Advanced Accounting 1 - Millan: Problem 1-4: Exercises: Computational
Advanced Accounting 1 - Millan: Problem 1-4: Exercises: Computational
Advanced Accounting 1 - Millan: Problem 1-4: Exercises: Computational
1. Solution:
Mr. A Ms. B
Cash 20,000 30,000
Inventory 15,000
Building 40,000
Furniture & equipment 15,000
Mortgage payable (10,000)
Adjusted capital balances 35,000 75,000
2. Solutions:
Requirement (a):
Mr. Ann Ms. Buoy Totals
Cash 50,000 120,000 170,000
Accounts receivable 300,000 760,000 1,060,000
Inventories 216,000 340,000 556,000
Land 1,080,000 1,080,000
Building 900,000 900,000
Equipment 90,000 130,000 220,000
Total assets 1,736,000 2,250,000 3,986,000
Requirement (b):
Cash 170,000
Accounts receivable 1,060,000
Inventories 556,000
Land 1,080,000
Building 900,000
Equipment 220,000
Accounts payable 886,000
Mortgage payable 180,000
Ann, Capital 1,120,000
Buoy, Capital 1,800,000
3. Solution:
Mr. Angot, Capital = 18,000, the sale of the land on partnership agreement date provides information on the
land’s fair value on that date.
M. Banglo, Capital = 40,000 cash contribution.
4. Solution:
Cash 500,000
Land 800,000
Equipment 550,000
Mortgage payable (350,000)
Adjusted capital balances 500,000 450,000 550,000
Requirement (a):
Partner 1 Partner 2 Totals
Cash 281,250 1,800,000 2,081,250
Accounts receivable 430,000 800,000 1,230,000
Land 1,500,000 1,500,000
Building 1,400,000 1,400,000
Total assets 3,611,250 2,600,000 6,211,250
Requirement (b):
Cash 2,081,250
Accounts receivable 1,230,000
Land 1,500,000
Building 1,400,000
Accounts payable 730,000
Notes payable 375,657
Provision for probable loss 300,000
Real property tax payable 40,000
Partner 1, Capital 2,941,250
Partner 2, Capital 1,824,343
Variation #1:
Partner 1 Partner 2
Equal credits to capital accounts 2,382,796 2,382,796
Fair value of net asset contribution 2,941,250 1,824,343
Bonus (558,454) 558,454
Requirement (c): The bonus is treated as an adjustment to the equity accounts of the partners. Partner 1’s capital
shall be decreased while Partner 2’s capital shall be increased by the ₱558,454 bonus.
Requirement (d):
Cash 2,081,250
Accounts receivable 1,230,000
Land 1,500,000
Building 1,400,000
Accounts payable 730,000
Notes payable 375,657
Provision for probable loss 300,000
Real property tax payable 40,000
Partner 1, Capital 2,382,796
Partner 2, Capital 2,382,796
Variation #2:
Requirement (a):
Total net asset contributions 4,765,593
Divide by: 2
Equal credits to capital accounts 2,382,796
Partner 1 Partner 2
Equal credits to capital accounts 2,382,796 2,382,796
Fair value of net asset contribution 2,941,250 1,824,343
(Receipt) Payment (558,454) 558,454
Requirement (b):
The cash receipt and cash payment are not recorded in the partnership books.
Requirement (c):
Cash 2,081,250
Accounts receivable 1,230,000
Land 1,500,000
Building 1,400,000
Accounts payable 730,000
Notes payable 375,657
Provision for probable loss 300,000
Real property tax payable 40,000
Partner 1, Capital 2,382,796
Partner 2, Capital 2,382,796
Variation #3:
Requirements (a) and (b):
Total net asset contributions 4,765,593
Divide by: 2
Equal credits to capital accounts 2,382,796
Using first Partner 1’s capital, let us determine if Partner 2’s capital contribution has any deficiency.
Answer: Partner 2 should provide additional cash contribution of ₱1,116,907 to make his contribution
proportionate to his/her interest.
Using Partner 2’s capital, let us determine if Partner 1’s capital contribution has any deficiency.
Partner 2, Capital 1,824,343
Divide by: Partner 2’s equity interest 50%
Total 3,648,685
Multiply by: Partner 1's interest 50%
Minimum capital required of Partner 1 1,824,343
Partner 1's capital 2,941,250
Deficiency on Partner 1's capital contribution -
Variation #4:
Total net asset contributions 4,765,593
Divide by: 2
Equal credits to capital accounts 2,382,796
Partner 1 Partner 2
Equal credits to capital accounts 2,382,796 2,382,796
Fair value of net asset contribution 2,941,250 1,824,343
(Withdrawal) Additional investment (558,454) 558,454
Partner 1 shall withdraw ₱558,454 while Partner 2 shall make an additional investment of ₱558,454.
1. Solutions:
Case #1:
A B C Total
Amount being allocated 100,000
1. Bonus (10% x 100,000) 10,000 10,000
2. Interest on cap.
(80K x 6%); (50K x 6%); (30K x 6%) 4,800 3,000 1,800 9,600
3. Allocation of remainder
(100K - 10K - 9.6K) = 80.4K ÷ 3 26,800 26,800 26,800 80,400
As allocated 41,600 29,800 28,600 100,000
Case #2:
A B C Total
Amount being allocated (20,000)
1. Bonus (none) - -
2. Interest on cap.
(80K x 6%); (50K x 6%); (30K x 6%) 4,800 3,000 1,800 9,600
3. Allocation of remainder
(-20K - 9.6K) = -29.6K ÷ 3 (9,867) (9,867) (9,867) (29,600)
As allocated (5,067) (6,867) (8,067) (20,000)
2. Solution:
Balance, Mar. 1, 20x1 50,000 10/12 41,666.67
Additional investment, June 1 20,000 7/12 11,666.67
Withdrawal, Sept. 1 (15K - 10K) (5,000) 4/12 (1,666.67)
Weighted average capital 51,667
Multiply by: 12%
Interest on capital 6,200
3. Solutions:
Case #1:
Partner A:
Balance, Jan. 1, 20x1 120,000 12/12 120,000
Withdrawal, May 1 (20,000) 8/12 (13,333)
Additional investment, Aug. 1 10,000 5/12 4,167
Withdrawal, Oct. 1 (10,000) 3/12 (2,500)
Weighted Ave. Capital 108,333
Partner B:
Balance, Jan. 1, 20x1 80,000 12/12 80,000
Withdrawal, May 1 (10,000) 8/12 (6,667)
Additional investment, July 1 20,000 6/12 10,000
Withdrawal, Oct. 1 (5,000) 3/12 (1,250)
Weighted Ave. Capital 82,083
Partners Wtd. Ave. Cap.
A 108,333
B 82,083
Total 190,417
A B Total
Amount being allocated 240,000
(240K x 108,333/190,417);
136,543 103,457 240,000
(240K x 82,083/190,417)
As allocated 136,543 103,457 240,000
Case #2:
A B Total
Amount being allocated 240,000
1. Interest on cap. (see computations below) 20,000 17,000 37,000
2. Allocation of remainder
101,500 101,500 203,000
(240K - 37K) = 203K ÷ 2
As allocated 121,500 118,500 240,000
Partner A Partner B
Balance, Jan. 1, 20x1 120,000 80,000
Withdrawal, May 1 (20,000) (10,000)
Additional investment, July 1 20,000
Additional investment, Aug. 1 10,000
Withdrawal, Oct. 1 (10,000) (5,000)
Ending balances 100,000 85,000
Multiply by: 0 0
Interest on ending balance 20,000 17,000
4. Solutions:
Case #1:
A B Total
Amount being allocated 480,000
1. Salary 60,000 60,000 120,000
2. Bonus (see computation below) 60,000 60,000
3. Allocation of remainder
(480K – 120K - 60K) = 300K ÷ 2 150,000 150,000 300,000
As allocated 270,000 210,000 480,000
B = 360,000 -
1 + 20%
B = 360,000 - 300,000
B = 60,000
Case #2:
A B Total
Amount being allocated 480,000(a)
1. Salary 60,000 60,000 120,000
2. Bonus 60,000(b) 60,000
3. Allocation of remainder
(480K – 120K - 60K) = 300K ÷ 2 150,000 150,000 300,000
As allocated 270,000 210,000 360,000
Profit before salaries and bonus is computed as follows:
Profit after salaries but before bonus 360,000
Salaries (60K x 2) 120,000
Profit before salaries and bonus 480,000
The bonus is computed as follows:
B = P -
1 + Br
Where: B = bonus
P = profit before bonus and tax but after salaries
Br = bonus rate or bonus percentage
B = 360,000(c) -
1 + 20%
B = 360,000 - 300,000
B = 60,000
This is amount of profit given in the problem.
Case #3:
A B Total
Amount being allocated 480,000(a)
1. Salary 60,000 60,000 120,000
2. Bonus 60,000(b) 60,000
3. Allocation of remainder
(480K – 120K - 60K) = 300K ÷ 2 150,000 150,000 300,000
As allocated 270,000 210,000 360,000
Profit before salaries and bonus 480,000 (squeeze)
Salaries (60K x 2) (120,000)
Bonus (see computation below) (60,000)
Profit after salaries and bonus 300,000 (start)
The bonus is computed as follows:
The problem states that the bonus is computed based on “Profit after salaries and after bonus.” The “Profit after
salaries and after bonus” is actually the ₱300,000 amount given in the problem. Thus, to compute for the bonus,
the ₱300,000 amount is simply multiplied by the 20% bonus percentage, i.e., (300,000 x 20%) = ₱60,000.
5. Answer: 0
2. D (60K + 20K + 15K) = 95K total capital after admission x 20% = 19,000
4. A
Payment to Eddy 180,000
Capital balance of Eddy 160,000
Excess payment to Eddy 20,000
Fox Grimm
Capital balances before retirement 96,000 64,000
Share in excess payment to Eddy (12,000) (8,000)
Capital balances after retirement 84,000 56,000
5. B
Eddy, capital 160,000
Fox, capital 96,000
Grimm, capital 64,000
Investment of Hamm 140,000
Total partnership capital after admission 460,000
Multiply by: Interest of Hamm 25%
Capital credit to Hamm 115,000
Investment of Hamm 140,000
Bonus to old partners (25,000)
6. C
Coll (20%) Maduro (30%) Prieto (50%) Total
Unadjusted capital balance 42,000 39,000 90,000 171,000
Share in revaluation gain
[(216K – 180) x
(20%; 20% & 50%)] 7,200 7,200 21,600 36,000
Adjusted capital balance 49,200 46,200 111,600 207,000
7. D (40K + 40K + 12K) = 92K fair value of net assets – [(5,000 x 2) x 1 = 10,000 aggregate par value of
shares issued] = 82,000 credit to share premium