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Doloran Auxilliary Prayers

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Required Daily Prayers for Members of

the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother

1. Auxilium Christianorum Prayers.

2. Daily rosary, preferably the Dolorosary (it does not have to be said for the
intentions of the Society. The Rosary said for the Auxlium Christianorum
suffices to fulfill the requirement for the Auxiliary).

3. 15 minutes of meditation.

4. Prayers for the Society.

Prayer for Protection for the Society, its Auxiliaries and Benefactors

Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy love and mercy establish a perimeter of

protection around the members of the Society, the Auxiliaries and
benefactors, and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved
ones. May the Holy Angels guard us, all our possessions and everything else
essential to our peace and well-being. I ask that no demonic influence may
enter the locations where we work and live. I ask that any demons that should
try to enter be rendered deaf, dumb and blind; that Thou wouldst strip them
of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that Thou wouldst
bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each
other in any way. Remove them, sending them directly to the foot of Thy
Mary, Immaculate Conception, pure and holy Virgin Mother of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, draw each of us under thy veil; guard us and shield us
against all attacks and temptations that would violate the virtues of chastity
and purity.

Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Mother crucified, pray for us.
Mother sorrowful, pray for us.
Mother tearful, pray for us.
Mother afflicted, pray for us.
Mother forsaken, pray for us.
Mother desolate, pray for us.
Mother bereft of thy Son, pray for us.
Mother pierced with a sword, pray for us.
Mother consumed with grief, pray for us.
Mother filled with anguish, pray for us.
Mother crucified in heart, pray for us.
Mother most sad, pray for us.
Fountain of tears, pray for us.
Mass of suffering, pray for us.
Mirror of patience, pray for us.
Rock of consistency, pray for us.
Anchor of confidence, pray for us.
Refuge of the forsaken, pray for us.
Shield of the oppressed, pray for us.
Subduer of the unbelieving, pray for us.
Comfort of the wretched, pray for us.
Medicine of the sick, pray for us.
Strength of the weak, pray for us.
Harbor of the wrecked, pray for us.
Allay of tempests, pray for us.
Resource of mourners, pray for us.
Terror of the treacherous, pray for us.
Treasure of the faithful, pray for us.
Eye of the prophets, pray for us.
Staff of Apostles, pray for us.
Crown of martyrs, pray for us.
Light of Confessors, pray for us.
Pearl of Virgins, pray for us.
Consolation of widows, pray for us.
Joy of all Saints, pray for us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O
Look down upon us, deliver us from all trouble in the power of Jesus Christ.
Imprint, O Lady, thy wound upon my heart, that I may read therein sorrow
and love: sorrow, to endure every sorrow for thee; love, to despise every love
for thee.

Prayer for the Protection of the Bishop under whom the Society Works

V. Let us pray also for our Bishop N.

R. May he stand firm and shepherd his flock by Thy strength, O Lord, in the
majesty of Thy Name.
Lord Jesus Christ, we beg Thee for the grace to keep Bishop N.
guarded beneath the protective mantle of Mary and surrounded by Thy
Precious Blood, so that he may not suffer any demonic attack and he may be
given the grace to always remain faithful to his holy office

For the Advancement of the Society

Lord Jesus Christ, we beg Thee and Thy blessed Mother for the grace of the
full establishment of the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother so that it may
serve Thy glory and give her honor. Mary, Most Sorrowful Mother, we ask
thee to watch over our society, granting peace to all of the members and
Auxiliaries, the graces necessary for their work and guidance in all their

For those that are under the care of the priests of the Society

Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to protect those under our care, their family and
friends from all sickness, harm and accidents. If any of them has been
subjected to any possession, obsession or oppression, I ask that these be
broken by the power of the Precious Blood. I humbly ask, for the sake of Thy
glory and the honor of the Most Sorrowful Mother, for their liberation,
healing, protection and all of the graces necessary for their lives to be
pleasing to Thee. We humbly ask Thee to remove any demons or natural
causes that may be blocking their ability to do all those things which Thy
Holy Will desires.

Prayer Against Retaliation

Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy love and mercy, pour Thy Precious Blood over the
Society, the Auxiliaries, our family, friends and those with whom we work
so that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against us. Mary,
surround us with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any
authority over us. St. Michael, surround us with thy shield, so that no evil
spirit may take revenge on us. Queen of Heaven and St. Michael, send down
the legions of angels under thy command to fight off any spirits that would
seek to harm us. All you saints of heaven, impede any retaliating spirit from
influencing us. Lord, Thou art the Just Judge, the avenger of the wicked, the
Advocate of the Just, we beg in Thy mercy for final perseverance, a holy and
provided death, and that all we ask of Mary, the angels and the saints of
heaven be also granted to all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their
loved ones, that for Thy Glory’s sake, we may enjoy Thy perfect protection.

Against Oppression

Most watchful Guardian, glorious St Joseph, who wast so intimately familiar

with the Incarnate Son of God, greatly thou didst sacrifice and suffer to
protect the child Jesus, along with thy beloved spouse, Our Lady of Sorrows,
especially in the flight thou madest with Him into Egypt; by this thy sorrow
obtain for us the grace to keep far out of the reach of the enemy of our souls,
by quitting all dangerous occasions, by driving back all demons of oppression
so that we may be entirely faithful in our service to Jesus and Mary.

Mother Most Sorrowful, pray for us.

Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.
Help of Christians, pray for us.
St. Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us.
St. Michael, pray for us.
St. Padre Pio, pray for us.
Blessed Francisco Palau, pray for us.
All the angels and saints, pray for us.

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