Sample of Insurance Company Appointment Letter
Sample of Insurance Company Appointment Letter
Sample of Insurance Company Appointment Letter
< Independent Director >
Sub: Appointment of an Independent Non – Executive Director of Raheja QBE General Insurance
Company Limited
I am pleased to inform you that upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of
Raheja QBE General Insurance Company Limited (“the Company”), the shareholders of the Company
have, at the Annual General Meeting held on < Date>, approved your appointment as an Independent
Non-executive Director of the Company (“Independent Director”) under the Companies Act, 2013. This
letter sets out the main terms of your appointment. It is agreed that this is a contract for services and is not
a contract of employment.
1. Appointment
Your appointment will be for a term of 5 years commencing from < Date>. You will serve as an
Independent Director of the Board and the term „Independent Director‟ should be construed as defined
under Companies Act, 2013. Your appointment is also subject to the maximum permissible directorships
that one can hold in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and IRDA Regulations.
2. Committees
2.1. As advised by the Board, during the tenure of office, you may be required to serve on one or more
of the Committees of the Board constituted by the Board. Upon your appointment to any one or more
Committees, you will be provided with the appropriate Committee charter which sets out the functions of
that Committee.
2.2. Currently, the Board has six (6) Board committees: Audit Committee, Nominations and
Remuneration Committee, Investment Committee, Risk Management Committee, Policyholders‟ Protection
Committee and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. The Chairperson of the Board, in consultation
with the Committee Chairperson and the Company Secretary, determines the frequency and duration of
the Committee Meetings. Recommendations of the Committees are submitted to the Board for approval.
The quorum for meetings is either two members of the Committee or any higher number as may be
stipulated by the Companies Act, 2013 and rules there under and the IRDA Regulations.
2.3. You have been nominated to serve the <Name of the Committee> committee and <Name of the
Committee> Committee respectively.
The Company anticipates a commitment of sufficient time and attention as necessary in order to perform
your duties under the Appointment. This will include attendance at regular and emergency Board
Meetings, any Committee meeting and the Annual General Meeting. All the Board, Committee and
Shareholders‟ Meetings are ordinarily held in Mumbai.
4. Role
The Board as a whole is collectively responsible for the success of the Company. As an Independent
Director, you shall help to provide the Board with effective guidance in relation to the Company‟s strategic
aims, ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the company to meet its
objectives and review performance and risk management. You shall apply your professional expertise for
informed and balanced decision-making whilst upholding ethical standards of integrity and probity and
assist the Company in implementing the best corporate governance practices.
You will have particular regard to the general functions, duties and responsibilities of directors as set out in
the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules there under, the IRDA Regulations, Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Company and the following Codes adopted by the Board of Directors, a copy of which
have been submitted to you:
a) Code of Conduct for Independent Directors in terms of Section 149(8) and Schedule IV of the
Companies Act, 2013.
The Code provided in Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013 is a guide to professional conduct
for independent directors. Adherence to these standards by independent directors and fulfilment of
their responsibilities in a professional and faithful manner will promote confidence of the investment
community, particularly minority shareholders, regulators and companies in the institution of
independent Directors.
The Code for Independent Directors as enshrined in Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013 and
(copy of which has been submitted to you) describes guidelines of professional conduct, role and
functions, duties, manner of appointment, re-appointment, resignation or removal, separate
meetings and evaluation mechanism.
b) The overall superintendence and control of the business of the Company is vested in the Board. The
Board has reserved for its own decision a number of specific matters, which include inter-alia:
the establishment of the Company‟s overall strategic direction and strategic plans for its major
business units,
the approval of budgets, financial objectives and policies and significant capital expenditure, the
approval of the financial statements and published reports,
The charters of the various Board committees also require certain matters to be approved by the
Board including, among other matters, the executive remuneration policy and the appointment of the
external auditors. The Board has otherwise delegated responsibility for the day-to-day management
of the Company, through the Managing Director and Executive Directors, to executive management.
As a Non-executive Director of the Company, you will contribute to ensuring that the Board has the
mixture of skill and experience which it requires.
6. Fees
You shall be entitled sitting fees of Rs.< > for attending each Board Meeting and the <Name of
the Committee> Committee meeting respectively or as may be decided by the Board from time to
time. You will also be entitled to reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred in
traveling to the place of the Board meetings, Committee meetings and General Body Meetings of
the Company.
On termination of the appointment you shall only be entitled to such fees as may have accrued to
the date of termination, together with reimbursement in the normal way of any expenses properly
incurred prior to that date.
Based on the declaration of your independence submitted by you and on an assessment of all
relevant and available information, the Board regards you as an Independent Director. By signing
this letter, you confirm that you agree to this. If your circumstances change in any way that may
affect your status as an Independent Director, you must immediately disclose this to the Board.
You agree to provide the Board with all information it may require at any time to confirm your
You have already disclosed to the Board the significant commitments you have outside this role.
You must inform me in advance of any changes to these commitments. In certain circumstances
the agreement of the Board may have to be sought before accepting further commitments which
either might give rise to a conflict of interest or a conflict of any of your duties to the Company, or
which might impact on the time that you are able to devote to your role at the Company.
It is accepted and acknowledged that you have business interests other than those of the
Company and have declared any conflicts that are apparent at present. In the event that you
become aware of any further potential or actual conflicts of interest, these should be disclosed to
me and the Company Secretary as soon as they become apparent and, again, the agreement of
the Board may have to be sought.
It is expected that you will not serve on the boards of competing companies. Apart from the
applicable law and good corporate governance practices, there are no other additional limitations.
9. Confidentiality
You acknowledge that all information acquired during your appointment is confidential to the
Company and should not be released, communicated, nor disclosed either during your
appointment or following termination (by whatever means), to third parties without my prior
clearance. This restriction shall cease to apply to any confidential information which may (other
than by reason of your breach) become available to the public generally.
You acknowledge the need to hold and retain company information (in whatever format you may
receive it) under appropriately secure conditions.
The performance of individual directors and the whole Board and its committees is evaluated annually.
11. Training
On an ongoing basis, and further to the annual evaluation process, we will make arrangements for you to
develop and refresh your skills and knowledge in areas which we mutually identify as being likely to be
required, or of benefit to you, in carrying out your duties effectively. You should endeavour to make
yourself available for any relevant training sessions which may be organized for the Board.
12. Insurance
The Company has a Directors‟ and Officers‟ liability insurance and it is intended that the Company will
assume and maintain such cover for the full term of your appointment.
The Company must include in its Annual Accounts a note of any material interest that a Director may have
in any transaction or arrangement that the Company has entered into. Such interest should be disclosed
no later than when the transaction or arrangement comes up at a Board meeting so that the minutes may
record your interest appropriately and our records are updated. A general notice that you are interested in
any contracts with a particular person, firm or company is acceptable.
14. Termination
The Appointment may be terminated at any time by the Company in accordance with the
Company‟s Articles of Association or the Companies Act, 2013 or in case you submit your
resignation by written notice. It would be desirable that you give the Chairman reasonable notice
Upon such termination or resignation for any reason, you shall not be entitled to any damages for
loss of office and no severance fee will be payable to you in respect of any unexpired portion of
the term of the Appointment.
It is a pleasure to have you on board. I am confident that your association, expertise and advice will
immensely benefit the Company and the Board.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Chairman of the Board
I confirm and agree to the terms of my appointment as an Independent Non-executive director of Raheja
QBE General Insurance Company Limited as set out in this letter.
Signed ……………………………….
Dated ………………………………..