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Biological Treatment of Tannery Wastewater Using Activated

Sludge Process
S. Haydar1, J. A. Aziz2 and M. S. Ahmad3
Associate Professor, Institute of Environment Engineering and Research, UET Lahore.
Professor of Environmental Engineering IEER UET Lahore.
Individual Consultant, Southern Punjab Basic Urban Services Project.

A study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of Activated Sludge Process (ASP) for the
treatment of tannery wastewater and to develop a simple design criteria under local conditions. A
bench scale model comprising of an aeration tank and final clarifier was used for this purpose.
The model was operated continuously for 267 days. Settled tannery wastewater was used as
influent to the aeration tank. Five days Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) of the influent and effluent were measured to find process efficiency at
various mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and hydraulic detention time (θ). The
results of the study demonstrated that an efficiency of above 90% and 80% for BOD5 and COD,
respectively could be obtained if the ASP is operated at an MLVSS concentration of 3500 mg/L
keeping an aeration time of 12 hours.
Key words: Activated sludge; Biological treatment; Tannery wastewater treatment;
1. Introduction
The operation of tanneries in Pakistan is causing 1998, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of
severe environmental degradation due to the Commerce and Industries conducted a survey in
disposal of untreated effluent on land and in Pakistan and determined the quality
water bodies. There is urgent need for the characteristics range of effluent from tanneries
treatment of tannery effluent prior to their processing raw goat and sheep skins to finished
disposal. To this effect suspended growth leather as given in Table 1[7].
biological processes can be employed for
effective water pollution control. Facultative The range of quality parameters indicates very
waste stabilization ponds have been employed high concentration of organic matter, solids,
as pretreatment facilities in Kasur to treat the sulfates, sulfide and chromium in tannery
effluent from local tanning industry. The use of effluent. Such wastewaters can be treated by
waste stabilization ponds, however, requires employing physical and biological treatment
large land areas that may not be available in a processes. High concentrations of chromium
particular situation. On the other hand, fully may pose adverse impact on biological activity
aerobic processes, such as ASP, require in the reactor and hence it would be desirable to
significantly less land area. remove chromium before subjecting the
wastewater to biological treatment. Most of the
Treatment of tannery effluent through the use of
chromium is removed in primary sedimentation
activated sludge process has been reported by
tanks [1,8].
many research workers [1-6]. All these studies
indicate a BOD5 removal of 90 to 97% for the
Many factors affect the performance of
tannery effluent concluding activated sludge
activated sludge process. Various parameters of
process as highly useful for the purpose.
importance relating to growth of
The characteristics of tannery effluent vary microorganisms and substrate utilization on
considerably from tannery to tannery depending which the operation of the reactor is based
upon the size of the tannery, chemicals used for include mean cell residence time (θc) in days,
a specific process, amount of water used and mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS)
type of final product produced by a tannery. In concentration expressed as X in mg/L, hydraulic

Corresponding Author: S. Hayder (sajj@brain.net.pk)

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol. 1 July 2007

Table 1: Range of Tannery Effluent Quality

Parameters [7]
Parameters Range
7.3 – 10
(unsettled effluent)
BOD5, mg/L
840 – 18,620
(30 minute settling)
COD, mg/L
1320 – 54,000
(30 minute settling) Figure 1: Bench Scale Model of Activated Sludge Reactor
Suspended Solids, mg/L
(30 minute settling)
220 – 1610 returned to the aeration tank. In order to
maintain the desired MLVSS concentration in
Settleable Solids, ml/L the reactor the calculated fraction of the volume
11 – 40
(30 minute settling) of the aeration tank (ranging from one third to
Total K. Nitrogen, mg/L one tenth) was removed manually on daily basis
236 – 358
(unsettled effluent) and the tank was filled to the original volume by
Sulfates, mg/L the treated effluent. No external nutrients were
800 – 6480 added to the influent.
(unsettled effluent)
Sulfides ,mg/L Filtered air was supplied through diffuser stones
800 – 6480
(at 0 time settling) to maintain a DO level of more than 2 mg/L.
Chromium, mg/L Flow, temperature and pH values for settled
41 – 133 influent and effluent were measured daily while
(unsettled effluent)
MLVSS in the reactor, COD and BOD5 of
influent and effluent were measured thrice a
detention time (θ) i.e aeration time in hours, week. The analytical determinations were made
food to microorganism (F:M) ratio in kg in accordance with the Standard Methods [9].
BOD5/kg MLVSS/day, and the dissolved
oxygen (DO) in mg/L in the reactor. The two chosen operating parameters i.e.
MLVSS concentration and θ were varied during
The present research work was carried out at the
the course of the study keeping into
Institute of Environmental Engineering and
consideration the generally applied range in
Research. The objectives were to study the
activated sludge process for industrial effluent
feasibility of ASP for the treatment of settled
treatment. The reactor was operated for an
tannery effluent and to develop general
MLVSS concentrations range of 1500, 2000,
guidelines for the process design under local
2500, 3000 and 3500 mg/L and θ value of 4, 6,
8, 10 and 12 hours, respectively.
2. Materials and Methods
During the course of study, the pH of the reactor
A bench scale continuous flow activated sludge varied between 7 and 8.5 which is a suitable
reactor was used in this study (Figure 1). It range for biological treatment [10-11]. DO of
consisted of an aeration tank of 3.15 litres the reactor was maintained above 2 mg/L which
capacity and a settling portion of 1.1 litre is required for satisfactory biological treatment
capacity. Composite tannery wastewater fed as [11-12].
influent to the reactor was brought from East
Experimental work was performed for a period
Pakistan Tannery, 27 Km Lahore-Sheikhupura
of 267 days. The bench scale reactor was seeded
with the acclimatized sludge prepared in the
The influent was subjected to settling in a 20 laboratory from domestic sewage.
liters bottle. A peristaltic pump of variable
3. Results and Discussion
capacity was used to pump the settled influent to
the aeration tank. The reactor had to operate at The treatment efficiency of the reactor in terms
different MLVSS concentrations. Due to non- of BOD5 and COD removals was studied for
availability of mechanical return sludge facility, MLVSS concentrations of 1500, 2000, 2500,
100% of the settled sludge was daily removed 3000 and 3500 mg/L at θ of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12
from the final clarifier in a beaker and manually hours. It was noted that the process efficiency

Biological Treatment of Tannery Wastewater using Activated Sludge Process

improved with increase in MLVSS BOD5 meets National Environmental Quality

concentration and θ. The removal efficiencies at Standards (NEQS) limits, which is 80 mg/L
different MLVSS and θ are given in Table 2. whereas COD does not qualify NEQS, which is
150 mg/L.
Thus the results indicate that for optimal
operation, ASP should be operated at MLVSS COD and BOD5 relationship for influent and
concentration of 3500 mg/L and θ value of 12 effluent was determined. As indicated in Table
hours. As already discussed, wastewater 3, an average COD/BOD5 ratio of 1.57 was
characteristics vary from tannery to tannery, established for settled influent on the basis of
therefore, the optimal values obtained for data collected during the course of
MLVSS and θ during present studies may hold investigations.
good only for East Pakistan Tannery. It is thus The correlation between the two parameters for
proposed to carry out bench scale studies for influent was found out by plotting data for
obtaining optimal values of the said parameters influent COD and BOD5 and fitting a linear
for a specific tannery before designing a regression line to the plotted data as shown in
biological treatment system. Figure 4. The correlation obtained may be
The data in Table 2 are graphically presented in expressed as:
Figures 2 and 3, which reveal that a maximum
BOD5 = 0.636 COD – 1.1958 (1)
removal efficiency of 93.9% and 84.2% was
achieved at MLVSS concentration of 3500 It may, therefore, be concluded that a reasonably
mg/L and θ of 12 hours for BOD5 and COD, good approximation of BOD5 can be obtained
respectively. Furthermore, residual values of from a COD measurement once a relationship
BOD5 and COD at this MLVSS and θ are 54 has been established between the two
mg/L and 233 mg/L, respectively. It shows that parameters from the available data.

Table 2: BOD5 and COD Removal Efficiency at various MLVSS concentrations and θ[2].  
Mean Mean Mean Mean
Removal Removal
MLVSS θ Influent Effluent Influent Effluent
Efficiency Efficiency
(mg/L) (hours) BOD5 BOD5 COD COD
% %
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
3500 12 882 54* 93.88 1475 233** 84.2
10 878 78* 91.12 1464 248 83.1
8 875 114 86.97 1325 317 76.1
6 884 166 81.22 1370 364 73.4
4 872 265 69.61 1316 394 70.1
3000 12 905 84 90.72 1459 290 80.1
10 901 107 88.12 1476 344 76.7
8 904 145 83.96 1445 420 70.9
6 910 198 78.24 1506 440 70.7
4 907 276 69.57 1499 460 69.3
2500 12 810 110 86.42 1203 277 76.9
10 812 133 83.62 1208 280 76.8
8 801 178 77.78 1289 306 74.3
6 817 312 61.81 1289 430 66.1
4 811 332 59.06 1292 433 66.5
2000 12 1078 160 85.16 1614 363 77.5
10 1092 325 70.24 1661 476 71.3
8 1075 398 62.98 1654 514 68.9
6 1081 456 57.82 1662 531 68.1
4 1057 520 50.80 1621 523 67.7
1500 12 798 240 69.92 1270 418 67.1
10 802 320 60.1 1252 470 62.4
8 794 345 56.55 1308 499 61.8
6 784 368 53.06 1269 464 63.4
4 797 401 49.69 1221 398 67.4
* NEQS for BOD5 = 80 mg/L
** NEQS for COD = 150 mg/L

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol. 1 July 2007



Efficiency (%)
70 MLVSS=3500
60 MLVSS=3000
50 MLVSS=2500


4 6 8 10 12
Hydraulic Detention Time (hr)

Figure 2: Relationship among Hydraulic Detention Time, MLVSS and BOD5 Removal (%)



Efficiency (%)
COD Removal Efficiency (%)

50 MLVSS=3000
40 MLVSS=2000
COD Removal




4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Hydraulic Detention Time (hr)

Figure 3: Relationship among Hydraulic Detention Time, MLVSS and COD Removal (%)

Equation 1 must be used with caution. A Table 3: Influent COD and BOD5 Ratio
substitution of ‘zero’ for COD in the said
equation yields a value of –1.195 mg/L for Average COD Average BOD5 Average
BOD5, which is not possible. Its application is, (mg/L) (mg/L) COD/BOD5
therefore, restricted and valid only when COD Range Mean Range Mean
falls in a range of 1203 – 1662 mg/L (Table 3). 1203 – 784 – 1.57
1405 893
The relation cannot be generalized for COD 1662 1092
values other than the specified range.
The F:M ratio for the optimal values of MLVSS The studies showed that an F:M ratio of 0.44
and θ that qualified BOD5 limit for NEQS for the KgBOD5/KgMLSS/day satisfied NEQS for BOD5
present study came out to be 0.4 with an effluent concentration of 67 mg/L.
KgBOD5/KgMLSS/day. Studies on biological However, NEQS limit for COD could not be
treatment of wastewater of Saddiq Leather Works, satisfied even at a very low F:M ratio of 0.18
12 Km Lahore-Shakhupura road, were carried out KgBOD5/KgMLSS/day as the effluent at this F:M
using bench scale model of aerated lagoon [8]. ratio contained COD content of 187 mg/L [8].

Biological Treatment of Tannery Wastewater Using Activated Sludge Process



BOD (mg/

y = 0.6361x - 1.1958


1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
COD (mg/L)
Figure 4: COD and BOD5 relationship for Influent.

Table 4: Effluent COD Standard in Some tannery wastewater, the NEQS limit of 150
Developing Countries [13] mg/L seems to be stringent. Furthermore, when
NEQS limit for Pakistan is compared with other
COD limit
developing countries as given by Bosnic (2000),
Sr (mg/L) it clearly appears to be conservative (Table 4).
Country > 150
No. (In surface Out of the fifteen countries given in Table 4,
waters) twelve have COD limits higher than 150 mg/L,
1 Argentina 250 Yes whereas only three have lower than it.
Therefore, keeping in view this comparison, it
2 China 300 Yes
appears that effluent COD standard in Pakistan
3 Costa Rica 600 Yes is on the conservative side.
4 Czech Republic 300 Yes 4. Conclusions
5 India 250 Yes
ASP is a feasible treatment technology for
6 Indonesia 300 Yes tannery wastewater especially where limited
space restricts the use of other biological
7 Nepal 250 Yes
methods. ASP for East Pakistan Tannery may be
8 Nicaragua 250 Yes operated with MLVSS concentration of 3500
mg/L and θ value of 12 hours in order to obtain
9 Philippines 250 Yes optimal removal efficiencies with respect to
10 Sri Lanka 250 Yes BOD5 and COD. However, for a specific
tannery, bench scale studies to find out the
11 Turkey 200 Yes optimal values of these parameters are needed
prior to the design of biological unit. The
12 Venezuela 350 Yes
effluent met NEQS for BOD5 at the above stated
13 Tunisia 90 No MLVSS concentration and θ value. However,
COD limit for NEQS could not be qualified. A
14 Vietnam 100 No COD/BOD5 ratio of 1.57 for the tannery
15 Zambia 90 No wastewater shows that a substantial portion of
organic matter is non-biodegradable. Owing to
large quantities of non-biodegradable matter in
If COD/BOD5 value of 1.57 is looked into, it tannery wastewaters, the NEQS limit of 150
clearly reveals that substantial portion of the mg/L for COD seems to be stringent. NEQS for
organic matter is non-biodegradable. Owing to COD should therefore be revised for specific
large quantities of non-biodegradable matter in wastewaters having appreciable quantities of

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol. 1 July 2007

non-biodegradable organic matter. Furthermore, Leather Sector, Environmental Report,

NEQS for COD also appear to be on Environmental Technology Programme
conservative side when compared with other For Industry (ETPI), Federation of
developing courtiers. Pakistan Environmental Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and
Protection Council may therefore consider Industry, Federation House, Karachi,
modifying the NEQS for COD. Based upon this Pakistan, 1998.
research, further work is proposed to study the
[8] S. Haydar; Determination of Kinectic
nitrogen removal in addition to BOD5 and COD
Coefficient for the Biological Treatment
in ASP. In addition, effect of different MLVSS
of Tannery Wastewater, M.Sc Thesis,
concentration and detention time on the
Institute of Environmental Engineering
efficiency of settling tank may be investigated.
and Research, University of Engineering
References & Technology, Lahore, 2004.
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and Waste Management Association, Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition,
53(2003) 976-982. APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1998.
[2] M. S. Ahmad; Biological Treatment of [10] J. F. Wilkison, Introduction to
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[3] W. W. Eckenfelder; Industrial Water [11] L. D. Benefield and C. W. Randall;
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[4] A. J. K. Jawahar, J. K. S. Ponselvan, M.
Chinnadurai and G. Annadurai; Indian J. [12] D. S. Parker and M. S. Merrill; Jour.
Environ. Protection, 18(1998) 672. Water Pollution Control Fed., 48(1976)
[5] V. Murugesan, and R. Elangoan; Indian J.
Environ. Protection, 14(1994) 511. [13] M. Bosnic, J. Buljan and R. P. Daniels;
Pollutants in Tannery Wastewater, United
[6] D. B. Emerson and N. L. Nemerow;
Nations Industrial Development
Proceeding of the 24th Purdue Industrial
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Waste Conference, Purdue University,
Programme for Pollution Control in the
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