Removable Partial Denture
Removable Partial Denture
Removable Partial Denture
Removable Partial Denture with dual path of insertion: clinical case report
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5 authors, including:
João M F da Silva
São Paulo State University
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All content following this page was uploaded by João M F da Silva on 18 January 2018.
Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
Abstract Resumo
Removable Partial Dentures (RPD) with dual path Próteses parciais removíveis (PPR) com dupla
of insertion are designed to overcome conventional trajetória de inserção são próteses projetadas
RPD esthetic limitations, through the use of proximal para superar limitações estéticas das próteses
undercuts for rigid direct retainers. Therefore, dual convencionais, utilizando-se retentores diretos
path RPD is considered a variation of conventional rígidos nas áreas retentivas proximais dos dentes
RPD. This paper reports a clinical case where proper suportes. Desta forma, a PPR com dupla trajetória
function as well as excellent esthetics were obtained da inserção é considerada uma variação da PPR
with this type of RPD. tradicional. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso
clínico onde se obteve uma resolução funcional e
altamente estética através deste tipo de PPR.
KEYWORDS Palavras-chave
Dual path design; Rotational path; Removable partial Dupla trajetória de inserção; Trajetória de inserção
denture. rotacional; Prótese parcial removível.
I n times where aesthetics are primordial, even changes in anteroposterior and/or side-to-side
in the case of removable partial dentures, inclination of the model in the delineator, or
the dual or rotational insertion path, can, in with the use of a rotational path of insertion.
determineted cases, be an excellent aesthetic In prostheses with conventional insertion
solution. In a conventional removable partial path, the location of the retentive terminal, if
denture, to compensate the lack of contour, visible, it becomes a problem when the patient
position and inclination of supports teeth, speaks or smiles. An alternative would be the use
variations in the insertion path is often indicated, of precision or semi-precision attachments, but
usually perpendicular to the occlusal plane when these devices have the disadvantage of the high
the study model in delineator is [1,2]. cost and the laboratory technique ascertained.
Figure 2 - a) setting of the rotational centers; b) final setting by rotation of the prosthesis.
The preparations of the support in the centers, as well as insertion path in a rotational
canines must be of long, in inverted “V”, with movement to the final seating. We also conducted
well-defined lines and asymmetrical walls. The a draw in the previous metal grid saddle to
preparations to support the posterior teeth follow check if there was a displacement of rigid direct
the principles and conventional dimensions. retainers (this move should not occur).
In Figure 4, after the planning and design After preparation of the wax-up, we
of the study cast, we can see that there were no demarcate the reference lines and set up the
preparation in the mesial surfaces, of guide plans models in the articulator, for mounting the
in the canines, as these undercuts were needed artificial teeth (Figure 7). Held proof of teeth
for the construction of RPD rotational trajectory. in patient, the prosthesis was processed in
conventional manner.
After obtaining a functional cast, we
carried out the relief needed for future metal Installation and control of the prosthesis,
frame could reach the final seating position care must be taken that the RPD has adequate
without interference from undercuts. retention and stability: the rigid direct retainers
and conventional direct retainers should not
Initially we made a reliev with wax in the
wear out or polish on their inner faces, so that
region corresponding to the marginal gingiva
they maintain a close contact with the surfaces
of the mesial faces of canines. Following we
of retainers. After installation, vertical retention
filled with wax the distal face of the tooth 15, as
test must be held, or pull the anterior region
well as the mesial of the tooth 17. We begin to
to verify retention. In addition to other normal
study the rotational insertion movement using a
control care, the patient should be instructed
compass (Figure 5). The compass must tangent
to insert and remove the prosthesis only in the
the more oclusal portion of the tooth and
rotational path.
reaches the mucosa. This path should always be
relieved with wax so that the minor connector To obtain better aesthetics and lower
of the conventional clasp does not contact the interference of the flange, can be used metallic
retentive area. saddle, provided there is no excessive resorption.
The working cast, properly relieved, was In Figure 8, there is a high aesthetic yield
sent to the dental laboratory with the designed obtained by this treatment, where the resolution
model, taking care to contact the technician to was conservative and less expensive when
explain how this type of prosthesis works. compared to other kinds of treatment.
Figure 4 - Retentive areas in the mesial of the canines and absence of guide planes.
Figure 5 - Wax reliefs performed using the compass. Figure 7 - Teeth proof; It is noted that the proximal plates are
not visible.
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RPD with double path of insertion requires
sensitive technique and skill to its construction,