13 Features: Bayonet lug.
Features: Shell Extractor.

Name: S & W No. 3 BBL: STD Action: SA

MAG: Break6 DUR: 4 ENC: .22
Caliber: .22 800: 2 Tech Level: 13
Features: Shell Extractor.
Name: Spencer Carbine BBL: Carbine Action: LA
Name: Enterprise No. 3 BBL: SHT Action: SA MAG: Tub-Cyl 8 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.08
MAG: Port-Cy! 5 OUR: 3 ENC: .32 Caliber: .50 ball BDG: 40 Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .38 long BDG:5 Tech Level: 13 Features: Bayonet lug.
Features: none.
Name: Remington Sporting Rifle Action: SS
Name: Enterprise No. 4 BBL: SHT Action: SA MAG: Falling Block 1 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.45
MAG: Port-Cy! 5 DUR:4 ENC: .35 Caliber: .44 BOG: Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .41 long BOG: 11 Tech Level: 13 Features: None.
Features: none.

Name: Colt Cavalry Pistol BBL: LNG Action: SA

MAG: Port-Cyl 6 DUR: 4 ENC: .41
Caliber: .45 long colt BDG: 6 Tech Level: 13
Features: none.

Name: Sharp's New Military Rifle Action: SS

Name: Colt Anny Pistol BBL: LNG Action: SA
MAG: Break 1 OUR: 4 ENC: 1.4
MAG: Port-Cyl 6 OUR: 4 ENC: .42
Caliber: .45 government BOG: 24 Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .44 BOG: 15 Tech Level: 13
Features: none. Features: Match Weapon, peep sight.

Name: Remington Revolving Carbine Action: SA

Name: Webley Bull Dog BBL: SHT Action: DA MAG: Port-Cyl 6 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.1
MAG: Port-Cyl 5 DUR: 4 ENC: .32 Caliber: .38 long . BOG: 5 Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .44 BOG: 15 Tech Level: 13 Features: Removable Cylinder.
Features: none.
Name: Greener's Shotg un 12 ga. Action: SA
Name: Magazine Pisto l BBL: SHT Action: SA MAG: Break 2 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.54
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR:2 ENC: .22 Caliber: 12 gauge BOG: 32 Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .32 long BOG: Tech Level: 13 Features: none.
Features: none.
Name: Greener's Shotgun 10ga. Action: SA
Name: Derringer BBL: SNUB Action: SA MAG: Break2 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.64
MAG: Break2 DUR: 3 ENC: .23 Caliber: 1O gauge BOG: 36 Tech Level: 13
Caliber: .41 BOG: 11 Tech Level: 13 Features: none.
Features: none.

Name: 10 gauge sawed off shotgun Action: SA Name: Beretta M-34 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Break2 OUR: 3 ENC: .7 MAG: Box7 OUR: 3 ENC: .37
Caliber: 10 gauge BOG: 36 Tech Level: 13 Caliber: 9mm Short BOG:2 Tech Level: 16
Features: Riot gun. Features: none.

Name: 1874 Gatling Gun BBL: Rifle Action: FA Name: Beretta M92D BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box (40) DUR: 3 ENC: 10.7 MAG: Box9 OUR:5 ENC: .39
Caliber: .45 long colt BDG:5 Tech Level: 13 Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 18
Features: Tripod mount only. Features: 3 dot LED sight.

Modem Guns Name: Beretta M92F BBL: STD Action: AL

These are a sampling of modern and ultra-modern firearms. Some of MAG: Box 13 DUR: 5 ENC: .39
these are experimental, prototypes, etc. and I have extrapolated Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
and/or adjusted them to the Aftermath! w orld. Special thanks to Max Features: none.
R. Popenker for his reference material and pictures on this section.
More info can be found on these at http://world.guns.ru. Name: Beretta M92F Slim BBL·: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box8 DUR: 5 ENC: .35
Pistols Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.
Name: American Derringer Model 1 BBL: SNUB
Action: SA MAG: Break 2 DUR: 4 Name: Beretta M92S BBL: STD Action: AL
Caliber: .22LR(1-10) ENC: .4.1 MAG: Box15 DUR: 5 ENC: .39
.25 ACP (11-20) Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
.256 magnum (21-22) Features: none.
.32 short (23-28)
.32 long (29-33) Tech Level: 18 Name: Bersa Model 86 BBL: SHT Action: AL
.357 magnum (34-40) MAG: Box13 DUR: 3 ENC: .25
9mm Parabellum (41·50) Caliber: .380 ACP BDG: 5 Tech Level: 18
.38 Special (51-57) Features: none.
. 38 Super Auto (58-81)
.40 S&W (62-06) Name: B rowning BDM BBL: STD Action: AL
.41 Magnum/.41 0 gauge (67-75) MAG: Box 15 DUR: 4 ENC: .38
.44 special (76-80) Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG:5 Tech Level: 18
.44 Magnum (81-85) Features: none.
.45 long colt (86-91)
.45 ACP (92-99) Name: Colt Delta Elite BBL: STD Action: AL
5.56 Nato (100) MAG: Box 14 OUR: 4 ENC: .44
Features: none. Caliber: 10mm ACP BOG: 15 Tech Level: 19
Features: Recoil Reduction of 3.

Name: American Derringer Model 1 BBL: SNUB

Name: Colt Double Eagle BBL: SHT Action: AL
Action: SA MAG: Break2 DUR:4 MAG: Box8 DUR: 5 ENC: .29
ENC: .41 Tech Level: 18 Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18
Caliber: .45-70 I .45 long colt (1--5) Features: none.
.45-70 I .410 gauge (6-9)
.50-70 (10) (BOG 28) Name: Colt Lightweight BBL: SHT Action: AL
Features: none. MAG: Box8 DUR: 5 ENC: .25
Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18
Name: AMT Hardballer BBL: STD Action: AL Features: none.
MAG: Box7 DUR: 4 ENC:.41
Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18 Name: Colt Model 2000 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box 15 DUR: 5 ENC: .38
Features: none.
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.
Name: AMT On Duty BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box13 DUR: 4 ENC: .39 Name: Coonan Arms BBL: STD Action: AL
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 18 MAG: Box7 DUR: 4 ENC: .42
Features: none. Cali)'>er: .357 magnum BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18

Features: High security safety, recoil re_duction of 2.

Name: Freedom Anns BBL: LNG Action: SA
MAG: Port-Cyl 5 DUR: 4 ENC: .45
Caliber: .454 Casull BOG: 31 Tech Level: 19
Features: none.

Name: Glock 17 BBL: STD Action: AL

MAG: Box17 DUR: 5 ENC: .37
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: High security safety.

Name: Glock 19 BBL: SHT Action: AL

Name: C.O.P..357 BBL: SNUB Action: DA
MAG: Box 15 DUR: 5 ENC: .27
MAG: Break4 DUR: 4 ENC: .27
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19
· Caliber: .357 magnum BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18
Features: High security safety.
Features: 4 barrels with a rotating firing pin.
Name: Glock 20 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box15 DUR: 5 ENC: .38
Name: Desert Baby Eagle BBL: STD Action: AL
Caliber: 10mm ACP BOG: 15 Tech Level: 19
MAG: Box16 DUR:3 ENC: .4
Features: High security safety.
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG:5 Tech Level: 19
Features: none.
Name: Glock 21 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box13 DUR: 5 ENC: .38
Name: Desert Baby Eagle BBL: STD Action: AL
Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 19
MAG: Box 11 DUR: 3 ENC: .4
Features: High security safety.
Caliber: .41 AE BOG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: none.
Name: Glock 22 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box 15 DUR: 5 ENC: .37
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 19
Features: High security safety.

Name: Glock 23 BBL: STD Action: AL

MAG: Box 13 DUR: 5 ENC: .36
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 19
Features: High security safety.

Name: Grizzly Win Mag BBL: STD Action: AL

MAG: Box8 DUR:4 ENC: .44
Caliber: .45 Win Mag BOG: 28 Tech Level: 19
Features: Recoil reduction of 3.
Name: Desert Baby Eagle BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box10 DUR: 3 ENC:.4
Name: H&K P-95 BBL: STD Action: AL
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 19
MAG: Box9 DUR: 5 ENC: .39
Features: none.
Callber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.

Name: Mauser M1896 BBL: LNG Action: AL

MAG: Strip 10 DUR:3 ENC: .41
Name: Desert Eagle BBL: LNG Action: AL Caliber: .30 Mauser BOG: 6 Tech Level: 14
MAG: Box8 DUR: 3 ENC: .43 Features: Detachable Stock/Holster
Caliber: .44 magnum BOG: 21 Tech Level: 19
Features: Convertible to .357 magnum (9 round magazine). Fires
standard .357 and .44 rimmed rounds.

Name: S&W Model 59 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box 14 DUR: 4 ENC: .38
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.

Name: S&W Model 915 BBL: SHT Action: AL

MAG: Box 15 DUR: 4 ENC: .28
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18

Features: none.
Name: S&W Model 1006 BBL: STD Action: AL ·
MAG: Box9 DUR: 4 ENC: .41 ·
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.
Name: S&W Model 3914 BBL: SHT Action: AL
MAG: Box8 DUR: 4 ENC: .37
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Name: P.08 Luger BBL: STD Action: AL Features: none.
MAG: Box 8 or drum (32) DUR:4 ENC: .39
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 14 Name: S&W Model 4003 BBL: STD Action: AL
Features: none. MAG: Box 11 DUR: 4 ENC: .38
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 18
Name: SIG P-210-2 BBL: STD Action: AL Features: none.
MAG: Box8 DUR: 5 ENC: .39
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 17 Name: S&W Model 4006 BBL: STD Action: AL
Features: Match Weapon. MAG: Box 11 DUR: 4 ENC: .38
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 18
Name: SIG/Sauer P-220 BBL: STD Action: AL Features: Tritium night sight, click sight.
MAG: Box7 DUR: 5 ENC: .38
Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 19 Name: S&W Model 4013 BBL: SHT Action: AL
Features: none. MAG: Box8 DUR: 4 ENC: .27
Caliber. 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Name: SIG/Sauer P-225 BBL: SHT Action: AL Features: none.
MAG: Box8 DUR: 5 ENC: .28
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19 Name: S&W Model 4516 BBL: SHT Action: AL
Features: none. MAG: Box 8 DUR:4 ENC: .28
Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18
Name: SIG/Sauer P-226 BBL: STD Action: AL Features: none.
MAG: Box 15 DUR: 5 ENC: .38
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG:5 Tech Level: 19 Name: S&W Model 4566 BBL: STD Action: AL
Features: none. MAG: Box8 DUR: 4 ENC: .38
Name: SIG/Sauer P-228 BBL: SHT Caliber: .45 ACP BOG: 11 Tech Level: 18
Action: AL
MAG: Box13 Features: none.
DUR: 5 ENC: .28
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: none.

Name: SIG/Sauer P-229 BBL: SHT Action: AL

MAG: Box 12 DUR:5 ENC: .29
Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 19
Features: none.

Name: SIG/Sauer P-230 BBL: SHT Action: AL

MAG: Box 7 DUR: 5 ENC: .25 Name: S&W Model 500 BBL: LNG Action: SA/DA
Caliber: .380 ACP BDG:5 Tech Level: 19 MAG: Swing-Cyl 5 DUR: 5 ENC: .5
Features: High security safety. Caliber: .500 S&W Magnum BOG: 31 Tech Level: 20
Features: Recoil Reduction of 1
Name: S&W Model 39 BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box 8 DUR: 4 ENC: .37
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 17
Features: none.

Name: Sphinx AT-2000 BBL: SHT Action: AL Name: Webley MklV BBL: STD Action: SA/DA
MAG: Box 15,13,10 OUR: 3 ENC: .27 MAG: Break6 DUR: 4 ENC:.4
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18 Caliber: .455 Webley BOG: 11 Tech Level: 14
Features: none. Features: Manual Safety. Possible conversion to .4SACP or .45 Auto
Rim (BOG 11)

Name: Steyr GB-80 BBL: STD Action: AL

MAG: Box18 OUR: 4 ENC: .42
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.

Name: Zastava CZ99 BBL: STD Action: AL

MAG: Box 15 OUR: 3 ENC: .39
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.
Name: Walther PPK BBL: STD Action: AL
MAG: Box7 OUR: 5 ENC: .37 Name: Zastava CZ40 BBL: STD Action: AL
Caliber: 9mm Short BOG: 2 Tech Level: 16 MAG: Box 11 OUR: 3 ENC: .39
Features: none. Caliber: .40 S&W BOG: 10 Tech Level: 18
Features: none.

Submachine Guns

Name: Walther P-38 BBL: STD Action: AL

MAG: Box8 OUR: 5 ENC: .37
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 16
Features: none.

Name: Beretta M-93R BBL: STD Action: AU AB

MAG: Box20 OUR: 5 ENC: .41
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 18
Features: Recoil Reduction of 2 , folding stock.

Name: BFG .50 SMG BBL: SMG Action: AU AB

MAG: Box 10 OUR: 5 ENC: .95
Caliber: .50 BMG BOG: 90 Tech Level: 21
Features: Bullpup, uses Barrett MB2 Magazines, RIS system, 5 RO
Burst, Damaging Recoil - User takes damage from firing , with a group
of (Final Recoil Value-Strength Group of user).

Name: Bushmaster Armpistol BBL: SMG Action: AU FA
Name: H & K MP-5 503 BBL: SMG Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (20),(30),(40) OUR: 4 ENC: .7
MAG: Box (15)or (30) DUR:4 ENC: .95
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 18
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: Bullpup, uses M-16 magazines, fired with one hand.
Features: Folding stock, integral silencer.

Name: H & K VP-70 BBL: SHT Action: AU AB

MAG: Box 18 DUR: 4 ENC: .38
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG:5 Tech Level: 18
Features: Detachable stock.

Name: Calleo M-100 BBL: carbine Action: AU AB

MAG: Box (100) OUR:5 ENC: .89
Caliber: .22 Long Rifle BOG:4. Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock, helical magazine.

Name: lntratec TEC-9 BBL:XLNG Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (20),(32) DUR: 3 ENC: .83
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG:5 Tech Level: 19
Features: none.

Name: Calleo M-951 BBL: carbine Action: AU AB

MAG: Box 50 or 100 OUR: 5 ENC: .92
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BOG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock, helical magazine.

Name: FN P90 BBL: SMG Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (50) DUR: 5 ENC: 75
Caliber: 5.7x28mm SS190 BOG: 11{AP) Tech Level: 20
Features: Bullpup, AP Ammo Name: MP-40 BBL: SMG Action: AU AB
MAG: Box32 DUR: 4 ENC: .88
Calit?er: 9mm Parabellum 800: 5 Tech Level: 16
Features: Folding stock.

Name: Mauser M32 BBL: LNG Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (10) or (20) DUR:3 ENC: .48
Caliber: .30 Mauser BDG: 6 Tech Level: 16
Features: May use Mauser M1896 stripper clips, Removable Stock.

Name: Micro UZI BBL: STD Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (25),(32) DUR: 5 ENC: .45
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock, High Power Firearm

Name: PPsh-41 BBL: Carbine Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (35),Drum (71) DUR: 4 ENC: 1.05
Name: VZ81 Skorpion BBL: SHT Action: AU FA
Caliber: 7.62 x 25mm BDG: 5 Tech Level: 16
MAG: Box (10) or (20) DUR: 3 ENC: .329
Features: none.
Caliber: 7.62 x 25mm BDG:5 Tech Level: 17
Features: Folding Stock.

Rifles and Assault Rifles

Name: UZI Carbine BBL: SMG Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (25),(32) DUR: 5 ENC: .87
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG:5 Tech Level: 18
Features: Folding Stock, High Power Firearm Name: 9A-91 BBL:SMG Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (20) DUR:4 ENC: .71
Caliber: 9x39mm BOG: 11 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock

Name: AMD·66 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box 30 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.0
Caliber: 7.62 x 39mm BOG: 19 Tech Level: 18
Features: Folding stock, forward handgrip, recoil reduction of 2.

Name: Mini UZI BBL: XLNG Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (25),(32) DUR: 5 ENC: .77
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum BDG: 5 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock, High Power Firearm

Name: APS Underwater Rifle BBL: SMG Action: All FA
MAG: Box (26) DUR: 4 ENC: 1.24
Caliber: 5.6x39 mm MPS BOG: 20 Tech Level: 18
Features: Folding stock, fires underwater. DUR 2 and BCS-4 if fired in

Name: AKS-74U BBL: SMG Action: All FA

MAG: Box (30) OUR:4 ENC: .77
Caliber: 5.45x39mm BOG: 21 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock

Name: A91M BBL:SMG Action: All FA

MAG: Box (30) DUR: 4 ENC: 1.0 Name: AK-74 BBL: Rifle Action: All FA
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 18
MAG: Box (30) OUR:4 ENC: 1.25
Features: Bullpup, integral 40mm Grenade Launcher.
Caliber: 5.45x39mm BOG: 21 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock optional

Name: AK108 BBL: Rifle Action: All FA

MAG: Box (30) OUR: 5 ENC: 1.3
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Features: Recoil Reduction of 3 (counterbalanced bolt, compensator),
Supermachinegun ROF, bayonet lug. Optional 30mm grenade
launcher (shown)
Name:AICW BBL: SMG Action: All FA
MAG: Box (30) (3) 40mm DUR: 5 ENC: 1.49
Caliber: 5.56 Nato/40mm BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Features: Bullpup, bipod, 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash hider,
Over/under Metalstorm 40MM grenade Launcher using inline (3)

Name: AR10A2 BBL: Rifle Action: All·FA

MAG: Box (20) or (30) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.35
Caliber: 7.62 NATO BOG: 27 Tech Level: 19

•I 1
Features: 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash hider, bayonet lug,
available underslung M203 Grenade Launcher, Folding Stock, RIS

I 1 ~-
system, SMG upper.
Name:AK-47 BBL: Rifle Action: All FA
MAG: Box (30) DUR:4 ENC: .77
Caliber: 7.62x39mm BOG: 19 Tech Level: 18
Features: Folding Stock optional

Caliber: 7.62 x54R BOG: 35 Tech Level: 18
Features: Bx scope, Recoil Reduction of 2, Match Weapon, High
Power Firearm, bayonet lug

Name: BAR M1918A2 BBL: rifle Action: FA

MAG: Box (20) DUR: 4 ENC: 1.9
Caliber. 30-06 BOG: 26 Tech Level: 15 Name: FN/FAL BBL: rifle Action:AUFA
Features: Blpod. MAG: Box (20) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.4
Caliber: 7.62 Nato BDG:27 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding stock optional. Bipod, bayonet lug.

Name: Barret M82 "Ught 50" Rifle Action: AL Name: FN/FNC BBL: rifle Action: AUFA
MAG: Box (5) DUR: 5 ENC: 2.75 MAG: Box (30) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.25
Caliber: .50 BMG BOG: 90 Tech Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 19
Level: 19 Features: Folding stock, bayonet lug.
Features: Blpod, 2-12x variable Scope, can be fitted with infrared or
Star11ght scope, Recoil reduction of 3.

Name: Bushmaster M17 BBL: SMG Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (30) DUR: 5 ENC: .87 Name: FN/F2000 BBL: SMG Action: AUFA
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20 MAG: Box (30) DUR: 5 ENC: .86
Features: Bullpup, Recoil Reduction 1 Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Features: Bullpup, Modular Weapon, bayonet lug.

Name:CETME BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (30) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.44
Caliber: 7.62 Nato BOG: 26 Tech Level: 20
Features: bipod, bayonet lug
Name: FN-SCAR-L BBL: SMG Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (30) DUR: 5 ENC: .85
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Features: Integral sight rails, 22mm grenade launcher in flash hider,
Interchangeable barrels

Name: Dragunov SVO BBL: Rifle Action: AL

MAG: Box (10) DUR:5 ENC: 1.431

Name: FN.SCAR·H BBL: rifle Action: AU FA
Name: H&K G-36C BBL:SMG Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (20) or (30) OUR:5 ENC: .9
MAG: Box (30) OUR: 5 ENC: .9
Caliber: 7.62 NATO BOG: 27 Tech Level: 20
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 19
Features: Integral sight rails, 22mm grenade launcher in flash hider,
Features: Modular WeaP.On. 22mm grenade launcher in flash hider,
Interchangeable barrels
bayonet lug.

Name: H&K SR9 BBL: rjfle Action: AL

MAG: Box (5) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.4
Caliber: 7.62 Nato BOG: 27 Tech Level: 19
Features: Recoil Reduction of 3.

Name: Galil ARM BBL: rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (35) OUR:4 ENC: 1.46
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock, bipod, 22mm grenade launcher in flash hider,
Name: KAR 98K BBL: rifle Action: BA
bayonet lug.
MAG: Tub-mag 5 OUR:3 ENC: 1.4
Caliber: 8mm Mauser BOG: 25 Tech Level: 16
Features: none.

Name: H&K G-36E BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (30) OUR:5 ENC: 1.3
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20 Name: Korobov TKB-408 BBL:SMG Action: AU FA
Features: Integral 1.5x sight, Modular Weapon, 22mm grenade MAG: Box (30) OUR:4 ENC: .93
launcher in flash hider, bayonet lug. Caliber: 7.62x39mm BOG: 19 Tech Level: 18
Features: Bullpup

Name: L-85 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

Name: H&K G-36K BBL: SMG Action: AU FA MAG: Box (30) OUR:5 ENC: 1.5
MAG: Box (30) OUR: 5 ENC: .9 Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20 Features: Bullpup, 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash hider, Integral 4x
Features: Integral 1.5x sight, Modular Weapon, 22mm grenade scope
launcher in flash hider, bayonet lug, folding Stock

Name: Mosln Nagant 91-30 BBL: Rifle Action: BA
MAG: Strip (5) DUR:5 ENC: 1.38
Name: M-21 BBL:Rifle Action: AL Caliber: 7.62 x54R BOG: 35 Tech Level: 14
MAG: Box (20) or (10) DUR:5 ENC: 1.5 Features: High Power Firearm
Caliber. 7.62 Nato BDG:27 Tech Level: 20
Features: Blpod, 4-24x scope, Recoil Reduction of 1, Match Weapon,
High Power Firearm, hair trigger

Name: 91-30 Sniper BBL: Rifle Action: BA

MAG: internal (5) DUR:5 ENC: 1.45
Caliber: 7.62 x54R BOG: 35 Tech Level: 14
Name: M-24 BBL: Rifle Action: BA
Features: High Power Firearm, Match Weapon, Hair Trigger
MAG: internal (5) DUR:5 ENC: 1.575
Caliber. 7.62 Nato BDG:27 Tech Level: 20
Features: Bipod, 10x scope, Match Weapon, High Power Firearm,
hair trigger

Name: MP-44 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (30) DUR:4 ENC: 1.525
Name: M-25 BBL: Rifle Action: AL
Caliber. 7.92.mm Kurz BOG: 24 Tech Level: 17
MAG: Box (20) or (10) DUR:5 ENC: 1.575
Features: Folding Stock, bipod, 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash
Caliber: 7.62 Nato BDG:27 Tech Level: 20
hider, bayonet lug,
Features: Bipod, 4-24x scope, Recoil Reduction of 2, Match Weapon,
High Power Firearm, hair trigger

Name: M4A1 BBL:SMG Action: AU FA Name: OC-14 Groza BBL: SMG Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (30) DUR:5 ENC: .75 MAG: Box (20) DUR: 4 ENC: .82
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BDG:20 Tech Level: 20 Caliber: 9x39mm BOG: 11 Tech Level: 19
Features: Folding Stock, RIS system, 22mm Grenade Launcher in Features: Folding Stock, Modular Weapon
flash hider, bayonet lug, available underslung M203 Grenade
Launcher. "Groza" (Thunder) OC-14 assault rifle/grenade launcher designed by
CKIB SOO (Central Design Bureau of Sporting and Hunting

Weapons). located in Tula, Russia, and manufactured by TOZ (Tula Features: Folding Stock, bipod, 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash
Weapons Plant, Russia). hider, bayonet lug,
This gun was initially designed for Russian internal Affairs Ministry
special forces as an assault rifle/grenade launcher kit, allowing quick
in-field conversions to the following configuration:
- assault carbine (with short barrel)
- assault rifle (with longer barrel and post-type front handle)
- silenced assault rifle
- assault rifle/grenade launcher (for this conversion main fire control
handle with trigger guard and trigger group is removed, and a 40mm
grenade launcher with new handle and trigger group is installed; This Name: SIG 551 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA
new trigger group has one trigger for both grenade launcher and rifle, MAG: Box (30) OUR:5 ENC: 1.3
and additional selector lever "grenade/rifle" Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
All parts necessary for this conversion supplied in one kit, along with Features: Folding Stock, 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash hider,
carrying case. Kit w/ Carry Case ENC 1.45. bayonet lug,


Name: Parker-Hale M82

MAG: Box 10
Caliber: 7.62 Nato
Features: Bipod, scope standard.
OUR: 4
BOG: 27
Action: BA
ENC: 1.6
Tech Level: 19
Name: SIG 552
MAG: Box (30)
DUR: 5
Action: AU FA
ENC: .9
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Features: Folding Stock, 22mm Grenade Launcher in flash hider,
Name: PTRS-41 Rifle Action: AL
bayonet lug,
MAG: Strip (5) OUR: 3 ENC: 3.0
Caliber: 14.5 mm BOG: 240 Tech Level: 15
Features: Fires armor piercing incendiary ammo, Bipod.

Name: SOCOM-16 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (20) or (30) OUR: 5 ENC: 1.3
Caliber: 7.62 Nato BOG:27 Tech Level: 20
Name: Ruger Minl-14 Features: Recoil Reduction of 2, High Power Firearm
BBL: carbine Action: AL
MAG: Box (20) OUR:5 ENC: 1.1
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 18
Features: Folding Stock, can be converted to Full Auto fire.

Name: SOCOM-11 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA

MAG: Box (20) or (30) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.3
Caliber: 7 .62 Nato BOG: 27 Tech Level: 20
Features: Recoil Reduction of 2, RIS system, High Power Firearm
Name: SIG 550 BBL: Rifle Action: AU FA
MAG: Box (30) DUR:5 ENC: 1.4
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Teel) Level: 20

Name: SR-3 Vlkhr BBL: SMG Action: AlJ FA Name: XM-8 LMG BBL: SMG Action: AlJ FA
MAG: Box (20) DUR:4 ENC: .71 MAG: Box (30) or (100) DUR:5 ENC: 1
Caliber: 9x39mm BOG: 11 Tech Level: 19 Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20
Features: Folding Stock Rate Factor: 2d3 x .5
Features: Interchangeable Barrels (SMG, rifle, LMG), folding stock,
integral 1.5x scope


Name: Steyr AUG BBL: SMG Action: AlJ FA

MAG: Box (30) DUR: 5 ENC: .9
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 19
Features: Integral 1.5x sight, Bullpup, ambidextrous bolt, 22mm
grenade launcher in flash hider, bayonet lug.

Name: M-214 mlnlgun Rate: 400 or 4000rpm

MAG: 2-cassette (500) DUR: 4 ENC: 11
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 18
Rate Factor: D6x .5 or
6x203x .5
Features: High rate of fire only when vehicle-mounted. Fires 180
rounds per action when on high rate of autofire. Battery pack of 2 E-
10's lasts for 3000 rounds. Make sure to check recoil on this!

Name: XM-29 OICW BBL:SMG Action: AlJ FA

MAG: Box (30) 20mm: (6) DUR:5 ENC: 1.2
Caliber: 5.56 Nato/20mm BOG: 20/ Tech Level: 20
Features: Bullpup (20mm), Modular sighting system, guided/timed
explosive ammo (20mm)

Name: M-249 SAW Rate: 750 or 950 rpm

MAG: Belt (200) or Box(30) DUR: 4 ENC: 1.7
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 19
Name: XM-8 BBL: SMG Action: AlJ FA Rate Factor: 203 x .5 or
MAG: Box (30) ar <100) DUR:5 ENC: .8 0 10 x .5
Caliber: 5.56 Nato BOG: 20 Tech Level: 20 Features: Bipod, folding stock.
Features: Interchangeable Barrels (SMG, rifle, LMG), foiding stock,
integral 1.5x scope
Grenade Launchers

Na.me: AGS-17 Action: AU FA

MAG: Belt or drum (29) DUR: 3 ENC: 2.1
Caliber: 30mm grenades Tech Level: 18
Features: Grenades have a Blast and Frag of 4, Tripod mounted.

Name: M-60E3 Rate: 550 rpm

MAG: Belt (200) DUR:4 ENC: 1.9
Caliber: 7.62 Nato BOG: 27 Tech Level: 19
Rate Factor: 203 x .5 or
Features: Bipod,
Name: AT-4 Action: SS
MAG: Disposable DUR:3 ENC: 2.1
Name: MG-08 Machlnegun Rate: 400 rpm Caliber: 84mm grenades Tech Level: 19
MAG: Belt 250 DUR:3 ENC: 7.6 Features: Grenades have a Blast and Frag of 15, removable Night
Caliber: 8mm Mauser BOG: 25 Tech level: 14 Sight
Rate Factor: D6x .5
Features: Tripod mount only, water cooled.
Name: Falconet Grenade Launcher Action: Al
MAG: Box (5) DUR: 3 ENC: 1.6
Caliber: 24mm Grenades Tech Level: 18
Features: Grenades have a Blast of 4 and Frag of 2, Bipod, Barrel can
collapse into receiver for storage.

Name: MG-34 Machinegun Rate: 900 rpm

MAG: Belt (250) or drum (75) DUR: 3 ENC: 2.6
Caliber: 8mm Mauser BOG: 25 Tech Level: 14
Rate Factor: 010 x .5
Features: Bipod.

Name: M-72 LAW Action: SS

MAG: Disposable DUR: 3 ENC: 2.1
Caliber: 66mm grenades Tech level: 18
Features: Grenades have a Blast and Frag of 10,

Name: MG-42 Machinegun Rate: 1200 rpm

MAG: Belt (250) or drum (75) DUR: 3 ENC: 2.6
Caliber: 8mm Mauser BOG: 25 Tech Level: 14 Name: M-79 Grenade Launcher Action: SS
Rate Factor: 2d6 x .5 MAG: Break 1 DUR: 3 ENC: .97
Caliber: 40mm grenade Tech Level: 17
Features: Bipod.
Features: none.

Name: Mk-19 Grenade Launcher Action: FA
MAG: Belt (50) DUR: 4 ENC: 5.3
Caliber: 40mm Grenades Tech Level: 19
Features: Must be tripod or vehicle mounted to be fired.


Name: M-203 Grenade Launcher Action: SS
.30 Mauser 6
MAG: Break 1 DUR: 4 ENC: .14
.40 S&W 10
Caliber: 40mm Grenade Tech Level: 18
10mmACP 15
Features: Must be mounted under rifle (usually M-16).
.41 AE 5
.45Win Mag 28
Name: M174E3 Grenade Launcher Action: AU FA
.500 S&W Magnum 31
MAG: Drum 12 DUR: 3 ENC: 2.2
5.45x39mm 21
Caliber: 40mm Grenades Tech Level: 18
5.6x39 mm MPS 20
Features: none.
5.6x39 mm MPS 20
5.7x28mm SS190 11(AP)
7.62 x25mm 5
7.62x 39mm 19
7.62 x 54R 35
7.92.mm Kurz 24
9x39mm 11
14.5mm 240


AGS-17 60 150 300 600 1200 2400
AT-4 15 30 60 120 240 480
Name: MetalStonn Grenade Launcher Action: AL Falconet 30 75 150 300 600 1200
MAG: Box (3) DUR: 3 ENC: 1.6 M-72 LAW 10 20 50 100 150 200
Caliber: 40mm Grenades Tech Level: 20 M-79 20 40 90 175 350 700
Features: Grenades are caseless and loaded Into launcher like a M-203 20 40 90 175 350 700
Roman Candle. Shown here mounted on top of a Steyr AUG rifle. M174E3 25 50 100 200 400 800
Metalstonn 20 40 90 175 350 700
Mk-19 80 200 400 800 1600 3200

High Tech Vehicles

Vehlcle: Sky Cycle Vehlcle: Grav Car
The Sky cycle is a gravities powered VTOL motorcycle. The skill The Grav car is a gravities-powered VTOL transport. The skill used
used for driving it is Variable W ing Pilot. It has a top speed in excess for driving it is Variable Wing Pilot. It has a convertible top.
of 300 mph. and can carry one crew plus up to 500 kg of cargo and
passengers. For every 10 kg over capacity, the vehlcle is slowed by 20 Classification: aircraft soft target
mph. Fuel system: gravities generator
Classification: aircraft soft target Fuel consumption: 50km/charge
Fuel system: gravities generator Structure: 4
Fuel capacity: E-500 A rea: 2x3: 6
Fuel consumption: 50km/charge Damage Resistance: 30
Structure: 3 Maximum speed: 300 KpH
Alea: 1x3: 3 Safety Devices: inertial compensator, seat belts, Airbags
Damage Resistance: 20 Crew: 1 + 3 passengers
Maximum speed: 325 KpH Cargo Capacity: 25 ENC
Safety Devices: inertial compensator, seat belts Tech Level: 21
Crew: 1 + 1 passenger
Tech Level: 21

Vehicle: Wa lker APC
The Walker APC is a walking-based armored personnel carrier. /
The skill required to drive it is Walking Vehicle Driver. I

Classification: Heavy Combat

Fuel system: Electric
Fuel capacity: 3 E-500
Fuel consumption: 5 km/charge
Structure: 4
Area: 4x4: 16
Damage Resistance: 30
Maximum speed: 50 KpH
Safety Devices: Seat belts, A irbags
Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander) + 25 passengers
Cargo Capacity: 150 ENC
Tech Level: 20

Special Features: 20mm Autocannon, 450 rounds; co-axial 7.62mm

LMG 2000 rounds. Can be sealed against biochemical agents, water,
and vacuum. Military radio, radar, sonar, HUD standard. Fully·
amphibious, submersible to 50 meters.

Alien Creatures
Many alien creatures can be encountered in the galaxy, and here BAP: 18 MNA:6 PCA: 3 BMA: 4
are just a few that you may encounter. Aliens are only limited to the AV:7 WDA:3 CDA: 2
imagination of the Gamemaster and the players. ORT: (36+4010)x2 SF: 21 MASS: 12

Silico n-Based Life Forms Notes: Medium intelligence; expert at stealth; dismembers prey
Silicon-based life requires a body temperature of around 600 before fee<1ing.
degrees centigrade. This means that any contact with "normal"
creatures with body temperature~ around 30 degrees (like humans) Kia-Kii
will be hazardous. An insectoid bipedal carnivorous alien with four arms. The Kla-Kli
are very solitary nest-breeding aliens. Very protective of their young,
BAP: 16 MNA:8 PCA: 2 BMA:3 they lay their eggs in the body of another animal to provide
AV:3 WDA: 1 CDA: 3 nourishment upon hatching.
ORT: 2010 (+6)x1 .4 SF: 13 MASS: 6
BAP: 14 MNA: 7 PCA: 2 BMA: 4
Notes: Skin has a fire group of 3 AV: 4 WDA: 2 CDA: 2
ORT: (20+2010)x2.5 SF: 16 MASS: 5
Natives of the planet Mars, these aliens are bipeds with four arms, Claw BCS: 16 Bite BCS: 1.4
dark red skin, and no body hair. Martians are extremely hostile to Claw WDM: 2.0 Bite WDM: 1.5
humanoid life and are oriented around planetary conque.st.

BAP: 12 MNA: 3 PCA: 4 BMA: 1 Centaur

AV: 0 WDA: O COA: O This alien provides the basis for the Mythological Centaur of human
ORT: 16+306 SF: 16 MASS: 4+103 fable. The Centaur as a man whose hips spring from the shoulders of
a horse-like being. The blood of the Centaur acts as an acid when
Notes: Uses technology; has skills; highly susceptible to human applied to human flesh , with a strength equaling the Centaur's Health
disease. Group.

Razorbeast BAP: 12 MNA: 3 PCA: 4

A large, reptilian alien with scaly hide and large claws. Use the BMA: same as horse AV (10-35): 3
Quadruped table. Razorbeasts are offensive carnivores and the WOA:3 CDA:2 ORT: (2010+20)x2
extreme challenge for Interstellar hunters. SF: 13 MASS: 35

Kick BCS: 10 Weapon BCS: 10+206 Notes: Highly Intelligent; advanced knowledge of FTL travel and
Kick WDM: 1.5C Weapon WDM: as per weapon hyperspace navigation. Tripellar have a 360 degree range of vision
and hearing and are extremely agile.
WIT: 10 WILL: 10 STR: 25 SPD: 24
OFT: 15 HLTH: 20 Crvstalll
The Crystalli are carbon-based aliens that are more akin to rock
Notes: Intelligent; has skills; knowledge of weapon use; Ability to than to soft tissue. Their skin is extremely hard and they move very
withstand higher-than-normal ranges of heat and cold slowly. Their thought processes move much slower than most other
races, and they tend to cluster together in loose formations,
Trlpellar communicating through small changes In their skin.
Extremely rare alien with three arms, three legs, three eyes, and
three ears. The Tripellar are seldom seen in nonnal space, spending BAP: 1/3 MNA: 1 PCA: see below
most of their time traveling through hyperspace. Very little information BMA: 0.01 AV: 25 WDA:O CDA:O
exists about this race, other than their extreme hostility to alien ORT: (4010+40)x3.5 SF: 75 MASS: 600
Notes: Medium intelligence; few skills; highly impervious to damage
BAP: 12 MNA:6 PCA: 2 BMA: 4 other than from laser based weapons. A Crystallus acts only once
AV:2 WDA: 1 CDA:2 every three combat rounds on action phase zero. Exterior digestive
ORT: (306+20)x1 .5 SF: 14 MASS:3 system has an acid value of 1; CrystaIii have an affinity for refined

Net Running is both a skill and a way of life for tech level 22 and NETRUNNING VS. NORMAL ADVENTURING
beyond. It is the art of direct computer manipulation through the use of The major difference between netrunning and normal
electrodes connected to the neural pathways in the character's brain, adventuring is the time scale. Netrunning takes place at the speed of
interfaced to a computer for extremely fast manipulation of computer- thought. and as such, happens much faster than normal actions. The
based lnfonnation. This is commonly known as Direct Neural new time scale breakdown for AFTERMATH! is given below:
Interface, or DNI. Combat Tum =
60 seconds =
10 Combat Rounds
The skill for Net Running is a fonnat 2 skill and is based on your 1 Combat Round = 6 seconds =20 Action Phases
Wit and Scientific attributes. The fonnula is Wit + Wit + Scientific. The 1 Action Phase = 0.3 seconds = 1 Net Tum
sub-skills are Invasion, Evasion, Attack, Defense, and Design. 1 NetTum • 0.3 seconds • 20 Net Phases
Invasion is the skill of breaking into a system, Evasion is the ability to 1 Net Phase • 0.015 seconds
avoid detection by a system, Attack Is the skill of making programs
that destroy other programs, Defense Is the skill of ~efending oneself To determine the characters Base Net Phase (BNP), take the
from attack, and Design Is the designing of new programs. characters Wit and divide it by two. The maximum number of net
The art of Net Running is not for the slow-of-thought. All attack, actions (MNNA) is based on the netrunning skill score divided by
defense, code breaking, etc. is done in the mind . The memory of your twenty and rounded up. The netrunners speed in the net is based on
interface holds no pre-programmed attacks and defenses, but instead the netrunners Wit score.
you develop them on the run. If you need to get away from a fireball, Example: Harry the Hacker has a Wit of 16 and Scientific score of
for example, you must quickly ''think up" a fire extinguisher program. 10. That would give him a Netrunning score of 42 as a base. His BNP
Netrunners are used onboard a ship to track and work on is equal to 16 (his Wit) divided by 2 which gives him a BNP of 8. His
software and daily functions. They also work interactively with the MNNA is 42 (his Netrunning skill score) divided by 20 and rounded up
shipboard computer, regulating it and troubleshooting problems. which gives the runner a MNNA of 3, a PCA of 2 (813, rounded down).
Harry will act in Net Phases 8 , 6, and 4. This means that Harry gets 3
HOW IT ALL WORKS. Net actions per real-time Action Phase.
The Net is a vast network of electronic pathways that are directly
linked with each other. The netrunner's job is to use these pathways to HOW TO RUN THE NET
(ind, tum off, tum on, etc. what the party (or the netrunner) needs The method of running a player in the net can be done four
done. The way is almost always guarded by some sort of barrier different ways.
(anything from an Artificial Intelligence Gateway to a passive Firewall). The first way is the quick system. With the quick system, the GM
Essentially, any type of information system with an access to the gives each task a task difficulty rating and the player then rolls for
outside world is prey to the netrunner. Whether it is to get infonnation, completion, as per the task resolution rules on page 8 of
to open a electronic door in a building, or to take control of a new AFTERMATH! book 2. The netrunner rolls once per real-time action
cryotank, the easiest way to achieve your task is by utilizing a phase, and adds his effect numbers until the sum is greater than the
task difficulty rating.

Example: Wiz Kid has a Netrunning score of 70 (BCS 14) and Is Once he jacka in, he must first form his icon by making his BCS roll as
trying to gain Information on a corporation based in a city near the an unopposed task, and then he may do as he will.
party. The GM thinks that any information about the corporation would From there it is left to the Imagination. The pathways are like the
be easy to find and assigns the task a difficulty level of 10. Wiz Kid's roads of today. The different systems hooked to the net appear as
score is 70 so the GM decides that the runner would have to roll a 4 or different kinds of shelters (depending on the design) while other
better to succeed (an effect number of 10). Wiz Kid roils a 8 and gains netrunners appear as their icon representation. There are many ways
information on the tribe. to access the real world, such as surveillance monitors, robotic
The second method is the unopposed task system. This controls, controller screens, and the like. Once again it is only limited
system is used when the runner is trying to do something unopposed by the imagination of the player and the Gamemaster.
such as a search of records or sorting information ·in a file. This would
also be based on the roll of a single die. The player needs to make a
Example: Arvid wants to do a search of the articles on the New
York Electronic Times computer for any articles that mention a specific Interface Cables: Cables (usually made of a superconductlve
person. The player simply needs to roll below their BCS to find any material) that lead from the Net Link cyber option to the net outlet that
information. allow the runner to actually link into the net.
The third resolution system Is the opposed task system. This is
how net combat is resolved. Each combatant roils an averaged BCS Cyberdeck: A computer that translates brain signals into computer
roll of their Attack and Defense specialties, and compares effect currents·to facilitate netrunning.
numbers. The party with the greater effect number wins the combat.
The precise results are given on the chart on the next page. Options Adapter: A computer-like box (almost like a laptop
computer) that allows the runner to hook up to the following options:

D!ffeC!Qct In Eff!Ct Bault Video Link: This allows someone at the Options Adapter to see all
0-5 Standoff that is seen through the runner's eyes.
6-10 Loser must "jack out"
11-15 Loser takes difference in effect Audio Link: Allows someone at the Options Adapter to hear both
numbers in damage the runner and ail that is heard by the runner as well as communicates
16 + Loser loses consciousness for to the runner.
101 o seconds.
Radio Link: This allows the runner to talk via radio with anyone via
The fourth resolution system is the interactive system. This is radio (according to radio rules) on their own frequencies including
the most like normal AFTERMATH! role playing. The GM runs the scrambled frequencies.
netrunning sessions just like normal role play in the fact that there is
full interaction between the characters and all other characters in the Cellular Link: This allows the runner to connect to the net via
net. Combat in the full Interactive mode takes place in the net cellular pllone. The option uses a standard cellular phone (not
breakdown of phases. included).

HOW TO PLAY A NETRUNNING SESSION Cellular NIC: This allows the runner to connect to the net via
The average AFTERMATH! character suits up with a Kevlar cellular network. This includes the antenna.
jacket and a M-16, but not the netrunner. The staples for a netrunner
are a few interface cables, a cyberdeck, and a lot of thougl!,t. The WI-Fl adapter: This link allows the runner to connect to local WI-Fi
interface cables are the gateway to the world of the net. All work in the networks
net is done in the mind of the runner. When the runner goes up
against any other combatant or barrier, he creates the programs Base Storage: Storage (in Gigs) that allows the runner .to store
directly on the spot. There is no limit to the number of programs a data (records, information, etc.) for later use.
netrunner can execute, instead the runner is only limited by how long
he can stay in the net. Cellular Modem: Allows the runner (without the Options Adapter)
There are many problems the netrunner can face in a average · to link Into the net ~a a standard cellular phone.
session. The pitfalls are numerous, but very colorful. In the net,
anything is possible. It is not limited to 3 dinensional views, nor is it In Line Storage: Allows the runner (without the Options Adapter) to
limited to any person. It is an unlimited area to explore and conquer. store infonnation for later use.
Each system defines Its own virtual reality with specialized rules of
nature that are used to achieve its primary function. Each virtual THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE NET
reality is its own private universe.
The session in the net is much like that In regular game play. The net is not iimlted to the same dimensions as reaispace, but
The netrunner starta off by "Jacking" into the net. This is a sJmple task can have as many dimensions as desired. This may sound
and should be treated as such. The chances of anything dangerous complicated, but it is actually simple. Each node (site) is connected to
happening to a netrunner whlle jacking into the net are about 1 in 100. the net by 1 or more gateways. Within a site, the network can be as

complex or as simple as the company desires. getting in and around than one may think. The traps and
countermeasures are just as sneaky and dangerous as anything that
Within the net, the different gateways are connected with multiple can be found in the real world. The real fun starts when you start
redundant links, tying Into centralized high speed backbones, and running into unfriendly Als.
routed through centralized switching hubs.
Al stands for an Artificial Intelligence. It is a being that exists
There are many tricks, traps, dead ends, and ways to get lost in only in the net and takes orders from his base system. The Al's skills
the net, so getting into · a system . (especially a remote one) can and Wit scores ar.e based on the number of bananas in its base ·
sometimes be a problem. The rule of thumb Is "The more remote a system. For every banana In the base system, the Al gets a Wit of
system, the harder it is to get to it." The net does not necessarily have one and five points in its Netrunnlng skill. For example, an Al with 15
a set "road map" on how to go and is almost always In a constant state bananas of memory would have a Wit of 15 and a netrunning BCS in
of growth. The access ways are forever becoming more intertwined only one specialty of 15 (skill score of 75). Al's treat each separate
and maze-like. This can pose a problem for a netrunner who does not specialization of netrunning as a separate skill. The Al's Netrunning
keep up with changes in the net. skill score is still limited to a maximum of 100 in each specialty., but its
Wit is unllmited. This means a strong Al may be the death of even the
Once the netrunner gets where he is going, it may be harder best netrunner.

Robots and Wardroids

Robots are described in AFTERMATH! Book 3, page 39. Tech Level: 24
Animatrons are a subclass of robot, but do not have to be humanoid. BAP: 18
First Generation Animatrons are available at Tech level 18, Second MNA: 6
Generation at Tech Level 19, and Third Generation at Tech level 21. PCA: 3
The Fourth Generation of Anlmatron Is an Android, and is described in BMA: 3
the Race Descriptions section at the beginning of this book. Some AV: 15
sample Third Generation Animatrons are listed below. WDA: 3
The Mark I Wardroid is a tracked robot with mounted weapons. Body 60
It is non-anthropomorphic (non-humanoid). Tracks 35
Skills: Autoweapon (18); Energy Rifle (18); Heavy Energy
Tech Level: 21 Projectors (18)
BAP: 15
MNA: 5 Weaponry: 2 Blast MMGs on side turrets, a dorsal mounted Blast
PCA: 3 Cannon, 4 Stun Rifles mounted on remote turrets. All weapons are
BMA: 2 powered from internal batteries.
AV: 10
CDA: The Ursoid Wardroid is an anthropomorphic robot with mounted
ORT: Head 22 weapons. It is designed for both training and combat.
Body 50
Tracks 25 Tech Level: 24
BAP: 15 Strength Group: 9
Skills: Autoweapon (16); Energy Rifle (16); Grenade Launcher (10) MNA: 5
PCA: 3
Weaponry: 2 SIG 710-3 GPMG with 500 rounds each, 1 Mark 19 BMA: 2
Grenade Launcher with 50 rounds, Stun Rifle powered from Internal AV: 10
batteries. WDA: 3
The Mark II Wardroid is a tracked robo~ with mounted weapons. Body 50
It Is non-anthropomorphic (non-humanoid). Tracks 25

Skills: Autoweapon (15); Energy Rifle (15); Energy Pistol (16); Tech Level: 23
· Unarmed Combat (1 2); Brawling (16); Single Weapon (16) BAP: 10
MNA: 2
Weaponry: 2 Heavy Chain Swords on forearms. Internal Heavy PCA: 5
Blast Pistol in forehead . All weapons are powered from internal BMA: 1
batteries. Can use other weapons in hands. AV: 5
ORT: Head 15
The Valet Robot is an anthropomorphic robot designed for limbs 25
general tasks. It is also intended for use as a translator.
Skills: Culture, alien (20); Foreign Language (20) [pick 20);
Handicraft, cooking (20); Tailor (20); First Aid (16); Zero-G training (20)

Notes: This Animatron has full Artificial Intelligence, but is designed

under Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.

Fast Draw 8
The following is a list of the tech levels of items and skills in the Fencing 4
basic AFTERMATH! game. Fermentation 2
Flreanns Repair, modem 13
Skill Tech Level Fires,nns Repair, primitive 9
Acrobatics 1 First Aid 0
Advanced Fanning 15 FIShing 1
Advanced Medical 3 Flexible Weapon 1
Aerial Recon Interpret 15 Force Field Physics 22
Animal Training 1 Foreign Language 5
Archery Forgery 2
Architecture 2 Gambling 1
Annorer 2 Grenade Launcher 16
Annorskln 6 Handicraft 1
Astrogator 21 Handloading 13
Astronomy 4 Heavy Energy Projectors 21
Automobile Driving 14 Heavy Equipment Driving 14
Automobile Mechanic 14 High Technology Use 19
Autoweapon ·14 Hunting 1
Aviation Mechanic 15 Hyper Dimensional Physics 23
Basic Research 2 Internal Combustion Engine 14
Battlesult 21 Interrogation 1
Beast Riding 1 Interrogation, Advanced 5
Beast Riding, Aerial Knife 1
Beast Riding, Aquatic Lab Technique 2
Bicycle Riding 13 Laser Technology 19
Blacksmithing 2 Leatherwortdng 0
Blowgun 1 Literacy 2
Boating Lockplcklng 3
Bola 1 Longsword 3
Botany 0 Machining 13
Bowyer Magic Skills 0
Brachiation 0 Magnalock Penetration 19
Brawling 1 Marine Mechanic 14
Breech Loading Artillery 14 Masonry 2
Carpentry 2 Mathematics 2
Chemistry 2 Mechanically Generated Power 14
Climbing 0 Mining 2
Commerce 2 Missile Launcher 15
Complex Explosives 16 Mortar 15
Computer Design 17 Motorcycle Driving 14
Computer Science 17 Muzzle Loading Artillery 9
Crossbow 4 Navigation, Airborne 15
Culture 0 Navigation, Seagoing 3
Cybernetic Design · 2o Navigation, Stellar 18
Cybernetic Technician 20 Net 3
Decontamination 15 Netrunnlng 21
Defusing ExplosiVes 14 Nuclear Physics 16
Demolitions 14 Nunchaku 4
Direct Fire Cannon 15 Nutritionist 1
Dirt Fanning Operational Command 3
Disguise\Acting 4 Pathology 4
Distillation 4 Phannacy 5
Dodge and Parry 3 Physics 9
Dodge Missiles 4 Pick Pockets 4
ECM Operation 18 Pilot, Fixed Wing 15
Electrician 14 Pilot, Hyperspace 23
Pilot, Rotary Wing 17 Xeno-Zoology 20
Pilot, Spacecraft 18 Zero-G Training 18
Pilot, Submersible 13 Zoology 0
Pilot, Variable Wing 19
Pistol, Energy 20 Armor/ Clothing Tech Level
Pistol, modem 13 Anti-Radiation Suit 17
Pistol, primitive 9 Annet 8
Plastic Syntheslzation 17 Army Helmet 4
Plastics Forming 15 Batttesuit 22
Polearm 0 Bulletproof Vest 18
Power Generation, 'Electrical 14 Chainmail Shirt 4
Power Generation, Nuclear 18 Civilian CBW suit 18
Power Generation, Solar 18 Conquistador Breastplate 11
Powerboat Pilot 14 Conquistador Helmet 11
Primitive Siege Engine 4 Sult 19
Production of Fuel 14 Fatigue Pants 2
Radio Communications 15 FedPol Coverall 18
Repair, Muscle Powered Vehicle 2 FedPol Jumpsuit 17
Rifle, Energy 20 FedPol Thigh Guards 17
Rifle, modem 13 FedPol Upper Ann Guards 17
Rifle, primitive 9 Field Infantry MK I Arms 21
Rocket Launcher 15 Field Infantry MK I Boots 21
Running 1 Field Infantry MK I Helmet 21
Safecracking 10 Field Infantry MK I Hips 21
Sai 3 Field Infantry MK I Legs 21
Salvage Food 2 Field Infantry MK I Torso 21
SCUBA Diving 16 Field Infantry MK I joint ·21
Seamanship 0 Field Jacket 15
Search 1 Fire Protection Suit 17
Simple Explosives 13 Flak Jacket 15
Single Weapon 0 Flak Jacket, Plastic 18
Sling Greek Breastplate 2
Slingshot 13 Greek Greaves 2
Spacecraft Annaments 22 Greek Helmet 2
Spacecraft Mechanic 18 Greek Sandals 2
Stealth 0 Heavy Inf. MK Ill Helmet 22
Stealth, Advanced 5 Hardened Leather Body Arm. 2
Strategic Command 5 Heavy Infantry MK lllb 22
Streetwise 2 Heavy Infantry MK Illa 22
Survival 0 Infantry Chainmail 4
Swimming 0 Infantry Helmet 4
Tactics 2 Infantry Plate 7
Tailor 2 Kogusoku-kote 8
Technology Use 14 LRU Intruder Body Armor 22
Telegraphy 13 LRU Intruder Boots 22
Telephone Communications 15- LRU Intruder Fatigues 22
Television Communications 17 LRU Intruder Gauntlets 22
Temporal Physics 25 LRU Intruder Helmet 22
Therapy 2 LRU Intruder Hip Protection 22
Throwing 0 leather Jacket 4
Tonfa 2 Maxlmilllan Plate 8
Tracking 0 MetPol Boots 18
Two Weapon 1 MetPol Flak Jacket 18
Unarmed Combat 5 MetPol Gloves 18
Walking Vehicle Driver 20 MetPol Patrolman Gorget 18
Weapon and Shield 2 MetPol Patrolman Helmet 18
Weaponsmithlng 1 MetPol SWAT Breastplate 19
Weaver/Spinner 2 MetPol SWAT Coverall 19
MetPol SWAT Helmet 19 Pipe, Heavy 4
MetPol SWAT Hip guards 19 Pipe, Heavy 4
MetPol SWAT Joint Guards 19 Pipe, Light 4
Miner's Helmet 15 Pipe, Light 4
Motorcycle Helmet 17 Pitchfork 4
Norman Chalnmail 6 Raven's Beak 6
Norman Helmet 6 Sai 5
Padded Armor 2 Scythe 4
Pll<eman's Armor 11 Shuriken 4
Pikeman's Helmet 11 Sledge Hammer 4
Police Riot Helmet 17 Spear, Boar 4
Scale Armor 4 Spear, Vari 4
Street Sult 21 Staff, Crude 0
T-shirt 15 Staff, Hardened 1
Three-quarter Plate suit 8 Straight Razor 13
Sword, Broad 4
M~lee Weapon Tech Level Sword, Ceremonial 13
Ax, Battle 4 Sword, Great 4
Ax, fire 4 Sword, Katana 4
Ax, hand 1 Sword, Long 4
Ax, hatchet 2 Sword, Machete 8
Ax, lumber 1 Sword, Rapier 10
Baseball Bat 13 Sword, Saber 12
Baseball Bat with nails 13 Sword, Trench 15
Bayonet, long 12 Sword, Tulwar 4
Bayonet, short 12 Tonfa 3
Belt Buckle 3 Trident 4
Brass Knuckles 3 Whip, Leather 2
Cato' Nine Tails 4
Cinqueneda 9 8-0amma-PCP-111 19
Club 0 ATL-ATL 1
Cudgel 0 Advanced Cyberdeck 21
Dagger 4 Anagathon 22
Flail, Metal 4 Arrows, Fiberglass 18
Flail, Wood 2 Arrows, Improvised 1
Glaive 5 Arrows, Improvised shaft 4
Halberd 5 Arrows, Standard 6
Hammer, tool 2 Auto Repair Kit MK II 15
Hui-Tho 4 Auto Repair Kit MK Ill 16
Knife, Bowie 6 Auto Repair Kit Mk. I 14
Knife, Kukri 5 Backpack Tactical Nuke 20
. Knife, Switchblade 14 Bandage 2
Knife, Throwing 4 Basic Cyberdeck 21
Knife, Trench 15 Bicycle 14
· Knife, belt 4 Binoculars 13
Knife, jack 11 Blacksmith's Forge 4
· Knife-Spear 3 Blowgun, Short 1
: Lance 6 Blowgun, long 2
Mace, Ball 5 Bola, 2 ball
: Mace, Spiked 6 Bola, 3 Ball 1
Main Gauche 10 Bola, 4 Ball 1
Maul, Ball 5 Bow, 30 lb. pull 1
Maul, Spiked 5 Bow, 40 lb. pull 2
Net, Standard 3 Bow, 60 lb. pull 2
Nunchaku, Metal 5 Bow, 90 lb. pull 4
Nunchaku, Wood 4 Bronzed Banana 0
Pick Ax 4 CPC 21
Calculator 19 Magic Cuffs 0
Camper's Flashlight 16 Magnatuner 20
Camper's Floodlight 16 Medical Supplies 6
Cardlaclne 17 Medlklt 1 9
Cards 4 Medlklt2 12
Cattle Prod 18 Medlklt3 21
Chemleal Lab Ill 14 Motorized Generator 19
Chemleal Lab MK I 12 Neo-Heroln 20
Chemleal Lab MK II 13 Neutron Grenade 21
Chemical Lab MK IV 15 Panomycin 17
Chemical Scanner, binary 19 Passenger Helicopter 17
Chemical Scanner, detailed 20 Personal Computer 19
Compact car (1986) 19 Plaatle Police Shield Class 2 18
Crude Lockpleks 6 Plastic Police Shield Class 4 19
CyberScope 21 Plastic Repair Kit 1 18
Defibrillator 17 Plastic Repair Kit 2 19
Disguise Kit 6 Plastlc Repair Kit 3 20
Dynamite, 1 stick 13 Plastlq~. 1 kg. 17
Electrician's Kit MK I 14 Pocket Computer 21
Electrician's Kit MK II 15 Pocket Flashlight 18
Electrician's Kit Mk Ill 15 Polycell-3 21
Engineer's Demolltlon Kit 16 Polycell-4 21
Flame Rifle 18 Portable Blacksmith Forge 15
Flamethrower, Military 15 Powered Spinning Kit 14
Geiger Counter 16 Quality Lockplcks 7
HDAP 19 Radio, CB 15
Hand Grenade, Concussion 18 Radio, CB Base station 16
Hand Grenade, Mace Gas 16 Radio, CB Handheld 16
Hand Grenade, Retch Gas 16 Radio, Miiitary Base Station 16
Hand Grenade, Smoke 15 Radio, Miiitary handheld 16
Hand Grenade, Tear Gas 16 Radio, Police Base Station 16
Hand Grenade, US Mk. 1 15 Radio, Police handheld 18
Hand Grenade, US Mk. 6 16 Radio, Short-wave 15
Hand Grenade, US Mk. 7 18 Rlfle Grenade, 22mm Cgas 18
Hand Grenade, US Mk. 8 18 Rifle Grenade, 22mm CL gas 18
Hand Grenade, WP 17 Rifle Grenade, 22mm CN gas 18
Handcuffs 10 Rifle Grenade, 22mm Frag 18
Handloadlng Kit, Pistol 14 Rowboat 11
Handloadlng Kit, Rlfte 14 Saddle, Eastern 3
Handloadlng Kit, Shotgun 14 Saddle, English 13
Heavy Cloth Tent 5 Saddle, Jousting 4
Heavy Flashlight 16 Saddle, Western 13
High Quality Lockplcks 12 Scuba Gear 16
Holster, Flap 13 Sewing Kit 2
•Holster, Modem 17 Shield, 112" plywood Class 1 4
Holster, Standard 14 Shield, 112" plywood Class 2 4
Holster, Western 13 Shield, 112" plywood Class 3 4
Horse 2 Shield, 112" plywood Class 4 4
Infrared Scope 20 Shield, 112" plywood Class 5 4
Inflatable Splints 18 Shield, 112" wicker Class 1 2
Jeep 16 Shield, 112" wicker Class 2 2
Laptop Computer 20 Shleld, 112" wicker Class 3 2
Laser Sight, TL 19 19 Shield, 112" wicker Class 4 2
Laser Sight, TL 20 20 Shield, 112" wicker Class 5 2
Leatherworking Kit 1 Shield, 114" bronze Class 1 2
Lockpicks 7 Shield, 1/4" bronze Class 2 2
M-113APC 18 Shield, 1/4" bronze Class 3 2
M60A3 Main Battle Tank 16 Shield, 1/4" bronze Class 4 2

Shield, 1/4" iron, Class 1 4 P21- Pistol 14
Shield, 1/4" iron, Class 2 4 P22-Pistol 14
Shield, 1/4" iron, Class 3 4 P23-Pistol 14
Shield, 1/4" plywood Class 1 2 P24-Pistol 14
Shield, 1/4" plywood Class 2 . . ·. 3 P25- Pistol 13
Shield, 1/4" plywood Class 3 ;4 P26- Pistol 13
. Shield, 1/4" plywood Class 4 4 P27- Pistol 13
Shield, 1/4" plywood Class 5 4 P28-Pistol 14
Shield, 3/4" plywood Class 1 ·4 P29-Pistol 15
Shield, 3/4" plywood Class 2 4 P30- Pistol 17
Shield, 3/4" plywood Class 3 4 P31-Pistol 15
Shield, 3/4" plywood Class 4 4 P32- Pistol 15
· Shield, 314" plywood Class 5 4 P33-Pistol 15
Single Engine Plane 17 P34-Pistol 15
Sky Cycle 23 P35-Plstol 15
Sleeping Bag 15 P36- Pistol 16
Sling 1 P37- Pistol 18
Slingshot, Elasticity .5 . 13 P38- Pistol 19
Slingshot, Elasticity 1 14 P39- Pistol 15
· Slingshot, Elasticity 2 15 P40-Plstor 15
Slingshot, Elasticity 3 16 P41- Pistol 16
- Slingshot, Elasticity 4 17 P42- Pistol 15
Small Fire Extinguisher 16 P43- Pistol 17
. Small Flashlight 17 P44-Pistol 16
Spear Gun 17 P45-Pistol 18
Spinning Kit ·2 P46-Pistol 16
Starlight Goggles 20 P47- Pistol 16
Starlight Scope ·19 P48- Pistol 16
Stethoscope 12 P49- Pistol 15
Taser, Double Barrel 19 P50-Pistol 15
· Taser, Single Barrel 19 P51- Pistol 15
Van (1990 model) 20 P52-Pistol 15
Video Camera 19 P53- Pistol 15
Watch, Military 16 P54- Pistol 15
Weaving Kit 2 P55- Pistol 15
. Will Battery 0 P56-Pistol 14
P57- Pistol 13
Small Anna Tech Level P58- Pistol 16
P1 - Pistol 14 P59- Pistol 16
P2- Pistol 14 P60- Pistol 17
P3- Pistol 14 R1- Rifle 16
P4- Pistol 14 R2- Rifle 18
PS- Pistol ·'·14 R3- Rifle 16
PS- Pistol 14 R4-Rifle 16
P7- Pistol 14 RS-Rifle 15
PS- Pistol 14 RS-Rifle 15
P9- Pistol 14 R7- Rifle 17
P10- Pistol 14 RS- Rifle 14
· P11 - Pistol 14 R9-Rifle 15
. P12 - Pistol 14 R10- Rifle 15
P13- Pistol ·14 R11- Rifle 15
P14- Pistol 14 R12- Rifle 15
P15 - Pistol 14 R13- Rifle 14
P16 - Pistol 14 R14- Rifle 15
P17 - Pistol 14 R15- Rifle 15
P18 - Pistol 14 R16- Rifle '14
P19- Pistol 14 R17- Rifle 14
P20 - Pistol 14 R19- Rifle 13

R2~Rlfle 13 SG6- Shotgun 16
R21-Rltle 14 SG7- Shotgun 16
R22-Rlfte 14 SG8- Shotgun 16
R23-Rifle 14 SG9- Shotgun 16
R24- Rifle 14 SG10- Shotgun 16
R25- Rifle 14 SG11- Shotgun 15
R26- Rifle 14 SG12- Shotgun 15
R27- Rifle 14 SG13- Shotgun 15
R28- Rifle 14 SG14- Shotgun 15
R29- Rifle 14 SG15- Shotgun 15
R~Rlfle 14 SG16- Shotgun 15
R31-Rlfle 14 SG17· Shotg'un 15
R32· Rifle 14 SG18- Shotgun 17
R33- Rifle 14 SG19- Shotgun 13
R34- Rifle 15 SG2~ Shotgun 13
R35-Rlfle 15 SG21- Shotgun 13
R36- Rifle 14 SG22- Shotgun 13
R37- Rifle 14 SG23- Shotgun 14
R38- Rifle 14 SG24- Shotgun 13
R39· Rifle 14 M-1 Garand Rifle 15
R4~ Rifle 14 M-1 Carbine 16
R41~ Rifle 15 M1A1 Carbine 16
R42- Rifle 16 M-14 Rifle 17
R43- Rifle 14 M-16A1 Rifle 18
R44-Rlfte 15 Colt Commando Carbine 18
R45-Rlfle 15 M16A2Rlfle 19
R46- Rifle 16 M·18 Rifle 20
R47· Rifle 16 M-22 Rifle 21
R48- Rifle 16 FAL Assault Rifle 14
R49- Rifle 16 FAR Assault Carbine 18
RSO- Rifle 16 Mk.4 Rifle 16
C1· Carbine 20 EM-2 Carbine 20
C2-Carblne 18 M1911A1 Pistol 14
C3-Carblne 16 Browning High Power 15
C4-Carblne 15 Thompson M1928A1 SMG 15
CS-Carbine 14 Thompson M1A1 Auto Carbine 16
C6- Carbine 13 M3A1 Sub-Machine Gun 16
C7- Carbine 15 UzlSMG 18
CS-Carbine 18 MP-40 16
CS-Carbine 16 Mk.2Sten 16
c1~· carblne 16 MAC-10 18
C11· Carbine 15 MAC-11 18
C12· Carbine 15 American 180 19
C13- Carbine 15 American 180 Machine.Pistol 19
C14- Carbine 15 Browning Med MG 15
C15- Carbine 18 M60GPMG 18
C16- Carbine 13 Browning M2 HMG 16
C17· Carbine 13 Browning lMG 17
C18- Carbine 15 SIG 71~3 GPMG 18
SG1- Shotgun 13 HK21 LMG 18
SG2- Shotgun 13 HK21 GPMG 18
SG3- Shotgun 14 HK21 HMG 18
SG4- Shotgun 13 MauserMG1 16
SGS- Shotgun 16

95-97 33
98-00 34
The following pages are provided for ease of play. Feel free to
photocopy for personal use. Use this chart for Arachnoid, Canine, Felidare, Muridian, Saurian,
Serpentite, and Toridare.


d2Q SZBOYP a I ~ g Ii E Si ti
1- 5 0 5 8 13 26 46 50 80 160 TECH
6-10 1 11 15 22 46 132 90 110 220 LEVEL TIME PERIOD REFERENCE
11-14 2 17 24 31 66 180 130 150 300 0 Early Stone Ages
15-17 3 23 31 40 86 300 170 250 500 1 Late Stone Ages
18-19 4 29 37 49 106 370 200 325 650 2 Early Bronze Age Ancient Egypt
20 5 35 43 58 126 450 230 625 750 3 Late Bronze Age Classical Greece
B1~1g1u~ 4 Iron Age Roman Empire
Ore; Goblin; Scorpion; Kobold; Serpentine; Canine; lnsecto!d, 5 Early Dark Ages Fall of the Roman Empire
Wasp; Android 6 Dark Ages Norman Invasion of Briton
B!C•Clas&B 7 Middle Ages Crusades
Felidare, Tiger; Saurian; Toridare; Hawk-man; Muridian; lnsectoid, 8 Late Middle Ages Pre Gunpowder
Worker-Ant; Ape, Gorilla 9 Late Middle Ages Advent of Gunpowder
Rac1c1wc 10 Early Renaissance
Human; Felidare, Lion; Hobgoblin; Rhinoceri; lnsectold, Queen Ant; 11 Renaissance
Ape, Chimpanzee; Ape, Orangutan 12 Colonization Revolutionary War
BaceClapD 13 Early Industrial Revolution American Civil War
Felldare, Cheetah, Puma/Leopard; Ursoid; Gnoll; Minotaur 14 Industrial Revolution Zulu War
RaqClaff E 15 World War I
Dwarf; Ogre; Kireean 16 World War II
Bac•ClwE 17 Korean War
City Dwarf; lnsectoid, Mantis 18 Vietnam War
RagClwG 19 Computer Era
Aquatic Elf; City Elf; Halfllng 20 Fall of the Communist Bloc
Bac1c1wtt 21 Moonbase Established
Elf 22 Solar System Exploration
23 First Warp Drives
Hit Location Tabin 24 First Galactic Empire Blasters
Bipedal 25 First Galactic Dark Age
Tailed 26 Second Terran Empire
0100 LOC 27 Fall of Terra
1-4 28 SpaceFleet Confederation Established
5-8 2 29 Age of Peace in Space
9-11 3 30 ?????
12-19 4/5
20-27 617
28-35 8/9 Blpedal
36-43 10/11 Wlngttd
44-48 12 0100 LOC
49.53 21/22 1-3
54-58 23/24 4-6 2
59-62 25/26 7-8 3
63-66 27/28 9-15 4/5
67-71 29/30 16-22 6/7
72-76 13/14 23-29 8/9
77-81 15/16 30-36 10/11
82-86 17/18 37-40 12
87-88 19/20 41-44 21/22
89-91 31 45-48 23/24
92-94 32 49-51 25126

52-55 27/28 58-60 25126
56-59 29/30 61-63 27128
60-63 13/14 64-67 29/30
64-68 15/16 68-71 31132
69-72 17/18 72-75 33/34
73-74 19/20 76-78 35136
75-78 31/32 79-81 37138
79-85 33/34 82-85 39/40
86-92 35136 86-00 41 /42
93-00 37138
Use this chart for insectoid,.Wasp.
Use this chart for Hawkmen. Centaur
Bipedal 4 Legs, 2 Arms
4Arms 0100 LOC
0100 LOC 1-3 1
1-3 1 4-6 2
4-6 2 7-8 3
7-8 3 9-14 415
9-15 415 15-20 617
16-22 617 21-26 8/9
23-29 8/9 27-32 10/11112
30-36 10/11 33-38 22123
37-41 12 39-44 24125
42-46 21122 45-47 26127
47-51 23124 48-51 36-37
52-55 25126 52-55 38-39
56-58 27/28 56-58 40-41
59-63 29/30 59-61 42-43
64-68 13/14 62-65 44-45
69-74 15/16 66-71 13114/15
75-78 17/18 72-77 16117/18
79-80 19/20 78-83 19/20/21
81-85 31/32 Shoulder 84-89 28129
86-90 33134 Upper Arm 90-95 30/31
91-93 35/36 Elbow 96-98 32/33
94-97 37138 Forearm 99 34
98-00 39/40 Hand 00 35

Use this chart for lnsectoid, Worker-Ant, Mantis. Use this chart for lnsectoid, Queen-Ant, Centaur.


Winged, 4 Arms Translate Single Language 3 ear/eye
0100 LOC Recognize Object per 10% 1 eye
1-3 Direction Indicator 3 no
4-6 2 Automatic Map (1 country) 2 no
7-8 3 Each AddltiOnal Country 1 no
9-14 4/5 Star Map 2 no
15-20 6/7 Mapping Program 2 eye
21-26 8/9 Text Display eye
27-32 10/11 Remote Directions 1 no
33-36 12 Net Link 1 no
37-40 13/14 Inertial Tracking Program 1 inertial tracker
41-45 15/16 Sound Sampling ear
46-48 17/18 Voice Analysis 1 ear
49 19/20 Sonar Mapping 1 sonar
50-53 21/22 Sound Matching ear
54-57 23/24 Decibel Meter ear'
Atmospheric Pressure Interpret 1 atmosphere sampler passenger or crewmember has a 5%
Skill Chip 2xcost no chance of receiving 103 mutations.
Database (linked with program) var maybe 141-160 Alarm! Caught In Hyperspace stream.
Off course by 101 oo x 1000 light-years
Cybernetic Part Structure or more.
Ear 3 161+ Ship falls through interdlmensional rift
Eye 3 transported to unknown location.
Hand, std 5
Hand, STR25 7
Hand,STR35 9 Foraery Difficulty Chart
Hand, each additional STR group +1
Lower Arm, std 10 Effect Number Ease of Noticing
Lower Arm, STR 35 14 -19orless WitASTx2
Lower Arm, each additional STR group +2 -10to-18 WltASTx 1.5
Arm, std 20 -5 to-10 WltAST+2
Arm, each additional STR group +5 -1 to -5 Wit AST
Foot, std 6 Oto 5 WltCST
Foot, STR25 8 6to 10 1/2WltCST
Foot, STR35 10 11to15 1/4WltCST
Foot, each additional STR group +1 16 to 18 1/8WltCST
Lower Leg, std 12 19+ Impossible.
Lower Leg, STR 35 16
Lower Leg, each additional STR group +2
Leg, each additional STR group +5 Pouch 0
Torso 30 Pocket -2
Nose/Sinuses 2 Metal Chain attaching Item to belt -2
Tail 10 In target's hand -8
Mouth 3

HyDe!!paCf Mishap Chart 1-10 Program works normally for 1 net action phase, but
10100 roll Mishap then fails
1•50 None. Trip Is uneventful. 11-20 Program looks like it is working but only gives the
51-90 Weird occurrences. Meet yourself, etc. illusion of working
Harmle$s but interesting. 21-30 Program works full strength for the Intended victim
91-95 Temporal Echo - repeat the same time 31-40 Progr~m appears to work normally for intended
segment 1010 times. victim but only gives the illusion of working
95-100 Off course! Miss destination by 10100 41-50 Program wolks with one major flaw
light years. 51-60 Program wolks with 1d4+1 major flaws
101-110 Alarm! Pi is no longer constant. Things 61+ Program simply falls
change shape.
111-114 Stuff randomly disappears from the ship PROGRAM CRITICAL SUCCESS CHART
115-120 All people onboard ship become two
dimensional for duration of trip. 1-10 Program automatically forces immediate derez
121-123 All people onboard ship lose all skin of opponent
pigmentation permanently. 11-20 Program wo~s with one random bonus (GM's
124 Weight of random person(s) onboard ship choioe)
increased or decreased by 601Ox10 lbs. 21-30 Program works with 1d4+1 random bonuses
125 Height of random person(s) onboard ship 31-40 Program becomes Invincible
increased or decreased by .3D20°k 41+ Program simply.works at full capacity
126 Random person onboard ship undergoes
127-130 Random person onboard ship rendered 0-5 Standoff
Invisible for 1010 hours. 6-10 Loser must "jack .our•
131-135 Alarm! Upon retum to realspace, 11-15 Loser takes difference In effect
everything changes color. numbers in damage
136-140 Alarm I Mutagenic effects. Each 16 + Loser loses consciousness for

101 O seconds.

AFJERMATHI Tjme period Chart

1 Combat Turn = 60 seconds = 10 Combat Rounds
~ Combat Round = 6 seconds = 20 Action Phases
1 Action Phase = 0.3 seconds =1 Net Tum The character sheet is provided with inserts for the hit location
1 Net Tum =0.3 seconds = 20 Net Phases diagram, also provided. Photocopy _ the sheet and the diagram
1 Net Phase = 0.015 seconds appropriate for your race, and paste them together. Then when you
photocopy it again, you will have a perfect character sheet.


Age Group Base Age Actual Age Rag. Factor
Size Bulk looks Personal EllC

Encumbrance 111 s s
Maximum value carried with status Off-hand Dexterity -
uencumbered partially Enc. fully Enc. Brawling
Survival, _ _ __

In Pack or Bag (CapacitY---.

On Belt
Loe. Item ENC

Left Slung
Right Slung

Left Hand
Right Hand
Average Armor Value,____
Guns Magazine Caliber
Weapons Survi..I
Weapon Format Action capacity (BOG) ENC Type length Format Value WOM ENC

EllC tarried Worn Total

•torr of-----™~-™....,.._____ CUl'Nflt Rep tobit

Fighter. HTH
, missile
• gun
Personal Bravery
Survival, self
, others
Hunter, HTH
, missile
• gun
nontech skill

tech skill

high tech skill



matches (306) .01/5

flrnt & steel (103 flint) .01
chalk (103) .01
snares (203) .05
magnifying lens .01
compass .1
jackknife .1
1 l canteen .2(full)
"space" blanket .1

. . . a.ar . . ..
·-~lClllllllllMll ... l ..

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