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Departmental Strategies

Departmen Activities Time Table Expected Output Person

t Responsible
Marketing  MEG should sponsor Sir paano po VP Maketing
NGO projects to ung sa time  It increase of promoting the
promote public table . hindi business to generate sales
relations and ko magets . and help company grow.
company image. kung kalian po  Overall advertising message
 Marketing will lead in ba will be that MEG Homes
the planning and maiimplemen delivers their dreams for their
execution of the t or kung families to have a quality
intergraded marketing kalian house they can call home.
communications plan magiging  MEG will utilize several
of the company to effective ung communications mode to
raise brand strategies deliver an effective message
awareness. and promote brand
 The communication awareness. TV advertisements
objective is to build or will focus on the Megaworld
the ability to identify Corporation as a property
the Megaworld developer that offers optimal
Corporations among quality and value for money to
OFWs in the housing their families in the
category. Philippines.

Operations VP Operations
Sir pwede po makahinge ng
example sa operations :>

Human  MEG should hire  To provide the quality of VP Human

Resources additional personnel for talents they are able to Resouces
new developed acquire, train, and retain. As
properties and provide a motivational tool for its
trainings to enhance
employee, Meg will improve
their performance
their performing sales
 Adapt Framework for
best practices. personnel to international
 HR will also review the sales offices.
performance appraisal
system to include
customer services to
both new and existing
customer as a key
performance indicator
to sales and customer
care personnel

Finance  Identify sources of  VP Finance

financing and their
accompanying risk &  Keeping their WACC at an
cost advantageous level will
 MEG is recommended serve as a signal for MEG as
to determine the cost to whether they are saving
of common equity in on financing costs or
order to determine incurring unwanted losses.
their WACC
(Waighted Average
Cost Capital).

IT  It is responsible for  To explore new web base VP IT System

innovations in product, technology to coordinate
creating its new design with Marketing and Sales
and style. As well as for for them to implement their
searching new ways of
producing their
 Advanced planning is
products by being
updated with regards to information technology
the latest technological strategy intended for the
and economic trend. supplementary process
particularly to assist in the
planning process.

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