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Ban Iko Pilipinas: Sentral

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crRcurAR No.105Z
Series of 2Ot9

Subject: Rationalization of Prudential Reporting Requirements

The Monetary Board in its Resolution No. 1479 dated 27 September 2OLg,
approved the amendments to Appendix 7 (Reports Required of Banks), an appendix to
Section I73 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB) and other relevant sections of
the MORB as part of the report rationalization initiative of the Bangko Sentral.

Section 1. Policy Statement. Cognizant of the significant developments in the

regulatory and business environment, the Bangko Sentral is continuously reviewing the
prudential reports required from BSP supervised financial institutions {BSFls) to ensure
that information being gathered remain relevant to the surveillance and supervisory
functions of the Bangko Sentral. The report rationalization initiative aims to contribute to
continuing adherence to internationally recognized standards and practices on data
aggregation and Sovernance as well as promote ease of doing business in BSFls.

Section 2. Appendix 7. REPORTS REqUIRED OF BANKS. Appendix 7 is hereby

amended by deleting the reports listed in "Annex A" from the reports required to be
submitted by banks. All references to reports listed in Annex A and embodied in various
sections of the MORB are likewise deleted.

Section 3. Effectivity. This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) calendar days after
its publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.


c- q.

l!_ October 2019

A. Mabini St. Malate 1004 Manila, Philippinesr(632) 7087701*www.bsp.gov.ph.bspmail@bsp.gov.ph

Annex A

:i:; 'v. ::::

::: l t,flffiAPPETDIX 7 OF ITIE M(NB

Catefory Form No. MOR Ref. Reoort Title Frequency

1 B -(For UBs/KBs/ DCB l/ll Form 6C Section 346 Availments of Financial Assistance to Officers Semestral
RB/Coop Banks) (BSP 7-15-20) and Employees Under an Approved Plan
A-3 - (For TBs) (For UBs/KBs)
TB Form 9
(For TBs)
Form 13
(For RBs/Coop Banks)

Section 613
(Cir. No. 594 dated 01.08.08,
2 A-1 Unnumbered as amended by M-009 dated Derivatives Report Monthly

3 B Unnumbered Section 135 Disclosure Statement on SPV Transactions Quarterlv

4 B TCRKB.dbf Report of Outstanding Loans, Advances, Semestral
Discounts and Trading Account Securities

5 Report on Change of Required Information on As examination

Bank\s Profiles, Organizational Structure and occurs
Operating Policies

6 A-2 TB Form 20A Section 418 Report on Peso-Denominated Common Trust Weekly
(As amended by M-020 dated Fund and Other Similarly Managed Funds
04.22.L4, Cir. No.890 dated (crF)
11.02.15, 953 dated 06.27.L7
and M-028 dated 09.11.17)

7 A-1 Unnumbered Sections L72 and 387 Reports on Initial Adoption of PRFRS 9 Upon initial
iM-020 dated 04.22.t4 and Cir application of PFRS
No. 890 dated 11.02.15) 9

8 A-2 Unnumbered Section 147 ielf-Assessment and Certifi cation of Annually

(Cir. No. 520 dated 09.03.08) 3ompliance with Rules and Regulations on
lank Protection/Updated Security program

9 B SES lll Form 27 Section L73 Specimen Signature of Authorized Signatories As changes occur
and Board Resolution Designating Authorized

10 A-3 Unnumbered Section 289 Summary of Loans Granted Annually

11 A-1 Unnumbered Sections 172 and 381 Supplementary Report on Early Adoption of Monthly for
(M-020 dated 04.22.L4 as PFRS 9 - Solo (Applicable to Early Adopter of KBs/fBs, Quarterly
amended by Cir. No. 890 dated BSFIs) for RBs
11.02.15, Cir. No. 963 dated
06.27.L7 and M-028 dated

72 A-1 Unnumbered Sections 172 and 381 Supplementary Report on Early Adoption of Quarterly for
(M-020 dated 04.22.14 as PFRS 9 - Consolidated (Applicable to Early KBs/rBs
amended by Cir. No. 890 datec Adopter of BSFIs)
1]-.02.L5, Cir. No.963 dated
06.27.77 and M-028 dated
Annex A

* .. ' : REFffili FiOR DEI,€TIOfl UITDER APPEilDIX 7 (frTNEMOffi

13 A-2 TB Form 1 Weekly Inventory List of Govt. Securities Held Weekly
Schedule On a Daily Basis

L4 A-3 FX Form 1 Sch. 1 Section 173 Consolidated Foreign Exchange Assets and Monthly
(Formerly FED Form l, Liabilities in Original Currency - RBU & FCDU

15 B Daily Quoted Lending Daily Report on the Quoted Lending Rate and Daily
and SSA Rate Report 30-Day Special Savings Deposit Ratel

16 B Combined Report on Credits Granted and Outstanding - Monthly

85P 05-1702 and 3y Banking Unit
BSP 05-17-31

L7 B RS Form 2C Report on Quoted Rates of Dollar Savings and Weekly

(BSP s-17-36)
Time Depositsl
(Revised July 2001)

18 B RS Form 24 Section 173 Report on the Volume and Interest Rates on Monthly
(BSP s-17-33) Deposits Audit Line Availments Under Short
(Revised July 2001) Term Present Rates

19 B RS Form 18 Section 173 Report on the Weighted Average Interest Monthly

(cBP s-17-30) Rates on Outstanding Loans and Discounts
(Revised July 2001) and Weighted Average Interest Rates on
Savings Depositsl
20 B RS Form 14 Section 173 Volume and Interest Rates on Loans and Weekly
(CBP 5-17-30 (Revised
Discounts Grantedl
July 2001)
2L Sovernment Funds Held/Compliance with
LiquidiW Floor Requirement

'To be deleted upon live implementation of the Interest Rate on Loans and Deposits in consonance
with Circular Nos. 1029 and 1037 dated
25 January 2019 and lL April 2019, respectivelv.

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