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Scientific Session

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ASTICON 2019 43rd National Conference of IASSTD & AIDS


Co organised by
Department of Dermatology Venereology & Leprology
Madurai Medical College, Madurai
October 11 to 13th 2019 The Carlton Hotel , Kodaikanal
Day 1- 11th October 2019
8 AM Registration
8.45 to 9 AM Welcome note Dr.Ganesh.R -
Introduction to conference Dr.Nagarajan.N
Introduction to scientific session Dr.Jeyasingh.P
9 to 10 AM 1.A Study on Epidemiological and Clinical Parameters of PLHIV in a Tertiary Dr.Sriram C.K Dr.Ganesh.R
ASTICON 2019 Care Centre Dr. Sudhakar Babu
Special Award 1 2.5 year Epidemiological Profile of HIV Positive Patients in Tertiary Care Dr.Shivaprasad Gouda
Hospital Dr.Shruthi Pavana
3.Unlocking Pandoras Box : Genital Manifestations in HIV Janardhanan
4.Atypical Manifestations of Herpes Genitalis in PLWHA- Case Series Dr.Anjali J.S
5.A Comparitive Study on Clinical Manifestations of Herpes Zoster in PLHIV Vs Dr.Suvedha.M
6.Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions due to Initiation of Isoniazid in HIV Dr.Indhireddy Yamini
Positive Patient on ART
7.Twitch in Time: Epidemiology of Trichomonas Vaginalis Infection in Females- Dr.Arthipriya.K
A Retrospective Study
8.Retrospective Analysis of Vaginal Discharge Among Women Attending STD Dr.Vidhya.S
Clinic in Tertiary Hospital
10 to 10.30 AM STI HIV teaching: Listening, Learning and Leading Dr.Mohankumar Dr. Krishan Kumar
Vedhanaygam Dr. S.D.Fernandaz
Changing trends in STI ; Global and National , Epidemiology wise Dr.Neetu Bhari
10.30 to 10.45 AM Coffee break - -
10.45 to 11.45 AM Itch A Hitch Dr.Vasuki.S Dr.Suganthy Rajakumari
Fungal Infections in HIV Dr.Geetharani.G Dr.Y.S. Marfatia
Vulval Dermatoses Dr.Nirmaladevi.P
STI in Adolescents Dr.Kalaivani.S
11.45 to 12.45 PM Syphilis, The Great Imitator :Unusual clinical presentations of Syphilis in adults Dr.Somesh Gupta Dr.Jeyadev Betkerur
Interesting presentations: TB chancre and Granuloma inguinale Dr.Murugan.S Dr.Rajendran.S.S
Dark ground microscopy – Dying art? Dr.S.D.Fernandaz
12.45 to 1 PM Dr. Sardarilal Memorial Award :A Study of Clinicopathological Correlation of Dr.Dimple Chopra Dr.Shanmuganathan
Pruritic Papular Eruption in HIV patients Dr. J.Sridhar
1 to 1.30 PM Inauguration function -
1.30 to 2.30 PM Lunch
2.30 to 2.50 PM Keynote address - STI's surveillance Dr.Manju Bala Dr.B.Loganthan Dr.Ganesh
2.50 to 3.20 PM HPV Infections – Recent views Dr.Priyadharshini Dr.V.Sivasubramaniam
Dr.Indirani Mohanty
3.20 to 3.50 PM Silver Jubilee Oration of the Institute of Venereology: Dr.Y.S.Marfatia Dr.Chandrasekhara Rao
Many Guises of Herpes Progenitalis (HP) Dr.V.S.Dorairaj
3.50 to 4.20 PM Sexually Transmitted Disease - Holistic View of an Urologist Dr.Mossadeq Dr.Jeyasingh P
4.20 to 4.30 PM Tea break
4.30 to 5.15 PM Sexual behaviour of STI clinic attenders Dr.Arun Kumar S Dr.Nagarajan.N
Bacterial STIs - Leading the race? Dr.Balachandar J Dr.G.Venkat ramana
Procedures in genital lesions Dr.Avitus John Raakesh
5.15 to 5.45 PM Panel Discussion: Moderator: -
Unscrambling the complex cases of STI Dr.Mohankumar
Dr.Vasuki S
Dr.Kalaivani S
Dr.Somesh Gupta
Dr.Mahadevan K
5.45 to 6.15 PM Dr.H.C.Mohanty quiz competition – Prelims Dr.Rajesh.R -
6.15 to 7.15 PM Dr.C.N.Sowmini Poster Competition (E Posters)- Studies Postgraduates -
7 PM Dinner
Day 2 – 12th October 2019
8 to 9 AM 1.Syphilis: Great Imitator Strikes Back Dr.Suyash Singh Tomar Dr.Vasuki.S
ASTICON 2019 2.Clinico - Epidemiological Study of Syphilis in Males Attending a Tertiary Dr.Arulselvan. M Dr.Iqbal Farid
Special Award 2 Care Hospital
3.Black Lion on the Rise: A Retrospective Study on Syphilis Trend Dr.Shunmathi.S
4.Current Trends of Acquired Syphilis in a Tertiary Care Centre in Tamilnadu Dr.Kavi .D
5.Rare Manifestations of Secondary Syphilis - Case Series
6.A 5 Year Retrospective Study on Prevalence and Outcome of Syphilis in Dr.Mani Priya S
Pregnancy Dr.Ashwini.K
7.Can we assess the age of the Early Syphilis with Clinical Manifestations and Dr.Neetha.L
8.Changing trends of sexuality in STI patients Dr.Suchithra .C
9 to 10 AM 1.Four Patients of Donovanosis Dr.Shashank Agrawal Dr.R.N.Dutta
Rabindranath Dutta 2.Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction - An Erratic Entity Dr.Vijaikumar.M.G Dr.Deivam
Memorial Award 3.Sexually Transmitted Infections in Elderly Males - A Retrospective Study Dr.Raju.P
Competition 4.Syphilis Re-emergence - A Retrospective Study in Tertiary Care Centre
5.A Clinical Study of Female Non-Venereal Genital Dermatoses in a Tertiary Dr.Arafath Nisha.S
Care Centre Dr.Aneeha Ramesh babu
6.The Pattern of Mucocutaneous Disorders in Paediatric HIV Patients in a Dr.Minushwetha.M
Tertiary Care Centre
7.Dip in VDRL Titres- Post Treatment Dr.Ayishwarya.D
8.Vulval Secondaries Clinically Masquerading as Vulvar Actinomycosis Dr.Ashwini.K
10 to 10.30 AM Dr.R.V.RAJAM Endowment Oration Dr.Jayadev Betkerur Dr.Venkateshwaran.K
“My journey with HIV & AIDS” Dr.A.K.P Vijayakumar
10.30 to 10.45 AM Coffee break - -
10.45 to 12 noon New WHO's ART Guidelines Dr.Rewari Dr.Selvi.R
Antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoea: Challenges and Solutions Dr.Seemasood Dr.Thilagavathi .N
Role of the Laboratory in ensuring best practices in STI Management Dr.Sumathi
Mycoplasma genitalium; Challenges in diagnosis and Treatment Dr.Sunil Sethi
Microbiology of Balanoposthitis Dr.Indrani Mohanty
12 to 12.30 PM Genital Dermatoses In Children- STI OR NON STI Dr.Bhumesh kumar Dr.Murugan.S
Tropical STIs – Are they still there Dr.Sudhakar babu Dr. Prafulla K Sharma
12.30 to 1 PM 33 years of HIV epidemic in India - Challenges faced Dr.Janak Maniar Dr.Somesh Gupta
1 to 1.45 PM Lunch
1.45 to 3.45 PM HIV Workshop: AIDS SOCIETY OF INDIA
Changing face of HIV and OIs Dr.Ishwar Gilada Dr.Sudhakar Babu
What’s new in anti-retroviral therapy Dr.Kumarasamy Dr.Murugan.S
HIV & KIDNEY Dr.Sampath Kumar
Undectectable = untransmittable Dr.Parthasarathy M R
Current updates of ART regimens for adults and children (NACO) Dr.Arunachalam L
3.45 to 4.15 PM Dr.M.A.Wali Oration: Dr.Satyadarshi Patnaik Dr.T.Ram Manohar Rao
Art of history taking and challenges in STI Dr.R.N.Dutta
4.15 to 4.30 PM Tea break
4.30 to 5.30 PM Vaccines against STI – Where are we ? Dr.Jandhayla Sridhar Dr.Bhushan Kumar
Carcinoma cervix – HPV vaccines – a cure in reality?? Dr.Elangovan P Dr.K.Mahadevan
New Point Of Care Test For Gonnorhea Dr.Usman.N
Emergencies in STI's Practices Dr. Murugan.S
5.30 to 6 PM 1.Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Based Metabolic Dr.Apoorva Challa Dr.S.Sivakumar
IUSTI IASSTD AIDS Profiling of Vaginal Fluid to Identify Discriminatory Biomarker/s of Bacterial Dr.Vijaya Anand M
Scholarship Vaginosis
Awardee’s 2.Evaluating Trends of Gonococcal Antimicrobial Resistance in World Health Dr.Aradhana Bhargava
Papersession Organization Selected Countries of South-East Asia Region: 2013-2017
3.Long Term Serological Follow up of Treated Early Syphilis- Retrospective
Analysis in a Tertiary Care Centre Dr.Arun Kumar
6.00 PM to 7:00 PM Dr.C.N. Sowmini Poster Competition (E Posters)- Case Reports Post graduates
6.00 PM EGBM meeting of IASSTD & AIDS - -
Day 3 – 13th October 2019
8 to 9 AM 1.The Sexual Practices and Prevalence of Various STIs between Single Dr.Arun Kumar Jacob.R Dr.Chandrakala
ASTICON 2019 Homosexual and Heterosexual Men - A Retrospective Study Dr.Parthasarathy.M.R
Special Award 3 2.A Study on Clinico epidemiological Profile of Sexually Transmitted Infections Dr.Bhavith.D.U
Among Bisexual Males in a Tertiary Care Centre
3.Sexual Practices and STI in MSM Dr.Aysha Abdulla
4.Male Circumcision - Confounder or Effect Modifer in STI/HIV Acquisition - A Dr.Guru
Retrospective Study
5.A Retrospective Study of the Pattern of SexuallY Transmitted Infections of a Dr.Mariette Teenu Pious
Tertiary Care Hospital in Kanchipuram
6.Comparative study on epidemiology, clinical features and serology of Syphilis Dr.T.Deepak Tony Raj
in HIV and Non HIV patients
7.Diverse Manifestations of Non Venereal Balanitis - A Constellation of 7 cases Dr.Hiral Patel
8.Infection or Allergy? The Multifaceted Nature of Genital Dermatoses Dr.Koza.A
9 to 10 AM 1.Role of Non-Candida Albicans in Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis Among Females - Dr.S.Nithya Prabha Dr.Rajesh R
P S Ranganathan A Retrospective Study Dr.Arun Kumar S
Memorial Award 2.Changing Trends in Sexually Transmitted Infections at a Tertiary Care Centre Dr.Sheetal yadav
Paper Competition 3.Rare Vulval Maladies: A Constellation of 10 Cases
4.Syphilis- Still a Diagnostic Enigma: A Case Series Dr.Atmakalyani Shah
5."Catching the Cupid" - Uncommon Manifestations of Secondary Syphilis - Dr.Nirmala.R
Case Series Dr.Sushmitha.D.J
6.A Study on Pattern of Vaginal Discharge Disease in a Tertiary Care Centre Dr.Karthick.S
7.Psoriasiform presentation in Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Series of 3 Dr.Ravi Bhushan
Case Reports
8.Keratotic Warts Case Series Dr.Akilesh Madhu.D
10 to 10.15 AM Coffee break
10.15 to 10.30 AM Sexual Promiscuity – Reasons & Remedies Dr.Elangovan P Dr. G. Geetha Rani
10.30 to 11.15 AM Panel Discussion: Moderator:
Sharing the expertise Dr.Elangovan P
Dr.Bhushan kumar
Dr.Usman N
Dr.Ganesh R
Dr.Murugan S
Dr.Jeyasingh P
11.15 to 12.15 PM 1.Comparative Study of Biophysical Profile of Inguinal Skin vs Skin of Back Dr.Heena Singdia Dr.Kalaivani S
V Govindan Nair 2.Vulval Lesions in a DVD Clinic Dr.Nivethitha.A.C Dr. Devandra Sri Vasthava
Memorial Award 3.Dermatoscopy of Non Venereal Genital Dermatoses Dr.Gayathri.A
Paper Competition 4.Pregnancy outcomes in STI/HIV Infected Women Dr.Vikram V Huddar
5.Topical steroid abuse in commercial sex workers – A cross-sectional Dr. Madhanchand
analytical study
6.A Study on Partner Notification in a Tertiary Care Centre Dr.Jayapreeti.R
7.A Prospective Cross-sectional Study on the Nail and Hair Manifestations in Dr.Balakumaran.C
Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
12.15 to 1.15 PM Dr.H.C.Mohanty Quiz Competition- Finals Dr.Rajesh R -
1.15 to 1.30 PM Valedictory -
1.30 PM Lunch & close. -

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