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Jan 15 2019 PDF

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SINCE 1985

PSC Bulletin, Official Publication of Kerala Public Service Commission

Vol. 30 Issue 10 Fortnightly January 15, 2019 Page 24 ` 10

tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-js‚ ]Ø\w-Xn-´ Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Hm¨-sse≥- ]co-£m-tI{µw Dƒ-s∏´ ]p-Xn-b B^o-kn-s‚- {]h¿-Øt\m-Zv-Lm-S\w-
2019 P\p-hcn- 4 sh≈n-bm-gv-N ]n-Fkv-kn- sNb¿-am≥- AUz.- Fw- sI k°o¿- \n¿-∆ln-®p.- Bd∑p-f \n-bak`mw-Kw- ho-Wm- tPm¿-÷v- A≤y-£X hln-®
NSßn¬- IΩo-j≥- Aw-Kßfm-b tUm.- Un- cm-P≥-, s{]m-^.- tem-∏kv- am-Xyp,- tdm-j≥- tdm-bv- am-Xyp,- tUm.- Pn-\p- kJdn-b DΩ≥,- kp-tci≥- kn,- ]n-Fkv-kn-
sk{I´dn- km-Pp- tPm¿-÷v-,- sIm-√w- Pn-√m- Hm-^o-k¿- Pn- tPm-bv-,- ]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥kv- Hm-^o-k¿ sI cm-[m-Ir-jv-W]n-≈,- a‰v- DtZym-Kkv-Y¿- F∂n-h¿- ]s¶Sp-Øp.-

Un-∏m¿-´v-sa≥-d¬- sSkv-‰v- P\p-hcn- 2019 ˛ hn-Pv-Rm-]\w-

Save ` 40 ]n-Fkvk- n- _p-≈‰n≥-
Hcp- h¿-jw- (24 e°w-)
ssS∏n-k‰v- v- /
Iºyq-´¿- Akn-k‰v- ‚v- ]co-£
ap≥-Im-eßfn-se tNm-Zy-t]∏dp-Iƒ-
X]m-en¬- e`n-°m≥-
hcn-kw-Jy- $200 am-{Xw-.
aWn-tbm¿-Udm-tbm- HSp-°mw.- tIcfw- ˛ C-cp-]X- mw- \q-‰m-≠v-
aWn-tbm¿-U¿- Abt°≠ hn-em-kw-
]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥-kv- Hm-^o-k¿-
General English
tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥-,-
]´w,- Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw-˛4
hn-hn-[ ]n-Fkv-kn- Hm-^o-kp-Ifn¬-
Current Affairs
hcn-kw-Jy- kzo-Icn-°p-∂Xm-Wv.- C-¥y-≥ `-c-W-L-S-\-bpw-
cm-jv-{So-b- hy-h-ÿ-bpw-
website: www.keralapsc.gov.in E-mail: kpscbulletin@gmail.com Kerala Public Service Commission Circulation : 0471-2546270
]nF-kv-kn Adn-bn-∏v-
]{Xm[n]kanXn sNb¿- t ]gv - k ¨- 2018 Unkw_¿ 31 \v tN¿∂ IΩn-j≥ tbmK Xocp-am-\ß
- ƒ
{io-aXn.- B¿- ]m¿-hXn--tZhn- km[yXm ]´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw \- h-Ip-∏n¬- Pq-\n-b¿- C-≥kv-{S-Iv-S¿- (C-≥kv-{Sp-sa-‚ v-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ 1. sIm√w- Pn-√-bn¬- ssk-\n-I- t£-a-/-F-≥.-kn.-kn.- h- sa-°m-\n-Iv-)- (]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-K- hn-`m-K-°m¿-°p-
Ip-∏n¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 411/-2016,- 412/-2016 (H-∂mw- F- ≈- {]-tXy-I- \n-b-a-\w-).-
]{Xm[n]kanXn Aw- K ߃- ≥.-kn.-F.-˛-F¬.-kn.-/-F.-sF.,- ap-…ow-)- {]-Im-cw- em-Ãv- 4.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 96/-2018 {]-Im-cw- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- I-¨-kv-
t{K-Uv- sk¿-h-‚ v-kv- (hn-ap-‡-`-S-∑m¿-°v- am-{Xw-)- {S-£-≥ tIm¿-∏-td-j-≥ en-an-‰-Un¬- F-≥Po-\n-b-dn-Mv-
tUm.- ]n-.- kp-tcjv-Ip-am¿-- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- {K-Uv- c-≠v- (]-´n-I-h¿-K-°m¿-°p-≈- {]-tXy-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ 2.- -tIm-´-bw- Pn-√-bn¬- hn-hn-[- h-Ip-∏p-I-fn¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \-
º¿- 421/-2017 {]-Im-cw- ¢m¿-°v- ssS-∏n-Ãv- (]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- I- \n-b-a-\w-).-
tUm.- Pn-\p- k°dn-b DΩ≥- /-]-´n-I-h¿-K- hn-`m-K-°m¿-°p-≈- {]-tXy-I- \n-b-a-\w-).- H.-Fw.-B¿- ]-co-£- \-S-Øpw-
saw-_¿, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ 3.- -Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Pn-√-bn¬- hn-hn-[- h-Ip-∏p-I-fn¬- Im- 1.- -]-Ø-\w-Xn-´- Pn-√-bn¬- hn-hn-[- h-Ip-∏p-I-fn¬- Im-‰-K-
AUz.- cLp-\m-Y≥-.- Fw.- sI.- ‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 346/-2017 {]-Im-cw- F¬.-Un.-ssS-∏n-Ãv- (]- dn- \-º¿- 113/-2016 {]-Im-cw- ss_-≥U¿- t{K-Uv- c-≠v-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ ´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-K- hn-`m-K-°m¿-°p-≈- {]-tXy-I- \n- (F-≥.-kn.-F.-˛- F-kv.-kn.-).-
tUm.- sI.- ]n.- kPn-em¬- ba\w).
A-`n-ap-Jw- \-S-Øpw-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ Npcp° ]´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw 1.- -]-Ø-\w-Xn-´,- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv,- I-Æq¿- Pn-√-I-fn¬- C-≥Uy-
Sn- B¿- A\n¬-Ip-am¿-- 1. Im‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 563/-2017 {]-Im-cw- C-≥Uy-≥ kn-Ãw- ≥ kn-Ãw-kv- Hm-^v- sa-Un-kn-≥/-C-≥jp-d-≥kv- sa-Un-
kv- Hm-^v- sa-Un-kn-≥ h-Ip-∏n¬- kv-s]-jy-en-Ãv- (am- °¬- k¿-ho-k-kn¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \º¿ 239/2017, 240/
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ \-kn-I-).- 2017, 241/2017, 242/2017 {]Imcw ^m¿aknÃv t{KUv
FUn- ‰ ¿ 2.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 418/-2016 {]-Im-cw- sa-Un-°¬- hn-Zym- c≠v (Bbp¿thZw) (F≥.kn.F.˛ap…ow, lnµp
`ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- s{]m-^-k¿- C-≥ P-\- \mSm¿, F¬.kn./F.sF., hnizI¿Ω).
km-Pp -tPm¿-Pv- d¬- sa-Un-kn-≥.- 2. Im‰Kdn \º¿ 364/2016 {]Imcw ]´nIh¿K hnIk\
sk{I´dn-,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn- j ≥ - 3.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 565/-2017 {]-Im-cw- l-b¿- sk-°-≥U- hIp∏n¬ Bb (]´nIh¿K°m¿ °p≈ {]tXyI
dn- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- l-b¿- kv-Iqƒ- So-®¿- Pn- \nba\w) (Xt±iobcmb ]´nIh¿K h\nXIfn¬
]ªnIv dntej≥kv Hm^ok¿ tbm-f-Pn.- \n∂p am{Xw).
4.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 369/-2017 {]-Im-cw- hy-h-km-b- ]-cn-io- 3. FdWm-Ip-fw,- C-Sp-°n,- h-b-\m-Sv,- ]m-e-°m-Sv- Pn-√-I-fn¬-
sI.- cm-[m-Ir-jv-W]n-≈ e-\- h-Ip-∏n¬- Pq-\n-b¿- C-≥kv-{S-Iv-S¿- (I-ºyq-´¿- F- tlm-an-tbm-∏-Xn- h-Ip-∏n¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 540/-2017 {]-
bv-U-Uv- F-w-t{_m-bn-U-dn- &- Un-ssk-\n-Mv-).- Im-cw- A-‰-≥U¿- t{K-Uv- c-≠v- (]-´n-I-h¿-K-°m¿-°p-≈-
t^m¨ : 0471 2546368 OR 9446412483 5.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 33/-2018 {]-Im-cw- tIm-tf-Pv- hn-Zym-`ym-
k¿°ptej≥ (]n.B¿.bqWn‰v): 0471 2546270 {]-tXy-I- \nba\w).
k- h-Ip-∏n¬- e-Iv-N-d¿- C-≥ ^n-kn-Iv-kv- (\m-emw- F- 4. FdWmIpfw Pn√bn¬ C≥^¿taj≥ B≥Uv
≥.-kn.-F.-˛-]-´n-I-h¿-Kw-).- ]ªnIv dntej≥kv hIp∏n¬ Im‰Kdn \º¿ 347/
6.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 34/-2018 {]-Im-cw- tIm-tf-Pv- hn-Zym-`ym- 2017 {]Imcw kn\na Hm∏td‰¿ (]´nIh¿K°m¿°p≈
hm¿-jn-I hcnkwJy
hcn°mcpsS ˛ $ 200 °v
{i≤bv k- h-Ip-∏n¬- e-Iv-N-d¿- C-≥ ^n-kn-Iv-kv- (\m-emw- F- {]tXyI \nba\w).
aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn Abt°≠ hnemkw: ≥.-kn.-F.-˛-]-´n-I-h¿-Kw-).-
7.- -C-Sp-°n- Pn-√-bn¬- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \- hn⁄m]\w ]pds∏Sphn°pw
]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥-kv- Hm-^o-k¿,- 1. t]meo-kv- h-Ip-∏n¬- s]m-eo-kv- tIm-¨-Ã-_nƒ- ss{U-
º¿- 265/-2017 {]-Im-cw- ssl-kv-Iqƒ- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- (am-Xv-
tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-ho-kv- IΩnj≥,- kv-)- (X-an-gv- ao-Un-bw-).- h¿,- km-t¶-Xn-I- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- sl-Uv- Hm-^v-
]´w- ]m-ekv- ]n.-H., Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw-˛695004 8.- -a-e-∏p-dw- Pn-√-bn¬- sl¬-Øv- k¿-ho-k-kn¬- Im-‰-K- sk-£-≥ C-≥ B¿-°n-sS-Iv-N¿,- e-Pn-t…-®¿- sk-{I-
Î h-cn-°m¿- _p-≈-‰n-≥ kw-_-‘n-®v- I-sØ-gp-Xp-tºm-gpw- t^m- dn- \-º¿- 459/-2017 {]-Im-cw- Pq-\n-b¿- sl¬-Øv- C-≥kv- t´-dn-b-‰n¬- dn-t∏m¿-´¿- t{K-Uv- c-≠v- (X-an-gv-),- hn-hn-[- I-
s]-Iv-S¿- (F-≥.-kn.-F.-˛-H.-F-Iv-kv.-).- º-\n-/-t_m¿-Uv-/-tIm¿-∏-td-j-\p-I-fn¬- ssS-∏n-Ãv- ¢m¿-
¨- sN-øp-tºm-gpw- _p-≈-‰n-\n-s‚- te-_-en-ep-≈ k-_v-kv-ss{I- °v-/-¢m¿-°- ssS-∏n-Ãv,- ss{U-h¿- Iw- Hm-^o-kv- A-‰-
9.- -B-e-∏p-g- Pn-√-bn¬- hn-hn-[- h-Ip-∏p-I-fn¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \-
_¿- \-º¿- Ir-Xy-am-bn- kq-Nn-∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- º¿- 539/-2017 {]-Im-cw- tIm-¨-^n-U-≥jy¬- A-kn-Ã- ≥U-‚ v,- Pn-√m- k-l-I-c-W- _m-¶n¬- ss{U-h¿,- ]m-
Î Pn-√m-X-e- tkm¿-´n-Mn-\m-bn- h-cn-°m¿- hn-em-k-Øn¬- Pn-√-bp-sS- ‚ v- t{K-Uv- c-≠v- (]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-/-]-´n-I-h¿-K- hn-`m-K-°m¿- t‚-j-≥ tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n¬- sa-Un-°¬- Hm-^o-k¿,- sI.-
t]-cpw- ]n-≥tIm-Upw- Ir-Xy-am-bn- tc-J-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠-Xm-Wv.- °p-≈- {]-tXy-I- \-nba\w). Fw.-Fw.-F¬.-˛¬- Pq-\n-b¿- sÃ-t\m- ssS-∏n-Ãv,- hn-hn-
[- h-Ip-∏p-I-fn¬- F¬.-Un.-kn.,- tI-c-f- tÃ-‰v- tIm-˛-Hm-
Î h-cn-kw-Jy- Hm¨-sse\m-bpw- hn-hn-[- ]n-F-kv-kn- Hm-^o-kp-I- dm¶v ]´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw ∏-td-‰o-hv- I-b¿- am¿-°-‰n-Mv- s^-U-td-j-≥ en-an-‰-Un¬-
fn¬- t\-cn-´pw- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- Un-.-Un,- sN°,v- t]m-kv-‰¬- 1. Im‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 224/-2017 {]-Im-cw- sa-Un-°¬- hn-Zym- sk-bn¬-kv- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- t{K-Uv- c-≠v- (P-\-d¬- &- skm-
Hm¿-U¿- kzo-Im-cy-a√.- `ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- Pq-\n-b¿- em-t_m-d-´-dn- A-kn-Ã-‚ v.- ssk-‰n-)- Xp-S-ßn- 14 X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn¬- hn-⁄m-]-\w- ]p-
Hm-¨-sse-≥ ]-co-£- \-S-Øpw-
GP≥-kn-Iƒ-°v- {Sjdn-bn¬- ]Wsam-Sp-°p-∂Xn-\p-≈ 1.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 161/-2018 {]-Im-cw- hy-h-km-b- ]-cn-io- a‰pXocpam\߃
slUv- Hm-^v- A°u-≠v- ˛ 0051-00-800-99-Other receipts e-\- h-Ip-∏n¬- Pq-\n-b¿- C-≥kv-{S-Iv-S¿- (C-‚o-cn-b¿- 1. Im‰Kdn- \-º¿- 156/-2018 {]-Im-cw- tIm-tf-Pv- hn-Zym-
sU-°-td-j-≥ &- Un-ssk-\n-Mv-)- (H-∂mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.- `ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- (ayq-kn-Iv- tIm-tf-Pp-Iƒ-)- e-Iv-N-d¿-
GP≥-knIfn¬-\n-∂p-≈ ]Ww- hn-hn-[ Pn-√m- ]n-Fkv-kn- ˛- F-kv.-kn.-).- C-≥ Um-≥kv- (tI-c-f- \-S-\w-)- (c-≠mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.-˛-
Hm-^o-kp-Ifn-epw- kzo-Icn-°p-∂Xm-Wv.- 2.- -C-Sp-°n- Pn-√-bn¬- C-≥Uy-≥ kn-Ãw-kv- Hm-^v- sa-Un- ap-…ow-)- c-≠v- X-h-W- hn-⁄m-]-\w- ]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-®n-
s{]m-^jW¬- sIm-dn-b¿- : 0471 2542950,- 9447127075 kn-≥ h-Ip-∏n¬- Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 206/-2018 {]-Im-cw- B- ´pw- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-sf- e-`n-°m-Ø-Xn-\m¬- Sn- H-gn-hv-
bp¿-th-Z- sX-dm-∏n-Ãv- (H-∂mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.-˛- ap-…ow-).- am-Xr-dm-¶v- ]-´n-Ib
- n-se- a-‰v- ]n-t∂m-°h
- n-`m-KØ
- n-\v- \¬-
3.- -Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 92/-2018 {]-Im-cw- hy-h-km-b- ]-cn-io-e- In- \n-I-Øp-hm-≥ Xo-cp-am-\-n®p.
Bÿm\ Hm^okv F≥Iz-bd- n
P\-d¬ F≥Iz-b-dn 0471 2546400,0471 2546401
({]h¿Ø\ kabw cmhnse 8 apX¬ sshIp-t∂cw
6 aWn-h-sc).
tImƒ sk‚¿
tImƒ sk‚¿: 0471 2444428, 0471 2444438,0471 2555538
-tNm-Zn-°q-...- ]-d-bmw...-
* Phms‚- `m-cy- F-∂v- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- F-¥v- tc-J- ÿ-bp-t≠m- ?-
({]h¿Ø\ kabw cmhnse 10.15 apX¬ sshIp- bm-Wv- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xv- ?- =- k¿-°m¿- k¿-ho-kn-se- ¢m-kv- aq-∂v,- ¢m-kv- \m-ev- X-kv-
t∂cw 5.15 aWn-h-sc). =- `¿-Øm-hn-s‚- t]-cv,- an-en-´-dn- dm-¶v,- an-en-´-dn- A-{U-kv- Xn-I-I-fn-te-°p-≈- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n-\m-Wv- t{K-kv- am¿-°v-
taJem Hm-^o-kp-Iƒ ap-X-em-b- ssk-\y-tk-h-\- hn-h-c-߃- sX-fn-bn-°p-∂- \¬-Ip-∂-Xv.-
Xn-\v- _-‘-s∏-´- I-am-≥Un-Mv- Hm-^o-k-dp-sS- ]-°¬- \n- *- F-\n-°v- Un-{Kn-°v- H-∂mw- dm-¶p-≠v- hn-hn-[- X-kv-Xn-I-
sIm√w: 0474 2745674, F-d-Wm-Ipfw: 0484 2317435, ∂v- e-`n-°p-∂- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- I-fn¬- dm-¶v- en-Ãv- X-øm-dm-°p- tºmƒ- dm-¶v- tP-Xm-°ƒ-
tImgn-t°mSv: 0495 2371500 *- hn-hm-l- tam-N\ - w- t\-Sn-b- h-\n-Xm- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- °v- {]-tXy-I- ]-cn-K-W-\-tbm- t{K-kv- am¿-t°m- \¬-Im-
Pn√m Hm-^o-kp-Iƒ D-b¿-∂- {]m-b] - c- n-[n-bn¬- C-fh
- n-\v- hy-hÿ
- b - p-t≠m- ?- ≥ hy-h-ÿ-bp-t≠m- ?-
=- C-√- = -C-√-
Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw-: 0471 2448188/ 0471 2546402, sIm√w: *- ho-c-ssi-h- hn-`m-K-Øn-\v- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.- \n-b-a-\-ß-fn¬- *- ]n.-Fk- .v k
- n.- \n-ba - \
- ß
- f
- n¬- A-°m-Za - n-I-v am¿-°n-s‚- i-X-
0474 2743624, ]Ø-\w-Xn´: 0468- 2222665,- B-e∏pg: kw-h-c-W-Øn-\v- A¿-l-X-bp-t≠m-?- am-\°- W- ° - -v du-≠-v Hm-^-v sN-øm-≥ hy-hÿ - b - p-t≠m- ?-
0477 2264134, tIm´bw: 0481 2578278,- =- ho-c-ssi-h- hn-`m-K-sØ- H.-_n.-kn.- bn-em-Wv- ]-cn-K-Wn- =- C-√-
C-Sp°n: 04868 272359,- F-d-Wm-Ipfw: 0484 2314500, °p-∂-Xv.- H.-_n.-kn.-°v- em-Ãv- t{K-Uv- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn¬- *- _n-cp-Zw- tbm-Ky-X-bm-bn- \n-jv-I¿-jn-®n-´p-≈- X-kv-Xn-
Xr»q¿: 0487 2327505, ]me-°mSv: 0491 2505398, ae- B-dp-i-X-am-\-hpw- em-Ãv- t{K-Uv- C-X-c- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn¬- I-Iƒ-°v- Un-{Kn- A-h-km-\- h¿-j- hn-Zym¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v-
∏pdw: 0483 2734308, tImgn-t°mSv: 0495 2371971, hb- aq-∂v- i-X-am-\-hpw- kw-h-c-W-ap-≠v.- A-t]-£n-°m-≥ I-gn-bp-tam- ?-
\mSv: 04936 202539, IÆq¿: 0497 2700482, Imk¿tKmU:v *- Im-bn-I- Xm-c-߃-°v- ]n.-F-kv.-kv.- \-S-Øp-∂- F-√m- = -At- ]-£- kzo-Ic - n-°p-∂- A-hk - m-\- Xo-bX - n-bn¬- D-tZym-
04994 230102 X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-epw- sh-bv-t‰-Pv- am¿-°v- \¬-Im-≥ hy-h- Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°-v \n-›n-Xt- bm-Ky-X- D-≠m-bn-cn-°W - w.

2 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

Un-∏m¿-´v-sa≥-d¬- sSkv-‰v- P\p-hcn- 2019
tIcf ]_vfnIv k¿∆okv IΩn-j≥ 1 ˛- 10 hscbpff \n¿t±i߃ ]men°mØ t^mt´mbpff At]£Iƒ \ncp]m[nIw
hn⁄m-]\w (b) hIp∏pXe ]co-£bv°v Online At]-£-Iƒ BZy-ambn £Wn® 2011 P\p-h-cn°v apºmbn Hcp
]m¿´ns‚ `mKn-I-amb t]∏-dp-Iƒ Pbn-®n-´p-≈-h¿ tijn°p∂ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°pw k¿´n-^n-°-‰n\pw
\º¿ Un.C I (1) 2077/2018/EW Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw, 2019 P\phcn 1 ^okv HSp°n Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ At]-£n-t°-≠Xm-Wv. 2011 P\p-h-cn- apX¬ k¿´n-^n-°‰v
^okv HSp-°p-Ibpw F∂m¬ ]co£ tXm¬°p-Ibpw sNbvX-h¿ ho≠pw k¿´n-^n-°‰v ^okv
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv P\phcn 2019 HSpt°-≠Xn√. 2011 P\phcnbnse Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£ apX¬ At]-£n-°p-Ibpw hnhn[
Imc-W-ß-fm¬ At]£ \nc-kn-°-s∏-Sp-Itbm Paper disallow Bhp-Itbm sNbvXn´pffhcpw
1. tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩoj≥ 2019 P\phcn amk-Øn¬ Xncp-h-\-¥]p-cw, FdWmIpfw, k¿´n^n°‰v ^okv HSp°pIbpw Hcp XhW t]mepw ]co£ FgpXmXncn°pIbpw sNem≥
tImgnt°mSv taJeIfnse hnhn[ Pn√m ]co£m tI{µßfn¬ h®v \S-Øm≥ \n›-bn-®n-´p≈ verify sNømXncn °pIbpw sNbvXn´p≈hcpw e-payment kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn®v ]pXnb \nc°n¬
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£Iƒ°v Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ At]-£-Iƒ £Wn®p sIm≈p∂p. At]- k¿´n^n°‰v ^okv ho≠pw HSpt°≠XmWv.
£-Iƒ 2019 P\phcn 30 _p[\mgvN cm{Xn 12 aWn hsc kzoIcn°p∂XmWv. \n›nXka-b- (c) ]-co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS s{]mss^-en¬ Ah-cpsS t^mt´m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb Admission Ticket e`y-am-
Øn\p ap≥]p Xs∂ e-payment kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn®v ^okv AS-bv°p-∂-Xnepw At]£ °p∂Xpw BbXv Uu¨temUv sNbvXv (tae[nImcn bYmhn[n km£y-s∏-SpØn) ]co-£bv°v
ka¿∏n-°p∂-Xnepw ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ {]tXyIw {i≤n-t°-≠Xm-Wv. Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\b√msX- lmP-cm-t°-≠Xpam-Wv.
bp≈ At]£Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nckn-°p∂Xm-Wv. tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩojs‚ HutZym- (d) Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£I - ƒ°v At]£ ka¿∏n-°p∂Xn-\p≈ Ah-km\XobXnhscbpw X߃
KnI sh_vssk-‰mb www.keralapsc.gov.in eqsS- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b-Xn-\p-ti-jw- ]-co- ka¿∏n® At]-£-bnse hnh-c-߃ (DZm: t]∏-dp-Iƒ, sSÃv, taJe apX-em-b-h) am‰n
£m¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- A-t]-£n-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv.- ap-≥]-co-£-Iƒ-°v- Hm-¨-sse-\m-bn- A-t]-£n-°p-∂- \¬Ip∂Xn\v ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v A\p-hmZw D≠m-bn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. Ah-km\Xo-bXnbn¬
Xn-\p-th-≠n- c-Pn-kv-‰¿- sN-bv-Xn-´p-f-f- ]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ- H-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- ho-≠pw- c-Pn-kv-‰¿- \nehnepff t^mt´mbpw a‰p hnhcßfpw ASßnb At]-£Ifmhpw ]cnKWn-°pI. Online
sN-øp-hm-≥ ]m-Sp-f-f-X-√.- A-h¿- {]-kv-Xp-X- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-\n-eq-sS- (s{]m-ss^-en-eq-sS-)- am-{Xw- Hm-¨- application ]qcn-∏n-°p∂Xn\v ap≥]v hn⁄m-]\w hni-Z-ambn hmbn-t°≠Xm-Wv. hn⁄m-]\w
sse-\m-bn- A-t]-£n-t°-≠-XmWv. k¿∆oknepff A‘cmb ]co£m¿∞nIƒ°v th≠n IΩo-js‚ sh_vssk-‰nepw IΩo-js‚ Pn√m/taJem B^o-kp-Iƒ F∂n-hn-S-ß-fnepw e`y-am-
\SØp∂ hmNm]co£ (Viva-Voce) °v (G.O.(P)No.31/11/P&ARD dated 7.9.2011 {]Imcw) Wv.
At]£n°phm≥ {]tXyI hn⁄m]\w ]pds∏Sphn°p∂XmWv. BbXn\m¬ A‘cmb (e) ]co-£-bv°p≈ ka-b-hn-h-c-∏-´n-Ibpw taJ-em-tI-{µ-ß-fpsS t]cpw bYmk-abw Kk-‰n¬ ]c-
]co£m¿∞nIƒ Cu hn⁄m]\{]Imcw At]£nt°≠Xn√. ky-s∏-Sp-Øp∂Xm-Wv. ka-b-hn-h-c-∏-´n-I-Iƒ ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩo-js‚ sh_vssk-‰v, Pn√m/
2. Second Class Language Test in Malayalam (Tamil/Kannada), Minority Language Test (Tamil/Kannada) taJem Hm^o-kp-Iƒ F∂n-hn-Sß-fn¬ \n∂pw ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v d^d≥kn\v e`n-°p∂Xm-
F∂o sSÃpIƒ°v hnhcWmflI (descriptive) coXnbnepw hIp∏pXe ]co£bpsS _m°nbpff Wv. IqSmsX Hmtcm ]co-£m¿∞n°pw Bh-iy-ambn hcp∂ ]co-£-I-fpsS ssSwtS-_nƒ Ah-c-
F√m sSÃpIƒ°pw 2012 Pqsse apX¬ Objective coXnbnepamWv (OMR/ONLINE aqey\n¿Æbw) h-cpsS s{]mss^-en¬ e`yam-°p∂-Xm-Wv. hy‡n-]-c-ambn ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v ka-bhn-h-c-]-´n-
]co£ \SØp∂Xv. Alpha Code _m[Iambn´pff OMR / ONLINE ]co£bmWv \SØp∂Xv. I-Iƒ X]m-en¬ Ab-bv°p-∂X√.
Hmtcm t]∏dns‚bpw ]camh[n am¿°v 100˛Dw hnPbn°p∂Xn\pff an\naw am¿°v 40% Dw BWv. 3. IΩn-js‚ 05.03.2003 se 17˛mw \º¿ Xocp-am\{]Imcw Un∏m¿´v-sa‚¬ sSkv‰v tIcf kwÿm\
Negative Mark _m[IamWv. Hm-tcm- i-cn-bp-Ø-c-Øn-\pw- 1 am¿-°v- e-`n-°p-I-bpw- Hm-tcm- sX-‰p-Ø-c- k¿°m¿ k¿∆o-kn¬ D≈-h¿°v am{X-ambn ]cn-an-Xs∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p∂p. A√m-Ø-h-cn¬ \n∂pw
Øn-\pw- 1/3 (aq∂nsem∂v) am¿°v \jvSamIpIbpw sNøpw. hIp∏pXe ]co£Iƒ°v \nehnepff e`n-°p∂ At]-£-Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°p∂Xm-Wv.
with books/without books coXn XpScp∂XmWv. 4. At]- £ m- ^ ok v : - ˛ 2018 P\phcn apX¬ hIp∏pXe ]co£m^okv \nc°v ]pXp°n
2.1 ]co£Iƒ Xncph\¥]pcw, FdWmIpfw, tImgnt°mSv F∂o aq∂v taJeIfnembn \n›bn®n´p≠v. ]co£m¿∞nIƒ ]pXp°nb \nc°n¬ ^okv HSpt°≠XmWv.
\SØphm\mWv \n›bn®ncn°p∂Xv . AXmXv taJeIfnse ]co£mtI{µßfpsS (k.D.(km[m.)\w.5663/2017/s]m.`.h. XobXn 13.09.2017).
e`yXbv°\pkrXambn ]co£mtI{µw A\phZn°p∂XmWv. hnhn[ taJeIfnepƒs∏Sp∂ Online banking kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn®p≈ e-payment aptJ\bmWv ]co£m ^okpw,
Pn√Iƒ NphsS tN¿°p∂p. k¿´n^n°‰v ^okpw HSpt°≠Xv (sNem≥ D]tbmKn®v {SjdnIfn¬ t\cnt´m/ C˛sNem≥
1. Xncph\¥]pcw taJe (Xncph\¥]pcw, sIm√w, ]Ø\wXn´, Be∏pg Pn√Iƒ) aptJ\tbm ]WsamSp°p∂Xv kzoImcya√.) e-payment aptJ\ ]Ww HSp°p∂Xn\v
2. FdWmIpfw taJe (tIm´bw, CSp°n, FdWmIpfw, Xr»q¿, ]me°mSv Pn√Iƒ) ]co£m¿∞nIfpsS s{]mss^ense “Make payment” F∂ Hm]vj≥ D]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv.
3. tImgnt°mSv taJe (ae∏pdw, tImgnt°mSv, hb\mSv, IÆq¿, Imk¿tKmUv Pn√Iƒ) Sn Hm]vj≥ hgn ]co£m¿∞n°v {Sjdn hIp∏ns≥d ssk‰nte°v {]thin®v Online Bbn ]Ww
]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- A-Xm-Xp- ta-J-e-I-fn¬- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂- Pn-√-Iƒ- ap-≥K-W-\m-{I-a-Øn¬- sX-c- HSp°mhp∂XmWv. CXn\mbn ]co£m¿∞nt°m/_‘s∏´h¿t°m GsX¶nepw _m¶ns≥d
s™-Sp-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv.- Online banking Account BhiyamWv . {Sjdn ssk‰n¬ \n∂pw ]Ww HSp°p∂Xn\mbn
e-£-Zzo-]nse ]co£m¿∞nIƒ°v Cu {]mhiyw (P\phcn 2019) tImgnt°mSv/ FdWmIpfw _m¶nßnte°v {]thin°ptºmƒ e`yamIp∂ GR Number (Government Reference No.)
taJeIfnte°v Online ]co-£bv°v At]£n°mhp∂Xm-Wv. Ipdns®SpØv kq£nt°≠XmWv. ]Ww HSp°n°gn™m¬ ]co£m¿∞nbpsS s{]mss^en¬
2(i)(a) KSR Part I, Rule 12(7) t\m´v 2 {]Imcw \n¿_‘nX hIp∏pXe ]co£bn¬ ]s¶Sp°p∂ GR Number Dƒs∏sS payment details ImWmhp∂XmWv.
Poh\°m¿°v ]co£mZnhkw/Znhk߃ {]kvXpX ]co£m tI{µØnte°pw Xncn®papff 4.1 e-payment CS]mSv ]q¿ØnbmIp∂Xn\nSbn¬ s\‰vh¿°v XIcm¿ Dƒs∏sS kmt¶XnI
bm{Xbv°v Bhiyamb kabw Dƒs∏sS Uyq´nbmbn ]cnKWn°phm≥ hyhÿbp≠v. KSR XS ßƒ ImcWw Account ¬ \n∂pw ]Ww debit BIpIbpw CS]mSv ]q¿ØnbmImsXbpw
Part II, Rule 77-79 {]Imcw hIp∏pXe ]co£bn¬ ]s¶Sp°p∂ Poh\°m¿°v A¿lamb h∂m¬ t\csØ Ipdns®SpØ GR number D]tbmKn®v _m¶v/ {Sjdn--sb kao]n®v ]Ww
bm{Xm_Ø A\phZ\obamWv. HSp°nbXv kw_‘n®v hy‡X hcpØmhp∂XmWv.
2.2 Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ°v At]-£n-°p∂-Xn\v ap≥]mbn ]co£m¿∞n-Iƒ Hm¨sse\mbn 4.2 Hmtcm t]∏-dn\pw 150/- (\q‰n A≥]Xv) cq] F∂- \n-c-°n-em-Wv ]co£m ^okv. Cu ASn-ÿm-\-
Department Test One-time Registration sNtø-≠Xm-Wv. cPn-kvt{S-j≥ ka-bØv Hmtcm ]co- Øn¬ F{X t]∏-dp-Iƒ D≠v F∂v IW-°m°n apgph≥ ]co-£m-^okpw HSp-t°-≠Xm-Wv. 2018
£m¿∞nbpw Xß-fpsS hy‡n-]-c-amb hnh-c-ß-fmb P\-\-Øo-b-Xn, ta¬hn-em-kw, HutZym- P\phcn ]co£ apX¬ Hcp sSÃv k¿´n-^n-°-‰n\v 200/- (Ccp\qdv) cq] \nc-°n¬ F{X
KnI ]Z-hn, HutZym-KnI ta¬hn-emkw apX-em-bh \¬Ip∂Xnt\msSm∏w \n¿t±in°s∏´ k¿´n^n°‰n\mtWm At]£n°p∂Xv A{Xbpw XpI k¿´n^n°‰v e`n°p∂Xn\v
coXnbn¬ Xß-fpsS t^mt´m-{Km^pw A]vtemUv sNtø≠Xm-Wv. XpS¿∂v Hcp ‘User ID’ HSpt°≠XmWv. ]co£m ^okv, k¿´n-^n-°‰v ^okv C\ßfn¬ HSpt°≠p∂ XpI Default
\¬Ip∂Xm-Wv. ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Xs∂ ‘Password’ Dw 'User ID' Dw sXcs™-Sp-°m-hp∂-Xm- Bbn ImWmhp∂XmWv. P\phcn 2011 apX¬ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃn\v At]£n°pIbpw, k¿´n-
Wv. Ch c≠pw cl-ky-ambn kq£n-t°≠-Xpw At]£bneqsS \¬Ip∂ hy‡nhnhc߃ ^n-°‰v ^okv HSp-°pIbpw sNbvXh¿ AtX s{]mss^eneqsS At]£n®m¬ am{Xta HSp°nb
icnbmsW∂v Dd∏phcptØ-≠Xpw ]co£m¿∞nIfpsS NpaXebmWv. Hcp ]co£m¿∞n k¿´n-^n-°‰v ^okv km[phmbn ]cnKWn°pIbpffp. (A-√m-sX-bp≈ At]-£-Iƒ \nckn-
bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw H∂n¬ IqSpX¬ cPnkvt{Sj≥/profile krjvSn°m≥ ]mSn√. °p∂Xm-Wv) Hcn°¬ AS® ]co£m^okv bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw XncnsI e`n°p∂X√.
2.3 Xß-fpsS 'User ID', ‘Password’ F∂nh D]-tbm-Kn®v Hmtcm {]mh-iyhpw At]£ £Wn-°p∂ 4.3 Hcp slUv Hm^v A°u≠nte°v HSp°s∏´ ]Ww as‰mcp slUv Hm^v A°u≠nte°v
apdbv°v ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ°v At]£ ka¿∏n-°m-hp∂Xm-Wv. am‰phm≥ Ignbp∂X√. AXmbXv k¿´n^n°‰v ^okn\mbn HSp°nb ]Ww ]co£m ^okmtbm
]co£bv°v At]£ ka¿∏n°m≥ ]co£m¿∞n H‰ s{]mss^¬ Xs∂ D]tbmKnt°≠XmWv. Xncnt®m hIbncpØm≥ km[n°n√.
H‰ s{]mss^en¬ \n∂pw GXv hIp∏pXe ]co£bv°pw At]£n°m≥ Ignbpw. t\m´v:-˛ (F) t\cn-´p≈ \nb-a\w hgntbm {Sm≥kv^¿ apJm-¥n-ctam \nban°-s∏-´n´p≈ Hcp DtZym-K-
(a) cPn-kvt{S-j\v D]-tbm-Kn-t°≠ t^mt´m-bpsS khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ ÿs‚ s{]mt_-js‚tbm s{Sbn\nw-Kn-s - ‚tbm ]q¿Øo-Ic - W
- Ø
- nt\m GsX-¶nepw XkvXn-Ibn¬
1. t^mt´m 31.12.2010 \p tijw FSpØhbmbncn°Ww. At]£Is‚ t]cpw t^mt´m FSpØ C≥{In-sat‚m ÿnc-s∏-Sp-Øtem e`n°p∂-Xnt\m Db¿∂ XkvXnI-bn-te°v DtZym-K-°-b‰w
XobXnbpw t^mt´mbn¬ Print sNøpItbm a‰phn[Øn¬ tcJs∏SpØpItbm sNbvXncn°Ww. In´p∂Xnt\m Hcp t]mÃn¬ ]ng-Iq-SmsX XpS-cp∂Xnt\m GsX-¶nepw sSÃv ]m m-bncn°-W-
2. ]co-£m¿∞n-bpsS apJhpw tXmƒ`m-Khpw hy‡-ambn ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ø - °
- h
- n-[Ø- n-ep≈ If¿/ sa∂v \n¿t±-in®n-´p-s-≠¶n¬ (obligatory tests) {]kvXpX sSÃp-Iƒ°pw k¿∆o-kn-ep≈ Bfp-
ªm°v & ssh‰v ]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv t^mt´m-bmbn-cn-°-Ww, A]vtemUv sNtø≠Xv. Iƒ°v ]pXp-Xmbn GsX-¶nepw sSÃv G¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´ps≠¶n¬ A{]-Im-c-ap≈ sSÃp-Iƒ°pw
3. 200 ]nIvsk¬ Db-c-hpw, 150 ]nIvsk¬ hoXnbpw D≈Xpw jpg t^m¿am‰n-ep-≈Xpw 30 kb G.O.(MS)166/76/PD dated 04.06.1976 A\p-k-cn®v Poh-\-°m¿°v AXmXv Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse DtZym-
^b¬ sskkn¬ A[n-Ic - n-°m-ØX - p-amb Cta-Pp-Iƒ BWv Upload sNtø-≠Xv. A{]-Im-ca - √mØ K-°-b-‰-߃°v (Line of promotion) D≈ XkvXn-I-I-fn-tebv°v Bh-iy-amb Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v
Cta-Pp-Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°-s∏Sp∂XmWv. sSÃpIƒ°pw At]-£-I-cn¬ \n∂v ^okv CuSm-°p∂X-√ (Free chance). Cu kuP\yw Hmtcm
4. shfp-ØtXm Cfw \nd-Øntem D≈ ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ FSpØ t^mt´m B-bn-cn-°Ww (t^m- sSÃns\ kw_-‘n-®n-S-tØm-fhpw Hcmƒ°v H∂n¬ IqSp-X¬ XhW e`n-°p-∂-X-√ (G.O.(MS)26/
t´m-bn-ep≈ hy‡nsb Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ km[n-°p∂ Xc-Øn¬ ]›m-Øew plain Bbn-cn-°-Ww). 76/PD dated 25.01.1976). c≠m-asØ XhW apX¬ ^okv CuSm-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.
5. apJw t\scbpw ]q¿Æ-ambpw t^mt´m-bpsS a≤y-`m-KØv ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ww. Hcp ]co-£bv°v free chance-¬ At]-£n-°p-Ibpw F∂m¬ GsX-¶nepw Imc-W-h-im¬ ]co£
6. IÆp-Iƒ hy‡-ambn ImW-Ø-°-hn-[-Øn-em-bn-cn-°Ww. Fgp-Xm-Xn-cn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXm¬ AXpw ^okv kuP\yw A\p-h-Zn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ Xh-W-bmbn
7. sXm∏n, (a-Xm-Nm-c-Øns‚ `mK-am-bp≈ sXm∏n/intcm-hkv{Xw F∂n-h-sbmgn®v) tKmKnƒkv IW-°m-°-s∏-Sp∂-Xm-Wv. ^okv kuP\yw A\p-h-Zn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈Xv Hmtcm sSÃn\pw apgp-h-\m-
F∂nh [cn®v FSp-ØtXm apJ-Øns‚ Hcp hiw am{Xw ImW-Ø-°-hn-[-Øn-ep-≈tXm apJw bn-´m-Wv. A√msX ]e t]∏-dp-I-fp≈ Hmtcm sSÃn-s‚bpw Hmtcm t]∏-dp-I-fm-bn-´√ (G.O.(MS)29/
hy‡-a√m-Ø-tXm Bb t^mt´m-Iƒ D]tbmKn°m≥ ]mSn√. 75/PD dated 06-02-1975). DZm-l-c-W-ambn A°u≠-v sSÃn\p tNcp∂ Hcmƒ°v (4 t]∏-dn\pw
8. samss_¬ t^m¨, Web Cam F∂nh D]-tbm-Kn®v FSp-°p∂ t^mt´m Polaroid& Computer IqSn tN¿∂mepw Cs√-¶n-epw) Hcp {]mhiyw am{Xta ^okv kuP\yw In´p-I-bp-≈p. B ]co-
Generated Photo F∂nh kzoI-cn-°p∂X√. £-bn¬ F√m t]∏-dp-Ifpw Pbn-°m≥ km[n-®n-´n-s√-¶n¬ ASpØ XhW apX¬ tXm‰ t]∏-dp-
9. Cfw \nd-Øn-ep≈ hkv{Xw [cn®v FSpØ t^mt´m Bbn-cn-°Ww. Iƒ°pw At]-£n-°mXn-cp∂ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°pw ^okv HSp°n At]-£n-t°-≠Xm-Wv.
10. BZy-L-´-Øn¬ cPn-k vt{S-j≥ \S-Øn-b-t∏mƒ ]gb amXr-I-bn-ep≈ t^mt´m A]vtemUv ta¬]d™ B\p-Iq-ey-߃ G.O.(MS)249/70/PD dated 22.07.1970 A\p-kcn®v Kh¨sa‚ v k¿ho-
sNbvX-h¿ C\n ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn\v th≠n At]-£n-°ptºmƒ ]pXnb amXr-I-bn-ep≈ kn-ep≈ ssS∏n-kv‰p-Iƒ°pw sÃt\m-{Km-^¿am¿°pw G.O.(Ms.)274/71/PD dated 27.08.1971 A\p-
t^mt´m Ah-km-\- Xo-bXn°p ap≥]mbn A] vtemU v sNtø≠Xm-Wv. k-cn®v ]_vfnIv k¿∆okv IΩoj≥ \S-Øp∂ F v. F v.-F¬.-kn. Ãmt‚¿Uv (S.S.L.C Stan-

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 3

dard) ep≈ ¢dn-°¬ ]co-£bv°v Ccn-°phm≥ A\p-aXn e`n-®n-´p≈ Xmgv∂ hcp-am-\-°mcmb sSÃv (Second Class Language Test in Malayalam) A\p_‘w "F' (Annexure-A) bn¬ 42˛ma-Xmbn
Khs◊‚ v Poh-\° - m¿°pw G.O.(Rt.)No.706/75/PD dated 21.07.1975 A\p-kc - n®v tIcf JmZn B‚ v tN¿Øn-´p≠-v. kne-_- v, am¿°v, kab{Iaw XpS-ßnb hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃ A\p-_‘w "kn' (An-
hnt√Pv C≥U-kv{Sokv t_m¿Unse Poh-\-°m¿°pw G.O.(Ms.)No. 302/75/G.Edn. dated 17.12.1975 nexure-C) bn¬ sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂p.
A\p-k-cn®v Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv Hªn-tK-‰-dn-bmbn \n›-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ tIc-f-Ønse Fbn- 9.(F) \yq-\-]£ `mj kwkm-cn-°p∂ {]tZ-i-ß-fn¬ tPmen sNøp∂ DtZ-ym-Kÿ¿ °v {]kvXpX
UUv sslkvIq-fn-tebpw Fbn-UUv s{Sbn-\nwKv kvIqfn-tebpw slUvam-ÿam¿°pw a‰p Poh-\- `mj-bn¬ {]mtbm-KnI ]cn-⁄m\w Bh-i-y-am-sW-∂Xn-\m¬ 12.09.1968˛se G.O.(Ms.)No.290/68/
°m¿°pw G.O.(Ms.)No.146/76/G..Edn. dated 04.08.1976 A\p-k-cn®v Hªn-tK-‰-dn-bmbn \n›-bn-°- PD {]Imcw G¿s∏-Sp-Ønb ssat\m-dn‰n emwtKzPv sSkv‰v (Xan-gv/I-∂-U) A\p_‘w "F'
s∏-´n-´p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃp-Iƒ°pw tIc-fØ - nse ss{]adn kvIqfpIfntebpw A∏¿ss{]adn (Annexure-A) bn¬ 43˛ma-Xmbn tN¿Øn-´p≠-v. 19.12.1987˛se G.O.(Ms.)No.283/87/LAD {]Imcw tIcf
kvIqfp-If - n-tebpw slUvam-ÿam¿°pw ]n.-Un. So®¿am¿°pw G.O.(P)No.150/77/PW. dated 17.9.1977 ap\n-kn-∏¬ k¿∆okv Poh-\-°m¿°pw ssat\m-dn‰n emwtKzPv sSkv‰v Fgp-Xm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. kne-
A\p-k-cn®v s]mXp-a-cm-aØv hIp-∏nse Akn v F©n-\o-b¿am-cpsS s{]mt_-j≥ ]q¿Øo-I- _- v, am¿°v, kab{Iaw XpS-ßnb hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃ A\p- _‘w "Un' (Annexure-D) bn¬
cn-°p∂Xn\pw XpS¿∂v DtZym-K-°-b‰w In´p∂-Xn\pw \n¿_‘am°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂ ]n.-U-ªyq.-Un. sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂p.
am\p-h¬ sSÃn\pw (P.W.D. Manual Test) e`n-°p∂-Xm-Wv. 10. Annexure-A bn¬ 47 ˛m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIcf Npa´p sXmgn-emfn \nb-a-ßsf kw_-
tIm¿∏-td-j≥, ap\n-kn-∏m-en‰n F∂o kzbw-`-cW ÿm]-\-ß-fnse Poh-\-°m¿°pw bqWn-th- ‘n® Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£ tIcf Npa´p sXmgn-em-fn- t£-a\ - n[n t_m¿Unse bp.-Un. Ivfm¿°v
gvkn-‰n, Ce-Iv{Sn-kn‰n t_m¿Uv, sI. F v. B¿. Sn. kn., hm´¿ AtXm-dn´n XpS-ßnb ÿm]-\-ß- XkvXn-I-bn-te°v ÿm\-°-b-‰w aptJ-\tbm XkvXn-I-am‰w aptJ-\tbm \nb-a\w e`n-°p-∂-Xn-
fnse Poh-\° - m¿°pw ^okv kuP-\y-Øn\v A¿lX D≠m-bn-cn-°p∂-X√. F∂m¬ tIcf ]©m- \mbn Manual of Office Procedure, A°u≠v sSÃv (tem-h¿) F∂n-hbv°v ]pdsa \n¿_-‘-ambpw
bØv tIma¨ k¿∆o-kn-ep≈ Poh-\° - m¿°v G.O.(MS)No.215/86/LAD dated 28.10.1986 {]Imchpw Pbn-®n-cn-t°-≠Xm-Wv. [G.O(Rt.)No.3022/2008/sXmgn¬ dated 31.12.2008]
tIcf A{Kn-°ƒ®-d¬ bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Poh-\-°m¿°v G.O(Rt.)No.101/ 78/AD dated 16.1.1978 11. F√m sSÃp-Iƒ°pw Pbn-°p-∂Xn-\m-h-iy-amb G‰hpw Ipd™ am¿°v Hmtcm t]∏-dn\pw 40%
{]Imchpw Hªn-tK-‰-dn-bmbn \n›-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃp-Iƒ°v ^okv kuP-\y- (\m¬∏Xv iX-am-\w) BWv.
Øn\v A¿lXbp≠m-bn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. {Sj-dn, tem°¬ ^≠v BUn‰v F∂o hIp-∏p-I-fnse 12. dh\yq sSÃp-Iƒ 2011 Pqsse apX¬ ]pXnb kne-_  - n¬ am{Xta FgpXm≥ A\p-hZ- n-°pIbpffq.
Poh-\- °m¿ Hgn-sI-bp-≈-h¿°v Account Test (Higher)˛\v ^okv kuP-\y-Øn\v A¿lX ap≥]v `mKn-I-ambn ]gb kne-_-kn¬ ]m m-bn-´p≈-h¿ k¿´n-^n°‰v e`n-°p∂Xn\v ]pXnb
D≠m-bn-cn-°p∂-X√. hnZym-`ymk hIp-∏nse Higher Secondary School Teacher, Vocational Higher kne-_- n¬ \mev t]∏-dp-Ifpw FgpXn ]m m-tI≠Xm-Wv. F∂m¬ P\phcn 2011 hscbp≈
Secondary School Teacher, Non Vocational Higher Secondary School Teacher, Btcm-Ky-h-Ip-∏n-tebpw t\m´n^nt°j\pIƒ {]Imcw hnt√Pv B^otkgvkv am\ph¬ ]co£ ]m mbn´pffh¿ ]pXnb
saUn-°¬ hnZym-`ym-kh - p-∏ntebpw Staff Nurse, Head Nurse F∂o XkvXn-II
- I - f
- n¬ tPmen t\m°p- kne_ v {]Imcapff dh\yq sSÃns‚ \memasØ t]∏dn\v ho≠-pw ]co£ FgptX≠Xn√.
∂h¿°v hIp-∏vXe ]co£ Obligatory A√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬ Hcp sSÃn\pw ^okv kuP\yw D≠m- ]co£m¿∞nIƒ hnt√Pv Hm^okv am\ph¬ ]co£ ap≥]v ]m mbn´p≈Xmbn ÿncoIcWw
bn-cn-°p∂X√. \¬Iptºmƒ dh\yq sSÃns‚ 4 t]∏dpIfpw Dƒs°mffp∂ k¿´n^n°‰v \¬Ip∂XmWv.
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ°v Hm¨sse≥ aptJ\ At]£ ka¿∏n-°ptºmƒ "Free Chance'' 13. Free Chance-\v Bhiys∏Sp∂, A\y{X tkh-\-Øn¬ (On Deputation) XpS-cp∂ Poh-\-°m¿
F∂ Hm]vj-\n¬ ¢n°v sNøp∂ ka-bØv ''Yes'' F∂p tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p F∂Xp sIm≠p Parent Department -se B^okv ta[mhn/ hIp∏v ta[m-hnsb-s°m≠v AUvan-j≥ Sn°‰nse
am{Xw ]co-£m¿∞n°v {^o Nm≥kv e`n-°p∂Xn\v A¿lX D≠v F∂v [cn-t°≠-Xn√. At]- k¿´n^n°‰v km£y-s∏-Sp-tØ≠-Xm-Wv.
£-I-fpsS kq£ va-]-cntim-[-\m-th-f-bn¬ "Free Chance" ¬ ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn\v A¿l-X-bn- 13.(F) P\- { ]- X n- \ n- [ n- I - f psS t]gv k - W ¬ Ãm^n¬ AwK- a m- b n- ´ p≈ k¿°m¿ Poh- \ - ° m¿
√mØ ]co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS At]£ \nc-kn-°p∂-Xm-W v. Bb-Xn-\m¬ Free Chance e`n-°p∂- Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£bv°v lmP-cm-°p∂ AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰n-se - km£y-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ _‘-
Xn\v (^ok-Sb - v°msX ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn\v) X߃°v A¿lX D≠v F∂v _‘-s∏´ k¿°m¿ s∏´ P\-{]-Xn-\n[n Xs∂ \n¿∆-ln-®mepw aXn-bmIpw. Ah-cpsS t]cv, ]Zhn apX-em-bh
DØ-chv ]cn-tim-[n®v Dd-∏p-h-cp-Øn-b-tijw am{Xw BbXntebv°v At]-£n-t°≠-Xm-Wv. Dƒs°m≈p∂ koep-Iƒ bYm-ÿm-\Øv \n¿_-‘-ambpw ]Xn-®n-cn-°-Ww.
(_n) ^okv kuP-\-y-Øn\v A¿l-cm-bn-´p-≈-h¿ {]kvXpX hnhcw At]-£- bn¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂- 14. Hmtcm sSÃpw AXm-Xp Un∏m¿´p-sa‚nse DtZym-K-ÿ-¿ ]mkm-bn-cn-°-Wsa∂v Imem-Im-e-ß-
Xp-Iq-SmsX Admission Ticket-se k¿´n^n°‰v Xß-fpsS hIp∏p ta[mhn-tbtbm B^okv ta[m- fn¬ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-®n-´p≈ k¿°m¿ DØ-c-hn≥ {]Imcw \n¿_-‘n-X-am-°n-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. (P-bn¬
hn- t btbm sIm≠v k¿´nss^ sNønt°≠Xpw _‘s∏´ tImfØn¬ 9 am¿°v sSÃv , tIcf tÉv s{]mt_- j ≥ sSkv ‰ v , cPn- k v t {S- j ≥ sSÃv , tem°¬ ^≠v BUn‰v
sNønt°≠XpamWv. Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv, t^mdÃv sSÃv, ]©m-bØv sSÃv, tIm˛-Hm-∏-td-‰ohv sSÃv, F v.kn
5. Annexure-A bn¬ 6-˛m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ ]n.-U-ªyp.-Un. am\p-h¬ sSÃv, s]mXp-a-cm-aØv sUhe∏vsa‚ v Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v sSÃv, tIcf tÉv {Sm≥kvt]m¿´v k¿ho-knse AwK-߃°p≈
hIp-∏nse Akn F©n-\o-b¿am¿°v s{]mt_j≥ ]q¿Øn-bm-°p-∂Xn\pw XpS¿∂p≈ DtZym- Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv F∂nh AXmXp Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse DtZym-K-ÿ∑m¿°v am{X-ap-≈-Xm-Wv.)
K-°-b-‰-Øn\pw Ct∏mƒ \n›-bn-®n-´p≈ A°u≠v sSÃv temh-dn\pw ]n.-U-ªyp.-Un. sSkv‰n\pw tIcf tÉv s{]mt_-j≥ sSkv‰v kmaqly-t£a hIp-∏nse Unkv{SnIvSv s{]mt_-j≥ B^o-
]pdta \n¿_-‘-am-°n-bn-´p-≈-XmWv. [G.O(P)No.150/77/PW dated 17.9.1977] k¿amsc Dt±-in-®p-≈-XmWv. hnhn[ hIp-∏p-I-fn-ep-≈-h¿°v AXmXp hIp-∏p-I-fn¬ \n¿_-‘-am-
(F) Annexure-A- bn¬- t]m-eo-kv- sS-kv-‰v- 19,- 20 F-∂n-h- {]-tXy-Iw- sS-Ãp-Iƒ- X-s∂-bm-bn-cn-°pw.- °n-bn-´p≈ F√m sSÃp-Ifpw Fgp-Xp-hm≥ Ign-b-Ø-°-hn-[-amWv IΩo-j≥ ssSwtS-_nƒ Xøm-
[G.O(MS)No.146/82/Home (A) Department dated 16.12.1982] dm-°p-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ GsX-¶nepw hIp-∏n¬ \n¿_-‘n-X-a-√mØ ]co-£bv°v At]-£n-°p∂-
6. Annexure-A bn¬ 24, 25 Bbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIc-f- P-bn¬ Hm^otkgvkv sSÃv ˛aq∂mw h¿ ssSwtS- _ nƒ {]Imcw {]kv X pX ]co£ FgpXp- h m≥ km[n- ° p- s a- ¶ n¬ am{Xw
t]∏¿, tIcf Pbn¬ kt_m¿Un-t\‰v Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃv c≠mw t]∏¿ ({]m-Iv‰n-°¬) ]co- At]£nt°≠Xm-Wv. A√msX AXn-\mbn ssSwtS-_n-fn¬ am‰w hcp-Øp∂X√.
£bv°v Pbn¬ sF.-Pn. AwKo-I-cn-®n-´p≈ ÿm]-\-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw AXm-bXv 30.09.1993 hsc 15. 31.07.1986˛se GO (Ms) No. 249/86/GAD A\p-k-cn®v C≥Uy≥ t^mdÃv k¿∆okv (I.F.S.) ˛ep≈
RICA-¬ \n∂pw/SICA-¬ \n∂pw 01.10.1993 apX¬ 13.10.2003 hsc SICA-¬ \n∂pw am{Xhpw 14.10.2003 Pq\n-b¿ saº¿am¿°v bqWn-ss^Uv A°u≠v sSÃv {]tXyIw \S-Øp∂Xn-\m¬ 15.12.1978˛se
apX¬ RICA-¬ \n∂pw/ SICA-¬ \n∂pw BwUv B‚ v kvIzmUv {Un√n¬ (ssd-^nƒ jq´nw-Kv, GO (Ms) No. 549/78/GAD A\pk-cn-®p≈ A°u≠v sSÃv (tem-h¿) \mev t]∏-dp-Iƒ _m[-I-am-
dnthmƒh¿ jq´nwKv apX-em-b-h) ]cn-io-e\w hnPb-I-c-ambn ]q¿Øn-bm-°nb k¿´n-^n-°‰v e`n- bn-cn-°p∂X√. {]kvXpX k¿∆o-kn-ep-≈-h¿ {]tXyI hn⁄m-]\ {]Imcw bqWnss^Uv
®-h¿°v am{Xta At]-£n-°phm≥ A¿l-X-bp-≈q. Xangv\m´nse sh√qcnep≈ RICA bpsS t]cv A°u≠v sSÃn\v At]-£n®psImt≈≠Xm-Wv.
APCA (Academy of Prisons & Correctional Administration) F∂m°n am‰nbn´p≈Xn\m¬ Sn C≥Uy≥ t^mdÃv k¿∆o-kn-ep≈ (I.F.S.) Pq\n-b¿ saº¿am¿ ""t^mdÃv sSÃv t^m¿ FIvkn-
ÿm]\Øn¬ \n∂pw k¿´n^n°‰v t\Snbn´p≈h¿°pw {]mtbmKnI ]co£bv ° v Iyq-´ohv B‚ v I¨t{Sm-fnwKv Ãm^v'' F∂ ]co-£bv°v Cu hn⁄m-]-\-{]-Imcw At]-Iv-jn-
At]£n°mhp∂XmWv. A\p-_‘w "F' bn¬ 25˛ma-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIcf Pbn¬ t°≠Xn- √ . Sn ]co- £ bv ° v At]- £ - I ƒ £Wn®p sIm≠p≈ hn⁄m- ] \w 19.02.1985
kt_m¿Un-t\‰v Hm^o-tkgvkv sSkv‰v c≠m-asØ t]∏-dn-\p-≈ {]mtbmKnI ]co-£bv°v (Prac- XobXnbnse GO (Ms) No. 74/85/GAD A\p-k-cn®v {]tXyIw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp∂-Xm-Wv.
tical Test) Xncp-h-\¥-]p-cw- P-bn¬- s{S-bn-\nw-Kv- kv-Iq-fn¬- \n-∂pw- {]-kv-Xp-X- sS-Ãn-\p-≈- ]-cn-io-e- 16. Annexure-'A' bn¬ 15-˛ma-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ ap\n-kn-∏¬ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ sSÃv, ap\n-kn-∏¬
\w- hn-P-b-I-c-am-bn- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-´p-≈-h¿-°v- am-{X-ta- tN-cp-hm-≥ A¿-l-X- D-≠m-bn-cn-°p-I-bp- Un∏m¿´p-sa‚n¬ tPmen sNøp∂ ¢m¿°pam¿°p-th≠n 12.07.1978 Xob-Xn-bnse G.O(Rt.)2072/78/
≈q.- A-√m-sX-bp-≈-h-cp-sS- A-t]-£-Iƒ- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√.- s{S-bn-\nw-Kv- t\-Sn-bn-´p-≈- k¿-´n-^n- LA & S.W.D, 25.05.1979 Xo-b-Xn-bn-se- G.O(Rt.)1712/79/L A& S.W.D, 20.02.1981 Xo-b-Xn-bn-se-
°-‰n-s‚- i-cn-∏-I¿-∏v- kz-bw- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øn- tPm-bn-‚ v- sk-{I-´-dn,- Un-∏m¿-´- v-sa-‚¬- sS-Ã- v- hnw- G.O(M.S)3681/LA & S.W.D F-∂o- D-Ø-c-hp-Iƒ- {]-Im-cw- \-S-Øp-∂- ]-co-£-bm-Wv.- Cu- ]-co-£-bp-
Kv,- tI-c-f- ]-ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- I-Ωo-j-≥,- ]-´w,- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- F-∂- hn-em-k-Øn¬- h-Ip-∏p-X- tS-bpw- tI-c-f- ap-\n-kn-∏¬- sS-Ãv- aq-∂mw- t]-∏-dn-t‚-bpw- kn-e-_-kv- H-∂p-X-s∂-bm-Wv.-
e- ]-co-£-bp-sS- A-t]-£- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂- A-h-km-\- Xo-b-Xn-°p- ap-ºm-bn- e-`n-°-Ø-°-hn-[w- A- 17. ]co-£m-lm-fn¬ _p°p-I-fpsS klm-b-tØmSpIqSn DØ-c-sa-gp-Xm-hp∂ sSÃp-Iƒ (with books)
b-®p-X-tc-≠-Xm-Wv.- A-√m-Ø-h-cp-sS- A-t]-£-Iƒ- \n-cp-]m-[n-Iw- \n-c-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.- A-h-sc- GsX-√m-am-sW∂v A\p-_-‘-Øn¬ kne-_kv hnh-cn-°p∂n-SØv hy‡-am-°n-bn-´p≠-v. Aß-
{]m-tbm-Kn-I- ]-co-£-bv-°v- ]-s¶-Sp-∏n-°p-∂-X-√.- s\-bp≈ sSÃp-Iƒ°v \n›-bn-®n-´p≈ ]pkvXIßfpw (K-h-¨sa‚ v {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-߃ am{Xw)
ta¬]-d-™n-cn-°p∂ sSÃp-I-fpsS {]mtbm-KnI ]co-£-Iƒ Xncph\¥]pctØm Xr»qtcm Ah-bn¬ hcp-Øn-bn-´p≈ t`Z-K-Xn-Ifpw X¬kw-_-‘-ambn Kh-s◊‚ v {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p≈
IÆqtcm IΩo-j\v kuI-cyw F∂p tXm∂p∂ at‰sX-¶nepw tI{µ-Øn¬ ht®m \S-Øp∂-Xm- BIvSv B‚ v dqƒkpw am{Xw D]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv. k¿°m¿ DØchmIp∂ apdbv°v \n›nX
bn-cn-°pw. {]mtbm-Kn-I- ]-co£ \S-Øp∂ ÿehpw Xob-Xnbpw bYm-h-kcw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp- t]∏dn\v \n¿±njv S Imemh[n°v A\phZn°p∂ kzImcy{]kn≤oIcW߃ am{Xta
∂-Xm-Wv. XZ\pkyXambn ]co£mlmfn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°phm≥ A\p-hm-Z-ap-≈q. C{]Imcw Time Table Noti-
7. Annexure-A bn¬ 31˛m-a-Xmbn sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ tIcf ]©m-bØv sSÃv, ]©m-bØv Un∏m¿´p- fication-¬ hy‡-ambn ]d™n-´p-≈-X-√msX kzImcy{]km[I¿ {]ko-≤n-I-cn-®n-´p≈ tIcf
sa‚nse bp.-Un.-¢m¿°p-am¿, slUv¢m¿°p-am¿, ]©mbØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-k¿am¿ F∂n- k¿∆okv dqƒkv XpSßnb Hcp kzImcy {]ko-≤n-I-cWhpw ]co£mlmfn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°m≥
h¿°p-th≠n G.O.(MS.)No.154/75/LA & SWD dated 09.07.1975 {]Imcw \S-Øp∂ s]mXp-]-co-£- ]mSp- ≈ - X √. Ipdn- ∏ p- I tfm hnh- c - ß tfm AS- ß nb _p°p- I fpw ssKUpIfpw,
bm-Wv. apºv \S-Ønbn-cp∂ tIcf ]©m-bØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃv {]kvXpX AwKoIrX]pkvXIßfpsS km£ys∏SpØnb ]I¿∏v (ssSwtS_nƒ hn⁄m]\Øn¬
DØ-chp- {]Imcw \n¿Ø-em°n Ign-™p. tIcf ]©m-bØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^otkgvkv A\phZn®n´p≈h HgnsI) F∂nhbpw ]co-£m-lm-fn¬ sIm≠p-h-cp∂-Xn\v A\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-
sSÃns‚ F√m t]∏-dp-Ifpw CXn-\Iw Xs∂ Pbn-®n-´p-≈-hsc ]©mbØv sSkv‰v Fgp-Xp-∂- X-√. Cu \n¿t±-i-߃°p hn]-co-X-ambn s]cpam-dp∂ ]co£m¿∞n-I-fpsS DØ-c-°-S-em-kp-
Xn¬ \n∂pw Hgn-hm-°n-bn-´p≠-v. tIcf ]©m-bØv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÃnse GsX- Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°-s∏-Sp∂XmWv. AXn-t\m-sSm∏w Xs∂ IΩo-j\v DNn-X-sa∂p tXm∂p∂ a‰p
¶nepw t]∏-dp-Iƒ Pbn-°p-hm≥ D≈-h¿ ]©m-bØv sSÃnse XZ-\p-kr-X-amb (Corresponding) in£m-\-S-]-SnIfpw kzoI-cn-°p∂-Xm-Wv. kne-_-kns‚ t\¿°v (with books) F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-
t]∏-dn\v tN¿∂v Pbn-®m¬ aXn-bm-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv. ´n√mØ ]co-£I - ƒ _p°p-If - psS klm-ba- n√msX Fgp-tX≠-Xm-Wv. a‰v \n¿t±i߃ AUvanj≥
8. F√m sSÃp-Ifpw `mKn-I-ambn ]m m-Im-hp∂-Xm-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Ah¿ Sn°‰ns\m∏w e`n°p∂Xpw Ah hmbn®v IyXyambn ]ment°-≠XpamWv.
]m m-tI≠ sSÃp-Iƒ apgp-h-\mtbm Ht∂m AXn-e-[n-Itam t]-∏-dp-Iƒ°p am-{X-amtbm tNcp- 17 (F) samss_¬ t^m¨, ªqSqØv, hm°vam≥, Im¬°pte‰¿, kvam¿´v hm®v XpSßn hnh-c-hn-\n-a-
hm-\p≈ kzmX{¥yw D≠m-bn-cn-°pw. OMR / ONLINE amXr-I-bn-ep-ff sSÃp-I-fpsS kabw b-Øn-\p≈ F√m Ce-Ivt{SmWnIv D]-I-c-W-ßfpw ]co£mIm-º-kn¬ I¿i-\-ambn \ntcm-[n-®n-
[A°u≠v sSÃv (temh¿) sI.Fkv.B¿, A°u≠v sSÃv lb¿ (sI.Fkv.B¿), A°u≠v cn-°p∂p. CØcw D]-I-c-W-߃ ]co-£m-lm-fn-\p-≈n¬ ssIhiw hbv°p∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-I-
sSÃv t^m¿ FIvknIyq´ohv Hm^otkgvkv t]∏¿ ˛ II (sI.Fkv.B¿), FIvsskkv sSÃv ˛ fpsS DØ-c-°-S-em-kpIƒ Akm-[p-hm-°p∂Xv Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ in£m \S-]-Sn-Iƒ IΩo-j≥
]m¿´v F & ]m¿´v _n XpdapJw F∂nh HgnsI] H∂c aWn-°q¿ Bbn-cn-°p∂Xm-Wv. A°u≠v ssIs°m-≈p∂Xm-Wv.
sSÃv (temh¿) sI.Fkv.B¿, A°u≠v sSÃv lb¿ (sI.Fkv.B¿), A°u≠v sSÃv t^m¿ 18. ]co£m NpaXe hln°p∂ No^v kq{]≠-n-t\mtSm Akn-Â v kq{]-≠nt\mtSm AUo-j-W¬
FIvknIyq´ohv Hm^otkgvkv t]∏¿ ˛ II (sI.Fkv.B¿), FIvsskkv sSÃv ˛ (]m¿´v F & No^v kq{]≠-n-t\mtSm A]-a-cym-Z-bmbn s]cp-am-dpItbm ]co-£-bn¬ GsX-¶nepw Xc-Øn-ep≈
]m¿´v _n) F∂o ]co£Iƒ°v c≠v aWn°q¿ Bbncn°pw kabssZ¿Lyw. {Ia-t°-Sp-Iƒ ImWn-°p-Itbm 17 ˛mw Jfin-I-bnse \n¿t±-i-߃°p hn]-co-X-ambn ]co-£m-
9. DtZymK\nb-a-\-Øn-\p≈ sXc-s™-Sp∏p ]co-£-Iƒ ae-bmfw Hgn-®p≈ {]mtZ-inI `mj-Ifn¬ lm-fn¬ _p°pIƒ sIm≠p-h-cn-Itbm sNøp∂h-cpsS DØ-c-°-S-em-kp-Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°-s∏-
Fgp-Xp-∂h¿°p th≠n [G.O.(Ms.)No.142/66/PD dated 31.03.1966, G.O.(P)No.356/82/GAD dated Sp∂Xm-Wv. AXn\p ]pdsa Ahsc tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩn-j≥ \n›-bn-°p∂ Ime-tØmfw
03.11.1982, G.O.(P)No.164/84/GAD dated 31.05.1984] \S-∏m-°nb ae-bmfw sk°‚ v ¢m v emwtKzPv Un∏m¿´p-sa‚¬ ]co-£-Iƒ Fgp-Xp∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw XS™-phbv°p∂XmWv. ta¬∏-d™ \S-]-

4 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

Sn-Iƒ°p ]pdta a‰v DNn-X-amb \S-]-Sn-Iƒ°mbn _‘s∏´ hIp∏p ta[m-hn-I-tfmSpw hnPn- Annexure - A
e≥kv Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v Ub-d-IvS-tdmSpw ip]m¿i sNøp∂Xm-Wv. IΩo-j-\w-K-ß-sftbm, IΩo- Name of Test Syllabus
js‚ Ãm^n¬s∏´ Bsc-sb-¶n-eptam, ]co-£-I-s\tbm ]co£ kw_-‘n® Imcy-߃°mbn
1. Secretariat Manual Test (One Paper) The Kerala Secretariat Office Manual
kzm[o-\n-°p-hm≥ {ian-°p-Itbm AXn\v a‰m-sc-sb-¶nepw \ntbm-Kn-°p-Itbm sNøp∂h¿°pw
2. District Office Manual Test (One Paper The District Office Manual
ta¬∏-d™ in£ \¬Ip∂-Xm-Wv.
3. Manual of Office Procedure Test (One Paper) Manual of Office Procedure for use in Offices other
19. Un-∏m¿-´v-sa-‚¬- ]-co-£-°v- A-t]-£- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂- A-h-km-\- Xo-b-Xn-h-sc- ]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ-
than Secretariat
°v- t]-∏-dp-Iƒ-/-ta-J-e- F-∂n-h- am-‰p-hm-\p-≈- A-h-k-cw- A-h-cp-sS- s{]m-ss^-en¬- e-`y-am-Ip-∂-
4. Departmental Test for the Staff of the Kerala The Kerala Public Service Commission Office Manual
Xm-Wv.- ]-co-£m- t]-∏-dp-Iƒ- ]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ- kz-bw- sX-c-s™-Sp-°p-∂-Xn-\m¬- A-h-km-\- Xo- Public Service Commission
b-Xn-°p-ti-jw- bm-sXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw- A-\p-h-Zn-°-s∏-´- t]-∏-dp-I-fn¬- am-‰w- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- 5. KSRTC Manual Test The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation Manual
19. (F) ]co-£-bpsS sk‚-dp-Iƒ am‰n-°n-´-W-sa∂p≈ At]-£-Iƒ km[mcWKXnbn¬ ]cn-K-Wn- 6. PWD Manual Test The Kerala P W D Manual and additions
°p∂-X√. F∂m¬ {Sm≥kv^¿/s{Sbn\nwKv aqew sk‚-dp-Iƒ am‰n-In-´-W-sa∂v B{K-ln-°p-∂- amendment to it from time to time (With Books)
h¿ AUvan-j≥ Sn°‰v In´n-b-Xn-\ptijw _‘-s∏´ DØ-chv klnXw ]co£ XpS-ßp-∂-Xn\p 7. Account Test (Lower) – (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)
apºp Xs∂ tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩo-j≥ Un∏m¿´p-sa‚¬ ]co£mhn`mKw tPmbn‚ v sk{I- 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and Kerala
´-dn°v At]-£ \evtI≠-Xm-Wv. IΩo-js‚ B^o-kn¬ \n∂pw e`n-°p∂ tcJm-aq-e-amb A\p- Budget Manual (With Books)
hmZw IqSmsX sk‚-dp-Ifpw t]∏-dp-Ifpw am‰n-sb-gpXp∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-I-fpsS DØ-c-°-S-em-kp- 3. Kerala Account Code Volume I (With Books)
Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°-s∏-Sp-∂-XmWv. ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Xß-fpsS CjvS-{]-Imcw ]co£mtI{µ- and Introduction to the Indian Government
Accounts and Audit (Vth Edition except Chapters
߃ sXc-s™-Sp-°p∂-Xn\v Hcp Imc-W-h-imepw kzmX{¥yw D≠m-bn-cn-°p∂-X√. F∂m¬
12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without Books).
Region, Region˛¬ Dƒs∏Sp∂ Pn√Iƒ ap≥KW\m{IaØn¬ sXc-s™-Sp-°mhp∂Xpw sXc-s™- 4. The Kerala Treasury Code Volume I and II
SpØ Region Xs∂-bmWv Online Application- ¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-b-sX∂pw Dd-∏p-h-cp-tØ-≠XmWv. and Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).
At]-£-Iƒ Ab-bv°p∂ kabØv ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ C°mcyw {]tXyIw {i≤n-t°≠-Xm-Wv. 8. Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£m-kw-_-‘-am-bp≈ IØnS]mSpIƒ F-√mw tPmbn‚ v sk{I-´dn (Un- and Executive Staff of the K S E Board 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and the
∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£m hn`m-Kw), tIcf ]_ vfnIv k¿∆okv IΩo--j≥, ]´w,Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw, (3 Papers) Kerala Budget Manual (With Books).
]n≥ tImU v˛ 695 004 F∂ hnem-k-Øn¬ Bbn-cn-t°-≠XmWv. 3. Elements of Commercial Accounts &
20. F-Iv-ssk-kv- Un-∏m¿-´p-sa-‚ n-s‚- kv-s]-jy¬- dqƒ- t`-Z-K-Xn-sb- Xp-S¿-∂v- tI-c-f- ]-ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- Book-keeping (including basic concepts of Company
Accounts excluding Partnership Accounts)
I-Ωn-j-≥ t\-cn-´p- \n-b-an-°p-∂- {]n-h-‚o-hv- B-^o-k¿-am¿-°v- s{]m-t_-j-\p-th-≠n- \-S-Øp-∂- Un-
(Any Financial Accounting book prescribed by any
∏m¿-´v-sa-‚¬- ]-co-£-Iƒ- {Excise test Part A - I & II Papers, Part B-III Paper (MOP)} FIvsskkv recognized Universities in Kerala)
Km¿Uv XkvXnIbnepffh¿°v {]nh‚ohv B^ok¿ XkvXnIbntebv°pff s{]mtamj\v 9. Account Test for Executive Officers 1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II.
_m[Iam°nbpw FIvsskkv Km¿Upam¿°v Ct∏mƒ \SØn hcp∂ "Departmental Test for Ex- (2 Papers) The Kerala Account Code Volume I and Kerala
cise Guards as Preventive Officers" F∂ ]co£ \n¿Øem°nbpw 20.08.2011 - se G.O.(P)No.26/ Budget Manual (Chapters I to IV, VI and VII)
2011/P&ARD {]Imcw k¿°m¿ DØchmbncn°p∂p. 2012 P\phcnbnse Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ (With Books).
]co£Iƒ apX¬ Sn DØchn\v {]m_eyw \evIn \S∏nem°nhcnIbmWv. BbXn\m¬, 2. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£bv°v At]£n°p∂ FIvsskkv Km¿Uv XkvXnIbnepffh¿ {]nh‚ohv 10. Account Test (Higher) – 4 Papers Part I
B^ok¿ XkvXnIbnepffh¿°v IΩnj≥ Ct∏mƒ \SØnhcp∂ Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co£IfpsS 1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I,II and
t]∏dpIƒ sXcs™Spt°≠XmWv. Kerala Budget Manual (With Books).
Part II
21. Xmsg ]d-bp∂ \yq\-X-I-fp≈ At]-£-Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°p∂-Xm-Wv. 1. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts
(1) aXn-bmb At]£m ^okv C√mØ At]-£-Iƒ. and Audit (Vth edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27,
(2) ]co-£m-^okv AS-bv°p-∂Xn¬ \n∂pw Hgn-hm-°-s∏-Sp∂Xn-\p≈ A¿lX C√msX kuP\y 28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of
Ah-kcw e`n°p∂-Xn\v At]-£n-®-h-cpsS At]-£-Iƒ. India (With Books) and Kerala Account Code
(3) Hcp k¿´n^n°‰n\mhiyamb t]∏dpIƒ°v apgph\mtbm `mKnIamtbm kuP-\y-A-h-kcw Volume I (With Books).
Hcp XhW tcJ-s∏-SpØp-Ibpw ]n∂oSv kuP\y Ahk-c-Øn\v At]-£n-°p-Ibpw sNbv-Xn-´p- 2. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II and
the Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).
3. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
(4) \n¿t±-i-{]-Im-c-a√mØ t^mt´m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb At]-£-Iƒ.
10A. Account Test (Higher) – 5 papers Part I
{]kvXpX \yq\XIƒ GsX¶nepw L´Øn¬ Is≠ØpIbmsW¶n¬ Adnbns∏m∂pw for those working in P W D 1. Kerala Public Works Account Code and
IqSmsX At]£ \nckn°phm\pw DØc°SemkpIƒ Akm[phm°phm\pw IΩoj\ v Kerala Account Code Volume III (With Books).
A[nImcw D≠mbncn°p∂XmWv. 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I, II and Kerala
22. Xmsg ]d-bp∂ \yq\-X-Iƒ D≈hcpsS ]co£m^ew Akm-[p-hm-°p∂Xm-Wv. Budget Manual. (With Books).
(1) AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰n-se km£y-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ bYm-hn[n \n¿∆-ln-°mXncn°pI. Part II
(2) ^okv kuP\yw At]-£-bn¬ Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sp-Ibpw BbXv sXfn-bn-°p∂Xn-\p≈ k¿´n- 1. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts
and Audit (Vth edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27,
^n-°‰v lmP-cm-°mXncn°pIbpw sNøpI.
28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of
(3) AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰v {]Imcw A\phZn°mØ t]∏-dp-Iƒ°v ]co£ Fgp-Xp-I. India (With Books) and Kerala Accounts Code Volume I
(4) AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰n-se t^mt´mbv°p apIfn¬ a‰p t^mt´m H´n®v ]co£bv°v lmPcmIpI. (With Books).
23. AUvanj≥ Sn°‰v 2. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II and
]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ- A-Uv-an-j-≥ Sn-°-‰v- ]-co-£m- lm-fn¬- lm-P-cm-t°-≠-Xpw- ]-cn-tim-[-\-b- v- the Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).
°m-bn- A-[n-Ir-X¿-°v- ssI-am-td-≠-Xp-am-Wv.- A-Uv-an-j-≥ Sn-°-‰v- lm-P-cm-°m-Ø-]-£w- ]-co- 3. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
£- F-gp-Xp-hm-≥ A-\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.- A-Uv-an-j-≥ Sn-°-‰- v- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øp-tºmƒ- ]-co-£m¿- 10B. Account Test (Higher) – 4 papers Part I
∞n-bp-sS- H-∏v,- t^m-t´m,- t]-cv- F-∂n-h-bpw- {^o-Nm-≥kv- A-h-Im-i-s∏-Sp-I-bm-sW-¶n¬- B-b- for those working in KSEB 1. Kerala Public Works Account Code (With Books).
2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I, II and Kerala
Xpw- ]-cn-tim-[n-®v- ta-e-[n-Im-cn- _-‘-s∏-´- tIm-f-ß-fn¬- 9- am¿-°v- sN-bv-Xp-sh-∂pw- Hm-^o-k-
Budget Manual. (With Books).
v- ap-{Z-tbm-sSm-∏w- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂- ta-e-[n-Im-cn-bp-sS- H-∏v,- t]-cv,- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- t]-cv- F- Part II
∂n-h-tbm-tcm-∂pw- hy-‡-am-bn-Ø-s∂- A-Uv-an-j-≥ Sn-°-‰n¬- tc-J-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v- F-∂pw- D- 1. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts
d-∏p- h-cp-tØ-≠-Xm-Wv.- B-^o-kv- ko¬- ta-e-[n-Im-cn-bp-sS- Hu-tZym-Kn-I-]-Z-hn-°v- sX-fn-hm-bn- and Audit (Vth edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27,
kzo-I-cn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-X-√.- A-t]-£-I-≥ X-s∂- B-^o-kv- ta-[m-hn-bm-sW-¶n¬- A-t±-l-Øn-s≥d- 28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of
ta-e-[n-Im-cn-bp-sS- ta-sem-∏pw- hm-ßn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- C-h-bn¬- G-sX-¶n-ep-sam-∂v- hn-´p-t]m-Ip- India (With Books)
∂-Xn-\m-epw- A-]q¿-Æ-tam,- A-hy-‡-tam- B-b- km-£y-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ- Im-c-W-am-bpw- ]-co- 2. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
£m¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- ]-co-£- F-gp-Xp-hm-\p-≈- A-h-k-cw- \-j- v-S-am-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.- 11. Kerala P W D Test (2 Papers) 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books)
2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With Books)
24. Un∏m¿´vsa‚¬ ]co-£Iƒ°v Hm¨sse-\mbn ka¿∏n® At]-£-I-fpsS BZy-L´ kq£va-]-
12. Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books)
cn-tim-[\ - b- n¬ km[p-hmbn Is-≠Øp∂h-sc am{Xw tkm]m-[n-Ia - mbn ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm≥ A\p-
of the K S E Board (5 Papers) 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With Books)
h-Zn-°p-∂X - m-Wv. ]co-£m-lm-fnse hnZKv≤]cntim[\bn¬ GsX¶nepw XcØnse {Iat°SpIƒ 3. Electricity Act 2003 (without books)
Is≠Øp∂hcpsS -]co£m^ew Akm[phm°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Companies Act 2013 & Rules (with books)
25. At]-£-Iƒ hnP-b-I-c-ambn ka¿∏n®p (Successfully uploaded/ Received) F∂Xv sIm≠v 4. Departmental Manual of Office Procedure
At]-£-Iƒ A¥n-a-ambn kzoI-cn-°-s∏´p F∂v [cn-t°≠Xn√. At]-£-I-fpsS kq£va- 5. Goods & Services Tax (with books)
]-cn-tim-[\ \S-Øn-b-Xn\ v tijw am{Xta At]-£-I-fpsS kzoIm-cyX kw_-‘n®v Adn- Indian Contract Act, 1872 (without books)
bp-hm≥ km[n°p-I-bp-≈q. 13. Departmental Test for Executive Staff of 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books).
26. ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ Region Xnc-s™-Sp-°p∂ ka-bØpw e-payment Bbn ^okv HSp°p∂ K S E Board (4 Papers) 2. Kerala P W D Accounts Code (With Books).
kabØpw \¬Ip∂ ‘Alert’ IrXy-ambn {i≤n®v XpS¿\S-]-SnIƒ kzoI-cn-t°≠Xm-Wv. 3. Electricity Act 2003 (without books)
Companies Act 2013 & Rules (with books)
27. At]£I≥ Hcp s{]mss^eneqsS Xs∂ At]£ ka¿∏n®v _‘s∏´ t]∏dpIƒ hnPbn®m¬ 4. Goods & Services Tax (with books)
am{Xta k¿´n^n°‰v \¬IpIbpffq. c≠p s{]mss^¬ hgn At]£ \¬In hnPbn®tijw Indian Contract Act, 1872 (without books)
k¿´n^n°‰v Bhiys∏´m¬ \¬Ip∂X√. Hcp ]co£bpsS F√m t]∏dpIfpw H‰ s{]mss^¬ 14. The Kerala Municipal Tests (3 Papers) 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
hgn Xs∂ At]£n®p hnPbn®ncn°Ww. 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and the
28. G-sX-¶n-epw- Im-c-W-h-im¬- h-Ip-∏p-X-e- ]-co-£-Iƒ- d-±m-°p-I-tbm,- am-‰n-sh-bv-°p-I-tbm- sN-øp- Kerala Budget Manual, Kerala Account Code Vol.I
∂-]-£w- B-b-Xv- kw-_-‘n-®- hn-h-c-߃- ]-{X-˛-Zy-iy-am-[y-a-߃- h-gn- am-{Xw- A-dn-bn-°p-∂-Xm- and II (With Books).
Wv.- ]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- hy-‡n-K-X- sa-tΩm- \¬-Ip-∂-X-√.- 3. Act and Rules, Special Services Rules and
(H∏v), kmPp tPm¿Pv Standing Orders as described hereunder (With Books).
(a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules.
sk{I´dn, tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩnj≥, (b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation Act, 1961.
]´w, Xncph\¥]pcw ˛ 695004. (c) Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules.
(d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and Rules.

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 5

(e) Places of Public Resort Act and Rules. 2. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974)
(f) Public Health Act and Rules. Security Section (Chapter VIII – Sections 106 to 124)
(g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules. Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility
(h) Town Planning Act and Rules. (Chapter X Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA and
(i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules. SWDdated 5-1-1976)
(j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed from time to time. Part-II
(k) Special Service Rules framed for Local Body 1.(a) Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 Central and the
Employees. Kerala Probation of Offenders Rules, 1960
(l) Standing Orders in respect of Municipal Matters. (b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1986 and the Rules
15. Municipal Department Test (One Paper) 1. Act and Rules, Special Service Rules and framed thereunder.
Standing Orders as described hereunder (with books). (c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and the Rules framed
(a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules. thereunder and
(b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation Act, 1961. (i) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
(c) Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules. Act 2000 (Central Act)
(d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and Rules. (ii) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
Rules 2003 (State Rules)
(e) Places of Public Resort Act and Rules.
(iii) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
(f) Public Health Act and Rules.
Amendment Act 2006 (Central Act)
(g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules.
(iv) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
(h) Town Planning Act and Rules.
Rules 2007 (Central Model Rules 2007)
(i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules.
2. Principles of the Probation System (Probation and
(j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed from time to time. related measures- A publication issued by the United Nations)
(k) Special Service Rules framed for Local Body
19. Test on Kerala Police Manual Police Manual (with books)
(l) Standing Orders in respect of Municipal Matters 20. Test on Manual of Office Procedure (Police) Manual of Office Procedure (Police)
(Common paper under item 14 (3) above). 21. Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff of the 1. Police Manual (with books)
16. Local Fund Audit Department Test (Higher) 1. Acts and Rules as described hereunder (with books). Vigilance Division (2 Papers) 2. Manual of Office Procedure for Officers other than
(3 Papers) (a) Constitution of India. the Secretariat.
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder. 22. Forest Test (For Executive and Controlling 1. General Law
(c) The Court of Wards Act and Rules thereunder. Staff) (3 papers) (a) The Kerala Forest Act and Rules there under
(d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. (b) The Kerala Land Acquisition Act
(e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994. (c) The Boundary Act
(f) The Kerala Local Authorities Entertainment Tax (d) The Cattle Trespass Act
Act and the Rules thereunder. (e) The Indian Penal Code Chapters 1 to 5, 9 to
(g) The Kerala Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules 11, 17, 18 and 23 and
thereunder. (f) Indian Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
(h) The Kerala Places of Public Resort Act and (Chapters1,5,6,7,15,16,19, 20, 23, 24,26,27 and 30)
2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rules there
the Rules thereunder.
under (with books)
(i) The Public Health Act and the Rules thereunder.
3. Procedure – The Kerala Forest Code and
(j) The Food Adulteration Act and the Rules thereunder.
Departmental Rules (with books)
(k) The Town Planning Act and the Rules thereunder.
(l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act and the Rules 23. Forest Test (for Clerical and Protective Staff) 1. The Kerala Forest Code (with books)
thereunder. (2 papers) 2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rule there under
(m) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable (with books)
Endowments Act and Rules thereunder. 24. Kerala Jail Officers Test (2 Papers) 1. (a) Indian Penal Code
(n) The Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious (b) Criminal Procedure Code
Institutions Act. (c) Kerala Prisons and Correctional Services
(o) The Charitable Endowments Acts and Rules (Management) Act 2010 Act 9 of 2010 of the Kerala
thereunder. Prisons and Correctional Services Management
(p) The Kerala University Act and the Statutes Rules 2014
thereunder. (d) Mental Health Act, 1987
(q) The Cochin University Act and the Statutes 2. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi drill,
thereunder. (3) Weapon Training and (4) Revolver firing (Practical Test)
(r) The Calicut University Act and the Statutes 25. Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test 1. The Kerala Prisons and Correctional
thereunder. (2 Papers) Services (Management) Act, 2010 Act 9 of 2010 of the
(s) The Kerala Agricultural University Act and Kerala Prisons and Correctional Services Management
the Statutes thereunder. Rules 2014
(t) The Kerala State Housing Board Act and the 2. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi drill,
(3) Weapon Training and (4) Rifle firing (Practical Test)
Rules thereunder.
Note:- Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal 26. Kerala Co-operative Test (2 Papers) 1. Elements of Banking
Corporation Manual published by Government 2. Principles of Co-operation and the Co-operative
can be used as reference books as per Societies Act and Rules issued thereunder. The
G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984. following reference books will be used by the
2. Finances of Local Bodies and Principles of candidate for the preparation of the Test.
Local Fund Audit, Principles and Procedure in the Banking
Indian Audit Code and Audit Manual with special (i) Banking Law and Practice – By Tannan
reference to Local Fund Account. (with books) (ii) Modern Banking in India – By S.K.Muranjan
3. Book-keeping and Accountancy. Co-operation
(i) Co-operation – Law and Practice – By Calvert
17. Local Fund Audit Department Test (Lower) 1. Acts and Rules (with Books).
(ii) Co-operation at Home and Abroad – By C.R.Fay
(2 Papers) (a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. (iii) Co-operation in India (1962 Edition)- By
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules Prof.Bhagatswaroopp.
thereunder. (iv) Theory and Practice of Co-operation in India –
(i) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 (Chapters V, VI By Prof.Kulkarani
and schedules II & III) and the Rules thereunder. Candidates should study on the Co-operative Societies
(ii) The Kerala Municipalities Act (Chapters V, Act and Rules and the Madras Co-operative Manual
VI, XIV, XVI and schedule II) and the rules thereunder. written by Sri.J.C.Rayaon for Co-operation.
(c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and the
27. Canal Rules Test (One Paper) Canal Rules and Regulations Travancore and Cochin.
Rules thereunder.
(d) Other Enactments: 28. Agricultural Income-tax and Sales-tax Test 1.(a) The Kerala General Sales-tax Act, 1963
(i) The Charitable Endowments Act and the (3 papers) and the Rules thereunder (with books)
Rules thereunder. (b) The Central Sales-tax Act, 1956, the Central Sales-
(ii) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable tax (Registration and Turnover) Rules, 1957 and the
Endowments Act and the Rules thereunder. Central Sales-tax Kerala Rules, 1967 (with books)
(iii) The Travancore – Cochin Hindu Religious (c) Goods and Services Tax
Institutions Act. 2. Agricultural Income-tax Act and the Rules
thereunder (with books)
Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal
3. Book-keeping & Accountancy
Corporation Manual published by Government
can be used as reference books as per G.O.(Ms.) 29. Civil Judicial Test ( 2 Papers) 1. (a) Indian Civil Procedure Code (With Books)
No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984. Only Bare Acts will be allowed. (b) The Kerala Civil Rules of Practice (With Books).
2. General Knowledge, Precis and Drafting . 2. (a) The Indian Limitation Act (With Books)
(a) Office Procedure in Local Fund Audit Office (b) The Kerala Civil Courts Act (With Books).
including Precis and Draft writing. (c) The Kerala Courts Fee and Suit Valuation Act
(b) Principles and Procedure of Audit of Fund Accounts. (with books).
(d) The Kerala Stamp Act (With Books).
18. Kerala State Probation Test (4 Papers) Part- I
1. Indian Penal Code 30. Criminal Judicial Test (2 Papers) 1. (a) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974)
Only Bare Acts will be allowed. (With Books).

6 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

(b)The Criminal Rules of Practice Kerala,1982 (a) Compartment ‘A’ will contain question on:
2. The Indian Penal Code (With Books). (1) The Transfer of Property Act.
31. Panchayat Test (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Rules (With Books) (2) The Evidence Act.
excluding subject specified under Paper III with specific (3) The Special Marriage Act (Central Act 43 of 1954)
reference to citizens charter, Ombudsman, Tributed for and the Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958.
LSGI’s etc. (4) The Kerala Document Writers Licence Rules.
2. Allied Acts and Rules including KMBR (b) Compartment ‘B’ will contain questions on:
Registration & Birth & Death Act 1969, Hindu Marriage (1)The Travancore Chitties Act and Rules thereunder.
Act 1955, Local Fund Audit Act 1994, Registration of (2) The Cochin Kuries Act and the Rules.
marriages (common) Rules 2008,Cinema Registration (3) The Travancore –Cochin Societies Registration Act
Act 1958, Local Bodies Entertainment Tax Act 1961, (Act XII of 1958); and
Public Health Act 1955, (T.C.), Public Health Act 1939 (4) The Madras Societies Registration Act (One full
(Madras) question will be set on each of the 4 items above).
3. Acts, Rules, Manuals, Government Orders/ 34 [A]. Departmental Test on laws relating to (1) Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Central Act IV of 1939)
Circulars in respect of Accounts, Audit (LF, AG, Motor Vehicles for the Members of the Kerala as amended and the Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules,
Social) Budgeting, Store Purchasing, Public Works Transport Subordinate Service and the Ministerial 1961 (With Books).
Governing the PRIs and functions transferred to PRIs. Staff of the Motor Vehicles Department (2 Papers). (2) Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1976 and the
4. Constitution 73rd, 74th Amendments,Provisions of Rules made thereunder (With Books)
Writ Jurisdiction (G.O.(P)215/76/PW dated; 22.9.1976).
Cr.PC 1973 – Chapter VI (of process to compel B. Second Class Language Test in Malayalam
appearance) for those who have not studied Malayalam for SSLC Common paper under item 42
Chapter VII (of process to compel production of or its equivalent, as a medium of language as a
documents) Subsidiary Language (for the members of the Kerala (See also Annexure ‘C’)
Chapter X (Public nuisances) Transport Service and the Kerala Transport
C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to 20,60,79,80 and order Subordinate Service).
XVI, XXI 35. Departmental Test in Code of Criminal Procedure The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 (Act 2 of 1974).
RTI Act – 2005, Disaster Management, Centrally and the Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (for the Covering Chapters I to VII, XII, XIII, XV to XVII, XIX
Sponsored Schemes viz, NREGS, RInF, SGSY, Motor Vehicles Inspectors in the Kerala Transport to XXI, XXIIIA, XXIIIB, XXIV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII
PMGSY etc. various Social Security pension, the Service). and Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (with books)
Person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, (G.O.Rt.1673/75/PW dated; 9.12.1975).
Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act –
36. Hand Book of SC Development Department Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare Department
1995, Decentralised Planning of PRIs, Five Year
Test (One Paper) (With Books).
Plan with reference to the functions specified
under Schedule III, IV, V of Kerala Panchayat Raj 37. Test in Kerala Education Act and Rules Kerala Education Act and Rules
Act 1994. Betta service deliver, Front Offices (One Paper)
system, Good Governance, Civil registration online, 38. Labour Department Test (3 Papers) Part – I
Hospital Kiosks, Environmental Protection Act 1986. (One Paper – With Books )
32. Departmental Test on Employment Exchange 1. Placement work (this will cover placement work The following Acts and Rules administered by the
Procedure (2 Papers) including placement of physically handicapped) and Labour Department:-
collections of employment market information 1. Plantation Labour Act, 1961.
based on the following chapters in Parts I, II and 2. Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
IV of the National Employment Service Manual 3.Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986
Vol. I and II (with the connected E.E Minutes/ 4. Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961.
Notes/Amendments etc. issued from time to 5. Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act,
time. Chapters V to XIII, XVI, and XVIII of Part I 1960.
and all chapters of Part II and Part IV, NESM 6. Payment of Wages Act,1936 ( in respect of
(Vol.I) with relevant portion of NESM Vol.II. establishment other than Factories).
(NESM 1984 edition with subsequent changes.) 7.The Beedi and Cigar Workers(Conditions of
2. Special Scheme and General Instructions: Employment) Act, 1966 and
This will cover Special Schemes like Vocational 8. The Motor Transport Workers (Payment of
Guidance and Employment Counselling, Fair Wages) Act, 1971.
Occupational Research etc. and the Chapters on Part – II
(i) Study and Development of Employment (One Paper – With Books) The following Acts and Rules
Opportunities (ii) Public Relations and Publicity, administered by the Labour Department :-
(iii) Various General Instructions and 1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(iv) Inspections and Technical Evaluation of 2. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders Act, 1946).
Employment Exchanges based on the following 3. Indian Trade Union Act, 1926.
Chapters in Paras II and III of NESM. Vol.I and 4. Working Journalists (Conditions of Service and
Vol.II (With connected E.E Minutes/Notes/ Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1955.
Amendments etc., issued from time to time). 5. Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of Wages)
Chapters I to IV, XIV, XV and XVII of Part I and all Act, 1958.
Chapters of Part III. N.E.S. M Vol.I with the 6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Central Act).
relevant portions of N.E.S.M. Vol.II. 7. Kerala Industrial Establishments (National
and Festival Holidays) Act, 1977.
33. Kerala Registration Test (4 Papers) Part – I
8. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923.
1. The Indian Registration Act, the Kerala
9. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
Registration Rules and Table of Fees as prescribed by
10. The Kerala Industrial Employees Payment of
the Kerala Government (With Books).
Gratuity Act, 1970.
2. The Kerala Registration Manual and Circular
11. The Interstate Migrant Workmen (Regulation of
Orders (With Books).
Employment and conditions of service) Act 1979.
Part – II
12. Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and
The Kerala Stamp Act and the Rules there under and the
maintaining Registers by Certain Establishment) Act ,1988
Indian Stamp Act in respect of documents specified in
13. The Building & other Construction workers (Regulation
entry 91 of List I (Union List) of the Seventh Schedule of
of Employment & Condition of Service) Act, 1996
the Constitution of India and the Rules relating to these
14. The Building & other construction workers Welfare
documents (With Books).
Cess Act, 1996.
Part – III
Part – III
(Miscellaneous Act, etc. )
(One Paper–With Books) The following Acts and Rules
The Transfer of Property Act, the Evidence Act, the
administered by the Labour Department:-
Special Marriage Act, (Central Act 43 of 1954) and the
1. The Contract Labour (Registration and Abolition )
Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958 and the Chitties
Act, 1970.
Funds Act 1982, Kerala Chit Funds Rules 2012
2. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
[G.O.(P) No.94/2012/TD dated 4.6.2012] Chitties
3. The Kerala Payment of Subsistance Allowance
Act and Rules thereunder, the Societies Registration
Act, 1973.
Act and the Documents Writers Licence Rules (With Books). 4. The Kerala Agricultural Workers Act, 1974.
Note :- (i) Until such time as the Kerala Registration 5. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
Manual is published for the second paper in Part I, 6. The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of
questions will be based on the Circular Orders issued Service) Act, 1976.
by the Inspector General of Registration after 1.11.1956 7. The Kerala Casual Temporary and Badali workers
regarding matters covered by the Registration Act and (Wages) Act 1989
Rules and Table of Fees. 8. The Kerala Head Load workers Act 1978.
(ii) Till Common Chitties Act and Rules and Societies
Registration Act and Rules are introduced, questions in 39. Animal Husbandry Department Test (One paper) Animal Husbandry Department Manual (With books)
Part III will be set in two compartments ‘A’ and ‘B’. 40. Excise Test- Parts A & B (3 papers) Part A- Excise Manual
Questions in Compartment ‘A’ will be compulsory for First Paper
all the candidates and they will be given option to Abkari Acts and Rules and Notifications (With books)
answering one of the questions in ‘B’. Second Paper
Prohibition Act and Rules, Medicinal and Toilet

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 7

Preparation Act, and Rules. The Narcotic Drugs and (iii) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment
Psychtoropic Substances Act 1985 and the Rules made Regulations (Maintenance of Accounts) Rules, 1984
there under by the Government of India and Government (iv) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment
of Kerala, Spirituous preparation, Inter-state Trade and Regulations Allotment Regulations.
Commerce Control Act, Rules (with books) 47. Departmental Test on Kerala Head Load 1. Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Part B- Criminal Law Workers Rules (One Paper) (With books) 2. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974), 3. Workmen Compensation Act, 1923.
Evidence Act and Indian Penal Code (with books) 4. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
41. The Kerala Port Department Test 1. The Kerala Port Department Manual 5. Kerala Head Load Worker (Regulation of
(One paper-with books) 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act XV of 1908) Employment and Welfare) Scheme 1983.
3. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (Act XLIV of 1958) 6. Kerala Head Load Worker Act, 1978.
4. The Indian Light House Act 7. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbour Crafts Rules, 1953 8. Kerala Head Load Worker Welfare Board
6.Port Conservancy Rules, Port Pier Rules governing the Staff (Appointment, Service Conditions, Code and
Warehousing of goods in the Government sheds and Conduct) Rules 2002.
godowns at the Port of Travancore-Cochin, Port Cargo ANNEXURE-B
Boats Rules and Rules for the working of Tugs “Alappuzha” REVENUE TEST – 4 PAPERS
and “Venad” issued in Notification No. PWC 4-3496/55/PWC Name of Test Syllabus
dated 18/10/1955 amended from time to time. 48 Revenue Test – I Paper 1. Land Acquisition Act – 1894
7. Note for the guidance of Officers in Common Wealth 2. Kerala Land Relinquishment Act –1958
Countries Overseas, Territories and the Irish Republic 3. Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act-1961
(British Merchant Shipping and Seaman Revised). 4. Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures Act 1968
Issued by the Ministry of Transport 1963. 5. Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968
(i) The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sailing 6. Kerala Requisitioning and Acquisition of
Vessels) Rules, 1960. Property Act 1981
(ii) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage fee Measurement 7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001
of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960. 8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order – 1967
(iii) The Sailing Vessels (Assignment of Free Board) 9. Kerala protection of Paddy Land and Wet Land Act – 2008
Rules, 1960. 10. National Highway Act - 1956
(iv) The Sailing Vessels (Statement of Crew) Rules,
49 Revenue Test – II Paper 1. Kerala Government Land Assignment Act – 1960
1960 and the Sailing Vessels (Inspection) Rules,
2. Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and Restoration of
1962. Lands to Scheduled Tribes Act – 1999
(v) The Indian Merchant Shipping (Life Savings 3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe (Restoration on Transfer of
Appliances) Rules, 1956 Lands and Restoration of Alinated Land Act – 1975)
(vi) Merchant Shipping (Distressed Seamen) 4. Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957
Rules 1960 5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964
(vii) Merchant Shipping (Continuous Discharge 6. Kerala Land Development Corporation Limited
Certificates) Rules, 1960. (Special Powers) Act – 1974
(viii) Merchantile Marine Circulars issued by the 7. Kerala Service Inam Lands (Vesting and Enfran
Government of India from time to time chisement) Act – 1981
(ix) Sea Rescue Operations 8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999
(x) The Inland Vessels Act 1917 as amended by 9. Kerala Protection of River Bank’s and Regulation of
the Inland vessels Act 2007 Removal of Sand Act – 2001
(xi) Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010 10. Kerala Stay of eviction proceedings Act – 2001
(xii) International Maritime Organization structure 11. Kerala Private Forest (Vesting and Assignment)
and functions Act – 1971
(xiii) UN Conventions and Protocols on maritime 12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands (Vesting and
law and regulations Enfranchisement) Act – 1971
(xiv) Coastal Zone Regulation Rules 13. Sreepadam Lands Enfranchisement Act – 1969
(xv) Dock workers Safety Rules 14. Malabar Land Registration Act – 1895
(xvi) Marine pollution and oil slicks. 15. Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of Lands)
42. Second Class Language Test (in Malayalam) (See Annexure – C below) Act – 1971
43. Minority Language Test (in Tamil/ Kannada) (See Annexure – D below) 16. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest
44. Test in Weights and Measures Act and 1.The Legal Metrology Acts, 2009 Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006
Rules (One paper) 2. The Legal Metrology (General Rules) 2011 50 Revenue Test – III Paper 1. Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963
3. The Legal Metrology (Numeration) Rules, 2011. 2. Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961
4. The Legal Metrology (National Standards) Rules 2011. 3. Kerala Revenue Recovery Act – 1964
5. The Legal Metrology (Approval of Models) Rules 2011. 4. Kerala Public Accountants Act – 1963
6. The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) 5. Kerala Board of Revenue Abolition Act – 1996
Rules, 2011 6. Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966
7. The Indian Institute of Legal Metrology Rules 2011 7. Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960
8. Kerala Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules 2012. 8. Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975
9. Legal Metrology (Govt. approved Test Centre) 9. Kerala Building (Leases and Rent Control)
Rules 2013 Act – 1965
45. Departmental Test for Assistant Electrical Paper-I 10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959
Inspectors (2 papers) Function of Electrical Inspectorate, Kerala State Electricity 51 Revenue Test – IV Paper Unified Village Manual Common Paper (with books)
Board Ltd., Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission, ANNEXURE-C
Energy Management Centre and such other statutory SECOND CLASS LANGUAGE TEST (IN MALAYALAM) [should be applied for Part A (written test)
organisations and statutory provisions as envisaged in Part B (viva voce) separately]
central statutes pertaining to generation, transmission,
Item of Syllabus No. of marks
distribution, and use of electrical energy provided under
Maximum Minimum Separate Duration
the Electricity Act, 2003, Central Electricity Authority
marks Marks Minimum of test
(Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010, Energy Conservation Act 2001, and Written
Codes prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards Part-A
General ideas regarding functioning of Central Electricity Translating an essay passage of Tamil/ Kannada
Authority, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Central Electricity Prose relating to Indian Subjects which contains no
Regulatory Commission, State Regulatory Commission words that have not familiar equivalents in Malayalam
etc., Obligations of Licensees as envisaged in the basic (The passage may be of VII Standard) 100 35% 30% 45 Minutes
statues. (with books) Viva Voce Aggregate
Paper-II Part- B Conversing with accuracy and fluency in
Various provisions in the State Regulations such as Kerala Malayalam 100 (70 marks out of 200) 15 Minutes
Electricity Duty Act, 1963, Kerala Electricity Duty Rules, ANNEXURE-D
1963, Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958, Kerala MINORITY LANGUAGE TEST (IN TAMIL/KANNADA)
Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1988, Kerala State Electricity Written Test
Licensing Board Rules, Kerala Lift and Escalators Act 2013
Syllabus Maximum Minimum Duration of
and the Rules made thereunder, Kerala Electricity Supply
Marks Marks Test
Code 2014, obligations of licensed electrical constractors
and consumers as envisaged in State Regulations (with books) A Simple Test in translation consisting of one paper of two
hours duration. There shall be Two questions, One on
46. Kerala State Housing Board Act and Rules (i) Kerala State Housing Board Act, 1971 (19 of 1971)
translation from English to Kannada or Tamil and the other
(One paper) (with books) (ii) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment
on translation from Kannada or Tamil to English. 100 40% 2 Hours
Regulations, 1977

8 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

ap≥- ]co-£m- tNm-Zy-߃-
1.- Hcp- Lq¿-W\ Ne\Øn-\v- DZm-lcWw- GXv?- (095/2017) (kn) \yp-tamWn-b (Un) sk]v-‰n-ko-an-b (F) \m-t\m- ao-‰¿- (_n) ]¿-kIv-
(F) kn-tkm-bp-sS Ne\w- 17.- \yq-¢n-bkn-\p- Np-‰pw- CeIv-t{Sm-Wp-Iƒ- k©cn-°p-∂Xv- (kn) {]Im-ih¿-jw-
(_n) a¨-]m-{X\n¿-am-WØn-\v- D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂ sj√p-Ifn-em-sW∂v- Is≠Øn-b im-kv-{XPv-R≥- (126/ (Un) Bkv-t{Sm-Wan-°¬- bq-Wn-‰v-
N{IØn-s‚ Id°w- 2017) 35.- {_u¨- F\¿- P n- F∂ hn- ` m- K Øn¬- s ∏Sp- ∂ Du¿-
(kn) t¢m-°n-s‚ s]≥-Up-eØn-s‚ Ne\w- (F) dq-Y¿-t^m¿-Uv- (_n) am-Iv-kv-sh¬- ÷t{km-X m-Wv-: (084/2017)
(Un) Xcw-KNe\w- (kn) \o¬-kv-t_m¿- (Un) Nm-Uv-hn-°v- (F) ku-tcm¿-Pw- (_n) BWh \n-baw-
2.- Xo- ]n-Sn-®m¬- Hcp- hkv-Xp-hn-\p-≠m-Ip-∂ am-‰w- F¥m- 18.- sa≥-Uen-tbhv- ]n-cn-tbm-Un-Iv- tS_n-fn¬- aq-eIßsf (kn) _tbm- am-kv- (Un) Im-‰m-Sn-
sW∂v- Adn-bm-\m-bn- kz-¥w- ho-Sn-s‚ [m-\y-∏p-cbv-°v- Ahbp-sS GXv- Kp-WØn-s‚ ASn-kvY - m-\Øn-em-Wv- {Iao- 36.- sshZyp-X Im-¥ßfp-sS \n¿-Ωm-WØn-\v- D]tbm-Kn-°p-
Xo-bn-´ im-kv-{XPv-R≥- Bcv?- (095/2017) Icn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv- (126/2017) ∂Xv- ................- BWv-
(F) tXm-akv- B¬-hm- FUn-k¨- (F) At‰m-an-Iv- am-kv- (_n) At‰m-an-Iv- hym-]v-Xw- (F) A¬-\n-tXm- (_n) Dcp-°v-
(_n) sF≥-kv-‰o≥- (kn) At‰m-an-I \º¿- (Un) At‰m-an-I Du¿-Pw- (kn) hm¿-∏n-cp-ºv- (Un) ]®n-cp-ºv-
(kn) sFkIv- \yq-´¨- (Un) B¿-°an-Uo-kv- 19.- {]j¿-Ip-°dn¬- Pew- Xn-fbv-°p-∂ Du-jv-am-hv-: (126/2017) 37.- B¿-°n-tbm-fPn-°¬- k¿-th Hm-^v- C¥y-bp-sS BZy-
3.- Acn,- tKm-Xºv,- I∏,- tN\,- tNºv- F∂o- `£y-hn-`hßfn- (F) 120 Un-{Kn- sk¬-jy-k-v (_n) 37 Un-{Kn- sk¬-jy-k-v sØ UbdIv-S¿- P\d¬-: (108/2017)
eSßn-bn-´p-≈ t]m-jILSIam-Wv-.- (095/2017) (kn) 100 Un-{Kn- sk¬-jy-k-v (Un) 80 Un-{Kn- sk¬-jy-k-v (F) tam¿-´n-a¿- ho-e¿-
(F) t{]m-´o-\p-Iƒ- (_n) Po-hIw- 20.- sshZy-im-kv-{Xcw-KØv- Imƒ- em≥-Uv-kv-s‰bn-\¿- GXv- (_n) AeIv-km-≠¿- IÆn-Mv-lmw-
(kn) A∂Pw- (Un) sIm-gp-∏v- taJebp-am-bn- _‘s∏´n-cn-°p-∂p?- (127/2017) (kn) tPm¨- am¿-j¬- (Un) B¿- Un- _m-\¿-Pn-
4.- ]cn-kv-Yn-Xn- ku-lm-¿-±]ca√m-Ø am-en-\y- kw-kv-IcW (F) Ahbh am-‰w- (_n) c‡ k∂n-thiw- 38.- Abv-\n- AIv-_dn- A©p- ]p-kv-XI߃- tN¿-∂Xm-Wv.-
co-Xn-bm-Wv-: (kn) Im≥-k¿- tcm-Kw- (Un) t¢m-Wn-Mv- CXn-se BZy-]p-kv-XIw- (110/2017)
(F) _tbm-Kym-kv- D¬-]m-Z\w- 21.- CeIv-t{Sm¨- Nm¿Pn-s‚ aq-eyw- I≠p-]n-Sn-® im-kv-{XPv- (F) In-e (_n) kn-]m-lv- ˛ A_m-Zn-
(_n) IØn-°¬- R≥-: (095 /2017) (kn) a≥-kn¬- A_m-Zn- (Un) ap¬-Iv- A_m-Zn-
(kn) Itºm-kv-‰v- \n¿-am-Ww- (F) sP sP tXmw-k¨- (_n) hn-eyw- {Iq-Iv-kv- 39.- kq-^n- k∂ym-kn-hcy≥-am-cp-sS A¥y-hn-{ia kv-Ym-
(Un) Im-en-Øo-‰ \n¿-am-Ww- (kn) Nm-Uv-hn-°v- (Un) an-√n-I≥- \tØ°p-≈ Xo¿-Ybm-{X: (110/2017)
5.- Xm-sgs°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂hbn¬- B‚n-ss]d‰n-Ivk - v- F∂ 22.- tam-≠v-kv- {]{In-b GXv- tem-lsØ th¿-Xn-cn-°m-\m-Wv- (F) ]n¿- (_n) J≥-K
hn-`m-KØn¬-s∏Sp-∂Xv-: (110/2017) D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂Xv- (095 /2017) (kn) kn-bm-dØv- (Un) Jhm-en-
(F) ]m-cssk‰tamƒ- (_n) tam¿-^n≥- (F) \n-°¬- (_n) Aep-an-\n-bw- 40.- J¬-k ]m-¥v- Bcp-am-bn- _‘s∏´n-cn-°p-∂p-: (110/2017)
(kn) dm-\n-‰n-Un≥- (Un) Atam-Iv-kn-en≥- (kn) Ab¨- (Un) tIm-∏¿- (F) Kp-cp- A¿-Pp≥-kn-Mv- (_n) Kp-cp-tKm-_n-µv- kn-Mv-
6.- t_m-Iv-ssk‰v- Abn-cv- Km--Vam-°p-∂Xn-\v- D]tbm-Kn-°p- 23.- Bh¿-Ø\ ]´n-Ibn-se 17˛mw- {Kq-∏v- aq-eI߃- GXv- (kn) Kp-cp- cmw-Zm-kv- (Un) Kp-cp- tXPv- _lm-Zq¿-
∂ co-Xn-: (110/2017) Ip-Spw-_Øn-em-Wv- Dƒ-s∏Sp-∂Xv-: (095 /2017) 41.- sIsFsFF^v-_n- F∂Xn-s‚ ]q¿-Wcq-]w-: (108/2017)
(F) Im-¥n-I th¿-Xn-cn-°¬ (_n) eo-®n-Mv- (F) t_m-tdm¨- Ip-Spw-_w - (_n) Im¿-_¨- Ip-Spw-_w- (F) tIcf C≥-Ukv{- Sn-b¬- C≥-shkv‰- vs - a‚ v- ^≠v- t_m-
(kn) t{^m-Øv- ^v-tfm-t´j≥- (kn) ss\{SP≥- Ip-Spw-_w- (Un) lm-sem-P≥- Ip-Spw-_w- ¿-Uv-
(Un) `q-Kp-cp-Xzw- {]tbm-Kn-®v- th¿-Xn-cn-°¬- 24.- a\p-jy-\n¿-an-X s]t{Sm-fm-bn- D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂Xv- (095/ (_n) tIcf C≥-{^m-kv{- SIvN - ¿-- C≥-shkv‰- vs
- a‚ v- ^n-\m≥-
7.- G‰hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Bhr-Øn-bp-≈ CeIv-t{Sm- am-Kv-\‰n- 2017) kv- t_m-¿-Uv-
Iv- tdUn-tbj≥-: (110/2017) (F) Hm-Iv-kn-P≥- (_n) ss\{SP≥- (kn) tIcf C≥-Ukv-{Sn-b¬ C≥-{^m-kv-{SIv-N¿ ^≠v-
(F) tdUn-tbm- Xcw-K߃- (kn) ssl{UP≥- (Un) Im¿-_¨- t_m-¿-Uv-
(_n) Aƒ-{Sm- hbe‰v- In-cW߃- 25.- Hcp- t]m-fn-a¿- Bb t]m-fn-Øo-\n-s‚ tam-tWm-a¿- GXm- (Un) tIcf C≥-{^m-kv-{SIv-N¿-- C≥-shkv-‰v-sa‚ v- ^≠v-
(kn) C≥-{^m- sdUv- In-cW߃- Wv?- (077/2017) t_m-¿-Uv-
(Un) Km-a In-cW߃- (F) s{]m-∏o≥- (_n) s]‚o≥- 42.- kz-X-{¥-`m-c-Xw- F-∂- c-l-ky- ]-{Xn-I- G-Xp-am-bn- _-
8.- sIm-tfm-bv-U¬- IW߃- Im-cWw- {]Im-iØn-\v- hn- (kn) ao-sXbv≥- (Un) Cu-Xo-≥- ‘-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p-:- (109/-2017)-
kcWw- kw-`hn-°p-∂Xv- GXv- t]cn¬- Adn-bs∏Sp-∂p-: 26.- Hcp- Ip-fØn-s‚ ASn-Ø´n¬-\n-∂v- Db¿-∂p-hcp-∂ Hcp- -(F) Iøq¿- kacw-
(110/2017) hm-XI Ip-an-fbp-sS hep-∏w- {ItaW Iq-Sn- hcp-∂p.- CXp- (_n) Io-gcn-bq¿- t_mw-_v- tIkv-
(F) Sn≥-U¬- C^Iv-Sv- (_n) CeIvt- {Sm-t^m-dkn-kv- am-bn- _‘s∏´ hm-XI \n-baw-: (078/2017) (kn) ]p-∂{] ˛ hbem¿- (Un) Icn-sh≈q¿- kacw-
(kn) Ubm-en-kn-kv- (Un) {_u-Wn-b≥- Ne\w- (F) Nmƒ-kv- \n-baw- (_n) Pqƒ- \n-baw- 43.- 1812se Ip-dn-Ny¿- Iem-]Øn-s‚ t\Xm-hv-:
9.- ""Rm-\sXs‚ Iøn-seSp-Øp- ]n-Sn-®m¬- aXn.- AXp-cp-Ipw''- (kn) AhKm-t{Um- \n-baw- (Un) t_m-bn¬- \n-baw- (F) kn-≤p- (_n) cm-a\ºn-
GXv- aq-eIw- I≠p-]n-Sn-°p-∂Xn-\p-ap-ºv- sa≥-Utebv-^v- 27. BZy-sØ Ir-{Xn-a πm-kv-‰n-Iv- GXv-: -(079/2017) (kn) sI kn- \m-cm-bWn-bΩ
AXn-s‚ Kp-Wßsf°p-dn-®v- ]d™ {]kn-≤ hm-Iy-am- (F) t]m-fn-Øo≥- (_n) ss\tem¨- (Un) Aºp-\m-b¿-
Wn-Xv?- (117/2017) (kn) sSdn-en≥- (Un) t_°sse‰v- 44.- N{µap-Jo-hn-em-kw- cNn-®Xm-cv-: (118/2017)
(F) tkm-Un-bw- (_n) Km-en-bw- 28.- ao-\am-X Zp-c¥Øn-\p- Im-cWam-b cm-khkv-Xp- GXv-: - (F) tIcfh¿-a hen-b tIm-bn-غp-cm≥-
(kn) en-Yn-bw- (Un) -s]m-´m-kyw- (079/2017) (_n) sIm-Sp-ß√q¿- Ip-™n-°p-´≥- Xºp-cm≥-
10.- PeØn- e q- s S sshZyp- X n- ISØn- h n- ´ m¬- AXn- s \ (F) ao-ssY¬- sFtkm-kbt\‰v- (kn) kn- hn- cm-a≥-]n-≈ (Un) sI kn- tIih]n-≈
ssl{UP\pw- Hm-Iv-kn-P\p-am-bn- hn-`Pn-°m-sa∂v- 1806¬- (_n) ao-ssY¬ sa¿-°p-dn- 45.- ae_m¿- Iem-]Im-eØv- \S∂ ]q-t°m-´q¿- bp-≤Øn-s‚
Is≠Øn-b im-kv-{XPv-R≥- Bcm-Wv?- (117/2017) (kn) Im¿-_¨- sS{Sm-t¢m-ssdUv- t\Xm-hv-: (119/2017)
(F) sl≥-dn- Im-h≥-Un-jv- (_n) s_gv-kn-en-bkv- (Un) t¢m-tdm^v-fq-tdm-Im¿-_¨- (F) Aen- ap-ken-bm¿- (_n) hSt°ho-´n¬- ap-lΩZv-
(kn) tPm¨- Umƒ-´¨- (Un) k¿- lw-{^n- tUhn- 29.- a\p-jy≥- kkv-X\n-Ifn-se Db¿-∂ h¿-Kam-b ........- F∂ (kn) sI sambv-Xo≥- (Un) ko-Xn- tIm-b X߃-
11.- Ckv-Xn-cn-s∏´n- {]h¿-Øn-°p-tºmƒ- sshZyp-tXm¿-Pw- KWØn¬-s]´hbm-Wv-: (084/2017) 46.- ""Z kv-teb¿- kv-sebn≥''- F∂ Ir-Xn-bp-sS aebm-f ]cn-
GXv- cq-]Øn-te°v- ]cn-h¿-Ø\w- sNøp-∂p?- (117/2017) (F) ss{]ta‰p-Iƒ- (_n) Bƒ-Ip-cßv- `m-j?- (124/2017)
(F) Xm-t]m¿-Pw- (_n) cm-tkm¿-Pw- (kn) Nn-º≥-kn- (Un)Bkv{- Stem-]n-tØ°kv- (F) Lm-XIh[w- (_n) Cµp-teJ
(kn) bm-{¥n-tIm¿-Pw- (Un) KXn-tIm¿-Pw- 30.- Po-hs‚ DZv-`hw- Fhn-sSbm-Wv- (084/2017) (kn) im-cZ (Un) [¿-acm-Pm-
12.- O¿-±n-bpw- hb‰n-f°hp-ap-≈ Hcp- hy-‡n-°-v Btcm-Ky- {]h¿- (F) Icbn¬- (_n) kap-{ZØn¬- 47.- 1834¬- kzm-Xn- Xn-cp-\mƒ- alm-cm-Pm-hn-s‚ Im-eØv- tPm¨-
ØI¿- DS≥- \n¿-t±in-°p-∂ ]m-\o-btaXv?- (117/2017) (kn) A¥co-£Øn¬- (Un) N{µ\n¬- tdm-_¿-Svk - n-s‚ km-cYy-Øn¬- alm-cm-Pm-kv- {^o- kvI - qƒ-
(F) Np-°v- Im-∏n- (_n) H B¿- Fkv- em-b\n- 31.- Im-en-Øo-‰,- ssPhhfw- F∂n-hbp-sS \n¿-Ωm-WØn-\p- F∂ t]cn¬- Bcw-`n-® kvY - m-]\am-Wv:- (124/2017)
(kn) an¬-°v- Hm-^v- aKv-\o-jy- ]tbm-Kn-°p-∂ IS¬- kky-߃- GXm-Wv?- (084/2017) (F) FdWm-Ip-fw- alm-cm-Pm-kv- tIm-tfPv-
(Un) s]m-´m-kyw- em-b\n- (F) Bº¬- (_n) ssl{Un-√ (_n) Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw- bq-Wn-thgv-kn-‰n- tIm-tfPv-
13.- B‰Øn-s‚ {Klam-Xr-I \n¿-t±in-®Xm-cv-: (110/2017) (kn) B¬-KIƒ- (Un) hm-en-kv-t\dn-b (kn) B‰n-߬- Kh¨-sa‚ v-tIm-tfPv-
(F) sP sI tXmw-k¨- (_n) dq-Y¿-t^m¿-Uv- 32.- a\p-jy-s‚ GXv- {]h¿-Ø\ßfm-W-v kap-{Z ]cn-kY -v n-Xn-bp- (Un) tIm-´bw- kn- Fw- Fkv- tIm-tfPv-
(kn) \o¬-kv- t_m¿- (Un) tKmƒ-Uv-kv-s‰bn≥- sS k¥p-en-Xm-hkvY - bv°
- -v tIm-´w- D≠m-°p-∂Xv:- (084/2017) 48.- Km-‘n-Pn- BZy-am-bn- tIcfØn¬- h∂Xv- F¥v- Bhiy-
14.- kw-{IaW aq-eI߃- GXv- tªm-°n¬- Dƒ-s∏Sp-∂p?- (F) a¬-ky-_‘\w- (_n) \o-¥¬- Øn-\m-Wv-
(110/2017) (kn) kap-{Zaen-\o-IcWw- (Un) -D∏f߃- (F-)- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-l-Øn-\v- ]-cn-lm-cw- Im-Wp-∂-
(F) Fkv- tªm-°v- (_n) ]n- tªm-°v- 33.- Du-Xn-ho¿-∏n-® Hcp- _eq¨- A¬-∏kabw- shbn-eØp- Xn-\v-
(kn) Un- tªm-°v- (Un) F^v- tªm-°v- h®m¬- AXv- hn-Ikn-°p-Ibpw- s]m-´p-Ibpw- sNøp-∂p.- -(_n-)- Jn-em-^-Øv- k-a-c-Øn-s‚- {]-N-c-Wm¿-Yw-
15.- \hPm-Xin-ip-°sf°p-dn-®p-≈ ]T\am-Wv-: (121/2017) CXp-am-bn- _‘s∏´ hm-XI \n-baw- GXv-: (084/2017) -(kn-)- t£-{X- {]-th-i-\- hn-fw-_-c-Øn-s‚- ]-iv-Nm-Ø-e-
(F) F≥-Utam-fPn- (_n) s\t{^m-fPn- (F) Nmƒ-kv- \n-baw- (_n) AhKm-t{Um- \n-baw- Øn¬- -
(kn) \n-tbm-t\t‰m-fPn- (Un) bq-tdm-fPn- (kn) -Pqƒ- \n-baw (Un) t_m-bn¬- \n-baw- -(Un-)- l-cn-P-\- ^-≠v- ]n-cn-°p-∂-Xn-\v-
16.- Xet®m-dn-s\ s]m-Xn-bp-∂ ]m-SIƒ-°v- D≠m-Ip-∂ tcm- 34.- \o-fw- Af°p-∂Xn-\v- D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂ bq-Wn-‰p-Ifm-Wv- 49.- 1877¬- Cw-•o-jp-Im-c\m-b tPm¨- a¨-tdm-bpw- ]q-™m¿-
Km-Wp-_m-[: (121/2017) Xm-sg X∂ncn-°p-∂Xv.- Chbn¬- G‰hpw- bq-Wn-‰v- GXv?- cm-Pm-hm-b tIcfh¿-abpw- XΩn-ep-≠m-°n-b Icm-dn-s‚
(F) sa\n≥-ssP‰n-kv- (_n) Im-hm-km-°n- (084/2017) ^eam-bn- kv-Ym-]n-Xam-b Iº\n- GXm-Wv-: (095/2017)

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 9

(F) {Xo-tdm-kv- (_n) ªq-t_m-≠v- (F) DØctIcfw- (_n) Z£n-WtIcfw- (F) I¨-Id‚ v- en-kv-‰v- (_n) kv-t‰‰v- en-kv-‰v-
(kn) sdUv- te_¬- (Un) IÆ≥- tZh≥- (kn) a[y-tIcfw- (Un) Chsbm-∂p-a√ (kn) sk≥-{S¬- en-kv-‰v- (Un) Chsbm-∂p-a√
50.- _n-tbm-≠v- Z _m-°v- hm-t´gv-kv- ]m-t°Pv- GXv- hn-t\m-Z 69.- in-hcm-Ptbm-Khp-am-bn- _‘s∏´ km-aq-ln-I ]cn-jv-I¿- 86. _m-ethe Iq-Sm-sX \n¿-an-°p-∂ D¬-]∂ßfp-sS {]Xo-
k©m-ctI{µhp-am-bn- _‘s∏´Xm-Wv-: (095/2017) Øm-hv-: (092/2017) Iw-: (109/2017)
(F) tX°Sn- (_n) ]p-‰Sn- (F) acp-Xp-]m-fiy≥- (_n) I´s_m-Ω≥- (F) dKv-am¿-°v- (_n) AKv-am¿-°v-
(kn) Ip-acIw- (Un) AXn-c∏≈n- (kn) ssX°m-Sv- Aø (Un) tIf∏≥- (kn) Ft°m-am¿-°v- (Un) skKv-am¿-°v-
51.- tIcfØn¬- G‰hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- `q-an- Im¿-jn-Im-hiy-Øn- 70.- Iq-´p-Ip-Spw-_ k{ºZm-bw,- kw-_‘w,- acp-a°Øm-bw- 87. GXv- afieØn¬-\n-∂m-Wv- Aan-Xm-`v- _®≥- C¥y≥-
\v- D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂ Pn-√: (095/2017) F∂n-hbv-s°Xn-sc {]Xn-tj[ap-b¿-Øn-b km-aq-ln-I ]m¿-esa‚n-te°v- Xn-cs™Sp-°s∏´Xv-:
(F) FdWm-Ip-fw- (_n) hb\m-Sv- ]cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hv-: (083/2017) (F) ]Sv-\ (_n) Ael_m-Zv-
(kn) ]m-e°m-Sv- (Un) Im-k¿-tKm-Uv- (F) sshIp-Wv-Tkzm-an-Iƒ- (kn) hm-cm-Wkn- (Un) eUm-°v-
52.- C¥y≥- {In-°‰v- I¨-t{Smƒ- t_m¿-Un-s‚ sk{I´dn- (_n) hm-Kv-`Sm-\µ≥- 88. t]m-kv-tIm- \n-baw- F∂m¬-: (127/2017)
]Zhn- Ae¶cn-® GI aebm-fn-: (095/2017) (kn) ktlm-Zc≥- Aø∏≥- (F) t{]m-ln-_n-j≥- Hm-^v- Nn-¬{U≥- {^w- skIv-jz¬-
(F) aº≈n- cm-Lh≥- (_n) kmw-_in-h i¿-a (Un) N´ºn- kzm-an-Iƒ- H^≥-kkv-
(kn) Fkv- sI \m-b¿- (Un) Sn-\p- tbm-l∂m≥- 71. icn-bm-b {]kv-Xm-h\ Xn-cs™Sp-°p-I.- (_n) t{]m-ln-_n-j≥- Hm-^v- {In-an-\¬- skIv-jz¬- H^≥-
53.- {io-aq-ehm-kw- GXv- co-Xn-bn-em-Wv- {]kn-≤w-: (127/2017) (F-)- N-´-ºn- kzm-an-Iƒ- `m-c-X-tI-k-cn- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´p- kkv-
(F) _p-≤aX tI{µw- (_n) P\Io-b k` -(_n-)- A-ø-¶m-fn-sb- C-µn-cm-Km-‘n- ]p-e-b-cm-P- F-∂v- hn- (kn) s{]m-´£≥- Hm-^v- Nn¬-{U≥- {^w- skIv-jz¬-
(kn) cm-PIo-b hkv-Xp-hIIƒ- fn-®p- H^≥-kkv-
(Un) ssP\tI{µw- -(kn-)- h-°w- au-e-hn- I-√p-am-e- k-a-c-hp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏-´n- (Un) {]n-h≥-j≥- Hm-^v- {In-an-\¬-kv {^w- skIv-jz¬-
54.- tIcfw- cq-]o-Ir-Xam-bt∏mƒ- Im-\d Pn-√bp-sS `m-Kam- cn-°p-∂p- - H^≥-kkv-
bn-cp-∂ GXv- Xm-eq-°m-Wv- Iq-´n-t®¿-ØXv-: (127/2017) -(Un-)- B-\-µ-aXw- Ip-am-cKp-cp-tZh\p-am-bn- _‘s∏´n-cn- 89. sUkv-‰n-t\j≥- ^v-ssfthbv-kn¬- Dƒ-s∏Sp-∂ C¥y-bn-
(F) tXm-hm-f (_n) AKkv-Xo-iz-cw- °p-∂p- se Htcsbm-cp- XSm-Iw-:
(kn) tlm-kv-Zp¿-Kv- (Un) hn-fh≥-tIm-Sv- 72. Xm-sgs°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂hbn¬- icn-bm-b tPm-Sn- Xn- (F) am≥-km-K¿- XSm-Iw- (_n) Zm¬- XSm-Iw-
55.- tIcfØn-s‚ BZy-sØ h\n-Xm- B`y-¥c sk{I´dn- cs™Sp-°p-I: (085/2017) (kn) Nn¬-°m- XSm-Iw- (Un) Aw-_km-cn- XSm-Iw-
(079/2017) (F) Fs‚ \m-Sp-ISج- ˛ cm-aIr-jv-W]n-≈ 90. Xm-sgs°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂hbn¬- H‰bm-s\ Xn-cs™Sp-
(F) ]Xv-a cm-aN{µ≥- (_n) \n-thZn-X ]n- lc≥- (_n) {]m-No-\ aebm-fw- ˛ {io-\m-cm-bWKp-cp- °p-I: (081/2017)
(kn) \o-e Kw-Km-[c≥- (Un) Fw- ^m-Øn-am-_o-hn- (kn) AJn-eØn-c´v- ˛ Aø¶m-fn- (F) jnw-e (_n) tkm-Pn-e
56.- tIcfØn-¬- h\\n-baw- {]m-_ey-Øn¬- h∂ h¿-jw-: (Un) thZm-¥km-cw- ˛ hm-Kv-`Sm-\µ≥- (kn) \m-Yp-e (Un) _m-\n-lmƒ-
(079/2017) 73. "Po-hs‚ ]p-kv-XIw- cNn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv- 91. Xm-sgs°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂hbn¬- ]m-\o-b hn-f GXv-: (081/
(F) 1961 (_n) 1973 KWn-XØn-s‚ `m-jbn-em-Wv'- F∂p- ]d™ im-kv-{XPv- 2017)
(kn) 1976 (Un) 1964 R≥- (F) NWw- (_n) Ip-cp-ap-fIv-
57.- sI F tIcfo-b≥- GXp-am-bn- _‘s∏´n-cn-°p-∂p- (122/ (F) tIm-∏¿- \n-°kv- (_n) ss]YtKm-dkv- (kn) ]cp-Øn- (Un) tXbn-e
2017) (kn) Keo-en-tbm- Keo-en- (Un) Cdm-kv-XtXm-sØ∂o- 92. hS°v- Xm-]v-Xn- \Zn- ap-X¬- sX°v- I\ym-Ip-amcn- hsc
(F) I¿-jIkw-Lw- (_n) Iøq¿- kacw- kv- \o-fp-∂ ae\n-c GXv-: (086/2017)
(kn) ae_m¿- Iem-]w- (Un) sam-dm-g kw-`hw- 74. km-{am-Py-Xz-Øn-s‚ G‰hpw- {]ISam-b {]tXy-IX: (084/ (F) U°m¨- ]o-T`q-an- (_n) ]q¿-hL´w-
58.- ]m-en-bw- kXym-{Klhp-am-bn- _‘s∏´v- ku-lr-Z Pm-Y 2017) (kn) ]iv-Nn-aL´w- (Un) Bch√n-
\bn-®Xm-cv?- (122/2017) (F) Nq-jWw- (_n) h¿-Whn-thN\w- 93. kenw- Aen- sk‚¿- t^m¿- Hm¿-Wn-tØm-fPn- B≥-Uv-
(F) sI tZhbm-\n- (_n) sI sI Iu-key- (kn) tZio-bX (Un) hn-Ik\w- \m-®p-d¬- ln-kv-‰dn- Fhn-sSbm-Wv?- (107/2017)
(kn) A°m-Ω sNdn-bm≥- (Un) im-cZm- AΩmƒ- 75. kp-Um-\n-se \o-t{Km-Isf \Ωƒ- F¥p- hn-fn-°p-∂p-: (F) tKm-h (_n) tIm-bºØq¿-
59.- Ip-am-c\m-im-s‚ cN\ A√m-ØXv-: (084/2017) (kn) ]q-s\ (Un) apw-ss_
(F) h\am-e (_n) ]p-jv-]hm-Sn- (F) _p-jv-sa≥- (_n) sk¬-‰p-Iƒ- 94. C¥y-bn-¬- G‰hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ag e`n-°p-∂ kv-Yeam-b
(kn) ho-W]q-hv- (Un) hn-jp-°Wn- (kn) Im-∏n-cn- (Un) tIm-°tkm-bv-Uv- au-kn≥-dw- GXn¬- Dƒ-s∏Sp-∂p.- (107/2017)
60.- A[x-kv-Yn-X hn-`m-KØn-se Ip-´n-Iƒ-°p-th≠n- i_cn- 76. 1889se c≠mw- C‚¿-\m-jW¬- \S∂ kv-Yew-: (084/ (F) au-≠≥- ss¢a‰v-
B{iaw- kv-Ym-]n-®Xv-: (127/2017) 2017) (_n) t{Sm-∏n-°¬- km-h∂ ss¢a‰v-
(F) tUm.- AøØm≥- tKm-]m-e≥- (F) e≠≥- (_n) \yq-tbm¿-°v- (kn) t{Sm-∏n-°¬- sUk¿-´v- ss¢a‰v-
(_n) hn- Sn- `´Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- (kn) ]m-co-kv- (Un) tdmw- (Un) t{Sm-∏n-°¬- sdbn≥- t^m-dkv-‰v- ss¢a‰v-
(kn) Sn- B¿- Ir-jv-Wkzm-an- Aø¿- 77. Zie£°W°n-\v- h¿-j߃- ap-ºv- Z£n-Wm¿-[tKm- 95. I≠¬-s®Sn-Ifp-sS hf¿-®bv-°v- G‰hpw- A\p-tbm-Py-
(Un) hn- ]n- \m-cm-bW≥- \ºym¿- fØn¬- kv-Yn-Xn- sNbv-Xn-cp-∂ h≥-Icbp-sS t]cv-: (084/ am-b aÆv-: (108/2017)
61.- ""ap-lΩZv- A_vZ- p-dln-am≥- ˛ Hcp- t\m-h¬''- cNn-®Xv- (103/ 2017) (F) ]o-‰v- aÆv- (_n) F°¬- aÆv-
2017) (F) ]¥em-kw- (_n) tKzm-≠v-hm-\m-em‚ v- (kn) Np-h∂ aÆv- (Un) do-K¿- aÆv-
(F) hn- ]n- ap-lΩZv- ]≈n-°c (kn) tem-tdjy- (Un) ]m≥-Pn-b 96. C¥y≥- Ct°m-fPn-bp-sS ]n-Xm-hv-: (110/2017)
(_n) F≥- ]n- ap-lΩZv- 78. ]m≥-Pn-bsb hebw- sNbv-Xn-cp-∂ {]m-No-\ kap-{ZsØ (F) B¿- an-{i (_n) Po≥- tZm-kv-Xv-
(kn) Sn- hn- sIm-®p-_m-h Adn-bs∏´n-cp-∂Xv-: (084/2017) (kn) kp-µ¿-em¬- _lp-Kp-W
(Un) F≥- ]n- lm-^n-kv-ap-lΩZv- (F) ]m-‰tKm-Wn-b (_n) ]k^n-Iv- (Un) ]n- F≥- `KhXn-
62.- tIcfØn-se BZy-sØ ap-…nw- tPW¬-: (104/2017) (kn) ]¥em-k (Un) {Sbm-kn-Iv- 97. {io-\Kdpw- Im¿-Kn-epw- XΩn¬- _‘n-∏n-°p-∂ Np-cw-: (117/
(F) A¬-ln-em¬- (_n) tIcf Zo-]Iw- 79. GXv- ktΩf\Øn-s‚ Xo-cp-am-\w- A\p-kcn-®m-Wv- P¿- 2017)
(kn) kz-tZim-`n-am-\n- (Un) A¬- C…mw- a\n- hn-`Pn-°s∏´Xv-: (084/2017) (F) jn-]v-In-e (_n) tkm-Pn-e
63.- Bcp-sS BflIYbm-Wv- "]b zn-\n-bp-sS Xo-cßfn¬'- (F) bmƒ-´m- ktΩf\w- (_n) tam-kv-tIm- ktΩf\w (kn) en-]p-te (Un) \m-Yp-e
(105/2017) (kn) km≥-{^m≥-kn-kv-tIm- ktΩf\w 98. C¥y- BZy-am-bn- _ln-cm-Im-iØv- kv-Ym-]n-® hm-\\n-
(F) hn-jv-Wp- `m-cXo-b≥- (_n) sI ]n- B¿- tKm-]m-e≥- (Un) t]m-Sv-kv-Umw- ktΩf\w co-£W tI{µw- GXv?- (078/2017)
(kn) sI am-[h≥- (Un) sI Ip-™ºp- 80. ssN\bn-se B`y-¥c bp-≤Øn¬- ]s¶Sp-Ø k∂≤ (F) Bkv-em-km-‰v- (_n) F_p-km-‰v-
64.- ]p-∂{] ˛ hbem¿- ASn-kv-Ym-\am-°n- tIihtZhv- cNn- kw-LS\ GXv?- (kn) tIm-kv-tam-km-‰v- (Un) Pn-km-‰v- ˛15
® t\m-h¬-: (F) sN¶p-∏m-b°m¿- (_n) {_u¨- j¿-´v-kv- 99. C¥y-bn-se BZy-sØ sh¿-´n-°¬- Km¿-U≥- \n-ehn¬-
(F) IÆm-Sn- (_n) De° (kn) P\Io-b hn-tam-N\ tk\ h∂Xv- Fhn-sSbm-Wv-: (092/2017)
(kn) Xetbm-Sv- (Un) CsXm-∂p-a√ (F) _w-Kep-cp- (_n) kq-dØv-
(Un) AKv-\n-°v- ao-tX \S∂h¿- 81. AJn-e …m-hv- {]kv-Ym-\Øn-s‚ h‡m-hv- : (084/2017) (kn) AlΩZm-_m-Zv- (Un) {io-\K¿-
65.- {io-\m-cm-bW tkhn-Im- kam-Pw- kv-Ym-]n-® km-aq-ln-I (F) P¿-a\n- (_n) {_n-´¨- 100. _Iv-km- ssSK¿- dn-k¿-hv- GXv- kw-kv-Ym-\Øm-Wv-: (093/
]cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hv-: (105/2017) (kn) djy- (Un) C‰en- 2017)
(F) ktlm-Zc≥- Aø∏≥- 82. 1945¬- tkm-hn-b‰v- tk\ D]tcm-[n-® P¿-a≥- Xekv-Ym- (F) I¿-Wm-SIw- (_n) Kp-Pdm-Øv-
(_n) {io-\mcm-bW Kp-cp- \w- GXm-Wv-: (084/2017) (kn) HUn-j (Un) ]iv-Nn-a _w-Kmƒ-
(kn) AøØm≥- tKm-]m-e≥- (F) s_¿-en≥- (_n) tam-kv-tIm-
(Un) B\µXo¿-Y≥- (kn) \yp-tbm¿-°v- (Un) s]t{Sm-{Km-Uv- Answers
66.- 1952¬- Hcp- em≥-Uv- dn-¢taj≥- kv-Iow- Xøm-dm-°n- Xn-cp- 83. kz- b w- ` cWw- C√m- Ø {]tZißfp- s S `cW\n¿-
˛ sIm-®n- k¿-°m-cn-\v- ka¿-∏n-®Xm-cv?- (118/2017) hlWØn-\p-≈ LSIam-Wv-: (084/2017) 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (d) 8 (a) 9 (b) 10 (d) 11 (a)
(F) AøØm≥- tKm-]m-e≥- (F) {Skv-‰o-jn-∏v- Iu¨-kn¬- 12 (b) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (c) 16 (a) 17 (c) 18 (a) 19 (a) 20 (b)
(_n) Ip-dq¿- \o-eIWv-T≥- \ºq-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- (_n) c£m-kan-Xn- 21(d) 22 (a) 23 (d) 24 (c) 25 (d) 26 (d) 27 (d) 28 (b) 29 (a) 30 (b)
(kn) thep-°p-´n- Acb≥- (Un) Fw- kn- tPm-k^v- (kn) s]m-Xp-k` 31 (c) 32 (c) 33 (a) 34 (b) 35 (b) 36 (d) 37 (a) 38 (c) 39 (c) 40 (b)
67.- GXv- h¿-jam-Wv- Sn- sI am-[h≥- {io-aq-ew- {]Pm-k`bn¬- (Un) km-ºØn-I ˛ km-aq-ln-I kv-Yn-Xn- 41 (a) 42 (b) 43 (b) 44 (b) 45 (b) 46 (a) 47 (b) 48 (b) 49 (d) 50 (c)
Aw-Kam-bXv- (118/2017) 84. h≥-Ic hn-kv-Ym-]\w- F∂ BibØn-\v- im-kv-{Xo-b
51 (c) 52 (c) 53 (a) 54 (c) 55 (b) 56 (a) 57 (a) 58 (b) 59 (d) 60 (c)
(F) 1915 (_n) 1918 ]cn-thjw- \¬-In-bXv- Bcm-Wv?- (084/2017)
(kn) 1923 (Un) 1926 (F) FtUz¿-Uv- kq-bkv- (_n) s]æn-{Kn-\n- 61 (b) 62 (d) 63 (d) 64 (b) 65 (a) 66 (c) 67 (a) 68 (a) 69 (c) 70 (d)
68.- hm-Kv-`Sm-\µs‚ DZv-t_m-[\߃- Im-cWw- tZio-b {]kv- (kn) B¬-{^Uv- shKv-\¿- (Un) {^m≥-kn-kv- t_°¨- 71 (d) 72 (a) 73 (c) 74 (a) 75 (c) 76 (c) 77 (b) 78 (c) 79 (a) 80 (c)
Ym-\w- {]tXy-In-®v- i‡n-bm¿-Pn-®Xv- tIcfØn-s‚ GXv- 85. C¥y≥- `cWLS\{]Im-cw- "tkm-jy¬- skIyp-cn-‰n- 81 (c) 82 (a) 83 (a) 84 (c) 85 (a) 86 (a) 87 (b) 88 (c) 89 (c) 90 (a)
`m-KØm-Wv-: (120/2017) B≥-Uv- tkm-jy¬- ss¢a‰v'- GXn¬-s∏Sp-∂p?- 91 (d) 92 (c) 93 (b) 94 (d) 95 (b) 96 (a) 97 (b) 98 (a) 99 (a) 100 (d)

10 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

25 General knowledge questions are given below. Try to practise each

Test Your GK
set in 10 minutes. For each correct answer to be given one mark and 0.33 mark to be
deducted for each wrong answer. No negative marks for unattended questions.
If the score is 21 or above- very good. 15 -20- Good. below 15 needs
improvement through extensive reference.

‘The horn of Africa’ (a) Dodabetta (b) Makurti 6. Who was the political guru of B.R.Ambedkar?
1 (c) Ootacamund (d) Nallamala (a) Rajaram Mohun Roy (b) Pheroz Shah Mehta
18. Which of the following served as a member of Central Legislative (c) Jotiba Phule (d) Birsa Munda
Assembly for 26 years and was called ‘the father of the Assembly’? 7. Aswaghosha lived in the court of:
1. Who authored ‘A Brief History of Time’? (a) Tej Bahadur Sapru (b) Narayan Malhar Joshi (a) Harsha (b) Vikramaditya
(a) Joule Verne (b) Stephen Hawcking (c) M.R.Jayakar (d) None of these (c) Kanishka (d) Asoka
(c) George Orwell (d) None of these 19. The Indian leader whose birth day coincides with the birth day 8. In mythology, who was forced to dine luxuriously beneath a
2. The hottest member in solar system: of Mahathma Gandhi? sword, suspended by a single hair?
(a) Jupiter (b) Venus (a) Indira Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Damocles (b) Oedipus
(c) Mercury (d) Sun (c) Lal Bahadur Shastri (d) None of these (c) Jupiter (d) None of these
3. Holy See is another name for: 20. Which Article is related to uniform civil code? 9. Who discovered Doppler Effect?
(a) Italy (b) Vatican City (a)41 (b) 42 (a) Christian Doppler (b) Newton
(c) France (d) Germany (c) 43 (d) 44 (c) Watson (d) Franc Whittle
4. Statue of Libety is the patriotic symbol of: 21. The State in India which has the largest number of Local Self 10. Which of the following is not a storage medium?
Government Institutions: (a) Hard disc (b) Flash drive
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) DVD (d) Monitor
(c) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu 11. The first to synthesise urea artificially:
22. Who had said that the preamble is the keynote to the Costitution (a) Frederic Banting (b) Frederic Wohler
(a) K M. Munshi (b) Earnest Barker (c) Michael Faraday (d) None of these
(c) D.D.Basu (d) B R. Ambedker 12. Which is known as ‘Chinese Apple’?
23. The value of a commodity expressed in terms of money is (a) Orange (b) Pomegranate
known as : (c) Guava (d) Lychee
(a) Price (b) Utility 13. What is known as Emergency Hormone?
(c) Value (d) Wealth (a) Adrenalin (b) Glucagone
24. The first tourism police station in Kerala: (c) Insulin (d) Thyroxin
(a) Vizhinjam (b) Kovalam 14. In which planet is Carl Sagan Space Station?
(c) Fort Kochi (d) Chalium (a) Mars (b) Saturn
25. ‘Kanneerum Kinavum’ is the autobiography of: (c) Neptune (d) Uranus
(a) Lalithambika Antharjanam (b) Madhavikkutty 15. Which bird is a native to Antarctica?
(c) VT Bhatathirippad (d) MRB (a) Ostrich (b) Kiwi
(c) Emu (d) Penguin
16. Sirimao Bandaranayake was the first woman prime minister in
(a) China (b) USA Answers the world. She belonged to:
(c) Japan (d) France 1(b) 2(d) 3(b) 4(b) 5(b) 6(d) 7(b) 8(d) 9(a) 10(c) 11(b) 12(a) 13(c) (a) Bangladesh (b) Myanmar
5. Cape Town is known as ‘the Tavern of the Sea’. It is the 14(b) 15(b) 16(a) 17(a) 18(b) 19(c) 20(d) 21(b) 22(b) 23(a) 24 (c)25(c) (c) Indonesia (d) Sri Lanka
legislative Capital of: 17. Country without official capital:
(a) Sweden (b) South Africa (a) Nauru (b) Palau

(c) Egypt (d) Sudan
Which inhabited continent has the least area under desert?
2 (c) Monaco (d) San Marino
18. Which lakes are situated between USA and Canada?
(a) Asia (b) South America (a) Victoria (b) Caspean Sea
1. Godfrey Hounsfield got the 1979 Nobel Prize for Medicine.
(c) Australia (d) Europe (c) Great Lakes (d) Titicaca
His major invention was:
7. Beethovan belonged to: 19. Which country is known as ‘the horn of Africa’?
(a) X Ray (b) CT Scan
(a) England (b) Germany (a) Egypt (b) Somalia
(c) Sthethoscope (d) ECG
(c) Italy (d) France (c) Tanzania (d) Swaziland
2. The first Indian to receive Templeton Award in 1973 is 20. The longest river in South India:
8. Which of the following is a language in Bhutan?
(a) Dr.S.Radhakrishnan (b) Mother Theresa (a) Krishna (b) Godavari
(a) Khmr (b) Divehi
(c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Baba Amte (c) Kaveri (d) Tungabhadra
(c) Simhala (d) Dzongkha
3. The headquarters of World Economic Forum: 21. Cotton textiles industry in India was started with the
9. The national flag of Denmark is called:
(a) Cologny (b) New York establishment of a textile mill in 1818 at Fort Glaster near ......
(a) Dannebrog (b) Union Jack
(c) Davos (d) Dubai (a) Kolkata (b) New Delhi
(c) Old Glory (d) Star and Stripes
4. The venue of the first Commonwealth Games was: (c) Mumbai (d) Ahmedabad
10. The South Indian city famous for musical instruments:
(a) London (b) Sydney 22. Where is International Kite Festival held in India?
(a) Madurai (b) Coimbatore
(c) Hamilton (d) Auckland (a) Ahmedabad (b) Hampi
(c) Tanjavur (d) Mysore
5. Who postulated Atomic Theory? (c) Bangalore (d) Chennai
11. In which river is Chitrakot waterfall?
(a) Heisenberg (b) Neils Bohr 23. The place from where the oldest evidence for Sati was
(a) Sheonath (b) Indravati
(c) Madam Curie (d) John Dalton obtained:
(c) Hasdeo (d) Rihand
12. Who is called ‘Akber of Kashmir’? (a) Neemuch (b) Eran
(a) Zainul Abidin (b) Jahangir (c) Sanchi (d) Bhopal
(c) Harshavardhana (d) Kalhana 24. Who administers the oath of office of the President?
13. The year of Wagon Tragedy: (a) Chief Justice of India (b) Prime Minister
(a) 1919 (b) 1920 (c) Vice President (d) Speaker
(c) 1921 (d) 1922 25..The members of the State Public Service Commission are
14. Yoga capital of the world: appointed by the ........ and can be removed by the President
(a) Gangotri (b) Rishikesh on the advice of Supreme Court.
(c) Dehradun (d) Mussoori (a) Governor (b) Chief Minister
15. The Mughal emperor whose Mausoleum is situated at Delhi: (c) Home Minister (d) UPSC Chairman
(a) Babur (b) Humayun
(c) Akbar (d) Jehangir Answers
16. To which mineral ‘Raniganj’ is associated?
(a) Coal (b) Copper 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(d) 6(c) 7(c) 8(a) 9(a) 10(d) 11(b) 12(a)
(c) Diamond (d) Gold 13(a) 14(a) 15(d) 16(d) 17(a) 18(c) 19(b) 20(b) 21(a) 22(a)
17. The highest peak of the Nilgiris: 23(b) 24(a) 25(a)

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 11

Ccp]Xmw \q‰m≠v- 3
B¿ kn kptcjvIpam¿ 9447006221

1922 ˛ ae_m¿- I-em-]-Øn-s‚- t\-Xm-hv- hm-cn-b-≥ Ip-∂- kv- cm-PI - p-am-c≥- ]-´pw- N´ºn-kzm-an-IfpsS kam[n
Øv- Ip-™-l-Ω-Zv- lm-Pn- {_n-´o-jp-Im¿-°v- Io-g-S- h-f-bpw- k-Ωm-\n-®n-cp- ˛ N´ºn-kzm-an-Iƒ- (b-Ym¿-Y- t]-cv- Ip-™-≥)- ]-∑-\-
ßn- (P-\-h-cn- 6).- P-\-h-cn- 13˛-\v- hn-Nm-c-W- \-S-Øn- ∂p.- \-fn-\n-(1911),- eo- bn¬- {]m-°p-fw- kn.-]-Zv-a-\m-`-]n-≈- kv-am-c-I- hm-b-
hn-[n- {]-Jym-]n-®p.- P-\-h-cn- 20˛-\v- cm-hn-se,- \n-d- e-(1914),- {]-tcm-Z-\w- \-im-e-bn¬- h-®v- k-am-[n-bm-bn.- (sa-bv- 3).- Pm-Xn-bp-
™p-\n-∂- P-\-°q-´-Øn-\p-a-[y-Øn¬-h-®v- A-t±-l- (1919),- Nn-¥m-hn-jSv- b- m- sS- t]-cn-ep-≈- D-®-\o-N-Xz-߃-s°-Xn-sc- k-aq-l-a-
sØ- sh-Sn-h-®p-sIm-∂p.- b- ko-X-(1919),- Zp-c-h- \- m-£n-sb- D-W¿-Øm-≥ {i-an-®- k-\ym-kn-h-cy-
-˛- kn- hn- cm-a-≥]n-≈- I-Ym-h-ti-j-\m-bn- (am¿-®v- 21).- ÿ-(1922),- N-Wv-Um-e- \m-Wv- A-t±-lw.- IÆΩqebnem-Wv- N-´-ºn- kzm-an-
a-e-bm-f- {]-l-k-\- `n-£p-In-(1922),- I-cp-W- Iƒ- P-\n-®-Xv.- ]n-Xm-hv- hm-kp-tZ-h- i¿-am-hv- F-∂-
Øn-s‚-bpw- N-cn-{X- (1923)- F-∂o-h-bm-Wv- {_m-“-W-\pw- am-Xm-hv- \-ßm-tZ-hn- (Xn-cp-\-ø-)- F-
t\m-h-en-s‚-bpw- D- {]-[m-\- Ir-Xn-Iƒ.- ∂- \m-b¿- kv-{Xo-bpw-
]-⁄m-Xm-hv.- a-e- ˛- - -F-d-Wm-Ip-fØ - p-tN¿-∂- tIm-¨{- K-kv- I-Ωn-‰n- A-bn- B-bn-cp-∂p.- _m-ey-
bm-fn-k-`-bp-sS-bpw- tØm-®m-S\ - - {]-h¿-Ø\ - Ø - n-\v- {]m-[ym-\yw- \¬-Im- Im-e- \m-aw- Ip-™≥ -
a-e-bm-fn- ]-{X-Øn- ≥ Xo-cp-am-\n-®p- (P-\h - c - n-).- AXn\mbn kwLSn∏n® F-∂m-bn-cp-∂p.- t]-´-
‚-bpw- {]-h¿-Ø-I- IΩn-‰n-bn-te-°v- Sn.-sI.- am-[h - ≥
- ,- Ip-dq¿- \-ºq-Xn-cn- bn¬- cm-a≥ - ]n-≈- B-
\m- b n- c p- ∂ - A- t ±- ∏m-Sv,- Sn.-B¿.-Ir-jvW - k - zm-an- A-ø¿,- sI.-th-em-bp-[- im-s‚- Io-gn¬- ]-Tn-
lw- 1891˛¬- k-a¿- ta-t\m-≥,- sI.- tI-f-∏-≥ (I-¨-ho-\¿-)- F-∂n-h-sc- °p-tºmƒ- ¢m-kn-se-
∏n-°s - ∏-´- a-eb- m-fn- Aw-K-ß-fm-bn- Xn-c-s™-Sp-Øp. tam-Wn-´¿- ÿm-\w-
sa-tΩm-dn-b-en-s‚- Bephbn¬ k¿haX ktΩf\w (N-´º- n-)- h-ln-®n-cp-∂-
kq-{X-[m-c≥ - am-cn¬- - ˛ Bep-h- A-ssZz-Xm-{i-a-Øn-se- k¿-h-a-X- k-tΩ-f- Xn¬-\n-∂m-Wv- N-´º - n-
H-cm-fm-bn-cp-∂p.- \-Øn¬-h-®v- {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp- H-cp- Pm-Xn,- H-cp- a- kzm-an- F-∂- t]-cp- e-
-˛- a-lm-I-hn- Sm-tKm¿- in-h-Kn-cn-bn-se-Øn- {io-\m-cm-b- Xw,- H-cp- ssZ-hw- a-\p-jy-\v- F-∂- k-tµ-iw- tem-I- `n-°m-\n-S-bm-b-Xv.-
W- Kp-cp-hn-s\- k-µ¿-in-®p.- kn.-F-^v.-B-≥{Uq-kpw- Øn-\v- \¬-In.- "-hm-Zn-°p-I-bpw- P-bn-°p-I-bpw-'- B- {io-aq-ew- Xn-cp-\mfns‚ hnShm߬
A-t±-l-tØm-sSm-∏-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p.- - bn-cp-∂n-√,- "-A-dn-bp-I-bpw- A-dn-bn-°p-I-bp-am-bn-cp- ˛ 1884 apX¬- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- cm-Pm-hm-bn-cp-∂- {io-aq-
˛- - s
- N-ss∂- k¿-hI - e- m-im-eb- n¬- tN¿-∂- tbm-KØ - n¬- ∂p-'- k-tΩ-f-\-e-£yw.- ew- Xn-cp-\mƒ- cm-a-h¿-a- A-¥-cn-®p- (B-K-kv-Xv- 7).-
h-®v- Ip-am-c-\m-im-\v- sh-bn¬-kv- cm-P-Ip-am-c-≥ ]- ˛- - -Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øp-\n-∂v- {]-Xn-hm-c-]-{X-am-bn- "-tI- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- K-h.- B-bp¿-th-Z- tIm-tf-Pv,- hn-
´pw- h-f-bpw- k-Ωm-\n-®p.- c-f-Zm-k-≥'- B-cw-`n-®p- (am¿-®v- 22).- Fw.-Fw.-h¿-°n- a-≥kv- tIm-tf-Pv,- tem- tIm-tf-Pv,- hn-sP-Sn- lmƒ- F-
˛- - -A-Jn-e- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- te-_¿- bq-Wn-b-≥ ]n.-sI.- bm-bn-cp-∂p- ap-Jy- ]-{Xm-[n-]¿.- tPm-k-^v- Nm-gn-°m- ∂n-h- ÿm-]n-®- C-t±-lØ - n-s‚- Im-eØ- m-Wv- 1888˛¬-
_m-hb - p-sS- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn¬- cq-]w-sIm-≠p.- B-Zy- sk- S-≥,- tPm-k-^v- ao-\m-´q¿,- Fw.-Fw.-h¿-°n- F-∂n-h- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬- \n-b-a-k-`- B-cw-`n-®-Xv.-In-co-Sm-
{I-´-dn- hn.-sI.- th-em-bp-[-≥.- cm-bn-cp-∂p- D-Sa - ÿ
- ¿.- 1926 am¿-®v- B-dn-\v- D-Sa - ÿ
- ¿- h-Im-in-°v- {]m-b-]q¿-Øn-bm-bn-´n-√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬- dm-
1923 -˛- Im-°n-\-U- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- sI.- ]n.- °n-S-bn-ep-≈- A-`n-{]m-b- hy-Xym-k-sØ-Øp-S¿-∂v- Wn- tk-Xp-e-£v-ao-`m-bn doP‚mbn.
tI-ih - t- a-t\m-≥,- Ip-dq¿- \o-eI - W - vT - ≥
- \-ºq-Xn-cn-∏m- {]-kn-≤o-I-cWw \ne®p. A¬- Aao≥
Sv,- k¿-Zm¿- sI.-Fw.-]-Wn-°¿- F-∂n-h-cp-sS- A-\p- ssh°w- kXym-{Klw ˛- tZio-b {]ÿm-\w- i‡n-s∏Sp-Øm-\pw- ap-…nw- kap-
{K-lm-in-kp-It- fm-sS- Sn.-sI.- am-[h - ≥- kw-_‘ - n-®p.- ˛ ssh°w- kXym-{Klw- Bcw-`n-®p.- (am¿-®v- 30).- Zm-bØn¬- Im-em-\p-kr-Xam-b ]cn-jv-IcWw- hcp-
A-bn-tØm-®m-S\ - {- ]-ta-bw- Cu- tbm-KØ - n¬- ]m-km- BZy- Zn-h-k-sØ- k-Xym-{K-ln-Iƒ- Ip-™-∏n- (]p- Øm-\pw- e£y-an-´v- ap-lΩZv- A_vZ- pƒ- dlva - m≥- tIm-
°-s∏-´p.- e-b-k-ap-Zm-bmw-Kw-),- _m-lp-e-tb-≥ (Cu-g-h-k-ap- gn-t°m-´p-\n-∂v- "A¬- Aao≥'- ]{Xw- Bcw-`n-®p.-
˛- - k
- t- cm-Pn-\n- \m-bn-Up-hn-s‚- A-[y-£X - b- n¬- c-≠mw- amXr`qan°ptijw DØctIcfØn¬
tI-c-f- {]-tZ-iv- tIm-¨-{K-kv- ktΩf\w ]me°m´v ]pdØndßnb c≠masØ tZiob
(sabv 6) \S∂p. hrØm¥]{XamWnXv.
˛ sIm®nbnse BZysØ ]{X\ntcm[\w. Iqdq¿ ˛ aebm-fØn-se BZy-sØ A]k¿-∏I t\m-hem-
\oeIWv T ≥ \ºqXncn∏mSv ]{Xm[n]cmbn b "`m-kvIctat\m≥'- A∏≥- Xºp-cm≥- (1875˛1941)-
{]kn≤oIcn®ncp∂ "temIam\y≥'- BWv cNn-®p.-
\ntcm[n®Xv. kh¿WPmY
am-Xr-`q-an ]{Xw Bcw`n®p ˛ ssh°w kXym{KlØn\v A\p`mhw
˛ tIcfØn¬- tZ-io-b-{]-ÿm-\w- i-‡n-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂- {]ISn∏n®psIm≠v a∂Øv ]Zva\m`s‚
Xn-\v- "-am-Xr-`q-an-'-]-{Xw- tIm-gn-t°m-´p-\n-∂v- ss{X-hm- t\XrXzØn¬ ssh°Øp\n∂v kh¿WPmY
cn-I-bm-bn- B-cw-`n-®p.-(am¿-®v- 18)- sNm-∆,- hym-gw,- i- Bcw`n®p (\hw_¿ 1). CtX ZnhkwXs∂
\n- Zn-h-k-ß-fn-em-bn-cp-∂p- {]-kn-≤o-I-c-Ww.- sI.- ipNo{µØp\n∂v tUm.Fw.C.\mbnUphns‚
]n.-kn.-kn.- sk-{I-´-dn- sI.- ]n.- tI-i-h-ta-t\m-≥ ]- t\XrXzØn¬ sX°≥ PmYbpw
{Xm-[n-]-cpw- tIm-¨-{K-kv- t\-Xm-hv- sI- am-[-h-≥\m- Xncph\¥]pctØ°v ]pds∏´p. \hw_¿ 12\v
b¿- am-t\-P-cpw- Ip-dq¿- \-ºq-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- ]-ªn-j-dp-am- CcpPmYIfpw Xncph\¥]pcØph®v
bn- B-cw-`n-®- "-am-Xr-`q-an-'- 1930 G-{]n¬- B-dn-\v- Zn- Zm-bmw-Kw-),- tKm-hn-µ-∏-Wn-°¿- (\m-b¿- k-ap-Zm-bmw- H∂ptN¿∂p. XpS¿∂v iwJpapJw IS∏pdØv
\-]-{X-am-bn.- "-am-Xr-`q-an-'- F-∂- t]-cn-s‚- D-]-⁄m- Kw-)- F-∂n-h-cm-bn-cp-∂p. Abn-ØØn-s\Xn-sc almktΩf\w \S∂p. Nß\mt»cn
Xm- h v - sI.- ] n.- tI- i - h - t a- t \m\mWv . "kXyw, C¥y-bn¬- \S∂ BZy- kw-LSn-X kacam-b- C- ]ctaizc≥]n≈bpsS t\XrXzØn¬ a∂hpw
kaXzw, kzmX{¥yw' F∂XmWv ]{XØns‚ Xv- 1924˛-25 Im-eØ - v- 603 Zn-hk - w- \o-≠p-\n-∂p.- X-an-gv- \mbnUphpw Dƒs∏´ Hcp U]yqt´j≥
apJhmIyambn kzoIcn®Xv. \m-´n¬-\n-s∂-Øn- Cu- k-Xym-{K-lØ - n¬- ]-s¶-Sp-Ø- 28000˛\pta¬ kh¿W¿ H∏n´ satΩmdnb¬
******** t\-Xm-hm-W-v C.-hn.-cm-ak - zm-an- \m-b° -v ¿.- C-Xp-Im-cW - w- ]Xnaq∂mw XobXn ]qP∏pc sIm´mcØnseØn
˛ h°w- A-_vZ- pƒ- Jm-Z¿- au-eh - n- "-tI-cf - - ap-…nw-˛- sF- A-t±-lw- ssh-°w- ho-c¿- F-∂d - n-bs - ∏-Sp-Ib - pw- ]n¬- doP‚ v almdmWn tkXpe£vao`mbn°v
Iy- kw-Lw-'- ÿm-]n-®p.- °m-eØ - v- A-t±-lØ - n-s‚- {]-Xn-a- ssh-°w- ]-´W - - ka¿∏n®p.
˛- - -Ip-am-c-\m-im-≥ F-kv.-F-≥.-Un.-]n.-tbm-Kw- {]-kn-U- Øn¬- ÿm-]n-°s - ∏-Sp-Ib- pw- sN-bvX - p.- Cu- k-ac - - Km‘nPnbpsS c≠mw kµ¿i\w
‚-mbn. Øn-\v- sF-Iy-Zm¿-Vy-hp-am-bn- ]-©m-_n¬-\n-s∂-Øn- 1925 ˛ ssh°w- kXym-{Kl kacØn-\v- ]cn-lm-cw- Im-
Ip-am-c\m-ims‚ hntbmKw b- A-Im-en-Iƒ- ssh-°Ø - v- k-∂≤ - `- S- ≥
- am¿-°m-bn- Wp-I F∂ e£y-hp-am-bn- Km-‘n-Pn- c≠mw- tIcf
1924 ˛ aebm-fØn-s‚ kv-t\lKm-bI≥- Ip-am-c\m-im≥- `-£W - i- m-e- B-cw-`n-®p.- Km-‘n-Pn-bp-sS- \n¿-t±-i{- ]- kµ¿-i\Øn-s\Øn- (am¿-®v- 8).- in-hKn-cn-bn-seØn-
]√\bm-‰n¬- "sdUo-a¿'- t_m-´v-adn-™v- ap-ßn-a-cn- Im-cw- ssh-°w- k-µ¿-in-®- t\-Xm-hm-Wv- hn-t\m-_m- At±lw- {io-\m-cm-bWKp-cp-hn-s\bpw- kµ¿-in-®p-
®p.- (P-\-h-cn- 16).- 1920¬- {]-Pm-k-`-bn-te-°v- t\m-an- `m-sh.- k
- X - ym-{K-lw- B-cw-`n-°p-∂- k-ab - Ø - v- Xn-cp- (am¿-®v- 12).-
t\-‰v-sN-ø-s∏-´- A-t±-l-Øn-\v- 1922¬- a-{Zm-kv- k¿- hn-Xmw-Iq¿- Zn-hm-≥ Sn- cm-Lh - ø
- b- pw- A-hk - m-\n-°p- ˛ t\m¿Øv ae_m¿ Unkv{SnIvSv tIm¨^d≥kv
h-I-em-im-e-bn¬- tN¿-∂- tbm-K-Øn¬-h-®v- sh-bv¬- tºmƒ- Fw- C- hm-Svk - pw- B-bncp∂p. ae_mdn¬ \S∂p (G{]n¬ 11).

12 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

˛ \m-b¿- sdKp-tej\neq-sS Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬- (sa-bv- 26).- ≥am-cn¬- \m-ep-t]¿- tI-c-f-Øn¬-\n-∂p-≈-h-cm-bn-
a°Øm-bw- \S∏m-°n.- CtXm-sS am-Xp-e∑m¿-°pw- ˛- - s\-ld v- p-hn-s‚- A-[y-£X - b - n¬- F-dW - m-Ip-fØ - v- tN¿- cp-∂p. ssS‰kv, cmLhs∏mXphmƒ, i¶c≥, kn.
acp-a°ƒ-°pw- kz-Øn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂ AhIm-iw- ∂- \m-´p-cm-Py-{]-Pm-k-tΩ-f-\w- sF-Iy-tI-c-f- {]-ta- IrjvW≥ \mb¿ F∂nhcmbncp∂p Ah¿.
C√m-Xm-bn.- _lp-`m-cm-Xzw- \n-bahn-cp-≤am-bn.- \m- bw- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®p- (sa-bv- 25,-27)- tIcfØnse D∏p kXym{Klw
b¿- dKp-tejs\Xp-S¿-∂v- AtX \n-ba߃- Dƒ- ˛- - {io-\m-cm-bW - K - p-cp- h¿-°e - b - n¬- k-am-[n-bm-bn- (sk- ˛ tZio-b{]ÿm-\Øn-s‚ `m-Kam-bn- tIcfØn-epw-
s°m-≈p-∂ Cu-gh BIv-Spw- \m-©n-\mSv- sh≈m-f ]v-Xw.- 20).- D∏p-kXym-{Klw- \S∂p.- sI tIf∏s‚ t\Xr-Xz-
BIv-Spw- \n-ehn¬-h∂p.- hn-KXIp-am-c≥ Øn¬- D∏p-kXym-{KlPm-Y tIm-gn-t°m-´v-\n-∂v-
sIm-®ncmPyØv- \n-bak` ˛ aebmf- G{]n¬ 13˛\v ]pds∏´p. G{]n¬ 23˛\v ]ø∂q-cn¬
˛ sIm-®nbn¬- \n-b-a-k-`- D-Zv-Lm-S-\w-sN-ø-s∏-´p- (G- Øn-se- D∏p-\n-baw ew-Ln-®v- D∏p-≠m-°n- .- ]me°m´p\n∂v
{]n¬- 3).- Sn- F-kv- \m-cm-b-W-ø-cm-bn-cp-∂- Zn-hm-≥.- B-Zy-sØ- Sn.B¿.IrjvWkzman AøcpsS t\XrXzØn¬
tXm-´b - v° - m-´v- am-[h- n-bΩ - s- b- (a-∂Ø - v- ]-Zva - \
- m-`s
- ‚- \n- i - _ v - Z - Xncn® Hcp kwLw kXym{KlnIƒ 25˛\v
k-l[ - ¿-ΩW - n-)- \m-a\ - n¿-tZ-iw-sN-bvX - v- B-Zy- kv{- Xo- N- e - ® n- { X- CtXcoXnbn¬Øs∂ \nbaewL\w
\n-b-a-k-`mw-K-am-°n.- C-¥y-bn¬- H-cp- \n-b-a-\n¿-am- am-b- "-hn-K- \SØpIbp≠mbn.
W-k-`-bp-sS- Xp-S-°-Øn¬-Ø-s∂- H-cp- h-\n-X-sb- X- I p- a m- c - ********
k¿-°m¿- \m-a-\n¿-t±-iw- sN-bv-Xv- Aw-K-am-°n-b- B- ≥'- Xn-cp-h- ˛ Fkv.F≥.Un.tbmKØns‚bpw tIm¨{Kkn‚bpw
Zy- kw-`-h-am-bn-cp-∂p- AXv. \- ¥ - ] p- c - t\Xmhmbncp∂ Sn.sI.am[h≥ A¥cn®p
******** Øv- Iym-]n- (G{]n¬ 27). ssh°w kXym{Klw Bkq{XWw
˛ XncphnXmwIqdn¬ arK_en°v \ntcm[\w. ‰¬- Xn-tb- sNbvXXv Ct±lamWv.
˛ hnIvS¿ bqtKmbpsS "se andm_vse'- F∂ t\mh¬ ‰- d n¬- {]- ˛ \m´p-cm-Py-ß-fn-se- k-Xym-{K-l- ]-cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ-°v-
\me∏m´p \mcmbWtat\m≥ "]mh߃'- F∂ Z¿-i\ - Ø - n- tIm-¨-{K-kv- Aw-Ko-Im-cw- \¬-In-bn-cp-∂n-√.- F-
t]cn¬ aebmfØnte°v ]cn`mjs∏SpØn. s\-Øn- (\- ∂m¬,- A-hn-S-sØ- P-\-߃- {_n-´o-jv- `-c-W- {]-tZ-
˛ ]me°m´v I¬]mØn tdmUneqsS Ah¿W¿°v hw-_¿- 7).- i-ß-fn-se-Øn- C-Xn¬- k-l-I-cn-°p-hm-≥ A-\p-h-
k©mc kzmX{¥yØn\pth≠n I¬]mØn A-K-kv-Xo- Zn-°s - ∏-´n-cp-∂p.- D-∏p-kX - ym-{K-lh - p-am-bn- _-‘s - ∏´v
{]t£m`Ww. iz- c w- kz- s]m∂d {io[dns‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬- sI.-Ip-am¿,-
˛ sI.-]n.-kn.-kn.- tIm-gn-t°m-´v- k-tΩ-fn-®p- (Pq-em-bv- tZ-in- sP- Aw-in- \m-cm-b-W-]n-≈- F-∂n-h¿- Dƒ-s∏-sS- 25 t]-
25).- sI.- am-[-h-≥ \m-b¿,- sI.- tI-f-∏-≥,- sI.- am-[- kn- Um-\n- c-S-ßp-∂- H-cp- Pm-Y- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øp-\n-∂v- a-e-
h-ta-t\m-≥ F-∂n-h¿- b-Ym-{I-aw- {]-kn-U-‚ v,- sk- tb¬- 1926¬- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- ]-´-Øv- ÿm-]n-®- _m-dn-te-°v- ]p-d-s∏-´p- (G-{]n¬- 30).- C-h¿- sa-bv-
{I-´-dn,- J-Pm-≥Pn- ÿm-\-ß-fn-te-°v- Xn-c-s™-Sp- Zn- {Sm-h-≥Iq¿- \m-j-W¬- ]n-Iv-tN-gv-kv- F-∂- kv-‰p- 16\v- tIm-gn-t°m-s´-Øn.-
°-s∏-´p.- Un-tbm-bn¬- Um-\n-tb¬-X-s∂- Xn-c-°-Y-sb-gp-Xn- ˛- - -]-ø-∂q-cn¬-\n-∂v- k-Xym-{K-l- tI-{µw- tIm-gn-t°m-
˛- - C
- c - p-]X - p-am-k° - m-ea - m-bn- Xp-S¿-∂p-h∂ - - ssh-°w- k- kw-hn-[m-\w-sN-bvX - X - m-Wv- Cu- Nn-{Xw- (a-eb - m-f- kn- t´-°p- am-‰n.- sa-bv- 12˛-\v- C-hn-sS-h-®p-\-S-∂- \n-b-a-
Xym-{K-lw- A-h-km-\n-®p- (\-hw-_¿- 23).- \n-a-bp-sS- ]n-Xm-hm-bn- hm-gv-Ø-s∏-´- sP.-kn.- Um-\n- ew-L\ - Ø - n¬- sI.-tI-f∏ - s- ‚- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn-ep-≈- k-
˛- - -sIm-®n- Pn-√m- tIm-¨-{K-kv- I-Ωn-‰n-bp-sS- B-ÿm- tb-en-s‚- t]-cm-Wv- tI-c-f-Øn¬- kn-\n-am-cw-K-sØ- ∂-≤` - S- ≥
- am-tcm-sSm-∏w- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬-\n-∂v- ]n.-
\w- Xr-»q¿- B-bn-cp-∂p.- tIm-¨-{K-kv- `-c-W-L-S- k-a-{K- kw-`m-h-\- ]-cn-K-Wn-®v- \¬-Ip-∂- A-hm¿- Ir-jvW - ] - n-≈,- F-≥.-]n.-Ip-cp-°ƒ- F-∂n-hc - pw- ]-s¶-
\m-am-‰w- A-\p-k-cn-®v- 1925˛¬- ]n.-kn.-kn.-Iƒ-°pw- Un-\v- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂X - v). Sp-Øp.- k-Xym-{K-ln-Iƒ- {Iq-c-am-b- em-Øn-®m¿-Pn-
Un.-kn.-kn.-Iƒ-°pw- {]-kn-U‚ - p-≠m-bt- ∏mƒ- Ip-dq¿- ******** \p- hn-t[-b-cm-bn.- {]-[m-\- t\-Xm-°ƒ- A-d-Ãn-em-b-
\o-e-I-Wv-T-≥ \-ºq-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- Pn-√m- tIm-¨-{K-kv- I- ˛ aebm-f at\m-ca Zn-\]{Xam-bn.- tXm-sS sambvXp auehn kXym{KlnIfpsS
Ωn-‰n-bp-sS- {]-kn-U-‚m-bn.- ˛ ]pkvXI {]km[\imebmb "hnZym¿Ynan{Xw'- t\Xmhmbn Xncs™Sp°s∏´p.
˛- - -tam-dn-kv- C.- hm-Sv-kv- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- Zn-hm-\m-bn- tIm-´-b-Øv- ]n.-sF.-tPm-¨- ÿm-]n-®p.- C-∂v- tI-c- ˛ ipNo{µw kXym{Klw ]p\cmcw`n®p (sabv 12).
(1925˛-29).- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se- No-^v- sk-{I-´-dn-]- f-Øn¬- \n-e-hn-ep-≈- ap-Jy- {]-km-[-\-im-e-I-fn¬- XpS¿∂v Km‘ncma≥ ]n≈ AdÃp sNøs∏´p.
Z-a-e-¶-cn-®- B-Zy-sØ- {In-kv-Xym-\n-bm-b- F-^v.- hm- G-‰-hpw- ]-g-°-ap-≈-Xv- C-Xm-Wv.- sslt°mSXn At±lsØ shdptXhnSpIbpw
Sv-kn-s‚- ]p-{X-\m-Wv.- ˛- - -ssk-a-¨- I-Ωo-j-s‚- k-µ¿-i-\- th-f-bn¬- Cu-g- t£{XtdmUpIƒ PmXnaXt`Zat\y F√mh¿°pw
1926 -˛- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- h¿-Ø-am-\-]-{X-\n-b-aw- (A-©mw- h- k- a p- Z m- b - s Ø- {]- X n- \ n- [ m- \ w- sN- b - v Xv {]m]yamsW∂p hn[n°pIbpap≠mbn.
d-Kp-te-j-≥)- ]-{X-߃-°p-ta¬- sse-k-≥kpw- \n- kn.hn.Ip™pcma≥ Hcp- \n-th-Z\ - w- I-Ωo-j\ - p- k- ˛ F. _m-e-Ir-jv-W-]n-≈- "-{]-t_m-[-I-≥'- hm-cn-I- {]-
b-{¥-W-hpw- I¿-i-\-am-°n.- a¿-∏n-®p.- Cu-g-h¿-°v- A¿-l-am-b- {]m-Xn-\n-[yw- D- kn-≤o-I-c-W-am-cw-`n-®p- (Pq-¨- 4).- 14 e-°-an-d-ßn-b-
-˛- {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp- ho-≠pw- {io-e-¶-bn¬-t]m-bn.- d-∏p-h-cp-Øm-≥ {]-tXy-I- \n-tbm-P-I- a-Wv-U-ew- A- t∏mƒ- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- k¿-°m¿- ]-{X-am-c-W-\n-b-
-˛- ip-No-{µw- t£-{X-Øn-se- tdm-Up-I-fpw- A-h¿-W¿- \p-hZ- n-t°-≠X - n-s‚- B-hi - y-IX - - A-Xn¬- Nq-≠n-°m- a-a-\p-k-cn-®v- \n-tcm-[n-®p- (sk-]v-Xw-_¿- 10).- A-tX-
°v- Xp-d-∂p-sIm-Sp-°-W-sa-∂m-h-iy-ap-∂-bn-®v- Fw.- Wn-®n-cp-∂p.- sI-´n-epw- a-´n-epw- "-tI-kc - n-'- hm-cn-I- B-cw-`n-®p- (sk-
C.- \m-bn-Up-hn-s‚-bpw- Km-‘n-cm-a≥ - ]n-≈b - p-sS-bpw- \m-´p-cm-Py-{]Pm-ktΩf\w ]v-Xw-_¿- 20).- 1935 G-{]n-en¬- "-tI-k-cn-'- \n¿Øn.
t\-Xr-Xz-Øn¬- ip-No-{µw- k-Xym-{K-l-am-cw-`n-®p- (P- 1929 ˛ k¿.- Fw- hn-tiz-iz-c-ø-cp-sS- A-[y-£-X-bn¬- Xn-cp- tIcf Iem-afiew
\-h-cn-).- h-\¥ - ] - p-cØ - p-\S- ∂ - - \m-´p-cm-Py-{]-Pm-kt- Ω-f\ - w- \- -˛ tIcf Iem-afiew- ÿm-]n-°s∏´p (\hw_¿ 9).-
1927 ˛- - aq-∂m-as - Ø- sI.-]n.-kn.-kn.- k-tΩ-f\ - w- 1927 G-{]n¬- S-∂p.- Cu- k-tΩ-f\ - Ø- n¬-h® - v- sIm-®n,- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw- alm-Ihn- h≈tØm-fn-s‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬- IYIfn-
16˛-\v- tIm-gn-t°m-´p-h-®p-\-S-∂p.- t_mw-s_-bn-se- Iq¿,- ssl-Z-cm-_m-Zv,- ]p-Xp-t°m-´,- ssa-kq¿- F-∂o- AhXcn-∏n-°p-∂Xn-\p-thWn- Ip-∂w-Ip-fw- tIm-hn-
{]-i-kv-X- ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-I-≥ _n.-Pn.- tlm¿-Wn-am- \m-´p-cm-Py-߃- D-Øc - h
- m-Z`- c- W- w- B-hi - y-s∏-´p-sIm- eIØv- Hcp- hnZy-m-ebsa∂ \n-ebn-em-bn-cp-∂p- Xp-
\m-bn-cp-∂p- A-[y-£-≥.- ≠p-≈- {]-ta-b-߃- ]m-km-°n.- Cu- k-tΩ-f-\-am- S°w.- 1938¬- sIm-®n- cm-Pm-hv- sNdp-Xp-cp-Øn-bn¬-
˛- - - G-{]n¬- 26\v- k-a-kv-X- tI-c-f- km-ln-Xy-]-cn-j-Øv- Wv- b-Ym¿-Y-Øn¬- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se- bp-h-P-\- `m-cX∏p-gbp-sS Xo-cØv- ÿea\p-hZn-®p.- 1973¬-
Xp-S-ßn.- ß-fn¬- H-cp- hn-`m-K-sØ- tZ-io-b- {]-ÿm-\-Øn-en-
-˛- Km-‘n-Pn-bp-sS- aq-∂mw- tI-c-f- k-µ¿-i-\w- (H-Iv-tSm- d-°n-b-Xv.-
_¿- 9).- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥
- ] - p-cs- Ø-Øn- a-lm-dm-Wn-sb- k- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
µ¿-in-®- A-t±-lw- Zn-hm-≥ Fw.-C.- hm-Svk - p-am-bn- t£- ˛- - -sI.-Pn.-i-¶-dn-s‚- ]-{Xm-[n-]-Xy-Øn¬- sIm-√-Øp-\n-
{X-{]-th-i-\-{]-iv-\w- N¿-®- sN-bv-Xp.- tIm-gn-t°m-´v- ∂v- "-a-e-bm-f-cm-Pyw-'- ]-{Xw- hm-cn-I-bm-bn- B-cw-`n-
Km-‘n-Pn-bp-sS- A-[y-£-X-bn¬- tN¿-∂- l-cn-P-\- ®p.- 1931˛¬- Zn-\-∏-{X-am-b- C-Xn-\v- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-
k-tΩ-f-\w- kn- Ir-jv-W-s\- {]-kn-U-‚pw- sI.-tI-f- Zy-sØ- {]-`m-X-Zn-\-∏-{Xw- F-∂- hn-ti-j-Ww- kz-¥-
∏-s\- sk-{I-´dn-bp-am-bn.- tIcf A¥y-Pt\m-≤m- am-Wv.- kz-¥-am-bn- tdm-´-dn- {]-kpw- t{]m-k-kv- Ãp-
cWkw-Lw- cq-]h¬-Icn-®p.- ]o-∂o-Sv- Cu- kw-Lw- Un-tbm-bpw- ÿm-]n-®- B-Zy- a-e-bm-f- ]-{X-hpw- C-
BZn- tIctfm-≤m-cW kw-Lw- F∂ t]cn¬- {]h¿- Xm-Wv.- tIm-¨-{K-kv- B-i-b- {]-N-c-Ww- e-£y-an-´v-
Øn-®p.- B-cw-`n-®- ]-{Xw- ]n-∂o-Sv- \-bw- am-‰p-I-bpw- 1940˛-I-
{io-\m-cm-bW [¿-akw-Lw fn¬- "-kn.-]n.-bp-sS- K-k-‰v-'- F-∂p- hn-fn-°-Ø-°-hn-
1928 ˛- "{io-\m-cm-b-W- [¿-a-kw-Lw-'- c-Pn-kv-‰¿- sN-ø-s∏-´p- [w- A-[-:-]-Xn-°p-I-bpw- sN-bv-Xp.-
(P-\p-h-cn- 9).- h-√-`-t»-cn- tKm-hn-µ-≥ ssh-Zy-cpw- Sn.- -˛- hn.-Sn.- `-´-Xn-cn-∏m-Sn-s‚- {]-kn-≤-am-b- \m-S-Iw- "-A-Sp-
sI.-In-´-≥ ssd-‰-dpw- ap-t∂m-´p-h-®- in-h-Kn-cn- Xo¿- °-f-bn¬-\n-∂v- A-c-ß-tØ-°v-'- ]p-d-Øp-h-∂p.- Bÿm-\w- h≈tØmƒ- \Kdn-te°v- am-‰n.-
Ym-S\ - Ø - n-s‚- B-ib - w- 1928 P-\p-hc- n-bn¬- Kp-cp- Aw- -˛- A-∏-≥ X-ºp-cm-≥ tI-c-f-Øn-se- {]-Y-a- kn-\n-am-\n¿- ********
Ko-I-c-n®p. am-W- ÿm-]-\-am-b- "-tI-c-f- kn-\n-tSm-¨-'- Xp-S-ßn.- ˛ ]n.- kp-{_lv-aWyw- Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cØv- BZy-sØ
******** ˛- - -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ssh-Zyp-Xo-I-cn-°-s∏-´- \- ÿn-cw- Ne®n-{X {]Z¿-i\im-ebm-b "\yq- Xo-b‰¿'-
˛ \memw- tI-c-f- kw-ÿm-\- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\w- K-cw- F-∂- hn-ti-j-Ww- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øn-\p- kz- ÿm-]n-®p.-
P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-lv-dp-hn-s‚- A-[y-£-X-bn¬- ]- ¥-am-bn- (am¿-®v- 8). ˛ XncphnXmwIqdn¬ dmWn tkXpe£v a o`mbn
ø-∂q-cn¬- \-S-∂p- (sa-bv- 25,-26,-27).- 1930 ˛ D∏pkXym{KltØmS\p_‘n®v amXr`qan tZhZmkn k{ºZmbw \n¿Øem°n.
˛- - -t_mw-s_- Ãow- \m-hn-tK-j-≥ I-º-\n-bp-sS- ]-Zv-a- Zn\∏{Xambn (G{]n¬ 6). ˛ ae_m¿ IpSnbm≥ _n¬ ssht{kmbnbpsS
F-∂- I-∏¬- sIm-®n- Xp-d-ap-J-Øv- I-S-∂v- Xp-d-ap-J- ˛ alm-flm-Km-‘n- G-{]n¬- 12˛-\v- B-cw-`n-®- Z-Wv-Un- A\paXntbmsS ]mkm°s∏´p (\hw_¿ 18).
Øn-s‚- Hu-]-Nm-cn-I-am-b- D-Zv-Lm-S-\w- \n¿-h-ln-®p- am¿-®n¬- A-t±-l-sØ- A-\p-K-an-®- 78 k-∂-≤-`-S- 1945˛¬ _n√n\p t`ZKXnbp≠mbn. $

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 13

tIcfw˛Ncn{Xw/ D-Ø-cw-
\thm∞m\w I-s≠-Øp-I-
1. ktcm-Pn-\n- \m-bn-Up-hn-s‚- A-[y-£X - b - n¬- c-≠mw- tI- -(F-)- tXm-´-bv-°m-´v- am-[-hn-b-Ω- - tØ-°v- G-Xv- hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏-Sp-∂p-?- (209/-2014)-
c-f- {]-tZ-iv- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\w- \-S-∂-sX-hn-sS.-:- - (_n-)- am-´p-]p-d-Øv- D-Æq-en- -(F-)- ]-Zyw- -(_n-)- \m-S-Iw-
(F-)- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- -(_n-)- H-‰-∏m-ew- -(kn-)- I-eym-Wn-b-Ω- -(Un-)- ]m¿-h-Xn-`m-bn- -(kn-)- bm-{Xm-hn-h-c-Ww- -(Un-)- t\m-h¬-
-(kn-)- ]-ø-∂q¿- -(Un-)- ]m-e-°m-Sv- 16.- N-Wv-Um-e-`n-jp-In- B-cp-sS- c-N-\-bm-Wv-?- (24/-2013)- 27.- -kzm-X-{¥y-t]m-cm-´-Øn-s‚- \m-hm-bn- ]n-d-∂p- ho-W- ]-
2.- A - J - n-e- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- te-_¿- bq-Wn-bs - ‚- B-Zy-sØ- -(F-)- Ip-am-c-\m-im-≥ -(_n-)- {io-\m-cm-b-W- Kp-cp- {X-ta-Xv-?- (11/-2015)-
sk-{I-´-dn-:- - -(kn-)- Ip-©-≥ \-ºym¿- -(Un-)- tUm.- ]¬-∏p- -(F-)- Zo-]n-I- -(_n-)- aw-K-fw- -
(F-)- ]n.-sI.- _m-h- -(_n-)- hn.-sI.-th-em-bp-[-≥ 17.- ssh-°w- ho-c¿- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-:- (56/-2013)- (kn-)- am-Xr-`q-an- -(Un-)- a-e-bm-f- a-t\m-c-a-
-(kn-)- Pq-∫m- cm-a-Ir-jv-W-]n-≈- (Un-)- s]m-∂-d- {io-[¿- (- F-)- B¿.-sI.-Zm-Zm-`m-bv- (- _n-)- C.-hn.- cm-ak
- zm-an- \m-b°
v- ¿- 28.- -Km-‘n-Pn- c-≠mw-X-h-W- tI-c-f-Øn¬- h-∂-Xv- G-Xv- kw-
3.- -am-Xr-`q-an-bp-sS- ap-J-hm-Iyw-:- - -(kn-)- kn.-F-≥.- A-Æm-Zp-ssc- - `-hp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏-´-Xm-Wv-?- (17/-2015)-
(F-)- tbm-K-t£-aw- h-lm-ay-Iw- - (Un-)- a-∂-Øv- ]-Zv-a-\m-`-≥ -(F-)- Jn-em-^-Øv- -(_n-)- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-lw-
(_n-)- X-a-tkm-a- tPym-Xn¿-K-a-b-:- 18.- Km-‘n-Pn-bp-sS- t{]-cW - b- m¬- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-l- Iym- -(kn-)- ]-ø-∂q¿- k-Xym-{K-lw- -
-(kn-)- k-Xyw,- k-a-Xzw,- kzm-X-{¥yw- - ºv- k-µ¿-in-®- tZ-io-b- t\-Xm-hv-:- (4/-2014)- (Un-)- H-‰-∏m-ew- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\w-
(Un-)- `-b-tem-`- Iu-Sn-ey-߃- h-f¿-°n-s√m-cp- \m-Sn-s\- (- F-)- a-Z≥
- tam-l≥- am-fh - y- (- _n-)- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-ld-v p- 29.- -B-ep-h-bn¬- s]-cn-bm-dn-s‚- Xo-c-Øv- H-cp- k-\ym-k-a-Tw-
4.- h-°w- A-_v-Zpƒ- Jm-Z¿- au-e-hn- "-tI-c-f- ap-…nw-˛- sF-Iy- -(kn-)- tUm.- B-\n- s_-k-‚ v- - (sam-Wm-Ã-dn-)- ÿm-]n-®-Xv-?- (41/-2015)-
kw-Lw-'- ÿm-]n-®- h¿-jw-:- (- F-)- ssh-Ip-WT v- - kzm-an-Iƒ- (- _n-)- a-∂Ø - v- ]-Zav- \- m-`≥-
(F-)- 1924 -(_n-)- 1925 -(kn-)- {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp- -(Un-)- in-hm-\-µ- im-kv-{Xn-
-(kn-)- 1926 -(Un-)- 1927 30.- -{]-t_m-[-I-≥ F-∂- {]-kn-≤o-I-c-Ww- B-cw-`n-®- km-aq-
5.- -1924˛¬- F-d-Wm-Ip-f-Øp-tN¿-∂- tIm-¨-{K-kv- I-Ωn-‰n- ln-I- ]-cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hv-:- (139/-2015)-
A-bn-tØm-®m-S-\- {]-h¿-Ø-\-Øn-\v- {]m-[ym-\yw- \¬- -(F-)- {io-\m-cm-b-W- Kp-cp- -(_n-)- a-∂-Øv- ]-Zv-a-\m-`-≥
Im-≥ Xo-cp-am-\n-®-Xn-s\-Øp-S¿-∂v- A-Xn-\m-bn- kw-L- -(kn-)- tI-k-cn- _m-e-Ir-jv-W-]n-≈-
Sn-∏n-®- I-Ωn-‰n-bp-sS- I-¨-ho-\-dm-bn- Xn-c-s™-Sp-Ø-Xm- -(Un-)- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏-≥
sc-bm-Wv-:- - 31.- -tI-cf - - ap-…ow- sF-Iy- kw-LØ - n-s‚- ÿm-]I - ≥ - :- (142/-2015)-
(F-)- Ip-dq¿- \-ºq-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- (_n-)- Sn.-sI.- am-[-h-≥ -(F-)- C.-sam-bv-Xp- au-e-hn-
-(kn-)- Sn.-B¿.-Ir-jvW - k- zm-an- A-ø¿- (Un-)- sI.-tI-f∏ - ≥
- - (_n-)- h-°w- A-_v-Zpƒ- Jm-Z¿- au-e-hn-
6.- -tI-c-f- A-¥y-P-t\m-≤m-c-W-kw-L-Øn-s‚- B-Zy-sØ- -(kn-)- ap-lΩ - Z- v- A-_Zv- p¿- d-“m-≥ (Un-)- sam-bX v- o-≥ tIm-b-
{]-kn-U-‚ v-:- - 32.- -Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂-h-cn¬- B¿-°m-Wv- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-
(F-)- sI.-tI-f-∏-≥ -(_n-)- kn.-Ir-jv-W-≥ l-hp-am-bn- _-‘-an-√m-Ø-Xv- ?- (57/-2016/-0)- -
-(kn-)- hn.-Sn.-`-´-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- -(Un-)- Sn.-sI.- am-[-h-≥ (F-)- B-cy- ]-≈w- (_n-)- sI.-tI-f-∏-≥ -
7.- -tIm-´b - Ø- v- hn-Zym¿-Yn-an-{Xw- {]-km-[\ - i - m-e- B-cw-`n-®X - :v- - (kn-)- Sn.-sI.-am-[-h-≥ (Un-)- sI.-]n.-tI-i-h-ta-t\m-≥
(F-)- ]n.-sF.-tPm-¨- (_n-)- Un.-kn.-In-g-t°-ap-dn- 33.- -ip-No-{µw- k-Xym-{K-l-Øn-s‚- {]-[m-\- t\-Xm-hv- B-cm-
-(kn-)- tXm-a-kv- ap-≠-t»-cn- -(Un-)- tPm-k-^v- ap-≠-t»-cn- bn-cp-∂p-?- (202/-2015)-
8.- Z-Wv-Un-am¿-®n¬- Km-‘n-Pn-sb- A-\p-K-an-®- 78 k-∂-≤- -(F-)- F.-sI.-tKm-]m-e-≥ -(_n-)- tUm.-Fw.-C.-\m-bn-Up-
`-S-≥am-cn¬- Dƒ-s∏-Sm-Ø-Xv-:- - (Un-)- B-Nm-cy- hn-t\m-_- `m-sh- -(kn-)- sI.-tI-f-∏-≥ -(Un-)- kn.-cm-Pt- Km-]m-em-Nm-cn-
(F-)- ssS-‰-kv- -(_n-)- cm-L-h-s∏m-Xp-hmƒ- 19.- Xm-sg-s°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂-h-bn¬- G-Xp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏- 34.- a- l - m-flm-Km-‘n- {io-\m-cm-bW - K- p-cp-hn-s\- h¿-°e - b
- n¬-
-(kn-)- Ir-jv-W-≥ \m-b¿- -(Un-)- sI.-tI-f-∏-≥ ´-Xm-Wv- I¬-∏m-Øn-˛-ip-No-{µw- k-Xym-{K-l-߃-?- I-≠-Xv-:- (236/-2012)-
9.- D-∏p- k-Xym-{K-l-k-a-b-Øv- tI-c-f-Øn-se- {]-[m-\- t\- -(F-)- A-bn-tØm-®m-S-\w- -(_n-)- kzm-X-{¥y-k-a-cw- -(F-)- 1925 am¿-®v- 12 -(_n-)- 1925 G-{]n¬- 12
Xm-°ƒ- A-d-Ãn-em-b-tXm-sS- k-Xym-{K-ln-I-fp-sS- t\- -(kn-)- `q-]-cn-jv-I-c-Ww- -(Un-)- A-Sn-a-˛-hn-tam-N-\- k-a-cw- -(kn-)- 1928 P-\p-h-cn- 13 -(Un-)- 1928 s^-{_p-h-cn- 13
Xm-hm-bn- Xn-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-´-Xv-:- - 20.- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-lw- B-cw-`n-®-Xv- F-∂m-Wv-?- (7/-2014)- 35.- -ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-lw- B-cw-`n-°p-∂- k-a-b-Øv- Xn-cp-
(F-)- sam-bv-Xp- au-e-hn- -(_n-)- sI.-_n.-ta-t\m-≥ -(F-)- 1923 am¿-®v- 23 -(_n-)- 1924 am¿-®v- 22 hn-Xmw-Iq¿- Zn-hm-≥:-
-(kn-)- F.-sI.-tKm-]m-e-≥ -(Un-)- F.-sI.-]n-≈- -(kn-)- 1924 am¿-®v- 24 -(Un-)- 1924 am¿-®v- 30 -(F-)- ]n.-cm-P-tKm-]m-em-Nm-cn- -(_n-)- Sn.-cm-L-h-ø-
10.- D-∏p-k-Xym-{K-l-hp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏-´v- B-cp-sS- t\-Xr-Xz- 21.- {]-t_m-[-I-≥ F-∂- {]-kn-≤o-I-c-Ww- B-cw-`n-®- km-aq- -(kn-)- kn.-]n.-cm-a-kzm-an- A-ø¿- -
Øn-em-Wv- 25 t]-c-S-ßp-∂- H-cp- Pm-Y- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c- ln-I- ]-cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hv-:- (98/-2014)- (Un-)- ap-l-Ω-Zv- l-_o-_p-≈-
Øp-\n-∂v- a-e-_m-dn-te-°v- ]p-d-s∏-´-Xv.-:- - (- F-)- a-∂Ø - v- ]-Za
v- \
- m-`≥
- (_n-)a - p-lΩ- Z- v- A-_Zv- p¿- d-“m-≥ 36.- -F-hn-sS-\n-∂m-Wv- Fw.-C.-\m-bn-Up- k-h¿-W-Pm-Y- B-cw-
(F-)- Aw-in- \m-cm-b-W-]n-≈- -(_n-)- sI.-Ip-am¿- -(kn-)- tI-k-cn- _m-e-Ir-jv-W-]n-≈- - `n-®-Xv-
-(kn-)- s]m-∂-d- {io-[¿- -(Un-)- ]-´w- Xm-Wp-]n-≈- (Un-)- kz-tZ-im-`n-am-\n- cm-a-Ir-jv-W-]n-≈- (F-)- \m-K¿-tIm-hn¬- -(_n-)- ssh-°w-
11.- -X-an-gv-\m-´n¬- \n-∂p-h-∂v- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-l-Øn¬- 22.- -sI.-]n.- tI-i-h-ta-t\m-s‚- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn¬- ............- \n-∂v- (kn-)- A-¶-am-en- -(Un-)- h¿-°-e-
]-s¶-Sp-Ø-Xm-cv-?- (179/-2012)- am-Xr-`q-an- {]-kn-≤o-I-c-Ww- Xp-S-ßn-:- (17/-2016/-0)- 37.- -Ip-™m-∏n,- _m-lp-te-b-≥,- tKm-hn-µ-≥ F-∂n-h-cp-am-bn-
-(F-)- A-Æm-Zp-ssc- (_n-)- C.-hn.-cm-a-kzm-an- \m-bv-°¿- -(F-)- sIm-√w- -(_n-)- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- _-‘-s∏-´- k-Xym-{K-lw-:-
-(kn-)- I-cp-Wm-\n-[n- -(Un-)- s\-Spw-tN-gn-b¿- (kn-)- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- -(Un-)- I-Æq¿- (F-)- ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-lw- -
12.- -A-Sp-°-f-bn¬- \n-∂v- A-c-ß-tØ-°v- F-∂- \m-S-I-Øn- 23.- -ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-ln-Iƒ-°v- ku-P-\y- `-£-W-im-e- (_n-)- Kp-cp-hm-bq¿- k-Xym-{K-lw-
s‚- c-N-bn-Xm-hv- B-cv-?- (155/-2012)- Xp-d-∂v- k-lm-bw- \¬-In-b-Xm-cv-?- (28/-2016/-0)- (kn-)- Xn-cp-hm¿-∏v- k-Xym-{K-lw- -
-(F-)- hn.-Sn.-`-´-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- -(_n-)- sI.-Zm-tam-Z-c-≥ -(F-)- _w-Km-fn-Iƒ- -(_n-)- A-km-ao-kv- (Un-)- ip-No-{µw- k-Xym-{K-lw-
-(kn-)- sI.-Sn.-ap-l-Ω-Zv- -(Un-)- F-≥.-F-≥.-]n-≈- -(kn-)- A-Im-en-Iƒ- -(Un-)- I-iv-ao-cn-Iƒ- 38.- -ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-lw- ]n-≥h-en-®- Xo-b-Xn-
13.- -ssh-°w- k-Xym-{K-lØ - n-\\ - p-Iq-ea - m-bn- ssh-°Ø - p-\n- 24.- -a-∂-Øv- ]-Zv-a-\m-`-s‚- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn-ep-≈- k-h¿-W-Pm- (F-)- 1924 \-hw-_¿- 23 -(_n-)- 1925 am¿-®v- 30
∂v- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-tØ-°v- k-h¿-Æ-Pm-Y- \-bn-®-Xv-:- Y- X-ß-fp-sS- B-h-iy-߃- D-∂-bn-®v- \n-th-Z-\w- \¬- (kn-)- 1924 am¿-®v- 30 -(Un-)- 1925 \-hw-_¿- 23
-(F-)- a-∂-Øv- ]-fl-\m-`-≥ -(_n-)- Km-‘n-Pn- In-b-Xv- G-Xv- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- `-c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-bv-°m-Wv-?- 39.- k
- zm-X{- ¥y-ka - c- I - m-eØ - v- I¬-∏m-Øn- {i-≤m-tI-{µ-am-Im-
-(kn-)- sI.-tI-f-∏-≥ -(Un-)- kn.-hn.-Ip-™p-cm-a-≥ (16/-2016/-0)- ≥ Im-c-Ww- ?- (52/-2018/-0)-
14.- 1923 se- Im-In-\Z- - tIm-¨{- K-kn¬- ]-s¶-Sp-Ø-v Km-‘n-Pn-bp- -(F-)- Nn-Øn-c- Xn-cp-\mƒ- _m-e-cm-a-h¿-Ω- - -(F-)- a-e-_m-dn-se- G-I- A-{K-lm-cw-- -
sS- ]n-¥p-W- t\-Sn-b- km-aq-ln-I- ]-cn-jI -v ¿-Øm-h:-v - (168/-12)- (_n-)- tk-Xp-e-£v-ao-`m-bn- -(_n-)- 1930 I-fn¬- tZ-io-b- {]-ÿm-\-Øn-s‚- tI-{µw-
-(F-)- sI.-tI-f-∏-≥ -(_n-)- Sn.-sI.-am-[-h-≥ -(kn-)- {io-aq-ew- Xn-cp-\mƒ- -(Un-)- hn-im-Jw- Xn-cp-\mƒ- -(kn-)- i-‡-am-b- Pm-Xn- hn-cp-≤-k-a-cw- \-S-∂- ÿ-ew- -
-(kn-)- kn.-tI-i-h-≥ -(Un-)- tUm.-]¬-∏p- 25.- B- e - p-h- A-ssZz-Xm-{i-aØ - n¬- k¿-ha - X- - k-tΩ-f\ - w- kw- (- Un-)- {_m-“W - c - p-sS- D-Sa
- ÿ
- X
- b- n-ep-≈- t£-{X-ßf - n¬-
15.- C-¥y-bn¬- H-cp- \n-b-a-k-`-bp-sS- Xp-S-°-Øn¬-Ø-s∂- L-Sn-∏n-®-Xm-cv-?- (8/-2015/-0)- Xm-W-Pm-Xn-°m-sc- {]-th-in-∏n-®- ÿ-ew-
H-cp- h-\n-X-sb- Aw-K-am-bn- k¿-°m¿- t\m-an-t\-‰v- sN-bv- -(F-)- {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp- -(_n-)- N-´-ºn- kzm-an-Iƒ- 40.- -Ip-a-c-\m-im-s‚- A-¥y-hn-{i-aw- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-?-
X-Xv- sIm-®n- \n-b-a-k-`-bn-em-Wv.- A-h-cp-sS- t]-sc-¥v-?- -(kn-)- hm-Kv-`-Sm-\-µ-≥ -(Un-)- {_-“m-\µ - i - n-ht- bm-Kn- -(F-)- Im-bn-°-c- -(_n-)- tXm-∂-bv-°¬-
(16/-2016)- 26.- -hn.-Sn.-`-´-Xn-cn-∏m-Sv- c-Nn-®- A-Sp-°-f-bn¬- \n-∂v- A-c-ß- -(kn-)- ]-√-\- -(Un-)- t]-´-

14 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

C¥y≥ `cWLS\bpw
cmjv{Sob hyhÿbpw
1. kwÿm\ Kh¿Wsd°pdn®v {]Xn]mZn°p∂ 20.G‰hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Im-ew- No-^v- C-e-£-≥ I-Ωn-j-W-
`cWLS\m A\pt—Zw: dm-bn-cp-∂-Xv:
(F) 153 (_n) 163 (F) hnFkv camtZhn (_n) kpIpam¿ sk≥
(kn) 173 (Un) 183 (kn) sI.hn.sI.kpµcw (Un) Sn F≥ tij≥
2. kwLS\Iƒ ÿm]n°p∂Xn\p≈ C¥y≥ 21. C¥ybnse ]©mbØv cmPv kwhn[m\Øns‚
]ucs‚ AhImisØ°pdn®v FhnsSbmWv ]nXmhv F∂dnbs∏Sp∂Xv:
{]Xn]mZn®ncn°p∂Xv: (F) _¬h¥v dmbv taØ
(F) A\pt—Zw˛ 19(kn) (_n) A\pt—Zw˛ 19(Un)
(kn) A\pt—Zw˛ 19(_n) (Un) A\pt—Zw˛ 19(F)
3. ]©mbØv cmPv kwhn[m\Øns‚ ASnÿm\
(F) ]©mbØv kanXn (_n) {Kmak`
(kn) \Kck` (Un) Pn√m Iu¨kn¬
4. tI{µ `cW{]tZißfn¬ e^v ‰ \‚ v Kh¿Wsd
(F) Kh¿W¿ (_n) {]knU‚ v
(kn) {][m\a{¥n (Un) e^v. Kh¿W¿ (kn) \n¿hmN≥ kZ≥ (Un) knPnH tImwπIvkv
5. `-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- 44˛mw- t`-Z-K-Xn- ap-tJ-\- C-t‚-W¬- 12. _¬h¥v dmbv taØ IΩn‰n dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw Pn√m
Un-ÿ-_-≥kv- F-∂- hm-°n-\v- ]-I-c-am-bn- tN¿-Ø- ]cnjØns‚ A[y£≥:
]-Zw-:- - (F) Pn√m ]©mbØv {]knU‚ v
(F) BwUv sd_ey≥ (_n) C‚{Kn‰n Hm^v t\j≥ (_n) Pn√m IeIvS¿ (kn) _n.Un.H.
(kn) sk°pe¿ (Un) tkmjyenÃv (Un) ]©mbØv U]yq´n UbdIvS¿
6. BZysØ ASnb¥cmhÿ ]n≥hen® cmjv{S]Xn: 13. PnFkvSnbpambn _‘s∏´ `cWLS\m t`ZKXn:
(F) 101 (_n) 102
(kn) 103 (Un) 104
14. kwÿm\ \nbak`Ifn¬ Bwt•m˛ C¥y≥
kapZmb {]mXn\n[ysØ°pdn®v {]Xn]mZn°p∂
`cWLS\m A\pt—Zw:
(F) 330 (_n) 331
(kn) 332 (Un) 333
15. GXv A\pt—Zw {]ImcamWv Kh¿W¿ apJya{¥nsb
(F) 164 (_n) 165
(kn) 166 (Un) 163 (_n) AtimIv taØ
16. OØn-kvK - V
- v,- D-Øc - m-JW
- vU
- v,- Pm¿-JW- vU
- v- F-∂n-hb - v- (kn) Pn.hn.sI.dmhp (Un) cmPm sN√ø
°v- kw-ÿm-\- ]-Zh - n- \¬-In-b- `-cW- L- S- \
- - t`-ZK
- X
- n-:- 22. tem- I m- b p- ‡ - cm- P n- ° - Ø v - k- a ¿- ∏ n- t °- ≠ - X v - B¿-
(F) 83 (_n) 84 °m- W v - : -
(kn) 85 (Un) 87 (F) Kh¿W¿ (_n) cmjv{S]Xn
17. GXv- tI-kn-em-Wv- B-ap-Jw- `-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- `m-K-am- (kn) {][m\a{¥n (Un) \nbaa{¥n
Wv- F-∂v- tIm-S-Xn- hn-[-n®Xv : 23. c≠masØbpw aq∂masØbpw ASnb¥cmhÿIƒ
(F) at\I Km‘n tIkv
(_n) s_dp_mdn tIkv
(kn) tIihm\µ `mcXn tIkv
(Un) Cµncm km”n tIkv
18. ]´nIPmXn ]´nIh¿K°m¿°v temIv k `bn¬
kwhcWsØ°pdn®v {]Xn]mZn°p∂ `cWLS\m
(F) tUm.cmtP{µ{]kmZv (_n) tUm.cm[mIrjvW≥ A\pt—Zw:
(kn) k°o¿ lpssk≥ (Un) hn.hn.Kncn (F) 330 (_n) 331
7. kmºØnI ASnb¥cmhÿ {]Jym]n®m¬ F{X (kn) 332 (Un) 333
kabØn\p≈n¬ ]m¿esa‚ v AwKoIcn°Ww : 19. c≠mw [\Imcy IΩnjs‚ A[y£≥ :
(F) Bdv amkw (_n) aq∂v amkw (F) tPm¨ aØmbn (_n) sI.k¥m\w
(kn) c≠v amkw (Un) Hcp amkw (kn) hn.]n.tat\m≥ (Un) Chcmcpa√
8. t\m-´- (\-¨- Hm-^v- Z- F-t_m-hv-)- \-S-∏n-em-°n-b- F-
{Xm-a-sØ- cm-Py-am-Wv- C¥y:
(F) 14 (_n) 15
(kn) 16 (Un) 17
9. \mjW¬ IΩnj≥ t^m¿ sjUyqƒUv ImÃvkv,
\mjW¬ IΩnj≥ t^m¿ sjUyqƒUv ss{S_vkv
F∂n ßs\ hn`Pn® `cWLS\m t`ZKXn:
(F) 89 (_n) 90
(kn) 91 (Un) 92
10. AcpWmN¬ {]tZin\v kwÿm\ ]Zhn \¬Inb
`cWLS\ t`ZKXn:
(F) 55 (_n) 56
(kn) 57 (Un) 58 ]n≥hen® BIvSnMv cmjv{S]Xn:
11. bp]nFkvkn Bÿm\w : (F) hn.hn.Kncn (_n) _n Un P´n
(F) t[m¬∏q¿ lukv (_n) _tdmU lukv (kn) lnZmbØp≈ (Un) k°o¿ lpssk≥

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 15

24. cm- P y- s Ø- h n- s S- b pw- ÿn- c - X m- a - k - a m- ° p- ∂ - X n- \ p- ≈ - 36.- tIm-S-Xn- \-S-]-Sn-I-fp-sS-bpw- \n-b-a-\n¿-am-W- {]-{In-b- (Un-)- sI.-Fw.-]-Wn-°¿-
A-h-Im-i-sØ-°p-dn-®v- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv- {]-Xn-]m-Zn-®n- bp-sS-bpw- `m-j-sb-°p-dn-®v- {]-Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂- A-\p-t—- 41.- `-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- B-dmw- sj-Uyp-fn¬- \m-ev- kw-ÿm-
cn- ° p- ∂ - X v - : - Z-ta-Xv-:- - \-ß-fn-se- tKm-{X-h¿-K- {]-tZ-i-ß-fp-sS- `-c-Ww- kw-
(F) A\pt—Zw˛ 19 (1)(_n) (F-)- 348 -(_n-)- 349 _-‘n-®p-≈- hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ- {]-Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂p.- A-h- G-
(_n) A\pt—Zw˛ 19 (1)(kn) -(kn-)- 358 -(Un-)- 368 Xm-Wv-:- -
(kn) A\pt—Zw˛ 19 (1)(Un) 37.- C-¥y-bp-sS- B-Zy-sØ- tkm-fn-kn-‰¿- P-\-d¬-:- - (F-)- A-kw,- ta-Lm-e-b,- {Xn-]p-c,- an-skm-dw- -
(Un) A\pt—Zw˛ 19 (1)(C) (F-)- \-c-l-cn- dm-hp- -(_n-)- kn.-sI.-Z-^v-X-cn- (_n-)- \m-Km-em-≥Uv,- A-cp-Wm-N¬,- {Xn-]p-c,- an-skm-dw-
25. C¥y°v Hcp {]knU‚ v D≠mbncn°Ww F∂v -(kn-)- A-kw,- ta-Lm-e-b,-\m-Km-em-≥Uv,- A-cp-Wm-N¬-
hyhÿ sNøp∂ `cWLS\m A\pt—Zw: -(Un-)- A-kw,- \m-Km-em-≥Uv,- A-cp-Wm-N¬,- an-skm-dw-
(F) 50 (_n) 51 42.- -cm-jv-{S-]-Xn- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n¬- thm-´v- sN-øm-≥ A-h-Im-
(kn) 52 (Un) 53 iw- D-s≠-¶n-epw- Cw-]o-®v-sa-‚ v- \-S-]-Sn-{I-a-ß-fn¬- ]-
26. \mjW¬ {Ko≥ {Sn_yqW¬ ÿm]nXamb h¿jw: s¶-Sp-°m-≥ A-h-Im-i-an-√m-Ø-Xv- B¿-°m-Wv-
(F) 2010 (_n) 2011 (F-)- cm-Py-k-`mw-K-߃- -
(kn) 2012 (Un) 2013 (_n-)- tem-Iv-k-`mw-K-߃-
27. GXv tIknemWv BapJw `cWLS\bpsS `mKa√ -(kn-)- kw-ÿm-\- \n-b-a-k-`mw-K-߃- -
F∂v tImSXn hn[n®Xv: (Un-)- e-Pn-t…-‰o-hv- Iu-¨-kn¬- Aw-K-߃-
(F) tIihm\µ`mcXn tIkv 43.- \m-j-W¬- Un-km-ÿ- am-t\-Pv-sa-‚ v- sd-kv-t]m-¨-kv-
(_n) s_cp_mdn tIkv ^-≠v- ssI-Im-cyw- sN-øp-∂-Xv-:- -
(kn) an\¿h an¬ tIkv (F-)- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n- -
(Un) at\Im Km‘n tIkv (_n-)- {]-kn-U-‚ v-
28. `cWLS\m \n¿amWk`bn¬ bqWnb≥ ]thgvkv -(kn-)- tI-{µ- B-`y-¥-c- a-{¥n- -
IΩn‰nbpsS Xeh≥: (Un-)- tI-{µ- h-\w-h-Ip-∏v- a-{¥n-
(F) cmtP{µ{]kmZv 44. -]p-Xn-b- kw-ÿm-\-߃- cq-]-h-Xv-I-cn-°-W-sa-¶n¬- `-
(_n) Awt_ZvI¿ c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- F-{Xm-a-sØ- sj-Uyq-fm-Wv- t`-Z-K-Xn-
sN-tø-≠-Xv-:- -
(F-)- H-∂m-a-sØ- -(_n-)- c-≠m-a-sØ-
-(kn-)- aq-∂m-a-sØ- -(Un-)- \m-em-a-sØ-
45.- Xm-sg-s°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂-h-bn¬- F-´mw- sj-Uyq-fn¬-
Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂- `m-j-b-√m-Ø-Xv-:- -
(F-)- t]¿-jy-≥ -(_n-)- t\-∏m-fn-
-(kn-)- I-iv-ao-cn- -(Un-)- kw-kv-Ir-Xw-
46.- H-cp- C-e-Iv-t{Sm-Wn-Iv- thm-´n-Mv- sa-jn-\n¬- tc-J-s∏-Sp-
Øm-≥ I-gn-bp-∂- ]-c-am-h-[n- thm-´p-I-fp-sS- F-Æw-:- -

-(kn-)- sI.-kn.-\n-tbm-Kn- -(Un-)- sI.-k-¥m-\w-

38.- B-bp-[-ß-fn-√m-sX- k-am-[m-\-]-c-am-bn- kw-L-Sn-°p-∂-
Xn-\p-≈- A-h-Im-i-sØ-°p-dn-®v- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv- {]-Xn-
]m-Zn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv-:- -
(F-)- A-\p-t—-Zw- 19 (1)-(_n-)- -
(_n-)- A-\p-t—-Zw- 19 (1)-(kn-)-
-(kn-)- A-\p-t—-Zw- 19 (1)-(Un-)- -
(Un-)- A-\p-t—-Zw- 19 (1)-(C-)-
39.- `-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- G-Xv- A-\p-t—-Zw- {]-Im-c-am-Wv- tÃ-
‰v- en-Ãn-ep-≈- H-cp- hn-j-b-Øn¬- \n-b-a-\n¿-am-Ww- \-S-
Øp-∂-Xn-\v- ]m¿-e-sa-‚ n-s\- Np-a-X-e-s∏-Sp-Øm-≥ cm-
(kn) Phml¿em¬ s\{lp Py-k-`-bv-°v- A-[n-Im-c-ap-≈-Xv- :- -
(Un) k¿Zm¿ ]t´¬ (F-)- 246 -(_n-)- 247
29. C‚¿ ]m¿esa‚dn bqWnb\n¬ C¥y AwKamb -(kn-)- 248 -(Un-)- 249
h¿jw: 40.- -^n-\m-≥kv- I-Ωn-j-\n¬- Aw-K-am-b- B-Zy- a-e-bm-fn- :-
(F) 1947 (_n) 1948 (F-)- hn.-]n.-ta-t\m-≥ - (F-)- 3480 -(_n-)- 3840
(kn) 1949 (Un) 1950 (_n-)- tPm-¨- a-Øm-bn- -(kn-)- 3084 -(Un-)- 3048
30. C¥y≥ HmUn‰v B≥Uv A°u≠vkv hIp∏ns‚ -(kn-)- sI.-Pn.-A-Sn-tbm-Sn- - 47.- `-c-W-L-S-\m- \n¿-am-Xm-°ƒ- ln-µn-°v- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- `m-
Xeh≥: jm- ]-Z-hn- \¬-In-b-Xv- F-∂m-Wv-:- -
(F) At‰m¿Wn P\d¬ (_n) tkmfnkn‰¿ P\d¬ (F-)- 1946 sk-]v-Xw-_¿- 14 -
(kn) Iw]v{Stfm¿ B≥Uv HmUn‰¿ P\d¬ (_n-)- 1947 sk-]v-Xw-_¿- 14
(Un) dnk¿hv _m¶v Kh¿W¿ -(kn-)- 1948 sk-]v-Xw-_¿- 14-
31. tem-Im-bp-‡-sb-bpw- D-]-tem-Im-bp-‡-sb-bpw- ]-Z-hn- (Un-)- 1949 sk-]v-Xw-_¿- 14
bn¬-\n-∂v- \o-°w- sN-øm-≥ B¿-°m-Wv- A-[n-Im-cw-:- - 48.- \m-jW - ¬- C-‚t- {K-j≥ - Iu-¨k - n-en-s‚- A-[y-£≥ - :- -
(F-)- kv-]o-°¿- - (F-)- cm-jv-{S-]-Xn- -(_n-)- D-]-cm-jv-{S-]-Xn-
(_n-)- B-`y-¥-c- a-{¥n- -(kn-)- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n- -(Un-)- dn-´.- No-^v- P-Ãn-kv-
-(kn-)- kw-ÿm-\- \n-b-a-k-`- - 49.- C- ¥ y- ≥ {]- [ m- \ - a - { ¥n- b p- s S- Hu- t Zym- K n- I - d- k n- U -
(Un-)- ap-Jy-a-{¥n- ≥jy¬- tImw-π-Iv-kn-s‚- t]-cv-:- -
32.- ]-´n-I-h¿-K-°m¿-°p-≈- tZ-io-b- I-Ωn-j-s\-°p-dn-®v- {]- (F-)- A-\p-{K-l- -(_n-)- Nn-{X-Iq-Sw-
Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂- `-c-W-L-S-\m- A-\p-t—-Zw-:- -(kn-)- ]-©-h-Sn- -(Un-)- {]-Xo-£-
(F-)- 338 -(_n-)- 338 F- 50. -C-¥y-bn¬,- \-K-c-Øn-s‚- {]-Y-a- ]u-c-≥ F-∂-dn-b-s∏-
-(kn-)- 339 -(Un-)- 339 F- Sp-∂-Xv-:- -
33.- am-∏p- \¬-Ip-∂X - n-\p-≈- {]-kn-U‚ - n-s‚- A-[n-Im-cs
- Ø- (F-)- Fw.-F¬-F.- -(_n-)- Fw.-]n.-
°p-dn-®v- {]-Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂- `-c-W-L-S-\m- A-\p-t—-Zw-:- - -(kn-)- Pn-√m- I-e-Iv-S¿- -(Un-)- tab¿
(F-)- 72 -(_n-)- 73
-(kn-)- 74 -(Un-)- 75 Answers
34.- ap-≥jn-˛-A-ø-¶m¿- t^m¿-ap-e-bp-sS- ^-e-am-bn- cq-]-s∏-
´- `-c-W-L-S-\m- sj-Uyqƒ-:- 1(a) 2(a) 3(b) 4(b) 5(a) 6(c) 7(c) 8(a) 9(a) 10(a)
(F-)- 8 -(_n-)- 7 11(a) 12(b) 13(a) 14(d) 15(a) 16(b) 17(c) 18(a) 19(b)
-(kn-)- 6 -(Un-)- 5 20(c) 21(a) 22(a) 23(b) 24(d) 25(c) 2 6(a) 27(b)
35.-kw-ÿm-\-߃- X-Ωn-ep-≈- B-i-b-hn-\n-a-b-sØ-°p-dn-
28(c) 29(c) 30(c) 31(c) 32(b) 33(a) 34(a) 35(a) 36(a)
®v- {]-Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂- A-\p-t—-Z-ta-Xv-:- -
(F-)- 346˛-347 -(_n-)- 348˛-349 37(b) 38(a) 39(d) 40(a) 41(a) 42(c) 43(c) 44(a) 45(a)
-(kn-)- 349˛-350 -(Un-)- 350˛-351 46(b) 47(d) 48(c) 49(c) 50(d)

16 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

50 General knowledge questions are given below. Try to practise each

Test Your GK
set in 20 minutes. For each correct answer to be given one mark and 0.33 mark to be
deducted for each wrong answer. No negative marks for unattended questions.
If the score is 41 or above- very good. 35 -40- Good. below 35 needs
improvement through extensive reference.

- "- Nm-]e
- y-ta- \n-s‚- t]-tcm- kv{- Xo-'-
1.- -Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂-h-bn¬- G-Xv- A-b¬-cm-Py-hp-am-bm-Wv- C- (_n-)- _-‡n-bm¿- Jn¬-Pn- -(kn-)- K-‘-Iw- -(Un-)- Xp-cn-iv-
¥y-bv-°v- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-®v- A-Xn¿-Øn- D-≈-Xv-?- -(kn-)- Xn-aq¿- -(Un-)- \m-Zn¿-j- 35.- -G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- {K-lw-:-
-(F-)- t\-∏mƒ- -(_n-)- aym-≥a¿- 18.- -G-Xp- \-Zn-bp-sS- Xo-c-Øp-sh-®m-Wv- _p-≤-\v- t_m-t[m- -(F-)- hym-gw- -(_n-)- i-\n-
-(kn-)- `q-´m-≥ -(Un-)- ]m-In-kv-Xm-≥ Z-b-ap-≠m-b-Xv-?- -(kn-)- sNm-∆- -(Un-)- s\-]v-‰yq-¨-
2.- -s\-{lp- a-{¥n-k-`-bv-s°-Xn-sc- B-Zy-am-bn- A-hn-izm-kw- -(F-)- \n-c-Rv-P-\- -(_n-)- b-ap-\- 36.- "- I- n-km-≥L-´n-'¬- A-¥y-\n-{Z- sIm-≈p-∂X - m-c?v- -
A-h-X-cn-∏n-®-Xv-:- -(kn-)- k-c-bp- -(Un-)- tKm-a-Xn- -(F-)- em¬- _-lm-Zq¿- im-kv-{Xn- --
-(F-)- B-Nm-cy- Ir-]-em-\n- - (_n-)- Aw-t_-Zv-I¿- 19.- ]- m¿-es - a-‚ v- \-S] - S- n- {I-aß
- f - n¬- "-iq-\y-th-f'- - F-∂- k- (_n-)- P-Kv- Po-h-≥ dmw-
-(kn-)- iym-a-{]-km-Zv- ap-J¿-Pn (Un-)- F.-sI.-tKm-]m-e-≥ {º-Zm-bw- C-¥y-bn¬- B-cw-`n-®- h¿-jw- :- -(kn-)- N-c-¨-kn-Mv- (Un-)- tUm.-Aw-t_-Zv-I¿-
3.- "- k
- ]
v- n-cn-‰'v- - F-∂d- n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂X - n-s‚- cm-k\- m-aw-:- -(F-)- 1952 - (_n-)- 1962 - 37.- tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- h-S-t°-b-‰-Øp-≈- A-kw-ªn-
-(F-)- Cu-ssY¬- B¬-°-tlmƒ- - (kn-)- 1972 -(Un-)- 1982 \n-tbm-P-I- a-Wv-U-ew-:-
-(_n-)- A-sk-ss‰¬- km-en-ssk-en-Iv- B-kn-Uv- 20.- "-t_m-Ã-¨- So- ]m¿-´n-'- \-S-∂- h¿-jw-:- -(F-)- a-t©-iz-cw- -(_n-)- \o-te-iz-cw-
-(kn-)- t^m¿-am¬-Un-ssl-Uv- - -(F-)- 1789 -(_n-)- 1773 -(kn-)- Im-k¿-tKm-Uv- -(Un-)- Xr-°-cn-∏q¿-
-(Un-)- s]m-´m-kyw- t¢m-ssd-Uv- -(kn-)- 1776 -(Un-)- 1783 38.- tI-cf - - k¿-hI- e
- m-im-eb
- p-sS- B-Zy- ssh-kv- Nm-≥k-e¿-:-
4.- -sIm-®n- Xp-d-ap-Jw- cq-]w- sIm-≠- h¿-jw-:- 21.- -"-_p-≈n-'- F-∂- ]-Zw- G-Xp- I-fn-bp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏-´n-cn- -(F-)- k¿-Zm¿- sI.-Fw.-]-Wn-°¿-
-(F-)- 1431 (_n-)- 1663 °p-∂p-?- -(_n-)- Sn.-F-≥.-P-b-N-{µ-≥
(kn-)- 1341 (Un-)- 1577 -(F-)- tlm-°n- -(_n-)- {In-°-‰v- (- kn-)- tUm.-Fw.-hn.-ss]-en- (Un-)- tUm.-tPm-¨- a-Øm-bn-
5.- t- I-cf - - kn-dm-an-Ivk - v- en-an-‰U
- v- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv?- - -(kn-)- ^p-Sv-t_mƒ- -(Un-)- sS-∂o-kv- 39.- hn-π-h- I-hn-bm-b- ]m-tªm- s\-dq-X- G-Xp- cm-Py-°m-c-
-(F-)- N-h-d- -(_n-)- ]p-\-ep¿- 22.- G- X- p- h¿-js - Ø- tIm-¨{- K-kv- k-tΩ-f\ - Ø
- n-em-Wv- "-P- \m-bn-cp-∂p-?-
-(kn-)- Hm-®n-d- -(Un-)- Ip-≠-d- \-KW - a - \
- '- - B-Zy-am-bn- B-e] - n-®X
- v?- - -(F-)- sa-Iv-kn-t°m- -(_n-)- Nn-en-
6.- -G-Xp- i-X-I-Øn-em-Wv- am-en-Iv- _n-≥ Zn-\m¿- tI-c-f- -(F-)- 1896 -(_n-)- 1911 -(kn-)- s_m-fo-hn-b- -(Un-)- Iyq-_-
Øn-se-Øn-b-Xv-?- -(kn-)- 1885 - (Un-)- 1913 40.- tI-c-f-Øn¬- ssN-\m-°-fn-a-Æv- kp-e-`-am-bn- Im-W-s∏-
-(F-)- A-©v- - (_n-)- F-´v- 23.- -"-Nm-]-ey-ta- \n-s‚- t]-tcm- kv-{Xo-'- B-cp-sS- c-N-\-bn- Sp-∂- ÿ-e-am-Wv-:-
(kn-)- B-dv- (Un-)- G-gv- em-Wv- C-{]-Im-c-ap-≈-Xv-?- -(F-)- aq-∂m¿- -(_n-)- ]p-\-eq¿-
7.- -am-\-th-Z-≥ F-∂- km-aq-Xn-cn- cm-Pm-hv- cq-]w- \¬-In-b- -(F-)- s_¿-Wm-Uv- jm (_n-)- tj-Iv-kv-]n-b¿- -(kn-)- X-e-t»-cn- -(Un-)- Ip-≠-d-
I-em-cq-]w-:- -(kn-)- tUm.-tPm-¨-k-¨ (Un-)- Zn-kv-d-tb-en- 41.- -Bƒ- C-¥ym- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- Hm-^v- sa-Un-°¬- k-b-≥k-
-(F-)- Nm-Iym¿-Iq-Øv- -(_n-)- Ir-jv-W-\m-´w- 24.- -kpw-K-hw-iw- ÿm-]n-®-Xm-cv-?- kv- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-?-
-(kn-)- Hm-´-≥Xp-≈¬- -(Un-)- tam-ln-\n-bm-´w- -(F-)- _r-l-{Z-Y-≥ -(_n-)- A-·n-an-{X-≥ -(F-)- sN-ss∂- -(_n-)- apw-ss_-
8.- -Cu-Ãn-¥ym-°º - \ - n-sb- \n-b{- ¥n-°m-≥ {_n-´o-jv- ]m¿- -(kn-)- A-tim-I-≥ -(Un-)- ]p-jy-an-{X-kpw-K-≥ -(kn-)- \yq-U¬-ln- -(Un-)- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw-
e-sa-‚ v- ]m-km-°n-b- B-Zy-\n-ba - w-:- 25.- G
- X - p- h¿-ja - m-Wv- ssN-\- P-\I - o-b- dn-∏ª- n-Iv- B-bX - v?- - 42.- -sd-Uv-t{Im-kv- Zn-\w-:-
-(F-)- ]n-‰n-s‚- C-¥ym-\n-b-aw- - -(F-)- 1949 - (_n-)- 1916 -(F-)- sa-bv-24 -(_n-)- sa-bv-8
-(_n-)- 1793˛-se- Nm¿-´¿- B-Iv-Sv- (kn-)- 1917 -(Un-)- 1925 -(kn-)- sa-bv-11 -(Un-)- sa-bv- 17
-(kn-)- 1773˛-se- d-Kp-te-‰n-Mv- B-Iv-Sv- - 26.- -G-Xp- h¿-K-Øn-s‚- D-]-hn-`m-K-am-Wv- F-kv-In-tam-Iƒ-?- 43.- -tkm-{I-´o-kn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- {]-i-kv-X-\m-b- in-jy-≥:-
-(Un-)- 1833˛-se- Nm¿-´¿- \n-b-aw- -(F-)- \o-t{Km-bv-Uv- -(_n-)- tIm-°-tkm-bv-Uv- -(F-)- A-cn-tÃm-´n¬- -(_n-)- A-e-Iv-km-≠¿-
9.- -Cw-•-≠n¬- 1688˛-se- "-a-l-Øm-b- hn-π-h-'- sØ-Øp-S¿- -(kn-)- aw-K-tfm-bv-Uv- -(Un-)- Hm-kv-{S-tem-bv-Uv- -(kn-)- tπ-t‰m- -(Un-)- kn-sk-sdm-
∂v- ÿm-\-{`-jv-S-\m-°-s∏-´- cm-Pm-hv-:- 27.- G-Xp- ssh-t{km-bn-bp-sS- Im-e-Øm-Wv- "-C¬-s_¿-´v- 44.- -Xm-sg-∏-d-bp-∂-h-cn¬- I¿-Wm-S-I- kw-Ko-X-hp-am-bn- _-
-(F-)- Nmƒ-kv- H-∂m-a-≥ -(_n-)- Nmƒ-kv- c-≠m-a-≥ _n¬-'- kw-_-\v-[n-®- hn-hm-Zw- D-≠m-b-Xv-?- \v-[-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂-Xv-:-
-(kn-)- sP-bnw-kv- H-∂m-a-≥ -(Un-)- sP-bnw-kv- c-≠m-a-≥ -(F-)- U-^-dn-≥ {]-`p- -(_n-)- en-‰-¨- {]-`p- -(F-)- Xn-cp-h-≈p-h¿- -(_n-)- Xp-f-ko-Zm-kv-
10.- G-Xp- {]-tZ-i-Øm-Wv- "-_p-jv-sa-≥am¿-'- A-[n-h-kn-°p- -(kn-)- Im-\n-Mv- {]-`p- -(Un-)- dn-∏-¨- {]-`p- -(kn-)- I-_o¿- -(Un-)- ]p-c-µ-c-Zm-k-≥
∂-Xv-?- 28.- -G-Xv- `m-K-Øm-Wv- C-¥y-bn-se- A-·n-]¿-h-X-am-b- _m- 45.- -Nn-∂m¿- h-\y-Po-hn- k-t¶-Xw- G-Xp- Pn-√-bn-em-Wv-?-
-(F-)- I-e-lm-cn- -(_n-)- A-em-kv-I- c-¨- Zzo-]v- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂-Xv-?- -(F-)- C-Sp-°n- -(_n-)- ]m-e-°m-Sv-
-(kn-)- {Ko-≥em-≥Uv- -(Un-)- Im-\-U- -(F-)- a-[y- B-≥U-am-≥ -(_n-)- h-S-°v- B-≥U-am-≥ -(kn-)- h-b-\m-Sv- -(Un-)- tIm-´-bw-
11.- G-Xp- cm-Py-hp-am-bn- k-l-I-cn-®m-Wv- C-¥y- {_-t“m-kv- -(kn-)- sX-°v- B-≥U-am-≥ -(Un-)- Im¿- \n-t°m-_m¿- 46.- -G-Xv- tPm-Sn-bm-Wv- sX-‰v-?-
an-ssk¬- \n¿-Ωn-°p-∂-Xv-?- 29.- -G-Xv- Im¿-jn-I- hn-f-sb-bm-Wv- a-Wv-U-cn- tcm-Kw- _m- -(F-)- sS-∂o-kv- tIm¿-´v- {]-Xn-⁄-˛-1789-
-(F-)- bp.-F-kv.-F.- -(_n-)- {^m-≥kv- [n-°p-∂-Xv-?- -(_n-)- _m-ssì- P-bn-en-s‚- X-I¿-®-˛- 1790
-(kn-)- ssN-\- -(Un-)- d-jy- -(F-)- s\-√v- -(_n-)- Ip-cp-ap-f-Iv- -(kn-)- ]m-co-kv- I-ayq-¨-˛-1871 -
12.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-sØ- {]-ÿm-\-am-bn-cp-∂p- ^m-kn-kw-?- -(kn-)- sX-ßv- -(Un-)- I-ap-Iv- -(Un-)- eq-bn- ]-Xn-\m-dm-a-s‚- in-c-t—-Zw-˛- 1793
-(F-)- P¿-a-\n- -(_n-)- C-‰-en- 30.- -G-Xv- tPm-Sn-bm-Wv- sX-‰v-?- 47.- -Xm-]-Øn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- an-I-®- Nm-e-Iw-:-
-(kn-)- d-jy- -(Un-)- kv-s]-bn-≥ -(F-)- \m-j-W¬- eo-Kv- t^m¿- sU-tam-{I-kn-˛- aym-≥a¿- -(F-)- C-cp-ºv- -(_n-)- sh-≈n-
13.- -G-Xp- h¿-j-am-Wv- P-∏m-≥ A-ta-cn-°-bp-sS- t]ƒ- lm¿- -(_n-)- B-{^n-°-≥ \m-j-W¬- tIm-¨-{K-kv-˛- Z-£n-Wm- -(kn-)- sN-ºv- -(Un-)- A-ep-an-\n-bw-
_¿- B-{I-an-®-Xv-?- {^n-°- 48.- -"-tSm-t°m-s^-tdmƒ-'- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- Po-h-I-ta-Xv-?-
-(F-)- 1939 (_n-)- 1940 -(kn-)- ]-Sn-™m-td- B-{^n-°-≥ P-\-Io-b- kw-L-S-\-˛- -(F-)- Po-h-Iw- _n- -(_n-)- Po-h-Iw- C-
(kn-)- 1941 - (Un-)- 1942 \-ao-_n-b- - -(kn-)- Po-h-Iw- F- -(Un-)- Po-h-Iw- Un-
14.- -Bk - q-{X-W- I-Ωo-js - ‚- B-Zy- D-]m-[y-£≥ - :- -(Un-)- au- au- e-l-f-˛- Lm-\- 49.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-Øm-Wv- en-Jn-X-`-c-W-L-S-\-bn-√m-Ø-Xv-?-
-(F-)- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp- -- 31.- -G-Xp- kw-ÿm-\-sØ- \r-Ø-cq-]-am-Wv- H-Uo-kn-?- -(F-)- kzn-‰v-k¿-e-≠v- -(_n-)- d-jy-
(_n-)- k¿-Zm¿- ]-t´¬- -(F-)- B-{‘m-{]-tZ-iv- -(_n-)- I¿-Wm-S-I- -(kn-)- bp.-sI.- -(Un-)- bp.-F-kv.-F.-
-(kn-)- sI.-kn.-\n-tbm-Kn- -(Un-)- Kp¬-k-cn-em¬- \-µ- -(kn-)- H-Un-j- -(Un-)- X-an-gv-\m-Sv- 50.- -I¬-]-\- Nu-f- _-ln-cm-Im-i-Øp-t]m-b-Xv- G-Xp- t]-S-
15.- -"-F-s‚- Kp-cp-\m-Y-≥'- F-∂- I-hn-X-bn¬- h-≈-tØmƒ- 32.- -"-C-¥y-≥ kn-\n-a-bp-sS- ]n-Xm-hv-'- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-?- I-Øn-em-Wv-?-
B-sc-°p-dn-®m-Wv- h¿-Wn-°p-∂-Xv-?- -(F-)- A¿-tZ-jn¿- C-dm-\n- - -(F-)- tkm-bp-kv- -(_n-)- kv-]p-Sv-\n-Iv-
-(F-)- {io-_p-≤-≥ -(_n-)- Sm-tKm¿- (_n-)-eq-an-b¿- k-tlm-Z-c-≥am¿- -(kn-)- kv-ssI-em-_v- -(Un-)- sIm-fw-_n-b-
-(kn-)- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp -(Un-)- Km-‘n-Pn- -(kn-)- Fw.-N-e-]-Xn-dm-hp- - -
16.- -1785¬- `-K-h-Xv-Ko-X- Cw-•o-jn-te-°v- hn-h¿-Ø-\w- sN- (Un-)- Zm-Zm- km-tl-_v- ^m¬-t°- Answers
bv-X-Xm-cv-?- 33.- -A-e-Iv-km-{≠n-b- \-K-cw- G-Xp- \-Zo-Xo-c-Øm-Wv-?-
-(F-)- Nmƒ-kv- hn¬-°n-≥kv- - -(F-)- ss\¬- -(_n-)- kmw-_-kn- 1(c) 2(a) 3(a) 4(c) 5(d) 6(d) 7(b) 8(c) 9(d) 10(a) 11(d) 12(b)
(_n-)- F-Uzn-≥ B¿-t\mƒ-Uv- -(kn-)- enw-t]m-t]m- -(Un-)- tImw-tKm- 13(c) 14(d) 15(d) 16(a) 17(b) 18(a) 19(b) 20(b) 21(a) 22(b)
-(kn-)- hn-eyw- tPm-¨-kv- (Un-)- am-Iv-kv- ap-≈¿- 34.- -Im¬-kyw- t¢m-tdm- ssl-t∏m- t¢m-ssd-Uv- km-[m-c-W- 23(b) 24(d) 25(a) 26(c) 27(d) 28(a) 29(c) 30(d) 31(c) 32(d)
17.- -\-f-µ- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-sb- \-in-∏n-®-Xm-cv-?- am-bn- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-:- 33(a) 34(b) 35(a) 36(c) 37(a) 38(d) 39(b) 40(d) 41(c) 42(b)
-(F-)- A-em-hp-±o-≥ Jn¬-Pn- -- -(F-)- sh-Sn-a-cp-∂v- -(_n-)- ªo-®n-Mv- ]u-U¿- 43(c) 44(d) 45(a) 46(b) 47(b) 48(b) 49(c) 50(d)

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 17

Kerala Renaissance
201. Who conferred the Title of ‘Vidwan’ upon Pandit 236. Who became the editor of ‘Yukthivadi’ magazine in 1928? Achipudava samaram: Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker
Karuppan in 1913? Keralavarma Valiakoithampuran of Sahodaran Ayyappan 267. Who mooted the idea that only Hindus must be
Travancore 237. Who started the publication of a journal called ‘Abhinava participated in the Vaikom Sathyagraha: Mahathma
202. Sahodaran Ayyappan launched ‘Mishrabhojanam’ Kerala’? Vagbhatananda Gandhi
programme at Cherayi in: 1917 238. Who was named Komaran at his birth? Poikayil 268. ‘Ente Jeevithasmaranakal’ is the autobiography of:
203. Who ousted god from the centre and placed mind in its Yohannan Mannath Padmanabhan
place? Brahmananda Sivayogi 239. Who was the first editor of Athmavidyakahalam: 269. Name the Namboothi woman who was elected to
204. The presiding deity of the Thycaud Ayya Swami Temple: C.P.Raman Malabar District Board: Arya Pallam
Shiva 240. After becoming the disciple of Sree Narayana Guru to 270. Who authored ‘Jathi Nirnayam’ : Sree Narayana Guru
205. Which organisation inspired Ayyan Kali to establish which place Kumaru (Kumaranasan) was sent for higher 271. Who became the first woman president of youth wing of
Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham? SNDP Yogam studies in Sanskrit? Bangalore Yogakshema Sabha: Parvathi Nenmenimangalam
206. Name the leader of renaissance who was ousted from 241. The venue of market agitation led by Ayyankali: 272. Who established places of worship known as ‘Nizhal
his caste for the reason of attending the Ahmedabad Nedumangad thangal’: Ayya Vaikunatar
Congress Session of 1921? V.T.Bhatatirippad 242. Who advised the organisers of Vaikom Satyagraha to 273. The only Keralite whose birth day and death anniversary
207. The birth place of Mannath Padmanabhan: Perunna conduct ‘Savarna Jatha’? Mahathma Gandhi are declared holiday by the Government of Kerala: Sree
208. The place where Ayyankali started a ‘Kudippallikkoodam’ 243. In which year Ayyankali passed away? 1941 Narayana Guru
for the depressed classes in 1905? Venganur 244. The mouth piece of Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham, 274. The first planned and organized agitation for denied
209. Which incident in Kerala history was occurred on 20th started in 1913: Sadhujana Paripalini rights in the history of Kerala: Vaikom Satyagraha
December 1946: Karivelloor strike 245. Who called Kerala “a lunatic asylum’? Swami 275. The social reformer who was known as
210. Bodheswaran, Perunnelli Krishnan Vaidhyan, Velutheri Vivekananda ‘Shanmukhadasa’: Chattampi Swamikal
Kesavan Vaidhyan, Kumbalath Sanku Pillai etc were 246. Jnanodayam Sabha’ was founded under the patronage 276. The only poet in Malayalam who became ‘mahakavi’
grihastha disciples of : Chattampi Swamikal of Pandit Karuppan at: Edakochi without writing a ‘mahakavyam’: Kumaranasan
211. In which year Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham became 247. Moksha Pradeepa Khandanam was written by: 277. “Whatever the religion, attire, language and such other
‘Pulaya Mahasabha’? 1938 Chattampi Swamikal things of human kind, as they belong to same caste
212. The author of ‘Adukkalayilninnu Arangathekku’: 248. The first to establish a printing press in Kerala without (species) there is no harm in interdining and
V.T.Bhatathirippad foreign support: Kuriakode Elias Chavara intermarriage between them”-Sree Narayana Guru made
213. Who started ‘Sivayogivilasam’ magazine in 1914: 249. The only foreign country visited by Sree Narayana Guru: this suggestion to: Sahodaran Ayyappan
Vagbhatananda Sri Lanka 278. In which year was the Begging March of
214. Who suggested the name ‘Nair Bhrithyajana Sangham’: 250. From which place M.E.Naidu started Savarna Jatha: V.T.Bhatathirippad? 1931
K.Kannan Menon Nagarcoil 279. Which agitation is also known as “Thonnooramand
215. Whose residence was ‘Rasika Sadanam’: 251. Who expounded the concept of ‘Aananthajathi’? Lahala’? Oorutapalam revolt
V.T.Bhattarthirippad Brahmananda Sivayogi 280. In which year Parvathi Nemenimangalam was born: 1911
216. Another name of ‘Melmundu Kalapam’: Channar 252. Who led ‘Kallumala (Stone ornament) Agitation”? 281. The author of ‘Udhyanavirunnu’: Pandit Karuppan
Agitation Ayyankali 282. The organiser of ‘Kalyanadayini Sabha’: Pandit Karuppan
217. Name the national honour which was declined by 253. Who presided over the All Communities Conference 283. Who founded a school near Arppookkara for depressed
K.Kelappan: Padmashri organised by Ayyankali on 10th December 1915 in classes? Kuriakose Elias Chavara
218. The leader of renaissance related to the Kodumunda connection with the Perinad strike? Changanassery 284. The place selected by Narayana Guru when he decided
Colony established in 1935: V.T.Bhattarthirippad Parameswaran Pillai to give up his wandering life and settle down: Varkala
219. The renaissance leader who adivised the King of 254. Who, on the basis of logical reasoning rejected all 285. Who authored ‘Anandasutram’? Brahmananada
Travancore for the release of Ayya Vaikuntar from existing religions and at the same time established a Sivayogi
imprisonment: Thycaud Ayya new religion called ‘Aananthamath’? Brahmananda 286. ‘Daiva Dasakam’ was authored by: Sree Narayana Guru
220. Who was also known by the name ‘Sree Bhatarakan’? Sivayogi 287. Who led the starvation march? A.K.Gopalan
Chattampi Swamikal 255. Who founded ‘Vidhyaposhini’, a cultural organisation? 288. Whom Sardar K.M.Panicker called the ‘Madan Mohan
221. Who was the only person who was exempted from court Sahodaran Ayyappan Malavya of Kerala’? Mannath Padmanabhan
appearances in civil cases by Government of 256. “To change the Nampoothiri into human” was the slogan 289. The colour of dress used by Sri Narayana Guru in his
Travancore? Sree Narayana Guru of: Yogakshema Sabha last days: White
222. Whose ancestral home was ‘Kallasseri Tharavad’: 257. Who is regared as the greatest Keralite of 20th century? 290. The first Malayali poet whose picture was printed on an
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker Sree Narayana Guru Indian stamp: Kumaranasan
223. Kumaranasan was born in the year: 1873 258. Who led ‘Jeevasikha Jatha’ during the Liberation 291. Vagbhatananda established ‘Atmavidhya Sangham’ in:
224. “ Whatever may be the religion of a man, it is enough if Struggle: Mannath Padmanabhan 1915
he becomes virtuous “ are the words of: Sree Narayana 259. Who was nominated as a select committee member of 292. In which year the last anniversary of the SNDP
Guru Cochin Namboothiri Bill: Parvathi Nenmenimangalam Yogam which Narayana Guru attended was held :
225. The Satyagraha which is related to ME Naidu and Gandhi 260. From which Constituency K.Kelappan was elected Palluruthy
Raman Pillai: Suchindram Member of Parliament in 1952: Ponnani 293. Name the leader who was imprisoned in connection with
226. The venue of Paliyam Satyagraha: Chennamangalam 261. Where the remains of Chavara Kuriakose Alias is kept: Kozhanchery speech: C.Kesavan
227. Who formed an organisation named Christophers during Mannanam 294. The leader of renaissance and minister of Thiru Kochi
the ‘liberation struggle’: Father Vadakkan 262. Who headed the Committee for Abolition of who participated in rationalist movement in Kerala?
228. Who initiated Raja Yoga into Vagbhatananda: Untounchability set up during the Vaikom Sathyagraha : Sahodaran Ayyappan
Brahmananda Sivayogi K.Kelappan 295. Who declared that his god and goddess are his
229. Who started Araya Service Society: Dr.Velukutty Arayan 263. In 1904 the then Maharajah of Travancore exempted organisation: Mannath Padmanabhan
230. Who wrote the book ‘Christumathachedanam’: whom from personal appearances in court, an honour 296. The autobiography of Swadeshabhimani K.Ramakrishna
Chattampi Swamikal recognizing him as a distinguished living personality: Sri Pillai: Ente Naadukadathal
231. In which agitation T.Krishnan and K.Kunhikkannan Narayana Guru 297. ‘Navamanjari’ written by Sree Narayana Guru is
attained martyrdom: Karivelloor 264. The renaissance leader whose ancestral home was dedicated to: Chattampi Swamikal
232. In which year Gandhiji made a visit to Kerala, that was Poonthran Veedu: Vakkom Maulavi 298. The founder of National Democratic Congress: Mannath
described by him a ‘pilgrimage’: 1937 265. Under the leadership of whom the resolution to boycott Padmanabhan
233. The founder of ‘Islam Dharma Paripalana Sangham’: ‘marakkuda’ was passed in a meeting held at the 299. The founder of Travancore Cheramar Mahajana Sabha:
Vakkom Moulavi residence of V.T.Bhattathirippad: Parvathi Pampady John Joseph
234. The year of Perinad Revolt led by Ayyankali: 1915 Nenmenimangalam and Arya Pallam 300. The muslim renaissance leader who published the
235. What was the pet name of Chattampi Swamikal: Kunjan 266. Who led the movement marked in Kerala history as journal Deepika: Vakkom Maulavi

18 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

General English
1. Science is full ___ wonders. (a) going (b) gone (c) Soar (d) Restrain (c) Intellectual (d) Literate
(a) with (b) by (c) to go (d) go 55. Position with salary, but no work or responsibil- 80. Select the correctly spelt word:
(c) off (d) of 28. The synonym of ‘Recollect’: ity. (a) Hemorage (b) Haemorrhage
2. How will you prevent the bacteria ____ the (a) Collect (b) Pack (a) Honorary (b) Mercenary (c) Heamorrhage (d) Haemarhage
system. (c) Remember (d) Forget (c) Sinecure (d) Extempore 81. She could not help ____ tears.
(a) to enter (b) from entering 29. ‘Inpalpable’ means: 56. If you had helped him, he ___ his work. (a) to shed (b) to be shed
(c) entered (d) entrance (a) Not easily grasped by the mind (a) could complete (b) could have (c) shed (d) shedding
3. Let us not discuss ___ it. (b) Not suitable to be eaten completed 82. ‘Improvident’ means:
(a) by (b) from (c) Not likely to happen (d) Not influenced (c) completed (d) none (a) Not likely to happen (b) Not influenced by
(c) about (d) No preposition needed by others 57. Witty, ready replies: others (c) Not looking to future
4. OFFICIOUS means: 30. John’s grand mother died recently ____ the (a) Repartees (b) Rhetorics needs (d) Not capable of
(a) Dealing with the office work age of 79. (c) Puns (d) Refrains being excited
(b) Office routine (a) in (b) at 58. India was dragged ____ the second World War 83. That was the ____ question in the paper.
(c) To hinder smooth working (c) for (d) by without the consent of her people: (a) most difficult (b) more difficult
(d) Too eager to help or advise 31. The word wrong in spelling among the (a) to (b) in (c) difficulty (d) difficultest
5. Animals that live in water: following : (c) into (d) for 84. ‘Efficacious’ means:
(a) Amphibians (b) Gregarious (a) Caravan (b) Catastrophy 59. The train is arriving ___ platform number 4: (a) Well adapted (b) likely to catch fire
(c) Aquatic (d) Vegetarian (c) Cognisant (d) Consequence (a) on (b) before easily (c) Producing the
6. She requested ____ my help 32. The idiom ‘lose heart’ means: (c) upon (d) at desired result (d) Spreading by touch
(a) for (b) by (a) break one’s heart(b) lose hope 60. Choose the misspelt word: 85. A gallery of _____.
(c) with (d) no preposition (c) fall in love (d) weep (a) Superintendent (b) Persistent (a) pigs (b) rooms
needed 33. The meaning of ‘Predilection’: (c) Resistent (d) Perseverance (c) pictures (d) fish
7. There are hard and fast rules about punctuality (a) Preference (b) Worry 61. I’m tired. Let’s go ___ home now. 86. At the traffic lights there were poor people
in my office (The meaning of the underlined (c) Weakness (d) Intelligence (a) for (b) to ____ for money.
phrase): 34. The criminal was totally taken ____ when the (c) with (d) no preposition (a) urging (b) requesting
(a) rigid (b) liberal police recognised him. 62. Commencement of words with same letters. (c) pleading (d) begging
(c) uncontrol (d) Illegal (a) aback (b) up (a) Homonym (b) Synonym 87. Boston is ____ the east coast of the United
8. One who does not believe in God: (c) for (d) away (c) Alliteration (d) Pangram States:
(a) Pagan (b) Atheist 35. The idiom ‘From hand to mouth’ means: 63. I have a huge teak tree in my compound, the (a) with (b) by
(c) Charlatan (d) Pedant (a) Live without saving money (b) Face the leaves of ____ are very broad. (c) at (d) on
9. Every man must love ____ own country. problem (a) whom (b) what 88. Arbiter means:
(a) their (b) one’s (c) Donate one’s assets (d) None of these (c) when (d) which (a) Priest (b) Despot
(c) our (d) his 36. We managed to put the fire out ____ a fire 64. In many countries poor children face a grim (c) Very bitter (d) Appointed by two
10. Ultra sonic waves ___ able the bats to locate extinguisher. ____ for existence. parties to settle a dispute
objects. (a) by (b) in (a) struggle (b) attempt 89. Point out the nearest antonym of the word
(a) in (b) dis (c) on (d) to (c) efforts (d) toil ‘Nominal’:
(c) en (d) un 37. A person who is very fond of reading books: 65. The word ‘Adjourn’ means: (a) Minimal (b) Exorbitant
11. One who dies for a noble cause: (a) Librarian (b) Bibliophobe (a) Postpone (b) Arrange (c) Large (d) Costly
(a) Martyr (b) Mercenary (c) Connoisseur (d) Bookworm (c) Collect (d) Add 90. Ammu started a course at college, but she
(c) Patriot (d) Truant 38. There are millions of stars in _____ 66. A person who works when his fellow workers ____ after six months.
12. I say my prayers ____ I sleep. (a) space (b) a space are on strike. (a) went out (b) fell out
(a) while (b) after (c) the space (d) None of these (a) Black amoor (b) Black leg (c) turned out (d) dropped out
(c) when (d) before 39. The river Rhine flows ____ the North Sea. (c) Black guard (d) Black out 91. Devote more attention to _____ consumers.
13. ‘Apposite’ means: (a) to (b) at 67. We tried to catch the thief, but he decided to (a) a (b) an
(a) Facing (b) In front of (c) in (d) into get away. (The meaning of the underlined (c) the (d) None of these
(c) Suitable (d) Reverse 40. Tidal mouth of a river. words) 92. These photographs were taken ____ a very
14. One who studies insects: (a) Basin (b) Estuary (a) escape (b) surrender good camera.
(a) Archaelogist (b) Entomologist (c) (c) Shore (d) Tributary (c) attack (d) fight (a) by (b) for
Botanist (d) Curator 41. The word ‘Martinet’ means: 68. I saw Vijay ___ a concert on Sunday. (c) to (d) with
15. ‘Sine die’ means: (a) Lazy person (b) Strong person (a) at (b) on 93. Select the wrongly spelt word:
(a) Without any definite date(b) Right to (c) Strict disciplinarian (d) Authoritarian (c) in (d) to (a) Decay (b) Dwindel
interfere(c) Common language 42. Capable of being drawn into wire: 69. ‘Homage’ means: (c) Decompose (d) Bankrupt
(d) A false step (a) Brittle (b) Malleable (a) Poverty (b) Excessive humility 94. Leave or remove from a place considered
16. The collective noun for ‘Cattle’: (c) Ductile (d) Prehensile (c) Respect and reverence dangerous:
(a) bunch (b) bevy 43. Your intimacy ____ her may lead to a scandal: (d) Insincere flattery (a) Evade (b) Evacuate
(c) hive (d) herd (a) with (b) at 70. A code of _____. (c) Avoid (d) Exterminate
17. The feminine gender of ‘Bachelor’: (c) to (d) for (a) Stamps (b) stars 95. Gymnastics ___ my favourite sport.
(a) Widower (b) Widow 44. The feminine gender of ‘Drake’: (c) sailors (d) laws (a)are (b) is
(c) Spinster (d) Nun (a) Duke (b) Filly 71. An excursion to Bangalore ____ by the school. (c) were (d) have
18. ‘A red rag to a bull’ means: (c) Hind (d) Duck (a) is being organised (b) are being organised 96. Select the correctly spelt word:
(a) An important issue 45. The meaning of ‘Fortitude’: (c) is been organised (d) are been organised (a) Handkerchief (b) Handkerchiefe
(b) Beyond description (c) Difficult position (a) Composure (b) Confidence 72. How long does it take to cross the Atlantic ___ (c) Handkercheef (d) Handkercheif
(d) A thing of provocation (c) Courage (d) Prudence ship. 97. A quiver of ____.
19. She was accustomed ___ the moods of her 46. The phrase ‘Set out’ means: (a) by (b) in (a) arrows (b) hay
husband: (a) start (b) extinguish (c) on (d) with (c) keys (d) girls
(a) of (b) to (c) with (d) about (c) to deceive (d) refuse 73. One of my colleagues ____ attended the 98. A person having profound knowledge:
20. A sentry must be: 47. The young one of a butterfly is known as: seminar. (a) Intelligent (b) Wise
(a) alive (b) hostile (a) Moth (b) Caterpillar (a) is (b) are (c) Scholar (d) None of these
(c) polite (d) alert (c) Cub (d) Fown (c) has (d) have 99. Prevention is better than _____.
21. All of us must be prepared to die ___ our 48. The phrase ‘Let off’ means: 74. Camels are peculiarly adapted ___ life in (a) care (b) cure
country. (a) to excuse from penalty (b) extinguish desert. (c) share (d) prayer
(a) of (b) from (c) refuse (d) to explain clearly (a) for (b) to 100. A mania for stealing.
(c) for (d) by 49. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘Meticulous: (c) by (d) in (a) Kleptomania (b) Megalomania
22. The opposite of ‘Frequent’: (a) Unmerited (b) Unimaginative 75. The giving of special favour by a person in (c) Theomania (d) Iconoclast
(a) Rare (b) Unusual (c) Carefree (d) Careless high position to his relatives:
(c) Few (d) None of these 50. ‘Onerous’ means: (a) Nepotism (b) Chauvinism Answers
23. She proved herself very ____ in Chess. (a) Needing to get effort (b) Nebulous (c) Vandalism (d) Incest
(a) adopt (b) adapt (c) Not clear (d) Emotional 76. I don’t usually watch TV ____ the day. 1(d) 2(b) 3(d) 4(d) 5(c) 6(d) 7(a) 8(b) 9(d) 10(c) 11(a)
(c) adept (d) None of these 51. This year we had ___ sufficient rain. (a) while (b) for 12(d) 13(c) 14(b) 15(a) 16(d) 17(c) 18(d) 19(b) 20(d)
24. A place where pigs are kept. (a) im (b) in (c) during (d) None of these 21(c) 22(a) 23(c) 24(b) 25(a) 26(c) 27(d) 28(c) 29(a)
(a) Kennel (b) Sty (c) dis (d) un 77. After sometime he stopped ____ 30(b) 31(b) 32(b) 33(a) 34(a) 35(a) 36(a) 37(d) 38(a)
(c) Den (d) Nest 52. A specialist in skin and its diseases: (a) to work (b) to be worked 39(d) 40(b) 41(c) 42(c) 43(a) 44(d) 45(c) 46(a) 47(b)
25. The meaning of ‘Abduct’: (a) Nephrologist (b) Dermatologist (c) working (d) None of these
(a) take away (b) take out 48(a) 49(d) 50(a) 51(b) 52(b) 53(a) 54(c) 55(c) 56(b)
(c) Cardiologist (d) Gynaecologist 78. We didn’t speak _____ the meal.
(c) take back (d) take on 53. The teacher says it is ___ hopeless case. (a) during (b) while 57(a) 58(c) 59(d) 60(c) 61(d) 62(c) 63(d) 64(a) 65(a)
26. The sound made by horses: (a) a (b) an (c) for (d) None of these 66(b) 67(a) 68(a) 69(c) 70(d) 71(a) 72(a) 73(c) 74(a)
(a) Croak (b) Coo (c) the (d) None of these 79. A person of good understanding knowledge 75(a) 76(c) 77(c) 78(a) 79(c) 80(b) 81(d) 82(c) 83(a)
(c) Neigh (d) Howl 54. The synonym of ‘Ascend’ is: and reasoning power: 84(c) 85(c) 86(d) 87(d) 88(d) 89(b) 90(d) 91(c) 92(d)
27. I would rather ____ for batting. (a) Fall (b) Concise (a) Expert (b) Snob 93(b) 94(b) 95(b) 96(a) 97(a) 98(c) 99(b) 100(a)

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 19

ssS∏nk - ‰-v -v /Iºyq-´¿- Aknk
- ‰-v ‚v- ]co-£bv°
- v- klm-bIcam-b
hn-hn-[ ]n-Fkv-kn- ]co-£Ifp-sS ap≥-Im-eßfn-se tNm-Zy-t]∏dp-Iƒ-
Typist-KFDC LTD/C.A Grade II- C) Line is coming to the end . A) Home B) Backspace (A) exetra (B) etcetera
D) Machine is reaching the last degree C) Space D) Delete (C) extra (D) ex-cetera
Sainik Welfare/ 73.The guide row of keyboard is arranged from the 95. Draw a line,through the middle of the selected 43. SMS means :
Various/Typist Gr-II-Various top as the A) First row B) Second row text is known as (A) Small Message Sender :
16-05-2017 C) Third row D) Fourth row A) Subscript B) Change case (B) Short Mobile Sender
51. The shape of a PLATEN in a typewriter is 74. In which direction the handle of the typewriter is C) Strikethrough D) None of these (C) Short Mobile Service
A) Pyramid B) Rectangle to be rotated ? 96. Find out the odd man out. (D) Short Message Service
C) Triangle D) Round A) Anti-clockwise B) Clockwise A) Mouse B) Printer 44. The size of an A4 paper is :
52. The name of typeface which gives 10 letters C) Round D) None C) Monitor D) Plotter (A) 8.5" x 11" (B) 8.5" x 14"
per inch 75. What is the size of policy type carriage ? 97. Tabloid, Legal, Letter, are included in the (C) 8.27" x 11.69" (D) 8.27" x 11"
A) Pica B) Point A) 80 B) 100 ________ option. 45. While drafting the address of a letter, after ‘from’
C) Gothic D) Script C) 140 D) 180 A) Orientation B) Margins and ‘to’ which punctuation mark is to be written?
53. The movement of the carriage is controlled by 76. Capital letter ‘M’ denotes which number from C) Paper size D) None of these (A) comma (B) full stop
A) Draw cord the following? 98. In which shortcut key used to undo the document (C) quotation (D) No mark
B) Loose dog and rigid dog A) 100 B) 500 ? 46. Which function key is used for refreshing?
C) Back spacer D) Bell C) 1000 D) 2000 A) Ctrl + U B) Ctrl + Z (A) F4 (B) F7
54. In which keys are used for typing a single 77. In which of the following the correct complimentary C) Ctrl + Y D) Ctrl + D (C) F5 (D) F8
character in the upper case ? close used in the D. 0. Letter ? 99. A peripheral which is used to accept data and 47. No. of dead keys are in a modified Malayalam
A) Master key B) Enter key A) Yours faithfully B) Yours truly send it to processing unit is called Typewriter?
C) Dead key D) Shift key C) Yours friendly D) Yours sincerely A) Input devices B) Output devices (A) Two (B) Three
55. Which kind of cylinder is generally used in a 78. The expanded form of “On I. G. S.”. . C) Data devices D) Processing device (C) One (D) Four
Typewriter? A) Thread rubber A) On Integrated Grade System 100. Recently deleted files are stored in 48. What are the short cut keys for getting a double
B) Soft rubber B) On International Gas Service A) Desktop B) C-Drive underline to a selected text in MS. Word
C) Medium hard rubber D) Thin rubber C) On India Government Service C) My Computer D) Recycle bin document?
56. Keyboard is fixed as per the arrangement of D) On India Government System (A) Ctrl + shift + d (B) Ctrl + shift + u
A) Frequency of their occurrences 79. What is the use of shift lock in a typewriter ?
A) To type upper case characters continuously .
Answers (C) Ctrl + shift + 1 (D) Ctrl +shift + 2
49. The Maximum number of lines can be set for a
B) Convenience of the inventor
C) Alphabets D) None B) To type lower case characters continuously 51 D) 52 A) 53 B) 54 D) 55 C) 56 A) 57 C) 58 B) Drop Cap is :
57. Pinion wheel is connected to C) To type only one number character 59 C) 60 D) 61 B) 62 A) 63 B) 64 C) 65 A) 66 B) (A) 5 (B) 8
A) Thumb wheel B) Ratchet wheel D) None (C) 10 (D) 13
80. In which of the following salutation is used when 67 D) 68 C) 69 A) 70 B) 71 D) 72 A) 73 C) 74 X) 50. In computing the term IP means :
C) Escapement wheel D) backspace 75 D) 76 C) 77 D) 78 C) 79 A) 80 X) 81 A) 82 C)
58. The upper portion of the typewriter which moves we type Messrs in the inside address of the (A) Insert Pin (C) Internet Protocol
business letter ? 83 B) 84 D) 85 A) 86 C) 87 B) 88 D) 89 B) 90 C) (B) International Pin (D) Internet Pin
while typing is called
A) Segment B) Carriage A) Sir B) Dear Sir 91 B) 92 A) 93 D) 94 B) 95 C) 96 A) 97 C) 98 B) 51. From where, the CPU in a computer retrieves
C) Cylinder D) None C) Sirs D) DearMr 99 A) 100 D) data :
59. In a typewriter, the position of bell is fixed 81. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is (A) Main Memory (B) Secondary Memory
A) In the carriage B) In the keyboard called . Computer Assistant Grade II - (C) Auxiliary Memory (D) None of these
C) Behind the typewriter D) Under the keys A) Sorting B) Classifying 52. Which are short cut keys for converting the
60. The carriage will stop suddenly, if C) Reproducing D) Summarizing Govt. Sectt./ selected text into upper case in MS. Word?
A) The cylinder is worn out 82. Block Arrows Stars and Banners, Callouts are KPSC/LFAD/Adv. General Office (A) Ctrl + shift+ 1 (B) Ctrl + shift + u :
B) The ribbon is cut off all examples of (C) Ctrl + shift + a (D) Ctrl + shift + c
C) The carriage rack is worn out A) Picture Categories B) Clip Art Categories 05.02.2016 53. The Key ‘N’ is called ‘Master Key’ in a
D) The draw cord is cut off C) Auto Shapes Categories 31. Which of the following has the fastest type of typewriting keyboard because :
61. Cylinder Ratchet Wheel is used for D) Word Art Categories memory? (A) right hand index finger is using for typing
A) Ribbon movement B) Line spacing 83. The word processing task associated with (A) Semiconductor Memories (B) it is fixed on the bottom of the key board
C) Key movement D) Carriage movement changing the appearance of a document is (B) Magnetic Disks (C) it is the first letter installed in the keyboard
62. Universal Bar is connected to ........................of A) Editing B) Formatting (C) Magnetic Tapes (D) Compact Disks (D) none of these
a typewriter. C) Writing D) Inserting 32. ROM has a: 54. The Designer of Malayalam Typewriter Keyboard is :
A) Dog Block B) Main Spring 84. What type of device is computer keyboard ? (A) Decoder followed by encoder (A) T.K. Ramakrishnan (B) R. Arulappan
C) Carriage Rack D) Type Bar Segment A) Memory B) Output (B) Multiplexer followed by decoder (C) N.S. Pandala (D) T.R. Krishnayyer
63. What is the other name of Touch System method C) Storage D) Input (C) Demultiplexer followed by an encoder 55. The unsolicited bulk commercial E-mails are
of typewriting ? 85. In the following options, which would you choose (D) None of the above known as :
A) Sight B) Blind to save a document with a new name in MS 33. The smallest information that computer can (A) hoaxes (B) virus
C) Visual D) Hearing Word 2007 ? understand: ;
(C) junk (D) spam
64. Taking copies of typewritten matter by means A) Office Button, Save AsB) Office Button, Save (A) Unicode (B) Bit 56. RTF is the abbreviation of :
of carbon paper is called C) Ctrl + M D) None of these (C) ASCII (D) Byte (A) Real Text Format (C) Rich Text Format
A) Recording B) Cyclostyling 86. Which item appears dimly behind the main body 34. -———————is a technique used for (B) Readable Text Form
C) Manifolding D) Duplicating text ? processing bank cheques. (D) Real Text Function
65. In which parts of a typewriter located on the left A) Water Color B) Background (A) MICR (B) OMR 57. Name the computerised system which helps
side below the carriage ? C) Watermark D) Back Color (C) OCR (D) DDR managers of big organisation for decision
A) Main Spring Drum B) Dog Block 87. The printed output from a computer is called 35. 1 Gigabyte means : making? . . ..
C) Cylinder D) Type Basket A) Copy B) Hard Copy (A) 210 bytes (B) 220 bytes (A) Network (B) MIS
66. Which of the following is used to rotate the C) Soft Copy D) Paper (C) 230 bytes (D) 240 bytes (C) Assembler (D) Interpreter
cylinder on either side ? 88. In which Short Key is used for increase Font 36. ................ memory is non volatile. 58. The software installed on computers for
A) Shift Lock B) Thumb Wheels Size in a selected text ? (A) Cache (B) Primary collecting the information about the users
C) Carriage D) Centre Guide A) Ctrl + Shift+ ? B) Ctrl + Shift+ < (C) Secondary (D) None of these without their knowledge is:
67. The carriage rack rests on C) Shift + + D) Ctrl + Shift+ > 37. Which of the following device can store large (A) Virus (C)Spyware
A) Duplicator 89. Which language does MS Word used to create amounts of data? (B) Worms (D)Spam
B) Cylinder Ratchet Wheel Macros ? A) Access B) Visual Basic (A) Floppy Disk (B) Hard Disk 59. What is the meaning of 'Wiki’ in the ’word’
C) Card Holder D) Pinion Wheel C) C++ D) Visual C++ (C) CDROM (D Zip Disk 'Wikipedia’?
68. (a) and (;) are............ keys in a typewriter. 90. Computer Monitor is also known as 38. The list of coded instructions is called : (A) Knowledge (B) Around the world
A) Home keys B) Master key A) DVU C) VDU (A) Computer program(B) Algorithm (C) Quick (D) Medium
C) Guide key D) Character key B) UVD D) CCTV (C) Flowchart (D) Utility programs 60. The protection systems involve some unique
69. Which key is used for typing upper case letters ? 91. Which of the following is called the Permanent 39. What is M-commerce? aspect of a person’s body is :
A) Shift key B) Master key Memory built into a Computer ? (A) Manual Commerce (B) Mobile Commerce (A) Authorization (B) Biometric
C) Dead key D) None A) RAM B) ROM (C) Marketing Commerce (C) Authentication (D) None of these
70. _______ is used to move carriage a degree C) Flash Drive D) None (D) Money Commerce 61. In which year the Government of India passed
towards right. 92. _______ gives the information about No. of 40.In Ms-Excel which is shortcut key for getting the Information Technology Act?
A) Dead key B) Back space key pages, Present Page Number, Cursor position ‘Current Time’: (A) 1999 (B) 2000
C) Tabulator set key D) Margin release key in a page. (A) Ctrl + shift +t (B) Ctrl + shift+ ; (C) 2001 (D) 2002
71. w.e.f. stands for A) Status Bar B) Menu Bar (C) Ctrl + t (D) Ctrl + ; 62. Which of the following can be used for
A) without entry fees B) world equity factor C) Ribbon D) View Bar 41. URL is the abbreviation of: identification and tracking of products, animal
C) what effect for D) with effect from 93. The default language of Microsoft word is (A) Universal Resource Locator etc.?
72. Bell in the typewriter gives warning to caution A) Australian English B) UK English (B) Universal Report Locator (A) RAID . (B) RFID
that the C) Canadian English D) U.S.A. English (C) Uniform Resource Locator (C) Router (D) None of these
A) Right side margin is approaching 94. Which key deletes the characters to the left of (D)Uniform Report Label 63. SIM is the abbreviation of:
B) Ribbon is coming to the end the cursor? 42. etc. is the abbreviation of: (A) Subscriber Identification Module

20 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

(B) Subscriber Information Machine (A) Ctrl + S (B) Ctrl + F (C) Translate (D) Transport Lower Division Typist/
(C) Subscriber Information Mobile (C) Ctrl+M (D) None of the above 60. The abbreviation of Pound is :
(D) System of Information Mobile 36. SORT command is used for : (A) pz (B) pd ClerkTypist/Typist Clerk
64. In MS. Word, pressing ‘Alt + Backspace’ gives (A) Filtering data (B) Arranging data (C) pnd (D) Ib Various
the result of: (C) Displaying data (D) Hiding data 61. ‘Stet’ written on manuscripts represents :
(A) Delete (B) Redo 37. _______ is the process of combining main (A) Omit the word or line marked 30.04.2016
(C) Exit (D) Undo (B) Type the.matter scored off 51. Ctrf + U is the shortcut key for
document with the data source.
65. Find the odd one : (C) Insert a word or letter A) Bold B) Italic
(A) Change Styles (B) Find
(A) ROM (B) RAM (D) To split letters or words C) Underline D) None of these
(C) Goal Seek (D) Mail Merge
(C) EPROM (D) PROM 62. The last word typed at the end of a page being 52. One of the following is not subunit of CPU
38. Operating System is a :
66. A Court Case Number is written as OP 1/2015. repeated as the first word in the subsequent A) Arithmetic Logic Unit B) Output Unit
(A) General Purpose software
Here OP stands for : page is called : C) Memory Unit D) Control Unit
(B) Application software
(A) Open Petition (B) Opposite Party (A) Catch word (B) Post script 53. To send a message to another user select New
(C) System Software
(C) Other Party (D) Original Petition (C) Footnote (D) Endnote ->mail message option from
(D) None of the above
67. One KB is equal to : 63. Which of the following helps in correcting the A) Edit menu B) Format menu
39. Which one of the following is not a Web Browser?
(A) 1000 bytes (B) 1012 bytes typed matter on a typewriter? C) Insert menu D) File menu
(A) Internet Explorer (B) MS Office
(C) 1014 bytes (D) 1024 bytes (A) Paper bail (B) Margin stop scale 54. Find and replace is in the ...............menu
(C) Safari (D) Mozilla firefox
68. The Computers which have Artificial (C) Segment (D) Line finder scale A) File B) Edit
40. In MS PowerPoint the ‘Page Setup’ button can
Intelligence is : 64.Decrease in main spring tension in a typewriter C) Insert D) Format
be found in the :
(A) 1st Generation (B) 2nd Generation leads to : 55. Close button is located on the right side of
(A) Home Tab (B) Animations Tab
(C) 3rd Generation (D) 4th Generation (A) Jerking (B) Overtyping A) Toolbar B) Statusbar
(C) Insert Tab (D) Design Tab
69. How many bits are in a nibble? (C) Jumping (D) None of the above C) Titlebar D) Scrollbar
41. ................ is the brain of a computer.
(A) 4 (B) 8 65. Which pen is used for signing on a stencil paper? 56. Monitor is also known as
(A) Keyboard
(C) 16 (D) 32 (A) Sketch pen (B) Ink pen . A) Visual Display Unit B) Memory Unit
(B) Central Processing Unit
70. The most important feature of cloud computing is : (C) Stylus pen (D) Hard pencil C) Storage Device D) Program
(C) Monitor (D) Printer
(A) on demand service (B) software service 66. The key which is not found in English Typewriter : 57. Which one is not a search engine ?
42. In MS Word 2007 Maximum Zoom is
(C) platform service (D infrastructure service (A) Margin release key (B) Key release key A) Spiders B) Virus
71. In an MS. Word document, ‘Ctrl + Delete’ keys (C) Tab set key (D) Dead key C) Robots D) Crawlers
(A) 100 (B) 300
can be used for : 67. Which of the following is not a non-character 58. Ctrl + X is shortcut key for
(C) 200 (D) 500
(A) delete a letter (B) delete a row key? A) Paste B) Cut
43. The extension of a Paint File :
(C) delete a paragraph (D) delete a word (A) Master key (B) Tab release key C) Copy D) Save
72. Which is function key using for spelling (C) Key release key (D) Tab set key 59. One of the following is not e-mail term
checking? 68. ———: helps the type bars to return to the A) Forward B) To
44. Which of the following is not an Antivirus
(A) F3 (B) F5 basket after each stroke. C) From D) Backward
(C) F7 (D) F9 (A) Paper Guide (B) Card Holder 60. Spelling mistakes in document typed appear
73. Which of the following is used to read PDF files? (C) Feed Rolls (D) Buffer Spring with
(C) McAfee (D) NORTON ..
(A) MS Word (B) MS Excel 69. Which are the guide keys in the English A) Green underline B) blue underline
45. Which one of the following is a word processing
(C) Power Point (D) Acrobat Reader Typewriter? C) Red underline D) None of these
74. G.Os are issued by : (A) q and p (B) a and ; 61. ______ key can be used to make a cancel
(A) Governor (B) Secretary (C) z and m (D) a and I selection in a menu.
(C) Chief Minister (D) Home Minister 70. Overlapping of letters at the locked right margin A) Esc key B) Shift key
46. What function displays row data in a column or
75. F.O.B means : is called: C) Enter key D) Delete key
column data in a row?
(A) Free On Boat (B) Free On Business (A) Rewriting (B) Offsetting 62. The program that is used to write, edit and print
(A) Concatenate (B) Transpose
(C) Free On Board (D) None of these (C) Aligning (D) Piling text is
(C) Trim (D) Average
76. MIPS means : 71. In which of the following, the subject of the letter A) Word processor B) Internet
47. ——— Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte. .
. (A) Multiple Information Processing System is given under “abstract”? C) Spreadsheet D) Presentation software
(A) 1204 (B) 1104
(B) Multiple Information Per Second (A) D.O. letter (B) Circular 63. Which one is not a component of a slide ?
(C) 1024 (D) None of the above
(C) Millions Instructions Per Second (C) Govt. Order (D) Memorandum A) Title B) Subtitle
48. Microsoft Office is:
(D) None of these 72. ‘E & OE’ is the abbreviation for : C) Drawing objects D) Handouts
(A) Shareware (B) Open-Source
77. Which is a ‘presentation software’? (A) Errors and Omissions Excepted 64. _____ contains all the menu commands
(A) MS Access (B) PowerPoint (B) Errors and Omissions Expected available for that particular application.
(C) Public Domain Software (D) An
(C) MS Excel (D) Word Processor (C) Errors and Omissions Erased A) Menubar B) Statusbar
application suite
78. The mistake made in the typing-process of (D) Errors and Omissions Expelled C) Toolbar D) Titlebar
49. URL stands for :
printed material is known as : 73. In a Business Letter, ———————— is typed 65. Intersection of rows and columns is
(A) Uniform Resource Locator
(A) Scribal error (B) Typographical Error just below the complementary close. A) Cells B) Worksheet
(B) Uniform Resource Loader
(C) Clerical error (D) Spelling error (A) Perprocuration (B) Designation C) Workbook D) Cell pointer
(C) Uniform Research Locator
79. In MS Word document; Alt + F8 is the short- (C) Salutation (D) Name of the signatory 66. The keyboard shortcut to move one cell to the
(D) Uniform Research Loader
cut key for? 74. How many spaces are to be provided after a right is
50. Which power point view displays each slide of
(A) Review (B) Mailing colon? A) Tab key B) Enter
the presentation as a thumbnail display?
(C) Reference (D) Macros (A) One (B) Three C) Ctrl + Home D) Shift + Tab
(A) Slide master (B) Slide show
80. To print in wide format, which orientation is (C) No space (D) Two 67. _________ bar contains document name.
(C) Slide sorter (D) Notes page
suited : 75 How many space adjustments can be done in A) Menubar B) Toolbar
51. To create a new folder in a window :
(A) Vertical (B) Horizontal a Typewriter? C) Statusbar D) Titlebar
(A) Right Click + Select new folder
(C) Portrait (D) Landscape (A) 3 (B) 5 68. Meaning of Shift + Home
(B) Double click + Select view
(C) 2 (D) 4 A) To the end of a line
(C) Left Click + Select new folder
B) To the beginning of a line
Answers (D) Double click on desktop 76. Which finger of the left hand is used to type the
letter ‘Z”? C) To the previous lineD) To the next line
52. Which of the following groups consists of only
(A) Little finger (B) Index finger 69. The worksheet of Excel 2000 contains _____
31 A) 32 A) 33 B) 34 A) 35 C) 36 C) 37 B) 38 A) input devices?
(C) Ring finger (D) Middle finger columns.
39 B) 40 B) 41 C) 42 X) 43 D) 44 C) 45 D) 46 C) (A), Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
77. ——— is used for getting continuous A) 265 B) 256
47 C) 48 A) 49 C) 50 C) 51 A) 52 C) 53 C) 54 C) (B) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
uppercase characters. C) 65536 D) 65635
55 D) 56 C) 57 B) 58 C) 59 C) 60 B) 61 B) 62 B) (C) Keyboard, Mouse, Printer
(A) Shift lock (B) Marginal Release key 70. Small graphical images representing the object
63 A) 64 D) 65 B) 66 D) 67 D) 68 X) 69 A) 70 A) (D) Printer, Scanner, Mouse
(C) Shift key (D) Tab set key A) Icon B) Folder
53. Inventor of Email System is :
71 D) 72 C) 73 D) 74 A) 75 C) 76 C) 77 B) 78 B) 78. The cheapest method of taking a large number C) Desktop D) File
(A) Winton surf (B) Jan Kenneth
79 D) 80 D) of copies using stencil is called 71. The chart which illustrates comparisons among
(C) Bill Gates (D) None of the above
(A) Stencil Cutting (B) Stencil Duplicating individual items
54. The ‘copy’ command saves the ,content
(C) Manifolding (D) None of the above A) Pie chart B) Column chart
Computer Assistant Grade II temporarily to the : (A) Desktop (B)
79. The Cyclostyle machine was invented by : C) Line chart D) Bar chart
Universities in Kerala (C) Clipboard (D) MS word (A) David Gestetner 72. Pre defined formulas that perform calculations
by using specific values are
26.05.2016 55. MS Excel diplays the address of the active (B) Christopher L Sholes
A) Legend B) List
31. A worksheet contains : . cell in the : (C) William Mill (D) Sir Isaac Pitman
80. The Loose Dog helps in : C) Functions D) Worksheet
(A) 256 columns and 65563 rows (A) Formula bar (B) Status bar
(A) Ribbon reverse movement 73. Title case in change case
(B) 256 columns and 65536 rows (C) Tool bar (D) Menu bar
(B) Up and down movement A) Changes all selected text to lower case
(C) 256 columns and 75536 rows 56. Which of the following helps to reduce the
(C) Step by step movement letters
(D) 265 columns and 75536 rows sound while typing?
(D) None of the above B) Changes all selected text to capital letters
32. Which of the following is a Volatile Memory? (A) Feed roll (B) Paper table
C) Capitalises the first letter of each word in
(A) EPROM (B) ROM (C) Paper bail (D) None of the above
the selection
(C) RAM (D) None of the above 57. Carriage Rack is set on the top of the : Answers D) Capitalises the first letter of the first word in
33. Name the section at the top of the document (A) Pinion wheel (B) Ratchet wheel
the selected sentences
used to place the name, page number etc. (C) Dog block (D) Segment 31 B) 32 C) 33 A) 34 D) 35 C) 36 B) 37 D) 38 C) 74. In MS Word there are .............alignments.
(A) Header (B) Web Layout 58. The process of taking out more copies on a 39B) 40 D) 41 B) 42 D) 43A) 44 A) 45 D) 46 B) A) three B) four
(C) Footer (D) Hyperlink typewriter using carbon paper : 47 C) 48 D) 49 A) 50 C) 51 A) 52 B) 53 D) 54 C) C) two D) none of these
34. Who is the founder of Facebook? (A) Duplicating (B) Spreading 55 A) 56 C) 57 A) 58 C) 59 B) 60 D) 61 B) 62 A) 75. Deleted files are moved to
(A) Glen Recort (C) Alien Turing (C) Manifolding (D) Manuscripting 63 D) 64 B) 65 C) 66 D) 67 A) 68 D) 69 B) 70 D) A) Folder B) Desktop
(B) Tim Berners Le (D) Mark Zuckerberg 59. The instruction ‘trans’ given in a manuscript
71 C) 72 A) 73 A) 74 X) 75 B) 76 C) 77 A) 78 B) C) Recyclebin D) CPU
35. Which of the following shortcut key is used for represents :
79 A) 80 C) 76. Capital ‘D’ is used for
insert a new slide? (A) Transverse (B) Transpose

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 21

A) 1000 B) 500
C) 50 D) 100
77. After the interrogation mark ............. should be
A) Single space B) Two space
C) Three space D) None of these Sl.No. Cat.No. Name of Post & Department Date 920 152/2017 Sr.Lr. in Orthopedics Medical Education Dpt. NCA-LC/AI 18.12.2018
78. Which one is not non-character key ?
A) Backspace key B) Margin release key 866 99/2016 Laboratory Assistant KSHE SR for SC/ST Tvpm 05.12.2018 921 151/2017 Sr.Lr. in Orthopedics Medical Education Dpt. NCA-M 18.12.2018
C) Master key D) Shift key 867 99/2016 Laboratory Assistant KSHE SR for SC/ST Palakkad 05.12.2018 922 510/2015 Asst.Tester cum Ganger Malabar Cements Ltd. 18.12.2018
79. The important tension in a typewriter is 868 99/2016 Laboratory Assistant KSHE SR for SC/ST Alappuzha 05.12.2018 923 528/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) NCA-V Kottayam 18.12.2018
A) Main spring tensionB) Key tension
C) Touch regulator tension D) None of these 869 363/2017 Perfusionist Medical Education Dept. 05.12.2018 924 180/2017 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo)1st NCA-M Pathanamthitta 18.12.2018
80. Footnotes are typed in 870 140/2017 Sr.Lr.in Opthalmology Medical Education Service 05.12.2018 925 346/2014 Physical Education Teacher(HS)Malayalam Medium
A) Single line spacing B) Double line spacing Edn. Dept. Alappuzha 18.12.2018
C) Triple line spacing D) None of these 871 657/2012 Lr.in Law College Education Dept. 05.12.2018
81. Guide keys are 926 515/2015 Pharmacist Gr.II IMS Kozhikode 19.12.2018
872 51/2015 Lr.in Law College Education Dept. (NCA-LC/AI) 05.12.2018
A) ‘q’and ’p’ B) ‘z’ and ‘.' 927 189/2016 Radiographer Gr.II HSD 19.12.2018
C) ‘a’ and ';’ D) ‘a’ and ‘s’ 873 52/2015 Lr.in Law College Education Dept. (NCA-M) 05.12.2018
82. Receivers address is typed on 928 283/2014 Last Grade Employees (Part I) Gen.Cat. in Appex Society 19.12.2018
874 422/2016 Asst.Profeser in Paedatric Surgery 05.12.2018
A) The left top corner of the envelop 875 269/2013 Data Entry Operator Part I G Catogery DCB 05.12.2018
929 284/2014 Last Grade Employees (Part II) Society.Cat. in
B) Top centre of the envelop Kerala State Handloom Weavers Co-Operative Society 19.12.2018
C) The right top corner of the envelop 876 424/2016 Lr.in Anatomy Medical Education Service 05.12.2018
930 36/2017 Non Vocational Teacher (English) Jr. SR for ST only KVHSE 19.12.2018
D) The right half of the envelop 877 513/2017 Technician Gr.II (Boiler Operator) 1st NCA-OBC KCMMF 10.12.2018
83. Master key in typewriter is 931 419/2016 Asst. Profesor in General Surgery Medical Education Service 19.12.2018
A) Q C) A 878 126/2017 Agricultural Officer (SR for ST only) Agriculture Dept. 10.12.2018
932 99/2016 Lab Asst. (SR from SC/ST only) KHSE Kasargod 19.12.2018
B) N D) ; 879 13/2018 Supporting Artist in Vocal for Kathakali in College
84. If the dogs are worn out it causes 933 122/2016 LDC (SR for SC/ST) Various Kozhikode 19.12.2018
Education Department (Music Colleges) (NCA-E/T/B) 10.12.2018
A) Jerky movement B) Bad alignment 934 106/2017 LD Technician Kerala Drugs Control 20.12.2018
880 260/2017 HSA (Maths) Malayalam Medium (B/T) Education Dept. Tvpm 11.12.2018
C) Defective feeding D) Sluggish movement
936 323/2015 HSA Natural Science Malayalam Medium (NCA-SIUC N)
85. Who has developed the Touch System’ ? 881 527/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. Kannur 11.12.2018
Edn. Dept. Thrissur 21.12.2018
A) Christopher Latham Sholes B) Frank Me 882 199/2016 HSA (Arabic) Education Dept. Alappuzha 11.12.2018
Gurrin 946 533/2012 Jr.Instructor (Digital Photography) IT Dept. 21.12.2018
C) William Mill D) Charles Thurber 883 188/2017 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. Kannur 11.12.2018
947 2/2015 Asst.Director Industries & Commerce 21.12.2018
86. In a typewriter there are...............carriage 884 261/2017 HSA (Physcical Science) Malayalam Medium
release levers. Education Dept. Kozhikode 11.12.2018 948 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Tvpm 21.12.2018
A) One B) Two 949 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Kollam 21.12.2018
885 264/2017 HSA (Hindi) B/T Education Dept. Palakkad 11.12.2018
C) Three D) None of these
87. To type upper case characters continuously we 886 262/2017 HSA (Natural Science) Malayalam Medium (B/T) 950 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept.
use Education Dept. Kasargod 11.12.2018 Pathanamthitta 21.12.2018
A) Backspace B) Shift key 887 536/2017 Part Time HSA (Arabic) Education Dept. Alappuzha 11.12.2018 951 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Kottayam 21.12.2018
C) Shift lock D) Tabulator bar 952 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Idukki 21.12.2018
88. Uneven space between the characters is 888 455/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II Indian Medical Services Kottayam 11.12.2018
A) Sluggish movement B) Jerky movement 889 532/2013 FTJLT (Arabic) UPS Education Dept. Kannur 11.12.2018 953 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Ernakulam 21.12.2018
C) Alignment D) Bad alignment 890 152/2015 Male Warden in SC Development Dept. Kozhikode 11.12.2018 954 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Thrissur 21.12.2018
89. ‘Cowl’ is also known as
A) Centre guide B) Universal bar 891 352/2016 Computer Gr.II Printing Dept. Kottayam 11.12.2018 955 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Malappuram 21.12.2018
C) Top plate D) Type basket 892 99/2016 Lab Asst. In KHSED Kozhikode 13.12.2018 956 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Palakkad 21.12.2018
90. In one inch there are.................... letters.
893 216/2016 Scientific Asst. (Electro Diagonist) Medical Education 13.12.2018 957 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Kozhikode 21.12.2018
A) 10 B) 8
C) 12 D) 14 894 529/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. (4th NCA-LC) 958 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Wayanad 21.12.2018
91. The motive power for movement of carriage Wayanad 14.12.2018 959 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Kannur 21.12.2018
towards left is 895 527/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept.(6th NCA-LC)
A) Universal bar B) Mainspring 960 354/2016 Reserve Wacher/Depot Wacher Forest Dept. Kasargod 21.12.2018
Pathanamthita 14.12.2018
C) Keyboard D) Carriage rack 961 177/2017 Pharmacist Gr.II Homeo 4th NCA-SIUC N Kozhikode 21.12.2018
92. In Malayalam typewriter there are .........dead 896 263/2017 HSA (Social Science) Malayalam Medium(B/T)
keys. Education Dept. Malappuram 14.12.2018 964 162/2016 Paste up Artist Gr.II Keral Lagislative Secretariat 26.12.2018
A) One B) Two 897 263/2017 HSA (Social Science) Malayalam Medium(B/T) 965 420/2016 Asst.Profesor in Medgastro enteroglogy Medical
C) Three D) None of these Education Dept. Kollam 14.12.2018 Education service 26.12.2018
93. Which part of the typewriter is not oiled ? 898 263/2017 HSA (Social Science) Malayalam Medium(B/T) 966 386/2014 UPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn. Dept. Kannur 27.12.2018
A) Carriage rails B) Pinion wheel Education Dept. Tvpm 14.12.2018
C) Platen D) Carriage rack 967 386/2014 UPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn. Dept. Kozhikode 27.12.2018
94. What is the size of A4 paper ? 899 263/2017 HSA (Social Science) Malayalam Medium(B/T)
Education Dept. Kozhikode 14.12.2018 968 234/2016 Tracer in Soil Survey and Soil Conservation dept. Kollam 28.12.2018
A) 148x210 mm B) 21 Ox 297 mm
C) 229 x 324 mm D) 297 x 420 mm 900 263/2017 HSA(Social Science)Malayalam Medium(B/T) 969 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Kottayam 28.12.2018
95. In business letters To address’ should be typed Education Dept. Pathanamthitta 14.12.2018 970 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Tvpm 28.12.2018
In ____ space. 901 342/2016 Pharmacist (Homeo) IMS Ernakulam 14.12.2018
A) Single line B) Double line 971 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Kollam 28.12.2018
C) Triple line D) None of these 902 531/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. (NCA-D) 972 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Kannur 28.12.2018
96. Two space should not be left after Kannur 14.12.2018
973 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Idukki 28.12.2018
A) Full stop B) Exclamation mark 903 527/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. (6th NCA-LC)
C) Colon D) Comma Alappuzha 14.12.2018 974 386/2014 UPSA Edn.Dept.Pathanamthitta 28.12.2018
97. The sign ‘stet’ in manuscript is to 975 510/2017 Technical Asst. (1st NCA-M) Ayurveda Medical Edn. 28.12.2018
A) Delete B) Let it stand 904 529/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. (NCA-LC)
Kottayam 14.12.2018 976 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Pathanamthitta 28.12.2018
C) Close up D) Insert space
98. In D.O. letters complimentary close will be 905 286/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy Dept. Ernakulam 14.12.2018 977 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Kozhikode 28.12.2018
A) Yours faithfully B) Yours loving 906 397/2016 Clerk Sainik Welfare Dept. SR for ST From
C) Yours sincerely D) Yours obediently 978 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Palakkad 28.12.2018
EX-Servicemen only Kollam 14.12.2018
99. Which is not rubber part of a typewriter ? 979 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Wayanad 28.12.2018
A) Feed rolls B) Cylinder 907 481/2017 PTJLT (Arabic) 1st NCA-LC/AI Education Dept. Alappuzha 14.12.2018
980 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Kasargod 28.12.2018
C) Paper bail rolls D) Dog block 908 245/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (SR for ST only) Health Service Dept. Tvpm 14.12.2018
100. Even though there are 2 characters on a 909 532/2013 FTJLT Arabic UPS Education Dept. Tvpm 14.12.2018
981 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Ernakulam 28.12.2018
typeface only one letter causes impression 982 386/2014 UPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept.Kollam 28.12.2018
because of 910 527/2016 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy
A) Up and down movement of ribbon Dept. (6th NCA-LC) Alappuzha 14.12.2018 983 386/2014 UPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept.Alappuzha 28.12.2018
B) Universal bar is in semi-circular shape 911 262/2017 HSA (Natural Science) (B/T)Education Dept. Alappuzha 14.12.2018 984 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Alappuzha 28.12.2018
C) Segment is in semi-circular shape
912 532/2013 FTJLT (Arabic) UPS Education Dept. Kasargod 15.12.2018 985 387/2014 LPSA (Malayalam Medium) Edn.Dept. Malappuram 28.12.2018
D) Curvature of the platen
913 532/2013 FTJLT (Arabic) UPS Education Dept. Pathanamthitta 15.12.2018 986 131/2017 Non Vocational Teacher in GFC (SR from ST only) 28.12.2018
Answers 914 532/2013 FTJLT (Arabic) UPS Education Dept. Kottayam 15.12.2018 987 125/2015 Tradesman (Turning) TED (NCA-LC/AI) 31.12.2018
915 69/2017 Fireman (Trainee) Fire & Rescue Service 17.12.2018 988 636/2014 Workshop Instructor Technical Edn. 31.12.2018
51 C) 52 B) 53 X) 54 B) 55 C) 56 A) 57 X) 58 B)
59 D) 60 C) 61 A) 62 A) 63 D) 64 A) 65 A) 66 A) 916 336/2017 HSST (Geography) Jr. HSED 18.12.2018 989 72/2015 Asst.Engineer Soil Survey & Soil Conservation 31.12.2018
67 D) 68 X) 69 B) 70 A) 71 D) 72 C) 73 C) 74 B) 917 101/2013 Lr.in Microbiology Medical Education Dpt. 18.12.2018 990 490/2016 Asst.Dental Surgeon (NCA-OX) Health Service 31.12.2018
75 C) 76 B) 77 B) 78 C) 79 A) 80 A) 81 C) 82 D)
918 217/2017 Asst.Professor ENT Medical Education Dpt. 18.12.2018 991 430/2016 Asst.Dental Surgeon Insurance Medical Service 31.12.2018
83 B) 84 A) 85 B) 86 B) 87 C) 88 D) 89 C) 90 X)
91 B) 92 A) 93 C) 94 B) 95 A) 96 X) 97 B) 98 C) 919 424/2015 Aero Modelling helper NCC Dept. Tvpm 18.12.2018 992 423/2016 Asst.Profesor in Radio Diagonosis 31.12.2018
99 D) 100 D)

22 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2019 P\p-hcn- 15

* The person selected for the prestigious Raja Ram Mohan
Roy Award presented by Press Council of India-N Ram
* Which state launched Go Samridhi Plus Scheme recently-
* The capital of Lithuania which signed a memorandum with
Cochin as part of the European Union ‘International Urban
* Across which river, the 675m long signature bridge has
been built-Yamuna
* Who led the Indian delegation at the 109th session of the
United Nations World Tourism Organisation meet-Alphons
* The new chairperson of the Competition Commission of Kannanthanam
India-Ashok Kumar Gupta * The cabinet of which country has given approval to rejoin
* The city where newly built Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Commonwealth-Maldives
Vajpayee International Stadium is situated at - Lucknow * The state where the Sangai festival, a platform to show-
* The new name of Jharsuguda Airport in Odisha-Veer case the rich cultural heritage of the state was held re-
Surendra Sai Airport cently-Manipur
* The hero of the battle of Longewala in the Indo-Pak war of * Who has been appointed as the chairperson of the Atomic
* The venue of National organic festival 2018-New Delhi
1971 who passed away recently - Kuldip Singh Chandpuri Energy Regulatory Board by the Union Government-
* The venue of Krishi Kumbh 2018 inaugurated by Prime Nageswara Rao
Minister Narendra Modi-Lucknow * The former US President who passed away at the age of
94-George W Bush * India’s largest Dry Dock will come in which shipyard-Cochin
* The Indian mountaineer who has been awarded honorary
* How many satellites were successfully launched by ISRO * ”Little India Gate” was recently inaugurated in the city of-
on 29th November 2018-31 Medan, Indonesia
* What is India’s ranking on the World Bank’s Doing Busi- * India’s first ‘justice city’ will come up in-Amaravati
ness 2019 report-77th * Which state is set to become India’s first smoke free state-
* Where Jamal Khashoggi journalist for the Washington post Kerala
was assassinated-Istanbul (Turkey) * Name the news agency which has recently launched the
* The state which has introduced a new open online learn- world’s first AI news anchor-Xinhua
ing programme “Kool” to train teachers, students and gen- * Indian journalist who won Press Freedom Award for Cour-
eral public-Kerala age-Swati Chaturvedi
* The country which president Ram Nath Kovind visited re- * Who has been chosen to head India’s Gaganyaan mis-
cently becoming the first ever Indian head of the state to sion to put an Indian in space by 2022-Dr.V.R.Lalithambika
visit there-Australia * The first India to be elected as one of the seven members
* The country in which Fuego volcano erupted recently-Gua- of the Judges Committee of the International shooting
temala Sports Federation-Pawan Singh
* 25th High Court of the country-Andhra Pradesh * The first Indian Japan air exercise-SHINYUU Maitri
High Court * The organisation which stripped of its highest honour, the
* On which date Andhra Pradesh High Court started func- ‘Ambassdor of Conscience’ award which had been con-
tioning-2019 January 1 ferred on Aung San Suu Kyi-Amnesty International
doctorate by a prestigious UK University-Arunima Sinha * India’s first multi-modal terminal inland waterways was in- * The government of which state has decided to convert INS
* Who got the first World Agriculture prize-M S Swaminathan augurated at-Varanasi Viraat into a floating museum-Maharashtra
* Welfare of Minorities Day-November 20 * The second tallest statue of Buddha in the country (70 ft) * Who won World Chess Championship 2018-Magnus
* Weaker section Day-November 22 was unveiled at- Rajgir Carlsen
* The company that constructed Statue of Unity-L & T * India’s first specialised hospital for elephants was formally * The nationality of Magnus Carlsen-Norway
(Larson & Toubro) opened at –Churmura village in Mathura district (UP) * To which sports Saurabh Chaudhary is related-Shooting
* The cost of Statue of Unity-Rs.2,989 Crore * The venue of 2018 APEC summit- Port Moresby (Papua * In which country is Hambantota port-Sri Lanka
New Guinea) * With which country Myanmar signed an agreement in 2018
* The venue of 13th East Asia Summit held recently-
Singapore * The first Indian woman to hit T20I century-Harmanpreet November to develop multi million dollar deep sea port at
* The first Indian to win Asian Snooker Tour Title-Pankaj Kaur Kyaukpyu on the Bay of Bengal-China
Advani * Global family day-January 1
* The Indian who has been conferred with ‘Distinguished * Which word has been chosen as the Oxford Dictionaries
Fellow’ title by Boston Business School-Anupam Kher word of the year for 2018-Toxic
* The venue of the Global Cooling Innovation Summit held * Which film was honoured with the Golden Peacock Award
in 2018 November-New Delhi 49th IFFI 2018-Donbass (Ukranian film)
* Which state government has recently declared ‘Soura * Who is the chairman of the Himalayam state Regional
Jalanidhi’ Scheme-Odisha Council constituted by NITI Aayog-Dr.V K Saraswat
* Which country has launched the world’s first Sovereign * Which country ranked as the 9th most valuable nation brand-
Blue Bound-Seychelles India
* The cyclone which wreaked havoc in Tamil Nadu recently- * To which state Hima Das, sprint runner belongs-Assam
Gaja * Which state ranks first in India in length of roads-
* The venue of 13th East Asia summit held recently – Maharashtra (second Uttar Pradesh)
Singapore * The first country to ban sunscreen to save coral reefs-
* The military exercise held recently between India and In- Palau
donesia-Samudra Shakti * Which country rolled out world’s first hydrogen powered
* The satellite launched by ISRO recently which is specifi- train-Germany
cally meant for northeastern region and Jammu Kashmir- * Why the name Yousaf Salim in news-The first blind judge
GSAT 29 of Pakistan

2019 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 23

1. R.N. 44588/85 Reg. No. KL/TV (N)34/2018-20 PSC BULLETIN Rupees 10
2. Licence No. for posting without pre payment - KL/TV(N)/WPP/165/2018-20 Fortnightly January 15, 2019

cw- tc-J-I-fn-√m-Ø-h¿-°v- F-{X-h¿-jw- C-¥y-bn¬- X- °p-≈- k-lm-bw- Xp-S-ßn- A-Sn-b-¥-cm-h-iy-߃-°p-≈-
ßn-bm-em-Wv- ]u-c-Xz-Øn-\v- A¿-l-am-Ip-∂-Xv-˛-7 (ap-ºv- tSmƒ- {^o- \-º¿-˛-112
12 h¿-j-am-bn-cp-∂p-)- * -C-bn-sS- A-¥-cn-®,- s]-cp-¥-®-≥ F-∂- kn-\n-a-bp-sS- kw-
* -Un-Pn-‰¬- t]-bv-sa-‚ v- h¿-≤n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\v- dn-k¿-hv- _m- hn-[m-b-I-≥˛-A-P-b-≥
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\n-te-°-\n- ≠v- hn-≥k-¨- Io-g-S-°n-b- B-Zy-sØ- Aw-K-]-cn-an-X-bm-
* -Bw- B-Zv-an- ]m¿-´n-bn¬- \n-∂v- cm-Pn-h-®- ]-©m-_v- ap- b- h-\n-X-˛-A-cp-Wn-a- kn-≥l-
≥{]-Xn-]-£- t\-Xm-hv- kp-Jv-]m¬- kn-Mv- ssJ-c- {]-Jym- * -Kp-cp-hm-bq-c-∏-≥ {S-Ãn-s‚- 2018 se- Hm-S-°p-g¬- A-hm¿-
]n-®- ]p-Xn-b- cm-jv-{So-b- ]m¿-´n-˛-]-©m-_v- G-‡- ]m¿- Un-\v- A¿-l-\m-b-Xv-˛- tUm.-C.-hn.-cm-a-Ir-jv-W-≥
´n- * -\n-im-K-‘n- ]p-c-kv-Im-c-Øn-\v- A¿-l-bm-b-Xv-˛-I-em-a-Wv-
* -kn.-_n.-sF.-U-b-d-Iv-S¿- ]-Z-hn-bn¬- kp-{]ow- tIm-S-Xn- U-ew- t£-am-h-Xn- (H-∂-c-e-£w- cq-]-bpw- `-c-X-ap-\n-bp-
D-Ø-c-hp-{]-Im-cw- ho-≠pw- A-h-tcm-[n-°-s∏-´-Xv-˛-A-tem- sS- sh-¶-e-in¬-]-hpw- {]-i-kv-Xn- ]-{X-hpw-)-
Iv- h¿-a- * -l-cn-h-cm-k-\w- ]p-c-kv-Im-c-Øn-\v- C-{]m-h-iyw- A¿-l-
* -sF.-Fw.-F-^v.- s‚- ap-Jy- km-º-Øn-I- D-]-tZ-jv-Sm-hv- bm-b-Xv-˛-]n.-kp-io-e- (H-cp- e-£w- cq-]-bpw- {]-i-kv-Xn- ]-
]-Z-hn-bn¬- \n-b-an-X-\m-b- B-Zy- h-\n-X-˛-Ko-X- tKm-]n- {X-hpw-)-
\m-Yv- * -P-Sm-bp- kv-ar-Xn- ]p-c-kv-Im-c-Øn-\v- (H-cp- e-£w- cq-]-)-
* -sF-Iy-cm-jv-{S-k-`-bp-sS- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn¬- B-h¿-Ø-\-]- C-{]m-h-iyw- A¿-l-\m-b-Xv-˛- s\-Sp-ap-Sn- th-Wp-
´n-I-bp-sS- A-¥m-cm-jv-{S- h¿-j-am-bn- B-N-cn-°p-∂-Xv-˛- * -kw-ÿm-\-sØ- No-^v- ssh¬-Uv- sse-^v- hm¿-U-\m-bn-
* -Cu-bn-sS- A-¥-cn-®- {]-i-kv-X- _w-Km-fn- N-e-®n-{X- kw- 2019 \n-b-an-X-\m-b-Xv-˛-kp-tc-{µ-Ip-am¿-
hn-[m-b-I-≥˛-ar-Wmƒ- sk-≥ * -ap-∂m-°-°m-cn¬- km-º-Øn-I-am-bn- ]n-∂m-°w- \n¬-°p- * -I-Y-I-fn- B-Nm-cy-≥ a-S-hq¿- hm-kp-tZ-h-≥ \m-b-cp-sS-
* -am-Xr-`q-an- km-ln-Xy- ]p-c-kv-Im-cw- C-{]-h-iyw- e-`n-®-Xv- ∂-h¿-°v- 10%- sXm-gn¬,- hn-Zym-`ym-k- kw-h-c-W- hy-h-
˛-F-≥ F-kv- am-[-h-≥ ÿ- sN-øp-∂- `-c-W-L-S-\m- t`-Z-K-Xn- _n¬- F-{Xm-a-
* -ap-Jy- hn-h-cm-h-Im-i- I-Ωn-j-W-dm-bn- \n-b-an-X-\m-b-Xv- tØ-Xm-Wv-˛-124
˛-kp-[o¿- `m¿-K-h- - * c- m-Pn-h® - - tem-I_ - m-¶v- {]-kn-U‚ - v˛- P
- nw- tbm-Mv- Inw- (2022
* -sX-e-¶m-\- ssl-t°m-S-Xn- No-^v- P-Ãn-km-bn- \n-b-an-X- h-sc-bm-bn-cp-∂p- Im-em-h-[n.- 2017 ¬- A-©p-h¿-j-tØ-
\m-b-Xv-˛-tXm-´-Øn¬- _n- cm-[m-Ir-jv-W-≥ °v- ]p-\¿-\n-b-a-\w- e-`n-®n-cp-∂p-)-
* -hn-h-cm-h-Im-i- I-Ωn-j-W¿- Dƒ-s∏-sS- tI-{µ- hn-hn-cm-h- * 5- 1 Zn-hk- ß- ƒ- \o-≠- cm-jv{- So-b- {]-Xn-k‘ - n-s°m-Sp-hn¬-
Im-i- I-Ωn-j-\n¬- F-{X- Aw-K-ß-fm-Wv- D-≈-Xv-˛-]-Xn- {io-e-¶-≥ {]-[m-\-a-{¥n- ]-Z-Øn¬- Xn-cn-s®-Øn-b-Xv-˛-sd-
s\m-∂v- \n¬- hn-{I-a-knw-sK-
* -kz-X-{¥- C-¥y-bn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- \n-tcm-[n-°-s∏-´- kn- * -C-≥ssk-‰v- ]-cy-th-j-W-t]-S-Iw- C-d-ßn-b- {K-lw-˛-
\n-a-˛-\o¬- B-Im-tj¿- \o-sN- (kw-hn-[m-\w- ar-Wm¬- sNm-∆-
sk-≥)- * -dn-k¿-hv- _m-¶n-s‚- ]p-Xn-b- K-h¿-W¿-˛-i-‡n-Im-¥-Zm-
* -Cu-bn-sS- A-¥-cn-®- B-tam-kv- Hm-kv- F-∂- km-ln-Xy- kv- (X-an-gv-\m-Sv- tI-U-dn-se- 1980 _m-®v- sF.-F.-F-kv.-
Im-c-≥ G-Xv- cm-Py-°m-c-\m-Wv-˛-C-{k-tb¬- Hm-^o-k-dm-Wv-)-
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≥I-c- Xm-eq-°v-)-
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‰n-˛-hn-cm-Sv- tIm-lv-en- (C-¥y-≥ {In-°-‰v- Sow- Iym-]v-‰-≥)-
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Sn-b-Xv- kw-ÿm-\-sØ- G-Xp- h-Ip-∏n-s‚- sh-_v-ssk-
‰m-Wv-˛-tI-c-f- s]m-eo-kv-
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\m-b-Xv-˛-]n- tKm-]n-\m-Yv- (H-∂-c- e-£w- cq-]-bm-Wv- ]p-c-
* -k-i-kv-{X- ko-am- s_-en-s‚- U-b-d-Iv-S¿- P-\-d-em-bn- Np-
a-X-e-tb-‰-Xv-˛-Ip-am¿- cm-tP-jv-N-{µ- (t\-∏mƒ,- `q-´m-≥ A-
Xn¿-Øn-Iƒ- kw-c£ - n-°p-∂- A¿-[s - sk-\y-hn-`m-Ka- m-Wv-
k-i-kv-{X- ko-am- s_¬-)-
* -A-tem-Iv- h¿-a- ]p-d-Øm-°-s∏-´-Xn-s\-Øp-S¿-∂v- kn.-_n.-
sF.-U-b-d-Iv-S-dm-bn- \n-b-an-X-\m-b-Xv-˛-\m-tK-iz¿- dm-hp-
* -sI.-Fw.- jm-Pn- tI-c-f- \n-b-a-k-`-bn-te-°v- Xn-c-s™-Sp-
°-s∏-´- \-S-]-Sn- A-km-[p-hm-°n-s°m-≠v- ssl-t°m-S-
Xn- D-Ø-c-hv- ]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-®n-cp-∂p.- G-Xv- a-Wv-U-e-Øn-
se- Fw.-F¬.-F.-bm-Wv- sI.-Fw.-jm-Pn-˛-A-go-t°m-Sv- $

Views and ideas expressed in the articles published in PSC Bulletin are not, necessarily, those of the Commission. Printed and published by Saju George, Secretary,
Kerala Public Service Commission on behalf of Kerala Public Service Commission and printed at P. Krishna Pillai Memorial Printing and Publishing Company PVT. Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram and
published at Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala, PIN- 695 004. Editor Saju George.

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