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Research Article
In vitro drug release study: Ex- in vitro drug release study of prepared niosomes was
In vitro drug release study of niosomal studied by membrane diffusion technique. In this study in
formulations was studied by membrane diffusion vitro diffusion cell was made using porcine cornea as
technique7. In vitro diffusion cell was made using semipermeable membrane. All the procedures followed
cellophane membrane as a semipermeable membrane. The were similar to that explained under in vitro drug release
diffusion cell consists of a beaker, magnetic stirrer with study, except the cellophane membrane was replaced by
temperature control and test tube with both ends open. One fresh porcine cornea7.
end of test tube was closed using treated cellophane In vivo intra ocular pressure lowering activity:
membrane as semi permeable membrane and other end was In vivo intra ocular pressure lowering activity of
open to introduce the niosomal formulation. The diffusion selected niosomal preparation (NF3) of brimonidine
medium was freshly prepared phosphate buffer pH 7.48 tartrate was studied in normotensive male albino rabbits
solution (100 ml) equilibrated at 37± 0.5°C temperature. weighing 1.2 to 2.5 Kg. This study was conducted in
The niosomal formulation (5 ml) was placed inside the accordance with CPCSEA (guidelines and the experimental
diffusion cell through open end of test tube on the protocol was approved by Institutional Animal Ethics
cellophane membrane. The diffusion medium of freshly Committee (K.S. Hegde Medical Academy). The animals
prepared phosphate buffer pH 7.4 solution (100 ml) was were housed under well controlled conditions of
placed inside the beaker such way that the lower surface of temperature (22± 2 °C), humidity (55±5%) and 12/12 – h,
cellophane membrane makes contact with the buffer. The light-dark cycle, were given access to food and water. The
temperature of buffer solution was maintained at 37± 0.5 rabbits were divided into three groups, each containing of
°C and stirred with magnetic stirrer throughout the study single male albino rabbit. The protocol of the experiment
period. Aliquots (5 ml) of the medium was withdrawn was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics
every hour and replaced with fresh diffusion medium of Committee. To induce acute glaucoma, 5% dextrose
phosphate buffer pH 7.4, to maintain constant volume (sink solution (15 ml/kg) was intravenously infused through
condition). The samples were analyzed marginal ear vein. The basal intraocular pressure was
spectrophotometrically for concentration of brimonidine measured by tonometere. The drug formulations (20 µl,
tartrate at 320 nm. drug equivalent to pure drug solution 0.2%) were
Ex- in vitro drug release study administered to rabbits in different sequence. In sequence
Percentage drug
Formulation Formulation Ratio (drug: Average particle
code cholesterol: span 60) size µ (micron)
Time Formulation NF
Pure Drug Solution
(h) Formulation Formulation Formulation
Pure Drug Solution
1 68.00±1.43 12.89±0.99 07.89±0.99 06.37±0.99
0 100 200 300
IOP Difference
-5 Pure drug
-15 formulation
Time (min)
0 100 200 300
0 100 200 300 -5 Pure drug
-5 solution
Pure drug solution
Niosomal formulation
-10 -15 formulation
The comparative in vitro drug release profile summarized profile. The in vitro and ex- in vitro drug release studies
in Table-3, for pure drug solution and for each formulation. showed that, there was slow and prolonged release of drug
It was observed that pure drug solution released from all the formulations and followed zero order kinetics.
approximately 78% of drug within 2 h, while niomal This indicated that the drug release was independent of
formulations NF1, NF2 and NF3 showed 18.92 %, 22.50 % concentration of drug entrapped.
and 29% drug release respectively in 8 h. The result of in To study the in vivo performance of prepared formulations,
vitro drug release profile of formulations showed that intraocular pressure lowering activity was determined. It
niosomal formulations provides the prolonged release of was found that in sequence 1, where drug formulations
drug when compared to pure drug solution. Similarly, the were administered 30 min before the administration of
comparative ex - in vitro drug release profile was dextrose solution (Fig 2), intraocular pressure lowering
summarized in Table 3, for pure drug solution and for each activity with liposomal formulation was sustained for
formulation. It was observed that pure drug solution longer period (3-4 h). However marketed product though
released major amount of drug within 1 h, while the showed activity within 30 min, but could not sustain for
niosomal formulations NF3 and NF2 showed 18.89 % and more than 60 min. It was found that the IOP difference
22.56 % drug release respectively in 8 h. Hence, from produced between pure drug solution and niosomes is very
comparative in vitro and ex-in vitro drug release data of significant. Niosomal formulations sustained the action for
brimonidine tartrate from liposomes and pure drug solution, prolonged period (Fig 2) of time (240 min). Hence, the
it has been observed that the amount of drug release difference in IOP lowering activity with pure drug solution
remained similar. Further the delayed drug release rate may did not last long and sustainability of action was also not
be attributed largely to the drug transport by diffusion observed. In sequence 2, formulation and dextrose solution
controlled mechanism resulting in prolonged drug release were administered together (Fig 3), and sustained action
An overview. Int J Pharma. 269(1); 200: 41- of different liposome compositions obtained
Long term brimonidine therapy in glaucoma medication. Theoretical analysis of rate release
patients with apraclonidine allergy. Ame J of solid drugs dispersed in solid matrices. j pharm
brimonidine on optic nerve blood flow in Nitte Gulabi Shetty Memorial Institute Pharmaceutical