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Kolender Carragenano

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Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629

Desulfation of sulfated galactans with chlorotrimethylsilane.

Characterization of b-carrageenan by 1H NMR spectroscopy
Adriana A. Kolender and Marıa C. Matulewicz*, 
Departamento de Quımica Organica, CIHIDECAR-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellon 2––Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received 8 January 2004; accepted 24 March 2004
Available online 10 May 2004

Abstract—A desulfation method using chlorotrimethylsilane for treatment of pyridinium salts of sulfated galactans was developed.
It proved to be appropriate for desulfation of polysaccharides of both agar and carrageenan families. In order to evaluate its
efficiency in presence of the maximum content of 3,6-anhydrogalactose, it was applied to commercial j-carrageenan, leading to
obtention of a product mainly composed by b-carrageenan. Best experimental conditions for achieving desulfation of j-carra-
geenan––in terms of low sulfate content, high recovery and low degradation of the product––were found. In addition, the complete
assignment of the 1 H NMR spectrum of b-carrageenan was achieved by means of 1D and 2D NMR techniques.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sulfated galactans; Desulfation method; Agarans; j-Carrageenan; b-Carrageenan

1. Introduction polysaccharides. Thus, an accurate structural elucida-

tion implies the application of a desulfation method that
The major, matrix-phase polysaccharides extracted from leads to sulfate removal without modifying the under-
marine red macroalgae are sulfated galactans. These lying polysaccharide. Several nonselective desulfation
galactans essentially consist of linear chains of alter- methods have been previously described, namely: acid
nating 3-linked b-D -galactopyranosyl and 4-linked a- desulfation with methanolic hydrogen chloride,3;4 sol-
galactopyranosyl units, which are classified either as volytic desulfation in Me2 SO4 –water—methanol—pyr-
carrageenans if the 4-linked residue is in the D configu- idine mixtures5–8 and desulfation with pyromellitic acid
ration or agarans if it is in the L configuration. This and an amphoteric nonhydrogen-bonding sulfate
regular backbone is usually masked by different O- acceptor like As2 O3 .9 In addition, a selective desulfation
linked groups, particularly methyl ether, sulfate ester, method for primary alcohols using the silylating
pyruvate acetal or b-D -xylopyranosyl residues and also reagents N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide (BTSA) and
some of the a-galactopyranosyl units may occur in the N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BTSTFA),
3,6-anhydro form.1;2 was reported in 1992 by Takano et al.10 A comparison
Structural analysis of red seaweed galactans usually between desulfation rate constants for methyl a-D -
requires determination of the sulfated positions on the galactoside 3-sulfate and methyl a-D -galactoside 6-sul-
backbone. This can be deduced by comparison of fate, relative to the solvolytic reaction in pyridine, led to
methylation analysis between native and desulfated the classification of various silylating reagents in three
groups: (a) inefficient for desulfation, (b) selective to-
wards desulfation of the 6-position and (c) nonselective
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +54-11-45763346; e-mail: cristina@
but still active desulfating agents.11 Even though the
Research member of the National Research Council of Argentina efficiency of the compounds included in group (c) was
(CONICET). lower than that one exhibited by the selective agents,

0008-6215/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1620 A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629

κ-carrageenan β-carrageenan

H-6b H-6a
OSO3- H-6b H-6a OH
O O desulfation O O
1 2

Scheme 1.

they could be considered as potentially useful for fluens, it was necessary to carry out desulfation–ethyl-
desulfation of primary and secondary hydroxyl groups. ation/desulfation–methylation analyses in order to
Among these reagents, chlorotrimethylsilane (CTMS) deduce the substitution pattern of the backbone. Des-
was one of the most promising compounds. Its evalua- ulfation by acid methanolysis may give deep depoly-
tion as a nonselective desulfating agent for red-algal merization of galactans with labile 3,6-anhydrogalactose
sulfated galactans is included herein. units2 and thus precluded its application on the samples.
The development of suitable desulfation conditions, Therefore, the first approach was solvolytic desulfation,
using CTMS, for agarans from Georgiella confluens which involves heating the pyridinium salt of the sul-
(Reinsch) Kylin made possible its structural elucidation fated polysaccharide in dimethyl sulfoxide–pyridine in
and revealed an unusual substitution pattern: sulfation the presence of methanol and/or water,5–8 but no sig-
mainly at the 3-position of the a-L -galactose units and nificant elimination of sulfate was observed in the sev-
the presence of xylose side chains at the 4-position of the eral conditions assayed. Treatment with pyromellitic
b-D -galactose residues.12 acid9 was not tested.
j-Carrageenan (Scheme 1), constituted by a repeating Desulfation was achieved by reaction with CTMS in
disaccharidic sequence of fi 3)-b-D -Galp 4-sulfate- anhydrous pyridine. Experimental conditions were
(1 fi 4)-3,6-anhydro-a-D -Galp-(1 fi (G4S-DA as pro- determined as follows: taking into account that the rate
posed by Knutsen et al.1 ), was considered as an inter- constants for CTMS were lower than those registered
esting starting material for testing reaction conditions in for BTSA, the native polysaccharide CP was treated
the presence of the maximum content of labile 3,6- with CTMS in anhydrous pyridine, trying to keep high
anhydrogalactose residues. It was also intended to make concentrations of sulfated polysaccharide and CTMS.
the complete assignment of the 1 H NMR spectrum of b- The first assay was made with a CTMS–sulfate molar
carrageenan––obtained by desulfation of the j-poly- ratio of 90:1 in a 1% (w/v) polysaccharide solution,
saccharide––with only three of its 12 signals assigned in giving a product with only an 8% desulfation (Table 1,
the literature.13 line 1). An increase in time, temperature and CTMS
concentration (Table 1, line 2) gave a product with a
2. Results and discussion recovery of 57% (see footnote a in Table 2) and 52%
desulfation. Heating for only 8 h and slightly reducing
2.1. Desulfation of galactans from G. confluens the CTMS concentration (Table 1, line 3) increased
percentages of recovery and desulfation to 78% and
Due to the simultaneous presence of xylose side chains 60%, respectively. In order to check reproducibility, this
and sulfate esters on the naturally methylated agaran reaction was repeated (Table 1, line 4). This product was
backbone of the polysaccharides isolated from G. con- combined with that described in line 3 and named

Table 1. Desulfation conditions assayed on CP and F20 using CTMS

Sample CTMS–sulfate Temp (C) Time (h) Sulfate (% SO3 Na) Desulfation (%)
molar ratio
1 CP 90:1 95 4.5 11.6 8
2 CP 470:1 (i) 100 11
(ii) 100 fi 40a 16 6.1 52
3 CP 390:1b 100 8 5.0 60
4 CP 380:1b 100 8 4.5 64
5 F20 470:1 100 8 4.6 64
Temperature: 100 C for 11 h, then from 100 to 40 C in 16 h.
Mixture of both products gave rise to CPDes.
A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629 1621

Table 2. Desulfation conditions assayed on j-carrageenan (sulfate content, molecular weight and percentage of product recovery)
Prod. CTMS–sulfate Temp (C) Time (h) Ra (%) MWb Sulfatec G4S:G molar ratio
molar ratio (% SO3 Na) ICCDd C-1 DAGe
0 Native carra- –– –– –– 82,800 20.0f 99:1 97:3
1 0 100 3 91 4900 18.1 84:16 92:8
2 0 100 8 66 2700 18.8 89:11 90:10
3 200:1 100 3 65 1500 5.5 18:82 8:92
4 100:1 100 3 82 2600 7.0 24:76 10:90
5 50:1 100 3 96 6700 5.0 16:84 13:87
6 10:1 100 3 90 7300 12.1 47:53 14:86
7 4:1 100 3 40 2800 16.3 72:28 79:21
8 1:1 100 3 46 2200 16.5 73:27 78:22
9 10:1 60 3 68 2800 16.5 73:27 75:25
10 50:1 100 6 87 5800 5.3 18:82 11:89
11 200:1 100 8 64 n.d. 6.9g 24:76 4:96
Percentage of recovery: corresponding to carbohydrate percentage, corrected by sulfate content (measured by ion chromatography) of the starting
material and the product: R ¼ mm0r ð1S rÞ
ð1S0 Þ
 100 where: mr , recovered mass; Sr , sulfate content of the recovered product; m0 , initial mass; S0 , initial
sulfate content of the polysaccharide.
Determined by quantification of terminal reducing ends.
Determined by ion chromatography with conductimetric detection (ICCD).
Determined from the sulfate content measured by ion chromatography.
Determined by ratios of 13 C NMR intensities corresponding to DAG anomeric signals.
Sulfate content determined by turbidimetric method: 22.2% SO3 Na.
Sulfate content determined by turbidimetric method: 11.3% SO3 Na.

CPDes. Additionally, F20 , the main fraction isolated integration ratios for the anomeric resonances of a- and
from CP, was treated with CTMS in a CTMS–sulfate b-units were 1:1, indicating that the alternating structure
molar ratio of 470:1, heating at 100 C for 8 h, to give of the backbone remained intact. A quantitative esti-
F20 Des in 60% yield with 64% desulfation. Both de- mation of the galactose 4-sulfate–galactose (G4S:G)
sulfated samples, CPDes and F20 Des, had mono- ratios was made, based on the anomeric signal intensities
saccharide compositions similar to the original samples of 3,6-anhydrogalactose residues in j- and b-carra-
and were subjected to structural analyses (methylation; geenan (at 95.0 and 94.7 ppm, respectively) (Table 2).
ethylation; reductive amination of hydrolyzed, methyl- Products 1 and 2 were obtained under solvolytic
ated polysaccharides with a chiral amine; NMR spec- conditions (heating in pyridine, without CTMS), to
troscopy).12 Desulfation was a key step in the structural confirm that desulfation was only due to the presence of
elucidation of the polysaccharides isolated from G. silylating reagent.
confluens and led to the first report on an unusual sub- The resonance intensities for j-carrageenan in the 13 C
stitution pattern for sulfated galactans: highly methyl- NMR spectra for products 3, 4, 10 and 11 were almost
ated agarans, with low 3,6-anhydrogalactose content, indistinguishable from the baseline, while reactions 5
bearing xylose single stubs linked at the 4-position of b- and 6 gave peaks that were scarcely detectable. Thus, at
D -galactose and sulfated mainly at the 3-position of a-L - first sight, complete removal of sulfate groups could be
galactose, with a lesser amount of sulfation at the 4- inferred. Spectra of reactions of 7 and 8 showed the
position of b-D -galactose. simultaneous presence of b- and j-diads, prevailing
those from j. A similar situation was observed when
2.2. Desulfation of j-carrageenan conditions for reaction 6 (with the minimum time and
CTMS–sulfate molar ratio giving prevalence of desulf-
Due to its high content in labile 3,6-anhydrogalactose ated polysaccharide at 100 C) were applied at 60 C
residues, j-carrageenan (carrageenan type III, from Eu- (reaction of 9).
cheuma cottonii, Sigma) was the chosen polysacchar- Thus, the analysis of 13 C NMR spectra led to the
ide for evaluating desulfation with CTMS. With the aim conclusion that almost complete desulfation of j-car-
of finding the best reaction conditions, pyridinium salts rageenan could be achieved using a minimum CTMS–
of j-carrageenan were treated with several CTMS–sul- sulfate ratio of 10:1, heating at 100 C for 3 h. Under
fate molar ratios and different reaction times, at 100 and these conditions, polysaccharide degradation would not
60 C (Table 2). In a first approach, composition and be significant since terminal residues were not observed
sulfate content of the products were studied by 13 C NMR in the spectrum.
spectroscopy. In all cases, (a) spectra included only sig- However, a more detailed analysis of the products
nals derived from j-14 and b-15 carrageenan; and (b) the (measuring sulfate content, percentage of recovery and
1622 A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629

estimating the average molecular weights, Table 2) hand, NMR integrations could underestimate min-
revealed that: or sulfated components giving the opposite devia-
(i) Desulfation reaction reached a constant level within (v) The molecular weights of control samples (1 and 2)
3 h (products 5 and 10). are markedly reduced. Even though at first sight all
(ii) The content of minor components was underesti- the molecular weights included in Table 2 seem to
mated by spectroscopic quantification, as compared indicate similar depolymerization levels, a plot (for
to the values obtained from quantification by ion reactions at 100 C for 3 h) of molecular weight ver-
chromatography with conductimetric detection. sus CTMS–sulfate molar ratio gives a regular curve
(iii) Figure 1 shows desulfation (as G residues, from with a maximum at 7300 Da (Fig. 2). Considering
Table 2) versus CTMS–sulfate molar ratio. For that the average molecular weight of sample 1 was
chromatographic values, the saturation level of 4900 Da, the addition of silylating reagent in low
the curve is reached at a 16:1 ratio; while for spec- concentration promoted the cleavage of glycosidic
troscopic values, the saturation level is achieved at linkages. When this concentration was raised––
11:1. Both results are consistent with the ratio of increasing silylation and desulfation degrees––deg-
15:1 reported for desulfation of methyl a-D -galacto- radation was inhibited, and the average molecular
pyranoside 6-sulfate with BTSA.10 Furthermore, weight was higher, even when compared with the
the general agreement between chromatographic control sample.
and spectroscopic results proves that the spectro-
scopic approach is a valid estimation with an asso- At low CTMS concentrations, the cleavage of glyco-
ciated error, depending on the signal-to-noise ratio sidic bonds prevails. As total CTMS–hydroxyl molar
of the spectrum. ratio is increased, depolymerization could be sterically
(iv) Methylation analysis of products 3 and 10 gave two hindered by the increase in silylation degree. The initial
alternative G4S:G ratios (both of 10:90, calculated protecting effect observed could be attributed to: (a) the
from 2,6-di-O-methyl:2,4,6-tri-O-methylgalactose simultaneous achievement of a silylation threshold
molar ratios). These values were closer to those ob-
(product 6 would be a partially silylated, desulfated
tained by 13 C NMR intensities; however, it should
be kept in mind that methylation implies an addi- polysaccharide), and (b) the absence of high concen-
tional chemical treatment under vigorous condi- tration of CTMS or byproducts derived from desulf-
tions, and thus subsequent degradation of the ation, that might improve depolymerization. In this
polysaccharide, may occur (as evidenced by the way, products 5 and 10, obtained with the same reagent
methylation yield, see Experimental section). Then, concentrations and temperature but with different
methylation might involve polysaccharide degrada- reaction times, have similar sulfate contents (5.0% and
tion and selective losses during the complete deriv- 5.3% SO3 Na) and molecular weights (6700 and
atization procedure, giving results that might not 5800 Da). It implies that a longer exposure of a desulf-
represent the original material. Therefore, the ated, partially silylated carrageenan would not signifi-
actual polysaccharide sulfate content should be cantly improve degradation. On the other hand, product
some value between those ones determined by ion
9 was subjected to the same time and concentration
chromatography and NMR spectroscopy or meth-
ylation analysis. The results obtained by ion chro-
matography should be considered as maximal
values, since some noncovalently linked sulfate 8000
may remain in the desulfated polysaccharide and
would be quantified by this technique. On the other 7000

MW (Da)

moles of G


40 2000

20 1000

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
CTMS:SO3Na molar ratio CTMS:SO3Na molar ratio

Figure 1. Desulfation of j-carrageenan at 100 C for 3 h (products 3– Figure 2. Variation of molecular weight by treatment with CTMS at
8): chromatographic values (r), spectroscopic values (}). 100 C for 3 h (products 3–8).
A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629 1623

conditions as product 6, but the molecular weight of The 13 C,1 H HETCOR spectrum of product 5 (5%
the product at 60 C (2800 Da) was lower than that at SO3 Na) had only 11 cross-peaks, and overlapping or
100 C (7300 Da). This fact could indicate that a absence of signals was assumed (spectrum not shown).
slower silylation process with CTMS might allow All the resonances were attributable to b-carrageenan,
glycosidic degradation of the sulfated polysaccharide while the diagnostic regions related to j-diads––C-4/H-4
without reaching the substitution degree that induces of G4S and C-1/H-1 of DA––were free of signals with
protection. the selected threshold. When the same sample was
In conclusion, the best conditions found for desulf- subjected to an HMQC experiment, two less-intense,
ation of j-carrageenan––in terms of higher desulfation additional cross-peaks were observed (Fig. 4).
with lower depolymerization and better product recov- The final assignment of the 1 H NMR spectrum was
ery––are treatment at 100 C for 3 h with a CTMS–sul- made taking into account:
fate molar ratio of 50:1.
(i) The knowledge of typical coupling constants 1 H–
H in b-D -galactopyranosyl and 3,6-anhydro-a-D -
2.3. Characterization of b-carrageenan by NMR galactopyranosyl residues (as reported by Welti,18
spectroscopy Knutsen and Grasdalen19 and Falshaw et al.13 ), to
predict absence of 1 H–1 H cross-peaks connecting
Characterization of b-carrageenan was made by one- these protons.
and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, including (ii) Distorsionless enhancement by the polarization-
1 transfer (DEPT 135) pulse experiments,20 to iden-
H,1 H COSY, 13 C,1 H HETCOR, gradient Hetero-
tify both resonances corresponding to methylenes.
nuclear Multiple Bond Correlation (HMBC)16 and (iii) Analogies in chemical shifts, to identify anomeric
C,1 H heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence and methylenic nuclei––1 H as well as 13 C––derived
(HMQC)17 experiments. In addition, the native com- from b-D -galactopyranosyl and 3,6-anhydro-a-D -
mercial j-carrageenan was analyzed by 1 H and 13 C galactopyranosyl residues and to provide starting
NMR spectroscopy. points for the analysis of two-dimensional spectra.
All 13 C NMR spectra showed signals consistent with
diads G4S-DA and/or G-DA, belonging to j-14 and Figure 5 shows the 500-MHz 1 H NMR spectra
b-15 carrageenan (Fig. 3). obtained for products 5, registered at 25 C (Fig. 5a),








G4S2 + DA6






G2 +


105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55


Figure 3. C NMR spectra of products 0 (a), 2 (b), 11 (c) and 5 (d) (solvent: D2 O). Spectra (a) and (c) were recorded at 80 C and 75 MHz; spectra
(b) and (d) were recorded at 25 C and 125 MHz.
1624 A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629




(ppm) 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.6 3.2

Figure 4. Heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectrum of product 5 (solvent D2 O, registered at 45 C).


G4 G6a,b
G5 G2

DA4 G6a,b

DA5 G4 DA6a G5
DA6b G2
DA1 DA3 G3


5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6


Figure 5. 500-MHz 1 H NMR spectra of: (a) product 5 registered at 25 C, and (b) product 11, at 45 C.

and 11 at 45 C (Fig. 5b). It can be seen the shift of Table 3 includes the 1 H–1 H connectivities arising
DOH resonance with temperature, obscuring different from the COSY experiment (Fig. 6). The anomeric
signals at both temperatures.21 More detailed spectral chemical shift at 102.9 ppm was considered as the
information has been found at 25 C for the tetrasacc- starting point in the HMQC spectrum for the G residue
haride DA-G4S-DA-G4S compared to 90 C;22 how- included in b-carrageenan, then the anomeric proton
ever, for b-carrageenan it was observed that resolution should be at 4.60 ppm. The related homonuclear G1/G2
increased at higher temperature. cross-peak in the COSY spectrum was at 4.61/3.60 ppm,
A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629 1625

Table 3. Connectivities from 1 H,1 H COSY spectrum of product 5 mined, while the DA3/DA4 cross-peak was absent due
Cross-peak Coordinates (ppm) to the small coupling expected for this protons.13;19 For
DA1/DA2 5.07/4.08 the same reason, there was not observed any cross-peak
DA2/DA3 4.07/4.52 corresponding to DA5/DA6b.
DA4/DA5 4.60/4.67 Since it could be possible that C-6 of DA should
DA5/DA6a 4.67/4.06
coincide with another chemical shift, it was necessary to
DA6a/DA6b 4.06/4.21
G1/G2 4.61/3.60 record a DEPT 135 experiment. In this spectrum (not
G2/G3 3.60/3.86 shown), the signal at 69.7 ppm disappeared indicating
G3/G4 3.86/4.14 that the chemical shifts of C-2 of G and C-6 of DA
G5/G6a,G6b 3.70/3.78 overlapped. In the HETCOR spectrum there was only
G6a/G6b 3.79/3.74
one cross-peak at 69.7 ppm, related to H-2/C-2 (3.6/
69.7 ppm) of the G unit. By comparison with literature
data for H-6a and H-6b of the DA residues,13;18 it was
which was associated to G2/G3 (3.60/3.86 ppm) and G3/ inferred that these protons should be close to 4.10 and
G4 (3.86/4.14 ppm) signals. No G4/G5 correlation was 4.20 ppm in b-carrageenan. However, the intensity of
observed, as expected for protons with small coupling any cross-peak related to this methylenic carbon should
constants.13 The other end of the same unit was C-6 be low since: (i) one carbon was linked to two protons
(61.4 ppm), linked to H-6a and H-6b (see Scheme 1) at whose chemical shifts were well resolved (two cross-
3.76–3.78 ppm in the HMQC spectrum (3.68–3.73/ peaks are to be expected), and (ii) geminal coupling is
61.4 ppm in the HETCOR spectrum). Near the diagonal not lost in an HETCOR experiment; then the total
region of the COSY spectrum, two signals at 3.70/3.78 intensity of the signal expected for C-6 should be divided
and 3.79/3.74 were attributable to G5/G6a,b and G6a/ into four subsignals, which could be masked by the
G6b, respectively. spectral noise. These resonances were confirmed by the
For the DA unit, the starting point was the anomeric HMQC spectrum, which had two additional signals at
carbon at 94.7 ppm, linked to the proton at 5.07 ppm in 4.06/69.7 and 4.20/69.7 ppm that corresponded to DA6a
the HMQC spectrum (same values for HETCOR spec- and DA6b, respectively.
trum). The homonuclear correlations DA1/DA2 (5.07/ In the COSY spectrum, two intense cross-peaks at
4.08 ppm) and DA2/DA3 (4.07/4.52 ppm) were deter- 4.06/4.67 and 4.06/4.21 ppm were consistent with DA6a/



G6a,6b G2,3






(ppm) 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.6 3.2

Figure 6. 1 H,1 H COSY spectrum of product 5 (solvent: D2 O, registered at 25 C, 500-MHz, chemical shifts relative to Me2 SO at 2.71 ppm).
1626 A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629

DA5 and DA6a/DA6b signals, respectively. From the NMR assignment of this carrageenan; on the other
HMQC spectrum it was deduced that the proton at hand, it confirms the 13 C NMR assignment reported by
4.67 ppm was linked to the carbon at 77.1 ppm (DA5), Usov and Shashkov.15 Proton chemical shifts corre-
while DA4 was assigned at 4.59/78.5 ppm. This implied sponding to the G residue are coincident––with a con-
that the homonuclear signal for DA4/DA5 should be at stant displacement of 0.3 ppm––with those reported by
4.59/4.66, where a cross-peak was observed but close to Knutsen and Grasdalen19 for the same unit in the tet-
the diagonal and water peak. With this assignment, rasaccharide DA-G-DA-G4S. This similarity was
three small signals remained excluded from the b-car- expected since the residue environment is similar in both
rageenan system: 3.65/3.92, 3.93/4.18 (a sequence of cases, and the main difference is the chain length. Less
three related nuclei) and 4.13/4.51 ppm. There was not data were available for DA unit. Only three 1 H NMR
any carbon signal in the range 50–115 ppm (region of chemical shifts corresponding to b-carrageenan have
C resonances typical of carbohydrates) that could be been previously reported:13 H-1, 5.04 ppm; H-2,
linked to the resonance at 3.92–3.93 ppm in the hetero- 4.06 ppm and H-3, 4.52 ppm. All of these coincide with
nuclear spectra. Therefore, this signal set should derive those reported herein. Assignments for H-3, H-4, H-5
from some kind of noncarbohydrate compound. and H-6a,b nuclei are consistent with the corresponding
All the signals observed in the HMBC spectrum (not ones in methyl carrabioside.23 Besides, H-5, H-6a and
shown) were consistent with the above-mentioned H-6b––the protons least influenced by presence or ab-
assignments. Some of them––at 4.61/69.6, 4.21/77.3 and sence of sulfation on the neighbouring units––have
4.06/78.9 ppm, corresponding to DA4/DA6, DA6b/DA5 chemical shifts similar to the ones reported for DA in a
and DA6a/DA4 (or DA2/DA4), respectively––were j-carrageenan hexasaccharide.19
useful to confirm the resonances associated to the DA6a In conclusion, desulfation with CTMS in pyridine can
and DA6b protons. A cross-peak at 4.52/69.5 ppm was be considered as an alternative method––together with
attributed to a DA3/DA6 correlation through the 3,6- acid, solvolytic and pyromellitic acid processes––for
anhydro ring. Additionally, pairs of cross-peaks at 5.07/ structural analysis. It proved to be applicable to sulfate
80.6––3.85/94.7 and 4.61/79.0––4.61/102.9 ppm were in group removal in different positions and polysacchar-
agreement with signals related to DA1/G3––G3/DA1 ides––agarans,12 carrageenans, polysaccharides of the
and G1/DA4––DA4/G1 nuclei, according to the linkage agar-carrageenan hybrid type,24 galactofucans25 ––some
positions between the galactose and 3,6-anhydrogalac- of them including labile units like 3,6-anhydrogalactose.
tose residues in carrageenans. In the case of the isolated fractions of G. confluens
The final assignment of the 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra (Rhodophyta) and Adenocystis utricularis (Phaeophyta),
of b-carrageenan is included in Tables 4 and 5, respec- it was the only suitable technique that made possible the
tively. On the one hand, this is the first complete 1 H structural elucidation of their polysaccharides.

Table 4. 1 H NMR assignment of b-carrageenan chemical shifts (ppm)a

Unit Chemical shifts (ppm)
H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6a H-6b
b b
G 4.60 3.60 3.86 4.14 3.70 3.79 3.74b
DA 5.07 4.08 4.53 4.60 4.67b 4.07 4.21
Solvent: D2 O; registered at 25 C, 500 MHz; chemical shifts relative to acetone at 2.20 ppm.
From two-dimensional spectra.

Table 5. Assignment of chemical shifts (ppm) corresponding to b- and j-carrageenan diads in the C NMR spectra at 25 and 80 C
Carrageenan Product Unit T (C) C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6
j 0 G4S 80a 102.7 69.9 79.1 74.3 75.0 61.5
DA 95.4 70.1 79.4 78.5 77.0 69.7

j 1 G4S 25b 102.7 69.7 78.7 74.0 75.0 61.6

DA 95.0 70.0 79.5 78.5 76.9 69.7
b 10 G 80a 102.8 69.8 80.6 66.7 75.6 61.6
DA 94.8 70.5 79.7 78.3 77.1 69.8
b 11 G 25b 102.9 69.8 80.4 66.4 75.7 61.6
DA 94.7 70.4 79.7 78.5 77.1 69.8
Spectra registered at 80 C; chemical shifts relative to Me2 SO (39.6 ppm).
Spectra registered at 25 C; chemical shifts relative to Me2 SO (39.5 ppm).
A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629 1627

Cl SiMe3
OSO3- + Cl SiMe3 OSO3SiMe3


+ SO3SiMe3
O Cl- OSiMe3 + Me3SiO3SCl
SiMe3 4

Scheme 2. Proposed mechanism for desulfation of sulfated polysaccharides with CTMS in pyridine.

A complete analysis of the experimental conditions from G. confluens has been previously described12 and
applied to commercial j-carrageenan and the isolated led to the crude polysaccharide CP and fraction F20 ,
products was carried out in terms of sulfate content, among other fractions. Pyridine was dried over 4 A 
molecular weight and composition. The results obtained molecular sieves. Sulfate was measured (on samples
indicated that the best reaction conditions, for highest previously hydrolyzed in 2 M TFA at 121 C for 2 h,
decrease in sulfate content with lowest degradation and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen and redissolved in
maximum product recovery, were heating of the pyrid- high purity water from a Milli-Q system) with a DIO-
inium salts at 100 C during 3 h, and using a CTMS– NEX DX-100 ion chromatography system, equipped
sulfate molar ratio of 50:1. with an AS4A column (4 · 250 mm), an AMMS-II
When this work started, the mechanism for the micromembrane supressor and a conductivity detector
selective desulfation of primary positions with BTSA (eluent: 1.8 mM Na2 CO3 /1.7 mM NaHCO3 , flow rate:
was not completely known; however, a solvolytic 2 mL min1 ). When stated, sulfate content was also
process had been discounted.26 Recently, Horibe and measured by the turbidimetric method of Dogdson and
Oshita27 investigated the desulfation of bis(tri-methyl- Price.28 Average-number molecular weights were calcu-
silyl)ester of 1-O-decylglycerol-2,3-sulfate with various lated by determination of reducing end-groups using the
silylating agents. It was found that only those reagents colorimetric method of Park and Johnson.29 Unless
containing nitrogen were able to selectively desulfate otherwise stated, dialyses were carried out with tubing
primary positions, and a mechanism was proposed. In with a molecular weight cutoff of 1000.
view of the foregoing, the mechanism outlined in
Scheme 2 for the desulfation of sulfated polysaccharides
3.1.1. Pyridinium salts of polysaccharides. Samples were
with CTMS could be suggested. First, the sulfate sily-
dissolved in water and passed through a cation-ex-
lester would be formed, and this species would give the
change column of Amberlite IR 120þ (Hþ ), which was
oxonium salt 3 with chloride as counterion. An elec-
eluted with water and the eluate was collected over 20%
trophylic attack of the trimethylsiloxy sulfonyl cation on
pyridine. After dialysis (MWCO 6000–8000) against
chloride would give trimethylsilyl chlorosulfonate 4.
distilled water, pyridinium salts of the polysaccharides
Nevertheless, the present work was not intended to be a
were recovered by freeze drying.
mechanistic study, thus the reaction mixtures were not
analyzed in order to find evidences of possible inter-
3.2. Desulfation of galactans from G. confluens
Finally, the study by 1 H and 13 C NMR spectroscopy,
Pyridinium salts of the polysaccharides were suspended
using one- and two-dimensional techniques, led to the
in anhydrous pyridine (1% w/v) and then chlorotri-
first complete assignment of the 1 H NMR spectrum of
methylsilane (CTMS) was added (according to the
CTMS–sulfate molar ratios indicated in Table 1).
Reactions were carried out at: (i) 95 C for 4.5 h; (ii)
100C for 11 h, then from 100 to 40 C in 16 h or (iii)
3. Experimental 100 C for 8 h (see Table 1). After dropwise addition of
water (to destroy excess of CTMS and remove silylation
3.1. General methods at hydroxyl groups), the reaction mixture was dialyzed
(MWCO 3500) against running tap water, distilled
j-Carrageenan (carrageenan type III, from E. cottonii, water, 0.1 M NaCl and distilled water, and finally freeze
C-1263) was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. Iso- dried to give the desulfated products. Sulfate content
lation and fractionation of the sulfated polysaccharides was determined by the turbidimetric method above
1628 A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629

mentioned. CTMS–sulfate molar ratio of 90:1: CP time of 0.7 s and a relaxation delay of 4.5 ls for 60,000
pyridinium salt, 8.75 mg; desulfated product, 4.4 mg. and 41,000 scans, respectively. The 125-MHz 13 C NMR
CTMS–sulfate molar ratio of 470:1: CP pyridinium salt, H-decoupled spectra of native j-carrageenan and
10.00 mg; desulfated product, 5.80 mg. CTMS–sulfate products 1–11 were recorded at room temperature on a
molar ratio of 390:1: CP pyridinium salt, 20.86 mg; Bruker AM 500 spectrometer, using a spectral width of
desulfated product, 14.98 mg. CTMS–sulfate molar 29.4 kHz, 51.4 pulse, an acquisition time of 0.56 s and a
ratio of 380:1: CP pyridinium salt, 19.23 mg; desulfated relaxation delay of 0.6 s, for ca. 3000 scans. Methylene
product, 14.88 mg. CTMS–sulfate molar ratio of 470:1: carbons of product 5 were assigned by a DEPT 135
F20 pyridinium salt, 29.65 mg; desulfated product, experiment.18 This spectrum was recorded at 125 MHz
16.34 mg. and room temperature, on the Bruker AM 500 spec-
trometer, using a spectral width of 26.3 kHz, an acqui-
3.3. Desulfation of j-carrageenan sition time of 0.56 s and a relaxation delay of 0.6 s for
5376 scans. In all cases, signals were referenced to
Pyridinium salts of commercial j-carrageenan were internal Me2 SO at 39.6 ppm at 80 C and at 39.5 ppm at
suspended in anhydrous pyridine (1% w/v) and then room temperature.
CTMS was added (according to the CTMS–sulfate
molar ratios and reaction conditions indicated in Table
2). After dropwise addition of water, the reaction mix-
ture was dialyzed (MWCO 6000–8000) against running 3.5.2. 1 H NMR spectroscopy. Samples (7–10 mg) were
tap water, distilled water, 0.1 M NaCl and distilled dissolved in D2 O (0.5 mL), and a 5-mm NMR tube was
water, and finally freeze dried to give products 1–11. used. Spectra were recorded on the Bruker AM 500
Products 1 and 2 were heated in pyridine, without spectrometer, at room temperature (product 5) and
CTMS, and treated in the same way as the other sam- 45 C (product 11), using a spectral width of 5.7 kHz,
ples. Product 1: j-carrageenan pyridinium salt, 29.0 mg; 90 pulse, an acquisition time of 4.4 s, for 144 scans.
product 1, 25.85 mg. Product 2: j-carrageenan pyrid- Acetone was used as internal standard, at 2.20 ppm at
inium salt, 35.0 mg; product 2, 22.65 mg. Product 3: j- both temperatures.
carrageenan pyridinium salt, 43.1 mg; product 3,
22.15 mg. Product 4: j-carrageenan pyridinium salt,
47.75 mg; product 4, 33.6 mg. Product 5: j-carrageenan 3.5.3. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Pulse
pyridinium salt, 50.1 mg; product 5, 40.45 mg. Product sequences for 1 H,1 H COSY and 13 C,1 H HETCOR
6: j-carrageenan pyridinium salt, 30.45 mg; product 6, techniques were supplied by the spectrometer manu-
24.95 mg. Product 7: j-carrageenan pyridinium salt, facturers; spectra were recorded on the Bruker AM 500
43.0 mg; product 7, 16.6 mg. Product 8: j-carrageenan spectrometer at room temperature.
pyridinium salt, 39.0 mg; product 8, 17.75 mg. Product Gradient HMBC and HMQC 2D spectra were col-
9: j-carrageenan pyridinium salt, 53.55 mg; product 9, lected on a Bruker Avance DPX 400 spectrometer with
34.7 mg. Product 10: j-carrageenan pyridinium salt, an inverse probe at 45 C. The HMQC spectrum was
54.3 mg; product 10, 40.1 mg. Product 11: j-carrageenan recorded with a 1 H spectral width of 936 Hz, a 13 C
pyridinium salt, 36.75 mg; product 11, 22.65 mg. spectral width of 8050 Hz, a relaxation delay of 1 s,
accumulating 64 scans. The HMBC spectrum was
3.4. Methylation analysis recorded with a 1 H spectral width of 1055 Hz, a 13 C
spectral width of 2232 Hz, a relaxation delay of 1 s,
Products 3 (3.10 mg) and 10 (6.50 mg) were methylated accumulating 128 scans.
according to the method of Ciucanu and Kerek30 and
isolated after dialysis and freeze drying. Yields: product
3, 1.75 mg; product 10, 4.20 mg. Linkage analysis was
carried out by reductive hydrolysis and acetylation of
the sugar mixtures as previously described.12 Acknowledgements

3.5. NMR spectroscopy The authors are indebted to Prof. Robert Anton (Labo-
ratoire de Pharmacognosie, Universite Louis Pasteur,
3.5.1. 13 C NMR spectroscopy. Samples (10–20 mg) were Strasbourg, France) for the 75-MHz 13 C NMR spectra
dissolved in 1:1 H2 O/D2 O (0.5 mL), and a 5-mm tube and to Prof. Jorge Palermo (Dpto. Quımica Org anica,
was used. The 75-MHz 13 C NMR 1 H-decoupled spectra Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad
of native j-carrageenan and product 11 were recorded at de Buenos Aires) for his helpful suggestions on NMR
80 C on a Bruker DPX300 spectrometer, using a spec- spectroscopy. This work was supported by grants of the
tral width of 9.1 kHz, 90 pulse (5.5 ls), an acquisition University of Buenos Aires and CONICET.
A. A. Kolender, M. C. Matulewicz / Carbohydrate Research 339 (2004) 1619–1629 1629

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