PVnanocell Company Overview 1 Pager - Final
PVnanocell Company Overview 1 Pager - Final
PVnanocell Company Overview 1 Pager - Final
manufacturing of electronics
Classic electronic mass production methods such as etching & screen printing are
commonly used today. However, these production methods are costly, rigid & wasteful
in time & material as they are environmentally unfriendly. Until now, there was no
alternative to these technologies. Conductive digital printing was at an early stage,
required years of expertise and could not meet the demands of mass production.
PVnanocell solved the challenge of mass production printing by developing the
patented SicrysTM – Single Crystal Silver inks. The inks deliver superior quality & cost-
performance capabilities designated for mass production. Today we offer a Complete
Solution that includes: the ink, printer & printing process. This solution drastically
shortens the technology transition process and time to market.
Proven as superior solution for most market applications
Improving existent solutions: Enabling new and
Lower cost, drastically faster, eco-friendly customized electronics
Complete Solution
PVnanocell allows you to enjoy the benefits of digital
conductive printing without the complexity of
developing the processes yourself. We perform the
Design for Manufacturing for the customer and provide
tested, proven solutions based on our 3 pillars:
1. Awards winning Sicrys™, silver-based conductive
2. Inkjet prototyping & production printers.
Compatible with a wide range of applications.
3. Customer-tailored printing process, based on
years of development & optimization
Value Proposition
Our Inkjet
Property* Screen Printing Etching
Cost of Production [$] C 1.3 – 2.0 x C 1.3 – 1.6 x C
Major Clients