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Tic-Tac-Toe Menu Choice Board

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Cold War/Decolonization Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Menu  

Directions: S​ tart with number 5​ and then make two other choices. You do not have to make a row of three. For all 
entries, the goal is​ for you to be able to teach others about your topic via the methods you chose.​ See following page for 

Compose a ​song​ based  Create f​ our historical  Write a ​500-1000 word 

on the information you  figure trading cards​ using  diary/journal entry 
found in your research.  Canva.com.​ For each card,  from the point of view 
You can compose just  remember to include the  of a real or fictional 
the lyrics and set it to the music  person’s name, image, biography,  person living through the time 
of a song that already exists or  and at least three  period your research. All events 
you may compose both the lyrics  characteristics/abilities the person  included must be historically 
and the music. Lyrics must  possesses.  accurate, even if the character 
include at least​ 4 stanzas​, not    himself/herself is fictional. 
including chorus. 

Create an ​interactive  Write a ​500-1000 word  If these events had a 

digital timeline​ of  process paper​ detailing  soundtrack​, what 
events from your  the research you did. Be  would it be? Create an 
research using either  sure to include (1) how  annotated playlist 
Sutori​ or ​Preceden​. Include at  you chose your topic (2) how you  using both ​Spotify​ and a Google 
least​ 8 important events/dates  conducted your research (3) how  doc. There should be at least ​10 
with images for each event/date  your topic is related to our unit on  songs​ on your list. In the Google 
that represent them.  the Cold War and/or Decolonization.  Doc, explain each of your choices 
  and how they connect to the 
events you did research on. 

Create a ​comic strip  Create a​ 3-5 minute video  Create a ​poster​ for the 
retelling the events for  trailer​ of the events using  historical event or one 
your topic. Comic strip  the digital tool of your  aspect of the event(s) 
should consist of at  choice. Remember to  you researched. Use 
least 6 panels and text​, when  include music to set the tone, and  the digital tool of your choice or 
needed, that helps the reader fully  tell a brief story about the central  the artistic medium of your 
understand the events.  conflict and historical figures.  choice (draw, paint, etc.). On the 
back of the poster, provide a 
200-300 word summary​ of what 
is shown on the poster and why 
you chose to display the event(s) 
in that way. 



Choice Options - Rubric 
  3  2  1 
Content  Content is accurate,  Content is mostly  Content is 
relevant, and clearly  accurate, relevant,  somewhat accurate, 
connected to both  and clearly  relevant, and clearly 
the topic and Cold  connected to both  connected to both 
War/Decolonization  the topic and Cold  the topic and Cold 
  War/Decolonization  War/Decolonization 
Writing Skill  Writing is clear and  Writing is mostly  Writing is unclear 
  free of grammatical  clear and mostly free  and/or contains 
*Cannot earn higher  errors  of grammatical  grammatical errors 
than a 1 for “Writing    errors  that interfere with 
Skill” unless a  meaning 
minimum of 2 has 
been earned for 

● Content is accurate and relevant 2 pts
● Presenter shows a deep understanding of the content
Complete and Thorough 2 pts
● Content includes how the topic was chosen
● Content includes summary of topic and explanation of
how it is related to the Cold War and/or Decolonization
● Evidence of thorough research (sources represent variety 2 pts
and types)
● Research offers fair research perspective from which a
conclusion is drawn
● Sources are credible and trustworthy

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