Saint Louis College of Bulanao: Any Forms of Erasure Is Considered Wrong
Saint Louis College of Bulanao: Any Forms of Erasure Is Considered Wrong
Saint Louis College of Bulanao: Any Forms of Erasure Is Considered Wrong
Test I. True or False. Write CHECK if the statement is correct and if the statement is incorrect, write the correct
answer. (2 points each)
1. New Criticism theory has been criticized as being overly impressionistic and guilty of the affective
fallacy (too focused on the emotional effect of the work).
2. Reader response varies from formalism Reader response since the later focuses on image, symbol, and
3. Meaning resides in the text not in reader, author, or word. This is also referred to formalism.
4. Formalism refers to Emphasis of recursive reading—rereading for new interpretations.
5. Russian Formalism refers to the idea that meaning ultimately resides in the reader’s mind
or the consensual “mind” of a community of readers.
11. Text has many interpretations—text & reader interact to create meaning.
12. It focuses on form, organization, and structure, word choice and language, multiple meanings.
13. It emphasize that Texts may contain numerous messages but must have a unifying central theme created
by the perfect union of all artistic elements.
14. This sees the reader as essential to the interpretation of a work.
15. This approach emphasizes the difference between literature and life, it rejects the usual biographical,
psychological and sociological explanation for literature.
16. IT has a historical, neutral nature. It focuses on the study of the words on the page.
17. This examines a literary text or art work through its aesthetic composition such as forms, language and
18. The meaning of the texts resides in the structure of language, not in art nor in the reader’s mind.
19. Value is based on labor. This explain the approach of the ______.
20. The common themes of this approach is the stories of quest and initiation.
Test III. Essay. Briefly answer the question below following the rubrics found in the box. (20 points)
Test IV. Critiquing. Critic the following poem according to the provided approach. (20 points)
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