Name: - Date: - Score
Name: - Date: - Score
Name: - Date: - Score
Worksheet No. 3
Data Presentation
A. Construct an appropriate graph for the given data using the MS Excel.
1. The following are the average annual growth rate of the population in different regions of
the Philippines from the NSCB based on 2007-1012 data:
2. The following are projected population of the Philippines by gender by 5 year interval from
2015-2040 from theNSCB:
Male Female
2015 51,733,400 51,231,900
2020 56,123,600 55,661,000
2025 60,311,700 59,661,000
2030 64,203,600 63,906,400
2035 67,741,100 67,559,800
2040 70,871,100 70,798,800
1. The following are the religious affiliation of the students of the College of the Graduate
78 87 78 71 70 82 81 83 97 83
70 91 90 93 81 80 88 78 87 91
70 87 88 82 81 80 83 85 86 88
89 82 91 97 98 70 71 72 73 74
72 73 78 86 85 76 75 79 80 90