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KSHITIJ School News letter | Vol.

XVIII |January-2019

A Roaring Rendezvous with Stalwart - Syt. S.K. Birla Ji

Ms. Pooja Sangwan (XII), Ms. Shru Sharma (XII)

W ith a spring in the step, an cipa on in heart and a lilt to heart, BSV fraternity was all set to welcome the Stalwart - Syt. S. K.
Birla on December 8, 2018 on his periodic visit. Also present on the occasion were Maj. General S.S.Nair (Retd.) AVSM,
Director BET, Shri K.K. Pareek Deputy Director (Finance), Mr. G.S. Gill Chief Engineer and Mr. Pavan Vashishtha, Principal
Birla Shishu Vihar. With innova ons that could be brought about with the convergence of different technologies, many new avenues
in science and technology were already open and appropriate uses of these innova ons could lead to effec ve solu ons to many
problems that plague the country and the globe.

Students from class X and XI displayed their innova ve ideas in the ATL Lab of the school. Five models were prepared and all of them
were unique in themselves. Adi Sharma presented VRFPV Land Rover, Jigyasa Saini demonstrated Edge Avoiding Robot, 3 D Printed
Facial Prosthe c was the delinea on of Khushi Saharan, the architecture of Parcel Delivery Through Drone was Ayan Pancharia and
Brajesh Vashishtha had designed The Smart Soldier Jacket.

Teacher Incharges were Mr. Vineet Pandey and Mrs. Hargun Arora.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

Academic Activities
The Interna onal Benchmark Test is an interna onally administered program of assessments to compare student performance
globally, between grades and over me. The IBT allows individual student performance to be tracked against interna onal
standards. The tests cover English, Mathema cs, Science, Arabic Language and Reasoning. This year also it was conducted from
15-17 November for classes 3-10.

British Council International School Award Ceremony

When you perform, you enjoy the luxury of being you.”
Smri ‘S’ Dandin & Yashasvi (XI A)
On 3 and 4 of December, a team of 9 students of our school went to
Chandigarh to give the fusion dance performance of Odyssey and
robo cs in the Bri sh Council Interna onal School Award Ceremony,
held at Hayat Regency, Chandigarh. We were on cloud nine when we
were short listed among 500 schools by qualifying the first two rounds.
Smri Dandin, Yashasvi Jangid, Ruchika Choudhary, Kamakshi, Bhumika
Bha acharya, Divyangi Pareek, Angel, Aslesha, Jiya were the
par cipants.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Principal Sir Mr. Pavan Vashishtha for providing
this opportunity to us. Thank you so much Sir, We are really proud of
“A big pla orm for us”
Jiya Mandad (VIII A)
BCISA Award Ceremony was really a big pla orm for us. The experience
of all the students was memorable. The journey from Pilani to
Chandigarh was very comfortable. The school provided us every
amenity. The performance of our group was commended by all.

BET Inter school I.T. quiz

Rhythm Damaria (IX C)
On December 6, 2018, BET interschool I.T quiz was conducted at Birla
Public School, Pilani. All the B.E.T School par cipated in the exci ng
compe on. The event was glorified by the presence of our trustees Mr
S.K Birla and Smt. Sumangla Birla. Our director, Major General S.S. Nair,
Principals and staff of all the BET school also a ended the rousing event.
Three students from each school par cipated in the quiz. Ananya Pal
(12 ),Mamta Singh (11 )and Brajesh Vashistha (10 ) represented our
school. The event was an magnificent display of our student's presence
of mind, knowledge and poten al. The event was an unforge able
experience and an amazing opportunity for the students.

Sangeeta Mishra, Middle School Coordinator.
Innoventure, stems from Innova on and Venture- the two things that have revolu onized the world and created history. Through
Innoventure, we merge 21 century skills with entrepreneurship skills, nurturing the future genera on to be Thinkers, Leaders
and Innovators of the world. The ul mate purpose of Innoventure is to equip children with ability to create solu ons for real life
challenges. Innoventure has given us a chance of exploring our crea vity and cri cal thinking that we have within us.
Our three students namely Mayank (VI), Neel (VII) and Himani (VII) qualified for Na onal Round, scheduled to be held at VIT, Pune
on Jan 19-20, 2019.
School has conferred with “Mentorship award” second year in a row.

“Learning never exhausts the mind.”
Embracing films as an educational medium
International Kids Film Festival 2018
Mamta (XI A)

Interna onal Kids Film Fes val an LXL Ideas ini a ve; is a unique film
fes val hosted by schools across the globe. It provides an opportunity
for students to watch the best of interna onal children's films, learn
from film-making master classes & make films to par cipate in the
World's Largest film-making Compe on.The fes val kick-started on
the occasion of Children’s day in over 100 ci es in India including
Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore & Hyderabad in over 4000 govt. & private
schools. At BSV the inaugura on of the Fest was done by Maj Gen.
S.S. Nair, (Retd) AVSM Director BET on 17 November 2018. The
other dignitaries were MR. PAVAN VASHISHTHA PRINCIPAL BSV, Dr.
online film fes val wherein screening of the films took place in 20 countries across the globe simultaneously. 23 films based
on the theme of friendship, environment, family ,empathy, kindness were screened in four different slots for the students,
parents and staff of BSV. It was a unique experience for each child and everyone regaled as the magic of movies unveiled.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”

Yashasvi Jangir (XI A)
A group of scholars from Birla Shishu Vihar par cipated
in “The Interna onal Art Meet 2018” organized by Birla
Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani from 16th November to 24
November 2018. Ar sts from across the globe came
Pilani to impart & tell the students a New Vision of Art. In
total, 37 Interna onal Ar sts from Austria, Argen na,
Brazil, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon,
Lithuania, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Korea,
Switzerland, Thailand, Netherland, UAE, and USA
par cipated in the 7 days’ workshop. Few of us were
familiar with the Curator of the Event, Ms. Babita Das as
we a ended this Art Meet last year too. The Ar sts
taught us many interes ng & thought-provoking art
techniques & skills. We got the opportunity to work & interact with the Ar sts from Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, Iran, USA, & Japan.
Each of the Ar sts taught different techniques each day which made us more buoyant & more confident to paint what was in our
mind. It was a bit difficult to interact with some of the Ar sts as they didn’t know how to speak English but at the same me it was
a wonderful experience with them. Our Interna onal teachers believed that they loved the work of our school students as they
made everything through their imagina on & resourcefulness. What could be the best sensa on than sma ering a jar full of blue
color on the canvas & sketching our own imagina on on it!

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
66th Annual Day - Melange : A Musical Journey
Dinesh Kumar (IX C)

On 25 October, 2018 Birla Shishu Vihar celebrated its 66 Annual Day. Really it was a grand func on. Ms. Sunita Gandhi, a
prominent research scholar and author graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Many other dignitaries were also present at the
func on. Many exhibi ons were organized at the Annual Func on. The func on started with an Art Exhibi on with the theme
“Things from Electronic Waste and Canvas Pain ng”. The next was ATL Exhibi on. There were many interes ng models like
Obstacle Detec ng Car, 3-D Printer etc. The ICT Exhibi on was also worth seeing. The next was Social Science Exhibi on. The
theme of the exhibi on was Rescue and Relief from Disaster. Many interes ng models were presented in the effec ve manner.
The next was Science Exhibi on. Models like Gyroscope, Eco Tube, Conserva on of Energy, etc. were presented very nicely.
A er the visit of Exhibi ons, now it was turn of Cultural Evening. It started with the speech of our Principal who presented the
progress of the school in different fields . Which followed the bonanza of many cultural programs . There was an environment of
joy everywhere in the school premises. Prizes and Mementoes were also given to the outstanding students in the field of
academics and other ac vi es. The program ended with mo va onal speech of the chief guest. At last I can say that it was a
wonderful evening which was appreciated by all.

Co – Curricular Activities
Imbibing values through Visual Media
On the occasion of Children’s Day, students of BSV had a great me enjoying a few very good kid’s films of Bollywood. Some mes,
its easy to inculcate values through movies/visual media than teaching and preaching about the subject. So, on 14th November,
2018, from classes UKG to 12 enjoyed their respec ve movie screenings. Classes 6 to 12 saw the movie ‘Chillar Party’ which
showcased a group of children figh ng for animal rights in their society. Classes 3 to 5 saw the movie ‘I am Kalam’ in which the
children saw a young boy who idolized APJ Abdul Kalam and wanted to follow his footsteps. Classes UKG to 2ⁿ saw animated
movies like ‘A Bug’s Life’, ‘Lion King’ and ‘Finding Nemo’. In conclusion, the idea of movie screening on Children’s Day was a great
idea to open windows new world for children.

“The best education in the world is that got by struggling to get a living.”
Mother Child Activity
Rajesh Kumari, Co-Teacher (Pre Primary)
Mother and their children are generally said to bond in the first hours
a er the birth. Bonding or the development of trust between a mother
and her child ,begins from the moment the two are brought together.
Diwali the fes val of light symbolizes the victory of righteousness and
li ing of spiritual darkness. Diwali gives us the opportunity to enhance
this bonding of mother and child by organizing a mother child ac vity
for Pre-Primary students at BSV .On 3 November 2018, ny tots of Pre-
Primary class 2 par cipated in Diwali cra making ac vity along with
their mothers. This ac vity was conducted in our school MPH. They did
a splendid job by displaying their crea vity through different
decora ng items. Students cheerfully did the ac vity with their
mothers. The vote of thanks was proposed by our Principal Sir,
followed by tea and snacks for the mothers.

Festive Spirit witnessed by Staff & Students

Deep Sharma, Academic Coordinator (Pre-Primary)
Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for coming together with family and friends, for nsel and brightly
decorated packages. The essence of Christmas came alive at Birla Shishu Vihar when the students and teachers got together and
shared the merriment during a Special Assembly conducted by the Pre-Primary & Primary Sec on of the school. The deligh ul
celebra ons included various ac vi es. Children performed enthralling dances adding to the fes ve atmosphere. Santas who
were dressed in red and white clothes carried bags full of goodies and distributes candies and gi s.
The Principal Mr. Pavan Vashishtha expressed his delight on seeing such enthusiasm in the children who brought the spirit of
Christmas to life. He said Happiness lies in celebra ng the fes val together as a family and students of Birla Shishu Vihar made the
family bigger and celebra ons be er

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”
Annual Sports Meet 2018
Khushi (XI A)
Our school organized Annual Sports Meet for classes 5 to 12 on November 14, 2018 Approximately 400 students par cipated
in the customized and fun filled track and field events. The program began with the welcome ceremony of the chief guest, our
principal Mr. Pavan Vashishtha. Then the much awaited track and field events started. As the budding athletes of school ran for
the finishing line the school campus reverberated with enthusias c cheers from the spectators. Many new records were made in
50 meter, 100 meter and 200 meter. I also got 5 medals in long jump, Discus throw, Hockey, Volleyball and Badminton. The Chief
Guest, Mr. Pavan Vashishtha the school principal while addressing the students said that for the overall development of the
individual, it is very important to have co-curricular and extracurricular ac vi es. He advised the students to make best use of
the facili es available to them. The Event concluded with the vote of thanks by Jyotsna Ma’am, the Ac vity Coordinator of the
School. Candies, Sweets were also distributed on this occasion. The day ended with a cheerful note.

CBSE National Aerobics Championship

Rashmi Soni, Co-Teacher
It was organised at Salwan Public School, Gurugram from 21 to 24 November. Twenty four students of Birla Shishu Vihar
par cipated in the championship. Sports and fitness aerobics were the two main events in the compe on.
72 schools from East, West, North and South zones of India par cipated in the event. Birla Shishu Vihar bagged 9 and 8
posi ons respec vely in individual event both for boys and girls under 19 and under14. In fitness aerobics under 11, our
school secured 9 posi on. It was an unforge able and remarkable experience for the par cipants.

NCC Camp
Sheetal Alaria (X C)

Discipline ma ers a lot in one's life. This can only be developed in a child during his/her school life. One of the part of discipline is
taught in the NCC camps. NCC camp was held at Vrindawan (Rajasthan) from 14 to 23 Nov. 2018 and the school NCC cadets
were the part of the camp. School got overall 1 rank for the excellent performance. The working of a rifle, unity, drill all the things
were taught by the experts and seniors in a very cool and calm way. Other schools were also there, and we stayed together in a
peaceful coordina on. C.O. was very courteous and our cadets gi ed him a sketch. It was a marvellous experience for the NCC
cadets under the guidance of Ms. Deeksha. School got 3 trophies and 15 medals for the terrific performance in dance, music, drill
and many more. Cultural nights were held to recreate and rejuvenate the cadets. It was an unforge able adventure which was
instrumental in developing camaraderie, team –work and dignity of labour among the young cadets.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Cricket Fever
Yashasvi Jangid (XI A)
A cricket match was organized on 24 of November in Birla Shishu Vihar. The match was played between the team of male
teachers and the team of our school boys. Both the teams played exceedingly well and no one was being able to make out ll the
end that who would Win definitely. The teacher’s team won the toss and decided to bat first. The opening batsmen played so
nicely the other team was unable to command them. They scored 34 runs in 5 overs. When they lost first wicket, they received a
terrific set back. The team kept on playing well but failed to surrender to the condi ons. They established a target of 97 runs in 10
overs. Then, it was the turn of the team of school boys. They showcased their strength of ba ng a er showing their bowling
abili es in the last inning but it was the dedicated teacher’s team that received the victory.

19th National Rope Skipping Championship

Sunil Jangid (XI A)
Our School has par cipated in 19 Na onal Rope Skipping Championship which was held at Interna onal Delhi Public School
Sunjwan, Jammu from 29 Nov, 2018 to 2ⁿ Dec, 2018. Five students of BSV par cipated in the championship. Rajasthan team
par cipated for the first me in the Na onals and achieved a glorious posi on. Mr Bijender Singh Shekhawat escorted the Team
Rajasthan in Na onals and the par cipants were Sunil Jangid XI, Rahul Kiroriwal XI, Deepesh Poonia XI, Daksh Vashishtha IX &
Deepak kumar IXA.

The student’s voice………

BET Inter School Band and Marching Competition
Bhawana (IX C)
Birla interna onal school hosted BET Inter School Band and Marching
Compe on on November, 24-25, 2018. All BET Schools par cipated in
the compe on. All the 5 bands of BET par cipated in Band
Compe on. Maj. Gen SS NAIR, Director, BET was Chief Guest of the
compe on. Birla Interna onal School provided us very good
accommoda on in hostel. The hostel rooms were very neat and clean.
The girls of Birla Interna onal School were very friendly. They provided
every possible facility which we needed at the hostel. Truly speaking,
they won the hearts of students of BET. I wish this bond between BET
Schools and other schools may last longer said con nue in the same

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
Krishna Priya, (IX C)
On 15 of October, a group of 40 students went to Birla Public School, Pilani for an Expert Mo va onal Lecture on the topic:”Sky Is
The Limit” by Mr. Sharad Sarin. All the four schools of BET were present there. He told us the real meaning of life and how to u lize it
in the correct manner so that it is a successful life. He explained what leadership is and how to be a leader. He also included a short
line:”Those who read, also lead.” And this line inspired me so much that I suddenly started reading.

Bhumika and Rakhi (VIII B)

Dr. Amarjeet Singh Science Trophy (Jr.) compe on was held on 17 November at Birla High School (B.H.S), pilani. All the BET
schools par cipated in it. Twenty five students from class 7 and 8 represented our school under the guidance of Mrs. Hargun
Arora and Mrs. Shelly Sen.

Breaking down barriers with Parents and their Communities

Jyotsna Sharma, Ac vity Coordinator
The School Principal took the ini a ve to conduct The First Open House of the session for grades III to XII on 31 October 2018.
The mee ng started with the welcome address by the Heads of different Departments. The parents were briefed about various
ac vi es of the school and were also explained how the school offers the best possible learning environment for the students.
Subsequently student’s a endance, academic performance and other special programmes were discussed with the parents.
It gave teachers and parents, an opportunity to connect and bond for the benefit of their children. It allowed parents to express and
discuss with the teacher, their concerns and hopes for their Child’s future. Regardless of grade level, parents were told what their
child is learning. The Open House was the perfect me to clearly define the curriculum and get parents involved in their child’s
educa on.
"Parents expressed their apprecia on of the open and welcoming atmosphere in the school.

Editorial Board :
Patron: Mr. Pavan Vashishtha, Principal Chief Editor: Mrs. Jyotsna Sharma
Editors: Mrs. Namita Pareek, Mrs. Rekha Sharma & Mrs. Sarika Shukla
Student Editors: Khushi Tulsiyan (XII), Pooja Sangwan (XII), Student Reporters: Amisha Bhalothia (X 'C')
Brajesh Vashishtha (X 'C') and Deepanshu Mehta (X 'B') Sheetal Alaria (X 'C')

Registration Open
SEATS for Pre-Primary and Primary Classes
w.e.f. January 17, 2019.

Birla Shishu Vihar

Pilani-333031(RAJ.) www.bsvpilani.edu.in
Ph.: 01596-242208, 242195

“Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.”

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