Can A Brand Drastically Change Its Target Audience?: PS: The Marlboro Man Died of Real Lung Cancer
Can A Brand Drastically Change Its Target Audience?: PS: The Marlboro Man Died of Real Lung Cancer
Can A Brand Drastically Change Its Target Audience?: PS: The Marlboro Man Died of Real Lung Cancer
In today’s digital age if a brand changes its gender specific target audience, the whole
messaging around the brand will change including the brand elements i.e. Brand
Association, Brand loyalty etc. Not to forget it will shoot up the work of the communication
team across all platforms.
Marlboro launched in 1924 and was targeted inly towards women, which was progressive
and digressive at the same time but that’s a topic for another day. Let’s talk about how they
smoothly repositioned themselves from a female centric brand to a male centric brand.
Their cigarettes were seen as feminine and the tag line was Mild and May. In the wake of
social awareness advertising, media started linking smoking to lung cancer and resulted in
cut down in cigarette consumption by women. Men also switched to Filter Cigarettes which
Philip Morris saw as an opportunity to rebrand the product as Marlboro was already selling
filter cigarettes.
That’s when Marlboro confined into Leo Burnett which came up with one of the most iconic
advertising hero “Marlboro Man”. Initially the campaign ran with construction workers,
Navy officers & mechanics but people found macho cowboy most relatable. This changed
the brand positioning completely, from a feminine brand it became a symbol of masculinity.
According to an article by ad age, the original ad by Burnett carried the slogan “delivers the
goods on flavor” and the sales went skyrocketing.
One thing to learn from this is that the brands should always be ready to adapt to changing
environments and customer needs. In Indian context also, Brand mascots can be very
powerful to attain brand awareness for instance how Amul has still has the Amul Girl in all
their topical ads.