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United States Patent (19) : Jun. 9, 1987 11) Patent Number: (45) Date of Patent

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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,672,105

Schlosser et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 9, 1987

BY TRANSESTERIFICATION 2744641 4/1979 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
75) Inventors: Fritz Schlosser, Darmstadt; Peter J. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Arndt, Seehiem-Jugenheim; Manfred Kirk-Othmer, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,
Mueller, Rossdorf. Lothar Janssen, vol. 8, 2nd Ed. (1966) pp. 356-362.
Breuberg, all of Fed. Rep. of Primary Examiner-Natalie Trousof
Germany Assistant Examiner-L. Hendriksen
73) Assignee: Rohm GmbH Chemische Fabrik, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oblon, Fisher, Spivak,
McClelland & Maier
Darmstadt, Fed. Rep. of Germany
(21) Appl. No.: 745,485 A method for preparing an ester of (meth)acrylic acid
with a polyhydric alcohol comprising, transesterifying
22 Filed: Jun. 17, 1985 a (meth)acrylic acid ester derived from an alcohol of
1-4 carbon atoms with a transesterifying polyhydric
30 Foreign Application Priority Data alcohol in the presence of at least one metal compound
Jun. 26, 1984 DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 3423443 catalyst system, said catalyst system being comprised of
compounds A or a combination of compounds A- B,
I51) Int. Cl." .............................................. CO7C 67/02 wherein A represents at least one compound of the
52 U.S. C. .................................................... 560/217 formula: Iti,Y, wherein Y is halide, chlorate, carbonate,
58) Field of Search ......................................... 560/217 carboxylate of 1 to 6 carbon atoms, an alkoxide of 1 to
4 carbon atom, hydroxide or oxide and n is 1 or 2, and
56) References Cited wherein B is the compound: CaX, wherein X is oxide
or chloride, and q is 1 or 2; with the provision that at
least one of the two anionic components Y and X is
2,891,990 6/1959 Mulvany et al..................... 560/217 oxygen-containing.
2,891,991 5/1959 Stewart et al...... a
3,784,578 1/1974 Swodenk et al. ................... 560/217 19 Claims, No Drawings
terification, i.e. high yields with maximally high selec
METHOD FOR PREPARNG ESTERS OF tivity can be achieved.
ACRYLIC ACID AND METHACRYLIC ACID BY The (meth)acrylic acid esters of polyhydric alcohols
TRANSESTERIFICATION are industrially important, e.g. as crosslinking reagents
in the polymerization of acrylic resins. For example,
(meth)acrylic acid triesters of TMP have proven partic
Field of the Invention ularly useful in the manufacture of high grade acrylic
The present invention relates to a transesterification optical media. The state of the art gives no indication or
method for preparing esters of acrylic acid and meth 10
hint of the fact that a catalyst system comprised of
acrylic acid (meth)acrylic acid) with polyhydric alco different components which are individually relatively
hols, using as starting materials the esters of (meth)acry inactive can have a synergistic action in the above
lic acid with alcohols having 1-4 carbon atoms. The described transesterification reaction.
starting material esters are available from large scale It has been found in the investigation leading to the
industrial processes and the reaction is conducted in the 15
present invention that in a system comprised of lower
presence of metal compounds as catalysts. esters of (meth)acrylic acid and polyhydric alcohols,
Discussion of the Invention particularly TMP as the polyhydric alcohol, no advan
tage is afforded by the use of catalysts which are well
The catalytic action of inorganic bases in many trans known to yield the desired results in the transesterifica
esterification reactions is known. Thus, in JACS, 77, 194 tion of (meth)acrylic acid with glycidol. In particular,
(1955) the transesterification of methyl methacrylate when calcium oxide is employed as the catalyst, mono
with tetraethylene glycol in benzene in the presence of and diesters are observed to be formed, but no triester.
sodium hydride is described. The methanol formed is Lithium salts such as lithium phosphate, -sulfate, -fluo
distilled off as a benzene-methanol azeotrope. ride, -chloride, -iodide, and -acetate also do not catalyze
Japanese Laid Open Application No. 75-142,513 the transesterification with TMP any better. Even the
(Chem. Abstr. 84, 136271f) discloses the transesterifica 25 combination of, e.g., lithium phosphate, sodium chlo
tion of methyl (meth)acrylate with dialkylaminoalkanol ride, or magnesium chloride, with calcium oxide
in the presence of calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide. (weight ratio 1:1) does not give any industrially usable
The catalytic acceleration of the transesterification of conversion to the triester.
methyl methacrylate with, e.g. 2-ethylhexanol, by lith A need therefore continues to exist for an improved
ium compounds such as lithium hydride, alkyllithium, 30 method of transesterfying (meth)acrylic acid esters with
phenyllithium, lithium aluminum hydride, lithium boro a polyhydric alcohol to form an ester product of im
hydride, or alkoxide thereof, lithium salts of organic
and inorganic acids, lithium acetylacetonate, lithium proved yields.
oxide, and lithium metal is disclosed in Japanese Laid SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
Open Application No. 79-41,815 (CA 91, 40.095v). Par 35 Accordingly, one object of the present invention is to
ticular interest has been shown in the transesterification
of lower esters of (meth)acrylic acid with glycidol to provide
a method of providing transesterified (meth)a-
acid esters in improved yield from the reaction of
form glycidyl esters. The transesterification of methyl a simple (meth)acrylic acid ester with a polyhydric
methacrylate with glycidol in the presence of alkali alcohol.
hydroxides or alkali carbonates, -sulfides, -polysulfides, Briefly, this object and other objects of the present
or -thiosulfates, lithium halides, or sodium-, potassium-, invention
rubidium-, or cesium iodides is the subject of Japanese parent andascan hereinafter will become more readily ap
be attained in a method of preparing a
Laid Open Application No. 80-94,378 (CA 94, 121290u).
The transesterification of methyl (meth)acrylate with transesterified (meth)acrylic acid ester product by tran
glycidol in the presence of alkali halides, particulary 45 sesterifying polyhydric alcohol in the presence of at
lithium chloride, to yield glycidyl (meth)acrylate, is least one metal compound catalyst system, said catalyst
described in Japanese Laid Open Application No. system being comprised of compounds A or a combina
80-105,676 (CA 94, 121292w), while Japanese Laid tion of compounds A+B, wherein A represents at least
Open Application No. 80-127380 (CA 95, 7026h) dis one compound of the formula: Lin Y, wherein Y is hal
closes the transesterification of lower esters of other 50 ide, chlorate, carbonate, carboxylate of 1 to 6 carbon
organic carboxylic acids with glycidol in the presence atoms, an alkoxide of 1 to 4 carbon atom, hydroxide or
of alkali halides, particularly sodium bromide. oxide and n is 1 or 2, and wherein B is the compound:
In transesterification reactions involving polyhydric CaX, wherein X is oxide or chloride, and q is 1 or 2;
alcohols, partially esterified esters can be produced with the provision that at least one of the two anionic
which are often difficult to separate from the reaction 55 components Y and X is oxygen-containing.
system. In addition, with esters of polymerizable acids DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
there is the hazard of polymerization under the condi PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
tions of the reaction and/or concurrent and subsequent
processing. The starting material for the transesterification reac
Thus the problem has existed of devising means of 60 tion of the present invention advantageously is an ester
influencing the transesterification of lower carboxylic of (meth)acrylic acid with alcohols having 1-4 carbon
acid esters, particularly esters of carboxylic acids which atoms, which esters are industrially in good supply,
can be polymerized by radical polymerization (e.g., particularly esters with alcohols having 1-2 carbon
acrylic acid or methacrylic acid), with alcohols which atoms, i.e. the methyl and ethyl esters.
contain more than one OH functional group in the mol 65 As a rule, the polyhydric alcohol reactant of the
ecule such as 2, 2-di(hydroxymethyl)-1-butanol (TMP, invention has 2-12 carbon atoms preferably 3 to 8 car
or trimethylolpropane), tetraethylene glycol, and the bon atoms, with at least two hydroxyl groups in the
like, such that the maximum possible degree of transes molecule and at most one hydroxyl group per carbon
3 4
atom. Suitable polyols include in particular glycols such 60-120° C. If the particularly preferred methyl methac
as ethanediol, propanediol, 1,3-butanediol, 2,2-dimeth rylate or methyl acrylate reactant is employed as the
yl-1,3-propanediol (neopentyl glycol), hexanediol, and starting ester, the methanol which is formed during
the like. Other alcohols include polyethylene glycol transesterification advantageously may be drawn off in
compounds of the formula: H(OCH2CH2),OH, 5 an azeotropic mixture with the (meth)acrylic acid ester
wherein m is a number from 2 to about 250. These com at 65-75 C.
pounds such as tetraethylene glycol, and polyethylene
glycol have molecular weights between 380 and 9000. of In1-20 general the overall reaction times are in the range
hr, e.g., 5-20hr or 6-12 hr, preferably 3-10 hr.
Other alcoholic compounds include sulfhydryl com
pounds such as 3,4-dimercapto-1,6-hexanediol and poly 10 hydric alcohol, may
The reaction be carried out as follows: The poly
preferably TMP, is charged into a suit
ols including triols such as TMP. able reaction vessel with an excess of the (meth)acrylic
In the present transesterification reaction the pres acid ester and the stabilizer. The catalyst may be added
ence of the lithium-containing component A in the cata
lyst system is necessary, but it is not obligatory in all during the reaction or may be present initially. Thus,
cases for the calcium-containing component B to be 5 vent e.g., lithium alcoholate may be added in a suitable sol
present. such as lithium methoxide in methanol. It is recom
The subject catalyst system (A +B) is advantageous mended that the catalyst be added either in solution or
ly employed in catalytic amounts, generally 0.01 to 10 in finely divided, mixed form such as a powder or gran
wt. 9%, 0.2 to 5 wt. %, based on the amount of the
polyhydric alcohol employed. The amount of compo 20 The reaction mixture is brought to the reaction tem
nent A in the catalyst system A-B is 5-100 wt.%, and perature with agitation. When methyl methacrylate is
the amount of component B is 95-0 wt.%, preferably used as the starting ester, for example, the mixture is
1-0.1 wt.%. In particular catalyst component, B may heated to boiling. The resulting methanol is first advan
be present in amounts up to 5 wt.% of the catalyst tageously drawn off along with unreacted ester at a
system. 25 distillation head temperature of up to 70° C. At a head
With respect to the amount of catalyst in the reaction temperature of up to c. 98" C. the residual methanol is
system, normally from 0.2-1.5 wt.% of component B drawn off along with some more of the residual uncon
along with 0.2-1.5 wt. % of component A is used verted ester. Finally, the remaining residual uncon
relative to the amount of the transesterifying alcohol. verted ester is distilled offat reduced pressure at a maxi
Preferred amounts of components are 1.5 wt. % of 30 mum bottom temperature of 150 C.
component B and 1.5 wt.% of component A. Further processing proceeds in known fashion. Thus,
Examples of A-B catalyst systems include: it has proved successful to add fuller's earth or activated
Lithium oxide-Calcium oxide; charcoal to the raw ester product, allow the additive to
Lithium hydroxide.--Calcium oxide; settle, and then to stir the mixture briefly. Finally, the
Lithium alkoxide-Calcium oxide; 35
solid is removed in a settling filter or a pressure filter.
Lithium carbonate.--Calcium oxide;
Lithium acetate--Calcium oxide; The yield of the desired fully esterified transesterifi
Lithium fluoride-Calcium oxide; cation product is quite high, normally on the order of
Lithium chloride-Calcium oxide; >90%. Particularly noteworthy is the extremely small
Lithium bromide-Calcium oxide; proportion of only partially esterified polyols and of
Lithium iodide-Calcium oxide; additional products to the vinyl double bond which are
Lithium chlorate.--Calcium oxide; and present in the reaction mixture as byproducts.
Lithium methoxide-Calcium chloride. Having generally described this invention, a further
Alkoxide derivatives of lithium include the methox understanding can be obtained by reference to certain
ide, ethoxide, and t-butoxide compounds. Further, sin 45 specific examples which are provided herein for pur
gle component A systems of lithium compounds com poses of illustration only and are not intended to be
prise lithium oxide, lithium alkoxide (particularly lith limiting unless otherwise specified.
ium methoxide), or lithium chlorate. Advantageously,
an excess of the (meth)acrylic acid ester is used over EXAMPLE
that needed to transesterify the hydroxyl groups present 50 1800 g Methyl methacrylate, 300 g 2,2-dihydrox
in the polyhydric alcohol. In general, a 1.5- to 3-fold ymethyl)-1-butanol (TMP), 0.44 g hydroquinone mono
excess or 4.5- to 10-fold excess, e.g., a 7.5-fold excess is methyl ether (polymerization inhibitor), and 11 g lith
used over the molar stoichiometric amount. In the case
of the polyhydric alcohol: TMP, for example, the ium chloride and 33 g calcium oxide as the catalyst
amount of (meth)acrylic acid ester used is 2-3 times the 55 system were charged into a four-necked flask provided
stoichiometric amount of alcohol needed. with a stirrer, a thermometer, an air inlet tube, and a
The use of a solvent along with the other components distillation column packed with glass raschig rings. The
of the reaction mixture is not generally necessary. How reaction mixture was heated to 91 C. and an azeotropic
ever, it is possible to use inert (non-radical-forming) mixture of methanol and methyl methacrylate was dis
solvents including hydrocarbons such as toluene, cyclo 60 tilled off through the column at a head temperature of
hexane, hexane, and heptane. A stabilizer (radical scav 67-75 C. After about 3 hr, the transesterification (al
enger) is recommended, to inhibit polymerization of the coholysis) was completed, and the temperature in the
(meth)acrylic esters. For this the usual stabilizers may bottoms of the reaction mixture reached 22 C. The
be used such as hydroquinone compounds, thio com remaining excess methyl methacrylate was distilled off
pounds, or amines, in the usual amounts of 50-5000 65 at a bottoms temperature up to a maximum of 150 C.
ppm. (See H. Rauch-Puntigam and Th. Voelker, "Ac and head temperature 98 C.
ryl- und Methacrylverbindungen', Springer-Verlag, p. After cooling and addition of 0.5% kieselguhr as a
165 (1967)). filter aid, the residual mixture was filtered. The ester
Advantageously the reaction temperature employed thus obtained contained 98.7 wt.% TMP trimethacry
is above room temperature, preferably in the range of late and only traces of the di- and monomethacrylate.
EXAMPLE 2 -continued
1800 g Methyl methacrylate, 402 g 2,2-di(hydrox Example Catalyst Alcohol
Mono- Di-
ester % ester % ester %
ymethyl)1-butanol (TMP), 0.44 g hydroquinone mono
methyl ether (polymerization inhibitor), and 10 g lith 29 MgCl2/CaO - 8.7 74.9 3.5

ium oxide as the catalyst were reacted according to the ('ercentages given are wi. ?, of the residual mixture after the concentration steps as
method and with the apparatus described in Example 1.
The duration of the transesterification reaction was 3.25 Having now fully described the invention, it will be
hr. The filtered ester contained 90.3 wt.% TMP tri O apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that many
methacrylate, c. 1 % TMP dimethacrylate, and c. 7.5 changes and modifications can be made thereto without
wt.%. Michael adduct as a high-boiling component. departing from the spirit of the invention as set forth
EXAMPLES 3-10 herein.
What is claimed as new and is intended to be secured
The procedure is as described in Example 1, except 15 by Letters Patent is:
that instead of the catalyst comprising lithium chloride 1. A method for preparing an ester of (meth)acrylic
and calcium oxide, the catalysts shown in the table acid with a polyhydric alcohol, comprising trans
below were employed. esterifiying a (meth)acrylic acid ester derived from an
alcohol of 1 to 4 atoms with a trans-esterifying polyhyd
20 ric alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, where the cata
Ex- Yield of
ample crude (TMP) amount of lyst is LiCl/CaO or LiBr/CaO or Li/CaO or a mixture
No. Catalyst trimethacrylate (%) catalyst thereof.
3 Li-acetate/CaO 90.7 l,5/15 2. A method for preparing an ester of (meth)acrylic
4 Li-hydroxide/CaO 93.9 0.02/0.08 acid with a polyhydric alchol, said method comprising
5 Li-oxide/CaO 94.5 002/05 25 trans-esterifying a (meth)acrylic acid ester derived from
6 Li-iodide/CaO 95. 1.5/5
7 Li-methoxide/CaCl2 97.2 0.05/1,5 an alchol of 1 to 4 carbon atoms with a trans-esterifying
8 Li-methoxide 79.2 0,005 polyhydride alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, where
9 Li-chlorate 92.8 10 the catalyst is LiCl/CaO or LiBr/CaO or LiI/CaO or a
10 Li-amide 86.9 0,1 30 mixture thereof, and wherein the sid trans-esterification
is run in the presence of a polymerization inhibiting
stabilizer used in an amount of 50 to 5000 ppm.
EXAMPLES 11-25 3. A method of preparing an ester of (meth)acrylic
(Comparison Examples) acid with a polyhydric alcohol, said method comprising
o 35 trans-esterifying a (meth)acrylic acid ester derived from
The procedure as described in Example 1 was re an alcohol of 1 to 4 carbon atoms with a trans-esterify
peated, except that instead of the catalyst comprising ing polyhydric alcohol in the presence of a catalyst,
lithium chloride and calcium oxide, the catalysts shown where the catalyst is LiCl/CaO or LiBr/CaO or Lil/-
in the table below were employed. CaO or a mixture thereof, with the provision that (i) the
40 catalyst is used in an amount of 0.01 to 10 wt.% based
Example Example on the amount of polyhydric alcohol used, and (ii) a
No. Catalyst No. Catalyst polymerization inhibiting stabilizer is used in an amount
Li-phosphate 19 Dibutyltin oxide of 50 to 5000 ppm.
12 Li-sulfate 20 Dibutyltin dimethoxide 45 4. The method of claim 1, comprising using as the
13 Li-chloride 21 LiCl/Dibutyltin oxide catalyst LiCl/CaO.
14 Li-iodide 22 NaC/CaO 5. The method of claim 1, comprising using as the
15 Li-fluoride 23 SnCl2/Dibutyltin oxide catalyst LiBr/CaO.
16 Li-acetate 24 LiCl/MgO
17 Mg-methoxide 25 LiCl/Al2O3 6. The method of claim 1, comprising using as the
18 Ca-chloride 50 catalyst Li/CaO.
7. The method of claim 1, comprising using a trans
ln none of Examples 11-25 was there any appreciable esterifying polyhydric alcohol containing 2 to 12 car
conversion to (meth)acrylic acid ester product. bon atoms, at least two hydroxyl groups, and at most
one hydroxyl group per carbon atom.
EXAMPLES 26-29 55 8. The method of claim 7, comprising using a poly
The procedure as described in Example 1 was re hydric alochol containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms.
peated, except that instead of the catalyst comprising 9. The method of claim 5, comprising using 2,2-di(hy
lithium chloride and calcium oxide, the following cata 10. The method of claim 1, comprising running the
lysts were employed, some of which catalysts gave high
conversions to 2,2-di(hydroxymethyl)-1-butanol (TMP) 60 5 to trans-esterification
20 hours.
reaction for a period of time of
mono- and dimethacrylate: 11. The process of claim 10, comprising running the
trans-esterification reaction for a period of time of be
Mono- Di- Tri tween 6 and 12 hours.
Example Catalyst Alcohol ester % ester % ester % 65 12. The process of claim 1, comprising using the
26 LispO4/CaO 37.8% 50.8 9.9 -- (meth) acrylic acid ester starting material in an amount
27 CaO 27.2% 53.5 17.5 - which is a stoichiometric excess relative to the polyhyd
28 LiFACaO o 2.3 64.6 9.4 ric alcohol.
7 8
13. The process of claim 12, comprising using a 4.5 to 17. The process of claim 16, comprising azeotropi
10-fold molar excess of starting (meth)acrylic acid ester cally drawing-off methanol formed during the course of
relative to the amount of the polyhydric alcohol used. the trans-esterification reaction, said azeotrope contain
ing methanol and methyl methacrylate.
14. The process of claim 13, comprising using a 7.5 18. The process of claim 1, comprising obtaining a
molar excess amount of (meth) acrylic acid ester rela completely esterified polyhydric alcohol in yields of
tive to the amount of polyhydric alcohol used. greater than 90% based on the polyhydric alcohol em
15. The process of claim 1, comprising running the ployed.
transesterification reaction at a temperature above 60 19. The process of claim 7, comprising using as the
O polyhydric alochol a polyethylene glycol of the for
C. and up to 120° C. mula: H(OCH2CH2)OH, wherein m is a number of
16. The process of claim 1, comprising using methyl from 2 to 250.
methacrylates. k is k












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