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Question Bank 1

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The document discusses questions and solutions from GATE exams from 1990-1995 in metallurgical engineering.

The text discusses the pearlite structure which consists of alternate lamellae of ferrite and cementite in carbon steels.

The document covers topics such as corrosion behaviour, diffusion, phase transformations and mechanical properties from years 1990-1995.

. ··.·-.;:: .

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! t
Sr. No. Contents

Page No.

1. GATE-1990 I

2. GATE-1991 25

3. GATE-1992 48

4. GATE-1993 72

5. GATE-1994 • 118

6. GATE-1995 152



GA/QBIMT-1 Elite Academy 1


Tune Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 200

Instructions to Candidates

I. Answer all questions.

. .
2. Answers to questions in PART A must be given in serial order in the first four
pages of the answer book and nowhere else.
3. There will be no negative marking.


L Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. Marks (30 x 1 = 30)

(I) The structure consisting of alternate lamellae of ferrite and' cementite in carbon
steels is known as ------------.. ----
(2) Decrease in grain size ----------------- the yield strength.
(3) Stratification in tight beds is controlled by ----------------- acceleration in jigging
(4) The interlamellar spacing'increases with----------------- undercooling.
(5) Pyrolusite is a mineral of-----------------
(6) Alligatoring occurs in -----------------
(7) When the fluid flow is influenced by the external forces, the mass transfer occurs
by ----------------- convection.
(8) Metallic materials emit acoustic emissions when they are stressed to ---------------
(9) In radiography techniques, X-ray efficiency is improved when the target metal
has a----------------- atomic number.
11 0) A system held at constant temperature and pressure attains thermodynamic
equilibrium by minimizing its ------------------ free energy.
2 Elite Academy GA/QB/Ml'-1

- (11) Creep stress exponent in Coble creep is equal to-----------------
.... (12) Domains of corrosion behaviour of metals in aqueous solutions is 1epesented
by ----------------- diagram.
(13). The chemical formula for forsterite is -----------------
(14) The diffusion co-efficient D = ----------------- exp (-QIRT)
.0'1 (15) Minimum temperature at which a fuel vaporizes to produce a flame is kDowa •
I :::...
; ... ·----------------- point.
I' "'o
. !Ill (16) The driving force for the process of precipitate coarsening is ----------- energy.
'(L (17) A solder wets a metal surface if it forms an ---------------- compound.
:> (18) The crystar structure of martensite in plain carbon steels is ----------------
IJ (19) Fe30 4 exhibits----------------- spinel structure at room temperature.
(20) YBa 2 Cu 3o 7 ceramic exhibits----------------- at liquid nitrogen temperatures.

(21) The energy per unit length of a screw dislocation is -----------------

(22) Hardness of thin layers is measured by ----------------- hardness method.
(23) Carbon refractories are highly suitable for the ----------------- of iron blast furnace.
(24) The maximum residual stress introduced in any process cannot exceed the -------------
(25) The Poisson's ratio in the plastic region of pure aluminium is-----------------
(26) Griffith theory of fracture is appl~cable to.-----------------; materials.
(27) Beach marks on a fractured surface is associated with ______:_ _________ failure.
(28) Self lubricating bearings are produced by .----------------- technique.
(29) The E -carbide is formed during ----------------- of martensite.
(30) ----------------minerals exhibit native floatability.

II. Write in the third and fourth pages of the answer book the question number
and correctness of the statement as TRUE or FALSE (Do not write T of F),
with one line reason or justification against each. Answers without proper
justification carry no marks. Marks (20 x 2 = 40)

1. Bainite in steels is a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in y -iron.

GAJQBIMI'-I Elite Academy 3

2. Von Mises criterion is based on the total eriergy stored in the material.
3. Effective diffusivity of a gaseous component in a porous solid is equal to its free
diffusivity in the gas phase.

4. Welded •: stainless st~l joinB' are likely to fall as a result of inte;granUlar attack

under certain corrosive conditions.

5. ~lumina is the most undesirable constituent in superduty·silica bricks used in iron

and steel making processes.

6. Equilibrium constant of a reaction always increases with increase of temperature.
7. The ratio of free energy toRT, (t\G I RT), is a dimensionless quantity.

8. The Guinier-Preston zones formed in an Al-Cu alloy imparts maximum strength.

9. Alpha brass is more prone to dezincification in chloride water than beta brass.
10. Transformation of high quartz to tridymite is of reconstructive type.
11. Reducibility of hematite and magnetite is same.
12. Phosphor-copper deoxident can be used for complete deoxidation of copper melt
in the production of high conductivity copper castings.
13. Lever rule can be applied at the exact eutectic temperature to calculate the relative
amounts of the phases.
14. Shot peening introduces a tensile residual stress on the surface of a material.
15. The work input in-a ball mill increases with its speed linearly.
16. A bar of pure iron is joined to a bar of an Fe-C alloy and the couple allowed to

anneal at 900° C . Kirkendall effect is observed;

17. lh contraSt to indirect reduction, direct reduction consumes less carbon for every
mole of iron oxide reduced.
18. A fine dispersion of second phase particles is used to refine the grain size of high
strength low alloy steels.
19. Wustite reduction is the most important step in iron blast furnace.
20. Polygonization of a cold deformed metal is a recrystallization process.
f 4 Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

Answer the questions in PART-Bin serial o.rder. Marks (6 x 2 = 12)

III. Define tlie following.

1. Uphill diffusion. 2. Fracture toughness.
3. Habit plane of martensite. 4. Recrystallization temperature
5. Degree of liberation of a mineral. 6. Electrode potential.

IV. Answer the following briefly and to the point. Marks (10 x 4 = 40)
1. What is the rate of nucleation at the equilibrium transformation temperature?
2. How many degrees of freedom are there in a single phase filed of a binary alloy
(use condensedphase rule)? Specify the variables.'
3. Outline briefly the reasons for the high strength of freshly quenched martensite in steel.
4. What are the factors responsible for the occurrence of 'hot tear' defects in castings?
5. Why should flashless forgings be preferred to castings in case of the production of
small nearnet-shape components?
6. What are the factors which contribute to brittle cleavage fracture?

7. Show that Ef := E~ where E's are the 111ole fraction interaction p~ameters and i
and j are solutes in a solvent metal M.
8. State the optimum conditions required for desulphurization of molten steel.
9. Enumerate the factors that influence the reaction kinetics in Van Arkel iodide process.
10. Thennodynamically pure silicon caruiot reduce MgO when the reactants and the
products are in their standard state. How has this been overcome in Pidgeon's
pr9cess? Explain.

v. Draw appropriate neat sketches. Marks (5 x 6 = 30)

1. Draw the impact energy versus temperature diagram for steels of carbon contents
0.11 %, 0.22%, 0.44% and 0.66% and bring out clearly the influence of carbon on
the transition temperature.
Gt!QBIMT-/. · Elite Academy 5

2- Give the temperature profile of gas and solid in an iron blast furnace along its
height. Label different zones indicating the chemical reactions taking place

·3. Give the flow sheet of a process used for the production of iron powder based on
hydrogen reduction of mill scale.

4. Draw a typical diagram for fatigue crack growth rate versus stress-intensity
factor.:....range for steel, indicating the different regions and the influence of

5. A hypothetical binary phase diagram shows the following isothermal reactions:

a(10%B) + L (50%B) ~ p(40%B)at 800oC

L(S0%8) ~ p(60%B)+ y(90%B)at 600°C

B (50% B)~ a (5% B)+ y(95% B) at 400°C

Given the melting point of A and B components to be. 1000° C and 700° C
respectively,.draw the phase diagram. .Label all the phase fields.

VI. Solve the following proble~s indicating the equation(s) used and. defining
symools involved in each. Marks (6 x 8 = 48)

1. At 473 o C liquid Pb-Sn alloys exhibit regular solution behaviour. Relationship

between the activity coefficient of lead 'Y Pb and composition is given by
. 2
)ogyPb = -0.32 (1-Xpb)

where xPb = mole fraction oflead. Write the corresponding equation for 'Ysn and

calculate the activities of Pb an Sn at equiatomic composition.

f -- -~ -------
Elite Academy GAIQB/MT:.!J

The polycrystaUine specimen of a cubic metal is subjected to Cu - Ka radiation


(wave length. A.= 1.5418 A 0

) and the diffractometer trace obtained. lf the 20
0 angle of the first three peaks is 38° '· 44.18° and 64.25° respectively, determine
R the crystal structure and the lattice parameter of the cubic lattice. ·

3. A large she.et of a high strength material contains a central crack of length 25 mm.

The fracture strength of this sheet is 400 MPa. Find the fracture strength if the

crack length is 100 mm .

4. Sphere shaped particles of the beta phase nucleate homogeneously in the
supersatUrated alpha matrix. Given: AGa-fl·=-100 J/mole, Yap= 100mJ/m 2
~•u '
and molar volume = 9x10-6 m 3 /mole, calculate the activation energy and the
size of the critical nucleus.

5. ·A steel tank containing hydrogen at 10 atmospheric pressure is placed in vacuum.

Taking the solubility·ofhydrogen in steel at the inner surface in equilibrium with
hydrogen at 10 atmosphere to be 12 kg/m 3 and the diffusion coefficient for
hydrogen to be 9x10- 10 m 2 s- 1 , calculate the flux of hydrogen through the 2 mm

thick wall of the tank, in Kg/m 2 .s

6. · A furnace operating at 1000° C consumes 200 Kg of fuel of the following

C= 80%, H= 15%, 0= 1%, . s = 1%, N=3%

15% of excess air i.s used for better c mbustion.

If the furnace is provided with a cuperator to preheat the combustion air to

350° C , calculate the percentage fuel ved.

G:4/QBIMT-I Elite Academy 7

Given that: Specific enthalpy of air at 350° C = 460 kJ I m 3 ,

Specific enthalpy of furnace gases at tooooc = 1253 kJ 1m 3 .

Lower calorific value of fuel = 45440 kJ/kg.
Density of air at NTP = 1.296 kg I m 3

Density of fuel gases at NTP = 1.2~)3 kg I m 3

8 · Elite Academy· GAIQB/Ml'-4

PART-A· ....

I. Fill in the blanks

1. Pearlite 2. increases
3. Differential 4. increased
5. manganese 6. sheet metal forming
7.- forced ·

8. levels where grain boundary sliding occurs

9. higher 10. Gibbs

11. 5 12. pourbaix

13. 3MgO.xSi0 2 2H 2 0 (where x may be 2 or 4)

14. Do 15. ignition

16. surface 17. Intennetallic

18. body centered tetragona~ 19. inverse
20. Superconductivity

21. Gb 2 where G is elastic shear modulus and b, the burgers vector

22. micro (or knoop) 23. bosh

24. failure stress 25. 0.5
26. brittle 27. fatigue
28. . powder metallurgy 29. tempering
30. Nonwettable

II. Write true or false

1. False
-GAI(JBIMI'-I Elite Academy 9

It is martensite which is a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in y iron.

2. False

Von Mises yield criterion is based on the strain energy of distortion of the
· material. Yielding will ~cur when the strain energy of distortion per unit volume
exceeds the strain energy of distortion per unit volume for a specimen strained to .
the yield stre~s in uniaxial tension or compression.

4. True

Heating to about 500- 800°C can cause the chromium near the grain boundaries
to be removed from solid solution to form chromium carbide precipitates. The
thin layers alongside the grain h?undaries, being depleted the chromium are then
no longer protected by the passivating film and become anodic relative to the rest
of the -surface.

5. True

Iron oxide, silica and alumina can form low melting constituents bringing down
the refractoriness

6. False

· Equilibrium cons~nt depends on the free energy change that takes place in the
reaction which may increase or decrease. It is only the kinetics that improves
with temperature.

True L.\G is J/mole, R is J/mole °K

L.\G I RT is a dimensionless quantity.

10 Elite Academy GA!QB!MT-

8. False

Fonnation of G-P zones is only the first. step in the precipitation. Formation

stable precipitat~ gives maximum strength.

9. False
Higher- tendency to dezincification is in beta brasses which have higher zi~

11. False

Hematite is a lower oxide of Fe and magnetite in a higher oxide of iron. Chemiaj

formula - Hematite - Fe 2 0 3 and Magnetite is· Fe 3 0 4 . So their reducibility il

not the same.

e.g. Fe 2 0 3 + 3C --+ 2Fe + 3CO

Fe 3 0 4 + 2C--+ 3Fe + 2C0 2

• - _:.;_~4~:•
.· .. ltltJ-·~.........-

t• reaction requires 3 moles of carboa to tedQcj ooe. mole of Fe 20 3 and 2111

reaction requires 2 moles o! carbOn to reduce one mole of Fe 30 4 •

Gaseous reduction of iron oxides

3Fe 2 0 3 +CO= 2Fe 30 4 + C0 2 Ml = -52.8 kJ I mole of CO at 25° C

Fe 30 4 +·CO= 3Fe0 + C0 2 Ml = + 36.3 kJ I mole of CO at 25° C

FeO + CO = Fe + C0 2 Ml=-17.3kJ/moleof CO at 25°C

Carbon monoxide is capable of reducing hematite to iron with magnetite (Fe 3 0 4 )

and Wustite (FeO) appearing as intermediate products at temperature above 570° C.

J GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 11

As can be seen from the above reactions, the reducibility of hematite and
magnetite are different.


0 400 600 800 1000 1200

Temp. oc

12. False

Phosphorous can cause deoxidation only . upto a limited extent. Also, with
additions of P the electrical conductivity reduces due to residual P.

13. False

Lever rule can be applied where phases form. At exact eutectic temperatures the
phases do no form. So we always take the tie line at eutectic temperature but
consider the phases formed just below the eutectic. Also lever rule can be applied
at any temperature to find out the proportion of phases.

14. False It introduces residual compressive stresses.

J :-

12 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

15. False

In the ball mill the balls should be lifted upto the top and then they should drop on
the charge for size reduction. If the speed is too low the balls will not be lifted.,
At very high speeds of rotation the. balls may carried centrifugally and may not
cause impact. Hence the power input cannot be considered as a linear function of

16. False It is observed in substitutional alloys

17. True

Because direct reduction processes are more closer to equilibrium conditions.

18. True

High strength low alloy steels contain low C ahd low quantities of alloying
elements (Sl, V, Nb, etc). The carbide forming elements form the fine carbides
which refine the grain size.

19.. True

Wustite (FexO) is the lowest form of iron oxide. Other oxides progressively '

reduce to this stage and final reduction takes place through wustite.

20. False

Polygonization involves rearrangement of dislocations into small angle tilt

boundaries. It is a recovery process. Recrystallization is a severe process which
forms large angle grain boundaries. 1
. GAIQB/MT-I · Elite Academy 13


· 1. Uphill Diffusion: Normally in a diff\lsion process, thel'e is a movement of atoms
. down the concentration gradient. (i.e. they move from a region of higher
concentration to a region of lower concentration). In uphill diffusion, the atoms
move against the concentration gradient. (i.e. they move from lower
concentration to higher concentration) e.g. precipitation hardened alloys.

2. Fracture toughness: A material's inherent resistance to fracture when a crack is

present is termed it's fracture toughness Kc. It is expressed by the relationship

Kc = Y cr.J;

where Y = a parameter that is a function of specimen and crack geometry.

cr = the design stress (below which there will be no crack propagation) ·
c = an allowable flaw or crack size (surface crack- depth of the crack
= (internal crack-length= 2c)

Units of Kc are MPa ..j;

Fracture toughness is a fundamental design property of. materials that are

susceptible to fracture by crack propagation.

3. Habit plane of martensite: A habit plane is the crystallographic plane or system

of planes along which a particular phenomenon occurs. Martensite forms out of
austenite with an orientation that satisfies the relationship (111) A I I (lOl)M and

f1 lO]A I I [lll]M where A and M refer to austenite and martensite respectively

and a habit plane parallel to {225} A .

- .r;::•...._- - - - -........= .........~===--~~~===~~-----::-----~

14 Elite Academy GA/QB/Ml-1

4. .Recrystallization temperature: It is the temperature at which cold worked

metals and alloys recrystallize on annealing i.e. the distorted, relatively hard
grains are replaced by equi-axed relatively soft grains and a relief of internal
stresses in the metal.

5. Degree of liberation
. .
of a .mineral: In an ore fine particles of mineral are usually

embedded in gangue. These mineral particles can be 'liberated' from the gangue
only if there is considerable size reduction of ore. ·Finer the size more will be the
'liberation' of mineral particles. The ratio of 'liberated' mineral to total mineral
in the ore can be expressed as degree of liberation of the mineral.

6. Electrode potential: The potential difference established between a metal and a

solution in which it is immersed is known as electrode potential. In practice
electrode potentials are measured against a standard electrode, either calomel or
the hydrogen electrode.

IV. Answer the following

1. Rate of nucleation is zero at the equilibrium transformation temperature because
free eneigies of both parent and 'nucleating phases are same "and there is no
driving force.

P+F=C+1 P = Number of phases

F = degrees of freedom (at constant pr)
C = Number of components·

since C =2 and. P = 1 (given)


3. (1) The carbon atoms which are highly soluble but have little strengthening_
effect in austentite(fcc) are forced into the bee lattice by the martensitic ·
GA/QB/MF-1 Elite Academy 15

transformation. Solution-hardening by carbon ore can explain a large

portion of the strength of martensite.
(2) Lattice defects introduced by lattice invariant shear, i.e. dislocations twin
bolindaries and interfaces of martensite crystals.
(3) Transformation stresses
(4) Lattice defects inherited from the austenite.
(5) Particles precipitated in martensite, segregation zones at dislocation, etc.
(6) Particles that have formed in the austenite and that have either sheared into
a metastable structure coherent with the martensite or that have lost
coherency during the transformation.

4. (1) Metallurgical factors:

(a) Alloy composition having long range of solidification
(b) . high volumetric shrinkage of the alloy
(c) high solid state contraction leading to contraction stresses
(d) low hot strength of alloy

(2) Design factors:

(a) sudden changes in section thickness
(b) sharp bends and comers giving rise to stress concentration

(3) Foundary factors:

(a) · low collapsibility of cores
.Improper nsenng.
. .

Forgings are relatively free of defects as compared to castings. The grain

structure_ of forged components is superior to cast structures. Small nearnet -
shape forgings are relatively easy to produce. Hence they are preferred· to
castings. Presence of flash can cause cracks during flash removal. Hence the
forgings should be flashless.
....... . ,,.,..
16 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT-1

6. Brittle cleavage fractures occurs due to

(a) Triaxial state of stress which reduce the shear strength resulting in a
considerable reduction in the ductility of the. material. These triaxial
stresses are developed at a notch or stress raiser. Thus various notches,
inclusions etc. favor brittle fracture.

(b) At lower temperatures metals exhibit brittle failure, particularly below

ductile to brittle transition temperature.

(cJ High strain rates induce brittle fracture.

8. The conditions necessary for S removal are

(i) basic slag formation
(ii) low oxygen potenti~ in the metal
(iii) high metal temperature

With respect to (ii) maximum S elimination is achieved using a reducing slag in

which anthracite or ferrosilicon is used as the reducing agent. The metaloids (C,
Si, Mn, P) in the iron are J?.rst oxidised using an oxi~ising slag which is repla~ed

by a reducing slag to remove the sulphur. However, this technique can be used
efficiently only in the electric arc steel making. In the other processes the oxygen
potential of the metal is lowered after first oxidising C, Si, Mn, P, by stopping the
iron ore and mill scale additions or stopping or reducing the oxygen blowing. In
this respect the electric arc process offers the highest removal of s while the
i oxygen blown processes after only limited s removal.

9. Van Arkel process is a process for refining of metals such as zirconium and
titanium. The halides of the multivalent metals are usually much more reducible
than the oxides, and several of these halides, being more covalent than ionic are
highly volatile.
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy

In the process for refining of Ti, the impure titanium is held against the inside face of a
silica vessel by a molybdenum cage. The vessel, which contains a small amount of

iodine, is evacuated and heated to 170- 200° C. The iodine vapour attacks the titanium
and forms Til 4 which is volatile at this temperature. Down the centre of the vessel is a

titanium filament, electrically heated to incandescence (~ 1400° C). The molecules of

Til 4 vapour are decomposed by heat when they touch the filament. Crystals of pure Ti

metal grow on the filament by deposition from this vapour and the iodine vapour returns
to the vessel and continues the process.

The kinetics of the process depend on

( 1) Diffusion of the iodide vapours to the filament
(2) The chemical decomposition reaction at filament
(3) The reaction of the crude feed with the iodine
If it is assumed that the rate of combination of iodine with impure metal is as rapid
as the rate of decomposition of the iodide on the filament, then the rate of
deposition in the case of small filaments, would increase proportionately with the
surface area. However, a point is soon reached at which the gases are not supplied
to or removed from the filament rapidly enough for the rate to be determined by the
surface area alone. In other words, the rate initially depends on the reaction at the
filament surface, but, with the passage of time, the diffusion phenomena become
important. In fact, unless the filament is very small. the diffusion of the gaseous
species becomes independent of the available surface area.
(4) The rate of metal deposition usually increases with the ambient temperature upto
a certain limit and then decrease at a constant filament temperature.
(5) As the filament temperature increases, at a constant ambient temperature, the
equilibrium dissociation pressure of iodine at the filament increases. In general,
the deposition rate increases with the filament temperature. At very high
temperatures, however, there may be an apparent drop in this rate because of a
loss of metal due to evaporation.
18 Elite Academy GAIQBIMT-1

10. Although magnesium has a very high affinity for oxygen, the oxide is rather
easier to reduce at high temperatures than those of most other reactive metals
because of the effect of magnesium vaporization on the free energy line.

However, we want a manageable reduction temperature, e.g. 1200° C. In the

Pidgeon process the reducing agent is silicon (used as ferrosilicion).

At 1200° C the reaction

2 MgO + Si --)> 2Mg + Si0 2

has an tmfavourable free energy (+244 K J mol- 1) under standard conditions.

The reaction can still be made to go forward, however, if the activities of the
reaction products can be sufficiently reduced. In the Pidgeon process the pressure
of magnesium vapour is kept low (0.025 mm Hg) by vaccurn pumping and the
activity of the silica is reduced by adding CaO to convert SiO 2 to CaSiO 3 .

Figure Soln. IV-10 shows the arrangement. Dolomite (CaO.MgO) is made up

into bricks with ferro-silicon and charged into horizontal steel retorts which
project through the wall into the furnace. The reduced magnesium vapour, better
than 99.5 percent pure, is condensed on cool sleeves in the ends o the retorts.

Fig. Soln. IV-10: Resort for magnesium reduction

GA/.QBIMT-1 . Elite Academy . 19

1. The curves are shown in flg\lre soln. V-1. It can be seen that
(i) Low C steels show a sharp
ductile-brittle transition
(ii) The transition is more gradual
as the C content increases

(iii) Increase in the C content
increases the temperature at
which the transition occurs.
(iv) The impact strength decreases -too
with increase in the C content.

3. Iron by Hydrogen reduction

I MW scale r

(Gr~- 1)0 mesh I

Air 1600 - 1900-F

Belt furra ce, H 1600-1900-<:


Recirculate ~

___ ...__ __._...._ - . -- ----- ~ ___........,....__- ------ - - --·

- 'j Elite Academy GAIQB/lv!T-1

This iron powder is called Pyron Iron powder.

4. Under cyclic stresses the crack propagation can occur at a stress intensity factor

(K = cr &
) much lower .than the fracture toughness
factor K,I . As a

consequence of accumulative damage strain, hardening occurs, causing the plastic

zone around the crack to be much smaller than the initial plastic zone during the
application of ,load.

The fatigue crack propagation can be estimated by Paris- Erdogan equation,

which was developed for metals.

da =C (11K)n
where 2a = the crack length
N the number of cycles
daldN the fatigue crack growth rate
11K the stress intensity factor= Kmax - Kmin

Acr the gross stress range = a max - cr min

C and N are constants depending on the material and the conditions. If log daldN
is plotted verus log ~K we get a curve of sigmoid shape showing three
characteristics regions as in figure soln. V-3. Region I con-esponds to the
nucleation period, crack growth decreases rapidly approaching the lower limiting
value of stress intensity factor Kth, which is the threshold value below which

crack growth does not occur.

Region II corresponds to the steady state of fatigue crack propagation according

to the Paris equation. The slope of the curve in this region is constant equal to n.
The constant C can be evaluated from the graph by extrapolation of the medium
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy

region of the curve to the value of l\K = 1, log C = log da/dN. it should b~

emphasized that the Paris equation is applicable only for a certain range of values
in region II.

As the mean stress intensity increases, l~Kmax ~pproaches the fracture toughness

K IC and ductile tearing takes place leading to failure. In region III near the

fracture toughness the crack grov.th rate becomes so rapidly that only a limiteJ
number of cycles can be accumulated before failure occurs. On the other hand a
small error in the threshold data and in region I may result in a large overestimate
of fatigue life.

I II til
I •
-II~ I
Iu I

• I

log stress intensity range, .tJC

2. Bragg's Law: nA. =2d sin 8 (1)
22 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

assume n = 1 (i.e. first order reflection)


A.= 1.5418 A 20 = 38°,44.18°' 64.25°


Substitute in ( 1) to get

(1) 1.5418 = 2d sin for 20 = 38°

- (2) 1.5418 = 2d sin for 20 =44.18°

(3) 1.5418 = 2d sin

Knowing d one can calculate the lattice parameter

Suppose d=l h=l

dhkl = dwo k= o
d = 2 dhki = d 110 1= o
d = 3 dhkl = dlll

3. Hint: According to Griffith criterion the stress required for fracture is

"~ e,.:Er
where y = surface energy

For c = 12.5 mm, cr is 400 MPa

(400)2 = 2 yE
1t X12.5

yE = (400)2 x 1t x 12.5
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 23

Fore= 50mm

a = 2 X ( 400)- X
., 1t X 12.5 Jl/2
( 21t X 50

4. Hint: Critical size y * of the nucleus is expressed as

2 y o.l3
y* =
~G o.-13

Substitute y o.l3 = 100 mJ I m 2

~G a-l3 == 100 J I mole

This should be converted to JIm 3

Molar volume = 9 x 10-6 m 3 I mole

Volume of one mole= 9 x 10-6m3

-13 = 100 J I 9 x 10 - m 3

To find activation energy

* 4 *3 *
~GHom = 3 7t r ~Ga-13 + 4n r Ya-13

Substitute the values in appropriate units.

5. Assuming one-dimensional steady-state diffusion we can use Fick's first law

= -D --
where J is the flux or diffusion current density
D is the diffusion coefticient
c is the volume concentration of atoms
x is the distance along the direction in which ditiusion occurs.
]-I Elite Academy GA/QB/A~JT-1

(12 kg I m 3 - 0)
J = - 9 x 10-10 m 2 s- 1 x ·-
2mmx 10-3 m

12 X 910-lO k I 2
= ·g m s
2x 10-3

=-54 x 10-7 kg 1m 2 s

The -ve sign indicates that the flux flow against the direction of concentration

6. Hint: From the composition of the fuel find out the amount of oxygen required
i.n terms of kg/moles. The components of the fuel that burn are
C to C0 2 and

(1 kg of mole of gas= 22.4,m 3 at N.T.P)

Assuming that air contains 20 vol% 0 2 and 80 vol% N 2 . Calculate the

l.volume of air required (at NTP) for combustion. The air supplied is 15% extra.
Therefore calculate the.volume of air supplied. .

As caloritic value of fuel is given calculate the heat generated by 200 kg fuel.

The air that is supplied is converted to fuel gas. Volume of fuel gases can be
found out. Heat going out through fuel gases can be fvund out.

When combustion air is preheated to 350°, the heat supplied by the air can be
calculated. The quantity of fuel required will be less in this proportion.

GA!QB;MT--1 Elite Academy

GATE- 1991

Time Allowed: 3 Hours lvfaximum marks·: 200

Part A: 70 Marks
Part B: 130 Marks

Instructions to Candidates

Answer all questions.

2. Answers to questions in PART A must be given in serial order· in the first fi v..:
pages of the ans\ver book and nowhere else.
3. There rwill be no negative marking.

PART - A (70 l\Iarks)

1. Select the correct auswer(s) for each of the following questions. There m:1y
be more than one correct answer. Full marks will be given only when all ~he

correct answers have been identified. There is no patiiai markin1!,. Use only
capital alphabets A, B, C and D for your answer. (15 X 2::: 30l

(i) Chemical potential of a component 1 in a binary solution can be defined as:

( \
8A l
(A) ! ___ , (B)
I 011 )
\ . l, T.V.rh

(C) (D)
' I T,P,n 2

when.~ A= Helmoholtz free energy, U =~Internal energy, H ;:=Enthalpy, G = (libhs

free energy, and other terms have the usual meaning.

26 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

(ii) The order of a chemical reaction:

(A) can be determined only experimentally
(B) can be determined from the stoichiometry of the reaction
(C) can not be zero
(D) can be fractional.

(iii) The activity of pure hydrogen gas at 1000° C and 5 atmospheric pressure:
(A) is always less than 1
(B) is al~ays greater than 1
(C) can be 5
(D) depends on the choice of the standard state.

(iv) High top pressure in blast furnace:

(A) increases the silicon content in the hot metal
(B) increases the sulphur content in the hot metal
(C) increases the phosphorous content in the hot metal
(D) increases the manganese content in the hot metal.

(v) The product of a commercial direct reduction process is:

(A) liquid iron (B) solid iron
(C) sponge 1ron (D) iron saturated with carbon.

(vi) In precipitation hardenable alloy, like Duraiumin, intermediate precipitates can

form due to:
(A) difficulty of nucleation ofthe final precipitate
(B) difficulty of growth of the final precipitate
(C) ease of diffusion
(D) coherency strain.

(vii) At room temperature F.C.C. crystal structure is observed in:

GAIQB!ltfl'-1 Elite Academy 2-

(A) Lead (B) Cupro-nickel

(C) Titanium (D) Tungsten

(viii) Earing is a defect found in steels after the following metal working operation(s):
(A) Deep drawing (B) Rolling
(C) Extrusion (D) Wire drawing

(ix) Liquid nitrogen containers can be made from:

(A) Ferritic stainless steel (B) HSLA steel
(C) Titanium (D) Austenitic stainless steel

(x) lbe technique(s) which can be used for the direct observation of dislocations is fare]:
(A) Scanning electron microscopy (B) Transrnis..<:>ion electron microscopy
(C) Field-ion microscopy (D) Electron probe micro analysis

(xi) Which of the following phenomenon/phenomena is/ are ditTusion controlled?

(A) dislocation climb (B) cross-slip
(C) twinning (D) recrystallisation

(xii) Springback in sheet metal bending depends on:

(A). elastic limit (B) bend radius
(C) degree ofbend (D) thickness of sheet

(xiii) In extrusion of metals, which of the fol1owing statement(s) is [are] true:

(A) speed of the extruded material is same as that of ram speed
(B) redundant work is a function of die angle
(C) relative motion between the billet surface and the container wall is always
(D) h<.'llow ram is used for indin.·ct extrusion.
------ -~-------------

Elite Academy GAIQB/L\-!T-I

(xiv) Powder metallurgy processing can be used for making:

(A) Dispersion strengthened copper rod (B) Self lubricating bearing
(C) Connecting rod (D) Cemented carbide.

(xv) It is possible to form martensite:

(A) sometimes by cold working (B) sometimes without nucleation
(C) sometimes by gas quenching (D) only in iron-based alloys.

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. Write only the missing word as
your answer. (l~xJO=lO)

(i) Point defects are thermodynamically ---------------- at temperatures greater than

zero kelvin.

(ii) The enthalpy change of the system for a cyclic process is ----------------
(iii) In Parke's process---------------- is added to remove silver from lead.

(iv) The electrical conductivity of gold is considerably reduced by alloying additions

due to the decrease in electron ----------------

(v) A soft magnetic material should have high permeability and-~=------------- area of
hysterisis loop.

(vi) Gennan silver is a---------------- based alloy.

(vii) Mechanical deformation of lead at room temperature is a ----------~----- working

(viii) Poisson's ratio of metals is ----------------than unity.

(ix) The melting point of solders is generally less than---------------- o C.

(x) The application of---------------- tension lowers the load during cold rolling.
GAIQBIMT-1 Elite Academy

3. Write down whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (Do not
write T or F), followed by reasons or justiraeations in one or two sentences.
No marks will be given for answers without proper reasons or justifications.
(15 X 2 = 30)

(i) Phase rule for condensed phase is represented by P + F = C + 2.

(ii) All types of impurities can not be removed by fire refining.
(iii) Electro-winning consU:mes more energy than electro-refining.
(iv) Basic refractory lining is used in the electric arc furnace hearth.
(v) Wave length of Ka radiation is shorter than K radiation.
(vi) In the steels to be nitrided the presence of aluminium is undesirable.

(vii) In industrial practice macrosegregation in large castings is usually removed by

heat treatment.

(viii) Steel produced by B.O.F. process is ideally suited for manufacturing flat products.

(ix) The recrystallisation temperature of an alloy is independent of the method of cold

working, if the percentage reduction and the previous history of the alloy remain

(x) The serious effect of fibering upon mechanical properties of rolled products is its
tendency to product poor ductility transverse to the direction of fibers.

(xi) Dimples are observed on the fractured surface of brittle metals and alloys.
(xii) It is easy to cast an alloy having long freezing range.

(xiii) Presence of delta ferrite is beneficial in the fusion zone of welded austenitic
stainless steel.

(xiv) In wire drawing the applied stress on the wire is below its flow stress.
(xv) Cathodic protection is always the safest approach to corrosion control.
----------- ---------

30 Elite Academy GA/QB/AIT--1

PART- B (130 marks)

Instruction: Answer the questions in PART Bin serial order.

4. Define the following: (5 X 2 = 10)

(i) Emissivity (ii) Stoke's law.
(iii) Mill modulus. (iv) Burgers vector.
(v) Hot shortness.

5. Distinguish between: (5· )( 4 = 20)

(i) Laminar flow and turbulent flow.
(ii) L.D. and combined blowing processes.
(iii) Malleable cast iron and spheroidal graphite cast iron.
(iv) Twin boundaries and low angle grain boundaries.
(v) Conventional forging and powder forging.

6. Answer the following briefly and to the point: (15 X 4 = 6())

(i) Explain Matano interface with the help of a diagram. Also state its utility.

(ii)' What is meant by the stabilization phenomenon in the martensitic reactiot:

and why does it occur?

(iii) Explain the characteristics of tin-based Babbit metal that make it suitable
as a.bearing material.

(iv) Why the solubility of carbon in austenite is more in iron-cementite system

than in iron-graphite system?

(v) Why the slope of the metal - metal oxide lines are positive whereas it is
zero for the C - CO 2 and negative for the C - CO lines in the Ellingham

GA/QBlMT--1 Elire Academy

(vi) Explain the particle si1ape sequence with distance from the nozzle in the gas
atomization of liquid metals.

(vii) Describe the salient features of the conventional methods used for welding steel

(viii) Explain the basic principles of C0 2 process for making moulds.

(ix) Draw a flow sheet for the production of uranium metal from its ore.

(x) High tern perature or low partial pressure of carbon monoxide is essential for the
stainless steel making. Give reasons.

(xi) Explain the role of frother, collector and activator in the floatation of rninerals.

(xii) Name the bonds that form during sintering of self-fluxed sinter. Why its
reducibility is more than that of unfluxed sinter.

(xiii) Draw a typical creep curve showing the various stages of creep Wldcr (a) constant
load condition, and (b) constant stress condition, in the same figure. For
engineering design }~~1rposes, which stage of creep is critical?

(xiv) Calculate the amount of neck free stretching in a material having strain hardening
coefficient of0.5.

(xv) Explain the mechanism of crack initiation and growth when a metal is subjected
to cyclic stress.

7. Solve the following problems: (5 x 8 = 40)

(i) Lead melts at 600K. 1 kg of liquid lead is super-cooled to 550K. Calculate the
enthalpy, entropy and i:h:-e energy of transfom1ation from liquid to solid lead at
Elite Academy GA/QB,'.\11 I

solid and liquid lead is 31 J/mole Kin the temperature range of 550 ··· 600 K. The
atomic weight of lead is 207.

(ii) The wall of a gas fired furnace is constructed with fire brick of 0.2m thick and
steel plate of 3 mm thick. The inside and outside temperatures of the furnace wall

are 1340 K and 310 K respectively. The total area of the fui"nace wall is I 0 m 2 .

Calculate the rate of gas firing required at the steady state to compensate the heat

loss through the walL Th~ calorific value of gas is 10 MJ/m 3 and the thermal
conductivities of fire brick and steel are 1 and 44 W /mK respectivdy. Assume
that the thermal resistance of steel is insignificant and one dimemional
approximation is valid.

(iii) Two metals, A and B, arc used to form an alloy X containint 60 vvt % A and 40 wt
% B. Metal A melts at 1200 K and B at 700 K. When alloyed together these
metals form no compounds or solid solutions, but fonn an eutectic at 70 \\1. % A
and 30 ·wt% B. Assume that the liquid lines are straight. The eutectic solidifies at
500 K. If the alloy X is cooled at a very slow rate from the molten stat<.:. calculate:
(a) the temperature at which the alloy will start solidifying, and

(b) the percentage of eutectic in the alloy at room tcmpcrarure (300 K).
(Graphical Solution is NOT permitted)

(iv) Calculate the approximate load necessary to reduce the thickness of 1.000 mm
wide annealed aluminium sheet from 3 mm to 2.5 mm by cold roliing with no
spread. The material tallows the following uniaxial flow curve relationship:

cr=l60(E) 0·25 N/mm 2

The radius of the roll is 200 mm. Assume 20% margin for the friction.
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 33

(v) (a) A thick plate of an alloy contains a through thickness centrally located
crack of length 60 mm. The \\·idth of the plate is 300 mm. If the plate
fails at an applied axial stress of 100 MNm -z, calculate the plane strain
fracture toughness ofthe alloy.

(b) The sr.ear modulus of a precipitation hardenable alloy is 26 GPa and the
magnitude of Burgers vector is 0.25 nm. lf the yield stress of the alloy in
the overaged condition is 270 MPa, calculate the -interparticle spacing in
the alloy.

34 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1


1. Select the correct answer(s)

(i) D (ii) A,D (iii) B (iv) A,D
(v) c (vi) A,D (vii) A,B (viii) A
(ix) D (x) B,C (xi) A,D (xii) B,C,D
(xiii) B,C (xiv) B,D (xv) A,C

2. Fill in the blanks

(i) Stable (ii) zero (iii) Zinc (iv) .~attering

(v) small (vi) copper (vii) hot (viii) less

(ix) 200°C (x) Front & back

3. State true or false followed by reasons

(i) False

Because for solids and liquids the effect of pressure can be neglected.

(ii) True

Fire refining involves selective oxidation. Those impurities which cannot be

easily oxidised cannot be removed.

(iii) False

Because m electrowinning, the anode is an insoluble conductor while in

electrorefining, it is the impure metal itself.

(iv) True
GAIQB!MT-1 Elite Academy

By using basic refractory lining, basic slags can be produced for refining and
adjusting the composition of steel.

(v) False

Ka radiation is obtained by electrons dropping from the second (n = 2) electron

shell and K~ from the third (n = 3) shell. Second shell is closer to nucleus. So

energy of Ka radiaticn is higher than that of Kp and so wavelength of Ka is

shorter than that of K p .

(vi) False

Upto 1% Al is purposely added for peak hardness and case adherence.

(vii) False

Only micros..::grcg~:i 1ons can be removed to some extent by homogenization


(viii) (a) 2a=60mm cra PP =100 MN I m- =100 MPa

a= 30mm x 30x to-3M

Fracture roughness (K IC) under plane strain condition is

K 1c =a crft1-;
a.- a parameter depending on the geometry of the specimen
Let us take a =l
Ku: =lxlOO:<i 6 ~nx30x10··-J =30699801 Paf;.; =30.7 MPa~
36 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT-1

(ix) True

Recrystallization depends on the distortion of grains and strain energy associated.

It does not depend on the method of cold working.

(x) True The fibers give anisotropy of properties

(xi) True

In the brittle fracture of brittle metals and alloys tensile failure occurs by the
necking down or ductile bridges between holes existing along the path of failure.

(xii) False

Alloys with long freezing range possess poor fluidity, and they are more difficult
to feed.

(xv) True

The sacrificial anodes are affected and the metal to be protected (which is made
cathodic) remains fully protected.

4. Define the following

(i) Emissivity: The rate of loss of heat from unit area in unit time at a given
temperature by radiation. It is dependent on the principal wave-length radiated,
and the character ofthe surface.

(ii) Stoke's law: The rate at which a spherical particle will settle in a viscous fluid is
given by

2gr p 2
v = -----·-···
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy

where g acceleration due to gravity

r = radius of particle
p = density of particle

l1 = viscosity of fluid

(iv) Burgers vector: A characteristics vector quantity which expresses the local
lattice translation associated with the movement of dislocation. It is a unit slip
vector and designated as b.

(v) Hot shortness: Hot shortness is brittleness at high temperatures. In steels it

occurs due to presence of sulphide network through the metal which metals at
high temperatures and allow the iron grains separated by them to fall apart

5. Distinguish between

(i) Laminar flow Turbulent ftow

(a) Well ordered pattern (a) Fluid particles do not travel in a
· where fluid layers slide well-ordered fashion
over one another

(b) Well defined path stream (b) There are compounds of velocity
lined transverse to the principal direction
of flow. These compounds
constantly change in magnitude.

(c) Reynolds number less (c) Reynolds number greater than

than 2300 4000.

38 Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

(iii) Malleable cast iron S.G. cast iron

(a) C present as- compact (a) Spheroidal form of graphite

(b) Obtained by annealing of as (b) addition of Mg or Ce to the

cast white iron melt containing high C & Si

at- 900" c tor but lowS

long time

(c) Composition Lowe. E (c) High C. E

c 2.2 - 2.4 c 2.8 - 3.8
Si .8 - 1.1 Si 1.6 - 2.8
s less than 0.05

(iv) Twin boundary Low angie grain bound~u;·

It is a low angle grain boundary The mismatch in crystalallographic

delineated by an array of screw orientation is less than 10°. The
dislocations grain bouridary is semi-coherent. It
is delineated by edge dislocations.

(i) For the welded pairs, so commonly used in investigation of metallic diffusion, it
seems obvious to choose an x axis rigidly fixed in the pair, although volume
change could introduce some uncertainty. In this case of the welded pair it '.vas
found convenient to choose the origin, or point from which the distance x i<;
measured, in such a manner that the two areas of tig. Soln. 6-(i) arc equal. This
choice of origin \Vas suggested on empirical grounds by Matano and is kr..mvn a~

the Matano interface.

GAIQBIMT--1 Elite Academy

Distance, x
..-,~~· Soln. 6-{i): Matam; inteJ:filce

(ii) During quenching of the steel for martcns_ite formation, if the quench is
interrupted at some temperature in the martensitic range, and the metd held th,~n:

for :;~. period, the tral!sformation is then ddayed on subsequent cooling until a
certain degree of undercooling is achieved, when it resumes again with a burst of
new martensite plat;:s.

(iii) (1) The tin-based babbit has a soft matrix which yields to the pressure on it
and· aligns itself to the shaft.

(2) The softness also prevents high stresses developing at asperities between
the bearing and shaft, and so allows the shaft to run in dirty oil without
being scored by particles of grit which get into the bearing interface.

(3) Antimony and copper present in tin babbits fonn intermctallic phases
which are bard and impart certain stiffening to enable it to support the
bearing pressme and preYcnt it of becoming squeezed out at ends.
Elite Academy GA/QB/Afi--1

(iv) The Fe- Fe 3 C eutectic occurs at lower temperature than Fe-Gr eutectic. Since

the solubility lines also continue in the same direction, the solubility of C in
austenite in Fe- Fe 3 C system is more.

(v) The slope ofthe lines in the Ellingham diagram indicate the entropy change of the
reactions involved.

(a) Consider metal-metai oxide reaction


For this reaction, as for all others involving metal oxide formation the
standard entropy change, ~so, is negative, since during the reaction one
mole of oxygen gas is used up (i.e. gaseous volume changes 1 ~ 0

Hence Entropy change= -~so

Slope ofline = - (-~S 0

) =+~so

i.e. positive. It can thus be seen that in plots of the standard free energy
change of formation for metal oxide against temperature the invariable
- ~so value for the reaction gives rise to a positive slope for the resulting

During this reaction the gaseous volume remains unchanged at one

volume throughout. As a result ~sc for the reaction is zero or negligibly

,.. · ... .- .
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy -+1

small in value and the line representing carbondioxide formation is

approximately parallel to the temperature axis, i.e. ~G[ for C0 2 (g) does

not change much with temperature.

(c) 2C(s) + 0 2 (g) ~2CO(g)

The slope of the line representing carbon monoxide formation is

exceptional since the gaseous volume increases (1 ~ 2 volumes) during
the reaction. This means that the standard entropy change for the reaction
is positive.

So slope = - (+~so) = - ~so . i.e. negative.

(viii) C0 2 process uses following sand mixture.

Sand + 3 - 6% sodium silicate.

Sodium silicate can be repre~nted by the formula Na 2 Si0 3 and xH 2 0. The

sand mixture is rammed on the pattern. In order to harden the sand CO 2 gas is

passed through the mould.

Following reaction occurs giving silica gel which binds the sand grains and
hardens the mould.
Na 2 Si0 3 xH 2 0 + C0 2 ~ Na 2 C0 3 + Si0 2 xH 2 0

silica gel

(ix) The flow sheet is shown in fig. Soln. 6-(ix).


42 Elite Academy


Mining Crushing

Pulp .....---~so4 ,Mn~

Waste441-----ll Fiition I
Leach liquor

Uranium ingot
Fig. Soln. 6-(ix): Production of Uranium.

--- -·-- - --- -- - -- -- ---

GAIQBIMT-1 Elite Academy

(x) They are required to achieve low carbon contents.

(xi) Frother: It is used to ensure the formation of a stable froth with sufficient
buoyancy to carry the load of floatable mineral out of the pulp. It should not itself
be a strong collector, especially or minerals intended to 'sink, and the froth should
not be so persistent to resist destruction by spray after separation of the pulp. Pine
oil and cresylic acid are the conventional frothers.

Collector: Surface properties of ore and gangue minerals vary within too
narrow a range to be useful for separations directly. Such ~ifferences as do
exist must be amplified by bringing about selective adsorption or
chemisorption of certain organic compounds called 'collectors' on to the
mineral it is desired to float. Therefore three types of collectors ---oils, organic
acid and their salts, and organic bases. The organic acids and bases are all
compounds whose molecules are composed of large non-polar groups and a
polar group" These compounds are in aqueous solution. The polar group can
attach itself to an ion of opposite sign on the mineral surface. If the minerai
surface is sufficiently covered in this way it assumes the surface properties of
the corresponding hydrocarbon particularly in so far as it displays a high
contact angle with water.

Other collectors also act in similar ways.

Activator: Activators render a surface more amenable to the action of a collector.

(xiii) The relevant curves are shown in Fig. Soln. 6-(xiii). For engineering design
purposes, steady state creep or secondary stage is critical.
44 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

13 >Tz >Tl
Rupture a3 >a2 >al


Time. t

A typical creep curve ofstrain versus time The influence ofstress cr and
at constant stress and elevated temperature. temperature Ton creep behavior.
The minimum creep rate AE I At is the slope
ofthe linear segment in the secondary region.
Fig. Soln. 6-(xiii)

(xv) Fatigue-failure begins by the formation, fairly early in the life of the specimen, of
a small crack, almost always at a point on the external surface. This crack then
slowly grows into the material, roughly perpendicularly to the main tensile axis,
as a sharp narrow fissure until the remaining unbroken cross-section is so small
that it can no longer support the applied load and undergoes a simple tensile
failure. Experiments have proved that the fatigue crack front advances a small
distance during each stress cycle and each stage of advance is marked on the
fracture surface by a small undulation or ripple line. These lines form a series of
roughly circular and concentric arcs, which mark successive positions of the crack
front and focus back to the origin of fracture. Under ideal conditions they are too
fine and evenly spaced to the seen, except by special metallographic methods, but
under practical conditions fluctuations in the amplitude of the stress cycle
generally produce a few ripples much larger and prominent than the rest.
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy -+5

(i) (a) Hint: Enthalpy of transition = Latent heat of solidification (Lm) + heat
change while cooling from 600K to 550K = 24 kJ + (600- 550) Cp

where Cp should be in J/kgoK

The value of Cp given is 31 J/mole oK

1 mole= 207 g

31 31
Cp = - J /kg ok = - x 1000 kJ /kgoK
207 207

(b) Entropy of transformation

LlS = f° Cp dT + Latent heat of solidification(Lm)

T Tm solidification

= {-31 x 1000 [In T ]600 24 } kJ I kg K

550 + -

207 550

(c) Free energy oftransformation

L\Gv = L111:.L\T = 24 kJ. (600-550) kJ/kg

Tm 550

(ii) Hint: Quantity of heat flowing through a composite wall/second is given by

equation by the following equation.

where Tin = Temperature in furnace= 1340 K

46 Elite Academy GAIQB/lt.IT-1

Tout = Temperature outside = 310 K

La = thickness of steel plate = 3 nun = 3 x 10-4 m

Ka = thermal conductivity of steel plate = 44 W/mK

Aa = surface area of steel pl~te = 10 m 2

Lb = thickness of firebrick = 0.2m

Kb = thermal conductivity of firebrick = 1 W/rnk

Since calorific value of the gas is 10 MJ I m 3 , we can find out tt'le volume of the gas

Q in watts
Volume of gas= i Watt = 1 J I sec
cal. value of gas l 0 MJ I m 3

Answer will be in m 3 /sec.

(iii) The equilibrium diagram is as shoMI in Fig. Soln. 7-(iii).


Fig. Solo. 7-(iii)


. . 700 - 500
The slope of hqmds 2 = = -200
100-30 70

Therefore liquids temperature at any composition x

= TLx = 500 + (x-30) x ?o
Forx =40,

Tl 40% B ::;: 500 + 40 - 30 X

200 "=' 528.5') K
' . 70

% eutec!ic in the aHov

= 100 - x 100 ==
x 100 ~ 85.7%
- 100-30 70

(v) (a) Hint: For plain strain fracture toughness detennination the operating
formula is K IC = 0' d .../ 1ta , where 0' d is the operating design stress.

Usually a safety factor of 2 is assumed and cr d is taken as ~ ::; y.s. (i.e. 50

r..1N m - 2 in the present case). a is half the crack length (30 rnm in th~s

case= .03 mm)

(b) Hint: The str.:ngthening in the precipitation hardened structures is due to

dislocation particle interaction. The stress necessary for the dislocation to
loop around the precipitates is expressed by
t = Gb/1

where 1 is the interparticle spacing. In the given problem t = 270 MPa ,

G ==" 26 GPa b :o;: 0.25 nm.

Calculate 1.

48 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1


Time Allowed: 3 Hours A1aximum marks: 200

Part A: 80 marks.
Part B: 120 marks.

Read the following Instructions~ carefully

1. Answer all questions.

2. Answers to questions in PART A must be given in serial order in the tirst five
pages of the answer book and nowhere else.
3. There will be no negative marking.

PART- A (80 Marks)

1. Write down whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (Do not
write T or F), followed by reasons or justifications in one or two sentences.
No ma~ks will be given for ans\\:ers without proper reas?ns or justifications.
(15 X 2 = 30)

(i) If G is a property that is a function of state for a homogenous closed system, then

dG = ( 8G)
8T p
dT + ( J
dP in the absence of gravitational, magnetic and

electric fields and surface effects.

(ii) . Entropy of a metallic glass at 0 K is zero, provided the glass is cooled very slowly
from room temperature to 0 K.

(iii) Isoactivity lines for a ternary ideal liquid solution are parallel to the sides of the
Gibbs' triangle.
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy

(iv) Carbon is not used as a reductant for sulphides.

(v) It is not possible to remove silver and gold during the fire refining of copper.

(vi) Phosphorous removal during steel making is better under acidic conditions than
basic conditions.

(vii) Considering the condensed phase rule, there is one degree of freedom in a four-
phase region of a ternary system.

(viii) There is a change in composition of the matrix phase during precipitate coarsening.
(ix) Grain boundaries always move towards their center of curvature during grain growth.
(x) During hot rolling dislocation density increases.
(xi) Very fine-grained metals detonned with slow strain mtes show super-pl&1ic behaviour.

(xii) Magnetic particle inspection can be adopted to detect surface and sub-surface
flaws in austenitic stainless steels.

(xiii) Stress-strain curves for solid and hollow cylinders are identical when tested in torsion.
(xiv) When iron is worked at 800 K (dull red hot) it is hot working.
(xv). Higher is the radius of curvature of flaw, higher is the stress concentration factor.

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. Write only the missing word,
statement or expression as your answer. (20 x 1 = 20)

(i) ( ~)P ~ -------------------,where G is the Gibbs' Free energy.

(ii) The ideal entropy of mixing for a metallic solution containing n components is
given by ASM '= -- R L -------------------
i =l
50 ~lite Academy GAIQB!Mf-1 ,

(iii) The difference in the activation energy for the forward and reverse reactions is
equal to -------------------

(iv) The chemical potential of oxygen shown on the Ellingham diagram for oxides
correspond to unit activity of metal and oxide.· For the reaction, M + o 2 · .__. M0 2 ,

if the activity of M(aM) is 0.1, the line will be displaced------------------- by

(v) Pine oil is used as the---------------- in the tloatation process.

(vi) In the Pidgeon process of producing magnesium ------------------- is used as the

reducing agent.

(vii) Flash smelting of chalcopyrite concentrates is a combination of------------------

and -------------------

(viii) In the zinc blast furnace---------------- is used for shock cooling of the zinc vapours.
(ix) 'fhe monotectic reaction is-------------------

(x) · Higher order .reflections give ------------------- error m the lattice parameter
determined using X -rays.

(xi) The driving force for the recovery of cold worked metal stems from the-----------------
of cold work.

(xii) Annealing twins are not observed in pure aluminium because it has higher ··--------------

(xiii) Modulus of feeder is ------------------- than the modulus of the casting.

(xiv) Heat diffusivity of the mould int1uences ------------------- of the mould.
(xv) Cold cracking of a weld is due to presence of-------------------- gas in tlh? weld.
• 1
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy -'

(xvii) For high temperature creep application------------------ grain structure is desirable.

(xviii) To determine the transition temperature------------------- test is done.
(xix) Brale (diamond cone) indenter is used in------------------- testing.
(xx) -------------------residual stress at the surface is beneficial for fatigue properties.

3. Select the correct answer(s) for each of the following questions. There may
be more than one correct answer. Full marks will be given only when all the
correct answers have been identified. There is no partial marking. Usc only
capital alphabets A, B, C and D for your answer. (15 X 2 = 30)

(i) Heat capacity at constant pressure, Cp, is defined by

(A) (~)P (B) (~-)v

(C) (oHJ
(D) ( 8(~ + PV)J
' OT "P

where E is the Intemd Energy, H the Enthalpy and G the Gibbs' Free energy.

(ii) The limiting condition for the appearance of a miscibility gap in a binary solution

( oaxG) laxJG) = o
ra 3
(A) (B)


where G is the Gibbs' force Energy and X is the mole fraction of component 2.

(iii) Generalized Fick's law for a component i in a multicomponent solution can be

written as
52 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT--1

(A) Ji =-- :Lniknki vci vck (B) Ji =-:Lnikvck

k k

(C) J.I =--D..II V C.I (D) None of the above.

. . .
(iv) In the commercial production of which of the following metals, metallothermic
reduction is used?
(A) Copper (B) Zinc (C) Zirconium (D) Nickel

(v) In which ofthe following reactions application of vacuum will help?

(A) Number of gas molecules in the product side is more than that on the
reactant side.
(B) Number of gas molecules in the reactant side is more than that on the
product side.
(C) Number of gas molecules are the same on both the reactant and product side
(D) None of the above.

(vi) Manganese recovery in steel making is aided by

(A) Low slag basicity
(B) Low silicon content in the hot metal
(C) High slag basicity and high silicon content in the hot metal.
(D) None of the above.

(vii) Martensitic transformation in plain carbon steels occurs by

(A) Diffusion of carbon (B) No diffusion of carbon
(C) Shear mechanism (D) Diffusion of iron.

(viii) A binary alloy system A-B shows the peritectic reaction, L + u ~ p. An alloy
of the peritectic composition when cooled tmder natural cooling conditions will
show coring in
-----,----~-- ---,...----..-..,---------,...-----~---~--
••.•• c-. --~--

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 53

(A) a phase only (B) ~ phase only

(C) Both a and ~ phases (D) None of the phases

(ix) When the wave length of the incident X-ray increases, the angle of diffraction
(A) decreases (B) mcreases
(C) remains constant (D) shows no systematic variation

(x) ·Eutectic Al-Si castings are modified by

(A) Na (B) p (C) S (D) None

(xi) Which of the following are considered applications of ultrasonic t~sting?

(A) Detem1ination of elastic constant (B) Detection of defects in metals
(C) Measurement of material thickness (D) None of the above.

(xii) For preparation of porous bearings by powder metallurgy preferred particle shape

(A) Spherical (B) Nodular

(C) Irregular (D) No preferred shape.

(xiii) With increase in annealing temperature the following defect density decreases
(A) Vacancy (B) Dislocation
(C) Grain boundary (D) All of them

(xiv) The strength of material increases with

(A) Increase in dislocation density (B) Decrease in dislocation density
(C) Increase in grain size (D) Decrease in grain size.

(xv) Solme atoms which cause yield point phenomenon in mild steel are/is
(A) Aluminium (B) Boron (C) Carbon
54 Elite Academ_v GA/QBIMT-1

PART- B (120 marks)

4. Give brief answers: (10 X 3 = 30)

(i) Sodium cyanide is used to dissolve gold. Give the relevant reaction. How is gold
precipitated from this solution?

(ii) In the Bayer process, bauxite is digested with NaOH. What are the conditions
under which this is done? Explain.

(iii) What is anodizing?

(iv) Is bainite two phase or single phase structure? Explain.

(v) What is the effect of humidified blast on the reducing potential of the gas in the
iron blast furnace?

(vi) What is autogeneous welding?

(vii) Why do gray iron castings need very little feeding?
(viii) What is tin sweat?

(ix) Sketch ~chematic stress-strain Ct!rves for single crystals of pure (a) Mg, (b) AI
and (c) a-Fe

(x) Why are aluminum castings not prone to reaction unsoundness (due to reaction
between two solutes)?

5. Provide short answers, with sketches where necessary. (6 X 4 = 24)

(i) How would the solubility of S0 2 gas vary with its pressure in high purity

copper? Explain.

(ii) Determine the packing density of {111} plane of the fcc: !auice (in number of
atoms/m 2 ).
GA/QBIAFF-i Elite Academy 55

(iii) The growth of a and Fe 3 C phases leads to the formation of lamellar structure of

pearlite in steel. With the help of the concentration-distance profile for the
growth of the two phases explain the cooperative growth mechanism.

(iv) What are the basic units of a continuous casting facility?

(v) Sketch and explain the teinperatw-e profile for the solid and the gas in iron blast furnace.

(vi) Sketch the schematic curves indicating dependence of (a) fracture toughness
(Kc) with thickness, (b) plain strain fracture toughness (K IC) with strain rate.

6. Solve the following problems: (JJ X 6 = 66)

(i) Given the following data:

(c)gr +(0 2 )=(C0 2 ) ............... . (1)

AG} =- 394100-0.84 T J I mol

2(C) gr + (0.,) = 2(CO) .............. .


AG2 = -223400-175.34 T J I mol

Calculate the minimum temperature at which the reaction can take place.

Also compute the Pco I Pco ratio in the gas phase at this temperature when the

total pressure ( Pco + Pco = Ptotal) is equal to (a) 1.0 and (b) 1.50 atmosphere.

Comment on the results.

(ii) At 1200 K Fe-Ni austenites are found to exhibit regular solution behaviour and
the integral molar heat of mixing at this temperature follows the relation:

AH~OOK = -· 5440 XC- X) J /mol

56 Elite Academy GAIQB/MF-1

where X = mole fraction of nickel.

Calculate the activity coefficients of the components in the equiatomic alloy at

1273 K. Will the system exhibit miscibility gap at low temperatures? Comment.

(iii) Pure copper sheet· is exposed to an oxidizing atmosphere at 1273 K. Given the
variation of the thickness (x/cm) of the oxide layer with time, deduce the rate law and
suggest amechanism for the growth of oxide layer. Also calc:.ulat:e the rate constant.

Oxide layer thickness (em x l 00) Time (s x 10 3 )

1.10 1
1.50 2
1.90 3
2.20 4
2.45 5

(iv) In a binary eutectic system, metal A melts at 1000 K and B melts at 800 K. An
alloy containing 30% B shows 60% primary a under equilibrium cooling. The
remaining liquid decomposes by the eutectic reaction at 600 K into a and ~ phases
in the ratio 2 : 5. Another alloy containing 70% B shows 50% primary ~under

equilibrium cooling. Determine composition of the a, ~ and liquid phases at the

eutectic reaction isotherm.

(v) ~ phase particles in the shape of a spherical cap nucleate on a flat impurity
surface(s) from the patent phase a. The three interfacial energies y aB, y u.s and

Y~s are equal. Given ~G 0 ~~ =-100 J mol-l, Yap =50mJm-2 and molar

volume = 10-5 m3 mol- 1 , calculate the size of the critical nucleus and the
activation energy.
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy

(vi) In a steel during carburizing at 1210 K, 0.6% C is found at a depth of 0.2 mm

after 1 h. Determine the time required to achieve the same concentration at the
same depth if the carburizing is carried out at 1320 K. The activation enthalpy for

the diffusion of C in austenite is 100 kJ mol- 1 .

(vii) Homogeneous nucleation occurs in pure Ni at atmospheric pressure at an

undercooling of 0.18 of its absolute melting point ( 1726 K). What pressure in
atmosphere is required to homogeneously nucleate Ni at 1726 K?

Assume ~H = - 18 kJ mol- 1 and change in volume,

~V =- 0.26 x 10-6m 3 mol- 1 .

(viii) A copper single crystal has a Critical Resolve Shear Stress (C.R.S.S.) of 1 MPa.
It is subjected to a tensile load along [1 00] direction; determine the tensile yield
strength of the crystal. Given slip system is (111 ), [1 1 0].

(ix) In a tensile testing, following post yield observations were made:

Load Load Elongation
45kN 1 mm
75 kN 4.4 mm

area of cross-section of a sample is 100 mm 2 and the gauge length is 10 mm.

Determine true tensile strength, U.T.S. and strain hardening exponent of material.

Given the flow curve is cr =K £n.

(x) (a) For 800 mm diameter roll. initial height of 200 mm, coefficient of friction
is 0.4; detem1ine the angle of bite.
58 Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

(b) Given mean flow stress of 20 MPa, diameter of extrusion chamber of

150mm and diameter of extruded rod off 15 mm; determine the thrust
required for extrusion. Neglect redundant work and coefficient of friction.

(xi) When a compressive force of 4 MN is applied to the top surface of a well

lubricated cube (80 mm x 80 mmx 80 mm), it just causes plastic flow. What
force would be required to produce if the other faces of the cube are constrained
by die force of 1 MN and 2 MN?

GAIQB/1\ff-I Elite Academv


(i) True

Gibbs' free energy is defined as

G=E+ PV -TS (1)

dG =dE + PdV + VdP - TdS - SdT (2)

If work is done only by atmosphere

dE=Tds-PdV (3)

Substituting (3) in 2

at constant temperature ( ) =V
oP T

at constant pressure i ---~ i =- S
'cr )p

We can write. dG = ( ~ )T dP + ( c;:. )P dT

(ii) False

The entropy of compktdy ordered structures is zero at oo K. Cooling of glass.

does not change the disorderly nature of glass. Therefore entropy of slowly
cooled glass will not be zero.

(iv) True It is easier to roast sulphides

6.fj Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

(vi) False

Phosphorous is acidic in nature. It can be removed only under basic conditions.

(vii) False

Condensed phase rule is

P+F=C+l, P=4, C=3

(viii) False

The final precipitate which is stable in composition, grows during coarsening.

(ix) False During grain growth the boundary moves outward.

(x) False During hot working recrystallization takes place simultaneously.

(xi) False

Unless temperatures are also high (~ 0.5 Tm) superplastic behaviour is not seen.

(xii) False Austenitic steel is not ferromagnetic

(xiv) True Recrystallization temperature of iron is about 450° C (723 o K)

(xv) False Higher the radius more blunt is the crack.


(i) (;;) p = - s
M n
(ii) ~S =- R "'
L..., N.I /n N.I where N.I = mole fraction of, component i
----------------------- -··--

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 61

(iv) to the left by 0.1 (v) frothing agent

(vi) silicon (as ferrosilicon) (vii) roasting and smelting
(viii) liquid lead spray at about 600° C (ix) L-l ~L 2 +S
(x) Superimposition (xi) strain energy
(xiii) higher (xiv) cooling
(xv) hydrogen (xvi) increase
(xvii) coarser (xviii) impact
(xix) Rockwell harness (xx) Compressive

(i) C,D (ii) A,B (iii) B (iv) ·c
(v) A (vii) B,C (viii) B (ix) B
(x) A (xi) A,B,C (xii) A,B (xiii) B,C
(xiv) A,D (xv) C,D

(i) Fine gold, difficult to separate from gangue, is selectively dissolved using sodium
cyanide. The relevant reaction is
4Au + 8 NaCN + 2H 2 0 + 0 2 ~ 4 Na Au(CN) 2 + 4 NaOH

This gold solution is brought into contact with zinc dust to precipitate out the gold
2 Na Au (CN) 2 + Zn ~ Zn Na 2 (CN) 4 + 2Au

The crushed bauxite is once again ground with caustic soda in a ball mill to yidd
a slurry, which is fed to a digester which is an autoclave. Here, the alumina in the

bauxite is dissolved in caustic soda in the temperature range of 200,· C und.;r <'
r,,·::_~.;;surc of 25 atmespheres. This lreatm.:nt dissolves the alumin:.:: and k
62 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT-1

(iii) Anodizing: It is anodic oxidation of aluminium and certain of its alloys, carried
out purposely to obtain a thick tenacious oxide film which provides protection
against abrasion and corrosion. The article is made anode in a bath of chromic or
sulphuric acid and the nascent oxygen evolved when a current is passed results in
the thickening of the oxide film. The electrical resistance of the film sets a limit
to the thickness which can be developed, and this is normally of the order of
0.025 mm. Anodizing is also capable of providing decorative finishes since the
coatings can be dyed to give an attractive finish.

(iv) Bainite is a two phase structure. It is a transformation product resulting from

isothermally transforming austenised steel at a temperature within: a range above
the Hs point and often found in incompletely hardened steels. Upper bainite,
formed at the upper end of the temperature is irregularly shaped carbide particles
in ferrite. Lower bainite consists of a very fine dispersion of carbides m
martensite. Lower bainite is considerably harder than upper bainite.

(v) Steam can be used to get high blast temperatures because of its endothermic
nature of reaction with carbon ~ C + H" 0 = CO + H,
- "-

For the above reaction Al4" (1200C) =+2700 K Cal/ kg.C

= + 1800 KCal/kg H,O


Since moisture gives double the volume of the reducing gas (CO + H 2 ) per mole

of carbon, the both gas volume will increase per unit of blast volume according to
the amow1t of steam injected. Hei1ce with steam addition. although the amount of
blast oxygen and nitrogen will decrease slightly, the oxidizing power per unit
volume of blast will increase. since oxygen composes about 89 perccm H 2 0.

Therefor~, the both gas volume will increase per unit volume of blast but it wi:!
decrease per unit weight of ..:arbon burnt. Moisture increr:scs the cc.~c bti<nm~:
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 63

rate, the tuyere gas is enriched ¥.i.th reducing gases (CO+ H 2 ) and there is a

decrease in total gas volume per kg carbon.

(vi) Autogeneous welding is fusion welding withoutthe addition of filler metaL

(vii) During solidification of gray irons, carbon precipitates out in the form of graphite
which has lower density than iron and therefore higher specific volume than iron.
It partly compensates for the volumetric shrinkage of iron that occurs during

(viii) Tin sweat is inverse segregation of tin in copper based alloys i.e. tin bronzes.
Normally tin is expected to segregate towards the centre of the casting due to low
m.p. of tin. But in tin sweat tin is found to exude on the surface.

(i) The solubility of SO 2 in high purity copper would increase with pressure in

accordance with sievert's law.

(ii) Packing density of U 11} plane of the fcc lattice

Number of atoms = 3 x _!_ centres + 3 x .!. comers = 2 atoms

2 . 6

Area=- a 2

. 2 4
~ =
v 3j
Number of atoms/unit area= ~a 2
(" 3 /2) a

=1.4xl019 atoms/m 2
· = (1.4 x 10 15 atoms I em 2 )
64 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT-1

(iv) Basic units of a continuous casting facility.

Basic units are Tundish for guiding and controlling the metal flow, watercooled
mould, water spraying arrangement on moulds, withdrawal rollers, bending roller
for changing the direction, and shearing arrangement for billets.



Hottest point ift ....

blast furnace ..
.·· ·.
>·: ofoutw
.·:.::~;::-:-··<. --~~ ··:~-~:::~ ·. ::~/.~-- ..,.,. IOftl•
ONitfiiiOI."':._,. • .•. 1900-c
- - - .· >
. . · ~.- .. ·< ..... : .·:' . . ... ;,
......, Ollidilifll
inner tuyete zone:
eo... +COa+Na

Slivhtlr oaidisifte
4metres ..... _____ _ outer tuyere zone:
COa +CO+Nz
Fig. Soln. 5-(v): Diagrammatic represem:Jtion of the distribution of tempe.·ature of tf.··:l !:!/:1st
furnace gas for the reductwn of iron ore in an ungraded burden cnarge.
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 65

(vi) (a) Refer to Fig. Solution 5-(vi). Since the fracture touglmess of a material
will depend on the volume of material capable of plastically deforming
prior to fracture, and since this volume depends on the specimen
thickness, the fracture toughness K c will vary with thickness as shown in

Fig. Solution 5-(vi).

Fig. Soln. S-(l·i): Variation in fracture toughness with plate thickness

(iii) The general laws governing the growth of oxides are

(a) Parabolic law Y 2 =Dt where Y is thickness, tis time and Dis constant

(b) Linear law Y = K 1t where K 1 is a constant

(c) Logarithmic law Y = K 2 log( at+ 1) where K 2 and a arc constants

(d) Cubic law Y 3 = K3 t

A closer look at the data give (particularly for time = 1 X I 0 3 and 4 X 10 3 sees)

shows that it follows the law

y2 = o.[t
66 Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

the rate constant D = -

(iv) Hint: The equilibrium diagram looks as in Fig. Soln. 6-(vi)

Fig. Soln. 6-(vi)

Consider 30% B composition

% primary a = be x 100%

Consider 70% B composition

%primary {3 = cd x 100%

Consider eutectic composition, o/o of a and f) in the eutectic are given by

o/o a = - x 100
ac %a ce 2
% l3 =-X 100 and -=-=--
ae %JJ ac 5

Value at b = 0.3 and value at dis 0.78.

Using these solve for% Bat points a, c and e.
GA/QB/}vfT-1 Elite Academy (1

(v) Hint: As the three int~rfacial energies are equal (Y uP , y as and y l3s) it can be

shown that the spherical cap will form with a contact angle of 90 o (co~() = 0) .
2y o:p 50 mJ m 2 10 x 10-6 m
Critical radius r * = ---- = = ----·~·--~-

~G o:-13

= 5 X w-6 ffi

Activation energy for heterogeneous nucleation =

- 2 -3cos0-- cos3 G
Activation energy for homogeneous nucleation x
,, 2 -- 3 cos e + coo;.) e
Ya!.l! x -------1-----
. ! ~


I i
;.;-Q k.T

The activatii.>n en~r;' Q === lOG k J mol- 1


where c 0 is the initial bulk concentration of the diffusing species. C x is the

concentration at depth x at time t.

68 Elite Academy GA/QB/Mf-1

D and t are the only two variables. Using (1) find out the value of D at

1320°K in terms ofD at l210°K.

D =D e-100 KJ mol-l /R(l2l0)

12l0°C o

D - D e-100 KJ mol-l i R(1320)

1320 - 0

t.e. In D b"20° K = 1320

D 121 oo K 121 0

Using equation (2),

1 1
Jo 1210 x 3600 sec ~D 1320 x t 13200 K

Since the ratio of D 1320 I D 1210 is known t oK can be found out.


(vii) Hint: Use Clausis Clapeyron equation

~P ~Hv
~T T~y

where ~p is the difference in pressure under consideration.

~T = 0.18 X 1726

~Hv = 18 KJ mo!- 1

~V = 0.26 xlo- 6 m 3 mol-l

~p = 0.26 xlo-6 m 3 mol-l x 0.18 xl726

1726 X 0.26 x10- 6

(viii) Hint: Plot a cubic structure. Show [100] direction along which the load 1s

applied. Show the ( 111) plane and [ll 0] direction in the cubic structure.
GA/QB/MI'-I Elite Academy 69

The yield streni:,rth crY is given by the f(mnula

't crss
u =
Y (cos+ cos A.)

tcrss = 1 MPa

+ is the angle between the normal to slip plane (i.e. ( 111) plane) and the direction

of loading (i.e. [100] direction) and /., is the angle between the slip direction (i.e.

[l 1 0] direction) and the direction of loading (i.e. [100] direction). Substitute the

values of cos+ and cos A. and obtain a Y•

(ix) Hint: Cross section ofthe sample is 100 mm 2 and gauge length= 10mm

Volume = 1000 mm 3 . This volume remains unchanged.

The flow curve is given by the expression

where a is true stress
E is true plastic strain
n is strain hardening coefficient
k is material constant, defined as the true stress at a true strain of 1.0

when 45 KN load is applied elongation is 1 mm ie length= IOlmm

Cross sectional area of the specimen A 45 KN = 1000 mm 2

45 KN
True strcss 45 KN = 1000 (2)
---~ mm 2

Similarly true stress at 75 KN load can also he found out.

70 Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

75 KN
True stress 75 KN = ---- {3)
1000 mm-)

At <J45 KN E45KN = 100 = .01

At <J 75 KN E75KN = 4.4 = .044


Using cr and t values from (2) ar.d t3) in (1) Yalues of K and n can be dctennined.

V.T.S. cannot be determined as the load at fracture is not gi\en. · Similarly tru~

tensile strength aiso cannot he determined.

(x) angle of bite

D = 800mm :::=> R = 400mm
h 0 =200mm
f= 0.4

a= ~~/R

where a is the angle ofbite and fis the coefficient of friction

.:\11 = difference in height of the material


0 1h .
GA/QBiMr-1 Elite Academy 71

i.e. initial height - final height = h 0 - h

0.4 = ~200-h
h=2oo- (0.42 x4002) = 136mm

and also.

13 = ~200-136 =
164 =0.4 radtans
V400 .
angle qfbite = 22.9r

72 · Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1


Duration: Four Hours Maximum Marks: 200

. PART- I (core)
Section A: 25 marks
Section G: 25 marks
Section E: 25 mf.!r/cs

PART- II (saecialization)
Ml': 125 marks


Note: Part - I consisting of three core· sections (A, G, E) must be answered in the first
nine pages ofthe answer book in the same order in which they appear in the question


1. In questions 1.1 to 1.7 below, one or more of the alternatives are correct.
Write the code letter(s) A, B, C, D corresponding to the correct alternative(s)
in the answer book. Marks will be given only if aU the correct alternatives
have been selected and no incorrect alternative is picked up.

. (0 0 a.J , a.
The eigenvector(s) of the matrix 0 0 ~
:t: 0 is (are) / (1)
. 0 0
(A) (O,O.a) (B) (a,O,O) (C) (0, 0, 1) (D) (O,a,O)

-----~------------~ ---~--~-~ ~~---- ---

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 73

.ff. . l . d2v dv . 0 .
1.2. The d 1 ~erentla equatton 2
+ -· + sm y = IS (1)
dx dx
(A) linear (B) non-linear
(C) homogenous (D) of degree two

1.3. Simpson's rule for integration gives exact result when f(x} is a polynomial of
degree (l)
(A} I (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

1.4. Which ofthe following is (are) valid FORTRAN 77 statement(s)'? (l)

(A) DO 13 I= 1 (B) A= DIM*** 7
(C) READ== 15.0 (D) GO TO 3 = 10

1.5. Fourier series of the periodic function (period 21t) defined by

f(x) = {:', - : : : : : is : + ~[~ 2 (oosnn -I) cosnx-! oos ndn nx l

By putting x = 1t in the above, one can deduce that the sum of the series

1+ .+ + -s1- + _!_7 + ........ is

3L. 2 2

(A) 1t 2 /4 (C) 1t 2 /8

1.6. Which of the following improper integrals is (are) convergent? (2)


(A) J smx . dx (B) f cosx dx

O 1- COS X O 1+ X


J ----dx
X (0)
• X 512
o l + x2 0 .

1.7. The function f(x, y) = x 2 y- 3xy + 2y + x ha~·

74 Elite Academy G.A!QB/lvfT--1

(A) no local extremum

(B) one local minimum but no local maximum
(C) one local maximum but no local minimum
(D) one local minimum and one local maximum

2. In questions 2.1 to 210 below, each blank(----------------) is to be suitably filled

in. In the answer book write the question number and the answer only. Do
not copy the question. Also, no explanations for the answers are to be given.

2.1. lim _?'(eX -1) + 2(COS X - 1) lS -------------- (1)

x-~0 x(l- cos x)

00 ("' ) •
. o f convergence o f the power senes
Tl1e ra d· ms · "£... -'ill' :
---::.- x ··~m IS ---------- (r. )
0 (m!).i

2.3. If the linear velocity Vis given by V =x 2 yi + xyz]- yz 2 k, the angular velocity

(!) at the point ( 1, 1-1) is ---~------------ (l)

2.4. Given the differential equation y' = x - y with the initiai condition y(O) = 0. The
value of y(O.l) calculated numerically upto the third place of decimal by the
second order Runge Kutta method with step size h - 0. J is ------------ (1)

2.5. For X = 4.0, the value of I m the FORTRAN 77 statemt.::nt

I = -2 * *2 + 5. 0 * X I X * 3 + 3 I 4 is ------------ (1)

I L'"
2.6. The value of the double integral f f -- x ., dxdy is------------ (2i
• • 1 + ).-
0 X
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 75

1 0 0
0 -1 0
2.7. If A= the matrix A4, calculated by the use of Cayley-
0 0

Hamilton theorem or otherwise, is - - - - - - (2)

2.8. Given V = xcos 2 yi + x 2 ez] + zsin 2 yk and S the surface of a unit cube with

one comer at the origin and edges parallel to the coordinate axes, the value of the

integral JfV.ndS is -------------- (L.)


2.9. The differential equation y" + y = Ois subjected to the boundary conditions

y(O) =0, y(A.) =0

In order that the equation has non-trivial solution(s), the general value of A. is

2.1 0. The Laplace transform of the periodic function f(t) described by the curve below,
. {sint if (2n-l) 1t $; t $; 2nrt(n=l,2,3, ...... ).
le. f(t) = IS--------- (2)
' 0 otherwise ' ·

---- - - - -~----

76 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT--1


Useful Data: Avogadro's Number = 6.02 x 10 23 mol-l

Gas constant = 8.314 J mol- 1 K- 1

Boltzmann's Constant = 1.381 x to-23 J K -•

Planck's Constant = 6.626 x w- 34 Js

Speed of light = 2.998 x 10 8 m s-•

Electron charge = 1.602 x w- 19 c

Wavelength of visible light = 400-700nm

3. Choose the correct answers from amongst the alternatives given in each of
the following questions and enter in the answer book the appropriate letters
(A, 8, C, etc.) against each part number. There could be one or more choices
for your answer and all are to be indicated. No marks will be given for
partially correct answers. Answers must be in the same sequence as the
questions. (l )( 9 =9)

(i) The atom positions in a given cubic unit cell are (0, 0, 0) and (~·~·~). The

crystal structure of the material is

(A) simple cubic (B) body centered cubic
(C) face centered cubic (D) cubic close packed.

(ii) The sixth reflection in an X-ray powder pattern of a diamond cubic crystal is
(A) (2 l l) (B) (2 2 2) (C) (400) (D) (4 2 2)

(iii) On sl<J\V c0o!ing the liquid fi·c11n the point Pin the phase diat-~mm sh(v,q; h::;i,w,, its
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 77


(A) single phase A

(B) a two phase solid consisting of A and B
(C) a two phase solid consisting of A and AB
(D) proeutectic AB and an eutectic mixture of A and AB.

(iv) The following factors may inhibit glass transition in a material:

(A) high viscosity of the melt just above the melting point
(B) low viscosity of the melt just above the melting point
(C) high latent heat of fusion
(D) low latent heat of fusion.

(v) Some of the processes which have the same activation energy in a given material

(A) cross-slip (B) climb

(C) diffusion by vacancy mechanism (D) diffusional creep

(vi) A light emitting diode can be made from a material with

(A) direct band gap of L l eV (B) indirect band gap of 1.1 eV
(C) direct band gap of2.2 eV (D) indirect band gap of2.2 eV
----------·----··· --- -------~---·---

78 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

(vii) Some of the corrosion protection methods are

(A) use of anodic inhibitors (B) metallic coatings
(C) alloying (D) precipitation hardening.

(viii) The Fermi level of silicon doped with 1 ppm of arsenic is

(A) below the conduction band edge
(B) at the middle of the energy gap
(C) above the middle of the energy gap
(D) below the middle of the energy gap

(ix) Materials used for transformer cores should have

(A) high electrical resistivity
(B) easy direction of magnetization parallel to the coil axis
(C) a narrow hysteresis loop
(D) high saturation magnetisation.

4. Answer the following questions. Be brief in your answers highlighting only

the important steps. (2 X 8 = 16)
(a) _ Give tht! Miller indic'7s of the crystal planes QPQ and OQRS in the u!1it \:ell
sh0\-\1l bdow.


I . .,.
I ,,
ol ,,,"""
, /
I' '

,, ' '
GA/QBlMT-1 Elite Academy 79

(b) Calculate the dislocation spacing in a symmetric 2'' tilt boundary in copper,
which has an FCC structure with lattice parameter 0.361 nm.

(c) A steel can be carburised at 900oc to a skin depth of 0.5 mm in a given time.
Find the temperature at which the carburisation can be achieved to a skin depth of
1.0 mm in the same time. Diffusion coefficient of carbon in the steel is

7xlo-5 exp (-157000/8.314T) m 2 s- 1

(d) If 25% of the possible cross-linking sites m poly-isoprene c:J:.;; used in

vulcanization, calculate the weight percent sulphur that is present ir· the rubber.
Atomic weights: C == 12, H = 1, S '"' 32.

(e) Mild steel with a grain diameter· of 0.03 nun has a yield strength of 200 MN

m - 2 and that with 0.005 mm has 400 MN m - 2 . Estimate the yield strength of
mild steel single crystaL

(t) A brittle material has been found to contain surface cracks of depth ranging tiom
0.1 ~tm to 1~tm. Estimate the minimum stress at which the material will fracture.

Young's modulw; of the material is 70 GN m - 2 and the surface energy is 1 J m <!.

(g) Total dipole moment of tetragonal BaTiO 3 is 1.06 x ro-29 Cm per unit cell. The

lattice parameters, a and care 0.399 mn and 0.403 mn respectively. Calculate ~he

(h) At room temperature, the mobilities of el~ctrons and holes in purr.;: silicon ar-.:

0.!40 m:!v·-ls-1 and OJ13gm2v- 1s ·· 1 respectively. lf tht~ numb~r of ell;!ctrons

per umt' volume

. . t.llc conduciton
m . .tmnd. o t' smcon
... a t room l.em:-:;;rarme
. ;':.

1.4 :<', 10 h: m --.i • cakulart• its r~;sisti ~-ity.


NotQ:'~ Ail symbols have their usual meaning.

5. Choose the correct answer/ao~wers in each of the following parts and

indicate the same by writing down the corresponding letters (A, B, Cor D) a~
the case mav' be. Marks .will be awarded onlv
... when all tbe correct answers

are indicated in each p~ut. (1 )( 9 = 9)

(a) A body of weight 100 N falls freely a vertical distance of 50 m. The atmospheric
drag iorce is 0.5 N. Forth~ bod.y. the work interactkm is
(A) +5000J (B) -5000 J (C) -25 j (D) + 25 J

(b) An insulated rigid vessel contains a mixture of fuel and air. TI1e mixture is
ignited by a minute spark. The contents of the vessel experience:
(A) Increase in temperature, pressure and energy
(B) Decrease in temperature, pressure and energy
(C) Increase in temperature and pressure but no chang~ in energy
(D) Increase in temperdture and pressure but decrt!aSe in energy.

(c·) The first law of thermodynamics takes the form W .:: ··· AH w·hen ~pf'h'=J to:
(A) A closed system undergoing a reversible adiabatic pmctc:.ts
(B) An open system undergoing an adiabatic pro1:ess with n<;gligible changes in
k\netic and pot::ntial energies
(C) A closed system undcrgomg a revcr;;;ibh: ~~unstant vnlurt!·~ ph)O!S8

(D) A dosed ~ystcm uti{iergo,ng a reversible c.onstant pres.:;;r;e ;rrr,o;;e;;•s.

(d) A reversible heat tra•"ster demunds:

, 'fhe tcmpcra~we
~ d"H1.erence
•·r '
rausmg b..eat trw:lst;.;:.r
· ,~ 'tcno-..
' to ze.\''.
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Acadell'li/J\V Si

(C) The system transferring out heat must be at a constant temperature

(D) Both interacting systems must be at constant temperatures.

(e) Which among the following relat~ons is/are valid ONLY for reversi:bfie process
undergone by a pure substance?
(A) oQ = dU + BW (B) T dS = dU + oW

(C) TdS = dU + pdV (D) OQ = p dV + dU

:f) When a system executes an irreversible cycle:

(A) foQ < o (B) fds > o


(D) 1BQ > 0


(g) The relationship (Of I 8p) h =0 holds good for:

(A) An ideal gas at any state (B) A real gas at its critical state
(C) Any gas at its critical state (D) Any gas at its inversion point

(h) During the change of phase of a pure substance:

(A) dG=O (B) dP = 0 (C) dH=O (D) dU=O

(i) At the triple point of a pure substance, the number of degrees of freedom is:
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

6. Answer the following questions. (2 X 8 = 16)

6.1. Th:r;; Figure below shows a thermodynamic cycle undergone by a certain system.

Find the mean effective pressure is N I m 2 .

82 Elite Academy GAIQB//It!T--!

0.01 3 0.03 v
;a. m.

6.2. A vertical cylinder with a freely floating piston contains 0.1 kg air at 1.2 bar and a
small electrical resistor. The resistor is wired to an external 12 Volt battery.
When a current of 1.5 amplifier~ is passed through tht> resistor for 90 sees, the

piston sweeps a volume of O.Olm 3 . Assume

(i) piston and the cylinder are insulated and

(ii) air behaves as an ideal gas ":dth C v '-"' 700 J I kg K .

Find the rise in temperature of air.

6.3. Figure below sho-..vs a reversible heat engine ER having heat interactions with

three constant temperature systems. Calculate the thermal efikkncy of the he,l.t
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 83

6.4. Air expands steadily through a turbine from 6 bar, 800 K to 1 bar, 520 K. During
the expansion, heat transfer from air to the surroundings at 300 K is 10 kJ/kg air.
Neglect the changes in kinetic and potential energies and evaluate the
irreversibility per kg air. Assume air to behave as an ideal gas with
CP = l.OkJ /kgK and R = 0.3 kJ /kg K.

6.5. In problem 6.4, find the actual work and maximum work per kg air.

6.6. A vessel of volume 1.0 m 3 contains a mixture of liquid water and steam in

equilibrium at 1.0 bar. Given that 90% of the volume is occupied by the steam,

find the dryness fraction ofthe mixture. Assume, at 1.0 bar and v ,.,o = L7m 3 /kg.

6.7. A rigid insulated cylinder has two compartments separated by a thin

membrane. While one compartment contains one kmol nitrogen at a certain
pressure and temperature, the other contains one kmol carbon dioxide at the
same pressure and temperature. The membrane is ruptured and the two gases
are allowed to mix. Assume that the gases behave as ideal gases. Calculate
the increase in entropy of the contents of the cylinder. Universal gas constant ==
8314.3 J/kmol K.

6.8. In the vicinity of the triple point, the vapour pressures of liquid and solid
ammonia are respectively given by
/np = 15.16 -3063/T
and lnp =18.70-3754/T

where p is in atmospheres and T is in Kelvin.

What is the temperature at the triple point?

8-1 Elite Academy GAIQB/Mf-1


1. Answer all questions.
2. Answers to the sub-questions of a question must be answered in the sequence in
which they appear in the question paper.
3. There will be no negative marking.

7. Select the correct answer(s) for each of the following questions. There may
be more than one correct answer. Full marks will be given only when all the
correct answers have been identified. There is no partial marking. Use only
capital alphabets A, B, C and D for your answer. (2 x 15 = 30)

(i) For a two phase equilibrium in a binary A-B alloy, the conditions to be fulfilled arc
(A) the free energies of the two phases should be equal
(B) the chemical potential of A in both the phases should be equal.
(C) the chemical potential of both A and B in a given phase should be equal
(D) the chemical potential of B should be the same for both the phases.

(ii) For a regular solution

(A) ~Hmix. =0 (B) ~ Hmix. -:1= 0

(C) ~Smix. >0 (D) ~Smix =0

(iii) The predominant modes of heat transfer to ingots in a soaking pit are
(A) conduction (B) forced convection
(C) radiation (D) free convection

(iv) Iron scrap is used for cementation of copper because

(A) copper has a higher oxidation potential than iron
GAIQB!AfT-I Elite Academy 85

(B) iron has a higher oxidation potential than copper

(C) iron has a great affinity for copper
(D) iron is cheaper than zinc

(v) The reductants used for industrial production of sponge iron are
(A) non-coking coal (B) metallurgical coke
(C) natural gas (D) graphite

(vi) Diffusion deoxidation is possible only

(A) under a reducing slag
(B) in electric arc fumace steel making
(C) in L-D process of steel making
(D) in open hearth furnace steel making

(vii) State which of the toll owing elements are ferrite stabilizers in alloy steel:
(A) W (B) Cu (C) Ni (D) Si

(viii) The basic features of martensitic transformation ~;ommon to ferrous and non
ferrous alloys are
(A) significant increase in hardness
(B) no change in composition during transformation
(C) atomic motions promoted by shear
(D) carbon remaining in solid solution

(ix) Recovery process in cold worked metals can be studied by

(A) hardness (B) resistivity
(C) fracture toughness (D) micro-calorimetry

(x) Critical resolved shear stress in single crystal is calculated by applying


86 Elite Academy GA/QB/lifF-1

(A) Braggs' law (B) Hooke's l:nv

(C) Coulomb law (D) Schmid's law

(xi) Ductile-brittle transition temperature for steels depends significantly on

(A) tensile strength (B) strain rate
(C) gram SlZe (D) shear modulus

(xii) Automobile cvlinder

.r blocks are cast from f!rCV
.... ... iron because the Tcatc!!al no<;::;;:s::es

(A) good castahility

(C) good damping capacity

(Ai parallel to the cementite iam..:lia..:

(B) paral!e] lo the plane of non.~.'11ctal!ic inclusions
(C) parallel to the heat afh:cted ;·,•ne

(xiv) Tbt: contrast bet\veen areas ofdiffe~nt thickness in a radio-··t:..raj•h

' .
(od~ lw in..:r~ascd hv

(C) using a larg~: toea! spcr sin·

(D) using fine-grained films

(xv) In a discontinuous fibre metal matrix composite the fibrt' \\ill iractun; m tb.:
middle portion if
(A) the. length of the i:ibre is less than half of1he critical fibre length
(B) the length of the fibre is more than double the critical tibre length
(C) the Jength of the iibre is nearly same as the critical fibre kt1f!,th
(D) the fibre surface contains stress raisers.

Ill IIIII ~ i
. .,.. ...

GAIQB/MT--1 Elite Academy 87

8. Write down whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (do not
write T or F). Justify your answer in two or three sentences. No marks will
be awarded for answers without proper justifications. (2 )( iO = 20)

(i) Sulphide ores are generally concentrated by floatation and not by gravity :-tparation.
(ii) The operating voltage in industrial electro-winning cells is lov.c:- than the
decomposition voltage calculated from thermodynamic consideratio:-ts.
(iii) Carbon blocks are used for lining the blast furnace hfarth, but such Jin~ng can rw:
be us,~d in the open hear~h furnace.


from metal..:

9. Answer the foilrm-·ing oue5ititm~: (5 Y 15 :c:: 75}

thermodynamic data arc given:

< ( -·, > + {<->2 'i '"' it.-·-c-

~·; ;' '"' I· = - 9_4..:l
i..lJ ... )()_ - 0 .20T.

2 < C > + {0 2 } = 2 {CO} .:\02 = ·- 53400- 41.90T

2 <Fe>+ f0 2 } = 2{Fe0} L~G3 = -125700+30.69T

(ii) What are the sources of inclusions in steels? How do you control tundish nozzk
blocking during continuous casting of killed steel?
88 Elite Academy GAIQB;?vfT-.J

(iii) Zn is removed from molten lead by allowing droplets of impure lead to pass
through a molten salt mixture containing 10 3 g moles I m 3 of PbC1 2 according to

the following reaction:

[Zn] + (PbC1 2 ) = [Pb] + (ZnC1 2 )

Calculate the rate of removal of Zn from molten lead droplets assuming that the
rate controlling step is mass transfer of PbC1 2 from the bulk ofthe salt mixture to

the molten lead/salt interface.

Data: Average diameter of lead droplet= 2xlo-3 m

Mass transfer coefficient of PbCL., in salt mixture = 2.5 x 1o-4 m I sec .


(iv) Controlled roasting of copper concentrate containing Cu 2 S, FcS and silica has to

be carried out in a fluidized bed roasted such that the resulting product can be
easily leached in dilute H 2 SO 4 . Determine the temperature range at which the

roaster should operate with the help of data given be low. Justizy your choice.
Further, assume that the refractory lining in the roa...;;ter limits the maximum

roaster temperature to 800" C .

~m ~ Temperature °C
~s r 25-500 5

1-----+--~-·~25- 850-1- CuSO 4 -~

Fe-0-S 25 - 500 I FeS \
525-650 I Fe 2 (S0 4 h

___ j_ I
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy

. I (a) Why is it ncce~'sary to carry out double tempering of high speed steels?
(b) How can you produce a duplex ferrite-martensite structure in a medium
carbon steel.

(vi) Define Pilling-Bcdworth ratio. Calculate the Pilling-Bedworth ratio for the
following oxides:

Oxide I Oxide density Atomic '"'t. of metal J :\"ictal density j

1 (gm/cc) ! ! (gm/cc) ·
l Na -,0 , 2.27 · [ 23.0 I 0.97
-- ---~-7(:-----+----~,-8---
·'. } I - ·'.
--+---··---~----- -~~- r--~--------~~7---;------~-- --~~~-----~--
! Al203 I 3. ,.o
L - . - , _ _ _ _.1______________
I ~ •• J : ·-· /l!
_l_________ -- ----·-- _______)_ ___________________ ,_]
Suggest on the basis of your calculativns whk~h of ~i1e above ment;. ;··H~d oxides
will provide a protecti\e coating?

(vii) Construct a phase diai_•ram for the system A-B from the fi-Jl!owing d::\:~:

Melting point of A: IOOO"C

Melting point of B: 800° C

Eutectic point: 500;) C at 40 at. %

Maximum solubility ofB in A at 500 C: 20 at.%

Maximum solubiity of A in B at 500'' C : 10 at. %

Limits of solid solution at 300~ C: 10 at %in A, 5 at. % in B

Label the phase diagnu.n. Calculate fractions of pr,oeutectic phase and eutectic
mixtun: at the eutectic temperature for the alloy containing 15 at. % R

(viii) A low carbon steel can be carburised at 920" C to atta.in a ctmcentmtion of 0,6!:--Q
C at a depth of2 mm in lhour. lfthc case de?~t has to be doubled by carbursing
90 Elite Academy GA/QB/Mf-1

at 970o C, calculate the holding time needed. Diffusion coefficient of carbon in

austenite is given by 49 exp (-18300([) mm 2 I sec .

(ix) An aluminiun:t solid solution having a l~ttice parameter of0.4 nm.is subjected to a
high pressure experiment. The powder specimen suffers an uniform compression
of one percent. The diffraction pattern is recorded in a Debye-Scherrer camera.
Find out the shift in (422) reflection in the pattern in terms of Bragg's angle(A8)

in case of CuKa radiation {A.= 0.154run) . State whether the line will shift

towards low angle side or high angle side.

(x) In which group of alloys docs one observe yidd point phenomenon? Briefly
explain the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon.

(xi) A 3 meter wide steel plate has a residual axial tensile stress of the order of

250MPa. The fracture toughness of this steel is known to be 5 KN-m! m 2 . If <'i

linear crack was detected in the middle of the sheet perpendicular to tensile stress
axis, calculate the critical size of the crack which would rapidly grow.

Sh~o~ar modulus of steel= 75 GPa,. Poisson·s ratio:= 0.33

(xii) In a tensile test on a copper alloy with a gauge diameter of 12 mm, the load at
J5% and 30% elongation was recorded to be 3.1 KN and 3.6 KN respectively.
Assuming that the tlow curve can be represented by a equation of the typ~

a = k(E) 0 , calculate ultimate tensile strength and percent uniform elongation.

(xiii) A spheroidal graphite cast iron analyzing 3.5% C, 2,8% Si, 0.02% S. 0.04% P.
0.05% Mg is prepared from a base iron melt ofthe composition 3.5% C, 1.4% SL
0.04% ~. 0.04~o 1'. Calculate the amount of Fe-Si-MJ.! alloy (40% S>. W';u Mg,
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 91

balance Fe) required for treatment of 1OOOKg melt. Assume 30% recovery of

(xiv) In a power drop hammer with a 50 Kg ram the cylinder has a diameter of 50 mm.
The ram is accelerated by steam pressure of 600 MPa. If the drop length is
(a) What is the total energy supplied to the below?

(b) If friction is neglected, what will be the effect of the section thickness of
the job on the forging load?

(xv) In the rolling of a slab, the friction force between the rolls and the slab is 1.5 KN
per mm width. Tbe radial force on the roll is 5 KN per mm width. Calculate the
critical angle for unaided entry of the slab into the rolls.

Elite Academy GA/Q.8/MT-1


1.1 (B), (D)

The eigenvalues of A are given by

-'A 0 a
0 -I. 0 ' =0
I 0 0 -I. i

t.e. 'A=O

Hence the eigenvectors are given by


l.e. a. ax 3 = 0, x 1 , x 2 are arbitrary.

=> x 1, x 2 can take arbitrary (but not both zero) and x 3 = 0

=> (a, 0, 0) and (0, a, 0) satisfy these conditions

=> (B) and (D)

1.2 (B) (C)

Note: sin y is linear in y. It is homogeneous in the s.:nse that the right hand side

1.5 (C)

GA/QB/MT--1 Elite Academy 93

l 7tn2
'Xi r

=-- + L... --(cosnn -l)cosnx- -cosnn
. nx 1I at x = n:

L.H.S. == _!_ [f(n+) + f(n--)] = _!_ [0 + n] = _n

2 2 2
L.H.S. = -.

= -·-
-t·. " 'f 1 (cos n1t- 1) cos mr--! cos nn sm- niT
nn2 ' ' n

sm nn = L

· · cn~ n n: = (-1) n

1 1 n2
= + --"\- + -~- + ... '····· = --
3"· s.: 8.

1.6 (B), (D)


;"_ ;-~m x dx . 1
.. sin x dx
! = ,) . -----·-- -- = 1Jnl 1--------
; ' -- ~:os x
t -70 :- : l - cos x

Put i -- cos x = t,
I---eos l
sin x
- == 1n(t)
= ln (1-cosl)- ln{l-c.~ost)
1-· cos x
' t ~-l-cost
94 Elite Academy GA/QBIMT-1

I = lim [ln (1 - cos 1) - ln (1- cost) ]


= ln (1- cos 1) - lim (1- cost)


This limit does not exist. Next, consider

oo d M d
1 = Jcosx x = lim ·f-~~s~
l+x M~CJ: l+x
0 0

= J cosxdx


Let U = ---, -dV = COS X
l+x dx

du ··- - - - 1- , V = sin x
dx (l + x)2

Integrate by parts

-sin x M M sin x dx
I = [
L I+ ~-Jo + l (l + x)2

Now the second integral is absolutely convergent because


1 sinx 1 : dx
.., ~ - - - . , and J · ., is convergent.
1 (1 + x)- (1 + x)- 0 (1 + x)""

I = lim 11
\1 ~oc ·
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 95

Next, consider

I= f-
dx = .lim -ln(l + x
M-+oo 2
)j O
= _!_ lim ~n (1 + M 2 ) ] does not exist
2 M-+oo

Next, consider
l I
I = J1 - COS X
= l'
f1 - S COS X
X S:- t-+ o+ X 2
0 t

Because sin x < x, for 0 < x < 1t

. 2

= lim -1 f-X"'- dx
1 2 I ! ..,
2 lim J--dx
I <- X 1 · dx
=- lim j -
- 4 t-+0+ t "'"
x·'- .:."' r-
t-+0+ t '\}X t-+0+ 2 t X-''~

Hence this integral is convergent.

1.7 (A) f(x,y)=x 2 y- 3xy+2y+x

- = 2xv -- 3y + l,
ax .
Of =x2 - 3x + 2
af =0 and -=0
ax Dv
2xy - 3y + 1 = 0 and (X·-2)(x-l)=0
96 Elite Academy GA/QB/A1T-1

where solution are

x=y=l and X =2, y =-1
t.e. P(l, 1) and Q(2, -1)

Now 8 = --=2x-3
OxOy ,

At P(l, 1), AC-8 2 =(-2)(0)-(-1) 2 <0

P is a saddle point

At Q(2, 1), AC-8 2 =(-2)(0)-(-1) 2 <0

Q is also a saddle point.

2.1 0

(eX - 1) (1 - COS X)
------ 2 -·---·----
. x(ex -1).+ 2(cosx-1) . X x2
llffi = 1lffi
x_.o x(l- cos x) x~O 1- cosx

= --·--· =0

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy }7

cm+l I . (3m+3)! [m!] 3

_!_ = lim --~= 1lffi __;_____:__ X ---
R m·--+oo em l m-+ao [(m + 1)!]3 3m!

= lim (3m+ 3) (3m + 2) (3m+.~,[

m-~oo (m + l)(m + l)(m + 1)

. f~

2.3 1

At P (1, 1, -l)
- A A


l ..z-. . r:3-


2.4 l--
98 Elite Academy GAIQB/Mf-/

1 iy=l/x -~
I = Jx !l
J --., dy Jj dx
y=x l+y~

= lJx ~tan-1 y ;=xl. dx

= IX k

= lJx [ tan -l _!_ - tan 1 x dx I


0 X J

= Jx [cot- 1 x- tan- 1 x] dx. tan ·-I -~ = cot ·-t x

~ jx [;- 2tan-1 +x cot -J x + tan-\ x = 7t


, ,
=..!!. x _!_ - 2 Jx tan- 1 x dx
- - 0

Now I1 - -fI X--·

t -1 d
an xx

= rx2
IL .... ,
tan -1 X l'J - -~, tf-···__1-
l+ "
.... 0

l f~.: . ::+-J..:-.!. dx
::.o l tan -t 1-
.,- ..,~ 0; ' x2

l .
1 " 1 ·rr1 I-·---·:.-
-- · - - -·-
1 dx
?-i- •jJ·., 1..;.~-.!
- -· 0' • ' ·"

= -1t8 ·- -21 "ri- ta11 -1 x ~~·


--- -· -
1 "! 1t
.... ..... :
..... ·- ....
8 2 . 4 4 ..,
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 99

I= ~- 2[ ~ - ~] = ~ - ~ + 1 = 1- ~

By Cayley-Hamilton theorem a matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation.

Now the characteristic equation of A is
1-).. 0 0 l
0 -1-).. 0 -1
0 0 i- j ..
0 0 0 -i-A.

t.e. (l- A) (1 + A)(i + j .. ) (i- A)"" 0

i.e. (A2 -1) (A2 +I)= 0

i.e. A 4 = 14

2.8 l

· By Gauss theorem,

JJ'Y nds = JIfv. vdS

s s

· where S is the region of the cube

Now V. V = cos 2 y + 0 + sin 2 y = l

I= JIJt dS = l

Because the cube is of unit side.

2.9 n7t, n"" o. ±1, ± 2, ........ .

100 Elite Academy GA!QB/AfT-1

Solution of y" + y =0 is
y(x) =A cosx + Bsinx

y(O) = 0 ~ A. 1 + B. 0 = 0 ~ A = 0

y(A.) = 0 ~ B sin/. = 0

If we take B = 0 we get trivial solution

t.e. y=O

For non-trivial solutions

sin).= 0 Le. i.-= mt
Hence the result.


1 2TI:
L{f} = ___:__ j" e-St sin t dS
(1- c ·-27tS) rc

1 -St
= 7
s [ e -;. (-Ssint- cost)
(1-e--n) (l+S-) ]

\e2nS -1) (1. + s2 ) [(-1) - c nS ]
l+u u = e~s
=- where

1+ u
= ---
(u -l)(u + 1)(1 + s2)

= = - -11 -l - - 2-
(u-l)(l+S2) (1-e s)(l+S )
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 101



(i) The atom positions are (0, 0, 0), (}- )-,

2 2 2
!) for bee structure.
(ii) The reflection rules for diamond cubic structure are ( 1) h + k + l ts o,~~ \2,:
h + k +I is an odd multiple of2 and (3) h + k +I is an even numbe::: ': :':
Using these the 6th reflection is 400.

T L __.,-
/ L+a

A+ f:..:

The microstructure consists of a t\iVO phase soHd consisting of

However the pha-;e AB itself occt.u·s in two stages. Some AB forms :l1

phase before the onset of eutectic (i.~.:,, procutectic AB) and then A and Air'
during eutectic transformation. Hence the statement D is also correct

(iv) The question is somewhat ill defined. At a certain temperature during coolh;.g of iR
liquid glass, the glass undergoes a sharp change from a viscous to a rigid and hrit1h-;
material This is known as glass transition temperature. Below this tempemture the
102 Elite Academy GAIQB/Ml'--J

rotation and translation of atoms and ions or molecuies characteristics of the

liquid state cease, and only the thermal vibrations remain as in crystalline soiids.

Liquids of complex molecular structure having high viscosities do not crystallize

readily and become frozen in the glassy state. Those with low viscosities have
tendency- ~o crystallize. So we can say that glass transition is inhibited by liquids
having low viscosity just above melting point.

(v) The climb occurs by diffusion of vacancies. The diffusional creep, which is a low
strain rode, high temperature deformation process supposed to occur by the
diffusion of vacancies to grain boundaries. Hence both these processes will have
some activation energy as that of diffusion by vacancy mechanism.

(vii) Some of the corrosion protection methods are: use of anodic inhibitors, metallic
coatings and alloying.

(ix) Materials used should have easy direction of magnetization parallel to the coil
axis, a narrow hysteresis loop, and high saturation magnetization.

(a) Take intercepts of plane OPQ on abc axis (do not take origin at 0 in figure).

The intercepts a - l unit b - 1 unit of c -- _!_ unit

Take reciprocals.
.. Miller indices are 0 12)

Similarly, the plane OQR has foliowing intercepts

a- l unit, b- 1 unit, c-oo (it is parallel to C axis)
Reciprocals and Miller indices are (l 1 0)
- - -- ~ ---- - - - - - ~~~---~--,--c-c-c--,-.-

Elite Academy 103

1U-1 Elite Academy GA/QB/.\fl'--I

The slip distance (I b !) is the repeat distance between the atoms along the slip
direction, which for FCC metals (such as copper) tends to be along the face
diagonal [110] of a unit cell. This is also a line of contact for atoms in FCC

, r
J. ~


I .I. ~
-- " j
\ J..

r "T-

Referring to the above figure, we sec that the separation distance D of dislocations

in a low angle (e=2 ° ) tilt boundary will be

D = jb I= 0.361 nm = 10.31 nm
e 2° (l rad /57.3)

(c) The relationship showing the concentration with diffusion coefficient (whic>1
varies with temperature) and time is given as
GA/QB/MT--1 Elite Academy 105

where C 0 is the initial bulk concentration of the diffusing species. C x is the concentration

at depth x at timet. Cs is the constant surface concentration at any timet> 0.

In the given problem ~: =~: is constant. Therefore 1Jn:)2

is constant.

We have to find temperature at which carburization uph1 i mm depth take rl1ct f; ,. the
same carburization time.

5xl0-4 lxi0- 3
z.,JD;i 2~D 2 t

_K -k 2 /t273
At 900°C, DI - Ie


In [• . l
~ J: ~ In 4 - In~e ·gR:~?j

I l

-· 15 7000 = In 4 _ ____!22~00 .
8.314T 8.3l4xl273

_!_ = _1__ ~.314 In 4

T 1273 157000·

106 Elite Academy GAIQB!k!T-l

(d) The vulcanization reaction is

H CH 3 H H H CH 3 H H
I I I I I I ' '
-C-C=C-C- -t-c-6--t-
1 I
H h sI sI h
+ 2S - - - +
I I ~ II Y
-C-C=C-C- -c-c-c-c-
1 I I I 1 I I
H CH 5 H H H CH 3 H H

Thus 2 molecules of isoprene require 2 molecules of S for complete vukanizat.ior.


Molecular weight of 1 molecule of isoprene = 60 + 7 = 67 a.m.u

Therefore ·when 67 x 2 a.m.u. Consume 32 a.m.t1. S. iOOO% ..:ross linking site:;

are occupied. Therefore for 25% occupation 6 a.m.u. Sis consurncd.

Therefore Weight ~'o S present= -~-- :-:: 5.97%)

. 134

(c) Petch relation: aY = cr 1 + kd-' ·2

where cr v is yieiJ strength, d is grain diameter .


We have 2 sets of values for cr v and d. Therefore we have to establish th;.'

equation constants.

{i) 200= cri -!- k (0.03r·li2

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 107

Solving for cr i and k, we obtain,

k = 23.9 and cri = 61.95

Therefore, single grain (d = oo :. d -I I 2 = 0)

y = 61.95 MN m-

(f) According to the Griffith criterion the stress required for fracture.
r,., E\1/2
cr = l4:e)
where y = surface energy= 1 J m -2
E =Young's modulus= 70 GNm- 2
e =Half crack tip length (max)= 1 J.lrn

., Jl/2
2 x 1 Jm-- x 70 GNm-2
= xl ~tm
140 GNm

In intrinsic semiconductors n n = n P

Charge on electrons and holes is same

cr = L4x10 6 n- 3 xl602xl0- 19 Cx0.038 m 2 v-ls-:

:).>\ Elite Academy GA/QB/lvfT-1


(a) D Hint: Work= mgh = 0.5 x SO= 25 J

(b) A (c) B (d) A (e) c

(f) A (g) c (h) B (i) A


0'0 I

Find mean effective pressure.

~ . Work done in orocess

Soln.: Mep Mean (Mean Effective Pressure)= •
Volume change

2(0.03- 0.01) +~(5-2) (0.03- 0.01)

2 .
(0.03 - 0.01)

= 2 + .J(3)
== 2 + 1.5

Mep = 3.5 bar

6.2 Data: Air= 0.1 kg, p = 1.2 Bar, V = 12v, l = 1.5 amp,
GAIQBIMT-1 Elite Academy 109

t = 90 sec, c v ==0.7 - -

Heat interaction ~Q == vi t = 12 x 1.5 x 90 = 1620 J

Work interaction AW == p~v = 1.2 (0.01) x 105 = 1200 J

Now ~Q = AU + ~W
~U= AQ :-. ~W = 1620-1200=4201 = m Cv ~t

At= X 0.1

~t = 6" c

lT.:- t~o~l
Q1=tooi<J Q -: 50t(1

Calculate Them1al Efi:::~ency

n =fl- T3 ] =~l-- 300 ]=0.7=1- Q~

R L Tl l L 1000 Q, 100

Qi l ... ...
---- :::: '· - U. I = 0"

Q} ::::30 KJ
110 Elite Academy GAiQB/MT-1

nR =[1- T3.]
T 1 2
= [t- 300]
= 0.4

Q~ Q~
Q2 so
=> - =0.6
=> Q~ = 30 KJ

Q3 = Q1+ Q~ = Jo + Jo = 60 KJ
W = (QI- Q2) - Q 3 = 100 + SO- 60 = 90 KJ

Thennal efficiency
WD 90
nth=- = - x 100 = 60%

6.4 o.tapn:
Pt =6 Bar p 2 = 1 Bar

T1 =800 K T2 =S20 K

kg KJ
R=0.6- c Pkgk

Cv = CP - A = I - 0.3 =0. 7 kgk

Q surrounding = I0 ~ air

AS = _g_ = _!Q_~
SUIT T2 S20 kgk

I== To ~Ssurrounding = 300 x ~:o

. ',
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 111

I= 5.79 ~air

6.5 Actual work = CP (T2 - T1) = 1.0(800- 520) = 280 kJ air


Max work

= 196 - 116 + 290.5

= 370.5 kJ air

6.6 p = 1 Bar, V =1m 3 , Vr = 0.001 m3 /kg, v g = l.7m 3 /kg

Given: Dry steam occupies 0.9 m3

Mass of dry steam=

· = 0·9 ~ 0.53 kg~ ,,., ., .,; -,
vg 1.7 ·

. "d :::: -0.1

MasS 0 fl tqUI 0.1 = lOOkg
= ---
vr ·o.oot
. X mass of dry steam 0.53
Dryness frac tton = = - - + 0 .53
Total mass of steam 100


6.7 I kmol I kmol

N2 C0 2
v, v2
M=28 M=44
P, T P,T

ll2 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

Total volume= VI+ V2

. pl

v2 = --=-=-

Vl RI R M2 M2

V2 R2 MI R M1

VI = 44 = 1.57
v2 28

~ v = v1 + v2 = 1.57 v2 + v 2 = 2.57 v2
2.57 - = 1.64 V1

v v
AS = R ln - + R ln -

= -Rl nV- -
MI V1 M 2 V2

1 1
= . 8.314[- ln 1.64 + - in 2.57]
28 44
= 8.314 (0.01706 + 0.02145)
= 8.314 (0.03911)

AS= 0.3251-

6.8 In the vicinity of triple point we have equal vapour pressures for liquid and solid ammonia

ln p = 15.16- 3063 =·18.70- 3754

3.54 = 691 :::; 195.2 K = 195.2-273 = -778CC
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 113


(i) A,B,D (ii) .B,C (iii) B,C (iv) B,D
(v) A,C (vi) A (vii) A,D (viii)· A,B,C
(ix) A (x) D (xi) B,C (xii) A,C
(xiii) B (xiv) D (xv) c

(i) True

Flotation can separate· gangue from sulphides as well as separate the suphides by
selective flotation. Gravity separation is not effective in separating the sulphides
from one another.

(ii) False If voltage is lower decomposition will not take place.

(iii) llrue

In the b.f. hearth conditions are not oxidising. In O.H. conditions are oxidising.
So carbon is not a good refractory in O.H. furnace.

(iv) False

6.02xlo 23 1s number of atoms/g mole of AI. If volume of units cells (4

atoms/unit cell) is calculated for this number it does not come to 1 cm 3 .

(v) True

In metals the resistivity increases with increase in temperatures. In semiconductors

it decreases.

·' .............·~..
114 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

(vi) True By definition K IC is under plane strain condition.

(vii) False It is the screw dislocations that may bypass an obstacle by cross slip
(viii) False They are used for degassing the melts

(ix) False

It consumes less power. Since the roll separating force depends on the radius of
the drive cells, these area always kept small in size. The backing rolls are
provided with a larger radius to increase the rigidity.

(x) True Because weld decay results by precipitation of carbides

(ii) (a) Nonmetallic rejected from solution during cooling of the liquid metal. (mtrinsic)

(b) Impurities entrapped (Extrinsic)

Tundish nozzle backing can be avoided by modifying the nozzle design.
Non-swirl nozzles and submerged nozzles, i.e. those extending beneath
the metal. surface in the mould may-be used.

(v) (a) The first tempering is carried to eliminate internal stresses and to remove

retained austenite. The 2• tempering is done at - SSOo C to toughen and

harden the metal by precipitating complex carbides. This is also called
secondary hardening.

. · Bed __.. . Specific volwne of oxide

(vi) PillIRg- Wwua rabo = -=---------
Speciftc volume of metal

For Na 20 Density of Na 2 0 = 2.27 g I«

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 115

Specific volume of Na 2 0 = --

Similarly Specific volume of Na = - 1-

. 0.97
P- B ratto= - -

Similarly for other oxides.

(vii) The equilibrium diagram is shown in Fig. Soln. 9-(vii). It has a eutectic
transformation. Above the eutectic temperature


A tro 8

Proeutectic a =
40 - 25 = 15%
Eutectic mixture = 25%

116 Elite Academy GAIQBI.MT-1

Calculate diffusion coefficients at 920° C and 970° C using the expression

D = 49 exp- 18300

The L.H.S. is same in both cases (i.e. 920° C & 970° C)

2mm 4mm.
--;======= = -;:=======
2)0 9200 C X 3600 SeC 2 Jo 9700 C X t

Calculate t from the above

(ix) Due to uniform compression, there is an overall reduction in volume by 1%,

therefore calculate the new lattice parameter a' (It will be smaller than the original
parameter a of0.4 nm)
A 2a sine

Values ofh, k, l are 4, 2, 2. I..= 0.154. Find out the values of e for two values
of a. The difference between them is £\9 .

As a 1 has a smaller value than a, value of sin9 and therefore 9, in the

compressed state will have higher values.

(x) Yield point phenomenon: The stress at which plastic flow initiates in short-time
loading is known as yield point. At this value the dislocation movements begin.
In some materials containing impurities, e.g. iron containing c, molybedenum,
cadmium, brass and zinc each containing nitrogen, there is a sharp yield point at
which plastic deformation occurs without an increase in applied stress. If the
tensile straining frame used is 'hard' enough, i.e. deflects little under the stress
applied to the specimen, a pronounced drop in stress occurs at th~ y~~id point as
shown at AB in Fig. Soln. 9(x).
GA/QB/Mf-1 Elite Academy 117

This is because at the applied stress cr 1, dislocations escape from pegging

atmospheres of impurity atoms where upon their continued flow can occur at lm.ver
temperature. Support for this view is provided by unloading and immediately
re-straining, when the yield point is found to be suppressed as shown in curve 2.
Unloading and ageing permits the diffusion of the impurities to the dislocations and
re-eStablishment of a yield point on subsequent as shown in curve 3.

(xiii) Though Si. content of the final c<?mposition is 2.8% compared to 1.4% of the
charge, the entire Si need not rome from Fe-Mg-Si alloy. The alloy is primarily

Mg content required (both free and combined) is 0.05% Recovery is 30%.

% ml 000 kg melt Mg to be added is = % Mg required X % Mg of alloy X 1000

% Mg recovery 100

=-.05x -10x 1000 = 1.67 kg

.30 toO

-~-~--~------------------------------- ·------------ ------- -----

118 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1


Duration: Three Hours Maximum marks: 150

Read the following instructions carefully

(i) This question paper consists of two sections: A & B

(ii) Section A has TEN questions. Answer all questions in this section.
(iii) Section B has TWENTY questions. Answer any TEN questions in this section.
(iv) Begin answer for this section on a fresh page.
(v) Answer to questions in each section should appear together in the same sequence
in which they appear in the question paper.
(vi) There will be no negative marking.

SECTION- A (t• Marks)

t. IIICiiaate tile cornet daoiee by wl'idq dowa tile correspoadiac letter (A), (B),.
(C), (D) or (E) u *e cue may be ill die aauwer script. Each qaestion carries
I •ark. (lS x I = lS)

1.1. For an ideal gas CP- Cv is

(A) R (B) -R (C) 0 (D) (3/2) R

1.2. The entropy change for a spontaneous process is

(A) > 0 for the system
(B) < 0 for the system
(C) > 0 for tbe system and the surrowlding
(D J < 0 for the system and the surrounding
GA/QBIMI-1 Elite Academy 119

1.3. In BOF, desiliconization is a first order reaction. So the silicon content of metal
(A) Linearly with time
(B) Exponentially with time
(C) Logarithmically with time
(D) In proportion to the square root of time

1.4. Young's modulus of a material gives an idea about

(A) Touglu1ess Stiffness (C) Hardness
(D) strength Electrical conductivi~y

1.5. Martensite in steels i.s

(A) An interstitial solid solution of C in alpha iron
(B) A supersaturated interstitia! solution of C in BCT iron
(C) A supersRtnrated solid soluth"ln of C in gamma iron
(D) A very finely dispersed lamellar structure

1.6. Slip plane in copper is

(A) (100) (B) (110} (C) (lll) (D) (0001)

1.7. The best method for detennining the averag~ hardness of an alwninium casting is
(A) Rockwell A (B) Rockwell C (C) Knoop
(D) Brinell (E) Vickers

1.8. Yield strength of a poJycrystaUine metal with an average grain stze, d, IS

proportional to
(A) d 11 2 (B) d- 1i 2 (C) d (D) d- 1

1.9. An alloy of Fc-0.4o/oC is

120 Elite Academy GA·QB<-.!T-1

(A) 4ast iron (B) Hypo-eutectoid steel

(C) Hyper-eutectoid steel (D) Eutectoid steel

1.10. A weldment consists of

(A) Fused part of the weld (B) Fused part and the heat affected·
zone (HAZ)
(C) Fused part+ HAZ +base metal (D) HAZ

1.11. A number of solid state phase transformations follow a sigmoidal pattern. In

these cases, at any time the fraction transformed can be expressed as '
(A) l-exp(-a 2t) (B) 1 + exp( -a ""t)

(C) exp(a 2 t) (D) exp (a 2 t) -1

1.12. The typical dislocation density (lines/em 2 ) of a hot rolled material is

(A) 10 2 (B) 1012 (C) 10 6 (D) 10°

1.13. The maximum axial compression stress during cold upsetting of a cylindrical rod
of radius r, occurs at ·
(A) .The outer edges of the rod (B) r/3 from the centre
(C) r/2 from the centre (D) The centre

1.14. As the % reduction increases, the flow stress during hot isothermal forging of a metal
(A) increases linearly (B) decreases exponentially
(C) decreases linearly (D) remains almost constant

1.15. A peritectic reaction is:

(A) a.+~-).)' (B) L+a-+f3
(C) Lt + L2---+ ~ (D) L+a+~-+y
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 121

1.16. Eutectic Al-Si alloys can be modified by small additions of

(A) Na (B) Mg (C) B
(D) Cr (E) Cu

1.1 7. The single most important requirement for a turbine blade material is
(A) Damping (B) Resilience
(C) Creep resistance (D) DBTT

1.18. A pipeline buried in soil is commonly protected from corrosion by

(A) Anodic protection
(B) Cathodic protection
(C) Using inhibitors
(D) Using a special alloy resistant to corrosion

1.19. In a good rimming steel

(A) Carbon and silicon should be low
(B) Silicon should be low but carbon should be high
(C) Both silicon and carbon should be high
(D) Silicon should be high but carbon should be low

1.20. Other parameters remaining same, the recrystallization temperature of an alloy is

lowered when
(A) Strain rate is increased
(B) Grain size is increased
(C) Prior cold defonnation is increased
(D) Not affected by any of the above parameters

1.21. Mould oscillation is used in continuous casting of steels

(A) To heal cracks formed on the surface of the casting
(B) To obtain good mixing of the liquid metal inside the mould
122 Elite Academy GAIQB;~fJ-i

(C) To float out the inclusions

(D) To avoid rhomboidity of the casting

1.22. Fatigue strength of a steel can be increased by

. .
(A) Increasing tensile surface residual stresses
(B) Introducing hydrogen in steel
(C) Increasing the grain size
(D) Increasing the specimen size
(E) Increasing compressive surface residual stresses

1.2J. The ratio of the shear stress to the principal stress on a principal plane is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 112 (D) 113

1.24. The usual energy consumption in electric arc furnace steel making is
(A) 60-100 kWh/ton of steel (B) 400-700 kWh/ton of steel
(C) 1200-1500 kWh/ton of steel (D) 2000-2300 kWh/ton of steel

1.25. The following is a typical anionic collector used in flotation

(A) Ethyl dixanthogen (B) Trimethyl cetyl ammonium
(C) Potassium ethyl xanthate (D) Lauryl amine hydrochloride

2. . Indicate the correct answer by writing down the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D), as the case
may be, in the answer script Each question canies two marks. (5 x 2 = 10)

2.1. A material is loaded elastically under plane stress condition given by the

. tensor [12 0
followmg ] . The modulus of rigidity is 25 MPa. The maximum
0 10 .

elastic engineering strain is

--~.........._----~---~------··---- ~--~--.--...!~-- -~ ---~-------;------· ------------ --

GAIQB/Ml'-1 Elite Academy 123

(A) 0.48 (B) 0.40

(C) 0 (D) None of the above

2.2. A pearlitic steel is observed under an optical microscope which h~ a numerical


aperture (N.A.) of 1.5 and uses the radiation of 4500 A. The minimum

lammellar spacing (in A ) which can be resolved using this microscope is

(A) 500 (B) 750 (C) 1000 (D) 1500

2.3. In a single crystal of copper (lattice parameter 3.615A) the distance between

(111) planes (in A) is

(A) 1.807 (B) 2.087 (C) 2.556 (D) 3.615

2.4. One face of a furnace wall is at 1030° C and the other face is exposed to room

temperature {30° C). If the thennal conductivity of the furnace wall is 3 W

m- 1k- 1 and the wall thickness is 0.3m the maxif!tum heat loss (in W/m) is
· (A) I 00 (B) 900 (C) 9000 (D) 10000

2.5. For a binary solution A-B, the a ftmction is given by a = exp(X)- , where X is the
mole fraction of component A. The limiting value of alpha when X approaches zero is
(A) l (B) infinite (C) indetenninate (D) 0

3. Answer True or False. Give brief justification in one or two sentences. Each
question carries 2 marks. No marks will be awarded for answers without
correct justification. (10 X 2 = 20)

3. L For a cyclic process, the enthalpy change of the system is positive.

124 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

3.2. The activation energy of a chemical reaction is always positive.

3.3. It is very difficult to remove the last traces of impurities from any material.
3.4. Aluminium cannot be extracted by aqueous electrolysis.
35. Phcsphorous can be easily removed in the blast furnace.
3.6. Cadmium in the zinc leach liquour is removed by cementation on zinc.
3.7. Lead can creep under its own weight at room temperature.
3.8. Yield point phenomenon is observed in low carbon steel.
3.9. Polygonisation is a recrystallization process.

3.1 0. The following is a valid direction cosine matrix:

0.854 0.520
r -0.520 0.854 0.0
I o.o
0.0 0.0

4. Fill in the blanks. Each question carries 1 mark (10 X 1 = tO)

4.1. Impure copper electrodes are used as -----~---------- for electro-refining of copper.
4.2. Unit of heat transfer coefficient is ----------------
4.3. In the floatation of sphalerite, copper sulphate is used as-----------------
4.4. Pick's law of diffusion in one dimension can be expressed as J = ----------------
4.5. The iron oxide content of the slag in a combined blown steel converter is--------·-------
than in a top blown converter.
4.6. A material having 1000% uniform elongation has ---------------- strain rate
4.7. A sessile edge dislocation can become glissile by----------------
4.8. Electrical conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor will ----------·------ \Vith
increasing temperature.
4.9. Shifting of the CCT curve to the ---------------- direction !D.Ci'eases the
hardenability of a steel.
4.10. Soft magnetic materials at~ !hose which have ---------------- area within the
hysterisis locp.
GA/QB/AfT-1 Elite Academy 125

5. Indicate the correct match by writing the appropriate letter-numeral pair

(e.g. A-3 and so on) for the left and right hand statements. In each question
at least two pairs should be correct for award of any mark. Each question
carries two marks. (5x2 = 10)

5 .1. Match the basic strengthening mechanisms in the following materials

(A) 60 : 40 brass· is stronger than (1) Case hardening
70: 30 brass
(B) An automobile gear made from (2) Strain hardening
0.6% C steel and quenched in water

from a temperature of 850 C . (3) Martensitic strcngth~ning

(C) Tungsten filament drawn at a

temperature of 400 · C (4) Second phase strengthening

(D) A ball bearing heated in fumace
in ammonia atmosphere

) .'1
.:.. Match the commonly used manufacturing process for the following products:

. Thoriated nickei wire (1) Single crystal grov\'·ing

(B) Aircraft turbine blade made (2) Sand casting

from a nickel base super alloy

(C) Automobile crankshaft made (3) Powder Metallurgy

from ductile iron

(D) Silicon wafers used in the (4) Investment casting

electronic industry

5.3. !\fatch the microst.ructural state of the following steels with their respective heat
126 Elite Academy GA/QBIMI'-1

(A) Eutectoid steel homogenized at (1) Ferrite, martensite

900° C and quenched in water at and retained austenite

room temperature
(B) A 0.4% C steel soaked at 750° C (2) Pearlite and carbide

and quenched in water at

room temperature
(C) Normalized 1.00/o C steel (3) Martensite and retained
(D) Eutectoid steel subjected to (4) Pearlite

5.4. Match the following phenomena with typically observed features

(A) Fatigue fracture (1) Earing

(B) Yield point phenomenon (2) Dimpled structure
(C) Ductile fracture (3) Beach marks
(D) Deep drawing of a sheet (4) Luder's band

s.s .. Match the examination/inspection technique in the following cases

(A) Internal crack developed in a (1) X-ray diffraction

component due to faulty metal
flow conditions during its forging
(B) Segregation in steel casting (2) Dye-pci!eirant test
(C) Hydride fonnation in a Ti alloy (3) Sulphur printing
component due to its exposure to
H 2 at high temperature

(D) Surface cracks formed on a car ( 4) Radiography

body during its manufacture

·-· --· ···- ----------~-~-- ----~

---------- -~-----··-- -- ----~----
GA/QBIMT-1 Elite Academy 127

6. Calculate the decomposition temperature of CaC0 3 . The free energy of reaction

CaO + C0 2 = CaC0 3
AGO = -168,400 + 144 T J. (5)

7. Show that the following dislocation reaction in a FCC crystal is vectorially as

well as energetically possible.

(a/2)[110]-+ (a/6) [21 l] + (a/6)!121] (5)

8. Two metals A and B form a eutectic at 1000 K. There is no solid solubility of A

and B in each other. Eutectic composition is 400/o A and 60% B: Melting points
of A and Bare 1200 K and 1500 K respectively. Draw a schematic of the phase
diagram between A and B and label the phases. Find out the weight % of the
eutectic in a 800/o A-20% B alloy. (5)

9. A material obeys the following work hardening law

cr = 70(1-0.75 exp (-4s)] MPa

Calculate the total work done per unit volume for doubling the gauge length of a
sample under tensile stress conditions. cr is true stress and s is true strain. (5)

10. A fluid of viscosity f..l is flowing through a horizontal pipe of radius R and length
Lin laminar flow. The axial velocity, v, at any radial point R is given by

~p_: R
V = [1 - (r I R) 2 ]

where ll P is the pressure drop in the pipe.

Calculate the volumetric flow rate.

128 Elite Academy GA/QB/lvfT-1

SECTION- B (50 Marks)

Answer any TEN questions in this section

11. Using Gibbs-Duhem equation show that if solute B obeys Henry's law, solvent A
follows Raoult's law. (5)

12. A tensile stress of 15 MPa applied along [1 T0] axis of a single crystal of silver is

just sufficient to cause slip on the (11 1) [0 T1] system. Calculate the critical
resolved shear stress for silver. (5)

13. A sample of brittle material has a central crack of 4 J.tm. The elastic modulus of

the material is 70 GPa and the specific surface energy is 1 Jm-2 . Estimate the
fracture strength of the material. (5)

14. Iron undergoes allotropic transformation from BCC to FCC phase at 910° C. At
this temperature the atomic radii of the iron atoms in the two stmctures are
1.253A and 1.292A respectively. What is the percent volume change as the
structure transfoims? (5)

15. Flow curve of annealed 7075 aluminium alloy at room temperature is given by
cr = KE 0 , where K = 400 MPa and n = 0.21. Calculate the tensile strength of the
alloy. (5)

16. High top pressure operation of blast fumace increases productivity and leads to
low silicon hot metal. Explain why? ( 5)

17. Calculate the theoretical maximum flame temperature of an oxy-hydrogen flame

assuming reactants to be at room temperature {25° C).

GAIQB!Aff-1 Elite Academy 129

CP (for H 2 ) = 32.94 JIg mol K

CP (for 0 2 ) = 37.81 J !g mol K

CP (fo H 20) = 58.56 J / g mol K

Heat of formation of H 20(g) = -241800 J/g mol (5)

18. Using NeWton-Raphson method calculate the value of the root of the t~;llo\\:ing
equation after one iteration:
f(x) =0.5lx -sin x

where xis in radians. Use an initial guess ofx = 2.0.

19. Determine the principal stresses cr 1 , cr 2 , cr 3 for the stress components gi1.·en below:
/ o'\
i -'"' -1

1-! .) o!I
l 0 0 tj

Also caiculate the magnitude of the maximum shear stress for the above stress
state. (5)

20. What -.vou1d be tlw r: 'aximan1 nitrogen content of a liquid iron tnclt after i-: is
bubbled \\ith an argon--nitrogen gas mixture containing 50% (by volume) of

nitrogen at 1600" C '? (5)

Given: 1/2 N 2 =N (1 wt % in liquid iron)

L\G" = 3600 + 23.89 T J

130 Elite Academy GA/QB!}.JT-1

21. A steel plate (50 em x 25 em x 2 em) has to be sand cast. Calculate the dian1eter
of a suitable cylindrical riser with H : D = 1.5. Assume appropriate modulus for
the riser. (5)

22. A 5 em diameter steel shaft has endurance limit of 260 MPa at R = -1. What is
the largest effective maximum stress which can be applied safely? Assume that
the fatigue strength reduction factor is 1.8 and factor of safety is 2. (5)

23. Schematically show the variation of decarburization rate with liml~ in a LD

converter. fndicate the factors that govern the decarburization rates during tht.:
various periods. (5)

24. For a chemical reaction at 700 K, the chemical rate constant is 1.5s- 1 and the

activation energy is 140 kJ mol- 1 . Calculate the chemical rate constant at

1200K. Given R ~ 8.314 J gmol--1 K -1. (5)

25. Yielding begins in a high strength low alloy sted undt:r the follovdng strc:.>::,
conditions: .


Calculate the uniaxial yield strength of the above steel usml,! (a) von Mi <>u:
-\ '.

L-------- -----·~- ------

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 131

26. For a binary dilute solution of carbon in iron, express /n y c as a function of the

atom fraction of carbon in the neighbourhood of N c = 0, using Taylor series, y c

is the activity coefficient and N c the atom fraction of carbon. (5)

27. A floatation mill treats 16,000 toimes of ore per day containing 0.75% Cu and
discharges 15,640 tonnes of tailings per day containing 0.075% Cu. Calculate:
(A) % Cu in the concentrate
(B) Copper recovery(%) (5)

28. Enumerate primary and secondary bonds with two examples of e.ach. (5)

29. List the steps involved in age hardening process. Schematically show the
hardness versus time curves during age hardening of Al-Mg-Si alloy at

150°C and 80°C respectively. (5)

30. (a) List the parame1ers which determine the heat input requirement for fusion
welding. (2)

(b) Schematically show (i) a well-formed bead, (ii) a bead with lack of fusion
underfilling and (iii) a bead with melt-through/overlapping. (3)

132 Elite Academy GAIQBIA!T-!


1.1. A 1.2. c 1.3. B 1.4. D
1.5. B 1.6. c 1.7. D 1.8. B
1.9. B 1.10. D 1.12. B 1.13 D
1.14. A 1.15. B 1.17. c 1.18. B
1.19. B 1.20. B 1.21. c 1.22. A
1.23. A 1.24. B 1.25. c

2.3. B ~{hkl} = {111}

a= 3.615 A

w a
+ k2 +12) (12
+ 12 + 12)1/2

2.4. D

q= kd~ Furnace
dx Inside wall outside
k = 3Wm -l K -l (Thennal conductivity) 0
30 C temp.)
dT = (1303-303) (13031:) (303K)
dx=0.3 m

. q = 3 xlOOO =lOOOOW /m
--.o. 3m ...-

2.5. A
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 133


3.1. False Enthalpy is a state function

3.2. True
3.3. True Single crystal growth is difficult
3.4. True

3.5. . False

P requires an oxidising atmosphere and since blast furnace prove~; a redl.cing

atmosphere, Phosphorous cannot easily removed.

3.6. False

3.7. True

The hot working temperature of lead is room temperature. Due to the action of
stresses for a prolonged time, lead can creep, under its own weight at room

Define: Creep occurs when plastic flow occurs due to a constant stress applied to
a metal for a prolonged period of time.

3.8. True

In low carbon steds, due to the building up of cottrell atmospheres, the

dislocations can move only very slowly. Dragging the atmosphere along, until the
stress is im~reased to :1. value sufficient to tear the dislocations away from their
atmospheres. As a result, a yield point, or sudden drop in load bearing capacity
occurs. This is called yield point phenomena which normally ocrurs in low
-carbon steels.
134 Elilt! AG<.<dem_v

3.9. False

'Polygonization' is a tenn applied to such mechanisms since they subdivide

crystals into polygonal subgrains. Polygonization competes with and may
entirely prevent recrystallization. especially in weekly deformed specimens. So
polygonization is not a recrystallization process.

3.10. False

lt is not a valid direcrion cosine matrix because, the deter:ninant of this matri\ ;,
zero. It can be seen from the question that the elements in one ro\v and orw
column is zero.

4.1. Anode

4.2. W 1m 2 K or wm-2 K -l (Watt per metre squared per kelvin)

4.3. activator 4A. J = -D--·
4.5. Higher than 4.6. 0.6- 0.7 (close to unity)
4.7. cross-slipping 4.8. Increase
4.9. Right 4.10. Smaller

5.1. A - 4 B - 3 c - 2 D 1
5.2. A
·'"' B 4 c 2 D
5.3. A - 3 B 1 c - 2 D -· 4
5.4. A 3 B 4 c D - 2
5.5. A - 4 B -- c -- D -- 2
GAIQBIMT-1 Elite Academy 135

6. CaO + C0 2 = CaC0 3
~Gc = -168,400 + 144T J
Decomposition Temperature of time=?

The equation becomes

CaC0 3 ~ CaO + C0 2

D.n~ = 168.400- 1441 J

6G: -- 0 at equilibrium

So, 168.400 = 1441

T = 168,400

7. ~ [110] ~! [2ll] + ![121]

2 6 b

It is of the form
b 1 ~ b 2 + b 3 (in tenns of Burger's law vector vectoring feasible-?

x components of LHS = x components of RHS
y components of LHS = y components of RHS
z components of LHS = z components of RHS

So, So vectorically feasible

136 Elite Academy GA QB J!T-f

Energetically feasible?
Test- b 2l > b 22 + b23

bl = ~-[12 + 12 +0]1/2 = fi.a ~ bf = £

2 2 2

b2 =! [22 +12 +(-1)2]1/2 = Jba ~ b~ = £

6 6 6

b3 =! [12 + 2 2 + 12] l/2 = f6 a => b~ = £

6 6 6

From which it can be seen that

b I2 > b22 + b23

So, it is also energetically possible

X - point of study
X=80%A 20%B
C - eutectic point
8 C=40%A 60%B
Solid A u Solid B
+ T +
Eutectic E Eutectic
A 80A c B
T 40A
~ I
c 608

60 - 20
. .
% ofsohd A=-· xlOO
=- - - = -40x 100 =-2 = 66.67%
tc 60 60 3

% of eutectie pha~e = fx x 100 =

x 100 = 33.3%
. fc 60
GA/QBJMF-1 Elite Academy 137

or %eutectic phase= (100- %A)= 100-66.67 = 33.33%

10. Given equation

Volume flow rate=?

Volume flow rate = A V = Area (cross section) x velocity = xR 2 x V

Vis given

Multiply V by 1tR 2 to get the volume flow rate


Henry's Law= a= yN Raoults Law = a =N

ll. Gibbs-Duhem equatioa

Definition: N 1 d /n a 1 + N 2 d In a 2 =0 (1)

(G-D equation in terms of activity)

Henry's Law states for non-ideal condition

a2 =K N2 (2)

a2 = activity of component 2
N2 = concentration of component 2
K =constant (deviation from ideal behavior)

Convention Subscript (1) Solvent

Subscript (2) Solute
!38 Elite Academy GA/QB··Arr-!

Taking natural log on both sides of equation (2) we get

In a 2 = In k + /n N 2 (3)

Differentiating (3), we get

d In a 2 =d /n N 2 (4)

( ·: d In k = 0, differentiating constant is zero)

Inserting (4) in ( 1), we get

N 1 d /n a 1 + N 2 d /n N 2 =D (5)

This is valid for a solution so dilute that Henry's Law holds good for solute. Rearranging
5 we get
d In a 1 = --~ d /n N 2 (6)

and utilizing the relation d In N 1 =~ & dN 2 = - dN 1 ; we get


Integrating (7) we get

a1 = CN 1 (8)

The integration constant C is seen to be unity, since, from the definition of activity.
a1 =1 when N 1 = I , hence,


This is Raoult's law and it is seen that Raoult's law holds good for the solvent 1.

Hence, it is demonstrated by means of Gibbs-Duhen equation, that if Henry's laws is

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy /39

12. Tensile stress= lSMPA

Direction (l T0} - Tensile axis

Slip direction (1 TT) [OTT1system

Soln.: p

Slip ' '
disection ..

The angle between the tensile axis [1 T0] and normal axis N = 1TT is

.1. 1(1) + (-1) (-1) + 0(-l)

cos 'I' = -;:::::======---;=======
. J(l)2 +(-1)2 +(0)2 ~(1)2 +(-1)2 +(-1)2

2 2

The angle between tensile axis (1 T0) & slip direction 0 TTis

cos/..= 51)(0) + (-1) (-1) + (0)(-1) = 1 = _!_

E ~<0>2 + <-t)2 + <- 1)2 .J2 fi 2

a= tensile stress= given= 15 MPa

0:::::: ---·····--··-- (1)
co; q, cos /,_
• :. ' - ·~. ~ <

---·---··---~·-----·- -·~ ___ _:___ ----------~---~·---'--·~-~- ---------

140 Elite Academy GAIQBIA1T-I

Substitute in ( 1),

tR 2 1 15
15 = = 15 X - X-= tR = - = tR
_]_ X _!_ .[6 2 .[6
J6 2
tR = 6.12 MPa or R! 6 MPa

13. Central crack= 2C = 4 1-lm =:::> C = 2J.tm

(twice the length of crack) C is the half length central crack

E = 70 GPa = 70 x 10 9 Pa = Elastic Modulus

y 5 = 1J m - 2 = surface energy


Fracture strength=
70 109
( 4 X 2 X 10
:1 )
= (8.75 x 10 15 ) 112 = 93.5 x 106 Pa

=93.5 MPa

14. BCC - 2 atoms/unit cell r = 1.258A

ECC - 4 atoms/unit cell r= 1.292A

InBCC =:::>a=- a = 2.9 x lo- 10 m
a = - interatomic distance (vol) v = 2.45 x 10-29 m3

In FCC =:::>a=- a = 3.65 x 10- 10 m
(vol) v = 4.88 x 10-29 m3
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 1-11

But BCC has 2 atoms per unit \:eH 4 f<CC has 4. Hence if total number of atoms
remain unchanged.
Volscc (or) VBCC = ~ Vrcc

Vacc = 2 X 2.45 X 10-29 = 4.9 X w-29 m 3

Yo vo lume c.·hangc. ---- -------
4.88-·---·t9 = - 0.f0'1
0 Lj>.
or 0.41% less than volume ofBCC.

15. !I,

K =400 MPa
n = 0.21

Since in Ai alloy uniform eiongatiun t..1i<es place, \Ve have

•,vhere f;U = frue strain;:: ElaKHmlm load

n = Strain narder...t1g ~:..effici~nt

€ = :r "" 0.11

) = exp(0.21)

Therefore, tt~~nsiie stn:n;~th of the aHoy is

'1'1>: 'Y
=_'::~::::: '8~,.,
~ =---~
. MPa
'"·' 233.5
142 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

16. To increase productivity in the blast furnace, more oxygen or air has to be
supplied. But by supplying more air, the gas velocity is increased which results in
hanging, ships of irregular furnace operation. In the conventional furnace, the top
is almost open to atmosphere. If the top pressure is increased blast pressure will
. . .
be needed at the bottom to maintain the same pressure drop. As a consequence,
for the same pressure drop from the hearth to the top, greater volume or mass of
blast can be blown which burns more coke thereby supplying more reducing gas
for the reduction of iron ore. This eventually increases productivity.

HTP introduces lower input of iron oxides in the hearth of the blast furnace and
improves the hearth temperature. These conditions result in lower· silicon in the
hot metal.

17. Hint: The equation is

2H 2 + 0 2 = 2H 2 0(g) ,ill= 241800 J/g mole

(2) mole (1) mole= (2) moles

Calories available
Temperature = - - - - - - - - - - -
Volume of gases specific heat

18. Given that: f(x) = 0.51x -sin x

f'(x) = 0.51 -cos x

Using Newton Rapson method, we have

xr+l = xr - f'(xr)

Taking the initial approximation x = 2.0

1 0 f(2.0)
X lli!W =: -- -- -r(i~o>
~· ~. ~ .. . -

GAIQBIMT-1 Elite Academy 143

t.e. X new
= 2.0 _ (0.51 x 2- sin 2.0)
0.51 - cos 2.0

Substituting this x value in equation (1) and repeating the process, (when two
consecutive x values are same) we get the solution.

~1 ~]
19. 3 MPa

of the fonn,
l O'x

- 't X)'

yx - tzx
zy =D

- txz -t O'l

This is written as

From these equation

'tzx = txz = 0 and

0' z =1

yx = 1

So ( l) becomes

a 3 -(3+3+1)a 2 +(9+3+3-0-0-(-1) 2 )0'

-((J X 3 X 1)+0 -0- 0(1)(-1) 2 )=0

= a 3 -7o 2 + l4o - (9 -1) = 0 = o 3 -7o 2 + 14o- 8 = 0

----------~-- -~----~-
144 Elite Academy

This can be broken as

(a-4) (a 2 -3a+2) = 0

or (a-4) (a-2) (a-1) =0

so a 1 = 4 MPa , a 2 = 2MPa , a 3 = 1MPa is the answer for the first part.

Second part magnitude of maximum shear stress ( t max)

0 iarge - 0 small
'tmax = ""

a large = algebraically large stress= 4 MPa = a 1

a small = algebraically small stress = 1 MPa = a 3

20. .!. N 2 = N (1 wt% in liquid iron)

AG 0 = 3600 + 23.89 T J


AGO = 3600 + 23.89 T

Substitute we get

AGo = 3600 + 23.89 (1873) = 48346.0 Joules

Also AGo= -RT InK

48346 = -8.314 (1873) /n K

InK= -3.015
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 145

from (1), or

But aN = fN v.-1 % N, the above equation may be written as

or wt% N =k ~ - Sievert's law

= 0.5 atm i.e. 500/o by volume of gas

aN =0.0318

The maximum Nitrogen content can be obtained by the relation N = aN


23. The blowing time in a typical LD converter is 20 - 22 minutes. Carbon is

removed throughout the blow in the U converter. Fig. Soln. 23 shows the
decarhurizate rate with time.

0 20 40 eo 80 100
BlowiDC t1... aiautee
146 Elite· Academy GA/QB/MT-1

Rate at 700K exp( -E A I 700K) . .

------c--·- = --·------::.:.: exp
Rate at 1200K exp(-E A ll200R)

In K 1 = In A - -- (1)

In K.., = In A - _A_
~ RT

/n K 1 -in K 7 =__A_--~
- RT.., RT1

/n l.S _ In K.., = ----~±0000 __ _ 140000

.:. 8.314(1200) 8.3 i4(700)

/n l.S - /n K 2
__ _!±OOOQ_ .1 ~-1- ___1_11
8.314 Ll200 700j

in 1.5 -/n K ... =- -10.02


In LS + 10.02 =In K 2

K 2 =33817 s- 1

25. (a) Von-Mises Criterion

Yield strength cr 0 is given by,

_ 1 r
cro- -h l(crx -cry) +(cry -crz)
2 2
+(crz -crl) j
2 p12

crx = 800 crx = 800 MPa

cry =- 200 (: Compressive then)

compressive streS3t;:;s arc negative, we have

--- ------ - - - - - - - - - - -- - -··------- - - - - - - - -~-

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy IP

cr 0 = ~=
[soo = (-200) 2 + (-200--500)2 + (500-800)2 t 2

= ~ (1580000)11 2 = J~(l257)= 888.8MPa;::; 890 MPa

v2 2

(b) Tresca criterion

O'.t - 0'3
=> O"o = 0' 1 - 0' 3 = 800- 500 = 300 MPa.

26. At infinite dilution of C in iron, i.e., at N c =0

( N c is the atom fraction of carbon), the equation is of the fonn

For infinite dilution, it has to be rev.'ritten by introducing an arbitrary cnn.stant, i.e.

We know that
log c ·y c = /n ·y,...

when Nc = 0, y c =I and Nfe =L then

I ~" ~ •':.

So, logeYr =al(Nfe)2-lj

Using this e~\presslon, v·alues of a and the familiar relation ac = yc N c (Henry's

law), the activi1y of carbon is. liquid iron can be computed at any desired
148 Elite Academy GAIQB/Mf-1

27. Flotation Mill

Copper ore

Waste .--Tailings Concentrate

Cu reaoving

Mass Balance
Input Olllput
ore- 16000 tons per day Tailings= 15,640 tons
Cu o/o = 0.75% Cu %=0.075%
0 75
Wt. ofCu = · x 16000 = 120 tons Wt. Cu = 11.73 tons
Concentrate = 16000 - 15640
- 360 tons

Out of 120 tons ofCu input. 11.73 tons goes as waste.

(a) % of Cu in the concentrate is

120 -11.73_ X 100 = !_08J7 X \00 = 30%

360 360

(b) Copper recovery = --- x 100 = 90.225%

28. Pri•al1' bonding: Primary bonding are the strong bonds. These are covalent and
metallic bonds. It requires a high energy to break these bonds.
GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 149

e.g. Silica (SiO 2 )

Each silicon is connected to four oxygen atoms.

..... ~-­
,.' 0

Secondary bonds: These are very weak compared to primary bonds. These are
normally referred to as 'VanDer Waais' bonds. The crystals with these kinds of
bonds are called 'Vander Waals' crystals.

e.g. (1) a pair of inert gas atoms

~ VanderWall's forces

(2) Inert gas solid interaction

83 Q QSolid.

L VanderW aal' s forces

29. The age hardening process consists of the following steps.

------------~----- -------~-
150 Elite Academy GAIQB/l\JT-I

1. Solubilization: This involves heading of the alloy to the rnonophase

region and maintaining it there for a sufficiently long time to dissolve any
soluble precipitates.

2. Quenching: This involves cooling very rapidly to room temperature or

lower so that the formation of stable precipitates is avoided. Thus, one
obtains a supersaturated solid solution.

3. Ageing: This treatment consists in leaving the material at room

temperature or above, and it results in rather fine scale transition structure
( ~ 10 narometer).

The general ageing sequence is

structures - - • • aged phase
solid solution

Hardness Vs time for two different temperatures of an Al-Mg-Si alloy can be

found in standard texts on 'Aging' 'or Ageing' or precipitation hardening or
Hardening mechanism.

30. (a) Parameters determining heat input requirements

If V represents arc voltage, I arc current, and 11 the proportion of arc
energy that is transferred as heat to the workpiece, then the heat input rate
q per unit length of weld is

ll VI = q /v

where v is the welding speed.

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 151

(Parameters are V, L 11 + V)

Other metallic parameter is grain size in the heat affected-zone.

(i) Weld metal

well formed
Parent metal

(ii) Weld metal

bend with Lack
Parent metal of fusion



152 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1


Duration: Three Hours Afaximum marks: 150

Read the following instructions carefully

(i) Write all answers in the answer book.

(ii) This question paper contains two sections: A and B
(iii) Section A has SIX questions. Answer all questions in this section.

(iv) Section B has TWENTY questions. Answer any TEN questions from this se~tion.

Strike off the answers which arc not to be evaluated, else only the FIRST TEN
answers will be evaluated. Answers to this section should start on a fresh page
and should NOT be mixed with answers to Section A.

(v) Answers to questions and answers to the parts of a question should appear
together in the same sequence in which they appear in the questioi1 paper.

(vi) In all questions of 5 1~1arks, \\Titc clearly the i.mportant steps in your answer.
These steps carry partial credit.

(vii) There \Vill be negative marking.

SECTIOJ\- A (100 Marks)

1. Indicate the correct choice b)' writing down the corresponding lcUcr (A), (Hi,

(C) or (D) a~ the case may be in the answer script. Each qut•stion has ONLY
ONE correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark {15 x I = 15)

1.1. For a spont<:~neous. natural process at constant tt;mper ..:1tun: and pressure, the fi'>..":
energy of the system always
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 153

(A) increases (B) decreases (C) remains constant

(D) increases to a maximum before decreasing.

1.2. For a first order chemical reaction the concentration of the reactant decreases
(A) linearly with time (B) exponentially with time
(C) logarithmically with time (D) inversely with time.

1.3. The velocity- at which individual particles from a fluidized bed are-carried away
by the fluid passing through it is defined as
(A) minimum fluidization velocity (B) terminal velocity
(C) elutriation velocity (D) superficial velocity

1.4. The coordination number in simple cubic structure is

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 12

1.5. In a dilute solid solution of nickel and carbon in y -iron,

(A) (B)

(C) (D) D C =DN.I

1.6. The primary strengthening mechanism in 70 : 30 brass is

(A) solid solution strengthening (B) precipitation hardening
(C) dispersion strengthening (D) order hardening

1. 7. The bulk modulus of a material with Poisson's ratio of 0.5 is equal to

(A) 3x Young's Modulus (B) Young's Modulus
(C) infinity (D) zero

i .8. Dislocation cross-slip is difficult in those materials which have

(A) large number of slip systems (B) high work-hardening rate
(C) coarse grain size (D) low stacking fault energy
154 Elite Academy GA/QB//ID'--1

1.9. In a binaryisomorphous system A-B, constitutional supercooling can occur in

(A) the metal with higher melting point (B) the metal with lower melting point
(C) solid solution (D) all of the above.

1.1 0. Riser in a casting compensates for

(A) liquid state shrinkage
(B) solidification shrinkage
(C) liquid state shrinkage, solidification shrinkage and solid-state shrinkage
(D) liquid state shrinkage and solidification shrinkage.

1.11. Malleabilisation heat treatment is performed on

(A) cast steel (B) gray cast iron
(C) white cast iron (D) spheroidal graphite cast iron

1.12. The ASTM grain size number N for a structural steel which shows 65 grains per
square inch at a magnification of 1OOX is
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7

1.13. The product(s) of roasting of a sulphide ore is(are)

(A) oxide only (B) sulphate only (C) oxide and sulphate
(D) dependent on temperature, and partial pressures of oxygen and sulphur dioxide

1.14. Basically (defined as (% CaO + % MgO) I % SiO 2 ) of the slag in Indian blast

furnaces is in the range of

(A) 0.7- 1.0 (B) 1.1- 1.4 (C) 1.5- 1.8 (D) 2.0-2.5

1.1 5. Stainless steel is welded using

(A) oxy-acetylene flame (B) oxy-hydrogen flame
(C) arc welding (D) inert gas arc welding

[.______ _____ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - ·---·---------- - - - · · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GAIQB!lwF-I Elite Academy 155

2. Indicate the correct choice by writing down the corresponding lett~r (A)s {B),
(C) or (D) as the case may be in the answer script. Each question ha~ ONLY
ONE corrc~t answer. E11cb ~rsestion carrief '1, marks. (10 x 2 = 20)

2.1. The heat released by cooling one mole of copper from 400 K to room temperature

(300 K) is (assume: CP of copper is 23 J K -l mole -I):

(A) 2300 J (B) 4600 J

(C) 230 J (D) 2.3 X H) 6 J

2.2. Consider an ideal solution of ccmpom:nts A and B. The entropy 'f mixir:g per
mole of an alloy containing 50 at '?o B is
(A) R Cn2 \B) - R :n:: (C) 3R tn2

2.3. Two electroiy1ic cells with CuSO 4 :L'ld AgN0 3 solutions are connected in series

to a power source. If after 10 mir.utes the weight of copper (atomic \\eight 63Si
deposited in the first ceil is 63 5 g. the corresponding weight of sir ver (atornic
weight 108) deposit.:;d in the second cell is
(A} 108 g (B) 54 g (C) 216 g (D) 81 g

2A. In a cubic lattice the direction [123] is contained in-

(A) the plane [222] (B) the plane (123)
(C) neither (A) nor ~B) (0) both (A) and (D)

25, In a powder diftran.ion photograph of copper (fcc structure, with a laHl~:c

parameter of 0.3608 m'R) taken with a Cu Ka radiation (A.= 0.154 nm), the Bragg

angle for the first lint.'' i::1

{/\) 12.3" (D1 25.3"

2.6. In a hcp single crystal, slip on the basal plane may occur, if the tensile axis is along
156 Elite Academy · GAIQB/MT-1

(A) <0001> (B) < 1120 > (C) < 1100 > (D) < 1121 >

2. 7. Brinell hardness measurement, made with a 10 mm diameter steel ball at a load of

1000 kg, gives an indentation of diameter 4 mrn in a material. The BHN of this
material is approximately
(A) 75 (B) 100 (C) 300 (D) 600

2.8. The plane strain- fracture toughness (K IC) and yield strength of a material are

100 MN m- 312 and 500 MN m-2 respectively. The minimum plate thickness to
determine K IC is

(A) 1 em (B) 10 em (C) 50 em · (D) 100 em

2.9. Hot gases from a furnace are entering at the base of a 30 m high tubular verticai

chimney at 600° C . The density of air and furnace gases at respective

temperatures are 1.165 and 0.405 kg m - 3 respectively. The static draft produced
by the chimney is
(A) 2.3 Pa (B) 22.8 Pa (C) 223.6 Pa (D) 2193.3Pa

2.10. A steel sample which has been deoxidized with Fe-Mn at 160<rc contains 0.51
wt % Mn. The equilibrium constant for the dissolution of MnO in steel with 1 \\1

% standard state is 0.051. The residual oxygen level in the sample is

(A) 0.51 wt% (B) 0.1 wt%

(C) 2.6 X IQ-3 \\1 % (D) 10 wt%

3. State whether the following statements are true of false. Each question
carries t mark. (10 x 1 = 10)

3.1. The activity of solute in a supersaturated solution is greater than unity.

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 157

.~.?. In a binary system at constant pressure, th..ree phases can coexist over a range of
1 3. If the contact angle between two phases is zero, one phase will spread over the
3.4. The electrical resistivity of pure solid metals increases with increasing temperature.
3.5. The creep resistance of a material may by improved by decreasing its grain size.
:;•. 6. Earing in deep drawn products is caused by coarse grains in the blanks.
3.7. Friction is essential in rolling of metals.
3Jt Nitrided parts need no additional heat treatments for hardening.
3.9. Dephosphorization of steel is favoured at high temperatures.
3.10. L-D dust is pure iron.

4. Fill in the blanks. Each question carries 1 mark. (10 X 1 = 10)

4.1. If the activation energy for a chemical reaction is large, the reaction is strongly
dependent on --------------------

4.2. Sl units tor thennal conductivity is --------------------

.4.3. If cr E and E E are engineering stress and engineering strain respectively, the true

stress is given by --------------------

4.4. Yield strength of mild steel is about-------------------- MPa.

4.5. On a macroscopic scale, ductile fractures are slant ones; but on microscopic scale
fracture surface shows --------------------

4.6. Flame hardening is used for -------------------- hardening of hardenable steels.

4.7. Planetary rolling mills are used for producing-------------------- strips.

4.8. Before casting, nitrogen, argon or chlorine is bubbled through molten aluminium
to relllOVe --------------------
158 Elite Academy GA/QB/}fT-1

4.9. The reduction ofFeO by-------------------- is known as direct reduction.

4.10. Matte is a molten mixture of--------------------

5. Indicate the correct match by writing the appropriate letter-numeral pair

(e.g., A-2) taken from the left and the right columns. In each question, at
least two answers must be correct for award of any mark. Each question
carries 2 marks. (10 X 2 = 20)

5.1. Match the following.

(A) Volume (1) State tunction

(B) Temperature (2) Intensive property
(C) Work done (3) Extensive propetty
(D) Molar entropy (4) Path-dependent

5.2. The following reactions are written such that the forward reaction occurs during
cooling. Match the reactions to their names.

(A) y=a+P (1) Peritectoid

(B) L+a=P (2) Eutectoid

(C) L 1 =L 2 +a (3) Peritectic

(D) a+B=y (4) Monotectic

5.3. Match the following features in tensile stress-strain curves.

(A) Yield drop (l) Strain ageing

(B) Serrations (2) Superplasticity
(C) Increase in flow stress with (3) Dislocation pinning
plastic deformation
(D) 1000% uniform strain (4) Dislocation multiplication
GAIQB/Mf-1 Eiite Academy

5.4. A 0.4 wt % C steel is austenitized at 90o·J C for 1 hour and heat treated to get
different microstructures. ~1atch the foilowing microstructures to the heat
(A) Martensite+ retained austenite ( 1) Annealing
(B) Ferrite + fine pearlite (2) Quenching
(C) Ferrite +spheroidal cementite (3) Quenching +tempering at

(D) Ferrite +coarse pearlite (4) Normalizing

5.5. Match the following components to their materials.

(A) Bush bearings (1) Tungsten-silver
(B) Incandescent lamp filaments (2J Copper--tin
(C) Cutting tools (3) Thoria doped tungsten
(D) Heavy duty electrical contacts (4) Tungsten carbide -
13% cobalt

5.6. Match the following products to their method of manufacture.

(A) Seamless tubes ( 1) Deep drawing
(B) Aluminium toothpaste tubes (2) Stamping
(C) Currency coins (3) Impact extrusion
(D) Car bodies (4) Roll piercing or extrusion

5.7. Match the following materials to their specific applications.

(A) White cast irons ( 1) Damping capacity
(B) Age hardened At alloys (2) Wear resistance
(C) Gray cast iron;; (3) High temperature
(Di Superal!ovs ("·tl Aerospace structural
160 Elite Academy

5.8. Match the corrosion phenomenon with the material in which they are conu:1c'r<·
(A) Season cracking (1) 70:30 brass
(B) Pitting corrosion (2) GI water line fitted with a brass tap
(C) Galvanic corrosion (3) Duralumin
(D) Caustic embrittlement (4) Boiler steel

5.9. Match the following metals "vith their extraction processes.

(A) Gold (1) Pidgeon process
(B) Titanium (2) Cyanidation
(C) Magnesium (3) Mond process
(D) Nickel (4) Kroll's process

5.10. Match the following processes with their physical principles.

(A) Flotation (1) Difference in specific gravity
(B) Jigging (2) Difference in hydrophobicity
(C) Heavy media separation (3) Differential lateral movements
(D) Tabling (4) Differential initial acceleration

6. Answer the foUowing questions. Each question carries 5 mark.~ (5 x 5 = 25}

6.1. Draw a binary (A-B) eutectic phase diagram (schematic) in which there is no
terminal solid solubility. Label the phase fields. Draw the .cooling curves f(:r
pure A. a hypo-eutectic alloy and the eutectic alloy.

6.2. (i) What is the crystal structure of aluminilJffi? Draw its unit cc1 L
(ii) Name the type~ ofinterstitial siies.
(ii1) Givt· the slip system.
(iv) Give the number of slip systems.
(v) What is the packing factor.
GA/QB/MF-1 Elite Academy 161

6.3. An isotropic material is subjected to uniaxial tension. Show with a sketch the
resolved shear stress on a plane inclined to the tension axis. Write an expression
for the shear stress on this plane. Show that the resolved shear stress has a
maximum value when the plane makes an angle of 45° C with the tension axis.

6.4. Ellingham diagram shows that the standard free energy of formation vs
temperature lines for the following two reactions intersect at 1700 oC .
Si (t~ + 0 2 - = Si0 2 (1)

2C+ 0 2 = 2CO (2)

(i) Sketch the standard free energy of formation vs temperature lines for the
above two reactions. Label the sketch.

(ii) What is the significance of 1700c C, a temperature less than 1700" C and
one above 1700' C .

6.5. Two sides of a thin strip of steel of thickness L are maintained at hydrogen
concentrations of C 1 and c2 . At steady state, the hydrogen concentration profile

in the strip is given by

-~-_( D dC) = 0 .
dx l dx

The diffusivity D depends on concentration through the equation:

D=D 0 +bC

where D 0 and b are constants. Write the boundary conditions and solve the

above equation. Schematically show the concentration profile.

162 Elite Academy ' GA/QB/AfT-1

SECTION- 8 (SO Marks)

Answer any TEN of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
(lQ X 5 =50)

7. A plain carbon steel containing 0.5 wt % C is austenitized at 900° C, slowly

cooled at 730° C , held there for a few hours and furnace cooled to room
temperature. Determine the weight fraction of pearlite in the final microstructure.
Also, determine the weight fraction of cementite in this microstructure.

8. Draw only the start of the transformation in a plain carbon eutectoid steel in its
TTT diagram.
(i) \Vhy does this transformation take a long time to statt at temperatures just
below the eutectoid temperature?
(ii) Why does this transformation take a long time to start at low temperatures

(below 400° C)?

9. A binary A-B system has a peritectic reaction at temperature Tp.

(i) Draw the free energy vs composition curves for the three. phases at TP .

(ii) Draw the free energy vs composition curves for the three phases at a
temperature slightly above TP showing two phase equilibrium.

10. In a ternary A-B-C system each of the binaries (A-B, B-C, C-A) has a eutectic
reaction. The three components also form a ternary eutectic at temperature
TABC . It is known that

where T-IJ is the eutectic temperature in the binary i - j system. An isoib::rm ..

section of the ABC phase diagram at temperature T1 is shown in the next page:
GA/QB/MF-1 Elite Academy 163

~,-------~--------~-- B


Label the regions marked. I. II and III in the figure. Between which two of the
eutectic temperatures does T1 fall 0

11. An alloy of stoichiometric composition AB has a disordered structure above

600o C and an ordered structure belo\V 600c C. This alioy is quenched from the

disordered state to 400 ~ C and undergoes ordering on isothermal ageing.

(i) Does the energy of the alloy decrease during the ordering process? why?
(ii) Does its entropy decrease in this process? Why?
(iii) Does its free energy decrease in this process? Why?
(iv) If atoms in this alloy have bonds only between nearest neighbours, what
can you say about the sign of (2 E AB - E AA -EBB)?

(v) Does the ordering process require diffusion?

12. 1be free energy of formation of a spherical liquid droplet from its vapour is given by

where AGv is the free energy change per unit volume of the liquid droplet for

the vapour to iiquid transformation. cr is the vapour-liquid interfacial ~nergy per

164 Elite Academy GAIQB!lv!T-I

unit area, and Vr and Sr are the volume and interfacial area respectively of a

spherical droplet of radius r.

(i) Draw a schematic plot showing Vr~Gv,Srcr and ~Fr as a function of

droplet radius r.

(ii) Derive an expression for r * , the critical radius at which ~Fr is a maximum.

13. Sketch the plot of potential energy vs distance between two atoms in a solid. Also
sketch the corresponding force vs distance curve. Identify on the plots the
equilibrium distance between the two atoms and the bond energy. What factor
determines the stiffness of the bond.

14. Sketch the Frank-Read dislocation source of length I!. Under a certain minimum
applied shear stress, such a source will emit dislocations. Sketch THREE
signiticant stages in the operation of this source. Does the stress required for

···dislocation emission increase with increasing length of the source?

15. A cylindrical bar, containing surface cracks of length O.OOlm, is subjected to

cyclic. stress: crMAX =50 MPa and crMrN = -50 MPa. The critical stress

intensity factor is 16 MN m- 3 i 2 . The crack growth rate is given by

da = 10-10 (~Kl-+

where a=-"' instantaneous crack length tin metres). N =number of cycics and .·\K-

di11ercncc between maximum and minimum stress intensity fac~ors (M!\ m - 3 · ~

during a cyt k Estima!c th.: numb~r of cycles to tailuce.

16. Samples of a singic phase material show the following variation of )ielu stres _
cry . as a function of grain size, d:
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 165

----g.;-~-~~;(;~)-l yield stress (MPa)

c------- 4
9 400
25 300
49 240

Yield stress, cr 0 , of single crystal is 150 MPa. Perform a best fit (using least

squares lech~ique) of the Hall-Petch equation: cry =cr 0 + K d -l 12 and estimate

the Hall-Petch constant K.

17. Sketch and label a typical creep curve. Identify the normally used design
parameter from the above curve. Sketch the usually expected variation of log
(design parameter) vs log(applied stress) at a constant temperature. List two
mechanisms associated with the above behaviour.

18. Calculate the fracture stress of a thin steel plate containing a 24 mm long internal
crack along its width. The cntical strain energy release rate and the Young's

modulus ofthe steel are 30 kJ m- 2 and 210 GPa respectively.

19. Obtain the reduction per pass in wire drawing, assuming that strain hardening and
friction in drawing are negligible. Drawing stress is given by
( i \
cr =Y {n i ----- J
I.J -· r /

where)' :md r art! the yidd stress anJ the reduction per pass respectively.

20. What arc the raw materials t(lr self-fluxing sinter? What are th~: bonds in
self-fluxing sinter? \\'hat arc th•: pref~tTed bonds and wh:i? Why is selt:.~1uxing

sinter preferred to unfluxcd sinter as biast furnace charge?

166 Elite Academy

21. Based on Cr-C-0 equilibrium, identify the problem of stainless steel making.
How is this problem overcome in AOD process?

22. Give the flow sheet of production of liquid zinc by pyrometallurgical extraction,
starting from zinc ore. Properly label each stage and intermediate products.

23. Calculate the maximum size of the inclusion that can float up from the bottom or
- a liquid metal bath of 1 m height in 10 minutes. Assume that Stoke's law is valid.

Viscosity of metal= 5 x 10-3 kg m- 1s- 1, density ofmetal = 7200 kgm- 3 and

density of inclusion= 2700 kg m - 3 .

24. A gaseous fuel has the following composition (wt %).

C=84, H= 12, N=2, 0= 1,

Calculate the stoichiometric volume of air at STP required per kg of f'l~el for
complete combustion.

25. A 10 mm thick 500 mm x 500 mr:.1 size steel plate is being. heated from 30" C to

750° C in a furnace kept at 800° C . The plate is placed on a insulated hearth.

Heat transfer coefficient in the furnace is 87 W m - 2 C C) -I . Density of the steel

is 7900 kg m-3 ' and specific heat of the steel is 0.056 kJ kg- 1 ccr·i.

Calculate the heating time of the plate neglecting the temperature gradient in tk
plate. Derive the expression used for calculation of heating time.

26. Give typical structure of killed, semi-killed and rimmed steel ingots. Give th,::: ~

GA!QB11\1T-l f;iite Academ.v ]()7


1.1. B 1.2. B 1.3. B 1.4. B
1.5. A 1.6. A 1.7. c 1.8. D
1.9. c 1.10. D 1.11. c 1.12. D
1.13. D 1.14. A 1.15. D

2.1. A (Lili = mCP ~T)

2.2. A (L1Sm = R )- n.i In :'\.I )

2.3. c 63.5 gCu = '2 equivalent \\1 Cu

=> 108 X 2 = 216 Ag

2.4. A (2~2). \1:~3) =0

2.5. A U. = 2d sin c)
2.6 .. A
2.7. A

2.8. B [B = 2.5 (K IC I cry) 2 ]

2.9. c (L1p = .O:.ph. g)

2.10. B (hl\k .ho = 0.051)

3.1. False 3.2. False 3.3. True 3.4. True
3.5. False 3.6. True 3.7. True 3.8. True
,., 9 ~
:.t@ True 3.10. False
168 Elite Academy GA/QB/MI-1

4.1. Temperature 4.2. W/m.k
4.3. crT= crE(l+EE) 4.4. 400 MPa
4.5. voids 4.6. Surface
4.7. very thin 4.8. hydrogen
4.9. carbon 4.10. Cu 2 S,FeS

5.1. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-l
5.2. A-2, B- 3, C-4, D-1
5.3. A-1, B- 3, C-4, D-2
5.4. A-2, B -4, C-3, D-1
5.5. A-2, B -3, C-4, D-1
5.6. A-4, B -3, C-2, D-1
5.7. A-2, B -4, c -1, D-3
5.8. A-4, B- 3, C-2, D-1
5.9. A-2, B -4, c -1, D-3
5.10. A-2, B-4, c -1, D-2



~'---·--'"'----'--- . ;.. ·-------.C-----~

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 169

hypoeutectic comp. C1


6.2. (i) Crystal structure of aluminium is face-centered cubic (FCC)

(ii) Interstitia! sites: Octahedral sites= 4

Tetrahedral sties = 8

(iii) · Siip plane { 1 1 1}, Slip direction <1 T a>

(iv) Number of slip systems: 4 x 3 = 12
(v) Packing factor= 0.74 (74%)

6.3. tRSS = crcoscp.cosfl

t RSS is maximum, when - + +=90
RSS =a cos 0 sin 0

(,_) =--
'· .o..,'l,ffi"'X
h;._ •• 2

f(O) ==cos (LsinO has maxima at 0 = 45o

170 Elite Academy GAIQBi~HT-1


At 1700° C, CO and SiO 2 are equally stable. Below 1700° C, Si0 2 is more

stable than CO, and the reaction 2CO + si(/) ~ 2C + Si0 2 is feasible. Above

1700° C, CO is more stable than Si0 2 and the reaction Si0 2 + 2C ~ 2CO + Si(/)

6.5. c

(n dxde)= o
B.C. I atx=O,C=C 1

B.C.2 atx=L , C= C 2

D de= k
(J:?o + bc)dc =k 1 dx
DoC + 2 k --
= 'tX + K2

DoC 1 + - 1 = K2
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 171

bc 22 bc 2
and DoC 2 + - = K 1L + DoC 1 + -
2 2

Do(C 2 - C 1) + _!! (C~ + Cf)

2 -K
- l

bc2 Do(C2 -Cl) + 2b (C22 ~

I) , bcf
Substituting, DoC + - = x + DoC 1 + ---
2 L 2


X = 0 X : L

7. 0.5% C Steel

By Lever Rule,

;-o p ear1'1te = 0.5-0.008
- x 1000 = 62 .!20/
. == 0.5- 0.008 x 100
% cementite = 7.380/ 10
6.67 -- 0.008
172 Elite Academy GAIQB/MT-1





(i) · Just below AC 1 temperature, degree of superheat is ·very low, so

nucleation is not favoured, so transfonnation is very slow.

(ii) At temperature below 400° C, diffusivity of atoms is considering small, so
nucleation is hindered.

T Peritectic reaction a + rJ -+ y


Peritectic phase diagram



<Jl t ot+Y
p-r-Y t I'
~ .I I 0( I o(-tp If l
t I

"• ~ il. X.J 1("

GA/QBIMF-1 Elite Academy 173


Tsc < Tl <TAB


Mr =Vr AGv + Srcr

41t 3
AF = - - r &G v + 41tr
r 3

For maxima, o&Fr =0

- 41tr 2 AG v + 8mcr = 0

• 2cr
r =--
" ...,
174 Elite Academy GAIQB!},fi-!


Pf r0 : Equilibrium distance

B.E: Binding eneq~y

Stiffness of bond depends

(i) Electronegativity of atoms
(ii) Bond energy
(iii) Bond length.

14. BC-Frank Real Dislocation Source

bowing ofdislocation ."v!aximum Energy

semicircular stale

unstable shape Detachment Dislocution is setfree

t =o 2 ~=> at maximmn energy state,
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 175

't = __b => Increa'ie in I causes decrease in required stress.

15. a= O.OOlm
a max =50 MPa, a min =- SOMPa

K = <J"'/7ta

K= 50 M X 'V1t X 0.001

K = 2.802 MPa..r;;. : < K IC

= w- 10 (5.6
x(5.6) 4
=983.4 xl0- 10

N = 0.001
983.4 X 10-IO

N = 10170 cycles

16. 490 =a0 + 0.5 K n=4

400·= a 0 + 0.33 K

300 =a 0 + 0.20 K ~Yj = Ia = 1430

·240 = a 0 + 0.14 K LXJ = 0.4185
LXjYj = 470.6

Normal equations are

an+ Ixj = LY j 4cr 0 + 1.17K = 1430
L 17cr 0 + 0.4185K = 470.6

---~--- -~..-...._._ -- ~ -- --~---- -- _:__ ___ ----- --- --- ··-·-· --------- --------- ~--------- ,._.....,._
176 . Elite Academy GAIQBilt4T-1

cr 0 = 156.8, K = 686.0

cr = 156.8 + 686.0 d-l/2 din J.lm

17. secondary creep tertiary


f; = ~E: steady state creep rate is normally used design parameter.


los •


(i) Nebarro-Herring Creep of subgrains &sg = A,g D L ( ~~ X~)

(ii) Dislocation glide-clib mechanisms

= h3.5 Ml/2 =

18. 2a = 24 mm => a = 12 x 10-3 m

y = 30000 JIm 2
GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 177

30000 X 210 X }09

1t x12 x 10-3

cr f = 408.8 MPa

( y)
1 '
19. cr =yrn _I
d 1-

V/hen friction and strain hardening are negligible.

(jd = '!
/n-- =1

_l_ =? !'")
1-y -··-


y= 63.28%

20. Raw materials of self-fluxing sinter are ore, limestone and coke breeze (as a
fuel). The bonds in the self-fluxing sinter are partially ionic in nature.

Self-fluxing sinter incorporates required amount of lime in itself, so basicity of

the slag is maintained at proper value. Fusion point of self-fluxing sinter slag is
comparatively less. Charging BF becomes easier, because extra limestone is not
required to be added as flux.

21. Since Cr is more reactive than Fe, it is more prone tor oxidation in steel
decarburization process. The equilibrium,


178 Elite Academy GA/QB/MT-1

is setup and due to oxygen blowing, Cr is oxidised. The carbon and chromium
compete for oxidation and the reaction set up is,
2Cr + 3CO(g) -+ 3~ + Cr2 0 3 (s)

So, K~_f_
[o/oCr] = K'[%C] 312

So, during decarburization, % Cr also starts going down drastically. !io Cr is lost
to very high extent. because stainless steels require very iow carbon.

suificit·ntly, Ar: 0 2 ratio 1s increased, so 0 2 partial prcssur~ go..:s on dccr~asir~;;

and reaction (I) is less favoured, so Cr recovery is much more.

Zn ()rc (Sphalcritl!. Zinc blend;;:) mainly ZnS

I Mining,

Size reduction by crushing, rolling mills.
sized Zn or~;s

i Frmh 1: lotation Technique


Concentrated Zn Ore (ZnS)

Roasting in presence of air
Zinc Oxide
ZnS + l_ 0') ---A--1> ZnO +SO,., i'
2 -

ZnO is mixed with coke and heated at HX.!IJ' C in rdorb .,.,.b~-n
rcdu.::tion take.; place to fonn Zn ~md en vapr11urs

GA/QB/MT-1 Elite Academy 179

Shock cooling of Zn vapours by passing in molten lead


Pb-Zn alloy

l Distillation of Zn (B.P. 907° C)

Pure liquid Zinc metal

23. By Stoke's law,

61tfJ..1V = 41t r3 plg - 41t r3 p g

3 3 s

2r2 (pl -ps)g

v = ---=----='---

v = lm/JOmin = - 1- mls = 1.667 x 10-3 m/s


By substitution,
r = 29.16 x 10~ m =29.16 J.lm.
inclusion size = 58.32 f.lln

24. Consider 1 kg of fuel

H = 120 g,

C goes as C0 2 , H goes as H 20, N goes as N 2

C+ 0 2 -+C02 (g)
12: 32 44
180 Elite Academy GA/QB/Aff-1

Oc =-x0.840 = 2.24kg

I-12 + 21 02 ~H20 (g)

2 : 16 18

ow =~X 0.120 = 0.96Kg


oxygen required for complete combustion= 2.24 kg+ 0.96kg- lOg

oxygen consumed = 3.19 kg/kg fuel

Air consumed = O_Q_ x 3.19 = 15.19 kg I kg fuel

ATSTP, (Pair = 1.29 kg I m 3 )

Air consumed = 11.78 m 3 air I kg fuel at STP

25. By heat balance

mCP dt = hA(Tr- T)

mC T dT t
T Tr -T
= Jdt

t =- - In l( Tf -1})
mCP pdCP
· =- - / n (Tr -Tl)
hA Tr - T h Tr - T

= 7900 x 10 x 10- x56 In (~_o- 30


87 800 ·-750

t = 139 sec.
GA/QB/MT--1 Elite Academy 181


... :-....... .
. .
... ..... .
.. . ,·
. .. ·....


. .. . ..
• Iii

• • •

Killed steel Semi-killed Steel Rimmed Steel

(i) very sound and (i) Descent reiiability (i) Properties very
reliable properties in properties reliable
(ii) Structural application (ii) General purpose use (ii) general purpose
(iii) Costlier material (iii) more cost effective (iii) very cost effective


------ ---------------
182 Elite Academy GAIQBIMJ-1


Q.l Choose the eorreet answer(s)

(a) A steel .rod is applied in a beaker. containing water. After a few days corrosion
takes place mostly at
(A) the steel-air interface (B) the steel-water interface
(C) the steel-water interface (D) Missing

(b) In the case of adherent oxide layer formed on a metal surface, the thickness of the
oxide layer is proportional to
(A) square root of diffusion coefficient
(B) time interval of diffusion
(C) square root of the product of diffusion co-efficient and time interval
(D) product for time-interval and diffusion coefficient

(c) The strain energy. per unit of dislocation of burgers vector 'b' is proportional to

(A) b (8) b 11 2 (C) b312 (D) b2

(d) The martensitic transformation in steels occur by

(A) diffusion ofC atoms (B) diffusion of Fe atoms
(C) a process of shear (D) eutectoid reaction

(e) The direction of glide motion of a screw dislocation is

(A) parallel to the Burger's vector of dislocation
(B) perpendicular: to the Burger's vector
(C) perpendicular to the dislocation line vector
\ '
any direction within the slip plane

(t) Some of the corrosion protection methods are

l -- . ------- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ -------

GAIQB/MT-1 Elite Academy 183

(A) use of anodic inhibitors (B) metallic coating

(C) alloying (D) precipitation hardening

Q.2 State if following statements are true or false

(i) Creep strength of a material can be increased by cold working, dispersion
hardening and grain refinement.

Q.3- A fibre reinforced epoxy composite rod containing-75 wt% of 'E' glass fibres.
All the fibres are aligned longitudinally. Estimate the Young's modulus (E) of the
composite in the longitudinal direction of the fibres. Given

lI 'E' glass

Specifk vavity
! 2.4 1.0

Q.4 Calculate the dislocation spacing in a symmetric 2 o tilt boundary in copper-,

which has an FCC structure with 1attice parameter 0.362 nm.

Q.S A steel can be ~urised at 900° C to a skin depth of 0.5 mm in a given time.
Find the temperature at which the carburisation can be achieved to a skin depth of

1.0 mm in the same time. Diffusion coefficient of carbon in the steel is 7.5 x 1o- 5

exp (-157000/8.314 T) m2 s-•.

Q.6 Mild steel with a grain diameter of 0.03 mm has a yield strength of 200 MN m - 2

and that with 0.005mm has 400 :f\1N m - 2 • Estimate the yield strength of mild
steel single crystal.

Q. 7 A brittle material has been found to contain surface cracks of depth ranging from
0.1 ~tm to 1 ~m . Estimate the minimum stress at which the material will fracture.
184 Elite Academy GAIQBIJfi-!

Young's modulus of the material is 70 GN m-2 and the surface energy is

1 Jm-2 .

Q.8 Ca!culate the equilibrium number of vacancies. per cubic meter for copper at

Activation energy for vacancy formation is 0.9 eV/atom.

- -
Atomic weight of Cu = 63.5 g/mole. Density of Cu (at 1000 oC) = 8.4 g/cm 3

Q.9 One-half of an electrochemical cell consists of a pure nickel electrode in a

solution of Ni 2 + ions, the other is a cadmium electrode immersed in a Cd 2 +

solution. If the cell is a standard one, write the spontaneous overall reaction and
calculate the voltage that is generated. Half cell potential for cadmiwn and nickel
are respectively, 0.403 and -0.250 v:
Q.lO A brass rod is to be used in an application requiring its ends to be held rigid. If
the rod is stress free at room temperature [20° C] what is the maximum
. . .
temperature to which the rod may be heated without exceeding a compressive
stress of 172 MPa?

Assume an elastic modulus of 10 5 MPa for brass.

a brass· = 20 x 10-6 (°C)- 1

Q.ll A plate of iron is exposed to a carburising atmosphere on o~e side, and a

decarburizing atmosphere on the other side at 700o C. If a condition of steady
state is achieved, calculate the diffusion flux of carbon through the plate if the
concentrations of carbon at position of 5 and 10 mm beneath the carburizing
GAIQBIMT-I Elite Academy 185

surface are 1.2 and 0.8 kg/m 3 respectively. Diffusion c0efticient 1s

3x10- 11 m 2 /sec at this temperature.

Q.12 Calculate the critical nucleus size r *. the number of spherical clusters of size r *,
the free energy changes between liquid and solid per unit volume L\G v • and the

free energy changes J.t the critical nucleus size (r") £\G; for rreezmg of

aluminium at atmospheric ;ressure at an undercooling of 1o C.

186 Elite Academy GAIQBI.W-f


(a) B (b) c
(c) D (d) c
(e) A (f) A,B,C

(i) False

Th"~ retined grain size is detrimental to creek strength at high temperatures.

3. Young's modulus Ec is given by

where E c, Em • E f refer to clastic moduli of compositt:, matrix and fiber and Vm

and V f refer to volume fraction of matrix and fiber respectively.

,rv o lUITI\"' o f glass

. ~· weight 7.5 ., . "''"'
llt-ers ·" ------ -::. -·-- ""' ·' 1.~:"
· density ~ .4

.., :.;
Volume of epoxv = ~~..:.:. ::: 25.0
. !0

T<•tal volume -== 31 25 -+ 25.0 c:: 56.25

V f -- -31.:25
- X '" ~6'0/
100 -- _,.,.,,:;"! 70 or O.S55t•

. GA/QB/Mf-1 Elite Academy 187

and Vm=0.4444

Ec = 6.9 x 0.4444 + 65x 0.5556 = 39.18 GPa

4. The slip distance (j b !) is the repeat distance between the atoms along the slip
direction, which for FCC metals (such as copper) tend to be along the face
diagonal [ 11 0] of a unit cell. This is also a line of contact for atoms in FCC

The separation distance D is given by

D = lb\ = 0.361nm = IO.Jlnm

e 2; Grad!S7.31

5. The relationship showing the concentration \\ith difftiSion coeffici~~nt (which

varies with temperature) and time is given
C -C
Cs -Co
/0 = 1 -erf l

2vDt 1

where C 0 is the initial bulk concentration of the diffusing species. Cx is the

concentration at depth x at time t. C 'i is the constant surface concentration at any

timet> 0.

C -C0
In the given problem ..::~ x is constant.
cs -Co

Therefore erf ( ;JDt ) is constant.

188 Elite Academy GA/QBIJ..fl~J

We have to find temperature at which carburization upto 1 mm depth takes place

for the same carburization time.
5 X 10-4 1x 10-3
2fo";t 2~D 2 t

At 900°C,

fr\ _ '>~K -K 11273

...;u2-- le 2

In [e -157000]
= In 4 +In [e 8.314
-157000 ]

157000 = In 4_ 157000
83147T 8.314 X 1273

_!_ = _1__ 8.314 In 4

T 1273 157000

or . T ~ ( I ) ~ !403°K ~ 1130°C
_1_- 8.3!±_ /n4
1273 157000

6. Petch relation: crY = cr 1 + kd- I I 2

where crY is yield strength, d the grain diameter.

Substituting the values

(i) 200 = cri + K (0.03)-1/2
GA/QB!MT-1 Elite Academy 189

(ii) 400 =ai + K (O.OS)-112

Solving for ai and K we obtain

and ai = 61.95
single grain ( d =co .'. d -l/ 2 = 6)

7. According to the Griffith criterion the stress required for fracture

where y = surface energy = 1 J m- 2

E = Young'smodulus=70GN m-2
C = half crack tip lengt&'l (max) = 1 !lffi

2 ,-1/2
a= 2
X um- 2
x70GNm- J = 140 GN m-2
1tX I~

8. Number of atomic sites per m3 fu~ oopper

N =NAp
3 6 3 3
{6.023x 1023 atoms/mole)(8.43g/cm }(10 cm /m )
190 Elite Academy GAIQBilrii-I

lbus the number of vacancies at 1000'' C (1273') K) is equal to

Nv =N exp (-QV /KT}

=2.2 x 10 25 vacancies/m 3

9. - The cadmium electrode will be oxidized and nickeltcduccd because cadmium i:,
lower in the emf series, thus, the spontaneous reaction will he
Cd ~ Cd- + 2e-

and AV = (v~i- V~d)= 0.250 V- (-0.403V) =+0.153V

when.~ F is the elastic modulus, a 1 the linear codlicicnt of thcnnal cxpan;:;,io:o i1i":i_~

AT the temperature di tlcrencc.

' -
T() -~
t;' .:y
.L- ..___ i

=2(1" c + 86' c

== l06"C

11. Usmg I i~k's la\\·

GAIQBIMI'-I Elite Academy 191

J = -o _c..:,_:A:_-_c--=--s

-11 2 ) (1.2-0.S)kglm
=- (3 x 10 m 1sec
(Sxlo-3 -10-2 )m

= 2.4 X w-9 kglm 2 -sec

12. Given data: M.P. of AI 660° C.

Heat of fusion per unit volume AHr = 1.836 x 10 9 J I m 3

Solid-liquid interfacial free energy y SL = 93 mJ I m 2 ,

Atomic volume, V0 = 1.66 x to-29m3

• -2 'YsL T
(i) Critical nucleus size r = m

2x93xto- 3 J/m 2 x933 K

1.836x 10 9 J I m 3 x lK

= 94.5nm

,11 The number of spherical dusters of size r • is given by
• 4 *3 l
N = -7tr x-
r 3 Vo

4/311: (94.5 X 10-9 ) 3 m 3

=-· 1.66 xto- 29 m 3

=2.12xto 8

--·--·--·--~-·· · - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - · -·
192 Elite Academy GA/QB/MI-1

Llli ~T
(iii) The value of ~G v = f
l.836xl09 J /m 3 x-lK

(iv) ~Or
• = 34 1tr-•3 ~
G v + 4m •2 'YsL

=.± 1t (94.5 x 10-9 m) 3 x (-i.97 x 106 )J I m 3


+ 41t (94.5 x 10-9 m)2 x93 ~ 10-3 JIm 2
=3.43 X 10-lS J


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