Separators of Different Generations
Separators of Different Generations
Separators of Different Generations
The separator ventilator - the circulating fan (4) - is situated above the
separating chamber (3). The separator chamber (3), tailings cone (5), louver
ring (6) and the circulating fan (4) are encased by the separator housing.
The ring chamber between the separating chamber and separator casing is
called the precipitating chamber (8).
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The material to be separated is fed onto the rotating distribution plate and
thus dispersed across the cross-section of the separating chamber. The
separating air is sucked through the material curtain thrown out by the
distribution plate via the circulating fan that works as a radial ventilator fan.
Particles of separation material that can be carried in the stream of
separation air, reach the classification area in the stream of separation air.
The spirally shaped, climbing separating air is accelerated across the
auxiliary fans here, which are attached to the auxiliary fan of the centrifugal
system, in the rotational direction of the ascending separating air spiral.
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The following forces act, in the direction of rotation, upon the particles of the
separation material:
a: gravity
c: drag force of the separating air, which results from the cross sectional
area of the stream of particles, whose resistance co-efficient (CW-co-
efficient) gives the flow speed and the dynamic viscosity of the
separating air.
Particles of the material to be separated, for which the drag force component
of the separating air predominates, come into the circulating fan in the stream
of separating air, are accelerated there and, equally effected by centrifugal
acceleration in the separating air, enter the precipitation chamber and reach
the walls of the separator casing. This is where the precipitation from the
separating air stream takes place - comparable with the precipitation of the
tailings in the separating chamber - through the so-called cyclone-type wall
effect. The separating air is returned to the separating chamber via the louver
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Because the separating air only has a limited load capacity within the
boundaries of the existing surrounding conditions - the specific gravity
of the feed material, the flow speed and dynamic viscosity of the
separation air - the further acceptance of the separating material,
which is continually being fed into the dispersion chamber in the
stream of separation air from the dispersion plate is reduced. As a
result, a portion of the separation material passes into the tailings
cones without being separated.
Within the separating chamber, the area of the auxiliary fan, the rising
rotating air is accelerated through the auxiliary fan system that turns in
the same direction.
The separation of the size ranges of the separator feed material into
fines and tailings mainly occurs in this area. The mechanisms which
work here are essentially the three dimensional results of the
alternating effects between gravity, centrifugal acceleration and the
drag force of the separation air.
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The separating air, laden with separator fines, reaches the so-called
precipitating chamber, which concentrically surrounds the separating
chamber, via the circulating fan. The separating air, laden with fines
departs from the circulating fan that acts as a radial fan and is
operated with a circumferential velocity of approx. 40 m/s, and enters
the precipitating chamber.
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The precipitation of fines from the separating air occurs inside these
downwardly directed alternating currents; also via centrifugal
acceleration. The fine particles are pressed onto the wall of the
separator casing by the centrifugal forces and slide downwards in the
form of a boundary layer between the casing wall and the separation
air into the fines discharge.
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It should be noted that this form of separator design achieved good results
for a construction size of approx. 5 m casing diameter and a fineness of
finished product, expressed in mass related specific surface area, of up to
approx. 3.500 cm²/g according to Blaine. Corresponding to increasing
diameter, a decrease of the capacity e.g. represented in the assessment
process according to F.K. Tromp can be established for larger casing
Comparable observations have also been made for cyclones with increasing
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This development came from a patent from the company WEDAG. Mr Heinz
Jäger (Bochum) was given as inventor.
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The basic thought behind this invention was the storage of the fines,
inadequately precipitated in the separator's precipitation chamber, in a
separate precipitation aggregate with a significantly higher effectivity.
Cyclones offered the following for this purpose.
Effective precipitations in the range of 90 to 97 % are achieved in this
aggregate for sensible dimensions.
As the circulating fans installed in the 1st generation separators are not able
to create pressure systems according to the system's pressure losses -
separator, precipitation cyclones and connecting pipes - the circulating fan
was installed as a separate aggregate outside the separator preferably in the
area with the lowest dust loading i.e. behind the precipitation cyclones. This
arrangements also allows the use of stream technical, optimised radial fans
with a high degree of effectivity.
b: Material circuit between the centrifugal auxiliary fan system and the
separation air
outlet to the precipitation cyclone.
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Even just the return of the almost completely cleansed separation air to the
separation chamber - the rest dust content generally lies in an order of
magnitude of less than 15 g/m³ - resulted in separators of this form of design
requiring approx. one third of the quantity of separation air of separators of
the 1st generation with a comparable throughput.
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Cyclone separators gained entry to the cement and related industries from
the end of the 1960’s. From the mid 1970’s onwards, they had largely
become the standard separator, particularly for installations with larger
Based on the separation of cement, it can be said that this form of design
gives very good results for the separating out of products comparable with
PZ35F or up to approx. 3,200 cm²/g according to Blaine.
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Increased demand on quality, the general trend towards finer and finer
products which was observed in the market and competition in both product
technical and economic areas led to the development, to industrial maturity,
from the early 1980’s, of the principle of spiral wind separation as described
as early as 1939 by RUMPF.
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The guide vein ring which represents the outer boarder of the separating
chamber with its tangentially fitted air return veins and the spirally shaped
separation air entry canal guarantees an even distribution of the separation
air across the entire area of the separating chamber.
Finally, yet importantly, the high sharpness of selection of this separator can
be attributed to this mechanical loosening of agglomerates. The fines, carried
into the inside of the cage rotor in the stream of separation air is sucked in a
downward direction with the separation air and, in the basic concept of the
QDK separator, fed across an elbow on the quickest route to the precipitation
of from the separation air possibly from the design of the installation.
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This influence is with few exceptions usually performed below the cage rotor,
which works as a radial fan, in 3 generation separators.
For a generally constant stream of separation air, the stream speed of the
separation air in the separation gap between the air return ring and the cage
rotor and finally the previously mentioned interaction between the centrifugal
and resistance components are influenced by the circumferential speed of
the rotor.
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This means that for a sensible geometric design of the separator and for the
use of these installations within the limits of the allowable specific loading,
the portion of fine material fed into the separator in the feed material is
almost completely carried away in the fines.
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A portion of the grain size range thus gets into the separator coarses and
thus back into the mill. That is, this material, which is actually of the fineness
of the finished product, is ground again on its way through the mill.
Accordingly, the separator feed material is notably finer for a comparable
fineness of separator fines for separators of the 1st and 2nd generation.
The observation of the particle size distribution of the separator fines shows a
reduced portion of very fine grains in the fines of 3rd generation separators
compared with 1st and 2nd generation separators, for comparable specific
surface areas.
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1. Feed material 2. Coarse material/rejects 3. Fines/finish product
• 3 generation separators 1370 cm²/g acc. to Blaine 740 cm²/g acc. to Blaine 3800 cm²/g acc. to Blaine
• 1st generation separators 1616 cm²/g acc. to Blaine 1218 cm²/g acc. to Blaine 3637cm²/g acc. to Blaine
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The process technical changes in the grinding of PZ45F can be seen in the
separator evaluation according to F.K. Tromp and the changes in the particle
size distribution from the grain group block diagrams.
The increase in the throughput during the production of cement of the quality
PZ45F - specific surface area approx. 3,800 cm²/g according to Blaine- was
18 %.
It should be noted that no changes were made to the grinding charge filling of
the mill. The results may thus be directly compared.
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Tromp curves
Product type: PZ 45 F
Fineness: 3rd generation separator: 3.800 cm2/g acc to Blaine
1st generation separator: 3.637 cm2/g acc to Blaine
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Based on these connections, the separator fines are in the range of very fine
grains i.e. in the range from 0 to approx. 6 my with a reduced portion of very
fine grains.
The following observations could be made, to date, for the observation of the
effects of the properties of cement:
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For cement mills with a length to diameter relationship of less than 2.8,
the water demands to achieve the given spread was slightly higher in
the concrete aptitude test. A minimal decrease in the early strength
was accordingly established.
This trend could not be established with any degree of certainty for
grinding installation with a length to diameter relationship of greater
than 2.8.
At the same time, a delayed early set is noticed for these cement
types. The working time is thus extended.
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These results are founded in the changed particle size distribution for
these cement qualities compared with separators of the 1st and 2nd
generation. The reduction of the very fine grains, particularly in the
range from 0 to approx. 6 my, has a positive effect on the properties
because this portion bonds with a significant portion of the mix water
due to its large surface area.
It should also be noted that the statement which led to this circular problem,
that a minimal reduction in the early strength can be adjusted due to the
increased water requirements for cement types of quality PZ35F and for the
use of mills with a length to diameter relationship of less than 2.8, is certainly
justified, is however based on the running with a separation air throughput in
the range of the maximum separation air throughput meant for the particular
type of separator. An adjustment of the grain structure of the separator fines
to the requirements can be achieved without any problems through a
reduction of the separation air throughput.
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One reason for this is that from the early 1970’s, rolled bowl mills became
accepted for new installations for large and larger throughputs compared with
ball mills. These mills are, in their basic design, generally fitted with
integrated cage rotor separators that work according to the functioning
principle of the 3rd generation separators. The proof as to the suitability for
the use of this form of separator design in raw meal separator is brought
forward by this alone.
The reputation that the use of a 3rd generations separator is only truly
justified for the separation of very fine products remains even today. Raw
cement mills with sieve residues on the 90 my sieve in the range of 10 to
20 % represents a comparatively coarse product.
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The condition that hardly any definite knowledge about the process technical
influences on the burning process associated with these separators
generated raw meals is also based in the fact that only a few raw meal
grinding installations are fitted with these separators.
It must be taken into account here, that the burning process reacts
particularly sensitively to influences that come into the oven system through
changes in the chemism and the mineralogy. For this reason, it is difficult,
and only possible through long term statistical observation, to definitively
assign this type of influence to the grain structure of the raw meal.
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Raw meal mills executed as crushing plant circuit mills are often fitted with
grinding balls with a length to diameter relationship of less than 2. This
relationship can be based on the dimensions of the mill tube from “flange to
flange“ or alternatively on the length of the individual, separately functioning
grinding chambers.
Mills of this type e.g. as “double rotaries“ from POLYSIUS, FCB and others or
alternatively inside raw meal mills comparable with the HISCHMANN / O&K
raw meal grinding systems with serially connected pre-crushing are used.
The basic idea behind the philosophy used here, is to remove the grinding
material which is receptive to fineness of finished product with in the grinding
areas as quickly as possible from the grinding system so as to avoid an
unnecessary over grinding and burdening of the grinding areas.
Insufficient drying disables the flow properties of the grinding material within
the grinding chamber and, in addition, the procession of size reduction.
Further, the dispersability of the separator feed material is limited inside the
separator. Both occurrences lead to a decrease of the throughput.
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For these aspects, 3rd generation separators open up perspective which were
hardly thought of with previous forms of design.
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The sales chances for a new type of separator were tested in the form of a
market assessment as the development of the QDK concept advanced. The
results of this assessment determined the over all concept of this separator
The following points resulted, based on the world wide situation in the
cement industry:
In many parts of the world, the installed production capacity is greater than
the demand for cement. A change in this situation can not be see in the near
New cement plants are rarely being built at the moment. The few current
projects usually have a provisional time of up to 5 years to placing of order.
Similarly, new grinding installations are also only being erected in small
numbers at present.
On the other hand, existing mills are being increasingly optimised under the
pressure to improve competitiveness and to fit in with increasing demand on
quality. The exchange of out dated separators for 3rd generation separators
is an important measure towards this goal.
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Taking these points into consideration, the following demands were placed
on the development of a marketable separation concept which is supposed to
create an attractive alternative to the competitor’s separation systems:
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Further, in order to insure a high degree of work place safety, the use
of a bearing guidance system which is not limited to measuring
temperature rather also records the condition on the bearing and the
oscillation relationship, was included.
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Because surface areas develop in the second power but in the third
power, a change in the measurements of the construction sizes is not
possible, or only possible with considerable concessions in the
performance ability.
The basic advantage of the 3rd generation separator is that the spatial
requirements are considerably smaller than for 1st and 2nd generation
separators with comparable throughput.
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Comparison – Types of Separator Design
Instead of the separation air, hot gasses are fed into the
A partial or complete exchange of the separation air is also
possible here. The range of the separation air exchange occurs
dependant on the separation air temperature or the
temperature of the finished product.
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Comparison – Types of Separator Design
In this case, the mill ventilation air is fed in directly as part of the
separator circulation air. The mill ventilation air throughput
required for mill operation is guaranteed via a low pressure
measuring device which works on a control damper between
the mill ventilation air pipe and the inlet into the separator.
The portion of the separator circulation air which corresponds to
the portion of the mill ventilation air is led away via a filter. The
advantage of this switch come from the avoidance of the loss of
pressure of a pre-precipitation installed in the extrusion of the
mill dedusting - a static separator- and in the case of raw meal
grinding, a cyclone precipitator after the double rotor grinding
system with a very large mill ventilation air throughput.
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• Possible production increase up to 20 % by exchanging at 1st
generation separator against a QDK separator.
• V-belt transmission.
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Comparison – Types of Separator Design
1. Basic Data:
• Feed material
• Particle size distribution of coarse material
• Density of fine material
2. Specific Load
• Specific coarse material feed
3. Separator Type
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Comparison – Types of Separator Design
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Comparison – Types of Separator Design
Separator Ventilation
B1 Ambient/Inlet ∆p separator T, pa
B2 Separator exit ∆p cyclones T, p
B3 Cyclone exit ∆p fan T, p, V
B4 Fan exit T, p
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