Pick Pack & Pgi
Pick Pack & Pgi
Pick Pack & Pgi
In general, a customer places an order for a particular product(s). After confirming the
order for availability, there are specific steps to execute the delivery process. The sub-
steps of this process are picking, packing and post good issues in SAP. These steps are
elaborated in this article in a simple format which is useful for end users.
We will see how to pick the goods from the warehouse, how to pack the picked goods
and how to deliver the packed goods to a customer. The relevant transaction codes are
listed in the article as well.
After the confirmation of order, then there is a need to pick the exact quantity of goods
from stock as mentioned in the order by the customer. This material picking is done by
means of transfer order in the SAP warehouse management system. This is
called Picking. Picking can be done in one of the below ways.
After picking the goods from the warehouse, the picked goods should be packed in
order to exchange the goods between merchant and customer. This is called Packing.
Packing can be done in SAP using transaction code VL02N. Packing can be done in two
ways in SAP.
Manual Packing
Automatic Packing
Post goods Issue
After packing the goods, the packed goods are delivered to the customer. This is called
as Post Good Issue (PGI). It is the final step of shipment processing. Post-Good
Issue can be done in SAP using transaction code VL02N.
In our example we are going to create picking, packing, and post a good issue for a
sales order 14424 in SAP. Below are the steps we will execute for this order to create
picking, packing and post good issues in SAP.
When the goods have to be moved from company warehouse to customer location,
creation of outbound delivery is the first step.
The outbound delivery document is generated in this step facilitates picking, packing
and post good issue.
Enter transaction code VL01N in the SD Master Data Screen.
In the below screen enter Shipping point is nothing but a plant, selection date, and
order number.
In our example, as we are going to create delivery to an order 14424 order number is
14424, Shipping point is 1200, and selection date is 11.06.2018.
Click on enter and then click on save
In some scenario, it may be mandatory to create a picking request. In other cases, you
can simply edit the line item in delivery document and indicate the picking quantity.
You can use this step to pack the goods and make it ready for the carrier to execute
shipment. You can use packing material for this step.
Post Goods Issue needs be done to create material document as well as accounting
entries. It marks the step that the goods has moved out of warehouse and is now in
transit. Based on the incoterms, In some cases, the ownership of the goods changes at
this stage.