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Romary UNC Communication

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John J.


From: Karin Szypszak <karins@northcarolina.edu>

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 3:04 PM
To: peter.romary@qverity.com
Subject: Letter on Behalf of Thomas C. Shanahan - Notice to Cease and Desist, Return University
Records and Preserve Evidence
Attachments: Romary Letter 10.28.19.pdf

Importance: High

Dear Mr. Romary, 
On behalf of Thomas C. Shanahan, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for the UNC System Office, please see the 
attached letter. 
Thank you, 
Karin Szypszak 
Special Projects Director 
Office of Legal Affairs 
P.O. Box 2688 | Chapel Hill, NC 27515  
p: 919.962.4587 (direct) | p: 919.962.4588 (main)  

John J. Dougherty

From: Peter Romary <peter.romary@qverity.com>

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 4:09 PM
To: Thomas C. Shanahan
Subject: [External] Letter

[CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious
email as an attachment to spam@northcarolina.edu]

Dear Tom:

I am in receipt of your letter of today's date and am quite taken aback by it.

I have never personally, or to my knowledge, has anyone on my behalf, represented that I am providing
"investigative services" or am an agent, servant, or employee of the University of North Carolina or that I am an
employee or representative of the UNC Board of Governors.

I was asked this question by Womble, Bond when they called and tried to question me when I had informed
them I was retained by the Police Benevolent Association and the Fraternal Order of Police.

Your list of people you allege I have had contact with is also incorrect.

You are correct that I have been retained by members of the UNC Board of Governors and I will confirm that I
have told some people that I have been retained by "x" who is a member of the Board of Governors. I have also
been asked to perform work for people on the BoG who may plan to present it to the BoG.

I have never had access to, sought access to or been provided with personnel records regarding anyone
employed at WCU, ECU or anyone applying for a job there.

If part of this is in reference to the candidate for WCU. I will provide you with the same answer I gave the
lawyers from the Womble firm -- when I was asked to perform a background search I was given a name. I did
not know if that name was for a person who was applying to be a personal employee, a potential client of the
provider or what purpose - I do not normally seek such information. I have never revealed the name to a third
party, nor even the sex of the person.

I discovered on social media a reference to a job interview and a location, I then found the person's CV with
information showing they had been declined 6 times as a finalist. When I discovered the connection alleged to a
UK institution (one I am very familiar with) I obtained records on the institution and saw this was a serious
misrepresentation on a CV - I reported the same.

Harry Smith hired me through Poyner & Spruill and I have the letter of engagement containing scope of work. I
have compiled information for Harry and submitted the same. I cannot and will not provide you with said letter
unless Harry Smith tells me to do so and waives privilege. Not one UNC system document was studied or
examined -- again, I have never done so, and interaction with others is minimal as much indeed almost all
comes from public sources and public filings as well as litigation records for lawsuits brought against people or
against boards they serve on.

My role in the WCU matter has been known for some time. Harry's engagement of me has been known of, by
many, for some time. My engagement by Tom Fetzer has been known of for some time.
I told your investigators that I was contacted a few months ago by a former client who wished to make a
grievance. She believed, as she said many do, that OED, Attorney's Office and Audit at ECU were corrupt. She
had similar concerns with GA but I was asked (as someone who had "done work for some BoG members
before") if I could get an assurance from Harry that any matter reported to the BOG would be handled fairly and
there would be no retaliation. I obtained the assurance and conveyed it back, letting it be known it came from
Harry and that he stated the BoG would ensure fairness.

I have worked for the PBA and FOP for some time, almost 20 years on and off, and the timing of this matter
seems utterly suspect to me. I obtained tapes from the GPD and provided them to my clients and said that I
would provide them to the BoG (around Greenville matters seem to have been leaking from Chapel Hill).

Federal and State felonies appear to have been committed and I am working, now with the FOP on who they
wish to call in.

I have never seen one document that is the property of ECU or the UNC system, I have never been given any
information about the same and while one person in an office asked me to obtain tapes, I did so for the PBA and

I have never stated during that anything like that I am doing "investigative work" for UNC system.

If you believe that reports I have prepared for people, who retained my individually and contain no UNC /
WCU / ECU documents are in some way the property of the UNC system then you know that those are with
clients, not me and please ask them.

You have my assurance that I have nothing and have seen NO personnel records of anyone from any institution.
I have reviewed (as a private attorney) some letters that people have received from employers but even then I do
not keep them.

I would ask who has made these allegations? Why has the WCU matter been asked about now when it was a
long while back? Who has stated that I have personnel or private documents belonging to the UNC system or an
institution? Also, who has stated that I have said I perform investigative work for the Board of Governors?

All of the above allegations are false and I find them, as I say, very disturbing as I am being asked to opine on
potential felonious conduct (including but not limited to wire fraud, obtaining property by false pretenses,
obstruction) by clients.

As an attorney for police, I have every right to question who I wish, they have every right to decline to be
interviewed, but I do not have to misrepresent myself to get people to talk to me. If I call on behalf of a member
of a BoG, BoT or corporate board I may inform someone who my client is; I do not lie or misrepresent.

Please ask those you list if any have ever given me personnel records - the answer is no. As to other records the
answer will also be no -- I saw the laws you cited and you have my word that I have nothing meeting the

Best wishes,


Peter Romary
Partner and General Counsel, QVerity
Managing Partner, QVerity Legal
John J. Dougherty

From: Peter Romary <peter.romary@qverity.com>

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 4:51 PM
To: Thomas C. Shanahan
Subject: [External] Re: Letter

[CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious
email as an attachment to spam@northcarolina.edu]

One amendment -- regarding lady from ECU -- SHE was not a former client of mine. She spoke to a former
client of mine who knew I knew Harry Smith and information was shared via that person.

When you state that the letter is confidential and not to be shared with anyone -- do you mean that I am not to
share with certain DC based clients that someone is falsely suggesting that I have been holding myself out as
being an investigator or providing "investigative services" for UNC GA or BoG, when in fact I have been
retained by individual members to conduct investigative work and may have stated "I have been hired by a
member of the UNC BoG who is seeking information on x"?

Also, about me having it suggested that I have items in my possession (that I have none of) which accusation
came up right after I obtained videos for PBA and FOP that seem to show felonious conduct by a state
employee so how do we handle this? To my personal lawyer? I assume that's OK?

Best wishes,


On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 4:08 PM Peter Romary <peter.romary@qverity.com> wrote:

Dear Tom:

I am in receipt of your letter of today's date and am quite taken aback by it.

I have never personally, or to my knowledge, has anyone on my behalf, represented that I am providing
"investigative services" or am an agent, servant, or employee of the University of North Carolina or that I am
an employee or representative of the UNC Board of Governors.

I was asked this question by Womble, Bond when they called and tried to question me when I had informed
them I was retained by the Police Benevolent Association and the Fraternal Order of Police.

Your list of people you allege I have had contact with is also incorrect.

You are correct that I have been retained by members of the UNC Board of Governors and I will confirm that I
have told some people that I have been retained by "x" who is a member of the Board of Governors. I have
also been asked to perform work for people on the BoG who may plan to present it to the BoG.

I have never had access to, sought access to or been provided with personnel records regarding anyone
employed at WCU, ECU or anyone applying for a job there.

If part of this is in reference to the candidate for WCU. I will provide you with the same answer I gave the
lawyers from the Womble firm -- when I was asked to perform a background search I was given a name. I did
not know if that name was for a person who was applying to be a personal employee, a potential client of the
provider or what purpose - I do not normally seek such information. I have never revealed the name to a third
party, nor even the sex of the person.

I discovered on social media a reference to a job interview and a location, I then found the person's CV with
information showing they had been declined 6 times as a finalist. When I discovered the connection alleged to
a UK institution (one I am very familiar with) I obtained records on the institution and saw this was a serious
misrepresentation on a CV - I reported the same.

Harry Smith hired me through Poyner & Spruill and I have the letter of engagement containing scope of work.
I have compiled information for Harry and submitted the same. I cannot and will not provide you with said
letter unless Harry Smith tells me to do so and waives privilege. Not one UNC system document was studied
or examined -- again, I have never done so, and interaction with others is minimal as much indeed almost all
comes from public sources and public filings as well as litigation records for lawsuits brought against people or
against boards they serve on.

My role in the WCU matter has been known for some time. Harry's engagement of me has been known of, by
many, for some time. My engagement by Tom Fetzer has been known of for some time.

I told your investigators that I was contacted a few months ago by a former client who wished to make a
grievance. She believed, as she said many do, that OED, Attorney's Office and Audit at ECU were corrupt. She
had similar concerns with GA but I was asked (as someone who had "done work for some BoG members
before") if I could get an assurance from Harry that any matter reported to the BOG would be handled fairly
and there would be no retaliation. I obtained the assurance and conveyed it back, letting it be known it came
from Harry and that he stated the BoG would ensure fairness.

I have worked for the PBA and FOP for some time, almost 20 years on and off, and the timing of this matter
seems utterly suspect to me. I obtained tapes from the GPD and provided them to my clients and said that I
would provide them to the BoG (around Greenville matters seem to have been leaking from Chapel Hill).

Federal and State felonies appear to have been committed and I am working, now with the FOP on who they
wish to call in.

I have never seen one document that is the property of ECU or the UNC system, I have never been given any
information about the same and while one person in an office asked me to obtain tapes, I did so for the PBA
and FOP.

I have never stated during that anything like that I am doing "investigative work" for UNC system.

If you believe that reports I have prepared for people, who retained my individually and contain no UNC /
WCU / ECU documents are in some way the property of the UNC system then you know that those are with
clients, not me and please ask them.

You have my assurance that I have nothing and have seen NO personnel records of anyone from any
institution. I have reviewed (as a private attorney) some letters that people have received from employers but
even then I do not keep them.

I would ask who has made these allegations? Why has the WCU matter been asked about now when it was a
long while back? Who has stated that I have personnel or private documents belonging to the UNC system or
an institution? Also, who has stated that I have said I perform investigative work for the Board of Governors?

All of the above allegations are false and I find them, as I say, very disturbing as I am being asked to opine on
potential felonious conduct (including but not limited to wire fraud, obtaining property by false pretenses,
obstruction) by clients.

As an attorney for police, I have every right to question who I wish, they have every right to decline to be
interviewed, but I do not have to misrepresent myself to get people to talk to me. If I call on behalf of a
member of a BoG, BoT or corporate board I may inform someone who my client is; I do not lie or

Please ask those you list if any have ever given me personnel records - the answer is no. As to other records the
answer will also be no -- I saw the laws you cited and you have my word that I have nothing meeting the

Best wishes,


Peter Romary
Partner and General Counsel, QVerity
Managing Partner, QVerity Legal

Peter Romary
Partner and General Counsel, QVerity
Managing Partner, QVerity Legal

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