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Some key takeaways are that European colonization had devastating effects on native populations through disease and exploitation, the slave trade negatively impacted Africans, and global interactions resulted in both benefits and harm through the exchange of goods, plants, animals and diseases.

The native population of Central America dramatically declined between 1540-1580, likely due to diseases introduced by Europeans.

One negative effect on Africans was that millions suffered during the Middle Passage, which was the voyage on slave ships from Africa to the Americas.

Global Studies II Which global interaction is illustrated by these

Mr. Aguirre statements?

Age of Exploration – Exam
a. Silk Road trade
A. Multiple Choice (3pts each) b. Crusades
c. Columbian Exchange
Directions – Mark the correct answer on the d. Scramble for Africa
scantron provided.
6. The encomienda system in Latin America was a
1. Which nation had the most influence on the direct result of the
colonization of Latin America in the 1500s?
a. Crusades
a. Spain c. England b. Age of Exploration
b. France d. Netherlands c. Reformation
d. Age of Reason
2. What was one goal of mercantilism?
7. The journeys of Vasco de Gama and Christopher
a. Removal of trade barriers Columbus became possible in the late 1400s
b. Elimination of private property because of the
c. Establishment of subsistence agriculture
d. Creation of a favorable balance of trade a. support of the exploration by the English
3. Which statement best describes a result of the b. trade connections made by Ibn Battuta
encounter between Europeans and native c. effects of the Atlantic slave trade
populations of Latin America? d. development of new navigational technology

a. Native societies experienced rapid 8. Which of the following best explains why
population growth European rulers encouraged ocean exploration?
b. European nations lost power and prestige in
the New World a. They wanted to find new trade routes.
c. Large numbers of natives migrated to b. They wanted to spread Christianity.
Europe for a better life c. Humanism encouraged them to question the
d. Plantations in the New World used enslaved world around them.
Africans to replace native populations d. All of the Above

4. During the 15th century, which two European 9. Which of the following resulted from encounters
countries began sea voyages of exploration? between the Spanish and Native Americans?

a. Germany and Italy a. Spanish treasures flowed into the Americas

b. Portugal and Spain b. The Native American population declined
c. England and France c. Native Americans defeated Spanish Conquerors
d. Russia and the Netherlands d. Spanish explorers treated Native Americans with
5. * Maize and Potatoes were grown in Europe
* Millions of Africans suffered during the Middle 10. European traders sent Africans to the Americas
Passage to
* Smallpox had devastating effects on native
peoples a. start new colonies
* Spanish language is used in much of Latin b. trade with Native Americans
America c. spread Islam
d. work as slaves on plantations
11. The group of Dutch settlers that imperialized
South Africa in the 1600s were the
16. The most dramatic effect of European settlers on
a. Conquistadores Native Americans was
b. Peninsulares
c. Boers a. war
d. Creoles b. disease
c. growth of the fur and skins trade
12. The expeditions of Hernan Cortez and Francisco d. Treaty of Paris
Pizarro resulted in
17. A major result of the Age of Exploration was
a. destruction of the Aztec and Incan empires
b. capture of Brazil by Portugal a. a long period of peace and prosperity for the
c. colonization of Africa nations of Western Europe
d. exploration of the Philippines and East
Indies b. extensive migration of people from the
13. The major reason that Portugal and Spain Western Hemisphere to Europe and Asia
established water routes to Asia’s spice markets was
to c. the fall of European national monarchies and
the end of the power of the Catholic Church
a. experiment with new technology such as the d. the end of regional isolation and the
astrolabe and sextant beginning of a period of European global
b. provide jobs for navigators, cartographers, domination
and shipbuilders
c. avoid the overland routes that were 18. Which of these events during the Age of
controlled by Muslim and Italian traders Exploration was a cause of the other three?
d. discover new continents, plants, and animals a. Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas
from one continent to another
14. Which was the characteristic of Western b. European diseases had an adverse effect on
European nations that most enabled them to the native populations of new territories
establish colonies in Asia and Africa? c. warfare increased as European nations
competed for land and power
a. rigid social class structure d. advances in learning and technology made
b. self sufficiency in natural resources long ocean voyages possible
c. frequent political revolutions
d. advanced technology 19. The Native American population of Mexico in 1492 has
been estimated at 25 million; the population in 1608 has been
estimated at 1.7 million. This decrease in population was
15. According to the policy of mercantilism,
mainly a result of
colonies should be a. crop failures brought on by poor weather conditions
b. emigration of Native Americans to Europe and Africa
a. acquired as markets and sources of raw c. wars between various native groups
materials d. diseases introduced by the Spanish
b. considered an economic burden to the
colonial power 20. One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to
conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapid is that
c. granted independence as soon as possible a. these empires had no standing armies
d. encouraged to develop their own industries b. the Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs and
Incas did
c. the Spanish greatly outnumbered the Aztecs and
d. the Aztecs and Incas joined together to fight the
Part B. Vocabulary (3pts) – Match the terms below with their definitions that follow. Mark your answers on
the scantrons provided.

(A.) Encomienda (AB.) Capitalism

(B.) Columbian Exchange (AC.) Vasco de Gama
(C.) Mercantilism (AD.) Ferdinand Magellan
(D.) Imperialism (AE.) Astrolabe
(E.) Middle Passage (BC.) Christopher Columbus

21. Economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit
22. The domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region.
23. Instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars.
24. Economic policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build its national
25. Circumnavigated the earth and claimed the Philippine islands for Spain.
26. The global exchange of people, plants, ideas and technology that began in the late 1400s.
27. The voyage on slave ships from Africa to the Americas.
28. System created by Spanish government in the Americas allowing colonist to demand labor or tribute from
Native Americans.
29. Discovered the New World for Spain by sailing west across the Atlantic.
30. Sailed around the southern tip of Africa to find a direct route to Asia.

Part C. Short Answers and DBQs (2pts) – Answer the following questions based on the questions provided
and using the documents provided on the previous “ Document Page.” Label and answer all questions on the
looseleaf provided.

1. Based on Document #1, what happened to the native population of Central America between the years
1540 and 1580?
2. Based on your knowledge of the Age of Exploration and on the trend of the graph in Document #1,
explain what possible effect, if any, did the population of Native Americans in Central America have on
people in Africa?

3. Based on Document #2, what was one negative effect on Africans based on the Atlantic Trade Routes?

4. Based on Document #2, what did Europeans receive from their colonies in the Americas?

5. Based on Document #3, describe one positive and one negative aspects of the Columbian Exchange

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