Postnatal Care at The Health Post and in The Community
Postnatal Care at The Health Post and in The Community
Postnatal Care at The Health Post and in The Community
Study Session 1 Postnatal Care at the Health Post and in the Community...................3
1.2 When do most mothers and newborns die in the postnatal period?....................4
1.3 What do mothers and newborns in the postnatal period die from?.....................5
1.4 Why are women and newborns at high risk in the postnatal period?..................7
Risk of infection.....................................................................................................8
Risk of asphyxia.....................................................................................................8
1.5.2 Evaluating the newborn baby.....................................................................11
Study Session 1 Postnatal Care at the
Health Post and in the Community
Postnatal care (PNC) is the care given to the mother and her newborn baby
immediately after the birth and for the first six weeks of life (Figure 1.1). This period
marks the establishment of a new phase of family life for women and their partners
and the beginning of the lifelong health record for newborn babies (or neonates — a
term often used by doctors, nurses and midwives).
Although for most women and babies, the postnatal period is uncomplicated, effective
postnatal care (PNC) is also about recognising any deviation from expected recovery
after birth, and evaluating and intervening appropriately in a timely fashion. It is of
major concern that less than 6% of women in Ethiopia give birth in health facilities
and not more than 10% receive any postnatal care within two days of delivery. Your
role as a Health Extension Practitioner is therefore vitally important in improving this
situation, identifying danger signs and reducing the adverse outcomes for mothers and
1.1 Define and use correctly all of the key words printed in bold. (SAQ 1.1)
1.2 Explain the importance of postnatal care in terms of when most mothers and
newborns die, and the main causes of these deaths. (SAQ 1.2)
1.3 Briefly describe the main physiological changes in the mother and newborn in the
postnatal period. (SAQ 1.3)
1.4 Describe the main danger signs in the postnatal mother and newborn. (SAQ 1.3)
1.5 Explain the importance of community involvement in postnatal care and describe
how you would establish partnerships with gatekeepers in the community. (SAQ 1.2)
So the first reason why you need to focus more care and attention on the postnatal
period is that this is a very critical time for the mother and her newborn baby. The
national maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Ethiopia is one of the highest in the
world: at the last Demographic and Health Survey in 2005 (European calendar) 673
mothers died per 100,000 live births. Similarly, the early neonatal mortality rate
was also very high, with 39 babies dying in the first week of life per 1,000 live births
(EDHS, 2005). Ethiopia is one of five African countries that (together) account for
half of all the newborn deaths in the whole of Africa.
This high risk period is also the time with the lowest coverage of maternal and child
health care in Ethiopia. This is the second reason why you need to focus more
attention on postnatal care.
If all newborns received high impact and cost-effective interventions during the
postnatal period, it is estimated that neonatal mortality could be reduced by between
10-27%. In other words, high postnatal care coverage could save up to 60,000
newborn lives a year in Ethiopia, and help the country to meet the Millennium
Development Goal of reducing under-five child mortality by two-thirds by the year
Ideally, postnatal care is best delivered in a health facility. However, due to many
socio-economic and cultural reasons, such as the distance to travel and the cost of
attending, most rural mothers give birth at home. Therefore, in the Ethiopian context,
the most realistic way of providing optimum postnatal care for the foreseeable future
is likely to be through home visits by a skilled health care worker such as you.
Table 1.1 Global estimates of maternal and newborn mortality in the first seven
days after the birth.
Deaths after delivery First 24 hours (%) First seven days (%)
Maternal mortality 45 65
Neonatal mortality 50 75
For some life-threatening maternal and newborn conditions, effective postnatal care is
either given in the first few hours and days, or it will happen too late. The earlier these
clinical conditions are detected, the more effectively they can be managed; the quicker
they are referred for specialised treatment, the better the outcomes will be.
Unfortunately, most of these interventions are highly time-dependant in order to be
effective. You should keep this in mind while providing care to mothers and their
babies in the first few days of postnatal life.
Knowing what mothers and newborns are dying from is important in order to identify
the high impact interventions that address all the major causes of death during the
postnatal period. Table 1.2 shows the percentage of maternal deaths from the major
causes for women in Africa.
You learned about anaemia, hypertensive disorders and abortion in Study Sessions 18,
19 and 20 of the Antenatal Care Module. Obstructed labour and postpartum
haemorrhage were taught in Study Sessions 9 and 11 of the Labour and Delivery
Care Module.
Table 1.3 shows the causes of newborn deaths in Ethiopia. You will learn about
special care for preterm and low birth weight babies in Study Session 8 of this
Infections, including diarrhoeal diseases and tetanus, are described in detail in the
Communicable Diseases Module. Birth asphyxia and neonatal resuscitation were
covered in Study Session 7 of the Labour and Delivery Care Module,
Why is it really important for you to understand the main factors causing mothers and
babies to die in the postnatal period?
You probably thought of many reasons, but the most obvious one is the huge
difference that the delivery of appropriate and prompt postnatal care could have on
Ethiopia's neonatal mortality rate: a reduction of between 10-27%, or up to 60,000
newborn lives saved every year.
End of answer
Think for a moment about the main causes of maternal and neonatal death. Which
ones do you expect to see most in your role as a Health Extension Practitioner?
If you use the numbers in Tables 1.2 and 1.3, then you probably said postpartum
haemorrhage for mothers and some form of infection for babies and also for mothers.
You might also have picked out eclampsia (mothers) and neonatal asphyxia (babies).
End of answer
1.4 Why are women and newborns at high risk in the
postnatal period?
The most critical period for complications in the postnatal mother arising from
bleeding (post-partum haemorrhage) is in the first 4-6 hours after delivery, due to
excessive blood loss from the site where the placenta was attached to the mother’s
uterus, or from rupture of the uterus during labour and delivery. Haemorrhage can
also threaten the baby’s life if it occurs before delivery and the baby is starved of
oxygen and nutrients.
Both the mother and the baby are also at high risk of developing other complications
if the physiological adjustments that take place in their bodies after the birth do not
occur properly. This can result in loss of function or interruption of essential supplies
of oxygen and nutrients needed to sustain life.
During labour and delivery, there is inevitably some loss of blood and other body
fluids (for example, from vomiting and sweating), which is tolerable by the majority
of women. Some degree of this is normal. Additionally, most women in labour remain
for long hours without taking food or sufficient fluids, which can leave them
dehydrated. Unless they are rehydrated quickly after the birth, physiological
complications become more likely.
During pregnancy, activity in almost all the mother’s body systems changes, including
the heart, lungs, blood volume and blood contents, reproductive system, breasts,
immune system and hormones. In the postnatal period, all these dynamic body
systems have to adjust from the pregnant state back to the pre-pregnant state, and
there is a potential risk of complications as these adjustments occur. Common
examples are breast infections and deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the veins of
the legs), which are described in Study Session 3 of this Module. The period in which
these physiological adjustments take place in the postnatal mother is called the
puerperium. You will learn all about it in Study Sessions 2 and 3.
Additionally, labour is a painful experience for most women, particularly for those
giving birth for the first time. There is also tension and anxiety about the outcome of
labour and delivery. Having a baby is a joy (Figure 1.1), but it can also be a source of
worry. Women in the postnatal period are often coping with stressful conditions and
thus they need sustained psychological support.
Figure 1.1 Having a healthy baby is a source of joy, which effective postnatal care
can help to ensure. (Photo: Nancy Durrell McKenna at SafeHands for Mothers)
While in the uterus, the baby was well protected by the fetal membranes and the
antibacterial action of the amniotic fluid in which it was bathed, and by maternal
antibodies that cross the placenta and defend it against infections that the mother has
already encountered. After birth, antibodies in the colostrum (first milk) and true
breast milk, and natural barriers like the baby’s skin, give the newborn most of the
protection from infection that it has when newly born. Its own immune system will
take several months to develop adequately.
Risk of asphyxia
The newborn baby’s blood circulation system undergoes major adjustments when it
takes its first breath outside the uterus. While the baby is in the uterus, very little
blood goes to the lungs because the baby isn’t breathing air. The fetal lungs cannot
perform the gas exchange (absorbing oxygen and releasing waste carbon dioxide),
which occurs from the moment of birth onwards.
Where does fetal gas exchange occur during the baby’s life in the uterus?
Oxygen is absorbed into the fetal blood from the mother’s blood as they come close
together in the placenta; carbon dioxide from the fetus passes into the mother’s blood
and is expelled from her body in her breath.
You learned about gas exchange in the placenta in Study Session 6 of the Antenatal
Care Module.
End of answer
Immediately at birth, the blood vessels that bypass the lungs are opened and all the
blood in the baby’s circulation is then able to pass through the lungs, where it
undergoes gas exchange. It is a critical moment for the newborn when the lungs start
to function. Failure to breathe is a common reason for birth asphyxia. Also, preterm
newborns often have difficulty in getting enough oxygen after birth because their
lungs are not fully matured, so gas exchange does not occur effectively.
You will learn more about neonatal jaundice in Study Session 6, and also in the
Module on the Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness
While in the uterus, the majority of toxic (poisonous) or waste chemicals are cleared
from the baby’s blood by the placenta, which routes them to the mother’s liver, where
they are broken down (the process is called detoxification). After the birth, the baby’s
liver takes over this function, and detoxifies the waste chemicals produced in the body
or taken in through the mouth. One of the tasks the liver has to perform is detoxifying
a protein called bilirubin released when ‘old’ red blood cells are broken down. Red
blood cells survive for only a short time and are then broken down and replaced. If the
newborn’s liver is unable to cope with the load of ‘old’ red blood cells that need to be
broken down, bilirubin builds up in the baby’s body, giving the skin a yellowish
appearance. This condition is called neonatal jaundice, and is most serious when the
skin appears yellow on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
The newborn’s kidneys also make a significant contribution to the clearance of toxic
chemicals from the body, which are excreted in the urine. Immaturity in the
functioning of the kidneys can also result in newborn complications as toxic
chemicals build up in the body.
Imagine that you are talking to the mother of a very newborn baby and she tells you
that the baby arrived a bit early. What should you immediately be concerned about?
First you need to check if the baby can feed adequately. You will probably think of the
immaturity of a preterm baby’s lungs and check whether this baby shows any signs of
respiratory distress. You may also think of the immaturity of the liver and kidneys and
check for signs of jaundice.
End of answer
1.5 Your actions in the postnatal period
You cannot assume that a successful delivery and healthy-looking mother and
newborn in the immediate postnatal period will mean that they will continue in a good
state. Complications may occur because of the physiological adjustments in the
mother and newborn described above (which we will discuss in more detail in later
study sessions in this Module), and the rapid adaptations the baby must make to life in
the external environment. Therefore, you need to watch carefully for danger signs in
the immediate and later postnatal period. Before sending the mother and the baby
home (if they delivered at the Health Post), or before you leave both at their home
after the delivery, watch them for the first six hours after the birth. If you were unable
to attend the birth, visit them as soon as you can within the first 24 hours, and ideally
in the first six hours.
In the first six hours, evaluate the mother for the danger signs described below:
Vital signs unstable or indicating shock: Blood pressure and pulse rate should
be normal before you leave the mother. If her blood pressure is dropping and
her pulse rate is rising, the woman may be going into shock due to internal
bleeding. If the uterus remains enlarged after the birth, and the vital signs
indicate shock, it may be due to blood accumulating in the uterus.
r the mother urgently if you see any danger signs, take the baby too.
You should evaluate the newborn for the following danger signs in the first six hours:
indicate that there is a serious infection and/or an obstruction somewhere in the
gastrointestinal tract.
Hypothermia: If the baby feels cold to the touch, or has a temperature of less
than 35oC, this is known as hypothermia. Place the baby in skin-to-skin contact
with the mother, wrap them both in warm blankets and put a warm cap or shawl
on the baby’s head. Refer them quickly if the baby’s temperature does not rise
soon towards normal.
Bleeding from the umbilical stump or other site: If the umbilical stump was
tied too loosely before it was cut, it may bleed, or the baby may bleed from the
anus, indicating blood loss from the stomach or intestines.
Red swollen eyelids or pus discharging from the eyes: If you have already
treated the baby’s eyes with tetracycline ointment at birth, refer the mother and
baby for specialised care.
The total amount of blood in an average weight newborn is only 240 ml; even 30 ml
of blood loss is enough to cause shock.
During the first postnatal visit, you should also remember to:
Make an additional appointment to visit her at home after two days if there are
any complications which have not resulted in referral, or if the baby was pre-
term, low birth weight or suffers from low body temperature.
Low birth weight and pre-term babies are the subject of Study Session 8.
Figure 1.2 A postnatal checkup is a good time to counsel mothers about
immunization and family planning. (Photo: UNICEF Ethiopia/Indrias Getachew)
Box 1.1 summarises the main methods for community mobilisation. Our coverage is
brief here because you have already met all the methods in the Module on Health
Education, Advocacy and Community Mobilisation.
Posters: Well-designed posters, placed and located in the right place can facilitate
messages to keep reminding people about the issue of concern.
Letter writing: This is one way of delivering health messages to literate members of
the community. It gives the exact message and can be kept for future reference.
Illustrated leaflets: Pictures are a good way of getting the message to people whose
level of literacy is insufficient to understand letters (Figure 1.3).
Home visiting: This is the best way of mobilising the community, because you can be
sure that the message has been delivered.
Figure 1.3 Illustrated leaflets in the local language can help to communicate your
health messages to new mothers. (Photo: UNICEF Ethiopia/Indrias Getachew)
Community mobilisation is based on a high level of community participation, which
occurs when community members taking part in identification of problems and needs,
and then plan, implement, monitor and evaluate community activities to solve the
identified problem.
The fundamental principle that you always need to remember is that you are not there
to ‘enforce’ community participation. Your role is to explore, to learn from
community wisdom, and to educate and persuade community members to bring about
the necessary changes — in this case to improve postnatal outcomes. The final word
and the final decision always belong to the community.
When people are involved and participate in an activity, they develop a sense of
ownership and responsibility, which helps to sustain initiatives, activities and
programmes. It also has the following benefits:
People are empowered to exercise their skills, talents and develop their
The primary targets of postnatal care are the mother, her newborn baby and the father.
However, there are secondary targets — the community gatekeepers who can
influence decision-making that affects the mother and baby’s health. You need to
involve these people right from the outset when you introduce a postnatal care service
in your community. Give particular attention to involving:
Youth associations
Farmers’ associations or agriculture associations
Without the cooperation and collaboration of these individuals and groups it will be
difficult to provide optimum postnatal care. In particular, it is essential to establish a
good link and harmonise your efforts with the traditional birth attendants (TBAs). The
following activities will help you to do this (Box 1.2):
Contact the TBAs in your community and discuss how you can support each
other in providing postnatal care to women, newborns and families. Together
you can create new knowledge which is more locally appropriate.
Respect their knowledge, experience, opinions and influence. Ask them to
explain the knowledge they share with the community.
Share with them your information about postnatal care. Provide copies of
health education materials that you wish to distribute to community members
and discuss the content with them.
Make sure TBAs are included in the referral system and provide them with
feedback on women they have referred to you.
Why do you think it is important to involve TBAs and local healers as described
They are important partners, because they know the local culture, are respected by the
community, and have a lot of experience in dealing with most of the social problems
arising during the postnatal period.
End of answer
Imagine you are a TBA with many years of experience. A Health Extension
Practitioner begins to work in your village and asks for your help. What kinds of
things would make you most likely to want to cooperate and support her practice?
Of course there is no single right answer to this question, just as there is no single
TBA to whom all answers will fit equally. However, you probably included some of
the following points:
You can see that she values your knowledge and experience.
She gives you the opportunity to learn about new childbirth practices.
She asks you to join her as a partner in a joint effort to improve postnatal care
for the women and newborns in your village.
She invites you to meetings with village leaders and other gatekeepers to
mobilise community support for postnatal care services.
End of answer
Before you can provide an effective postnatal care service to your community, you
should know the total population you are going to serve and how to collect vital
statistics, such as births, deaths and information on migration of people into and out
of the area. In addition you need to record all women in the reproductive age group
(approximately 15 to 45 years), who may become pregnant in the future, and the
number of currently pregnant women with their expected date of delivery.
You should also record the names and addresses of all TBAs, local healers, village
drug vendors and any other private practitioners. Register all community
organisations that may support you in mobilising human, financial and transportation
resources, in case emergency medical referrals are required for the mother and baby.
You will learn about the referral link in the final study session of this Module. All of
the above information needs to be updated every four to six months.
You may not need to conduct community mobilisation separately for PNC. It should
be done in an integrated and harmonised way with all other community-based
maternal, neonatal and child health services. Box 1.3 summarises the activity for
community mobilisation to support postnatal care.
With community leaders and TBAs, plan and organise community meetings to
educate community members about postnatal care.
Carry out home visits to teach parents and caregivers about postnatal care
(Figure 1.4).
Figure 1.4 A home visit from a supportive health worker can help new mothers to
learn new skills. (Photo: UNICEF Ethiopia)
1. The maternal mortality ratio and neonatal mortality rate in Ethiopia are among
the highest in the world.
2. Around 45-50% of mothers and newborns die in the first 24 hours after the
birth, and 65-75% of maternal and newborn deaths occur in the first week.
3. Effective postnatal care within six hours of the birth, and after two days,
six days and six weeks could significantly reduce maternal and neonatal
5. The most important causes of neonatal death are infection, birth asphyxia,
prematurity and low birth weight.
6. The postnatal period is a time of rapid physiological adjustment for the mother
to the non-pregnant state, and for the newborn adapting to life outside the
7. Danger signs for the mother in the postnatal period include the uterus not well
contracted, active vaginal bleeding and shock.
8. Danger signs for the newborn include jaundice, respiratory distress, fever and
other signs of infection, hypothermia, persistent vomiting, and bleeding from
the umbilical stump or anus.
9. Before launching a PNC service, you should conduct awareness creation and
sensitisation sessions to ensure full community participation, and involve
community leaders, traditional birth attendants and healers; also carry out home
visits to teach parents and caregivers and distribute information, education and
communication materials.
The following is a list of key terms used in this study session, each with a definition.
Which of the definitions below are (i) fully correct,
(ii) partially correct, and (iii) wrong. Write a short sentence for each of the partially
correct or wrong definitions, using the term correctly.
3. Neonatal mortality rate — the number of babies, in every 1,000 live births,
who die within the first 28 days of their life.
4. Early neonatal period — the time just after delivery and through the first
seven days of life.
5. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) — the number of mothers who die giving
6. Early neonatal mortality rate — the number of babies who die just after
7. Neonatal period — from birth to the 28th day after the birth.
8. Gas exchange — what citizens of the US engage in when they go to the petrol
9. Neonatal jaundice — a condition which can occur when the newborn’s liver
is unable fully to detoxify the blood.
3. Correct: the neonatal mortality rate is newborn deaths in the first 28 days, per
1,000 live births.
4. Correct: the early neonatal period is from birth to the first seven days.
5. Partially correct: it is the number of mothers who die during birth and as a
result of complications immediately following childbirth. In Ethiopia the MMR
is very high with around 673 deaths per 100,000 live births. Note that whereas
the neonatal mortality rate is measured per 1,000 live births, the MMR is
measured per 100,000 live births.
6. Wrong: it is the number of deaths in the first week of life per 1,000 live births.
This is also very high in Ethiopia, with around 39 deaths per 1,000 live births.
8. Wrong: it is the process in which our lungs absorb oxygen and release waste
carbon dioxide. It occurs from the moment of birth.
9. Correct: in more detail what happens is that the liver fails to remove a protein
called bilirubin, which is released in the process of breaking down ‘old’ red
blood cells. A sign of neonatal jaundice (i.e. a build-up of bilirubin) is when the
skin appears yellow, especially on the baby’s palms and soles.
End of answer
Imagine that you are trying to convince the Ethiopian Finance Minister to put more
money into postnatal health care and he wants the evidence as to why. Write a short
letter outlining the key points that you would emphasise.
There are many points you could make to the Finance Minister. Here are some of the
key ones:
Ethiopia has some of the highest rates of maternal mortality and early neonatal
mortality in the world (you could quote him the actual figures).
The period of greatest risk (i.e. just after delivery and in the first seven days of
life and up to 28 days) is also when there is the lowest coverage of maternal and
child health care in Ethiopia.
High quality postnatal care has to happen in the first few hours or it is too late,
but also that effective postnatal intervention has the potential to reduce the
neonatal mortality by 10-27%. This will help Ethiopia meet the Millennium
Development Goals to reduce maternal and child deaths.
We already know the main causes of death in the postnatal period (you could
give him the list) and we broadly know what to do about them – it is mainly a
question of a trained health worker being there to do it.
You might also point out that to be really effective, postnatal care needs also to
involve the community (getting them engaged in the whole process, facilitating
behaviour-change from harmful traditional practices, etc.), and explain to him
how you will be doing this, e.g. talking to key ‘gatekeepers’ and enlisting the
help of the Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in the community.
End of answer
You have done a good job persuading the Finance Minister, but he has asked the
Health Minister to check that you really know what you are talking about. She asks
you to list the key signs for potential complications that you should look out for in a
postnatal mother and the main danger signs in the newborn baby. What would you
write in your list?
Key signs to look for include dehydration, a poorly contracted uterus, fresh bleeding,
a drop in blood pressure and a rising pulse. Longer term dangers to be aware of
include blood clots and depression.
Immediate things to check: is the baby breastfeeding properly, is the skin colour
normal or yellowish, is there any fever, is the baby cold or too warm to the touch, is
the breathing normal, is there any bleeding, has the baby got swollen or red eyelids?
You would also check if the baby is preterm so as to know if it is at increased risk for
some complications.You probably got most of these. If not, or if you can’t remember
what they indicate, re-read Section 1.5.2 ‘Evaluating the newborn baby’.
End of answer