Yr34 Art Term 1
Yr34 Art Term 1
Yr34 Art Term 1
Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times, including artwork by Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander artists, to use as inspiration for their own representations (ACAVAM110)
Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks (ACAVAM111)
Descriptors Present artworks and describe how they have used visual conventions to represent their ideas (ACAVAM112)
Identify intended purposes and meanings of artworks using visual arts terminology to compare artworks, starting with visual
artworks in Australia including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR113)
What is the learning objective? What skills is this activity targeting/developing? What What resources need to be gathered?
How best might we learn? opportunities will occur for capabilities and skills What people, places, audio-visual materials, related
What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the development and for the development of the learners literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be
students to engage with the inquiry and address the driving questions? assets? available?
What is best learning environment to support this activity?
FINDING OUT Learning Objective and Supporting Activities Learning Skills Resources
Lesson 3 and 4 Explore ideas and artworks from Sea Turtles in Aboriginal culture PDF
Brainstorm what sea animals are affected by ocean pollution or what will happen to sea animals if
nothing changes. different cultures and times, Sea turtles fact file PDF or link
including artwork by Aboriginal
Look at fact file of “Sea Turtles in Aboriginal culture” and “sea turtles fact file” https://prod- Aboriginal art symbols PDF
and Torres Strait Islander artists,
Students then create their own sea turtle using cardboard or recycled paper obtained from the to use as inspiration for their How to draw a sea turtle PDF
hooper or blue bins from class. Students look at the elements of Aboriginal art (Aboriginal art symbols own
PDF) and create a dot painting of sea turtle. Also look at “how to draw a sea turtle PDF”. Students Cardboard from recycle bins
could also look at website and explore aboriginal art https://www.aboriginal-art- representations (ACAVAM110)
australia.com/gallery/aboriginal-paintings-500-to-1000/ Paint
Identify intended purposes and
meanings of artworks using
visual arts terminology to
compare artworks, starting with
visual artworks in Australia
including visual artworks of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Peoples (ACAVAR113)
Going Further Learning Objective and Supporting Activities Learning Skills Resources
and Taking
Lesson 5 and 6
Introduce assessment task of creating a jelly fish
Present artworks and describe https://www.google.com/se
Students will create a jellyfish made out of trash to highlight how trash is bad for the how they have used visual arch?q=trash+jellyfish&rlz=1C
ocean. conventions to represent their 1EJFA_enAU756AU756&sourc
ideas e=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved
Students will need to plan and think of the material they can reuse in order to create =0ahUKEwjzhMLy4uXgAhVO
their jellyfish (lesson 5, students could even try and model it with recycled paper from b30KHbIpAHEQ_AUIDigB&biw
blue class bin). Two different types of materials should be used i.e. hard plastic, soft =1422&bih=588
plastic. Students will need to bring in their own materials from home in order to
complete it in Lesson 6.