Parametricism As Style - Parametricist Manifesto
Parametricism As Style - Parametricist Manifesto
Parametricism As Style - Parametricist Manifesto
We pursue the parametric design paradigm all the way, penetrating into all corners of
the discipline. Systematic, adaptive variation, continuous differentiation (rather than
mere variety), and dynamic, parametric figuration concerns all design tasks from
urbanism to the level of tectonic detail, interior furnishings and the world of products.
The following 5 agendas might be proposed here to inject new aspects into the
parametric paradigm and to push the development of parametricism further:
1.Inter-articulation of sub-systems:
The ambition is to move from single system differentiation – e.g. a swarm of façade
components - to the scripted association of multiple subsystems – envelope, structure,
internal subdivision, navigation void. The differentiation in any one systems is
correlated with differentions in the other systems.
2. Parametric Accentuation:
The ambition is to enhance the overall sense of organic integration through intricate
correlations that favour deviation amplification rather than compensatory or
ameliorating adaptations. For instance, when generative components populate a
surface with a subtle curvature modulation the lawful component correlation should
accentuate and amplify the initial differentiation. This might include the deliberate
setting of accentuating thresholds or singularities. Thus a far richer articulation can be
achieved and thus more orienting visual information can be made available.
3. Parametric Figuration7:
We propose that complex configurations that are latent with multiple readings can be
constructed as a parametric model. The parametric model might be set up so that the
variables are extremely Gestalt-sensitive. Parametric variations trigger gestalt-
catastrophes, i.e. the quantitative modification of these parameters trigger qualitative
shifts in the perceived order of the configuration. This notion of parametric figuration
implies an expansion in the types of parameters considered within parametric design.
Beyond the usual geometric object parameters, ambient parameters (variable lights)
and observer parameters (variable cameras) have to considered and integrated into the
parametric system.
4. Parametric Responsiveness8:
We propose that urban and architectural (interior) environments can be designed with
an inbuilt kinetic capacity that allows those environments to reconfigure and adapt
themselves in response to the prevalent patterns of use and occupation. The real time
registration of use-patterns produces the parameters that drive the real time kinetic
adaptation process. Cumulative registration of use patterns result in semi-permanent
morphological transformations. The built environment acquires responsive agency at
different time scales.
5. Parametric Urbanism9:
The assumption is that the urban massing describes a swarm-formation of many
buildings. These buildings form a continuously changing field, whereby lawful
continuities cohere this manifold of buildings. Parametric urbanism implies that the
systematic modulation of the buildings’ morphologies produces powerful urban
effects and facilitates field orientation. Parametric Urbanism might involve parametric
accentuation, parametric figuration, and parametric responsivess.
Furniture and product design fully participates in the parametricist agenda we are
pursuing. We consider furniture not in terms of isolated objects but as a pre-eminent
space-making substance. Our design efforts need to encompass the domains of interior
design, furniture design, and even product design. We can orchestrate all those
registers to advance the design of integrated, immersive worlds. Our handling of
interior furnishings as dynamic swarm formations, or sometimes as a continuous
surface/fluid mass, is geared towards the detailed elaboration of the continuously
differentiated fields described above.
1 The Dark Side Club is a critical salon initiated and organized by Robert White to
coincide with the Architecture Biennale. Three successive events were onceived as a
critical salon to debate some of the themes Aaron Betsky had set for this year’s
Biennale. Three curators have been invited to each put forward a proposition for
debate: Patrik Schumacher, Greg Lynn, and Gregor Eichinger. Each invited young
architects and thinkers to debate the direction architecture is taking.
The first session – curated and introduced by Patrik Schumacher was
titled: Parametricism as New Style. The following 8 architectural studios were
presenting: MAD, f-u-r, UFO, Plasma Studio, Minimaforms, Aranda/Lasch, AltN
Research+Design, MOH. Jeff Kipnis acted as moderator.
2 This interpretation of styles is valid only with respect to the avant-garde phase of
any style.
5 The final reckoning takes place later, in the arena of the mainstream adoption which
only indirectly feeds back into the central, discursive arena of the discipline.
6 The credit for coining this key slogan goes to Greg Lynn and Jeff Kipnis.
8 Parametric Responsiveness was at the heart of our 3 year design research agenda
“Responsive Environments” at the AADRL in London from 2001-2004.
9 “Parametric Urbanism” is the title of our recently completed design research cycle
at the AADRL, from 2005 – 2008.