Housewife Addendum
Housewife Addendum
Housewife Addendum
(To be completed by the housewife and her husband in all cases where proposal
is on the life of the Housewife / married and self-employed without satisfactory income proof)
(Answers must be in words. Strokes of the pen or dots or dashes not accepted as valid replies)
(To be signed by the housewife and her husband)
We hereby declare that the answers given above are true and to the best of our
knowledge and that we have not withheld any material information that may influence the
assessment or acceptance of this application.
We agree that this form will constitute part of the proposal for life assurance on life of
Mrs. ______________________________________________ (Name of the housewife), and
that failure to disclose any material fact known to us may invalidate the contract.
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Signature of life proposed) (Signature of husband of life proposed)
Date : ________________________
Place : ________________________
SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd : UWN022 Ver 1.1 September 10 2009 Page 1 of 1