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Dagher - Position of Women in Islam

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The document discusses the position of women in Islam based on sources like the Quran and Hadith. It analyzes women's rights and status according to Islamic law and perspectives of scholars.

The Quran does not distinguish between woman and man, and Muslim woman and non-Muslim woman in matters of reward and punishment in the hereafter.

Al-Tabari interpreted this statement to mean that men are responsible for women's living expenses and should treat them well.



Hamdun Dagher


Table of Contents
Introduction 5

1. Women in the Qur'an 7

2. The Status of Women 10

3. Women's Image in Arabic Literature 21

4. Marriage .......•......................•.... 26

5. The Rights a Man Acquires over his Wife 28

6. The Rights a Woman Acquires over her Husband. 36

7. The Importance of Marriage in Islam 38

8. The Importance of Marriage from the Viewpoint

of the Jurists 42

9. Marriage from the Viewpoint of the Sufis 45

10. The Characteristics of an Ideal Wife 50

11. The Marriage Contract in the Islamic Sharia 57

All Rights Reserved 12. Polygamy 62

Order Number: VB 5405 E
13. Marriage of Enjoyment 71
German title: Die Stellung der Frau im Islam
English title: The Position of Women in Islam 14. Divorce 79
Arabic title: r....~1 .) 11)1 .IS:.
1st Gennan edition: 1994; 1st English edition: 1995
15. The Women's Portion of the Inheritance 84
Light of Life. P.O. Box 13.A-9503 VILLACH.AUSTRIA 16. The Legal Testimony of Women 90

17. The Position of Concubines in Islam 95

- 3-
Table of Contents

18. How a Man Should Discipline his Wife 99

19. Women in Hell and Paradise .............•.. 109
20. The Veil 113 Woman's status in Islam is one of the most controversial
and serious issues of our time, not only among Muslim
21. The Circumcision of Girls 123 women and those who represent them in the area of
22. Subordination of the Woman to her Husband women's rights in the Islamic world, but also among
in the Religious Rites .......••........... 126 fundamentalist Muslims. The reader may find himself
confused owing to the large number of books that treat
23. The Prophet Muhammad and his Wives 129 this subject, for the most part, superficially and partially.
24. Muhammad's Wives in the Order in Which Some cover Islam's achievements for the woman,1
They Were Married to him 133 maintaining that it was Islam that gave the woman her
rights and honour,2 while others blame all the disadvan-
25. Muhammad's Wives in the Books of AI-Sira 137 tages in the position of Muslim women on Islam. 3
26. Muhammad's Further Attempts to Marry 160
Since in this book we mean by Islam what the Qur)an and
27. The Story of Muhammad's Marriage to Hadith say, we want to treat the woman's position
Zainab Bint Jahsh as the Qur)an Expositors primarily in these two sources. What rights has Islam
Treat it 169 given to the woman, and what disadvantages has it
brought her? Some commentaries of consequence will
28. Muhammad's Marriage with the Mothers
also be reviewed. We will also cite the opinions of older
of the Believers in Islamic Polemics 183
theologians and jurists (experts on Sharia), and the
Conclusion 195 . comments of the contemporary fundamentalists and their
attitudes toward the western and eastern critics who
Bibliography 198 uphold the issue of women's rights.
Quiz 206
As will be made clear in the following chapters, it will not
be possible to cite the Qur)anic references when treating
the woman's position in the Sharia (Islamic law). The
Qur)an often remains silent when it comes to certain
topics, even if the topics have to do with the heart of the
- 5-
Sharia. There are also matters that the Qur)an touches
upon without describing them in detail. 5 chapter one
Women in the Qur'an

Woman appears in the Qur)an in three aspects:

Rrst: As a biological and social being. Second: as a
believer. Third: as a character in the biblical salvation
*** narrative. 1
Apart from the wife of Muhammad's uncle Abu Lahab,
and Zainab, one of Muhammad's wives to whom the
Qur)an alluded, 2 the Virgin Mary is the most important
female character in the Qur)an. The nineteenth sura of
the Qur)an is named after her, the only female name the
1- OaslmAmln, Tahrira/-mapa(Calro, 1928), p.g. Muhammad Rashid Ridha, Nidali
aljlnss/-latif(Cairo, 1932), p.111. Muhammad (All al-Sabuni, Tsfslraysfs!-Qu'rsn Qur)an mentions. The other women whose stories are
(Beirut, 1981).2:52.53,169-174. Muhammad Husain Halksl, Hayatuu Muham- narrated in the Qur)an are never mentioned by name,
med, 171h ed. (Cairo, 1986). p.336. Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, a~Mar'a "a~
Qur'an (Beirut, 1985), p.12. Many contamporary writers dapend on superfiaal rather they were called the wives of their respective
comparisons between the legislations the Islamic Shana Instituted and the husbands. Among them are: Eve,3 the wife of Imran (Sura
position of the woman in the pre-Islamic times, orbetween the Islamic Shana and
the Roman law as a proof that the woman's position In Islam is much better than
AI Imran 3:35), the wife of the governor (Sura Yusuf
under Ihose regimes or laws (Subhl Sal/h, a!-Nuzum aJ./sfamiyys (BeillJ~ 1965), 12:30), Pharaoh's wife (Sura al-Qasas 28:9), Lot's wife
p.51. SayyidAmir (Ali, TheSpiritofislam{Delhi, n.d.), p.222. Muhammad Husain
Halkal, p.354. (Abdalla Shihata, al-Da(wa sl-islamlyya W8 sUtlsm sl-dini (Cairo,
(Sura al-Tahrim 66:10), Abraham's wife (Sura Hud
1978), p.130). 11:71), and Noah's wife (Sura al-Tahrim 66:10).
2- Subhl Salih, p.442.
3- The c1esslc axample of the mistakes Ihat rasult from the lack of knowladge of What the Qur)an says about the woman as a biological
Islam In this respect Is a book by John Laffin entitled Dagger ofIslam where the
author mentions female circumcision as a command given by the Ouran, yet the social being can be considered objective, not diminishing
auran does not even suggest that there was male circumcision! any of her rights, though the prevailing theme in this
4- Female circumcision as practised In some Islamic counbies Is agood example of
this. respect is "Men are the managers of women for that God
5- A1mostall subjects cited from the Ouran fall In this category. Thus, a Muslim must has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for
check Muhammad's sayings, which have been narrated orally and written down
from Ihe beginning of thelhlrd century AH., to kno'.v what Ihe Quran definitely that they have expended of their property" (Sura al-Nisa)
meant. "Is worthy of nota Ihat Ihe jurists and Ihe ne,rators of Hadllh have sifted 4:34). The Qur)an pictures Mary's mother as being
and modified the Hadith according to circumstances {Ignaz Goldziher,
Vorlesungen Obe, den Islam (Heidelbarg, 1910), p.4Of, 102,240). disappointed over the fact that she gave birth to a
"female": "Lord, I have given birth to her, a female-
- 6-
Women in the Qur'on Women in the Qur'on

(And God knew very well what she had given birth to; the opinions of the theologians and jurists who soften the
male is not as the female)-" (Sura AI Imran 3:36). We meaning of both the Qur)an and the Hadith.
find in such Qur'anic verses Muhammad's attempt to
Those concerned with the Qur)an and those who read it
project the Bedouin concept of the woman onto a biblical
know well that the jUdgments mentioned in it concerning
episode. 4
women form a good part of it. As it is known, the fourth
As concems creation, no distinction in rank is found sura is called "Women", and is one of the longer suras.
between man and woman. According to Islam, Adam was But before looking into the legislative position of women,
the first man, as the Bible also says, "He has created we would like to touch once again on the status of women
the two kinds, male and female" (Sura al-Najm 53:45), in relation to men.
and "0 mankind, We have created you a male and
female, and appointed you races and tribes,.that you may
know one another" (Sura al-Hujurat 49:13). God
addresses His commands, interdictions and statutes to
both sexes. 5

After this brief treatment of the woman as a biological

social being and as a character in the Qur)anic stories,
1- Johann Christoph SOrgol, Allmtroht und Mi!lchtlgkoft 1m Islam (MOnchon, 1991),
we would like to study woman as a believer in the Qur)an. p.286.
The Qur'anic verses dealing with woman as a believer 2- In Sura al-Masad 111 (which is also called the Sura of Abu Lahab) Abu Lahab
and his wife are cursed. There Is a reference to ZSlnab in Sura ai-Tahrim 66:2.
constitute the basic element and foundation for her 3- She has been known in literature as "Hawwa" (that is Eve), but the Qur)an calls
her "Adam's wife" (Suras al-Baqara 2:35, al-A(raf 7:19, Ta Ha 20:117).
legislative and social position. As we shall see in the 4· This problem is encountered In the Qur)anlc verses that some orientallsts call
following chapters, this subject can be grasped by "sections of the history of salvation". Muhammad never intended to let his
companions know about the history of the prophets in an objective way, since he
studying woman's status in comparison with' man's in searched the stories of the prophets looking for himself, his private affairs and
marriage, divorce, witnessing, inheritance, veiledness, circumstances, and found them (Rudi Paret, Muhammad und der Quran
(Stuttgart, 1985), p.l00).
and concubinage. Inequality between man and woman, at 5- Suras al-Tawba 9:71,72; al-Ahzab 33:35; and al-Buruj 85:10. Since the Qurlan
the expense of the woman, stands out clearly in these Imposes devotional commandments on both male and female, some
contemporary scholars claim that Islam put men and women on the same
chapters, in spite ofthe attempts of zealous Muslims and footing (Mahmud Shaltut, al·lslam 'aqida wa shari(a (Beirut, 1990), p.12).
European orientalists to explain the texts away. These 6- The following verse can be cited as an example: "And those you fear may be
rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and [even] beat them" (Sura
attempts have often lead to the opposite of what the al-Nisa l 4:34). Some contemporary scholars allege that the context of the verse
indicates that "beating" is the final means of disciplining and chastising the
Qur)an means and what the ordinary Muslim under- rebellious wife (Muhammad Rashid Ridha, al-Manar, 5:63. Mahmud Shaltut, a~
stands. 6 We will cite, whenever there are grounds, the Islam caqida washari(a, p.164).

- 8- - 9-
7Jle Stat"" of Women

chapter two important reasons for this phenomenon was the prag-
matic approach that Muhammad followed, which adopted
The Status of Women even the pre-Islamic (Jahill) traditions 1 to uphold his own
cause. His ultimate goal was not to establish a new moral
There is no Qur)anic distinction between the Muslim and
code, but to achieve a final triumph for the Shahada,
the non-Muslim woman in terms of her status as a
which states, "There is no god but Allah,. and
biological social being since men are, on principle, in
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah," and to force
charge of women, and the male is not like the female
the Bedouins to recognise Allah's sovereignty over all the
(Sura AI Imran 3:36). One can understand the prevailing
mentality at the time with the aid of the Qur1anic
criticisms of the habits of the Meccan idolaters: "Have As mentioned above, the most important Qur1anic verse
you considered al-Lat and al-Uzza, and Manat the third, the jurists cite as proof of the claim that women are
the other? What, have you males, and He females? That inferior to men is: "Men are the managers of women for
were then an unjust divisionl" (Sura al-Najm 53:19-22). that God has preferred in bounty one of them over
The Qur1an, which condemns the Arab's live burial of another, and for that they have expended of their
girls, conveys to us, at the same time, the prevailing property" (Sura al-Nisa l 4:34). AI-Tabari says, "By this
conception of the woman at that time: "And when any of God (may He be highly praised) means that men are in
them is given the good tidings of a girl, his face is charge of their women in chastising and restraining them
darkened and he chokes inwardly, as he hides him from regarding their obligations for God and themselves. ,,2 He
the people because of the evil of the good tidings that makes further comments, which we will cite: "Ibn Abbas
have been given unto him, whether he shall preserve it in narrated that he said, [Men] are commanders and [the
humiliation, or trample it into the dust" (Sura al-Nahl woman] has to obey him in all that God commands her to
16:48,59). obey him. Obedience to man is being good to his family."
AI-Dhahhak narrated: "Man is in charge of the woman
If we accept what the Qur1an said about the woman in the
commanding her to obey God. If she refuses, he has [the
pre-Islamic era and what the Muslim historians recorded
right] to give her a mild beating, and he had the
(trying their best to prove that Islam improved the position
advantage over her on account of what he provides for
of the woman and promoted her from the bottom of the
her and what he earns." AI-Suddi said, "They should
pit to an honourable life), we must admit that Islam was
restrain and discipline them. ,,3
unable to realise a reformation in this arena, for the
simple reason that the same conceptions of women still As to the reason why this verse was given, it is said that a
persist in most Islamic countries today. One of the most man struck a woman, and she came to the Prophet
-10 - -11-
7he Status of Women 7he Status of Women

seeking punishment. The prophet passed his judgment shaving his beard. In consequence of this, men are
between them, and this verse was revealed, "And hasten strong in character [disposition], perfect in nature, sound
not with the Qur1an ere its revelation is accomplished in mind, and of sound judgement in the foundation and
unto you" (Sura Ta Ha 20:114). The verse" Men are the end of everything. Doctors and scientists say, 'Sound in
managers of women" (Sura al-Nisa l 4:34) was also body, sound in mind.' It follows then that men are perfect
revealed. 4 Ibn Abbas says in a tradition that by "for that in tasks having to do with earning, for they are more
God has preferred in bounty one of them over another," capable of earning a living, inventing, and tackling affairs
(Sura al-Nisa l 4:34) the Qur1an meant that "God of everyday life. For this reason they have been
preferred men to women by the former's [sound] mind, commanded to stand above women, protect them, and
dividing of the portions in the booty and inheritance. ,,5 to carry the onus of general presidency in the milieu of the
domestic life of the family. For it is vital that every society
Muhammad (Abduh "the Reformer" (1905-1949), who should have a president to whom people ought to refer in
was known for his hostile attitude toward blind tradition, the standardisation of public welfare.',6
has discovered new aspects of man's superiority over
women in this verse: "This superiority is based on two Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad (1889-1964), one of the most
factors; the one has to do with nature, while the other has renowned Arab men of letters in the twentieth century,
to do with earning. The natural one consists in the fact sets an enviable record in his attacks on women. He
that man's disposition is stronger, more accomplished, says, "Woman has been engaged in preparing food since
complete, and beautiful. Perhaps it strikes you as odd mankind started cooking in pre-historic times. She has
that man is more beautiful than woman. Beauty has to do learned it since childhood in the dwelling-places of the
with the completeness and perfection of natural disposi· family or the tribe. She likes food and craves for it. Yet
tion. As far as his living body, man is nothing more than after she inherited this occupation for thousands of
an animal, for the physical nature of both is the same. We years, she is still not as good at it as the man who
see the males of all animals more accomplished and dedicates a few years to it. She keeps up with him neither
more beautiful than the females, such as you see in the in the high quality of well-known dishes nor in innovating
rooster and the hen, the ram and the ewe, and the lion new varieties of improved ones. She is unable to manage
and the lioness. The hair of the beard and the moustache a kitchen in which several females and males work
is of the characteristics of the perfection and beauty of together. The same goes for the craft of embroidery and
man's nature, therefore the hairless man is considered tailoring, which are among the old-time crafts women
imperfect in nature and wishes he could find a medicine practised at home. Women rely on men to make their
that would cause his hair to grow, even if he were used to clothing rather than on themselves." Women, as al-
-12 - -13 -
The Status of Women The Status of Women

Aqqad claims, have no part in knowledge or scientific bashfulness, compassion, and cleanliness. She depends
thinking, even the well-known women in the field of on these in her nature or in man's nature. This should
science could not attain any success but for the support have been rather her practice in all the other qualities that
and guidance of the men, "The name of Madame Curie is men mastered from old... The inborn compassion is not
the first name that is mentioned by those who maintain fit for evaluating woman's mercy, since it has to do with
full equality of the two sexes. Even if it is true that this what the psychic forces and the power of conscience
lady matches first class male scientists, this will always enjoin on her. It is the comparison between women's and
remain an undeniably rare exception. The truth about this man's compassion for the children of others that is fit as
specific lady keeps her from being reckoned among the a standard of evaluation. Man could be seen showing
exceptional cases in scientific researches, since she did compassion for his step-children as much as he does his
not work apart from her husband and since her work was own, treating them equally even if it were out of courtesy
neither concerned with invention nor with innovation."? and consideration. Woman, however, behaves differently
As to hypocrisy and double-dealing, these are two in her treatment of her step-children; the children
inherent characteristics of women: "Female hypocrisy, sometimes do not escape torture, malevolence, deliber-
which can be attributed to women especially, is due to a ate humiliation, and harm.',9 "The primary point of
certain weakness in womanhood that she abides by in reference regarding morals with women is sexual
every society, and is not imposed on her by manners or restraint, which is an instinct that the female animals
laws. She does not part company with it by choice or by have in common, and is not a willful act that
force- she may even refuse to do so if the choice was distinguishes mankind in particular. There are worlds of
hers... There is a major difference between man and difference between this sort of sexual restraint and the
women in sexual intercourse- in most days of her period virtue of bashfulness, which is regarded as a human
the sexual desire is separated from the reproduction moral virtue.',10
instinct, whereas the sexual desire for man is never an
amusement.',8 Regarding the advantages man has over women, Ahmad
Shalabi says, "He is taller than she, his bones are
This al-Aqqad who is viewed by many people in the east bigger, and she weighs less than he does. His muscles
and the west as a genius, believes that woman is a are stronger, his brain is bigger than hers, and likewise
necessary evil, and that she does not possess any talent his heart.',11 The sayings of Muhammad concerning
or virtue at all. "There are none among the estimable women that could be culled from the Hadith do not speak
ethics of women that are more characteristic of and in her favour. There are traditions indicating that
natural to her femininity than these three qualities: Muhammad describes women as though they were
-14 - -15 -
7Jle Status of Women 7'fIe Status of Women

deficient in intelligence and understanding. Abu Sa(id al- reason for this in the Hadith of Muhammad: "Do not let
Jundi narrated: Once the Messenger of God went out to a [women] into all of the rooms, and do not teach them how
prayer place to offer the prayer of Greater Bairam or a to write. Teach them to spin and recite Sura al-Nur. ,,14 Or
Lesser Bairam. Then he passed by the women and said, "Do not let your women live in rooms, do not teach them
"0 women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of how to write, and seek assistance against them.
the dwellers of Hell-fire were you [women]." They asked, Constantly tell them 'No', because 'Yes' tempts them
"Why is it so, Messenger of God?" He replied, "You to ask a lot:,15
curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I
have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and One who studies the sayings of Muhammad pertaining to
religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led women cannot help but question why women were
astray by some of you." The women asked, "What is created. "One woman, of 99 women, is in heaven, and
deficient in our intelligence and religion, Messenger of the rest of them are in Rre. ,,16 "Rre has been created for
God?" He answered, "Is not the evidence of two women the senseless, the women, except for the one who
equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the obeyed her husband:,17 "Men perish when they obey
affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in your women."18 "Men are in a good state as long as they do
intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray not obey women."19
nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the
Muhammad gives us another reason why men should fear
affirmative. "This is the deficiency in you religion," he
and beware of women: "Beware of women; the first
said. 12
temptation among the Children of Israel was caused by
them;,,2o "I fear no temptation that would befall my
In Islamic theological sources, it is put forward as an people but for the temptation of women and wine;,,21 and
evidence of the women's deficient intelligence that there "But for the woman, man could have entered para-
is none among them who was known for being knowl- dise:,22
edgeable or a genius. "As to the deficiency of
intelligence, it is known that women have rarely minds The woman has no right to behave as though she
as good as men. Perfection and excellence are rarely and possesses any authority or influence over her husband,
exceptionally found among them. Women of reasoning for Muhammad "forbade women to talk except by leave
and good discretion are very few in number. Men of this of their husbands.,,23 Also "Women are not allowed to go
quality, however, are countless."13 The scholastic expert out except out of necessity, but for the occasion of the
of fiqh, who showed this magnificent proof of the two feasts: The Greater Bairam and the Lesser Bairam.
deficiency of women's minds, could have found the main They are also not allowed to walk down the roads, but
-16 - -17 -
The Status of Women The Status of Women

horses, woman, and the home. ,,35 "'The woman has two
keep to the edges of the street."24 "Women are not
things to cover her: the grave and marriage.' It was asked,
allowed to use the middle of the road.,,25 "Women are
Which of them is better?' He said, 'The grave.' ,,36
not to be greeted nor to greet.' ,26 "A believing woman is
the same among women as a white-footed raven among After all these traditions and stories, which make up a
the ravens. Rre has been created for the senseless, and small part of the copious Islamic traditions about women,
women are the most senseless of all.',27 If the woman the words of Mahmud 5haltut seem to be pure mockery.
He says about the status of women in Islam, "It is a
wanted to clear herself of this charge, she had to serve
status that the woman had not enjoyed in any divine law,
her husband. 28
nor in any society that people set up for themselves.'037
He adds, "Islam has granted women all that is good, and
In another tradition Muhammad described women as
protected her from all that is evil. The only thing it denied
"unclean" creatures. In a Hadith, Muhammad says, her was the liberty that false culture [namely, the western
"Three things corrupt prayer: Women, dogs, and don- culture] has pushed her into. That liberty causes the
keys.',29 "The Messenger of God said, 'A man's prayer is westem woman, whenever she retreats to her human
interrupted if a donkey, black dogs, and women pass by conscience, to weep tears of blood over her forfeited
him nearby.' 50 I said, What difference is there between respect, misused honour, and lost happiness.',38
the red one, the yellow one, and the white one?' He said,
'My brother, I asked the Messenger of God just as you
1- The religious duty of Pilgnmage with Its rltas, lor example, were pre-Islamic
asked me. He said, "The black dog is a devil.'" ,,30 In a traditions that Muhammad adopted and molded Into an Islamic loon (Theodor
another tradition given by Ibn Abbas, the fire-worshipper, Noldeke, Geschlchte des Korans (Leipzig, 1909), vol.1.,p.147. "Ka'ba", Shorter
Encyclopaedia 01 Islam (Lelden, 1974), p.192. W.M. Watt, Introduction to the
the Jew, and the pig are listed alongside the woman as Qur'an (Edinburgh, 1990), p.1631).
things that corrupt prayer. The prayer of a Muslim is 2- Muhammad Ibn Jarir ai- Tabari, Jaml' af.bBY8n can taJwil aJ-Quran, ed. Mahmud
corrupted if "they pass by him as far as a rock could be Muhammad Shakir (Cairo, 1968),5:57.
3- Ibid. 5:58.
thrown. ,,31 4- Ibid. Also: "There might be among them someone andowed with (sound) mind
and opinion,justas there might be among Infantsand boys. Yet Itls very unlikely"
(Abu Mansur al-Tha'allbl, 7uhfat a/-wuzara' (Baghdad, 1977), p.93).
There are several sayings in which Muhammad reduced 5- 'Ala' ai-Din 'Allibn Muhammad al-Khazin, Lubab a~te'wJl fl Ma'sni ~fsir, 2:344.
women to the level of animals. "Woman is a vile Abu Jalfar Muhammad Ibn aI-Hasan al-Tusi says that man's superiority [or
beast,,,32 and "I think that women were created for charge] over woman Is manifest in his Intelligence, understanding, and his
nothing but eVil.',33It seems that the woman as a source disciplining her (a~Tibyan, 3:199).
6- A1-Zlnkll, alA'/am (Bairut, 1910),6:252-253.
of mischief and evil omen is a rooted concept in 7· Muhammad RashId Ridha, al-Manar, 5:57. For more arguments, review Rldha's
Muhammad's mind. This anti-female concept, which answer to those who support women's rtghts: Nlda 1/ alilns a~/atlf. p.17-32.
goes back to the Jewish traditions,34 accompanies us 8- Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, al-Mar'aflal-Qur'an, p.15,16. Muhammad Kurd 'All
stated similar thoughts before al-Aqqad, "Although the west has given women
in all books of Hadith: "Bad omen is in three things:
-18 - -19 -
The Status of Women
complete freedom in educated circles, there is no accomplished poetess,
eloquent writer, or a clever doctor among them until now" (quoted by (Abet al- chapter three
Wadud Shalabl, sJ-ls/am, p.233 from aJ.Islam wa sl-hadhara al-garblyya, 1:96).
9- Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, al-Ma~a flalqu~an, p.24. Women's Image in Arabic Literature
lCl- Ibid. p.38.
11- 'Abd al-Wadud Shalabl, af.lslam, p.42.
12· al-Bukhan, Hsidh 6; Muslim, Iman 132; Abu Oawud, Sunna15; al-T1nnldsl, Iman The conceptions of Muhammad and the experts of
6; Sunan Ibn Maja, Fitsn 19; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:67.
13- ai-Sharif al-Murladha, Rasa'lI (Beirut, n.d.), 3: 123. Islamic fiqh have influenced Arabic literature and shared
14- 'Ala' a!-Din Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz a,'ummal(Haldarabad, 1974),22:10.
15- Ibn Qutslba, 'Uyun a/-akhbar(Ca/ro, 1934-1949),4:78.
in the formation of an "imaginative" picture of woman in
16- Kanza/.Jummal. 22:10. literature. The reader may possibly ask if this topic is
17- ibid. 22:12.
18- ibid. 21:205. necessary. In fact, we are forced to quote what has been
19- Ibid. 21:205. written about women in the writings of the Arab men of
2Cl- Nlhayat a/Jarab (Beirut, n.d.), 2: 198.
21- Kanz al-rummal. letters, because they have not lost any of their popularity,
22-lbld. especially those that have been compiled during the
23- Ibid. 22:7.
24-lbld. Abbasid era and after. There is no escaping the study of
25- ibid. such literature if one wants to present a realistic picture
27- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad(Cairo, n.d.), 4:197,205. Kanza"ummal, 22:11. of women in Islam.
28- Kanz al-rummal, 22:12.
29- Muslim, Salat 265: Abu Oawud, Sa/at 109; al-Tlnnldsl, Salat 136, SaId 16; ai- Attributed to (Ali Ibn Abi Talib is the saying, "Woman is all
Nasa'I, Qlbla7; Ibn Maja,lqama38; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:139,151,156,158,160,
6: 157,280. It seems that A(isha did not like this saying, and she was persuaded evil; the most evil thing about her is that she is
that this fits the Imaginations of men rather than the way Muhammad used to indispensable.,,1 "As to the counsel of women, it is a
speak. She said, "How wicked of you to make us equal to the donkeys and the
dogs! Iused to sleep in front ofthe MessengerofGod, and my legs were opposite sign of the hour of doom. ,,2 "Woman is not in charge of
his Qibla. And in prostration he pushed my legs and I withdrew them" (Abu anything that goes beyond herself; for woman is a sweet
Oawud, sa/at 109; al-Bukharl, salat99; Muslim, Salat271; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal,
6:44,45,230,266). basil not a governess. She should not promise by her own
3Cl- Abu Oawud, sa/at 109; the Had/ths saying that the black dog Is a devil ara In honour, nor should you provoke her ambition by asking for
Muslim, salat 265; Abu Oawud, sa/at 109: al-Tlrmldsi, sa/at 136, Said 16; ai-
Nasa'l, Qlbla7: Ibn MaJa, Iqama, 38: Ahmad Ibn HanbaI5:149, 151,156,158,160,
the mediation of another [woman]. Never be jealous
6:157,280. where jealousy is not proper. ,,3 AI-Jahiz (d. 868) holds the
31- Abu Oawud, salat 109.
32- Muslim, salat 269. same view as Muhammad regarding the deficiency of
33- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 6:86. women's intelligence as he says, "We have seen
34- William E.H. Lecky, History of European Morals (London, 1869), vol.2, p.301.
35- al-Bukharl, Jihad 47, Nlkah 17, Tlbb43; Muslim, Salam 115-120; Abu Oawud, women; they are weaker in mind than men, while children
Tlbb24; al-Tinnldsi, Adab58; ai-Nasal, Khall5; Ibn Maja, Nlkah55; al-Muwatta', are weaker in mind than they are. They are also more
Istl'dsan 22; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 8:36,115,126.
36- Kanz al-rumma/, 22:12. stingy than women, and women are the weaker in mind in
37- Mahmud Shaltut, al-lslam (aqida wa Sharlra, p.218.
38- ibid. p.219.
comparison with men. We do not know of anyone who is
more wicked than a child: he is the worst liar, the worst
- 20- - 21-
Women'.I11KJRe in Arabic Literature Women'.I11KJRe in Arabic Literature

gossip, the most evil of mankind, the least in doing good for service take a Christian woman [" rumiwa": also, a
and the most cruel of all.,,4 The Ummayad poet al- Byzantine woman].9 We know also from the proverbs of
Farazdaq compares women to serpents. He says, literary writers that woman increases in evil in her old
age, "They said that the end of man's life is better than
They are amiable with their husbands
its beginning; his patience increases, his resistance [to
when they withdraw;
temptation] becomes stronger, his flame dies down, and
When they go out, they are like snakes. 5
his trade is made perfect. The end of women's life,
In al-Bayan wa al-tabyin, women are mentioned in the though, is worse than its beginning; her beauty vanishes,
same section as imbeciles, mentally handicapped, and her womb grows barren, and her morals deteriorate.',10
children. 6 Ibn (Abd Rabbih quotes the following verses As to her beauty, it is said, "A fair handmaid is coloured
from (Ubada, considered to be the one who knew the by the colour of the sun; in forenoon she is pale, and in
most about women: the evening she is yellow.',l1 "Yet, mere beauty is not
enough; she must also be smiling and patient, proud
Ask me about women for I am knowledgeable among her own folk and humble with her husband, and
And a doctor of the maladies that women cause. fruitful.,,12 "When someone wants to have a strong child,
If a man's hair grows gray, he should make her angry, and then have sex with her.,,13
or if his money decreases,
He will have no part in their love.
They desire wealth wherever it is found, So far we have examined the contents of old books that
And the prime of youth is irresistible for them. 7 deal with women. It is natural to assume that Muslim
scholars and writers nowadays hold other standards and
Ibn (Abd Rabbih is not satisfied with quoting the poems conceptions about the "gentle sex", but the reality is
and tales of the Arabs, he also quotes from the proverbs disappointing. Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, who cannot be
of the prophets: "In the wisdom of David, peace be on relegated to the fundamentalist circles, is considered an
him, it is said, 'I found among men one in a thousand, but extremist in attacking and despising women. AI~Aqqad
I found none among all women.' ,,8 Yet, despite her claims that his warped opinions of women are backed up
deceit, unfaithfulness, and other reproachful qualities, by modern sciences, and he quotes Christian Ehrenfels'
women "and especially concubines", are a property that apology for polygamy: "Polygamy is necessary for the
man cannot do without. In describing the ideal concubine, preservation of the Aryan stoCk.',14 AI-Aqqad's opinion
Caliph (Abd ai-Malik Ibn Marwan (685-705 A.D.) said, "If about women will be quoted in the coming chapter~, but
you want one for pleasure, take a Berber woman, for for now we will give al-Aqqad's "philosophical" analysis
bearing children take a Persian woman, if you need one of the phenomenon of immodesty amongst women:
- 22- - 23-
Women'.lmtl1le in Arabic Literature Women'.lmOlle in Arabic Literature

"This modesty, which is enjoined on woman by morals, ordinances they could imagine, as though she were a
exists in women in proportion to how she feels about her devil to be locked up. If fact, they were shamefully
husband and how he sees her. If women gather together ignorant of her circumstances.,,17
far away from the eyes of men, they forget about modesty.
Then they care for nothing that they would usually observe
while they are still in the presence of men. The woman
does not cover herself in the [public] bath, unless she
has a defect or for fear that her peers and companions
should compete with her.,,15

Now if we overlook the romances included in classical

Arabic literature in which women appear perfectly equal to
their lovers or husbands, we find that both classical and
modern writers have a very negative picture of women.
This discreditable and troubling issue has been criticised
by the Islamic thinker Jamal ai-Din ai-Afghani (1838-1897
A.D.). The Egyptian writer Qasim Amin, who dedicated the
1- Nshj sf.bslsghs, with comments by Muhammad 'Abduh (Cairo, n.d.), 3:206.
better part of his life to the struggle against the wrong 2- Shams ai-Din a1-Sarakhsl, Mab af.Mabsut(Belrut, 1986),4:192.
done to women, agreed. The issue of women, as Qasim 3- Ibid. 3:63. This sayln9 is attributed also to Ibn al-Muqaffa' ('Uyuna/-akhbsr, 4:78).
4- Rssa'il aI-Jahlz(Csiro, 1864), 1:198.
Amin viewed it, was an issue of civilisation and a social 5- 'Uyun s/-akhbsr, 4:4.
problem that needed to be solved, otherwise any S. Abu cAmr al-Jahiz, a~Bayan wa a~tabyln, ed. cAbd al-$alam Harun (Cairo, 1989),
progress in the Egyptian society would only be an 7- Ibn 'Abd Rabbih, al-'Iqd a1-farid, ed. Muhammad Sa'id al-Azyan (Cairo, n.d.),
unattainable dream. He said, "Women are equal to 8- ibid. 7: 119, In the chapter "The Deceit and Unfaithfulness of Women."
9- Ibid. 7:96.
men, their miserable conditions are due to the injustice of 1<1· ibid. 7: 106, in the chapter 51fat almar'a a/-su' ("Characteristics of an Evil
men, who never gave them the chance to act in freedom Woman"l)
11- Ibid. 7:109.
and in the spirit of responsibility, but rather forced 12- Ibid.
absolute ignorance upon them by all sorts of means."16 13-lbld.7:110.
14- Abbas Muhammad al-Aqqad, al-Mar'a fi af.Qur'an, p.88. The writer does not tell
The root of this injustice is the ignorance of Muslim us when and where that western writer expressed this call to adopt polygamy.
scholars of the nature of women. "It is so strange that 15- Ibid. p.38.
16- Oaslm Amln, al-Mar'a al-jadlds (Cairo, 1987), p.4S. The most Important book
scholars have outstripped one another in binding and written by Qaslm Amln on the Issue of women was Tahrfr al-mara (The Liberation
o(Women), which was published in 1891 In Cairo.
fettering women through all the inhuman laws and 17- Qasim Amln, aJ.Mar'a aljadida, p.54 ft.
- 24- - 25-

Jurists are in unanimous agreement on the fact that nikah

chapter four
means sexual intercourse and that it is used to denote
Marriage the marriage contract as a figure of speech because the
marriage contract is the legal means for having
The Qur)an uses two words to designate the marriage intercourse. 2 Nikah is permissible only after the marriage
contract: zawaj (meaning marriage) and nikah (meaning contract, concluded between the bridegroom and the
wedlock). The word nikah is the most frequently used one bride (al-(aqidan), and the bride's guardian in the
in the Sharia. It denotes four things in the Qur1an, presence of at least two witnesses. Nikah has two
according to the experts of Islamic fiqh: marriage, sexual elements without which it cannot be fulfilled: the first is
intercourse, bestowal, and marriageable age. As to the aPijab (response), which is the utterance coming from
first meaning, the Qur1an says, "Do not marry idola- the guardian or his substitute, and the second is qubul
tresses until they believe" (Sura al-Baqara 2:221). The (consent), which is the utterance coming from the
same meaning is found in Sura al-Nisa l 4:25, where it husband or his proxy. Then the husband has to pay a
says, "So marry them, with their people's leave," and bridal gift and a marriage portion. 3 The consent of the
Sura al-Nisa) 4:3, "Marry such women as seem good to bride's guardian is essential for making the marriage
you ..... Also in Sura al-Nur 24:3, "A fornicator may only contract legal, because "Wedlock cannot be concluded
marry a fornicatress." except through a guardian... 4 The subject of the marriage
The second meaning of the word nikah, which is sexual contract will be treated in detail later on. Marriage is not a
intercourse, occurs in Sura al-Baqara 2:230, "Until she sacrament in Islam as it is in the Catholic church; rather it
marries another husband:' In this verse the actual sexual is a solemn agreement or binding compact that should
intercourse between husband and wife is meant. not be tampered with. The Qur1an says, "You have had
intercourse with each other, and they have made a
The third meaning, marriage of bestowal, is found in Sura solemn agreement with you" (Sura al-Nisa l 4:21).
al-Ahzab 33:50, "And any woman believer, if she give Wedlock in Islam is based on civil contract, which need
herself to the Prophet, and if the Prophet desire to take not be recorded in writing. S
her in marriage, for thee exclusively, apart from the
believers:' This sort of bestowal is lawful only for the
1- al-Damighanl, Is/ah al-wujuh wa alnaza'ir" al-Quran, p.46S.
Prophet. 2- al-5arakhsl.4:192.
3- W. Juynboli. Handbuch des Islamischan G..etzes (leipzig, 1910). p.14. 'Ala' al-
The fourth meaning, marriageable age, is in Sura al-Nisa l Oin Abu Bakr al·Kasanl, Kftob bada'," a!-sana'I'" tartlb a!-shara'I' (Beirut, 1986).
4:6, "Test well the orphans, until they reach they reach 4- Abu Dawud, Nikah 26.
the age of marrying:,1 5- Wiebke Waller, De' Islam (Stuttgart, 1991), p.102.
- 26- - 27-
The Rights of a Man

chapter five her father, but he said again, 'Obey your husbar:ld.' Her
father was buried. The Messenger of God sent a message
The Rights a Man
to her that her father was forgiven on account of her
Acquires over his Wife obedience to her husband. ,,5 In al-Ghazzali's opinion, the
obedience of the wife to her husband is one of the pillars
Jurists have dealt with the rights of husbands and wives of faith. "If the woman performs her five [prayers], fasts
over each other and emphasised the rights of the her month, keeps her genitalia [remains chaste] and
husband over her wife. Evidence of this fact is the obeys her husband, she enters the heaven of her Lord."s
statement of al-Shafi (i: "Wedlock is a sort of bondage AI-Ghazzali attributes this narrative to Muhammad. In
[slavery]." She is his slave. A wife ought to obey her another narrative, (Alisha said, quoting Muhammad, "A
husband absolutely in everything he asks of her concern- girl asked the Messenger of God, '0 Messenger of God,
ing herself, provided it does not entail disobedience to what right does a husband have over his wife?' He said,
God. 1 There are Hadiths supporting this position: "God 'If he was covered from the parting [of his hair] to the
does not regard a woman who does not thank her bottom of his feet with matter [or pus], and she licked
husband, since she cannot do without him.',2 "It is not him, she still has not thanked him enough.' ,,7 Ibn Abbas
permissible that humans should bow down before narrated, "A woman from Khath(am came to the Prophet
humans. If humans were permitted to bow down before of God, and asked him, saying, 'I am not a virgin, and I
humans, the wife would have been commanded to bow want to be married off. What is the right of the husband
down before her husband because of his great right over [over the wife]?' He answered, 'The right a husband
her.,,3 (A)isha narrated: "I asked the Prophet, Who acquires over the wife is that she should not keep herself
among people has the greatest right over the woman?' away from him [even] if they were on the back of a camel
He answered, 'Her husband.' I asked, Who has the and he desired her and tried to take her. It is his right that
greatest right over the man?' He answered, 'His she should not give anything belonging to his house
mother.' ,,4 In Ihya) (ulum al-din, we read, "There was except by his permission; if she does so [without his
once a certain man who set out on a journey after having permission], she will be guilty and he will get the reward.
covenanted with his wife that she should not come down It is his right also that she should not fast voluntarily
from upstairs to downstairs. Her father was downstairs. except by his permission; and if she fasts and goes
When he fell ill, the woman sent for the Messenger of God hungry and thirsty, it will not be accepted of her. If she
asking his permission to go down to see her father. The goes out from his house without his permission, the
Messenger of God said, 'Obey your husband.' The father angels curse her till she comes back to his house or
died. She tried again to get permission from him to see repents.' ,,8 In a weak tradition Muhammad is said to
- 28- - 29-
The Rights of a Man The Rights of a Man

have stated that "the woman is nearest to her Lord's provides for me. The eater will perish and the Provider
Face when she is in the innermost part of her home. Her will remain." One of the duties of the wife is not to
prayer in the courtyard of her house is better than her squander his money but keep it. The Messenger of
prayer in the mosque, and her prayer in her ho'me is better God said, "She is not allowed to feed [people] from
than her prayer in the courtyard of her house, and her [the provision of] his house except by his permission,
prayer in her chamber is even better than her prayer in her barring damp food that is about to rot. If she feeds by
home."g his approval, she receives the same reward as he. If
she feeds without his permission, he receives the
Perhaps this stress on keeping the woman confined to
reward and she the guilt." Her parents have the
her chamber stems from the statement of the Prophet of
obligation to teach her good conduct and pleasant
Islam: "The woman has ten nakednesses; when she
treatment of the husband.
marries the husband covers one nakedness, and when
she dies the grave covers all ten of them. ,,10 Some of the rights he acquires over her are:
AI-Ghazzali lists the rights a husband acquires over his She should keep her husband's honour in his
wife as follows: absence, seek his pleasure in all her affairs, not deal
unfaithfully with him in terms of herself or his money,
The rights a husband acquires over his wife are and not go outdoors except by his permission. When
numerous. The most important are two: The first is she goes out by his permission, she should be
protection and covering, and the second one is shabbily dressed and should seek secluded areas,
desisting from demanding anything that is beyond keeping away from the streets and the market-places,
the needful, and refraining from what he earns if it and should be careful not to let a stranger hear her
were from an unlawful source. This was the way of voice or recognise her. On her errands, she should not
women in the past. When a man would go out of his let herself be known to her husband's friends, but
home, his wife and daughter would say to him, rather conceal her identity from anyone she thinks
"Beware of ill-gotten gain; we can endure hunger and knows her or vice versa. Her main concern ought to be
hardship, but we can by no means endure the Fire." A how to mind her affairs and manage her home, eager
man in the past went on a journey. His neighbours to perform her prayer and her fasting. If her husband's
resented his departure, and said to his wife, 'Why do friend happens to ask for permission [to come in]
you consent to his travelling although he left you no while her husband is not there, she ought not to
provision?" She replied, "I have known my husband inquire or answer his question out of jealousy over
as an eater, not as a provider, and I have a God that herself and her husband. She should be content with

- 30- - 31-
The Rights of a Man The Rights of a Man

the provision God gives her husband, promoting her says, "Do not hurt him. May God fight you [or damn
husband's rights over her own and her family's rights, you]1 With you he is a passer-by, who is about to leave
observing cleanliness of her body, ready always to let you to come to us: ,,11
him enjoy her whenever he desires, having compas-
sion for her children, being protective over them, The Hanafite jurist al-Kasani sums up man's rights over
refraining from cursing the children or contradicting his wife in this statement: "He has the right to look at her
her husband. Muhammad said, "Both I and a woman and touch her in her lifetime, because intercourse [which
with burnt cheeks, such as these, will be in heaven- a is established already as his good right] is beyond looking
woman who was hated by her husband, locked herself and touching. And since it [i.e. intercourse] has been
up, and tended to her daughters until they married [or established as lawful, then looking and touching are
died]." He also said, "God has forbidden all mankind established as so after the same manner. It is
from entering heaven before me, yet I will look to my disputable, however, whether to take pleasure in her
right and behold a woman will go ahead of me to the apart frorn the sexual organs when she has her menstrual
gate of paradise. Then I will say, Why is this one period or in child-birth. Among these rights is "the
going ahead of meT And it will be answered, '0 possession of pleasure", which means that the husband
Muhammad, this is a fair and beautiful woman who has the exclusive right to all of her body for the purpose of
cared for orphans and was patient with them till they pleasure, or the possession of herself or her soul as a
reached their destiny, and God thanked her for this: " right for self-gratification, an opinion which is agreed upon
The accepted standard of behaviour from her is that by all our theological leaders, for the purposes of
she should not boast over her husband for her beauty, intercourse cannot be fulfilled without these. 12 Among
or despise him for his ugliness. Then I knew she was these rights is keeping her locked and confined, which
a godly woman who had a husband for whom she means the right to forbid her from going out in public. This
adorned herself. is based on God's command to "house women" (Sura al-
She should practice good behaviour and keep herself Talaq 65:6). The command to "house" them actually
secluded in her husband's absence, and to return to forbids a woman from going out and showing herself in
playfulness and exhilaration [Which bring pleasure] in public, because the command to do a certain thing
her husband's presence. She is not to hurt her forbids one from doing its opposite. Were she not
husband by any means. Mu(ads Ibn Jabal narrates, forbidden from going out in public, she would be a
"The Messenger of God said, Whenever a woman temptation, and parentage of the children would be in
hurts her husband, his wife of the wide-eyed houris doubt, for this makes a man suspicious and causes him
to deny his parentageP The man has the right to forbid
- 32- - 33-
The RlghttJ ., a Man The RlghttJ ., a Man

his wife and daughters from going out so that there you wear.
should be no temptation, and because of the danger of 7. Beware of shaking hands with strange men.
"the disorder of parentage.,,14 Don't travel without a guardian relative. These
two actions are abominations and are the pitfalls
At the end of this chapter I would like to present a list of a of the women of our time.
woman's duties to her husband as quoted from a book 8. Watch not to waste your time uselessly; so
recently published in Arabic. These are the things she praise [God] and ask for His pardon frequently in
should not do: an inaudible voice.
1. She should avoid standing on the balcony. 9. Avoid turning around and always look down.
2. She should conceal herself while welcoming 10. You are weak and in need of your Lord's mercy;
men at the door. so raise your hands up to Him constantly asking
3. She should not go out after she has used for His pardon for your guilt, and for health for
perfume. your good deeds. 15
4. She should wear her dresses long and not
imitate unbelieving women.
5. She should not speak in a loud voice.
6. She should not walk in the middle of the road.
7. She should not mingle with men or shake hands ***
with them.
The author then lists in brief what she should do in the
1- Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali, lhya' cu/um al-dln (cairo, n.d.), 4:746.
1. Speak softly and honourably when you are 2- Abu IAbd al-Rahman aJ-Nasa1i, Ishrat at-niss (Beirut, n.d.), p.131.
walking. 3- ibid. p.148.
4- ibid.
2. Walk by the side of the road, and keep away from 5- IhyaJ cu/um al-din, 4:746.
the middle. 5- ibid.
3. Beware of standing by the door to welcome 7- ibid. 4:747.
8- ibid.
guests. 9- ibid.
4. Do not go out of your home frequently for 1()" ibid.
11· ibid. 4:748-751
unnecessary things. 12- "If a man calls his 'Nife to his bed (I.e. to have sexual relations); and she refuses
5. Do not lower your vei I outside your house under and causes him to sleep the night In anger, the angels will curse her till morning"
(al·Bukhari, Bad' af.kha/q 7; Abu Oawud, Nlkah 41).
any circumstances whatever. 13- al·Kassnl, 2:331.
6. When you stand in the balcony, take care what 14- Abu al-Fara] Ibn al-Jawzi, Kltab ahkam a",/sa' (Beirut, 1988), p.72.
15- Magdlal·Sayyld Ibrahim, Bida' wa khurafat a""sa (Cairo, 1992), p.51ff.
- 34- - 35-
The RltlhtB 0' a Woman

chapter six utter obscenities to her, nor desert her except inside the
house.' ,,4
The Rights a Woman
Protection by the husband is one of the rights that the
Acquires over her Husband woman acquires. Muhammad said, "I warn you about the
right of the two weak ones: the orphan and the women."s
Muhammad said in his final address, "And now, people, Sexual intercourse is another right she has over him,
you acquire certain rights over your wives, and they do because it is the duty of the husband as long as he has
you. The right you acquire over them is that they should no excuse. Malik holds this same opinion. 6 If he travels
not let someone you hate sleep in your beds, and not to for any reason or for any necessity, she must forego this
commit a manifest obscenity [or adultery]. If they do right no matter how long his journey lasts. But if he has
[commit it], then God has given you permission to leave no substantial excuse, and makes excuses for not having
them alone in their beds and give them a beating, though intercourse several times, then they can be separated [by
not too hard. If they give over, they get their provision and lawj.7 If he has a free woman for wife, he has to sleep
clothing with kindness; I command you good-will for your with her once every four nights, and if he has four wives,
wives, for they are your captives 1 that do not own anything each of them receive one night every four nights. s He
of their own. You have taken them by the faithfulness of should treat his wives justly. Muhammad said in the
. God, and made their sexual organs lawful for you by the Hadith, "If a man has two wives, and he shows favour to
words of God.,,2 one against the other, he will come on the Resurrection
Day with a limp. ,,9
(Abdullah Ibn (Amr Ibn al-(As narrated: "The Messenger
of God said to me, '0 (Abdullahl Have I not been informed
that you fast daily during the day and offer prayers every
night throughout the Fast?' (Abdullah replied, 'Yes, 0 1- Captives: meaning that they are bound to you like slaves.
Messenger of God!' The Prophet said, 'Don't do that; fast 2- Ibn Hisham, al-Slra afnabawlyya (Cairo, 1963), 4:251.
3- al-Bukhan, Sawm51,54,55, Tahajjud20, Nlkah88, Adab83,88; Musnm, Siyam
for few days and then give it up for few days, offer prayers 182.187; Abu Oawud, Tata_," 27, Sswm56; a~Tlrmldsl, 5awm44, Radha'11,
Tarslr al·Tawba 9:2, Zuhd 84; al-Nasa'l, 5Iyam 76; Ibn Maja, Nikah 3; al-Danml,
and also sleep at night, as your body requires, and your Nlkah 3; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 6:268.
wife has her rights.' ,,3 Hakim Ibn Mu(awlya al-Qushayri, 4- Abu Oawud, Nikah 41.
5- Ibn Maja, Adab 6.
quoting his father, said, "I said, '0 Messenger of God, 6- Muwaffaq ai-Din Ibn Qudama, al-Mughnl (Belru~ 1984), 8: 143.
what is the right that the wife of any of us acquires over 7- Ibid. 8: 144.
8- Ibid. 8:136
him?' He replied, 'To feed and clothe her, if you yourself 9- Ibn Maja, Nlkah47, al-Mughnl, 8:149-155. 'Abdullah Ibn Muhammad al-Mauslll.
have food and clothing. Do not slap her on the face, nor aUkhbysrff ta'liI almukhtar{CEiro, 1961), 3: 186.

- 36- - 37-
The Importance of Marriage in Islam

chapter seven Muhammad asked, "Are you well off?" He said, "Yes:'
Muhammad said, "You are, then, a brother of the devils.
The Importance of Marriage in Islam And if you are a Christian, you are also their brother. 7 But
if you are one of us, our life-style is giving in marriage:,8
Marriage, according to the Qur)an, is a desirable thing: Muhammad aroused men's interest in marriage because
"Marry the spouseless among you, and your slaves and women bring blessing and wealth: "Marry women
handmaidens that are righteous" (Sura al-Nur 24:32). It because they bring possession"g and "Two prostrations
is the religious tradition (sunna) of the Prophet by a married man are better than seventy by someone
Muhammad: "Wedlock [nikah] is my tradition in religion; who is single:,10
whoever does not apply my law has no part with me.
Marry, because I will vie the nations in number by you. We leam from the stories of tradition that marriage is not
Whoever has the ability to marry, let him marry, and only the law of Muhammad, but the law of all the
whoever has not the ability, let him resort to fasting; for prophets, as well. "Whoever embraces my religion, and
fasting is as good as castration:,l Marriage is also half the religion of David, Solomon, and Abraham let him
of the faith: "When the servant marries, he completes marry so long as he can; otherwise let him fight for the
half of his religion; so let him fear God in the remaining cause of God. If he is martyred [dies in war], God will wed
half:,2 According to the jurists it is an obligation when him to the wide-eyed houris. The only exception to this is
one has a strong desire; namely one is guilty if he has a that if he attends to his parents or if he is under binding
desire for a certain woman, is financially able to fulfil it (in obligation to people:,l1 So the one who does not marry
marriage), but does not marry. He has committed a exposes himself to the curse of God and the angels:
cardinal sin. 3 "The curse of God and of angels and of all the people is
upon anyone who lives in celibacy- there is no celibacy
Muhammad has.prohibited celibacy.4 In Hadith we read:
after John, the son of Zachariah:,12
"There will be none in paradise but have two wives; he
will be able to see their legs even if they are behind The most important reason for marriage is bearing
seventy garments:,5 In Musnad of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, it children. Jabir narrated, "While we were returning with
says, "Our tradition [sunna] is wedlock. The most evil the Messenger of God from a certain incursion, 1 started
among you are those who are celibate, and the vilest driving my camel fast, as it was a lazy one. A rider came
among your dead are those who are celibate:,6 behind me... Behold the rider was the Prophet himself.
Muhammad once asked a man named (Akaf if he was He said, Why are you in such haste?' 1 replied, 'I am
married, the man replied, "No, by God:' He asked, "Do newly married: He asked, 'Did you marry a virgin or
you have a concubine?" The man answered, "No:' matron [a previously married woman]?' I answered, 'She
- 38- - 39-
The Importance of Marriage in Islam The Importance of Marriage in Islam

8- Islam denounces celibacy and monasticism because they are a departure from
is a matron.' He said, 'Then, [seek to beget] childrenl the tradition of Muhammad. The Qur)an says: "And monasticism they Inltiated-
Children, 0 Jabir.' .. 13 We did not prescribe It. forthem- only seeking the good pleasure of God" (Sura 81-
Hadld 57:27). The Hadith says: 'When this affair of cUthman Ibn Maz1un, who
showed no Interest in women, was published, the Messenger of God sent for him.
It seems that in oriental societies there is a tradition and He said. ,cUthman, I have not been commanded with monasticism; have you
a part of their history to despise and suspect celibatesl rejected my tradition?' He replied, 'No. MessengerofGod.' Hesaid. 1tismysunna
to pray and sleep, to fast and breakfast, to marry and divorce. 'Nhoever rejects my
Anyone who does not marry exposes himself to all sorts tradition has no part with me' to (al..Qarimi. Nikah 3). Selid al-Khudri narrated theta
of accusations, Ibrahim Ibn Masarra narrated, "Tawus man came [to him} and said, "'nstruct mel" He said. "I had asked the Messenger
said to me, 'Get married or else I will say to you what of God before you, and he said, 'I Instruct you to fear God; this Is the head
[beginning] ofeverything, and you must flght, forthls Is the monasticism of Islam' "
(Umar said to Abu al-Zawa1id: "The only thing that keeps (Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. 3:82,266). "Castration and the building of churches are
you from marrying is impotence or lasciviousness." , .. 14 forbidden in Islam" (Kanz al-(umma/, 21:194).
9- Kanzal-(umma/,21:196.
11- Ibid. 21:200.
12- Ibid.
13- al-Bukharl. Nikah 121.
14- 'Uyun al-akhbar. 4:18. A single man, as Muhammad thinks, is exposed 10
fornication and immorality, and he cannot be delivered from this destiny except
by fasting, if he were poor, or marriage. The Hadlth says, "The Messenger of
,.,.,. God saw a woman (and was apparently excited) so he had intercourse with
Zainab, his wife, while she was dyeing a rawhide. After he fulfilled his desire, he
went out to his friends and said, 'Woman comes In the shape of a devil and
leaves In the shape of a devil. Any of you who sees a woman, let him have
Intercourse with his wife. This will repel that which Is In his soul" (Muslim, Nikah
10; al-Tlrmidsi, Radha( 9; al~Dariml, Nlkah 31; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal,

1- Ibn Maja, Nlkah. Kanz al-(umma/, 21:194.

2- Kanz al-'ummaJ, 21: 193.
3- al-Kasanl, 2:228.
4- al-Bukhari, Nikah 2. In another tradition says, U(Uthman Ibn Maz1un wanted to
castrate himself and be a hermit In the land. The Messenger of God said to him,
'Ooyou not have me as agood example? Ihave Intercourse with women, eatmeat,
fast. and breakfast. Fasting Is the castration ofmynatlon. There Is none among my
nation who castrates or Is castrated himself" (Ibn Sa(d, al-Tabaqat al-kubra,
(BaiNt Dar Sader, n.d.), 3:394).
Ibn Qutayba states, "Tawus narrated that the Messengerof God said, 'There is
no restraint or bridle In Islam, nor Is monasticism, celibacy, or hel1T1ltage'" ('Uyun
a~hbar, 4:18).
5- Muslim, Janna 14; al-Darlml, Raqa'iq 108; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:230,247,507.
6- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:183.
7- Ibn 'Abd a~arr, Usd alghaba" ma'rifata>SaIlaba, Egyptian ed. (Tehran, 1989),
4:3. 'Uyun al-akhbar, 4:18.

- 40- - 41-
The Viewpoint of the Juris'"

chapter eight Shafi (i, however, thinks it is merely permissible, just like
selling or bargaining. They infer that it is a religious duty
The Importance of Marriage or obligation from the fact that one is enjoined to abstain
from the Viewpoint of the Jurists from fornication. They say, "Since abstaining from
fornication is a religious imperative, and since this can
only be attained by wedlock, then that which is the only
The jurists say: "The only worship that has been
instituted since the time of Adam till now, which will means to attain to a religious imperative, is also an
continue in paradise, is wedlock and faith."l Ibn Humam imperative."s The jurists, however, think that nikah
says about the relationship of wedlock to worship, "It is cannot possibly mean lust; if it were so, they argue, the
the closest thing to worship; so that occupying oneself Prophet, who married more than one wife, should have
with it is better than abandoning it for mere worship.',2 sufficed himself with one wife. 7 Yet, it seems that there is
The importance and high position that the jurists place on no real agreement among the jurists that nikah is a
wedlock (nikah) lie in its being" A cause for the existence religious obligation or duty. Those who disagree on the
of Islam and the Muslim." It is, therefore, preferred to issue of having to marry as an incumbent religious
worship and fighting (Jihad). It is the cause of the obligation quote Sura AI Imran 3:39, "The angels called
existence of the Muslim and Islam, while Jihad only him [Zachariah] while he was standing praying at the
furthers Islam. 3 In Radd al-muhtar, the author says, "It shrine: 'God gives news of John, who will confirm word
has been preferred to Jihad. Both of them are the cause from God, masterful yet circumspect [hasur, i.e. celibate],
of the existence of the Muslim and Islam, because the and a prophet [chosen] from among honourable peo-
result of the marriage of one single Muslim is much more pie.''' "This Qur)anic statement points out the celibacy
than the result of fighting. In Jihad you only kill and of John as a merit worthy of praise. Hasur means
subdue non-Muslims.',4 someone who does not have sexual relations with women
in spite of being able to do so. If nikah was a religious
Moreover, there are "other interests regarding wedlock, obligation, then John wouldn't have been praised on the
such as keeping women and oneself from fornication. account of abandoning it; since abandoning an obligation
Wedlock is the only means of obtaining pleasure.',5 There is worthy of blame rather than praise.',8 AI-Sarakhsi
are others, as well, who claim that wedlock is a religious rejects this view and argues that "nikah is the tradition of
obligation just like fasting, praying, and the other Muhammad, while celibacy was the tradition of John. A
requirements of faith; so that any who abandon it, being Muslim has to follow the tradition of Muhammad.',9 The
capable of paying the marriage portion, supporting a wife, consensus of jurists agree that the increase of the nation
and having intercourse, is considered guilty of sin. is for the public good, since Muhammad will boast over
- 42- - 43-
The Viewpoint of the Jurists

the rest of the nations on the Day of Resurrection chapter nine

because of the large number of his nation.,,10
Marriage from the Viewpoint of the Sufis

The Sufis have contradictory attitudes toward marriage

which keep us from drawing general conclusions. Yet the
......... mystical (Sufi) Islam, contrary to the rigid orthodox Islam
with its theoretical content, was able to shape different
and wide-ranging sectors of the Islamic societies with its
own mould. It was able to do so through its diversified
nature that blended with the social background of the
1- Muhammad Amin Ibn Abidin, Radd a!-muht8r(a/a al-Du" af-mukhtar(Cairo, 1272 country. It is worth noting, therefore, the positive and the
A.H.), 2:255. For this reason, Mahmud ShalM, the former director of al-Azhar negative opinions of the Sufis on marriage.
University says, "As to those who avoid manlage, and make excuses that it Is
b'oublesome, demanding, and limits their teedom, which should be unrest- Those who elevate the value of marriage to the level of
rained, they are either ignorant folk, or they Ignore the meaning ofhumanity In the
Image of which they have been created. It Is worthy of the Intelligent people to absolute dUty base their position on the Hadith and the
block all the roads lor them till they dapart from the environs of man to the evident Qur)anic fact that God never mentioned an
habllations of beasts and wild animals" (Mehmud Shallut a/-ls/am <aqida we
shari'a, p.146). unmarried prophet in His Book. They said, "John married
2- Kamal ai-Din Muhammad Ibn Humam, Sharh Fath a!-qadlr (Coiro. 1315 A.H.). but did not have sexual relations. He did that to receive
2:340. Muhammad claims that the Muslim receives a reward from God for his
sexual Intercourse: "You have a reward for your Intercourse with your wife"
the high status [of a married man] and to carry out the
(Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:169). tradition. It was also said [that he did so] in order to keep
3- Ibn Humam, 5:169.
4- Ibn Abldln, 2:340. himself from looking [lustfUlly]. As regarding Jesus, he will
5- aJ.Mabsut; 4: 193. get married when he comes back to earth and will have
6· ibid. al-Kassn!, 2:228.
7- al-Kasanl, 2:228; alMabsut; 4: 194; Ibn Abldln, 2:340. children.,,1 In a hadith mentioned by Ghazzali,
B- aJ.Mabsut; 4:194.
9- Ibid.
Muhammad says, "If you receive a man whose religion
10- Ibn Humam, 2:339; Ibn Abldln, 2:342; al-Mauslll, aMkhtiyar, 3:116; Ahmad Ibn and trust you approve of, marry him off. If you do not do
Hanbal, 2: 172. There seems to be auniversal "consensus" among the Oldjurists
on the one side, and the scholars and the progressive and conservative modem
so, a temptation there will be in the land and a great
writers who support women's rights on the other side, that the Institution of corruption. ,,2 According to a weak hadith, Muhammad
marrlage sarves tha conjugal relationship (sexuallnlaroourse) and childbirth (el.
Muhammad Rashid Ridha, Nlda II af.jlns aUst;f, p.16. Tahir ai-Haddad, said, "He who marries for God, and marries someone off
Imra'atuna ff at-aharla we af.mujtama', p.27,29-33. Muhammad Sanh (Sldl), a~ for Him, is worthy of God's patronage. ,,3 In a tradition by
Hldad II'm ra'at amaddad(Tunls, 1931), p.105-109. Rudl Paret Zur Frauanfrage
In der ArabiScl>lslamlschen We~ (Stuttgart, 1934), p.146. Mahmud Shaltut, a~ Ibn Abbas, Muhammad says, "The piety of the pious one
Islam laqida wa shari(a, p.145.
shall not be made complete until he marries." AI-Ghazzali
- 44- - 45-
Marricwe from the Vi.~int 01 the Sufi. Marriage from the Viewpoint 01 the Sulis

comments on it, saying, "Maybe he made a part of piety, said, "(Ali was the most devout among the Companions
but the more evident explanation is that he meant that of the Messenger of God, yet he had four wives and
one should not yield one's heart to overwhelming lust seventeen concubines. Wedlock is a standing tradition
except through marrying. Piety shall not be made and one of the qualities of prophets," It has also been
complete except by the emptiness of heart. ,,4 He said, "The superiority of the married one to the single
ascribes to Ibn Mas'ud the following statement: "If I one is the same as that of the one who goes out to war
had only ten days left of my life, I would like to marry so (Jihad) to him who stays behind."e
that I should not meet God single." Mu (ads Ibn Jabal
narrated that "two wives of his died by the great plague, It is not surprising, however, to find opinions in the Sufi
and he too was afflicted with it. He said, 'Marry me off; I literature that are antagonistic to marriage, since with-
hate to meet God single,' ,,5 drawal and abstinence from the world are of the most
important pillars of the Sufi ethics. It has been pointed
It was related that a servant [of God] among the ancient out in the previous chapter how some jurists proved that
nations excelled his contemporaries in worship. His good wedlock is not an obligatory duty by means of the
worship was thus described to the prophet of his time: Qur)anic verse that speaks of John as being celibate and
"What a good man he isl It is only that he leaves out a one of the "honourable" (Sura AI Imran 3:39), yet those
part of the tradition," The servant was distressed when who support marriage argued that he married but did not
he heard it, and asked the prophet about it. The prophet consummate the marriage. As to Christ, there is an
said, "It is marriage that you left out," The servant was ample number of traditions that speak of his marriage
distressed again and said, "I do not forbid it, but I am after his second coming. Such tales and justifications try
poor and am dependant on people," He replied, "I will to establish marriage as an institution in Islam, on the
marry you to my daughter," So the prophet married him one side, and to justify Muhammad's harem, on the other
off to his daughter.6 Bishr Ibn ai-Harth said, "Ahmad Ibn side. The Qur)an is not sufficient to prove God's aversion
Hanbal has be.en preferred to me for three reasons: He to marriage, and since there is no sound tradition that
seeks that which is lawful for himself and for others, suggests that, the ascetic quotes, above all, the weak
whereas I seek the same for myself only; that is due to tradition that says, "As to the words that were given as
his numerous marriages, and my few marriages. And warning against marriage, Muhammad said, 'The best
because he has been appointed an imam to the pUblic.,,7 man after the two hundred is the light, sandal-shod man
It is said that Ahmad married the second day after his who has neither family nor children,' He also said, 'There
Wife, the mother of his son (Abdullah, died, and said, "I will come a time upon people when the perdition of man
hate to stay single for one night," Bishr Ibn Yaminiya will be by the hands of his own wife, parents, and
- 46- - 47-
Marriage (rom the Viewpoint of the Sufis Marriage (rom the Viewpoint of the Sufis
1- al-Ghazzall. Ihya' (ulum skl/n, 4:683.
children; they will taunt him for his poverty and demand of 2- bid. 4:684.
him that which he cannot bear. So he will enter upon 3- Ibid.
4- ibid. 4:685.
things that destroy his religion and make him perish.' " 5- Ibid.
6- ibid. 4:686.
One tradition says, "The lack of children is a cause of 7- ibid.
8- Ibid. 4:686.
abundance, and the abundance of children is a cause of 9- Ibid.
poverty." Abu Sulayman al-Darani was once asked 10- " was a matter of disagreement among the MUslims of the first century A.H.,
whether It was lawful to put the sayings of Muhammad down In wrttlng. The
concerning wedlock, he said, "Enduring without them is Muslims were afraid that the sayings of Muhammad would attain the same level
better than enduring them, and enduring them is better [of sacredness] 8S that of the Curlan. It was the pro-Hadith group that won the
victory In the end, and they accounted for their position through traditions of
than enduring the Rre.',9 He said also, "The one who is Muhammad In which he encouraged his nation to write down what has been
alone enjoys the sweetness of work and the emptiness of narrated about him! Together wrth the recording of Hadlth, we observe the
phenomenon of fabricating (or faking) Hadlth. These fake traditions thai have
heart that the married one cannot enjoy." He said once, crept Into even the most tnJstworthy of books, such as al-Bukhari and Muslim,
"I saw none of our companions who married and are an enonnous challenge to scholars of Sharla.
11- ar-Ghazzali, Ihys' (ulum skl/n, 4:687.
remained in his first status." He said also, "If anyone
seeks these three things, he is relying on this world:
Livelihood, marrying a woman, or the books of
Tradition.',lo AI-Hasan said, "If God wishes good for
one of His servants, He occupies him with neither family
nor possessions." Ibn Abi al-Hawwari said, "A certain
group of people debated concerning this hadith, and they
settled on the supposition that it does not exclude them,
but means that he could have them, provided that they do
not occupy him." This is a reference to the statement of
Abu Sulayman al-Darani: "Whatever family, possessions,
or children that divert you from God, will be inauspicious
for you." All in all, no one has been quoted as forbidding
wedlock (nikah) categorically, except when there is a
condition. As to commending wedlock, it has also been
quoted as being commended under a condition. l l

- 48- - 49-
The CharacterlstiCII of an Ideal Wlf.

A younger wife is the tradition (sunna) of Muhammad.

chapter ten
"The Messenger of God married me when I was seven
The Characteristics of an Ideal Wife years old" 'Alisha said, (Sulaiman says six), "and
consummated the marriage with me when I was nine
Considering the importance of marriage, it was natural for years 0Id.,,4 Muhammad died when she was eighteen
jurists to describe the favourite characteristics of the wife years 01d. 5 Muhammad's marriage with (A)isha has
carefully, so that the ideal goals of marriage, as they view always been a problem for the jurists, for they do not
them, should be achieved. These desirable characteris- unanimously agree on the marriageable age of the girl:
tics that a wife should possess could be summed up as
follows: Conceming the issue of consummating the marriage
with [a girl under age], it was said that she should not
1. The woman should be less in age than the man, so be slept with before she attains puberty, but it was
that she should not age quickly and be unable to said in al-Bahr al-ra'iq that she can be slept with at
conceive. She should be less in esteem, power, honour, the age of nine. The majority of Imams are of the
and money since men are to support women (Sura ai- opinion that the issue of age plays no role in this
Nisa) 4:34) and protect them. We read in narrated respect, and that the criterion is that the woman
traditions of Muhammad that he said, "A woman is should be physically fit and big enough to accom-
married for four things, i.e. her wealth, her family status, modate men, and consequently there would be no
her beauty, and her religion. So you should marry the
fear that she would get sick if she is copulated with,
religious woman [otherwise] you will be a 10ser.,,1 "Do
even if she has not reached the age of nine. But if she
not marry women off for their comeliness; their comeli-
is thin or gaunt and cannot bear sex, and is in danger
ness may lead them to perdition. Do not marry them off of getting sick, her husband is not allowed to sleep
for their possessions; their possessions may lead them with her, even if she is of age- this is the sound
to domineer. Marry them for their religion. A black, opinion.,,6
believing slave is better than a beautiful free women who
does not believe.',2 The woman should not be tall or In a book entitled al-Furu( we read the following, "The
gaunt, short or ugly, or have bad manners. She should not best state for a woman is between the age of fourteen
be old or have a child from a previous marriage. She and twenty. Her maturity is made perfect at thirty, and she
should not be a slave if the man can marry a free stops at forty, and declines after that.',7
woman? AI-Jaziri, however, keeps silent on the issue of
the good characteristics a man should possess in order 2. Besides youth, she should preferably be a virgin.
for him to be an ideal husband for his wife! Muhammad said, "Seek virgins; they are sweeter of
- 50- - 51-
TIle Characteristics of an Ideal Wife TIle Characteristics of an Ideal Wife

mouth, have more productive wombs and can be losing energy, having nodes in the face or roundness of
contented with the least."s When Jabir told him he the eyes. 12
married a matron, he said to him, "Why not a virgin that
you should play with her?,,9 This inequality between the Leprosy is white spots that appear on the surface of the
virgin and the matron also manifests itself through body due to the domination of phlegm.
Muhammad's own treatment of his wives. Anas Ibn Cornu is a bony protrusion in the vagina that prevents
Malik narrated, "If Muhammad marries a virgin he stays sex. But if it does not prevent sex, marriage may not be
with her seven days. If he marries a matron he stays with dissolved because there is still a possibility of enjoyment,
her three days. This is the tradition:,10 Marrying a matron but it is also acceptable to dissolve marriage because of
is permissible if a man is in need of doing so; for example it in keeping with the outward meaning of the tradition.
if he has children who need to be raised up by someone
who is used to raising up children, or if he is old to a Lameness is still debatable whether it could be included
degree that puts a young virgin off and thus intimacy among the causes of divorce; but it is certain that it
between them will not endure.11 dissolves marriage in case it makes the woman an
3. The jurists not only touched upon the qualities an ideal
wife should possess, but went so far as to list the According to some, blockage of the vagina is one of the
offensive characteristics and faults she should not have. defects that involve divorce. This may be correct if it
Man's defects that forbid or abolish his marriage are prevents sex to start with, as it deprives [the man] of
basically these three: madness, castration, and incon- enjoyment when it is impossible to remove it, orwhen it is
tinence. Yet woman's defects are enumerated and possible but [the woman] refuses to submit to medica-
accounted for in detail. The main defections of woman tion.
are seven: madness, elephantiasis, leprosy, cornu,
There are no other defects that a woman can have apart
breathing difficulties, and lameness. from these seven.13
Madness is the corruption of mind to the extent that In another tradition, Muhammad said to Umm Salim as
one's decisions becomes erratic owing to passing she was looking at a certain woman, "Smell her
incapacity and not due to fainting bouts, in which one's shoulders and take a look at her heels:,14
decision-making remains the same.
4. Beauty is a quality that should not be neglected when
Elephantiasis is the disease that causes stiffening ofthe looking for a wife. A weak tradition teaches us that
organs and rending of the flesh. It is not the same as looking at a beautiful woman sharpens and strengthens
- 52- - 53-
n.e CharacterilltiC8 ., an Ideal Wi'. The Characteristics of an Ideal Wife

eyesight.1S As mentioned previously, man marries a be empty of mankind. Lust, however, was created as
woman for either of three things: for her beauty, her family a stimulating motivation, as is the case with male
status,16 or for her religion. 17 animals in the production of seed, and the female
ones that make cultivation possible. Thus they are
(A)isha narrated, "The MesseOger of God betrothed a
gently led to produce a brood through copulation. The
woman from Kalb [tribe]. He sent me to look at her, and
same principle is used in scattering grain, which birds
asked me, 'How did you see her?' I said, 'I saw no use in
lust after, in order to trap them into the net. The
her.' He replied, 'I saw a mole on her cheek that caused
eternal power [of God] was not incapable of forging
each of your hairs to stand on end.' I said, 'There is no
secret hidden from you.' ,,18 people afresh without cultivation or copulation, but
Wisdom required that effects should be dependant on
5. It is also agreeable that her bridal gift should be causes, though these causes can be done without so
appropriate. Muhammad said, "The marriage that has the power [of God] should be manifest, the wonder~ of
the greatest blessing is the one that is suitable to provide His creation should be made complete, and to
for. ,,19 accomplish the foreordained purposes of [divine] will.
6. Yet being "fertile" is the most important quality a It is a safeguard from the calamities of lust, in that
woman must have. Ma'qil Ibn Yasar narrated, "A man none of them wished to meet God unmarried. In the
came to the Prophet and said, 'I fell in love with a woman achievement of offspring, there are four aspects of
of great beauty and family status; but she does not closeness: The first is being in agreement with the
conceive, shall I marry her?' He replied, 'No.' The man love of God by achieving offspring to preserve
mankind. The second is seeking the love of the
came to him again, and the Prophet forbade him. He
Messenger of God by increasing the cause of his
came to him a third time, so the Prophet said, 'Marry the
amiable, fertile one; for I will vie the nations in number by boasting. The third is seeking the blessing of one's
you.' ,,20 AI-Jaziri says, "It is better that she [the wife] be good offspring after one dies. The fourth is seeking
fertile; because a barren one cannot carry out the intercession by the death of a young child, in case this
function of reproduction which is necessary for human child dies before his father. 22
society.,,21 We conclude this chapter by quoting the first
benefit of marriage that occurs in Ihya) (ulum ai-din:

Children: They are the original purpose of marriage for

which it has been established, and it is for
perpetuating offspring so that the world would not
- 54- - 55-
71le Characterilltica of an Ideal Wife
1- al-Bukhal1, Nikah 15; Abu Dawud, Nikah2; al-Nass'I, Nikah 13; Ibn Maja, Nikah
6; al-Oal1ml, Nikah4; al-MuwaUS', Nikah21; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:428.
2- Ibn Maja, Nikah 34.
chapter eleven
3- lAbel al-Rahman al-Jazlri, Kitab al-fiqh afa al-madsahlb al-Brba'a(Calro, 1934),4:9.
As to short stature, itis narrated that Muhammad knelt down when hesawa short
The Marriage Contract
man (cUyun al-akhbar, 4:53). Salim narrated that the Messenger of God said,
"Whoever sees someone afflicted [with short stature] and says, 'Praise be to
in the Islamic Sharia
God who freed you from your affliction and placed high above many of His
creation' God will free him from that kInd of affliction whoever he was" (cUyun al-
akhbar, 4:53). It seems that shortness of stature does not do any good in After studying the position of marriage and the character-
Muhammad's opinion since the false Christ is also described as a short man istics of the ideal wife, we would like to quote from the
(Abu Dawud, Ma/ahlm 14).
4- Abu Oawud, N1kah 34. sources of jurisprudence (fiqh) how the marriage contract
&- Ibn MaJa, N/kah 14. is concluded, and the conditions necessary for it,
6- af.Fatawa a/-hindiYa(Bulaq, 1310 AH.), 1:287.
7- Shams ai-Din al-Maqdisi al-Marda'Ni, KitBb al-furur (Cairo, 1967), 5:151. Wedlock under ordinary circumstances is the tradition
8- Ibn MaJa, Nikah 7. of Muhammad, as mentioned previously, which is
9- Ibn Maja, Nikah 7.
10- Abu Oawud, Nikah 34. established by the narrated traditions of Muhammad
11- al-Jazll1, 4:11.
12· Muhammad said, "One should run away from a leperss one runs away from a
and his personal behaviour in this area. The Hanafites
lion" (al-Bukharl, Tibb 19; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:443). In another tradition hold that wedlock can be a religious obligation, a duty, a
Muhammad said, "Do not fix your gaze upon the lepers" (Ibn MaJa, Tibb 44;
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:28,233). It has been related that the Ummaiad caliph IAbd tradition, as well as a prohibited and abominable thing,
aI-Malik Ibn Marwanordered aU the lepers he met on his way to Mecca to be Wedlock is a religious obligation for the person who is
bumed. He said, "lfGod wished good for those people, He wouldn't have afflicted
them with such affliction." Qatada narrated that "a leper entered upon (Abdullah
sure to fall into fornication if he does not many, It is a
Ibn al-Harith, who ordered him to go out. He was asked, "Wny?' He replied, 'I duty, as well, when someone is eagerly desirous of it to
leamed that he Is accursed' (cU;1Jn al-Bkhbar, 4:69).
the extent that he fears falling into fornication, It is a sure
13- al-Muhaqqlq al-HillI, Sha,.'! aMs/am (al-Najat, 1989), 2:319-320.
14- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 3:231; 'Uyun af.Akhbar, 4:9. tradition for those who have the desire and are moderate.
15- KanzaI3umma/, 21:195.
16- Hasab not only means an original or legal lineage, but also wealth and riches (ai-
Yet, wedlock is prohibited if it is sure that illegal gain will
Muwatta I, Jihad 35). Muhammad defined hasab as "wealth, honour, and piety" ensue from it, and it is an abominable thing when the
('Uyun al-akhbar, 4:10).
17- al-Bukharl, Nikah 15; Muslim, al-Radha r93; Abu Dawud, Nlkah2; Ibn Maja, Nlkah person feels so but is not sure of it. 1
13; al-Dal1mi. Nikah 4; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:428.
18- 'Uyun al-akhbar, 4:19.
Nikah has two elements without which it cannot be
19- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 6:82; 'Uyun a"akhbar, 4:73.
20- Abu Oawud, Nikah 4. fuifilled: the first is aPijab (response), which is the
21- al-Jazll1, 4:11.
22- al-Ghazzali, Ihya' (ulum al-din, 4:688. utterance coming from the guardian or his substitute, and
the second is qubuf (consent), which is the utterance
coming from the husband or his proxy.2 As regards the
conditions for wedlock, which are listed by some jurists
among the elements of wedlock, they are usually
- 56- - 57-
The Marriage Contract The Marriage Contract

mentioned in minute detail. We will, therefore, list them maternal and paternal aunts of both parents, the
briefly. daughters of nephews and nieces, if they are truly
related. There is a general agreement, as well, on
The first condition pertains to the form. There are certain prohibiting marriage with foster mothers and foster
terms used to conclude wedlock. Some of them are sisters. Those who follow the literal meaning of the text
spoken, such as "I marry you," "I wed myself to you," or (ahf af-zahit') and most of the Kharijites advocate it, but
"I marry you to my daughter." Some are by indirect most of Islam prohibits it, which is the right stance. There
declaration of intent (kinaya) , such as "I give myself to is agreement also on prohibiting mothers-in-law, step-
you," or "I make myself a freewill offering to you." The mothers, daughters-in-law, and step-children. There is an
second condition is called the union of session or agreement, likewise, on prohibiting marriage with two
gathering (ittihad af-majlis), which necessitates that the sisters, but disagreement on prohibiting marrying two
two parties involved in the marriage contract should be in sisters who are under the control of one's right hand as a
one place, since there is no wedlock through recornmen- marriage of enjoyment. There is a disagreement on
dation or in writing. This latter condition can be rendered prohibiting marriage with a woman and her aunt. All those
invalid in case the contract is concluded on the back of a who disagree on any point that has been a matter of
moving animal for example, or if the contract is concluded controversy among the older generations of the nation in
while the two parties are walking. Then it is not binding by respect of wedlock- such as prohibiting or permitting a
reason of the changeability of place. If the marriage is certain woman, or a certain controversial condition of
concluded on board a ship, however, while it is sailing, wedlock- such as the witnesses, the terminology, and
the contract is valid since a ship is considered a place. 3 the guardian- do not rank with the unbelievers.

Wedlock is valid only in the presence of witnesses. The In addition to what has been mentioned previously,
least number of witnesses required for wedlock is two Muhammad prohibited his companions and all the people
people. One alone will not do: They don't have to be men; from ever marrying his wives after him.6 The Qur)an says,
they can be one man and two women. Yet it is not valid by "It is not for you to hurt God's Messenger, neither to
women only, there must be a man with them. 4 marry his wives after him, ever; surely that would be, in
God's sight, a monstrous thing" (Sura al-Ahzab 33:53).
There is a unanimous agreement on prohibiting marriage
with mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal aunts, mater- All opinions and interpretative judgments regarding
nal aunts, and 'lieces. Grandmothers are included with whether the guardian should obtain the permission of
mothers, and granddaughters, even if they be far related, the bride concerning marriage are irreconcilable, and
are included with daughters. The analogy applies for the what they call isti1dsan [asking permission] is in fact a
- 58- - 59-
The Marriage Contract The Marriage Contract

mere formality since her silence, if she is a virgin, is her to pay mahr al-mithl, which is a sum of money that suits
permission. So her crying can be considered as silence, the living circumstances and differs according to the
which is a sign of agreement, since crying indicates bride's family status and descent. It also differs
extreme shynessl 7 Nevertheless, if a father marries his according to her mental state, age, and beauty. If the
daughter to a suitable husband wedlock is established, man wants to dissolve the contract, he has to pay back
even if the daughter dislikes the man, and regardless of half of the bridal gift. 13
her age, because a father can marry off his young and
crazy children and virgin daughters without their permis-
sion. A guardian, as well, can marry off a virgin or a crazy
girl without her permission. A grandfather can do the
same. The contract is rendered invalid only owing to
impotence and castration. 9 Competence (or compatibil-
ity) is one of the important conditions for marriage.
Competence is defined as equality of the man with the ***
woman, which has six aspects in the view-point of the
Hanafites: family status, Islam, profession, freedom,
religion, and possessions. 10 Competence has to do with
man, not the woman, since Muhammad married women
of different family status and denominations, yet none of
them were compatible with him. 11 A man who has a free
1- a~khtiyar" ta'fllaf.mukhtar, 3:14ff.; al-Kasanl, 2:228; a~Mabsut, 4:193ff.; Ibn
Muslim father is not the same as a man whose father and Abldln. 2:34Off.; a~Mughni, 7:342ff.; al-Jazlri, 4:6-7.
grandfather are free Muslims. Awoman can be divorced if 2- al-Jazlri, 4:12.
3- Ibid. 4:15.
she marries a man who is not her equal, even if her 4- Ibid. 4:16.
guardian receives a bridal gift that indicates his assent. 12 5- IAbd af{JaI1ir ai-Baghdadi, Kitab usul a~/n (Istanbul, 1982). p.l96. a~khilyar,
6- al-Shan'I, Ahkam a/-Quran (Beiru~ 1967). 1: 167.
7- a~khilyar, 3:127-132; a/-Mughni, 7:387_
When performing the marriage contract, the bridegroom 8- a/-Mughnl, 7:379-382.
must pay a bridal gift or a marriage portion in the 9- a~khilyar, 3:134-135.
Ill- a~khtiyar, 3:140-144; a~Mughni, 7:374-379; al-Jazlri, 4:54-61. Mahmud Shaltut,
presence of the bride's guardian. It is preferable to fix the aI-Islam (aqlda W8 shari(s, p.135-152.
bridal gift (mahr) during the contract, yet this is not a 11- a~/khtiyar, 3:140-141.
12- a~khtiyar, 3:142.
necessary condition for the validity of the contract. As 13- a~khtiyar, 3:144-155; a/-Mughni, 7:372,374; al-Jazlri, 4:94-128; W. Juynboll,
soon as the bridal gift is agreed upon, the bridegroom has p.215-221. Mahmud Shaltut, sUs/am laqida wa shari's, p.153.

- 60- - 61-

chapter twelve impossible. 3 Yet, a scrupulous Muslim, who feels called

to defend and justify all that was written in his honourable
Polygamy book, quotes from the "old" and the "new" to prove the
divine wisdom underlying polygamy. AI-Sabuni says,
The Qur1an says, "If you fear that you will not act justly "Polygamy is an age-old institution, but it was an
towards the orphans, marry such women as seem good to unorganised chaos before Islam. It was liable to fancy
you, two, three, four [at a time]; but if you fear you will not and enjoyment, but Islam made it a means of excellent
be equitable, then [marry] only one or what your right life. The fact that everybody should know is that polygamy
hands own, so it is likelier you will not be partial" (Sura al- is one ofthe things that Islam boasts about, since it was
Nisa l 4:3). Polygamy was a widespread phenomenon in able to solve a difficult problem that is considered one of
pre-Islamic times, just as it was with the Semitic peoples the most complicated ones that nations and societies
of the time. Muhammad restricted the number of wives today suffer from. There is no solution to this problem
to four. The concubines will be treated in a separate except by going back to the judgment of Islam and
chapter. The old interpreters understood the permission adopting its system. ,,4 The reasons and justifications
in this verse as the largest number imaginable in a legal that Muslim writers give suggest that polygamy has been
marriage: "Do not marry off but from one to four, and add
enjoined only to honour and favour women. "What shall
no more. If you are afraid you will not deal fairly, if you
we do when the balance is upset and the number of
marry more than one, then marry one only or those your
women becomes many times more than men? Shall we
hand controls so that you will not act unjustly. ,,2
deprive women of the blessing of marriage and mother-
Polygamy is one of those Qur1anic judgments that could
hood; and thus let her walk the way of whoredom and
not affirm their existence among the Islamic nations, for
vice, as it happened in Europe owing to the increase in
most Muslims are married to one wife. It is not only that
economical obstacles hinder men from doing that, but, number among women after the last world war? Or shall
we should not forget, it is due to the social problems this we solve this problem by noble ways that preserve the
practice creates. Marrying another wife is a disgrace to woman's honour, the family's purity and the wholeness of
the family of the first one. Moreover, moderate Muslims society? Which is more honourable and more ethical, that
attempted to interpret this verse in such a way that suited woman should be bound with a holy bond in which she
the requirements of the time. Qasim Amin, for example, joins another woman under the shelter of a man in a
held that a Muslim could infer from Sura al-Nisa l 4:3 that legal, noble manner, or that we let her become a mistress
polygamy is forbidden, since justice to all wives, which or a girlfriend of that man, the relationship between them
the Qur1an stated as a stipulation for this sanction, is then being sinful and evil?"s
- 62- - 63-
Polygamy Polygamy

Sayyid Qutb adds the following in his commentary: and she found no better choice than that which Islam had
already chosen. So Germany permitted polygamy so as to
In case the wife is barren and the husband still has
protect the woman from taking prostitution as a profes-
his natural desire, there are only two ways he can go:
sion; which results in onerous damages, the leading one
1. Either to divorce her in order to replace her with of which is the large number of bastards."? It is, of
another one able to meet man's natural desire to course, unnecessary to add that the Germans have not
have children. heard of such a decision. Thus, it appears that Islamic
apologists are allowed to circulate lies to further their own
2. Or to marry another one and still keep his cause.
relationship with the first wife. SOme impertinent
men and women may undiscerningly prefer the first He also quotes (without giving any reference) what a
option. Yet, 99 wives (at least) will heap curses on "German female university professor" said: "The
that person who advises the husband to do that, and solution for the problem of the German woman lies in
thus destroy their homes for no apparent reason. One permitting polygamy. I prefer to be one among ten wives
rarely finds a barren women having any more desire to of a successful man than to be the only wife of an
remarry, but you find often that the barren wife is more insignificant, unsuccessful man. This is not my opinion
secure and relaxed with the little children that the alone, but the opinion of all the women of Germany. ,,8
other wife conceives for her husband. They fill the
Mr Sabuni claims that the German youth Conference
house with activity and joy for her, no matter how
(held in Munich, Germany in 1948) recommended
miserable she is in her own deprivation. 6
polygamy as a solution for the problem of the increase
When reading this sort of defence of polygamy, which of women and the lack of men after the Second World
sounds ridiculous, it isn't easy to think a great scholar War. 9 Aqqad also, quoting one time from the philoso-
such as Sayyid Qutb did not know about adoption, or did phers, and another from the westem writers known for
not ask himself what could be done if the man himself is their racial tendency, tries to cue the reader in on the
impotent! What is the place of the intimate love relation- universality of polygamy. He says, "Westmark thinks that
ship between husband and wife? Modern scholars and the matter of polygamy has not been resolved yet in the
thinkers do not stop in their defence of polygamy at the west as being illegal in all western laws. This issue will be
"text" and the "reality" only, but they are keen on tackled again and again every time the conditions of
backing up their viewpoint by the European ideas they modern society become harder, in terms of family
hear or read. AI-Sabuni tells us for example: "Christian problems. He wonders in his above-mentioned book,
Germany, whose religion forbids polygamy, has chosen "Will monogamy be the last and only system of the
- 64- - 65-
Polwamy Polygamy

future?" He answers himself, saying, "This question has the adult man for nikah, which cannot be quenched by a
been answered by different opinions. Spencer thinks that single woman, so that man is left with a need for marrying
monogamy is the last marital system, and that every more than one wife to relieve his [agonising) soul. 14 Islam
change in system must lead up to this end. Dr Le Bon has permitted such men to realise their desire within a
believes that European laws will eventually endorse legal frame so that Satan should not lead them astray.15
polygamy. Professor Ehrenfels, however, goes to the As to Muhammad Rashid Ridha, he does not list any
extreme of saying that polygamy is necessary for the special cases, but starts off with an assumption that
preservation of the 'Aryan race'. Westmark comments man's nature makes it impossible for him to be satisfied
that polygamy gains the upper hand when matters go the with one woman. 16
way they are supposed to take. ,,10 The most important of
these arguments, listed in the writings of Muslim writers 4. The problem of barrenness. On reading the books of
in defence and for the justification of polygamy, can be modern Muslim scholars and writers who put forward and
summed up in four points: explain the problem of barrenness in defence of their
1. They claim that the number of women in the world claim that polygamy is an absolute imperative, one
exceeds that of men; it passes the ratio of four to one. 11 perceives that this is the most powerful argument they
Polygamy, then, is the best solution for this predicament. have. One should not be astonished at this, since
children or the assurance of progeny is the reason for
2. They argue that the period of fertility with man extends the existence of nikah (Which was originally sexual
to the age of seventy and beyond. Yet, fertility stops with intercourse, or, by way of generalisation, marriage). If
women at the age of fifty or so. So polygamy is a must, we study the biography of MUhammad, we see that the
since the earth should be populated through reproduction Muslim is in no need of citing social problems, special
and diffusion. 12 cases, the decisions reached by "the Conference of
3. They talk about actual cases of man's desire to satisfy Munich", or what a female German professor said to
his natural function (sexual relations) whereas the wife is justify polygamy. MUhammad himself, about whom the
averse to it due to age or sickness. Polygamy is the sole Qur)an says, "you have a good example in God's
solution to this problem. 13 messenger" (Sura al·Ahzab 33:21), was the leading
example in proVing that polygamy in Islam is an
Other things that should be added to the list of special established tradition, and not a special revelation. The
cases for which polygamy is allowed are the prolonged Messenger of God said, "Whatever I command, that you
menstrual period of the woman, which prevents the should adopt, and whatever I forbid you, that you should
husband from having sex with her, or the strong desire of give over. ,,17 Sunna (or tradition) is of course the second
- 66-
- 67-

source of the Islamic Sharia, "of which if someone is and that she has the right to keep the house, as well. 21
ignorant, has no guide in the thick darkness of doubt. ,,18 There are some who think that it is disobedience to God,
This "guide" says about himself, "Marry, for the best however, to interpret the verse of polygamy in modern
person of this [Muslim] nation [i.e., Muhammad] of all terms. 22
· ,,19
other Muslims, had the largest number 0 f WiveS.

Moderate Muslims, who noticed the faults and imperfec-

tions of the Islamic Sharia, have tried to reform the
religious system and reconcile it with the requirements of
1· Polygamy was commonplace at the time of Muhammad (Rudi Paret,
the twentieth century. The first attempt of this kind was Mohammed unci der Koran, p.157). The Gennan theologian Hans KOng, who
that made by the great reformer and thinker Jamal ai-Din was known forhls lenIent approach toward Islam, admlUed that It Is impossible to
reconcile the aur1anic command to practise polygamywlth the moral conceptions
ai-Afghani (1837-1897). He cautioned not to apply this ofthe Christians ofthat day (Hans KUng and Josefvan Ess. Christentum und Ws/t-
verse because it is impossible to "deal fairly" if a man rellglonen (GOtersloh, 1987), p.128). Supporters of women's rtghts In the Arab
2o wor1d In the 1930's tried to Interpret the phenomenon of polygamy In tenns ofthe
has more than one wife. theory of evolution in preparation to abolishing It in the modem age.
NaziraZain al-cAbidin. a Druzefrom Lebanon, wrote: "Man wonthls privilege in the
first Islamic age because itwas nextto Impossible to cancel all the rights that they
At the turn of the century there arose a discussion among had Inherited from their fathers all atonce.ItJs worthyotthe Musllmjuristto banish
the liberal circles about polygamy, which still stirs a wave this regulatlon (havingto wear aveil) altogether. " The positlon ofTahlr al-Haddad is
sImilar to this opinion (ct. Imra'Btuna ff Bl-shan"Ca wa aJ.mujtsma', p.34).
of anger and indignation. Arab writers, such as the
2- al-Tabsrt, 4:232-233.
Egyptian writer Nawal al-Sa'dawi and the Moroccan 3- Qasim Amln, Tahriraf.mar'a. Ahmad Shalsbi, allslam (Cairo. 1961), p.244. The
professor Fatima Marnisi, treated this subject in their famous SwedIsh orientallst Tor Andrae wrote "Muslim commentators Invented
the theology of Interpretation that makes the Impossible possible" Mohammed,
writings, which were no less severe than the European se'" Leben und seln Glaube (GOltingen, 1932), p.32.
4- Muhammad (All al-5abuni. TafsJr ayat aJ.Quran, 1:428-429. This is the first
social studies in the way they criticise society. detailed argument Muslims use to account for and justify polygamy. See also
Sayyld Qutb, R zYaI alQlr'an (Beirut, 1967), 2:243; Mahmud Shallu~ aHalom
As to the legal position of polygamy in the Islamic world, it csqlda wa shari's, p.181ff.
now falls under the punishment of law in Turkey and 5- a1-Sabunl, 1:427.
6- R zlfal aI-Qur'an, 2:247.
Tunis. In Egypt a law was passed in 1979 that added 7- al-Sabunl,1:429.
B- Ibid. 1:429-430. (Abd al-Wadud Shalabl. Hiwar sarih baina (Abd al-Maslh wa
more restrictions on polygamy in preparation to abolish- 'Abdfffah (Jidda, 1993), p.240. Welound no trustworthy source supporting this
ing it altogether. This law had been suggested by the late claim, but It Is obviously e lie to say that Germany permitted polygamyl Those
president of Egypt, Anwar al-Sadat. The Islamic funda- who are wont to fabricate lies do not stop in their ridiculous arguments at the
boundary of "the state," but some go beyond that, cialmlng that some heretic
mentalists dubbed it "the law of Jihan al-Sadat". This sects such as Monnonlsm and Anabaptism allowed polygamy, as though this
law stated that a woman can call for divorce once her polygamy has become a part of the church doctrine (IAbd al-Wadud Shalabi,
husband marries another in case of her being pregnant,
- 68- - 69-

9- Ibid. 1:430.
10- al-Aqqad, aWara ff aI-Quren, p.SS.
chapter thirteen
11- Fi zlial al-Quran, 2:247. .
12- Muhammad Rashid Ridhs, Nida Ii sl;jins sl-latif, p.125ff.
Temporary Marriage of Enjoyment
13- Ibld. )( J.m'JUJAnt"JaHin can
14- (Abet al-Wadud Shalabl, eNs/am, p.225; a quote from I lam a y...........
Rabb aJ.ra/amln, 2:84. Marriage of enjoyment (or pleasure) differs from the
15- IAbd al-Wadud Shalabl, al-lslam, p.225.
16- Muhammad Rashid Ridha, N/da If s1-)lns al-latif, p.125.
conventional marriage in that its aim is not having a
17- Ibn Maja, Muqaddlma1. regular marital life and begetting children, but to enjoy
18- Muhammad Ibn 'Abd a1-'Aziz al-Klluli, Miflah alSunna(Calro, 1961), p.4.
11l- al-Bukhari, Nlkah4.
sexual relations in a "legal" way. The man who practises
20- Mahmud Abu RaWa, Jamal aI-D/n a/Afghani (Cairo, 1961), p.90. such a marriage is often someone who spends a long
21. IAbd al-Wadud Shalabl, p.228. ..
22- IA)isha IAbd al-Rahman, af-QurJan wa a/-tatsir al-hadith (Csu'O, 1970), p.57ff. time abroad for any reason, and thus marries a woman
temporarily. The period of marriage is limited to the time
when the husband leaves the country, and then the
marriage is automatically dissolved.

The traditions relating to marriage of enjoyment indicate

that Muhammad warranted such practice for his friends
especially during the raids (maghazi). Yet, (Umar Ibn al-
Khattab strongly opposed it, as he said, "The Messenger
of God permitted mut(a [marriage of enjoyment] three
times, and after that he forbade it. By God, if I find that
anyone practises mut(a, while being married, I will stone
him with rocks, unless he brings me four witnesses that
the Messenger of God permitted it after he had forbidden
it.":!. A tradition in Bukhari claims that he prohibited it. 2
Still, it is a bone of contention between many jurists. It is
narrated that (Imran said, "We practised the tamattu(
[marriage of enjoyment] in the life-time of the Messenger
of God, and then the Qur)an was revealed 3 [regarding
tamattu(] and somebody said what he wished [regarding
the same] according to his own opinion. ,,4

Regardless of the disputes on the details of muta in the

- 71-
- 70-
Temporary Marriage of Enjoyment Temporary Marriage of Enjayment

Sunni schools of thought, one can say that it is equal to patient. God is All-forgiving AII-compassionate" (Sura al-
fornication, yet the Shiites turned it into some sort of Nisa) 4:24,25).
legal marriage. The Suni jurisprudence, however, allows
mut(a, even if it doesn't call it by name. For example, a Abu (Abdullah from Ja(far al-Sadiq (the sixth Imam of
man may agree to marry a woman in addition to his Twelver Shiism) narrated the following about nikah of
marriage contract, and bind themselves to divorce as enjoyment: "God had made it lawful in His Book, and by
soon as the term they fixed is finished. 5 the mouth of His Prophet, so it is lawful till the day of
Resurrection." One day Abu Hanifa said, "0 Abu Ja(far,
Since the Suni schools of thought all agreed that mut(a such as you say that, even though (Umar prohibited and
was cancelled and prohibited on the basis of traditions forbade it?" He replied, "Even if he did so." He said, "I
narrated about Muhammad,6 we would like to treat the adjure you by God not to make lawful that which (Umar
subject within the Shiite jurisprudence. According to the has declared prohibited." He answered, "You follow the
Shiites, the legality of mut(a is established in both the saying of your friend [(Umarl, but I follow the saying of the
Qur)an and the Hadith, and in the traditions about their Messenger of God. What your friend said is untrue."
infallible Imams. Their Qur)anic proof is: "and wedded Then, (Abdullah Ibn (Umar came forward and said, "Does
women, save what your right hands own. So God it go well with you if your wives, daughters, sisters, and
prescribes for you. Lawful for you, beyond all that, is that cousins do this?" But Abu Ja(far avoided him when he
you may seek, using your wealth, in wedlock and not in mentioned his wives, daughters, and cousins. 7
licence. Such wives as you enjoy thereby, give them their
(Abdurrahman narrated: I heard Abu Hanifa asking Abu
wages apportionate; it is no fault in you in your agreeing
(Abdullah concerning mut(a, for which he answered,
together, after the due apportionate. God is Ali-knowing,
"Which of the two mut(as are you asking about?" He
All-wise. Anyone of you who has not the affluence to be
replied, "I have already asked you concerning the mut(a
able to marry believing freewomen in wedlock, let him
of Pilgrimage, now tell about the mut(a of women in
take believing handmaids that your right hands own; God
general; is it legitimate?" He answered, "Praise be God!
knows very well your faith; the one of you is as the other.
Have you not read the Book of God Most High? It says,
So marry them, with their people's leave, and give them
'Since you have thereby sought enjoyment with them, give
their wages honourably as women in wedlock, not as in
them their marriage portion as is stipulated.''' Abu
licence or taking lovers. But when they are in wedlock, if
Hanifa said, "By God! It is as though I have never read
they commit indecency, they shall be liable to half the this verse before.',8
chastisement of freewomen. That provision is for those of
you who fear fornication; yet it is better for you to be In a tradition ultimately related by (Ali, Abu Hanifa said to
- 72-
- 73-
Temporary Marrialle of Enjoyment Temporary Marriage 0' Enfoyment

Ja'far Ibn al-Nu'man, "0 Abu Ja'far, what do you say except with their spouses and whomever their right hands
concerning mut(a; is it lawful?" He replied, "Yes." He may control, since then they are free from blame."
asked again, "Then what keeps you from commanding Nevertheless, the Shiites claim that this verse is Meccan
your women to practise it and earn money for you?" Abu and that it has been revealed before mutes was
Ja'far answered, "Not all professions are desirable, even aliowed. 10 It seems that the Shiite interpretation is more
if they were lawful. Certain folk have certain lots in life in harmony with historical reality, since in many credible
and certain social status. But what do you say, Abu traditions (that the Sunnis hold as genuine) we have
Hanifa, concerning [new sweet wine]; don't you claim that indication of the fact that Muhammad not only allowed
it is lawful?" He answered, "Yes." Abu Ja'far asked, marriage of enjoyment, but commanded his friends to
"What keeps you then from letting your women stay at practise, as well. l l Jabir Ibn 'Abdillah narrated that
tavems selling wine and earning money for you?" Abu "mut(s will remain forever.',12 Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said in
Hanifa said, "Tit for tat; and your arrow penetrates even Musnad, "God has given permission for the practice of
more." The Abu Ja'far said to him, "The verse in Sura al- mutls, and the Messenger of God made it a law.',13 It is
Ma'arij [70] speaks of prohibiting mutes, and the tradition evident from the stories related about Muhammad's
of the Prophet also cancelled it." Abu Ja'far replied, friends that they had a hard time trying to understand this
"Abu Hanifa, Sura al-Ma 'arij is a Meccan Sura, and the permission and adapt it to the morals prevailing at that
verse pertaining to mutes is Medinan, and your tradition is time. Such a fact is vouched for by the above-mentioned
anyway doubtful and bad." Abu Hanifa said to him, "The statement of 'Umar.
verse pertaining to inheritance, as well, speaks of
cancelling mut(s." Abu Ja'far answered, "Wedlock has We gather from the Shiite traditions that those who seek
been already established without inheritance." Abu the "enjoyment of women" are bound by no numerical
Hanifa asked, "Where do you deduce that from?" Abu limitation. Abu 'Ubaid narrated that: He mentioned for
Ja'far answered, "If a Muslim man marries a woman of him the mutes [and asked] whether it was one ofthe four
the people of the Book, and then dies, what do you say [women]. He answered, "Marry a thousand of them; they
about her?" He answered, "She does not inherit from are hired. ,,14 The justification that the Shiites give for the
him." He said, "See, wedlock is established without marriage of enjoyment is strange. They say that it was
inheritance," and they departed. warranted for the single man so that he could keep
himself restrained (chaste). Abu al-Fath Ibn Yazid
The Suni schools of thought consider murs as abolished narrated: I once asked Abu ai-Hasan concerning mutes,
on the grounds of Sura al-Mu)minun 23:5, which says, and he answered, "It is lawfully and absolutely warranted
"Believers will succeed! ...who guard their private parts for those who are married, as to those who are not, they
- 74- - 75-
TemPOrary Marriage of Er,joyment Temporary Marriage of Enjoyment

should keep themselves restrained by muta, but if the should I say to the woman when I am left alone with her?"
latter do get married, they are not in need of it, yet it is He replied, "You should say, 'I marry you for enjoyment
still warranted for them .If they are away [from home. ] ,,15 according to the Book of God and the tradition of his
The reference here is made to the phrase " keep Prophet, knowing that you inherit nothing and no one
themselves restrained" occurring in Sura al-Nisa) 4:6, inherits from you, for such and such days. And if you like,
which is utterly irrelevant to the issue of mut(a even for such and such years, for such and such dirhams.' You
according to the best known and oldest Shiite interpreta- should fix the price that you agree upon, whether little or
tions. 1S It is strange also to know that not all women are much. If she says yes, then she accepts; she is your
fit for mut(al There are conditions and a description that woman and you are worthy of her." I said, "I am
women have to meet in order to be suitable. The first of ashamed to mention the condition pertaining to the
these conditions is that the woman has to be a chaste days." He replied, "It is more damaging for you [if you
believer. Abu Ja(far was once asked conceming mut(a, don't do so]." I asked, "How is that?" He answered,
and he answered, "mut(atoday is not the same as it was "Unless you stipulate [the days], your marriage would be
before; they were believers then, but today they are not, binding, and you will have to pay her alimony during the
so ask them.',17 Abu Sara narrated: I asked Abu (Abdillah days of (idda [40 days after divorce], and she would
about it [meaning mut(aj, and he said to me, "It is lawful; inherit from you, and you would not be able to divorce her
so only marry a chaste woman, for God Most High said, except according to the divorce of the Sunna [or
'...who guard their private parts' (Sura al-Mulminun traditionj.' ,21
23:5). So do not place your private part where you do The jurists say that it is unlawful to enjoy a Jewish or a
not trust your dirhaml 18 Whoever wants to marry a woman Christian woman. AI-Hasan al-Taflis said, "I asked al-
according to the marriage of enjoyment has to molest her. Ridha, 'Can a Jewish or a Christian woman be married for
If she responds with wantonness, then she is not enjoyment?' He answered, 'Enjoying a free believing
chaste.,,1S Muhammad Ibn Abi al-Fudhail narrated: "I woman is more favourable to me, and she is more
asked Abu ai-Hasan concerning the wanton beautiful irreproachable than they are.' ,,22
woman; whether it is permissible for a man to enjoy her
for a day or more." He said, "If she was known as a
. d . d ,,20
prostitute, then she should not be enJoye or marne .

As regards the stipulations for mut(a marriage, they are

summed up as follows: Fixed time and fixed hire. Aban
Ibn Taghlib narrated: I said to Abu (Abdillah, "What
·76 - ·77·
Temporary Marri<J.lle of Enjoyment

1- Ibn MIlia. Nikah 44. "Th P hat of chapter fourteen

2- W Juynboll, p.228; al-Bukharl, Nlkah 32; Ibn MaJa, Nlkah 44. . a" rop
~d forbade mutts and domestic asses In the year of Kh81bar. Muslims
conquered the valley ofKhaibarln 628 A.D., and there Is 8 tradition thstsays that
Muhammad commanded his frtends In the yearofconquerlng Mecca,I.e. 630. to
anjoy woman (Muslim, Nlkah 24).
3~ Sura al-Baqara 2:196.
Divorce, in the terminology of the jurists, is "the abolition
4- al-Bukharl, HEJiJ 35. of the bond of marriage. ,,1 Only the man is entitled to
5- W Juynboll p.228; al-Mabsul, 4:202.
6- al:Hldaya (Cairo, n.d.), 1:195: "Malik Ibn Anas na/Tated: Tha anjoymanl of initiate divorce. Divorce was known in the Arab Peninsula
women remains lawful. but we say that It has been aboOshed by the consensus before the lifetime of Muhammad, and it meant a final
[Uma'] of tha Companions of Muhammad." .
7- Abu Ja'far Muhammad a'Kulinl. a!-Furur mIn af.Kafl(Tahran, 1378), 5.449. and immediate dissolution of the marriage contract. The
8- Ibid. 4:449-450. Qur)an, however, introduced new regulations that were
9- Ibid. 4:450.
10- Ibid. not known to its contemporaries. 2
11- Muslim, Nikah 44.
12- Abu Dawud, Manasik23. The judgments regarding divorce occurring in the sources
13- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:95.
14- al-Kullnl, 5:452. of fiqh can be summarised as follows: Only the man has
15- ibid. 5;452-453. • I H ba i the right to divorce, and he does not have to give any
16- Abu Ja'far al-Tusl. a~Tlbyan (al-NaJaf. 1975). 3:118. Abu All al-Fad a a rs.
Majma' aI-bayan(Tahran, 1382), 3:9. reasons. 3 Yet it is regarded as abominable, even
17- al-Kulinl, 5:453. forbidden by the Hanafites. The Qur)anic basis for divorce
18- Ibid.
19- Ibid. 5:454. comes in the two verses: "Divorce is [pronounced] twice;
20- Ibid. then honourable retention or setting free kindly" (Sura ai-
21- Ibid. 5;455.
22- Musnadal-lmam al-Rldha (Tehran, 1392),3:273. Baqara 2:229), and "0 Prophet, whenever you [and other
Muslims] divorce women, divorce them when they have
reached their period" (Sura al-Talaq 65:1). As to the
Hadith, we find evidence for the permissibility of divorce
in what (Abdullah Ibn (Umar narrated: that he had
divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the
lifetime of God's Messenger. (Umar Ibn al-Khattab asked
God's Messenger about that. The Messenger of God
said, "Order him [your son] to take her back and keep her
till she is clean and then to wait till she gets her next
period and becomes clean again. Then if he wishes to
keep her, he can do so; but if he wishes to divorce her he
must do so before haVing sexual intercourse with her.
- 79-
- 78-
This is the prescribed period [number of days] which God
The jurists are in agreement that divorce can be effected
has fixed for the women meant to be divorced. ,,4
not only through explicit pronouncement, but by implica-
Hanifite jurists hold that divorce can be one of the tion or in writing as well. 8 Accordingly, a man can say,
following three: excellent, good, or hateful (the one "Start on your legal period," "Cleanse your womb," or
effected at once). The excellent one is when a man "You are one [time]I" Jurisprudents have gone into detail
pronounces his wife divorced one time while she is clean, in regard to this point. 9 If a man pronounces his wife
having abstained from having intercourse with her since divorced one time, he has the right to have her back
her previous menstruation, with the intention of remarry- during her legal period without her permission. It is
ing her. The good divorce is when a man pronounces his enough for him to say, "I have returned to you," or "I
wife divorced three times; on the first, the second, and retain you,',10 It seems that man's right to have his wife
the third menstruation respectively, while she is clean, back had been misused during the lifetime of
having not had intercourse with her. As to the hateful, or Muhammad: a man would divorce his wife and "return"
atypical divorce, it is to divorce one's wife twice or three to her before her legal period was over in order to divorce
times during her menstruation all at once. 5 A free woman her afresh, thus forcing her to pay him back the bridal gift
should be pronounced divorced three times, and a he had given her. This compelled MUhammad to correct
bondwoman twice. Hateful divorce is also permissible. 6 this situation, so that we now read in the Qur)an: "When
you divorce women, and they have reached their term,
In order for divorce to be effective, no goodwill or proper then retain them honourably or set them free honourably;
prayer are required. It is effected by the man's saying, do not retain them by force, to transgress; whoever does
"You are divorced," or "I have divorced you," If a man has wronged himself. Take not God's signs in mockeryl
says, "You are divorced from here till Syria," it is one ... Fear God, and know that God has knowledge of
revocable pronouncement of divorce. If he says, "You will everything" (Sura al-Baqara 2:231-232), and "If he
be divorced in Mecca [or at Mecca]," her being divorced divorces her finally, she shall not be lawful to him after,
will be in effect in all other countries. And if he says, until she marries another husband" (Sura al-Baqara
"You are divorced before I marry you," it will be no 2:230). In confirmation ofthis judgment, the Hadith has it
divorce at all. However, if he says, "You are divorced if I that: "Rifacah's wife said to the Messenger of God,
do not divorce you," or "until I divorce you," or "when I "Rifacah divorced me finally, and cAbd ai-Rahman
have not divorced you" and she keeps silent, then married me after him. But what he has [namely his
divorce is in effect. But if he says, "You are divorced penis] is as [limp as] the border of the garment [this
unless I do not divorce you," or "if I have not divorced means he was impotent]." The Messenger of God asked,
you," she will not be divorced till her death. 7 'Do you perhaps want to return to Rifa(ah?, She said yes.
- 80-
- 81-
Dioorce Divorce

But he said, 'No, not until you enjoy intercourse with Often Muslim writers boast about the Islamic law
['Abd ai-Rahman], and he with you.' .. 11 permitting divorce and the jUdgments of divorce. They
claim that Christianity, and its man-made laws that
The Dutch orientalist Juynboll states that Muhammad prohibit divorce except on the basis of adultery, place
meant to provide a settlement for women through the conditions on it that rendered it next to impossible, which
Qur)anic statement "until she marries some husband contradicts human nature.15
other than him [in between]...12
We conclude this chapter with the assertion of al-Aqqad:
"The law of the holy Qur)an includes both the divine and
Jurisprudents of all schools of thought believe that a man the secular aspects of life. All the religious sanctity it
is not obliged to state any reason if he divorces his includes falls under the fact that marriage was supposed
wife. 13 Yet some modern writers and scholars claim the to be stripped of its social and sexual benefit, so that
contrary. AI-Sabuni says, "If all means of reconciliation worship of God should prevail against the wills of the
between the spouses fail, then divorce is inevitable. One spouses.',16
of the necessities that make divorce permissible is
suspicion on the part of the husband of his wife's
behaviour. For example, if he knows that she cheated him
[by committing adultery], will he let her spoil his offspring
and ruin his life, or will he divorce her? There are other
reasons such as impotence or any other sickness that 1- Ibn Abidln 2:415; a/-Mughni, 8:234.
2- "Talaq". Shorter Encyaiopaadia ofisiam (Laldan: E.J. Brill, 1974).
renders it impossible to have an intercourse, any 3- a~khtlyar. 3: 182.
contagious disease that can be transmitted to the other 4- al-Bukhari, raiaq 1-9, Ahkam 13; Muslim, raiaq 44, Radha' 67-70,73; Abu
Dawud, Nikah4, ralaq 1-5; Ibn Maja, ralaq2; al-Dariml, Wudhu'93, raiaq 1; al-
partner, or any of these various similar reasons. God, Muwatla'. ralaq 53; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:62,63,81: 3:82,62,87.
5- a~khtiyar, 3:162-175.
high to be praised, made it imperative in His law that 6- Ibid. 3: 178.
divorce should be effected over two separate times in 7- Ibid. 3:182-183.
8- Ibid. 3:189; al-Jazlri, 4:321; a/-Mughnl, 8:272.
between two periods of cleansing [from the menstrua- 9- Cf. al-Jaziri, 4:322-332.
tionl, as the holy Tradition indicates. If the husband 10- a~khtlyar, 3:190-191.
11- al-Bukhari, Talaq 3,7,37; Abu Dawud, Talaq 49; al-Nasa'i. Talaq 9; Ibn Maja,
desires to retain her, he can, and if he still wishes to ralaq 32; al-Muwatla', Nikah 17-18; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 1:214, 2:25,85,
divorce, he then can effect the divorce finally. Only a 6:42,96,193.
12- W. Juynboll, p.229.
couple that should not remain wedded, for the good of the 13- al-Jazlri, 4:280.
family and their own good, will be divorced after all this 14- al-8aOOnl, 1:344, also Mahmud Shaltu~ a~slam 'aqida we shari'a, p.172.
15- al-Aqqad, a,Mar'a " af.Qur'an, p.l03ff.
consideration and long-suffering...14 16- ibid. p.l05.
- 82- - 83-
The Women'. Portion of the Inheritance

chapter fifteen after any bequest you may bequeath, or any debt" (Sura
al-Nisa I 4:12).
The Women's Portion 0/ the Inheritance
The same rule applies to witnessing; for women appear in
Inheritance has a close relationship with family law in that
the scale of obligations as "half human", in that they
it transfers a dead person's "legacy" to his next of kin.
receive half of what a man does. Yet old commentators,
Determining which one is entitled to inherit (namely the
and some modern Muslim writers as well, claim that this
heirs) depends largely on the family system. According to
position is an improvement in the status of women, as
pre-Islamic Arabs, men only had the right to inherit. This
they possessed no inheritance in the pre-Islamic society
had its basis in the patriarchal system, which remains a
until the following was revealed: AI-Suddi narrated, "'God
feature of the Islamic Sharia. 1
instructs you concerning your children: a son should have
The Qur1anic basis for regulating the laws of the Sharia in a share equivalent to that of two daughters'- The people
regard to inheritance is found in Sura al-Nisa) 4:11: "God before Islam used to give neither females nor young boys
charges you, concerning your children: to the male the any inheritance. A man could not make his son his heir
like of the portion of two females, and if they be women unless the latter went to war. (Abd ai-Rahman, the brother
above two, then for them two-thirds of what he leaves, but of Hassan the poet, died and left behind a woman named
if she be one then to her a half; and to his parents to each Umm Kuhha, together with five sisters. The heirs came to
one of the two the sixth of what he leaves, if he has take his possessions, so that Umm Kuhha complained to
children; but if he has no children, and his heirs are his the Prophet. Thereupon God, may he be blessed and
parents, a third to his mother, or, if he has brothers, to uplifted, revealed this verse: 'If the women [left behind]
his mother a sixth, after any bequest he may bequeath, or are more than two, then two-thirds of whatever he leaves
any debt. Your fathers and your sons- you know not which belongs to them; yet if there is only one, then she has
out of them is nearer in profit to you. So God apportions; half.' Then he said conceming Umm Kuhha: 'while they
surely God is All-knowing, AII-wise." [your widows] will have a fourth of anything you leave
provided you have left no child. Should you have a child,
In regard to widows: "And for you a half of what your then they will have an eighth.' ,,2
wives leave, if they have no children; but if they have
children, then for you of what they leave a fourth, after any Ibn Abbas narrated: "Both possessions and will
bequest they may bequeath, or any debt. And for them a belonged to the parents and the next of kin. God
fourth of what you leave, if you have no children; but if you abrogated of this what He wished, and gave the male a
have children, then for them of what you leave an eighth, double portion of the female.',3
- 84- - 85-
The Women'. Portion of the Inheritance The Women'. Portion of the Inheritance

The Qur)an seems to have attempted to correct the competence for jUdgment and leadership. Also the
position of women in regards to inheritance, but it did not testimony of a woman is half the testimony of a man.
succeed. We cannot actually expect it to enforce a Under such circumstances, men should be favoured with
complete equality between man and women. Ibn Jarir al- a bit more. Thirdly, woman is deficient in intelligence and
Tabari, whose commentary ought to be considered the given to much lust, thus if she is given a lot of money, her
oldest one to reach us without distortion,is content to corruption will be great. The poet said: "Emptiness,
recount the traditions of the revelation of the verse youth and newness are all a great corruption to a
without commenting on them. But a person who lived in person." God said, "Man [that is mankind] waxes
the same era as al-Tabari found the virtues of man in the insolent, for he thinks himself self-sufficient, ,,5 yet the
implications of this verse and the things that make him condition of man is otherwise. Fourth, owing to the
superior to women. This person is the philosopher and perfection of his intelligence, man expends money on
commentator Fakhr ai-Din al-Razi. He says: commendable things in this life, and [things worthy of] a
generous reward in the afterlife; such as assisting
No doubt that the woman is less able than man for
relations, aiding the needy, and supporting orphans and
several reasons: Firstly, she is unable to go out and
widows. Man is able to do all this because he mixes with
be seen, since her husband and relative forbid her to
people a lot, whereas the woman does not necessarily do
do this. Secondly, she is weaker in mind and gUllible. so, and hence her inability.6
Thirdly, whenever she mixes with men, she comes
under accusation. So if her inability is proven to be
more [than man's inability], she should have a bigger Finally, al-Razi, who is known for his intellectual
interpretation of the Qur'an, brings up a tradition proving
portion of inheritance, but if she is not less able, then
that the Qur'anic rule for the inheritance of women is
nothing but equality [should do her justice]. What is
somehow an eternal one: It was narrated that Ja(far al-
the moral in making her portion half the portion of
man?4 Sadiq, the sixth Imam of the Shiites, was asked regarding
this issue. He answered, "Eve took a handful of wheat
AI-Razi answers his question, saying: The answer to this and ate it. She took another handful and hid it, and
includes several points: Firstly, women go out less another one she gave to Adam. When she made her
because man provides for her, and man goes out more portion two times the portion of man, God turned the
because he is the provider for his wife. Naturally, the one matter against her, and thence the portion of woman has
who goes out more is in greater need of money. Secondly, become half the portion of man.,,7 AI-Nasafi says, "The
man is more complete than women in terms of physical verse, 'God instructs you concerning your children: a son
nature, intelligence and religious position; such as should have share equivalent to that of two daughters,'
- 86- - 87-
The Women'. Portion of the Inheritance The Women'. Portion of the Inheritance

refers to when there are a son and two daughters in the the Islamic Sharia. So when Shaltut speaks of the
family; then [the son) gets two shares, and the daughters woman's role in public life, he means that she is not
each get a share. Yet when there is only a son or two capable of providing for her family and, thus, increases
daughters, the son gets all the money and the two the burden placed on her husband. Finally, Shaltut
daughters get two-thirds. ,,8 considers that "on this basis, a woman is more fortunate
than man in the Islamic point of view" because she is
The Qur)an itself, however, is in desperate need of reform
able to keep her entire share of an inheritance for herself,
in this regard owing to the great progress humanity has
while a man must use his share to support hi.s family.ll
made inequality between the sexes. This is the problem
of the Muslim jurist or thinker today. As a Muslim he
thinks that his holy Book was brought down (unzila) from
Heaven and is authored by Allah. Therefore he cannot
afford to admit any fault or failure in it; he is rather
obliged to defend it against what people call "the insult
to woman". So he claims that what people call an insult
to woman, is in fact an honour to her. "There are still
some people today who consider the humanity of woman
to be less than the humanity of man, and that because of
this her portion in inheritance and testimony are half that
of the man's. They say that this is the judgment that the
ancestors passed, borne out by the Qur)an: "To the male'
the like of the portion of two females" (Sura al-Nisa) 1- W. Juynboll, p.237.
2- al-Tabari, 4:275; Fakhr ai-Din al-Razi, 9:203; Ibn Kathir, 1:467.
4:11), and "If the two be not men, then one man and 3- al-Tabarl,4:276.
two women" (Sura al-Baqara 2:282).9 The truth is that 4· ai-RIm, 9:207.
5- Sura al-IAlaq 96:6.
woman's share of inheritance is not based on the 6- ai-RIm, 9:207.
supposition that her humanity is less than that of the 7- ai-RIm, 9:207.
8- Madarik al-tanzil, on the margin of Majma( aJ.Tafasir{lstanbul, n.d.), 2:19.
man, but is based on woman's nature and public Iife. 10 9- al-Tabarl, 4:27; al-Razi, 9:203.
10- Mahmud Shaltut, al-lslam laqida wa shari(a, p.237-238.
The weak point of Shaltut, and of the rest of modern 11- ibid. p.238. One can find similar excuses in the new writings. Muhammad Rashid
Ridha daims, for example that, "The moral in making the portion of the woman
scholars and jurists interested in justifying verses of the half the portion of the man is that the Islamic law requires man to support the
Qur)an that cannot be reconciled with the modern age, is woman; thus the woman's portion is equal to that of the man at times, and more
than it at others, depending on the si1uation" (Nida Ii al-jins al-Iatif, p.11. Salih, al-
that they assume circumstances that can only exist under Hidad /Pm ""at a>Haddad.)

- 88- - 89-
The Legal Te.tlmony 0' Women

"forgetfulness of woman" referring to her being "damp

chapter sixteen and cold in essence".3
The Legal Testimony of Women
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzi justifies the import of Sura al-Baqara
2:282 by saying:
In Islam, a woman's testimony is worth half the testimony
of a man's, as both the Qur)an and the Hadith state. The Our leading scholar Ibn Taymiyya, may God show
Qur)an says, " .. ,if the two be not men, then one man and mercy upon him, said, "The divine instruction, 'If
two women, such witnesses as you approve of, that if one there are not two men [available], then one man and
ofthe two women errs the other will remind her.. ." (Sura two women [may serve] as witnesses from anyone you
al-Baqara 2:282). Muhammad accounted for this rule by may approve of, so that if either of them should slip
the deficiency of woman's intelligence: Once the up, then one woman may remind the other,' indicates
Messenger of God went out to a prayer place to offer that the testimony of two women in the place of one
the prayer of Greater Bairam or Lesser Bairam, He man is for the purpose of reminding one another in
passed by the women and said, "0 womenl Give alms, case one of them slips up. In fact, people usually slip
as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell- fire up in such matters. The Prophet referred to this when
were you [women]." They asked, "Why is it so, he said, 'As to the deficiency of their intelligence, the
Messenger of God?" He replied, "You curse frequently witness of two women are equal to the witness of one
and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen man.' Thus he made it clear that dividing their
anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than testimony after such a manner is due to the deficiency
you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of their intelligence, not of their religion, Thus it is
of you." The women asked, "What is deficient in our known that 'The righteousness of women is the same
intelligence and religion, Messenger of God?'" He as that of men, nevertheless, their intelligence is less
answered, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to than theirs.' So in such matters as bearing witness,
the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative, slipping up is not to be feared usually. Women's
He said, "This is the deficiency in your intelligence, Isn't testimony is treated in this respect as having half the
it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her value of men's; their testimony is accepted sepa-
menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. "This is rately. It depends on things they see, touch, or hear
the deficiency in her religion," he said: 1 with no need for much intelligence. Conception, the
beginning of the month, giving birth, menstruation, or
Commentators quote this hadith to support the fact that
defects under a dress, these are not easily forgotten
the woman's testimony, in Islam, is worth half of man's
and it does 'lot need a perfect mind to recognise
testimony. 2 The commentator Fakhr al-Razi speaks of the
- 90- - 91-
'The Legal Te8timony of Women 'The Legal Testimony of Women

them, like the meanings of the sayings that they listen Some trying to escape the accusation of being primitive
to [for instance, the confession of faith, etc...] which or woman-haters emphasise that women are under the
have sensible meanings and have long been used in influence of emotions, unlike men, which God kindly took
general."4 into consideration. Take, for instance, what al-Aqqad
One of the issues subject to heated debate is when
should the testimony of a woman be valid. There are The crux of the problem oftestimony is justice and the
traditions affirming that (Umar Ibn al-Khattab and (Ali Ibn protection of rights and interests, which has condi-
Abi Talib said that a woman's testimony in matters like tions based upon principles and the insurance of
divorce, marriage and hudud (punishments set by the precaution on a proper basis. The principle that
Qur)an, such as cutting off a thief's hand) has no concems us here is the prevention of interference of
consideration whatsoever. 5 As to the deficiency of emotions, when the emotions dictate in cases of love,
intelligence referred to in the Hadith, it is not meant (as hate, and the relationship between relatives and
the expositor of al-Bukhari claims) as a reproach to them, strangers. It is not a just judge who, when faced with
as it is inborn, but the emphasis on the point serves as a this principle, equates the two sexes in terms of their
waming against being allured by them. 6 response to the senses. The principle a just judge
should observe here, out of concern for people's
The old expositors observed (in the texts treating the
rights, is to know that women cannot control their
testimony of the woman in Qur)an and Hadith) the emotions as men do, and that he should stand for
deficiency of woman's intelligence, and argued in many protecting the truth and stopping injustice. He is not
ways that this is true. They said that it is due to the allowed to make this a cause for gaining a greeting or
abundance of humidity in her disposition or the origin of a compliment from some clubs. In the past, people
her creation. Modern Muslims, however, try to interpret
used to indulge themselves in these kinds of
and justify the texts .. scientifically". It seems that
greetings and compliments in a certain sector of
Muhammad (Abduh and his disciple Muhammad Rashid
society, while all the other sectors were permeated
Ridha are of the few who refer the Qur)an's demand for
with all sorts of grotesque injustice to powerless men
two women in place of one man to the fact that woman and women. s
was not specialised in a specific field of practical life,
rather than deficiency of her intelligence. The issue is her The belief that woman is controlled by emotions, which is
weak memory when it comes to things that are not a part supposed to make her less fair and objective, has
of her field of specialisation, such as financial transac- become the favourite argument given by Muslim jurists
tions and commerce? and writers at the present time. 9 Shaltut, for example,
- 92- - 93-
The Legal 78atimon)' o( Women

speaks of cases when only the testimony of men is chapter seventeen

supposed to be accepted. These are the cases that
arouse a woman's uncontrollable emotions. Yet, they are
The Position of Concubines in Islam
of the opinion that a woman's testimony can be accepted
in cases concerned with [the shedding of] blood, if this is Islam admits that man has the right to possess
the only way that guarantees the truth and if the judge concubines along with his wife, or wives, to fulfil his
trusts her. There are some, however, who accept her sexual needs. Islam presents a number of women that a
testimony in both cases.:!.O Sayyid Qutb refers the Muslim man cannot marry, but .it excludes "the ones
"slipping up" of woman (Sura al-Baqara 2:282) to many under the control of one's right hand" from this list:
causes: "Forbidden to you [in marriage] are your mothers and
[own] daughters, your sisters, your aunts paternal and
This may have arisen from inexperience in the sUbject maternal, your brother's daughters, your sister's ... and
of contract, which may cause her not to comprehend [already] wedded women, save what your right hands
all its details, to the extent that the matter won't be own. So God prescribes for you. Lawful for you, beyond all
as clear in her mind. It may arise from the impulsive that, is that you may seek, using your wealth, in wedlock
nature of the woman, because the biological function and not in licence. Such wives as you enjoy thereby, give
of motherhood is certainly apt to put a psychological them their wages apportionate; it is no fault in you in your
demand on the woman, while bearing witness to a agreeing together, after the due apportionate. God is All-
contract in [such] transactions requires a great knowing, AII·wise" (Sura al·Nisa) 4:23,24).
amount of freedom from impulse.:L:L
We read in the commentary of al-Tabari that "the ones
1- al-Bukharl, Haidh 6; Muslim, /man 132; Abu Oawud, Sums 15; al-Tlnnidsl, Iman under your [right hand's] control" refer to the women
6; Ibn Maja, Alan 19; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. 2:67.
2- al·Razi. 7:113; Ibn Kathlr, 1:335. captives that have been separated from their husbands
3- al-Razi, 7:113. through their captivity, thus becoming lawful for anyone
4- Ibn Qayylm al-Jawziyya, a~Turuq aIIlukmlwa (Cairo, 1961), p.175,
5- ibid. p.179. under the control of whose right hand she may fall without
6- al.Qastalanf, Jrshad af...sarl Ii sham Sah/h aJ.Bukharl(Bulaq, 1305 AH.), 1:340. any divorce from her first husband.:!. Abu Qulaba narrated,
7- a/-Manar, 2nd ad. (Beirut. n.d,), 3:124; Mahmud Shallut, a/-lslam 'aqlda wa
shsrita, p.340. regarding the verse "Nor [should you marry] any [already]
6- al-Aqqad, al-Mar'a .a/-lslam, p.77. married women, except the ones under your [right hand's]
9- Ibid. Mahmud Shallut, a/-lslam 'aqlda ws shari'a, p.241. Sayyld Qutb, A zlla/a~
Qur'sn 8th ed., (Bell1J~ 1979), 1:334. 'All Shalaq, a~TBtawwura~ts'rikhlll-8wdha' control. Every married woman is unlawful for you except
al-marJa aJJarabiyya (an article by the author included In al-MarJa wa dawruha fi any concubine you possessed while she was already
harskBt a/-wshdat sI-'arsblyys.) (Bail1J~ 1996), p.22.
10- Shaltut, Mahmud, sUs/am laqldawashan1a, p.241. married to a husband on the battlefield; she is lawful for
11· A zlial sI-Qur'an, 1:336. you as long as you give her time to be cleansed.',2 He
- 94- - 95-
The Position of Concubines in Islam The Position of Concubines in Islam

also said, when asked about the meaning of the verse Since the relationship between a man and concubines
that allows a man to have intercourse with a woman has nothing to do with the issue of marriage, and they
captive even though she is married,3 that this interpreta- theoretically don't have the rights and competence that
tion is based, no doubt, on the traditions of Muhammad free women enjoy, we don't find a separate chapter on
regarding captive women. Abu Sa(id al-Khudri narrated: them in the sources of jurisprudence. This can be
"On the day of Hunain, the Messenger of God sent a explained by the fact that they aren't regarded as
detachment to Awtas. They arrayed for the battle, fought persons, but as possessions belonging to their owner,
them, conquered them and took some women captives as was the case in the Old Testament. 7 Therefore, they
from them. Yet, some of the friends of the Messenger of cannot marry their owners legally. Yet, a slave-owner has
God were hesitant [to have sex with them) on account of the right to marry his female slave off without her
their unbelieving husbands. Then God revealed: 'Nor permission- he then acts as her owner, not her guardian.
[should you marry) any [already] married women.' ,,4 As for the children of that slave, they are slaves like their
Some other commentators interpret "except the ones mother, whether their father is a freeman or a slave, since
under your [right hand's) control" as being the women of they belong to their mother's owner. It is true that the
the people of the Book. 5 Al-Tabari comments on the Sharia allows a Muslim to enjoy [sexual relations with] all
verse: "This should include all the married women, his slave women, provided that they be Muslims [or of the
whether their marriage is considered according to us as people of the Book) and unmarried, yet it emphasises the
valid or not, in which case if we marry them we will be great difference between this kind of marriage and regular
committing fornication; except those whom we buy and legal marriage. As long as the man remains the owner of
keep under the control of our right hands as the Book of the slave woman, they argue, this same right of owner-
God permits, or those whom we are allowed to marry ship prevents him from marrying her. If he wants to marry
according to the same. The women that God permitted us her, he has to pay her a marriage dowry (sadaq). As to
to marry are all free women except those who are children of the slave from her owner, they are as free as
forbidden us owing to close family relation or relationship the other children of the man in all respects. s A man has
by marriage. Of the concubines, all those we capture from the right to marry someone else's slave, if she is a
the enemy [are permitted us], except the ones who fall believer, as long as her owner approves of it. The Sharia,
under the category of those who are illegal for us to marry however, places additional conditions on this sort of
and the married women of the people of the Book. marriage, since the children coming from this marriage
Capturing these women makes them lawful for the have no freedom. 9
captors after they have been purified and after having
brought the truth of God out.',6
- 96- - 97-
The Position of Concubines in Islam

Ibid. 5:2.
chapter eighteen
3- Ibid.
4- al-Bukharl, Nikah 12,24,60, Maghazi38; al-Tinnldsi, Mab22; Abu Oawud, Mob How a Man Should Discipline his Wife
124; Muslim, Radha' 33; Abu Oawud, Nikah 44.
5- al-labari,5:6.
6- Ibid. 5:7-8. T I The permission to beat a woman in the case of
7- Encyclopaedia of Islam (EI) (Lelden, 1934), vol.1, p.17ff. The Old eslamen
says about slaves: "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations
rebelliousness is based on the Qur1an and the Hadith.
around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may al~ buy some of the "Admonish those women whose rebelliousness you fear,
temporary residents living among you and members of theIr clans born In your
counby and they will become your property. You can will them to your children and leave them alone in their beds, and [even] beat them
as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule [if necessary]. If they obey you, do not seek any way [to
over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly" (Leviticus 25:44-46 In the NIV).
8- EI, vol.1, p.18. This, at least, should be considered a g~at impro.vement on the proceed] against them" (Sura al-Nisa l 4:32). Modern
position of male and female slaves. In comparison With their situation before jurists and writers have done their best to weaken this
Islam, since at that time the children of the slave woman from a free fatherwould
follow the state of their mother and remain slaves. verse by interpreting "rebelliousness" as disobedience
9- W. Juynboll, p.234ff. and adultery, where beating would be the last means a
man can resort to in order to keep the woman from
committing that heinous deed. 1 The old jurists and
commentators, however, were more realistic and frank.
Al-Shafi(i, for example, holds that a man has the right to
beat his wife, but abstaining from it (namely from beating)
is better. 2 The other verse that is used to prove the
permissibility of beating is Sura Sad 38:44, "'Take in thy
hand a bundle of rushes, and strike [your wife] therewith,
and do not fail in thy oath.' We found him a steadfast
man. How excellent a servant he wast He was a
penitent." The person spoken of here is the prophet Job.
Qatada narrated: "Job's wife disobeyed him. So the
prophet of God (Job) swore that he would give her a
hundred lashes if God healed him. ,,3 AI-Jassas says,
"There is an indication in this verse that a man can beat
his wife for the sake of discipline, otherwise Job wouldn't
have sworn to beat ~er, and God wouldn't have
commanded him to do so after he had sworn. In addition
- 98- - 99-
How a Man Should Discipline hi. Wlf. How a Man Should Discipline hle Wife

to mentioning and permitting beating women in the decency). 7 As to the point that beating should not be
Qur)an on the grounds of rebelliousness (in the verse that intense or painful, it means "that you should not break
says, "Admonish those women whose rebelliousness her bones or leave a bruise. ,,8 In spite of the fact that
you fear... beat them"), the story of Job indicates that there are many hadiths that relate how hateful it is to beat
she could be beaten for a reason other than rebellious- women,9 it seems that the jurists and the expositors in all
ness. The verse that says, "Men are the managers ofthe ages (even in our days) chose the traditions that permit
affairs of women," (Sura al-Nisa l 4:34) means the same and prefer disciplinary punishment of women; such as "A
as the story of Job. This is because it was narrated that a man should not be asked why he beats his wife",10 which
man beat his wife during the lifetime of Muhammad, and is now quoted frequently by the majority.
her family wanted a requittal. So God revealed, "Men are
the ones that should be in charge of women because There is still a difference of opinion, however, among
some have been favoured more than others. ,,4 The judge scholars about the definition of "rebelliousness," which
Ibn al-IArabi says, "The command to beat here is a gives a man the right to resort to beating as a last means.
permissive one." He also refers to the aversion it "Most jurists define legal rebelliousness [nushuz], which
involves: Muhammad said, "I hate that a man beats allows a man to beat his wife in order to remove that
his female slave when in anger, and perhaps has rebelliousness, in certain ways, such as disobeying a
intercourse with heron the same day. ,,5 man in bed, and going out of the house without his
permission. Some consider a woman's abstaining from
Beating should not be intense (mubarrih), as the jurists ornaments, provided that the man wants it, as rebellious-
proved from the hadith pertaining to the permissibility of ness. They say, 'He may also beat her for neglecting her
beating women. Sulayman Ibn IAmr Ibn al-IAhwas religious duties; such as ablution, praying.. .' It appears
narrated: "Ubai told me that he witnessed the address that rebelliousness is a general thing that includes all
of departure of the prophet. He thanked God and praised sorts of disobedience caused by recalcitrance and
him, and started preaching, saying, "I command you disdain.',l1 It is strange that jurists consider beating
good-will for your wives, for they are captives to you that women as a legal means of forcing them to have
do not own anything, unless they commit a manifest intercourse. It is stranger still that Muslim writers in the
obscenity [or adultery]. If they do [commit itj, then God twentieth century try to justify this weird apology by the
has given you permission to leave them alone in their alleged discoveries of psychology in Europe. Antagonism
beds and give them a bearable beating. ,,6 A1-Sabuni says to women and blind bigotry caused one of them (Who
that this saying of Muhammad indicates that it is claimed to be quoting a European scholar) to assert that
permitted to beat a woman for reasons of chastity (or "woman takes pleasure in being controlled by the man
-100 - -101-
How a Man Slwuld mscipline hi8 Wife How a Man Should Discipline hi, Wife

due to her instinctive obedience to him. The more he leaders beat their cultured, educated wives, whether
beats her, the more she admires him! Nothing saddens a dressed or naked. This has been practised by their wise
woman more than having a husband who is always kind men, scholars, kings, and princes, since it is a necessity
and loving.,,12 Muhammad Zaki (Abd al-Qadir says that that the majority of people cannot do without in honouring
"women like difficult men, who can break their [the these educated women. How then could a necessity in a
women's] will by their own will. Even though they general religion, which suits both rural and urban
scream... in their heart of hearts they feel the pleasure societies and all sorts of people, be condemned?,,15
of their weakness against the strength of their men.,,13 A
The great reformer Muhammad (Abduh adds: "The
few years ago, a progressive professor wrote that
legality of beating women is not reprehensible, as far
"beating should be [used] when a woman indulges in
as reason and instinctive nature are concerned, so that it
rebelliousness, spreading misery in her home, to her
would need explanation. This is a needful procedure when
children and relatives, and to her husband. No one should
the environment and morals are corrupt. It is permitted
think that beating has a brutal aspect, as there are
when the woman's return from her rebelliousness
women who beat their husbands, and others do not allow
depends on it. But if the environment is good and women
their husbands to approach them [physically] except after
are receptive to advice and responsive to admonition, or
they have given them a thrashing, to cause them to bleed.
give up [their evil ways] when deserted, then beating
This has been pointed out by psychological studies on
should be done away with. Each case has a judgment that
suits it in the [Islamic] legislation, and, at any rate, we are
instructed to be lenient and fair with women, and to retain
Imam Muhammad (Abduh attacks the so-called them with decency or send them away with decency. The
"imitators of the west who disdain the legality of beating
hadiths that speak of the instructions dealing with women
women but do not feel the same way about the woman are numerous,',16
who snubs her husband and treats him haughtily, putting
him under her thumb, even though he is the head of the Scholars are painstaking in emphasising that not all
house." He asks, "What corruption is it that will spread women should be beaten. There are women (the majority)
on earth when a righteous man is permitted to reduce the who do not need to be disciplined by beating. Yet, some
arrogance of a certain woman and bring her down from say there is a divine wisdom in beating women, otherwise
her conceited rebelliousness by beating her hand with a the Qur)an wouldn't have given it as a solution to family
stick or slapping her on the face? If this is too much for problems. This last point makes it impossible for a
their ethics, then their ethics have become refined to the Muslim to reject beating utterly, so the Muslim is at a
point of nonexistence. In fact, many of their western loss, not knowing how to defend or justify it. He may
-102 - -103 -
How a Man Should Dl8clpllne hi. Wlf. How a Man Should Discipline hi. Wife

justify it by the usage of beating as disciplinary punish- of them should oppress the other, then fight the one
ment in the military and in schools, or compare beating who acts oppressively until they comply with God's
with wars that keep order in the world! commandment,' and 'If God did not defend [lit. push)
some men by means of others, the earth would be
There are others, still, who try to break with marital
ruined; but God possesses bounty [for everybody in]
rights and try to lift themselves above the head of the
the universe:
house and reject the dictates of their own nature.
These lay marital life open to deterioration and decay; Again, the truth is that those who are reluctant about
therefore the Qur)an laid out for such women two the legislation of the Qur)an in this respect only flatter
familiar ways of correction and discipline to curb them the emotions of a specific environment of women that
and bring them back to their natural position. Civilised we and everybody know. Such people pretend in their
Muslims have misunderstood this sort of remedy and presence that they are keen on protecting women's
described it as a dry desert-like remedy that doesn't honour and dignity, and on putting her on a level that
suit civilisation, which demands that honour and displays her in an extraordinary way.17
respect be paid to the wife.
The writer and philosopher Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad does
Islam was not intended for a certain generation, not lag behind the great reformer Imam Muhammad
region, or environment. It is a guidance and a (Abduh in his arguments; he is even more forthright and
legislation to all generations, regions, and environ- gives more illustrations. He thinks it is right for a man to
ments. In fact, physical punishment for deviates and beat his wife when he is angry, to correct whatever
perverts, who do not learn by exhortation or abandon- mistake she makes. "Beating is not always a positive
ment, is required by natural instinct and is determined thing [to do] in every case and with every woman. Yet,
by the social system. beating is permitted since some women accept discipline
only through it. The objections to beating made on the
Nature has handed this [practice) down from father to
part of modern-day pedantics should be treated as a
son, as it has handed it down among the nations to
skirmish in political manoeuvers, not as a real discussion
the rulers. But for it,· no family or nation would live
of the affairs of life and morals. There is only one
right. Physical wars, which are based on weapons of
consideration that validates the objection to beating as a
iron and fire between civilised nations at the present
punishment. Since God did not create women to be
time, are only an example of this disciplinary punish-
disciplined by beating, when nothing else seems to work.
ment that awaits aggressors. The divine laws perceive
Anyone holding this view is oblivious to the fact that
the phenomenon of war and fighting as follows: 'If one
beating is approved as a disciplinary measure in the army
-104 - -105 -
How a Man Should Discipline hi. Wife How a Man Should Di8cipline hi. Wife

and at school. So [this action is taken against] soldiers of mankind who is not capable of being corrected by
and pupils, whom we honour and respect, assuming the being beaten. Or why don't those people object to the
objection hinges on honour and respect. The superiors of punishment of beating in the armyT 20 We don't know
these [soldiers and pupils] have more means of physical what they might say if they knew that the punishment of
and moral punishment, deprivation and reward, that beating has now been cancelled from the army and from
husbands do not have in the limited domain of the schools in some countries, and that modern psychology
home.,,18 has proved that beating does not rehabilitate the
mentality of a person, but ruins it, whether the victim is
AI-Aqqad's thoughts concerning beating women can be a child or a woman!
summarised by this statement: TherE~ are some women
among them that cannot be disciplined except by beating;
and there are even some neurotics who crave beating just
as some patients crave some sorts of torture. The
following is a quotation from the same author:

Women themselves may make fun of these babblers

[he means women's rights activists] who are only at
home at parties and in nightclubs. Women know for
sure that beating a disobedient and rebellious wife is
not as appalling as it is claimed to be in the
1- al-Manar, 5:71ff. Mahmud Shaltut. aUs/am (aqida wa shari(a, p.166. Fi zilal al-
nightclubs and parties. There might be some elegant Qur'an, 2:654ff. al-Sabunl, 2:433ff.
ladies who frequent those places of amusement who 2- al-ShaS'I. Kftab aWmm (Bulaq, 1322),5:100,101. Fakh' al·Rali, 10:9.
3- al-labaM,23:169.
know more about this than the '1adies' men" with 4- Abu BakI Ibn '/>Ji al-Jassas. Ahkam 81-Qur'an (Cairo, 1347), 3:471ff. al-Sabuni,
their false "courtesy". They know, as others also do, 2:433.
that those women do not hate it [beating] or think it s.. al-Jassas 1:240. The hadith occurs also In al-Bukharl, Tafslr al-Shams 91:1;
Muslim. )anna49; al-Tlnnldsl, Tafsir al-Shams 91; Ibn Mala, N/kah 51: al~Darlmi,
evil. 19 Nlkah 34; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 4:17.
6· Muslim, Hajj 137; al-llnn/dsl, Radha' 11, 7atsir ai-Tawba 9:2; Abu Dawud,
Manasik 56; Ibn Mala, N/kah 3, Manasik 84; al-Darimi, Manasik 34; Ahmad Ibn
Mr Ahmad Shalabi has the same difficulty in under- Hanbal. 5:73.
7- al-Sabunl.5:73.
standing the oppol'ents of beating women "especially 8- al-labaM,5:68-69.
since beating is flpplied as a means of correction and 9- For example: Until when will you beat your women as though you are beating

slaves? Perhaps you have intercourse with them at the end of the day" (see also
disciplinary punishment o!lly when it will bring about good footnote number 5). It is also narrated that Muhammad said, "Do not beat the
results. It is ridiculous to imagine that there is no member slava. of God" (Ibn Mojo, Nikah 51).

-106 - -107 -
How a Man Should Dl8c1p/lne hi. Wife
10- Abu D8W\ld, Nikah42; Ibn Maja, Nlkah51.
11- a~ar, 5:76.
12- Shalabl, p.235, a quotation from ef.Mar'a naJ./slam, by Kamal Ahmad 'Awn.
chapter nineteen
13- Shalabl, p.236.
14- 'All Shalaq. aJ.7atawwur aJ.ta'rlkhlll-awdha' aJ.rna~a aJ.'arab1»'B. (In al-Ma,'a W8
Women in Hell and Paradise
daWllJha n ha"'kat aJ.wahdat aJ.'arablyya., Balrut 1966), p.23.
15- a!-Manar, 5:75.
16- ibid. Muslims often repeat the Hadith that says: "Paradise is
17- Shaltut, Mahmud, a/-ls/am 'aqlda W8 Shart's, p.162-165.
111· al-Aqqad, a!-Fa/safa aJ.Qu~aniwa, p.75. under the feet of mothers," in order to prove the high
19- ibid. 76.
20- Shalabi, p.236. position women enjoy in Islam. It is very hard to tell
whether this tradition is true or not (it has not been found
in trustworthy writings). Yet, we have a number of Hadiths
that occurred in the major acceptable books of Hadith (al-
_-;o==~"';: __- --
Sihah) indicating that women are the smallest minority in
paradise. 'Aran Ibn Husain narrated that the prophet
said, "I looked about in paradise and found that the poor
constitute most of its dwellers, and I looked about in hell
and saw that women constitute most of its dweliers.":I.
Abu Huraira narrated: "We were at his place
[Muhammad's] and the people either boasted or re-
minded one another. He said, 'Men in paradise are more
than in hell.' .. 2 A weak hadith tells us: "Out of 99
women, one is in paradise and the rest are in hell.',3
Muhammad explains why by saying: "I have seen you
being the majority in hell because you curse frequently
and are ungrateful to your husbands... 4 (Abdullah Ibn
(Amr narrated: "0 womenl Give alms and ask pardon
[from God] frequently, as I have seen that the majority of
the dwellers of hell were you." One of them asked, Why,
Messenger of God, are we t,t-Je majority of the dwellers of
hell?' He replied, 'You curs~ frequently and are ungrateful
to your husbands. I have r.ot seen anyone more deficient
in intelligence and re'igio:1 than yoU.' .. 5 Imara Ibn
Huzaima narrated: "While we were with (Amr Ibn al-(As
-108 - -109 -
Women In Hell and Paradl.. Women in Hell and Paradise

on a pilgrimage or an (Umra, he said, "While we were of such and such for intercourse. The Messenger of God
with the Messenger of God in this mountain path, he was asked, "Will he be able to bear that?" He answered,
said, 'LookI Do you see anything?' We answered, We "He will be given the power of a hundred [men), ,,11 In
see ravens; one is white-footed with red legs and peak.' Muhammad's imagination, the believer will not only be
The Messenger of God said, 'No woman will enter favoured with wives and concubines, but also "if he
paradise unless she is like this raven in comparison to desires children they will be conceived for him, born, and
the rest of the ravens.' ,,6 A rare hadith has it that grow teeth in one hour as he desires.',12 This point,
Muhammad said, "A believing woman is the same however, is debatable. Some scholars hold that there will
among women as a white-footed raven among the ravens. be intercourse in paradise but there will be no giving birth
Rre has been created for the senseless, and women are to children. Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim narrates: "If a believer
the most senseless of all.',7 AI-Imam al-Qurtubi is said to desires a child in paradise, he will have it at once, but he
give the following to explain the allegation that women are won't desire so." Some attribute to Muhammad that he
a minority among the dwellers of paradise: "Women are said, "The dwellers of paradise will have children
the least [in number] among the dwellers of paradise due there,,,13
to their inclination to passion, the passing enjoyments of
life, and indifference to the afterlife; which is all caused Another hadith says" men will enter into paradise after a
by the deficiency of their intelligence and gullibility,"S short conversation with God. They will go to their dwelling-
places where their wives will welcome them, Their wives
If we take into consideration the hadiths concerning the
will ask them about the secret of their glamorous beauty
dwellers of paradise the proportion of men to women will
change drastically since they state that the dwellers of which they did not possess before they left their dwelling-
places. They will answer them, saying that they have sat
paradise will inherit their wives and concubinesl Abu
down with their Lord, and therefore they have the right to
Umama narrated: "The Messenger of God said,
it. ,,14 There are many other hadiths emphasising the
'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married
continuity of marital life in paradise, or the enjoyment of
to 72 wives; two of them are houris9 and seventy of his
the [male] believers with the male and female slaves. So
inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will
have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect if Muhammad claims, in spite of the stories he related
penis.' ,,10 concerning the large number of wives and concubines in
paradise, that women are the least among the dwellers of
The sayings of Muhammad make it clear that the believer paradise, the reason would be that their men perished in
will be given special sexual power in paradise. Anas hell because they were enticed by them [the women].
narrated: In paradise the believer will be given the power Muhammad said, "But for the woman, man would have
-110 - -111-
Women in Hell and Paradlse

entered paradise,,,iS and also, "Obeying them is [the

cause of] their destruction. "i6 chapter twenty
The Veil

Even though the veil has become one of the problems of

the hour in the Islamic world and Europe, historically it
cannot be considered an obligation that the Qur)an or
Muhammad imposed on women. i It is certain, however,
1- al-Bukhari, Bad cal-khalq8. Kusuf 9, Riqaq 15,16; Muslim, Kusuf 17, Dsikr 94;
ai-Tirmldsl, Jahannam 11; al-Nasall, Kusuf17; Muwatla), Kusuf12. Scholars are that the veil was used at first as a sign to distinguish the
in disagreement about the time and the way Muhammad looked about in free woman so that none should molest her thinking her
paradise and hell. AI-Hafiz claimed that this happened dUring the ascension of
the prophet Into heaven: "He saw that on the night of Isra) fnightjoumeyl, orwhen to be a slave. 2 In the Arabic language, it means "a
lI1e sun eclipsed" (Tuhfat sl-A!Jwadsl. 7:1969; el-oestelenl, 1:329). covering, or anything that separates between two things
2- Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, 2:507.
3- Kanz al.cummal, 22:10. or keeps something from something else.,,3
4- Alvnad Ibn Hanbal, 2:67.
5- al-Bukhan, Hsldh6, Zskat44; Muslim, Iman 132, 'i)<tsln4,19; Ibn Maje, Rtsn 19; Muslims cite two verses from the Qur)an to prove that the
al-Oanml, Wudhu' 104, Salst 224; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 1:307,423425436
3:318. ' , , veil is obligatory. The more common verse is: "And say to
6- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 4:197,20S. the believing women, that they cast down their eyes and
7- Kanzal-'ummal, 22:11,
6- Tuhfat Sl-A!Jwsdsl, 7:329. guard their private parts, and reveal not their adornment
9- "Woman are ref......d to by the attribute "biack-eyad" (hur s~'Iyn) so as to save such as is outward; and let them cast their veils over
oompare them to the antelopes and row. Kara' saId, 'h8warmeans that the white
of the eyes surrounds the pupil oompletely, which is found in antelopes and their bosoms, and not reveal their adornment save to
cows, and Is used as a figure of speech with humans. He is ahwar, and shels their husbands, or their fathers, or their husbands'
hawra, and the plural is hut (from Usan al-(Arab, 4:28). They are the wives ofthe
believers in paradise. as the Cur)an bears out (Sura al-Nlsa) 4:218). Abu Huralra
fathers, or their sons, or their husbands' sons, or their
narrated: "The first band entering paradise will be IIkethe fuJI moon, and the ones brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or
thatwill follow them will be Ilkethe beststarin the heavens. Each man will have two their women, or What their right hands own, or such men
wives of the wide-eyed houris; the marrow of their bones can be seen through the
flesh and the bones" (al-Bukhari, BacI' al-khaJq 8; ai-Tirmldsl, Janna 5). as attend them, not having sexual desire, or children who
1ll- It is ironic that this hadith occurs In ZUhd("Book of Abstinence") 39 of Sunan Ibn have not yet attained knowledge of women's private
11- al-Tirmidsl, Janna 6, "Such and such refers to the number of women. The parts; nor let them stamp their feet, so that their hidden
number of copulations was said to be twenty, thirty, or forty times" (Tuhfat al- ornament may be known. And turn all together to God, 0
Ahwsdsl, 7:241).
12- al-Tlrmldsl, Janna21; Ibn Maja, Zuhd39. you believers; haply so you will prosper" (Sura al-Nur
13- Tuhfst sl-A!Jwsdsi, 7:285-286.
14- al-Suyuti, Fath al-kabirfl dsamm al-ziyada Us al-Jami' al-saghir(Galro. n.d.), 3:255.
24:31). The reason this verse was revealed is said to be
15- Kanzal-rumma', 21:204. that Asma), the daughter of Murshid, was at a certain
16- ibid. 21:205.
place in Banu Haritha, and the women kept coming into
-112 -
-113 -
The Veil The Veil

the place where she was without any covering, so that the 2- The nakedness of a woman with another woman.
bangles round their legs showed, likewise their bosoms 3- The nakedness of a man with a woman.
and hair locks. Asma' said, "How ugly this isl" Then God 4- The nakedness of a woman with a man. s
revealed: "Tell believing women ... ,,4 It is said also that
the reason for revealing this verse was the following story The nakedness of a man with another man is between the
that (Ali Ibn Abi Talib related: "A man passed one day navel and the knees. A man is not allowed to look at the
during the lifetime of the Messenger of God through the nakedness of another man between the navel and the
streets of Medina. He looked at a certain woman and she knees, but he is allowed to look at anything else.
at him. Then the devil whispered to both of them that they Muhammad said, "No man should look at the nakedness
looked at each other only because they liked one another. of another, and no woman should look at the nakedness
The man kept walking alongside a wall, looking at her, of another. ,,9 The majority of jurists are in agreement that
and behold another wall hit him and his nose was split. the area between the navel and the knees is the
He said, 'By God, I shall not wash the blood till I come to nakedness of man, as is evidenced by many hadiths.
the Messenger of God and tell him what happened to Malik said, "The thigh is not a nakedness." The opinion
mel' He went to him and told him his story. The prophet of the majority is backed up by the tradition of Jurhud al-
said, 'This was the punishment for your gUilt.' Then God Aslami. He said, "The Messenger of God sat at our place
revealed, 'Tell believers to avert their glances.. .' ,,5 and my thigh was bare. He said, 'Do you not know that
the thigh is a nakedness?' ,,10 Another tradition says,
One of the important terms in this verse is "nakedness",
"Do not expose your thigh and look not at the thigh of
which is the genitalia. The word comes originally from (ar
anyone, whether alive or dead.',ll
meaning shame, since it is shameful or disgraceful to
show these private parts. Therefore, women in general The nakedness of a woman with another woman is the
are called "nakedness". Arabic also has the word (awra' , same as the nakedness of a man with a man, namely
which means "a rude or vulgar word".6 Muhammad said, from the navel to the knees, and it is permissible to look
"A woman should not look at the nakedness of [another) at anything else. This excludes the dsimmi and unbeliev-
woman, and the man should not look at the nakedness of ing woman who are treated in a different section later on.
[another] man." (A'isha said, "I have never looked at or
seen the private parts of the Messenger of God at all." 7 The nakedness of a man with a woman needs a more
Scholars classify the nakedness of both sexes in four detailed explanation. If the man is closely related to the
categories: woman (maharim), such as the father, the brother, the
maternal and the paternal uncles, then his nakedness
1- The nakedness of a man with another man. would be anything between the navel and the knee. And if
-114 - -115 -
The Veil The Veil

he were a "stranger", his nakedness would also be the charm); it is the origin of beauty and the source of
same as before. Yet another opinion says that all the temptation and seduction. As to the acquired zina
body of man is nakedness, and that the woman ought not (ornament), it is the clothes, the beautifications, and
to look at it. Inasmuch as he is not allowed to look at her, the dyes that the woman puts on herself to improve her
she is not allowed to look at him. The first opinion, appearance. The advocates of this view back up what
however, is more favoured as the correct one. But if the they say from the Qur)an and the Hadith. In this they hold
man is her husband, then there is no nakedness at all on that it is not permissible to look at the face of a woman
the grounds of His saying: "Save from their wives and for fear of temptation, since temptation caused by the
what their right hands own, then being not blame- face is greater than that caused by the feet, the hair, or
worthy.,,12 the legs. Therefore, if all agree that it is forbidden to look
As to the nakedness of a woman in relation to a man, all
at the hair, legs, and feet, then it is more appropriate not
to look at the face, as it is the origin of beauty, the source
her body is considered a nakedness according to the
of temptation and the place where danger hides. 17
most creditable opinions, which are the opinions of the
Hanbalites and the Shafi lites. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal has Let us now see how the scholars and jurists think the
already stated this when he said, "Every part of the "veil" should be. AI-Tabari narrates a story in his
woman is a nakedness, even her fingemail. ,,13 commentary on the authority of Ibn Sirin: "I asked
Malik and Abu Hanifa both hold that a woman's body is a <Ubaida al-Salmani about the verse 'to draw their cloaks
nakedness, but for the face and the palms of the hands. close around themselves.' He took up a mantle he used
Each opinion has its own proofs which will be briefly listed to cover himself, and veiled himself with it covering his
later in the chapter. whole head till it reached the eyebrows, and covered his
whole face with it and stuck out his left eye from the left
While the Hanafites and the Malikites maintain that the side of his face." Ibn Abbas narrated a similar story.1S
face and the palms are not nakedness,14 the Hanbalites The conditions that make a veil legal are listed by al-
and the Shafilites refer to the Qur)an, the Sunna, and the Sabuni in nine articles:
daily practice as their points of reference. 15 The
disagreement is now about the zina (ornament, or charm) 1) The veil should cover the whole body on account of the
which each madshab (school of thought) interprets in a divine injunction "to draw their cloaks close around
different way. themselves." A cloak is a long and loose-fitting garment
that covers the whole body.
Zina is divided into two sorts: natural and acquired. 16 The
face is part ofthe natural zina (here it would be translated 2) The veil should be thick, not thin, since the purpose of
-116 - -117 -
The Veil The Veil

the veil is to cover. If it does not cover, then it cannot be wear clothes that do not cover the body, or conceal
called a veil, as it does not block the vision and does not nakedness. Since the purpose of clothing is to cover the
hinder looking. (A)isha narrated, "Asma), the daughter of body, if the clothing does not cover the body, the one
Abu Bakr entered upon the Messenger of God wearing a wearing it is considered naked. As to "tempting and
thin garment, and the Messenger of God turned away twisting" it meant those who tempt the hearts of men by
from her.,,19 twisting their bodies with seductive walking and swagger-
ing. The meaning of "heads of camels" is that they comb
3) The veil itself should not be an ornament or flamboyant their hair on top of their heads so that it would be like the
with attractive colours that catch the attention. As the heads of camels. This expression was one of the
verse says, "and not to display their charms except what prophet's miracles.
[normally] appears of them." The meaning of "what
[normally] appears of them" is that which appears 5) Clothing should not be scented in such a way that it
unintentionally. So if this is ornament in itself, it should would arouse men, for the prophet said, "Every eye that
not be worn, and it is then not called a "veil" because a looked has committed adultery, and if a woman perfumed
veil should keep the ornament from being seen by herself and passed by a seated group of men, she is such
strangers. and such [namely a prostitutej.,,21 Another tradition says,
"If a woman perfumed herself and passed by a group of
4) The veil should be loose, not tightly fitting, and should people intending to let them smell her perfume, she is [to
not reveal the body, or emphasize the nakedness, or be considered] a prostitute."
manifest the parts of seduction or temptation of the body.
The Messenger of God says, "Two sorts of dwellers of Musa Ibn Yasar narrated: A woman passed by Abu
hell I have not seen: A folk that had whips like the tails of Huraira and her perfume wafted strongly. He asked her,
cows with which they beat the people, and women that "Where are you going?" She answered, "To the
are dressed yet naked, tempting and twisting, their heads mosque." He said, "And you have put on perfume?"
are like the tilting heads of camels. These will not enter She said "Yes." He said, "Go back and wash, for I have
paradise and will not find its wind, for its wind is to be heard the Messenger of God saying, 'God does not
found at such and such distance." Another tradition says, accept the prayer of a woman who went out to the
" ... its wind is to be found at the distance offive hundred mosque with her perfume wafting strongly, until she goes
years. ,,20 home and washes herself.' ,,22

The meaning of "dressed yet naked" is that they are 6) The clothing should not have any similarity to men's
dressed on the outside but naked in reality, because they clothing, or anything men would wear. Abu Huraira
-118 - -119 -
The Veil The Veil

narrated: "The Prophet, cursed the man who wears not find themselves in need of marriage, which leads to
woman's clothing, and the woman who wears men's the destruction of the country and portends its disastrous
clothing." The Hadith says, "The prophet cursed those ruin. Extramarital sex and the breakup of houses is
men who are in the similitude [assume the manners) of nothing but an outcome of such a despicable display of
women and those women who are in the similitude women's charms.',27
[assume the manners) of men." This refers to women
23 Here and now, we have the right to ask the Muslim who
who imitate men in their clothing and appearance.
accepts these statements of al-Sabuni: Is it at all
reasonable to accuse woman of being the source of
The awesome legal facade that has been bestowed upon temptation and of being responsible for family crises,
the veil has not lost any of its prestige in our day. On the while claiming at the same time that Islam requires
contrary, contemporary jurists and writers are now more woman to wear the veil only to protect her chastity, virtue,
skilful and tactful in inventing excuses defending the veil. honour, and to preserve her noble character from those
Any Islamic thinker is convinced that the veil is inevitable who have weak hearts and sick consciences, who lie in
if one wants to establish and maintain a clean society,24 wait for her to do her harm?
as the veil keeps man from falling into temptation. 25 This
logic is based on the conception of women as the source 1· Rudi Paret. Zur Frauenfrsge, p.37f. Snouck Hurgronje. Bijdragen tot de Taal- en
of temptation and evil, while the "poor" man plays the Volkenku_ van Nederlandsch-fOOle (Bonn-Leipzig, 1923), 1:305-7.
2- Sura el-Ahzab 33:59 relelS to this: "0 Prophet. sey to thy wives and daughtelS
role of the victim. Then, this evil, that arises as soon as a and the believing women, that they drawtheir veUs close to them; so ftis likelier
man meets a woman, has to be repelled. Mustafa al- they will be known, and not hurt. God Is Ail-forgiving, A1-compassionate." Ct., for
the reason for the revelation of this verse, Ibn al-Qayylm al..Jawzl, zad lJI.mssir,
Ghalayani, a hater of women, sees in "this age that 6:422; al-Sabuni 2:377. The other verses that are cited to prove that the veil1s an
increased only in evil and corruption" a proof that obligatory reqUirement are Sura al·Ahzab 33:32,53. The Dutch oMenlalist
Snouck Hurgronje stated that using these two verses to prove the legaflty of
confirms his call for the Islamic veil. He claims that wearing the vellis an impossibility, as the two verses, Sura al-Ahzab 33:32 and
53, have to do with Muhammad's wives only and are not binding on the other
"the veil is indispensable, because you won't find twenty women at all. In addition, Sura al·Ahzab 33:53 is very vague and does nottell us
people among a hundred, to whom you can talk as human whether the face and the hands should be veiled or not Even though the answer
is no, the use of the veil has spread and rooted Itself In Jslamlc society and
beings.,,26 The veil has been imposed on woman in order acquired a religious charader In the works of the jurists and expositors. Yet, this
to prevent temptation, and to preserve society, as she is phenomenon has its own reasons (Mansour Fahmi. La Condition de /s Femme
dans Ie 7radftlon et rEvofution de I'Islemlsme (Paris, 1913), p.49-81. Rudl Pareto
responsible for the crises that befall families. AI-Sabuni Zur Frauenfrage, p.37f.} A1·Aqqad thinks also that the above-mentioned verses
says, "No intelligent person would doubt that the have to do with the wives ofthe prophet only, and that the veil Islam requires does
not mean exduding woman from public life. Nevertheless, al·Aqqad does not
immorality and immodesty of women cause the scx:alled explain what he means precisely by "veil", but Is indignant because the veil Is
referred to as though it Is a purely Islamic phenomenon, even though it was
'marriage crisis', since a lot of young men avoid marrying common among the Romans and was mentioned In the Old and New
because they find it easy to gratify their desires. They do Testaments (Abbes Mahmud al-Aqqad, al-Mer'a" el-lslem, p.67,72).

-120 - -121-
The Veil
3- Usan aI-'Anib(Balrul, 1955), 1:29Gff.
4- Ibn Kathir, 3:293-294. chapter twenty one
5- al-SuyuU, al-Du" al-manthur, 5:40; al-Sabunl, 2:148.
6- al-Raghib al-Isfahanl, Mu~am mufradst alfaz al-Quran, ad. Nadlm al-Mar<ashli The Circumcision of Girls
(BalnJl, n,d.), p.365.
7- Muslim, Haldh 7; al-Tirmldsi, Adab, 38; Ibn Maja, nha", 137; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal,
3:63. Even though circumcision has no Qur)anic basis, it has
8- al-Sabunl, 2:154.
9- See footnote 7 for sources. become an important obligation among Muslims. Yet, it
10- Abu Oawud, Hamam 1; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 3:478. does not have the same importance that is given to other
11- Abu Dawud, Jana'/z 7; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 1:146. There are other traditions
Indicating that the thigh Is a nakedness: al-Tinnidsl. Adab40; al-Oarimi, Isti'dsan rituals and traditions. According to the majority of
12- Sura al-Mu1minun 23:6.
Muslims, circumcision is the introduction into Islam and
13- A1-Sabunl quotes the same (2:153) from Ibn al-Jawzj, Zad al-ma'ad, 6:31. the sign of belonging to it,1 Jurisprudents claim that
14- al-Sabuni, 2:154.
15- ibid. 2:155. circumcision has a great benefit that outweighs the pain
18- Ibid. 2:155. resulting from it. The reason underlying circumcision is to
17- ibid. 2:158.
18- al-Taban, 22:46. remove the foreskin since it collects a lot of excrements
19- Abu Dawud, Llbas31; al-Tinnidsl, Fitan47. underneath it that can lead to fatal diseases, such as
20- Muslim, Llbas 125, Janna 52; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:223,356.
21- Abu Dawud. Tarajjul7; al-Thmidsl, Adab 35; ai-Nasa Ii. Zina 35; al-Darimi, cancer. Thus circumcision is a preventive procedure. 2
Isd'dsan 18; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 4:400,414,418.
22- Ibn Majs, Fltan 19.
23- al-Sabuni, 2:35711. All this applies to men. But what is the reason underlying
24- Fi zlial 81-Quran, 8:92. the circumcision of girls, which is applied in some Islamic
25- Ibid. 6:93.
28- Mustafa Ghalayanl, Nazarat ff kitab al-sufur we a"'ijab (Beirut, 1928). p.68ft. countries? The first reason is the statement of
27- al-Sabun!, 2:388. Muhammad: "Circumcision is a law for men and a
preservation of honour for women. ,,3 The second reason
lies in the supposition that circumcision makes a woman
more enjoyable, provided that it is practised moderately.
Umm 'Atiyya the Ansarite narrated that a woman used to
circumcise in Medina, and the Prophet said to her, "Do
not overdo it, because this makes woman more favour-
able and it is more agreeable for the husband.',4 As to
the third reason why a female should be circumcised, it is
to "diminish her lust", and to "tone down the sexual
desire of the woman. ,,5

AI-Mawardi tells us how female circumcision is per-

-122 - -123 -
The Circumcision of Gir'" The Circumcision of Gir'"

formed: "It is performed by cutting a piece of flesh over 1- EI, vo1.2, p.l028. Tllmann Nagar, Der Qur'an, Elnfiihrung.rexfl>Erlilulerufll/en
(MOnchan, 1983), p.12. It Is said about Muhammad that he considered
the vulva topping the entrance of the penis [that is the circumcision a part of the Instinct (fitra). It seems, however, that the narrators
suspectthatAllsha said, "The MessengerofGod said, 'Ten things are partofthe
vagina]. It is homologous to akemel or the crest of a Instinct: shaving the moustache, growing the beard, cleaning the teeth with
rooster. One should cut the upper part of it, and not slwak, washing with water, dipping the f1ngemalls, washing the knuckles, pUlling
completely remove it. ,,6 AI-Shafi (i and most of his the annplt hair, shaving the pubIc hair, and wiping oneselfwith water.'" Zakariya
narrated that Sa1b said, "The tenth can only be gargling" (another tradition has It
followers hold that circumcision is obligatory, as well as that "gargling and cleaning the nose by sniffing water are a part of the Instinct").
(Ata), one of the old scholars. Ahmad and some of the Zakarlya mentioned the same as we said before, but for growing the beard, and
added circumcision (al-Bukhari, Ubas 63,64, IstJ'dsan 51; Muslim, rahars 49;
Malikites hold that it is obligatory, while Abu Hanifa says Abu Oawud, rahara29, ral1!//ul 16; al-Tlrmldsi,Ad8b 14; al-Na..'r', rahara9:10,
that it is obligatory, yet it is not a ritual obligation. One Zlna1,55; Ibn Maja, rahars8; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2;229,239,283,389,410). Ona
can easily conclude that cIrcumcision was a common practice In the Arablan
Hadith says that it is sin to discard it. The Shaft)ites say Peninsula. Even though there Is no mention of It in the Qur)an, both Hadlth and
that it is improper [to do such a thing] to women, Most old poelly reler to this fad (EI, vo1.2, p.l028).
2- Shaltu~ Khltsn al<Jntha, In Uwa' aHslam, 1951, p.55.
scholars and some Shaft lites hold that it is not 3- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:75; Abu Oawud, Mob 167.
obligatory,7 Jurisprudents say that the circumcision of 4- Abu Oawud, Adob 167.
5· Afifl Muhammad ar-Sadlq, Fi flqh al""ar'a a/-musllma (Barrut, 1986), p.17.
men, namely removing the foreskin, is a prophylactic 6- 'Awn al-Ma'bud, Sham SunenAbI Dawud(Calro, 1989), 13:185.
procedure that keeps the body healthy. Female circumci- 7· Ibid.
8- Muhammad Ibrahim Salim, FBtwa fi khltan al-untha, In Uwa' a/ Islam, p.330.
sion, they say, is otherwise, since removing the clitoris 9- ShalM Khltsn al-untha, In Uwa' aHslam.
helps only to reduce the libido of the woman but does not 10- Fatwa fla.Khltan, In LIwa' aHslam.
11- Uwa' aHslam, p.59.
do away with it, which is for the common good of society,
and for her own good as well.s It can also preserve the
woman's dignity and honour. 9

As we mentioned previously, the main reason for the

circumcision of girls, according to the jurists, is to
restrain lust or the sex drive, For the girl nowadays is
exposed to all kinds of temptations, they argue, which
lead to depravity and corruption in society,10 Lastly, we
learn from Shaltut that women accept circumcision
willingly to honour their husbands, as they also hate to
look at that part of the flesh that would increase the
enjoyment of man when removed. 11

-124 - -125 -
Subordination of the Woman

chapter twenty two is very common since she exists basically to please him
and pay him his due. Muhammad said, "I swear by the
Subordination of the Woman One who holds Muhammad's soul in His hands! A woman
.to her Husband in the Religious Rites does not pay God His dues until she has paid the dues of
her husband. ,,5 Muhammad is reported to have allowed
women to go to the mosque at night: "Allow women to go
In this present age, which has witnessed the most violent
conflicts concerning the issue of women in the Islamic to the mosque at night. ,,6 Another hadith says that they
world and the equality of the sexes as far as the religious are allowed to attend the Friday Prayer at the mosques as
commandments are concerned, Muslim writers empha- long as their presence does not cause any temptation. 7
sise that "giving the commandments to both man and But a woman should ask her husband's permission
woman, and equalising them in terms of promises and before she goes out of the house, all the while knowing
threats, the Qur)an has admitted the humanity of woman that he is not supposed to refuse her permission: "If the
and has given her a responsibility.,,1 Equalising the faith wife of anyone of you ask permission to go to the
of women to that of men proves this fact, since a woman mosque, he should not forbid her. ,,8 So then, the woman
has the right to command what is proper and prevent is supposed to perform her prayers at home. This has
dishonour. 2 Islam has not only determined her compe-
become general tradition in the Islamic world so that one
tence to faith and worship, but also her entrance
may think that mosques are for men only, even if there is
paradise, if she does good, and her punishment, if she
does evil- in this case being completely equal to man. 3 no clear text to this effect. As to fasting, which is one of
The participation of woman with man in faith and worship the five pillars of Islam, the woman needs the permission
has become one of the favourite and common arguments of her husband in order to practise it: "Abu Huraira
in this century. narrated that the Messenger of God said, 'No woman can
fast a day of Ramadan, while her husband is there,
Islam has introduced a kind of equality in this field, to say without his prior permission.' ,,9 The Muslim scholars
the least, but what they call one time "equality" and believe that it is "hateful" for a woman to fast of her own
another time "religious responsibility" includes some accord without the permission of her husband, and that
things that cause many doubts as to the validity of these she sins if she fasts without his permission. AI-Nabawi, in
claims. Regardless of the Friday prayer, which is required his exegesis on Muslim, said that the reason for this
only of the men, and the invalidity of women's fasting and prohibition is that the man has the right to enjoy the
prayer, which Muhammad considered as part of the woman sexually at all times, and that she should obey
deficiency of their religion,4 woman still needs the him at once. She should not abandon him by volunteering
permission of her husband to perform certain rites. This to fast or for any other religious obligation. 1o A saying
-126 - -127 -
Subordination o( the Woman

attributed to the Prophet says: "Any woman who fasts chapter twenty-three
without the permission of her husband, and he desired
her for a certain thing but she refused, God will record
The Prophet Muhammad and his Wives
three major sins against her. ,,11
This may help us understand the attitude that prevailed in We understand from early hadiths that Muhammad had a
the Middle Ages, and still continues today in some circles special inclination to women. For example, he said, "Two
about woman and her duties. Muhammad allowed women things of this world I cherish: women and perfume, prayer
being the comfort of my eye."l AI-Hasan al-Basri
and female slaves to slaughter animals for ritual
narrated: The Messenger of God said, "The only two
purposes: "a woman slaughtered a sheep with a stone,
and when the Prophet was asked about it, he said, 'Eat things I cherish of the life of this world are women and
it.' ,,12 perfume. ,,2 The same thing has been narrated by (A)isha
in different versions: "The Prophet of God liked three
things of this world: Perfume, women, and food; he had
the [first] two, but missed food.,,3 We may understand
the following hadith better in the light of these stories:
Many men reached perfection [in character] but none
among the women reached perfection except Mary, the
daughter of Imran, and Asia, Pharaoh's wife. And the
1- Shaltu~ Mahmud. o~lslam 'aqido wo shari's, p.223ff. superiority of (Alisha to other women is like the super-
2- Muhammad Rashid Ridho, Nidali olj/ns of.lstif, p.5ff.
3- 'Abd a~Wadud Shalabl, Hlwar sorih bsina 'Abdillah W8 'Abdllmasih, p.218 iority of tarid [a meal of bread and meat] to other kinds of
4- aJ-Bukharl, Holdh 6; aJ-Darlmi, Wudhu' 104. Tho samo is lbund In Iho hadith Ihat food. 4 Another tradition says, "There was nothing liked
says: "The defidency ofyour religion Is your menstruation" (al-T1nnldsi, lman 6;
al-Bukharl, Zsk0l6; Muslim, Iman 132; Abu Dawud, 5uoo015; Ibn Mojo, Rtsn by the Messenger of God like horses."s There was
19.) nothing cherished by the Messenger of God like horses. 6
5- Ibn Mojo, Nlkoh 4.
6- al-Bukhari, )umura 11. This explains Why there will be horses in heaven. 7
Vot Muslim has boon reportod to have hatod lbr womon to porfonn Iho night
prayer. Abu Hakim narrated: "I have heard that the Messenger of God heard a
"These four are of the traditions of the Messengers [of
woman praying atnight, and asked, "Who is she?" Hewasanswered, "This is at- God]: Shyness, wearing perfume, brushing the teeth with
Hawla Bint Tuwait; she does not sloop at night:· Tho Mossangor of God hated
that so much that one could see It on his face" (al-Muwatt&), salat aJ.lBy/4).
siwak, and wedlock. ,,8 A woman is the best object of
7- Muslim, Solat enjoyment of this world: "Life is an object of enjoyment,
8- al-Bukharl, Nlkah 116.
9- al-T1nnidsl, 5"","65. and there is nothing better in the pleasures of the world
1Cl- al-Qastalanl, 8:91. than a good women.,,9 The conditions [or descriptions] of
11- Kanz a/Jummal, 22:2.
12- al-Bukharl, Dsobs'ih 19; Ibn Mojo, DsoW/h8. a good wife, however, are: She should bring delight to her
-128 - -129 -
The Prophet Muhammad and hi. Wives The Prophet Muhammad and hie Wi"".
1- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 3:128,199,285; al-Nasa'i', Kitab 'Ishrat al<>lsa', p.16;
husband whenever he looks at her, and obey him TabaqatlbnSa'd.l:398.
10 Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd, 1:398. Perfume has played that Impol1ant role due to the
whenever he commands her to do something. 2·
predomInant beUef that perfume arouses the sexual desire, as Is made dear in
Scholars accounted for Muhammad's many wives and the following story: "IA1isha narrated. 1 scented the Messenger of God. and he
his inclination to women by saying that he had a superior had sex wiU1 his wives' (al-Bukhan, Ghus/14). It Is natural then that perfume Is
prohibited for women when they reave their homes: "Abu Muss narrated that the
sexuality, as the Prophet himself stated: "I was the least Prophet said, 'If a women scents herself and passes by people wanting them to
man in sexuality till God brought down on me the kafit. ,,11 smell her perfume, she is such and such [he emphasised his word]" (Abu
Dawud, Tar'lijul7).
"Whenever I seek it I find it.,,12 Another tradition says: 3- Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd, 1:398. "The Jews said, when they sawthe Messenger of God
"The Messenger of God said, 'Gabriel met me with a pot, manying women, 'Look at this man who neverhas enough offood and cares for
of which I ate, and I was given the kafit [sexual ability] of nothing else as he does for women.' They envied him for his wives and found
fault with him because ofthat and said, 'Ifhe were a prophet, he would not desire
forty men.' ,,is. Salma narrated: "In one night, the women'" (Tabaqat Ibn Sa(d, 8:202). Ibn SacdexplalnedwhyMuhammad married
Prophet had intercourse with his nine wives (who were several women by stating that this was the tradition (sunna) of the prophets since
Solomon, the son of David, married a thousand women, seven hundred of them
to out-live him). When he would come out each time he received dowry and three hundred were concubines. David had a hundred
would say, 'Pour water for me.' He would wash before wives; Uriah the mother (sic] of Solomon was one of them, whom he married
after the temptation. This is more than Muhammad had (Ibid.). Moreover, one
having sex with the following one. I asked him '0, should understand the many number ofwives Muhammad had as a bounty and
Messenger of God, isn't one time of washing enough for grace of God: "Ordothey envy people because of what God has given them out
of His bounty? We already gave Abraham's family the Book and wisdom, and
you?' The Prophet replied, 'This is purer and better.' ..14
We gave them splendid control" (Sura al-.Nisa'4:54).
We would now like to stUdy Muhammad's wives and the 4- al-Bukhari, At'lma25,30, Fadha'lIa.sahaba30, Anblya32,46; Muslim, Fadha'ila.
SBhaba 7,89; al-Tlnnidsl, At'/ma 31, Fadha'1I62; al-Nasa'I', Nlsa' 3; Ibn Maja,
major incidents that happened in the house of the Arima 14; al-Dariml, At(ima 29; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 3:156,264. Muhammad's
most favourite dish was tarld (al-Darlmi, Artlma 22), and Muslim says that the
Prophet, depending on the sources recognised by the Messanger of God died before he had enough of larid (Muslim, Zuhd 29).
majority of Muslims. In spite of the fact that the sources 5- The narrator, however, corrects this mistake: "0 God, forgive mel I mean
'women'" (Tabaqar Ibn $a(d, 8:398).
provide us with contradictory information about the e.. al-Nasa'l, Khail2; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:28.
number of Muhammad's wives,15 we can still say that 7- al-Tinnidsi, Janna 1; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:352.
8- al-Tlrmidsi, Nikah 1; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 5:421. Woman's prayer, however, Is not
they were thirteen women, plus Maria the Copt. acceptable if she is perfumed (Abu Dawud, Taf~iju/ 7).
Muhammad married these women and lived with them 9- Muslim, Radha' 59; Ibn Meja, Nlkah5; al·Nasa~'. Nlkah 15; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal,
2:168. Muhammad has frequently referred to woman 8S an object of enjoyment
for a certain period of time. Apart from these, there were (mata<, i.e. a piece of luggage) (al-Bukhari, Jihad 72; Abu Dawud, Buyu' 74,
twelve or thirteen women that Muhammad married, but Adhiya22). The Qur'an says the same In Sura Yusuf 12:17,65,79.
16 10- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, 2:252,432,438.
with whom he did not spend a long period of time. 11- Kaflt the ability to have sexual intercourse and to many (Llsan a/-(Arab, 2:71).
12- Tabaqatlbn Sa(d, 8:192; al-Tirmidsl, Tafslral-Mujad/la, 58:1; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal,
There are still other women that he married, but with 6:37.
whom he never consummated his marriage, plus the one 13- Tabaqat Ibn SB'd, 8: 192. Another tradition has It that Muhammad was given the
strength ofthirty men, as ai-Tabaranl mentioned (aMnwaral-muhammadlyya mIn
who bestowed herself upon himP a/-mawahib aHadunniJ;ya (Beirut, 1892), p.261) and al-Bukhari: "The Prophet

-130 - -131-
The Prophet Muhammad and his WiPeB

used to visit all his wives in a round. during the day and night and ther were
eleven in number. I asked Anas. 'Had the Prophet the strength for It? An~~ chapter twenty four
replied. 'We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty men
Muhammad's Wives in the Order
14. Tabaqat Ibn Sard, 8:193, al-Qadi <Iyad said that the MessengerofGod was given
enough strength to have intercourse with all his wives (al-Sh/fa fI sifst al-Mustafa in Which they were Married to him
(Beirut 1980) 1:195.
1S. Scholars are not in agreement about the number of Muhammad's wives. Some
say they were twelve (Tabaqat Ibn Sard, 8:52-139), while el-Teban seya they 1. Khadlja Blnt Khuwallld: Muhammad's first wife. He
were fifteen (ai-Tabar!, 3:18011.). Mana, the Copt, Is either nsted under "tha married her in 595 A.D, (25 years before the Migration);l
slaves ofthe Messengerof God" or not listed at all. as well as Rayhana who was
taken captive during the destruction of Banu aurayza. who was "the Prophet's she died three years before the Migration 2 and ten years
favourite" (al-Tabari, 3:129: Usd af.gllaba, 5:480).
after he claimed prophethood,3
16- TabaqatfbnSard, 8:141.
17· bid. 8:150.
2. Sawda Blnt Zam(a: Muhammad married her in the
month of Ramadan ten years after he claimed prophet-
hood, after the death of Khadija and before he married
Wisha,4 or some months before the Migration,S depend-
ing on the sources. Opinions agree that she was
Muhammad's second wife,6 Yet the question is whether
he slept with <A'isha first or Sawda. Some believe that he
married (A)ist:a first, but had intercourse with Sawda first,
as (Alisha was too young. 7

3. (A)lsha Blnt Abu Bakr: Muhammad married her in the

month of Shawwal, three years before the Migration, ten
years after he claimed prophethood, according to the
tradition of (A)isha herself. s He had Intercourse with her
in the month of Shawwal, eight months after the
Migration. 9 She was the only virgin among
Muhammad's wives,10

4. Hafsa Blnt (Umar: The Messenger of God married her

in the month of Sha(ban, 31 months after the
Migration,l1 or in the third year after the Migration, or
one month12 or two 13 before Uhud.
-133 -
-132 -
Muhammad'. Wives Muhammad'. Wives

5. Zalnab Blnt Khuzalma: Her husband died in the battle 24

them. She reached Medina in the seventh year after the
of Uhud, so Muhammad married her. 14 This was 31 Migration,25 Only Khadija and Maria gave birth to male
months after the Migration. 15 children among all of Muhammad's wives.
6. Ummu Salama: One tradition says that Muhammad 12. Malmuna Blnt al·Harlth: Muhammad married her in
married her three years before the Khandaq raid, in the the seventh year after the Umra of al-Qadha,26 She was
sixth year after the Migration16 and the wedding was the last one the Messenger of God married. 27
performed in Shawwal four years after the Migration,17 or
13. Rayhana: She was not of the "mothers of the
three years after Badr. 18
believers," in spite of her respectable position in the
7. Zalnab Blnt Jahsh: It is not possible to determine house of MUhammad. 28 When the Prophet attacked Banu
when Muhammad married her. It was either in Dsu al- Qurayza, he took her captive since it was necessary for
Qa(da or Sha(ban in year 5 or 3 A.H. 19 We will study the him to have a selection of each spoil. 29 Muhammad
marriage of Muhammad and Zainab Bint Jahsh in a offered her Islam but she refused. Yet it is said that she
separate chapter. espoused Islam later. 3o

8. Juwalrlyya Blnt al-Harlth: She was taken captive

during the raid of Banu al-Mustaliq and was part of the
spoils. No one knows when this battle took place exactly.
So the dates given for her marriage to Muhammad are the 1- Usd af.ghaba, 5:434.
fifth or the sixth year after the Migration. 2o Ibn Hisham 2· Annals ofal-Tabarl, 3:173.
3- Ansab al-ashraf, 1:405.
claims that Muhammad bought her from Thabit Ibn Qais, 4- Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd, 8:53.
set her free, and later married her. 21 5- Ansab a/-ashraf, 1:407.
6- Usd alghaba, 5:584.
7- Annalsofa~Tabarl,3:161.
9. Saflyya Blnt Huyay: She was among the spoils of 6- Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd. 8:58; Ansab a~shraf, 1:410.
Khaibar (one of the famous Jewish tribes), which was 9- Tabaqar Ibn Sa(d, 8:58; Ansab al-ashraf, 1:410. Opinions are in disagreement
concerning her marriage with Muhammad. Ibn 'Abd al-Barr claims that their
conquered in the sixth year A.H., and was chosen for marriage seems to have taken place either two or five years after the Migration
Muhammad. 22 (Usda~ghaba, 5:501).
1Q. Tabaqat Ibn Sa(d, 8:64; al-Bukhari, Nikah 9, Tafslr al-Nur8.
11- Tabaqatlbn Sa'd, 8:83.
10. Ummu Hablba: Stories say that the Negus of Ethiopia 12- Anssba~shraf, 1:422.
gave her to Muhammad as a wife. 23 13- Ansab Hshraf, 1:422; Usd a/-ghaba, 5:366.
14- Usd a/-ghaba, 5:486.
15- TabaqatlbnSa'd, 8:415.
11. Marla, the Copt: al-Muqawqas, king of Egypt, sent 16- Anna's ofa~Tabarl, 3:164.
four female slaves to Muhammad and Maria was one of 17- Ansab a~shraf, 1:429.

-134 - -135 -
Muhammad'. Wiuea
16- Ansab a/-ashraf, 1:433: Usd alghaba, 5:560.
19- Ansab a/-ashraf, 1:433: Usd alghaba, 5:462.
20- Usd alghaba, 5:420.
chapter twenty five
21- a/-Sira al-nabawiyya, 4:296ff.
22- Tabaqat Ibn Saed, 8:120-129: Ansab a/..shraf, 1:422ff; Usd alghaba, 5:490ff. Muhammad's Wives
23- Tabaqat Ibn Sacd, 8:96-100; af.S/ra al-nabaw/Wa, 4:290; Annals of al-Tabarl,
3:165; Ansab a'..shraf, 1:438ff: Usd alghaba, 5:645. in the Books of al-5ira
24- T8b8qat Ibn Sa(al 8:212; Annals of al-Tabarl, 2:645.
25- aI-Tabar!, 2:21. AJ.Muqawqas santhar, according to Ibn Saed,lnthe savanth 18ar
after the Migration. She reached Medina in the eighth year after the Migration,
1. KhadlJa Blnt Khuwallld: Muhammad married Khadija
according to Usd algh.ba (5:544). Ibn Saed apportioned a sapa_ sactlon lor
this issue (Tabaqal Ibn Saed, 8:212-216). Her name wes not listed among "the Bint Khuwailid when he was 25 years 01d. 1 She was a
\Mves of the Prophet" in the sources of Muhammad's life (al-Sira), butwas listed merchant and enjoyed a high position among the people.
among the concubines and under the heading "the Mother of Ibrahim" (Tabaqat
Ibn sard, 8:212 ff; aI-KamU" al-tarikh 2:231: al-Dsahabl, Tarikh al-lslam 1:59T). She hired men for her business and competed with
26- Tabaqat Ibn SaId, 8:132. others. She was a forty-year-old widow when she married
27- ibid., Annals of al-Tabar/, 3:167; Ansab al-ashraf, 1:445; Usd aI-ghaba, 5:550.
28- "He used to recUne with her and spend much time with her. She remained wlth
him. 2 She offered to let Muhammad go out as a merchant
him till she died" (Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd, 8: 130). with one of her mercantile caravans to Syria. 3
29- Ibid. 8:129; Ansab a/-ashraf, 1:453: Usd alghaba, 5:380.
30- Tabaqat Ibn sard, 8: 131; Ansab a/-ashraf, 1:453; Usd alghaba, 5:460. "And God, Muhammad was offered the chance of marrying her, but
Most High, gave the Messenger of God as booty Rayhana 81nt laid" (Annals of he was not sure of himself and said, "I possess nothing
whereby I can marry.,,4 Khadija, however, took the
initiativeS and expressed her desire to marry him.

Muhammad married no one else till Khadija died. 6 One

tradition says that Khadija said to her sister, "Go to
Muhammad and make a mention of me to him." Her
sister went to Muhammad, and he answered her
according to God's will. They made an agreement that
the Messenger of God would marry her. Khadija's father
was given wine to drink. When he was overcome by wine,
they called Muhammad and her father wedded them as
he was intoxicated. Muhammad gave him a suit of
clothes, so when he woke up, he asked, "What is this
suit?" They answered, "This is the gift of your son-in-law,
Muhammad." He grew angry and picked up his sword, as
Banu Hashim also did. AftelWard they were reconciled?
Khadija gave Muhammad all his children, except for
-136 -
-137 -
Muhammad'. WII1eB In al-8ira Muhammad'. Wipu in al-8lra

Ibrahim: al-Qasim, al-Tayyib, lainab, Ruqayya, Umm importance to the Messenger of God, she was afraid he
Kalthum, and Fatima. s Ibrahim, however, was the son would leave her, so she said, '0 Messenger of God, give
of Maria, the COpt.9 She was fair-skinned, curly- haired, the day allotted to me to CA)isha [from now on], and you
and beautiful. CA)isha narrated: "When Ibrahim was born, are under no obligation to me.' The Prophet accepted it
the Messenger of God came to me and said, 'See how and this verse was revealed: 'If some woman fears abuse
much he resembles mel' I said, 'I see no resemblance.' or desertion by her husband, it should not be held against
The Messenger of God said, 'Don't you see how white either of them if they should try to come to terms: coming
and robust he is?' I replied, 'Anyone would tum white if he to terms is best.' ,,15 AI-Nucman Ibn Thabit al-Taymi said,
received so much semen.' ,,10 As to al-Qasim, ai-Tahir "The Messenger of God said to Sawda Bint lamca, 'Start
and al-Tayyib, they perished in Jahiliya [the period you legal period [i.e., you are divorced].' So she waited for
preceding Islam], while all his daughters lived, attained him on the road, and said, '0 Messenger of God, I do not
Islam and migrated with him. 11 Strange things were told love [the relationship with] men; I rather love to be
concerning Ibrahim, of all of Muhammad's children. resurrected among your wives, so please take me back.'
These reports were told about him by Muhammad The Messenger of God took her back.,,16
himself. Muhammad said, "Had Ibrahim lived, he would
have cancelled the tribute that all the Copts pay.,,12 3. CA)lsha Blnt Abl Bakr: She was Muhammad's third
When he died at the age of sixteen months, Muhammad wife. (A)isha herself narrated, "The Messenger of God
said that he would continue to be nurtured in paradise. 13 married me in Shawwal in the tenth year after of his
AI-Suddi narrated: "I asked Anas Ibn Malik whether the prophethood, three years before the Migration as I was
Prophet prayed over his son Ibrahim. He answered, 'I six years old. I was nine years old when he consummated
don't know. May the mercy of God fall upon Ibrahim. Had the marriage with me. 17 Ibn Hisham holds that
he lived, he would have been a righteous man and a "Muhammad married her when she was seven years
prophet.' ,,14 old and consummated the marriage with her when they
were in Medina when she was nine years old. The
2. Sawda Blnt Zamca: She was the first woman Messenger of God did not marry any other virgin but
Muhammad married after the death of Khadija. He her. 1s Wisha narrated, "The Messenger of God married
married her after her husband's death. Muhammad sent me when I was still playing with the girls. I did not know
a message of proposal to her in Ramadan in the tenth that the Messenger of God married me until my mother
year after the Migration, before his marriage with Wisha. took me and locked me up in the house. Then I realised
According to Wisha, "It was Sawda Bint lamca and the that I was married.,,19 Tr.ere is another tradition by
Messenger of God did not lie with her much. Knowing my CAtiyya: "The Messenger of God proposed to Wisha Bint
-138 - -139 -
Muhammad'. Wives in al-Sira Muhammad'. Wives in al-Sira

Abi Bakr while she was a little girl. Abu Bakr said, '0 "CA)isha." cAmr said, "I meant male ones." He
Messenger of God, can a man marry his brother's answered, "Her father.,,24 And lastly, we mention the
daughter?' Muhammad replied, 'You are my brother in following, "The superiority of Wisha to other women is
my religion.' So he [Abu Bakr] married her off for the like the superiority of tarid [a meal of bread and meat] to
chattel of a house, fifty [dirhams] worth, or SO."20 "I was other kinds offood. ,,25 Another tradition says that he died
playing with the girls during the lifetime of the Messenger before he had enough of tarid. 26 Wisha was eighteen
of God. The Messenger of God came to me when I was years old when the Prophet died. 27
playing with the girls, and asked me, 'What is this,
CA)isha?' I said, 'The horses of Solomon.' He laughed. ,,2:1. 4. Hafsa Blnt cUmar: It was cUmar, Hafsa's father, who
wedded them, and the Messenger of God gave her 400
Wisha said, "I am held superior to the wives of the dirhams. Before she married him, she was married to
Prophet for ten things." She was asked, "What are they, Khanis Ibn Huzafa al-Sahmi. 28 Salim narrated, according
mother of believers?" She replied, "He did not marry any to Ibn cUmar, "When Hafsa was widowed, cUmar met
virgin but me, he did not marry someone whose parents <Uthman and offered her to him. <Uthman said, 'I have no
were migrants [that is from Mecca to Medina] but me. need of women.' He met Abu Bakr and offered herto him,
God revealed my innocence [of adultery] from heaven, but he kept silent. He was angry at Abu Bakr. But shortly
and Gabriel brought him my image in a piece of silk and afterward the Messenger of God proposed to her and
said, 'Marry her; she is your wife.' So I used to bathe with married her. Later <Umar met Abu Bakr and said to him, 'I
him from the same receptacle. He never did that with offered my daughter to CUthman but he refused my offer,
anyone else but me. He used to pray while I was lying and offered herto you but you kept silentl' Abu Bakr said,
between his hands, which is something that he never let 'It was the Prophet. He mentioned something about her,
any of his other wives do. The inspiration used to come and it was a secret and I disliked to divulge a secret.' ,,29
down upon him while he was with me. He passed away
<A)isha narrated: "The Messenger of God liked sweets
when he was in my bosom during the night when he was
and honey. Whenever he performed the afternoon prayer,
supposed to have intercourse with me, and he was buried
he would visit his wives and have intercourse with them.
in my home.',22
Once he went to Hafsa and was delayed there more than
Once CA)isha asked the Prophet, "Who will be your wives usual. I asked about that, and I was told that a woman
in paradise?" He answered, "You will be one of them. ,,23 gave her [Hafsaj a pot of honey, from which she gave the
We leam from the stories that Wisha was Muhammad's Messenger of God to drink. So I said, 'By Godl I am going
favourite wife. <Amr Ibn al-<As asked him, "0 Messenger to trick him.' I told the incident to Sawda and said to her,
of God, who is your favourite among people?" He replied, "When he comes to you, he will try to have intercourse
-140 - -141-
Muhammad'. WI.... In al-8lro Muhammad'. WI.... In al-8lro

with you. Then say to him, "0 Messenger of God, have Umm Salama, I was deeply grieved because she was said
you eaten euphorbia?" He will answer you, "No." So say to be so beautiful. I spoke nicely to her till I was able to
to him, "Then what is that bad smell?" [The Messenger see her. When I saw her, I found out she was much more
of God disliked to smell bad.] So he will say to you, beautiful and fair than I had heard. So I mentioned this to
"Hafsa gave me honey to drink." Then say to him, "The Hafsa [the two of them were in league]. She said, 'No by
bees that produced it must have licked euphorbia." I will Godl This is nothing but jealousy. She is not as [beautiful
say likewise and Safiyya as well.' He came to Sawda and as] they say.' So Hafsa spoke nicely to her till she was
she said to him, 'Have you eaten euphorbia?, He said, able to see her, and then she said, 'I have seen her; she
'No.' She said, What is this bad smell then?' He is not as [beautiful as] you said. She is jUst beautiful.' I
answered, 'Hafsa gave me honey to drink.' She said, 'The saw her later, and I swear by God that she was as Hafsa
bees that produced it must have licked euphorbia.' When said, and it is I who was jealous.,,33
he came to me, I said the same and Safiyya said the
same. Later when he came to Hafsa, she said to him, '0 (Abd ai-Rahman Ibn al-Harith narrated, "The Messenger
Messenger of God, shall I give you a drink from it?' He of God was on some of his travels, and took with him on
replied, 'No. I don't need it.' Sawda said, 'Praise be to this specific joumey Safiyya Bint Huyay and Umm Salama.
God. We managed to prevent him [from delaying].' And I The Messenger of God approached Safiyya's hawdqj
told her to keep silent.',30 [camel litter] thinking it was Umm Salama's. This was
Umm Salama's day [on which Muhammad was supposed
5. Umm Salama: Her name is Hind Bint Abi Umayya. to have sex with her]. So the Messenger of God started to
Muhammad visited her after the death of her husband talk with Safiyya which provoked Umm Salama to
and the completion of her legal period [of cleansing]. He jealousy. When the Messenger of God knew it was
asked her if she would marry him. He had heard that Safiyya, he came to Umm Salama, who said, 'You talk
she refused many men and that she had no desire for with the daughter of the Jew on my day, you who are the
them. So he asked her, "What is it that keeps you [from Messenger of God?' She later said, 'But I regretted what I
marrying], Umm Salama?" She replied, "I have three had said, and kept asking for pardon for it.' She said, '0
characteristics: I am old, with a child, and jealous." He Messenger of God, it was only jealousy that caused me to
said, "As to jealousy that you mentioned, I will call on do this.' ,,34
God to take it away from you. As to old age, I am older
than you; and as to the child, leave him to God and His 6. Umm Hablba (Ibn Abi SUfyan's widow): She was the
Messenger. ,,32 wife of (Ubaid Allah Ibn Jahsh who migrated to the land of
Ethiopia, where he adopted Christianity and died. Umm
Wisha said, "When the Messenger of God, married Habiba remained in her religion. 35 She said, "In my sleep
-142 - -143 -
Muhammad', Wloea In a/-sl,... Muhammad'. W'PU in al-8'ra

I saw my husband, IUbaid Allah Ibn Jahsh, in the worst him positively and gave her four hundred dinars as dowry.
and most contorted shape, so I was appalled. I said, 'By Then he poured the dinars into the hands of the people.
God, he has surely changedl' When he woke up he said, Khalid Ibn Salid spoke and said, "Praise be God, whom I
IUmm Habiba, I considered [the issue of] religion and thank and lean on for help and victory. I bear witness that
came to the conclusion that Christianity is the best there is no god other than Allah and that Muhammad is
religion,' So I said, 'By God, it can't be the best for youl' I the Servant and Messenger of Allah, who was sent by
told him about the dream, but he cared nothing for it and Him with the guidance and the religion oftruth to help him
took to wine till he died. I saw in my sleep as though he overcome all religions to the chagrin of idolaters. Now
came to me and said, '0 mother of believers,' so I was then, I have answered what the Messenger of God asked,
terrified, and took it to be that the Messenger of God will and have given him Umm Habiba Bint Abi Sufyan,"
marry me. As soon as my legal period was finished the
messenger of the Negus came knocking at my door He paid the dinars to Khalid Ibn Salid Ibn ai-lAs. They
asking for admission. It was a slave named Abraha who wanted to rise up, but he said, .. Sit down; it is the
attended to his clothes and ointment. She entered in and tradition of the prophets that people eat at their wedding.
said, 'The king says to you that the Messenger of God He called for food, they ate and dispersed. Umm Habiba
wrote him to give you to him in marriage.' I said, 'May God said, "When the money came to me, I sent for Abraha,
carry good tidings to you,' The slave said, 'The king says who gave me the good tidings, and said to her, 'I gave you
to you that you should appoint a guardian to wed you,' .. what I could that day, but I had no money in my
So she sent for Khalid Ibn Salid Ibn al·IAs and appointed possession. Here are fifty; take them and use them.'
him guardian, and gave Abraha two bracelets of silver, But she refused. I brought out all that I said I would give
two bangles that were round her legs, and silver rings that her, but she gave it back to me and said, 'The king made
were round her toes out of joy at what she heard. When it sure that I do not burden you with anything; for I am the
was night, the Negus ordered Jalfar Ibn Abi Talib and the one responsible for his clothes and ointment, and I follow
Muslims that were there to come. On their arrival, he the religion of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and I
said, "Praise be to God, the Holy, the Peace-Maker, the have surrendered to God. The king has also ordered his
Believing, the Sovereign, the Powerful, and the Mighty. I wives to send you all the perfume they have,' The next day
bear witness that there is no god other than Allah and she brought me alone juniper and amber, and a great deal
that Muhammad is the Servant and Messenger of Allah, of civet. I went to the Prophet with all this; he used to see
and that he is the one who was foretold by Jesus son of it on me and with me and did not complain.' Abraha said,
Mary. Now then, the Messenger of God wrote me to give What I request of you is to greet the Messenger of God
him Umm Habiba Bint Abi Sufyan in marriage. I answered from me, and to tell him that I followed his religion,' She
·144 . ·145·
Muhammad', Wi.... in ,.1-8'ro Muhammad's Wivu in al-Sira

treated me kindly and equipped me [for the journey]. sentence: 'Praise be to God who disposes the hearts:
Every time she entered my room she would say, 'Do not When Zaid came back home, she told him that the
forget what I need of youl' So when I came to the Messenger of God came. Zaid asked, 'You asked him to
Messenger of God, I told him how the speech was and come in, didn't you?' She replied, 'I bade him to, but he
how Abraha dealt with me, The Messenger of God smiled refused: He said, 'Have you heard [him say] anything?'
and, when I passed on her greetings to him, he said, She answered, When he had tumed away, I heard him
'Peace be upon her, the mercy of God, and His say something that I could hardly understand. I heard him
blessings: .. 36 say, "Praise be to God who directs the hearts:" Zaid
wel'lt out to the Messenger of God and said, '0
7. Zalnab Blnt Jahsh: Muhammad's marriage with Zainab Messenger of God, I learned that you came to my house.
Bint Jahsh was the strangest and most critical one. We Did you come in? 0 Messenger of God, my father and
know from the stories told about her that she was a mother are your ransom. Perhaps you liked Zainab. I can
beautiful woman. Muhammad had wedded his adopted leave her: The Messenger of God said, 'Hold on to your
son Zaid Ibn Haritha to her in spite of her displeasure with wife: Zaid said, '0 Messenger of God, I will leave her:
it, for she said, "0 Messenger of God, I don't like this for The Messenger of God said, 'Keep your wife: So when
myself, as I am a Kuraishite widow: 037 Zaid left her, she isolated herself and finished her legal
Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Hayyan narrated, "The period. While the Messenger of God was sitting talking
Messenger of God came to Zaid's house seeking him. with IA'isha, he was taken in a trance, and when it was
[Zaid was then called Zaid Ibn MUhammad]. Perhaps the lifted, he smiled and said, Who will go to Zainab to tell
Messenger of God missed him at that time, that is Why he her the good news that God wedded her to me from
said, Where is Zaid?' He went to his house seeking him heaven?' The Messenger of God recited, 'Thus you told
and, when he did not find him, Zainab Bint Jahsh stood up someone whom God had favoured and whom you yourself
to [meet) him in a light house dress, but the Messenger have favoured: "Hold on to your wife:' , .. 38 lA'isha said,
of God turned away from her. She said, 'He is not here, "I heard a great deal about her beauty and, moreover,
Messenger of God, so please come in; my father and about how God wedded her from heaven, and I said, 'For
mother are your ransom: The Messenger of God refused sure she will boast over this with us: Salama, the slave
to come in. Zainab had hurried to dress herself when she of the Messenger of God, came out running and I told her
heard that the Messenger of God was at her door, so she about that. She gave me some silver jewellery for her...39
leapt in a hurry, and the Messenger of God was deeply Zainab Bint Umm Salama narrated, "I heard my mother,
moved by her when she did that. He went away muttering Umm Salama, say, 'I once mentioned Zainab Bint Jahsh
something that was hardly understandable but for this and asked for God's mercy upon her soul, and narrated
-146 - -147 -
Muhammad', WI... in al-Slra Muhammad'. Wiva in al-Sira
some of the things that happened between her and reason why some of the Qur)anic verses were
(A)isha. Zainab said, "By God, I am unlike any of the "revealed". One of these verses is the "verse of the
wives of the Messenger of God; he was given them in curtain", which can help us understand what kind of
marriage by dowries and needed guardians to wed them. curtain [Arabic hijab means either curtain or veil) was
As for me, it was God who wedded me to the Messenger meant by Muhammad at first. Sulaiman Ibn Harb
of God and revealed the scripture on my account; narrated, quoting Hammad Ibn Zaid, quoting Ayyub Ibn
Muslims will continue to read with no change or Abi Qulaba that Anas said, "I know about this verse, 'the
alteration- 'Thus you told someone whom God had verse of the curtain', more than anyone else. When
favoured.' " Umm Salama said, "The Messenger of God Zainab was given to the Messenger of God, he held a
found her desirable and used to visit her frequently. She banquet on the night he married Zainab, invited the
was a good woman and used to fast regularly, did good people and served them a meal. He wished that they
and gave her money away to the needy." ,,,40 leave afterward, because his mind was set on his bride.
The traditions tell us that Muhammad sent Zaid to He stood up to let them know he wanted to leave, so
propose to her. Anas narrated: "When the legal period of some left. He stood up once more, but some stayed. He
stood up a third time, and then they all left. So he entered
Zainab Bint Jahsh was finished, the Messenger of God
said to Zaid Ibn Haritha, 'I have none that I can trust, his house [where the bride was) and Anas followed him,
other than myself, but you. Go to Zainab and propose to but he prevented him [from coming in) by letting down the
her for me.' So Zaid went off and came to her while she curtain and said, "You who believe do not enter the
was leavening dough. Zaid said, When I saw her, she Prophet's [private) quarters unless an invitation had been
became greater in heart, and I could not look at her since extended to you for a meal, though still without watching
I knew that the Messenger of God mentioned her. So I how it was prepared. However once you have been
turned my back on her and said, "0 Zainab, rejoice; the invited, then go on in; and once you have been fed, then
Messenger of God has mentioned you.'" She said, 'I disperse, not indulging in conversation. That has been
distUrbing the Prophet and he feels ashamed [to tell] you
shall do nothing until I ask the advice of my Lord.' She
so. Yet God is not ashamed [to raise] the Truth. Whenever
rose up and went to pray [or to her mosque). Then the
verse was revealed: 'Once Zaid has accomplished his you ask [his wives] for any object, ask them for it from
behind a curtain. ,,42 The people arose and he let the
purpose with her, We married her off to you.' Then the
curtain down. 43
Messenger of God came and entered without perrnis-
Another tradition by Anas says: "The Messenger of God
Muhammad's marriage with Zainab Bint Jahsh was the held a banquet for Zainab and fed the Muslims bread and
-148 - -149 -
Muhammad'. WiPei in a'-Biro Muhammad'. Wives in al-Sira

meat. Then he went out to the quarters of the mothers of (Urwa narrated, quoting (A)isha concerning the latter:
believers to greet them and bless them, and be greeted "When Zainab Bint Jahsh died, she ['A'ishaj started to
and blessed by them. He used to do that in the morning weep and remember Zainab and ask the mercy of God on
following his consummation of marriage. He and I her soul. (A)isha was asked why she wept, and she
retumed together. When we reached Zainab's house, answered, 'She was a good woman.' I said to her, 'My
we found two men indulging in conversation at one side of aunt, which of the wives of the Messenger of God was his
the house. On seeing them, the Messenger of God favourite?' She replied, 'I did not have a lot of him. Zainab
returned from his house, when the two men saw this, they Bint Jahsh and Umm Salama, however, had a [special]
hurried away. I cannot remember whether it was I who told place in his [heart]. They were the most favoured by him
him that they left or someone else. As soon as he entered after me as far as I know.,,48
the house, he let the curtain down between him and me,
8. Zalnab Blnt Khuzalma (who was called "the mother of
and God revealed the verse of the curtain.,,44
the poor"): She was the divorcee of al-Tufail Ibn al-Harith.
She was known in the Jahiliya as "the mother of the
One tradition says that Muhammad said, "The most
poor". She was married to Muhammad in Ramadan 31
generous among you is the one who will be the closest in
months after the Migration, remained eight months with
catching up with me."45 So his wives used to act
him, and passed away at the end of the month of Rabi ( ai-
generously toward everything. The Messenger of God
Awwal. The Messenger of God prayed over her and had
meant alms-giving when he said that, and Zainab was a
her buried in al-Baqi(.49 Muhammad Ibn (Umar narrated
choice woman who used to give alms to the people, and
46 that he asked (Abdullah Ibn Ja(far about her age when
was therefore the closest in keeping up with him.
she died. He answered that she was thirty years old, or
(A)isha narrated: "May God show mercy on Zainab Bint
Jahsh; she has received in this world an honour that no 9. Juwalrlyya Blnt al·Harlth: (A)isha narrated: "The
one else received- namely that God married her off to His Messenger of God fell upon the women of Banu al-
Prophet in the world and expressed this in the Qur)an, Mustaliq, took one fifth of them and distributed them
and that the Messenger of God said to us when we were among the people. He gave the horse one portion and the
around him, 'The fastest one in keeping up with me is the man two portions. So it happened that Juwairiyya Bint al-
most generous one among you,' and then the Messenger Harith fell to the lot of Thabit Ibn Qais Ibn Shammas the
of God gave her the good news that she was the fastest Ansarite. She had been married to her cousin Safwan Ibn
one in keeping up with him and that she will be his wife in Malik Ibn Judsaima Dsu al-Shifr, who was killed. So Qais
paradise.,,47 offered to free her for the sum of nine ounces [of gold].
-150 - -151-
Muhammad', WI .... In "/-slre Muhammad'. Wives in ol-Slra

Now she was a lovely woman; all who saw her were struck said, "The like of my daughter should not be taken
by her loveliness. So while the Messenger of God was at captive. It is beneath my dignity to have something like
my place, Juwairiyya came asking him concerning the this done to me; so release her and let her go."
offer that was made her to be freed, and as soon as I saw Muhammad replied, "Wouldn't it be better if we give
her, I hated that she had come to the Prophet and knew her the choice?" He said, "Yes, and you have done what
that he would see in her exactly what I saw. She said, '0 you ought to." So her father went to her and told her,
Messenger of God, I am Juwairiyya Bint al-Harith, the "This man has given you the choice, so do not dishonour
master of his people, and you know that I fell to the lot of us." She replied, "I have chosen the Messenger of
Thabit Ibn Qais, who offered to free me for nine ounces God." So he said, "You have surely dishonoured US.',53
[of gold]. So please help me to be freed.' He said, '[Do
The traditions attest that she enjoyed the treatment of a
you want] something better than this?' She asked, What
wife since he covered her under the curtain and divided
is it?' He said, 'That I pay your ransom for you and marry
things equally between her and the rest of his wives. 54
you.' She replied, 'Yes, Messenger of God.' The
Messenger of God said, 'This is done.' The news was 10, Saflyya Blnt Huyay Ibn al-Akhtab: "When the
spread around and the people said, 'The in-laws of the Messenger of God raided Khaibar, and God gave him
Messenger of God are made slavesl' So they freed all their possessions as booty, he took away Safiyya Bint
Banu al-Mustaliq that were captured by them who were Huyay and one of her cousins from al-Qumus, and ordered
around a hundred, just because of his marriage with her. I Bilal to carry them to his own camel. [The Messenger of
do not know of any woman who was more of a blessing to God had a choice of every booty and Safiyya was one of
her folk than her. This is a result of the raid of al- those who were chosen in the battle with Khaibar.l The
Marisa (. ,,51 Prophet offered her freedom if she chose God and His
Messenger, so she surrendered [adopted Islaml, was
The traditions make it obvious to us that Muhammad's
freed by him, was married to him, and her dowry was her
wives ridiculed him and said that he married her out of
freedom. He saw in her face, near her eyes, a green scar,
pity and to show his graciousness. So Juwairiyya said, "0
and asked, What is this?' She answered, '0 Messenger
Messenger of God, your wives boast over me. They tell
of God, I saw in a dream a moon from Yathrib that fell in
me that the Messenger of God has not married me." He
my lap, and I related this to Kinana, my husband. He said,
replied, "Have I not paid you a costly marriage dowry?
"You like to be under that king who hails from Yathrib,
Have I not freed forty of your folk?,,52
don't you?" He hit me on the face, and I started to count
Abu Qulaba narrated that the Prophet took Juwairiyya Bint my legal period.' The Messenger of God had not left
al-Harith captive, and her father came to the Prophet and Khaibar till she was clear.sed of her menses. The
-152 - -153 -
Muhammad'. Wives in «'-S'N Muhammad'. Wi.... In al-Blro

Messenger of God went out of Khaibar before he when she was about to wash. We took her along till we
consummated the marriage with her. When the camel were hidden from the soldiers. She did what she needed
was brought near the Messenger of God to go out, he put to do and washed herself. I asked her about what she
out his leg for Safiyya so that she could put her feet on saw in the Messenger of God, and she told me that he
his thigh, but she refused and rather put her knee on his was so pleased with her that he did not sleep the night,
thigh, The Messenger of God covered her, carried her but kept on talking to her and said to her, "Why did you
behind him, put his raiment upon her back and face and do that when I wanted to enter upon you [marry you] in the
then pulled it tightly under her legs and took her as one of first house?" She answere<;l, "I feared for you because
his wives. When he reached a house called Tabar, six the Jews were near." This endeared her more to the
miles away from Khaibar, he tumed to it wanting to Messenger of God: When the morning came he held a
consummate the marriage with her. Nevertheless, she banquet for her there. The banquet consisted of nothing
refused, even though he was eager. On coming to al- else but pressed dates and the only bowls they had were
Sahba), which is four leagues away from Khaibar, the animal skins, The people there and they all went on their
Messenger of God said to Umm Salim, 'You must tend journey till they reached al-Qasiba which was 16 miles
. your friend and comb her.' The Messenger of God wanted away.,,55
to consummate the marriage with her there. Umm Salim
Abu Huraira narrated: While the Messenger of God was
said, 'But we have neither tent nor pavilion.' So she took
consummating the marriage with Safiyya, Abu Ayyub
two covers or raiments, hung them to a tree, combed her
spent the night at the door of the Prophet. When the
and perfumed her there. Umm Sinan al-Aslamiyya said, 'I
Messenger of God woke up and he said, "Allahu akbar,"
attended the wedding ceremony of the Messenger of God
there was a sword with Abu Ayyub. Abu Ayyub said, "0
and Safiyya; we combed and perfumed her. She was the
Messenger of God, she was a newly married woman, and
sort of woman who looks brilliant when she is adomed. I
you killed her father, brother, and husband, so I did not
have not found a better smelling ointment than that night.
feel secure about you with her." The Messenger of God
Before we were aware of it, we heard someone saying,
laughed and said, "It all went well.,,56
"The Messenger of God is consummating the marriage
with his wife; we have plucked the hair over her under a 11. Rayhana 81nt Zald: (Umar Ibn al-Hakam narrated:
doom palm." The Messenger of God went forward to her, "The Messenger of God freed Rayhana Bint Zaid Ibn (Amr
and she stood up to meet him [we had told her to do sol, Ibn Khunaqa. She had been married to a loving and
we went out and left them together, and the Messenger of honouring husband, She said, 'I shall never have a
God consummated the marriage with her there and spent husband after him: She was beautiful, When Banu
the whole night with her. We passed by her in the moming Quraiza were taken captive, the booty was shown to the
-154 - -155 -
Muhammad'. Wives In alooSlra
Muhammad'. Wives In alooSlra

Messenger of God, and she was among the captives that God gave the freedom to choose either Islam or her
were shown him so he commanded her to be set aside. religion, she chose Islam. Then the Messenger of God
He used to have a choice from each booty. She herself freed her, married her and had her veiled. She was
narrated, When I was set aside, he chose me and sent strongly jealous over him once, which made him divorce
me to the house of Umm al-Mundsir Bint Qais for some her one time while she was still at her place. She could
days till he had the captives killed and the spoils not bear that and wept profusely, then the Messenger of
distributed. Then the Messenger of God entered upon God entered on her when she was in that state and
me, and when I was too shy to meet him, he called me remarried her. She remained with him till she died.',58
and sat me between his hands. He said, "If you choose
God and His Messenger, the Messenger of God will 12. Malmuna 81nt al-Harlth: She was the last woman the
choose you for himself." I said, "I choose God and His Messenger of God married. This took place the seventh
Messenger." So when I surrendered, he freed me, year during Umrat al-qadhiyya. (Ali Ibn (Abdillah Ibn Abbas
married me, and gave me twelve ounces [of gold] as a narrated: When the Messenger of God wanted to go out to
bridal gift as he would do with his wives. He consum- Mecca in the year of the Qadhiyya, he sent Aws Ibn Khuli
mated the marriage with me in the house of Umm al- and Abu Raft ( to ai-Abbas who wedded him off to
Mundsir, and he used to distribute for me as he did all his Maimuna. Their camels went astray and they had to
wives, and commanded me to be veiled.' The Messenger spend some days till the Messenger of God reached them
of God was fond of her and he granted her all she asked with slices of meat and found that they had bound their
for. She was told, 'Had you asked the Messenger of God two camels together. They went with him to Mecca where
for Banu Quraiza, he would have freed them.' She Muhammad sent for al·Abbas and mentioned what
answered, 'He reclined with me after he had already happened to him. Maimuna surrendered herself to the
distributed the booty.' He reclined with her frequently and Messenger of God. The Messenger of God came to the
she remained with him till she died. He buried her in al- house of ai-Abbas and proposed to her from ai-Abbas who
Baqi(. He married her in Muharram, six years after the wedded her to him. The importance of this marriage lies
Migration.',57 in the question whether a Muhrim can marry during the
Pilgrimage, since the traditions have it that Muhammad
married Maimuna while he was muhrim (that is, abstinent
Muhammad Ibn Ka(b narrated: "Rayhana was among
while on a pilgrimage).
those God gave him as captives. She was a beautiful
woman. When her husband was killed, she was taken
captive and became the choice of the Messenger of God
in the battle with Banu Quraiza. When the Messenger of
-156 -
-157 -
Muhammad'. Wives in al-Biro Muhammad'. Wives in al-Biro.

1- aJ.SiraaJ.nabawiyya,1:198. 28- ibid. 8:80-82; aiSlra, 4:294

2- Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd, 1:132. Tha Swedish ortanfaUst Frants Buhl thinks It Is an 29- Tabaqat, 8:83; Ansab al-ashra/, 1:402; Usd aJ1/haba, 5:486
exaggeration to say that Khadlja was forty years old since she already had five 30, ibid. 8:85,9011. aiSira, 4:294.
sons, knowing that Arab women suffer from eariy aging ("Khadldja", EI, vol.2, 31- Tabaqat, 8:9111.
p.922). 32- ibid. 8:94
3- aJ.Sira, 1:199. 33-lbld. 8:95-96. 'vVhlle eye-witnesses ofthe household of Muhammad (the chiefone
4- Tabaqat, 1:131. of whom Is (A)lsha) tell us that about the beauty of Umm Salama and the way she
5- aJ.Sirs, 1:200; Tabaqat, 8:52. rivalled the rest In beauty, Muslims in the twentieth century try to convince us that
8- aiSirs, 1:201; Tabaqat, 8:52 she was mlckfle-aged and that Muhammad married her only out of pity (Hasan
7- Tabaqat, 1:132ff. Kamilal-Maltawi, Rasul Allah lIa/-Qur'an af.lrarim (Cairo, 1979), p.339; al-Manar,
8· aiSlra, 1:202. 5:305; Muhammad Rashid Ridha, Fatawa al<niam, 5:1911).
9· Ibid. 1:132. 34- Tabaqat, 8:96; Annals of al-Tabari, 3: 164; Ansab aJ.ashra/, 1:429; Usd alghaba,
10, Tabaqat, 1:137; cf. al-5ira, 3:19311; aiSlmt a/-thamin, p.13; aJ.lst/'ab, 4:1817ff. 5:560.
11- aJ.Sira, 1:202. 35- Tabaqat, 8:101.
12- Tabaqat, 1:144. 36- Sura al-Ahzab 33:37.
13- Tabaqat, 1:144. 37· Tabaqat, 8:101·102.
14- Ibid. 38- ibid.
15- Sura al-Nlsa' 4:128; Tabaqar, 8:52. AI-labari says in his commentary: "If a 39- ibid. 8:104.
woman fears that her husband feels aloof to her and starts looking at another 40, Sura al·Ahzab 33:53.
woman, either because he hates her or hates some things about her, such as 41- Tabaqat, 8:105-106.
ugliness or old age, there Is no faUlt In such a woman who fears the desertion of 42- Ibid.
her husband to free him from her appoInted day {of conjugal right], and thus win
43-lbid. 8:108; aiSlmtaJ.thamin, p.110; aJ4stJ'ab, 40:1851; al-lsaba, 9:83.
his kindness" (ai-laban, 5:305f.). Yet the case Is otherwise with the men who 44- Ibid. 8:108.
fear the rebelllousness of their wives: "And those you fear may be rebellious 45- Ibid.
admonish; banish them to their couches, and [even] beat them" (Sura al-Nlsa' 48-lbid.8:114.
4:34). 47- Ibid. 8:110-116; Usd al-ghaba, 5:466.
16- Tsbaqat, 8:53. IA1isha IAbd af.Rahman says conceming Muhammad when he 48- Tabaqat, 8:166.
drove Sawda away and received her again among his wives, "But he pitied her
49- Tabaqat, 8: 116-117; Ansab aJ.ashra/, 1:433; Usa aJ.gh8ba, 5:462.
emotional deprivation and did not like her to fall a victim to the bn.rtal feeling that 50, Tabaqat, 8:117; aiSira, 4:296; Usd aJ.ghaba, 5:420.
she was not like the other [Wives]. He tried his best to open his heartto her, but he 51- Tabaqat, 8:118.
could not get his human nature to do so. The uttermost he could do for Sawda was 52- Ibid.
to equalise her wJth the rest of hIs wives in terms of housing and keep; as to his 53-lbld.8:121-122:
emotions, he found It impossJble to force something unpleasant to them, or 54- Ibid. 8: 126; Ansab al-ashra/, 1:422; Usd alghaba, 5:4900.
subdue them by his will-power to the balances ofjustice and the regulations of 55- Tabaqat, 8:129-130.
faimessl" (Nisa' al-Nabl, p.66). For more information on Sawda, see Ansab sl- 56- ibid.
ashra/, 1:407; Usd alghaba, 5:584; Annals ofal-Tabari, 3:161. 57- Ibid. 8:132; Ansab a/-ashraf, 1:453; Usa aJ.ghaba, 5:460; al·Tabart, 3:167.
17· Tabaqat, 8:58; Abu Oawud, Nikah34; Ansaba/-ashra/, 1:410; UsdaJ.ghaba, 5:501
56- Tabaqat 8:133. ct. tha tradilions quoted hara (8: 13311.)
18- aiSlra, 4:293
19- Tabaqat, 8:58
20, Ibid.
21- Tabaqa~ 8:50
22-lbid. 8:64
23- ibid. 8:65
24- ibid. 8:67
25-lbld. 8:318; al-Bukhart, Mima 25,30, Fadha'ii al-sahaba 30
26- Tabaqa~ 1:318
27- ibid. 8:62

-158 - -159 -
Muhammad'. FUrther Attempt. to Marl')'

chapter twenty six woman from Baljun, and ordered me to bring her. I
brought her and stationed her in al-Shawt behind a blade
Muhammad's Further Attempts to Marry
of a henna flower in a square house. I came to the
Prophet and said to him, 'I have brought your wife to you.'
Women Muhammad proposed to but did not He went out on foot and I walked with him. When he
marry: reached her, he fell down on her to kiss her (the
1. AI·Kllablyya: She was called Fatima Bint al-Dhahhak or Messenger of God used to lean to the back and then
Amra Bint Yazid al-Kilabiyya. 1 Narrators gave contra- kiss), so she said to him, 'I take refuge with God from
dictory stories about the reason why Muhammad left her. yoU.'6 Muhammad was told that she was deceived and
that she was quite young, but he never took her back,',7
In a tradition by Wisha we read the following, "When she
was brought in to him after marriage, he approached her,
and she said, 'I take refuge with God from you.' The 3. Qutalla Blnt Qals: Ibn Abbas narrated: "When Asma)
Messenger of God said, 'You have taken refuge with the Bint al-Nu(man took refuge with God from the Prophet, he
Great One; go back to your family.' ,,2 Some claim that went out and his face showed an immense anger. AI-
Muhammad left her due to vitiligo alba (a mild leprosy),3 Ash (that said to him, 'Let this not bother you, Messenger
and some said that she lost her mind after she refused of God. Shall I give in marriage one that is more beautiful
and honourable?' He asked, Who?' He replied, 'My
him. 4
sister Qutaila.' He said, 'I marry her.' So al-Ash(that left
2. Asma) Blnt al-Nu(man al-Klndlyya: Ibn Abbas narrated: for Hadramawt and carried her. And when he had left
"The Messenger of God married Asma) Bint al-Nu(man, Yemen, he leamed that the Prophet died, so he took her
and she was the most beautiful and elegant woman of her back to his country and turned away amongst those who
time. When the Messenger of God began to marry foreign turned away. ,,8
women, (A)isha said, 'His attention is now so drawn to
the foreign ones that they nearly tumed his face away 4. Mallka Blnt Ka(b al-lalthl: The Prophet married Malika
from us,' When the wives ofthe Prophet saw Asma), they Bint Ka (b who was known for her resplendent, magnifi-
envied her and said to her, 'If you want to have favour with cent beauty. Wisha entered to her and said, "Are you
him, take refuge with God from him as soon as he enters not ashamed of marrying the killer of your father?" So
upon you.' So when he entered, took away the veil, and she took refuge with God from him, and the Prophet
stretched out his hand to her, she said, 'I take refuge with divorced her among her folk, who said to him, "0
God from you.' He replied, 'Go back to your family.' ,,5 Messenger of God, she is still young and she was
Abu Usaid narrated: "The Messenger of God married a deceived, so please tal<e her back." But he refused. 9
-160 - -161-
Muhammad'. Further Attempte to Marry Muhammad'. Further Attempts to Marry

5. Blnt Jundub: The Messenger of God married Bint doneI You are a jealous woman and the Prophet is a
Jundub. Muhammad Ibn (Amr said, "Our friends deny polygamist. You may feel jealous over him and he would
that and hold that the Messenger of God never married a then call upon God against you. So ask him to release
woman from the tribe of Kinana."10 you.' Thereupon she went back to him and said, '0
Messenger of God, release me.' He said, 'I release you.'
6. Sana Blnt al-Salt: Muhammad married her but she
Later Mas<ud Ibn Aws married her.',12 <Asim Ibn (Umar
died before she reached him. (Abdullah Ibn <Ubaid
Ibn Qatada narrated: "Laila Bint al-Khatim bestowed
narrated: "A man from Banu Sulaim came to the
herself upon the Messenger of God, and he accepted her.
Prophet and said, '0 Messenger of God, I have a
She used to ride her mule in an obscene manner, as she
daughter who possesses beauty and intelligence that
was also ill-mannered. She said, 'No by Godl I shall not
none else possesses but you.' So the Prophet was about
to marry her, but the man said, 'And another, 0 let Muhammad marry an Ansarite woman in this district.
Messenger of God, who has never been afflicted with a By Godl I shall go to him and bestow myself upon him.'
She went to the Prophet while he was standing with one
disease while she was with me.' The Prophet said to him,
of his friends, and he was not aware of her till she laid her
We have no need of your daughter. Have you come to
hand on him. He said, Who is this? May the lion eat himl'
take away her sins? There is nothing good in a
She replied, 'I am Lalla, the daughter of the master of his
possession that cannot be humiliated, and a body that
cannot be afflicted.' ,,11 people; I have bestowed myself upon you.' He said, 'I
have accepted you; go back until my command reaches
Women Muhammad married but with whom he you.' She went back to her people, who said to her, 'You
did not consummate the marriage, or women who are a woman who cannot bear adversaries [wives], and
had given themselves to Muhammad: God has made it lawful for his Messenger to marry
1. Lalla Blnt al·Khatlm: Ibn Abbas narrated: "Lalla Bint whomever he wills.' She retumed to him and said, 'God
al-Khatim came to the Prophet while he had his back has made women lawful for you and I am a woman of a
facing the sun, and tapped on his shoulder. He said, lashing tongue and I bear no adversaries.' She asked him
Who is this? May the lions eat him.' (He used to say this to release her, and he did.,,13
many times.) She replied, 'I am the daughter of the one
who feeds the birds and competes with the wind. I am 2. Umm HanJl Blnt Abl Tallb: Ibn Abbas narrated: "The
Lalla Bint al-Khatim and have come to you offering myself. Prophet asked Abu Talib for the hand of his daughter,
Marry me.' He said, 'Your request is done.' So she Umm Hanfl, in marriage in the Jahiliya. But Hubaira
returned to her people and told them that the Messenger proposed to her and married her. The Prophet said, 'My
of God married her. They said, What a bad thing you have uncle, you mar~ied Hubaira off and left me out!' He
-162 - -163 -
Muhammad'. Furlher AlfOmpto 10 Marry Muhammad'. Furlher AlfOmpto 10 Marry

replied, 'My nephew, we have become related to you by an impotent man. She asked him to divorce her, and he
marriage, and the dignified man rewards [or is the reward did. Hisham Ibn al-Mughira married her, and she gave him
of] the dignified man: Afterwards, she surrendered Salama, who was one of the best Muslims. Hisham died
[adopted Islam] and Islam separated her from Hubaira. and she was widowed. She was one of the most beautiful
Then the Messenger of God proposed to her personally. and well-mannered women among the Arabs. When she
She said, 'By Godl If I loved you in the Jahiliya, so how sat down she would occupy a great part of the floor, and
much more in Islaml But I am a woman with children and I her body would be covered with her long hair. Her beauty
hate that they would hurt you: The Messenger of God was described to the Prophet, he asked her son, Salama
said, 'The best women who ride on horseback are the Ibn Hisham Ibn al-Mughira, for her hand. He said, '[Wait]
women of Quraish; they are tender to their little children, till I ask her permission: (Meanwhile the Prophet was
and take good care 0 f th elr. husband' s possessions.
. ,14
told that she had grown old.) Her son went to her and told
Abu Salih, the guardian of Umm HanP, narrated: "The her that the Prophet asked her hand from him. She asked
Messenger of God proposed to Umm HanP, Abu Talib's him, What have you said to him?' He answered, "told
daughter, who said, '0 Messenger of God, I am the him [to wait] till I ask your permission: She said, Would
mother of orphans, and my children are young: So when someone need permission when the Prophet is the one
her children attained pUberty, she offered herself to him, involved? Go back and wed me to himl' So he went back
but he said, 'No, not now,' because God revealed to him: and told the Prophet, but the Prophet kept silent:,17
'0 Prophet, We have permitted you [to deal with] your
wives to whom you have given their allotments, and
4. Saflyya Blnt Bashshama: Ibn Abbas narrated:
"Muhammad proposed to Safiyya Bint Bashama Ibn
anyone your right hand controls whom God has given you
Nadhla al-(Anbari, who was taken captive. The Messenger
[as captives] and your paternal uncles' and aunts'
of God gave her the choice and said, Whom do you
daughters, and your maternal uncles' and aunts'
desire: me or your husband?' She said, 'Nay, my
daughters who have migrated along with YOU',15 and
husband: So he sent her away and Banu Tamim cursed
she was not among those who migrated. Another said,
'She bore for Hubaira Ibn Abi Wahb, Ja(da, (Umar, Yusuf,
and Hani): ,,16 5. Umm Shuralk Blnt Ghazlyya: (Ali Ibn ai-Husain
narrated: "The woman who bestowed herself upon the
3. Dhaba(a Blnt Qlrt Ibn Maslama: Ibn Abbas narrated: Prophet was Umm Shuraik. (Ikrima mentioned in a
"Dhaba (a Bint <Amir was married to Haudsa Ibn (Ali al- tradition of his that she was the one meant by the verse:
Hanafi, from whom she inherited a great amount of 'And any believing woman who bestows herself upon the
money after his death. (Abdullah Ibn Jud(an al-Taymi was Prophet, provided the Prophet wants to marry her; such is
-164 - -165 -
Muhammad'. Further Attempts to Marry Muhammad'. Further Attempts to Marry

exclusively for you and not for [other] believers.' ,,19 A 9. Shurafa Blnt Khallfa: (Abd ai-Rahman Ibn Sabit
tradition by Munir Ibn (Abdillah al-Dawsi says: "She is the narrated: "The Messenger of God proposed to a woman
one who bestowed herself upon the Prophet. She was from the tribe of Kalb and (Alisha was sent to look at her.
from the Azd tribe. She offered herself to the Prophet, and She went and, after she came back, the Messenger of
she was beautiful but a little old. She said, 'I bestow God said to her, What did you see?' She replied, 'I saw
myself upon you and give myself to you as a free gift.' The nothing of value.' The Messenger of God said to her, 'I
Prophet accepted her. (A'isha said, 'There is nothing have seen something of value; I have seen a mole on her
good in a woman when she bestows herself upon a man.' cheek that causes every hair of yours to stand on end.'24
Umm Shuraik said, 'This is I.' Then God called her "the She said, '0 Messenger of God, there is no secret hidden
believing" when He said, 'And any believing woman who from you.' " Mujahid said, "The Messenger of God used
bestows herself upon the Prophet.' When this verse was not to propose again once he was refused. Once he
revealed, Wisha said, 'Indeed, God hastens to do what proposed to a woman and she said, 'Ask my father's
you desire.' ,,20 permission.' She found her father and he gave her
permission. Later she met the Messenger of God and told
6. Khawla Blnt Hakim Ibn Umalyya: Hashim Ibn him, but he said, We have found ourselves another
Muhammad narrated, quoting his father: "Khawla Bint mantle.' ,,25
Hakim was among those who bestowed themselves upon
the Messenger of God, and he put her off. She used to
serve the Prophet. (Uthman Ibn Maz'un married her and
died while she was still alive.',21
1- There is no agreement on her name; some call her "Saba) Blnt Sufyan"
7. Umama Blnt Hamza Ibn (Abd al-Muttallb: Ibn Abbas (Tabaqat, 8:141).
narrated: "The Messenger of God was constrained to 2- Tabaqat, 8: 141: Usd a/tlhaba. 5:525.
3- Tsbaqat, 8:142.
[marry] Hamza's daughter, but he said that she was his 4- ibid.
step-sister [or sister by nursing] and that this kind of 5- ibid. 8: 143; Usd a/tlhaba, 5:396ff.
6- Tabaqat, 8:144; al-5/ra, 4:29T.
relationship is forbidden. So the Messenger of God T- Ansab aI-ashraf, 1:456.
8- Tabaqat, 8:148; Usd a/tlhaba, 5:532,533.
married her off to Salama Ibn Salama and the Prophet 9- Tabaqat, 8:148.
used to say, 'Have you been rewarded by Salama?' ,,22 10- Tabaqat, 8:148ff.
11- Tabaqat, 8:148ff.; Usda/tlhaba, 5:483.
12- Tabaqat, 8:150.
8. Khawla Blnt al-Hudsall: al-Sharqi Ibn al-Qatami 13- Ibid. 8:150; Usd a/tlhaba, 5:542.
narrated that the Messenger of God married her but 14- Tabaqat, 8:151-153; Usd a/tlhaba, 5:624.
15- Sura al~Ahzab 33:50. Scholars are In disagreement concerning this verse as is
she died on the way before she ever reached him. 23 mentioned in the story of Umm Shuraik below.

-166 - -167 -
Muhammad'. Further Attempte to Marry
16- Tabaqat, 8: 153ff.
17· Ibid. Usd al-ghabs, 5:495-496. chapter twenty seven
18- Tabaqat, 8:1554; Usd al-ghabs, 5:490.
Ill- Sura al-Ahzab 33:50; Tabaqat, 8:156. The Story of Muhammad's Marriage
2Q. Tabaqat, 8:154-15T.
21- Ibid. 8:160; Usd alghaba, 5:444.
22- Tabaqat, 8:160; UsdaJ.ghaba, 5:399-400.
to Zainab Bint Jahsh
23- Tabaqat, 8:160; Usd alghaba, 5:337.
24- Tabaqat, 8:160; Usdalghaba, 5:486.
as the Qur1an Expositors See it
25- Tabaqat, 8:1600.

Muhammad's marriage to Zainab Bint Jahsh has become

a profound problem for the old expositors, and needs
justification and explanation due to the strange incidents
involved. 1 These incidents are not in harmony with the
~r ethics and conventions that Muhammad introduced to
mankind, as Muslims claim. But before we delve into the
opinions and the arguments that the expositors used to
justify what happened, it is worthwhile to quote here what
Ibn SaId and al-Tabari said concerning this story:

Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Hayyan narrated, "The

Messenger of God came to Zaid Ibn Haritha's house
seeking him. Perhaps the Messenger of God missed him
at that time, that is why he said, Where is Zaid?' He went
to his house seeking him and, when he did not find him,
Zainab Bint Jahsh stood up to [meet] him in a house
dress, 2 but the Messenger of God turned away from her.
She said, 'He is not here, Messenger of God, so please
come in; my father and mother are your ransom: The
Messenger of God refused to come in. Zainab had hurried
to dress herself when she heard that the Messenger of
God was at her door, so she leapt in a hurry, and the
Messenger of God liked h.er when she did that. He went
away muttering something that was hardly understand-
able but for this sentence: 'Praise be to God who
-168 - -169 -
Story 01 Muhammad'. Marriage to Zainab Story of Muhammad', Marriage to Zalnab

disposes the hearts.' When Zaid came back home, she married me off from above seven heavens, ,,4 Expositors
told him that the Messenger of God came. Zaid asked, are in unanimous agreement that this incident that took
'You asked him to come in, didn't you?' She replied, 'I place between Muhammad and Zainab on the one hand,
bade him to, but he refused.' He said, 'Have you heard and between Muhammad and Zaid on the other hand was
[him say] anything?' She answered, When he had turned the reason why this verse was revealed: "Thus you told
away, I heard him say something that I could hardly someone whom God favoured and whom you your~elf
understand. I heard him say, "Praise be to God who have favoured: 'Hold on to your wife, and heed God,'
disposes the hearts." , Zaid went out to the Messenger of while you kept to yourself what God had disclosed and
God and said, '0 Messenger of God, I learned that you you dreaded people's [opinions], although it is more
came to my house. Did you come in? 0 Messenger of correct for you to dread God, Once Zayd has accom-
God, my father and mother are your ransom. Perhaps you plished his purpose with her, 5 We married her off to you
liked Zainab. I can leave her.' The Messenger of God so that there would be no objection for believers in
said, 'Hold on to your wife.' Zaid said, '0 Messenger of respect to their adopted sons' wives once they have
God, I will leave her.' The Messenger of God said, 'Keep accomplished their purpose with them, God's command
your wife.' So when Zaid left her, she finished her legal must be donel" (Sura al-Ahzab 33:37),
period after she had isolated herselffrom Zaid. While the
Messenger of God was sitting and talking with Wisha, he Muhammad's marriage to Zainab, who was the wife of his
was taken in a trance, and when it lifted, he smiled and adopted son, led to many accusations against
said, Who will go to Zainab to tell her that God wedded Muhammad. The dissimulators said, "Muhammad pro-
her to me from heaven?' The Messenger of God recited, hibits the wives of the son while he himself marries the
'Thus you told someone whom God had favoured and wife of his son Zaid.,,6 (Abdullah Ibn (Umar narrated:
whom you yourself have favoured: "Hold on to your "We have always called him [namely Zaid] Zaid Ibn
wife.'" (A)isha said, 'I heard much about her beauty and, MUhammad.'~7 So this charge that the dissimulators,
moreover, about how God wedded her from heaven, and I among others, levelled against Muhammad necessitated
said, "For sure she will boast over this with us.'" the revelation of yet another verse: "Muhammad is not
Salama, the slave of the Messenger of God, hurried to tell the father of any of your men, but [he is] God's
her about that. She gave her some silver jewellery that Messenger and the Seal of the Prophets. God is Aware
she was wearing. ,,3 of everythingl" (Sura al-Ahzab 33:40). (Abdullah Ibn
(Umar said, "We only called him Zaid Ibn Muhammad
Zainab used to boast over the wives of the Prophet and till the verse 'Muhammad is not the father of any of your
say, "Your families married you off, but it was God who men' was revealed.',8
-170 - -171-
Story 0' Muhammad'. Marr'- to Zainab Story 0' Muhammad'. Marr'- to Zalnab

The interpretation of t.he verse by Muslim to your wife, and heed God." This is why God said, "Thus
expositors: you told someone whom God had favoured and whom you
Muslim expositors explain the verse (Sura al-Ahzab yourself have favoured: 'Hold on to your wife, and heed
33:37) as follows: Remember, MUhammad, when you God,' while you kept to yourself what God has disclosed."
said to laid,9 "Hold on to your wife, and heed God in [This means that] you hid in yourself that you would marry
regard to her, and do not divorce her owing to necessity or her if he leaves her.' ,,12
offering her haughtiness as excuse.,,10 In fact lainab (Ali Ibn Husain narrated: "God, may He be blessed and
Bint Jahsh appealed to the Messenger of God when he exalted, had made known to His Prophet that lainab will
saw her, as is told, when she was under the bond of his be one of the wives, so when laid came to him
next of kin, so God placed in his heart aversion toward her complaining of her, he said, 'Heed God, and hold on to
when he knew that the heart of his Prophet was so your wife.' But God said, 'You kept to yourself what God
stricken by her. So laid wanted to leave her and he told has disclosed.''' (A)isha narrated: Had the Messenger of
the Messenger of God. The Messenger of God said to God kept to himself any part of the Book of God that was
him, "Hold on to your wife" even though he desired him inspired to him he would have kept "You kept to yourself
to be finally divorced from her so that he could marry her, what God has disclosed and you dreaded people['s
"and heed God" namely fear Him in the duty you owe opinions], although it is more correct for you to dread
Him for your wife. 11 God.,,13

A tradition by Wahb, "Ibn laid said, 'The Prophet had AI-Hasan said, "None of the verses that were revealed to
married laid Ibn Haritha to lainab Bint Jahsh, his cousin, him was more burdensome to him than this: 'You kept to
and the Messenger of God went out one day seeking him. yourself what God has disclosed. And you dreaded
On laid's door was a curtain which the wind moved to people's [opinions], although it is more correct for you
show her unveiled in her chamber. The -heart of the to dread God.' The Prophet of God dreaded what people
Prophet was filled with admiration for her. When this would say.,,14 There only remains Ibn Kathir (A.D. 1373)
happened, she became undesirable to the other [namely among the old expositors who rejects the oldest
to laid], who came [to the Messenger of God] and said, traditions about the incident that took place between
"0 Messenger of God, I want to leave my wife." He Muhammad and lainab. He does that without resorting to
replied, "Did she do anything to arouse your suspicion?" any modification or justification to his claim. He says,
He said, "Nol She did nothing to arouse my suspicion at "Ibn Jarir and Ibn Hatim related many stories in this
all,O Messenger of God, and alii have seen from her was regard which we discard on the grounds of being
good." Then the Messenger of God said to him, "Hold on incorrect.',15 Ibn Kathir, however, who contests the
-172 - -173 -
Story of Muhammad'. Marria,ge to Zainab Story of Muhammad's MarrlQlle to Zatnab

accuracy of those stories claiming that they are incorrect, [intentions] and outward [expressions] be equal, that
finds no fault in citing a late tradition that says: "'YOU they should be firm in [pursuing) matters, responding
kept to yourself what God had disclosed' means that God according to circumstances and persisting on a
told you, Muhammad, that Zainab will be one of your settled course. In the Hadith, when the Messenger
wives and therefore you said to him " 'Hold on to your of God wanted to kill (Abdullah Ibn Abi 5arh, and when
wife.' ,,16 (Uthman interceded for him, (Umar said, "My eye was
facing yours, will you make a gesture with your eye so
The greatest problem that faces al-Razi is the "dread of
that I should kill him?" Muhammad replied, "The
the Messenger of God," since the Qur'an says, "You
prophet should not give orders through an eye-
dreaded people's [opinions], although it is more correct
gesture; their inward [intention] and their outward
for you to dread God." Butthis does not point outthat the
[expression] is the same." If you say, "How did God
Prophet dreaded the people and did not dread God, it
reprove him for refraining to express something that
rather means: "God alone is worthy to be dreaded, and
he disapproved of expressing? The Prophet would not
you should not dread any of the people together with him.
disapprove of expressing something unless it is
So dread Him alone.,,17 It is no secret that this
worthy of disapproval for him and the people talk
interpretation of al-Razi has not been known before him,
only against that which is considered loathsome to
and that it was, no doubt, a product of his imagination.
the intellects and habits. And why has He not
AI-Zamakhshari, on the other hand, treats other aspects reproved him concerning the same matter, ordering
in his analysis of the story. (A)isha narrated: him to repress [his) lust and quell [his] soul to keep it
from desiring and chasing after Zainab? Why has He
Had the Messenger of God kept anything to himself of
not kept His Prophet free from anything that would
what has been revealed to him, he would have kept
attach fault to him and expose him to gossip?" I
this verse hidden. If you ask, "What then did God
would say, "How often a man is cautious about
want him to say when Zaid told him he wanted to
something and is ashamed to let people know about
leave her, knowing that it was improper for him to tell
it, while it is inside him allowable, appropriate,
him to do so because he wanted to marry her, I would
absolutely lawful, indisputable, and God finds no fault
answer, "It seems that God, may He be exalted,
in itl And perhaps entering into that which is allowable
wanted him to hold his peace or to tell him, 'You know
serves as a ladder whereby one can attain duties that
better what to do,' so his inward [intention] should not
leave a great effect on religion for which a man is
be contradictory to his outward [expression), since
rewarded. Unless he is cautious regarding this many
God requires of the Prophets that their inward
people spread rumours about him, except those who
-174 - -175 -
Story of Muhammad'. Marria6e to Zatnab Story of Muhammad', Marrkwe to Zainab

have favour with God, knowledge, religion and God- has been the source of goodness; to mention only
given insight into the true state of affairs and into their one of them, a cousin of the Messenger of God [that
essence, not their outward appearance. Do you know is Zainab] secured herself [a marriage With] a close
that when they would feast in the houses of the relative and high honour, As to the general good in his
Messenger of God, reclining in their seats, not saying, "so that there would be no objection for
[showing desire] to leave, indulging in conversations, believers in respect to their adopted sons' wives once
and the Messenger of God would be hurt by their they have accomplished their purpose with them,"
sitting feeling upset by their speech, but constrained God should rather have reproved His Messenger when
by shyness? Had the Messenger of God revealed what he kept it to himself by saying to him, "Hold on to
was hidden in his breast, and commanded them to your wife, and heed God." Since God approves for him
disperse, they would have found it difficult [to receive] only conformity of conscience and outward [expres-
and there would be some defamatory talk. This is like sion], and standing firm in the issues of truth so that
man's ambition for certain objects, such as a woman. the believers would follow his example and not be
It is a desire not characterised by ugliness in intellect ashamed of fighting for their rights, even if it is bitter
or in religion, since it is not one of free choice. Also [to do SO].18
achieving what is allowable through legal means is
nothing ugly; namely proposing to Zainab and marry- Muslim writers have added nothing to the listof apologies
ing her without Zaid's suggestion that the Messenger that al-Zamakhshari (A.D. 1144) and al-Razi (A.D. 1209)
of God marry her, or to console him for leaving her presented, as they use the same arguments trying to
knowing firmly that Zaid's soul was not attached to interpret this story, and even defend it. They believe that
her at all, but was rather indifferent to her, and at the it involves hidden wisdom that the understanding of
same time the soul of the Messenger of God was so mankind is not yet mature enough to fathom. 19 We also
attached to her. It was not offensive among them that observe a bizarre agreement between the rigorists, who
a man would relinquish his wife for his friend so that call themselves traditionalists, and those who maintain
the latter could marry her. When the Migrants entered reform and progress. Muhammad Husain Haikal, for one,
Medina, they were consoled by the Helpers [al-Ansar] in the course of "refuting" the claims of V. Vacca in the
in everything, to the extent that if a man had two Encyclopaedia of Islam regarding Zainab, speaks about a
wives, he would relinquish one ofthem to the Migrant. "glorious deed" of Muhammad, which the orientalists
So then, the matter was allowable on all sides, and it and missionaries have turned into a romance. He says,
was not offensive at all. It also has not hurt or "As to Zainab Bint Jahsh, who has been wrapped up by
demoralised Zaid or anyone else. On the contrary, it orientalists and missionaries in an imaginary picture of
-176 - -177 -
Story of Muhammad'. Marriage to Zainab Story of Muhammad'. Marrl.age to Zainab

romance and infatuation, true history judges that Haikal presents Muhammad's giving Zainab in marriage
[Muhammad's act with] her was one of the glorious to Zaid as a cogent argument to ,refute the claims of his
deeds of Muhammad. Being the perfect example of faith, opponents who hold that the matter was merely romance
he applied to her the Hadith that says, 'Man's faith is not and infatuationl It is unbelievable that Haikal has no
made perfect till he loves for his brother what he loves for knowledge of the fact that "the heart of the Prophet was
himself.' It is enough to destroy the story that it was he deeply moved by her after her marriage with Zaid,,22
who betrothed her to his adopted son, Zaid.,,20 The which is found in trustworthy Islamic reference books. AI-
scholar Haikal does not fail to add that "we could have Sabuni, however, excludes any love affair or romance
spared him all these sayings by saying, 'Let it be true!' from this marriage, as he says, "How can a man give a
Why would this detract from the greatness, message, and virgin woman to [another] person, and then desire her
prophethood of Muhammad? The laws that bind [ordinary] after she is deflowered?,,23 AI-Sabuni attacks the
people have no power over the luminaries, so how much fraudulent "orientalists" and "missionaries" who
more the messengers and prophetsI Hasn't Moses seen claimed that God reproved Muhammad for his hidden
a dispute between two men; one was from his sect and desire forZainab. Yet, these "slanders" ofthe orientalist
the other from the enemy's sect, so he thrust the enemy and missionaries have already been listed in Tabaqat Ibn
and killed, committing an unlawful murder? So Moses Sa(d and al-Tabari's works, as they have been quoted in
broke the law, and was not subject to it. Yet this did not the books that were written after them. Ibn Sa (d and ai-
detract from his prophethood or message, and did not Tabari were neither the enemies of Islam nor "fraudulent
diminish his greatness. The way Jesus broke the law [of orientalists". They did not know that Muhammad only
nature] was even greater than Moses, and thus with married her to cancel and abolish the act of adoption. 24
Muhammad and the rest of the prophets. For his This argument was not known at all at the time of al-
condition is not bordered by a certain limit of power or Tabaril
desire, he rather went beyond the laws of nature by his
birth and lifeI,,21 On the other hand, there are some Muslim fundamental-
ists and writers whose work wins the favour of
Putting all these points aside, let us ask Muslims to find fundamentalists, who discovered a further virtue in the
the relation between the murder that Moses committed, Prophet- his fondness for womenl The Prophet has
on the one hand, and the birth of Jesus from a Virgin, on proven through this fondness that he was a man in the full
the other hand, and the relation between these two meaning of the word.25 It was Wisha (Abd ai-Rahman
people and the story of Muhammad and Zainabl The who was the first to express this argument.26 Her
strangeness of the matter lies in the fact that the scholar frankness is to be considered a criticism of the writers
-178 - -179 -
Story 0' Muhammad'. MarrlaBs to Zalnab Story 0' Muhammad'. Marriage to Zalnab
1- Compare the story of Zafnab Blnt Jahsh and her marriage with Muhammad:
who endeavour to rid the Messenger of all human _.fs of al-TBbari, 2:563; al-Taban (commentary), 22:9; Tabaqat Ibn sa'd,
feelings. She comments on what Haikal said in regard 8:101-10211.; AnsBb aI..shraf, 1:433; Usd af.ghaba, 5:463; aI-5fmt a/-thamin,
p.l08; Rudi Paret, Muhammad und der Qur'an, p.1441. Montgomery Watt,
to the Prophet's marriage with Zainab, "Am I then right in Muhammad at Madfna (Oxford, 1956), p.32~331.
saying that Dr Husain Haikal was wrong in his attempt to 2- We read the following In a tradition by al-Tabarf: "The Messenger of God went
out one day seeking him. On Zald's doorwas 8 curtain which the wind moved to
defend the Messenger? Indeed, when he denied the show her unveiled In her chamber. The heart of the Prophet was stricken by
Messenger's fondness for Zalnab and refused the fact edmlratlon for he(' (Annals ofal-Tabari, 2:453).
3- TBbsqat, 8:101-102; Annals ofal-Tabari, 2:45211.
that he was attached to her, he cast upon the matter 4- TBbsqat, 8:103; al·Taban, 22: 12; AnsBb a!-ashraf, 1:435; aI-Bukhan, Tawhld 22;
Muslim, Tafslr alAhzab 33:16.
many dark shades of suspicion that would make us 5- Check WBtarwhlch Is Interpreted usually by "the need" or "the necessity" (Abu
believe that this attachment was forbidden for the 'Ubalda. Majaz al-Qur'an, edltad by Muhammad Fuad Sezgln (BelNt, 1987),
2:138;and else aI·Bukhan. Talsq11).A1·Tuslexpialns WBtarby"need," and thus
Messenger and a flaw that we should free him from. the verse Is Interpreted: "Once Zayd had satisfied his need of her, we married
This has nothing to do with the matter at all. It is just her 011 to you, Muhammad" (al-Tlbyan, 8:244).
human nature that is subject to passions it cannot drive 6- TBbsqat, 3:42.
7- Ibid. 4:43.
away. So it rises high in nobility and self-control, 8- Ibid.
determining to continue refraining from what God 9- "And whom you yourself have favoured by emancipation and releasing" (al-
Taban (commentary), 22:12; al-Razl, 25:212; al-Buyuti. 5:202). "Whom God
permitted in order to escape the gossip of the people. had favoured with Islam; which Is the greatest favour, and by directing you
(Muhammad) to free him and love and have him as your own" (Mahmud Ibn
But God Insisted that His Messenger should embark on CU mar al-Zamakhsharl, al-Kashshafran haqa'lq al-tanzil wa Cuyun al-aqawll fI Wt.duh
such a marriage that has been permitted by law and al-la'wif(Beirut, n.d.), 2:539).
necessitated by the general good, which is 'that there 1()' al-Razl, 25:212; al-Baldawl, 2:273; al-Kashshal, 1:539
11- al·Taben (commentary), 22:12; al-Kashshal, 2:359. "The Messenger 01 God
would be no objection for believers In respect to their sawher after he married her off, and he was deeply moved by her. Then he said,
adopted sons' wives once they have accomplished their 'Praise be to Him, who changes the heartsl' She mentioned this to Zald, whose
soul was already estranged from her and did notwant her, so that he evenYlOuld
purpose with them.' The other private good was that let her marry another if she willed iU When she heard Muhammad praise God,
she told this to Zald who perceived what It meant and started to grow a dislike for
'Zainab should secure herself [a marriage with] a close her company and wanted to leave her to the Messenger of God."
relative, of high honour, and become one of the mothers 12- al-Taben (commentary), 22:13.
13- Ibid.
of believers. Hence God reproved him when he kept it to 14- ibid.; al-Kashshal, 2:53~540.
himself by saying, 'Hold on to your wife, and heed God.' 15- Ibn Kalhir, 3:491.
16- Ibid.; aI-Khazln, 5:120 (in Majma' aHafaslrthls story Is mentioned as a folktale).
Since God approves only conformity of conscience and 17- The completion of the verse is: "Once Zayd has accomplished his purpose with
her, We married her off to you so that there YIOuld be no objection for believers In
outward [expression], and standing firm when it comes to respect to their adopted sons' wives." A1~RazI uses this verse as indisputable
the issues of truth so that the believers would follow his evidence that Muhammad did not marry Zainab to satisfy his lust but to Illustrate
the Islamic Shana In doing so, as legislation benefits from both the sayings and
example and not be ashamed of fighting for their rights, the deeds olthe Prophet (al-Razl, 25:212).
even if it is bitter [to do SO].'027 1ll- al-Kashshal, 3:27311.
1~ Muhammad Rashid Rldha states, "God prohibited adoption In Islam and

-180 - -181-
Story of Muhammad'. Marriage to Zainab
annulled all the judgements pertaining to It; the most Important one ofwhfch was
the prohlb~lon olthe wile olthe edopted son 10 thelos1erlng lather as though he chapter twenty eight
Is the natural father. Yet, itwas so difficult for the people to apply this annulment,
and the public could not have done so unless the one who Is looked up to by old Muhammad's Marriage with the Mothers
and young Initiated It. So God commanded His Prophet to marry Zaid off to this
Zalnab, knowing that they would not remain In this marriage, as she would of the Believers in the Islamic Polemics
naturally act haughtily toward him and mistreat him. So he married them, and the
estrangement so increased between them that he had to divorce her. Then God
revealed the verse...." (FatawaaJ-lmam, 5:1910). AI-SaOOnl, however, speaks in
a more frank tone, "As to Zainab Blnt Jahsh, the Messenger of God married for
It is natural for a Muslim to be confused and ask himself
no hlghar wisdom than to abolish the haresy 01 adoption" (al·Sabunl, 2:333). how his prophet married eleven women while the Qur)an
20- Da)/rat sl-ma(arif aJ.lslamiyya, (reprint of the Egyptian edition (Tehran, n.d.)), permits a man to marry up to four women. Each Muslim is
11 :29. Hayatu Muhammad, p.333.
21- Hayatu Muhammad, p.333. required to take his Prophet as an example, so he should
22- Annals ofal-Tabari, 8:101 ff., 22: 13; Usd al-ghaba, 5:483ff.; al-Kashshal, 2:539; ai-
Khazin, 5:320 (In Majma( aJ-tafasi~. "The Messenger of God saw her after he
marry since the Tradition demands this: "Wedlock is my
married her off, and he was deeply moved by her. Then he said, .Praise be to tradition. ,,1
Him, who changes the heartsl' She mentioned this to Zald, whose soul was
already estranged from her and did not want her, so that he even would let her
marry another if she willed ItI When she heard Muhammad praise God, she told it
A young woman in Egypt asked Sheik Mahmud al-Ghurab
to Zald who perceived what It meant and started to develop a dislike for her in the 1960's, "What is the rationale in permitting the
company and wanted to leaveherforthe MessengerofGod" (al~Nasafi, 5:119in
Mtl/ma' aHalas/t'). Whlla the old exposrlo", do their bast trying 10 Intelpret the
Prophet to marry more than four women? If we account for
story, Ibn Said says, "It was notessy for Zald to let her go" (Tabaqat, 8:103). It this by [seeking] abundant offspring, [we find] that he did
seems that the earlier biographers of the life of Muhammad noticed the oddity of
this marriage, and perhaps this was the reason Ibn Ishaq never mentioned it and
not have any children from some of them, and if we
Ibn Hisham mentioned it so briefly (R. Pareto Muhammad und der Koran, p.145). account for this by saying that God wanted to give him
23- al-Sabunl, 2:335
24- Ibid.
pleasure, the answer would be that the status of a
25- "It Is obvious from the storyofMuhammad's man1agewith Zefnab that hewas an prophet is higher than that. I know why he married one
ordinary man under the control of his emotions and feelings, even if he tried to
conceal them. The personal side played a significant role In this marriage, who was the wife of his adopted son, as the Qur)an says,
togetherwlth the human side. Hence we see that Muhammad was human under "We married her off to you so that there would be no
the influence and weakness of love. Modem writers deny the human factors in
this marriage, yet the Muslim has the right to boast that his Prophet was an objection for believers in respect to their adopted sons'
ordinary human Prophet whom God chose for humanity" (Faruk Muhammad al- wives ... " But I do not know why he married the others or
Zayat, MGtterderGlilubigen, (MOnchen, n.d.), p.741.). This book by Muhammad
al-Zayat is only listed in order to inform the reader of the fact that the for what rationale. Yet it is hard for me to comprehend
fundamentalist Muslims especially, who address European readers, are In the
habit of explaining all "accusations against Islam" that are based on the lifestyle
that, since this kind of research is attained only by
of the Prophet In terms of human weakness on his part. Other than this, al- scholars and researchers. So, will you answer me, sir, in
zayafs book would have no real value since the writer has condensed Nlsa) al-
Nabl by (A1isha (Abd al-Rahman, which she presented as her doctoral thesis. sufficient detail. Yours respectfully.,,2
26- She Is known in the Islamic world as Bint aI-Shall). She wrote her thesis for her
doctorate on the marital life of Muhammad and his wives, which was printed In Sheik Mahmud al-Ghurab speaks at the beginning of his
Cairo in 1967 underthetltle Nisa' ai-Nabl.ltwastranslated Into English under the
title: (A'isha (Abel al-Rahman, The Wives of the Prophet (Lahore, 1971). letter about an issue that "has been tackled by many
27- (Alisha (Abd ai-Rahman, Nisa) aJ-Nabi, 13th ed. (Beirut, 1985), p.161. words and has been a stumbling block for many." He
-182 - -183 -
Muhammad's MurrlClll8 In Islamic Polemics Muhammad'. Marriage In I.lamlc Polemlco
says, "Every act he [Muhammad] did was for a rationale, his nation. God says concerning this, "0 Prophet, We
whether we know it or not. This issue is one of his private have permitted you [to deal with] your wives to whom
matters. This means that after he restricted men to four you have given their allotments, and anyone your right
wives, he himself could marry many women beyond that hand controls from what God has given you [as
number. But if one follows the origin of legislation, he will captives] and your paternal uncles' and aunts'
find that the Prophet was more restricted in this matter daughters, and your maternal uncles' and aunts'
than anyone else in his nation. Yet, he did not have a daughters who have migrated along with you, and any
special legislation to limit him in this matter." Let us read believing woman who bestows herself upon the
first how al-Ghurab explains this: Prophet... No [other] women will be lawful for you
It is common knowledge that before restricting the later on nor may you exchange them for other wives,
legal number of wives to four, every man was allowed even though their beauty may entice you, except for
to marry as many wives as he wanted, be he a prophet someone your right hand controls.',4
or an ordinary man. Then came the restriction of the
legal number of wives and the Prophet commanded all Sheik Mahmud al-Ghurab confuses things that do not
those who had more to keep only four and leave the belong together. The verse that speaks of giving the
rest. He also instituted divorce and exchanging a wife freedom of choice to Muhammad's wives, for instance,
for another. As to the wives of the Prophet himself, was not exclusively addressed to Muhammad or limited
God gave them freedom of choice: "0 Prophet, tell to his wives, but it was a warning and an admonition to
your wives: 'If you are wanting worldly life and its them so that they should not burden him by seeking the
attraction, then come onl I will let you enjoy them and attraction of this Iife. s Despite the fact that Sura al-Ahzab
dismiss you in a handsome fashion. However if you 33:28-32 do not form any legal intervention in
are wanting [to see] God and His Messenger, as well Muhammad's marital life, Sheik al-Ghurab is unaware
as having a home in the Hereafter, well God has of, or ignores the fact that Muhammad married his last
prepared splendid payment for the kindly women wife in "the year of Pilgrimage", namely several years
among you.' ,,3 They chose the second option and after the revelation ofthis verse. 6 So then, "spending the
were therefore honoured and called "the mothers of years of his youth with the widow Khadija, coupled with
believers". He was restricted to believing women only the fact that all his wives were matrons [previously
as wives and was forbidden from divorcing them or married women], except for <Al!sha, are held by modern
exchanging them for others. This involves a strict Muslims to be the strongest proofs that Muhammad's
restriction in relation to what has been permitted to preoccupation was not women."7 AI-Sabuni speaks about
two significant points that played the essential role in
-154 -
-185 -
Muhammad'. Marrla6e in I.lamic Polemico Muhammad'. Marriage in Islamic Polemics

Muhammad's marriage with his wives. These two points, Muhammad's pure traditions, marital virtues, and the
he says, "drive away the accusation from the honourable judgments of his law; especially those pertaining to
Prophet and throw a stone into the mouth of every mean women.',12 Building a relationship by marriage has also
slanderer." They are as follows: been the reason for marrying Hafsa, the daughter of
(Umar, since he wanted to reward his other minister,
FIRSTLY: The honourable Messenger did not marry (Umar,13 and he married her out of pity for her,14 as well.
several women except after he reached old age, namely
after reaching the age of fifty.
As for his marriage with Zainab Bint Khuzaima, it was a
SECOND: All his pure wives were widows or previously
reward for her charitable services to the poor.15 He
married, except for Wisha, who was a virgin. From these
married Umm Salama, as modern writers claim, out of
two points we realise the insignificance of this accusation
appreciation for her devotion to her children and her
and the invalidity of that charge which the grudging
judicious opinion at the battle Hudaibiya. 16 The secret
orientalists have directed toward him. s
underlying his marriage with Juwairiyya was his wish to
Despite the pride of the Muslim scholars in the true free her people from captivity after the Muslims had
humanity of the" Messenger of God", as is evident from conquered their fortresses. He married her so as to
his marital Iife,9 they submit an account of how he release her people for a dower, thus she became the
married his wives that is incompatible with reality and greatest blessing to her people. 17 Safiyya Bint Huyay
with Muhammad's human nature. If we accept what they belongs to this category of women who have been
write in this regard and believe the reasons they give in married to the Messenger of God for strategic
explanation of polygamy in the household ofthe Prophet, reasons. 1S Muhammad Rashid Ridha says that he
his marriage with Khadija was the only marriage that married Safiyya to rescue her from being humiliated, as
could have been entered into out of human motives. They she was the matron of her people. "The people of good
claim that he wouldn't have married (Alisha unless his judgment among the Companions told the Messenger of
father offered her to him,1o which is a distortion of the God, '0 Messenger of God, she is the matron of Banu
oldest traditions that reached' us in this regard. l l Others, Quraiza and al-Nadhir and is not fit for anyone but you.'
however, believe that Muhammad sought to build a He favoured their opinion and refused to let her suffer the
rapport between him and Abu Bakr through this marriage. humiliation of slavery by her inferiors, so he chose her,
"The Messenger's relationship by marriage with Abu freed her, and married her so as not to let someone of her
Bakr was the greatest boon and reward for him in this life, descent and grandeur be enslaved. He also sought to
as it has also been the best means of spreading build relations with the Children of Israel [through this
-186 - -187 -
Muhammad's Marrialle In Islamic Polemlce Muhammad'. Marriage in Islamic Polemics

marriagel, perhaps this would alleviate their enmity with teach them legal judgments. This is because women are
half of society and they have been commanded to keep
As to Umm Habiba, he married her to reward her faith. 2o the same religious obligations that are imposed on men.

Muhammad Rashid Ridha admits that he could not find Many of them were too shy to ask the Prophet about
any basis for Muhammad's marriage with Maimuna. "I certain legal matters, especially those concerning them,
could not find any reason or basis for his marriage to such as menstruation, childbirth, ritual impurity, marital
Maimuna. It has been said, however, that Abbas, his affairs, among other judgments. Every woman needed to
uncle, interested him in her. She was the eldest sister of overcome her natural shyness whenever she wanted to
Lababa Ummul Fadhl. He performed the marriage ask the Messenger of God concerning any of these
contract with her by her permission. ,,21 AI-Sabuni did matters. So these wives [of the Prophet] became
not miss the rationale of Muhammad's marriage to teachers and Hadith narrators who transferred the
Maimuna. "His marriage with her obviously shows how guidance of the Prophet, and were known for their
kind he was to her and how honourable and friendly he intelligence.
was to her clan that backed and helped him."22 SECOND: The legislative rationale:
There remain the two slaves, Maria and Rayhana. Muslim This rationale is apparent and can be easily discerned-
writers did not provide us with the reasons or the namely to abolish some detestable pre-Islamic obser-
rationales that led to the Messenger's marriage with vances, of which the heresy of adoption is an example.
them. Zaid was his adopted son. The Prophet wedded him to his
AI-Sabuni summarised so-called rationales or underlying cousin, Zainab Bint Jahsh al-Asadiyya. She lived with him
reasons that modern writers connect with Muhammad's for a while, but their relationship did not last long
multiple marriages under four headings: because it deteriorated. She used to speak harshly to
him and look down upon him since he was a slave before
FIRST: The didactic rationale. the Messenger of God adopted him, while she was an
SECOND: The legislative rationale. honourable woman of noble descent.
THIRD: The social rationale.
FOURTH: The political rationale. 23 Because God willed it, Zaid divorced Zainab, and God
commanded His Messenger to marry her in order to
ARST: The didactic rationale: abolish "the heresy of adoption," thus levelling Jahiliya
The chief end of the Messenger's polygamy was to to the foundations. But the Prophet dreaded that the
produce some female teachers for women, who would dissimulators and godless people would say,
-188 - -189 -
Muhammad's Marriage in Islamic Polemics Muhammad's Marriage in Islamic Polemics

.. Muhammad married his daughter-in-law". So he de- man marries a woman from a certain tribe or clan, a
layed till he was severely reproved by God, who said to relationship is created by that marriage. Naturally they
him, .....and thou wast concealing within thyself what rush to his aid and protection. His marriage with
God should reveal, fearing other men; and God has better Juwairiyya was an example of this,24
right for thee to fear Him. So when Zaid had accom-
We may say at the conclusion of this chapter that there is
plished what he would of her, then We gave her in
no great disagreement between the Muslim fundamen-
marriage to thee, so that there should not be any fault in
talists, who were known for their antagonism and
the believers, touching the wives of their adopted sons,
aggressiveness, and the moderate Muslims, who were
when they have accomplished what they would of them;
known for their reformation and openness when it comes
and God's commandment must be performed" (Sura ai-
to Muhammad's marital life. They all agree that
Ahzab 33:37).
Muhammad did not marry any of his wives for human
This marriage, then, was for the sake of legislation, and motives, except for Khadija perhaps, and that his purpose
was by the command ofthe Wise, the Aware. Praise be to was rather to reward them, protect them from sin, or for
Him whose wisdom is too lofty to be grasped by the political and legislative reasons, as al-Sabuni said. We
[human] minds and understandings. God expressed the notice that both parties were more keen on giving the
truth when He said, "You have been given only a affairs an ideal presentation than on abiding by the
smattering of knowledge." historical objectivity.25

THIRD: The social rationale:

This rationale appears very much in the Prophet's
marriage with (A)isha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, who 1- Ibn Maja, N1kah 1,
2- Muhammad Rashid Ridha, Fatsws ai-Imam, 5: 1902ff.
was his first minister, and with the daughter of his second 3- Sura al-Ahzab 33:27.
4- Fatawa aHmam, 5:1904.
minister, al-Faruq ((Umar). Later he linked himself with 5- AI-Tabari (commentary), 21:156.
Quraishites by marrying many of their women, which 6- Tabaqat, 6:132.
7- Fataws aI-Imam, 5:1905. This is also what Muhammad Rashid Rldha believes as
connected these tribes and clans in a close bond, well, even though he finds that the objection of Sheik ar-Ghurab weak, "If the
gathering all hearts around him in belief, honour, and Prophet wanted by polygamy to enjoy his rightfully wedded [women], as kings
and princes do, he would have chosen the fairest virgins, not the middle-aged
veneration for him. matrons. He said once to a man who married a matron, '\lVhy not a virgin that you
should pray with her' (al-Bukhari, JihBd113). I also remind the reader that
FOURTH: The political rationale: polygamy in that age was necessary since many [Muslim] men would fall In batue
and their women would need someone to take care of them, as most of the men
The Prophet married some women to unite the hearts were idolaters" (al-Manar, 4:306; Muhammad Rashid Rldha, Fatawa aI-Imam,
5:1914; al-Sabuni, 2:317).
around him and bring the tribes closer to him. When a
-190 - -191-
Muhammad's Marriage in Islamic Polemics Muhammad'. Marriage in Islamic Polemics
"It never happened that he chose a wife because of beauty or fairness, and he which was performed for a noble reason? 00 they find In It any oftha things that
did not take a virgin except for the daughter of his best and favourite friend who slanderers keep on bandying about? Do they find In It any trace of passion or
was also his successor: Abu Bakr. ' lust? Or do they rather find In nnobility. chastity, graatness. mercy, beneficence,
"This man who Is slandered by godless liars who claim that he was dissipated in and charity on the side of the greatest Messenger of humanity, who came as
his sensual lusts, married his first wife when she was nearly fifty years old while mercy to all beings? Let the prejudiced orientallsts fear God and be honest to
he was In the prime of his youth- hardly twenty five of agel She chose him for his logic, not betraying It for the sake of maliclous ends. They Indeed took upOn
fame as truthful and faithful among his people, and he lived with her till the day themselves to study Islamic sciences chiefly to plot and conspire against, and to
she passed away, not thinking to marry another one, until a Muslim lady pitied his malign the lord of humanity, Muhammad" (al~Sabunl, 2:233).
loneliness and took his permission to ask cAllsha in marriage for him. And aU what 16- aJ.Manar, 5:305. MUhammad Rashid Ridha claims that she would go out every
this girl, who was dear to him, heard was words of praise for his deceased wife and day to al-Abtah to weep till someone from her dan Interceded for her. She founcl
she was pleased by his loyalty to her. in Muhammad a caretaker for herself and her children (Muhammad Rashid
"The Prophet did not many anyoneJust because she was described as beautiful R1dha, FatBwaaHmam, 5:1911).
or vivacious; his Incentive was rather to save them the humiliation and to 17- "In order to be a blessing to he< folk" (a/Manar. 4:304: Muhammad Rashid
maintain the blood relation that was between him and them. Most of them were Rldha. Fatawa aHmam. 5:1912). AI-Sabunilists Muhammad's marriage with her
widows who lost their protectors and next of kin, and none of their peers offered among the women he married for political reasons:
to marry them" (al-Aqqad, aI-Islam wa abatil khusumlhl (Beirut, 1974), p.183. The Prophet married some women to unite the hearts around him and bring the
Hasan Kamil al-Maltawl, Rasul Allah fi al-Quran al-karim (Cairo, 1979». tribes closer to him. When a man marries a woman from a certain tribe or clan, a
8- al-Sabuni,2:316. relationship is created by that marriage. Naturally they rush to his aid and
protection. His marriage with Juwairiyya Bint al-Harith, the master of Banu al-
9- "They are Indeed grudging Ilarsl MUhammad was not a sensual man, but a Mustallq, was an example of this. She had been taken captive together with her
human Prophet. He married as men marry in order to be an example for them to
clan, and wanted to redeem herself. So she came to the Messenger of God
behave equally. He was not a god or a son of god, as the Christians believe their asking tor his help and offering hlm some money. The honourable Messenger
prophet was, but a human being like them, who was favoured by God with the offered to pay the ransom for her and marry her. She accepted the offer and they
revelation and prophethood [lit., who Is the recipient of revelation...]. 'Say: 'I am
married. The Muslims said, "The kinsmen of the Messenger of God are our
only a human being like yourselves; it has been revealed to me that your deity Is captives?" Then they freed all the captives, thereupon all the tribe 01 al-Muslallq
God alone' (al-Sabuni, 2:315).
10- FataW8aJ.lmam, 5:1905.
adopted Islam when they Sft this nobility, sublimity, gentlemanlness, and
chivalry. His marriage with Juwalriyya was a blessing to her and to her folk and
11- Annals ofal-Tabari, 3:162; Tabaqat, 8:58ff; Ansab al-ashraf, 1:410; Usd al-ghaba,
clan since It was the reason they became Muslims, and thus freed (al-Sabunl,
5:501ff. AU the authority references agree that Muhammad himself proposed to 2:324-325).
Abu Bakr through a woman intermediary for his daughter, (Allsha. Sheik aj..
18- The same applies to his marriage with Saflyya Blnt Huyay Ibn Akhtab who was
Ghurab does not give any reference showingwhere he found that tradition. Onlythe taken captive by a certain Muslim after the death of her husband in the raid of
book of cA~sha (Abd al-Rahman. The Wives of the Prophet, remains In this field, as Khalbar. The people 01 good judgment among the Companions told the
the writer quotes In full sincerity from the oldest sources what happened In Messenger of God, "0 Messenger of God. she Is the matron of Banu Quralza
Muhammad's life, as does Hayatu Muhammadby Muhammad Husain Haike!. and al-Nadhir [and] is notfltforanyone but you."So the MessengerofGod called
12- al-Sabunl, 2:331; likewise the exposition of Muhammad Rashid Ridha In al- for her and gave her the chance to choose either of two alternatives:
Manar, 4:304. A- To release her and marry her.
13- a'Manar. 4:30311; al-Sabunl, 2:332; FatawaaHmam, 5:1910. B- To release her and let her join her family.
14- a'Manar. 4:30311: Fatawa a,lmam, 5:1909; al-5abunl, 2:231; al·Mallawi. p.339. She chose to be released and to be married to him, because she saw how gallant
15- al-Manar, 4:304. We accept the Muslims' claIm that Muhammad married her to and noble he was (Ibid. 2:335).
keep her from [the harm of] her folk after the death of her husband in the raid of 19- Muhammad Rashid Ridha, Fatawa aI-Imam, 5:1913. It Is difficult to believe that
Uhud. But, it is unrealistic to generalise Muhammad's'purpose in marrying 12 Muhammad's motive for marrying her was his fear that she would be humiliated.
women, either to honour them as doers of good, or to protect the ones among We know that she fell to the 10tolDihya al·Kalbi when the spoils were divided. But
them who were In danger. It is doubtful that zalnab bint Khuzalma was sixty he married her when the Companions of Muhamm$d said that she was the
years old when Muhammad married her, al-Sabunl claimed, since there Is matron of her people and that no one should have her but Muhammad (Tabaqat
nothing to back up this claim. AJ-Sabunl quotes the following statement from 8:120-129; Ansab aJ.ashraf 1:42211; Usd al-ghaba 5:490ff).
Muhammad Mahmud al-Sawwaf, "She had already reached sixty years when 2Cl- Muhammad Rashid Rldha, Fatawa aHmam, 5:1913; a/-Manar. 4:306. AI-Sabuni
the Prophet married her and she lived with him only two years, after which she says, "\/\'hen Abu Sufyan heard about it, he acknowledged the marriage and
passed away. \/\'hat do the liars have to say about this Inculpable marriage, said, 'He is a stallion that none can subdue by piercing his nose.' The Messenger

-192 - -193 -
Muhammad'. Marri<14/e in I.lamic Pokmico
was proud ofthis and did not deny he was amatch for him. Hence we see clearly
the distinguished rationale for marrying lila daughta, of Abu Suryan. This Conclusion
marriag. was fo' the sek. of allevleting 111. halm dona to him and his followers,
especially 1I1at now there was a relation of marriage between 1I1am" (.I-Sobunl,
21- Muh.mmad Rashid R1dha, Fataws al-lmem, 5:1914; a.Mana" 4:305.
We tried in the previous chapters to show the status of
22- al-Sabunl, 2:337. woman in Islam, and her rights and duties toward her
23- al-Sabunl, 2:318.
24- Ibid. 2:316-324. husband and society. In this endeavour we depended on
25- Rudl Paret, ZUf Frauanfrals, p.55ff. recognised Islamic sources, namely the Qur)an, the
Hadith, and the writings of the jurists. From time to time
we quoted the opinions of modern Muslim scholars and
authors so that the reader would be aware of their
"modern" arguments, proofs, and exposition of the
topics discussed.

Now that we have reached the end of the book we can say
that women in Islam do not enjoy a status which the
"European woman would like for herself.,,1 Despite the
fact that Muhammad introduced many reforms to the
position of Arab women in the Arabian Peninsula and
despite the fact that Islam does not deny at all that the
female has a soul and a mind, she still remains half a
human being in the Qur)an, the Hadith, the sources of
jurisprudence, and even in the works of modem Muslims.
The reason for her existence is to serve her husband and
obey his commands unconditionally and unreservedly.
She also has to bear him children and hide herself from
the public, as though her very existence were a shame.
Since Islam teaches that the Qur)an is a book revealed to
Muhammad by God, and that its judgments are the best
imaginable ones, which are all-inclusive both in terms of
time and place, one finds it difficult to interpret the
Qur)an rationally as Muhammad (Abduh tried to do. It is
also next to impossible to reconcile and incorporate it
-194 - -195 -
into the requirements of the present time; especially according to what the jurists determined, and are still
since a large portion of the verses is so distinct in determiningl Even if the woman still lives under the
meaning, that there is no room for reinterpretation. 50 the shadow of the 5hariaand under the control of men, yet
believing Muslim, who feels obliged to deliver his we see at the same time how the influence of 5haria is
honourable book to the modem society, has no other languishing, even disappearing in some places, in the
choice than to justify and' account for the Qur)anic fury of a relentless war between it and atheism and the
judgments and statements when they conflict with the liberation movements. Rigoristic Islam is not alone in
actual reality. The same goes for the Qur)anic verses that trying to mould society according to its concepts and
devalue woman, compared to modem understanding, and ideals, leaving its stamp on all different societies. The
compel the Muslim scholar or writer to check if there is a other extreme can be observed as well. The Islamic
hidden rationale underlying these statements. The great- fundamentalists' refusal to let go of obsolete social
est of these rationales is "God wants only good for norms and values causes anti-religious and even
woman:' 50 when it comes to the fact that the testimony atheistic attitudes to develop, and their contempt for
of the woman is half the testimony of man, they say that women is causing an anti-male feminist movement to
God knew that she would have no experience in the fields develop.
of life and that He wanted to spare her the temptations
and dangers. As to beating the rebellious wife, it is not a
directly lawful act, otherwise God would not have listed it
as the last means of reclaiming her. Polygamy, however,
was instituted in Islam by the foreknowledge of God, who
knew that the West would establish polygamy as a legal
act, which is actually supposed to have happened in
Germanyl2 The writings of both fundamentalist and open
Muslims at the present time are full of these various
arguments and examples.

At the end one needs to add that there is no expected

harmony between the texts and judgments of the 5haria
that deal with women, and reality in the Islamic countries.
In other words, it is unfair to claim that every Muslim
1· Mahmud Shaltut, 81.Jslam (aqida we shari(a, p.218.
treats his wife, daughters, or the whole female sex 2- al-Sabuni, 1:429,
-196 - -197 -

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-,204- - 205-

8. Write the words about woman that were attributed to

(Ali Ibn Talib.

If you have read this book thoroughly, you will be able to 9. Summarise the opinion of Qasim Amin on the position
answer these questions easily. We are ready to send you of woman.
one of our spiritual books as a reward for your diligence. 10. List a man's rights over his wife, as seen by al-
Don't forget to write your full name and address when you Ghazzali in his book Ihya l (ulum al-din.
send us your answers. 11. When do angels curse the woman, as stated in the
1. What are some of the things in which the Qur)an does Hadith?
not distinguish between woman and man, and Muslim 12. What are the rights of woman over her husband, as
woman and non-Muslim woman? stated in the Hadith?
2. How did al-Tabari interpret this Qur)anic statement: 13. What are the benefits of marriage in Islam?
"Men are the ones who should support (or be in charge
14. Identify five qualities that jurists believe are the
of) women since God has given some advantages over
qualities of the ideal wife.
others, and because they should spend their wealth on
them"? 15. What are the four arguments Muslim give on behalf of
3. Why was Sura al-Nisa) 3:34 revealed, which made it
legal to beat the women whose rebelliousness is feared? 16. What is the "marriage of enjoyment," why did the
Prophet of Islam permit it, and when did he cancel it?
4. How did Muhammad (Abduh see man's superiority
over woman in nature and earning? 17. What is the reason given by Muslim jurists for making
the portion of the woman in the inheritance half that of
5. Explain al-Aqqad's stance on women? What did he
the man?
base it on? What is the title of the book that recorded his
stance? 18. Why do Muslim scholars hold that the testimony of
one man is equal to the testimony of two women?
6. Why did the prophet of Islam see women as the
majority of dwellers in hell? How did he explain their 19. Tell the story that shows how Job beat his wife.
deficiency.of intelligence and religion? 20. How can women be the majority among the dwellers
7. What are the three things that corrupt prayer in the of Paradise (because each man can marry more than one
Hadith narrated by Muslim: "Three things corrupt woman), and at the same time be the majority of the
prayer..."? dwellers of Hell?

- 206- - 207-

21. Why was the verse of the curtain revealed?

22. What are the benefits of the veil, as Muslim jurists
see them?
23. Why did the prophet of Islam see that the
circumcision of girls brings honour to them?
24. How many kinds of women were permitted to the
Prophet of Islam according Sura al-Ahzab 33:50?
25. What did Sawda Bint Zam(a do when she feared that
Muhammad would divorce her?
26. Wisha was favoured over the rest of Muhammad's
wives for ten things. What are they?
27. What was the plan that (A)isha made when she
wanted to prevent Muhammad from eating sweets and
honey at the house of Hafsa Bint (Umar?
28. Tell the story of Muhammad's marriage to his cousin,
Zainab Bint Jahsh.
29. Why did Muhammad dread people, although it is
more correct for you to dread God (cf. Sura al-Ahzab
30. Why did al-Kilabiyya say to Muhammad, "I take
refuge with God from you," when he approached her after
he had married her?


- 208-

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