Q.1 (a) What is Big Data? Explain how big data processing differs from 03
distributed processing.
(b) List various application of big data. How it can be used to improve 04
business for a superstore.
(c) Explain core architecture of Hadoop with suitable block diagram. Discuss 07
role of each component in detail.
(c) Draw and explain Architecture of APACHE HIVE. Explain various data 07
insertion techniques in HIVE with example.
Q.5 (a) Explain following in brief with respect to Mongo DB : 03
1) Collections and documents
2) Indexing and retrieval
(b) Write difference between MangoDB and Hadoop. 04
(c) What is NoSQL database? List the differences between NoSQL and 07
relational databases. Explain in brief various types of NoSQL databases
in practice.
Q.5 (a) Explain scaling in MangoDB. 03
(b) Explain CRUD operations in MongoDB. 04
(c) What is Resilient Distributed Dataset in Apache Spark? Explain in detail. 07
Make a note on why RDD is better than Map Reduce data storage?