Handbook Arranque
Handbook Arranque
Handbook Arranque
If the starter turns the turbine engine up to a self-sustaining Inertia Starters
speed, the engine start process will be successful. There are There are three general types of inertia starters: hand, electric,
only a few types or methods used to turn the engine. Almost and combination hand and electric. The operation of all types
all reciprocating engines use a form of electric motor geared of inertia starters depends on the kinetic energy stored in a
to the engine. Modern turbine engines use electric motors, rapidly rotating flywheel for cranking ability. Kinetic energy
starter/generators (electric motor and a generator in the is energy possessed by a body by virtue of its state of motion,
same housing), and air turbine starters. Air turbine starters which may be movement along a line or spinning action.
are driven by compressed air through a turbine wheel that
is mechanically connected through reduction gears to one In the inertia starter, energy is stored slowly during an
of the engine’s compressors, generally the highest pressure energizing process by a manual hand crank or electrically
compressor. with a small motor. The flywheel and movable gears of
a combination hand electric inertia starter are shown in
Reciprocating Engine Starting Systems Figure 5-1. The electrical circuit for an electric inertia
In the early stages of aircraft development, relatively low starter is shown in Figure 5-2. During the energizing of the
powered reciprocating engines were started by pulling the starter, all movable parts within it, including the flywheel,
propeller through a part of a revolution by hand. Difficulty are set in motion. After the starter has been fully energized,
was often experienced in cold weather starting when it is engaged to the crankshaft of the engine by a cable
lubricating oil temperatures were near the congealing point. pulled manually or by a meshing solenoid that is energized
In addition, the magneto systems delivered a weak starting electrically. When the starter is engaged, or meshed, flywheel
spark at the very low cranking speeds. This was often energy is transferred to the engine through sets of reduction
compensated for by providing a hot spark using such ignition gears and a torque overload release clutch. [Figure 5-3]
system devices as the booster coil, induction vibrator, or
impulse coupling. Direct Cranking Electric Starter
The most widely used starting system on all types of
Some small, low-powered aircraft which use hand cranking reciprocating engines utilizes the direct cranking electric
of the propeller, or propping, for starting are still being starter. This type of starter provides instant and continual
operated. For general instructions on starting this type of cranking when energized. The direct cranking electric starter
aircraft, refer to the Aviation Maintenance Technician— consists basically of an electric motor, reduction gears, and
General Handbook, Chapter 11, Safety, Ground Operations, an automatic engaging and disengaging mechanism that is
and Servicing. Throughout the development of the aircraft operated through an adjustable torque overload release clutch.
reciprocating engine from the earliest use of starting systems A typical circuit for a direct cranking electric starter is shown
to the present, a number of different starter systems have in Figure 5-4. The engine is cranked directly when the starter
been used. Most reciprocating engine starters are the direct solenoid is closed. As shown in Figure 5-4, the main cables
cranking electric type. A few older model aircraft are still leading from the starter to the battery are heavy duty to carry
equipped with inertia starters. Thus, only a brief description the high current flow, which may be in a range from as high
of these starting systems is included in this section. as 350 amperes to 100 amperes (amps), depending on the
starting torque required. The use of solenoids and heavy
Torque overload release clutch Centrifugal clutch
Battery control switch
Starting solenoid
Battery relay
Bus Mesh
Engaging solenoid
Starter control switch
Starter solenoid
Battery solenoid
Battery switch
To auxiliary
igniter device
Starter switch
Figure 5-4. Typical starting circuit using a direct cranking electric starter.
Left magnetos Right magnetos
Battery solenoid
with the load. The starter gear section consists of an external 1. The cylindrical portion of the carrying arm is splined
housing with an integral mounting flange, planetary gear longitudinally around the inner surface.
reduction, a sun and integral gear assembly, a torque-limiting 2. Mating splines are cut on the exterior surface of the
clutch, and a jaw and cone assembly. [Figure 5-6] When the cylindrical part of the starter jaw.
starter circuit is closed, the torque developed in the starter
motor is transmitted to the starter jaw through the reduction 3. The jaw slides fore and aft inside the carrying arm to
gear train and clutch. The starter gear train converts the high engage and disengage with the engine.
speed low torque of the motor to the low speed high torque
required to crank the engine. In the gear section, the motor The three planet gears also engage the surrounding internal
pinion engages the gear on the intermediate countershaft. teeth on the six steel clutch plates. [Figure 5-6] These plates
[Figure 5-6] The pinion of the countershaft engages the are interleaved with externally splined bronze clutch plates
internal gear. The internal gear is an integral part of the sun that engage the sides of the housing, preventing them from
gear assembly and is rigidly attached to the sun gear shaft. turning. The proper pressure is maintained upon the clutch
The sun gear drives three planet gears that are part of the pack by a clutch spring retainer assembly. A cylindrical
planetary gear assembly. The individual planet gear shafts traveling nut inside the starter jaw extends and retracts the
are supported by the planetary carrying arm, a barrel-like jaw. Spiral jaw-engaging splines around the inner wall of the
part shown in Figure 5-6. nut mate with similar splines cut on an extension of the sun
gear shaft. [Figure 5-6]
The carrying arm transmits torque from the planet gears to
the starter jaw as follows:
Clutch spring retainer Steel clutch Bronze clutch plates
Planetary gear
Motor shaft
Starter jaw
Traveling nut
Sun gear
Countershaft pinion
Being splined in this fashion, rotation of the shaft forces enough to relieve some of the spring pressure on the conical
the nut out and the nut carries the jaw with it. A jaw spring clutch surfaces. As long as the starter continues to rotate,
around the traveling nut carries the jaw with the nut and there is just enough pressure on the conical clutch surfaces
tends to keep a conical clutch surface around the inner wall to provide torque on the spiral splines that balance most of
of the jaw head seated against a similar surface around the the pressure of the jaw spring. If the engine fails to start,
underside of the nut head. A return spring is installed on the the starter jaw does not retract since the starter mechanism
sun gear shaft extension between a shoulder, formed by the provides no retracting force. However, when the engine
splines around the inner wall of the traveling nut, and a jaw fires and the engine jaw overruns the starter jaw, the sloping
stop retaining nut on the end of the shaft. Because the conical ramps of the jaw teeth force the starter jaw into the starter
clutch surfaces of the traveling nut and the starter jaw are against the jaw spring pressure. This disengages the conical
engaged by jaw spring pressure, the two parts tend to rotate clutch surfaces entirely, and the jaw spring pressure forces
at the same speed. However, the sun gear shaft extension the traveling nut to slide in along the spiral splines until the
turns six times faster than the jaw. The spiral splines on it conical clutch surfaces are again in contact.
are cut left hand, and the sun gear shaft extension, turning to
the right in relation to the jaw, forces the traveling nut and When the starter and engine are both running, there is an
the jaw out from the starter its full travel (about 5 16 inches) engaging force keeping the jaws in contact that continue
in approximately 12° of rotation of the jaw. until the starter is de-energized. However, the rapidly moving
engine jaw teeth, striking the slowly moving starter jaw teeth,
The jaw moves out until it is stopped either by engagement hold the starter jaw disengaged. As soon as the starter comes
with the engine or by the jaw stop retaining nut. The travel nut to rest, the engaging force is removed, and the small return
continues to move slightly beyond the limit of jaw travel, just
spring throws the starter jaw into its fully retracted position The engine selector switch must be positioned and the starter
where it remains until the next start. When the starter jaw first switch and the safety switch—wired in series—must be
engages the engine jaw, the motor armature has had time to closed before the starter can be energized. Current is supplied
reach considerable speed because of its high starting torque. to the starter control circuit through a circuit breaker labeled
The sudden engagement of the moving starter jaw with the “Starter, Primer, and Induction Vibrator.” [Figure 5-7] When
stationary engine jaw would develop forces sufficiently high the engine selector switch is in position for the engine start,
enough to severely damage the engine or the starter were it closing the starter energizes the starter relay located in the
not for the plates in the clutch pack that slip when the engine engine nacelle area. Energizing the starter relay completes the
torque exceeds the clutch-slipping torque. power circuit to the starter motor. The current necessary for
this heavy load is taken directly from the master bus through
In normal direct cranking action, the internal steel gear clutch the starter bus cable.
plates are held stationary by the friction of the bronze plates
with which they are interleaved. When the torque imposed by All starting systems have operating time limits because of the
the engine exceeds the clutch setting, however, the internal high energy used during cranking or rotation of the engine.
gear clutch plates rotate against the clutch friction, allowing These limits are referred to as starter limits and must be
the planet gears to rotate while the planetary carrying arm observed or overheating and damage of the starter occurs.
and the jaw remain stationary. When the engine reaches the After energizing the starter for 1 minute, it should be allowed
speed that the starter is trying to achieve, the torque drops to cool for at least 1 minute. After a second or subsequent
off to a value less than the clutch setting, the internal gear cranking period of 1 minute, it should cool for 5 minutes.
clutch plates are again held stationary, and the jaw rotates at
the speed that the motor is attempting to drive it. The starter
control switches are shown schematically in Figure 5-7.
To induction vibrator
To primer
Starter primer and Primer switch
induction vibrator Off
Start switch safely switch 3
Engine selector switch Starter relay
Direct Cranking Electric Starting System for Small motor engages the starter through an overrunning clutch in
Aircraft the starter adapter, which incorporates worm reduction gears.
Most small, reciprocating engine aircraft employ a direct
cranking electric starting system. Some of these systems Some engines incorporate an automatic starting system that
are automatically engaged starting systems, while others are employs an electric starter motor mounted on a right angle
manually engaged. drive adapter. As the starter motor is electrically energized,
the adapter worm shaft and gear engage the starter shaft gear
Manually engaged starting systems used on many older, small by means of a spring and clutch assembly. The shaft gear, in
aircraft employ a manually operated overrunning clutch drive turn, rotates the crankshaft. When the engine begins to turn
pinion to transmit power from an electric starter motor to a on its own power, the clutch spring disengages from the shaft
crankshaft starter drive gear. [Figure 5-8] A knob or handle gear. The starter adapter uses a worm drive gear shaft and
on the instrument panel is connected by a flexible control to worm gear to transfer torque from the starter motor to the
a lever on the starter. This lever shifts the starter drive pinion clutch assembly. [Figure 5-9] As the worm gear rotates the
into the engaged position and closes the starter switch contacts worm wheel and clutch spring, the clutch spring is tightened
when the starter knob or handle is pulled. The starter lever around the drum of the starter shaft gear. As the shaft gear
is attached to a return spring that returns the lever and the turns, torque is transmitted directly to the crankshaft gear.
flexible control to the off position. When the engine starts,
the overrunning action of the clutch protects the starter drive Other engines use a starter that drives a ring gear mounted
pinion until the shift lever can be released to disengage the to the propeller hub. [Figure 5-10] It uses an electric motor
pinion. For the typical unit, there is a specified length of travel and a drive gear that engages as the motor is energized and
for the starter gear pinion. [Figure 5-8] It is important that the spins the gear, which moves out and engages the ring gear on
starter lever move the starter pinion gear this proper distance the propeller hub cranking the engine for start. [Figure 5-11]
before the adjustable lever stud contacts the starter switch. As the engine starts, the starter drive gear is spun back by the
engine turning, which disengages the drive gear. [Figure 5-12]
The automatic, or remote solenoid engaged, starting systems The starter motors on small aircraft also have operational
employ an electric starter mounted on an engine adapter. limits with cool down times that should be observed.
A starter solenoid is activated by either a push button or
Reciprocating Engine Starting System Maintenance
turning the ignition key on the instrument panel. When the
solenoid is activated, its contacts close, and electrical energy
Most starting system maintenance practices include replacing
energizes the starter motor. Initial rotation of the starter
the starter motor brushes and brush springs, cleaning dirty
commutators, and turning down burned or out-of-round
starter commutators. As a rule, starter brushes should be
Flexible starter control rod
Return spring replaced when worn down to approximately one-half the
original length. Brush spring tension should be sufficient to
give brushes a good firm contact with the commutator. Brush
leads should be unbroken and lead terminal screws tight.
Adjusting stud
Starter motor
Worm gear
The drive gear should be checked for wear along with the Gas Turbine Engine Starters
ring gear. The electrical connections should be checked for
Gas turbine engines are started by rotating the high-pressure
looseness and corrosion. Also, check the security of the
compressor. On dual-spool, axial flow engines, the high-
mounting of the housing of the starter.
pressure compressor and N1 turbine system is only rotated
by the starter. To start a gas turbine engine, it is necessary
Troubleshooting Small Aircraft Starting Systems
to accelerate the compressor to provide sufficient air to
The troubleshooting procedures listed in Figure 5-13 are
support combustion in the combustion section, or burners.
typical of those used to isolate malfunctions in small aircraft
Once ignition and fuel have been introduced and the lite-off
starting systems.
has occurred, the starter must continue to assist the engine
until the engine reaches a self-sustaining speed. The torque
supplied by the starter must be in excess of the torque required
to overcome compressor inertia and the friction loads of the
engine’s compressor. Figure 5-14 illustrates a typical starting
sequence for a gas turbine engine, regardless of the type
of starter employed. As soon as the starter has accelerated
Starter ring gear mounted on propeller hub plate
the compressor sufficiently to establish airflow through the
Propeller engine, the ignition is turned on followed by the fuel. The
exact sequence of the starting procedure is important since
there must be sufficient airflow through the engine to support
combustion before the fuel-air mixture is ignited. At low
engine cranking speeds, the fuel flow rate is not sufficient
to enable the engine to accelerate; for this reason, the starter
continues to crank the engine until after self-accelerating
speed has been attained. If assistance from the starter
were cut off below the self-accelerating speed, the engine
would either fail to accelerate to idle speed or might even
Figure 5-10. Starter ring gear mounted on the propeller hub. decelerate because it could not produce sufficient energy to
Mounting bolts and alianment pin
Figure 5-11. Starter drive gear mounting holes and electrical connector.
sustain rotation or to accelerate during the initial phase of the A typical cartridge/pneumatic turbine engine starter may be
starting cycle. The starter must continue to assist the engine operated as an ordinary air turbine starter from a ground-
considerably above the self-accelerating speed to avoid a operated air supply or an engine cross-bleed source. It may
delay in the starting cycle, which would result in a hot or hung also be operated as a cartridge starter. [Figure 5-15] To
false start or a combination of both. At the proper points in accomplish a cartridge start, a cartridge is first placed in the
the sequence, the starter and ignition are automatically cut breech cap. The breech is then closed on the breech chamber
off. The basic types of starters that are in current use for gas by means of the breech handle and then rotated a partial turn to
turbine engines are direct current (DC) electric motor, starter/ engage the lugs between the two breech sections. The cartridge
generators, and the air turbine type of starters. is ignited by applying voltage through the connector at the
end of the breech handle. Upon ignition, the cartridge begins
Many types of turbine starters have included several different to generate gas. The gas is forced out of the breech to the hot
methods for turning the engine for starting. Several methods gas nozzles that are directed toward the buckets on the turbine
have been used but most of these have given way to electric rotor, and rotation is produced via the overboard exhaust
or air turbine starters. An air impingement starting system, collector. Before reaching the nozzle, the hot gas passes an
which is sometimes used on small engines, consists of jets of outlet leading to the relief valve. This valve directs hot gas
compressed air piped to the inside of the compressor or turbine to the turbine, bypassing the hot gas nozzle, as the pressure
case so that the jet air blast is directed onto the compressor or rises above the preset maximum. Thus, the pressure of the gas
turbine rotor blades, causing them to rotate. within the hot gas circuit is maintained at the optimum level.
Hydraulic pumps and motors have also been used for some
Starter gear smaller engines. Many of these systems are not often used
on modern commercial aircraft because of the high power
demands required to turn the large turbofan engines during
Figure 5-12. Engine starter mounted on the engine. the starting cycle on transport aircraft.
Probable Cause Isolation Procedure Remedy
Electric Starting Systems and Starter starter generator systems. Direct cranking electric starting
Generator Starting System systems are used mostly on small turbine engines, such as
Auxiliary Power Units (APUs), and some small turboshaft
Electric starting systems for gas turbine aircraft are of
engines. Many gas turbine aircraft are equipped with starter
two general types: direct cranking electrical systems and
generator systems. Starter generator starting systems are
also similar to direct cranking electrical systems except that
Peak starting ECT after functioning as a starter, they contain a second series of
Exhaust gas windings that allow it to switch to a generator after the engine
temperature Idle EGT
versus time
Compressor rpm
has reached a self-sustaining speed. This saves weight and
space on the engine.
Exhaust gas temperature (°C)
versus time
Relief valve
Gear shaft
Turbine exhaust ring Overrunning sprag clutch
Spline shaft
actuating rod
Breech cap
Breech handle
Compressed air inlet
Exhaust from turbine and fan
Turbine rotor
The starter generator internal circuit has four field windings: Commutating
a series field (C field), a shunt field, a compensating field,
and an interpole or commutating winding. [Figure 5-17]
During starting, the C field, compensating, and commutating
windings are used. The unit is similar to a direct cranking
Compensated field
Cooling air Gear ratio approximately 435 to 1
Shunt field
To voltage regulator
To generator
paralleling and
protective C field
D B+
E A+ C+
Figure 5-16. Typical starter generator. Figure 5-17. Starter generator internal circuit.
starter since all of the windings used during starting are in The sequence of operation for the starting system is discussed
series with the source. While acting as a starter, the unit in the following paragraphs. [Figure 5-18] To start an engine
makes no practical use of its shunt field. A source of 24 equipped with an undercurrent relay, it is first necessary to
volts and 1,500 peak amperes is usually required for starting. close the engine master switch. This completes the circuit
from the aircraft’s bus to the start switch, to the fuel valves,
When operating as a generator, the shunt, compensating, and to the throttle relay. Energizing the throttle relay starts
and commutating windings are used. The C field is used the fuel pumps and completing the fuel valve circuit gives
only for starting purposes. The shunt field is connected in the necessary fuel pressure for starting the engine. As the
the conventional voltage control circuit for the generator. battery and start switch is turned on, three relays close: the
Compensating and commutating or interpole windings motor relay, ignition relay, and battery cutout relay. The motor
provide almost sparkless commutation from no load to full relay closes the circuit from the power source to the starter
load. Figure 5-18 illustrates the external circuit of a starter motor; the ignition relay closes the circuit to the ignition units;
generator with an undercurrent controller. This unit controls the battery cutout relay disconnects the battery. Opening the
the starter generator when it is used as a starter. Its purpose is battery circuit is necessary because the heavy drain of the
to assure positive action of the starter and to keep it operating starter motor would damage the battery. Closing the motor
until the engine is rotating fast enough to sustain combustion. relay allows a very high current to flow to the motor. Since
The control block of the undercurrent controller contains this current flows through the coil of the undercurrent relay, it
two relays. One is the motor relay that controls the input closes. Closing the undercurrent relay completes a circuit from
to the starter; the other, the undercurrent relay, controls the the positive bus to the motor relay coil, ignition relay coil, and
operation of the motor relay. battery cutout relay coil. The start switch is allowed to return
to its normal off position, and all units continue to operate.
Emergency stop
On B
To fuel valve G
Engine master switch
B-4 relay
Throttle relay Starter C A
Battery and start switch
To fuel
Battery on pumps
Throttle switch
As the motor builds up speed, the current draw of the motor Air Turbine Starters
begins to decrease. As it decreases to less than 200 amps,
Air turbine starters are designed to provide high starting
the undercurrent relay opens. This action breaks the circuit
torque from a small, lightweight source. The typical air
from the positive bus to the coils of the motor, ignition, and
turbine starter weighs from one-fourth to one-half as much
battery cutout relays. The de-energizing of these relay coils
as an electric starter capable of starting the same engine. It
halts the start operation.
is capable of developing considerable more torque than the
electric starter.
After these procedures are completed, the engine should be
operating efficiently, and ignition should be self-sustaining.
The typical air turbine starter consists of an axial flow turbine
If, however, the engine fails to reach sufficient speed to halt
that turns a drive coupling through a reduction gear train and
the starter operation, the stop switch may be used to break
a starter clutch mechanism. The air to operate an air turbine
the circuit from the positive bus to the main contacts of the
starter is supplied from either a ground-operated air cart, the
undercurrent relay.
APU, or a cross-bleed start from an engine already operating.
[Figure 5-20] Only one source of around 30–50 pounds per
Troubleshooting a Starter Generator Starting
square inch (psi) is used at a time to start the engines. The
pressure in the ducts must be high enough to provide for a
The procedures listed in Figure 5-19 are typical of those
complete start with a normal limit minimum of about 30 psi.
used to repair malfunctions in a starter generator starting
When starting engines with an air turbine starter, always
system similar to the system described in this section. These
check the duct pressure prior to the start attempt.
procedures are presented as a guide only. The appropriate
manufacturer’s instructions and approved maintenance
directives should always be consulted for the aircraft involved.
• Low supply voltage to the starter • Check voltage of the battery or external • Adjust voltage of the external power
• Power switch is defective power source. source or charge batteries.
• Ignition switch in throttle quadrant • Check switch for continuity. • Replace switch.
• Start-lockout relay is defective • Check switch for continuity. • Replace switch.
• Battery series relay is defective • Check position of generator control • Place switch in OFF position.
• Starter relay is defective switch. • Replace relay if no voltage is present.
• Defective starter • With start circuit energized, check for 48 • Replace relay if no voltage is present.
• Start lock-in relay defective volts DC across series relay coil. • Replace the starter if voltage is present.
• Starter drive shaft in component drive • With start circuit energized, check for 48 • Replace relay if voltage is not present.
gearbox is sheared volts DC across starter relay coil. • Replace the engine.
• With start circuit energized, check for
proper voltage at the starter.
• With start circuit energized, check for 28
volts DC across the relay coil.
• Listen for sounds of starter rotation
during an attempted start. If the starter
rotates but the engine does not, the
drive shaft is sheared.
• Insufficient starter voltage • Check starter terminal voltage. • Use larger capacity ground power unit
or charge batteries.
• Defective ignition system • Turn on system and listen for spark- • Clean or replace spark igniters, or
igniter operation. replace exciters or leads to igniters.
Cross feed from running engine Auxiliary power unit (A.P.U.)
Airframe pylon
Ground start supply
External gearbox
Figure 5-20. Air turbine starters are supplied by ground cart, APU, or another operating onboard engine.
Figure 5-21 is a cutaway view of an air turbine starter. The The turbine housing contains the turbine rotor, the rotor
starter is operated by introducing air of sufficient volume and switch actuator, and the nozzle components that direct
pressure into the starter inlet. The air passes into the starter the inlet air against the rotor blades. The turbine housing
turbine housing where it is directed against the rotor blades by incorporates a turbine rotor containment ring designed to
the nozzle vanes causing the turbine rotor to turn. As the rotor dissipate the energy of blade fragments and direct their
turns, it drives the reduction gear train and clutch arrangement, discharge at low energy through the exhaust duct in the event
which includes the rotor pinion, planet gears and carrier, sprag of rotor failure due to excessive turbine overspeed.
clutch assembly, output shaft assembly, and drive coupling.
The sprag clutch assembly engages automatically as soon The transmission housing contains the reduction gears, the
as the rotor starts to turn but disengages as soon as the drive clutch components, and the drive coupling. The transmission
coupling turns more rapidly than the rotor side. When the housing also provides a reservoir for the lubricating oil.
starter reaches this overrun speed, the action of the sprag [Figure 5-22] Normal maintenance for air turbine starters
clutch allows the gear train to coast to a halt. The output includes checking the oil level, inspecting the magnetic chip
shaft assembly and drive coupling continue to turn as long detector for metal particles, and checking for leaks. Oil can
as the engine is running. A rotor switch actuator, mounted in be added to the transmission housing sump through a port in
the turbine rotor hub, is set to open the turbine switch when the starter. This port is closed by a vent plug containing a ball
the starter reaches cutout speed. Opening the turbine switch valve that allows the sump to be vented to the atmosphere
interrupts an electrical signal to the start valve. This closes during normal flight. The housing also incorporates a sight
the valve and shuts off the air supply to the starter. gauge that is used to check the oil quantity. A magnetic drain
Turbine rotor
Engine drive shaft
Reduction gear
QAD adapter
Sight glass
plug in the transmission drain opening attracts any ferrous the off position. [Figure 5-24] The control crank links a
particles that may be in the oil. The starter uses turbine oil, pilot valve that meters pressure to the servo piston, with
the same as the engine, but this oil does not circulate through the bellows connected by an airline to the pressure-sensing
the engine. port on the starter.
The ring gear housing, which is internal, contains the rotor Turning on the starter switch energizes the regulating valve
assembly. The switch housing contains the turbine switch solenoid. The solenoid retracts and allows the control crank
and bracket assembly. To facilitate starter installation and to rotate to the open position. The control crank is rotated
removal, a mounting adapter is bolted to the mounting pad by the control rod spring moving the control rod against the
on the engine. Quick-detach clamps join the starter to the closed end of the bellows. Since the regulating valve is closed
mounting adapter and inlet duct. [Figure 5-22] Thus, the and downstream pressure is negligible, the bellows can be
starter is easily removed for maintenance or overhaul by fully extended by the bellows spring.
disconnecting the electrical line, loosening the clamps, and
carefully disengaging the drive coupling from the engine As the control crank rotates to the open position, it causes
starter drive as the starter is withdrawn. the pilot valve rod to open the pilot valve, allowing upstream
air, which is supplied to the pilot valve through a suitable
The air path is directed through a combination pressure- filter and a restriction in the housing, to flow into the servo
regulating and shutoff valve, or bleed valve, that controls all piston chamber. The drain side of the pilot valve, which
duct pressure flowing to the starter inlet ducting. This valve bleeds the servo chamber to the atmosphere, is now closed
regulates the pressure of the starter operating air and shuts off by the pilot valve rod and the servo piston moves inboard.
the air supply to the engine when selected off. Downstream [Figure 5-24] This linear motion of the servo piston is
from the bleed valve is the start valve, which is used to control translated to rotary motion of the valve shaft by the rotating
air flow into the starter. [Figure 5-23] cam, thus opening the regulating valve. As the valve opens,
downstream pressure increases. This pressure is bled
The pressure-regulating and shutoff valve consists of two back to the bellows through the pressure-sensing line and
subassemblies: pressure-regulating valve and pressure- compresses the bellows. This action moves the control rod,
regulating valve control. [Figure 5-24] The regulating valve thereby turning the control crank, and moving the pilot valve
assembly consists of a valve housing containing a butterfly- rod gradually away from the servo chamber to vent to the
type valve. [Figure 5-24] The shaft of the butterfly valve is atmosphere. [Figure 5-24] When downstream (regulated)
connected through a cam arrangement to a servo piston. When pressure reaches a preset value, the amount of air flowing
the piston is actuated, its motion on the cam causes rotation into the servo through the restriction equals the amount of
of the butterfly valve. The slope of the cam track is designed air being bled to the atmosphere through the servo bleed; the
to provide small initial travel and high initial torque when the system is in a state of equilibrium.
starter is actuated. The cam track slope also provides more
stable action by increasing the opening time of the valve. When the bleed valve and the start valve are open, the
regulated air passing through the inlet housing of the starter
The control assembly is mounted on the regulating valve impinges on the turbine causing it to turn. As the turbine
housing and consists of a control housing in which a turns, the gear train is activated and the inboard clutch gear,
solenoid is used to stop the action of the control crank in which is threaded onto a helical screw, moves forward as
it rotates; its jaw teeth engage those of the outboard clutch
gear to drive the output shaft of the starter. The clutch is
an overrunning type to facilitate positive engagement and
minimize chatter. When starter cut-out speed is reached, the
start valve is closed. When the air to the starter is terminated,
the outboard clutch gear, driven by the engine, begins to turn
faster than the inboard clutch gear; the inboard clutch gear,
actuated by the return spring, disengages the outboard clutch
gear allowing the rotor to coast to a halt. The outboard clutch
Butterfly air control valve shaft continues to turn with the engine.
Solenoid Restriction
From air supply (upstream)
Rotating cam
Inlet pressure
Valve shaft
Control crank
Pilot valve rod
Regulating valve
Pilot valve cap Stationary cam
To starter (downstream)
Trouble Probable Cause Remedy
• Starter does not operate (no rotation). • No air supply • Check air supply.
• Electrical open in cutout switch • Check switch continuity. If no continuity, remove
• Sheared starter drive coupling starter and adjust or replace switch.
• Internal starter discrepancy • Remove starter and replace drive coupling.
• Remove and replace starter.
• Starter will not accelerate to normal cutoff • Low starter air supply • Check air source pressure.
speed. • Starter cutout switch set improperly • Adjust rotor switch actuator.
• Valve pressure regulated too low • Replace valve.
• Internal starter malfunction • Remove and replace starter.
• Starter will not not cut off. • Low air supply • Check air supply.
• Rotor switch actuator set too high • Adjust switch actuator assembly.
• Starter cutout switch shorted • Replace switch and bracket assembly.
• External oil leakage. • Oil level too high • Drain oil and re-service properly.
• Loose vent, oil filler, or magnetic plugs • Tighten magnetic plug to proper torque.
• Loose clamp band assembly • Tighten vent and oil filler plugs as necessary
and lock wire. Tighten clamp band assembly to
higher torque.
• Starter runs, but engine does not turn over. • Sheared drive coupling • Remove starter and replace the drive coupling.
If couplings persist in breaking in unusually short
periods of time, remove and replace starter.
• Starter inlet will not line up with supply • Improper installation of starter on engine, • Check installation and/or indexing for conformance
ducting. or improper indexing of turbine housing with manufacturer’s installation instructions and
on starter the proper index position of the turbine housing
specified for the aircraft.
• Metallic particles on magnetic drain plug. • Small fuzzy particles indicate normal wear • No remedial action required.
• Particles coarser than fuzzy (chips, • Remove and replace starter.
slivers, etc.) indicate internal difficulty
• Broken nozzle vanes. • Large foreign particles in air supply • Remove and replace starter and check air
supply filter.
• Oil leakage from vent plug assembly. • Improper starter installation position • Check installed position for levelness of oil
plugs and correct as required in accordance
with manufacturer’s installation instructions.
• Oil leakage at drive coupling. • Leaking rear seal assembly • Remove and replace starter.